Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Is This Costing Eby Big? Or Will Help Win Eby An Election? 
Will RCMP Be The New Heroes Of All Honest BC Workers?Is This NDP's New Achilles Heel? And Too Easy To Test?
Will Conservatives win election and not ignoring and not exposing major union local crime and corruption that the government has ignored for over two decades? 
Will Eby help clean up crime and corruption and lead on law reform related to workplace criminal financial and physical threats, coercion and intimidation? Or not? 
Will Green expand demand by leading on long past due need for RCMP investigations in these matters detailed below? And lead on workplace law reform union and non-union to reduce or remove criminal factors labour board unable to effectively address?

Dozens Of Serious BC Crimes Matter.  
Hundreds Of Innocent Children Matter. 
All Women Must Matter.
And Certainly Many Millions Matter.

"Help. Or you're helping 'real criminals' cheat children? Exactly! "The exact crimes and criminals and those who collude and conspire to aid and abet criminal acts, exactly as named and detailed below, must be exposed and fully prosecuted and victims compensated. Only fair. It is the law.

Fact Check: Those more honest, more intelligent, more educated, more informed, more experienced and far more senior and clearly more accomplished, including RCMP and Provincial Inquiries and BC Labour Board, and exactly as "DOCUMENTED and WITNESSED" have never believed these (named below) lying stealing criminals, nor the cowardly low life that colludes with them in self interest and gain as to aid and abet in many criminal acts from millions in fraud and theft to coercion and intimidation. Yes, fact check!​ Crown Prosecution will see how obvious these facts are.

More than 20% "Undecided"? Reference: https://338canada.com/bc/

NEWS: This week, as BC election prep, we will send emails alerting targeted MLA offices and personnel of the crimes and "millions and millions" in fraud involved here. Plus the link to this more detailed blog here. This including the hard evidence and testimony involved below as to best help RCMP investigations. This email including targeting those key MLA ridings where business and taxpayers have enjoyed little or no film tax credit benefit. Where no political or economic reason for awkward media and political silence? Daughters, sons, fathers, mothers do not need to be threatened financially or physically by coercion and intimidation in a variety of forms compounded by illegal NDAs to aid and abet crimes and as criminals collude as detailed below.

When obvious certain people, as named below, have enjoyed even more obvious major personal financial and political gain by clear criminal textbook fraud; conspiring and aid and abetting clear criminals to abusing RCMP with wrongful prosecution to foolishly try to coerce and intimidate whistle-blowers and far more help criminals than help innocent and honest victims: The logic and optics, as with all the hard evidence speak for themselves. Only an idiot would dare debate and deny. As documented. True? False? See below.

It will very quickly be far more than obvious, as one reads this blog, that the only ones who have problems with this blog are those who "must" fear basic truth, transparency and accountability. And the Rule of Law and Criminal Code. Very obvious. True? False?

RCMP when

The simple truth: As per below, top RCMP investigation and interrogation experts must question literally millions in tax credit fraud and decades of theft involving local BC film union IATSE 891's key criminal elite, plus all past IATSE 891 executives and department heads. This starting with insider for decades John Brummitt. This cheating hundreds of honest children and families.  John Brummitt and soulmate Tom Adair added with their long time loyal criminal friends know almost all the criminals and crimes involved. For decades. This a fast quick simple start to get a few of smarter criminal slime to quickly squeal for a deal plus the efficacy to quickly show even how VPD and RCMP were twice used like fools, cheap props and pawns by their less than clever and educated criminal elite plus their documented top liars as known and also documented for coercion and intimidation. Not just lies to RCMP. We'll help?

Hardly anti-union

And as preface per below, having worked with a wide variety of honest unions, including transport (CP & CN rail) to teacher's and hospital union locals in Montreal, and with great "honest"CUPE and UNIFOR union locals, plus with "honest" film union locals like ACTRA and ACFC, we are hardly anti-union. 

Claims we are anti-union are oddly only made by the most ignorant and misinformed criminals. And this with their literally mostly "single union" low level depth, education and limited experience. This amuzing as mostly only known criminals making this claim. And this now sadly as their last most desperate deceit and legal defence. We are also experienced with great "honest" non-union employers. Fact check. Note: After university I was a grievance coordinator for CUPE in 1980 in Montreal. So hard to fool me with my history, experience and education. See below for proof and documented hard facts beyond debate or qualification.

Feel safe

Criminals and those who collude, aid and abet and obstruct can feel so very safe they all can avoid serious convictions and jail time, house arrest, community service for millions in fraud to coercion and intimidation. This solid confidence based on John Brummitt and all past IATSE 891 presidents all able to successfully lie about so very many things to RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal and Civil courts. And also deny all the hard documented evidence and honest testimony? John Brummitt's proven superior intellect, integrity, education and real honest world and national executive work experience will be so key to keeping many criminal friends from jail, exposure and increased public humiliation. And can ignore the given serious major financial cost to foolishly deny and defend their dirty deeds. All of them so clever? They should feel so very safe.

We also add proof with this case study blog, and as thesis of long past due needed Labour Code and Criminal code changes. So needed by both union and non-union employees in BC. This so employees, sons, daughters, father, mother, friend, not frighten slaves to bullies and their physical and financial threats and their criminal self-interest. This as clearly defined by CLC, U of T and Western University study of workplace excess of abuses and various legal scholars to BCLRB rulings and RCMP files and other forensic predictive data. Fact check. See below.

And please, not only keep in mind the innocent children cheated by fraud, but certainly many of the children of the criminal elite named below. Those sadly suffering such parental role models as criminals ​given to coercion and intimidation. Those who ​must lie, cheat and steal and tragically must "pretend" they are "best-of-best" and ​can only exploit and enjoy corrupt low turnout elections​ that few trust by ​the obvious gerrymandering, nepotism and cronyism to their signature deceitful omission and fraudulent concealment​, void of accountability and transparency. And supported by illegal NDAs as ​bribes to hide criminal secrets ​and from more potential ​future victims. Criminals acting like shareholders and owners​, and not the legal reality of no more than ​equal membership stakeholders and not above the rule of law.

What it takes

We not only have compelling and very logical proof below these crimes and claims of collusion to aid and abet ALL extremely probable, but more the case, we can provide a wide variety of hard proof and sources that these crimes are ALL real. Face the facts, even an average first year accounting student can conclude a forensic audit has far more than merit of probability, and just from the oddly "random" tip of the iceberg of serious criminal theft and fraud in the millions, already EVIDENT below. This cheating thousands of innocent honest workers and their children who played by the rules, while criminals benefited with their ugly criminal dirty secrets partially hidden and paid off with honest member's money as illegal NDAs and with Coercion and Intimidation also EVIDENT. And it gets worse. See below.

This blog is about remedy and direction as to better protect and police employees from criminal employers and supervisors. And protect from a young abused waitress in a restaurant or a secretary to senior trade skilled union workers cheated by clear criminal and corrupt union executives. Too many suffering coercion and intimidation to millions in fraud and theft by textbook criminals as defined below. Needed. Proof begins with a hundred years of historic and documented criminal abuses to recent U of T, Western and CLC studies, plus RCMP and BCLRB files. Obvious evidence and motive. Severity also clear.

Obstacles and oppourtunity

Obstacles and oppourtunity exist for ALL BC political parties with this exact fresh platform foundation and framing of needed past due workplace reform for those most vulnerable.

As inflation cripples the reward of remuneration for most wage employees, adding workplace trauma of illegal threat, coercion and intimidation to economic interference in the workplace, and possibly far more sad and more real than even eye-opening studies by CLC, U of T and Western and as reflecting the hard evidence in this blog from BCLRB rulings and failed appeals, previous documented deception in previous provincial inquiries (with deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment blatant) to extremely revealing RCMP files of criminal severity. And from textbook fraud and theft to wrongful prosecution and financial and physical threat. This as known by many in BC in union and non-union workplace. Too many. As documented.

Election Switchers

Face it, as far back as 1985, yes, even then, we could easily use for the Turner-Mulroney federal election and Patronage Scandal, so easily  use Goldfarb psychographic  and demographic software to identify obstacles and "switcher" oppourtunity with examples and models of French Catholic (F 18-24) by postal code and riding and soft drink usage and economic class. And media usage by high probability issue motivated switchers.  And see why community to college papers, more effective than daily papers and wide footprint broadcast. And more this the case with with critical opinion leaders and influencers from pulpit to pubs. Today with Social Media, Google and AI Gemini software and again with proven senior experienced executive media and message management plus far more effective actuarial polling and focus group findings: elections can be won on "responsive chord" message and media ALONE! Bets?

Cui bono

These criminal and tax matters below will be critical in this BC election. More the case in obvious vulnerable ridings within the margin of error and the most colourful reasonable doubt themes among switchers left hungry for a "credible" and "visible" hot button? Or two?

Those involved with tested political message design and advanced mix media buying will define the psycho-graphics and demographics of these hot button criminal issues below. And the key point "past due need" for major Labour Code, Criminal Code and Workplace legislative reform. This creates "live or die" incremental votes? Little else.

Voting "Switchers" as always critical in BC history. Motherhood and heart-string and workplace wallet issues as such, poll well. Homeless to hospital crisis a known polling priority. Workplace Reform however has immense new fresh interest for "all who work for a living"? All honest workers and taxpayers. True? False?
Cui bono? (Who benefits?)

Some suggest possible problem issues with the anterior cingulate cortex, an area crucial for empathy and emotional regulation. Some suggest frontal lobe deficiencies as even easier to document and demonstrate. See below.
Criminals must be accountable for breaking the law — no matter who they are.

Even in Ontario we see the new Working for Workers Five Act (the “Act”) and thus how needed it updates to the ESA and OHSA. This sadly to a limited extent as to better address "modern requirements and the changing workplace"? True? False?

Stuart Rudner @RudnerLaw:

"A third of employees across the world have observed employee misconduct or unethical behaviour in the past year, with such practices more prevalent in organizations with "weak workplace cultures".

This obviously far worse in organizations or union locals with such little oversight, accountability or transparency. This as case study with BC's own IATSE 891 makes very clear. See below.  And clear, all a result of clear textbook criminal fraud and theft aided by repeated coercion and intimidation, cronyism and obvious documented and well known nepotism.

"Section 423 of the Criminal Code which makes it an indictable offence to compel another person to abstain from doing anything that he or she has a lawful right to do, or to do anything that he or she has a lawful right to abstain from doing.” Coercion and intimidation of permits and membership fraud in unions in the millions to right to work as per ACFC vs. IATSE when another union had to protect those also members of IATSE 891. Fact check. Far more to this ugly story than meets the eye and not revealed in failed appeal to BCLRB.

The purpose of this blog is to:

(1) Help RCMP and CRA save big money and time to charge and convict various criminals involved with millions in tax credit fraud, theft, coercion and intimidation, graft, obstruction. This including previous lies to RCMP, using RCMP like fools as their pawns, props and petty political puppets. And abuse of funds in trust. This also involving fascinating friends of Adrian Dix and trips to Hollywood. Fraud: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.

(2) This to then to define to selected MLAs and media these key tipping point issues in next BC election. This targeted in contested high risk ridings where tipping points do matter to cheated and threatened working-voting swing vote people. This as per CLC, U of T and Western University findings to BCLRB and criminal exposure of coercion and intimidation and RCMP records. All part of millions in tax credit fraud cheating children to domestic suppliers and foreign investment. Motivating swing voters to switch votes from NDP. This should NDP foolishly ignore millions in tax credit fraud cheating children to "foreign investment" and as involving Adrian Dix and criminal friends at BCLC. BC elections decided always by switchers, not advertising funds, core or party faithful. Message, motivation and mobilisation matters. This as proven in US Presidential primaries to provincial and federal elections.

This is a BC Election criminal issue that will be decided by swing voters after a longer hotter summer. For now this the elephant in the room. Too many fear discussing all these serious criminal matters in the BC workplace from media to union local membership cheating children to foreign investment. Even ignoring action on CLC, U of T and Western reports on violence and harassment and an added plethora of witnesses and documents. Fact check. Ignorance is no excuse.

(3) Both the above two points serving as cause for a more meaningful "Forensic" Provincial Inquiry on Crime and Corruption in BC union locals, staring with film union local IATSE 891. This as clear case study proof of severity of problem. This with added reference to grocery and glaziers to couriers and child care unions. Non-union matters from sexual harassment to restriction of trade and even defamation in the non-union world will also be addressed. This as an added workplace cancer to already established coercion and intimidation, crime and corruption.

(4) This then serving extremely well as foundation and political fuel for "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" and past due legislated change as an ideal goal for BC within next five years. Reform as many legal scholars agree long past due. True? False? This to better protect children, our sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. Clearly needed as facts make far too clear.

(5) This also serving to better fund and empower BCLRB and RCMP in these criminal workplace matters.

This blog also serves as an appendix to a sworn affidavit and a key reference as leverage to quickly force "Squeal for a Deal" and "Plea Bargaining". This again, as to best help RCMP and Crown Prosecution save time and money.

Ready to file charges

This blog ready to really help RCMP to investigate, get warrants and file charges leading to restitution for children cheated. Plus provide cause for a far more meaningful Provincial Inquiry with measured values and past due legislated change with "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". More evidence will be added to this blog so depth of crime and corruption fully exposed so plea bargains need not be too generous.

The Big BC Issue:

The primary election political and key criminal issue is who will RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal and Civil Court Judges, National and Provincial media and public and key swing voters believe?

Will they believe RCMP records of lies to RCMP, Law Firm files with settlements, BCLRB evidence of guilt with "failed" revealing appeal for "Coercion and Intimidation", media reports of criminal misuse of funds and attempted collusion for cover-up, internal trial documents protecting criminals from exposure and disrepute, registered mail, 475 members voting for a forensic audit, hundreds of witnesses, hundreds of cheated victims from children to suppliers and foreign investors and all BC taxpayers? Can this evidence and these witnesses be trusted?

Or will some, as somewhat obvious for bias, believe those already involved with criminals and corruption in clear collusion to aid and abet crime and corruption including in this case study "All" union local IATSE 891 presidents from 1990-2024. Did their deceptive actions or cowardly lack of action and self-interest help or hurt or limit criminals, crime and corruption even in violation and breach of both oath and fiduciary duty? And yet no internal trials. Even when those involved in coercion and intimidation of honest members blatant?

Fact: Some of criminals named "must again" defame honest people, plus deceive, lie and obstruct an RCMP investigation wasting RCMP time and money. This lying critical or some will certainly do far greater jail time when truth ALL told. A "perjury trap" thus ideal for blowing away any statute of limitations on prior crimes criminals brag about. Will be fun playing a variety mind games with such clever criminals. Will ALL criminals named be able to make fools of RCMP and not busted as liars? Bets?

Hundreds not fooled

Consider if 475 employees of a company or members of any community, documented in a documented vote for support for a Forensic Audit? And it was denied, diminished, diluted and ignored while honest members defamed by colluded documented deceit plus by critical fraudulent concealment, defining again criminal deceptive omission. And these issues involving millions in tax credit fraud enriching criminals and clearly children cheated, people would "normally" ask for serious investigations. Yes? No? Should be the same with a union local. Like IATSE 891 and their named criminal elite? Shouldn't it? Or why not? Too much NDP issues connected? Federally and provincially? Even involving positions of trust on BCLC. Added with BCLRB to law firm and RCMP files and settlements defining continuous coercion and intimidation and fraud against honest workers. And this by known, legendary and documented thieves and criminal frauds. True? False? Fact check? Or can 475 "honest members", RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal and Civil Court Judges all be fooled by low intellect liars and criminals thinking themselves again so clever with less than perfect lies? Fact check.

Who will you believe should not go jail? That's the issue briefly detailed below.

Who will switch MLA votes for any party that Champions legislation for far better worker's protection and policing from financial and physical threat, coercion and intimidation. Both union and non-union protection. Front line and first responders. Sons and  daughters? This as based on CLC, U of T, Western University research to BCLRB rulings of failure of present system in preventing such crimes and abuses.

The focus

The focus in this blog is serious crime, corruption and negligent incompetence in the workplace. And the physical and financial safety of sons and daughters to mothers and fathers. And this whether non-union office worker or waitress to union local trade member. And thus the need obvious for legislative change to criminal charges, prosecution and cleanup. The arrogance and ignorance of criminals will also be evident from documented coercion and intimidation to their used car sales style fraud based on fraudulent concealment to deceptive omissions in reports and compliance to elections and membership transparency and accountability. Note: The RCMP have records of my leadership efforts helping hospitality workers starting in 1973? Not much new here for some. Yes, 1973. My work with farm workers prior also witnessed?

As far as cost

As far as cost costing honest members millions, crime and corruption within a colluding criminal elite costs "any union local" more than or the same as scab labour. True? False? Fact check? Do the numbers? How anti union is real crime and corruption costing honest members who play by the rules and respect the rule of law from criminal, civil and labour laws to even selective union local bylaws that others don't? Fraud cheats many. Including society and in this case even children. Debate? Denial? 

Trump & 891 "Hush money" criminal case

So none fooled by the low intellect spin masters in the IATSE 891 criminal elite and their well documented high school level rhetorical fallacies, lies, deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment definitions: Trump "Hush money" compared to IATSE 891 NDA "Hush money" should make much very obvious to all legal authorities. And this more so when added to their other criminal activity as defined by law. It was criminal because Trump interfered in an election. He deprived voters of "honest" information that might have affected their votes. Also obvious.  Trump then sought to cover it up with "false illegal entries in business records". Some speak of these less than clever numbers efforts. This should be clear enough to even the very lowest IQ among the criminal elite as well as criminal courts and more intelligent legal authorities from RCMP and Crown Prosecution. True? False? Best many will have to perjure or obstruct with RCMP as further new "added chargeable criminal acts" involving millions in fraud and children cheated. And this with the dozens of other clear crimes. Fun for honest people to expose these criminals, pathological liars and those with textbook sociopaths and psychopaths skews as witnessed and their documented behaviours from lies to RCMP to BCLRB rulings for Coercion and Intimidation. This as honest fact and by those as named below. Yes, there are not only US presidents guilty of using hush money to silence porn stars, as to help their personal self-interest by fraud, but even in cases of criminal violence against women. We know exactly who must obstruct and perjure with lies, and those who will not risk greater problem expansion by more lying to RCMP to protect other criminals and/or themselves. Bets?

BC needs BC MLAs to honestly help

BC needs BC MLAs to Champion RCMP investigations, warrants and charges to make the case for children and families cheated. This while providing cause for a more meaningful Provincial Inquiry on corruption and criminals involved with tax credit fraud cheating all BC to domestic and foreign investment. That providing better project management, cost, fuel and focus for expedited priority "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". And apply the law, without fear or favour.

"Pardon one offence, and you encourage the commission of many." - Publilius Syrus

The truth

More facts and history? We see the tip of the iceberg first showing its true colours from major theft and fraud, and more of note, since late 1980's, and the historic input by those named in the criminal elite in IATSE 891. Again over represented and clearly guilty of obstructive deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment. This starting with lies using the RCMP and police as their unpaid petty political props and pawns, as to criminally coerce and intimidate, thinking the RCMP fools and easy to deceive. And still thinking police easy to fool? Exactly as seen later with BCLRB rulings and again in appeal with oddly again same names of those in the criminal elite and their more clever deceptive omissions and textbook fraudulent concealment. Such masters and clever liars. Not! Fact check. Facts matter.

Crimes by the criminal elite with those who colluded as to literally by law define aid and abet... unsurprising. Surprising however, are how once again the same specific names of the criminal elite are so well documented, represented and repeated even since back in February 27, 2004 with deception by declaration or signature deceptive omission, and clearly more meaningful obstructive fraudulent concealment. Exactly. This also extremely well documented with The Honourable Graham P. Bruce, Minister of Skills Development and Labour Inquiry
This is the Report of the Industrial Inquiry Commission
on November 17, 2003 pursuant to section 79 of the Labour Relations Code (the
“Code”). A copy of section 79 is attached as Appendix 1 to this Report. A copy
of the Terms of Reference related to the appointment of the Commission is
attached as Appendix 2.

Too much truth? Too many conclusive facts and clear logical causation not simply a plethora correlation so very clear. Well there's even more from theft over $5,000 and millions in fraud and children cheated.

There really should be at least one "honest" and/or "intelligent" person not fearing meeting wee little me at RCMP offices to review ALL details and defend and deny why the facts not facts and criminal elite not literally criminals. And not obstruct a criminal investigation involving millions in fraud and children to foreign investors cheated with BC taxpayers as low life criminals enriched by windfall and restriction of trade. I must have one critic not fearing police and crown prosecution and criminal court real risk? See more below how I can  go even farther.

Some feel strongly, and with obvious reason, that those who clearly collude, aid and abet and have been clearly found and documented involved using "coercion and intimidation" against their own "paying and trusting" members "(Brothers and Sisters"?) by BCLRB, clearly cheating trusting members, added with well known abuse of funds in trust from a bad night at the casino or for illegal NDAs to hide dirty secrets for the desperate, (see links below), plus guilty of decieving honest union members by direct lies and fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission, and that added with obvious illegal bylaws and trials to intimidate should be:

1) banned from all unions in Canada
2) be charged for all criminal acts from theft to threats
3) have all direct and indirect proceeds of crime seized to compensated victims of their crimes.

Seems honest? Seems fair? Seems logical? Seems right? True? False?

Precedent and parallels

Possibly the six year prison effort by Crown in Kelowna with similar so very clever bookkeeping and abuse of fiduciary trust, and with similar theft and fraud over $5,000.00, helps some a little thick headed with lower intellect now realize how very serious the abuse by this exact criminal elite in IATSE 891 is with cheating trusting members and their children and all BC "really is". Their added documented and witnessed further efforts at "intimidation and coercion" as BCLRB rulings to illegal efforts with internal trials goes to character, and as well documented and witnessed being beyond debate. Those who cowardly collude and aid and abet for their own obvious financial and political gain and maintenance also obvious as detailed below and with links. True? False?

Guilt of many

As precedent, and as some cases make so very clear with those in IATSE 891 criminal elite; those who "knowingly assisted" in, encouraged, or otherwise failed to prevent dishonesty, fraud, crime, or illegal conduct by participating in the fraudulent multiple listed schemes below, should ALL be sentenced exactly as with others similarly as guilty of such blatant self-serving financial and political gain. Ignoring spin and babble by known liars with a history of "documented and witnessed deception and wide-spread fraudulent concealment and criminal obstruction" must now ALL be exposed. And fully charged. For idiots thinking themselves so clever and deceptive that a NDA can be a clever way hide crimes: Causing personal bodily harm is a crime.

Bea Bruske, CLC President @PresidentCLC

"If politicians want working people’s votes, they need to respect and enhance our rights. Not with pretty words, but concrete actions". This blog certainly documents very real concrete action and effort to respect and enhance ALL workers rights. BOTH union and non-union. True? False? CLC's oddly very own research with U of T and Western University suggests a serious problem as with LRB and Police files. So far just pretty words from union local and national effort not concrete actions or crime and violence reduction.

Being honest

Lets be clear from my own "honest and real" experience in union and non-union jobs, the real hard facts are beyond debate, and certainly this the case with those more intelligent and/or educated people, and the common sense and real logic involved with real hard facts and big data provide, void of pathetic poetics and passion full of the sound and fury of fools: Also easy to prove.

Criminal and corrupt Unions just like all criminal and corrupt non-union businesses, are a serious, sick and sad issue for BC and all of Canada. The criminal and corrupt people in any union local or non-union business with power or influence the issue. THE KEY ISSUE! The problem. True? False?

I was very lucky, I worked for many great "honest" and intelligent big and small unions and locals. And great unions from teaching to transport, and also enjoyed many "honest" and great intelligent non-union jobs and contracts.

In this blog we make comparisons from criminal and corrupted dishonest film unions with IATSE 891 in BC as proof and case study (involving many crimes and too many criminals) and by direct comparison to my work with other great honest film unions. Film unions from ACFCwest, ACTRA, and even French film unions back East. This with experience, research and observations from The X-Files TV series to Trailer Park Boys feature film. Meaningful experience. And note West Coast to East Coast. My work as national media liaison with a highly respected national CBC radio program adds to my depth and education with media and unions. This beyond my university education including key undergraduate law studies. My work with Hospital, Postal and Railroad unions, also adding to my union experience and education compared to one-trick pony trades.

As will be more and more clear, only an major idiot will debate with me at RCMP offices and debate any highly ignorant and absurd claim I'm anti-union. And this when more than obvious my issue clearly focused with ugly criminal and corrupt liars and lunatics as well documented evidence makes so clear. This for those able to handle critical thinking and truth, and not mind blind by desperate desire to have any group identification that might accept them. Cognitive denial dissonance as sad blinded sheep accepted in a crowd of criminal mind sets. Fact check. Cowardly silence speaks volumes of personal character.

Hundreds of smaller cases

The RCMP due to immediacy or emergency nature must deal daily with hundreds of smaller cases and the taxing paperwork from domestic violence to break and entering to the more serious life and death matters. All also under funded and under staffed.

Appreciating these factors the value here in dozens of successful criminal charges is calculated by the value of case law and newsworthiness. This as meaningful deterrent and for the thousands of victims of fraud and theft not just ignored. Victims from children and members to suppliers and investors.

Plus this also for added value makes the case in a Provincial Inquiry for immediate "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". Investment in the rule of law making workplaces financially and physically safer with greater transparency and accountability. Better for sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, profit and productivity. This as obvious visible demonstrated proven fact. Why MLAs must fully support RCMP investigation and interrogation priority in these matters involving millions of dollars tax credit fraud and needed restitution for many varied victims as crimes always carries from local children to foreign investment.

This matters

This matters as BC Election less than a year away. And this matters to key golden switchers and swing voters. This as BC political history shows these are voters who do actually decide election winners and losers. Far more than core support, volume, polls or funding levels. Media is not the message? The message is the message. "Worker's workplace improvement" can even give BC Green a greater voice if expanding brand definition to include worker's workplace improvements? And as also available to BCU to champion? This if BC NDP can't clean house and deal with Dix problems and help with children cheated? And be both visible and credible before switchers and swing voters "who work" place their vote?

Safe bets

Important to note here, as preface, how we're betting almost all "honest" people in BC and in all three political parties, and in the RCMP and even criminal court judges, really don't really like or even respect those who cheat at cards, golf, tennis, nor those who cheat majority of honest members, their own staff, employers, investors, all BC and few ever like or respect cowards who also cheat children or beat up women or those smaller. Theft over $5,000.00 not much of a crowd pleaser either? True? False?

Big News

David Eby@Dave_Eby

"Unexplained wealth orders are a tool we brought in to hit criminals where it hurts the most - seizing their profits of crime. Whether it’s flashy cars, homes or luxury goods, this tool helps us remove the profit incentive for organized crime."

Thirty years too late

Excellent that Eby has finally announced the "BC Gender Based Violence Action Plan''. Something that better supports "safety from violence for girls, women and gender diverse people...". This of note ​as well supported by recent CLC, U of T and Western ​University study that 7 of 10 "working voters" witnessed to violence and harassment in the workplace. 

Maps help media efficacy and direction

As a BC election, figuratively just moments away, political communication experts are mapping "inductive" axiomatic Myers-Briggs media categories to digital persona(s) plus consider message motivating swing voting triggers from Gen Z (1997-2012), Mills (1981-1996), Gen X (1965-1980) Boomers (1946-1964), Silent Gen (1925-1945) and with the always defined subsets? The Economist offers a new “build a voter” tool"? Gets weird when fakes and frauds can't hardly catch a fish ignoring actuarial direction, searching for the golden voter "switcher". Myers-Briggs, however, does not account for other factors that influence behaviour, such as values, skills, experience, or culture. Other studies do? This all done for avoiding the insane costs and waste of funding messaging in the millions to a competitive "unmovable" core, and said "maintenance" of preaching to the choir. And this mapping is done by postal code and census data to media footprint and other big data. Predictive data? This is how "Effective Reach & Engagement" is really measured and managed, and from lawn signs and community papers to morning drive on radio and TV, to SEO performance and conversion volumes and velocity and why: maps, are saving millions in election communications. Key is ​that every political riding is unique and oddly even ​best defined by electoral maps? No two ridings are the same. Every Postal Code also unique? Some postal and Zip codes and their demographics in both US and Canada continuously yield more election winning "switchers". Note: My old roommate got his doctorate based on 3D Venn Diagrams election analysis making linear analysis of media and message a waste of funds and absurd. Ended up in a think tank.  

Later when combined with my Goldfarb software and my top national media buyers and actuaries, this was the State-of the Art during and after the Turner-Mulroney election and fall of Mulroney. This as switchers again switched. The nature of digital media based on my work with IBM at Expo '86 to my recent digital certificate for effective project management makes digital numbers easy to crunch or now already crunched by AI? I have changed media and message for Federal Political parties and Fortune 500 giants. Fact check. As such some "communication experts" far more educated and experienced than many who claim to be experts and often so easy to expose as not.

My work beyond Federal Liberals (Federal Elections) and PC (Regional Economic Development) with a focus on BC included psycho-graphics, media and market research for ESSO (Home Heating?), Labatt (Kokanee & Lucky brands?), and 7-Eleven's novel market split. From Home Owners to Beer Drinkers and Big Gulpers we can start to define BC voting "switchers" and their motivators. Media research from Digital, BC TV to Signage and critical Community papers also matters. Fact check?

Add a fair understanding from front line experience with BC Tourism audit, Film and Finance. and as based on my university education in Microeconomics to Biocybernetics as so many don't understand wasting millions in elections faking it. Easy to prove.

Multiple riding generic championing of "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" with supporting CLC, U of T and Western studies, has the high-value "heart-string and motherhood hot button values" and "reach" that other "mapped motivational clusters" hardly match including housing, health triggers. More people work than those who have political​ly motivating housing interests. More people work ​with political workplace issues than have political health issues? True? False?

Political ramifications

With Adrian Dix's friend ending up at BCLC  with her previous criminal associations this ​all as so very key​, to the political ramifications in this case study of IATSE 891's criminal elite and "executive". Specifically those who have in direct contrast have better supported perpetrators​ than victims. ​Yes, better supported perpetrators​ than victims. ​ 

A​nd these perpetrators​ supported with​ misappropriation of funds to keep secrets and silence. Sleazy silence and dirty secrets bought by bribes and promises​, and very generous NDAs? And/or by income threats, and also easy to prove​: coercion and intimidation, with economic interference and restriction of trade. Cheating children and "honest" union members to suppliers​, domestic and ​foreign investors. True? False? FACT CHECK! Yes, FACT  CHECK! All leaving the added logic turbo charged behind both class action and trusteeship and ​past due comprehensive:

 "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" 

This after just​ a few criminal charges successful and ​a full forensic Provincial Inquiry very revealing​,​ Very. Much more to this.

Tipping point

This key election tipping point will begin when BC MLAs tell their "party priority leaders" that "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" is a dynamic dormant and a "comparative" major possible mushrooming volcanic hot button among working voters and swing or switcher profiles. Those who crown kings? Swing or switcher profiles oddly often as also high-value opinion leaders with "influence" like with the community-active and where even "pulpit politics" matter? Most want their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers better protected and safer and not so easily bullied and financially and physically coerced and intimidated in the workplace and bringing the stress and anxiety home.

And again with this workplace and heart-string "motherhood" issue, among working voters and "swing or switcher profiles" now up for grabs, as historically often the case in BC, for any MLA or Party or Leader to now Champion. And be REAL HONEST HEROES for the working voter. Hey, believe it or not, everyone knows somebody who works, possibly even in their family who works, and just may want their daughter or son or father or mother better protected from crime, criminals and proven toxic low oppourtunity, low productivity/profit environments.

Money to waste? Supporter's money? These switcher-swinger profiles key to "effectively measured media buys". And not throwing supporters money at ridiculous best-guess so-called "total audience plans" and even more misleading digital personas. And as eventually message made as invisible as bright coloured packaging in a grocery store.

Media mistakes from lawn signage to traditional mainstream media as per Google "Gemini" on errors in advanced digital communications, and needless excessive frequency begging for "conversions" speaks for itself in any sophisticated media and message audit. Often media and message more biblical and an act of faith not "rationality from real numbers".  As silly as promise of audience reach once was reflective of values of "guaranteed circulation" BS. Only fools fooled. And millions wasted by all political parties. Federal and Provincial. Yes, this is in part why I was Dean Requested to speak on "Media Economics" at McGill (Canada's Harvard?) and SFU (Canada's Stanford?) and paid to work at the highest levels of Federal Political Communications with both Lib and PC? Fact check?

This political waste of supporter's funds is nothing new. And certainly since 1985 when Goldfard psychographic media mapping of Canadian voters and by postal code was done by sophisticated successful proven media experts. Certainly providing effective investment in the 7 of 10 (70%) that CLC, U of T and Western University identify who have direct awareness of harassment and violence in the workplace as a special media "swing-switcher" target? And one with defined media imperatives beyond some idiots best guess or "feel from experience"? Add this to other election factors below. This will be a tipping point even if polls show the same misleading papal certainty it did for Dix and Dusty Kelly and a twenty point lead. That wasn't. Tipping points matter.  

Seldom will a page two story in a major daily have the "effective" reach of a vertical TV buy in a Curling broadcast with informed voters. Most lawn signs with type so small not readable in moving cars. Type too small proven by billboards in West Kelowna or South of Sidney. LA and NYC show how to make signage work even in a competitive crowd looking for consumer eyeballs.

Big News (political and criminal)

Best, now, that most of the clever criminals as named below, and others in criminal elite, and with their expensive top Criminal Defence lawyers (that they bragged of), consider the following very seriously as their lawyers certainly will. 

And now, as well, added with their best Civil Defence Lawyers (plus key that added with BC IATSE 891 film union local Lawyers, and top 891 legal executive types). Plus 891 union local president Mitch Davies and VP Margo McKenzie. All must now review with BC Prosecution Services, the real viability of Class Action certification. And why. And the possibility of serious success. And why. And even if only 50% of criminal charges​ below being successful.

This novel class action as ​being certifiable and logical​, as so many of the "Victims" nonunion and member's nonunion children, and other nonunion people in the big circle of victims of criminal acts and related civil actions​, thus far beyond the scope of BCLRB mandate. Ultra vires

And ​as a fact, with just one "subset" of this class including thousands of 891 union members ​as just a part of that greater victim group or class. As with thousands, all with similar causes and claims. This includes we suspect those 475 voting for a forensic audit of IATSE 891. There is sadly, for criminals here, that there is no union shield for criminal acts and personal injury claims. And as resulting from such criminal behaviour. 

And as per undeniable ​criminal facts below, some must now question the successful likelihood of class action certification. This as per guidelines for effective legal administration and question fully the potential ramifications of success with class action making dozens of lawyers big money. And why now "Squeal for a Deal" has much more merit among criminals.​ As with Eby announcement above making news? 

The 2 or 3 that use up the very limited "Squeal for a deal" will leave all others, and from lying to RCMP in clear criminal matters to the criminal acts cheating children and colluding in organized criminal efforts, to accept far less attractive "Plea Bargains". Not always such a great deal or bargain. True? False?

Tortious conspiracy? Both types? And for those in criminal elite who think themselves so very clever better clue in on how even "lawful acts" become "unlawful" due to the "intent to cause unjust injury to another person". Unlawful NDAs? Unlawful internal trials? Unlawful coercion and intimidation? Unlawful membership delay? Unlawful use of funds. Tortuous? 

How legally reasonable

Both legal and logical "rationality" confirms the obvious mathematical legitimacy of literally an honest class action for tax credit fraud. This action by the whole province of British Columbia of honest tax payers against the criminal elite named here, and those documented and witnessed who clearly collude and aid and abet, or comfort, using local IATSE 891 as criminal nest. This including all executives involved in the "millions and millions" in tax credit fraud in the millions enriching criminals with greater revenue or pay, power and "perks''. And including as well, as the direct victims from suppliers to members and children cheated. Those also suffering for the sake of argument: definitive restriction of trade and economic interference in non-labour code issues. This on top of coercion and intimidation as also documented. True? False? A video tape of the interrogation and investigation by top RCMP of simply weakest-link John Brummitt and myself a great place to start with either more obstructive lies and traps or squeal for a deal as one of many multiple choice options?

Trusteeship makes sense

As proven over three decades simply impossible to clean out the strong influence of criminals, crime and corruption from BC union local IATSE 891. This as every single executive and union local president for three decades (3) required key criminal support and approval to be elected. Those who play by the rules and are whistle blowers exposing criminals suffer delay of membership, income loss and benefits, coercion and intimidation, and even less than clever internal trials for exposing and putting criminals in disrepute. This as also well documented and witnessed. True? False?

The only way to really honestly clean out the criminal and corrupting character in the test case here with IATSE 891 is trusteeship. This as used before with other union locals. And then have trusted third parties ensure honest elections void of lies and deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment common among such used car salesperson types of low level integrity and intellect and IATSE 891 criminal elite. Any wish to dare debate the details of why trusteeship for IATSE 891 at RCMP offices and not fearing exposing more criminals and crimes?

Silence and secrets

Add no remorse. No restitution. Just sneaky silence and sleazy secrets and as text book deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, and collusion as cover-up. Not much different than Catholic church filled with those knowledgeable of paedophile priest, and felt where NDAs also very expensive, could protect criminals from criminal exposure. For a while? True? False? And do add proceeds of crime as soon exposed to Eby's Unexplained Wealth orders?

Heck, even in the highest extremities of literal white collar crime, we can see that even the Catholic Church, and even in the Vatican, has problems with major top Cardinals and big time embezzlement. One wonders then, if at all possible or probable could criminals in a "construction dominated plurality of influence" BC union local, or even as just an average carpenter at best, but still a clever criminal, could also do as well? Well, at their respective lower trade and craft levels? Any Cardinal-like in 891 Construction profile? What are the actuarial odds?

To best help RCMP and Crown Prosecution

The best economical way to define the various criminal charges for RCMP and Crown Prosecution, and as to best reduce wasting time and money on criminal liars is simple. Just invite John Brummitt, as a historic "key spokesperson" for at least three decades of "knowledge" (and supported by collusion aid and abetting with reciprocating Don Ramsden and Rob Maier) and with myself. Both of us all alone. One-on-one. This with top RCMP investigation and interrogation experts in white collar crime. This with both John Brummitt and myself, both without lawyers, as both claiming as honest people and both willing to both do a volunteer non-admissible polygraph and be video taped. Saves time and money and actionable "immediately". Certainly John Brummitt like myself wants to help RCMP save time and money and establish the real truth if children cheated, women beaten, illegal NDAs and internal trials and threats to coerce and intimidate to protect criminals from exposure and disrepute as per links below to millions in tax credit and membership fraud. And to help all innocent avoid jail time. And criminals do jail time to community service. This will also serve as grounds for a far more meaningful forensic Provincial Inquiry on crime in certain BC unions using this case study for checklist. Fast? Cheap? Easy? True? False? This may not establish the whole truth and nothing but, but will most certainly define key lies to target for obstruction to perjury criminal charges as "honest" witnesses and documents will differ.

United they stand, divided they fall

The problem for clever criminals, so unlike labour movement, is when criminals are doin' the united-they-stand bit, is that move is also proving criminal collusion to aid and abetting in criminal acts to clear obstruction with more lies to RCMP added to BCLRB rulings on "Coercion and Intimidation. As such it does get pretty easy and obvious to prove to RCMP and Crown Prosecution "no one acted alone". And thus criminal conspiracy is a logical conclusion. True? False?

And with the divided-they-fall factor they most certainly fall. And hard. But not as fast? And for "only" their individual crimes or torts, and with possibly less criminal liability.

As such we will be so extremely interested in those specific names in writing, and documented, who will now "really" unite to stand behind John Brummitt and his two supervisors Don Ramsden and Rob Maier?As will the absence of certain specific names not in support of these three key actors as also begging questions. Hard questions? All known of far more than just ill repute, and both with so many very dirty secrets to hide. And now with just far too many people to keep silent with illegal very expensive needless NDA "settlements" or promises of proceeds of crime perks. This again as incentive or motive as to lie to RCMP to defend criminals, plus possible to add to the fire, the needed offence to their defence the added criminal defamation and wrongful prosecution of whistle blowers. What will the more gifted and clever criminals do? Tough choice? Tougher choice for less criminal ones? Best criminals discuss their individual exposure with both their criminal and civil defence lawyers. Ya' think?

Just as NDP did

Eby and NDP should lead on this class action against IATSE 891 due to province wide tax credit fraud. Just as NDP did with their successful "lawsuit against opioid drug companies, whose marketing practices have had devastating impacts on the lives of thousands of British Columbians". IATSE 891 criminal elite have also "had devastating impacts on the lives of thousands of British Columbians". True? False? Fact check.

The government can use their previous successful pharma class action as blue print and template as this case also involving similar fraud and misinformation and life changing actions harming thousands of victims including children under twelve.

Not about IATSE 891

To be clear this is Not about BC Film Union IATSE 891. This ​A​LL ABOUT how easy for ANY criminal group to take over ​ANY BC union local​, and ​"use it to provide many manifestations of proceeds of crime​". Manifestations of proceeds of crime as Eby has identified​ above with  "seizing their profits of crime". 

And ​this how ​exactly criminal powers can so easily ​U​SE any union local as a shield, playground and candy store as other judicial commentary across Canada has used to find parallel. ​Or as to cover if a bad night at a casino. 

And easy also to prove how  to coerce and intimidate as a show of force and ego. Even more foolish in ​failed BCLRB appeal. In this first case the criminal elite infesting IATSE 891 ideal as case study as so much detail. And from multiple sources and proof provided by documents and hundreds of witnesses. 

This about real crimes, real criminals, real victims. Not about IATSE 891.​ IATSE 891 just a location and ​criminal prop and the local itself a victim?​ Debate? Denial? True? False? Fact check?

Court must certify

Some suggest the court must certify the lawsuit as a class action if the following five criteria are met:

The document the plaintiff files in court (called the “notice of claim”) shows a legally valid claim based on a mistake or "wrongful act".✔

The court can identify two or more people as a class, who are then the class members. The class is easily defined, so people can easily tell if they fit into the class. (In some cases, classes are again divided into subclasses.)✔

Common issues in the claims of the class members.✔

A class action is the "best way to fairly and efficiently resolve the common issues".✔

There is a representative plaintiff — someone to represent all the members of the class.✔

Tons of money for lawyers

Dozens of lawyers will still make a ton of big money helping hundreds of victims with millions in Civil claims, including children even if unable to secure the efficacy of Class Action certification. Crown Prosecution understand the ramifications.

Many lawyers will also get free firm and named lawyer advertising as these Hollywood Tabloid cases are extremely newsworthy from trade media to business and investor costs in national business publications. And news TV story productions. This proven fact as many lawyers "already have" made big money from IATSE 891 corruption crime and other abusive acts as per Law firm, BCLRB and RCMP files.  Again as a fact. Even starting with Davis & Company with "H.M." cookie cutter case to later even Gowling being far more than successful with BCLRB actions and blocking IATSE 891 criminal elite's so obviously very desperate humiliating and so revealing failed appeal. This with "coercion and intimidation" factors on top of "Fair rep" and "Good Faith" as more than obvious violations.

Lawyers even made easy money when illegal NDAs and far too generous settlements for "secrets and silence" about criminals and criminal acts cut into their full billing potential. True? False? 

Big money

Heck, lawyers even made very big-big money from criminals in IATSE 891, from idiot criminal elite's effort to try and coerce and intimidate little wee me. This with daring lies to RCMP to "protect criminals" as documented by the 1st fax with RCMP. And all following "trap" faxes to create a "paper trail"? Yes, to be very clear: "lies to RCMP as wrongful prosecution of an honest member as to "protect criminals". Again, as "documented". This when John Brummitt first could really abuse position with his new big pay and new title as keeper of truth and guardian of beauty. I jest. And with new fresh legally ignorant president Gavin Craig. Both with no previous real executive or management experience or business education. Just the better of poor and more absurd election choices. As witnessed and documented. Poor me, so out classed,


How much exactly did I help lawyers make? And how many "hundreds of hours" of meetings and babble by the exclusive criminal elite, to sadly find out they failed. And found out themselves from their own legal that everything backfired. Everything. This as they themselves then the easy target of both criminal and civil actions. With no credible criminal defence. None. Sames as now. This to note for humour here all before they found out I had reported directly to the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and also under Senator Grafstein. This on money, media and message for all Western Canada hired by "Red Leaf". With reference letter. Add then also finding out my old roommate then practising BC criminal law and as future BC Criminal Court Judge, Russ McKay. Fact check. Some still don't believe that during this time also sailing and having dinner with the acting Law faculty chair at UBC and with another Oxford scholar dinner guest. I even dated lawyers and a judge's daughter​. I had also done free work for LAC prior?

In the initial criminal's pathetic posturing, back when they knew so little about me and foolishly thought I'd be intimidated (as sadly many others are), and as told to deal "directly" with "their lawyer". What a joke. That also backfired as my initiated friendly discussions with "their lawyer" were very helpful. Then I was told I wasn't "allowed to speak to their lawyer". Like that would stop me? They continued to embarrass themselves as the guilt of many other matters not previously known, then came to light from these activities, and silly bluffs of any legality and legal power blown apart.

Living hell

Yes, some feel crowded civil litigation scares the living hell out of the more intelligent named creeps and criminals and cohorts "individually", and possibly just as much as one-on-one with RCMP with little wee me scares the hell out of them. And the reality of serious jail time for major players as named? As it should. 

The more pricey lawyers will get to use fancy words like "nefarious" and "malfeasance" and regular lawyers can talk passionately about the disgusting "cowardly" abuse by low life white trash against their own trusting union "brothers and sisters", even good workers and honest members. And their innocent children as victims. And spotlight the illegal NDAs and generous settlements to more absurd and revealing illegal internal trials, to "coerce and intimidate" to facilitate criminal desires and will. Also documented with witnesses. 

Most regular lawyers will reference repeated stupid lies to RCMP and failed efforts bluffing wrongful prosecution and use of defamatory claims. Defamatory claims as per previous settlements, when some felt they were little league well organized criminals colluding kings, and above the rule of law. And even when dare in incredible arrogance qualifying what they had no right to "write" and right to qualify. Yes, tons of money honey. 

Poor Adrian Dix as also now dragged into this mushrooming criminal mess just by flying not less than regular economy to Hollywood and glamorised to achieve in fact "nothing more" than providing Dusty Kelly petty posturing political PR and a position of trust in BCLC. This when so many in NDP are more deserving, more educated, more experienced, more intelligent, more honest. And worked far harder with real road work for the NDP. True? False?

Poor multiple Hollywood stars like Gillian Anderson and top producers like Bob Goodwin and Chris Carter if no "Squeal for any Deal" done and then dragged in by subpoena or for affidavits for criminal and civil court claims as with a few from DGC (Directors Guild) and even a couple of basic department head heavies, carpenters and painters . This should criminals continue to lie and obstruct RCMP, perjure in Criminal Courts and Civil courts and hopefully a full forensic Provincial Inquiry.

Again my deepest apologies to the too-normal, too-honest similar smaller film union ACFC in BC. This as making them seem so very boring and so very  honest in direct comparison to the criminal elite in BC film union IATSE 891 controlling far more than 50% market and based mostly on 50% BS. True? 


So very many, even you, "politically", can help hundreds of children, get money owed them by criminals with known Federal and Provincial BC NDP connections. And add the literally thousands of other victims. This including honest taxpayers to domestic and foreign investors. As such, please do discuss, copy, paste and share this link:

And then please email to ALL those you know across Canada who are honest. And would care. Or post wherever this might best help expedite keystone first step RCMP investigations to honest major media full spotlight. And create the needed legal prosecutions quickly leading to a major meaningful full Forensic Provincial Inquiry.  A major meaningful full Forensic Provincial Inquiry then a solid second step foundation for critically needed:

"Workplace and Labour Code Reform"

Help hundreds of victims, including children, get thousands owed. And now get honest and fair restitution and expose these criminals, as named below, to full prosecution. Now. And all those that clearly criminally collude, aid and abet. Proceeds of crime over $5,000.00 also matters? True? False? 

This (1) IATSE 891 initial criminal bust, as a clear first step case study baseline, and as peer proof of performance, as to fully justify (2) a  meaningful Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry, and that as to then provide "cost and time" efficacy for critically needed, and long overdue (3) "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". Logical enough? 

This demonstrative, clear case study here combined with 3rd party big number "statistical predictive", both critical to expedite with effective mass for political thresholds.

Official Blog launch with BC election MLA & Media Blitz: May 31, 2024


With Health to Home prices to Crime and Corruption, too many swing vote switchers will define election winners and losers. Children can not continue to be collateral damage and must be much more of a political priority. Much more. Women can not be beaten, suppressed or harassed as second class citizens. Time to turn up the Volume on Women's Issues. Same message, just far more volume? Criminals can not use NDAs to protect them from full criminal prosecution and hide their criminal acts, we start now to give this voice.

Voters impact in their daily life, have three obvious areas of concern, the well-being of Home and Health, the Transport to Work, and at their Workplace. The later Workplace with dynamic economical and psychological impact on both Transport and the well-being of Home and Health? Workplace a voter hot button. Certainly for 7 of 10 voting workers as per CLC, U of T and Western studies.

Obvious enough

Poll if CLC, U of T and Western study not obvious enough? If housing polling as "the number one issue for BC" maybe some BC party might actually try specific polling about improved "workplace protection from harassment to coercion and intimidation". Just might also deserve checking. At least to compare with CLC, U of T and Western University research findings that show that 7 of 10 who visibly see the issue? An 18 point lead for Eby when Dix lost with a 20 point lead. Switchers switch.

"BC NDP fundraising has taken an end of year dive"? 

Restitution critical to progressive justice

From victims of paedophile Catholic priest, and their efforts at settlement and with similar illegal NDAs, and as to also hide very dirty secrets with bought silence; or children taken from families ​as ​f​or​ better adapt​ion to white western cultures in residential schools and then as fact when even nuns themselves victims of a mighty priesthood sharing it seems some papal infallibility like Trump as president as not subject to the rule of law, and here the sisters as teachers and caretakers certainly suffering second class status and so easy to coerce and intimidate. Or close to home and present day​, even local children subject to sexual abuse. As with the "life-changing cost" to children cheated here by the criminal elite's critical influence in BC union local IATSE 891 executive and their supporting cowards, past and present must be addressed. And addressed by "direct personal individual liability" in the honest hundreds of Civil Actions pending. This ideally tandem to meaningful criminal prosecution to serve as Provincial Inquiry reference and ground breaking on needed "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" so children, women, young, uninformed not such easy victims for lying criminal power hungry losers with ego issues blatant. True? False?

Children cheated and still being cheated and estates of those cheated deserve restitution and the same generous compensation as settlements as given with NDAs to keep crimes hidden or secret.

Note: To buy time until legislation improved is the simple immediate solution to the plethora of ALL DIRTY NDAs (as Green Party showed remarkable leadership with) is "specific new laws" with very serious jail time 2-5? if used by "any party or person" in collusion as to aid and abet by any degree to hide Criminal Code crimes and criminals and victims rights. 

To start

To start, I am not trying to pretend to be a lawyer, politician or a top investigative journalist. Nor even a high paid real full-time ad agency copywriter or art director. Never my job. Not what I studied for. Or best paid for. Having literally known, worked, paid and played with some of the very best in Canada. And from Quebec to BC's best, and including the great Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and top Canadian award winning Investigative Journalists, I am not one. That is not me.

As such, I understand my role here now, as best defined being a voice for victims and a whistle blower to aid RCMP investigators and Crown Counsel. This in the effective full prosecution of criminals enjoying a windfall of proceeds of crime, sometimes, as in this base case amortized over three decades of crime, and now proven ready for warrants and to go to criminal courts. My targets and history have included exposing both non-union and union criminals. Fact check?

Of course, obviously, I'll be available, when needed for Criminal Prosecution and Civil actions for specific sworn testimony, affidavits, volunteer non-admissible polygraph technology, and more objective national media interviews and anything that helps the families and children cheated and advances prosecution efforts to victim impact statement coordination.

And where myself not a politician, lawyer or major investigative journalist, I will have some fun with the perspectives and special values to each in this blog. This while also partially exposing and humiliating criminals involved and their colluding criminal support.


I should add, to be upfront, I am certainly not a victim? I was paid sadly far more than most, and many, worked far less, and even provided an allowance for luxury monthly car rentals. This as similar as prior when in non-union work. With film work I just did without a rather large office in prime office locations, with view, few film producers to even major law firms enjoy. As documented. Fact check. Sadly, so many, and too many, nice, honest, talented people were victims. And tragically their children. I am now their voice. 

As you read below it will be very obvious that I could not be physically, intellectually or financially threatened, career and socially stigmatised or ostracised, coerced and intimidated, as with those younger, smaller and far too often female and already heroic single mothers and those less informed and far less "connected". I was also well schooled in "Legal Realism" by giants. Rope a dope? See below?

Can you "honestly" trust these people

As you read below and considering repeated lies to RCMP, on file, to protect criminals with an insane bluff of criminal wrongful prosecution and the criminal defamation of honest good workers; added to other cases of documented coercion and intimidation of honest workers by known criminals and corrupt aid and abetting executives in clear criminal collusion as support. And as no one could act alone, as such clear cowards, and this fact as per BCLRB rulings and failed revealing humiliating appeals on "Coercion and Intimidation to cases of "Bad Faith" and violations of "Fair representation". Exactly as documented — this to favour "friends of criminals" or those willing to be subjective and servile and "aim to please" criminals, and this while cheating honest workers and their children. 

Add further and consider well documented internal trials to protect criminals from disrepute and criminal exposure. This while trying to coerce and intimidate honest workers for whistle-blowing on criminal acts. Fact check. 

Add even media reports on accounting department reported "abuse of funds by executive at casino", and then, as salt on the wound, honest members threatened with legal if they dare exercise freedom of speech discussing this abuse of "their money in trust", also exactly as documented (See Link Below). 

Adding then, for further insight, 475 documented votes for a Forensic Audit by oddly honest and informed members. And as incredibly obvious a forensic audit not often supported by criminals involved for an audit on themselves. This as documented by the hardly very respected and not trusted authority of the intellect and integrity of Tom Adair. Tom Adair with some very long big shot title, but oddly as fact very little education and little real world senior executive experience, if any beyond average carpenter and showboat fraud, and as certainly not best-of-best in​ IATSE 891. And appears clearly needing criminal support for his big pay and big position and pathetic prose and pontifications. 

Add law firm files from Davis and Company to Gowling? Add also that "not one (1) of the criminals named or their clearly cowardly aid and abetting clever criminal support", willing to protect their reputation and honest good "family" name, and just simply meet at RCMP offices (or by Zoom?)? This for one-on-one recorded informal chat, and a friendly coffee with RCMP. And with me. All asking a wide variety of questions on criminal history, but now on a fair playing field not in the absurdity of IATSE 891 criminal influenced and corrupted internal trials to stacked general and departmental meetings with fraudulent quorums. As documented. Trials even lacking the bottom basics of natural justice and by another big shot big title with trial chair Paul Klassen. Klassen about as stupid and honest as Tom Adair, and also again hardly best-of-best and needing criminal support for his big pay, perks, power and position and promotion. Add theft over $5,000.00 and thousands of honest members cheated while criminals favoured. True? False? Fact check.

What if it were your son or daughter, father or mother, sister or brother cheated of thousands by criminals and their corrupt support also reaping piece of pie from proceeds of crime? What if it were your son or daughter, father or mother, sister or brother suffering coercion and intimidation?

Anti-union corrupt culture documented for decades

Neither capitalists or socialists feel that crime and corruption an added economic stimulus. Crime and corruption always serves a​ very few at a cost to those who follow the rules.

Now add a brilliant and obvious criminal and corrupt health plan with a loaded and fixed "hour bank" formula, and in direct contrast to the dreams of Tommy Douglas and Canada's medical plan​.​ This as it allows those with bigger incomes and hours to pay nothing and the weakest members with families with the least amount of hours, as not blessed by the criminal elite or fate and fortune, to pay fully or go without. This shows exactly the type of gross self-interest and entitlement and as the most anti-union policy​ one could consider. With ​added "Deal Memos" (as I enjoyed with surplus) insanely anti-union. Yet oddly works so well for department heads as first in and last out and with their "Deal Memo" equation of hours calculated? And same for picks by the criminal elite with their special authority?

Such an honest bunch. And warned years ago by fax of the obvious advantage for criminal elite and the lucky ones who gave the ​paper facade of legality or legitimacy and not ​the clear ill served logic. Denial? Debate? 

After a few years the cost to those honest and played by the rules often in the tens of thousands. More detail defined for criminal and civil courts and ideal for class action certification.​ Who was criminal? Who was grossly negligent when postured as so smart? Who was in breach of oath and fiduciary duty? Why did 475 informed members vote for a Forensic Audit? Guess.

Can you "honestly" trust these people? Say on balance of probabilities, and as a matter of common sense? Will intelligent people like RCMP and Crown Prosecution, Criminal and Civil Court Judges and even major respected Investigative Media all trust these people? Will they? Will their own family and friends trust them? Or just criminals and liars left to trust only each other for affirmation? Much more evidence below. Evidence also supporting a Provincial Inquiry going deeper than previous efforts and leading to fuelling and focus on "Workplace and Labour Code Reform".

What if it were your son or daughter, father or mother, sister or brother cheated of thousands by criminals and their corrupt support also reaping piece of pie proceeds of crime?

To help RCMP

The goal to help RCMP save big money and time is to have RCMP simply ask those named in criminal elite and all 5 present and past union local presidents still alive to read this blog (should they pretend they haven't), and then ask each of them in private to decide if they want to "Squeal for a Deal". Or not? That simple. Some will "Squeal for a Deal" as advised by their expensive Criminal and Civil defence lawyers and as not all are as stupid as others in the criminal elite. Nor want the added liability and risk further obstruction and lies and shared liability with those they support will provide. Their lawyers will explain in more detail what stupid is, as paid to do so. Some will want to mitigate damage to their reputation and reduce shame to family name. Happens all the time. True? False?

Consider lies and lunatics

If we can see the endless lies and lunatics and the mushrooming literal madness in US politics and Middle East, just imagine how possible on a micro scale that the same so very possible with no guard rails, in even criminal and corrupt BC union locals like IATSE 891. Exactly as documented and witnessed? Or do idiots believe these criminal sleaze like John Brummitt and friends in this first case study and prosecution more sane and more honest? Hardly. Best let top forensic shrinks and "real" legal authorities make some observations on these criminal sleaze of interest. Seems logical?

And consider as also fact 

Those who tend to be critical and so often pretend to posture for others as some authority that they most certainly are not, try and understand the full targeted audience for this blog of: RCMP, BC MLAs, Crown Prosecution, Criminal and Civil Court Judges, CRA, CLC, real Legal Scholars, key investigative honest media, ALL union members, friends and family, and the many sleazy sick very ignorant and uneducated criminals involved. And thus the need with so many data points and audience variance to both inform plus "entertain".

I myself have first hand seen MBAs to CAs dumped as not so clever for far less incompetence and merely verbal harassment of women? Bets? Yes, oddly, I do have a few long time friends not simply published internationally recognized legal scholars or former acting law faculty chairs at UBC and UVic and a former BC Criminal Court Judge. Oddly those who also feel such cowardly slime a problem everywhere in Canada? Wait the best is yet to come. You ain't seen nothing yet? Hey,  don't worry I'm just the funny one?

Forced transparency and accountability

Shannon Salter, Deputy Minister to the Premier, Head of the BC Public Service and Cabinet Secretary has far more than enough of "honest" credentials to oversee that children cheated by criminals in IATSE 891 finally get restitution from proceeds of crime, women better protected, illegal NDAs used to protect criminals or perpetrators and not victims are clearly just a bribe for victims using financial duress and threat so dirty secrets kept secret. Not cherry picked and selected for showcasing transparency and accountability. Transparency and accountability only used for selected bragging and petty PR image making. As published. As documented. Fact check.

This is why starting May 31, 2024, 2024 Shannon Salter's Minister's office will be heavily lobbied to add support for a gold standard RCMP investigation by top investigators and interrogation experts in these criminal matters. And added evidence seized and testimony obtained. This so that warrants and charges quickly available; a Forensic Inquiry into criminal influence levels in all BC unions starting with film union IATSE 891 begun; proceeds of crime evaluated for seizure before judgement; Crown Prosecution alerted. BC is better when workers feel physically and financially safe and not suffering coercion and intimidation by creeps, cowards and bullies as named.

Niki Sharma

Oddly, even Niki Sharma, BC’s Attorney General understands how “deceptive marketing tactics" used to increase sales and likely the same with 891 union membership fees to drive needed bleeding cash flow? And seems she is neither a big fan either of "the wrongful conduct of businesses" or likely even criminal infested local unions like IATSE 891 as demonstrated and documented with even BCLRB rulings with 891 "coercion and intimidation" passions by little bullies. And exactly what media reports on multiple levels of people, practices and proceeds of crime. Exactly. (as per links below). And efforts hiding beating women and cheating children probably not a big plus with Niki Sharma?

This as all so very helpful when insane NDAs and settlements used to hide criminal acts and that even simple mathematics clearly establishes when not much work. An old retail scam? Even when another big shot tough talking president of BC union local IATSE 891 Keith Woods has "documented" his concern with unreal legal costs in his election material and not simply just boldly daring to suppress freedom of speech among members (as per links below) on members money and tax credit misuse by Kelly Moon. Kelly Moon, who knows where many of the bodies buried. And can blow up everything with what she knows. Certainly help RCMP put a few in prison? True? False? Fact check?

Again, criminals don't worry I'm just the funny one? Not some major big shot department head like extremely dishonest Rob Maier with his expensive lawyers I hear he brags of and as such a moron once demanding loyalty and respect. And as on record cash "appreciation" as also easily welcomed by Mr. Maier? What is the legal definition of duress?

Cheat thousands

I know the names and faces of over a half dozen of the children cheated of the hundreds cheated. This while some played honest and by the rules. This while cowards and sneaks acted above the rule of law to cheat thousands members plus help enrich criminal friends and family. This includes lies to RCMP and busted by BCLRB for "coercion and intimidation" to "bad faith" plus deceptive omissions to Provincial Inquiries, and that added to illegal internal trials to protect criminals and punish whistle-blowers as also well documented. True? False? Fact check?

With the various key documents in hand, as enough evidence, and with "honest" witness testimony, and RCMP and Crown Prosecution now still find that added "critical records missing as key evidence" (avoiding "security and storage" costs but not major legal costs and as ridiculous as it sounds) and RCMP find more "criminal obstruction" as criminals brag about as "not leaving a paper trail", just take a guess who RCMP will consider likely suspects of other crimes? Who will RCMP suspect in collusion as to further obstruct criminal and civil investigations even further? Hint: Try those who are scared out of their minds that any of the criminal elite dare doing a "non-admissible polygraph". This as to quickly clear their good names and quickly save their reputations. This as most honest people would do? And will? And then consider the very little credibility most, as named, now have by their decades of criminal association, and their aid and abetting as support to enjoy crimes and corruption providing Proceeds of Crime. Proceeds of Crime as Eby acknowledges hidden as cars and homes? True? False? Fact check?

"Why We Serve"

Soon RCMP can easily add this story to their book "Why We Serve" as helping children, women, honest workers, suppliers, BC taxpayers to domestic and foreign investors.

Why We Serve: Stories of Today’s RCMP Members, learn more, visit https://whyweservebook.ca/

Crime specific

1) Membership fraud costing victims with children millions. 1990-2023
From loss of income, medical benefits and life insurance. Some played by the rules. Others enjoyed criminal preference for a variety of criminal reasons as per below.

2) Qualification fraud. Some played by the rules and lost oppourtunities and income by those ignoring the rules and feeling above the rule of law. Criminal and Labour. Mocking BCLRB: Fair Rep and Good Faith with documented patterns of "Coercion and Intimidation".

3) Tax credit fraud in the millions. 
(Gov't does not incentive criminals even if a big shot union local executive or top department head to commit crimes for higher pay and other classic manifestations for proceeds of crime from position and pay to preference and power to threaten incomes.)

4) Misappropriation to mismanagement of funds 1990-2023
(This with 3rd party forensic accountants and RCMP questioning those clearly named and a bit of a slam dunk with Kelly Moon full exposure issue just the tip of the iceberg.)

5) Illegal NDAs 
- used to hide crimes or facilitate crime many times and variations?
- used to bully or secretly bribe. All contracts/settlements thus void by criminal duress.

6) Time theft in the millions
(Some paid well clearly. Very well. Add magic money of kit monopolisation and trade restriction of rentals. Where were they working, and working for who with materials paid by who for who?)

7) Material theft in the millions ($5,000.00 +)
(The word salvage including fresh same day delivered from "preferred suppliers" goods to criminals homes or to others.)

8) Economic Interference. From qualification by morons so friends and family of criminals preferred candidates to supplier "preferences" 1990-2023. 

Funny how the slime postures, loves and exploits how the union protects them as union brothers and sisters in solidarity and collusion, while in clear contrast as department heads and with subjective selected picks they employ: clear anti-union practices of ownership and hierarchy. Nor Labour Board interpretation of Good faith and Fair Rep. Too obvious?  This while investors pay for this low productive HR gong show. Having your cake and eat it, and ability to use "union credit card", if a bad night at the casino, and other perks as proceeds of crime majority of members do not enjoy.

9) Restriction of trade. Monopolistic to oligopolist barriers to entry and free market competition in non-union matters.

10) Illegal elections. Duress, Defamation, Coercion and Intimidation, Promises and Threats.

11) Illegal trials void of natural justice as well documented and witnessed to aid and abet criminals not be exposed or suffer disrepute. Truth or not. Charter violations on freedom of speech so whistle blowers can be penalized by fine and limited market oppourtunities enriching criminal networks by collusion and aid and abet as defined by convention and practice.

12) Coercion and Intimidation. This as defined from sworn witnesses, documentation by BCLRB rulings and added revealing failed appeals, law firm files.

We have hard evidence, law firm files, RCMP have records, add literally hundreds of "honest" witnesses plus "protected" witnesses and hundreds "voting and as wanting a forensic audit". 

For a legal full symphony we now only need 1 or 2 to "Squeal for a Deal" for a perfect package. And better ground speed. True? False? One "Squeal for a Deal" as helped put media baron rich and powerful Conrad Black to New York Mobsters like the "Teflon Don" John Gotti in prison. Happens all the time with crime.


Appreciating heroic RCMP understaffed and underfunded to best help beyond just key information and entertaining RCMP we have tried to do everything possible with this blog as to identify:

  • key criminals, 
  • key crimes, 
  • key victims, 
  • key evidence,
  • key witnesses, 
  • key records, 
  • key cases, 
  • key documents, 
  • key supporting studies and media reports.

This so only a few strategic questions by RCMP of key criminals and 891 criminal elite needed as so very ready now for multiple warrants for arrest, and multiple warrants (and for seizure before judgement of possible proceeds of crime) and seizure of added evidence and then the list of criminal charges. Just like RCMP do almost daily.

This as well provides more than enough "good stuff" by default or byproduct, for dozens and dozens of lawyers for pretty strong rubber stamp cookie cutter civil actions for victims. Including children. And hopefully so no stone left not turned, class action certified soon? And efforts also begin for a Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry on crime and cost to the film industry. More cause than with previous Provincial Inquiries.

Ready now for warrants and charges

Ready, starting December 5th as 99% ready for RCMP with a plethora of possible warrants and charges. And handcuffs? 

Yes, this blog is now very ready, and starting today, for helping RCMP top investigators and interrogation experts, and with a handful of initial first wave warrants. This as to lay a cute variety of select strategic and novel surprise tactical criminal and targeted charges. Plus with a few novel warrants used to seize a tiny little wee bit of no-contest more key evidence and testimony. This for noted efficacy to force a few fast select and so very weak and highly exposed criminal targets to first "Squeal for Deal". This so criminals and support are not further forced and caught with more obvious low intellect obstructive lies. And that wastes for a third time the Royal Canadian Mounted Police "time and money" with low life liars. Like those on file already USING the RCMP as their so very petty political pathetic PR props and puppets. And as to "Coerce and Intimidate" with stupid bluff of "wrongful prosecution" and criminal defamation of an honest top worker? As documented and witnessed. True? False? Fact check?

In fact, the only ones who really now seriously need to read any more of this blog down and fully, at least a few times, are all the criminals and their very expensive "individual" Criminal Defence Lawyers. And those who criminally collude and aid and abet in criminal support. This includes even present IATSE 891 local President Mitch Davies and VP Margo Mckenzie. Combined a force themselves worth considering and who they support by their silence or ignoring like a violent rape as such demonstrated working class heroes. 

This "individual" Criminal Defence needed as each individual criminal will need, so that clear collusion and aid and abetting not more blatant legal optics by morons and as crimes vary and one size hardly fits all? 

The bait and traps defined below so criminals are not totally legally blindfolded. 

Next steps

Now to mail and talk with the BC Attorney General's office​. ​Plus top proven law firms with depth in BC class actions​. This as to represent as many victims of crime and corruption as now possible. A firm like "Acheson Sweeney Foley Sahota" as per recent rulings​ and proximity.

This class action directly against ​ALL the millions and forms of proceeds of crime that individual criminals enjoyed. And the assets criminals and support amassed over 30 years by members of the criminal elite​. ​And those ​specifically that ​clearly aid and abetted​ by their ​often documented efforts by duress, coercion and intimidation ​or by bribe and rewards​ also facilitated by illegal NDAs​. Too often serving criminal protection. And​ this to target ALL IATSE 891 ​individual executive​s​ with clear coercion and intimidation proven by law firm Gowling and for breach of fiduciary duty and oath, responsibility and accountability. ​Those who ignored by word warning, e-mail, fax and registered mail ​warnings, and BCLRB rulings, as feeling above the rule of law. And above both criminal and Labour Code and Board. This done as to aid and abet criminal elite in obvious collusion.

Beyond a reasonable doubt

Stuff to remember is: how damages in civil cases never ever need to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt? In a civil case checklist the correct legal test is: whether a loss has been proven on a balance of probabilities? Logical plus statistical credibility and accepted conventions and precedent stuff, odds are and common sense and common man stuff. Future factors such as the loss of future income, and/or cost of future medical care, the legal bar is even lower. At Stanford they even consider data on when the judge had lunch? 

Best possibly now best that criminal elite again ​now have big title criminal puppet Paul Klassen ​to again coordinate and chair again the criminal's best legal action and response?​ And for added muscle Tom Adair to lend his intellect, integrity, credibility and authority to again offer his seems respected and educated opinions once again. Again documenting his supporting criminal elite and his best high school sophist use of rhetorical fallacies and word spin obvious to those far more educated and again to delay and ignore a forensic audit again and class action merit. Patterned behaviour?

Who pays so much

Money matters. As no corporate or union shield for Criminals, nor do honest  public companies or other major unions pay the "personal" and "individual" Criminal Defence or Civil Defence legal costs as an employee or member perk, and no matter how well worded in local bylaw or policy BS. And as only a lone odd and awkward authority to do so, as it seems by a single union local, and more funny with just the appearance of being legal and even democratic. This by small exclusive executive secret and senior member's vote. And the absurdity of even a vote among criminals themselves, and their moron mindless support. This as it seems a criminal perk, sadly while at same time honest members cheated on medical benefits and needing work, also oddly having that fair rep and natural justice theme: do not get same special perk? So time to let's get real. Criminals now have the option of:

"Squeal for ANY Deal possible" 


Continued Climbing Criminal and Civil Defence Costs 

Continued climbing and crawling costs to try and best lie to RCMP and Criminal Courts with the hundreds of perfect new lies needed. And very needed. And a bunch of efforts at deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment stuff that the Canadian Justice system tires of fast? Very fast? True? False?

This as individual costs, or if played IATSE 891 members' money used for "individual" Criminal Defence and Civil Defence costs, and costs go through the roof. Criminals pretending, posturing, and lying as best they can to the legal system to members. Easy for the smarter criminals and master liars with so much to lose, but tricky for low level and less gifted criminals to master. And when only a few months of community service is possible. Or choice of added perjury and obstruction charges helping more serious criminals live the BIG lie. Again testing the judicial wrath, wasting RCMP and our Justice System thousands or more than a million? Time and money takes a toll on criminals and the justice system? As some go hungry.

Victim Impact Statement 

So key to sentencing, and even those who simply aide and abetted and colluded a tiny wee little bit, who as adults know the difference between right and wrong and certainly when things "not right"? Children matter. Woman matter. Money matters. The Law matters.

A Victim Impact Statement is a written description of how a crime has affected the victim. A Victim Impact Statement does not include a description of the crime or how the crime occurred. 

This when "Squeal for any Deal" goes head-to-head with Impact Statement for Criminal Sentencing and Civil awards and all bets basically final. Tricky when impact statements from the thousands screwed by IATSE 891 criminal elite by malice, gross negligence and breach of fiduciary duty to reap a piece of various manifestations of proceeds of crime. True? False? Statement on Restitution also pretty basic.

Better not be stupid again

Using member's money for Criminal Defence "again" may sound low cost, and again easy to do, but now will cost some dearly if any criminals dare touch "sacred member's funds", again in trust. And based on classic criminal high school level BS. Obvious now as documented like how super stupid Tom Adair and Paul Klassen aid and abet in coercion and intimidation and the criminals they serve. That obvious. And obviously not acting alone. Obviously?

Yes, back in the day once the super brains and with their brand new big shot titles of Gavin Craig as new 891 President and John Brummitt brand new senior Steward as drunk captains of the 891 Titanic, and as clearly seems logically inductive and deductive, as promoted by John Brummitt: they made a critical stupid mistake.

Back when they first had Susan Butler-Grey aid and abet criminals and call the RCMP with insane lies as to help her career big time, the focus then easily became and immediately Criminal Code. Not merely highly taxing Labour Board legal-lite stuff of just "Fair Representation" and "Good Faith" factors. This by the fools very own design. And then dragging down the drain so many others including their friends and dearest criminal supervisors. Clever? This as Labour Code alone not easily providing for collusion and aid and abetting group rates and high cost legal realities including prison to community service.

And whoever were the super thinking-themselves-so-brilliant in the Rob Maier gang possibly, even much more stupid, if not now documented and witnessed, as even much more criminal. This as they all knew when first legal facts were made clear to Gavin Craig in major "emergency" meetings where insiders first leaked. 

Other 891 high intellect and integrity presidents like Ken Anderson showing off how stupid he was as per emails and registered mail traps and also under the illusion he himself above the rule of law and as a real legal ignorant documenting it with a bust on his lies and true character by BCLRB. Shows patterned behaviour. 

President Elmar Thiesen at least had the documented emails as possible "letters of descent" as his defence and distancing himself as other less gifted 891 presidents failed to do. Other than with verbal pass along. 

Mr. Woods, as an equally impressive union local 891 IATSE President with the Kelly Moon mess, dug his own legal grave and those around him supporting his now documented and media reported legal ignorance and threatening character. Hey, I may be a funny guy, but as some in IATSE 891 know first hand, I can get cranky in Criminal Courtrooms and help Judges even define sentencing and mercy methods. True? False? Fact check. And best the more they now lie the more they suffer their stupid and criminal levels. 

Others and those honest can now just sit and enjoy the entertainment and education as with other dirty criminal BC union executives.

Statute of Limitations

Yes, everyone "legally" innocent until proven "legally" guilty in real courts, even those with brilliant revealing defence of statute of limitations and overuse of illegal NDAs. And even with most non-criminals and honest and educated people from members to MLAs believing them guilty in the court of public opinion​. And based on common sense or formal logic​, documents and witnesses. And where criminals are just so clever with statute of limitation with a fortress of lies and liars: "Obstruction" and the "Perjury Trap" can​ still put some in jail. True? False? Fact check.​ And serve civil actions so well? Even class actions?

Criminal Motive

Motive? Greed. Ego. Power. Even petty Power. Big change in personal revenue. Career survival. Tribal acceptance? Far too competitive at basic member level as no greater skill or talent than most.

Why would so many support so many and such "Anti-Union activities to very serious criminal acts and allow a facade of democracy so tainted by defamation, threat. Get easy office jobs? Easy big pay? Many perks? Many? Ask Kelly Moon or Dusty Kelly? Or ask John Brummitt and Don Ramsden how much to win an election or keep being a local president using member's money in trust?

Big Apologies to ACFC

Of course we feel so very bad now making the BC ACFC film union local, simply by default and direct comparison seem like just another very boring, very honest modern business and organized normal good union local. Too good. Too normal. And so good or great and boringly honest with no one in ACFC even worth naming to bother or even notice. 

And ACFC as so honest and boring we can now best suspect our local library of far more criminal motives and misdeeds. Possibly over charging on photocopying than ACFC would never even dare. 

ACFC as a possible role model for what IATSE 891 could someday reflect and be. Even if also as boring and honest. This more so if trusteeship cleans, bleaches and disinfects IATSE 891. This  with a full forensic audit and even the nepotism shut down and out. This when historic predictive criminal facts factored by Provincial Inquiry and CRA. So sorry ACFC, we would have loved to make ACFC as exciting and so sexy as IATSE 891 with criminals and crimes or even poor governance. Possibly some ACFC parking violation would help create a bad boy image IATSE 891 has so well mastered. So sorry.

No plan is a great plan for failure

As over a dozen criminals with or without local union 891 president Mitch Davie and his key VP support, or clear colluding aid and abet involvement, as to obstruct and with again illegal use of member's funds "again", the criminal elite now must establish hierarchy and priority issues. And this at present with no real actionable strategy and plan or tactical tested script or even adequate data and documents to review to date. Nor are the criminals involved time-sensitive to collectively fully digest such multi-variable equations. As such some in criminals "sphere of influence", coercion and intimidation to lies to RCMP, will then find the "Squeal for a Deal" a form of escape of digging holes even deeper with dedicated dummies? And to avoid further deceit and obstruction planned with more lies to RCMP twisting words and using deceptive omission playing stupid. This in their "elective" criminal solidarity by a very few to protect even fewer from serious jail time. Only adding to smaller criminals risk to suffer major criminal's equal legal risk,?

"Squeal for a Deal" can also be very rewarding, like in the Canada Evidence Act where "better a guilty man goes free..." and that greater good theme stuff. And some walk free? Totally free?

We do see it as such a profound statement of critical legal weakness and needed cognitive dissonance by those in criminal elite and their servants and colluding support, who must first question and be critical our style and methods rather than the key hard criminal claims and facts and planning their position and analyzing their strengths and many weaknesses. Their egos and pride problem must limit such cognition. Funny as also unable to also "credibly deny" criminal claims even just among other criminals and among their clearly corrupt criminal cohorts and support. This can be problematic?

How smart are they "honestly"

SAT, MCAT, GRE can all be used as rough estimates of IQ. So now so very easy for John Brummitt and even big shot and big huge title Tom Adair and Paul Klassen to now be so easily and honestly be side-by-side "judged" against just say a simple "buyer"? And as to show why the best-of-best in IATSE 891 executive, and even present and past super IATSE 891 local presidents, plus top big shot department heads "honestly" deserve such big huge incomes indirectly from proceeds of crime and not ever needing criminal support and NDAs? Seems fair? Other test options also available? EQ tests also very revealing? 

We can also test for just basic acceptable business general computer skills to editing software? John Brummitt should master this as dealing with large databases and HR issues when first elected​. And  based on something more than just ​key friends in the criminal elite and making others feel hopeless to even run. This is when​ who you know​, more key than ​honest truth about what you know and​ honestly really don't know​, and just fake ​it, and ​can ignore the rule of law, o​aths and trusts as so ​just so very clever. True? False?

Idiot proof

Bare bones, even an idiot won't deny, and this just based on nothing more than the "undeniable visible facts" in multiple BCLRB rulings, not theory.  And that added to nothing more than respected research by CLC, U of T and Western University, both alone as cause ENOUGH for a full Forensic Provincial Inquiry. And that then as further foundation, fuel, catalyst, impetus for "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". Superior as fact than all present efforts combined and to date, True? False? Fact check? How simple can it really get. Two points make the case?

For idiots still in denial, now add for overkill hundreds of "honest" witnesses to the above BCLRB rulings of coercion and intimidation to basic bad faith. This with further added law firm files, and then add, not even related, 475 honest and "Informed" IATSE 891 members oddly voting for a forensic audit. A forensic audit? And of key note with only Tom Adair in rebuttal in his crowning, never fully questioned, authourity oddly documenting only himself and his superior intellect in with his impressive "op-ed", as: he himself not finding cause for himself to be audited. Yes, folks: he himself not finding cause for himself to be audited.? And thus surprisingly clearly against a "forensic audit"? And, also as not related, now add full Kelly Moon casino-accounting scandal. So many so familiar with.  And the key details defining clear prior "collusion". Just as when illegal well documented internal trials as documented provided added detail supporting colusion, obstruction and aid and abetting? Heck, really folks, what's a top actuary to honestly "Think"? Or even the common person? A union member? And a criminal Court Judge to think? The dozens of lawyers soon involved to all think? What will RCMP White Colour Crime div. to RCMP Investigation and Interrogation crime experts think? What will even local to national media think? Think about it.

Far more below for thee of little faith, or cowardly criminals fearing facts, exposure, warrants and multiple criminal charges and jail time to think about. Far more. Below.

To be fair

To be fair and for more sporting discourse, debate and criminal defence strength in criminal courts and as support for potential long past due Provincial Inquiry on criminal infiltration and infestation:

I suggest the criminals look within the cream of the criminal elite best brains for further meaningful guidance and criminal defence direction. And as to provide better communication and coaching of their criminal legal defence teams. 

This from possibly pulling Joe Sala from retirement as an IATSE 891 "Law and Legislative Committee" legal legend. And that combined with the documented judicial wisdom of Paul Klassen on criminal precedent setting. And best added with Don Ramsden's Super Bowl level coaching on defamation and case studies and real world costs. NDAs you got to love. This as he had so generously advised with me on "reverse onus" which I will use fully?

Tom Adair, the wise one. The wizard behind the curtain, a possible toastmaster trained authoritative master in silly BS sophist rhetorical fallacies, diversion and dilution and diminished, and legal realism, semantics. Possibly mood related a touch of Latin. 

John Brummitt can hand out copies. Post pictures. 

Who pays for fancy trips to glamour and photo op Hollywood with Adrian Dix? 

Same as with casinos as per other respected honourable members of criminal royalty. Why? 

What legal mandate for generous use of funds from casino loses to hide crimes?

Add for icing on the cake what is criminal obstruction, wrongful prosecution, criminal defamation and just lying to The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Like The Royal Canadian Mounted Police cheap no-cost PR background props and petty political union local puppets. Those actors may best be the ones with depth in these matters as to lead other criminals defence innovation and offence? Criminals can collude again and vote among themselves for best strategy and tactics using best-of-best criminal examples organized crimes as organized labour word spin. 

We will provide Republican Representative "George Santos Rocks" T-Shirts to those named.

Present IATSE 891 president Mitch Davies and power VP backup Margo (Spider Lady) McKenzie can explain why if so smart why so ignorant on crime and criminals whose support and blessing critical as to collude and comfort criminal interests. True? False? Fact check.

More to follow. Much more. To be fair.

Now that you read the book or blog see a movie also based on true stories:

Like great internationally inspiring and supporting Executive Producers like Bob Goodwin of The X-Files, even CBC "National" Producers like Terrence McKenna also wins awards? 

This true story also should be worthy of Canadian Heritage funds for a IATSE 891 video sequel with potential titles: "High times at 891", or low cost high yield templates for "The Brummitt Which Project", "500 shades of Graft". The Grab Father", "All the Presidents Morons", "The Beer Hunter", "Justice for Some", "The Wolves of Burnaby Street", "Any given Sunday Overtime", "Money Build", Don and John Brummitt's Excellent Adventure", "Family Values", "Mutiny on the Broadway", "Brain Man", "Rusemary's Babies", "The Sound of Money", "Midnight Carpenter", "Klassen vs. Klassen", "Terms of Entrapment", "No Country for Good Men", "The Silence of the Scams", "Dusty's List", "The Lord of the Rackets", "The Lying King"?

Sort of funny with irony

Since the days "prior to" and dawn of dearest Don Ramsden as IATSE 891 local film and TV union local president, and criminal elite's criminal cancer's early stages, they clearly liked surrounding themselves with "souls-for-sale" desperate morons with little intellect, integrity, education, real executive experience, career opportunities, as not clearly best-of-best at "anything". And even in their own trade category. True? False? And from publicity to carpentry and even tool boy and paint categories. And criminal elite so graciously give or accommodate them with far easier highly overpaid work, and over their past positions. As documented by pay by tax returns makes clear. And empower them with illusions of superior authority to abuse as well, and even a fancy very long big shot title. Titles that can impress the young and poorly informed, family and friends. Even give them the low level sophist rhetorical fallacies as "working scripts and narrative". BS so many in "real world" can so easily see through. This easy to prove and as clear by John Brummitt to Tom Adair and later even criminal puppet as so well documented Paul Klassen, and his impressive similar arrogant and ignorant judgement skills. Those who could be easily manipulated and controlled with their brand new fancy executive-like titles or handy waste-of-rime and "member's money" paid projects. Sadly including those as documented even in idiot loaded very  illegal internal trials that now demand nothing less than wide-spread external very real criminal court trials.

Again, any time those named, again warmly welcome to meet moi for one-on-one at RCMP offices as to so quickly protect their "honest" good name and reputation. Judge and be judged stuff. Quid pro quo, tit-for-tat. But now much more fun in real world with real courts with those just a tiny wee bit smarter, intelligent, educated as in our legal system from RCMP investigation experts to Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges. 

The irony here these morons now the highest risk to "squeal for a deal" or simply blow it all for their masters. This as unable to lie very well when left all alone as tested? And as with their desperate profiles certainly suggest. And as motive to aid and abet and collude. And now fearing national exposure and humiliation in front of industry, friends and family and real jail time? True? False?

Present 891 local president Mitch Davies with some apparent acting skills, possibly not much more fortunate with Margo (Spider Lady) Mackenzie as such an impressive VP as to cover his back, and as such a major show of force. And as some real fun for RCMP to question when coached about "spider stuff", petty cash problems to theft over $5,000.00 by others. Sad how John Brummitt could never even be such a highly respected VP? Possibly lacking low level paint roller skills? Unlike Dusty Kelly and her kind.

Well, for some sounds like fun. Just like old times before IATSE busting slime in CUPE and media, as in Montreal, and in non-union world shortening careers and income of CEOs, Real VPs, CAs and MBAs. Their companies. Even scholars. And big farm owners? True? False? Fact check. I am a very funny guy. This as some in CBC know: I was even a major pain even in high school challenging such authority hiring students and blabbing employment standards stuff? High school? Even in Banff and Jasper during university as per RCMP files? As some know in IATSE 891 very first hand I'm even a very serious pain in courtrooms and boardrooms. And funny. Fact check? I am a funny guy. Heck, if being honest, I was even a pain in grade school protecting and as a bit more than just a voice and helping those weaker and not so popular? 

Interesting how very little some knew and still don't  know about me, and this in such high contrast with those who know so very much about me. And from a former a Law Faculty acting chair, a BC Criminal Court Judge, RCMP and a CBC "award winning investigative reporter". Those who know so much more about me and how funny I really can be. And I might add as a good skier and guitar player. You don't have references from members of "The Club of Rome" or end up reporting directly to the Attorney General of Canada if not a tiny bit funny? Seems even major TV and Film producers and international stars found me funny. As witnessed. Not just "honestly" highly accomplished impressive women? True? False? Fact check? I've even helped many in IATSE improve their lives and careers including and hard to believe even "department heads", not just Federal Liberals and Fortune 500 with successful CRTC tribunal appeals? Funny? Irony?

Why, why, why

To be very clear, I mention many things about my unique past and connections as unknown by many criminals prior below. This so these full-life fakes and frauds and more serious criminals accept how myself, and now more and more daily, more honest, more educated, more experienced, far more accomplished, more intelligent, see through ALL their BS. And how so obvious and observed their "many" serious criminal acts as documented. And from initial documented membership fraud in 1992 (and prior) to present day 2023, still cheating hundreds of children and "honest" members to all BC taxpayers with tax credit fraud in the millions and millions. This as to best criminally control and influence BC Film local IATSE 891 with "their type" of people, so criminals, who as documented and witnessed can "coerce and intimidate" and can protect criminals from "disrepute", using obvious lies to RCMP to membership and using documented idiot driven internal trials. This documenting and demonstrating using their exceptional skills like a used car salesperson with classic deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment and very selective history and PR narrative. And that added to their very dirty secrets not so secret anymore. And that criminals accept the soon hard reality of real jail time only best reduced by "Squealing for a Deal with RCMP". And on ALL crimes and corruption. This so efforts at a Provincial Inquiry as a foundation on "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" not slowed by these slow-minded and now desperate and panicked liars and criminal mindsets. This made far more clear below.

Dance like no one is watching

As very well coached, and as ideally as to quickly force even fools in the criminal elite as to "SQUEAL FOR A DEAL" — and very fast, with RCMP and Crown, we had to create and bait a figurative legal minefield in this blog. Then "force" such highly cowardly clever criminals to then dance, and ideally "legally blindfolded" through it? 

This from initial documented and witnessed evidence-rich RCMP investigation and interrogation to final criminal court realities. We think we may have done so below and with a wide variety of calculated levels of bait and traps? True? False? Fact check? However now, best, this will be done with so many also watching them dance. Soon thousands watching from MLAs and media to union members, as that milestone goal? And serving as PMI style 1st step to "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". This blog has multiple purposes? See below.

"Give a man a mask (or big shot title, and add even absolute little league corrupt and criminal little local union power), and he will show you his true face." — Oscar Wilde

Why Workplace and Labour Code Reform Important

So much domestic violence and child abuse a result of many factors from what recent studies at Stanford (Sapolsky) define in Neurosciences to Harvard's advances in Cognitive Psychology in "rationality" (Pinker), but key here is when triggered or needlessly compounded as a result of what studies by CLC, U of T and Western identify and with IATSE 891 as above average toxicity levels and long hourly demands needlessly created in various workplaces. 

This national problem in part by myopic nature of strangely defined ideas of shareholder value and effective management and leadership and various of almost biblical interpretation of Chicago economics. Some idiots also think stress creates success. WRONG. Antiquated military "only-option" crisis management now ridiculed by "real certified Project Managers".  However, theatrical.

My experience looking at various companies across Canada indicated stock performance, if not by operational innovation, by culture: the more staff enjoyed their workplace and coworkers and superiors the more PROFIT! From Christmas light companies in Toronto, Art supplies and Skateboard Wheel and Decor importers in Montreal, MANAGEMENT CULTURE critical to efficacy and/or profits. Quality management basics as defined by Deming in Japan's economic turn around oddly ignored in most places. Also as a side note: this why headhunters working for RCMP to major breweries (Oland) shortlist me for senior positions or national projects. And why I'm on the board of directors of publicly trading companies within an hour interview as some in IATSE 891 know as somewhat unique? And as many know my resume always grossly understated? Fact check.

Simply, I may have some small value to help with Workplace and Labour Code Reform and as per below experience and education, and can help put a team together of top legal and psychological scholars and proven project managers and HR experts. I focus on big data and numbers? This as to make real actuarial "measurable" improvement provincially and nationally, and even in IATSE 891. 891 for proof of performance. This if trusteeship and total rebuild and re-brand provided with full major 3rd party accounting audit. Or possibly best IATSE 891 stay with traditional criminal and corrupt textbook incompetent executives and department heads and "systems" as defined below. Costly guessing and faking until the "image" of performance and productivity accepted as convention? Hollywood can afford Bozo-Proof budgeting to major time and material theft with BC tax credit the buffer. A better workplace for majority providing physical and FINANCIAL safety provides for performance and market share growth.


This blog strategy FYI is referred to by political communication pros as "Mercedes Long Copy". This where we know 95% will most certainly not read this blog fully, but key is the 5% that "really" matter most certainly will. That's how you sell top of the line Mercedes to those far more educated. Please do fact check all my claims. I am a voice for hundreds of victims and sadly some now dead also needing justice served and all criminals prosecuted.

Remembrance Day meant something to many

I do know how completely "disgusted" real heroes ALL would be that their "real" sacrifice now allows those from other countries, we helped and in so many ways, now steal and cheat honest Canadians. True? False? Fact check? Much more on this to follow, and the difference between real honest heroes and very disgusting cowardly low-life lying criminal fakes, frauds, who beat-up women and cheat children as named below.


We do have the exact crimes, the documented evidence, protected "honest" witnesses, the dates, the motives, the locations and the exact names of the sleazy not-so-clever criminals involved in theft over $5,000.00 and millions in tax credit fraud, illegal NDAs and undeniable real legal rulings and settlements, and their signature sicko cowardly abuse of coercion and intimidation. Fact check? Bets? Denial? Debate? They have misguided faith and fiction, we have real hard honest facts. True? False? We can't think how we could possibly help RCMP more put such small minded criminal cowards and slime in jail.

How vulnerable "honest" labour is to their legal ignorance to criminal fraud

Of the 10,000, "and the major majority always needing or desperate for work not having insider criminal support", with BC film union local IATSE 891, most "really" don't even have a basic clue how they were lied and cheated of thousands. Poll? 

This ignorance understandable as they're proven top artists, craft and skilled trades, and none near with interests of legal scholars. Nor educated in basic Economics and Law. Both clearly not often a strong point. True? False? Test? 

So sadly, so very easy for uneducated super lying fakes and criminal frauds exactly like John Brummitt and his three decade long very closest criminal associates — including major IATSE 891 union local "presidents" and selected executives, as named below, to lie, fool and con and abuse millions in tax credit fraud. So easy to prove one-on-one as so cowardly at RCMP offices? And sadly USED and ABUSED the trusting many from young members to taxpayers. 

These criminals as such must do very serious jail time and as with the "known" moron's who aid and abet for their obvious gross self interest and proceeds of crime windfall, and with serious community service. 

This as a hard warning to ALL other criminal union executives in BC also feeling themselves so very clever and above the rule of law. This when clearly as fact just lying low life criminals and clearly lacking "REAL" executive, "REAL" management depth, with little education, intellect and integrity. Fact check? True? False?

Criminal justice

The criminal justice system is a foundation of Canadian society. It plays an important part in creating a just, peaceful and safe society. It does this by maintaining public safety, "enforcing laws and protecting people’s rights". 

Clear cowards

Most of my critics seem scared to death to dare confront me in any public forum or criminal court, or video taped as record, so their alpha bravado limited to where safe and no rebuttal for such big talk clear cowards. 

"Don't let them tell you it can't be done" - Jack Layton

Facts matter

We have kept a record of the tweets/X of John Morgan Lewis, with his Osgoode law school background, and as the national Canadian president of IATSE Canada, oddly similarly in words supporting this blogs very exact goals against violence and harassment. And clearly "at work". And the "key role" of trade unions preventing it. Yet, oddly and visibly far beyond scholarly debate, this blog's legal optics certainly goes and does far more. And certainly far more than present Union BC Local President of IATSE 891 Mitch Davie documents as action not words, PR  and meetings full of sound and fury. Why? Yes, why? They have the lawyers. Who know the law. They have the money. We have the law. We have the truth. We know and knew the victims. True? False? 

"Why" will be a key point in why "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" critical in a full overdue forensic Provincial Inquiry. We only have have my single lecture by Sen. Eugene Forsey, my expensive lessons from Keith Spicer, and my work reporting directly to the Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford, and a former roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge. And knowing a couple of Oxford Legal scholars to do dinner with, and as acting law faculty chairs, and my little time in courtrooms and boardrooms across Canada with a wide variety of lawyers, even dating two, so my little undergraduate dilettante elective minor law studies possibly not all a waist?

For context and consideration

A tad more preface for context and consideration before details detailed on criminal factors:

Sounds good

Jordan Peterson explaining political communication by Hitler reflects the scripts, chants and slogans Hitler he suggests tested on mob mindset and keeping best of. Much like the redundant empty cliche' babble "that sounds good" so popular among the series of scripted sophist fallacies used by the less than creative criminal elite in 891 in any very controlled forum published or public that they can cowardly control that restricts honest open meaningful discussion and discourse. Why RCMP offices, a Forensic Provincial Inquiry and "real" criminal courts on millions in tax credit fraud far more attractive for avoiding wasting time with endless BS by bozos and bullies so very cowardly now obviously fearing one-on-one at RCMP offices. Easy to prove me wrong. If wrong? This internal activity effort with tribal noises of the criminal support choir full of sound and fury a bit silly to even entertain. Insanity on parade for some. This will be demonstrated so little debate and ideally videotaped.

John Brummitt to Tom Adair, Paul Klassen and also present IATSE local president aid and abetting, colluding and obstructive Mitch Davie all so desperate for their needed personal affirmation by criminal elite or senate as with dear deceptive Susan Butler-Grey, Don Ramsden and Rob Maier, a case in point. Fortunately, I can handle any of them at RCMP offices one-on-one even the highly aggressive women as use to hysterical loud screaming to tears from my university work in a hospital psychiatric ward. This in Montreal during university. Extremely aggressive male tone, posture and body language also was very common when a doorman and bouncer during university when problems trying to create fear with their game face, where I considered simply the physics of velocity and mass as solution? Fact check. Over a dozen Montreal people now in BC can support my claims, As such, RCMP offices ideal for truth telling. True? False? Only a fool debates with idiots where they are protected or supported by other idiot criminals. Easy to prove?

Too many screwed

So many in the clear "majority" in all BC Film industry and union local IATSE 891 "honest", and "normal", very talented and just need a physical and psychologically safe place to work and advance that others have clearly FAILED to police or provide including laws, BCLRB and BC government. A workplace without the physical fear or threat that clearly even CLC, U of T and Western have documented and define as visible or worse to 7 of 10 workers (See link and overview below). And that as defined in this case study, and added to the excessive financial and income threats in every gig/hiring hall/dispatch/"picks" from East Coast oil rigs to film work on Vancouver Island. Oddly missed by "Creative BC" as possibly far above their pay grade? This clear when criminal and corrupt influences at play in manipulation and subjugation. This also very well defined as per CBC's "The National" report on oddly a Construction union in Quebec. Fact check. Too real?

Thought to measure

The multiple abuses by Ford as premier in Ontario for variety of contractual "considerations" that RCMP now forced investigating far less than the criminal and executive elite in IATSE 891 including John Brummitt's and friends series and decades of documented and witnessed dumbbell efforts and calculated "proportionality" when scaled, screwing far more vulnerable and trusting people pro rata. And children. Denial? Debate welcome? Anytime at RCMP offices and videotaped? I'm kind of ready?

Multiple cases of easy-to-prove criminal morons IATSE 891 "acting" and "wardrobed" looking like honest intelligent people and department heads. This as a byproduct of a theatrical industry here where celebrity more an issue than philanthropy. Criminal failed actors protecting their dictionary and numeric defined oligopolies, that not-so-clever criminals use then to protect their less-than-novel proceeds of crime golden goose cash cow. Show after show after show. Also screwing producers and investors not just the weak and vulnerable members. Bets? And for staging in their own personal fiefdom often fooling themselves as successful or heroic. Multiple Mussolinis on cocaine?  Desperate and delusional.

Don't ask 

Don't ask questions. Or just very easy ones?  Don't rock the boat. Act like servant, slave or disposable and "very" replaceable take-orders front-line foot soldier, or even with title of subordinate or staff, as all self-denigration humiliating subjugation and servitude to criminal elite, has proven attractive career and internal political merit. John Brummitt proof enough for most of little merit for big money as far from best-of-best in IATSE 891? We'll even ask very big time, big shot, big pay, big title Paul Klassen and Tom Adair about criminal "merit" or currency. And the perverse authority it allows such cowardly dishonest criminal idiots to best serve their criminal support ignoring the rule of law. Many rules of law. Labour to criminal.  Subjective and objective perspectives both welcomed and will be considered seriously as an obvious trap for such clever criminal types?

Don't judge a book by its cover or title

Nobody could guess Bill Cosby as an "actor" playing and "acting" as a "father figure" and even loving Jello, would be busted as a super sicko with a passion for date rape drugs. Ted Bundy also initially judged also as a nice clean cut university student and a bit of a charmer. Paedophile priests enjoyed their big shot, big power little local parish franchise title and authority on goodness, truth and beauty, also enjoyed expensive legal cover-up and illegal "NDA settlement masters" by their so Holy Superiors and "using the faithfuls money". Local Vancouver Pickton just a pig farmer. Madoff an investment advisor even family trusted. Most sickos find some novel blend-in disguise and script to hide their very damaged minds and souls. All easily fooled many. As such here do judge carefully both ourselves and claims and those named and as per our claims and "documented" and witnessed facts already showing their true colours. Sick is sick. Much more on fakes, frauds, fools and felons as sad sick criminals below, and their names, when fooling many. Not all? True? False? A forensic shrink can define details as needed and well worth the cost to expose this cowardly ignorant slime in a Provincial Inquiry expediting "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" decades past due.

Some may wonder why no "single signed defence or denial by any named individually or in full solidarity even partially and selectively supporting John Brummitt and named three decade support? Why not? No "HONEST PERSON" takes such clearly public abuse and defaming claims as in this published blog with legal on staff and member's money to further abuse. Well, unless many clearly serious crimes to hide and fearing serious jail time. Why so very afraid for so long to simply deny or defend themselves and reputation of those specifically named with RCMP to membership. Too many traps? True? False? Fact check. Odd how I can't even get one (1) past or present 891 local big brave bold 891 president to deal with little wee me or all gang up in collusion to aid and abet each other in real legal world?

Posting security warnings for TV show wrap parties to defame, coerce and intimidate honest whistle blowers and a pathetic veneer of credibility few intelligent people bought about as stupid as internal trials and lying to RCMP when criminal and thieves get so desperate. Very desperate and panic again trusting their illusion of superior intellect and judgement. True? False? Let others judge when truth all told? This will be fun. 

NOTE: Even if quick charges and guilty pleas when some forced to squeal for a deal for reduced criminal charges a Provincial Inquiry will still be critical to footnote a foundation for expediting "Workplace and Labour Code Reform".

Ignorant faith vs. informed real fact

Workplace and Labour Code Reform without Meaningful Tax reform and UBI considerations will continue to make Labour movement and critical reduction of income inequality a literal documented joke. Add criminal influence and control at union local level only adding to this social mess. True? False?

A cancerous culture of crime and corruption

Hey wake up to exactly what others see as so obvious: 

Others as documented, and witnessed all see the problem with the so clear critical criminal influence in BC union local IATSE 891. Some just posturing and pretending stupid when often faking papal infallibility? And not just BCLRB rulings on bullies and their BS with their classic "Coercion and Intimidation" and "Bad Faith" issues. As documented.

And as detailed below and clearly not just local BC Churches to Temples and from Revelstoke to Richmond, Prince George to Pitt Meadows, and not just religious right disgusted, but even as fact major very left wing national media as per excerpt below.

British Columbia: IATSE suppresses opposition to union malfeasance

"Amid growing outrage among the members of Vancouver-based International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 891 over a misuse of union funds scandal, the union has moved to blatantly silence opposition voices. In an email blast to all members late last month under the signature of Local 891 President Keith Woods, IATSE threatened workers with criminal charges if details of a spending scandal were further publicized". Why? It gets much worse unless an idiot in denial or criminals in panic?

"At issue is the racking up of tens of thousands of dollars in personal expenses dating from 2008 to 2017 on a union credit card by Senior IATSE Steward Kelly Moon. Moon has been firmly ensconced in the IATSE bureaucracy for many years. She has been elected three times to the union’s Executive Board, participated in contract bargaining committees, worked on committees with the British Columbia Federation of Labour, and served as an IATSE delegate to the Canadian Labour Congress."

"Woods’ threat to the membership came just prior to the opening of the local union’s election window for executive officials, including the Senior Shop Steward position. Moon has once again stood for reelection.

Details of Moon’s abuse of the union credit card were revealed on January 24, 2019, in a single paragraph in the union local’s weekly e-newsletter during the deepest part of the winter downtime period for the industry. The communication contained a hyperlink to an Audit Committee report of the credit card abuses. Within a week, the report was taken down by the union".

"The Audit report begins with the statement, “In 2008, the Senior Steward incurred $43,464.09 in personal expenses. This included, among other things, extensive charges at casinos, cash advances, clothing and interest.” There followed an itemized list of these expenses. The audit report listed another $3,730.41 in expenses during the first 47 days of 2009 deemed to be personal, including large cash advances. On February 16, 2009, the union Executive Board, with Moon in attendance, passed a revised credit card policy that clearly prohibited use of the union credit card for personal expenses, including cash advances. However, Moon continued to use her card for these prohibited activities."

So much more to follow with this very criminal freak show. And also so easy to prove and why slime must do jail time. Add other added cases of theft over $5,000.00 and literally millions in tax credit fraud. Mr. Wood even documents the level and cost of legal scandals and use of illegal NDAs to hide crimes from victims and membership. True? False?

Should be so very obvious 

Should be so very obvious Kelly Moon can easily put a few of the criminal elite in IATSE 891 criminal elite with others misuse of trusting members money in jail for a few years. Like John Brummitt and his three decade support by Don Ramsden and Rob Maier, when full truth all told, if she "squeals for a deal". Or any other of two dozen criminal insiders start to talk. This for reduced charges and jail time. This is no joke. If she can make even major tough guy idiot Keith Woods, when local IATSE president threaten honest membership with his big tough guy bluff of legal muscle that he never had or ever could. Certainly clearly unable to coerce and intimidate little wee me. Do look so forward to face-to-face and one-on-one with this human cowardly fraud at RCMP offices when no empowering title or power anymore, and just another dishonest slime working trades. Come and get me tough guy find out exactly why you can't intimidate me. Or all bluff and BS lies as with others?

Where so easy to intimidate others physically and financially harder to intimidate me as a former doorman and bouncer in known biker bars in Montreal and Ottawa and even Banff and Jasper with steel gang working rails, and friends with black belt and formal boxing trained. And where some know from CTV and CBC news know and recorded my walking alone and joking with Justin's daddy and my reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and my old roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge, a bit hard for whole life-time losers like John Brummitt and Tom Adair to intimidate moi and with their pathetic postured authority when reality very little education and very little real management experience. And yet in the shadow of Parliament buildings in Ottawa myself also peeling potatoes in the Good Shepard mission with highly decorated military also peeling for homeless. Not just leading national employment program for handicap in wheel chairs, blind and deaf. And easy to check not only Santa delivering money, food and gifts on Christmas Eve? And these sick liars and losers try and defame me and them as known women beaters and children cheaters and lives of lies. Time for RCMP to put a few paint roller princesses and those who who would be kings in jail for at least a few years. True? False?

Where does it end

Where does it end when even the top labour people from CLC to NDP so clearly afraid to deal with their key major credibility problem of ignoring how criminals within can hijack "any" local union, and so very easily — as this case study PROVES — and turn it into their personal "cash candy store"? And more perverse and to point, ignore abuses that even banks wouldn't tolerate of women beaten and children cheated. So impressive how so many babbling bozos intend or can pretend not "their problem". This as trust of their leadership and labour movement credibility erodes faster than workers disposable income. And net, as they do no more than babble about many issues wasting members time and money they can do little about fooling so many and themselves. Sometimes prison time more key than picket sign prose. True? False? Any dare deny or debate?

Facts is da' facts

For the record and to foreshadow some hard facts to follow: 

1) Proving the "millions and millions" in tax credit and membership fraud, children cheated, will literally will take less than an hour with those "really" educated in law and economics. And do add the resulting individual enrichment by traditional proceeds of crime, and as either traditional protected political criminal position, power and bigger pay and perks. And big shot little league title. And as executive something or the so impressive department head. And so key this literally since "1992". Yes, will take less than an hour with those "really" educated in law and economics. I had been a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE and done national "Audits" and with a novel legal network few in Canada can match. My old roommate and FB friend a BC Criminal Court Judge. More below. Fact check?

2) However, to be fair, proving continuous theft over $5,000.00 over 30 years by multiple parties loading their personal vehicles and trucks on Friday afternoon a bit trickier. A bit? However, those possibly more spiritual might suggest the latter why God gave the justice system "perjury traps" for such criminal idiots who brag about statute of limitations. This as backup so an easy bust on perjury with such self-thought so criminally clever criminal bozos.

3) And "absolutely and most certainly" proving "coercion and intimidation" probably the very easiest thing to prove with BCLRB rulings to law firm files, hundreds of witnesses and "settlements without mandamus" and multiple illegal NDAs. NDAs for clearly "criminal purpose and protection". Clearly? And that far beyond the shadow of a doubt stuff. This then leaving only those with serious and often displayed major mental issues left to deny or try and ignore or diminish. 

4) Proving the "calculated and colluded" deliberate lies to RCMP to "USE" and "INSULT" RCMP and Canadian Justice System as puppets and props as to serve obvious criminal purpose and goals, of more than just note? And added with cute very ugly threats and bluff of textbook "wrongful prosecution" as on file and now also a matter of record. 

5) Internal "ILLEGAL" trials by multiple factors and by life-time full-time fakes and frauds, playing and pretending judicial super brains as to protect criminals from "disrepute" documents more than stupidity and waste of members money as documented by the documented dummies themselves. Clearly believing their own BS and affirming circle chants, hardly a matter of debate. True? False? Other matters many know of, best kept as a surprise. Surprises are fun.

Mental health facts

"IATSE 891 has extended its health benefits until April, Braunwarth said, so members can get counselling. “They're having various mental health crises". 50 percent suffer some form of mental illness on average. Gets far worse when so much clear criminal abuses and as interest rates and inflation cripples disposable income for years to come. This while working or faking working(?) 10 plus hours daily, hardly glamorous or to be proud of. If one gives one's head a shake. Thank God Labour Movement created the 40 hour week for those not so weak and vulnerable to overtime manipulation and miscalculations? True? False?

UAW Workers at Ford Won 
⦿ A 25% raise over 4 1/2 yrs
⦿ An 11% raise at ratification

IATSE 891 will win what, or even has really won what exactly? And in last 30 years as compared to history of their fat union executive income and perks and abuse of funds.


As obvious to far too many, some of these serious criminals represent a very high probability  of "flight risk". This due to "Country of Origin" and/or non-Canadian residence. Fact check?

In addition, seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime must also used to reduce widespread destruction of evidence (e.g. Computers-Cell Phones, illegal NDAs and movement of major personal criminal assets and bank accounts).

We must clean up all criminal infested BC and Canadian union locals. Starting with one criminal union local at-time. IATSE 891 a perfect place to start. True? False? Plus expose all criminal puppets who aid and abet and collude with these clear cowardly children cheaters and women beaters, and key to continuous "coercion and intimidation". And clearly based on gross self interest and vanity issues. 

The NDP needs to clean house of dirty (and ignorant union executives) at the union local level to once again regain public credibility for NDP federally and provincially. I certainly feel safe to argue Jack Layton and Ed Broadbent would agree. True? False?

Sadly, RCMP will most probably "again" have to ask questions of Adrian Dix prior to election. And now, this time, about his film friends and funds. And RCMP may need to actually seize far more than just Adrian Dix's computer. This time. And as well as his Hollywood friend's cell phone and computer. This as oddly now a director in BCLC from paint roller princess. Magic? And absolutely the phones and computers of all her criminal film friends. Some already busted by BCLRB for "Coercion and Intimidation". And as many files and records may be of serious use to RCMP and CRA. This now all a result as other lies to RCMP soon all exposed as per below. This tragically involving children cheated, women beaten, plus millions in tax credit fraud. This obvious by very clever criminals all in collusion and under the illusion all of them above the rule of law. Wrong. Bets?

NOTE: My Montreal friend's daughter "murdered", so I have zero sympathy for slime that beat up women and cheat children. Also know far too many women as victims of rape. So allow for my total disgust for such sleazy lying criminals and cowards.

They are the RCMP

The strength of the RCMP has been a continuing — and continually surprising — growing source of good news.

A fan since knowing the great guys at RCMP in Jasper in 1974 stopping criminals to impressing tourists. Later the RCMP so key to expediting efforts and focus about the sick low-life criminals in IATSE 891. And as busted "twice" lying to RCMP and lying to BCLRB and Provincial Inquiries. And oddly all this again with John Brummitt's key three decade criminal power contacts and their continued efforts attempting coercion and intimidation. This fact as per legal files at Davis & Company to Gowling Law firm to start. This also including the 891 criminals pathetic high school level PR, word spin, lies and their disgusting efforts to protect criminals from "disrepute". Those who beat women and cheat children to cheating majority of trusting members and foreign investors. And thinking so powerful and above the rule of law and against honest 891 members with clear documented efforts at serious "criminal" wrongful prosecution. True? False?

These well documented sleazy criminal idiots thinking themselves so  very clever as even dare "USING RCMP" as their personal petty political props, pawns and puppets for PR. Any criminals as so Alpha and brilliant, like John Brummitt or buddies, dare wish to deny at RCMP offices face-to-face avec moi? Any? 

More details on this in a meaningful "Criminal BC Provincial Inquiry" exactly like done in Montreal? This a key part, with full criminal prosecution on this leading to critically needed past due: "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" in BC.

The RCMP are the 24/7 heroes of society. They fight a war daily for a lifetime. Risking life and health. Some ride silent gentle horses to make children to tourists smile or in speeding screaming cars to save a child's life. The truth simply told.

They protect all Canadians from such clever criminals who would "harm or hurt the ones you love". From protecting highly vulnerable seniors from fraud, to children and teens and others from the bigger tragedy of domestic violence. The truth simply told.

They do the volumes of paperwork to break and bust the financial crimes that cheat us all as with BC union local IATSE 891, and their cowardly now handy brilliant see-no-evil, hear-no-evil defence no legal authourity would ever believe. And as strategically overpaid political support, willing to sell their soul to look important. The RCMP clean out the bad in business, they clean out the bad in unions. The bullies, the burglars, the bank fraud. The treasonous cheaters from within Canada. The truth simply told.

They make it all better. And better every single minute. 24/7. They fight a war daily for a lifetime. The heroes of society wear red. They are the RCMP.

What's to fear being honest, exposed and judged
The criminals loved the abuse of their petty political power and position to play judge on those younger or weaker, and who got criminal financial preference and key criminal support for their proven cowardly servitude. Now the fun begins.They will now be judged as "honest" and "protected" witnesses and as hard evidence speaks for itself.

As such, we do strongly recommend a Forensic Psychiatrist be used as a key part of expediting a Provincial Inquiry of Criminal Tax Credit fraud in film industry enriching low life criminals while cheating children and sadly with no tax credit for police, nurses and teachers. This is done as to best understand the criminal elite individually and their motivating factors. And as more added support for goal of needed critical: Workplace and Labour Code Reform

This to span from the childhood trauma that Kelly Moon suffered resulting in her sense of entitlement to her well documented gambling and other problems, as discussed and documented and beyond defence or denial (See Link). It will also help criminal courts to later understand the anger management, women, and ego problems that psychopathic Don Ramsden suffered as with "others" from such military service damage and other complexes.
We can also see the major temptation for those like punk Paul Klassen from being a very major nobody film editor with the new criminal respect given him to pretend and play like a puppet to collude, aid and abet criminal elite as a now documented judicial joke. Such a sad joke. And only embarrassed himself as his efforts were both illegal and simply very stupid, with no standard of care. And shows the temptation of much bigger pay, illusion of faux respect when serving, aid and abetting a criminal elite provides.

This is exactly the same as with major authoritative big shot Tom Adair who in hard reality was/is no more than also just another average carpenter and do ask others as Tom unable to even be a minimal department head. Also tempted with a big title and big meritless big pay, to pretend he's more honest and educated than the literally as fact  "hundreds of members" as documented wanting him and buddies ``audited" as documented and in his own authoritative words and when really not much of an authority on anything exactly. This, again, as documented in his own pontificating words. A life of lies and helping criminals keep dirty secrets. And as witnessed and while sadly also "needing and supported" by John Brummitt that all the desperate require, as the best morons they can use.

John Brummitt likes to pretend to those from his previous life and problems, he's some working class hero when in fact he is no more than just some sad pathetic shoeshine boy for major thief Rob Maier and his ego and integrity problems. And both so often laughed at by his peers, senior members and even subordinates far more honest, intelligent, educated and skilled. Fact check.

Failed marriages and partnerships, of the criminal elite if not obvious as simply dysfunctional, and from paint roller princesses with obvious poor image issues, will also explain much, and as documented even in trial transcripts?

Others with substance abuse forgetting all the very costly mistakes and damage done will also need review. The other side of nepotism that protects idiots with drug problems.

Hey, absolutely, I also totally expect myself to be "again" tested by top shrinks as only fair. And as compared to these fine folks. Maybe these new shrinks will end up paying me as well as Dr. Gandel in Montreal did to help with his career and income issues? I am a big fan of Montreal super brain Dr. Pinker from McGill, now at Harvard, and even my cousin, an internationally respected "forensic" psychiatrist, who was also helpful with initial 891 profiles. As with a psychiatric nurse? My old girlfriend also got her doctorate in psychology and went to McGill. Actually a few in my family with degrees in psychology and medicine?

What's to fear by those named if not suffering mental illness and criminals who should go to jail. Much more on this below and to follow.

Hey, I'm not perfect, who is? But not delusional criminal and a lifelong liar thinking above the rule of law and acting like some big shot with really little education, intellect, integrity and now fearing serious jail time with "real" psychiatric evaluation and most mostly empowered by cocaine, pain killers, beer and BS. Or making a fool of Adrian Dix? True? False?

We do give far more than multiple and ample opportunities for any of the criminals named or their support to so very-very quickly protect their reputation to police, membership, family and friends from any and all possible false claims. So easy to prove what working class heroes they pretend to be. Just meet little wee me at RCMP offices ASAP and we both as "equals before the law" and all do "volunteer non-admissible polygraph". How fair? Helps RCMP not waste valuable life-saving time and money with losers, liars and lunatics who cheat children and beat women. We all want to fully respect RCMP time and rule of law don't we? And expose criminals, liars, thieves and fakes fast. And ensure any amazingly accomplished people get all the respect they fully deserve or jail time?

I am kind of fun

As detailed below, I became a huge fan of GSR technology like CIA, FBI, RCMP, in 1973 at the Police Technology  taught at John Abbott College in Kirkland Quebec. Fact check? And later loving GSR even more in my minor attempt on Graduate work in Biocybernetics in 1979 at Loyola in Montreal, and became even more of a fan. Fact check. My studies in "formal logic" so not fooled by the BS of such mini-masters in deceptive sophist rhetoric as undergraduate studies also at Loyola in Montreal, helpful. Check? See my grades as documented at Concordia University? With sister and girlfriend as Psychology students at McGill as well as few cousins and working in a psychiatric ward and clinic during university and at CBC in Montreal and Toronto with award winning investigative journalists, also enlightening, and best how to "bait, trick and trap" pathological liars? My legal studies also providing a tiny advantage to call the BS of the criminal elite from local union presidents Don Ramsden to Keith Woods and Mitch Davie others fear or foolishly respect. Watch me? Ask around about my history as witnessed in "real" boardrooms and criminal court rooms even busting — as a few in IATSE 891 know — busting funny numbers by Accountants, CEOs, VPs, MBAs, and scholars of note? 

Why so easy for myself to take on any of the dishonest IATSE 891 union executive and criminal elite gang involved in millions in tax credit fraud, theft over $5,000, cheating children and beating women and enjoying proceeds of crime at RCMP offices. I am kind of fun. 

My amazing highly "really" accomplished girlfriends as detailed below would agree even if the postured pretence of John Brummitt and support and paint roller princesses disagree? Idiots who think their junior high school level lies will protect them against hard evidence and protected witnesses. Some smarter liars and criminals should consider to "squeal for a deal" to reduce charges and jail time. I am kind of fun and certainly have entertained RCMP before and will again? Time to play where honesty critical and avoid the insanity, corruption and criminal inside IATSE 891 where criminals felt so protected and empowered to enjoy proceeds of crime.  Maybe I'm not as smart as John Brummitt and paint roller princesses. Best for RCMP, Criminal Courts to "judge us all".  I am kind of fun and never feared fools or their titles.

The criminal cult and creed

These criminals so insanely afraid of jail time as they block any "public post possible" and as certainly not fans of freedom of expression and details of defamation law, or addressing even their their legal muscle (best to ignore as with others lawyers frozen in other non union matters. Why waste expensive letterhead when fooling no one?) And funny as with their "legal super stars" that the idiot criminals once thought would be so threatening and intimidating to little wee me. 

Same misguided idiots who also think statute of limitations a get-out-of-jail free card not so easily blown apart and surpassed by "real" legal scholars use of "multiple perjury traps" so applicable? Why so afraid to be legal and honest many ask. Why so afraid of a failed comedy writer? 

Criminals absolutely. Cowards absolutely  Fakes and frauds also easy to prove. Any criminal super brain wanna come out and play in the real legal system? How odd?

The best saved for last as overkill? Legal giants like DARROCH CAMPBELL and BRIAN WHITFIELD usually find me kind of fun? Yes, one man's ceiling is another man's floor. Why so many changes in IATSE 891 legal support? Not willing to be played puppets as per BCLRB rulings and associated for police files with lies to RCMP now a matter of record.

And added with documented "failed BCLRB appeals" on clear coercion and intimidation. Yes, as John Brummitt might even suggest linear regression "alone" possibly problematic, so why not employ the same minimal standards at Harvard and Stanford with numbers as per Harvard's Dr. Pinker's "real leadership" and the added actuarial precision of Sapolsky at Stanford. Brummitt and buddies deserves the best and such peer review?

Try also and see yourself as an "honest worker" with a special needs child and a family to feed, and examine closely the very sick abuse of power such very sick ugly criminals like John Brummitt and Rob Maier have over your family income by reputation, and their sickening criminal cowardly support? Plus "known as fact" to lie to also RCMP and use the RCMP (twice) as as their sickening petty political puppets and props to "coerce and intimidate" honest workers. Yes, that sick and ugly. Bets? One of a hundred reasons a top forensic psychologist needed for both a meaningful Provincial Inquiry on criminal union locals like IATSE 891 and the full criminal prosecution required.

Sad, sad, sad

So very sad when literally the "honest reality" IS: thousands of honest talented BC FILM UNION LOCAL IATSE 891 members, their family and children, will suffer serious "FOOD INSECURITY" with strike shadow this Christmas. 

This while known ugly fat selfish and very self consumed criminals, exactly as named, and their critical criminal aid and abetting support, are still fat enjoying proceeds of crime. Fact check? 
And as will become more tragic and obvious to many far more sophisticated, educated and informed, that their "success" as hard fact not as they are so very clever, but just low life CRIMINALS. 

Any of their best super brains in executive and criminal elite welcome to debate little wee me at RCMP offices. Why so very-very afraid? Why now such cowards?

Ideally I hope to deal with "every single living past and present lying criminal IATSE 891 local Union president", one-on-one at RCMP offices. For a few hours. Shouldn't take long to prove to RCMP what very serious criminals and crimes ($5,000.00 Plus) involved.

And hopefully, I feel even brave enough to deal as well with major big shot big title big brain criminals like Paul Klassen and Tom Adair. Ideally even dealing with respected and loved criminals like Rob Maier and John Brummitt. Both so very impressive. All these super brains and as such very clever criminals all against little wee nobody me? What are the odds not one goes to jail 1-3 yrs? Bets?

Merry Christmas liars, fakes, frauds, criminals?

This was great. Much to do.

 "Can't Get There from Here: Thoughts on the Idea of Labour Law Reform in the 21st Century" November 30, 2023 
Speakers : David J. Doorey, Associate Professor, York University

Special comment

Eby eviscerates Rustad. Excellent.

Eby was nothing short of progressive excellence in demonstrated raw real leadership. Sticking up for special vulnerable children (and so very few and non-voters) and respecting human life in all the magical variations and motivations. The words historic and heroic seem to work?

He stood up for one of the very weakest and vulnerable minorities. As such the "majority" in BC "should" feel safe in Eby's good and "honest" hands. Hopefully his BC NDP party as smart and follows this leadership. His position had greater risk than reward and more moral merit than money could buy or media could message. 

Sonia, also as "always" no slouch with her attack on nefarious NDAs as also supported by most lawyers in Canada. And as so abused by criminals in this case study below with film union local IATSE 891 and the reckless, irresponsible use of OPM. In trust?

Falcon, however, if BCU or Sonia and Greens "fast enough", before election (less than a year away), both can use this workers rights and protection issue as flagship, and OWN this BRAND EXTENSION for share expansion at NDP switcher or swing voter expense? And be over NDP in top of mind and credibility prior to election promoting "New Workplace worker protection and Labour Code Reform". Doing an end run on 3rd and ten, and do such very serious damage to NDP. This as better visibly and legally honestly protecting workers. This as per problems defined by CLC, U of T and Western below? Numbers and polling that my work with CBC, Federal Liberals and Fortune 500 giants makes me suspect that these scholarly numbers understated due to polling methodology and as with various pollster's their question design. Something I learned from Joe Clark's pollster in '76 in Banff and Ottawa and certainly reinforced by Dix election defeat polling missed by twenty points.

Hopefully this will inspire Falcon and fire up Furstenau to also demonstrate similar boldness and bravery for others as situational very weak and vulnerable in BC. And as the victims CLC, U of T and Western define with this blog (See link below). And also continue to raise the bar in BC for compassion and the "new rational thinking" in political leadership? This as defined by Dr. Pinker at Harvard and "Bayes and big numbers in the age of AI" and the new enlightenment. And so very clear this supported by serious science at Stanford by Dr. Sapolsky for those still in the dark ages who dare debate them, and with such thinking, and by default, only proves their studies?

The victims defined in this blog also weak and vulnerable, but they are many, and these victims are dormant or swing "voters". Swing voters who switch hungry for any one of three main party BC leaders or ideally all three, to improve the safety and quality of life in the BC workplace. This with overdue legislated change, as outlined briefly below, and that based on a foundation of a series of dozens of successful criminal prosecutions. Prosecutions of those who beat women, cheat children, cheat friends, cheat on their partners, cheat coworkers and cheat even union brothers and sisters, cheat and steal from employers, cheat CRA, steal ($5,000.00+), coerce and intimidate and defame honest accomplished people. These fakes, frauds and felons treating RCMP like fools and using RCMP as their political puppets and pawns to play with and to threaten illegal wrongful prosecution of honest people. This as just so clever criminals. Not! And criminally restrict trade and guilty of economic interference in their many non-union matters and via "preferred" higher priced suppliers? Bets? And keep many criminal secrets one suspects from trusting Adrian Dix? This as a start.

Recent Angus Reid polls show another "statistical" twenty point advantage for NDP. An advantage of 20 points that saw Adrian Dix still lose a provincial election. Haunted by RCMP needing to seize Dix's computer to get dates fixed, to the people Dix seen with he chose from film industry to visit Hollywood with, and with serious criminal associations, and having OPM (without mandate or oversight). Yet certainly help secure personal positions at BCLC in oddly positions of trust. And given even over many in NDP far more educated, more experienced, more intelligent, more honest. True? False? Add movement in Western cultures of union members voting more and more for right wing parties as a noted trend, and things can go south again with so many "tipping point" issues in a polarized election.

Another heroic NDP MP

Another heroic NDP MP for Victoria, Laurel Collins, really should find out about Adrian Dix's friend Dusty Kelly, now well paid at BCLC and her sick criminal connections, past and her key documented connections and support by women beaters, children cheaters and those guilty of millions in tax credit fraud. Any criminal dummies or even their very expense criminal defence lawyers dare debate the facts? Any? Anytime? And video taped?

Time for cowardly criminal rats to run

"Among its recommendations was for Ottawa to review existing criminal law and consider drafting legislation directed at "coercive control".

The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police says it has repeatedly advocated for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to create "new offences" specifically targeted at "coercive control". Seems time to expose such documented and witnessed low life human garbage. Exactly as named here, and their history of sick abuse of petty power for "proceeds of crime" and their pathetic efforts at "coercive control" as witnessed and documented ..."

Who best for RCMP to interrogate fully on all Facts, all NDAs and all related Rumours? And all the documented obstructive lies to RCMP?

Judge and compare

Please judge fairly and honestly these following recommendations for legislated changes both Criminal and Political. And with clear case study applicable to all of Canada's workplaces. Victim restitution the priority. And as compared to any and all other submissions and criminal denial. Comprehensive elements we hope satisfactory, and not just to higher Criminal Court standards, but even a tad scholarly? And street savvy? And now clearly puts ALL critics and criminals on a very desperate defensive to even attempt or suggest denial.

  • We have clearly identified: "Purpose" (Primary as fair, honest and full victim restitution. And including the direct and indirect proceeds of crime from clear criminal collusion as witnessed enjoyed by criminals for decades).
  • We have clearly identified:"Recommendations" (Legislated "changes" Criminal and Political). 
  • The "Rationale" has been meticulously established, employing legal principles, formal logic, scientific methodologies such as Bayesian priors and data distributions, the Socratic method, and an empathetic perspective toward the victims.
  • We have tried to make the "Background" section not only informative and educational, but also entertaining and colourful. I am a failed comedy writer, and with very minor and somewhat meaningless international recognition. Third parties like publications, politicians and market research firms oddly so often far more flattering. Exactly as documented? True? False?
  • The key facts almost near complete with the exact: Who, what, where, when and why as required.
  • The critical "documented evidence and protected witnesses" clearly respecting legal requirements for proof, facts and truth on standby. My mentors masters?

It should be very obvious below why we start with the initiative and recommendation with the very Political and an essential Provincial Inquiry and prior to majority of criminal charges and criminal courts. This for cost-efficacy, time optimization, material quality (Deming?), and speed. Please judge us on all four factors?

Blog Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to: 

1) Help. Help legally, and "fully" expose to RCMP, Crown Prosecution, CRA and all BC political parties for Criminal Prosecution over a dozen serious criminals in BC Film Industry. And seriously help "all union and non-union workers" feel and "BE" far physically and financially safer from coercion and intimidation or far worse. This with legislated changes as per below? 

New News: We will also very soon now use Twitter and Instagram as to far better funnel far greater distribution/reach and effective target frequency to FB and original news Blog. This as criminals have so very cleverly forced us, once again, to escalate and advance and "diversify" our efforts, and with new counter flanker legal moves? This also allows us direct efforts at various other political BC MLA web and Production offices. And with with email flooding in BC and with selected film union local targets from LA to New York in US. And nationally Vancouver to Halifax with major media targets?

Earlier than planned, but criminals do help. From major motivation cheating children for focus to lies to RCMP. And criminals by default and deed do actually help identify hot key buttons where they clearly feel weakest? And still so very obvious fearing "real" court rooms, RCMP and full disclosure? We have had to deal with Google and META legal issues in other non-union criminal matters on East Coast.

As a note, we are also very major troublemakers for some clever "non-union and non film and TV" criminals in Montreal, so not like we are just picking on just the criminals in IATSE 891's executive criminal elite in Vancouver. 
We enjoy variety.

2) Purpose. This with some of the criminals named below and their key support in criminal collusion targeted for convictions and with 5 to 10 year sentence goals. Plus assets and savings as textbook laundered proceeds of crime seized. This to best try to compensate ALL cheated from children to taxpayers.

We estimate legal defence costs for all criminals, and those who collude to aid and abet in key criminal support, like the very cowardly "executive"  criminals clearly involved, "this time", as to easily exceed $250,000.00. This even before fast approaching provincial election and more and more crimes revealed to police and CRA and costs take off? And again criminals better not dare use honest member's honest money "again" to defend very sick criminals already enjoying windfall of proceeds of crime. But certainly we do hope they do continue to lie to RCMP as to add to their mushrooming problems that any new efforts at a deceptive defence will certainly create for all the slime. This time, and far more fun, will be with literally thousands "honestly" informed watching these criminals by name and pictures all try and lie, including more lying to Police, Crown Counsel, Politicians, Forensic Psychiatrists and top Legal Scholars. And all union locals across Canada and whole industry across Canada also to be informed. This as critical case law made and legislated reform addressed. See below exactly how.  And why? True? False? Think about it?

3) This based on real total victim count, total amounts and their clever protected pattern of crime, corruption  and contempt. 

4) This as media amplified trials and decision done as a warning to others thinking also above the rule of law. And where other cowardly criminals think they can abuse and cheat those weaker.  Even using coercion and intimidation as witnessed and very well documented. Purpose.

5) Why the need for "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" far more than a needed given. This key case study as a critical, cost-effective, important and needed first step towards legislated "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". And needed change. 

6) In addition, expose millions in tax credit fraud to theft and how literally hundreds of children cheated of life insurance. Purpose.

7) And key the criminal's long time connections to NDP Federally and Provincially. This done below and fully supported with "honest witness testimony under oath", plus documented trusted third party evidence. And add a wide variety of trusted academic studies from Stanford to McGill and key legal references. Literally thousands of innocent victims from little children to "honest" businesses needing fair and honest legal restitution. 

8) Help those also needing a strong critical voice to expose and to fully prosecute criminals and their criminal abuses. As detailed below.  A "real" life, "real" world detective story. Guess who done it? Includes "real" strange people, twists and "sister" subplots? Name choices below. Guess who done it? And no one acted alone? Too cowardly. 

9) Ideally done with possibly someone to voice for victims who can't be so easily "intimidated and coerced" or bullied and harassed legally, physically and intellectually. Unlike some small women or honest young man suffers by low life criminals. A voice for victims that could not be silenced, bought or bribed with settlements, positions, NDAs or proceeds of crime. This as to help aid and abet in criminal collusion a variety of criminal acts. 

A voice for victims who has worked with national news media and "award winning investigative journalists". Award winning investigative journalists who have already, and as fate would have it, have already researched, written and produced a report for CBC's "The National" on Crime and Corruption. And in Quebec's largest union and dealing with far more educated, clever, savvy and sophisticated criminals, but similar issues. I had earlier told him about IATSE 891 criminals at a BBQ at his home in Westmount and after tennis about my BC legal goals. He also has some serious depth on political reporting. Both Federal and Provincial. And like with other twisted-tales, story hungry East Coast journalists can maybe also see how this can also so easily snowball in a polarised province like BC? And polls now showing union voters, as in the US, voting right or conservative? And this most important in BC where "switchers historically as a political psycho-graphic profile rules". 

And this worker-protection platform aimed at NDP core can provide Green the balance of power no longer played as trusting fools, and now rather brilliant also going at Dix directly, and on both his RCMP  history of integrity and health policy. It will not be pretty. True? False? See below for more. Plus add also for "four decades", myself personal friends and former roommate of a BC Criminal Court Judge. And do also add, also from my limited social circle, a noted published international Oxford Legal Scholar and former acting Chair UBC Law Faculty (Labour). Also for decades? Whose help with another Oxford Legal Scholar over dinner discussing the criminal brains in IATSE 891 so helpful? Again salmon served. Plus, as icing on the cake, add my own humble history familiar with "reporting directly" to the Attorney General of Canada, as kind of a perfect basic legal foundation? Supply lines critical as every military and history textbook makes clear? Yes? No? Add as needed to taste add: two Forensic Psychiatrists. One as family and another married to a long time family friends. Might as well add 3 generation friends with a former Prime Minister's family. Probably most not needed to ensure jail time for lying criminal slime? Yes, a"real" life, "real" world detective story. Ready now for RCMP and a handful of MLAs to be heroes for the weak and sadly too often forgotten or ignored. The working class voter-victim. 

Note: This new recent name-dropping from my past for many (as so few knew. Fact check?), not done as a threat or sword, or that I forgot to brag on my resume, but as a noted shield and network as to fully ensure that the only sword that counts is the "Rule of Law" — this as introduced to me in Ottawa by Sen. Eugene Forsey? And that the pound of flesh bit all addressed. And idiot criminals like John Brummitt and up to even big shot title Paul Klassen criminally judged. Judged as they have judged. Seems honest? Seems so fair? And done by those with such "real" duty, responsibility or mandate to execute the rule of law. And this also as a small warning to silly young lawyers trying to impress stupid criminal clients. A lawyer at internal trials certainly didn't help criminals much? How much was billed for bozos to continue to bluff any legality or endless facade of legitimacy? Again, just makes the stupid look even more stupid and even more criminal. True? False?

10) Help ensure full support for RCMP investigation and interrogation, plus the successful prosecution of all criminals involved in this "showcase and precedent setting case". Clearly involving millions in fraud and hundreds of victims. And alone, in its self, clear cause for BC "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". And this just the tip of the iceberg as per CLC, U of T, Western study (link below).

11) Help save RCMP big money and big time in the investigation and interrogation of all these criminals.
12) This done soon with a few key BC MLAs providing full RCMP signed and stated support. And done as to compensate hundreds of children cheated, and expose fully for prosecution literally millions in tax credit fraud. 

13) And that these proceeds of crime seized. 

14) Hopefully as part of this blog's important purpose and goals, these notes and legal references will also help many others to come forward. And help both them and their lawyers with criminal, civil, labour, and possibly some small claims issues for those who are members but have also incorporated interests? Anyone in their right mind "honestly" think it best that ALL these criminals ALL get away with ALL their cowardly and sneaky clever series of crimes? Every single one? Plus forgiven for the sick abuses exploiting the weakest, funds and key positions of trust? And should keep the proceeds of crime that indirectly enriched them? Crimes and corruption that provided for coronation or the most pathetic exercise in democracy, transparency and accountability. This with elections involving special self interest of large departments and their criminal and corrupt candidates. True? False? Only the foolish trusting such corrupt elections based on fraudulent concealment and other devices that makes you a star in used car sales. Please raise your hand for all to see if you agree best criminals set free? Few will soon show their faces or dare raise their hands when RCMP finished investigations and interrogations. And truth "all" told. Bets?

15) Defining risk to Federal and Provincial NDP in next election ignoring the cancer of crime and corruption here that won't go away like growing housing to health mess. And even worse if Falcon or Sonia use this motherhood and heart-string "honest" oppourtunity to win many more added, growing and available "switcher" seats (See polls below)? "Eby said the breaches are very serious and led to the government firing BC Housing’s board ..."? Dix had a very big huge lead in polls and still lost provincial election. Eby honeymoon will fade as problems grow. 

NDP better fix this one fast before Falcon and Sonia steal this easy to message and media 100% honest effort as to be real honest voter-credible heroes. And both gain key to "vulnerable seats". See below. 

16) The end goal purpose meaningful actionable legislated:

"Workplace and Labour Code Reform"

Why now critical, and why this blog now, is also detailed below.

Why here and now specifically targeting the crimes and criminal elite in one BC film union IATSE 891 as a political time bomb for next BC election, case study and precedent, explained more below. 

Simply, BC film union local IATSE 891 used as a key example of criminal and corrupt influence, as so many key and relative elements to ALL OF CANADA. And as so well documented and witnessed, as to make the case, and added and supported rather well with 30 years of focused observation and evidence gathering. From Criminal and Civil Law to Labour Code and even IP issues all a part of the composition of a toxic, criminal and corrupt workplace that this BC film union local of IATSE 891 so easily provides for with detailed case study and legal peer review.  And with over 3 decades of criminal history. An ideal case study for why serious "Workplace Law and Labour Code" reform must be a BC political election priority.

This BC IATSE 891 case, as one of many added union locals, and as very clear proof — and beyond any doubt — that present laws and labour code inadequate: and has FAILED! Ridiculous repeated seemingly for now as endless stupidity, will only ensure more women bloody and beaten, more children cheated of life insurance and certainly with more sleazy clever illegal NDAs protecting criminals. Fact! Criminals should be ready to discuss the abuses of many members and their money in a sacred union trust. Seems this blog "pro-union membership majority" to most with a brain. True? False? Poll?

Walker walks

If the result of an internal investigation sparked by still just an unspecified human resources complaint, and not a full criminal trial gets NDP MLA Adam Walker booted from NDP caucus after internal probe, and BC housing people previously dumped as "poor management", what will happen to bigger incompetent criminals in IATSE 891, or now at BCLC, who have helped those who cheated hundreds of children and all taxpayers in BC? This with millions in fraud and cowardly cheating the honest and the weak. Will this super little league slime get the boot, or best honoured as criminals with a 25 year IATSE pin and keep the proceeds of crime never mentioned. Time to put IATSE 891 in trusteeship, or just pretend 30 years of documented abuses and all 891 criminal problems not real? And trust present local president Mitch Davie will be honest under oath and not obstruct and aid and abet in collusion with criminals any more, and make some real effort as per children and members cheated. Or enjoy more exposure under a microscope and humiliation for this key very needed criminal support. True? False? Am I the uneducated lying fool involved with coercion and intimidation, and lying to RCMP or John Brummitt and his long time criminal support? Simple question. Simple answer?

2 years

To be very clear, some criminals with far less fraud involved have been sentenced to two years. And this for crimes against those far less vulnerable and far less trusting than these dozens of cases below of children and "honest" families cheated. Oddly, also involving those in construction, carpentry, paint, electrical and plumbing and even with reno fraud. This in Ontario, and to point not just always Quebec. How handy for BC Criminal Court reference such related rulings to easily reference and this before even touching on these BC matters of similar crime and corruption listed and defined below. And including adding matters of coercion and intimidation and theft over $5,000.00. This including those so clever criminals who in obvious self interest and with their signature BS postured working class hero blind solidarity, who collude and aid and abet the major criminals involved. True? False?

Then for added real life horror consider the exact context of crime as further defined by CLC, U of T and Western on violence and proximity. Yes, we need Workplace financial and physical safety and Labour Code reform. Present almost endless failures as fact can not be denied. And from so many serious abuses of young women in restaurants on Vancouver Island to senior "honest" film workers in Vancouver to young men bullied and abused in natural resource distant work camps and not just those of other races and origin starting with Chinese and railway to farm workers. And not just secretaries in offices of multi-nationals easy victims with added abuse of "illegal" NDAs designed to protect criminals like internal trials in some criminal unions. 

NOTE: Certainly no time for major national journalists who fail to fact-check for false statements and by "both sides". As really only the full truth after honest investigation deserves any merit. True? And ugly deceptive liars and con men must be fully exposed and criminally prosecuted with years of proceeds of crime seized. True? False? This is simple stuff: You cheat a child's parents of thousands they use to feed their children — you definitely cheat their children. Grade school arithmetic? True? False?

Fair question

Whether a left wing liberal or right wing conservative, including moderate middle, and all and any with an IQ with three digits, must ALL agree, that "every single dirty union local in Canada" suffering crime and corruption, coercion and intimidation, fraud and theft, must be cleaned out. Like a temple suffering merchants. Bleached white as they should? Trusteeship works? 

Yes, cleaned out of all the very clear witnessed and documented criminal and corrupt influences. And all criminals severely charged and prosecuted as a national example, and all corruption and the corrupt named and fully exposed. And certainly some "honest" effort at retribution "provided by asset seizure" for all honest victims, as also long past due. 

Whether Oil Rig union "category-hire local" criminal and corrupt abuses off Newfoundland, or big, far more organized and far smarter big city crime in construction union locals in Montreal and all Quebec, and sadly even in dirty school or police stealing from their own in union locals in Ontario, to the very real historic abuses in natural resources in BC, we can't continue to pretend those who as witnessed steal and cheat should not pay a severe  price for ALL their crimes of cheating and stealing from
* both foreign and domestic investors, 
* multiple employers, 
* and cheat, abuse and screw their union local and trusting membership and/or coworkers, employees, crew, subordinates, and suppliers. 

They should pay a severe  price for ALL their crimes. And not feel so free to abuse a union shield like sick dirty corporate criminals hiding behind a corporate shield. Note: As fate would have it I have also worked with environmental law with major national resource companies where director liability enjoyed no shield, with case law clear on standard of care? Are union shields like wax easy to melt?

And this case study here with a dirty BC film union local, as with IATSE 891 and associates, with corrupt and real criminals, and those proven to coerce and intimate whenever lacking legitimate legal mandate or job description basic skills. Again as with dirty IATSE 891. In spades? And best with "direct, honest and historic  comparison" to great clean normal union honest locals like ACFC, also in Vancouver. Makes the point? And more than handy?

ACFC with "proven" extremely high value legal help from their UNIFOR Law Firm Gowling in Vancouver and as undeniable cold hard real fact: actually exposing those exactly who "Coerce and Intimidate" selectively "honest members" in IATSE 891? Read twice! Again so clear: Those exactly who "Coerce and Intimidate" selectively "honest members" in IATSE 891? And do trust far more to this very ugly story of abuse of the honest and innocent. And this as to satisfy some textbook small man complexes threatened by those more honest, more intelligent and more educated as literally hundreds in IATSE 891 clearly far superior to criminal elite and franchise. And more to this than just the extremely humiliating and so revealing FAILED BCLRB desperate appeal? Fact check what only cowardly criminals and liars and fools need deny. True? False? In criminal courts their fate will be far worse. This as thousands more victims of both malicious criminal acts and gross negligence and governance by those even in positions of fiduciary trust. And funds went where? And victims literally span from young worker's new born babies to ageing senior taxpayers in their confused and anxious eighties. This as this criminal slime enjoyed the very poorly laundered proceeds of crime and political power to protect dirty secrets and overpaid beyond merit to matters of integrity. So many of higher quality in 891 sadly suppressed by criminal or the cowardly who collude for reciprocating dividends by nepotism or cronyism popular among the criminal elite to build their bastion of clear personal self interest. Cowards and criminals get reelected as long as lies live and truth hides? True? False?


These criminal and corrupt types clearly both very "anti-union and anti-rule of law". Both? And for their clear sick self interest fuelled from personality disorders of low self-esteem, self-image, ego to pocketing perks from poorly laundered proceeds of crime that will hardly fool any criminal court judge like my old roommate. Now corrupt, cowardly and criminals finally get initially started to be exposed here and in time charged, prosecuted and sentenced. Patience also a virtue.

Hey, let's be totally honest here, only "the criminally guilty" need be worried about jail time and national humiliation. Or even need to think about jail time or financial risk. Honest members not aid and abetting in organized criminal collusion and selective elite solidarity of criminal support, have absolutely nothing to fear if hands clean? True? False? Who seems worried? Who will look very worried when RCMP ask a few tiny very simple straight forward honest questions? 

Actuarial odds are with literally "dozens of criminals" and corrupt needing to mislead and tell "dozens of flawless lies" and now plans needing hundreds of hours, best bets on RCMP to be making formal charges. And not be used and fooled again?  

Smart criminals will not still be betting on lying film union local criminals, even with incredible big shot BS titles like Paul Klassen and Tom Adair, or simply no more than another average construction or paint department head who "got lucky" with the obvious "fix"/rigged character of nepotism to criminal cronyism as noted all over the world as fact with matters of crime and corruption. True? False? Fair questions?

More after first wave of criminal charges made as so much to reveal. This blog the tip of the iceberg. All must be questioned who feel no reason for Workplace and Labour Code reform and very serious criminal investigations and heavy sentencing across Canada in every province. Or best just let criminal expansion and proceeds of crime enrichment grow even more as with this case study when ALL honest Canadian taxpayers to honest union members ALL cheated. True? False? 

Real real

In real "statistical scientific actuarial probability" reality, a friend, or a friend of a friend, or worse your own family, is certainly one of the sad nice honest victims of these criminals. And from the child cheated of life insurance and the many millions in taxpayer tax credit fraud and theft, to the possibly understated 7 of 10 that CLC, U of T and Western research clearly also identifies as victims or with proximity to real potential physical and financial threat. All "needless" victims. True? False? Bets? Wanna bet we can add businesses cheated by restriction of trade and economic interference and other cute stuff? 

And as numbers go, it goes without saying even family from a sweet daughter to a fun cousin or kind uncle as family very likely are — and even related even by marriage to RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges? Many in MLA's world, and CERTAINLY MANY VOTERS as sad nice honest MOTIVATED voter-victims of these criminals. True? False? And with the plethora of journalists in BC possibly victims also right under their nose or in plain sight? 7 of 10 numbers (70%) normally hard to miss unless acute depth at cognitive dissonance and textbook self deception. Like with most of these criminals. And by basic standard cognitive biases and their witnessed self-inflicted/induced NLP conditioning and their normalizing rhetorical fallacies and babbling and with near zero depth in critical thinking—as Dr. Pinker at Harvard might suggest? Exactly? Calling them simple emotional poets being polite. Dr. Gandel in Montreal, who paid well, addressed corporate executive self deception as avoidance procedure. The book "The E Myth" defines it when executives like in some little union executive intentionally focuses on non-key issues pretending false priorities have some rationale with other art forms of self-delusion. Often key to keeping their dysfunctional family and marriage's image publicly managed.


Fix? As only a fool identifies a problem without a fix. The fix: "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". Decades past due. Blood and tears validation. Proceeds of crime a windfall for many without any "honest" merit, just collusion with criminals and demonstrated and documented aid and abetting including aiding in coercion and intimidation of honest nice normal people and with lies to RCMP. True? False?

Hurts all unions

Clearly these criminals from bullies to thieves hurts credibility of ALL unions, NDP support, both Federally and Provincially, and literally whole labour movement. Crime and corruption the largest elephant in the room that so many fear to address in local membership and executive to provincial powers and possibly from fear as Dr. Sapolsky at Stanford may best define? 


Only International organizations, CLC, U of T and Western University seem to also very much notice the elephant in the room, others ignore in the bliss of their ignorance or cognitive dissonance, and as soon criminal courts will notice as well. This as the key first step that starts the car to effectively expedite a Provincial Inquiry and puts the full final goals of: "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" in sight. This as to improve critical workplace quality of life that even helps reduce domestic violence and child abuse. True? False? And as proven can also help profits and/or productivity. Plus paramount compensate the gross injustice by fraud, duress or coercion and intimidation with "Victim Restitution". Asking too much?


Workplace and Labour Code Reform Changes

For those farther from the fire, obvious critical and immediate changes for Workplace and Labour Code reform would include quarterly reporting and audit of governance and public reported use of any public or stakeholder related funds in trust, and of public interest. Add a dedicated workplace ombudsman as meaningful and needed critical oversight. A great start? Nothing new. All proven. True? False? And as a given all union local executive elections handled by a third party. And as this case of democratic absurdity and fraud, with so much deception by deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, and such polite discussion and where issues of "coercion and intimidation" like criminal acts supported and encouraged as ignored in elections makes tragically too clear. As documented? Clear? True? False?
We would also take in consideration the unique nature of some unions like film to traditional construction trades as best defined by:

By David J. Doorey* & Joshua Mandryk** [(2022) Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal (Forthcoming)]. 

Special note

Of special note in David J. Doorey's & Joshua Mandryk's work is the reference of "Specialization" and "Irregularity of Employment". This as it applies exactly and also as key context with BC Film Union local IATSE 891, and the attraction of crime and corruption. This defined as per Terrence Mckenna's CBC "The National" report on criminal union activities in Quebec for added context, and as per coercion and intimidation, fraud, material and time theft over $5,000.00, restriction of trade, economic interference, all oddly similar to both industries, and due to these two novel factors of "Specialization" and "Irregularity of Employment". Two factors that appears must be addressed in "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". Too obvious? Too ignored? I will take credit for my early lead referencing this very important work, and just by definition and qualification alone by Doorey and Mandryk. And as it applies "EXACTLY to film industry all across Canada". And every film union local. Fortunately, I have the depth from both experience and adequate education to bridge such things? True? False?

Both dynamic variables of "Specialization" and "Irregularity of Employment" far more dynamic when union local corrupt and criminal as with BC local IATSE 891 and as used for criminal self interest both political and monetary. 

And where some legal scholars and top journalists that I've known literally since high school, researched, studied and recognize this economic/political dynamic of fact, and real labour history in Canada, I lived it daily, within local IATSE 891. Dealing with numbers. For more than a decade. Longer than law school. And easily observed the crimes and criminals, cowards and bullies ego trips of abuse, coercion and intimidation, theft, fakes, fools and frauds, as documented. And like Dr Pinker at Harvard, and as many know, I love "real numbers and graphs with minimal use of colour" and even keep odd pieces of paper others might throw out? 

My love of statistical "projection" via statistical snap shots and my admiration for actuaries (in the family?) who help answer my questions, to even focus group anecdotal values, always entertained me. This since CBC work as "national media liaison" and with crunching Quebec provincial polls in 1976/77. When it might have mattered. And later "leading" the checking of BC Tourism US media dollar "buy" for Cossette Advertising, and where my media depth eventually appreciated after challenged as too numbers-ish. Yes, I forgot to tell them I was a business school Dean requested speaker at McGill? And SFU? Seems I forget to mention so many things even in IATSE 891, so was easy to watch some make fools of themselves as such frauds in a variety of departments. This while seeing highly skilled and honest members suppressed by criminal and corrupt acts and protocol for years and also obviously "resulting loss of income from fraud for those years". True? False?

Much more on "Specialization" and "Irregularity of Employment" factors to follow. Numbers novel? 

So most working from the same page

Also, the book below as so important for reading and research, and as so few other authoritative resources. And possibly for ALL those in ALL union local executives, and from fishing to film, postal to pilots, and this reading as to "really" know? And this book should also be purchased and kept in every single union local in Canada (and for ALL member access?). Or literally a dozen or more books ordered for "effective" active, aggressive, faster, all member circulation, distribution and echo on every shop floor or farm.
Or just maybe even some clever and creative film people will make a film based on this key union history book? Or the brighter ones at CBC will see the serious, scholarly, political, economic, business value of such textbook as with every single union member in Canada. A must read to avoid sounding like an idiot only full of sound and fury as witnessed and documented. Those who ignore the past will suffer that stuff again they say? 

This book must be kept in every local union library with criminal and labour code and all pro member rights documentation?

The Regulation of Workers' Collective Action in Canada, 1900-1948.
By Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker
University of Toronto Press

NOTE: As far as from 1948 to present, I've had the oppourtunity and pleasure to have had as a client the historic textile Quebec Labour figure and later very major Toronto philanthropist the extremely charitable Joseph D. Carrier, and as a very key mentor.
I've also dealt face-to-face with Brian Mulroney when just another chain-smoking hard-drinking Labour Lawyer, and looking for future friendly political press at the Montreal Press Club? As witnessed. But can I handle the super clever criminal anti-union brains in IATSE 891 as well as I have CRTC appeals? 

Hey, I even grew up listening to parents talk about Hal Banks in the neighbourhood to the mindless anti-union rhetoric in Ottawa and Shawinigan? Even experience reading anti-union strategic and tactical internal policy papers by multi nationals' union experts. Also heard how tragically wounded immigrants abused by sick cowardly union executives and foremen in BC natural resources and with kick backs from bucks or weekly bottles or just beer tab always covered. And the gifts? Work required, but not requested, after the war and even recently in IATSE 891 with X-Files case study and best detailed when everyone is under oath? True? False?

Given to believe

I'm "given to believe" Mr. Lewis, as president of IATSE Canada will also endorse Mr. Doorey's academic authority? This as to best address those factors that differ from other types of work more typical long term and 9 to 5 or shift. Fact: I know the blessing and the curse of a 35 hour "three-day work week" as handy when finishing university and skiing. And even doing 10 hour days seven days a week when working thermite welding crew for railway steel gang out of Jasper for CN.  And also during university. And certainly night shift when finishing university and skiing Banff. A bit more than academic theory. And from high school busy Montreal Deli busboy to Vancouver Board of Directors of a public company in less than 15 years. 15 "fun and successful years" including working with Attorney General of Canada and top Fortune 500 executives, major politicians and many scholars. Plus P/L responsibility as a senior executive so a bit of depth and distance so few can match. And a tiny bit more depth than the many fakes and frauds who say they understand the working person in IATSE 891 with little multiple industry experience and/or union local or trade and task variance. Nor education.

Obviously more research needed to define an agenda with noted experts as named for "BC Workplace and Labour Code Reform" provincial leadership and to ensure used by "all parties as a critical issue in next election". Everyone's children and fathers and mothers ALL deserve a safe place to work. And be far more productive and profitable as hundreds of studies support. Far beyond painting walls blue.

Testing 1, 2, 3 

Please do keep in mind we had to be very cognitive of the various readers and audience of this blog. And from lowest life forms of lying, stealing, uneducated criminals and those key to millions in fraud — and their clearly criminal colluding aid and abetting ignorant support as reading this. Those also as 2nd level criminal elite (See chart). And as such, ALL seriously fearing longer than usual jail time/community service. This with very large fines and costs. And most certainly with targets of possible seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime? 

Add, as well on a far higher level, this blog also has to address audience groups including Dalhousie and McGill to U Vic and UBC law students and their teachers. Law students looking for a rather novel graduate paper with heavy Hollywood to hard Harvard related reference, including Psychology and Law? And as so very key with, and in, a present Canadian political context. Both Federal and Provincial. And draws from Criminal Code, to Labour and Civil. Even small claim actions? An audience also including those, and most important, with this blog's goal, including up to top RCMP Investigation and Interrogation experts. Add ideally AI experts, Crown Counsel's Criminal Court Crown Prosecution team, Criminal Court Judges. And if really lucky this blog's readers includes a few scholars in Labour Law and Labour Psychology. And hopefully at least one forensic psychiatrist. Maybe even others that I went to and have known since university, even includes a BC Criminal Court Judge. And those who do know me? And of course action-targets for this blog of any BC MLA, and from any or every party with a sophisticated marketing and communication team. A team that can see the switcher/swing vote bigger-trigger and "HONEST" voter merit. Best with such an: "honest, critical and important 'workplace' cause". An added key audience to the needed change as to lead to BC legislated "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" ASAP! 

And most important this blog, as a sign of "hope and hard action" for full victim restitution. Void of duress, coercion, intimidation and illegal NDAs. And spans from women beaten and/or silenced (as per below), and member's children cheated. Showing they have not been forgotten, nor those hundreds of honest intelligent union member's voting support for a full forensic audit.

Hard to believe for some of my less intelligent critics, but it is not just my major big-titled big shot very nobody opinion like Tom Adair, in these matters. Even "The World Health Organization" has classified violence against women as a global health problem of "epidemic proportions", and the United Nations secretary general has referred to violence against women and girls as the world’s longest, deadliest pandemic.” Tom Adair seems to not refer to such matters as with well documented efforts posturing like some disgusting fake as superior to 475 members and their honest vote vs. his criminal serving deception as just so clever for a average carpenter with little real education or experience directly compared those he dares be critical of. Wait until this slime and major human fraud on a fair and even playing field of RCMP offices, Criminal courts and media coverage? Who cares about my opinion? One women beaten and the face of one child cheated caring about my opinion enough for me? 

RCMP offices may not be as affirming for criminals as IATSE 891 offices have been filled with such sincere Hollywood used car sales smiles and warmth. True? False?

Yet, odd and sort of sick and revealing how so "very silent and secretive" and so long, 891 "executive" has been clearly so selective and PR savvy-ish (supporting criminals who support them?) on such causes of merit? Well, other than a very daring "expense-able" t-shirt for "expense-able" PR photos, on whatever given day of "expense-able" awareness. Even nobody CLC, U of T and Western University support this horrifying skew. And even tiny little moi? True? False? 

So for the sake of argument we can start as axiom IATSE 891 no worse than others and thus we are left only to prove beyond a reasonable or shadow-of, the gross decades of excess and abuse over norm as claimed, witnessed and documented? Data matters.

Funny and yet far from word perfect

As part of this preface, some "critics", and even some "fans" find me a tiny bit difficult to read. Much like some academic critics of Charles Dickens to Friedrich Nietzsche have also oddly claimed. Well, I can easily accept that. We all have critics. Some quality. Some not. True? False? Fact check?  After-all, I am really just a shamed failed TV and Film comedy writer, so a bit thick skinned. And my critics are what exactly? Do keep in mind these added side notes do increase Criminal Defence billable hours as planned and based on mentors coaching on "Legal Realism" in Montreal and Ottawa?

As further note, some question my draft version here with syntax to grammar, where this blog clearly states below, still in "prelaunch draft", and still to suffer final editing. Edited by advertising editors and insanely critical proofreaders I've worked with in the past. And we'll be using AI fun stuff, Flesch-Kincaid, Grammarly, API and other software and guidelines, we are familiar with. And seems most not. This so this blog in final fighting form by BC provincial election for official blog launch. And then should be as professional as annual reports we'd produce or speeches we'd write for Fortune 500 executives and Federal politicians? Or better?

Possibly my very serious lack of writing, scholarly and journalistic talent, a bit more excusable if one considers my having dealt with literally dozens of scholars (some published) from law and business (Deans?) to professors in engineering and biology, that I worked with, and having even done dialectics with the Attorney General of Canada. So when I write, I now consider my audience to be no less than the three wise men at Harvard with Lawerence Tribe and Michael Sandel "judging" my minor league legal, ethical and moral merit. And as myself, as very clearly a non-lawyer or even paralegal level. And yet my mere delightful dilettante efforts possibly highly effective? In a real world cost-effective context kind of way? And do most certainly add key to the trinity Montreal psychology guru and the literal Rocket Richard of International Cognitive Psychology: Montreal's very own Dawson College boy wonder Dr. Pinker. Pinker now recognized by Harvard, MIT, Stanford, not just for his fun Dawson College and McGill days. Two of my girlfriends went to school with him at McGill? One now also has a doctorate in Psychology (Labour). See below?

Of further note on McGill, some of the actresses on various TV shows and movies shot in Vancouver, also very smart and talented McGill girls, and oddly a few former Montreal models that I knew from Montreal advertising. This as having had a few fashion accounts needing dozens of models, so not just military clients to keep me entertained and challenged? 

And where I have never had the pleasure of being involved with a real actual IATSE 891 paint roller princess and in the core criminal elite, best now others fully judge them and their pros and cons. And as "honest" people, and life-long loving partners and even as role model as parents. Who are they? And who do they think they are seems very fair to ask based on their documented historic collective cumulative actions to question others? True? False? 

And it does seem I have made fairly clear and even by documented example who I might think I am as a failed comedy writer and possible part-time criminal and women beater bully-buster and criminal fraud number cruncher. True? False? See more below.

Funny me

Please note again to be clear, I am just a very minor messenger, and simply a far from humbled very failed comedy writer. The Venice Beach style legal muscle is all in the message below. 

Sort of like the weak and abused hired a top "award winning" ad agency and their known top brains, and clearly as recognized by Federal Political parties, Fortune 500 and even top business school Deans (McGill, SFU) now to expose ALL these criminal slime to RCMP, CRA and all BC MLAs, and now so soon when this blog officially launched. This when BC election all systems go. And money to message really matters. 

We are most certainly here to help RCMP, Crown Prosecution and CRA recover funds for victims, and put key low life known and documented criminal cowards, thieves, frauds, fakes in jail. 

Do enjoy this somewhat unusual detective story with real meaningful purpose plus surprisingly involving real movie stars, top producers, writers and directors and real BC politicians. BC politicians already with history with RCMP and serious integrity and trust issues. See below

Enjoy what will soon follow and mushroom, plus enjoy the jokes at criminal's expense. And please seriously reflect on the deadly serious purpose as per suicides and substance and domestic violence issues that flow from criminal's abuse and criminal, corrupt and toxic work environments. And these crimes and labour code violations clearly including coercion and intimidation and an interesting variety of lies to RCMP and Vancouver police. This also done as to very quickly establish all criminal's involved limited intellect and integrity? And identify those who collude and aid and abet as also clearly criminal. See Criminal Code.

Fakes cost

Fakes always cost provincially and even down to local union level. 

Some may soon ask, and so very few will know the answer, and many will fake it: What exact meaningful research from Stanford, MIT and Harvard and key major research journals have the three BC parties "experts" actually studied? This as per the latest AI, science and art of "Communications and Mass Media"? This to point as per key vulnerable ridings and noise index spill, and M-B "persona" for SEO or paid? And what "weighting" for vulnerable ridings for media? And which message and "switcher M-B targets": INFJ? INTJs? WEST VAN? WEST KELOWNA? NELSON? VANCOUVER? VICTORIA? LANGLEY? Why different message needed for each, as not all provincial issues matter? Best bang for buck? Radio? TV? Print? (Community Papers?). Direct Response mail (Addressed? Postal Code?). Lawn Signage (Most oddly really don't even understand lawn signage including signage and real estate people, not just video dynamics misunderstood by fakes claiming to be experts)? Billboard? 

Federally we had to know this stuff as a minimum when dealing with political communications and research legends like Keith Davey and Sen. Grafstein to going against Joe Clark's PC Allan Greg, oddly earlier both from Carleton University Glebe friends (Tragically Hip Guy?), and as working with the biggest and best Liberal Ad agencies in Canada. So very many high quality critics and some certainly not? PC less demanding? Some Liberals in Toronto wanted me fired. The Attorney General didn't? John Brummitt and gang also tried to force me to bow to jerks. Yes, they call me a "trouble maker" and even since first standing up for farm workers? Whistle-blowers have to be trouble makers or really what's the point?

Message engineering and design even more involved and "respected scholarly research" critical. Simply, radar wins wars and intelligence often more important and threatening than large armies and military machine and muscle. Or more valuable than a shopping mall of dedicated mobilized "donating" card-carrying volunteers with signs and songs. This as history has proven. See Steve Bannon?

All three parties (for now?) lack both a retail plus proven packaged goods focus as one must suspect desperately "uncertain" and as desperate do trying to do all things and address all people and handle all issues. This as simply politically and economically insane. And only adds to their own dilution of brand and media muscle. True? False? Bets?

"Workplace Reform" focused on financial to psychological and classic physical safety, can easily be the next "unmatched" honest and successful BC political election media and message story like BC's Kokanee Beer and X-Files (for those MLAs with noted observation skills)?  And like many great ideas also only seems crazy at first, and never in hindsight? And really and visibly only critics often clearly lacking imagination and fearing anything new that they haven't a handle on. Holds things back for failure. True? False? Hey, there just might be a reason some paid over $350.00 to simply write a funny 30 second radio ad during an expense paid lunch and others not, or can write the 7 Point Plan for Western Canada for a Prime Minister and then before lunch also try and help 7-Eleven sell hot dogs? Those who can also possibly make fools of fakes and help put some criminals in jail?

Criminals laughed at me

Funny how some of the very slimy and highly arrogant and very ignorant criminals laughed at me. And including even near-god-like department heads in construction department and paint princesses, and as possibly insane, and as clearly so far beyond their little life imagination, when I simply said, when asked where I was last night, that I "had dinner with the acting Chair of UBC Law Faculty and another Oxford scholar in Labour Law". Ridiculed I felt no point telling them how, and very separate, that I also reported directly to the Attorney General of Canada on far bigger budgets than some major films? This as not to yet fully expose their arrogance and ignorance when bragging as such big shots how they knew Don Ramsden and even had stuff on him? And a letter? 

And some showed-off how as part of inner criminal network they could even call the all powerful John Brummitt and he'd take his call. Yes, such an idiot thinking I'd be threatened by John Brummitt and would confuse IATSE's lawyer as the property of criminal elites and on staff. A lawyer who could "handle my type". Idiots? Ken Woods foolishly as documented could have also threaten me as those weaker he could bully with legal action if any dare discussing casino and accounting issues as documented even by media reports. This as just the tip of a very ugly added iceberg? 

Why won't he try threatening me with legal or needs a big shot title for any legal credibility and ability to abuse honest member's money. Much more on this to follow with key links below.

The criminals however were a tad bit surprised when finally fact checking how even my old roommate, and another long time friend from college days became a BC Criminal Court Judge. Then the criminal cowards they were became very obvious (See below), as with their guilt. This when they realized so very exposed and yet knew so little about me once "simply" thinking I was just muscle and a numbers nerd, and not anywhere near as smart as Don Ramsden and John Brummitt. Or top department heads in construction and paint as such success stories. Not. 

And as documented a major fake and fraud, Tom Adair  also felt he was very clever and smarter than myself and the 475 who voted for a FORENSIC AUDIT of his and all criminal elite's BS. Such idiot criminal slime now so easy to ridicule in Criminal courts and any Provincial Inquiry or any full public forum and ideally video taped as respect for the criminal's craft. Sometimes a failed comedy writer can master a few good jokes at criminal's expense. True? False? Bets. 

We can make history together

This may certainly make Canadian Labour History and make politicians and media curious, as the very first time Multimodal’ LLM (and with even greater expectations for the “GPT-vision” line extensions), that AI is used to help convict union criminals in Criminal Courts. And not just help pass medical and law exams in test as proven. Cowardly criminals in a union who like playing power big shot and proven to like to coerce and intimidate (or fake an authority and experience they don't have, as with education and degrees they also fake), ironically now killed by far more clever code and computers, and best by those they thought they could use to aid and abet and collude and help criminals look far smarter than they sadly will ever really be. Easy to prove. 

And AI will be tested here in these criminal cases from filing charges, spread sheet Forensic and Data audits, scientific medical statistical probability and from first sworn affidavits to final criminal court summary and press statement. The Criminal Defence attorneys will make a fortune with this twist and criminal trap? Possibly like the O.J. Simpson case: "If the prompt fits you can't acquit"? This applying Harvard's Dr. Pinker take on big numbers and real rational thinking?

We help

The effort in this blog, if analysed very closely for cost-benefit, and far beyond respect for the rule of law, as in itself cause enough, and clearly with this spotlight and exposure of "known" criminals is by mere publication "already" helping women, children and young to senior men. And the "majority" of IATSE 891's "honest" union members? True? False?  And even obviously in other BC criminal and corrupt BC union locals by eventual case law, media reference and "meaningful" legislated change. However, as also very key, this also oddly bottom-line helps BOTH foreign and domestic investors. And makes meaningful highly competitive message value-branding as: "cleaning house" for BC film industry. And helps those with honest superior talent and skills. Plus, so not missed, this also very certainly helps the WHOLE labour movement desperately needing both "new passion" and critical "public credibility".  This for real political significance provincially and federally. This call-to-action, milestone or metrics adds highly media visible dynamic action where now only words. Think about it. True? False? 

More to point and fun critics must now define a "real" better initiative or best now shut up and let others better protect children and women and honest men from coercion and intimidation, physical and financial threat. True? False? Any better faster more cost-effective ideas? Any? Or best we wait for the best t-shirt and slogan from IATSE executive brain trust for momentum for meaningful change sadly also thirty years too late. The blood and tears of victims well noted and easy to prove. Only a "literal textbook psychopath has no empathy or remorse for children cheated and women beaten" and as more than barter for an NDA and self-interest and leverage. And such PDs avoid responsibility and restitution. Even if integrity implied in both oath and job description. And labour to criminal law? Sadly, even the children of these criminals and their wives or husbands also suffer their lies and posturing authority and ego. And illusions, addictions and compulsions. Obviously? 


To be honest a union local is legally empowered to protect member's legal rights by fair representation and for filing grievances for member's protection in good faith. I was a "successful" Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. Fact check. However, as logical equivalent when "known" criminals and corruption influence membership, qualification, selection, threaten income, life insurance and medical benefits, coerce and intimidate, we have a literal New York style "PROTECTION RACKET". And ready made for excessive abuse, collusion and recruitment. As documented. True? False? Facts are facts.

What law

What criminal law in Canada best used against criminal union executives?


"In Canada, there are criminal laws that can be used against union executives, or anyone else, if they engage in illegal activities. Union executives, like any other individuals, are subject to criminal prosecution if they commit offences under the Criminal Code of Canada. Some of the criminal laws that can be used against union executives (or anyone else) include:

Fraud: Union executives can be charged with fraud if they engage in deceptive practices to gain financial benefits for themselves or their union, such as embezzlement of union funds.

Theft: If union executives steal money or property belonging to the union or its members, they can be charged with theft under the Criminal Code.

Bribery and Corruption: Engaging in corrupt practices or accepting bribes can lead to charges of bribery and corruption, which are criminal offences.

Conspiracy: If union executives conspire with others to commit a criminal offence, they can be charged with conspiracy.

Criminal Breach of Trust: Union executives who misuse their position and breach the trust placed in them by the union and its members can be charged with criminal breach of trust.

Extortion: If union executives , they can be charged with extortion.

Money Laundering: If union executives are involved in the laundering of money obtained through criminal activities, they can be charged with money laundering.

Obstruction of Justice: Obstructing a police investigation or interfering with the administration of justice can result in charges of obstruction of justice.

Anyone want to bet "real  money" RCMP and Crown can easily bust at least a few of John Brummitt and his very key criminal support, and long time supervisors, on at least five of the above serious crimes? This if the cowardly criminals too small and small minded ego maniacs and still hoping to save face and get away with real crimes, as still thinking above the rule of law and still so stupid to not "squeal for deal"? True? False? 

This is simply only where workplace and labour code reform begins and the criminal prosecution of dozens just starts. Such clever and superior criminals it seems not.

It's important to note that union executives, like any other individuals, are entitled to the same legal rights and protections under Canadian law. They are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and they have the right to legal representation and a fair trial.

Additionally, labour laws in Canada govern the rights and responsibilities of unions and their executives in the context of labour relations, collective bargaining, and workplace issues. Violations of these labour laws typically result in administrative or civil proceedings rather than criminal charges, although serious breaches of labour laws can have legal consequences."

Trust facts, not fairy-tales 
As with such primitive tribe sub cultures some have demonstrated and "documented" very limited critical thinking and judgement. This with far too obvious little consideration for their own risks and ramifications. This characterized with their multiple illusions of their big shot title union cover and shield for criminal acts. And financing? With their cognitive dissonance riding on their Dunning-Kruger mind-blind factors, many often with no more than living a whole life of misled conclusions and even tragically based sadly on aphorism and slogans most can't even explain. This as the sum of their intellectual machine or Harvard's Dr. Pinker's defined "computational" brain type and their mistaken "rationality" that such self affirming gangs, and criminal groups suffer. Sadly too common. Too many places.

Ask the obvious

Is cleaning-up criminal and corrupt BC union locals exactly like criminal elite in BC's IATSE 891 as already as documented and clearly found guilty by BCLRB (even in very embarrassing and very desperate pathetic appeal of "coercion and intimidation", and BS and "bad faith" added rulings; and that on top of clear absurd lies to RCMP and criminal obstruction; and even "illegal" absurd internal trials to "clearly help criminals not be exposed or in disrepute); as all good stuff for labour movement trust and credibility? Or not? Honestly? 

And is it really best with enriched criminals left alone by RCMP to continue crime and corruption and expansion of tax free proceeds of crime? Extremely simple quetion for those postured pro-labour promoters. Extremely simple? True? False? 

ADD: Should "literally" hundreds of members clearly voting and supporting a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT as extremely well documented, also be ignored and as letter perfect justification for local "Trusteeship" be laughed at, as by criminals and those with noted and defined personality disorders in IATSE 891? Easy to expose. Should major CLC, U of T and Western study on violence in the workplace, added to legal files and rulings on clear "coercion and intimidation", plus theft over $5,000.00 all simply be filed at best with classic cliche' lip service for continued gross self promotion? And again with no meaningful or measurable action by such effective leadership and obvious management school morons? Just more and more babble and PR? As always? For over thirty years. Makes a very sad and serious point? This as fact as children still cheated. For over thirty years. Possibly children even bullied in grade school, like their parents by the sleazy sneaky petty politically savvy highly uneducated ignorant criminals in their very criminal friendly IATSE 891 union local? As named. Exactly. Not the Canada most love. Can't wait to trap a few in multiple denial and with even more lies to RCMP? As calculated. And as somewhat obvious to criminal's defence lawyers why?

Clear common sense

Let's be very clear from the start, this is NOT a matter of opinion, perception or biased subjectivity. This about real Innocent Victims, very clear Criminal Law, clear Crimes, clear "Protected Witness Testimony", hard visible Documented Fact, formal logic to common sense. And add making clear criminal claims directly against those as well documented involved in obvious clear criminal collusion with "Coercion and Intimidation"; plus some known as major thieves, or threatening members with legal if talking about use of funds related to casino habits; to millions in tax credit fraud cheating all BC; obvious lies to RCMP to clearly protect criminals and cute lies to Vancouver Police, all a matter of record by the these criminal's dynasty and empire, as with their obvious efforts to defame to wrongful prosecution, restriction of trade ("as per JB") and the inherent Labour Code violations respecting fair representation and good faith (See BCLRB decisions and law firm files, illegal NDAs and settlements). Clear?

Primary motivation

To be absolutely clear, and so that no one is confused, at all, and for mostly criminals reading this, the primary focus with this blog and key case study is: the "literal" thousands of victims. This including women beaten, children cheated, and all honest BC taxpayers cheated. This while criminals protected and enriched. Pretty clear claim? And as such this should all make so very clear the need for immediate "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" and the "provincial need" for labour stability supporting full criminal charges.

Where have all the flowers gone

Sadly a few people in IATSE 891 I enjoyed coffee, lunch, sailing, skiing or tennis, and working with, are dead. And they will never see the injustice and abuse they suffered as per CLC, U of T and Western Study from criminals: exposed, investigated and criminals prosecuted. However, they are in part with the children faces I've also known as victims very solid motivation. Motivated like the Vietnamese during the war with "a will you can not defeat" or French resistance in WWII "some have no fear"?  And with two "real and highly decorated mentors" as role models my efforts hardly impressive for courage. Or others? And with another school friend changing Federal Law on DNA testing my ambitions for improving workplace for weak, seems a tad minor."It is our duty to be there for others. Speaking for others when they cannot.”~ Unknown

Some of the criminals from other countries cheating honest Canadians of all nationalities not a primary issue either, nor the very wide variety of very serious to petty crimes, collusion and coercion, as also clearly involved here. The victims are the key issue, as they should be, for both restitution plus severe criminal prosecution. Most and a flickering light of hope important to protect "future" possible victims simply not be victims. This as risk will be far too high for criminals of being caught and "real" transparency and accountability soon forced by "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" as we would with non-union businesses protecting the weak? Criminals in other union locals or non-union offices will also be put in check added with multiple the industry and media awareness. An oppourtunity for change that this spotlight criminal case uniquely provides. And to point rather cost-effective we might add. Do the numbers. And again this should all make so very clear the need for immediate "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". And provincial multi-party supporting full criminal charges.

NOTE: Perfect time

With the Movie and TV strike now conveniently impacting criminal infested BC film union IATSE 891, and as involved with millions in tax credit fraud, it certainly seems as an absolutely  "perfect time" for multiple BC NDP cabinet ministers (and to be demanded by other parties with Falcon and Sonia) to immediately put the little IATSE 891 Box at 1640 Boundary Road in Burnaby BC (and with their insider NDP connections both federally and provincially) in "TRUSTEESHIP". This to best allow for a "FAST FULL FORENSIC AUDIT" literally hundreds of informed and honest members voted for and costing less to many and much. And nicely serves a following Provincial Inquiry and expediting reduced costs for "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". Cost matters. Victims matter. True? False?
To get to the point

Am available "ANYTIME-ANY" criminal slime or those who criminally aid and abet, like present local president Mitch Davies, and including best-of-best John Brummitt, and even bigger more impressive titled big shots like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen wish, or should ANY named wish to dare debate at RCMP offices? And one-on-one for focus and as no need to be clearly continually so disgustingly cowardly, if no "real serious crimes" to hide or aid and abet? Or many crimes? We can even do a video and show our faces. Just as a matter of record? 

Voice and GSR toys can also be played with (My toes-wet graduate studies went even deeper with added EEG and Layfayette eye-tracking, back when studing that stuff?) Can be fun for some? For a few hours? And after that warm-up we can then "all" be available for RCMP hard interrogation on "millions in tax credit to life insurance fraud", to "women beaten" and "children cheated" stuff. I do have a history, and even in IATSE 891 by both enemies and friends (so easy to check) of my real reputation of keeping flawless "records and dates" on "payroll" to "P.O.s"? And amounts? Any dare debate from the best-of-best of 891 executive criminal elite and their intimidating impressive brain trust? Or should best just let it be a random pick like in Russian Roulette of possibly weakest link or major super brain past president? Plus gives me a chance to introduce Bayes Theorem to Behavioural Economics (Cognitive Psychology) as referenced by Dr. Pinker at Harvard, and Dr. Sapolsky at Stanford. Yes, neither the intellectual giants or equals to Tom Adair or Paul Klassen, but hard comparisons in authority and judgement must be made. Certainly on matters of morals, ethics, Criminal Law and the legal definition of Criminally aid and abetting criminals that idiots thought so politically clever for personal ambitions and better pay. True? False? This oddly even including that Federal NDP candidate in Maple Ridge and even Hollywood (North) NDP Adrian Dix cheerleader and now highly paid and with little merit in educational or experience ends up well paid at BCLC. Risky? So many more in NDP far more deserving and honest. True? False? Much more on this story to follow. And who paid? Much more. See below.

Depth others can only fake

Background: This 30 year front-line and hands on experience, research and interviews, includes working with a wide variety of unions from Hospital, Hospitality (Hotels and Restaurants), Postal, Teachers, Transport (CN & CP Rail) and spans from Oil Rigs off Newfoundland and even work with the East Coast hit comedy "Trailer Park Boys" to my work with film union ACFC on West Coast. The latter where oddly suffering BCLRB defined and documented "Coercion and Intimidation" from IATSE 891 (executive and criminal elite) in Victoria? This on critically recognized TV series "Terminal City". And that added to interviews and research on West Coast Grocery to Glazier case studies. Even French comedy productions with UDO talent union? I had started with ACTRA with TV advertising in 1980. And based on my experience both union and non-union, Master and Servants history, plus "employment standards and law", was even then invited by a CBC journalist to sit in on an interview with respect to Ontario and Quebec "Construction" industry "Right to Work". This while still in university. I had also been a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE right after university? My beginnings?

Also familiar with unions in Ottawa from government to even when strikes to Conrad Black staff reductions a new norm and while other issues closed major papers in Montreal (The Montreal Star) and Ottawa (The Ottawa Journal). Have followed Conrad Black from when at McGill and Duplessis ("The Boss") thesis and Sherbrooke Record days, to his two pronged efforts in Kelowna that Castanet crippled from fast fire news and his prison term for fraud ignoring oddly like criminal union local executives: minority stakeholder's rights?

I won't bore anyone, for now, with my more academic research from Canadian Labour history, to my own university legal studies in Contract and Constitution (Including lecture by Sen. Eugene Forsey and course by Keith Spicer)? And will also wait until later to reference other case studies including Hal Banks, and Teamster cleanup to present day strike realities in BC. As such, a tiny bit of "real" depth so very few have and that too many in the IATSE 891 criminal elite and executive can only fake. And as fakes so obvious to those more educated, intelligent, honest and/or experienced. True? False?

And this as a perfect storm now brews, as criminals now crippled and compromised by strikes, time, fate and fortune. This as also explained and detailed with the social and legal message cost/benefit below.

This study then the solid foundation for major: 

BC Workplace Laws and Labour Code reform

This supported by studies by CLC, U of T, Western University, Stanford to McGill and a variety of legal friends and legal rulings. See below.  

Proceeds of crime

Kind of sick and sad when so many "honest" IATSE 891 members during the strike can honestly hardly feed their family, make rent or pay the mortgage. This while some from criminal elite retired, and not, and executive still so very fat with the newer nicer cars and trucks from proceeds of crime, cronyism, nepotism, criminal connections and network and clearly documented corrupted elections. Elections often  defined by knowing efforts at fraudulent concealment and the very deceptive omission of criminal misappropriation of funds. True? False? Any dare and deny or debate any of these exact claims at RCMP offices as practice for criminal courts? Any? Maybe the superior intellects and authority of John Brummitt or Tom Adair, or the judicially gifted Paul Klassen as documented and witnessed as already serving criminals so well in collusion and aid and abetting with selective silence and illegal internal trials and lies to RCMP . Many other crimes as also now obvious to many. And soon criminal courts. Some of the criminals knew I had them when Gavin leader of the pack with senior executive advice from John Brummitt, but I wanted them all, and knew I could make this honestly a very serious BC Provincial Election issue as criminals coworkers a part of NDP. One princess even flew to Hollywood with Dix when Dix would be King. Who paid? Why?


How expensive and what added jail time? What if just one or two of IATSE 891's criminal elite get a Criminal Court Judge like Denhoff, who as hard to fool as RCMP, will claim their "entire testimony was entirely unbelievable and bordered on preposterous”, and then the house of cards comes crashing down and "all in clear criminal collusion". And from cheating children and millions in tax credit fraud, lies to RCMP, to defaming an "honest" member and even daring threatening clear "criminal wrongful prosecution" and that motive as to clearly protect criminals (Why else?), to women beaten and abused, and add as well the fraudulent concealment, with textbook breach of fiduciary duty and oath to facilitate NDA criminal cover-up, and then that added to BCLRB FAILED APPEAL on "Coercion and Intimidation" and when extremely humiliating and so revealing another film union's law firm (ACFC: Gowling) had to stop the insanity plus BCLRB defined "coercion and intimidation" with IATSE 891's  best-of-best. Idiots or the insane on a small man ego trip empowered by a tiny meaningless dishonest misleading big shot title trying to intimidate and coerce their own trusting and paying members. Believing like royalty and divine blood lines above the rule of law. This as they have since been first easily busted as documented for membership BS on "appeal" to internal executive, and what that proved so very well as well. Insanity and Fraud from day 1? Screwing hundreds of trusting members, if not thousands, to all BC taxpayers. True? False? Yes! All true or all false? All true and critically needed "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" beyond debate as long past due. True?

See disclaimer, "qualification", warranty and critical caveats below? Judicial master mind Paul Klassen can explain to criminal elite everything legal in this blog or fake it even more?

Criminal abuse

Criminal abuse occurs in workplaces from biggest banks and top universities to union trades, restaurants, retail and farm workers. BC Workplace Laws and Labour Code reform overdue and critical as many scholars and legal authorities would agree? True? False? Canada can do better. For all our children.  

CLC, Western University and U of T study and report below with 7 of 10 reporting as witness or victim to harassment and/or violence on the worksite or office, all very key to this blog's logical premise and actionable and measurable initiative. An initiative for "Workplace and Labour Reform". Plus prior as a solid foundation for Reform, a critical Provincial Inquiry, and with exact case study with criminal elements and elite as detailed below.  This for effective criminal prosecution. And, as well, so few questions asked and critics possibly legally crippled or media compromised. However, "needed future additional studies" will also have added millions of dollars and social measured merit, and as to also go forward to help so many. And help ensure respect for the rule of law.

BC & Canada can do better

Time for both Big Business and the whole Labour Movement to cleanup dirty criminal businesses to dirty union locals. Your sons and daughters deserve a safe place to work without fear from physical or serious financial threat, coercion and intimidation, duress and defamation by obvious reciprocating criminal oligopolies. True? False?
As data scientists know the past is the best predictor of future events.

The results in this report are unsettling:

  • 7 in 10 workers have experienced a form of harassment and violence at work.
  • Nearly 1 in 2 workers have experienced sexual harassment and violence in the last two years.
  • Women, trans, nonbinary, and gender-diverse workers are experiencing higher rates of harassment and violence.
  • Indigenous survey respondents experienced significantly higher rates of harassment and violence (79%) and sexual harassment and violence (47.8%).
  • Workers with a disability experienced significantly higher rates of harassment and violence.
  • Third-parties (such as customers, clients, and patients) and co-workers were the two most commonly reported perpetrators.
  • 70% of workers who experienced harassment and violence had to miss work because of the negative effects.
  • 88% of workers who experienced harassment and violence were “transferred, suspended, fired, or lost a shift” due to the harassment and violence.
  • 1 in 4 who reported said that reporting made the situation worse.

Bea Bruske, President Canadian Labour Congress:

The Report provides an important and sobering insight into the state of harassment and violence in Canadian workplaces today” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).  “We see this as a wake-up call and as an opportunity to reassess what is and is not working. The results will give us a strong evidence-base to decide what actions we need to take next.”

The actions to take next, unless anyone has any better ideas than do-it-once, do-it-right, with so many prosecution assets, this, and this now, is cost/effective, and politically honest plus proven and productivity and profit producing. True? False?

The obvious

Let's not miss the obvious, this CLC, U of T and Western  study did not limit is sample to union locals "already proven guilty" of coercion and intimidation by BCLRB and where theft and fraud to restriction of trade also makes a mockery of fair representation that laws demand. As such reasonable with incorporating MIT/Harvard's Dr Pinker's definition of "reasonable" to suspect or even conclude, the problems far worse in union locals like IATSE 891. And sadly possibly too many others.

Prosecute a full hearing within the community

"No one is above the law" is only true if we make it so.  
 –  Robert Reich

"The wounds of trauma are not merely those caused by the perception of violence and exploitation; the actions or inactions of bystanders – all those who are complicit in or who prefer not to know about the abuse or who blame the victims – often cause deeper wounds.” Full healing, she adds, because it originates in a fundamental injustice, requires a full hearing within the community to repair, through some measure of justice, the trauma survivors have endured." – Dr. Judith Herman. The three stages to recovery from trauma and her new book "Truth and Repair


Police sadly get it exactly:

"Bullying in Schools

Bullying in schools is starting at an earlier stage all the time, and rising at an alarming rate. 64% of children have been victims of bullying and 12% of those are bullied at least once a week, if not more. Bullying has long-term effects on children such as poor social skills, shyness, panic attacks and nightmares. In more recent years, we have seen instances where children take their own lives to stop the abuse.

We, at the Canadian Police Association, are striving to reduce and hopefully eliminate this form of cruelty through education, social media and mentoring; however, we cannot continue our mission without your support."

More sick is literally millions of simply nice honest Canadians soon to be continued to be bullied, abused, coerced, intimidated long after their school days and in their workplace. This clear as glass, and as per CLC, U of T and Western Study. Plus a plethora of academic papers from Stanford to McGill. I was lucky as a big strong guy, so implied aggressive physical threats amuzing for me, but not for my female and younger smaller male friends. Criminal liars legal threats simply laughable as I know a few hundred good lawyers. Intellectually I could only be intimidated by their top dogs and super brains of Tom Adair and John Brummitt, and both based on their intellect and integrity, their "real education" and real executive experience, as not just frauds acting as best of best and based at best on no more than a very misleading title. A title by strange patronage, appointment, settlement or twisted exercise in democracy, transparency, accountability, governance. legality, GAP and CRA standards. Nor hardly near best of best even in their well-known previous lower level category position. True? False?

John Brummitt alone will be extremely tough for RCMP's very best trained interrogation and investigation experts and Crown Prosecution to break him. On everything. Could take a week? "Present continued crimes" and "knowingly aid and abetted by a criminally compromised BC local IATSE 891 union executive, and present acting president (unless a major moron with the simplest of math) all criminals still cheating children to all BC Taxpayers with abuses by these low life lying losers, clearly ignoring the rule of law and criminal code for clear personal gain, proceeds of crime, power and ego. True? False? Best RCMP and Crown to fully decide after reviewing all documents and "honest" witness testimony details?

Sadly, I myself, like so many, far too many, was bullied and beat up in school. My empathy real. Well, until early in Grade 9. Then no more. I was lucky. I ended up as a doorman-bouncer at some pretty tough bars and including when not even legal drinking age? Fact check. Retired undefeated? Seen many loud ugly very tough talking people like Hollywood scripted and with very scary faces like when you play hockey. However, mostly on weekends most bar problems. Hey, even when I worked in psychiatry at LGH in Montreal as a custodian, some pretty ugly crazies when upset. So am also familiar with both those with scary ugly faces and big tough talk plus even those who can appear so very normal like department heads but their medical chart insists doors still be locked? This as some so given to illusions often believing their own misguided NLP rhetorical fallacies and constant cognitive dissonance. All you have to do is listen to them when given trick or revealing questions. This as often done in criminal courts and hard interrogations? This all why I'm not very fond of bullies or those who beat up women. And as key point on motivation oddly most of my real life-heroes women? And from my fantastic Grade 6 teacher to very amazing lady friends and women on both sides of family, to even romantic angels? What's a man to do? Ignore women beaten and treated as second class by low class? Fact check?

How very motivating

My other motivation for coordinating this blog and exposing very sleazy cowardly ignorant criminals and beyond women's physical and economic safety, was later to also get  full prosecutions against all those, also so well "documented and witnessed" in IATSE 891 who think BCLRB and Criminal Code and "coercion and intimidation" of those in weaker positions and smaller titles impressive. And their sick sneaky abuse of funds, plus millions in tax credit fraud, and even lying and using RCMP as puppet and props to help criminals,  plus decieving IATSE members to CRA — and with unbelievable absurd criminal and illegal internal trials, as also very clever —  alone so very motivating, and as so very "clever", my motivation to fully help prosecution also was: 

The 70-80% of amazing, fun, "honest" and great people that I met in IATSE locals across Canada. And from "Trailer Park Boys" in the East to "Terminal City" on Vancouver Island. And as well as in ACTRA, DGC, UDO, Teamsters, ACFC and many other great unions. Great ones like my big favourites back East like CUPE and UNIFOR. Teachers and hospital unions were always very impressive. And CP and CN rail as some know sentimental favourites. And I was lucky as well as enjoying great "honest" unions I also had the pleasure of working with great non-union "honest" people in finance to fashion and even in federal politics?


Yes, I could have so easily at anytime just ran away from the BC crime and criminals, a very criminal and corrupt film union, and all the sad tragic innocent victims. And just ended up simply teaching law, political science, philosophy, history or art in beautiful Vermont. This at some junior rural community college as a funny teacher and football coach. And simply enjoyed a very small hobby farm, horse and dog. Plus the skiing, tennis and sailing (as I had in my youth with CBC people?), and the critical monthly visits to NYC or Montreal. And the food. Maple syrup from Cornell University? Fate, however had me fight the felons, fools, fakes and frauds, as again in my life no one else would, could or did. I am willing to be replaced? The pay stinks.

Observation and perception

Where none as notable as Dr. Pinker (McGill, MIT, Harvard), I myself had to see psychologists and psychiatrists literally almost weekly for years. Even on weekends. My mother worked for some of the top shrinks in Montreal. So when I'd visit for fun, fast finance or paid work with ER cases, we'd all chat. And joke. Why I ended being paid very well by Dr. Gandell to help with his very successful and lucrative corporate client development? Fact Check? Worse my amazing sister and my girlfriend then even studied psychology at McGill and Concordia. So as over exposed, have a tiny wee bit of a past for observing the criminal and deviant behaviour in IATSE 891, and where the possible brain "cognitive function" compromised. And from possible head injury or environmental exposure to possible more complex childhood trauma. I'd certainly would know who to ask as an authority? Hey, a top Advertising Art Director in BC was my date and witness at a major BC Shrink BBQ party where I confessed I felt a bit uncomfortable having my use of condiments monitored. Maybe I do use too much ground pepper compared to neurotypical? We all have flaws. Some flaws are criminal.

Note: As such knowing a few real "honest" legal and other real scholars and a former Attorney General of Canada plus a BC Criminal Court Judge, and as a former roommate, it is so extremely difficult to bow with servility like the obvious mindless criminal support to the very sad and pathetic posturing legal and intellectual superiority of literally criminal paint roller princesses and the criminal clowns in tool belts who support John Brummitt and clearly criminally aid and abet. This as "repeatedly" documented and witnessed. True? False? Fact check.

Cowardly liars, fakes and frauds

Just so very clear, if not clear enough, an added goal here not just to also fully expose real criminals for full criminal prosecution to RCMP and Crown Prosecution, but as so motivated by disgust, also expose literal law book Criminal Code defined criminals to full industry and provincial ridicule. And with a dash or two of humour to keep fans entertained. I certainly do have to entertain a few friends, psychiatrists, legal authorities and scholars also reading this. So I try. Plus must humiliate all the cowardly liars, fakes and frauds to their friends and family, former employees and past and potential employers. The slime who abused their title and position to exploit the weak and vulnerable, and member's funds. Sadly criminals too often exploiting those more talented, intelligent, skilled, certified, educated and far more honest. Easy to prove. True? False?
For amuzing comparison why weren't John Brummitt and Don Ramsden and their dog loyal criminal support all not suffering an internal trial after BCLRB ruling on "coercion and intimidation" plus extremely and further humiliating further failed BCLRB appeal or after RCMP called and lied to twice? As a far bit more serious than putting "known" criminals in "disrepute"? Any see any obvious patterns? 

This full story when told will make some vomit in disgust at the small man and smaller mindlessness of highly uneducated criminals. Criminals sadly "pretending" to be far more than they really are with little merit beyond a big shot union local title and by "normal" HR standards: overpaid.

Why in solid fact was I "honestly" paid far more, and before, than John Brummitt plus luxury car allowance, plus deal memo, as a new member, plus reduced hours and easy work and no complaints by any "honest" supervisor? Any "honest" supervisor? And including the Attorney General of Canada and two Senators and two top business school Deans? 

The full true story on just the stupidity and criminality possibly of all IATSE 891 local presidents including former local presidents like Ken Anderson and Keith Woods must be fully told. Ken Anderson with BCLRB rulings against him also on oddly "honesty and integrity" issues and for possibly now beyond belief. And Keith Woods integrity and respect for membership media documented. True? False? Human bullying little big shot human scum (See very clear 3rd party links below as added proof and criminal evidence)?


Hopefully, as the BC Election gets much closer, and tighter, we hope with a targeted few emails, this story and key case study below soon gets the full national media attention this story certainly deserves. And the horror and ramifications nationally if no resolve and restitution. This as to help "all workers" suffering coercion and intimidation and what the CLC, U of T and Western University have basically defined as a pandemic of toxicity in the workplace. And masks and pretense only help criminals. This the elephant in the room that corporations and executive management to union locals have successfully ignored even when criminal? We need to help and protect both "honest" union and non-union workers from criminal influence and actions. Is there not enough proof everywhere you look plus evidence and witnesses? Don't miss the obvious! True? False? 

NDP hometown hero

Will this blog add further solid credence to BCU claims: "David Eby’s soft-on-crime"? And now possibly even more the case here with this blog. This as forgetting or forgiving if involving Adrian Dix and a former glamorous Hollywood North BC union local executive? Now oddly at BCLC? This as fact when so many of far more merit than the reciprocal symbiotic currency of patronage provides. And some in criminal elite with Federal and BC Provincial NDP working "relations", and a even a Federal NDP candidate involved. More on NDP and criminal elite below.

I sadly only know one senior NDP in Ontario for over 20 years, and as some know Jack Layton was a hometown hero? I'm also somewhat familiar with the damage of patronage in Western Canada from being part of damage control for "Red Leaf" for John Turner when Prime Minister. Then suffering Justin's Dad's sins and Mulroney's patronage claim: "You could just say NO!"? Fact check. We will be using that quote of "You could just say NO!" in criminal courts for those in criminal elite not showing a letter or witnessed communication of dissent? 

Yes, absolutely, NDP's Adrian Dix as well as a couple of top Television and major Movie Stars like Gillian Anderson and Pam Anderson and producers like Bob Goodwin also needed to testify? Women who know first hand the ugliness of misogynists and those who beat-up, abuse, harass and use women and young fearing men. And as not just the super rich and powerful like Harvey Weinstein and the like sick, but spans even to very low level uneducated arrogant and ignorant dishonest lying and stealing union department heads and chairs involved with basic set work. This as common in industry around the world. Imagine that? If not very informed? 

Expert insider stuff

And where celebrity actresses and real "Hollywood Big shots" as witnesses both legit and novel, we most certainly do look so very forward to having an 891 deep insider, and very legally sophisticated in so many key things, and as a very "informed insider trader" by metaphor: Brian W. Whitfield, talk. 

Mr. Whitfield as claimed capable of "Labour Arbitration, Adjudication, Mediation Grievance Arbitrator, Unjust Dismissal Adjudicator and "Wage Recovery Appeal Referee". How handy is that? And as such with both of us under oath for a few dozen hard and focused questions by RCMP related to millions in fraud and as both of us both claiming to be "honest intelligent people". Both know Ottawa? And with RCMP and video tape a nice touch. The honest deserve such documented YouTube worthy results and rewards? True? False? I'll even try to be funny?

Certainly Mr. Whitfield would love to be critical in the seeding of "BC Workplace and Labour Code Reform". This to add to his honest credentials and be published either as hero or not?

BC's DGC, ACFC, and Teamster's union locals

Many needed to testify or provide a sworn statement in criminal courts and a Provincial Inquiry, and from BC's DGC, ACFC, and Teamster's BC union locals. As such, it would make very good sense for Adrian Dix to also testify (See below for more). 

The more members, people and RCMP know about who exactly John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Paul Klassen "criminally aid and abet in criminal collusion " as well documented, and how long: the faster to incarceration to heavy community service work and fair and full restitution from direct and indirect proceeds of crime seized for children of members cheated. And cheated of Life Insurance? Not just millions in BC tax credit fraud. Bets?

Of course as kind of interesting, very "revealing" and kind of fun is how "any critics" within this clearly named criminal elite — or even their loyal friends and family, as attempting as critics of my very clear criminal claims resulting in the logical high probability of being both: criminal and part of criminal collusion. As with any critics. And critics must walk on egg shells to avoid insanely expensive defamation traps if we go for gold? True? False? Fun how all that works. One crime defines another. Or a few? And works so well? Any defence adding to our legal offence any time more lies still thought so very clever, and believing still above the rule of law will cost dearly. True? False?

Note: This blog/document is subject to editorial review and revision before its reproduction in final form. Still at least 40 to 60 pages of evidence, notes, facts and reference to add. This before final editing for next BC election and ready for this blog's official launch.

Can we go any faster

Should RCMP get a few of the criminal elite, from their very criminally limited spinless weakest links, who aid and abet in collusion, to even their very best brains from John Brummitt to top of the heap Tom Adair, and this as to very quickly "Squeal for a Deal", this would expedite goals of: 

1- A Provincial Inquiry prima facie
2- Expedite ALL criminal prosecutions and convictions.
3- This then would facilitate even civil actions for children and weaker workers cheated from proceeds of crime seized. Not my first experience with seizure before judgement?
4- Aids in making actual case points for very critical and far past due "Workplace and BC Labour Code Reform". This to protect all BC's son's and daughters forced to be criminal victims, puppets or both? And within the next five years and in time for another election? Think ahead?


We believe once RCMP have questioned a couple of dozen "random" IATSE 891 members as witnesses — and warned of "obstruction" as a very serious crime — plus talks with the "trusted sworn witness list", and certainly for context the very poorly coordinated counter claims and denials, "expected" to be provided by targeted named criminals, and in obvious collusion, that the criminal's best Criminal Defence lawyers will likely advise to: "SQUEAL FOR A DEAL"! Exactly like top lawyers advised subordinate/partners of Conrad Black and NYC Crime Family bosses to Paul Bernardo's partner. Very common among higher IQ criminals plus using top lawyers. They will differ in testimony as some not suffering bipolar to delusional personality disorders and as proven desperate pathological liars now cornered. Again, the use of Forensic Psychiatry testimony will be critical to incarceration of some as charming as Ted Bundy.

It gets worse and far weirder. This just the tip of the iceberg that unsinkable Titanic criminals will ignore? Ego? Pride? Will be well played? See Below. I will help with "numbers" with all forensic accountants involved with prosecution and from petty cash abuse for "others" and car gas card fraud to known theft over $5,000.00.

Lies wasting RCMP "life-saving-time" and money

Where uneducated or known loud mouth vocal critics, and their kind, and in criminal collusion and with the cream of the criminal elite, and as now reading this blog, they most certainly will not fully appreciate the selective strategic legal use of question marks as legal questions? Plus will "seemingly" also miss intentional use of the non-sequitur style when used to hide legal tricks and traps? And this all done as to best expose "fully" these sick cowardly liars with RCMP. And in criminal courts? All that stuff that serves so very well to increase Criminal Defence Billable Hours by literally multiples. Was taught "legal realism" in Montreal by masters. Fact check? 

This blog with tricks and traps will also help all the criminal's lawyers as to better define in detail "the real and varied legal risk"? And should fully review the "real full potential financial costs", if criminal's lies fall apart? And to best consider the hundreds of hours time. Plus including the life-time damage to community and commercial "reputation" of family name, within the industry, friends and family. And with ALL 891, ACFC and DGC membership finally fully and honestly informed. And from shop and water cooler talk to more serious research by other members? And further and in addition cumulatively allows Criminal Defence lawyers to explain why "while on the clock" and "meter running" exactly why so many in exactly similar situations decide as smart to: 


This requiring less potential for added obstruction charges and further documenting wasting RCMP time and money with lies, and with this obvious obstruction by default as also clear proof of "criminal collusion", insulting the courts and legal system with highly uneducated silly perjury and contempt games. Where such fancy word dancing possibly once impressive in their high school and similarly at many 891 General Meetings that many find "insane" and just a pathetic platform for political and PR promises, and to have the appearance someone in criminal elite listening and "honestly" cares. As witnessed. Hardly holds water with legal system's best? True? False? "Criminal Obstructive Lies in Collusion" that work only inside BC film union IATSE 891, sadly in real world seriously wasting RCMP "life-saving-time" and money and can result in added jail time. True? False?

Macro and micro

This blog defines and identifies "most" crimes, "most" criminals, "most" witnesses and "most" evidence, and those involved with NDP?  This blog also addresses and outlines future legislated provincial solutions and remedies with restitution defined for victims. This including all the children cheated. More on this below. 

New news question

Will Eby and NDP be as hard on criminal elite in dirty BC unions like IATSE 891 as on gross mismanagement of funds and many other BC Housing problems now being investigated? Or try and ignore millions in tax credit fraud and children cheated as it involves Adrian Dix's old Hollywood date and supporter now at BCLC taking chances?

BC Votes

Langford - Juan de Fuca was a safe NDP bet with Horgan shadow and "mobilizing" motherhood school-family theme issues. And also aided by a low 13,000 quarter pop. turnout. And critical still a major wake-up call to Greens and BCU. Greens more visible than votes suggest? Falcon needs a "new and improved" fresh USP that this golden workplace issue below provides, and will also test well even in focus groups? 

Also a very strategic platform for Greens as well as a next step line extension for incremental share growth from latent/dormant "switchers".  And soon positioned heroes to Tourism business? 

Or more important for NDP, if smart enough to use this test case as "competitive barriers" to sharing working class hero halo with any other party. Some party will look good to honest working voters wanting honesty and safety in the workplace both union and non-union. Joan Phillip won Vancouver-Mount Pleasant another historic NDP stronghold well organized, motivated and mobilized.

Unlike what The Tyee published we dare to disagree with, "Saturday’s results point to an easy NDP victory next year". "Easy"? Hardly. Victory? Requires a rethink as NDP execution and mobilzation can easily fumble on just this issue on top of housing to health promises voters actually can hardly feel, taste or see. Media and message must be meaningful or the reality of Dix's NDP provincial defeat against all odds might be lessons learned stuff?  And with that lose a few yards and the wining touchdown. See below.

RCMP played as fools and pawns

Please allow that this blog has so many, and so much, to inform and educate from RCMP played as fools and pawns by criminals to protect criminals to misled CRA. This with even idiot efforts at wrongful prosecution. And this blog to inform Crown Prosecution, selected BCLRB, NDP, BCUP, Greens. And as well, those sadly thousands of union members and their children to BC taxpayers, cheated by criminal fraud to threatened by "proven" economic coercion and intimidation. This all while oddly done at the same time, and with so many I'm forced to also amuze and entertain. Those from family and friends to those I've worked with across Canada with this criminal exposure and prosecution? We try and give a few friends, family and fans a few laughs as well.

Fun tests

See the multiple criminal traps sprinkled so generously  throughout this blog below. Including how denial under oath also defines to the letter of the law "criminal defamation" and by collusion. Cute high risk stuff for criminal elite and clearly subject to further legal and financial exposure. True? False? This all as to best test top Criminal Defence lawyers plus dramatically increase their billable hours? 

And this also helps RCMP save time and money. Hopefully this time not trusting membership illegally paying from "funds in trust" to clearly protect criminals. This as with Gavin Craig and John Brummitt and friends lying to RCMP. And now criminals using their own personal funds as this is a criminal matter totally and totally not union or labour code. BCLRB has already done great work with "coercion and intimidation" to "Bad Faith and BS" issues. 95% of people in unions are honest. True? False?

Fun to think ahead of the literally hundreds of hours "without pay" that most of the criminal elite will need, as to all review all documents for a critical needed full consensus of criminal collusion. And clearly that to aid and abet criminals and avoid a few dozen traps, and as to best plan their very best lies and word spin. Hundreds of hours to best try and fool those smarter and more educated and accomplished and with very serious big shot titles based on honest merit as in the RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts. And this for criminals with the increased real risk of added charges of obstruction or perjury. The ante they'll all be betting against. Big time. True? False?

Other criminals

Criminals absolutely hate when they themselves are put on the defensive, and under oath, and then have to both defend themselves of multiple criminal involvement and worse other criminals in their group, gang or network. And then get criminal courts to believe no possible criminal collusion over 30 years?

So very many choices

The criminals and their aid and abet support have so many varying choices of crimes to again lie to RCMP and courts about. And to possibly even dare deny any crimes even ever occurred. Or possibly just admit to a few very obvious crimes and corruption, with postured uncertainty of those involved — other than by obvious title, date and proximity. Or the "get-out-of-jail-free" card with the time and quantities limited: "Squeal for a deal". And ideally best before expiry date, or before friends have already lied to RCMP. Again wasting RCMP time with lies and word spin and treating trained investigation and interrogation officers like fools. Using RCMP "again" as criminal's petty political props, puppets, pawns to clearly help criminals and help keep their dirtiest criminal secrets secret.

Not all helpful

Who in the criminal elite will have to do all the very hard long hours for the intelligent legal and file research. This so criminal elite not betting big on impulsive and instinctive BS and bluffing to make "all the lies" work with RCMP. And for all two dozen involved in criminal elite? Who will play the superior to others as the lazy useless big shot, and so superior in status in the criminal elite, and delegate and/or just offer their self-interest authoritative opinions or finger point blame for stupidity on others. 

Meetings, text, emails and phone calls among the criminal elite planning a legal defence so a royal few can avoid jail and huge costs for their sins and crimes should be novel. And from the very stupidest to the smartest, should be as entertaining as frustrating as such a team when crisis or scandal. 

Will there be a vote on which exact "personal criminal priority" issues should be supported by criminal lies in solidarity and collusion as to criminally obstruct a criminal investigation into millions in tax credit fraud to children cheated? And using illegal NDAs and internal trials to protect criminals?

Case study referenced

We try and address all reasonable and related possible questions both Criminal and Political below. And case study referenced. This so when anyone questions this blog it provides comprehensive foundation material for far more informed questions and direction by Media, RCMP and Criminal Courts. Efficacy?


Simply, we just need a few dozen honest and heroic BC MLAs from "all parties" to fully support: full RCMP investigations and interrogations in these criminal matters below.  This milestone, following PMI guidelines, as the key first step to a meaningful momentum with a  Provincial Inquiry. A meaningful Provincial Inquiry done as a solid foundation to expedite clearly needed BC Workplace Laws and Labour Code reform. And critical that children cheated compensated. Below makes this need far beyond foolish debate. My work reporting "directly" to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and knowing top legal scholars socially and a BC Criminal Court judge for decades gives me some knowledge and firsthand experience so few have as to address these matters in this blog. Fact check.

Possibly major media should ask 3rd party Dr. Kendra Strauss, Director of the Labour Studies Program at SFU, if just the BCLRB and RCMP documents suggest some investigation, transparency, accountability for paying union members funds in trust and claims children cheated warrants some serious investigation with added abuse of NDAs?

Getting real

This decades overdue review and enhanced BC Workplace Law, policy and policing, plus Labour Code reform would invite all BC union locals NOT involved in criminal investigations of executive members or BCLRB rulings of bad faith to contribute. This with legal experts plus key criminology and psychology scholars from SFU and UBC.  

This should also result in providing ALL BC UNION MEMBERS a booklet/website spelling out union local governance, accountability, responsibility and transparency and reporting and key exposing any violations of law. Too pro-worker? Debate welcome for those who feel continued member ignorance advantageous as per this case study, and not just fertilizer for fraud, crime and corruption in every union local? Any wish to argue pro ignorance? Union locals would cover all costs for member education and empowerment.

Management measured metrics

Transparency, accountability, liability, responsibility and democracy demand an informed, clear and honest participation, not secret circles using NDAs to hide crimes, criminals and the corrupt. And then watch election involvement increase when voters in membership to a provincial election both honestly and "credibly" informed and not grossly misled by criminal fraudulent concealment. And using best media and expense to inform "honest" workers. Internal union local governance will also improve. True? False?

Think for yourself

As you read below please ask yourself, and very seriously: why do those corrupt or very criminal, as so clearly named below, clearly so very afraid, even with their proven and documented major legal muscle — even internally, as so very afraid to defend their good golden names and reputation? And just fully challenge this blog and in real honest criminal and civil courts? Or RCMP offices? And after so many warm and welcoming invitations by us to do so. And with their traditional show of force in full organized solidarity/collusion among criminal elite and challenge little wee me. Little wee me as really no more than just a failed comedy writer? What do they fear so much? Truth? See below BCLRB rulings and various media reports and CLC, U of T and Western University studies, and judge for yourself if this can change BC provincial elections? Yes, I've done stand-up comedy. Better in boardrooms and courtrooms. Mostly the truth in jest bit?

As a matter of record and reason, I  went into the film industry with work in film unions IATSE 891, ACFC, UDO and ACTRA hoping to get into Comedy Writing and Producing. This based on my "proven" industry and academic recognition and success writing and directing TV Ads in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. And this including running an Ad agency in Toronto. This where and when Writers, Production Designers, Production Manager and Art Directors and Media buyers all reported to funny little wee me. And based on my "real" university education in Media production and psychology. Plus my real experience and success as a senior executive. And with serious profit/loss responsibility? Oddly "ONLY" a problem with literal criminal elite and the corrupt and uneducated major fakes in IATSE 891. FACT CHECK. My only luck finding comedy oppourtunities was back East and in French?

What can it really mean about these criminals to major fakes acting so superior and so clever, above the rule of law, with gross sense of entitlement and with only very minimal blue collar and trade depth with paint rollers to low voltage tools. This before criminal coronation via gerrymandering and misleading deceptive election messaging with fraudulent concealment. This with membership, public and politicians? True? False? Res ipsa loquitur? Prima facie?

Guilt beyond a reasonable doubt

The fun part is when these so very clever criminals collectively in clear criminal collusion, as obvious here, claim classic"memory issues". And with LTM cues blatant, they then kill all their own ability, among "all of them, to defend what (they claim under oath or have to RCMP, and all ready caught lying and obstructing with) that they "can't remember"? Think about it. Left with no defence as "can't remember", while so many others far more honest so very easily do? 

Add key files missing also helping fully costing both their credibility in court from the very start, and any ability to defend actions they "can't remember". And best while setup for the contempt, obstruction and the "perjury trap" games. When far too late to suddenly remember selective details. Not how the smarter ones play it? True? False? 

Supreme Court Judgments: R. v. Metzger: "This evidence cried out for an explanation that only the accused’s testimony could have provided, such that he must accept the consequences of having remained silent."

The criminals now have a choice

The choice for former and present big shots in criminal elite like Tom Adair to Paul Klassen and ALL PAST UNION LOCAL PRESIDENTS is simply:

(a) Jump on a legal hand grenade to finally fully protect John Brummitt and his former superiors. This as JB never doing as well as others in criminal elite blessed with a long time big shot title like Tom Adair and position, and added thousands in income for his posturing ethics and aid and abetting in collusion, and to help past dirty criminals known for bullying coercing and intimidating. Yes, help and lie for John Brummitt the mythological master of union politics even if paid poorly by direct comparison by the criminals they helped with silence to servitude. True? False? Fact check? This so dirty criminal union local presidents can avoid earned and deserved jail time. And this legal suicide for JB and bosses also adds further risk to themselves with added jail time for obstruction, continued collusion, aid and abet stuff, as all too obvious? Fun? Certainly funny?


(b) help women beaten and honest children and families cheated and protect future innocents from abuse and squeal for a deal and not appear criminal, stupid, desperate.

As a note internationally recognized neuroscience expert at Stanford Dr Sapolsky claims there is no free will. Many will have eyes on the top dogs in IATSE 891 criminal elite to prove otherwise?

ALL union locals, labour movement and NDP should not offer and be "USED" as cover, refuge and facade of legal legitimacy and postured with even pix of BC "political protection" for criminals, nor facilitate their abuse and crimes with any artificial illegal image of legitimacy.

Numbers magic numbers

Just in the matter of just the full "real" honest number and full money story and critical context by Ernst & Young and RCMP on how EXACTLY just the "Hour Bank" facilitates the criminal elite in IATSE 891 and pacifies support and possible critics by inclusion should surprise many. Fortunately not only can I do numbers as proven, I even studied microeconomics in university and know how MLMs, and Pyramid to Ponzi systems often poorly hidden. Should smaller departments pay for larger department benefits? From there the numbers unfold propelled by membership fraud and malicious seniority violations. Do the numbers. And add the hundreds of children cheated.

Sad and sickening after all the critical union conferences, 3 decades of unmeasured "action plans", nice hotels, and per diem, plane trips and paper, career political pontificating, posturing, Pix and PR, self-glorifying and politically self-promoting posts and mostly meaningless tweets, that as fact so very-very little  has been accomplished in over three decades.  Fact check? NDAs still hiding criminals and criminals acts. Criminals still protected criminals by criminal elite. Children still cheated. True? False? It gets worse. See below. 

I have never worked with or ever known anyone from Ernst & Young, just Price and Pete people. Some I had help members in IATSE 891 with advice or paper prep. True? False?

Voter LTV

If "The forensic investigation by accounting firm Ernst & Young found a pattern of mismanagement that allowed former BC Housing officials to spend millions in public money without proper scrutiny": Consider the mother load with a full forensic audit of IATSE 891 criminal elite's dirty deeds by Ernst & Young (as 475 members voted for and Tom Adair and John Brummitt oddly not supportive of? Wonder why? RCMP will?). 

If BC Housing can shortchange the "immediately and many needy" with a 1.9 million surplus (which they initially refuse to return), just imagine what those in BC union local IATSE 891's criminal elite, plus using coercion and intimidation to restriction of trade and economic interference themes. Criminals easy to prove who cheat children like psychotics and sociopaths would without remorse or restitution? And enjoying personally proceeds of crime cash cow. Proceeds of crime as so commonly laundered as position, perks, power, influence, vanity spotlight, big pay, big shot tittle and works far less physical labour. This laundry effort for proceeds of crime as seen all over the world where oddly crime and corruption linear regressions correlate like with criminal elite in IATSE 891. Those who have a pattern of decieving members and RCMP with direct documented deception to fraudulent concealment. And breach of fiduciary duty and oath their small man big shot titles support. True? False? 

Ernst & Young and RCMP would then be (1) key to supporting a "cost/benefit driven and socially meaningful (2) Provincial Inquiry". That then serving as the foundation of (3) Workplace and Labour Code reform, plus (4) putting all deserving criminals in jail. And (5) the imperative proceeds of crime seized to compensate victims. Seems just. Seems fair. Seems honest. True? False?

Will this be the key tipping point, threshold, butterfly factor that soon quickly grows to cost Eby and NDP an election, and as added synergy to the growing health to housing problems and scandals growing faster than promises and now trending. And if also ignored too long like cancer for a metaphor?

In law and politics, like physics, velocity and mass matter.

Please if you can deal with this, please discuss and share and/or contact your local MLA about Workplace Law Reform. Union and non-union as needed. Or help criminals doing nothing?

Comparison to reality

As key "again to note for direct real comparison to the criminals and fakes" illustrated, documented and witnessed, and before working with IATSE 891 and ACFC, I had "run" a Toronto Ad agency office with writers, art directors and production managers all reporting to me. And using ACTRA talent for TV ads and top "non-union" production companies and cost. Fact check? And as added fact prior, I had even been on the board of directors of a public company with real signing authority. Seems investors and the COB liked me and my babble like university Deans? This as a few in IATSE know? 

And more odd seems I was liked even oddly in IATSE 891 and as also based on undeniable documented evidence of "repeat contracts" with even the most most intelligent, respected, honest senior members as department heads of IATSE 891 (and as well as the morons and criminals) all picked my value as proven. Repeatedly? Also kept "all" my ad clients as long as I stayed in any major City.

Any wonder who was my reference for the Attorney General of Canada and Jack Austin? Who was my client at McGill? Who was the extremely highly decorated military reference for my Federal Security Clearance for DND and NRC projects?

Why do "head hunters for RCMP in Ottawa", as documented, oddly even very recently contact me for well paying projects that seems my weak French limits me with? So much the criminal elite don't know about me still? Yet continuously always making very stupid judgments and will continue to make. This based on history to date, and best as always thinking themselves so superior to every member and myself. Confused by their criminal coronations and blinded by their very small man big shot very real world little real impact very meaningless titles. Titles that only fool fools, friends and family. Criminal elite not doing their homework as so in love with their Dunning-Kruger illusions, and mentally so protected by trained depth in cognitive dissonance, and lying so often to others, RCMP and themselves, and that they are superior, so very clever. And above the rule of law. And can so easily lie and use RCMP like their personal petty political play things, PR, puppets and props. This as just so very clever or finding bozo criminal puppets like Paul Klassen to pretend he has any legal validity or intellectual integrity at all. Clearly as per their very own paper trail a criminal puppet. True? False?

And working with IATSE 891 was shortly after recognized by Deans at top business schools (McGill, SFU), and after I would be on the board of directors of a public company in Vancouver. All prior to witnessing the 891 criminal financial orgy of waste to time and material theft over $5,000.00. As such you can imagine how very amuzing to watch some do estimates and budgets and pretend and posture as top management and with no previous senior executive management experience or related university education. Few of the criminals even able to use most computer or cellphone tools. Classic fakes and frauds. Just faking it and fooling fools so easily fooled by so many misleading big shot titles and so many criminals in elite and with so little education and experience and with nepotism and cronyism blatant. 

So sad for IATSE members to suffer these criminals and incompetent and corrupt low life fakes with their variety of psychological personality disorders. True? False? Much more on this for a full Forensic Provincial Inquiry of tax credit fraud in the millions and crime in union executives hidden by NDAs. Much more? And much more when under oath in Criminal courts. Those who cheat "honest" families and children should go to jail. True? False? And proceeds of crime as defined below seized?

Not my ideas

Most of what follows not my original thoughts and are a result of having legendary historic labour mentors, fantastic legal teachers and brilliant employers and supervisors. Like the Attorney General of Canada, and even with real experience in university with both railway unions, and as well as when later on the board of directors of a public company, and another great teacher as my COB, plus a highly successful ad agency in Montreal owner, and add even back when a grievance coordinator for CUPE. 

Oddly no problem playing with those far more honest, intelligent, educated and accomplished in dramatic contrast with the criminal elite involved in cheating children and millions in tax credit fraud cheating all honest BC taxpayers. 

Reminds me of when dealing with lying teenagers when a sub at high schools during university. They'll say what they think with "little real thinking" with what "sounds good". Yes, that pathetic, as we will also prove. They like the way things "sound" no matter how stupid or deceitful, and more the case if they "feel" they can get away with it as easy as when in criminal elite in IATSE 891, they will try and have tried. And failed. True? False?

Odd by direct point-by-point comparison, how hard to work with those in 891 criminal elite, and this as hard fact, as really far less honest, far less educated, far less intelligent, far less accomplished. This as Big Title Tom Adair and John Brummitt define as hard fact, as with others in the criminal elite, also pretending as best-of-best and elections and selected patronage not criminal systematized for criminal abuse. Debate and denial by their criminal elite's very best-of-best welcomed at RCMP offices. Anytime. Expect surprises?


The criminals here, as such in my real union experience and education: anti-union. This obvious from beating up women, weaker men, purse snatching, cheating children, millions in tax credit fraud, and theft over $5,000.00, coercion and intimidation.

Spokes-model John Brummitt and his special support group or gang of posturing Alpha males and impressive paint roller princesses are all most certainly encouraged to fully deny and defend "one-on-one" with me (and both of us under oath) at RCMP offices. This if they are all such honest pro labour union workers and not fakes as documented and prove that they have absolutely nothing to fear and nothing more to hide of criminal acts. How simple is that?

BC political oppourtunities

This blog also initially defines and outlines new strategic BC political priorities and oppourtunities with Labour Code Reform and new Workplace laws for NDP or BC Liberals/United — and even Green. This to win new seats in next election. Pivoting off these crimes and swinger profiles with honest heroic worker efforts.

This also based on Myers-Briggs and AI/ChatGBT-4/SGE (See Samples below). Plus advanced digital marketing targeting swing-votes, and switcher profiles (See below). This as done for Federal Political parties. And all this as further supported from various studies from Stanford to McGill and key research by Western University, U of T and CLC and legal rulings from BCLRB to Laskin and Lawrence Tribe, and even my own little league legal contacts and mentors. This as kind of handy and helpful.

Money and emotion motivating

By understanding the calculus to fractal factors of swing voter analytics, campaigns can tailor their messaging and outreach efforts to the specific needs and preferences of swing voters, dramatically increasing their chances of success in the next election. Emotional issues like cheating children to cheating all BC taxpayers have proven motherhood to nationalistic appeal for creating and expanding voting switcher numbers. As some know my old roommate had his doctorate thesis on election dynamics. This when I was working with Federal Liberals (elections) and Conservatives (economic initiatives)?

The AI sample below clearly just very simplistic analytics for example only. For far more sophisticated and advanced media and message project management any provincial political parties just have to pay my team, and what my bill-out rate was for Federal Liberals, Labatt, Molson Pension fund, 7-Eleven and they can get the good stuff that all my great teachers taught me. And then possibly find out exactly why I was asked by the largest Ad agency in Canada to audit BC Tourism "US message and media buy" not just franchise audits. I have honestly worked with and hired the top media planners and  buyers in Canada from Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver and had those with graduate level statistical skills for cost/benefit analysis? And with even real actuaries in the family. From "proven" video and radio success to even print at Federal riding level, seems a bit more than luck the cause for measured and documented repeated success few can match in Canada. Fact check. Not simply academic theory. Bets?

And where in political marketing and consumer behavior and "beliefs", we do also seriously consider the three levels defined by Plato, Shakespeare and Freud, and later more complex Yankelovich marketing and media research journals — and even the once popular Goldfarb psychographics to the Myers-Brigs mapping of motivation and media consumption and indexing: We must also consider "hybrid factoring" best defined by behavioral economics as taught at U of T.  And with that, all smart message and media money betting on the work at Stanford and McGill in Neurosciences. Science and logic rule. As they should in courts and medical research. And as they should in Criminal and Labour issues and reform. Forensic Psychiatry applies more than most appreciate in these mattersSee below.

C-290 (44-1)

Can anyone "honest " and with a brain, not fully support whistle-blowers as per theme with C-290 (44-1)? And exactly as much as some protect and support dirty lying low life criminals and in clear collusion? 

Fact: Multiple cases of this Criminal Protection with crimes and criminals in IATSE 891 executive and criminal elite protecting "real literal criminals". And feeling so very clever as sleazy cowards using coercion and intimidation to economic interference and restriction of trade, and even illegal internal trials, as with illegal NDAs. NDAs as also used to protect criminals from "disrepute". Insane? Yes! And yet so easy to prove to real legal authorities, like RCMP and Crown Prosecution and even with legal scholars and forensic psychiatrists both the criminality and insanity of those with clear personality disorders. And from small man complex and women beating to millions in tax credit fraud and cheating children. All so easy to prove to those more honest, intelligent and educated. As tested? Fact: Still no one stupid enough to dare challenge myself nor this blog with real honest legal efforts as we repeatedly beg the slime to try. Why not? Obvious to some.

Lawyers across Canada 

News: Just in time for next election, and before even a peep from NDP and United, seems Sonia Furstenau and Green Party very clear on the excessive criminal and/or corrupt use of NDAs. And best now Green seen as expanding branding as real "Workplace Heroes". Yes, "Workplace Heroes". This NDA criminal abuse as done and detailed in this exact blog and case study. Exactly. 

As per: "NDAs in BC are being used by companies (and unions) to keep scandals under wraps and to silence whistleblowers or survivors of workplace harassment, sexual assault, medical incidents and discrimination. This culture of silence must not be tolerated in BC". Yes, "This culture of silence must not be tolerated in BC".

Add as an added tiny small point: "Lawyers across Canada approve groundbreaking resolution to help prevent abuse of non-disclosure agreements". This case makes such cowardly crime and corruption hidden by NDAs/"settlements" here beyond debate. Green and United should join forces and review Eby's and NDP efforts beyond words? 

Large companies also abusing NDAs as also witnessed. Duress can be measured in dollars?

Top IATSE 891's well educated and as such intellectual superiors, and as both so honest and experienced, as part of criminal elite, spokes models John Brummitt and Tom Adair ideally will both be asked a few hours of questioning  by RCMP on how NDAs facilitates their long time criminal associates hide crimes? And with "exact cases", and how for decades they aid and abetted their criminal friends. Should be fun. We do hope they tell even more lies to RCMP so we get more obstruction charges. And proven repeated patterns as aid and abetting in millions in tax credit fraud, cheating children and totally illegal internal trials. Ridiculous internal trials where criminals aided by documented for life idiot Paul Klassen. And also well documented thinking himself not such an obvious and now documented ignorant criminal puppet. Oddly rewarded as other slime with piece of proceeds of crime laundered to very misleading big shot title, position, higher pay, less "real" work. So few of any "honest" merit. True? False? 

More? This link important for criminals in 891 to read that the writing now on the wall that such criminal slime and liars can't fool those far more educated, intelligent, honest, accomplished and experienced. 

as they allow a person who has behaved abusively and possibly "criminally to stay put or move with impunity to another organisation".

they protect an employer’s (or union locals) reputation and the "career(s) of the perpetrator(s)", not the victim who can be protected by a simple one-sided confidentiality clause.

preventing them reporting, speaking to family and friends about their own experiences, OR WARNING OTHERS!!!

about their past and in some cases require co-workers to tell lies or risk being sued for defamation.

for anyone wishing to speak up about abuse in the workplace. 

Vote honesty honestly

Maybe time to vote and stand with the BC Greens and the: 

"Can't Buy My Silence

campaign to tell government that it's time to reform the use of NDAs. This campaign will urge the BC NDP to pass the Non-Disclosure Agreements Act. 

"It's time government steps up to make our workplaces a "safer", more "transparent" place for everyone, especially survivors of "discrimination and harassment". 

This as is the case with various dirty BC union locals like IATSE 891. IATSE 891 as serving a collusion of criminal elite over members with proceeds of crime from position, pay and perks to absurd internal trials to also coerce and intimidate to protect criminals from  "disrepute"/criminal exposure as well documented, to obvious obstructive lies to RCMP by idiots cowardly word-spin and deceitful efforts at wrongful prosecution of honest workers. Very criminal?

All easy to prove with witnesses and documents not in control of criminal elite and their critical aid and abet criminal support and sickening cowardly silence. True? False?

Clear criminal benefit

Sonia and BC Green have actually also made the connection between misogynist mindless men and male violence. BC NDP and BC United should also make the connection. More sad add how suicide rates for girls are rising. Hospitalization rates for self-harm have increased by 140% since 2010. See CLC study where a crippled toxic workplace culture nurtured in bad businesses and dirty unions. This where abuse, harassment and violence against women simply acceptable. Just like a church wrist-slapping a pedophile and using NDAs to protect the guilty. In worse case some aid and abet financing illegal NDAs to hide criminal acts. From a waitress abused in a restaurant in Victoria to domestic violence rates by those overworked doing over 50 hour weeks in film, these numbers not mythical. Nor the crimes. What percentage of union NDAs with clear criminal benefit? 20%? 50% 75%?

True? False? 

Will the criminals obstruct and lie to RCMP about all the illegal NDAs? Will IATSE 891 criminal elite support lawyers across Canada kill abuse of NDAs and reveal their criminal use of NDAs? 

Support Worker's Rights

You see this on so many Strike Signs this summer in BC. Support Worker's Rights? As such, this very blog a simple but deadly accurate test of who exactly is just total BS, and who really and honestly supports "honest and democratic" Worker's Rights. And thus, as well who clearly supports criminals as clearly abusing Worker's Rights. And as the worn cliche' goes, you: "aid the oppressor not the oppressed", the victims, the weak. Simply: True or false? And even when the clever play and posture so very poorly with the obvious and transparent BS "intellectually neutral" BS bit.

How simple is this

To keep it ultra simple, really only (3) three tiny key focus points to quickly "prove" to RCMP investigators and Crown Prosecution, and NOT the myopic "illegal" Paul Klassen trial group. 3 key points with absolute certainty. And all that as beyond a "reasonable" shadow of a doubt stuff. Plus as supported by protected witnesses and published documents as hard evidence. All this then added to slightly definitive BCLRB rulings and failed appeals for gross acts of "coercion and intimidation", plus certain law firm files/settlements (under duress?) and fair rep game playing, certainly not good faith. Then the rest of the crimes and criminal's networks and lies to RCMP to protect criminals, all logically becomes very obvious, and connected by visible collusion, and with no defence, or not much at all? And still more supporting evidence still to follow? True? False?

The 3 Criminal Focus Points

1- Millions in BC taxpayer tax credit to membership criminal fraud in the tens of millions.

2- Children cheated of life insurance by those found guilty of coercion and intimidation to lies to RCMP (Lies that oddly they realized too late as so very stupid and criminal, that they couldn't followup on as with their even more stupid threats at "wrongful prosecution". Even when baited, teased and repeatedly ridiculed? No follow up? And criminals even put in disrepute as such still worthy of a very silly internal trial. See below.  Such slime. Such idiots. True? False? Fact check.

3- RCMP lied to by some of these criminals to very clearly: "protect criminals" just by following the faxes and dated timelines, and the criminal players involved, and with the added clear foolish threat of "wrongful prosecution". "Wrongful prosecution" that criminal court judges do not find that amusing. And further used as to "defame an honest member" to protect criminals and sacrifice innocent and honest for some stupid lying criminal's idea of "labour stability". And more sick and disgusting and far more repugnant, they even tried to make themselves, as in reality sleazy lying low life criminals, then absurdly postured the despicable pretense as to look like "Heroes and Saints to the Labour movement". And IATSE 891 while women beaters politically ignored. And all society benefits. Such sick fakes and frauds. Often fooling themselves and only fools who follow. 

Many very anxious to see what a criminal court judge believes, and as can't be fooled by so many far simpler criminal minds. And then as salt on the wound criminals using member's money in "trust" as clear "misappropriation of funds", plus hundreds of hours of executive time and with all added six digit legal costs, and that all as to further try to back step and further protect criminals in full "criminal collusion". And as also later and so clearly documented adding in totally illegal internal trials to again, but far more humiliating humbly serve and aid and abet criminal elite. And that again as even more stupid pathetic efforts to "coerce and intimidate" forced silence and suppress truth when their clever NDAs can't? Lies all they got? True? False? 

After these three easy-to-prove 3 points above proven to both RCMP and Crown Prosecution in we hope under 40 minutes, as I won't waste the time of RCMP and Crown Prosecution, while others will. And desperately must. I will, however, waste as much as possible of all the highly expensive big time Criminal Defence Attorney's involved "honestly billable time". And as many hundreds of hours each, as humanly, honestly and legally possible. I'll keep Criminal Defence lawyers very busy. As I have before? 

We then hope traditional national media values and virtues kick in. And this then makes this whole true story the next step "seeds of critically needed legislative change", and clearly to better protect son's and daughters in the workplace. Both union and non-union. And all over Canada. Ideally with BC proudly showing critical visible credible leadership as such, and from any of, or ideally ALL three main BC political parties?

Important Note: When I mention children cheated by this collective criminal slime in collusion, this is not academic economic theory, hyperbole and exaggerated abstract numbers, I have at least a half dozen "real faces" of cheated children as fraud victims with "real names". And even cheated of life insurance. So this no joke here folks, with these sick self-consumed criminal cowardly, very creepy morons without remorse. No joke at all. And I know as fact literally hundreds more victims as children. Fact check how oddly, unlike my very ignorant critics, and other criminal support, I really can do basic numbers and did "really" study microeconomics in university as well? The later mentioned as "Elasticity"" formulas will be employed in a Provincial Inquiry presentation and for Criminal Court testimony. This as it has very serious financial bearing on "coercion and intimidation" and other criminal forces at play. And, heck, a small lesson in microeconomics as to best aid and expedited criminal convictions and incarcerations for criminal fraud to theft over $5,000.00, just maybe not that boring? And this involving millions. And from economic studies I know how dark currency works and Nobel Prize Winning "Information Theory" applies. And exactly how for thousands of years since cuneiform tablets how big pay and perks just lowest criminal level clever laundry efforts at laundry of dirty money from dirty deeds directly or indirectly and hiding proceeds of crime. From seizure. True? False? 

Again, as simple as those three serious criminal points above, and as this to make hundreds more crimes far more clear, and the endgame the existential need for: 

"Workplace and Labour Code Reform". 

Note to family and friends: My apologies but just had to use the term "... the endgame, the existential need ...", just once in my life?

Heck, if I was just half as smart as David Eby, or even near as tall, I'd offer the same big pay (and pro rated to "real" credentials and real accomplishment) as he has for his staff and with expenses, and immediately commission these fine ladies named below and easily worth over $400 an hour plus expenses to verify legal to psychological factors of small far lower paid misogynistic men, women beaters and porn lovers not respectful of highly accomplished ladies as such BS alpha males. And these ladies far better role models for daughters than criminal sleazy paint roller princesses. True? False? These ladies to report on: 

Immediate Legislative Action to prevent, protect and aid, future and present victims as sons and daughters in the BC Workplace. 

Far too late for so many others as per CLC report.

Suggested Team sample:

Dr. Judy Fudge (Labour Law. Google published works and CV), Dr. Victoria Macfarlane (Labour Psychology). Dr Madeline Tremblay (Forensic Psychiatry). Believe it or not I actually trust all three of them far more than even the very best "world class" top set paint department heads, and with their proven executive ambitions. And as such I do not trust criminals and as to simply clean paint brushes? Or possibly do an honest petty cash? Or ever be in any union executive? 

Girls just wanna have fun

I've known these 3 distinguishing ladies from high school and all certainly to be highly intellectually productive, and with special sensitivities to violence against women and sexual harassment, to even understanding the multiple implications of "coercion and intimidation" by clear creeps and criminals. Plus all added implications of sleazy disgusting repeated lies to RCMP. And all as part of sad and serious personality disorders among the criminal elite, as documented? Why Forensic Psychiatry must be addressed? As witnessed? True? False?

Certainly these ladies based on education, experience, intellect and integrity deserve at least ten times the pay of Dusty Kelly at BCLC, as not much more than Adrian Dix's loyal Hollywood friend and cheerleader, now sitting and enjoying the big shot perks and pay and trusted at BCLC. And trusted? Her past and criminal associations to be detailed.

Ladies and ladies and ladies

Of course these extremely accomplished women above can be substituted, or even added to, by other remarkable women. Women exactly like heroic BCU MLA former Surrey RCMP officer Elenore Sturko  —  familiar with such criminal types. Other top UBC and SFU "labour" legal, "labour" psychology and Forensic psychiatrists, also  can serve such needed goals for recommendations on: 

Workplace and Labour Code Reform. 

True? False? And this with added critical input from all "female" BC MLAs, like Green leadership, and as all female MLAs as far more sensitive to violence against women, harassment and bullies, coercion and intimidation. They can certainly also be far more likely as very sensitive to the rumours of possible mental health issues of paint roller princesses in criminal elite and the "sticky" web they weave or wallpaper. Stuff the Alpha male misogynists like John Brummitt and buddies in criminal elite, just possibly can't understand, as possible psychopaths void of remorse by overview. Yes, those sad ladies as demonstrated and witnessed as seriously under illusions above the rule of law, recourse and real-world criminal ramifications, and for so many stupid and needless aggressive criminal acts? And these ladies as so very entitled by title, nepotism and criminal cronyism, and once postured as power and so superior, and as known inner circle criminal elite. Once so superior to those they dare judge, seems as now only very fair they now themselves all be judged by those certainly very superior in education, experience, intellect, integrity compared to those princesses in criminal elite. The Canadian legal system can do far better than documented criminal puppets like Paul Klassen who loves his gigantic misleading big shot title. False? True? Much more to follow.

My perspective

Just for a quick feel of my life before IATSE 891 and the very unique perspective and network I used for observation of the criminal slime in IATSE 891:

1975 Eyes opened by invitation by Dr. MacFarlane (Psychology: Labour) who I was dating at the time, and back when she was just an impressive undergraduate student at McGill  in Montreal ("Canada's Harvard"). I was invited by her to audit her class on the "The Bio-Chemical Basis of Behaviour"? Eyes opened. She is also a fine art painter and guitar player. She tolerated me. Oddly this at the same time I was also introduced to GSR polygraph technology at John Abbott College's Police Technology department. And more odd while fate would allow, same time top Jesuits scholars at Loyola teaching me formal logic and how to spot meaningless rhetorical fallacies so key to decieving others and often oneself. This as we see partly mastered in criminal elite. 

1976 Blessed to enjoy the life-changing lectures on "Contract" and "Constitutional" law by Sen. Eugene Forsey at Carleton University? So I know how incredibly stupid some of the bylaws are in IATSE 891 and some of the related Latin if pushed. So a bit surprised with top guys in IATSE 891 and without self-interest and pure altruistic motive like Joe Sala on the respected Law and Legislative Committee so supportive of certain people? Makes a point? Bets? And to be very real and clear, that as near impressive as Mitch Davies as president. True? False? And consider carefully the intellect and integrity of both top huge title types like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen as with others documented aid and abetting criminal elite. Misleading membership with such high school level efforts of faking an absolutely illegal authority and legality and intellect, and now busted as posturing little league fakes, fools, frauds and felons. True? False?

1985 Wrote the 7-Point Plan for Western Canada for Prime Minister John Turner's election effort. Reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford. This under "Red Leaf" on all message, media and money issues in Western Canada. With oversight added by Sen. Graftstein and others? Tandem to this in 1985: My words for humour recognized in Hollywood (south) and on NBC's "The Tonight Show" for Kokanee Beer's first Sasquatch Ad as "Samples of the World's Best" in humour. And this according to the words of then "Tonight Show" host Johnny Carson . Then I went to run a Toronto Ad agency office. And this is why "only in part" why national trade magazine "Marketing" had me listed as one of the "Landmark 100" in Canada. For that whole decade? Fact check. So many other success stories they missed? In archives. Imagine for a moment a lawyer, accountant or a doctor or even a set painter or senior steward defined in the national trade media as "Landmark", or on "international TV" as "Samples of the World's Best". Makes a very serious comparative point point and allows one to round up numbers in clear criminal defamation claims? Reality: I had even more success before and after my work for Labatt and Federal Liberals. Opinions by national research firms and academics count as well? Funny when one person willing to make a dramatic change over convention and critics?

1986 Working with IBM US at EXPO '86 was one of a literal handful in Canada of pioneers in touch screen and initial video streaming merchandising (having already wrote, directed and produced TV ads and political and humour radio ads) plus having advanced computer skills. This from my work with my clients franchise network "Compucentre" out of Montreal. And was as witnessed developing this IBM digital merchandising for 7-Eleven US. And worldwide? Greed by others killed it. I helped?

1989 As odd as it sounds my work with 7-Eleven, Trizec and Cadillac Fairview and other national retailers working with very large customer profiles, moving data and pychographic mapping, and using Goldfard software, was all oddly also key to my development of Environmental Emergency Response Software models. This for the International Environmental Engineering Firm SRK. And why I was a requested speaker at their International General Meeting. Just as I had to speak to very large merchant associations for Trizec and Cadillac Fairview. Fact when Green Party candidates just lecturing in Ivory towers, I was in the boardrooms of Natural Resource giants discussing legality of  board of director's: direct liability in environmental law and the software solutions for satisfying recent decisions of standard of care and due diligence. And as demanded by these recent decisions. Having studied "statutory interpretation" handy, and the related major environmental judgments. This would be key later to observations and as witnessed by others, of serious environmental violations by certain painters in IATSE 891 who thought they knew better as also just so very clever? This should be helpful when comparing the criminal elite's posturing and pathetic pretense to my career and experience, plus my minor eclectic education. 


What made John Brummitt and Tom Adair feel so "insanely" superior to so many, and even be so arrogant and ignorant to even dare judge 475 others all supporting: "A Third Party Forensic Full Audit" as 475 all foolishly mistaken, and just clearly not as educated, honest, intelligent, experienced, accomplished as an average carpenter and average tool boy? Neither even at trade level best-of-best? True? False? Two major authorities with no more than the illusion their title creates not covering very well low level criminals in collusion? Their far more developed intellect and integrity, education and experience than ALL 475? Not? So much so obvious so quick when dealing with such "insanely" arrogant and ignorant criminals. Dunning-Kruger on steroids? Will see what authority both have when going one-on-one with me in RCMP offices and not well protected criminals inside IATSE 891 general meetings and internal trials. 

Some think Don Ramsden desperately needed to surround himself with those of far lower IQ than even Ken Anderson as BCLRB poster boy president proved in deception. Just like US army uses low IQ on front line, or those as so clearly accomplished as Dixie Cutlure and Dusty Kelly. These types and profiles as far less problematic, and as so patronizing of small man egos, so easy to reciprocate and manipulate? Or as Chomsky better details as to " Manufacture Consent"? True? False? Surrounded also by those so desperate for any pay upgrade and title and to get out of the paint and saw dust, or dark editing room, where most of the magic in the machine far more than the jockey. These weaker types as so easy to "manipulate and control", plus provide the necessary loyalty and depth of criminal servitude. True? False?

What if

Begs the intelligent rhetorical question would IATSE 891 have been far better off with myself or my many far more proven friends, and with so many great more accomplished members as 891 executives? And as clearly far more "honest", experienced and educated, or could we be wrong? And others more clever and IATSE 891 better off with those as some claim very guilty of violence against woman to standard porn-loving misogynist puppy-kicking Alpha clowns covered in saw dust, and those given to deception declared and with classic fraudulent concealment, and known abusing NDAs and members funds. And as to clearly protect criminals. Do painters who cheat on even petty cash claims deserve trust? Often these types aid and abetting criminals in clear and documented criminal collusion. And as hard fact even proven guilty of coercion and intimidation and needing a competitive union ACFC's law firm Gowlings to protect IATSE own honest members "literally" from IATSE's most clever dishonest executives. Even in failed appeal. True? False? Fact check. Truth stranger than fiction?

Can we trust Ken Anderson as president when BCLRB so very clearly couldn't and his well documented support for internal trials to protect criminals "paints a not so pretty clear picture". This even before registered mail proves what slime this fat bozo really honestly is. Those who lie to RCMP as feeling so incredibly clever and using RCMP as their petty political puppets, pawns and props to protect criminals certainly speaks volumes that most with higher IQ levels easily concede as "obvious and blatant". And with motive, means, witnesses and documented evidence very clear. True? False? 

Maybe I'm just crazy, and not these pretentious painters and as some may understand as far more than others, that as a possible fool, I actually trust the RCMP, Crown Prosecution a thousand times more than I trust any present and past president of IATSE 891 and their critical aid and abetting collusion of criminal support. Am I crazy to trust real legal major authorities and not legal giants like pathetic, pretentious, disgusting, deceptive Paul Klassen?And as also a bit of a failure in his previous career so easy for him to support deception and criminals for his cowardly and creepy survival and noted advancement as will be far more detailed in a Provincial Inquiry, and in real honest Criminal Courts. Or even with me just one-on-one at RCMP offices and video taped for practice for real honest criminal courts. "Real Honest Criminal Courts", where 891 criminal elite level BS and word spin and under oath has serious real consequences. Like contempt, obstruction and perjury as clear further criminal collusion. True? False? 

And big title Paul Klassen on a fair and honest playing field like RCMP offices and we can really see how very legally impressive Paul Klassen really is when he's now judged including far more serious criminal collusion and as a disgusting creep protecting criminals. This while key to helping defaming and bringing honest workers into disrepute. Yet clearly as documented failed to prove ALL or any criminal claims simply not true or not public newsworthy as involving tax credits? What an idiot as documented? Cool trap? Now fun times as Paul Klassen suffers "disrepute" and learns as a big boy there are ramifications and consequences when helping criminals in such an absurd and total legal farce. 

Note: My till now unknown but documented and/or witnessed volunteer work for LAC helping lawyers help lawyers, to helping lawyers with computers (on top of my other national volunteer and charitable work) to my CPA and political contributions, and as either a very senior executive or even just peeling potatoes for homeless and serving breakfast with "top Canadian military"? This very key to comparisons to this criminal elite slime. And to note, I was literally peeling potatoes in the shadow of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, where I once walked and joked with Justin's father walking along Wellington street down to the old Press Building? This in direct comparison to the criminals who have done far less but clearly had more pictures taken of them. And holding a big over-sized cheque as such human frauds and fakes. Getting PR and political points based on other "real people and members" donations, and yet feel criminal executive deserve the spotlight and photo op. Vomit worthy? It gets worse? See below.

Of course perfect lies

Of course we are playing the novel complex legal game that while we will heavily and indirectly encourage criminals, and in so many ways, to continue to "confidently" lie to RCMP (and again treat RCMP like fools and pawns) and under oath — this as they need to try desperately to avoid jail time; we are hoping the multiple perjury traps for these lies, and known liars, serves instead to seriously extend criminal jail sentence time. And for "all in clear mindless solidarity of criminal collusion". We do have exact goals. We have a tested plan. We have traps. See below. And traps far too complex for ignorant highly uneducated criminals to deal with? True? False? Any idiots willing to bet John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Paul Klassen and all past and present IATSE 891 executives and local presidents, to even the far less than brilliant paint roller princesses, can all successfully make fools of the RCMP trained investigators and interrogation experts? This with their well practiced high school level lies and fraudulent concealment, as illegal NDAs make clear as aiding criminals. The RCMP can't be fooled three times? And as already so obvious to hundreds more educated. We think RCMP will not be "used and fooled" again by literal criminals. Bets? So many of the slime in criminal elite will have to lie perfectly just to counter "protected witness testimony under oath". And just to protect big brains John Brummitt and his two main career foolishly supporting superiors. Dozens of other "perfect lies" will also be needed to protect women beaters, children cheaters, those involved with coercion and intimidation and literally millions in membership tax credit fraud. Perfect lies.

BC Liberals/United know where to win

Voters and specifically "switchers" are active across multiple channels and devices, making it essential for advanced political marketers to leverage different ad formats?  Which political ad types yield results in different areas of the marketing funnel? Also key is which channels work together to help drive "Switcher" conversions.

How do sophisticated and specifically educated and experienced senior executives in Federal political marketing use programmatic advertising to capture voters who are on only certain channels? Saves thousands in wasted advertising funds and focus.

Knowing the importance of telling a cohesive brand story across exclusively "switcher" channels, so very critical. A review of leading research on the top benefits of a multi-channel strategy also very helpful and saves money. Money so often recklessly wasted on preaching to the choir or never-buys in politics and packaged goods? True? False? BC Lib got five ridings by less than 1,000 votes in 2020.

There is clear dormant Liberal switcher support to trigger for next election as made clear from Campbell's majority in 2001 to 2017 and then oddly Horgan's "majority", as switchers again switched. As they most certainly can this coming election with proven solid motherhood heart-string tipping point issues like increased workplace physical and financial protection from coercion and intimidation, workplace bullies and criminals. Exactly as this blog identifies below.

Some in jail for far less

What can all these documents, witnesses and victims infer? Inference is a rational conclusion that has been deduced, or proved, from the presented facts. Specifically, inference is a rule of logic that is normally used for evidence during a trial. Criminals reading this and those who aid and abet may wonder what "exactly" will RCMP, Crown Prosecution and real Criminal Courts must all infer? What will they deduct? Culpability? Mens rea?

Will all this empirical evidence and witness testimony help expedite a crown prosecutor's ability to satisfy requirements of common sense, formal logic and probable cause? This as to quickly issue an indictment?

Some certainly do think more than enough undeniable documents and "honest" testimony. This then forcing the more uneducated ignorant and arrogant criminals and fakes, as named, with misleading titles, and key to cheating children to continue to lie, obstruct and perjure. Their high school level word games, spin and fraudulent concealment known and obvious as observed by many. And by default this only increasing all criminal's risk and exposure. 

Or they can concede "no contest" and "squeal for a deal" — while quantities last? And this as to not clearly waste any more RCMP time and member's money in trust supporting criminals. Things really can only get worse for such clever criminal slime? Not better. Plus the cowards who aid and abet as desperate political and personal self-interest blatant as also noted below.

Hate 'em

Where Canadians welcome the whole world to become "honest" Canadians, most "honest" natural born Canadians do not like those who come to Canada to exploit our medical and social systems, kindness and gifts, and then cheat honest Canadian's children and families, plus some who also beat up Canadian women. Even if white and speaking English. Fact check? True? False? 

Nor are Canadians fond and often many disgusted by those that aid and abet criminals in their crimes. Plus as also under some sick cowardly illusion as also above the rule of law to satisfy their clear self interest and advancement. Much more on this disgusting fact below. And the kind of cowardly slime that aid and abet, as documented, also thinking themselves politically savvy and superior to those more honest, intelligent, educated, talented and accomplished. They live as such sad little lives of lies and in reality haven't gone very far in their career, even after 30 years, or in fact working again at previous lower levels. See criminals named below.

Proceeds of crime

"To succeed in a forfeiture claim the director does not need to prove that you were convicted of a crime. The director must establish that the property in question is either "proceeds" or an instrument of "unlawful activity", and will use the evidence gathered by the police in making its case". 

Odds are

We also feel most criminals with any brains, and top lawyers, and far less criminal activity, plus those who aid and abet by breach of duty, bad faith or fraudulent concealment, will quickly plead guilty for a deal when all details made very clear. This to avoid further exposing and embarrassing themselves, their friends and family, partners and their children for years and avoid greater legal revelations and with far greater legal and financial risks. And greater costs. True? False?  

In meetings it was discussed if even just 10% of the dozens of criminal claims below enjoying "full successful prosecution and sentencing" in Criminal Courts, some will go to jail. This including those criminals exploiting the shield, sword and disguise provided in BC NDP and a film union local to misuse funds in trust and "trusting honest" membership. As witnessed. This with their clear BS cheer leading and big brown nose efforts. Clearly this criminality for their own selfish gross political and PR self interest, proceeds of crime and postured empowerment. Ensuring being "power" pictured with John Horgan and Adrian Dix? As documented. Easy to prove. Possibly criminal types thinking theft over $5,000.00, fraud, coercion and intimidation, harassment, duress, financial and/or physical threats, economic interference, restriction of trade, a positive part of their deceitful personality profile. And thus hardly pro union. Just more BS as obvious. And some thinking that those who aid and abet criminals in both Federal and BC NDP politically desirable? We think not. NDP has/had higher standards. As stated. But actions do speak louder than words? Class action for all children cheated against all executives involved also in discussion after criminal charges made. All. Yes, all executive criminals and criminal elite as long time support aid and abetting, and also enjoying laundered proceeds of crime even indirectly as position, pay and perks. Clear motive? Clear crimes? Clear corruption? Add criminal favourable coercion and intimidation as restriction of trade and economic interference to protect criminals and direct or indirect proceeds of crime. True? False?


When clearly any executive board obviously can't be trusted after decades of proven lies and counter evidence to protected witness testimony and clear of multiple criminal efforts, it just might be best for the business or for "honest" union local stakeholders, that matters put in trusteeship. This until issues resolved by an objective nationally respected third party accounting firm. This so less files and accounting records missing, and less intimidation, coercion and duress or enticements and bribes with various innocent office staff just following orders and demands of big shot titled criminals. Nobody acted alone?

An early election

Unlike what Eby states, we believe based on certain key data points below, NDP will likely be forced to call an early election to frame or force a new fresh focus. This sooner than later. And long before Oct. 19, 2024. This to avoid further fractal mushrooming erosion of public confidence. As now trending. Polls after Eby's first 100 days will soon support this. 

Numbers matter

Fundraising numbers for NDP comparing 1st quarter 2022 and 2023 at $54,504 for 2023 and $126,347 for 2022, trends at over 50% less. Dollar amounts falling faster and farther than housing prices, and this at pre recession full formal acknowledgement by major banks and eventual savvy cognitive at residential. The writing on the wall: the NDP giving the "working class hero status" with this ugly criminal scandal to BC Liberals, should prove insanely short-sighted. And would seem NDP TV ad messages will continue to test poorly, as with media imperatives also poorly invested and based on obsolete old school management. And this clearly wasting funds when expensive funding problems and FNE not impressive for NDP.  BC Liberals should be pleased to have this election winning gift? True? False?

Switchers everywhere

"According to a recent poll by Abacus Data, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives are now the top choice of union members in Canada. Overall support for the Conservatives among union members is only slightly lower than the support the party enjoys with the general population. Meanwhile, support for the New Democrats is actually "lower among private sector union members" than it is among the overall population.  The development is even more startling when read in the context of recent research showing that "working-class" Canadians appear to be particularly susceptible to far-right populist overtures. This is despite the well-documented anti-worker and anti-union animus of right-wing populists.". The Trump card? More quality polls will reveal more erosion of BC NDP core to Green and Liberals.

No time for BC Labour Movement to be stained and suffer politically the clear cancer of criminals and corruption as 100% anti-union and 100% anti-democracy with only a facade of legitimacy, as demonstrated by clear fakes and felons? True? False?

Making union locals treat members far better and safe from financial or physical threat and from abuse of coercion and intimidation, and "illegal internal trials" selected by executive that "support criminals", should be a major priority for labour and union voters. Trials void of even the appearance of natural justice or any legal authority just sick. Bets?
And thus NDP needing the following soon high profile Hollywood North criminal PRO "HONEST" WORKER PROTECTION issues to reverse downward trends. Trends that even Horgan's "personal" popularity couldn't stop? This to create critical credibility and trust. Stuff that wins elections. Motivating and making switchers switch and undecided easily decide. And gives BC Labour movement and NDP credibility and confidence again with key switchers and traditional "ethical" core that Douglas, Broadbent and Layton all exemplified? True? False? An election delayed past past 2023 has many multiple risks? Detailed below.

True? False?
  • Criminals proven who cheat children should go to jail.
  • Criminals proven who cheat trusting "honest" workers should go to jail.
  • Criminals who coerce and intimidate to protect their position and proceeds of crime should go to jail.
  • Criminals who by restriction of trade and economic interference and fraud enjoy position and perks and windfall for criminal acts, should go to jail.
  • Criminals who simply aid and abet by deed or lack of, for self interest, ego or image making, should go to jail.
  • Criminals who misuse funds in trust should go to jail.
  • Criminals who lie to RCMP or obstruct a criminal investigation should go to jail.
  • Criminals proven by evidence and witnesses guilty of repeated coercion and intimidation should go to jail.
  • Criminals proven guilty of "millions in tax credit fraud" cheating all BC taxpayers with tax credit fraud, should go to jail.

If criminals are textbook defined "criminals" by law and guilty of all the above in solidarity or collusion, they should go to jail. Plus be severely fined and proceeds of crime seized and all victims compensated to some degree. This as with residential schools to recent bank settlements with employees cheated of overtime. Victims require that "true justice requires restitution", or remorse just a facade and further fraud as well. See remorse without restitution below for Human Rights violations and Criminal Law? True? False?

We hope and pray

We do hope to have a few days first with RCMP's top BC interrogation and investigation trained experts. This with myself only and under oath, and easily willing, as done "prior", to take an easy-to-use voice or traditional GSR polygraph. Will those clearly named as criminal elite to RCMP be as willing as "non-admissible", and yet still saves RCMP tons of time and money dealing with both liars and honest people. My goal to help RCMP with tricks and traps and the evidence and "protected witness" list.

I did use GSR tech in my initial graduate studies in biocybernetics and first introduced in 1973 at Police Technology taught at John Abbott college? Fact Check? This graduate hobby at Concordia (Loyola Campus) in Montreal. And where Jesuits oddly also taught me formal logic and how to spot the rhetorical fallacies of the ignorant (See my grades?), and exactly how one traps and tricks the cerebral uneducated gods and goddesses in the criminal elite in IATSE 891, and later helps in other unions crippled and compromised by literal criminals. This all done to help RCMP save money and time plus to goal: Also expedite prosecution and incarceration. This as so many members think they deserve. Bets? Try "honest" top "third party" polling?

Why just guess or trust morons

Why just guess or trust executives and criminal elite? Polling by any major "arms length" national "honest and trusted third party" accounting firms only requires for a (+/-8%) confidence with an 8,000 population of union local members, and a sample size of just 250-300. We would use these primitive basic flash (+/-8%) polls in advertising to measure message and media weight adjustment for little wee clients like McDonald's, Bell, ESSO and GM (All Cossette Clients). So if sophisticated and good enough for Fortune 500 giants with educated experienced executive judgement, possibly even good enough to help identify for RCMP criminality in IATSE 891. And as "meaningful" followup to CLC, U of T and Western reports. With use of a targeted "protected poll" online poll costs can can be very attractive over traditional phone and individual intercepts, and as reliable as it gets for "actionable legal definitions" for RCMP and CRA. At this point. True? False? 

This then also serving as a key reliable case study needed and long overdue "Provincial Inquiry" on criminality in union executives starting with easy target tax-credit-rich film industry with IATSE 891 criminal clowns. And where oddly proven "coercion and intimidation" by BCLRB (even in embarrassing enlightening FAILED APPEAL) adds credence to CLC, U of T and Western study. Further add revealing and so well documented Internal trials clearly protecting criminals with lies to membership and RCMP all a matter of criminal record. Protected "honest and credible" witnesses from further coercion and intimidation just icing on the criminal cake. Those who criminally aid and abet for not-so-clever laundered windfall of proceeds of crime as defined by law also easy to identify for similar personal motive and means and with minutes of meetings which probably soon missing. What can it mean with missing files these people more trustworthy than Donald Trump? And as so criminally clever as they would brag and boast and handling those who rock the boat with generous NDA settlements to threats of legal and criminal wrongful prosecution and decieving as clear obstruction plus using the RCMP as their petty political puppets and props as also nicely documented? Criminals and corrupt to fit in inner circle, ignoring children matter. Ignoring tax payers matter. Ignoring investors and producers matter. Ignoring "honest" 891 union members matter. True? False? Written and "individually" signed deceptive denials can be provided to RCMP or look terribly guilty and tall tales no longer fools as many little fools.

This quality time with RCMP as to detail "exactly by each individual's name" (for future files) in criminal elite, and their so politically savvy mindless followers with noted personality disorders (See below). And by exact and detailed criminal act and name to even CRA issues on taxable benefits and proceeds of crime. And not just clear indirect proceeds of crime from time and material theft and fraud but even petty cash abuses I "handled"? Also to be detailed. 

NOTE FULLY: Indirect proceeds of crime as so very often almost cliche, as laundered and all over the world as big pay, big shot title, big shot power to abuse others in positions of weakness and needing film work in IATSE 891 as in this case.  And honourable notes on the blindly loyal to the hand that feeds them as no pride or integrity? This as made so clear with just John Brummitt and his super fake and fraud twin Tom Adair. Both in fairness so warmly invited one-on-one to deny at RCMP offices if not criminals and cowards fearing an even and objective playing field or forum. In normal honest business and honest union locals they'd be fired or never hired based on so little HR merit in such well-paying position and with a plethora of perks, as clearly cheats, liars and major thieves and involved in millions in tax credit fraud to cheating children, beating up women and threatening smaller men. True? False? Poly?

Yes, as some in IATSE know very well, I also do graphs and schematics? 

The RCMP and police and myself do have an interesting past all across Canada with my record of also helping hotel workers in 1973 in Banff and railway workers in Jasper in 1974. I had helped transient farm workers in Southern Ontario prior when just familiar with non-union employment standards? Then add my work for CUPE in 1979 as a grievance coordinator and that was after university studies in law? Even then I held union members as accountable for abuse as I did management.  

Criminal slime do know it would be absolute "legal suicide" for any one of the named criminal elite to take a volunteer non-admissible poly as to "honestly" help RCMP not waste time with sick pathological liars and their personality disorders. So all will refuse a poly', unless some super idiot still full of themselves and think the abuse of position and crime protected in IATSE 891 will work outside of IATSE 891?

I do look so forward to one-on-one at RCMP offices with the criminal elites toughest, strongest, smartest criminals like John Brummitt and criminal department heads as all so clever, just as I have in Montreal days? 

I may even enjoy time with the criminal elites expensive and impressive criminal defence lawyers. This as my old roommate and long time friend Russel McKay was a Criminal Court lawyer and later a Criminal Court Judge. Fact check? Also having reported directly to the former Attorney General Ron Basford is on a slightly different level than John Brummitt reporting to Don Ramsden and Rob Maier as such a big shot. Much different. And we weren't hiding serious crimes. True? False? Much more below.

Thousands have viewed this blog 

Thousands have already viewed this blog and for now only hundreds know it involves the real facts and truth on: violence against women, and men, theft over $5,000 dollars, tax credit fraud in the millions and children and families cheated. And this over thirty years. And children still cheated. How anti-union is that? True? False? Details soon RCMP and Criminal Courts will also know and understand fully. 

Would be fun, and speed things up big time, if all five past and present 891 union local presidents met with just little wee me and each one-on-one and VIDEO recorded in RCMP interrogation offices for a few hours. How fair? This so all 5 with their long time friends and other "executives" in criminal elite can show off their real integrity, intellect, education and experience and the real truth why BCLRB found some guilty of coercion and intimidation plus bad faith to clear lies to RCMP for wrongful prosecution, obstruction. A darn good place to start.  

Word getting out

These criminals and their ugly cowardly crimes referenced here and needed "workplace and labour code reform", have been discussed with criminal's exact full names in: churches in Point Roberts,  parks in Parksville, restaurants in Revelstoke, golf courses and stables in Southlands, Oliver and Maple Ridge, BBQs in Kelowna and bars in Whistler. Even in Calgary, Jasper and Banff? And most certainly in Ottawa and Montreal with major media and other novel Federal connections? Criminals full names and truth spreading faster and faster. Hurting criminal nepotism clearly. Criminals and fakes soon legally will be forced to face and be confronted by those far more educated, far more honest, far more experienced, far more accomplished and possibly also questioned by local community media, social and traditional.

RCMP will know

What the criminal elite "won't" know, and RCMP "will" know, will bury the criminal elite and any foolish following. And by exact name? Will key criminal player John Brummitt figuratively throw himself on a hand grenade as to best protect best buddies Tom Adair and long time criminals and past IATSE 891 presidents and one criminal department head, that he served so well, criminally abusing "honest" members who rock the boat for those whose criminal boots he licked, and who clearly controlled his career, years of poor pay while Tom Adair enjoying far more perks better pay and shorter hours, and JB just a tool boy and secondary position paid far less than carpenters and "picked" buyers, and as JB as fact hardly best-of-best. True? False?

If others can be bothered and brought to internal trials for putting known criminals in disrepute "while not employed on a production" seems those so stupid not to appreciate that many crimes below not while criminals employed on a production and done off work, so hardly a labour issue and totally a criminal matter. Okay to beat up women and major theft while not working, but don't dare put criminals in disrepute in a matter of public and legal interest. Brilliant pathetic Paul Klassen will prove how stupid he really is as documented ignoring natural justice, real honest legal authority, and the required minimal standard of care and due diligence. Add registered mail, and many will question this arrogant posturing fake as well? How clever?

Just a very introductory small note

Small quick note to sincerely thank those who have provided information, support and encouragement. This including the 475 supporting a "full forensic audit" and think Tom Adair a clear criminal puppet and fraud as published. As documented. And as well the very key "senior members" who have added critical info on so many of the criminals involved and their crimes plus their personal and career history. Some people love to talk. And from even union members in DGC and Teamster union local? 


Before I had even any relationship with or knowledge of film union local  IATSE 891 or knew the faces and names of these cowardly ignorant criminals, and the crime and corruption in the executive, plus their long time buddies in criminal elite, I had friends in IATSE 891 who were: bullied and financially threatened and abused by these highly uneducated, ignorant and arrogant jerks. Jerks only empowered by inflated titles, abuse of power and gerrymandering, and critical coercion and intimidation, and by tacit supporting executive criminal connections as defined below. 

I had already heard "repeated stories" by others talking about financial mismanagement, theft and cover-ups. As some know, I also knew of, and knew the women beaten up by creeps and cowards in controlling departments. So easy to prove? 

We will of course entertain any denials at any RCMP offices or in Criminal Courts under oath, even with ZOOM, should any proven idiots willing prove their stupidity "again" as pathological liars and their very clear criminality. But now as best soon exposed in front of national media with this blog, and in a perfect world ideally with leadership on union cleanup by a top BC Crown prosecutor like Chelsea Gardner in Criminal Courts — and even in a new Provincial Inquiry on Crime and Corruption for past due needed Labour Code reform?

Fair Note: As a fair note my "real" experience, research and interviews with union workers and labour issues about dirty locals on: "Crime and and Corruption to Coercion and Intimidation" spans from 1969 and from East Coast Oil Rig Workers, Construction, Postal and Teachers in Montreal, Federal Employees in Ottawa, Farm workers in Southern Ontario, Teamsters, CP and CN in Alberta and BC, to Hazmat, Glazier, Grocer and Film workers on Vancouver Island, not just simply law studies in university and "real" experience as a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. As far as my white collar non-union toxic to criminal workplace depth: my insights as valid? 

This film industry case study below excellent as the nature of "entertainment" production touches all Business, Legal and Labour issues. And Political. I will also make comparisons to great honest union locals and great non-union employers and supervisors. This compared to those who coerce and intimidate and aid and abet crime and corruption and involved with millions in fraud and cheating children.


This blog mostly for shared key criminal notes for when a BC election called and this blog reduced to 8 to 10 pages with names named. This for distribution as per advanced digital marketing guidelines to all key BC MLAs, and major Media from Prince George to Point Roberts and from Revelstoke to Nelson. Designed specifically for RCMP, CRA and Crown Prosecution. 

No expert

Yes, I may not be an expert in Law (statutory interpretation), Logic, Linguistics (semantics), as with Media, but I do know, and have known, and have really studied under real experts. And with many that I have known socially and personally. Fact Check? So it is a tiny bit harder for some uneducated, ignorant, cowardly criminal to dare try and fool me and/or RCMP, with really no more than some misleading union local criminal executive title as best of best, and total lifetime achievement. The little titles that criminals use to fool so many like Adrian Dix, as a case in point. Sadly, these cowardly criminals and fakes do fool sadly so many."No one can know EVERYTHING about everything, your best option is then instead to make an "informed decision", and gather as much information you can from vastly different sources, also those you at first wouldn't agree upon. Then you compare the material you have gathered and try to make THE RIGHT decision"?

Day one

When first involved with IATSE 891 the amount of time and material theft involving department heads blew my mind. And from day one. Such role models for other criminals and their children suffering such dishonest parents. Yes. day one. 

With my previous "real" experience working with award winning investigative journalists, a detective agency, and working with the former Attorney General of Canada and two Senators, I kept this past a secret. This so I could find out as much as possible about these arrogant and ignorant criminals, and their full history of crime. And from beating up small women to purse snatching and very key the millions in tax credit fraud and cheating hundreds of children. 

Any again welcome to deny, defend or debate in front of major media and RCMP who keep records. True? False? Any dare as once posturing as so superior in intellect and integrity, education and experience and feeling so very clever? They can send their very smartest and most honest criminal aid and abet executive RCMP might trust not to obstruct an investigation into millions in fraud and theft.

Under oath

We, as such do look so forward to their denials under oath or as criminal obstruction, and ideally with leadership by John Brummitt and Tom Adair as both such honest, educated intellectuals, or like to pretend they are. As they sadly must. Both, and their main criminal support, should be in jail. Bets? How did executive not know, and know so little, but so many others did? And details? Or NDAs with perks or reciprocation facilitating proceeds of crime somewhat novel hurts memory functions? Net all so easy to understand as a matter of common sense to formal logic and Socratic method? Fun stuff. Starts with easy cute trap questions.

How obvious

As will be absolutely clear, I certainly have no problem with unions, as honest unions, or even IATSE 891. And in fact have had great experiences with CUPE and UNIFOR. My problem clearly with "real criminals" and corrupt support aid and abetting cheating union members and many other crimes. This as such involves Criminal Law, not Labour Code. But yet serves to fully justify workplace and BC Labour Code reform. This as obvious to most that are not involved with this criminal elite. Fact check.

INTPs and Plato was wrong?

What some feel now so very awkward to explain to RCMP and Criminal Courts is not once did "any" informed and educated IATSE 891 executive (or more?) dare sign their own individual name to "any letter or document daring to deny my very specific criminal claims and fearing leaving the paper trail that they must always fear. 

But oddly absolutely no problem IATSE 891 executive spending over a hundred thousand dollars of member's money (in trust?) in legal plus pointless executive time, just to try and intimidate poor little wee me. And misuse members money in "trust" void of ANY legal legitimacy. This to clearly protect criminals from "Disrepute" and criminal exposure. As documented. As witnessed. Add as well, well documented foolish efforts at "threats" of wrongful prosecution lying to RCMP. Twice. How clever? True? False? This as then the idiots still knowing so very little about me. Their threats and RCMP records of bluffing at wrongful prosecution made them such an obvious pathetic legal joke, as so many crimes to hide. Many witnessing first hand their demonstrated and documented profound ignorance and arrogance, plus the obvious small man ego issues, to serious personality disorders. My then secret advantage my past and friends. And in so many cases. 

All I ever got was a fine of $100 from some well documented moron Paul "due diligence" Klassen, and other clear criminal puppets, for putting known criminals in "disrepute". You can't make this stuff up. As documented. With names? More on this posturing perversity below and the morons clearly lacking foresight of ramifications, standard of care and due diligence basics that real courts demand. Plus clearly lacking any respect for rule of law and even the appearance of basic natural justice. So impressive such fakes. Proven so many times. Just sad pathetic fakes faking they had any legal authority and superior intellects as to impress those younger and weaker at best. Their misleading and inflated titles giving the illusion of credibility. This as an ego trip in abuse and also about more coercion and intimidation. As documented.  

Really folks, if this silly grade school level internal trial had any "honest" legitimacy of putting "HONEST" people in "disrepute" and defaming as defined by "real" laws: my fine should have been literally in the tens of thousands. This as per other settlements precedent for defamation and NDAs even in BC union local 891, not a cowardly compromising little tiny $100 fine (less than a Sushi lunch)? This where oddly victims and witnesses refused to also show up, and also seriously embarrass themselves. And with a paper trail. This as well documented in trial transcripts. $100 which I totally ignored paying refusing to respect such criminal driven coercion and intimidation absurdity, even with the idiots pretending and posturing a legitimacy that in reality and real law, only existed in their sad ego driven small uneducated minds. True? False? I did appeal for fun as per "registered mail" that got lost and ignored by criminal elite? More below.

2400 years ago

Over 2400 years ago Plato warned of these sick criminal and corrupt types as the core cancer in any democratic system viability. Why Plato didn't trust democracy (or present systems). 

Plato was possibly wrong. We do not need to be ruled by benevolent and compassionate dictators and "Philosopher-Kings", and with almost divine authority as Aristotle's students given to believe as drinking too much wine like some IATSE 891 red and brown nose executives. 

Simply, an honest and educated and an informed electorate the issue. This so all voters "honestly" and "meaningfully" informed, so educated enough to their satisfaction in all key matters, and with the basic tools of real intelligent critical thinking, so whole electorate as wise as philosopher-kings and voting becomes dynamic. We can see some merit in electoral colleges and Senates or House of Lords, even when somewhat symbolic as a checking mech.  Tell union members the honest truth, not more and more lies and endless fraudulent criminal concealment. seems not much to ask "Honest People"? True? False?

Common sense, formal logic and "legal realism"

I first explored the concept of legal realism after an absolutely fascinating lecture by Sen. Eugene Forsey on "Contract Law" in my undergraduate studies in law at Carleton University. Jesuit scholars at Loyola in Montreal taught me Formal Logic traps and how to spot the abuse of Rhetorical Fallacies. Rhetorical Fallacies that lying low life uneducated criminals, as feeling so very clever so often dance behind. Easy to blow apart? And so often used against and/or on those far less informed or more easily intimidated, and already coerced. Plus some Socratic method, dialectics and other neat stuff, as taught in Montreal and Ottawa to trap liars. Plato on politics to even the meditations by Descartes as introduced to me by oddly know-nothing Keith Spicer? All this oddly leading to my 2 awards for my words recognized in Hollywood for oddly "humour", plus major Business School Dean requested guest Q&A lectures, and even quoted in national financial media, computer media and referenced as "game changer" by national trade media. Bets? Yes, I'm fun at cocktail parties. Fact check?

Nor did these ignorant low life criminals have a clue of my past and that I had literally worked with "top award winning investigative journalists" at the CBC in Toronto. This as national media liaison for Quebec political and polling issues. This also while just in university. Add also even working for Stanley Hartt's  ("The Brains behind Mulroney") detective agency", and that I had already been a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. Fact Check? And best the criminals acting so clever showing off their limited experience, intellect and integrity and need to coerce and intimidate in a desperate effort to abuse power and demand respect like John Brummitt's friends demand, as so little honest merit and many dirty secrets. As my long time social circle and friends including a BC Criminal Court Judge and the acting chair at UBC's Law Faculty also helpful. As well as other lawyers I dated or drank with. Fact check.

Seems as fact some criminals simply not near as "loved and respected" as they once loved to pretend and posture. And as fact, criminals often only enjoy their creepy and cowardly efforts as to coerce and intimidate with their big inflated means-nothing titles without much merit and with "decades" of financial threat. 

Sadly, they could so easily financially and/or physically intimidate, coerce, bully and threaten "most", as documented. This as no formal or meaningful management depth or honest oversight; cowards and creeps never rock the boat or bite the hand that feeds them. 

The known criminal reciprocation, as so many know, providing proceeds of crime directly or indirectly. As will be obvious in a long over due full forensic Provincial Inquiry on "Labour Reform and Criminal Abuses" and when "properly questioned" in Criminal Courts, and with no silly polite and political veneer. These criminals often with obvious personality disorders. As witnessed. This also as supported or documented by internal trials to previous Provincial Inquiries and BCLRB rulings on failed appeals plus previous revealing RCMP files plus witness testimony under oath. True? False?

Criminal clowns already documented proven guilty of coercion and intimidation, and acting in bad faith with numerous needless expensive settlements/arrangements plus with NDAs to protect criminal elite from truth and exposure. And jail time.

What can it mean

Really folks, what can it "really" mean (or as one may easily infer like the RCMP and Criminal Courts), if "not even one (1) cowardly criminal IATSE 891 executive can even dare — and even from "over 3 decades?" of clear executive integrity and intellect — as many like John Brummitt et al all reflect so well, and as obviously NOT one (1) smart and/or sadly "HONEST ENOUGH", as to simply meet little wee me at RCMP offices? One-on-one? 

This as so very fearful of the clear risk of not only making themselves more obvious as chargeable criminals, but also "adding others" in the gang of criminal elite", who criminally aid and abet. Speeding up charges against a few other criminals as the key major risk. When two criminals clearly proved as liars, deceitful cowards and seems they like to coerce and intimidate, and keep dirty secrets: the others in criminal elite become very logical suspects. And their crimes even more obvious.


RCMP offices clearly as a legal, neutral, objective and very respected group generally, plus providing a fair and honest "equal playing field". RCMP offices so unlike documented corrupt highly ignorant internal union trials and other executive documented efforts, as to coerce and intimidate efforts to "force respect" as many forced to do. Trying to enforce respect for criminals who cheat children and beat up women. Plus lie to RCMP to try criminal efforts at wrongful prosecution to also help criminals. And deceive membership with misuse of funds for illegal NDAs to again to protect criminal exposure. True? False? As documented. For criminals fearing a paper trail a documented full internal trial from charges supported to final petty fine really about as stupid as it gets. As documented.

And an RCMP visit as so easy as to simply debate and dare deny/obstruct for a few hours that no added secret crimes or criminal acts to hide? This allows criminals or their supporting aid and abetting friends to prove their incredible personal integrity and superior intellect and education simply not faked, as well as their real depth in "executive" education and real world "honest" management, plus any "real" union experience. And not just mostly life-time paint roller and low voltage tool masters. Often these criminals only with average ability as carpenters, painters and department heads at best and again not best of best. 

Really, what can it "honestly" mean? Too obvious? And this open to all the clever criminals who loved hiding behind a union shield while disgracing union credibility and labour movement. The ones who aid and abet criminals, as also clearly cowardly criminals, and pathetic fakes and liars? Easy to also prove. True? False? Debate? 

This ALL should prove "extremely entertaining" and interesting" to RCMP. And so fast saving RCMP money and time. True? False?

Criminals now all nicely suffer all the BS that once protected them so very well, as now such added heavy proof for their full prosecution and as to put some in jail. True? False?

Takes less than a few dozen criminals to corrupt a union local of even 95% honest, educated and creative people. As proven. Want proof? 

Crime and corruption is anti-union. Isn't it? And hardly reflects well on labour movement or Eby, plus shames NDP provincially and federally, not worth the magic middle vote? 

Please judge in this real life case study in this blog as the key catalyst for BC Labour Reform and all the documented facts, and compare the very contradictory testimony for clear "criminal obstruction" by certainly one party. And as clearly being deceitful from diminished to diversion tactics and obvious fraudulent concealment and even direct deceit. And obvious by default?


This Blog has not yet been proofread, Flesch–Kincaid "adjusted" with persuasion scoring, or using any APA to AI editing or directional check. We are now using ChatGBT-4 for Legal Criminal and BCLRB reference?

When officially launched when BC election called, my previous Ad agency friends, editors and proofreaders, will as always tighten-up my weak humble efforts. Final draft however will be at the level we have provided both main Federal Political Parties and a Prime Minister. And as done with Fortune 500 giants in packaged goods and retail. When BC election date established we will be fully armed to put a few cowardly low life criminals in jail.

NDP and AI

NDP should see after Dix disaster and poor performance of Eby after 100 days and new modest effort video should consider as per initial AI ChatGBT-3:

"The profile and percentage of voters who "switch" their election votes from one party to another can vary depending on several factors, such as the country, the political system, the specific election, and the candidates involved.

In general, however, studies have shown that voters who switch their party affiliation tend to be moderate, independent-minded, and less ideologically committed than their consistently partisan counterparts. They may be more likely to consider a candidate's personality, character, and policy positions on specific issues rather than simply voting along party lines.

The percentage of voters who switch their party affiliation also varies widely depending on the election and the country. For example, in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, about 8% of voters who had previously voted for Donald Trump in 2016 switched to vote for Joe Biden, while about 5% of voters who had supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 switched to vote for Trump. In the UK, it is estimated that around 22% of voters switched parties between the 2017 and 2019 general elections.

It's worth noting that the exact percentage of voters who switch parties is difficult to determine with certainty, as it depends on various factors, including how the data is collected and analyzed. Additionally, not all voters who switch parties may openly admit to doing so in surveys or other data collection methods, which can further complicate determining an exact percentage." See Mulroney-Turner?

Homework matters

Having "really" worked with top national research firms for federal politics to national giants in packaged goods and retail, and CBC, plus suffering thousands of pages of research from Census and even critical Canada Post to major media and academic studies and journals, and as a known pioneer and leader in psycho-graphic political "cartography" and bio-cybernetics (SEE STUDIES?), and as quoted by national financial and computer media on media, a bit hard for ignorant and arrogant cowardly criminal fakes with "really" no more than mostly one union local experience, with inflated titles, to intimidate me or fool me about union local elections. Too bad. As proven. Many times. Even in this blog. 

Who will John Brummitt and Tom Adair dare try and fool when dealing with those with far more education than both combined in RCMP and in the "real world"?

900 criminal convictions?

In most developed countries, unions must disclose their financial dealings to prevent corruption. Canada is an exception? 

Dan Janisse/Postmedia News files:

Union leaders objected, essentially asking Parliamentarians to trust them, despite the fact that similar legislation in other countries has identified widespread financial mismanagement. In Australia, for example, it got so bad that the government called a public inquiry, the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption.

Union financial disclosure laws in the U.S. led to over 900 criminal convictions for inappropriate and fraudulent activity between 2001 and 2008, according to the Office of Labor Management Standards.

If the public trust invested in union leaders was shaken by the revelations from the Charbonneau Commission, it is completely shattered by those coming out of the Ontario Provincial Police Association. This whistle blowing blog on BC tax credit fraud below now takes it over the top?

Side note: Both Jerry Dias and Warren Smokey Thomas, leaders of major Canadian unions who stood with Conservative Premier Doug Ford for photo ops for weak labour law reforms, were later accused of serious fraud by their unions and left in disgrace. Begs one to ask what about those big huge smiles on criminals pictured with John Horgan and Adrian Dix soon extremely embarrassing, as with Federal NDP candidates in Maple Ridge, when the truth all told. All told? As documented.

BC needs

Victims and all BC needs criminal charges and convictions of the criminals involved ASAP as to compensate all families and children cheated. Justice delayed as they say not funny. This so proceeds of crime, with critical seizure before judgement, available prior as prudent preface to any and all civil actions and LRB files. And this with "direct executive union local personal liability". This for clear criminal breach of fiduciary duty and for clearly aid and abetting in multiple organized criminal acts. Collusion as solidarity of criminal elite won't be hard to prove either. Helps as key first step to clean up all dirty union locals in BC cheating their "honest" members. That obvious?


Will be funny as all John Brummitt's key character and political support from known women beaters to major thieves, dead beat dads and those who clearly aid and abet criminals, and now willing to lie even more to RCMP and Courts at such great risk and exposure. True? False? And add as always millions in tax credit fraud, where fruit of tax credit allows buyouts with NDAs to aid criminal cover-ups. True? False?


"When complaint against a Supreme Court Justice on January 31, 2023, the Council notified the Right Honourable Richard Wagner, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada, of the complaint. The following day, after speaking with Justice Brown, Chief Justice Wagner put him on leave from his duties at the Supreme Court of Canada, with immediate effect, awaiting a determination of the complaint by the Council. 

Maybe as such when clear crimes, corruption, coercion, intimidation, incompetence and many complaints, maybe some of the criminal slime were also very worthy of leave of their duties. And jail time. Or at the least an internal trial as such serious matters. Why do things work well for criminals only inside IATSE 891? Simple! Criminal control? Debate? Denial? More on this interesting comparison on governance to follow.

Case Study Sample Reference

This colourful link above shows not just that "honest" far right religious voters disgusted by the crime and corruption involved below, but also very far left educated and informed media. This as such, one can easily add the even moderate intelligent near-center progressives. True? False? 

This as clear below, the above link just one random sample of the sick gross culture of crime, corruption and "gross entitlement". And the true character of a criminal and corrupt elite. Those believing with little or no accountability and transparency, their very dirty ugly criminal secrets safe, and the gross misuse use of funds and millions in tax credit fraud, and "cheating children" would never be exposed. Wrong. 

And yes, it gets far worse, as per below. This when people like John Brummitt and friends finally fully interrogated by RCMP "experts" on theft and use of funds. And as "experts" dealing with top criminal liars almost daily.

Even BCLRB documents define their mindset to "Coerce and Intimidate". When whole story told some will go to jail. Other links below further proof to add to hundreds of witnesses, victims and documents with motive and means also defined. This link above just provides a case study initial feeling for what follows. Good opening for a movie or CBC documentary on union local corruption and helping their own media industry stay clean?

Heck what do I know

As my Jesuit trained studies in formal logic and rhetorical fallacies, and "real" studies in microeconomics, added to my recent certification in Digital Marketing, as to keep my leadership in mass media and political marketing, and added to my familiarity with dozens of online lectures at Stanford in neuroscience leadership, to recently kicked out of my online course in legal philosophy at Harvard (for not completing assignments), I may easily make fools of fakes and clever little league lying criminals in any meaningful forensic Provincial Inquiry on Labour Code Reform. This as defined by criminal fraud and the abuses, when no "meaningful" accountability, oversight or transparency by union locals as per this very clear case study here. Or to aid in comprehensive meaningful criminal prosecution. We'll help where we can. True? False? Bets? 

Any pathetic posturing Alpha males want to meet at RCMP offices and prove they are not pathetic abusive mindless ignorant lying cowardly sneaky sleazy criminal fakes with personality disorders to psychopathic traits documented and witness? Why not?

They like judging hundreds of others others, so they should now be also fully judged, as only fair? And on an equal playing field of criminal courts not criminally aided control within as a crippled criminal crutch.

Steel-town tested

If it clearly works for City of Hamilton to do "Annual" fraud and waste report when corruption and crime clear and as such works well for a whole city, could help both keep dirty unions locals honest and clean and keep low life criminals, corrupt and gross incompetents away? Helps protect honest membership from demonstrated anti-union types trying to build empires and oligopolistic networks even with documented coercion and intimidation and embarrassing and costly appeals? Time for the full truth and facts understood. 

Mayer’s methodology on swing voters to the Eby electorate means Falcon can easily play the real honest visible-credible hero to 7 of 10 worker-voters with so little risk. Intelligent and meaningful focus groups will support this

This century, "blue-collar swing voters" helped elect Barack Obama twice, Donald Trump once and Joe Biden in 2020. Think about in polarized BC political realities. I do know "real honestly successful" trades people who hate criminal union locals or the unions they are in. Or embarrassed by the crime and corruption.

What have we learned

See decision: Lyons v. Deputy Head (Correctional Service of Canada), 2022 FPSLREB 95 (CanLII), for a nice recent and solid starting point "reference" on compensation and restitution. Or as even with residential schools and church child abuse cover-ups when truth is finally told. And this case with a corrupt union executive even more sickening, as the problem NOT the employer but union members in the corrupt and criminal elite. This clearly including those in the executive of BC union local IATSE 891. And NOT just one victim in 891 local, but hundreds of cases of lost or missed income and oppourtunities and families and children cheated as acceptable collateral damage. Now time to turn the tables for weak and innocent victims suffering their breach, negligence and clear criminal malice to those as not acceptable to the lying, stealing, cheating criminal elite as drawn to their own kind as compatible criminals. Or ideally those servile and intimidated and coerced, as to not to rock the boat. John Brummitt (and friends) a case in point with their lies to RCMP to theft over $5,000.00 and millions in tax credit fraud. True? False? Bets?

Again, I'm not a lawyer, but from my very pedestrian understanding from various mentors and university law and logic courses and time in law courts, I know a bit more than most in 891 criminal executive elite. And also know many different scholars and experts to easily ask from legal to CRA. The mere presence of others can influence our behaviour and decision-making, a phenomenon known as social influence. Coercion and intimidation ideal as a tool with the mind-less. Truth, education and intellect their enemy. As proven.

Considered critical 

History is considered critical in top Military and Business schools. And certainly in Law schools. And certainly as a foundation in advanced technology and for effective algorithms like with SEO to ChatGPT. And Forensic Audits? And even in Labour movement from first guilds to long criminal history, and as is the case here? Also in this key case study for Labour Reform, history also critical. Including criminal's personal history. True? False?

The big burning question

Will Eby, in this key test case, as critically needed to lead Labour Code reform, let criminal slime who help cheat innocent children and all BC taxpayers with millions in tax credit fraud enjoy their proceeds of crime, or possibly put some in jail for 1-5 years respecting the rule of law? This oddly as Sen. Eugene Forsey and former Federal Attorney General Ron Basford, and two university buddies and former roommate as a BC Criminal Court Judge and a former acting UBC Law School Chair had me believe? See below. Eyes on Eby soon from all across Canada.

Children matter

We hope this blog highly educating and entertaining as legal and political purpose and legal proof so very clear. Children do matter.

This blog will be officially launched within days of a BC election date set. And with new added "selected special new evidence" on various criminal matters so the pot fully boils.

Even focus groups

Even focus groups will be definitive of this election issue imperative impacting 7 of 10 workers, and interest in children cheated and millions in film industry tax credit fraud and other criminal problems. 

Add it to Poll Questionnaire exactly as phrased by CLC, U of T and Western university study (link below). And now using samples from all BC and specifically those "protected" in IATSE 891 for national and provincial comparison. Helps police get warrants?

True? False?

Criminals should go to jail. Honest workers should feel physically and/or financially protected from coercion and intimation, restriction of trade and economic interference, harassment, defamation and bullying. All victims from children cheated to seniors as victims of fraud must be compensated from proceeds of crime windfall that criminals enjoyed for years including time and material theft and fraud. True? False?

Cowards, criminals and very ignorant fakes 

Yes, below I quote well known pro labour giants like Chris Hedges, Richard Wolff, and Robert Reich and even some Canadian historical figures and published legal legends like Laskin. And as well as noted Chicago Economists for balance? Makes all these lying low life criminals look like the cheap sleazy fakes they are and not as smart as they pretend, nor the authorities they posture as. Possibly some only fooling their family and friends as to their "real" success as from mostly criminal support or acts or cronies. This also witnessed and documented. This cowardly ignorant criminal type clearly anti-union and clearly mostly only aid and abetting and protecting their position and proceeds of crime and aid and abetting others criminal acts. See below.

Money matters

Inflation is “still too high”, as real potential recession looms and interest rates unlikely to fall. As such this not a good time for NDP to knowingly allow local union executives to be cheating their union local and "honest" membership. Monetary policy may need to be very tight. Rule of law enforced and criminals exposed immediately required for future Labour and union credibility, not NDP pretending the worse cancer not within. The cancer is always within? True? False?

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Oddly seems my recommendations mirror those of so many real experts all across Canada. Canada really has issues of almost mindless "institutional cognitive dissonance", collaboration and cultures of coercion and intimidation. This sadly impacting 7 of 10 workers either as victims or witnesses. Including workplace harassment and violence, bullying. And outside of the film union, where in film union case study here detailed far worse: Real Leadership, proactive legislated policed labour policy, transparency and accountability needed decades ago to really protect brothers and sisters from criminal and corrupt union local executives and waste plus misappropriation of funds. Plus this helps protect non-union workers from criminal acts in office, on farms and restaurant to retail. Many places. True? False? Fact check? Any dare debate?

Another documented pseudo-intellectual needed

As a pseudo-intellectual and dilettante nerd, plus failed comedy writer, I do appreciate and suffer my short comings, as do my long time friends, and some selective amazing accomplished women do. As such, I do wish their was someone far stronger in all these matters as to steer this effort at Labour Code Review and Reform, Criminal Prosecution and Children's fair restitution. But oddly still no volunteers yet? Anyone strong enough as to take on 24 criminal union executives with very big shot impressive titles and legal support. Seems just wee little me. And some long time friends. As such, only hope for maxing speed is highly ambitious and honest BC MLAs wanting "worker" votes with honest "worker" voter credibility, and a real "measurable"  election oppourtunity for demonstrated courage and demonstrated leadership. This so RCMP have full MLA Provincial Support to fully investigate this matter and Crown Prosecution appreciating the need for speed prior to next soon upcoming BC election. Labour Reform must be higher on many agendas.

Not one

It is also interesting to note here:  not one "honest supervisor" or department head can find fault in "any of my work". Not even late for work or any mistakes. Not one reprimand? And most honest supervisors will also easily admit to the superior quality of my work in direct comparison to others saving time and money. True? False? And the sleazy cowardly criminal dishonest supervisors don't dare lie and defame me under oath.

My critics obvious for motive by the criminal company they keep for three decades and their own three decades of lies and faking working class heroes when just enjoying proceeds of crime while children cheated.

Pretty straight forward

This is not boutique activism. Needs no funds. Only needs "ALL" BC MLAs to be honest and compassionate and address the need for deep RCMP fraud investigation with case study below as to further support labour code reform and children cheated. This to simply physically and financially protect union and non-union workers from coercion and intimidation via an intelligent and meaningful legislated enforced Workplace and Labour Code reform. Pretty straight forward stuff? Children cheated proves the failure of present system. Millions in tax credit fraud below proves need for "real effective" oversight, transparency and public accountability. True? False?

Why stuff happens

One hardly has to look far back for the historical proof for institutionalized cognitive dissonance. The Spanish Inquisition, or new world church led witch burnings and lynchings to even Vietnam and Trump stuff, makes a bit of a strong case. Many will follow. 

And this case can be made without even drawing on research from Stanford on legally judge accepted neuroscience factors on belief systems. Or McGill's the bio-chemical basis of behaviour lecture my girl friend made me audit. She now has her doctorate in "Labour Psychology". So really hardly a big stretch of the imagination to believe that even a BC union local full of "actors and criminal frauds". Those that sound like a hockey game at General Meetings — also with few real players, and very loud and less articulate fans, institutional cognitive dissonance here also a "visible reality". And also often involving those even less immune to delusion by group volume. Oddly, just like in many recent movies about unions and their general meetings. Even those as true stories. Even movies with local with Teamsters? You can't make this stuff up? Consider the peer reviewed science and other facts as you read below. Much also applies to BC elections as with criminal BC union locals?

What's new

See below how Google Bard and ChatGPT(4?), and with Google's new tools will soon be used in next BC election with "distinguishing","disruptive", "destructive" and branding motherhood heart-string issues. As defined below? And also best used against the named criminals for both legal reference with the unique questions they provide with their key cognitive AI traps. Traps that again will impede objective criminal analysis of consequence and ramifications. Handy stuff. Far beyond just human experts and prior efforts. Yes, still dependent on human verification. True? False? 

Should also help with LABOUR CODE REFORM???, and so simply by even immediately "expanding" the grossly understated "fair rep" and "good faith" guard rails lacking "as proven" by policy and practice as a pathetic deterrent for criminal organization.  Union Local Executive direct personal liability in criminal matters a given. Mismanagement a possible added nice touch. 

Yes, no union shield of criminal's personal finances for those who cheat union trusts and embarrass Labour Movement credibility. Seems logical? My discussions with plumbers and grocery workers to rig workers on East Coast to film union on West Coast and even Montreal unions seems criminals and corruption at the local level a very demotivating cancer in the labour movement. A cancer that labour and NDP to CLC is too afraid to address. And pretends to ignore criminal and corrupt union local executives. A breach of duty by many? More cognitive dissonance when facts and beliefs differ? 

Like Wall Street babble of "Free Markets", reduced legislation and ability to self-police proven in 2008 a major joke. Some union locals no better. Greed is good. To counter this opacity of criminal elite we will just need to add creative and some conceptual thought and senior educated executive judgement and critical thinking to these AI efforts.


We feel the new "YouIn" unionizing software app can also be easily used against IATSE 891 criminal elite and for smaller departments to join another union local. Just like 891 publicity and camera departments did. Reducing the gross over representation by large pre-production special interests categories plus facilitating political domination by criminal elite. 

BC's own International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, IATSE Local 891, reportedly "chipped in" $9,000 to help fund the app’s "creation" and to become one of the first BC unions to use it. Like it? Love it. More on the generous "chipped in" BS below. We will compare, as we were using forms and web sites to manage and analyse survey data for construction department based on my work with IBM at Expo '86. My guitar buddy in Ottawa works with military response systems so evaluation of this app will be very fair and honest."Chipped in"? Love it. Many can make apps. Some far less costly. True? False? 

Oddly some ask why not use the proven easy to use tool of "Google forms" as easily far more effective and to integrate with other tools, including new Google AI? And this keeps everything more credible, more honest, transparent and to whole membership? Much more on this based on my work and studies with big data and polling problems below. Ask Adrian Dix why it matters and things from polls to people so misleading if not quality? 

Peoples Law School does surveys using "simply" Deming-Bauhaus thinking style Google forms and Google docs and for all BC. And did not "chip in" for an IATSE "type" app. An app that probably wants your ID, password, cell number and location 24/7 and more? God forbid if not forthe laws of Canada? What protection exactly?

In fact, as on the subject of law, UBC law professor Cristie Ford, uses Peoples Law School website in one of her courses. Guess she's also not as smart as the criminal elite in IATSE 891 and the latest app fad. 

Even the Subway food menu app such a huge turnoff for so many customers with Subway trying to get "new numbered" pre-orders for incremental profit "theory", and with no "customer negative pain point sensitivity"? And now costing dearly. Franchise foods now fight over app-users as some once loyal customers substitute and now open to competitive trial. Big mistake.

This absolutely must be handled by a trusted 3rd party, and no more ridiculous "arms length BS", as far too much money and potential abuses of power involved. As per below. True? False? Get real, this as easy to manipulate as the PR in a printed union local newsletter? Even easier when digital. Seems many others can do the task better for far less? Add AI analytics? Were there other bids and proposals documented?

Instant push button democracy and a real majority has a "real" voice. At last? Best as to "keep clean" have it administered by BCLRB or major third party accounting firms for all BC unions. This to keep it very clean, progressive and meaningful? True? False? Heck, I'm in? Add some AI legal and logical stuff and things just get far smarter, and criminals just become more obvious as criminal. And appear again very stupid with impressive ego and personality disorder issues. As often the case as witnessed and documented. Yes, we can easily use this app to identify criminal activity. And "chip in"?


December 12, 2022 – Angus Reid "BC NDP has a 15-point lead." 

Yes, and Dix had a 20-point lead? Opinions and optimism matter. Facts, however always better write history.

Oddly again 7 of 10? 

The Falcon Factor: "B.C. residents rank cost of living and inflation, health care, and housing affordability as their top issues, and at least seven-in-ten say the BC NDP is doing a poor job handling each."

These are very "tangible" election issues. Priorities that voter-switcher profiles (and as per Myers-Briggs Type Indicator psycho-graphics) also feel daily in their wallet, their body or feel for family and friends. And very visible. With audio. Feelings also matter in the irrational world of politics? Matter much. 

Truth matters

The detailed criminal workplace abuses below of literally "MILLIONS" in fraud to coercion and intimidation to bullying and various forms of workplace harassment to duress of economic and physical threat can make BC United-Liberals and Falcon the "working person" election winning heroes. Well, certainly to 7 of 10 in Canada as per CLC below.  This leading a louder more aggressive charge and change on: workplace safety. And productivity. And profit. Studies in workplace theft to malicious obedience costly. Beyond debate. More below.

And unless some NEW REAL HONEST heroic "clearly visible and credible" tipping-point effort at workplace "Bullying and Intimidation", as defined below by CLC, makes the NDP "honest real heroes" in next election to win, they will lose. LIBs and Green will take 4-8 seats.  Or far more?

This below the only major tool left to stop serious NDP voter erosion. And make criminals pay victims and/or do time. Victims such as children cheated as an honest start. And a great branding and line-extension start for incremental growth for Falcon fighters. This as "visible" and "credible" newsworthy working class and middle class heroes?

Certainly not much left for flag waving, if after first hundred days of NDP political promises, polls not favourable. Clearly Adrian Dix and Dr. Henry simply no longer a formula for any incremental votes. Or worse? See more below.

Now add the new scandal muzzling of healthcare workers in BC that also won't help Dix or Henry get Eby and NDP votes next election. So sick and similar to the muzzling of whistle blowers, including ridiculous internal trials by criminal puppets in corrupt film unions like IATSE 891, and criminal elites documented efforts at muzzling of members on criminal acts. Including clear lies to RCMP and members. True? False?


Blood will be on the hands of every MLA in 5 years if little done with this criminal issue. And from prosecution to Labour Code Reform. Women will be beaten, Children will be cheated. More suicides work related. True? False? Bets? Some can join the dots others suffer illusions or ignorance. Blood already on the hands of some in criminal elite. True? False?

Every single MLA represents the 7 of 10 witnesses and victims that CLC, U of T and Western University report makes far too obvious. Every single MLA. Fact check?


Some MPs are trying to force the governor general and her bureaucrats to post their receipts online. If union local executives did this to be transparent and accountable certainly far less criminal fraud and abuse of funds. And member's trust? True? False? 

Or in the leading case with union film local IATSE 891 best to "trust" those clearly as documented by top dog Tom Adair "against" such "honest" full "transparency and accountability"? As documented below with added "casino issue" referenced and legal threats against members believing in freedom of speech? 

Possibly Bill C-377 as "concept" for all union locals making use of funds public past due for review? And certainly when government money from tax credits to funding involved. Has obvious merit. As below makes clear? Including "accurate" use of funds for awkward illegal settlements and NDAs. True? False?

All ugly things matter

Add here hundreds of children cheated as documented, with honest "voting" workers in toxic to violent work-environments. And with criminals also documented "intimidating, threatening and coercive". This as criminals enriched with proceeds of crime, and as also matters. Certainly with BC elections. This as the following case study and history makes so very clear. Very clear. You help. Or you help criminals. Time to win the war not tiny small gain battles?

Proof matters

None of these allegations have yet been proven in court. Yet? Well, other than documented BCLRB rulings on "Coercion and Intimidation", documented deceptive omissions with Provincial Inquiries and Law firm files. But proven to so very many "honest" people. From Police and Law professors to union members and media (See below). The truth is well-known. And as well "documented" from Internal IATSE 891 trials and election material and election results "reported", plus various 891 files (possibly missing now?) and registered mail to various BCLRB rulings, Law Firm and RCMP records (Nicely not missing).

Hardly just circumstantial evidence

Circumstantial evidence includes physical evidence, human behaviour, indirect witness testimony, and scientific evidence. 

A combination of these forms of evidence is often enough to convict someone, but they are still not as powerful as a direct witness of the crime. Note as fact, we have literally hundreds of powerful "direct witnesses" — even as victims. 

And add for a full house in spades, add previous BCLRB rulings and Provincial Inquiry documented deceptions, Registered mail, email, Legal Settlements, Internal Trial documents, RCMP files with lies to RCMP  —  and heck, to be just a tiny bit "scientific" throw in studies in neurosciences from Stanford and validation of GSR and voice polygraph technology by most of the world's top intelligence agencies and police (even in BC). Allows me to talk about my brief graduate studies with GSR tech at Loyola with Biocybernetics, plus my GSR introduction at John Abbott Police Technology Department, also in Montreal? Loyola also where I took my first university class in microeconomics and Quebec Contract Law followed by studies of Common Law at Carleton University and Political Science. Allows me reference where others fake. As far as Labour Code I had already been a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE?

Note for those who will lie to police

The offence of obstructing justice requires a "wilful attempt", in "any manner", to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice. The sentence is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years. Ten years? Which superior criminal now is still so clever and wants to play with obstructive high school level word spin, rhetorical fallacies,  direct and documented deceit to classic fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission? Should be fun. Millions in tax credit fraud and children cheated makes it all now so very serious. Odd what internal union local trials oddly select to focus on and the criminal element they so clearly serve or aid and abet?

Now think how very funny it was when big shot executive brains of John Brummitt and Don Ramsden tried to "educate me" on the legal nature of IATSE 891 membership and qualifications and both so clueless to my rather strange legal network including the former Attorney General of Canada. Both so ignorant and so arrogant. So authoritative. 20 days and 3 supervisor qualification insults natural justice. The statistical factors absolutely absurd. 

Criminal oligopolies define motive and arms length BS also revealing of such executive elite types and as so respected for their integrity and intellect almost as much as Tom Adair loved and former MLA Adrian Dix Hollywood date BCLC big shot Dusty Kelly worshipped. And trusted? See my "strategic" documented successful membership appeal as "first legal trap" and proving hundreds, if not thousands, deceived and cheated, including in a very small tiny way myself as witness and as a very "temporary" victim. In theory? And add some "sticks and stones stuff" as defamed by their superior judgement as not as highly qualified as other "buyers" as hired by Rob Maier and others more educated and experienced prove. True? False? As a key note I can easily prove how I saved productions and coordinator or department head budgets "thousands" and while paying myself even more? Others can't. And so obvious. See below. More details on the criminal elite and proceeds of crime below.

30 points or more

There is a ‘rule of thumb’ that people struggle to communicate with others if there is more than 30 IQ points between them. So most of the criminals in criminal elite sadly won't really have even a clue about so many things in this blog. Things they mostly fake as "authorities". See criminals specific lack of depth in both education and real meaningful executive and management experience, not just integrity and intellect their problem. And even from basic microeconomics elasticity as it applies and basic PMI or Business School model planning. In the engineering world this is very obvious. Also even in simple set construction?


There is a clear duty by legal and political authorities to protect victims, past victims and future victims and to arrest, charge and fully prosecute ALL the perpetrators, and those who aid and abet fraud to coercion and intimidation as proven. And often those also in added breach of fiduciary duty and trust, and in obvious violation of mandate and union local oath and position to protect the "integrity" of the local. And a legal duty to compensate ALL victims of millions in fraud and cheated children. True? False? 

Should criminals enjoy windfall of proceeds of crime directly or indirectly as pay and position plus perks and power and clearly act above the rule of law. This while hundreds of honest and easy to prove superior workers and members cheated so friends and family of criminal slime enjoy clear textbook cronyism and nepotism. This as common last names make so extremely clear beyond debate. Well, unless superior merit over those cheated and deceived.

Can criminal corrupt slime prove family and friends superior to those cheated or as just insiders with criminal elite and owing reciprocation and political support. And best look at the human garbage given the power to judge others the real honest world would likely never hire or promote. Any dare deny and debate one-on-one at RCMP offices with so many crimes to lie about from theft to millions in criminal fraud abusing a union local and humiliating the labour movement. And some in NDP ignoring the elephant in the room too long as children suffered such political cowardly, sneaky and creepy savvy slime. Personality disorders and a wide variety of substance abuse also enlightening. Any dare deny? Any? Maybe some ignorant and arrogant big shot with a big shot title wanna play on an even playing field where truth counts?

What to do for morons 101

Union local executives and criminal slime circle or cabal who "aid and abet" criminals obviously by deductive logic "playing and pretending" a child-like selective game of see no evil, speak no evil, hear know evil, while children and honest workers as real fact cheated of millions in fraud and suffering coercion and intimidation, and this while known thieves and criminals enjoy a windfall of proceeds of crime and position, pay and perks, should go to jail for 1-5 years?

Or best as fact be awarded a 25 year IATSE 891 membership pin as in "good standing" paying for criminal protection? 

Amazing how many IATSE 891 executives posture, play and pretend this juvenile transparent duplicitous game and that their hands not dirty and guilty of a few very interesting crimes and criminal charges in addition to aid and abetting. True? False? Denial? Debate? Bets? Criminal's should ask their expensive criminal defence lawyers how this all works in criminal law. And so very well.

Management by objective

Some sadly and so very foolishly misguided, and from media to message optimization, are now focusing on "gender based violence". And with that both diluting issue and diminishing full support, as not appreciating ALL VIOLENCE in the workplace like ALL COERCION and ALL INTIMIDATION and ALL HARASSMENT and ALL BULLYING must be ALL be addressed and far beyond token awareness efforts and calendar and category limited. And ALL absolutely must be confronted with severe criminal penalties. Severe criminal penalties.  This as any threatening act, whether physical to financial a clear CRIMINAL threat and act. Well, certainly obvious to some. 

Whistle-blower protection

B.C.’s whistle-blower protections have been extended to a total of 39 government organizations, including BC Hydro, ICBC, Community Living British Columbia and BC Transit. What about whistle-blowers dealing with "publicly proven" criminal BC union local executives involved in "literally millions" in tax credit fraud and cheating children and honest workers. This from senior seniority disappearing to abuse and harassment of young single mothers. Including criminals and dog loyal unethical mindless aid and abet types, and as also clearly motivated by their self-interest and petty political advancement? 

"Eby stated that BC Housing is undergoing a "forensic audit" that will be completed in the new year". Some unions clearly need "forensic audits". This certainly when 470  members vote for it. Like with BC FILM UNION IATSE 891 and their criminal elite.  Ya' think? Would certainly reduce horrifying CLC, U of T and Western University reports of 7 of 10 witnessing or victims of Violence, Harassment and Bullying, Coercion and Intimidation. True? False?


NDP must now very seriously fear the LIBs, as a "branded-new" BC UNITED, now getting the "winning  goal" with this key "Motherhood" dormant issue. The elephant in the room. Getting the "honest" hero points to both define brand extension and a likely landslide? Ask an actuary and an economist familiar with "information theory" how likely if your own common sense not trusted? Simply, many voters are workers. Many witnesses and victims below are also voters. And workers. And switchers? And 7 of 10 victims or witnesses as CLC reports, beyond debate?

This working-class hero strategy works for both NDP or BC Lib, on a first come first served basis.  Allowing for solid immediate "voter-visible" actions, not mostly traditional background noise prophecy and policy as more of same-same political promises — and suffering that given currency's rather historic low trading value. Political promises like pennies not worth much. Actions speak louder than words. See polls. 

People matter

"Honest compassion and meaningful visible or demonstrated action" gets votes and makes switchers switch and undecided become decided voters. Proven since French Revolution. Some so clever not seeing this lost their heads? True? False?

And NDP must act fast, far beyond building affordable termed housing in the sky, and as hardly value-visible for years. And before Falcon and brand-new united friends far faster to help, protect and "unite" 7 of 10 witnessed or victim union and non-union workers. This as best and clearly defined below by recent CLC, U of T and Western University studies. See below. Political oppourtunity now knocks loudly with a solid serious and sometimes too often criminal BC wide workplace issues. True? False? Bets?

Being "just a witness" to victims of Harassment and Bullying, Coercion and Intimidation, serves as a clear threat and warning to others not in criminal elite. Not just for the moment, but months or years to follow. As proven. Beyond debate. 

And if Falcon and friends far faster to help and "unite" 7 of 10 voting-victim-worker-witnesses, then BC LIBs will easily be the "real honest heroes" of all "honest" union and non-union workers and "switchers". And win. Some clearly in NDP core. Some also critical "influence personas" and "opinion leaders". Some "undecided" voters.

"Bullying and Intimidation" that even higher quality and standards RCMP suffers internally now, and resulting in class action certification. 


Sorry for the apparent multiple address above for all non-criminals, but I had to address various reader groups fast. Some care about BC elections approaching quickly. Some care about children. Some care about legal and rules of evidence. Some just want and deserve the honest truth about everything. Everything.

Please consider

As you read through this keep in mind the perspectives of the ones that I needed to address reading this as "Criminal's" Defence Lawyers and Crown Prosecution, RCMP's Integrated Market Enforcement Team's Investigators and Interrogators, Media and MLAs, Legal and Law students and those I must entertain. 

Political and other serious full costs 

The longer BC NDP delays election the more daily news-media punches, jabs and blows Falcon can deliver on this heart-string matter. A matter involving 7 of 10 worker-voters. Cut one's loses? Any delay in election will only make Liberals stronger and NDP weaker.

The only way to stop the NDP downward spiral is something new, meaningful (to "MANY") and "engaging", like workplace modernization. Reducing violence, coercion, intimidation, toxicity, while increasing quality of life and profits. The NDP may soon be boring its core and choir crowd, and certainly worker voter-switchers if watching Falcon fighting for union and non-union workers so ALL jobs more rewarding, not a regret. And as some studies support reducing physical and mental health, life expectancy, while sadly increasing substance abuse, child abuse, domestic violence. It is 2023. We can do so much better. 

How much really does a toxic workplace cost our Provincial medical budget and corporate production profits? How many accept lower paying jobs because they "love where they work" and who they work with? I've been in two perfect places for years that killed any external personal ambition as workplace/lifestyle combo such a joy. Quality of life matters. So many willing to work 10 to 16 hour days and pretend a balance of work and quality of life when increase in disposable income very minimal and reduction in disposable time destructive? 

Greed and ego

Most in any, and almost every union in Canada, great people. After working for almost a dozen unions across Canada from French and Maritime film productions to ACFC in Victoria, plus rail (CN & CP), postal, teachers, hospital and tourism related unions, I have more "real union" depth than most in BC NDP, and certainly more honest real experience with various unions than most if not all in IATSE 891. And far more than the criminal slime in criminal elite in IATSE 891. Not just simply real honest Constitutional and Contract law studies in university as a solid foundation. Including lectures by key mentor Sen. Eugene Forsey to work with former Attorney General Ron Basford. Not just friends as a criminal court judge and an acting law faculty chairpersons. Fact check? 

Like most unions most of the workers in IATSE 891 honest, intelligent and great employees and most very fun. Those who don't coerce and intimidate, cheat and steal, bully or harass. 

The dishonest and deceptive criminals who think themselves so very clever and cheat children to honest senior members the key criminal target of this blog for exposure to RCMP and clearly put in disrepute to trap a few morons even more. All honest workers deserve an applause. 

Others by greed or illusions of entitlement and ego and thinking themselves above the rule of law (Criminal, Civil and Labour) simply human cowardly creepy slime. Which we will also clearly prove as well as being clearly criminal. And like those with similar personality disorders without remorse or restitution and enjoying their proceeds of crime. Will be fun. For some.

Note: We have avoided overloading with specific details on hard evidence, as we are really only concerned with what the criminals "individually" and by name will still "dare deny and lie or defend". And this when all alone, and without their needed mob/gang/group/cabal as support and their once so impressive so misleading titles now meaningless, and now with RCMP interrogation experts in a small cozy, but comfortable room. Maybe with windows? What they dare lie and deny all that matters now. 

Ideally they ALL in hard locked solidarity/collusion and INDIVIDUALLY in sworn signed affidavits deny "EVERYTHING". This as simply far more fun and far more risk for criminals as further taxing the legal system with games with the rule of law. And yes including the real losers who Aid and Abet not enjoying all the perks of proceeds of crime others had, but now finally equal partners in criminal liability and exposure. Fact check? True? False? 

If we do insult absurd illegal or corrupt internal IATSE 891 trials, as so well documented, we should at least by our own example show a far greater standard of care and integrity, fair representation and good faith. And far more respect for the appearance of natural justice to statute and rule of law. Makes for comparison. And a bit boring for RCMP if criminals plead no contest and squeal for a deal, when heck even RCMP  enjoy figurative line dancing with liars. Same rush as some get from casino gambling or golf, I guess? 

The only question to answer

If even big shots with money and media power like Conrad Black go to jail, as well as Catholic priests and other Christian preachers, and even the RCMP cleaning house now with class action certification for "Bullying and Intimidation": 

Why on earth should the key case study criminal elite in dirty BC film union IATSE 891, and other BC non-film union locals, (and as IATSE 891 already found guilty, and in very humiliating appeal of "Coercion and Intimidation"), and with that added lies to RCMP to protect criminals, and millions in tax credit fraud and cheating children, all get a get-out-of-jail-free-card? That "honest" member's and taxpayers money paid for?

Who best for RCMP  to interrogate fully on all Facts, all NDAs and all related Rumours? And all the documented obstructive lies to RCMP?

Or best for RCMP to fully interrogate (including myself as also under oath and far more than willing to do a volunteer polygraph on so very many things and criminals). And where criminals won't or can't? And this one-on-one and with those as also with big huge titles and so extremely knowledgeable of all or most criminal matters: 

(a) Present union local IATSE 891 president Mitch DaviesPlus add, to get things really rolling from all sides, add prior past pontificating  president Keith Woods. Woods as media documented "legally threatening" those members financially and legally weaker with illusions of executive legal strength and funds (using member's money against member's once again?) with limitations on freedom of speech. Seriously. As documented in link below as privileged. If not clear public matters as tax credits involved.  

Also Mr. Woods in his own words and his election material documented having a problem with odd high legal costs/settlements and the illegal NDAs many include. Those poorly hidden dirty deeds just below the veneer of legal template sainthood contract babble? I started suffering both Quebec Contract (Concordia-Loyola, Montreal) and Contract Common Law (Carleton University, Ottawa), followed by hundreds of media and production buying contracts and the contracting and hiring of Art Directors and Writers. I myself have signed a few legally meaningless non-compete and NDAs in business and investment world, yet fully respecting my responsibility for my Federal Security clearance in Ottawa for NRC and DND? Fact check? As such I may have some real related "contract education and meaningful experience" others only fake?
(b) Top dog and executive director and documented criminal internal trial puppet Paul Klassen? As documented. 
(c) VP Margo Mackenzie on so many things and the web some weave and as documented? 
(d) Susan Butler-Grey who lies to RCMP to help criminals and later paid well for her many talents, skills, education, experience, integrity and superior intellect? And like Adrian Dix's Hollywood date Dusty Kelly charming to differ with.  Or question on real costs with other criminal elite Paint-Roller-Princesses now in clear "disrepute". And so oddly now not challenged, as some so clever loading illegal internal trials that backfire and inspire. Big time.
(e) All those known dog-loyal who have worked with Rob Maier for over a decade on matters of theft over $5,000.00, coercion, intimidation, restriction of trade, economic interference and also very sick ugly lies to RCMP. Lies to RCMP, clear now to so many, as to protect criminals plus pathetically attempt to defame with threat of wrongful prosecution of an honest person for whistle-blowing on children, members, production companies and BC taxpayers cheated. All as well documented and witnessed?
(f) All past IATSE 891 local presidents still alive? And key including those as already documented busted for obvious deception and bad faith by BCLRB like brilliant well-loved and respected Ken Anderson to humiliating failed appeals on coercion and intimidation when Don Ramsden and John Brummitt trusted honourable top dogs and using member's money to defend themselves on abuse of members. Absurd but true? 

More names below of those who aid and abet criminals. The term "“precision scheduling”?

For those more intellectually honest: Do think of the very ugly continued criminal horror and of the future hundreds of innocent victims in BC for decades to follow, should this all be ignored by any MLA. Any MLA. Some literally can't see the big picture. At all. True? False? And some think a stolen car newsworthy over hundreds of innocent children cheated? As documented.

Where best to start

BC Union Local IATSE 891 ideal as a leading first criminal case for critical needed case law (Criminal, Civil and Labour) and as a clear warning to other criminal and corrupt union local executives. This when this story full blown making even national news with the dynamic Political and Economic factors, to the high readership and audience tabloid value sensationalism, as so many major Hollywood names in this story. The children cheated also has major merit for media and the future heroes involved from RCMP to Crown Prosecution. And any vocal honest MLA as champions speaking for victims as seniors to children cheated of millions.

So many reasons why BC Union Local IATSE 891 an excellent first case, as with so much documented and as witnessed by hundreds, and net, as a fast easy cost-effective ROI bust. And further add when cheating innocent children to all BC taxpayers with millions in tax credit fraud, plus protecting and enriching criminals?

Is it "honestly" fair former BC clerk Craig James lost his job and was found guilty in criminal court of "fraud and breach of trust", and these criminals, some named below, feeling above the rule of law and superior to other members, and clearly guilty of millions in tax credit fraud, cheating children and membership, plus proven already guilty of coercion and intimidation and busted with lying to RCMP and using internal show trials to protect criminal friends from criminal exposure and disrepute. And intimidate other whistle-blowers from telling the truth?

BC Labour leadership or not

Who will Sussanne Skidmore and Hermender Singh Kailley at BC Federation of Labour help? Victims or criminals? With their shared grocery store past they most certainly both understand exactly when union local executives really don't care about key membership, minorities, workplace toxic issues and act above the rule of law. Just power, pay, ego their main myopic focus. Hard for some to believe criminal and corrupt BC union locals even possible in BC. And that serious CLC reported workplace issues, including 30 year proven cultures of "coercion and intimidation" needing immediate addressing best be ignored, as some needing to believe highly inflated. Such motives and misunderstanding for such claims becomes obvious with serious questioning of such people.

The CLC study with this blog should make it near impossible for Skidmore and Kailley credibly to honestly ignore, and do no more than babble about basic human rights and rule of law. How can they honestly ignore children and honest workers cheated, coerced and intimidated, bullied and belittled, threatened and harassed? And then be trusted to credibly help fuel labour movement and BC NDP? 

Some think the US stopping railway strikes a death blow to international labour movement. In Canada another Harper can happen again? Justin is not Jesus. 

This BC issue with leading spotlight and show case IATSE 891 problem in BC, impacts the legitimacy and credibility of Labour movement even in other Provinces as ignoring cleaning their own houses. And more embarrassing after even RCMP class action to clean house already started and simply far more meaningful then the labour working class hero PR efforts and t-shirt supported causes at IATSE 891. True? False? Falcon and the new United might easily do more. Easily? Politically safe for Falcon and friends to help honest union workers deal with criminal union workers as little risk. Think about it?

And as to easily broaden "UNITED" franchise and with their brand new brand image as a protector of working people who vote and oddly non-conventional targeting of the jugular of BC NDP core of the ethical ones. And some do also dare suspect Sonia and Greens hardly can honestly support those who ignore cheated children and single working mothers and pour paint into streams and rivers. True? False? Note when working with SRK the focus natural resource giants and "direct director's liability in environmental law" as per very high standard of care courts require. More on this gem and wood wasted or stolen to follow?


As should be obvious to some more enlightened, this blog is intentionally designed to be easily transposed and transformed into a signed-sworn affidavit. Reduced easily to no more than ten pages including names of criminals involved and their crimes alleged and proven. And by identified documentation as hard evidence. Plus a few from the 470 voting for a full forensic audit as protected witnesses. Makes a nice package for RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal Courts and media relations. Some just want the movie and yet very expensive top big billing and big retainer Criminal Defence lawyers will have to read the whole book. Everything. 

Very expensive 

Yes, I can make things so very expensive for the criminal elite, exactly like I did, as documented and witnessed, with the pathetic, futile efforts and the legal costs of Gavin Craig's intimidating efforts as president (with "John Brummitt" as top advisor) and their very "desperate efforts to protect criminals" and try and coerce and intimidate me (as not yet knowing or believing about my odd legal friends and employers). 

And now those costs seem so small compared to the much higher costs now, and yet then tens of thousands of dollars of members money misused to protect clearly criminal friends of John Brummitt from little wee me. So expensive for liars and low life criminals when they now have to use their "own personal money". Or nicely AGAIN defines criminal collusion and misappropriation of funds if using member's money AGAIN. True? False? More on the criminal morons below and my few little legal contacts across Canada? And not all Oxford and Osgoode Legal Scholars? 

This sworn affidavit "handy" for both evidence reference in criminal prosecutions and as also handy for a Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry. A Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry on "Criminal" infestation corrupting BC union locals. This added with membership and tax credit fraud in the millions with children to senior members cheated. And as icing on the cake proven Coercion and Intimidation with obstruction and lies to RCMP documented as to desperately protect criminal contacts and networks in the criminal elite, as documented, and their proceeds of crime. And add even transparent documented criminal genius efforts with illegal internal trials to intimidate and coerce so criminals not exposed and suffer "disrepute".  And clearly using various mindless uneducated criminal puppets. Sadly for criminals, criminal fools made their low intellect as obvious as their integrity. Any dare defend and debate against hard evidence and protected witnesses sworn testimony? Certainly a few dozen of the 470 members who voted for a full forensic audit candidate have much to add? Much?

Key POV Preface Points:

I am not a victim. Far from it. Women beaten up, harassed and suppressed are clearly the victims. Children and young "honest" workers and talent cheated of collectively millions, the victims. Seniors victims. All BC taxpayers the victims of tax credit fraud simply laundered to proceeds of crime unchallenged, the victims. I am simply no more than just a voice for many, not so fortunate? A messenger. And as more than able to stand up to criminals others won't, can't or fear.  As documented.  And witnessed. A possible political prophet? 

Yes, had fun playing with functions, formulas and code based on my prior work with the engineering firm SRK and all international chemical codes and environmental responses? And this while  modernizing "departmental" film project management considering situation-effective PMI guidelines? And helping from building permits, budget estimating to payroll and POs to final garbage bin entry. Sadly, I enjoyed my work and luxury car rental allowance and other absurd perks like flooded hour bank equity while others paid and children cheated. Why now all this explained below but basically so my innocent contacts wouldn't suffer my association in illegal economic interference. So often proven.

I support no provincial political party, and simply vote based on honesty and intelligence and key issues. I have voted for all three major parties. And paid very well by two Federal Parties? And as some who have worked for IATSE 891 know, as working with me prior, my work for Federal PC from a chartered sailboat in English Bay?

I've been a union Grievance Coordinator for CUPE and on the board of directors of a public company. My client list and billings most major national law and accounting firms would envy. I have experience at the most senior levels few do. And many fake. See below. My real strength, ignoring academic recognition, numbers not words?

I tried to reflect in this blog all the net merits of a scholarly paper as a hybrid with trashy tabloid journalism sensationalism and my pathetic efforts to mimic Dan Brown, John Irving, Herman Melville, Robert Reich and Richard Wolff, with some Gonzo Journalism, while paraphrasing studies in neurosciences at Stanford, and my variety of little legal mentors. As such this blog a possible highly informative and an entertaining read. And as a legal map to criminal prosecution plus political oppourtunities for all three main BC parties. If they wish?  Much to discuss and share. Children matter. Rules of evidence respected.

"Too many" and "daily"

"The results are clear, too many workers are experiencing harassment and violence on a daily basis."

"Solidarity means standing up for ALL workers!"

       John Lewis, President IATSE Canada TWEET December 17, 2021@JohnMorganLewis RT @

How polite a spin can admission of guilt be

How polite can admission of guilt be by the cowardly criminal elite and executives trying to wash hands and grossly diminish direct guilt? Read:

"During this process of engagement, we have come to recognize that we have not always responded to concerns about exclusionary and discriminatory incidents raised by some of our members (Nor ever responded to clear witnessed and documented "Coercion and intimidation" involving union local IATSE 891 Presidents (x5) and their cowardly supporting aid and abetting criminal executives. True? False?) marginalized communities in a manner they needed to feel heard, seen and supported.(Marginalized communities being those not in criminal elite or inner circle and able to blackmail slime with dirty secrets they all have on one another and yet still not kept secret enough by illegal NDAs to protect criminals in solidarity from disrepute. True? False?) Furthermore, we now know some of our members have experienced additional hurt because of the way the Local responded (And major COSTS in the thousands. True? FalseOr intentionally avoided addressing and responding.) We want them to know that we sincerely apologize for any pain, hurt, and distress they have experienced. The Local also missed opportunities to act in a way that might have prevented further harm (AND COSTS), which we deeply regret. We take responsibility for our actions, inaction and missteps in the ways we have responded. We are accountable to each member, and while we may not always understand the lived experiences of our members from marginalized communities, we know that we are collectively linked."Some joke marginalized victims also includes those more honest, educated and experienced and not enjoying criminal recoprocation or those from small departments almost voiceless like a lamb sitting down with a pack of wolves voting and deciding on what to do for dinner tyranny of democracy "stuff" that even Churchill warned of.

You can always smell the BS of white male privilege or scribes just by slime using the terms "we have not always responded to concerns about exclusionary and discriminatory incidents". Ask any minority about "exclusionary and discriminatory incidents" if that real qualification or blatant BS spin? We will talk actual dollar costs related and related direct liability of "exclusionary and discriminatory incidents". Seems forgotten? As superior court Justice Laskin allowed: "Nothing is sacrosanct"? Reality check? 891 Fact: the pretty young girl and the old small senior male even Heterosexual, White and Christian as often as victims as any marginalized groups and as more of them, thus more often. No one should be a victim of others abuse. Neither child or senior. NONE! 

Such blatant BS PR to position as now heroic disgusting. But those far more informed must ask, where the hell is the restitution, remorse, repayment, and prosecution from this so clever disgusting executive as defined by laws of Canada to Provincial Labour Code and with famous corrupt, criminal and loaded internal trials to lack of reports to criminal authorities? Such frauds still documenting protecting and aid and abetting criminals and protecting from prosecution. True? False? Sounds like a dirty corporate apology by corporations trying to avoid serious "honest costs" for damages done to so many including cheating children and the dead. What about the proceeds of crime this hides and lacks clear individual accountability. Why? I thought it was a rule in Public Relations you do not end or combine an apology with an excuse as it makes the reader think that you are just justifying your wrong actions? This is, and much more than just a Human Rights issue most ignore.

This clever criminal protecting prose will be very important to reference in criminal courts and a meaningful Provincial Inquiry. Great example of 891 BS propaganda. True? False? Denial? Debate? Defence? Any want to meet at RCMP offices and discuss such BS and serious criminal matters? Why not if not criminals and liars and those who aid and abet?

The goal here to be simple and clear

The goal here, to be simple and clear, is full justice and financial compensation for children and others cheated and to plant the seeds or expedite labour code reform. I think with the Labour Oxford/Osgoode Scholar, a Doctrate in Labour Psychology and a former top Toronto SE Labour Lawyer, that I've literally have known since high school, we could create meaningful working and action plans for Labour Code Reform, and exactly as it relates to union local governance. And best define penalties for any violation of trust or trespass, and physical and financial protection for all union members from coercion and intimidation and violence. My multiple union experience including as a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE and other front-line hands-on special union depth a major plus for such "rainbow management" team design. True? False?


Ideally this blog will prove a highly valuable reference and resource for other's and their lawyers wanting to take action against these criminals in civil and criminal matters or for any abuse ever again by similar sleazy deceptive criminal slime in IATSE 891 executive thinking above the rule of law and superior to their members. Or with other non-film BC local union executives feeling their titles allowing to be above the rule of law. Like some bankers. Like some brokers. Like ENRON and other cases of The Smartest Guys in the Room.  Like IATSE 891 local presidents, as also so very clever, thinking like others they'd never be so exposed and so busted. And as with those who aid and abet and the mindless consumed by social constructs and selective slogans of solidarity as to fool many. Sadly for criminal brain trusts, not all fooled. Not at all.

Here below these dirty criminal IATSE 891 criminal cases far worse. Far worse. See numbers. Children direct and indirect victims. And ALL honest BC taxpayers. All very easy to prove from protected witnesses to a clear history of documented evidence, including Coercion and Intimidation by cowardly bullies, often as to enjoy proceeds of crime provided and "protected" as classic textbook laundered pay, position, power, prestige and perks. Their motive addicted to more. Their means exploiting and deceiving members to MLAs like Adrian Dix. And cheating children. Millions in fraud. Two dozen criminals.

Not all two dozen criminals named below. Some best surprized by RCMP?


  • This blog saves the RCMP and Crown Prosecution to Media both time & money. True.
  • This blog also identifies areas for expedited Labour Code Reform. True.
  • This blog identifies a strong political oppourtunity, plus saving campaign time and money for any BC political party wanting to "honestly be" and "be seen as real heroes" at election time. This with CLC identified 7 of 10 working class and middle class voters. And win more seats. True.
  • This blog by exposure seriously helps reduce crime, coercion and intimidation. As exposure always does. Effective prosecution even better. True.
  • This blog fully supports restitution for all victims including children cheated by membership and qualification to benefit hour bank fraud. This while criminals enriched by proceeds of crime and protected by the executive criminal slime making a tragic joke of "Fair Rep" and "Good Faith" and safeguarding "integrity of the local" oaths and guidelines. This when some feel above the rule of law including Criminal Code. And given to coercion and intimidation and deceptive fraud. True.

4-8 critical seats up for grabs

All three BC Political Parties, and their so very sophisticated and advanced AI communication neuroscience super stars, in motivating and key mobilizing message engineering — and with their critical actuarial level advanced digital and traditional media buying —  must all seriously now appreciate a "minimum" of  4-8 critical seats in next BC election as literally up for grabs.  The classic zero sum game?

Any "HONEST"credible and "meaningful" political message, effectively weighted for optimum frequency thresholds and surgically targeted to BC Election "Switcher" psycho-graphic profiles, and to secondary mushrooming "Undecided" (to create or elevate) "key", and added overlapping with 7 of 10 vote-motivated workers (See below), 4-8 critical seats "minimum" for grabs. To win.

To win

For "honest" real "Federal" Election  experienced, experts, and real International and National real Marketing and "BC Markets" Experts —  and as recognized by top business school Deans as a requested speaker (McGill: Goldberg, SFU: Shapiro), and even quoted by a "national" financial publication and a computer publication on "Media Economics", I just might know somethings others can only fake? 
And added that advanced Military and Tech, Federal political parties (PC and Lib), ESSO to 7-Eleven and major Beer companies trusted for "money" numbers and prose. And not more tired buzzword babble in a $2,000.00 business suit.

This below is exactly how any of the three parties can lead and "split the pie" for a much bigger slice. And at a far better cost and time efficacy than preaching to the choir. Fact. As proven. As documented. As witnessed. And easily demonstrated by case study or test?

I started with poll analysis with Quebec election working on contract for CBC radio in Toronto in 1976. This while still in university in Montreal and Ottawa studying logic, linguistics and law as "national media liaison". And having to deal with every single "major political journalist" in Canada. Appreciating even then a Royal Flush in poker from random distribution as well as flipping a coin with five constitutive heads up, as also a random possibility. Later I would appreciate statistics in medical and scientific research, and actuarial level consideration of Bayesian statistics and the art of BS numbers — as some so often given to use in film and TV budgets, and with traditional and digital media readership and audience numbers? Why Dix when BC leadership hopeful polling a twenty point lead far more than amuzing for many. In medicine such mistakes cost lives. See pandemic. Data matters?

By 1985 I was working with polls and various major national market research firms and handling ALL Western Canada for Federal Liberals reporting directly within "Red Leaf" to former Attorney General Ron Basford on message, media and money. And including BC? BC also a key focus for clients beyond Federal Liberals and included clients like ESSO, 7-Eleven and Labatt. Some have proven depth. Some fake it. Heck, I even was key for Cossette in leading the media audit on strange BC Tourism US media buy. Even then I made my supervisors look smarter than they really were. True? False? Fact check?

The new ugly

This new ugly BC political news scandal below involving much bigger money as millions in tax credit fraud enriching and empowering protected criminals, cheating innocent children and empowered as to best protect their windfall proceeds of crime. 

And this far bigger than any previous NDP criminal scandals. Including Bingo and BBQ deck days. Combined? True? False? And add documented and witnessed coercion and intimidation, economic interference and restriction of trade. And with far more innocent victims, including sadly children cheated. Yes, children cheated. Fact. See below.

Where great honest unions like CUPE and UNIFOR, that I've also worked for, stands up to bullies and the self-thought clever and the self-entitled, like Ford in Ontario, IATSE in BC rewards bullies, promotes and protects criminals, women beaters, tax cheats, major thieves, those who cheat children, and this while highly uneducated morons and criminals enriched. Easy to prove. Debate? Denial? Defence? Bets? Any dare?


Fortunately, RCMP will followup on rumours, speculation, hearsay and protected witnesses when looking for hard evidence and confessions. So no stone not turned. And as so many dirty and criminal secrets just not so secret anymore? 

Nor can RCMP be bullied, coerced, intimidated and suffering economic threat and consequence, like union workers. So now literally a whole different ballgame. Plus add with multiple cases of well "documented" coercion and intimidation for "illegal effective memberships management and silencing". Documented. And including BCLRB rulings and humiliating failed appeals defining clear guilt for coercion and intimidation so criminal denial again amuzing. Plus lies to RCMP also documented poignant? Plus witnesses. True? False? 


Nor can Mitch Davies, as present IATSE 891 local president, and also again "best of best", manipulate RCMP minds with a T-Shirt and fashionable cause of the day. Even a T-Shirt with "I Speak The Truth!" screened on it won't fool RCMP. Even if in fashionable seasonal colours Mitch mostly respected for. Sadly, Mitch will have to answer many questions as with ALL past president's still alive, and all able to lie as documented. And as witnessed. 

Things can be greatly improved for honest IATSE 891 workers from a skilled senior in Set Dec or Construction to a young single mother in paint or even prop crew, and made far more than awkward for bullies, criminals, fakes, frauds and fools. True? False?

"We can no longer be Bystanders when we see people are being intimidated, harassed, bullied, and belittled." —  BC Maritime Employers Association 

Added news note: And most certainly the best of RCMP members cleaning their own house with the recent and so incredibly similar issues of workplace Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment a very helpful reference as per RCMP's pending: 

Think of all the deadly serious ramifications for local IATSE 891 low life lying criminal elite to now even dare trying to lie and pretend IATSE 891 slime executive better than RCMP, and not bigger uglier problems in this dirty union local's executive elite? Think about it? Criminal courts will. And as a full Forensic Provincial Inquiry on tax credit fraud involving millions of dollars and enriching criminals and morons must. 

Sounds like a job for major documented well known very ignorant and arrogant IATSE 891 criminal puppets and major top dogs with very huge gigantic intimidating and authoritative Hollywood titles, like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen. And to now best try and lie and deceive RCMP investigation and interrogations and not be charged for obstruction, and again as posturing as so very clever, honest, educated and experienced. And both to serve to keep John Brummitt and his long time known superiors and bosses out of jail. Good luck?

Some, like criminal courts, civil court rulings, labour code and even charter and including "honest" taxpayers and voter "switchers", simply don't like or respect those who by very clear legal definition "aid and abet" criminals be enriched by tax credit fraud. And all this while cheating children for over a decade. True? False? If cowardly coercion and intimidation also clear, many more find such obvious criminal coward's groups and gangs disgusting. Bets? "Honest" voters get angry. Very angry. And want names. See names below.

There is no notwithstanding clause for criminals to use in their self-serving constitution nor transparent criminal bylaws with unusual numbers ripe for linear regression, and serious review of their so clever semantic gymnastics and polemics, as used or over abused in corrupted criminal union locals to ignore criminal law, criminal's crimes. 

Best now criminals hold the course and follow the proven intellect and wisdom of those first busted lying to RCMP and guilty of coercion and intimidation and proven efforts to protect criminal oligopolies, as obvious to many more educated, and as now to best lead criminal's group's defence?

"Honest" voter-victims get angry. Very angry.


Back to BC Criminal Issues

Will RCMP need to get Adrian Dix's computer? Again? And fast? Would certainly seem reason enough that RCMP also need to get computers, files and phones from criminal elite and union executives, including those already busted for cowardly coercion and intimidation by BCLRB. And some dummies in criminal elite with documented lies to RCMP. This for a very quick fast bust, charges and prosecution. Before things oddly lost, taken, hidden, missing.

Why they are the way they are

As we evolve as a species, with more known daily about our methods and motivation and from the molecular to manipulated environmental sensory inputs, and our belief in consciousness and conduct, we must accept some mutations will result in more primitive and tribal behaviour. And certainly for some not given to more critical thinking and better frontal lobe blood flows. This as literally seen around the world and in corrupt or criminal BC union locals, and many other organizations lacking meaningful accountability and transparency. A prison without guards, rules or protection. Recent legal decisions in the US accepting studies in neurosciences, not just DNA, provide more than just scholarly peer review. From Patty Hearst and studies in Stockholm syndrome and Jonestown and many cases about such mind-blind followers, much is accepted fact. And some so easy to subjugate by Coercion and Intimidation by either financial or physical threat. Intimidation understood and with the cognitive dissonance to get some through their working day. Criminals benefit from both. For some street legal psychopathic and sociopath behaviours, complimented by both cognitive dissonance and beyond denial Dunning-Kruger dynamics daily. All a key reason why a forensic  psychiatrist so critical and key to criminal courts and future Provincial Inquiry enlightenment in these matters. And as support for modernizing Labour Code Reform. The failure proven in practice. True? False?

When bullies rule

When bullies rule and coercion and intimidation beyond intelligent debate and added with use of illegal internal trials and lies to RCMP as to also protect criminals from disrepute and criminal exposure, a message sent to all. Affirming and further empowering the criminal elite and minority. And certainly making 9 of 10  honest workers fearing financial or physical threats and honest revenue risk with added restriction of trade and economic interference witnessed by hundreds and blatant. True? False? Bets?

And CRA should certainly review some possibly not honest about taxable benefits and income to proceeds of crime. As witnessed. As documented. Names available on request for all legal investigating to prosecuting authorities.

Ideally this will help clean out a few dirty BC criminal union local executives. And some not even media to film related unions. And this while considering CLC's 7 of 10 study as metric and milestone "1" for project management. Prescriptive analytics?

Certainly far more than enough "documented evidence" and many "honest witnesses" for Crown Prosecution to now lay many indictable charges (See below).  And soon all three parties will all know this. Plus how it can help their party either win or lose 4-8 seats in the next election. Only Green will be safe when the boys start fighting. Fact.

And yet, this is clearly a far more than obvious, and highly newsworthy oppourtunity for Eby, and all his people. And to be both "real" and highly visible heroes to thousands. Or equally, for even the Falcon machine. This if LIBs faster to hard action cleaning criminals out of an NDP 891 union and protecting union members as a start to "Workers Protection Legislation". A general constitution for the BC workplace as one simple single general source and the economy it would provide from workplace to criminal courts. How would Eby appear with Dix if Falcon faster on this?

Yes, so possible. And very key quickly crippling NDP both at "core" and with transient switchers. 
This issue certainly resonates with key NDP core and can fracture voter motivation and turnout. See various domestic and international studies below. And see exactly how Thatcher with Saatchi & Saatchi message and media buy, took labour and women votes. 

Ask Adrian Dix if trusting polls and Dusty Kelly with Hollywood date and expenses a better idea, as he did. Much more on the dirty Dix and Dusty details below.

Whoever leads on this, and supports RCMP fully, when statistically an even horse race – and when"tipping point switchers" is  the ONLY thing that matters, will win. 

And hopefully the children criminally cheated also matter. And also as a key motive for MLA and Media to fully support and encourage RCMP efforts with investigation and interrogation. 

These innocent children need to be compensated by criminals from their proceeds of crime or gross reckless self-consumed ego and negligence. And from their homes to their savings, or simply as far overpaid without merit or honest democratic principles or legal mandate. Most elections corrupted by fraudulent concealment, critical deceptive omissions, dirty NDAs hiding sins and stupidity, add biased internal newsletter, defamation and obvious absurd gerrymandering. I'm a fan of "seizure before judgement"? Familiar how used by Ad agencies suffering bad clever clients. 

Who do these cowardly creepy sneaky criminals with some involved with millions in tax credit fraud to cheating children, fear most? Eby or Falcon? Sonia?

Both Federal and BC NDP will have to clean house of some of those named, and criminally connected for years. Connected for years to those easily and already proven guilty, and even in criminal's "failed appeal", involving cowardly coercion and intimidation. And including the self-serving slime who clearly aid and abet by selective silence or criminal services.

And this certainly with very serious BC election impact for "honest" voting working people and those MLAs, supporters and fund raisers really wanting to win an election. And win as "real honest heroes for honest BC workers". Just fully support RCMP. Or why not? As major media will soon be forced to ask all MLAs. Why not?

This involving hundreds of children and families cheated, millions in tax credit fraud, women beaten, theft over $5,000.00, coercion and intimidation. Much more criminal evidence to follow. See below. 

Won't be difficult for RCMP to recommend multiple charges to Crown Prosecution and request warrants with the varied and hard evidence already collected, and key "honest" witnesses. Plus add extras from RCMP's own investigation and interrogations with full MLA support?

What can MLAs do?

When Eby in his hundred day media metric measured management day dash, ask in the house for all-parties for full support for RCMP efforts to investigate the alleged millions in tax credit fraud enriching criminals, as claimed and if any evidence of coercion and intimidation to bullying and harassment, as RCMP now empathetic, and starting with easy first touchdown with glamour groups in BC film union local IATSE 891's criminal elite. 

Then look outside film industry to protect other workers suffering criminal union executives and 7 of 10 factor. From Glazier to Grocery and Rail to Restaurant unions, hardly just one case of serious criminal influence, abuse and financial fraud. Labour Code reform will become more obvious to those who can't see.

Some MLAs with RCMP will be seen and appreciated as real-life honest heroes prior to election. Some MLAs, possibly as to justify recent pay raise value to voting public, will use the following millions in BC tax credit fraud and documented criminal facts below in their BC election efforts. And as to "credibly" and "visibly" be seen as very honestly "newsworthy" in critical elections. And as honest worker's champions. And be "real heroes" with the RCMP. RCMP as also deserving a pay raise and Constable Shaelyn Yang one of a thousand reasons why. Real heroes to be respected and admired, not as shallow fictional and fantasy heroes in film or the fakes in criminal elite named below with their fictional powers and superiority as "above the rule of law". As identified in this blog. 

Exactly like hero law firms like Gowling and Davis and great honest unions like UNIFOR, stopping IATSE 891 coercion and intimidation, plus inherent by default helping with the 7 of 10 Workers exposed to violence and harassment. The 7 of 10 that CLC, U of T and Western University define as direct and indirect victims in the workplace. Now at crisis levels. See below for more very ugly details and some clear criminal names. And why this the ideal seeds for Labour Code Reform. Or an added: 

"Workplace Policy, Procedures, Policing and Penalties" Bill. 

WP4? The "Bullying Bill". This  as it relates to every BC workplace, union and non-union, and from field and farm to financial industries. And severely punishes such criminals and cowards if financial motive and benefit blatant. If faster?

The good and honest help

Honest MLAs will soon also help and be honest heroes. Others will lose many votes and their seat and community credibility. Costing the party critical votes and seats. Plus very probable the next and soon BC election. This as pollsters and actuaries would already support. Bets?

Yes, honest MLAs will soon help. And help exactly like a BC Criminal Court Judge, two Oxford Legal academics (one as acting law faculty chair at UBC), and those at the law firms of Fox Morgan, Gowling and Davis who have also honestly helped (See below). And as many other lawyers have helped, including an honest lawyer for union local IATSE 891, and as the great union UNIFOR and as BCLRB have helped. BCLRB documenting abuse and clear guilt for coercion and intimidation, and even in "failed" appeal. So no intelligent debate unless ignorant and clearly uneducated and/or one of the sleazy ignorant criminals involved and fearing jail and "seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime". 

And also add the kind and generous help of a top forensic psychiatrist in BC and an award-winning CBC investigative journalist from Montreal. Hopefully, BC media will also help   at least help as much, and ignore much smaller and meaningless coverage of smaller boring stories of less social value? And so easy for Media and MLAs to help by so simply supporting heroic RCMP efforts at investigation and interrogation of known criminals. That's it. That easy. Really. 

And help like 475 union members have helped voting for a forensic audit and some providing very key information on crimes and the sick cowardly criminals. And these criminals from those who beat up women and cheat children and honest workers to those involved with serious theft and fraud over $5,000.00 including millions in tax credit fraud. Only those not honest or criminals themselves, will not help. And as clearly obvious and already documented lying to RCMP as documented? Documenting in fact using heroic and legendary RCMP who often sadly risk and give their lives. Too often. And more sickening using RCMP prior like petty political props or pawns and even worse lying and using the RCMP to protect criminal friends and define wrongful prosecution of honest whistle blowers. And as a message of the criminal elites abuse of power and further proof of coercion and intimidation and as a message and warning to others who dare speak the truth. So easy to prove. Bets?

Who are these sleazy cowardly sick criminals enjoying proceeds of crime and corruption and feeling above the rule of law as little league royalty. Well some, to be honest and fair, some highly accomplished and respected using a paint roller for film set painting or like Tom Adair without his big shot misleading title possibly even an acceptable trade carpenter when labour shortage documented. Some criminal painters with charm even using Adrian Dix for wasted Hollywood dates accomplishing nothing like a twenty point election lead accomplished little against real facts and truth. Things that seems that pollsters missed, not asking the right people the right questions. And as even Joe Clark's pollsters did in Federal matters. True? False? Will you help or help criminals with selective silence and ignore cheated children as lazy suspect MLAs might?

The good and honest help. And support RCMP. True? False? See criminals and human slime, fakes and fools as named below. The good and honest help. Will Eby? Will Falcon? Will Sonia? 

We "honestly" offer the criminals to deny and defend themselves at RCMP offices one-on-one without their gang or mob support, and under oath or sworn documented testimony, if easier. Or even help and plead no contest and squeal for a deal and rat out other criminals to avoid jail? The good and honest help the good and honest. True? False?

Eby said when an MLA it was important to make right decisions over what appears popular. Will he help or obviously help criminals ignoring?

Will this be what crowns Eby king of BC and for even Federal consideration? Or kills his career and election hopes? This as NDP switchers will detach at tipping points. And this as Falcon creates a potential and credible oneness with those in front line foxholes and trenches disgusted with the 7 in 10 estimated reality. And that added to the criminal influence in a few dirty union locals and where tax credits enrich criminals. Those who cheat children and honest workers. And yet still not properly pay police, teachers and nurses compared to film workers. Good place to start? Some involved with millions in tax credit fraud to cheating children. Fact.

We will most certainly compare the life-risking work of RCMP, life-changing work by teachers and life-saving work of nurses to those as basically industrial painters in film industry and as film union local executives or criminal department heads, and their pay. Plus showcase the important work of top dogs Paul Klassen and Tom Adair and "exactly" what they did or do for honest workers and all BC taxpayers and why some feel both should be in jail. Get your vomit bags ready.

Here's exactly what will destroy BC NDP as proven "tipping-point". Or give them one last chance at credibility with criminal matters when housing and health, environment and economic report cards continues to further erode support. And with many now on record. And more to follow? Plus fuels textbook switchers to Lib and Greens. 

Great investigative media

Great investigative media by Capital Daily & Burnaby Beacon. Latest FOI on Dr. Henry and children exposed to pandemic in schools adding now even more very serious trust and credibility issues with BC NDP. As such this no time for BC NDP to ignore millions in BC tax credit fraud and children cheated by dirty union locals like IATSE 891. And tax credits indirectly but clearly enriching criminals as proceeds of crime. Good important work by Media with Capital Daily and sister publication Burnaby Beacon getting FOI. BC has a right to get the truth on pandemic to criminals cheating all "honest" BC taxpayers and children. True? False?

Excellent reporting as almost always gold standard see: 

Capital Daily Oct 28, 2022 "Island teachers, parents report high absences, illnesses amid lack of public health data. COVID-19 transmission in schools has not been monitored since last year,...75% of students have missed school already in the first two months"?

Good time

Seems like a real good time for Eby and all BC NDP MLAs to quickly best lead and be heroes and lead support for a full and forensic RCMP investigation and interrogation of film union IATSE 891's key criminal elite. And the decades and dynasty of those who aid and abet. And this before Falcon and BC Liberals add this to environmental, economic, health, housing and other issues and then as a bonus get the glory helping cheated children and "honest" union and non-union workers as NDP core and where new switchers now incubate. True? False?

I like Eby, Falcon and Sonia, but will not vote NDP until so many criminal issues addressed and like many will now go Lib or Green as disgusted by efforts with dams, deceit and the democratic issues hanging from leadership some claim clearly a con and calculated coup d'état. A bigger debate to follow.

What a good sport

I will also make clear not only totally untrue the criminal slime's claims I'm "anti-union", but as hard documented and witnessed fact that those in criminal elite who cheat union member's children, beat-up women, facilitate theft over $5,000 (and less?) plus tax credit and life insurance fraud, and clearly help enrich and protect criminals from "disrepute"with coercion and intimidation or by deed or deception, even with lies to RCMP; thinking the RCMP fools and can be used as props and pawns as feeling above the rule of law clearly: "ANTI-UNION"! Not I? Bets? Debate? Denial? Any dare?

All of them

And to be a real good sport, "all five past and present presidents" of IATSE 891 local, all warmly welcome to "all" take me on, one at a time. And as clearly my superiors in title, intellect, integrity, experience and education at RCMP offices. And with investigative and interrogation experts present and all under oath to best ensure speed and cost efficacy for RCMP. And so certain I'm not lying cowardly disgusting criminal slime? This as to offer the very best protection for all past presidents when interrogated, and as with myself also answering trick and trap questions. Even bring the high powered brilliant mental muscle, education, experience of both former and present Executive Directors of the BC Council of Film Unions including "legally"brain damaged Paul Klassen playing legal authority and the always so very authoritative and so intimidating Tom Adair. "7" against one failed comedy writer. Seems fair? What a good sport? Any dare? 

Or safer for short term for criminal elite to suffer the obvious legal optics and display of cowardly fear and very serious guilt? And the added given optics of documentation and affidavits. Unless a mental midget, not a great start for the criminal elite? And with prior BCLRB rulings and very embarrassing and needlessly costly "failed appeals" for coercion and intimidation. All legal optics. Truth be told.

Lie as they have for 30 years. To members, friends and lovers? And RCMP. True? False? Such a likeable and respectable group of criminals when truth ALL told? ALL! 

Wouldn't you want your daughter or son to marry one of them and have them at family functions and forced to politely live their lies and suffering their clearly sick coercion and intimation to some passive-aggressive abusive mindsets. This as feeling so clever and empowered? And this with their financial and physical threats to exclusively those seen smaller and weaker. Now so sadly they can deal with RCMP, myself and my strange friends, family and contacts, who it clearly appears can not be threatened, coerced or intimidated, or fooled by the intellectual superiority, authority and integrity of John Brummitt's very small and limited circle. Game over?

The criminal's children by obvious nepotism suffer the same shame and ridicule and rumours now spoken behind their backs, just like their parents suffered and that myself and many others found so revealing. And free speech silenced only temporarily by threat, as per clear example below with Keith Woods as president. And even back to when Don Ramsden as president, and his special credibility and integrity as John Brummitt's best buddy. Why women and RCMP should dig deeper? Far deeper. Ask stuff about all member's money and two main member's crimes. 

And only fair I counter, also about the real truth of the criminal elite, their exact crimes proven and rumoured, their documented lies and bad faith, their proceeds of crime and their honest minimal real business or executive experience, and clearly minimal education, and as also an obvious and easy to prove hard fact. True? False?


This as some MLAs, just like political marketing experts know, these are proven hard motherhood issues below that matter. Issues and facts that make "critical switchers switch their vote or not vote at all". Proven in Europe, UK and US since WWI, and by even Mulroney's and Turner's fall from grace with Airbus and Patronage. And as various other BC scandals also certainly support from Bingo to BBQ deck deals. 

I've oddly studied specifically "switcher psycho-graphic profiles" starting 1984 with Federal Liberals handling "ALL" Western Canada. This as the only real game in "real" competitive packaged goods and other retail marketing and political communication as meaningful metrics. And then using very pricey Goldfarb software in 1986 for 7-Eleven and their Dallas, Harvard MBAs. This as even fewer then understood computers and sophisticated marketing and "media buying". Or very basic database management oppourtunities. The literal "unmatched success" of Labatt BC Kokanee Beer relaunch in early 80's oddly also supports as all about "switchers" and media and messages that work. True? False? Actually fascinated by polling design and demographic voting patterns back in 1976 with Joe Clark's people in Ottawa and Banff. And that proven switcher stuff helping Joe. True? False? 

Switcher stuff

From Cuneiform tablets, Roman Empire signage use, Martin Luther post-it-notes and door hangers, Thomas Paine brochures to LBJ and JFK and TV dynamics, Thatcher and Reagan trickle TV tickles, Trump and twitter (most can't understand) to my very recent online 26 lecture audit of neurosciences at Stanford and certificate in digital marketing, I know a tiny bit more than most in such critical political media and message matters? Always fun when I meet others as "claiming" they are also media experts. So I ask a few quick questions. Settles things so fast. Some fakes not even familiar with key basic studies at Stanford and MIT, and yet try and impress me. Easy to make fools of such morons in boardrooms and courtrooms as with all fakes in IATSE 891. True? False?

Seems as well documented only Tom Adair dare as poorly educated and a possible sociopath not considering ramifications and consequences, felt he was smarter than me. And more educated, more intelligent, more honest; certainly more authoritative with his very big huge giant title versus my real honest as fact experience and education. Few will believe Tom Adair not a pompous, verbose BS master and just an obvious and documented disgusting fake in love with himself, his title, his image. And at best fooling teenage girls at Capilano University he's a major player in film industry. As now Paul Klassen also fakes, also overly-paid. Moving fast and looking so very important, clueless to his so many limitations in knowledge and experience. Bets?

Sad and sick how overly paid plus perks the criminal slime enjoy while RCMP, teachers and nurses not. Nor benefit from tax credit abuse and inflated misleading big shot titles.


This below can cost victory and ensure defeat for some MLAs and give those MLAs "who care" a victory and a far more engaging meaningful and progressive narrative and "conversation". And with key voters. And so hard to poll? True? False? The switchers who define who winsAsk Dix. Or his strategic and tactical Hollywood date Dusty Kelly now so oddly at BCLC? And ask her about her long time career association with corruption and criminal associates. The whole truth, and nothing but, will now most certainly be told. See below for more.

Canadian Labour Congress :

Dear David Eby and Kevin Falcon

What would dear David Eby or Falcon do if their daughters as young adults beat-up, sexually harassed and their career skills, training and education undervalued. How fast until they would act? Seconds? For others now waiting years.

What if a son cheated of tens of thousands yearly in income, with thousands of others? This as criminal slime enriched by tax credits flowing in very few steps to transparent proceeds of crime? I've done audits?  And these multiple indictable criminal violations as BC Labour Board and RCMP underpaid, understaffed and under-powered to deal with criminal and corrupt union locals to BC business crimes? Legislative change far beyond sophist debate. First thing Monday morning for Eby and Falcon? For others decades ignored.

1 of 7 and 1 every 6

What if David Eby's and Kevin Falcon's children 1 of 7 of 10 as per CLC, U of T and Western University research supported, exposed to harassment and violence in the workplace? And for some this after morning coffee and suffering domestic violence, coercion and intimidation. Even in their homes and workplace. Likely understated due to coercion and intimidation or handy NDA and/or settlements under duress. "Every 6 days in Canada, a woman is killed by her intimate partner."And some very sick people think hidden illegal settlements, cover-ups "clever" and NDAs make it funny, and think their clever slapping her around and "shutting the bitch up" acceptable. It will get so very ugly when truth all told and no more dirty secrets by dirty ugly criminals and the cowardly creepy self-serving slime who as defined by law very clearly "Aid and Abet". And selling it to suckers and the alpha posturing but clearly servile slime as solidarity?

Coercion and intimidation is a financial or physical threat by sick people that does not simply disappear the next day or decade. This coercion and intimidation as a workplace message of extreme and intent. Serves as a proven mnemonic device for long term memory and all that Watson, Skinner, Von Restorff, Bernays PR, US Military-McGill, Stanford, Stockholm learning system/model stuff. As documented. Even in criminal and corrupt BC film and fantasy union locals. Where illusion, fabrication, artificial representation, fraudulent concealment, deceptive omission and acting to script, just a part of daily life. 

The above ALL left nicely begging the very big BC election question: What would Sonia do? Or any mother do or vote? Ask her. Or far more than obvious? 

Sonia may Joan of Arc this critical issue in an election break-away and take on and take out both Justice and Labour ministers, with both main party leaders (and both as parents), and opposition critics. And leave them all crumbled on the cold hard ice of public opinion and the puck repeatedly bouncing inside the net and social media daily until election? Will Green be seen not only as tree hugging but as heroes to honest union and non-union workers to women and children cheated? And as brand development?

Really, as fact only Green has actuary probability of doubling seats with the "right war cry" resonating with workers and women? And get key opinion leaders with influence. Plus informed and educated switcher skews. And at great cost to both major parties seemingly both cowardly and cold to worker's serious issues? Optics? True? False? The message and the media everything?

What will Kevin Falcon tell Jessica and daughters Josephine and Rose?

Will Eby find Kits to UBC far less friendly after possible defeat if Falcon flags and champions this cause first and far better? 

Best not meet me as my teeth sharpened and baptised as a mere political baby by Sen. Eugene Forsey, Keith Spicer, and former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and as schooled by Jesuit scholars in Montreal in Formal Logic and Rhetorical Fallacies. Add as well literal street time with top award winning investigative journalists. And where not that smart myself I might know a good lawyer? 

Insider tips 

One of my great mentors, besides Sen. Eugene Forsey and great client the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, was historic Montreal textile jailed labour leader and later well known major Toronto philanthropist and also a great client Joseph Carrier, who told me to win in courtrooms and boardrooms: track everyone and try to be "the most honest person in the room"? Something impossible for those in criminal elite, as named below, to do before they walk into any room not filled with fools, fakes, liars and thieves. Or before even walking into RCMP interrogation rooms? True? False? 

The Jesuit scholars at Loyola in Montreal who taught me Formal Logic and Rhetorical Fallacies, also taught me how "intellectual honesty and honest logic" not sophist rhetoric and pathetic posturing, helps so easily expose liars to lunatics. Keith Spicer in Vancouver taught me how? Following Christopher Hitchens for decades also educating? 

As such just imagine how incredibly intimidating to have poor me with no big shot title to deal with the intellect, education, integrity and experience of John Brummitt and Tom Adair in front of RCMP one-on-one, and all of us potentially guilty of obstruction. At first? Trap? Other notable former and present sleazy cowardly dishonest IATSE local 891 presidents also dragged in front of RCMP will also be fun. And with their BCLRB and Provincial Inquiry history of proven coercion and intimidation to documented deception and lies to RCMP, gambling and accounting issue, the legal optics and their well-witnessed and documented history: not making the criminal elite more lovable. Nor collectively in locked deceptive solidarity. Nor loved much as children cheaters and obvious con artists, and so in love with their petty local big shot titles and illusion above the rule of law and very serious pending criminal charges including theft over $5,000.00. And certainly millions in potential direct liability. See below.

Just at best

Yes, for the record, to be honest, in fact I'm just at best: "a major nobody failed comedy writer" with some real solid world and work experience from union warehouse floor to top floor board of directors, that so very few have.  And that so many must fake. 

Yes, even major failed comedy writers can have fun and quality of life and content, few can imagine? And simply from great intellectually inspiring overachiever girlfriends to tennis, sailing, skiing and beer with the far less ambitious and less intellectually rewarding boys. True? False? See below.

News Note: If so many "normal" people and corporations disgusted with Hockey Canada's use of funds for handy and helpful "settlements". And with matching similar dirty-secret "NDA" efforts, and so many demanding resignations of all involved top-down, and here with BC's IATSE 891 (as one example), when children cheated to honest workers, plus BC taxpayers and investors also cheated, plus women beaten and too many "coerced and intimidated", and added with the perverse textbook restriction of trade and economic interference that protects, promotes and enriches literal criminal morons, and as well with use of funds for settlements and similar NDAs, many will want to vomit. It gets disgusting. And tragic?

Like Hockey Canada we shouldn't let public money or BC tax credits directly or indirectly "anywhere" buy "settlements" and non-disclosure agreements or enrich or protect criminals. This any time a matter of "crime". 

Sleazy, sneaky settlements, simply and more sickeningly, allows those with access to funds to buy out/off legislated laws and whether criminal local union executives or corporate corner office kings and so easily avoid courtroom, media, democratic membership, police transparency, accountability, responsibility. Victims under financial or social duress/threat coercion or intimidation again always the tragic victims as one of the 7 of 10. Too often with low ball settlements forced to accept.

Some will want jail time for these arrogant and ignorant criminals as named below. Those who feel also above the rule of law and so very clever and superior, even if in hard "reality" low paid blue collar trade wage earners with severely limited intellect and integrity, education and real executive experience, as well documented and well witnessed. True? False?

Time to do the time 

Time for slime to do the time for those who did the crime — add those who collude or aid and abet. Even by cowardly self-serving survival silence and clear breach of fiduciary duty, mandate and oath — real jail time.

And all this as so very clearly supported by recent CLC, U of T and Western University studies on work place violence and harassment (Link with executive brief below). Plus for BC's dirty key test legal case problem, as detailed and defined here, hundreds of documents and at least a hundred "honest" witnesses. Plus for more added proof all this supported by RCMP files, BCLRB rulings, Law Firm files, Internal Trial documents, Registered Mail, and Media reports. 

And for focus and fun, a very tiny wee little bit of legal help used and referenced. And that added from talks with an internationally recognized top Forensic psychiatrist. See textbook criminal psychological profiles below from IQ reference to a variety of personality disorders as displayed, plus notes from studies in neurosciences on biological and environmental criminal determinants.


Simply, you help or you really help criminals. That simple.

The cheated children and honest tax payers appreciate your help just discussing and sharing.

Next Move: 

Full BC MLA "election stated support" for incremental votes, for: 

RCMP investigation and interrogation into union local IATSE 891 for millions in tax credit to life insurance fraud, cheating children to all honest BC tax payers. This as criminals enriched. And as a rock-hard foundation for BC Labour Code reform and policing and also fully investigate if any proof of coercion and intimidation and lies to RCMP by clever criminal elite. Witnessed plus documented.

It gets far more ugly below with some specific criminal names and faces, "honest" witnesses, plus overlapping documented evidence.  All they can try is lie.

Will be funny to watch ALL the criminal elite involved need to lie even more and "not" plead no contest, nor "squeal for a deal", and then forced in solidarity and collusion to reciprocally or symbiotically textbook aid and abet, obstruct and defame. And with continued wrongful prosecution and efforts at coercion and intimidation evident. And big bonus added criminal charges?

Criminal slime must continue to lie to RCMP and CRA and deceive by deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment or best with multiple declarations under oath. And must twist words with those oddly experts at dealing with similar very clever criminal liars like RCMP Investigators and Interrogation experts. How fortunate? 

Funny as this when RCMP will know so much prior as solid fact and with so much evidence plus "honest" non-criminal witness testimony. Hopefully video taped?

So clear up front 

So clear up front before any more lies by criminal elite that I'm Anti-Union: I'm a huge fan of ladies like Julee Sanderson (and the whole union executive elite) as 1st National Vice-President, Canadian Union of Postal Workers. And enjoyed working with CUPE when I was first a Grievance Coordinator out of university. 

UNIFOR certainly heroic and BCLRB helping IATSE 891 members not suffer sick sneaky duplicitous small-minded cowardly coercion and intimidation by morons and the morally bankrupt in 891 criminal executive elite on a power trip. And exactly as documented, simply historic and heroic? Other corrupt ladies in IATSE 891 and from Paint Department disgust me. Thank God for those like Julee Sanderson making unions look great.

If BC's corrupt and criminal union IATSE 891 had people that honest, half as intelligent and forward thinking in executive, IATSE members would be paid more and feel far more safe physically and financially. And proud. And with less major thieves and junkies enriched as department heads and purse snatchers. True? False? Fact check?

Some ask
Some ask why don't I use my national legal network of family and friends. 

Well to be absolutely honest when having dinner with the acting UBC LAW faculty chair at Rossini's in Kits, and as an international recognized and published Oxford Legal scholar from Brisbane to Berlin, Dr. Fudge (Labour and Women's Issues), I only had two little IATSE 891 questions. My own very minimal legal studies with Sen. Eugene Forsey and other law courses helpful. The rest of the evening no legal discussions and just afternoon sailing discussed, to other home dinners. So no more legal discussed. Nor needed? Just fun. Note: Am waiting on my offered free copy of her insanely well researched newest book on Labour?

When meeting with former roommate and guitar buddy and BC Criminal Court HONOURABLE JUDGE RUSSELL MACKAY, I was quick to agree the IATSE 891 problem with criminal elite one for RCMP and Criminal Courts. 

Considered contacting another guy from high school days as a former top lawyer with SE in Toronto, and doing Labour Law. We dated "amazing sisters" from a fantastic family, but really couldn't think with a top Oxford Legal super brain as the acting faculty chair at UBC and added with an old roommate as a criminal lawyer and future BC Criminal Court Judge and myself recently dating a lawyer, "why bother Barry"?

Did talk to one of my favourite and fun clients and senior partners at the Law Firm of Fox Morgan. More on procedure. 

The Law Firm of Davis and Company, with those also from Montreal high school and university days, very helpful providing key files and directional recommendations. 

No, I was not going to call another old great fun client the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, on how to crucify a few nobody low life sleazy uneducated criminals in IATSE 891. 

The discussions with ACFC/UNIFOR law firm of Gowling, who had to help IATSE members suffering "coercion and intimidation" by IATSE executive also helpful. As oddly was discussions with IATSE 891's very own lawyer, oddly at John Brummitt's suggestion, the idiot thinking I'd be intimidated talking to a lawyer? A bit funny as he knew so little about me and my many Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal legal connections including my Montreal work with Stanley Hart's detective agency? And oddly when Cookie Lazarus represented both myself and Justin Trudeau's mother? And very helpful?

Nor did I talk to any lawyers and legal contacts in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Shawinigan. With other regular Vancouver lawyers, discussed mostly media realities and legal realism, not so much law. My tiny wee knowledge of Law, Logic, Linguistics and Latin handy.

Oddly, when first involved with this criminal union executive I was paying two other Vancouver law firms in non-union matters of contract and copyright.

The matter now political for NDP and BC LIBERALS and aggressive RCMP police investigation and interrogation. 

I did also have help from my cousin a top "Forensic Psychiatrist" as to better understand the criminal elite from the psychopathic and the sociopaths to the narcissistic and dysfunctional passive-aggressive, as well represented, documented and witnessed. True? False? 

Some media contacts from CBC Montreal and Vancouver Sun also involved in very interesting IATSE 891 discussions? They know the Publishers and Producers I also sailed with? Even had tons of fun with one of the publishers of the Vancouver Courier. And always a few laughs with old Montreal college film partner when publisher of Western Living and Vancouver Magazine, and when we shared ownership of a small sailboat for big wind sailing. My roommate with a doctorate in political science (election dynamics?) also a part owner. As some in IATSE know as fact I manage both investor and media relations rather well. And was paid well to do both? 

And historically appears I also get along better with noted scholars to the Attorney General of Canada, University Deans and highly decorated military than sneaky, cowardly, creepy, uneducated, unaccomplished, low-life, bottom feeders, criminal morons and fakes and frauds in IATSE 891 criminal elite. And paid better. As documented. True? False? SFU paid far better than IATSE 891 as did Oxford scholars and the law firm Fox Morgan, Federal Liberals, Labatt and even Executive Producer of The X-Files Bob Goodwin paid well when doing talent database design on top of regular work? Why?

Yes, I have always had problems with low IQ fakes, frauds and ignorant liars and criminals and those who beat-up women and cheat children and even slime on board of directors of public companies to union warehouse floor? My past makes this so very clear. True? False?

Why was I trusted with far bigger budgets when running a Toronto Ad agency office than most IATSE 891 department heads? And with even three different TV productions some days with added radio and print production and national media buys to also plan or audit? I had "real" budget and P/L accountability? Why did Molson Pension fund save thousands flying me to Western retail markets to buy TV time? Why did the former Attorney General of Canada "trust" my Federal Election message and media buy change when some in Toronto wanted me fired? Some in Toronto did find me funny. Many media sales managers did not like me or my skill with numbers either. Why did Labatt fly me in alone to Ottawa to do critical CRTC appeals? Why do criminals, ignorant fakes and frauds obviously hate me and from reading just the obvious and documented truth? Like 475 members voted for a full forensic audit. And obviously by common sense or formal deduction those clearly more honest, more intelligent, more educated and informed? And certainly not supporters for the criminal elite who must also fear CRA and RCMP or any formal public review. True? False?Some criminals and cowardly human slime hate the truth. They have to or must accept who and what they really are. True? False?

Time to tell the world

Within the first two weeks of 2023 every single BC Liberal and NDP MLA office in BC will have this blog link with covering email and criminal names. Plus explaining the impact of election defeat if this 7 of 10 abused worker's issue, combined with documented criminal union locals and millions in tax credit fraud to children cheated, and with BCLRB documented coercion and intimidation, and added CLC research, if not addressed, will have on "extremely critical switchers". And in such a critical provincial election. Much smaller criminal and money issues like patio decks and bingo games have helped cost elections. True? False? Eroding NDP support noted. 

We continue to do the best here to identify and adding key criminals and crimes to help the children and families coerced and intimidated with economic threats and cheated of millions in membership to life insurance fraud be compensated by the criminals. 

However, soon RCMP and CRA will have to very aggressively investigate and interrogate and charge those involved. 

MLAs will soon be asked in this election to help fully support these RCMP efforts. The recent studies by CLC, U of T, Western University make the problem so clear and far beyond debate. 

This exact criminal case will require Crown Counsel and Criminal Courts charge and severely sentence. This as a wake-up call and warning to all other organizations with such criminal control and influence and abuse of tax credit to honest worker's trust funds.

This as addressed below will also require legislative and Labour Code Reform. And serves as foundation to positive social change and improves quality of life, safety and security for 7 of 10 workers. As CLC study more than suggests at critical levels. True? False?

Where a hero from high school and a charismatic Montreal media personality can change Federal laws on DNA testing after his daughter raped and murdered, I should at least try the far less ambitious effort and goal with expediting provincial Labour Code reform to better help honest workers and women. And this mostly inspired by the amazing women I've known since high school and in my family and even a few ladies in IATSE 891, ACTRA, DGC unions and a BC Teamster reform legend.  
Probable Cause

When all is said and done, and truth all told, this will be one of the biggest criminal union and NDP scandals in BC history. Fact check? This, as this critical case study makes clear, will help thousands of victims. In BC and all across Canada. True? False? And help either BC NDP or BC LIB win next BC election. Quickly approaching and as such things matter to at least 7 of 10 honest BC worker/voter/victims. True? False? Test with focus groups and polling? It matters.

Serious BC Labour Code and Mandate Reform Long Overdue

The children cheated, the women beaten, the investors and taxpayers suffering fraud to theft, honest members coerced and intimidated, as also well documented, to RCMP repeatedly lied to, and by known highly uneducated deceptive morons in union local executive and criminal elite warrants investigation. Some as named below. And as clearly delusional and thinking above the rule of law, and yet as hard "real" fact with a pay rate competitive to residential cleaning people at best. Fact check?  

However, these crimes to slime with huge gigantic big shot titles, like Paul Klassen and Tom Adair as "EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE BC COUNCIL OF FILM UNIONS", leaves only an idiot who would argue laws and labour code "adequate", and serious legislative change not critical. 

The CLC study with 7 of 10 exposed to harassment and violence just icing on the cake for the logical ones. There is no logical debate to do nothing. Crime busting should "unite" BC labour and management support.

The BC Labour Code, as with other provinces, needs very serious reform so "honest", talented, trained and educated union members and all BC taxpayers protected and feel physically and financially safe from, and as per case study below, highly uneducated cowardly criminal union local executives and criminal elite like John Brummitt and Tom Adair, some others as also named below, plus add fraud, theft, coercion and intimidation, sexual harassment. Plus CLC reported 7 of 10 workers exposure to violence and harassment. Plus as per various other key studies and added reports below. Making denial under oath far beyond intelligent debate or defence. True? False? This as presently per below as union locals having such a proven clear lack of meaningful oversight, accountability to audit and transparency. This as made insanely clear here in this first critical first test case for investigation, forensic audit, trusteeship and cleanup of BC Film union IATSE 891. And supported by BCLRB, Law Firm and RCMP files.

Any sleazy cowardly lying sneaky criminals dare debate at RCMP offices under oath and added with their very impressive Osgoode super legal scholars and ALL against little wee nobody me, with sadly only mostly Oxford legal and science friends as scholars and top forensic psychiatrists? Seems fare? Only recently I've been unleashed, no longer caged and muzzle removed?

So sad and tragic and toxic when union members far more abused by lying local union executives than management. As proven.  Oddly, I had no problem with ANY "honest" union members, and all across Canada and no problem "ever" with top senior management. Including transport head office and teachers to Hollywood legends like Aaron Spelling and Chris Carter. Only two dozen in criminal elite, group, gang, cult in 891 oddly find me a problem where the Attorney General and Business school Deans found me "helpful"? True? False? Most highly unaccomplished and uneducated slime given to crime and corruption do well in 891. So easy to prove. True? False?

As an introductory note: I was certainly "not" one of the literally thousands of the 7 of 10 that CLC, U of T and Western University report exposed or victims of violence, coercion and intimidation to sexual harassment in the workplace. And some by criminals in dirty criminal union executives in BC. As proven below. This as my decades of very easy work and pay stubs, plus deal memo and luxury car allowance clearly documents. I am not a victim. Children are. Single mothers are. Young workers are. And add with my secondary revenue sources and with more than one film union and production paying me? All at the same time?

Please keep in mind this blog is written for multiple and varied readers from all across Canada. And from police and politicians to union members and media, lawyers and law students. And even criminals not wanting to be totally caught off guard. All as such they all must be meaningfully informed and entertained. Even CRA and WCB. The seeds of legislative reform?

I was lucky. I laughed and had a good time while others abused, threatened, punched, defamed, cried and families and children cheated. 

Some do find me a tiny bit harder than most, since 1973, to physically, intellectually, legally intimidate and even harder to impress with who I know and what I know. My tiny Marshall arts and Military combat training at Camp Farnham in Quebec, and as the literally the same size as a heavy weight boxer and as a prior major night club bouncer and doorman in university, saved me from physical suggested threats by small and tall men. Or being a beat up women? See below as beyond denial? 

The criminal slime tried to intimidate me with their collective intellect and did try some very stupid things. However, once they did their homework on my real past, all the creeps and cowards ran and would not show their faces or hold eye contact, other than two wanna-be highly uneducated posturing Alpha males bluffing, and a crazy lady in the paint department defending criminals who employed her? All needing gang support. 

Intellectually, I grew up around, lived with, dated and worked with internationally known scholars. Even in Political Science?

Politically and legally I also had a few friends and "contacts in high places". Including my old client the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. See below. As such, I am not a victim, just a voice for victims from single mothers and children I met, to highly educated, honourable and talented people afraid to rock the boat or feared legal and financial threats and complications. I most certainly didn't fear these criminals. Nor their stupid threatening phone calls.  True? False? Hey, I'm from Montreal, I've had guns flashed, pulled on me and out even when a bouncer. Have been threatened before?

How stupid is stupid

Best an expensive wasted "internal" IATSE 891 trial for putting criminals in "disrepute" backfired big time and resulted in adding fuel to the fire under criminal's feet forcing more to run. And faster. As documented in trial transcripts. Adding more new criminal names and key documentation, and criminals put in greater disrepute, plus adding more detail to those already in disrepute. How clever they aren't? And now others criminals now suffer such documentation and detailing.

And do note, as well witnessed by hundreds from top Producers to day-call labour, and as an important point and reference, as so many know as solid hard fact, I had a fun and fantastic time with those highly intelligent and "really" talented in IATSE 891. Just as I did in other unions across Canada including other film and TV unions like ACTRA, ACFC and UDO in Quebec. Even with French comedy? And certainly not with those in IATSE 891's "criminal and executive elite" or their highly uneducated frauds abusing their position and power to coerce and intimidated and abuse and bully others weaker, beat up women, cheat children. And aid and abet in millions in tax credit to life insurance fraud to corrupting elections to quorums. True? False?

Yes, criminals, cowards, bullies, women beaters and those who sexually harass, frauds and fakes and various thieves, absolutely do not like me. Or some even hate me? Or very soon will? Easy to prove.

Everyone a critic

Even some family, so very needlessly critical like criminal elite, would say I just focus and promote people who so handily affirm my "so very narrow similar beliefs". 

They said that I just use people like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Tribe, Norman Finkelstein, Robert Sapolsky, John Mearsheimer,  Noam Chomsky, Thomas Paine, Richard Wolff (even Milton Friedman?), Robert Reich to make a point that I couldn't make all on my own. Oddly, how very true. And unlike others not simply trusting IATSE 891 super brains in the criminal elite and as simply collectively so NOT informed, educated, honest, experienced and accomplished executives. And as big shots with huge gigantic titles like Tom Adair down to Rob Maier's sidekick and tool boy John Brummitt demonstrate and document so well.

And some so very cruel they even say I babble too much about logic and legal decisions from Solomon and Abraham, Merchants in Venice  to Roe vs. Wade? Yes, I "seriously" misled so many trusting women and would say nothing about my studies, as most just like to laugh and play. And laugh some more. 

And I now know better than to even dare discuss over beer with the boys after sailing, tennis, golf, music or skiing any of my twisted logic. 

Yes, I've been criticized and silenced by peer group pressure. Ashamed for studying formal logic. Ridiculed for reason. Abandoned in the abstract. Everyone a critic.

Did not talk to more than a handful about my university studies in bio-cybernetics at Loyola (with KGB affiliates?) in Montreal, McGill to military contacts or lectures from Stanford, as possibly I'm a bit shy. 

Fortunately, as from family and friends, girlfriends and well paying employers, I do know more psychiatrists and psychologists than even lawyers and legal experts? 

Where some sad men beat up women, sexually harass, I make them laugh if normal and not criminal and thieves. Fact check? True? False? So many impressive educated and accomplished ladies and a few men and international awards would even suggest I'm funny. My ads in Montreal and Vancouver somewhat legendary as funny stuff. I'm even funny in courtrooms and boardrooms. Fact check? True? False?

Side Note: Do hope the criminal elite as named here and their individually needed expensive defence lawyer's juniors and paralegals do enjoy reading this blog on a Saturday morning. And enjoying a coffee, and all the critical handy key evidence links, and billing many long hours. A bit all over the legal map here as intended. Adds even more billable hours. Maybe some will plead no-contest and "squeal for a deal" so their few golden years of retirement not totally compromised with legal stress, exposure, liabilities and added risk and industry mortality rates skews or incarceration and huge costs?

Even with my very minimal studies in law and logic plus economics, it becomes very easy to spot fakes and fools and lies told by idiots, even full of sound and fury. So very full of it. Passion is their postulate. Pathetic?

Was always fascinated how some can suffer severe brain damage and mass physical brain loss and with no loss of physical or mental abilities and yet those in the criminal elite in IATSE 891 they can simply inhale paint fumes once and be insane for their whole life. Possibly more anecdotal than projectable case study? Possibly some already criminally insane or suffering other personality disorders as others suggest? Best now others judge them after truth all told. True? False?

Yes, absolutely as intended, this seemingly non sequitur babble will be billable to all criminal defence lawyers representing criminals and having to read all this blog as evidence, and run criminal's billings through the roof from first registered mail to this. This for only criminals not willing to squeal for deal or psychotic pathological liars.

Do also note very clearly, as added fact, not even one (1) in the criminal elite, as named below, can even "dare show up at RCMP offices" for an informal "honest" one-on-one, and on a fair, honest and equal playing field, and dare deny, defend or debate and most certainly under oath, without very serious fear of added charges and jail time for obstruction and criminal defamation for themselves and others. This as to aid and abet criminal acts. True? False? Bets? 

Those most respected, educated and experienced, and very in-the-know, as "best-of-best" on literally dozens of criminal acts for 30 years like John Brummitt and Tom Adair, ideal guests for RCMP interrogation experts with myself there, and also under oath, as to speed things along to save RCMP money and time. True? False? Bets?

What are they so afraid of

What are they so very afraid of simply visiting RCMP interrogation experts, as so superior in IATSE 891 and with such big shot titles and clearly so clever and pleased with themselves. Afraid of looking like disgusting fools, fakes and frauds or doing criminal time and too many CRA questions. Or all the above? As with John Brummitt and Tom Adair, to even super success story Rob Maier and his very novel multiple streams of proceeds of crime and his documented criminal support?

Just judge and compare

This blog as clearly highly informative and meaningful to all BC voters and taxpayers and local "honest" IATSE 891 members, DGC, ACFC and Teamsters unions, and both politically and legally, will be "directly compared" to the plethora of multiple misleading, diversionary, meaningless and fraudulent PR by IATSE 891 executive criminal elite. Prose that dwarfs this blog. 

Members will simply have to ask, judge and compare what has been more honest and informative: this blog or IATSE 891 self-promoting name awareness PR BS false focus by past and present 891 presidents and sleazy aid and abet criminal support. Since 1989? As documented and witnessed. True? False?

A laugh or two

This blog is also designed to be "extremely informative" on many levels and subject matter, and from political to police. And to hopefully even entertain, for a laugh or two — or twenty, and also amuze MLAs, RCMP, CRA, Crown Prosecution, Investigative Media and Victims. And victim's children. This while all well aware of RCMP Cost and Time ROI efficacy. As documented. 

This while also making all efforts at irritating, insulting, "exposing", humiliating criminals as named and pictured below. And the fakes who cheat children and taxpayers of millions, women beaters, serious thieves ($5,000.00 +), a variety of cowardly bullies, and those given to coerce and intimidate and/or aid and abet. Why not make low life uneducated criminal slime humiliated and run to the most expensive criminal defence and defamation lawyers only to find a Pandora's box of legal nightmares await? Best they hear from their own personally and individually needed high paid legal? Those not criminal or aid and abetting, as defined by law, and "honest", need not be insulted or defamed. Or even put in disrepute. Nor needlessly feel defamed as should be obvious? Just be honest? That easy. And not criminally obstruct a criminal investigation involving millions in tax credit to life insurance fraud, penalties and liabilities?

As this blog involves taxpayer/government funds and criminal tax credit fraud, this is of public interest and "privileged". As it concerns children and families cheated, a needed voice a given. As it includes theft to tax and commercial crimes, it has police and legal merit. True? False? 

Where not always admissible: hearsay, "conjecture and speculation" based on circumstantial and hard evidence critical in an effective criminal investigation. True? False? Deductive and inductive logic and laws joins the dots.

Politically, as this involves "motherhood" threshold election issues from women and workers physical safety and financial security added with supporting case studies in political election "history" of game changer "switcher votes" from US and UK to recent provincial studies in Ontario to even John Turner Federal flip in Quadra against Mulroney, this has political currency. And with Dix's disaster with polling problems to pandemic, some lessons learned. True? False?

Judge and be judged 

All key issues as "documented" by RCMP to BCLRB and Law firm files, and silly revealing internal trials to registered mail and email to faxes and other documents? And add a few hundred "honest" witnesses. 

And at the same time for fun, and as an added goal, to set a personal record, to run all criminal defence and internal legal and executives "criminal" supporting time costs through the roof. As this blog as evidence nicely does? This as the criminal morons again must accept themselves as criminal morons incapable of meaningful demanded full consensus or collusion as solidarity, even among themselves as criminal elite? This as I have done successfully before? True? False? Fact check?


Where still not formally federally launched, this blog has already had literally over a hundred thousand page views. Yet, for actually helping 7 of 10 "honest" workers in BC, as CLC reported, and the hundreds of children cheated, will now only require only a few top RCMP investigators. And this with RCMP "fully" supported by all MLAs and leading Media. Those not supporting crime and criminals by indifference, arrogance, ignorance. Or personally and politically compromised with their own dirty hands. Like some? 

Real experienced and educated federal political and marketing research and polling experts (as I've known first hand?) will see this "7 of 10" below referenced as an "unmatched" gold mine for critical election winning "tipping point" and threshold "incremental and switcher" votes. So similar to US, UK and European case studies. See below for more. Will provincial experts miss this key calculation as well? This the seeds of "meaningful" change for BC and Canada. And honest workers and cheated children. True? False? 

50 years later 7 of 10 exposed to harassment and violence

What would NDP Dave Barrett do fifty years ago with this criminal factor below? This as per CLC and U of T, plus Western University recently reporting 7 in 10 workers having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work. And even worse in corrupt and criminal union locals as detailed and defined beyond denial below with BC's IATSE 891 as a key "needed legal provincial example". What would NDP Dave Barrett do when 7 of 10 workers not suffering low wages, but abuse, harassment and violence, coercion and intimidation? 

Really so sad

So sad how much good unions have done for "honest" working families and young workers, and to now suffer criminals again. And to now have too many good unions suffer low life uneducated criminals and the corrupt, plus the dog loyal mindless sleaze that aid and abet, and for clear blatant individual gross self-interest, ego and proceeds of crime. Classic and cliche' "Proceeds of Crime" laundered as position, perks and pay for those clearly not best of best. Or honest. Or experienced. Or educated. Compromising long time union policy and principles, virtue, ethics and the rule of law. Criminal to labour law. For decades. Union members deserve better. So much better. 

I've worked with honest, very "normal" and organized traditional unions from CUPE in Montreal, Postal, Rail, Hospital to small film unions in BC like ACFC. Those with union executives not guilty of coercion and intimidation, theft, fraud and lies to RCMP to protect criminals. As sadly too well documented and witnessed as with IATSE 891 criminal cream. For decades. True? False?

Eby's golden oppourtunity to shine?

Is this Eby's golden oppourtunity to shine? Or Eby's next new big ugly election nightmare? This then making this another key BC Liberal proven clear and critical gift horse "tipping point". Key for a next election win. Do children and honest workers cheated matter? This the issue as too many criminals enriched. How many of NDP defined  "SWITCHERS" part of the "7 of 10" below who will be voting for "credible" change? Do the numbers?

These studies make BC political marketing focus groups needless. 7 of 10 honest workers need change. This a clear dormant hot button that simply needs to be activated. And by either BC NDP or BC Liberals. Ideally both plus Greens in full support.  Would show how government and BC political parties do not accept children and "honest" workers cheated, women beaten, and taxpayers screwed by millions in tax credit fraud while enriching and empowering a slime driven criminal elite to added life insurance and benefit membership and qualification fraud also screwing IATSE 891 "honest" members. True? False? Other criminal and corrupt non-film industry BC union locals also of note below where 7 of 10 also suffer.

Note: I also have absolutely no problem going under oath to support on top of documentation and other "honest' witnesses, the veracity of all the allegations made. Look forward to the easy very stupid target(s) who will go under oath and lie to perjure and obstruct to RCMP and Criminal Courts. Some with balls as many know lack brains. True? False?

Workplace physical and financial safety

Workplace physical and financial safety can so easily be critical and pivotal to a BC election riding victory in so many competitive MLA elections. And do add the impact on the home and family, if a workplace toxic and abusive, to this very textbook "motherhood" and "politically credible" 7 of 10 witnessed appeal platform, and policy promise? It matters at the kitchen table to the ballot box.

I would have certainly advised all "Red Leaf" Federal Liberal communications management to now address this "responsive chord", as I did with Ron Basford and Sen. Grafstein. As a note: I wrote the 7-Point Plan for Western Canada for John Turner and changed media imperatives and message for Quadra Federal Election flip (see SFU case study). Also for fun voiced a few radio ads I wrote. More to my past than simply Beer and Big Gulps. I had already been a business school Dean requested speaker at McGill ("Canada's Harvard") and had already wrote and directed TV ads? And had "full production budget responsibility" and accountability. Starting in 1980. And as with national media budget "buy". P/L accountability a given. This the reason the Molson pension fund provided an Audi and flew me first class? I must know something? Labatt like many Film Deal Memos provided a Lincoln. 7-Eleven would provide Limo. Oddly, just like film business no mistakes as a "buyer". None. Fact check. 

My "only problem" that opened my eyes to the need for Labour Code Reform clearly just and only the sleazy cowardly lying criminals and corrupt and grossly incompetent in union executives or as stealing and/or incompetent department heads. As the case with IATSE 891 in BC. And I've worked with film unions from ACTRA in Montreal to ACFC in Victoria and Vancouver. So a bit more "real know" than most and that added to specific university studies? My added work with Tourism, Teachers, Transport, Postal and Hospital unions also adds depth others can only fake as mostly one-trick-ponies. As they do. Producing, writing and directing TV ads also educating.

Yes, we have hard "real comparative union references" for the criminals in IATSE 891's criminal elite. Those who cheat honest union members and their children with millions in tax credit fraud, beat up women and involved with any form of coercion and intimidation to harassment and violence or bullying on those weaker. Or with no big shot title. True? False? Debate?

Test how "informed" 7 of 10 voters could be

"The information provided to the voter, not only influences who to vote for, but if they are intending to vote or not. Palfrey and Poole discuss this in their paper on information and voting behaviour." TEST? https://www.jstor.org/stable/2111281

Would you

Would you "honesty" want to live on a street where 7 of 10 exposed to harassment and violence and the resulting real estate values? Or be the member in a gym or tennis club with similar stats? Why should it be tolerated in the workplace, or in addition coercion and intimidation tolerated? And in any form, either physical or financial, and as suffered by members, as documented, in dirty unions suffering criminal influence and duress, begs address.

Eby, Nelson, BC: "Law enforcement, by police and by courts, needs to be non-partisan".

"Let’s also remember that our ability to improve our country is limited only by our imagination."

In solidarity,

Ed Broadbent,
Founder, the Broadbent Institute 


Maybe time for BC Liberals honestly and fairly to ask NDP to clean up its dirty disgusting criminal supporting unions like BC film union local IATSE 891 to possibly also addressing the serious issues in Grocery to Glazier union local issues? Not only East Coast Oil Rigs and Construction unions in Montreal criminal and/or corrupt. True? False? And this asked the exact same way NDP asks BC Liberals to clean out their similar dirty disgusting criminal and corrupt self-serving lobbies and business support. Only the fair and "honest" thing to do? Cleaning criminals out of both BC Liberals and NDP criminal businesses and criminal union support seems not just fair, but clearly "best for all BC". And all "honest" taxpayers. And cheated children. True? False? Too many criminal sleaze on both sides hiding behind free-market myths and worker's rights slogans as 7 of 10 suffer highly toxic dysfunctional low productivity workplaces. Some super sleaze try and babble both free market and workers rights as so two-faced for self-interest? Such hypocrisy easy to demonstrate and document. True? False?

If a class action can be taken against RCMP for those who breached their fiduciary duty, oath and mandate, shouldn't exactly the same class action be warranted even more, against sleazy cowardly criminal union local executives as already proven guilty of coercion and intimidation to lies to RCMP? And that added to the millions in tax credit fraud cheating honest families and children? Seems only right and honest? 

Sufficient Evidence

Fact: This involving "millions and millions" in tax credit fraud. And theft over $5,000.00, enriching criminals, cheating innocent "Canadian" children and families. Even cheating very important foreign investors, and all "honest" BC taxpayers.

"7 in 10"

"The CLC and researchers from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto recently released the initial findings of a national survey on workplace harassment and violence in Canada. The findings are unsettling, with 7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work."

This criminal case will be critical as a checklist and as key case law for cleaning up all the other criminal and corrupt union locals in BC as documented. And a critical foundation and reference for long overdue Labour Code reform. The need made very clear below. 

Save RCMP money and time

The above has been tested again and again as easy to prove to "honest" and "intelligent" people, legal authorities, and "informed" and "educated" IATSE 891 members. Only the self-interest of the corrupt and criminals and the morons involved with cheating children to BC taxpayers in denial. Also very easy to prove. 

Documents, "Honest" Witnesses and those willing to help RCMP expedite investigations and interrogations with "volunteer non-admissible polygraphs" on standby as to best save RCMP money and time. Helps RCMP. Big time. As proven? And not waste their time and money on "known" and "documented" liars and criminals: makes the obvious too obvious. True? False?

This would certainly help those also suffering very ugly rumours and hearsay of theft over $5,000.00 (and under?), millions in membership fraud and as women beaters and those thought guilty of coercion and intimidation to best help clear their family names and reputations. Also helps "honest" non-criminals prove they are honest. 

With CIA, FBI, RCMP all using polygraphs and many foreign police and intelligence agencies, why would a simple and fast "volunteer non-admissible  polygraph", as to help RCMP save big time and money be of any problem "at all" for those named below in the criminal elite. And in IATSE 891 local Executive. Past and present. Why would it be a problem? Too obvious?

Note: I've been a big fan of GSR (& EEG) technology from demonstrations by the Police Technology Department at John Abbott College in Montreal in 1975 to my dilettante efforts at graduate studies in bio-cybernetics and use in political and advertising research at Loyola in Montreal. Add even my recent online lectures from Stanford in neurosciences and consciousness and behavioural economics at U of T? One lecture at McGill on the bio-chemical basis of behaviour and my work with psychiatric patients to autistic children and communications, changed my perceptions of certain types of people. As such I have a very tiny sense how the criminal mind or personality disorders key to crime and corruption. And why these types make less than desirable parental role models and nepotism to deception so critical.

To be absolutely honest

To be absolutely honest in any normal healthy honest productive or profitable business or honest union local, some of those named below would have been fired or forced to resign or criminally charged as such well known thieves from petty cash, time theft and material theft, to other types of fraud. Added to theft over $5,000.00, and for harassing to beating up women, defaming honest people, and telling so very many lies, and of course, using so many NDA's deceptive misrepresentations of truth — as they found deceit and lying their best skill as to aid and abet efforts involving millions in tax credit to membership, life insurance and benefit fraud. 

And certainly those directly involved with failed BCLRB appeals for cowardly and very creepy "coercion and intimidation" of honest members, would certainly have been long gone in an honest and responsible union local or business. True? False? And BCLRB to RCMP files made obvious to many what a sick show of force used without any legal or meaningful merit, only fooling uneducated idiots and fools. 

Wonder why?

And add many honestly and simply would never be considered in executive with "honestly" so little or no related education and "real" experience, or accomplishment and with literally no more distinguishing  merit than accepted by criminal executive elite inner circle. "Reality" is wall paper to making saw dust their real true skill and trade. Why so many grossly incompetent do well as fakes, frauds, thieves, bullies in IATSE 891 as supervisors and department heads. Cronyism and nepotism helps criminals as well? Low level John Brummitt to former top dog Tom Adair solid proof. 

"Any" of those named dare deny, defend or debate at RCMP offices and "under oath" with serious possible charges of obstruction involving millions in tax credit fraud enriching and protecting criminals?  Any dare? Any big shots? Any with big shot titles or just big talkers, dare? Or just clearly sleazy, sneaky, cowardly ignorant and arrogant criminals? True? False? Let others judge like RCMP and Criminal Courts to Media and a fully and honestly informed membership seems more than fair? This the criminals and human slime's worse nightmare. And worse with any "even playing field" not twisted or corrupt to do their bidding. And going one-on-one with me and RCMP and seemingly chaotic questions, and "under oath", may be more than awkward. True? False? To be absolutely honest.

Yes, will be far more fun on a "fair and equal playing field" outside the tiny 891 fish bowl of tiny big shot fish, and their "real" integrity and intellect to their real "honest" experience and education, as with poster boy sample twins Tom Adair and John Brummitt, becomes as obvious as it was to previous Provincial Inquiries and BCLRB rulings, Law firms and hundreds of members not supporting criminal elite. Those who aid and abet for position, pay and perks and ignore the hundreds who voted supporting a "forensic audit" clearly as documented. That oddly neither Tom Adair and John Brummitt and friends wanted. Wonder why?


This blog inspired and dedicated to the memory of mentors Sen. Eugene Forsey, Joseph D. Carrier and hometown hero Jack Layton and the important policy work at the Broadbent institute. If too hot for NDP to handle this, as far too close to home, then BC Liberals and Greens for "7 of 10" workers must. Absolutely. "1 of 10" a crisis. "1 out of 10" still disgusting and hurts society, families and GDP. Bets?

Justice partner

David Eby

"Labour is a key partner in our movement for social, environmental and economic justice." 7 of 10 may not agree?

“If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky

We most certainly encourage freedom of expression by criminal elite at RCMP offices, and under oath, where they can feel totally free to tell the truth or lie all they want against counter sworn testimony, the result will be the same. And some will go to jail for the families and children cheated, the member's funds misused, the proceeds of crime not by merit or virtue, the coercion and intimidation abuse as per BCLRB rulings. And other criminal and slime will be very exposed, ridiculed, and with "real" reputations that will follow them and family names for years to come. True? False? 

Matthew D. Loeb,  President of @IATSE @matthewloeb

"This is a slap in the face to every IATSE member. All workers should be able to make their voices heard without threats or fear of retaliation." Yes, Mr. Loeb is 100% correct. Should also apply to members of corrupt and criminal infested BC film local IATSE 891. What will he do when RCMP make the truth known about coercion and intimidation and Keith Woods, when President of IATSE 891, and documented making threats so voices not heard (See Media Report Below). And internal trials with criminal puppet Paul Klassen used to coerce and intimidate to suppress legal rights? And more? Cheating children nothing to be proud of either. 

All this involving, at first, only one dirty criminal infested union local, and those named, and used as an initial key reference as already busted for "coercion and intimidation" and with various supporting RCMP, BCLRB and law firm files. And this with involvement within BC NDP at the highest levels. Not hard to prove. Fact. Over ten years of research makes this beyond debate or denial. Bets? RCMP will be heroes. And one or two MLAs who will be the champions for the 7 of 10. For 7 of 10 "motherhood" votes? And the children cheated.

Yes, over ten years of collecting evidence. Well documented. See links below. Plus listing honest "protected" witnesses and those simply not willing to "repeatedly lie" to RCMP and obstruct a major criminal investigation in millions in tax credit, life insurance and benefit fraud.  The obvious motive for fraud for political self-interest and proceeds of crime laundered with the classic cliche' veneer as position, pay and perks for those with more than high school math.  Much like a Montreal Chef on the payroll related to Construction Unions who can't cook. Well, other than make toast. As this slime here certainly not best of best. Nor more educated or experienced. Clearly. Humiliating criminal servitude pays for the desperate and dysfunctional. Proven by John Brummitt. True? False? And one involving "millions in fraud" to children cheated. And as to obviously aid and abet and obstruct. And this as to clearly protect criminals, the crazies and the corrupt. True? False? 

We have experience with hard audits. The criminals don't. See Forensic Auditing software. Many surprises for the criminal elite.

Guess who

See below sociopath and psychopathic traits based on national average that even one of ten named in this criminal elite must also skew. As per national average. Or even more in cases of criminal cults and gangs. Take a guess who? The charming engaging Ted Bundy personality or the trusted paedophile priest or stock promoter type in IATSE 891? And see the other personality disorders below as defined, as to make any show of duress, threat or force or coercion and intimidation and other violent history and abuse and breach of mandate, as "needed" by some. And then insanely claiming for member benefit that members are coerced and intimidated as made clear by BCLRB even "failed appeal" and very clear ruling. And more revealing internal trial documentation. True? False? How stupid are the stupid on their criminal ego trips abusing others?

"Psychopaths tend to be more manipulative, can be seen by others as more charming, lead a semblance of a normal life, and minimize risk in criminal activities. Sociopaths tend to be more erratic, rage-prone, and unable to lead as much of a normal life."
But for key criminals and those less accomplished or educated, all worth the effort, the stress, the blood, the sweat and the tears, the heartbreak, the low pay and long hours, long drive, when you finally can come home after literally months of ten to 16 hour days and over time and proudly tell your family that a film you helped in pre production from flat painting to assembly: possibly is now, with a new young actor, nominated for a national teen video streaming  award.  And feel proud. Very proud. So unlike an under paid BC nurses or BC teachers not enjoying tax credit fraud nor the Hollywood ego trip. True? False? How glamorous and exciting compared to an ER nurse or RCMP who risk their lives. All beyond debate?

And unlike reported heroic school teachers who buy school supplies for their students with their own money: even petty cash audits has busted slime stealing from employers to buy "their kids student supplies" and expensive fashion, while other children go hungry. Some even stealing my IP and claiming software design-intelligence  "theirs". Some take free trips sponsored as volume-contests by lower quality suppliers and still feel clever. Too many talk too much? It gets worse. True? False?

And yet you feel a part of it all, in full solidarity, from the fame as world class pre production and your distinguishing management as a department head, in reality no one noticed, and claiming "building this industry". Even justifying the expensive sunglasses, white teeth dental plan and computer and smart phone most criminals can hardly use. And fake. As children cheated. A great full life to envy of 12-16 hour days for fame and glamour and for just the glitz alone. And don't worry the trips to Vegas will make you feel and look like a real winner. Get real? Odds don't favour fools.

As such, do note I do represented the 475 honest and intelligent members "properly informed" who voted for me to lead a full forensic audit against a corrupt election and criminal elite. And more strange only lost by less than a hundred votes. And even more strange when defamed as a dangerous threat to many. And defamed as a "physical" threat to possibly easily well over "40 people" by those in authority in criminal elite brain trust and their awkwardly knee-jerk uncoordinated lies to RCMP, including "threatening women and small children", and even smaller men with 891 big shot titles. Even those I didn't know the names of or knew of. This as documented by faxes and records with RCMP. And yet oddly no letter of reprimand ever? Nor charges nor even a fixed and rigged internal trial? How revealing? True? False? Again as defamed as dangerous to union executives, women, children and babies, puppies, kittens and my friends say even gold fish. While women could feel safe and protected by John Brummitt and Don Ramsden but not near as much as criminals protected. See NDAs. 

And no meet-and-greet only lost by a hundred votes with 475 supporting. What can it mean to those with three digit IQ scores? And one just has to stand back and being even far less cynical than a Christopher Hitchens or Chris Hedges or a Martin Luther or Thomas Paine to see and read most Labour Board efforts for the insane or filthy rich when dirty criminal union locals involved. And as a clear insult to natural justice and intellect. Even small claims and traffic courts have more virtue and muscle, greater good themes.

Key Case

Again, this criminal case will be critical as a checklist and as key case law for cleaning up the other criminal and corrupt union locals in BC and a critical foundation and reference for overdue Labour Code reform. The need made so very clear below.

Who will be the heroes here with RCMP? BC Liberals or NDP? NDP cleaning their own house and backyard? Or will Falcon use this to add to fractured NDP support and NDP eroding critical "credibility". Eby's actions, or lack of, not words, will define who wins next election. True? False? Much more below. 

Things like this

Things like this with environmental to economic issues and top Doctors questioning Dix management and Dix resignation demanded even before data on Hollywood date merit with BCLC director Dusty Kelly their results and costs defined? And who paid? More on Dusty below. This can serve BC Liberals as a synergy to win an election. This certainly the case  when the victims and 7 of 10 below are core NDP support.

These horrendous "indictable crimes" with theft to fraud over $5,000.00 to cheating children (with so much not limited by statue of limitations?), will also make "REAL" heroes of RCMP, and either BC NDP or BC Liberals. Heroes to literally thousands of honest workers cheated and abused. This depending on who "honestly" helps clean up this tragic and toxic criminal fact. 

RCMP must interrogate, and under oath those "in-the-know" from John Brummitt to Mitch Davies of IATSE 891. And yes, under oath? Will be easy to bust lying scum, so best busted lying under oath as to add further charges and added severity of sentencing. True? False? Other names and pictures below.

We can't change the whole world

We can't change the whole world, but this most certainly will help thousands. Some immediately with this blog being published and as a warning to many. And if resulting in expediting Labour Code Reform helping even more. 

If CLC reporting 7 of 10 aware of harassment and violence in the workplace, we need change. Now! All else has failed as such. Coercion and Intimidation takes many forms and cripples profit and productivity and toxicity in the workplace becomes  toxicity in the family home. Endless studies support transference to substance abuse and to domestic violence. Even child abuse. True? False? Debate? Denial? Marriages and relationships also suffer anger management to PTSD violence, also a known result. 

Time to be proactive and stop the corruption, crime and stupidity. Criminals and their mindless dog-loyal support must be removed, charged, prosecuted and sentenced. No more teenage word games by those less educated and experienced pretending they have all the answers as acting so superior even with a less hourly wage rate than residential cleaning people but with big shot titles. True? False?

We have made recommendations for Labour Code Reform and offered comparisons of applications and their success that must be incorporated below. 

From dealing with RCMP and BC LRB as understaffed, underfunded and under-powered to added proactive oversight and greater penalties for violations with executive liability and increased penalties, the need so very clear. 

This single case study with BC Film Union IATSE 891 compared to other unions helps make the case beyond debate reform overdue. A Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Charges and Convictions will make the case for change. And for every other corrupt and criminal union in BC. And ideally show leadership Federally. The macro and the micro addressed with logic and legal made clear. See more below.

I've added entertainment value so the blog not just dry academic material and encourages wider readership. And POV establishes perspective.

SYNOPSIS: This is about those who must be thrown out of NDP both Provincially and Federally. And criminal union local executives who must be exposed and criminally prosecuted. All as a critical cancer to NDP credibility. And before next elections. This as respect for those like Tommy Douglas to Ed Broadent and Jack Layton and their integrity and intellect. And before Falcon and BC Liberals lead on this, and with RCMP become "honest real" heroes to "honest" union workers and their families and children cheated

And win the next election.

This as history has proven such issues will do. And stop those who will hurt Eby like they did Dix. Wasting NDP time and others people's money? And this blog clearly about criminal slime cheating children and families, that should go to jail. This involving, as solid fact very serious ugly crimes and criminals includingmillions in fraud, coercion and intimidation, theft over $5,000.00, children cheated, lies to RCMPUsing RCMP as their own paid petty political puppets, pawns and props to "intimidate with wrongful prosecution threats" non criminals to protect criminals. As documented and witnessed by those who can pass a non-admissible polygraph under oath with RCMP Interrogation experts. True? False? So easy to prove. See below.

To be absolutely clear this has nothing to do with unions other than hurting union progress, and is about clearly individual criminal acts involving millions in fraud, cheating children to taxpayers and textbook collusion to aid and abetting. Collusion hidden behind the illusion of worker solidarity. And worse the victims all union members, their families, their children. The irony?

Here we see exactly how the traditional virtues and values of "Organised Labour" becomes camouflage for obvious self serving Cornell textbook defined Organised crime and "systems". This as a "hundred year history" of US criminal court decisions of IATSE and Teamsters to even Canadian abuse of members funds and other trusts also certainly clearly support. Slime is slime. Crime is crime. This nothing new just the amount of money and children cheated excessive, and the very low level of blue collar slime playing with white collar crimes. Acting like masters.

Note: This clearly NOT about IATSE 891 as a criminal union, but that "individual criminals" committed horrendous "indictable" crimes hiding inside and behind a local and national union shield. And using a union local to cover, plus "costs", for their individual criminal acts and power plays and abuses from documented coercion and intimidation to documented lies to RCMP. And in clear collusion as to best aid and abet a select few in criminal elite play royal family and divine blood lines, while the PR praised the working man and solidarity. Enjoyed best by a few fat criminal pigs more equal in this Animal Farm parody. 

Nor will any other union locals outside of film industry be guilty of crimes, just the criminals in their executive and criminal elite also exploiting members, the lack of governance, oversight, transparency, audit and direct accountability. Thus the need for Labour Code reform far beyond debate. Workers to investors deserve far better. 

Criminals in unions have proved problematic historically to both unions and labour movement "credibility". And from, Hal Banks to Hoffa to more recent crimes and scandals all across Canada, the problem also beyond debate. Any dare? Or best morons as proven left to no more than ad hominem name calling and lies they like to tell, hear and believe, at their intellectual best? "Prescient knowledge" makes  Labour Code Reform far beyond debate.

Big shots or BS?

For background, let's be honest about what super big shots these criminals really are like Paul Klassen and John Brummitt  to Rob Maier and ladies in paint. My cleaning lady and others charging $35.00 hour. The average cost of house cleaning in Canada is $40-$65 per hour, per cleaner. Fact check? The criminal elite prior to "acceptance" by and in criminal elite highest hourly rate so much less. Much less. Fair market value? Fact check? Bets? What impressive big shots? Why some steal. Why some wage-slaves to over-time of 10-16 hour days to look like and pretend they are successful middle class. When reality for criminal slime's most money and career success from criminal acts or associations, aid and abet and deeds. Clear and obvious restriction of trade and economic interference seems to enrich criminal oligopolies. True? False?

Before even involved with IATSE 891 I've paid two IATSE 891 members over $30.00 hr to do signage for 7-Eleven and another to substitute teach my computer class of refugees for SFU's Pacific Institute. Yes, I paid much better. Much better for honest talent and skill. True? False? So what? I'm then left to be impressed by nothing more than big shot titles in the criminal elite, if not their lower pay rate and that added to their known lack of education and real world experience they can only fake. BC local IATSE 891 the "most" or "all" they've sadly ever known. Fact check? As such all they have is BS titles a result of criminal elite acceptance as a closed club of John Brummitt and loyal buddy Don Ramsden type of people. Drawn to their own kind for petty and symbiotic political and/or career ambitions and/or survival? True? False? Will Don Ramsden dare lie to RCMP or clearly obstruct to protect John Brummitt? Again? Will Mitch Davies present IATSE 891 local president? Added with his given liabilities and exposure?

Deal memos so counter to union principles of solidarity as a management divide and control tool? Rental kits another very novel factor. Very novel. Both with seniority disappearing makes interesting talk. And about fraud. Why some coerce and intimidate to feel important or as to secure their slightly better pay cheating their own union members they call "brothers and sisters", as they babble about solidarity. 

Some in criminal elite in executive do a bit better. Why also so few in criminal elite seldom want to go back to cleaning paint brushes like VP Margo Mackenzie and former low voltage drill operator Mitch Davies as now 891 president, when prior making sawdust. True? False? Or low level do-as-their-told editors like documented criminal puppet Paul Klassen now an "Executive Director" having served criminals well in a joke of an internal trial. True? False? All those named with no "real senior executive" or business experience at all. Like John Brummitt and just fake it to fool those weaker. They hate those more honest, more educated and more experienced, as such criminal losers most of their lives and just pretending like children they have executive merit or "legal" democratic entitlement. The full truth destroys such cowardly human garbage.  

$1,000.00 bet?

I'll bet $1,000.00 the criminal slime cant even find (1) one "HONEST PERSON" in 891 past and present and fully informed of facts as detailed in this blog, and to just come on down and meet me at RCMP offices one-on-one so fair, and dare defend under oath such human garbage. Just one honest person not that much to ask? Or is it?

Having taught some how most editing software mostly classic graphic tools, and doing and studying editing since college and university and added with all the TV ads I wrote, directed or produced, pretentious pathetic punk Paul Klassen a case in point of what fakes some are as well as criminal. Judge and be judged key in defamation and constructive dismissal efforts. True? False? 

Few, as added fact have never even been just "basic department heads" or a real executive. And I've worked with dozens of department heads and when none knowing of my past. Yes, I know exactly what a department head does as do hundreds. True? False? And how their higher pay a cost to others. Some more skilled, some more accomplished, some far more honest must work for these thieves and bozos. And one must not put them in disrepute. 

Really, they thought me a fool not knowing I had worked with both a detective agency and worked with and socialized with top national investigative journalists, and while still in university. And applying my very cavalier and sophomoric efforts with my studies of Contract Law and Formal Logic since 1980. Later in Ottawa I would be lectured by legal giants. Such perspective on the ignorance and arrogance when some thought big shot titles a sign of anything in local IATSE 891 mostly more than kissing-ass, "begging", gifting, aid and abetting, collusion, BS, nepotism, cronyism, and ruthless politics. You can feel the love?

And I have friends who are union and non-union carpenters, building "real stuff", and know painters union and non-union, who I also respect, including their fine art. Knowing top architects also provides insight after our discussions about film set "costs". And having lived with a major Art Director in advertising, I'm hard for fakes to fool. 

Add my own senior work in advertising and TV Ad production from Montreal to Vancouver. Carpenters? I repaired wooden and fibreglass sail boats during university to at least once going through the task of making set flats, using a table saw and most other tools. Even painted a wall or two on a few sets to know "first hand" what others brag about. Proud of my faux antiques used by a producer and kept, and my faux fine art also taken by others. True? False?

Simple basic crime

All major criminal matters simple to define as simply theft and fraud. Involving millions and literally children cheated. A tiny bit tricky when showing misappropriation of funds and proceeds of crime which may take a full morning for Crown Prosecution to plan and take no prisoners. And blow a house of cards to a million tiny pieces? Bets? Courts like a casino, the house mostly wins?

Simply, we have a range of criminal motives and multiple criminal opportunities with slime hiding behind union myth and history. Debate? Denial? The cleaning ladies as advertised simply paid more and oddly without so called successful union negotiations to help? Much more on these numbers involved when criminals named in provincial inquiry and RCMP begin interrogation and a forensic audit makes so much so clear. Liars vs. the truth.

Those not victims to some degree likely with criminal connections to insiders. The currency criminal allowance. Those who have studied economics will understand that this is not figurative but factual. Union locals just used as a criminal shield/shell. Any criminal elite or group can easily infiltrate the fragile democracy of all unions. Easy to explain, and by actual case study as done here and with real timelines. And documented and witnessed "facts" from BCLRB rulings to RCMP records to critical media reports and law firm files. See links below. We don't make this stuff up. 

And key to note the needlessly desperate expensive failed BCLRB appeal on ruling of: Use of "coercion and intimidation" against their own "honest" members as other cases also define. Or worse. This as to save face for the criminal elite and not make the obvious so much more obvious. As documented. And witnessed. Calling the RCMP with lies by criminals simply insane? Trapped Gavin when he was president. True? False? 

Seems more expensive when criminal elite's own lawyers politely inform the elite they are both criminal and morons. But more politely phrased depending on criminal defence bill out rate?

This is about individual criminals and criminal acts. The union itself no more then a set or stage with background performers as diversion. The focus clearly on criminals and crimes. Their motive always self-interest, greed, ego, low self esteem from little life accomplishment within a closed market. Little honest and fair competition allows that anyone can pretend their gods. The criminals call criminal collusion solidarity. And so obvious why.

Note: To be honest and upfront on potential bias: Yes, where Jack Layton and Broadbent my heroes, I was paid very well by Federal Liberals (Red Leaf Funds) and further compromised myself for Mulroney East Coast Economic Development efforts for foreign investment. Yet, I even sincerely liked and had the highest respect for the intellect and integrity of even Joe Clark. And even those around him from his lawyer/camera person to his wife and amazing pollsters. I even found him funny. But my hometown hero Jack Layton. So to be transparent, I do have a political and platform bias. I like class acts that sincerely help others. And not help criminals with their documented and witnessed cowardly silence. True? False?


"Hundreds" of cases of fraud over $5,000 here? 

Seems criminal slime not so lucky on East Coast when innocent and honest cheated. 

"Hundreds" of cases of membership tax credit fraud over $5,000 here made so clear to children cheated below. 

However, on the East Coast those involved with fraud and abuse of trust funds and breach of fiduciary duty already charged:

"Police say the charges (for just a handful of individual criminals)  include 36 counts of fraud over $5,000, and 30 counts of fraud under $5,000". On West Coast seems ignored far too long? Possibly 7 of 10 members cheated as per CLC study (See Below). Simple math. Yes, 7 of 10?

These are arrogant and ignorant criminals, so even easier for RCMP to bust? Or should be for Eby? 

This is kind of great, as this is where my undergraduate teachings in Ottawa by even Sen. Eugene Forsey on fiduciary duty, fraud, fraudulent concealment, "constitutional and contract law" and critical "Legal Realism", PLUS working directly with the Attorney General of Canada kick in. My father's force-fed Philosophy and Law Books a great start in high school? Oddly once all seemed a major waste prior as a "real" senior executive, in advertising and finance and now so very useful. Even my studies in microeconomics to behavioural economics has direct applications here when dealing with these fakes and criminal morons. True? False? 

New fun note: As criminals and their expensive legal here so very slow, as now avoiding their documented historic stupid knee-jerk reactions, and as it has been fun, I decided before a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Courts to try and join RCMP as a senior "RCMP Civilian Criminal Investigator"

I do have "honest" great references, experience and education for such. Possibly, for some more informed, "RCMP Civilian Criminal Investigator" even more impressive on a business card than documented criminal aid and abetting to obstruct Paul Klassen's and Tom Adair's misleading titles as Executive Director at British Columbia Council of Film Unions. And this as in respect to their honest so very limited education and experience as "real" executives, plus their documented limited intellect and integrity. My work here investigating has taught me so much. As documented. See below. True? False?

The RCMP clearly are looking for people with my exact senior  financial experience and computer depth. Hope they see my age as a strategic and tactical advantage. I hope to work in financial crimes and human trafficking. Where creeps and cowards also exploit the weak.

My work with top investigative journalists and a detective agency; being on the board of directors of a public company; working in investor relations; knowing millionaires to mobsters in Montreal, plus having Federal Security Clearance in Ottawa to work with DND and NRC, to my work in criminal and corrupt unions in BC; working "directly" with the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, and friends as former acting law faculty chair at UBC and a BC criminal court Judge, a variety of lawyers, even a law firm, a scholar, a psychologist and politicians as clients; added to my tiny little studies in law to graduate work with "GSR" technology, should have some value to RCMP? Well, if "the experience the best teacher" and "knowledge is power" stuff has any validity? Added with my efforts here busting human slime cheating children and families with millions in criminal tax credit and other frauds, coercion and intimidation, all must have some very "proven" value. True? False?

And as RCMP already have a file on me starting in 1973 standing up for others, should be an interesting job. Will be far more rewarding helping children cheated and those abused than being a big shot criminal department head or key in the criminal executive elite. 

As more fun, having been judged and qualified by the unmatched intellect and integrity of John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Rob Maier, Tom Adair, and Paul Klassen, I will be using them and others specifically as key references for the job. 

I do have the very nice reference letter from Rob Maier I got when leaving The X-Files? And do feel most certain all other supervisors will speak as highly and appreciative of my "honest" work in film unions and as much as the nice letter from Sen. Grafstein? And he knew exactly, as did the Attorney General, what my bill out rate was, and detailed expenses, and still appreciated the help? Labatt delivered two cases of beer every Friday to the home and also knew my bill out rate and expenses? Molson Pension Fund and 7-Eleven, really liked a job well-done and both most generous? 

Did I feel far less appreciated by IATSE 891 executive brain trust of "best of best" of far less merit, education, experience, integrity and intellect? Just like literally hundreds of others in 891 knowing the threat of "coercion and intimidation", but far better at their skills and crafts than criminal incompetent supervisors and those with big shot titles in the criminal elite. So they avoided corrupt and criminal politics to protect income and avoid forced criminal servitude like Mitch Davies as now local 891 president willing to accept. Funny to think of Mitch Davies  himself politically bullied and fears rocking the boat to avoid going back to making sawdust "again". True? False? Is he thinking mostly of his own self-interest or of "honest" workers as victims? Let others of higher legal authority decide? Seems obvious?

The very wide difference in productivity and stupidity among department heads varies greatly. Some are brilliant, some just made to look good by those who suffer them with less big shot titles. And compared exactly to those in criminal elite like John Brummitt and even up to the odd "tenure" of Tom Adair serving best only those they specifically served well in the criminal elite by silence, deed or document. 

And Tom Adair documents it very well. Defending against a third party "forensic" audit "pretending" and "posturing" he was more honest, educated, experienced (and experienced in "audits") than over 400 "honest" members and some far more educated and experienced than "Honest Tom". Those brave enough who voted at risk to have a Forensic Audit. What an ego. Loved his title and the "image" it allowed this fraud to fake. True? False? This clown needs to be video taped by RCMP and for YouTube to Tik Tok.

Others with "real skills" and if "honest" can also apply:

Small request for the criminals named above and below: It would be so kind if they all turn themselves in and plead no contest on every single issue and "squeal for deal". This would certainly help my job application. True? False? Will update after my interview. I will be using this blog as a sample of my informal work.

Criminal's best bet John Brummitt 30 years plus spokes-model

If John Brummitt so brilliant, educated, enlightened, experienced, ethical and loved and trusted by all members and capable to be the Senior Steward "TWICE"? And "trusted" 2IC to even two presidents with Gavin Craig and Don Ramsden. And this as the head main advocate and defender of thousands of member's legal and labour rights, certainly he can best defend himself? Can't he? And help defend a few elite like Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly, his almost equals, against little wee me, as just a funny computer nerd? Not even qualified enough for the high standards of Don Ramsden and John Brummitt to Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies to be listed as a "buyer", as clearly all birds of a feather, and as further documentation of coercion and intimidation and support. 

In the "normal real world" this defined as "restriction of trade" and "economic interference" for monopolistic purposes. And this even more perverse when those judging not qualified to dare judge anyone. Not even level 1 First Aid? But can abuse families and their children's income, at will, and misrepresent themselves to investors as "stable labour relations". How sick?

And added with John Brummitt's superior intellect and integrity, experience and education, bigger title and further added with truth, the whole truth and nothing but, all on his side? And this under oath and video taped with RCMP Interrogation Experts as millions in fraud involved. One of us certainly a liar with many lies to tell and much to hide. We'll let RCMP guess? And this video taped so members know what a hero John Brummitt and Associates really are. Provides such efficacy to all and respect for RCMP time and costs. 

Note: I was a grievance coordinator for CUPE in just my twenties with my tiny university legal courses and real law books. Comparisons of note. And even then, never a need for "coercion and intimidation" and fraud? But, yes I didn't defend criminals, so truth and reason plus occasional pleas for compassion and equity (in special circumstance), was adequate? I know what a clean criminal free union local looks and feels like. And their "books"?

"Any", or ideally those so clearly as named below, who dare to deny, defend or debate can meet me ASAP at RCMP offices for a very friendly one-on-one and under oath. How fair? How honest? 

Only those sleazy ugly cowardly criminals, as named below, who must fear serious legal consequences for themselves or criminal friends, can't dare show up. True? False?

See their faces and exact names below of the low level human cowardly ignorant scum, oddly now so very afraid to even dare defend themselves, their family name and reputation. Makes far too much far too obvious? True? False?

The criminals will try again

The criminals will try, demand, coerce and intimidate, and attempt so that "honest" IATSE 891 members pay for the two dozen elite criminal's legal defence, when no honest mandate or even issue with IATSE 891. At all. 

Nor is this simple Labour Code "Fair Rep" and "Good Faith" involving just simply, abusive corrupt or stupid executives like past president Ken "BCLRB Bad Faith" Anderson, as also best of best and brilliant, but all 100% Criminal Code and specific crimes and individuals. If not obvious enough. 

Will the present power executive either for greater criminal favour or coerced and intimidated, further aid and abet a criminal elite with their related "individual personal exposure" that Criminal Law provides? RCMP and Crown Counsel will be curious if honest member's money freely used by criminal and corrupt. Again. As one must.

  • To get serious jail time for key criminal targets like John Brummitt and all the thieves and criminals who foolishly support him cheating children to "honest" union members. Hopefully criminal slime still support him. Proves criminal collusion?
  • Make any and ALL criminal legal defence efforts extremely costly and time consuming. Exactly as I have done before when Gavin Craig 891 president and John Brummitt a senior steward and busted with Susan Butler-Grey abusing RCMP Time and Money and trying to coerce and intimidate little we me. Such fools? And now again with no legal mandate to spend funds "again" financing "individual criminal" problems not involving IATSE 891, as a legal union, but just the criminals. Just the criminals who exploit their membership and member's money. Fact. Oddly and amuzing: to use members money to defend or appeal issues of "coercion and intimidation" BCLRB rulings against their own trusting dues-paying members, and abuse of member's money and RCMP. Idiots on parade? Insiders relate over $100,000.00 spent on legal with executive time, when they found out my old roommate a criminal lawyer and my high school buddy the acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC. Still a few then unaware of my work reporting to the Attorney General of Canada. Nor my other unusual friends? This idiocy followed by the ignorant uneducated efforts by Rob Maier and his best brains support to also try a scare me with lies. I can do a volunteer non-admissible polygraph under oath and these lying life-losers simply can't. True? False? This reduced their efforts to one-sided cowardly published opinions of highly uneducated super fraud Tom Adair who documents aid and abetting while under the illusion he had more intellect and integrity then the 470 who voted he suffer a Full Forensic Audit. Join the dots. Other petty pathetic internal trials also a case in point when major morons fooling themselves now fearing being stupid and busted again lying to RCMP.
  • Expose to all BC, the ignorant cowardly criminals involved with cheating children.
  • Expose to all BC, the dirty BC NDP insiders and their criminal associations. Like Dusty Kelly to be very specific. Now a Director at BCLC? 
  • Expose those who beat up women. So women warned, not left as test subjects for self-rehabilitation merit and metrics. We warn small men of big bullies who beat-up small men. My friends and I warn other women of those who beat up women? Why not others? And those with mothers, wives, daughters or sisters? A key question for later for a select few and the money and abuse of petty political power it allowed?
  • Expose all non-Canadians or those not born here, even if white and speaking English, who screw "honest and real hard working" Canadians and Canadian children and the slime that help them.

How Easy for investigative media

So they can defend, deny, or obstruct, here's a handy link to all local IATSE 891 executive names, titles and including some criminal elite, for MLAs, Media, CRA and RCMP. This as an 891 Call and Contact List. How easy? Fact check?

From Day One

Yes, I had the criminals on day 1 with basic BCLRB violations hardly worth the effort, and theft under $500.00. Yet had not yet had to deal with John Brummitt, Rob Maier and Don Ramsden or even knew who and what they were. Nor even knew what a moron Tom Adair was. But more and more criminal acts and the risk to others made me wait until now. When they all tried to be friendly and try and buddy with those I "cared about". Now three vulnerable friends who suffered enough in life dead, so the criminals lost all that leverage. And waited for others safe and with money for a nice retirement and home equity. Or married money or got an inheritance. Or both. And would no longer be fearing financial coercion and intimidation. This as proven beyond debate or denial by BCLRB rulings and failed appeals. Oddly on coercion and intimidation. True? False?  

When criminals telling lies to RCMP to protect criminals, the criminal slime hadn't a clue who my Political, Media and Legal contacts were. They thought I was just some funny computer nerd and former advertising guy they could also cowardly coerce and intimidate like hundreds of others. And thought I had never fought or dealt with such incredibly clever sick uneducated criminals before. And still more military textbook surprises await. Even those used by ancient Greeks and Chinese on how to lose battles and retreat to win wars and key stuff from Afghanistan and Vietnam, also key as case study. I'm not really smart, so forced to read many things.

After lies to RCMP they all became rather cowardly as finding out simply my old roommate and friend a future criminal court judge, then just a criminal lawyer. And another university friend the acting law faculty chair at UBC. Then changes for myself documented. Thinking they could buy me with high paid work. Not having a clue if money a motivator I would have gone back to Advertising or joined millionaire friends in boring industrial and commercial real estate and selling tangibles not just concepts and theory. Idiots? More below.

RCMP may be so very curious why nobody with such major big shot titles dares, and with in-house legal and parent national union franchise president as Osgoode super legal, and with NDP national and provincial insiders and candidates, dares defend against little nobody me. They like intimidating others as documented by BCLRB. I'll come alone?

What really and honestly are RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges (like my old roommate and in-laws) and "honestly objective" media to think of these criminals, creeps and cowards now so "obviously paranoid" to even try and defend themselves?

Maybe as they "now know", far too late, about my time working with the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, my studies with Senator Eugene Forsey and Keith Spicer, or my long time school friends as internationally recognized and published Oxford experts from Australia to Austria in "Women and Labour Law" makes creepy cowardly bullies a bit unnerved. And certainly those who also beat up women in the criminal elite. And now must feel so very very stupid? 

Or more the case my fun cousin as also a top internationally recognised Forensic Psychiatrist recognized from Stanford to Harvard hard to handle and digest. She was also helpful.

Maybe just my mother long time family friends with a former Prime Minister's family spooking some of these sick bullies and criminals and their petty titles and real life accomplishments as not so impressive. 

My old university girlfriend has her doctorate in "Labour Psychology". More fun these friends not only know me, but as fate and fortune so kind, all know each other from when we all skied together in Sutton with top award winning investigative journalists. Some also sail. None that impressive at tennis. So fun for some, great for victims and children cheated, women beaten-up and all honest workers, when case law created and labour reform addressed and sick ugly criminals in jail and proceeds of crime seized.

The criminals think they are so very clever using illegal silly bylaws that idiots think can trump Charter of Rights on free speech to protect criminals, and use their tiny little cowardly, corrupt and criminal internal trials with criminal pathetic pretentious puppet Paul Klassen as a show force to again coerce and intimidate and defame. Yet, oddly I want the full force of Federal Criminal Law, real Federal Criminal Courts, real Criminal Court Judges and National Media attention plus provincial and federal political focus to help NDP house clean and clearly help many. Makes things a bit obvious. Ya' think?

With family that died fighting in Europe to help "Europeans" and with Canadian's who died in Vietnam, the fact that these sick criminal losers thinking with their meaningless union local executive titles they can coerce and intimidate for silence on their cowardly criminal acts, or support — and some criminals not originally from Canada as such disgusting guests, would certainly make my highly decorated military friends/mentors furious and disgusted? And they may also need to testify in criminal courts, when all the slime held fully accounted for "Canadian" children cheated and their cowardly silence, when millions in fraud involved, and most go to jail.

Gives national to local media a story that has more social, political, legal, readership and audience value than the trite too often reported and boring. Heck, what do I know?

Hopefully this makes the obvious so very obvious? And this just the start. It gets worse. Much worse? See below.

NATIONAL MEDIA BLITZ was delayed. News of Horgan's resignation requires new important information now be added to this blog. And that certain key BC Liberals contacted.

This blog about a very clear cause, not for favouring any political party. At all. Nor to make friends or get votes. This to be a voice to get victims from cheated children to foreign investors compensated and respect for the rule of law. And expose about two dozen criminals for prosecution. And "honestly" help possibly thousands? Or far more all across Canada. Simple? Clear? A self-made lobbyist, not for sponsors, clients, or patrons, but an honourable cause.

My angle? Relieves me of guilt/duty of not standing up for those weaker. And knowing I could, while other can't, or won't? This not my life's focus. 

Will, however, sell movie rights as this true story as far more multi-dynamic than other documentary productions dealing with work place criminal mindset, violence against women, harassment, coercion and intimidation, economic interference and restriction of trade, millions in fraud, just to start. A highly educational true story film for all Canadian union members. All. True? False? 

And this true story involving a top forensic psychiatrist and other scholars, and real movie stars. And while providing low level red neck humour. Not just real politicians and real major legal names from across Canada. And this all a true story. Bets? As some know I have had very positive relations with Investors, Producers, Directors and Actresses and legal and political types? Yes, only one male actor nice to me but he was from Montreal. Female actresses more friendly

Sample: Film opens with various subtitles with only statistics on violence against women, coercion and intimidation, harassment and workplace bullies. Opens with the music from the Rolling Stones remixed with "Sympathy for the Devil". When Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger at LSE he had aspirations to go into politics for Labour Party in England. So ideal to use their material?

With "locations subtitled", continues with the Rolling Stones remixed with "Sympathy for the Devil". More bongo? More cowbell?  Cut to lectures in "Neurosciences" at Stanford on "Belief Systems". Cut to McGill University and a lecture on the "Bio-Chemical Basis of Behaviour". Cut to The X-Files production ECU of table saw that silences the music in set construction... The story has meat? And again a true story. Gonzo journalism on steroids? 

And this story also involves what class acts Pamela Anderson was even when an unknown, and the grace and wit of Pierce Brosnan. And saintly acts by Gillian Anderson with a child with cancer. Both women also having reported abuse by men. Add Justin Trudeau's father and two other Prime Ministers and a variety of those around them? More of this true story below and that clearly helps children cheated and women and young workers threatened, coerced or intimidated. Maybe create a new catalyst for Labour Code reform? We hope. Includes Hal Banks and other quick Canadian union history lessons. The criminals and the saints. Saints like Ed Broadbent and Tommy Douglas. And my home town hero Jack Layton. And the criminal behaviour of others.

"Violence and harassment is not part of the job" Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice‑President of the CLC

BC NDP problem BC Lib gift horse

Media delay also due, as to how exactly this puts even further added pressure on Eby. Pressure to quickly cleanup a few dirty ugly criminal union locals. Trusteeship? Or suffer another very serious "motherhood" election scandal. Another that BC Liberals can also so easily exploit targeting switcher profiles. This using "proven political blueprints" from US history to even UK's Thatcher's "kitchen door" strategies to enlighten a labour vote to switch. Or fracture. As experts in political mobilzation like Adrian Dix and Steve Bannon now see as "essential"? Did Svend Robinson, Clark and Harcourt politically die in vain? Some who ignore history to reliable polling are bound to suffer it. Again. See South Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale MP Russ Hiebert's controversial  Bill C-377 calling for full disclosure of union financial affairs? Had the bill passed many of the 7 of 10 would not be victims, Debate? Deny?

Is this the Ace NDP should fear Sonia Furstenau would/should/could use with C-377 as a blueprint to be a hero to NDP voters likely to vote Green as disgusted? And with the intellectual promise of performance of UBI economic efficacy and as a conservative babe on a bicycle, with emeralds, and to champion 7 of 10 workers and shatter or challenge NDP mythology. NDP can handle a right shot to the nose and flurry by Falcon, but a left uppercut by Green Party can KO NDP illusions. This if Eby and NDP not cleaning house ASAP. True? False?

A must read so the obvious becomes more obvious:

Invisible men: Union corruption in Canada
"Union corruption usually stems from greed, lack of accountability and a false sense of entitlement."

False sense of entitlement, lack of accountability

The CLC and researchers from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto recently released the initial findings of a national survey on workplace harassment and violence in Canada. The findings are unsettling, with 7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work."

"7 in 10"

"Four out of every ten women in Canada have experienced intimate partner violence." Then go to work with great odds of also being part of the "7 of 10" CLC reports experiencing harassment and some form of violence. Am I and my minor legal friends the only ones who finds this sick and insane. Any MLAs also disgusted reading these insane numbers? Then consider the criminal culture in IATSE 891 and why also millions in fraud some in the criminal elite facilitate and aided and abetted and by similar dysfunctional personality profiles of fakes, fools and felons. And with big shot titles often paid less than cleaning people. Well, until "accepted" by the criminal elite and their influence in corrupt elections. Blatant gerrymandering beyond debate supporting the Churchill phrase: "The Tyranny of Democracy". True? False? Bets? The only safeguards the rule of law. And RCMP.

An ideal judge

The comorbidity of these very specific criminals and personality types in the criminal elite, from: documented and witnessed gambling problem media reports, and petty cash, time and material theft, to major theft ($5,000.00 +) and millions in fraud to some: revealing?

That added to violence against women, and as well documented: abuse of position and breach of fiduciary duty. This done for gross vain self interest and Alpha or Power image pretence. Their petty political posturing as to appear so very clever, and legally savvy, as documented, as "coercion and intimidation" defines methodology. This as BCLRB makes so very-very clear. And with even failed appeals. To millions in fraud

All these matters has been discussed with my minor league legal and accounting friends including a criminal court Judge and a visiting acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC, to a former top forensic psychiatrists. As such former Retired Judge Thomas Gove may be ideal to head a Provincial Inquiry in these matters, as such proven perceptions of such people given to crime. And their children.

As such top brains in criminal elite, or low hanging fruit or best of best, like Paul Klassen, Tom Adair and John Brummitt also ideal for RCMP to interrogate in all the above matters and prior to a Provincial Inquiry for obvious efficacy. Giving them two great opportunities to prove all honestly highly educated, experienced, legally aware, honest, and have no coworkers or friends as known criminals they protect for political insurance. Possibly "with myself present" to help those with limited and selective memories of criminal acts and facts. Could be fun. For some. And should be video taped. This as all criminal elite camera sensitive with an appreciation of production values, if not content, and as would-be-movie-stars, never discovered, and after decades of watching movies and award shows.

Faster to first legislate then litigate major change and compensation for victims?

Funny how many hundreds of total hours the criminal slime in criminal elite will need to make all the lies work together in flawless solidarity just to try and bluff not criminals and major idiots, fakes, fools and felons. This as the full legal costs to possibly "honest" members to protect criminals and documented idiots like John Brummitt to top dogs Paul Klassen and Tom Adair only grows and grows. True? False? Bets?

Eby can

Based on Eby's big international Pharma legal success with accountability and responsibility, and that rule of law stuff, criminal and corrupt union locals with a BCLRB documented history of "Coercion and Intimidation" to obstruction and lying to RCMP and treating RCMP like fools, puppets and petty political pawns, should be so very easy as to set precedent, and as a warning to other criminal and corrupt BC union local executives? 

Helps even NDP nationally regain popularity and credibility as a "workers party" not political puppets for union executives who grossly exaggerate their influence as documented. This as with Adrian Dix's absurd Hollywood "dates" with Dusty Kelly and promising Hollywood what? And who pays? And for trip air, ground, hotel, meals, entertainment, promotional gifts, dry cleaning, entertainment, meetings? I have some experience in audits of a national franchise and BC Tourism South West US and Central Canada media buy? Like a good hunting dog I can help save time and point for the RCMP and CRA where the ducks are. Even if in a barrel on Boundary Road in Burnaby.

Funny how some in inner circle have so much free time for their own political NDP self promotion but have done a fraction of this blog as a voice against criminals and 7 of 10 suffering them and their breach of fiduciary duty and oath, and/or their long time criminal coworkers. Much more on this very disgusting 100% fact. So much more. Nothing any in the NDP can defend or be proud of nationally and provincially.

And best these criminals all have to each personally pay for their own criminal defence lawyers, unless some stupid "new criminal fund" set up to finance criminal's "again" using members money without honest mandate as Elections to Quorums so corrupt. As proven and documented. And funds unquestioned by aid and abet crew in criminal elite and executive for their political survival and oddly after my first faxes warned of criminal activity. Serving criminals so very well sadly using honest members money. How clever? Not! Fax check. As with follow up e-mails, registered mail and obvious for what it is and as clear misappropriation of funds as no honest democratic mandate and illegal non-disclosure agreements hardly a shield in "criminal matters" with millions in fraud. And also as a sign of idiocy fooling only fools again? Will they tell RCMP they can't talk about crimes because of illegal NDAs. Are they that stupid? Wait? There's more below.

IATSE 891 Criminal Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

We believe within certain legal references even a Provincial Inquiry can request crime revealing Non-Disclosure Agreements (or by other names and acronyms for keeping secrets, even if just a more proper British style of omertà blood oath). Templates everywhere. So very easy for criminals to fool some they have legal authority and legitimacy when really none? But makes both parties feel important even if all theatrical BS. 

This done with names redacted to protect the possibly innocent and still insightful, even if it allows guilty criminals to duck another incoming. Using the law to hide crimes. However, even with name redacted some might guess by motive what gangs or groups involved if not individuals immediately?

Some can check with Eby's Attorney General's office for an opinion but we are also led to believe signing an NDA "can't STOP anyone from reporting a crime" should crimes occurs. Or more important "OCCURRED"? 

Canadian Law certainly feels "repugnant" to normative public interest and greater-good themes and long time policy to try and stop someone who has signed an NDA from reporting a criminal act or multiple crimes? Worse if coercion and intimidation, harassment and defamation, to economic interference and restriction of trade for incorporated ones?

Criminals reading this can contact Paul Klassen, John Brummitt, Tom Adair and IATSE 891 corrupt and criminal internal trial experts for a far more qualified opinion. Or even IATSE Osgoode schooled Canadian national President or 891 in-house legal. Both I have questions for in an Inquiry and Criminal Courts on nepotism and cronyism, differences in organized crime and organized labour and oligopolies inside locals and gerrymandering dynamics for the politically but unethically clever. And so often criminal. True? False? This as to support my claims. How do those so legally trained miss all this?

Heck, really, what do I know as just another failed comedy writer, failed Country and Western superstar composer, and failed song writer, failed fine artist, failed four star chef. Failed movie star. Failed Neuroscience specialist (even if once one of the top 10 in Canadian Advertising based on my graduate studies in Biocybernetics and "GSR" stuff"). Well, until making more than teachers teaching me. 

Yes, my family and girlfriends lived years in shame with my repeated failures, but got a lot of laughs. Where hard to impress the criminal executive elite was somewhat successful with the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and Federal Liberal assignment, Labatt, Molson Pension Fund, 7-Eleven, Trizec, Cadillac Fairview. And sophisticated Disney number people liked my number stuff even if most don't have a clue why? And yet as documented liars call it "their system". We will test those who call it "their system" how "their system works"? This as likely as ignorant of IP laws as Criminal. Clearly. Arrogant, ignorant, deceptive. 

And as witnessed I not only made top Producers like Chris Carter, Aaron Spelling and a Prime Ministers laugh, but even listed labourers. Having empathy as such. Actuarial odds are I hopefully made some of the 7 of 10 have a laugh and not the tears those who coerce and intimidate provide. Even if laughs at my expense. I'm a funny guy. True? False? Fact check?

The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
— Plato

And Eby must clean out all internal dirty criminal NDP HR liabilities ASAP. Including criminal Provincial players and even National NDP candidates. This before this blog becomes strategic added fuel for Falcon and BC Liberal election goals, and further fractures NDP union franchise support? 

After Eby's "landmark" very impressive and great success with Pharma "arms length" liabilities and responsibilities, as per the rule of law: Dirty BC criminal union locals should not be a stretch for Eby to address, and to "fully" support RCMP investigations and interrogations. This as to fully support all honest claims for RCMP to fully investigate and to be heroes to "7 of 10" possible women, young workers, cheated children and foreign investors. A time for heroes.

This before Falcon and friends all start joking, all over BC, about integrity in NDP and results protecting 7 of 10 union workers. And use Dix "dates" in Hollywood with Dusty Kelly success, as also good for a few laughs. And in every riding. Gaining one added NDP vote at a time. And with time enough for a Lib win. See more below. Environmental to economic report cards will also be a problem.

Helpful hints for Eby as the next likely uncontested BC NDP leader? Selina Robinson might have been far too hard on those believed to be women beaters and bullies, and involved in millions in tax credit fraud and other criminal matters defined better below.

Eby: "If there’s a problem with somebody, if there’s an issue of corruption, an issue of bullying, an issue of any kind of integrity problem, it’s very hard for me to know as minister that that’s taking place.” This blog should certainly help. True? False?

As per below: "Expanding whistle-blower protection" to union members may be very progressive and help 7 of 10 union workers and Foreign investors in film industry not suffer so much documented "coercion and intimidation", theft and fraud. True? False? Debate? 

Whistle-blower protection that even former IATSE 891 local president Keith Woods and Paul Klassen, Executive Director at British Columbia Council of Film Unions, would have had to respect and not dare threaten members with big legal and pathetic petty internal trial fines, and honest members just wanting the right of basic free speech. As well documented.  (See links below). True? False?

The B.C. government employees union lawyer told the province’s public inquiry into money laundering last year that better whistle-blower protections for front-line casino workers may have prevented illegal cash from circulating. And keep directors at BCLC like Dusty Kelly much more honest. I kept her emails and newsletter when she was just "Donny's" girl and "Tommy's" buddy sharing fiduciary roles, and honing her political self-interest skills for bigger suckers like Adrian Dix. This insanity needs far more exposure and depth as well. And will. Hope none read so fast as to miss the above, that this from "The B.C. government employees union lawyer"? 

The whistle-blower protection law was introduced following a report by ombudsperson Jay Chalke into the 2012 firing of eight Health Ministry workers, one of whom later died by suicide. It gets tragic even in the toxic film industry where this criminal elite and dynasty ruled for 30 years. Debate?

Truth in jest

As "Super Dave" Eby is also tall like myself, and like other tall men I know, he will understand or possibly has himself experienced or suffered having to tolerate similar tough talking little criminal or corrupt text book small man complexes. Including their Alpha walk. This as very common among dirty criminal and corrupt union executives and the criminal elite in union local IATSE 891. True? False? Those amuzingly posturing as Alpha males with their little or meaningless education, experience, integrity or intellect. But clearly watched many movies for self branding. Those clearly with very little or zero accomplishment other than in corrupt and criminal IATSE 891. And mostly just trade skills define their whole lives and real full success before criminal blessings. Fact check? True? False? 

We also have both known wealthy successful people in the Kits area? I was on the board of Directors when former New West PC candidate Bill Grant and former Nabob CEO my COB in early 90's and handy mentor? Myself not just hangin' out with tennis players, skiers, sailors and musicians all the time. Time to give back for my good fortune certainly more than most of  7 of 10 exposed to violence and harassment plus coercion and intimidation.

My sailing friends, different from my tennis friends, and both different from my skiing friends and those different than my artistic friends. And I'm picky. Only one guy did all the above with me from CBC in Montreal-Toronto days. My legal friends less physical. Amazing women were also a distraction. Hard to be ambitious when that consumed and content. Time to give back for my good fortune certainly more than most of  7 of 10 exposed to violence and harassment plus coercion and intimidation.

Living by major ski hills in Ste. Agathe, Banff and Whistler also will distort one's reality and career ambitions on the top of mountains under blue skies and with fast wax. Plus speaking a bit of French. And add living within 15 minutes of dozens of great restaurants in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Bragged how I was closer to an oven-fresh Bagel and a "real" Smoked Meat place than my friends in Montreal. And better Sushi. Ottawa required 30 minute drives to survive. 

Note: Those more ignorant in criminal elite, and too quick to judge, will see this above as another non sequitur, those who know better, or know me, know how I use this foreshadowing as a future foundation and hidden as such? True? False? 

So time to pay back for my good fortune and fate and help children cheated, women feel safe and 7 of 10 no longer exposed to violence or harassment nor coercion and intimidation:


Maybe Katrina Chen (Burnaby-Lougheed and Minister of State for Child Care) possibly also not amuzed by those who cheat children in her riding.

She like others may also find Adrian Dix buddy Dusty Kelly not what she pretends to be and her history of very special note from her rumoured double duty at Wreck beach to roller paint skills and support in solidarity of criminal elite as to best fuel her political ambitions. Her ex husband collateral damage? Fact check.

Eby may also be familiar when we both lived in Kits back when I reported directly to the Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. This on Federal Election "message, media and money" strategy and tactics. And when I had responsibility for "all Western Canada". And back oddly when I was a Business school Dean requested speaker at SFU and UBC on "media economics". After McGill ("Canada's Harvard") had already recognized my work.

Eby, may as also a former copywriter for a communications company, may even remember the Ads I wrote for the Prime Minister. This before I went to run a Toronto Ad Agency owned by one of the advertising intellectual elite in Canada and as an editor for the major national trade publication. Eby worked for a communications firm so may understand my senior work with the biggest and best Ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Heck, he may even know my friends as a BC Criminal court Judge and another as the acting Law faculty chair at UBC? Possibly he laughed at the Kokanee Beer ads I wrote on occasion for fun. Including the ones that got international trade and consumer recognition. That makes the three tallest men in Kits back then being Eby, myself and Long John Baldry. Long John Baldry and myself also played in bands. We may have even politely acknowledged each other as tall men do. Just like small men do on Harley Davidson's do with a nod, as if some exclusive club for small men. 

Eby may have had breakfast at Cafe Zen at the same time when David Susuki a regular. He probably remembers the IBM launch at Expo of IBM (US) and my pioneer work with touch screens and video streaming and first largest public network. In the world. 

Maybe he was at Rossini's enjoying Ottawa style Italian pasta at its best, owned by a man who once drummed for Elvis Presley  Or the super Sushi at Octopus Garden and Kibune. Or at the Kits beach restaurant. Kits beach restaurant where I dined with the acting Law faculty chair at UBC and sailed with in English Bay? 

As Catholic schooled Eby may appreciate my Jesuit training in formal logic and rhetoric when I was at Loyola in Montreal. Maybe we passed each other when I was often with a future Criminal Court judge at Bridges on Granville Island. When we shared a modest shoreline place on Ironwork passage.

Maybe he also wouldn't like the idea of his wife Cailey or daughter bloody and beat up like women suffering little Alpha males or his his son cheated of honest wages? As others suffered?

 As such I wish him the best even if I'm forced to help BC Liberals clean up dirty union locals with my Digital Marketing skills and education, on top of my "real" expert status in traditional media. So much so many fake and waste money on from even political lawn signs to making video viral. And when to use community papers?

My only hint for Eby is to distance himself from Adrian Dix and the dishonesty of Dix Hollywood date Dusty Kelly oddly using her paint roller skills and art school skills as a director at already scandal suffering BCLC? 

He may even also be a fan of the amazing cheddar cheese made in Kitchener Ontario? May have also cheered for my old tennis buddy Ian Turnbull when an NHL record holder for the Toronto Maple Leafs? 

Maybe he should send two dozen free copies of his book "The Arrest Handbook: A Guide to Your Rights" to IATSE 891 criminal elite. 

And we both support US-style racketeering laws ideal to bust up dirty unions locals in BC. I myself impressed with the work at Cornell in such matters.

Curious what actions Eby may take based on U of T, Western and CLC research showing 7 of 10 being exposed to violence and harassment in the workplace, much like this blog and multiple legal cases also support. True? False?

Maybe we passed each other sailing past Jericho or at Granville Island Market?

Seems Eby claims a shared desire as per, "to build a safer, stronger, and more resilient B.C., our government is continuing to take measures that support community safety, prevent crime, and assist victims. Through the Civil Forfeiture Crime Prevention and Remediation Grants program, local governments and organizations...". Exactly what needs to be made visible here and not just audio.

As for Eby's other close to home issues, music industry now possibly can use film tax credits and funds to build the largest and top recording studios in Victoria (Saanich with view?) as to brand as "Nashville North".

Name one David Foster Studios and the other Bryan Adams Studios, and a third Joni Mitchell Studios. Add a music school that puts Banff to shame. And this as well to reduce costs for young BC musicians and with digital promotional help and music videos? A full package. Helps even Jazz, Rap and Symphony.

And with technical professional known names with "technology" leadership that even The Rolling Stones to Bruce Springsteen must consider. My family contacts involved in the Montreal Studio used by Prince. Kits music trivia? When recording Federal Election Ads at West 2nd studios was where I met then unknown Bryan Adams as dating our junior copywriter. Also did ads at Mushroom studios. Not near as nice as recording studios in Old Montreal, footsteps from famous restaurants and bars. Yes, for fun I also composed jingles?

Possibly the first world "3 day Sidney to Sooke Dylan Day and Night" Vancouver Island multiple stage "Festival" where many pay tribute, including street buskers to major world stars. All doing tribute covers. All Dylan. All the time. Like Neil Young, Brian Adams, Anne Murray, Joni Mitchell, to many top Canadian names paying tribute with possible international and contemporary stars also doing Dylan covers. Might create very serious fresh "major incremental tourism dollars" so needed by so many. And add the free Press. Very Super Natural. I crunched some numbers for Cossette Advertising on BC Tourism when Virginia Green Minister of Tourism? New Zealand Tourism also my client. Fairmont Banff Springs taught me about hotels. Earl's taught me about restaurants after Keg hostile takeover of Control Foods empire. Tourism stuff? My Montreal "Landmark" clients also of note.

Oddly, this is how those who think outside the box, and with my proximity to so very many real and documented marketing success stories, all across Canada, and have actually worked with "Federal Economic Development", is exactly how some lead on economic recovery. 10 other proven "New Market" initiatives, if anyone paid me as others paid, or at least as much as Federal Liberals to Labatt accepted as my bill-out rate, we can talk. Or some can guess. Mistakes cost millions. And elections? From "effective" social media to political lawn signs. True? False? However, I seriously doubt any provincial party can afford to pay pay me $350.00 for a 30 second radio Ad? 

From "major international acts" to local BC buskers and bands from Sidney to Sooke all paying tribute to Dylan. Yes Montreal has a building with a mural tribute to Cohen, but this more like the Stratford Festival saluting the Shakespeare of Sound for "incremental" profits and not traditional destination marketing, and will justify cost and opportunity cost. Tourism must be leaders not recipe readers. How economic recovery works, not thinking in a tiny box that software will distinguish and save an industry and region from mediocrity or tax credits can cover for incompetence. And designed as such, as a yearly festival for Dylan, not Shakespeare. Yes, many will like the sound of this. They will come from Australia. The will come from Atlanta. They will come from Africa. They will come from Austria. They will come from Hollywood and New York?

Heck, if forced to ask Eby on a pitch for this concept, as both of us are familiar with top Ad agencies and sophisticated marketing and advertising research, I'd ask Eby, "How does it feel?" Or should we go right to focus groups for summer 2023, and so no one fools anyone.

My cause

My cause to clean up all dirty union locals makes me an easy hired gun for either BC Liberals or NDP. Maybe time for some to hire at higher levels than those like Dusty Kelly or that NDP Federal candidate in Pitt Meadows, Phil Klapwyk, that uneducated high school students trust and like? As reported. Maybe provincial political parties simply can't afford to pay me as well as Federal Political clients and Fortune 500. Penny wise and pound foolish a postulate? More than medical doctors? True? False? Fact check? Even 7-Eleven paid me more for less than an hour's work than a big shot in IATSE 891 paid for 12 hour days. Bets? This for writing rather funny silly 30 sec. radio ads. Or writing the "7-Point Plan for Western Canada" for Prime Minister Turner's election ads. That also as proven performed rather well. I had great teachers. Fact check?

Why now exactly these enhanced blog efforts explained below. And all the factors for the perfect storm falling into place, with water now boiling. 

As some suggest more painful to send an old man to prison for a few months than a young man for years? True? False?
After the Media Blitz 

Then we start posting this blog link with key point intro on all Police and Judicial social media in Lower Mainland, Island and Interior. With possible key criminal's exact names and faces. They posted faces so only fair?

They seem to also like trials, qualifications and standards. And using their big shot titles. Even if their "documented big shot hourly wage" rate below cleaning ladies? And cleaning ladies even have references.

Sad how a few ugly lying cowardly and creepy criminals give a few union locals like IATSE 891 a bad name. And when so many good and great people in 891, and as CLC reported, 7 of 10 exposed to violence and harassment

Odd how a criminal executive leaves criminals alone, so safe to steal, cheat children to foreign investors, lie and abuse those weaker and all those less superior without corrupt titles and criminal appointments. But put whistle-blowers on trial for putting criminals in "disrepute". And as a payoff for playing and patronizing criminals with their silly pageantry of legitimacy (See registered letter to honest and trusted BCLRB bad-boy Ken Anderson, when a major idiot also 891 President). Exactly as documented. Exactly.

Even for more of a laugh, costing more than their silly petty fine, to rent the room for the trial of the century, bringing in a "Labour Lawyer" (again as most idiots still don't seem to understand a big difference between a Labour lawyer and a top defamation, criminal lawyers and a real Oxford labour expert). I've socialized with all four? And add cute executive OT costs to try and fake legality. And how insulting and embarrassing and "revealing", when even I don't show up (tennis conflict), nor my victims including past executive presidents, I put in "disrepute" and criminal supervisors, who also don't show up to even protect their good names from disrepute. Hard to respect or be impressed by theatrical carpenters and construction department heads when two carpenters I know own a 2.2 million dollar waterfront home and another apartment buildings in downtown Victoria and one pretty good on harmonica and drums.

Criminal puppet Paul Klassen clearly a sad and tragic legal joke playing judge/trial chair and now for his gross pretentious posturing, now clearly guilty of aid and abetting criminals and crime, coercion and intimidation and his illusion of natural justice, criminal law documented. Cost me a dollar for photocopies? As then present president Ken Anderson busted by BCLRB for disgusting abuse of position and "bad faith". Either very lazy or very stupid. And they make such ignorance like Tom Adair a show of force and best of best. 

Wait until we are both in RCMP offices, Criminal Courts and Provincial Inquiries and an honest and legal equal playing field?

And I do find it funny when sleazy criminals who help cheat children call me "nasty" or worse. Some of their friends have already asked me to "forgive" this slime and others trying to send messages not part of certain acts. 

These idiots will take less than a day to destroy in real honest courts, Bets? We are mostly working on speed as success a given. True? False? 

John Brummitt first tried to intimidate me and told me to deal with the lawyer for IATSE directly and that also backfired as got more help from their own in house lawyer. Guess she did her homework, suspecting I may not just be a very funny computer nerd.

These criminals may have hurt your family

The first easy step to busting wide open this criminal gang or group involved with millions in tax credit fraud, and enjoying textbook centuries old, laundered proceeds of crime as position, pay, prestige and power, while cheating honest workers, children and foreign investors, plus guilty of coercion and intimidation, is rather simple:

Simply invite a half dozen of those named in criminal elite to come down to RCMP offices for some friendly one-on-one chit-chat about the claims in this blog. Any denials or pretence of ignorance, the RCMP can just have us help on their second requested visit for one-on-one followup. Ideally video taped.

I could do remote as I've done with recent classes.

By this time, the guilty slime will be running to criminal defence lawyers in a total panic as unable to decide whether to show criminal solidarity (as so easily seen as criminal collusion and conspiracy), or go solo and still suffer association and three decade proximity with similar birds of a feather and to be judged fairly by the company they keep. Such choices? No worry, these people think themselves so very clever, accomplished and educated and probably think they can make fools of RCMP. Just as they do with their many documented lies to members. Fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission as criminal obstruction their best trick and only hope. And adds far greater legal risk. True? False? Simple?

Any and all from the criminals elite warmly welcome to deny and debate with me one-on-one at RCMP offices. Ideally video taped? If not sick criminals and cowards as defined below? What would any fear in the safety of RCMP interrogation offices if nothing to hide or lie about? Just take a guess why none so stupid to show up. None. Well, maybe one clearly suffering various personality disorders as defined below and as witnessed. But all criminals also welcome to show off their intellect and integrity or even education and experience of any "honest" merit. One-on-one to be fair. Keeps it honest?


Key is this blog defines real "honest" actionable solutions to very sick ugly criminal problems and corruption. And as well the incompetence that favours felons. 

And the priority here clearly the far better protection of women and "honest" workers. This including addressing the children to foreign investors cheated of millions. Making all readers ready for intelligent, honest and meaningful debate, discussion, investigation and prosecution. 

This could seriously help either NDP or Liberals in the next election. Or ideally both and all BC. Making Eby and entourage a star and hero and/or Falcon folks nicely branded as real working class heroes. Not just big business. First come first served this election feast?

Bipartisan efforts to bust ugly cowardly criminals always a beautiful thing for young ones and old to see. Only ugly criminals and their friends would disagree. True? False?

As such, this blog is not just about proving crimes that need addressing and identifying most of the criminals involved. Nor simply exposing, ridiculing and humiliating these criminals, as important for the hundreds or thousands of victims to see finally exposed and accountable. And see these criminals did not get away with their very cowardly ugly crimes of fraud and theft. Nor as per CLC will 7 of 10 victims be exposed to further violence and harassment to coercion and intimidation as many have for decades. This should provide serious reduction. Any dare debate? Any? 

7 of 10 is not a pretty number nor can "any" politician in Canada or BC be excused from addressing this as bigger than a pandemic and most certainly hurts people, profits and productivity and sends malicious obedience and avoidance numbers sky high. Yes, only empirical witness observation and anecdotal. For now.  And with further studies may indicate that more die from suicide to domestic violence and substance excess or overdose. And a mask won't help. Rule of law will.

I also absolutely refuse to be civil or polite with this criminal slime. I will however behave professionally when required as I did with the Attorney General of Canada as a client, or as playful as when the law firm Fox Morgan my client or as amuzing for an acting law faculty chair as a longtime friend, and an old roommate as a BC criminal court judge. And try and be as entertaining for RCMP as other RCMP  have found me to be. Everyone needs a laugh. Why not at sleazy criminal's expense and their incredibly pretentious misleading titles? Too many victims of their abuse for criminals to not now be the victims of abuse. And the rule of law?

This will also make "national heroes" of RCMP to women and "honest" workers and the children cheated. Real heroes.

Such ugly obvious criminal sleaze must do jail time.

We made it easy for RCMP to bust these criminals. This will help thousands. 7 out of 10 as per CLC. See below.

Those educated enough, who understand ALL the objectives of this blog, will understand the strategy and tactics to style and design selected and seemingly strange added content. Idiots and criminals, will in their known ignorance and arrogance play critic. And posture as superior. A trap?


Note: Any time those reading this blog (and the key critical supporting links), whether RCMP, CRA, BCLRB, CMPA, WCB, DGC, ACFC, CUPE, MLA or Media, or any other, and honestly feels any one of the following logically likely or 99% true, and being:

  • 99% certain these criminals are criminals
  • Victims are victims, including children
  • That RCMP must investigate fully
  • A Provincial Inquiry clearly needed 
  • Labour Code reform tragically warranted
  • Trusteeship checklist clearly evident 
  • That a half dozen should go to jail  

One can ignore reading any more. And start helping.

You help or you help criminals.

Why help 7 of 10? "Studies show that the brain releases feel-good chemicals .... a phenomenon psychologists call 'helper's high'."

Only the criminals and those who aid and abet and with their criminal defence lawyers, must read everything. Maybe a few times. So no tricks or traps missed. The second that RCMP in gear, and rolling, everything becomes all automatic, and far too big to fail. True? False?"

"The CLC and researchers from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto recently released the initial findings of a national survey on workplace harassment and violence in Canada. The findings are unsettling, with 7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work."

"7 in 10"

Yes, we are waiting, at the ready, for any desperate uneducated illogical Orwellian double-speak babble by the criminal elite or their cowardly support. This as to even try to diminish, distort. dilute the seriousness of these numbers and the dozens of documented facts. Like 2 in 10 acceptable. This is social engineering not manufacturing? Those who author threats or violence must be publicly exposed for the safety of others and criminally prosecuted. True? False?

I'll even play the cynical conservative and give a spread of 2 of 10. Sadly 2 of 10 far too many. 7 of 10 a crisis? 
Even 2 of 10 too many if your daughter, sister, son, cousin, friend. True? False?

Note on inspiration: This blog's effort were all tipping-point triggered by very stupid criminals. All under the tragic illusion some illegal union bylaw and insane illegal internal trial (a funny and very sick case study for Law Schools?) could be used to threaten, harass, coerce and intimidate (as defined by CLC above and BCLRB below) and as done many times to honest members. But now using a showcase illegal internal trial and ignoring Federal Criminal Law.

More strange

And more strange avoiding "real honest objective" courts, for what "real honest courts" call clear "defamation". Why? Why so afraid of "real honest courts" or calling "objective and highly trained RCMP" as compared to criminal puppet Paul Klassen. And try and charge me for public mischief to harassment, or threatening or harassing all the very honest, accomplished and educated union executives, to even the future grand children of the executive elite, as nepotism like rabbits breeds? And their grand children's grand children? Much more on this brief overview when in Criminal Courts and a Provincial Inquiry. And as goes to character stuff and filled with a variety of perjury traps? Some so clever. As documented. True? False?

Major documented idiot Paul Klassen, Executive Director at British Columbia Council of Film Unions and also highly loved and respected and accomplished Ken Anderson, as then 891 President and BCLRB poster boy for "Bad Faith" (Fact check?), and as also aid and abetting criminals, and as also thinking they had any real legal authority to ignore BC Labour Code to Federal Criminal Code made very clear below. Exactly as documented. (See Registered Mail & Email?). 

Law schools and media will love this

From UVic, UBC, U of A, U of T, U of O, U of M, Osgoode and McGill to Dalhousie, most Law students and Media love interesting cases like this. And where profound ignorance meets profound criminal arrogance. An entertaining and educating 2 to 3 introductory law school classes, to say the least. And from Labour Code to Criminal Code and a few key Civil settlements. Creating possible law school slang and phrases like, "Pulling a Paul Klassen", "Trying a Tom Adair fallacy of appeal to authority", "Total Brummitt BS", "Doin' a Dusty", "Ramsden Rules". 

This true story as also involving a few Hollywood Stars (even as victims) and Politicians. Including my own work reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. Plus involving TV shows like The X-Files to a number of today's BC film sets and locations? And internationally noted academics? And sadly, children and women as victims, so many "champions" ignored. 

Also tries to separate when organized labour acting like organized crime, as defined at Cornell University and RICO history. In addition, involves and draws from Canadian Criminal Law, Civil Law, Labour Law, Charter, Anti-Combines/Trust and Tax and Tax Credit Fraud. Neurosciences, Socratic and Dialects?

And yes, I'm not a lawyer, but my personal friends have included a Criminal Court Judge and an acting Law Faculty Chair and I dated lawyers. So I may be a tad harder to fool than most. Just need to know which one may be needed?

No one is getting away with any BS spin they were neutral. Like BS as "simply a shower guard at Auschwitz" or "just bought the Kool-aid at Jonestown" or "just watched the rape". No paranoid teenager excuse will wash. 

Criminal slime and cowards enjoyed the petty glory as part of the criminal elite and part of the proceeds of crime as position and abuse of position and power as 7 of 10 experienced violence and harassment. Now they can all suffer and share both shame and blame. Only those with emailed "letters of decent" already on file will have a chance? 

Others too-late efforts at restitution and remorse only make the criminal slime more slimy. Apologies published as no more than sick generic template PR will haunt a few of these human frauds. And as also documented. 

See below for more on what and who these criminals really are. As the joke goes: "Some of those hated the nature of Stockholm syndrome, but now they like it." Ask VP Margo (Spider) Mackenzie to explain, if not so obvious.

Solo or solidarity

Hard choices with serious cost certainly either way.

If the criminal elite "ALL" show "solidarity", proving collusion really couldn't get any easier. True? False?  And this involving millions in fraud and children cheated? 

The criminal elite also in "solidarity" will suffer their very weakest links and weakest liars, as almost half really not too impressive. And sadly, weakest links may blow it with RCMP or Courts for all criminals no matter how smart some think they are. And worse, after many may have made misleading and obstructive sworn statements. Or committed perjury. Ouch?

Even one, or a handful, of the criminal elite going solo, as to not suffer the judgement of "By The Company One Keeps" and "Birds Of A Feather" legal optics, with the far greater and growing liabilities others have, plus those needing to tell even more lies to RCMP, CRA, Crown Prosecution and a Criminal Court Judge: simply going solo makes all others in criminal elite look guilty. Very guilty. And more than just legal optics to worry about. True? False?  Solo has ramifications. Some may then turn against solo acts for their lack of solidarity and criminal loyalty? True? False? Could make one's future career a little awkward and family name the thing of legends? Nepotism works both ways. A gift or a curse?

Such a major complex legal mess, wish we could help? Some have very smart legal friends. Some sadly must trust criminal elite, 2nd hand info and hearsay and Paul Klassen or in-house Oxford educated labour lawyers possibly helping in criminal matters? Previous lawyers for IATSE I found very helpful explaining their very limited mandate to me of representing only IATSE 891 and membership, not criminal executives. True? False? Told her about my personal mandate. As compared to her 891 client mandate. And so similar as simply qualified as my mandate: what's also best for IATSE 891, but not including any bias for criminal members, felons, fakes, fools and frauds who cheat children. 

And "now still" these children legally entitled to compensation. But slime in their sinful silence continue to cheat children as criminal slime can't dare explain the monster cost of compensation in the millions and millions for these cheated children. This as legal and interesting settlements with illegal NDAs already costing criminal elite and executive criminals using members money in absurd amounts. Even ignoring this blog. True? False?

Note: Oddly, I've worked and argued with Oxford scholars (one with doctorate and an MBA) when working with Environmental Engineers and doing my best Christopher Hitchens impression debating at the Oxford Union, and poor me using just Jesuit scholar training in formal logic and rhetoric? And what Sen. Eugene Forsey and Keith Spicer taught me? And as well have known some for decades, as former acting UBC Law Faculty chairs also Oxford educated. And of course clients as scholars at McGill and the Deans who requested I speak from UBC and SFU on "Media Economics". Even argued with Harvard MBAs from 7-Eleven Dallas when their guest at Whistler? Some possibly even smarter than executives in criminal elite or those who cowardly aid and abetting as documented. Paul Klassen will now be judged by real judges and real laws. And media and industry. As with others named, and some with pictures below. Hate to have to go biblical but "judge and be judged" more than quoting constructive dismal cases?


Why some have as "individuals" waited so very long, or far too long, to defend their good honest family name and to protect their own family name for their wife, husband or children, has so very many curious. Very curious. And more clearly, as to not respond like "normal honest" people would using real lawyers, real laws and real courts? And not count on criminal puppet Paul Klassen as a pathetic pretentious show of force. As documented? As "normal honest" people do? Bet RCMP to Criminal Court Judges can guess. Bets? And why no paper trail? Or nothing thing in "writing with names and titles" other than by the very stupidest with Tom Adair and Paul Klassen and both trying so hard not to look stupid, and failing? Criminals should be very careful even Adrian Dix busted for playing games with dates? True? False? NDAs no defence or excuse or criminals would use them all the time, if as stupid.


Many of the criminals named below with brains, and reading this blog, live in serious daily fear that one day at work or home the RCMP arrive without warning. And very informed? And criminals then knowing at that moment RCMP can no longer be fooled anymore by criminals, and their illogical stupid lies. This proven as already obvious to many. Certainly a few hundred wanting a forensic audit makes a point. And thus jail and huge legal costs get so very real. And when BC Government and RCMP, union members and industry get the truth, criminal careers and reputations will be destroyed. True? False?

I saw first hand RCMP in Montreal hand cuff such similar clever criminals. Pulling them from a very exclusive tennis club on a Sunday morning in the middle of winter, and only wearing tennis shorts? Where John Molson played tennis on Saturday nights. And we never talked hockey?

I was considered more funny when working at a Yacht Club in university, and oddly repairing Wooden and Fiberglas sailboats. Having read Melville I could be very painful. And yet trusted to drive the biggest yachts. It was a great job and the many members and commodore very funny. More fun than tennis club? Even Billie Jean-King found me funny as not much competition? She came to Montreal for physio. She literally when not in competition and just "fooling around" was as dynamic as a cirque du soleil act to watch and witness.

My family at the most exclusive golf course in Montreal, also saw other clever criminals go to jail while maintaining club membership. Criminals all feel clever until caught with documented evidence and witness testimony.  Like in a union known for their very impressive business school and honest leadership, aid and abetting, breaching oath and mandate of see no evil, hear no evil, and no evil to speak of?

Hope RCMP cuff these criminals on a film set, in their executive union offices or at their homes. Possibly best RCMP also bust these criminals early on a Sunday morning as well, as we have reason to believe few will be at church.

Note: More honest victims here want a forensic audit than the minority shareholders who sent Conrad Black to prison. True? False? What can it mean? Read this twiceMost totally miss how profound this is added to CLC study?

Political Point: This relates to possibly dozens and dozens of criminal and corrupt BC union locals all over BC. And the elephant in the room NDP and CLC have both ignored or denied for far too long: The criminals, crime and corruption in union executives and the key criminal members aid and abetting, and ignoring the reality of 7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work. And clearly ignoring the rule of law. And from Labour law to Criminal code. And most likely some parking violations and with basic hygiene issues. This as defined and detailed below. The truth very ugly. Very ugly. This as CLC's own recent studies make far too clear. See above. And only adds more hard evidence and credence to these far too many criminal claims as detailed below. See their names and faces below.


Will Falcon & BC Liberals be able, as done in France and Ontario, also be able to appeal to disillusioned and disgusted working class voters, and many fearful, fatigued and frustrated union members? Will Greens stop strategic voting as many Greens return, as seeing very little difference between Libs and NDP tales, myths, people, promises and past ethical score cards? Both proven enough to butterfly NDP to opposition status. True? False?

Will all 891 criminal executive elite be prepared for all the lies needed for future court dates for recommended charges? And will their lies be enough as to avoid jail and/or severe financial cost? Costs from legal fees to fines and possible seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime?

Two is too many

Too many dirty union locals across Canada. "Home rule" premise cute. A licensed larceny master franchise more like it. These true life facts in this blog below, and as an informal single union local case study, are also going on in far too many other dirty union locals. And all across Canada. Two is too many

And one should not be so foolish as to suspect not at least a few dozen very dirty similar incompetent, corrupt and criminal union locals also in the heart of BC's economy. Costing millions and hurting thousands. True? False? Debate? Bets? 

Critical Recommendation: Possibly U of T, and Western University, and again with CLC, or just SFU (Criminology) and UBC (Law), and BCLC, should do a another meaningful study? And just see if 7 of 10 in unions and workplace not only exposed to violence and harassment, but if almost exact same numbers support other tandem criminal behaviours? Would those who steal, beat up women and cheat children, lie to members and RCMP, and also proven guilty of coercion and intimidation, possibly also have similar skews as with those guilty of threats of violence and harassment? That 7 of 10 appear to suffer? Well, for those who would trust CLC, U of T, and Western going it alone without McGill. Apologies. Where I must inform many, I must also entertain a few. Those from Montreal and McGill below already familiar with even more facts.

We get the key predictive data, and reconnaissance of research from various samples and polling methods. This to best define the problem/solution and as an extremely key focus for a BC Forensic Provincial Inquiry on:

"IATSE 891: Workplace Crime and Cost

With IATSE 891 so much already defined saving money and time for a comparative. This blog should also help research polling question design. Maybe tandem to a full forensic audit, that hundreds have obviously "HONESTLY" voted for. As documented.

Key Legal Note: And where certainly all in Canada "presumed" innocent until proven guilty, this as a clear and respected matter of law, these criminals most certainly guilty as a matter of logic. True? False? 

And certainly far from near innocent, and based on hard text book definitions of scientific method, empirical observations, a basic understanding of epistemology, and added to irrefutable witnesses and documents. And this as most mentally capable of understanding simple syllogism structures, and more liberal non-reductionist allowance. And other tools that determine clear criminal guilt. True? False? 

Yes, the criminals will be using their very best educated brains and word games of their master minds of John Brummitt and Tom Adair to Don Ramsden and Mitch Davies. This with their intellect and integrity embarrassingly blatant to many already. This in their last dying efforts to fool everyone. But oddly, no one that I know well will be fooled. Nor the 470 more honest members voting for a full forensic audit, and oddly even being actually able to spell the word "forensic". Nor likely the RCMP, a BC Criminal Court Judge, a former acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC, and the variety of lawyers I spoke with. And certainly neither any first year community college psychology major, nor an internationally recognized forensic psychiatrist, who was also handy and helpful, will believe such lying deceptive frauds. Nor senior "honest" members hardly in love with these criminals, that I also discussed these criminals with. 


For those uncertain how very meaningful 470 votes of less than 1,200 voting for a FORENSIC AUDIT really is, and when votes limited and suffering corruption and criminal influence and interference, and some reported afraid to vote, as witnessed? Just ask a top polling and market research firm or an insurance company actuary, if this election run by a third party trusted accounting firm and not the criminal elite, and election material not censored or edited without permission as documented by email, and all potential voters honestly and fully informed of facts. Too obvious? Far too obvious? And this while appreciating none of the criminal elite and their supporting aid and abetting thieves, frauds and other mental morons vote for a Forensic Audit as clearly not in their self interest. Also obvious why as they don't want police, BC Government and members to know what 7 of 10 might suspect as honest cause. True? False?

Seems the only major support within the criminal slime is within the executive and with top super dog Paul Klassen with world's biggest misleading title and accomplishments, and where the buck stops: Mitch Davies, 891 President. This as per union oath, union constitution to laws of Canada. True? False? Women beaten and children cheated seldom impresses many. Nor do cowards, criminals or crazy people. Even if many impressive with paint rollers after decades of mastery. With that fact Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies clearly masters among many.

Problems nothing but problems

Who really "honestly" has the much bigger problem? Criminals who must prove to those from National to local Burnaby Media, 15,000 plus member BC Film Industry, RCMP, Crown Prosecutors and Criminal Court Judges, they are honest and respect the law. And likely "criminally defaming" under oath that: 

  • All our supporting witnesses liars. 
  • And our documentation from Law firms, RCMP to BCLRB and registered mail, all faked. 
  • 470 wanting and voting for a forensic audit all uneducated idiots and not near as educated or near as intelligent and honest as Tom Adair and John Brummitt
  • That the criminal elite have never been found guilty of "coercion and intimidation" and failed appeal, also as documented, just not real BCLRB documents and all forgeries. 
  • That CLC, U of T, and Western University studies not as valid as corrupt 891 elections, nor their people not near as smart as 891 criminal elite.
  • That Adrian Dix will might soon stake his whole political legacy and future on the honesty of Dusty Kelly, and their bottom-line net results from trips to Hollywood and who paid, and her gang's cumulative intellect and integrity.

Our problem? We will simply call witnesses under oath and provide documented evidence and a schematic of names and titles. And if required hundreds of names from newest member to oldest MLA, who support us. The more witnesses and court time criminals spend lying the worse it gets for criminals. Their career, family and friends.

What will smart people think?

Blog Note: This blog has not yet had my usual needed critical help from my old proven Ad agency editors and proofreaders. Nor final legal audit from my unusual legal friends. Please also excuse spelling, grammar, punctuation errors and typos until finalised. Nor is English my first language. I only began to learn English when moved to Toronto. And I type far too fast. And am far better with numbers than prose. As many know. Sadly, I learned how much I seriously need legal and proofreaders when writing for a Prime Minister the "7-Point Plan for Western Canada". But no shame as many errors daily in daily news papers. Even errors in the US Constitution both typographical and congressional? True? False? Bets?

Time to help those who help

Tens of thousands in BC need help. Why? Because BCLRB and RCMP over worked, under paid and under powered. Labour code needs reform and the wall between Labour and Civil courts must no longer be a barrier. Optional choices to victims? Not Judges. Not two levels. Here's solid proof of the problems. And the insane cost. Think of the crimes. Think of the victims:

Please discuss, share, copy and post this blog link. Helps.

The "Why now?" explain below. The what and who, plus when and where, will be clear.

Of course I'm livid. I know the faces of two of the girls beaten up by IATSE members in good standing. And know of a third and the tears of others. Dozens of male friends cheated of thousands of dollars and abused. And we oddly have the number and spreadsheet skills and deductive reasoning to know "thousands of victims projectable" from sample sizes. This based on years of statistical media and marketing research starting with CBC Quebec polls and ending with Federal Liberals and Conservatives top media and message brains. And from studies in linguistics and semantics, even appreciate the legitimacy of inference to suggest validity of inquiry.  True? False?

"7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work." —  CLC

7 of 10 is not the exception to the rule, but defines the rule that 7 of 10 very aware of harassment and violence. Or sadly victims as those defined below. Certainly with criminal slime classic textbook defined socioeconomic variance in demographic profiles? 

How many in the 3 of 10 afraid to speak or say anything? This mentioned so none miss the obvious that freedom of speech a joke with such cowardly criminal slime given to coercion and intimidation (As defined and documented by BCLRB rulings and further revealing needlessly expensive costly failed appeals). And using members money to defend against claims "abuse of members by coercion and intimidation". Brilliant?  As documented. True? False? Harassment and violence defined by CLC report of 7 of 10.

Any in denial, other than criminal slime, how this with witnesses and documentation leaves logic little choice. And when with the obvious only science needs split hairs.

To be very clear here, when some young single mother or young man as one of 7 of 10 suffering "a form of harassment and violence at work": This is not just for a moment, but as a message that lasts for years. True? False? Debate?

And whether a financial or physical threat: both criminal, and both a gross and ugly abuse of position or title. Even if financial threat, harassment, coercion and intimidation and defamation is done by well documented criminal idiots, and clearly feeling extremely clever, using an illegal internal trial, and documented criminal puppet and pathetic moron Paul Klassen, for the veneer and pageantry of legality. This to protect criminals from "disrepute" and obstruct being exposed to police and to members or executive questioned while blatantly ignoring their own constitution, Labour Code and Criminal law. Some that documented, as really that stupid. True? False?  Some still don't have a clue why registered mail used when Ken Anderson president of IATSE 891. But soon will? 

I have been lucky with great unions (CUPE,  ACTRA, UDO, ACFC-UNIFOR) and others, and great clients, employers and supervisors, and great interesting and fun jobs, plus great pay. This before, during (writers strike) and after IATSE 891. Sadly for others IATSE 891's corrupt and toxic culture sadly almost all they know. And thus know no better. And sadly suffer fear, as any shrink will support if suffering ignorant criminal minds.  As appears 7 of 10 have.

Important Note: As pay stubs clearly support, I did far better than 90%-95% of IATSE 891 members, and insanely better when no union or criminal and corrupt interference. Bets? Any bets? Easy to prove. See below. So this not about me cheated in money other than some pathetic effort at some petty $100 fine by lying criminals, and almost worth the laughs it gets, but still ignored. I have standards. No fines on first date. Even if quick little ones.

I suspect as making more money than many, that should a day labourer put the exact same criminals in "disrepute",  that a burger and a beer would be the fine for putting criminals in "disrepute"? This as to be fair, as those who are paid more should pay more in fines, and those making less pay less. This as so unlike the anti-union and anti-Canadian medical dreams of universal coverage of Tommy Douglas that the IATSE membership benefit plan and fraud defines. True? False? The minute I heard one of the criminal elite use the term "arms length" it was totally déjà vu from my days busting accountants moving numbers from trusts to fool a pension fund that no cash flow crisis. This while others in the sphere of influence lost critical leasing data. Many crimes done at "arms length".

In fact many times paid more than most union executives, presidents and department heads. This when they get thrown back to carpentry, plugging in lights as told, or paint roller duty, and no longer enjoying the proceeds of crime as fully. True? False? 

Simply, I just don't like lying posturing little alpha males thinking they're so clever beating up women deceiving members, wasting money, to big very bossy screaming women cheating children, playing with books and records, petty cash and empowered by some tiny BC union local trade title as the biggest thing in their whole lying lives. True? False? So many members I did really like, respected and had fun with.  As witnessed. Sadly most from the "7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work."

Funny stuff

I was the funniest guy to work on The X-Files. Season 2 and 3. Documented (See "Unofficial Employee Newsletter"). Truth is out there stuff.  Which didn't hurt when the two very top guys Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin both with not much success with stand-up and TV comedy prior. And yet enjoying those with a sense of humour as witnessed. Many times. 

Certainly both enjoyed those with brains and a sense of humour over very boring pathetic posturing strong-silent-types and leader-of-men Alpha male frauds and idiots acting like making movies and TV "Rocket Science" and pre production was brain surgery. And with Paint Rolling skills only for the blessed and gifted I was led to believe. And only in IATSE ? 

I had immediately prior worked with the international engineering firm SRK. This work designing software models and was a speaker at their AGM, and worked with lawyers, MBAs and Oxford scholars. This work involving environmental management, compliance, director's liability, where no corporate shield: software. This for reducing directors liability in giant resource companies and protecting the environment from even million dollar direct director liability (See case law). Even if an "employee weekend parking lot oil change in Ontario" or reckless "paint spill or pour" in BC parks film and TV locations. Squamish? Valley?  Standard of care and due diligence legal decisions and liability an eye-opener and where no corporate shield? True? False? Some may want to get an opinion on how environmental liability works?

Stupidity is not a crime. However, for all those above a labourer with big shot titles, reckless negligence with little or no defence of any reasonable standard of care and minimal due diligence in environmental law like an oil tanker spill or a painting the ground red or the side of a mountain for a critical shot. As prior just working with an international environmental engineering firm I know how reclamation costs also staggering with direct liability. And when coercion and intimation used to hide environmental violation it gets ugly.  And all the "How Green We Are" BS PR gets a little fake. Reuse. Recycle. Re-purpose questions great in criminal courts. True? False? Debate?

But with Engineering firm politics and Toronto wanting credit, I did what other senior executives I knew do when Toronto a problem I quit. And went back to media. And Vancouver TV and movie business sounded more fun and easy as was ten years behind on most things compared to real business PMI "project management" ability to environmental responsibility. Effective real executive leadership clearly lacking. Still is. And I also needed some production and accounting  "systems" experience or familiarity, on top of producing, writing and directing funny TV and radio ads before off to New York for work in Comedy. That was the plan.

Favourite idiotic IATSE 891 lines I heard included a painter saying,"We built this industry" and "This show will be paint-driven". Hardly fair to writers, directors and actors or even Prime Minister John Turner when Minister of Finance and helped film industry? 

Ranks up there with the insanity when listening to past local presidents talk about "Arms Length" relationships and another claiming to be a "traditional unionist", yet both involved in the most disgusting abuse even at "arms length", of coercion and intimidation and fraud including lies to RCMP. This as criminal elite so very clever. So educated. So Superior. So they think. Truth tells a very different story. And defines criminality. Yes, even engineering firms like advertising firms paid far more than a department heads. Truth be told. Less hours more pay. More of the "Why" stuff below. 

My very favourite pix is Mitch Davies wearing a stop bullying themed T-Shirt for a day and photo oppourtunity. And not much else for 7 of 10 and 4 of 10 victims. Such a hero? Or major zero? 

And 2nd favourite pix tied with Dusty Kelly in a "winners" power march illusion with Adrian Dix and the other with her balloon hat being at "oneness" with lower level members forced to like and respect her as well published in newsletter. And as a friend of "Donny". "Donny" also used by John Brummitt far too often to suggest his unmatched 2nd only to "Donny" power posturing before both documented absolutely humiliated by BCLRB and a competitive union's law firm and very foolish expensive appeal on "Coercion and Intimidation". Fact check? Just more exhibits for a provincial inquiry and criminal courts? With old spreadsheets and stuff from garbage cans, when learning "systems" when working in accounting as with other departments I checked out. On many things. Didn't sign an NDA. 

Get real. I had already "really" worked for famous Mulroney lawyer Stanley Hartt's "detective agency" in Montreal, and with top award winning "investigative reporters" like Terrence Mckenna at CBC in Toronto. And this when still in university? And had already studied undergraduate law with lectures by Sen. Eugene Forsey? Giving me a tiny wee advantage over documented highly uneducated criminal idiots with their criminally empowered titles, like Tom Adair to John Brummitt and thinking themselves so very clever and superior. And best as listed as a labourer as an excellent cover so no one ever suspicious of me and "my task". As I watched them. Kept evidence. Created traps for criminals. Like proven with Gavin Craig "fax switch" to votes for forensic audit and what it costs to play with fire. And listened. Carefully. Even if repeated hearsay. True? False? 

Again, no more than one or two grade school friends in IATSE 891 had even a bit of knowledge of my real past. Oddly prior not one to brag (Fact check) but as this a serious criminal matter, I must be more honest and transparent. 

Most frauds, fools, fakes and felons with superior 891 titles thought I was just a "fun and funny computer nerd nobody, from advertising or "something"". None would ever guess why I was asked to wear a wire to a major Montreal Mob funeral by a producer of The 5th Estate? But couldn't as some knew me. The people I knew very well and as family in Montreal also include those guests of the Montreal contender for Pope. Some just remember the Lamborghini on Crescent Street and my other very unusual fun intelligent, and highly accomplished friends and references? Including my over-achieving girlfriends from McGill. Two with doctorates. Another an Olympic diver with boxes full of medals I'd wear for fun. Fact check. Knew all three from high school as very fun memorable ladies. Lived with one in Ottawa? They were all from the same girl gang in high school. Lived with another in Toronto when photo editor for Maclean's. And don't be fooled, far more than all just great looking and fun. They had brains. And would seem they liked me. Where other types far less fun, far less accomplished documented don't. They like "Donny" and "Robby" types? Possibly having little life choice most dysfunctional types suffer. True? False?


Wonder if the girls savagely beaten were the criminal supporting big fat three roller girls as political paint princesses, would things be different? Or if a department head's daughter? We'll certainly ask. Or if criminals still focused on protecting women beaters from disrepute with criminal hero and top dog Paul Klassen, Executive Director at British Columbia Council of Film Unions, again helping criminals. More on this gem and Paul Klassen, Executive Director at British Columbia Council of Film Unions and his amazing career success and big pay to follow. Much more. See below. Hope he has top very expensive Defamation and Criminal Defence lawyers. That he now desperately needs, as he  learns about the real law and how it really "honestly" works. And with honest people in objective court rooms. And with objective Judges who don't aid and abet criminals. And with real Judges who can not be coerced and intimidated. Unlike thousands of members by a show of "totally illegal financial force" using illegal internal trials, faking legality and legitimacy. As documented.

Will Falcon and BC Liberals with Greens demand to get to the "whole truth" if those friends of Adrian Dix in BCLC becoming Directors have a background involved with and helping serious criminals in millions in fraud like Dix Hollywood date Dusty Kelly. And same with the misleading federal NDP candidate in Maple Ridge. 

Adrian Dix has had to have his computer taken by RCMP in the past as they couldn't trust him. For good reason as proven. Even medical doctors now with serious problems with Dix and trust. Add 470 members of a union who clearly wanted a Forensic audit on Dusty Kelly and big shot Tom AdairTheir computers and cell phone records and calls, with others, probably hiding more than Adrian Dix?

Do RCMP want to know everything others (as protected witnesses) and myself all know? Plus, what we can document beyond denial or debate, and provide honest witnesses for. This to put a few in jail? 

This while cowardly sleazy criminals can't dare deal with me at RCMP offices including new top dog Paul Klassen nor IATSE 891 president Mitch Davies. Do they fear me now knowing about my work with former Federal Attorney General, Ron Basford. And what I know? This when BC Provincial Attorney General Eby, possibly still studying law and possibly while another friend an acting Law faculty chair at UBC. Another friend a BC Criminal Court Judge. Much more below. Much more. And that's just in BC. In Montreal and Ottawa more interesting legal contacts.

Fortunately, John Brummitt as so very clever, allowed me to investigate with the excellent clever cover of labelled just a labourer (as per JB). Which all the ignorant and arrogant criminals believed 100% making all investigations so very easy with these uneducated criminals as feeling so superior to a listed Labourer/Computer nerd. None had a clue about my past. Nor about my Federal Security clearance for work with DND and NRC in Ottawa and more important why? Nor my work with top Federal PC lawyer Stanley Hart's detective agency? Nor any criminals even having a clue of my work with top award winning "investigative" journalists with CBC in Toronto. This when I was national media liaison for the award winning CBC radio show "Sunday Morning".  And with other media legends I sailed and dined with. And this when just in university. True? False? Bets? 

Funny was how they thought they could intimidate and coerce me like they do with thousands weaker. As documented by BCLRB to recent media coverage of members threatened with BS legal threats by this corrupt criminal cabal. See below. More to this abuse as well that needs further full exposure. Uneducated idiots as well as criminals? Empowered by their corrupt career peak union local titles and without honest merit as again as documented hardly best of best.

Smart move

Those in criminal elite really should ask their most trusted and intelligent family and friends to read this blog, possibly fully, and ideally a top criminal defence lawyer reading everything. And ask if best to provide a "no-contest" and "squeal for a deal" with RCMP? Or if smarter to keep spending a fortune and hundreds of hours in low yield meetings with lunatics and liars, with their clear self-interest, and continue embarrassingly bluffing as clever, educated, superior and honest. And continue to lie to members, RCMP/Criminal Courts. And this most certainly  increasing sentencing risk and added criminal charges. 

Yes, criminal elite should really ask what far smarter and more educated and experienced people would really do? Not what John Brummitt to Paint Departments average roller girls would do, as getting many in this criminal mess so much deeper with their documented arrogance and superior brains.

RELATED NEWS: We can see as fact oddly "union members" polling by EKOS voting conservative in Ontario. This a big wake-up call to BC NDP for union clean-up and "workplace protection" progress and reform. And with historic apathy and low turnout trends among NDP certainly will hurt again. Ask Dix why that matters far more than polls. His time wasted with Dusty Kelly Hollywood trips certainly a waste of money and time. And focus.

Why they switch

John Horgan had serious credibility and appeal to critical switchers to vote NDP. And as a natural leader could get core to mobilize the boots on the ground bit. Others may not. 

This case here could easily make Eby as a honest workers hero"even more magical as focus groups and sophisticated political marketing research should support? And with wide future "national appeal" being so "honestly" pressnewsworthy? And with bigger balls than John Horgan. All he has to do is respect the rule of law? And lead.

Or if NDP ignore the numbers, will this make Falcon an honest "working class hero" and enjoy a landslide. This with educated NDP voters and the 7 of 10 in criminal union locals wanting voice and change? Hey, what do I know having had Federal responsibility for all Western Canadian Liberal advertising. Message, media and money? And well, Dix has Dusty?

Green novel trends in Southern Ontario where packaged goods markets tested should also reflect non-urban B and C market trends in Kelowna, Valley, Islands and Interior. As often the case?

Not enough opinion leaders buying the NDP "Green Enough" bit to "influence" or "nudge" often more questioning educated switchers and swingers and their psycho-graphic/"persona" profiles and hot buttons. True? False? 
Behavioural economics becoming more of a science?

BC NDP "Marketing, Message and Media" experts should possibly adjust their  Flesch–Kincaid narrative scores up a notch? Heck, what do I know? Ontario Green machine to note. 

"7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work." —  CLC

This blog should also be a very big major shake-up for a few BC union locals from Grocery and Glaziers to one extremely corrupt and criminal BC Film union IATSE 891 involved with millions in fraud, cheating children to major foreign investors, as case study below. Heck, what do I know having worked in more unions than most in BC NDP and all across Canada, and not just on the board of directors of a public company? And with work at the highest strategic and tactical P/L responsibility levels of Fortune 500 and Federal Political parties and with noted scholars. Academically recognized by top business schools, with trade and media noted success. Fact check? I might be hard to fool?

Even my work with Transport, Hospital, Postal, Teachers, CBC, ACTRA, UDO and Hospitality unions must have taught me something with my undergraduate law classes? I was an elected grievance coordinator for CUPE right after university? So I'm harder for criminals, fakes and frauds, incompetent and corrupt meritless middle management and lawyers to mislead than most. Formal studies in symbolic logic and linguistics sometimes more helpful than law lectures in the rudimentary rules of statutory interpretation. True? False? Fact check? Seems I get lucky dealing with those far more educated and honest than these criminal slime as I'm stronger in oral appeals than print, as not much of a writer as clinically dyslexic? And as proven as oddly successful from CRTC appeals to CRA efforts. Other appeals have also been successful. Fact check? One has no choice when dealing with those so ignorant and uneducated but to always appeal to higher real authorities than waste time with fakes, fools and felons feeling so clever, and when criminal  slime group affirmed. True? False?

Key Issues

And as well, this blog to define added measures needed in overdue Labour Code reform. Measures that BC Government now uses itself to limit crime and corruption and financial fraud within its own legislature. See below. Certainly a dozen involved with tax credit fraud in the millions and theft over $5,000.00 should do serious jail time and suffer huge fines? True? False? Or better criminals left to enjoy financial windfall while children to foreign investors cheated and ignored?


So many "documented facts" involved here, that this is simply not about opinions, but very sick and serious crimes with women, children and all BC as victims. So many facts just make it so very easy to join the dots, names and faces of the criminal elite. And why some must go to jail and suffer serious financial penalties from proceeds of crime as both hard logic and law defines. 

"Don't Canadian Children Matter?"
(If beaten women and honest workers cheated not enough?) 

Will BC NDP or BC Liberals be the heroes or highly suspect?
Children cheated. Millions in fraud. Serious enough?

This will make "national heroes" of RCMP to women and "honest" workers and the children cheated. Real heroes. 

NOTE: Please appreciate why I can be so brave and bold and sadly not "coerced and intimidated" by criminal elite like those easily "coerced and intimidated" with children and/or mortgages and limited highly specific career skills. 

I also have some legal people I know starting from my university days to my work helping LAC and directly reporting to the Attorney General of Canada. Just as I did with department heads, CEO and COBs, and even a law firm? This when paid far more? Why I'm paid so much more by those far more honest, intelligent, educated, experienced and accomplished of serious note.

My long time friends studied Law at Oxford, McGill, Osgoode, UBC. One became a BC Court Criminal Judge. Another an acting Law faculty chair at UBC. Also easy to prove. Fact check? I only did undergraduate law studies at Carleton and Concordia. So soon should be fun. This when these very ignorant sleazy cowardly criminals, with their three decade history of theft and fraud and abuse of women and cheating children, will know what my friends taught me about "Legal Realism". Plus using "aid and abetting" and "perjury traps" to directly counter statute of limitation criminal shields that these ignorant criminals would brag about? Brains vs. BS? 

NOTE: I only identify my credentials, education, experience, accomplishments, connections for "key comparisons" to the sleazy criminal fakes, fools and slime later, and their small man and big lady motivations and sad ego issues. And this added to their various personality disorders and clear criminality. This as should be evident to many. And far more very soon. Most criminals reading this knew so very little about me for decades? More surprises to follow?

FYI: Ron Basford as the Attorney General of Canada knew my Montreal "references" included the amazing Beatrice Millman (Bea) Bazar as my next door neighbour and fun landlady. And who watched my dog and made me cookies, as well as working on World Peace for United Nations with her intellectual equal and buddy Justin's Dad? Her credentials almost unmatched? Order of Canada and Club of Rome says it all? I have no problem being judged by people of this quality and "real" accomplishment? What low life criminal trades people in a union executive local think and judge says more about them than me. See documented poor judgement skills of Tom Adair and Paul Klassen, with their big huge titles aid and abetting criminals for case in point. Some so cowardly and creepy afraid to address women beaters, major thieves and purse snatchers, as not serving their gross blatant disgusting self-interest. 

Will this lying scum be able to make fools of RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges? This when they can't even deceive and fool the BC Labour Relations Board, as documented. This when clearly busted and exposed for "coercion and intimidation" (with foolish failed appeal)? This when some in the clever criminal elite threatening the financial security and revenue of their own "honest" members. Plus with their documented deceit and bad faith with Provincial Inquiries. "Again" as also documented. 

Don't think it will be that hard to prove this dog-loyal group big believers in solidarity in the 891 executive or any other dirty union in BC. Even in criminal matters of self interest. Then terms triggered like collusion and aid and abet. And unless Paul Klassen smarter than me, I honestly believe Federal Criminal Law trumps any silly union local constitution and insane bylaws. And with blatant procedural flaws from first time Frank Haddad documented he supported the insanity to final judgement, ignoring "natural justice" to very clear case law. True? False? Maybe Paul Klassen not the pathetic puppet, fake and fool he appears to be. Some find that funny? At puppet Paul's expense.

I actually love being in criminal courts since 1976 and civil since 1972. Some in IATSE have really seen me in criminal courts with logical discussion with the judge and lawyers reduce an IATSE member's sentence. Why I was asked to help? True? False? I had already been in the office of the chief justice in 1976?

Ten years later,  in 1986, I'd be running a Toronto Ad agency office with TV production companies, art directors, writers, production managers and media buyers oddly under "my supervision". And producing up to 3 different TV Ad productions a day with three different production companies, and all at the same time. And endless Print to Radio work. And this with my own creative part of 2 International Broadcast Awards. I had already written and "directed" TV ads in Montreal, plus I had also been a top business school Dean requested speaker at McGill and SFU. And been reporting to the former Attorney General of Canada on money, media and message? Yes, my full client list of Federal Government to Labatt, 7-Eleven, Trizec, Cadillac Fairview and with "billings" that most top law firms and accounting firms would easily envy. Plus working with models and still unknowns from Shannon Tweed to Pam Anderson. Yes, all this hard to imagine "without" the trusted protection of a union like IATSE 891. And with such honest highly educated and career accomplished people in their sick, sleazy and slimy criminal executive elite, like John Brummitt, Rob Maier, Don Ramsden to Tom AdairPaul Klassen and Mitch Davies to protect myself, young workers,  and women from theft, fraud and physical and financial threats. Hardly. 

They did teach me very clearly and as documented why "7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work." Yes, from my production depth and education to my legal connections, I was certainly a threat to expose the pathetic political ambitions of such criminal fakes, fools and frauds. True?

Highway 61

And we do know from Biblical studies and recent studies at Stanford in neurosciences that with belief systems, as with mindless solidarity even Abraham will kill his son? See WWII. Daily efforts in cognitive dissonance in 891 helps many get through their working day. As per CLC study possibly also 7 in 10? Was Justin's Dad right. Nationalism is a disease?


And before revealing media reports (See Links below), do also add with 470 "honest" members supporting clearly and wanting a Forensic Audit. Also documented.  And to make a point obvious, and also documented, very sick ugly lies to RCMP. Fact. Fact check? 

Will be easy to demonstrate the lack of education and lack of real senior executive experience criminals in Film unions can only fake. Like former top dog and big titled criminal support of Tom Adair, Paul Klassen, John Brummitt, Rob Maier and others in Film union criminal elite, as named below. And now with their high school level deceit mastery of double-speak and word spin as so very obvious to those more educated and trained in dealing with the best criminal liars and lunatics. Like RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges True? False?

Instead of the vulgar display at Horgan's office, with some feeling forestry not addressed, maybe with these criminal cases below, maybe some should leave a few dozen buckets of water? This to reflect all the tears of the women beaten and children cheated and all the honest workers lost wages to corruption and fraud by this cowardly criminal elite? Pregnant women have a higher risk of domestic violence?

Maybe we should get those who support honest workers, women, children and rule of law, to leave buckets of water to represent "The Thousands of Tears" of 7 of 10 placed respectfully, legally and neatly around Eby's MLA office. Not blocking foot traffic. This within 2-3 months of election if victims still ignored. Maybe a few hundred Liberal and Green supporters will help with water buckets to get this on the news to remind Eby of the 7 of 10?

In sophisticated advanced Federal political marketing circles the term "Daisy Bomb" defines this viral messaging. Oddly much like the "first two" strange international award wining and market share domination dynamics of Kokanee Beer's Sasquatch Ad. After the first two, I was running an Ad agency office in Toronto, so all after just best efforts at imitation. The Federal Election poll flip for Turner in Quadra, also with very similar strange "One-Time" advertising?

"Daisy Bombing" is what nuclear warfare is in advertising. Ask Goldwater. Or even Dix how polls can flip or mislead. We also did this prior in Montreal with fashion and real estate? Why McGill's business school Dean called me? Various market research companies and focus group studies also surprised at results? In fairness, I really can't take any honest credit. I was just some idiot doing what my great teachers taught me. They were the super brains, I simply echoed, quoted or did messenger work for. Okay, maybe 1 % me. I'm a good messenger. Like Alexander Haig? I was most certainly outclassed by key mentors Beatrice Bazar, Ron Basford, Sen. Eugene Forsey and Joseph D Carrier. Clearly. Others not so much. And certainly none in IATSE 891 criminal elite. None.

Bet within within 2-3 months of next BC election the "Buckets of Tears" for 7 of 10, put outside Eby's MLA office can create game changing chatter from Golden to Goldstream hurting NDP with these clear classic "motherhood" issues. 

Maybe leave a few buckets on the outside stairs of IATSE 891 offices in Burnaby so criminal elite's perverse denial of crimes and guilt more difficult. I'll see if BC Liberals and Greens will help if NDP playing games to protect criminals. Maybe some can just honk horns going by IATSE 891 offices at 1640 Boundary Rd, just north of 1st Ave?

Would it matter then? 

What if it was NDP Leader Horgan's or BC Lib Falcon's wife or daughter beat-up, bloody and bruised? Or their own children cheated of thousands of dollars? Or RCMP's children? Or more likely their relatives? Or if Justin Trudeau's mother or daughter, would it be okay if forgiven and settlement financed by union members money. As a note, Justin's mother and I both had Cookie Lazarus as legal representation in Montreal? And I was never billed?

What if Falcon's, Eby's or Horgan's business or union friends suffering coercion and intimidation, economic interference, restriction of trade and millions in fraud?

Would there be serious action then?

Note: Looks like even I could win 70% of the vote in IATSE 891 with this obvious CLC endorsement of my claims, plus add those with normal EQ levels. I'll coincide, I'll never get the criminal to uneducated dishonest slime vote. Obviously? True? False?

Now to the above, add to these again third party quality data sources of CLC, the university credibility of both U of T and Western University, the following. And no need to be critical where both not quite McGill University both good schools. 

Add: Not only are you one of their 70% of those reporting workplace threats and harassment but add your supervisor a known time and material thief (Over $5,000.00 yearly?). And pays you less than other Foreman and carpenters and tool people paid. Plus picks favourites for "loyalty" defined as criminal silence, subjection and servility and demands "Performance". The veneer blatant. Nepotism probability metrics well known always includes one major loser if not a whole family, and cronyism among criminals defines organized crime more than organized labour. And these "leaders of men" with little management experience, no management education, working in an industry where most real budgets far exceed task: Productivity metrics a joke. 

Worse "honest" and more "talented, educated, experienced and trained" workers suffer this toxic abusive BS. And with hundreds of forced smiles, that such respected management creates with the added witnessed muscle of "coercion and intimidation" the resulting necessary suspicion and distrust. This if not "in" the small affirmed inner circle of criminal elite and their satellite symbiotic oligopolies. Some at Western University already know and understand this. The Behavioural Economics people at University of Toronto can also add some initial understanding and further insight to these multi-variable conditional, non linear dynamics. Net: A workplace becomes a psycho soup bowl. This as Media, RCMP and BCLRB files to internal trial documents hold a mirror to the madness. 

However for focus the priority concern children cheated. Even the children of such poor role models of concern with secondary and tertiary victims. 

The Labour movement has a problem that also costs management and investors.

The cancer: the criminal self-entitled, self-interest element. And the incompetency they illustrate from governance to production and operations. True? False? 

And worse when documents and witnesses and even media have made this problem clear. And for over thirty years. 

This now far beyond silly low yield workshops that seldom do more than talk to themselves and exhaust their own energy. This beyond chemo therapy and testing possible miracle drugs and requires dramatic surgical removal by our legal system of criminal cancers including trusteeship until all criminal cancer removed. Or will NDP become just middle marketing machine holding heritage as simply branding. And unions no more than hiring halls with group rate dental, health and medical. Given the insurance industry where noble social and compassion roots most math similar to casinos. The Broadbent Institute might add to this or other scholars and legal people.

Action key. If not insanely blatant as so long over due.

Hey, and to be very clear I just don't cause trouble for dirty criminal film union executives and the criminal elite in IATSE 891, I've been a serious pain for a dirty banker, an engineer, dishonest accountants - also thinking themselves clever. Even one arrogant and ignorant lawyer who thought he could intimidate me and not having a clue I was working with the former Attorney General. And also a pain for others dishonest criminal efforts and certainly bullies and those who abuse women or animals, plus a few abusive employers. I even had to confront Brian Mulroney when just a nobody chain smoking labour lawyer at the Montreal Press Club trying to court press favour. Just like low level dirty NDP insiders do now. Almost got physical with Bob Carter at a very nice Vancouver restaurant and this when his guest for dinner. So the criminal elite and slime in IATSE 891 shouldn't feel special or picked on. Actually possibly honoured they are now my top target?

After Mulroney won and my work with Federal Liberals over, oddly I ended working for Mulroney people on the Cape Breton economic initiative from Granville Island, and on chartered sailboats from Cooper Yachts. Oddly with a person I offered one department head to replace me as an IATSE  891 buyer. And more funny I had already worked with Stanley Hartt ("The Brains behind Mulroney"). And I would later be on the board of directors with Bill Grant former PC candidate for New West and as one of my favourite top three mentors with Ron Basford and historic Labour Leader in Quebec and later major Toronto philanthropist Joseph D. Carrier? And more strange for some, had hoped to work for my hometown hero Jack Layton before fate cruel and NDP got stupid. Joseph D. Carrier would have financed my efforts with Layton.  And where I had never met Layton, we had so many people and places in common? This in part, why I was shocked Adrian Dix so stupid to trust Dusty Kelly not anything but a fake and liability to spend money and time on with silly trips to Hollywood. Much more on this to follow.

A $1,000 Bet no criminal with any brains dares take.

This should make a quick point and arm media with great questions.

Claim: Should be extremely clear for "anyone" to be accepted in IATSE 891 Executive and as President, they have to "criminally" support criminals with their legally defined clever criminal silence and ignore crime and corruption. Must! And major theft and aid and abet. Again as clearly defined by law, as such. 

Anyone stupid enough to dare debate in front of RCMP one-on-one that this claim not absolutely 100% true? Yes, 100% true. Or all just big BS talkers and very sick obvious lying ignorant uneducated fakes? As most of these criminals are. And as criminals lacking in both intellect and integrity. 

If not true, take the "easy" bet. Take the bet. Our winning bet will be donated to women's shelters. Criminals reading this put your money where your mouth is, or best shut up and not make your guilt and stupidity both even more obvious. Lies just don't work as well outside 891 offices, film sets and stupid internal trials, newsletter and general meetings, nor ones ability to enjoy illusions of their sick disgusting cowardly abusive ways. As documented and witnessed. 

We will simply debate whether (1) serious theft, (2) coercion and intimidation (3) millions in fraud, (4) children cheated, (5) abuse and harassment of women (70%?) and (5) involving those in executive and criminal elite: just all false claims made by us, or absolutely 100% true. Some may wish to protect their "honest" good family names and certainly if nepotism involved.

Media reading this should ask 891 executive top brains of Paul Klassen, with his huge misleading title, Mitch Davies repeat presidential offender, and the ever brilliant vice-president Margo (Spider) Mackenzie, for the name of the one selected and volunteering for this debate at RCMP offices and with us both under oath. Or even themselves as best of best? 

Give them 2 weeks to get their best brain and liar to debate with little me a mere labourer, against those with incredibly impressive huge 891 executive titles and sad little me taking on all the cream of 891 criminal executive elite, if not 100% true. Side bets welcome. 

Hope this makes the obvious more obvious only the most guilty and stupid will dare deny. Are we clear? Possibly top dog Paul Klassen best to continue to represent his well documented criminal support or possibly higher IQ heavy weights like John Brummitt and Tom Adair. Both possibly ideal. Both together simply perfect. Or any past or present 891 local president not also fearing jail time. Bets? Let's play. And in the big real world,

They tried to use the RCMP like props, pawns or puppets twice (X 2) with their lies. And that back fired big time. A third time legal suicide? True? False? How stupid are they? Best John Brummitt answer for all of the criminals for proof? True? False?

This will all come to a boil in time for the next provincial election for full impact and resolve. Some will get more than a scolding and some will certainly burn. Crime cannot pay. Victims can not be ignored. Children can not be cheated.
How easy for RCMP

I've made it so easy for RCMP to call key criminals like John Brummitt, or any of these clever criminals, or just cowardly slime, named in this blog. Any. 

RCMP then just tells them the link for this blog. Give them five days to read and review with Criminal Defence Lawyers. And then simply in a second call after five days ask criminals: if they are willing to do a "no-contest squeal for a deal" bit or then as a trap define what they wish to criminally obstruct and claim as false in this blog, and by default what they must concede as true documented fact. Seems only two classic choices. Get less time or do more crime and time.  

The criminals may need the consensus of solidarity among criminal elite as Project Management Institute suggests for effective planning? But all criminal executives know that. Hopefully and collectively and in collusion they show off how clever they all are. Kinda fun stuff. And we made it so easy and so fast for RCMP with this blog supported by witnesses and documents in almost all cases. True? False?

Why, why, why

Why don't they try and stop me and call RCMP again and show them this blog? Or try an aggressive lawyer's letter from a fancy firm (I always liked those?) and show them this blog? Or mediation and serious mitigation like real honest executives do and show them this blog? It can only get far worse for criminals as more revealed? Or just ask honest legal god Paul Klassen for his expert judgement and legal opinion. As documented. He can increase the fine as more evidence of putting criminals in "disrepute"?

Note: Please forgive the long sentence style of say John Steinbeck with efforts to keep Flesch–Kincaid grade levels down. This for certain criminals needing much shorter sentences and far simpler words. Sadly their whole lives. As such as respect for criminal elite and their abuse of weaker vulnerable people and money, we will use Latin and French whether warranted or not.

I have really been much nicer and more diplomatic than a Christopher Hitchens or Don Rickles dealing with BS and cheating children, and of medical plans and life insurance (as I made clear and documented a number of times with their clever criminal bastion build) and more direct than Steve Colbert dealing with Trump issues.

Hate me

Why do these criminal slime and like-minded low level mostly highly uneducated and one-trick-pony careers as criminals or supporting criminals, all despise/fear little wee me (as intended?). Legally, politically and personally? Without apology.

1) Standing up for women against criminal violence to sexual harassment?
2) Whistle-blowing on millions in criminal fraud and misappropriation of funds and children cheated?
3) Gross incompetence and governance observed, recorded and detailed?
5) Challenging illegal membership and qualification fraud?
6) My extremely accomplished female friends in Law, Medicine and Business. Art and Music. And far more than just good looks? And a key part of my motivation even before in IATSE 891. Most in BC even if most from Montreal.
7) My old roommate and long time buddy becoming a BC Criminal Court Judge, like family in Quebec?
8) My successful work with the former Attorney General of Canada and two Senators. And a law firm.
9) My international award winning creative as documented by trade and consumer media.
10) My friends and social circle including a NHL record holder, an Olympic Diver and a Music legend still on tour, and various scholars. Sitting in corporate boxes for hockey, football and tennis?
11) Film Investors, Producers and directors liking me too much? Paying me more on side?
12) Getting 470 votes for a full forensic audit. This number of note exceeding historical recorded voter numbers by criminal elite. Fact check.
13) My work with top decorated military.
14) People think I'm fun, funny and not boring.
15) That even "respected" senior members far more talented and skilled than these criminals liked me? And helped me investigate these criminals? Even inner circle?
16) That I had the "real honest" qualifications and credentials to be invited on the board of directors of two high profile "public companies". Took one offer.
17) That I had worked for the biggest and best Ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver and at a very senior level due to my academic credits? Or that top business school Deans (McGill, SFU) requested directly I speak on "media economics" based on my real reputation, success and accomplishment? Maybe even some of that knowledge is power stuff? Dr. Bull at McGill (Canada's Harvard) one of my great clients. Trivia: Dr Shannon, then head of Orthopaedic Surgery at McGill school of medicine one of my football knee doctors with Montreal CFL doctor: Dr. Percy? My knees once treated with respect? More worthy than cortisone shots a mere quarterback for New York Jets got. I jest. However, was promoted by high school coach for US scholarship potential. Lost interest when buddy was parallelised from a football injury at Bishops University and then only focused on tennis and skiing.
18) I couldn't be physically intimidated, as having had a boxing ring in my basement growing up and multiple martial arts to military combat training, and worked as a bouncer/doorman at biker bars. And yet well-spoken and classy enough to be "first impression" doorman, in a kilt and crisp white shirt, for the Banff Springs Hotel. Novel as after fired/suggested to resign, for strike activity for my leadership of workers rights two years prior. See RCMP files? Forcing me to then deal with the fun RCMP in Jasper defending railway workers? Then, oddly, rehired at the Banff Springs Hotel, making more than IATSE department heads? And as only a university student and a summer job, and yes, making more than impressive department heads. Easy to prove, Fact check? And as the assistant to the GM walking his dog and personal errands for him and his wife? And this working less than six hour days with pool, tennis and dinning room privilege (if wearing the kilt) and dry-cleaning. True? False? Fact check? The girls I brought from Montreal became his secretary and parking attendants. He found me funny. One of the Banff parking lot girls I drove from Montreal now has a Doctorate in "Labour Psychology", the other former Editorial Staff for Maclean's Magazine? Both have seen me deal with lawyers. Bets? Seems some type of women I get along with really well if having brains. True? False? Most of my girl friends far more accomplished than I. Some very successful or so Chatelaine Magazine feels as top 100 in Canada. Maybe I am funny? I'm also top 100 in a national trade publication. Her lawyer also helpful? This by key comparison to the highly less accomplished and less educated coercion and intimidation freaks in the IATSE 891 executive criminal elite. This to make a comparative point later and in criminal courts: Two other girlfriends, and both from Montreal, that I actually lived with, featured in Maclean's Magazine as successful, educated and "fashionable". And using both their names and faces. And that's also so easy to prove. This as even a former publisher of Western Living and Vancouver Magazine knows that. This as he had dinner with myself and both. Our dinner in Toronto he expensed. Our night out with another in Vancouver not.  One when I was running an advertising agency office in Toronto. The other was a "real" PR person from Burson-Marsteller. As an added silly note, the former publisher of Vancouver Magazine and I made a movie in college, we also went to the same university after and shared ownership of a small sail boat. Easy to check as Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew was also friends with this Publisher. So does Terrence Mckenna also know both these ladies, from skiing to university days, plus my wealthy Montreal and political friends. And he's an award winning investigative CBC journalist. So imagine how impressed I was to see the local 891 newsletter having produced annual reports to fashion catalogues. And understanding editorial issues to "real" printing costs and more key the millions in missed advertising revenue, as too many stupid people pretending they don't need help? Wish I was smart enough to be friends with John Brummitt, just like Rob Maier and Don Ramsden, and impress, promote and hire very deceptive paint roller girls with their documented self-serving ignorance and insane arrogance. Guess I just don't fit in as smart enough to be part of the criminal elite, like Paul Klassen and the highly educated and self-made man Tom Adair and the paint roller girls that they work with and must certainly impress. Also easy to prove. Yes, smart women like me. Oddly as easy to prove that very stupid women and far less accomplished women in 891, don't. And call RCMP with lies. And to be fair some very good with paint rollers. To be honest and fair. And I've seen their work and time sheets? True? False? Maybe as such documented life losers and liars, fakes and fools, and clearly criminal and corrupt in the criminal elite just don't like me as I have "real" honest national union, executive, business, finance, and media experience they will never have. And can only fake their superiority to junior paint rollers and other young workers they can fool and abuse.
19) My real honest "real" experience producing, writing, directing funny TV Ads (plus radio and print) seems millions liked. Just like many who laughed at my "Unofficial X-File Staff Newsletter". Maybe I am funny? Two TV Ads winning International Awards. As documented in national trade magazine as top 100 for the "decade" with my name, so also easy to prove with a variety of witnesses.
30) I'm tall and some criminals with obvious small man, small-minded and other small and behaviour issues, resented having to look up to me figuratively and literally? Hard for the cute chubby criminal little posturing Alpha males to handle? My girlfriends taller?
31) I couldn't be intimidated by the dishonesty of the big women in paint department either with their decades of real meaningful solid depth with paint rollers and wallpaper skills, and even power PR pictures with John Horgan and Adrian Dix. Others might find intimidating or impressive. Not I?
32) My family's three generation friends with a former Prime Minister's family?
33) My history of standing up for abused workers and women since 1970. See RCMP files.
34) My driving luxury cars paid for by film productions when not really needed and many later in the executive then paid far less for years not having my real business skills. Fact check.
35) My non PR and non political volunteer and charity work that literally dwarfs all in criminal executive very showy efforts. Combined. Bets? Not only reindeer delivering gifts to poor children on Christmas Eve? Fact check. Or peeling potatoes with top military brass also as volunteers for the homeless. My leadership in national employment programs for deaf, blind, handicapped and immigrants also easy to prove. As such I'm not fooled by criminal's staged and scripted PR Pix holding "game show supersized cheques".  As so documented or simply wearing a T-Shirt also for PR and Publicity and blatant gross political self-interest.
36) My helping more 891 members than John Brummitt, Rob Maier and super brain Tom Adair "COMBINED" with incorporation, taxes, investments, computer CAD and Spreadsheet training? Lawyer and Banking prep. True? False? Fact check. I must be the criminals favourite enemy as desired by my design? Juxtaposed?

Much more why they hate me below, as I can put some in jail. See below. And the smarter criminals know it. Plus humiliate them in front of family and friends and all who have worked or suffered with this "real world" slime. And how they fooled so many. Either by deception from fraudulent concealment to blatant direct claims and lies to RCMP. 

The above must give a small hint even to my lady critics in paint and clever criminals in construction, why I had no problem asking two Producers of the X-Files, as the most popular and profitable shows then in TV history, to consider me as Bob Goodwin's "Business Manager" when X-Files moved back to LA. This after sharing the same men's room for two years/seasons and as a familiar face - from shoulders up, and never before mentioning my credentials. He had only seen my leading edge computer and numbers stuff . And some appreciation from accounting and with laughter from costume department. Just jokes and history with Mr. Goodwin. His reply, "How fast can you get a Green Card". And not joking I said I'll call Houston?

And I was very honest my goal comedy and the X-files just my tricycle with horn and stepping stone to comedy? Really liked Chris and Bob as so many did, as so down to earth and brilliant. But my heroes were Canadians like Dan Aykroyd, Mike Myers, Jim Carey, Phil Hartman, Russell Peters (Saw him with one of my lady friends in Ottawa and a LinkedIn reference, well certainly for comedy if not Federal Government?), Leslie Nielson, Robb Wells, amazing Samatha Bee, Ottawa's Mathew Perry, Ryan Renolds, most certainly Michael J. Fox, Lady O'Hara, Montreal's Howie Mandel, and Ted Zigler (from Sonny and Cher and Smothers fame) and literally dozens more. When Brett Butt hosting comedy at Kits Beach I was dating one of the comedians. I hit on her with a knock knock joke. Some Canadians hockey nuts some Canadians Comedy nuts. This often dividing families and like almost everything adding to a rising level of divorce among single big screen families. And yes, I'll admit it, me so low to play the patriot card as a full "Strong and Free" Canadian to get comedy cred. Same pedigree and DNA. I play hardball.  And I tried stand-up for academic reasons in Toronto. 

And me possibly then growing the balls to then confront former Toronto legal mind and Comedy God the almighty Lorne Michaels. The only place in comedy having worked for the Attorney General might have minimal merit. And my TV Ad featured as "World's Best" on the Tonight Show he also produced? And we both worked at the CBC in Toronto.

As some from Montreal knew I wanted a small crack in the door to get into the offices of SNL not the X-Files. Even as a buyer or labourer (as per J.B.)? Or as Mr. Michaels' taller funny assistant, bodyguard and sidekick. I could stop women from bothering Lorne Michaels? Could have done the same for Chris Carter if not a major prior comedy failure. Net: I got sidetracked by oddly labour law and not entertainment tax law? My Dad was actually forced to study international Tax law with Justin's Dad when Mr. T teaching at U of M. before a Prime Minister. Fate? Our family name became more familiar with time. He may have even found my Dad funny in a tax law kind of way. My cousin was a Senior Partner in Price Waterhouse. And I felt CAs far over represented at family functions. And as some in IATSE know the Goal for Lorne Michaels to stick handle my movie concept: "Jesus of Australia". And using one still photo of Ayers Rock and the rest shot across Canada. Was very impressed with Trailer Park Boys "Legalize it" first hand and asked to play a pot head hippie and then tricked into being the husband of an upscale lawyer. My life's work with weed wasted.

The above, a lawyer told me to subtly document as it relates to damage levels and defamation (even by denial). How crazy is that? Wish I was clever like criminals in IATSE 891.

Possibly the criminals just not as smart and clever as they once thought of themselves and when bragging about: crimes and leaving no paper trail, protected by statute of limitations, non-disclosure agreements to force silence on crimes, solidarity of support among criminal elite. Now such exclusive solidarity a major curse. Not a blessing. 

They also bragged they knew how to "handle my type" from lies to RCMP as documented, to insane criminal supporting internal trials as documented, and as documented "all their combined and collective well connected conspiracy efforts", now resulting in this blog and their full criminal exposure. With some going to jail if not squealing for a no-contest plea deal and accepting proceeds of crime seized and with hefty fines to compensate children, and their families cheated. And for all honest workers lost wages. Good to have goals. Great to have documented proof and witnesses.

The above may explain in part why criminals threatened by me and easy to prove when we put these criminals and their "real honest" full credentials and resume under a microscope in criminal courts. Unless they squeal with a no-contest for a deal, and mitigate some privacy for their family with their personality disorders and how little they do for big pay. And when criminally supported. And with only meaningless screen credits and labour department head credentials that millions of people can claim all over the world. Hardly impressive by any honest comparison. 

Even if none of these creeps and clowns were serious criminals they still would be fired in real world as deceptive incompetent fakes and liars who steal from petty cash to gas cards. And from production companies and members. As witnessed. With documentation. True? False?

A "no-contest squeal for a deal" far less painful as criminals should all ask their individual expensive top defence lawyers. This as crimes vary and as well both risk and exposure. Possibly defence legal work for 24 different criminal defence lawyers? One size does not fit all. Who will pay? Criminals themselves individually or will they again use members money with no mandate and misappropriation of funds as a given to those far more legally educated than even Paul Klassen.

Let's be fair

Be honest! If Stephen Blackwater, as Indigenous, goes to jail for theft over $5,000.00, shouldn't those in this group or gang's criminal elite? Fair honest question? Some find this disgusting at UVic law school, and possibly even at Osgoode.  And some feel shames our justice system. You?

B.C.'s Director of Civil Forfeiture should easily get a court order to freeze a number of bank accounts as logic allows in such clear cases of "millions and millions" in fraud and false pretence on steroids. One of the Vancouver Ad agencies I worked for used seizure before judgement on similar arrogant and ignorant types. Even took cash out of cash registers. True? False? And this case has more merit, risk and proof than simply an invoice not paid and oddly mine and others money.  Blaming accountants and accounting systems expected from liars and criminals running scared, And here involving Millions more. True? False?

I get far more funny below with why a department head successfully sued and settled for over $10,000 dollars by a mere carpenter, when a department head foolishly daring to put his not so superior "judgement" in a letter for file. And so awkward for others involved from criminal elite. 
Which explains why so hard for me to get anything in writing with defamatory claims as Tom Adair and internal trial documents did provide, as further criminal defamation. Stupid outdoing themselves again. Bets? 

And more to follow below and funny referencing Tom Adair as quoted by BC business a few years ago pretending he was a somebody of influence. Well teenage girls at local community college might feel impressive not female lawyers. And pretending his title not a joke and clearly self-promoting with the gross pretence he's a major mover and shaker. And leader of thousands and "balancing" BC film business. An authority figure. Probably fooled his Mommy.  What a total fraud. But criminals had few choices so Tom got the big title. His education and carpentry skills possibly not that superior?

"Court of Appeal has held that relief from forfeiture in the interests of justice is an exceptional remedy only to be granted sparingly".  Add some thinking,"forfeiture should be available only when there is an identifiable victims who have suffered a direct loss" as the cases here make clear.  And cases established on a clear balance of probabilities. A balance of probabilities banks and insurance companies subscribe to with most senior business executives and investors. Oddly, not the less educated criminals and corrupt in this executive criminal elite. As documented and witnessed. True? False?

Yes, from Stanford's leading  research in neurosciences, McGill's psychology research in the biochemical basis of behaviour, and even Criminology taught at local SFU, supports the criminal and corrupt here, from low life lying thieves to violent abuses and financial fraud to coercion and intimidation, as the likely result, with such sleazy sneaky criminal and corrupt creeps and cowards, either suffering brain damage or early childhood trauma. Or both? True? False? We address these multiple psychiatric factors and given personality disorders much more below with their related criminal matters. 

Some ask what sad Daddy or Mommy issues made these criminal and corrupt grow up to pretend they were cowboys and alpha males or so superior and so clever. Well, among their trades and level of peers. More below.

Possibly RCMP sergeant and BC Liberal, Elenore Sturko, another "real" extremely accomplished lady, would find these named criminals with BC NDP insiders, and multiple crimes of abuse of literally thousands of "honest" people and foreign production investor's money and union member's funds in the millions, of very serious concern? And certainly should be alerted to violence against women and those who support and hide dirty disgusting cowardly secrets in IATSE 891. We'll ask. Maybe even chat about our Ottawa days and horses, and the amazing work of RCMP interrogation experts back East and dealing with those who also thought themselves such clever criminals as those in IATSE 891 exclusive executive criminal elite. Specifically some of those clearly named and pictured in this blog. And maybe help me guess exactly why IATSE president and Osgoode schooled national president blocks me and won't debate me or deny my claims as many now wonder. Something in writing and signed for public transparency, accountability and record simply would be polite. Any practising lawyers letter a nice touch after they read this blog so not dealing with obvious best guess and bluff. I'm hard to fool. 

And to be fair and transparent on an accountability level, we'll see what BC NDP Eby's office thinks, for comparison on words and action metrics by both legal types? 

So very many serious questions RCMP will have to ask top dogs like Paul Klassen, Executive Director B.C. Council of Film Unions and Tom Adair as former well informed Executive Director B.C. Council of Film Unions on their criminal knowledge of millions in fraud to internal trials. Heck, I'll even help when required with their selective poor memory and document issues. Just as I will help with other top brains like John Brummitt with their recall of legal BC LRB appeals "that failed" with respect to "Coercion and Intimidation"? And why 475 members voted for a "Forensic Audit". Exactly? When truth all told. And all lies and liars extremely obvious as per legal optics?


Funny to think back how much better for old and new criminals if they had agreed to a forensic audit when 470 members clearly supported it. And only dug their personal hole much deeper. This while adding new fresh names and idiots to criminal list and new crimes plus identifying those who clearly aid and abet. Hard to play innocent when you've lived or worked beside a major thief, rapist or mass murderer for thirty years and play stupid. Same with white collar crime by blue collar criminals. Proximity already defined by schematics and payroll records for "networks" beyond denial. Dealing with so many numbers from so many departments I know how the numbers move and work. True? False? Who else can match me for shows worked, the wide variety of department numbers crunched and from initial building permit and keys to final payroll and PO. Now add my audit work before IATSE?

I literally have had some of the most demanding, intelligent, successful and sophisticated clients in Canada. True? False? So cruel with their high standards to satisfy. Poor me.

Satisfying one supervisor like the Attorney General of Canada easier than a room of Liberal senior lawyers. But miracles happen. Major merchant associations and an AGM for an International Engineering firm with Oxford Scholars or senior bankers and major family business a bit of a tough sell. A CRTC appeal tribunal tricky. Judges easier than juries. A COB of a public company insanely easier than a national franchise. A highly educated, somewhat respected and "honest" IATSE 891 paint department coordinator and oddly former union local president far easier than a room of union carpenters or a union meeting with screaming ignorant vulgar idiots. A smart very senior foreman (knew 3?) better than a stupid or very dishonest coordinator and "friends". A transport captain easier to work with than many truckers.  A crowd of MBAs as packaged goods, communications, marketing or media experts experts you're just begging for trouble. And must be insane. Or not? CAs, CGAs, CPAs, to be polite Dante's mythical  Inferno a cooler place to be. A few good honest accountants stick out. Many honest but more arrogant than a first year law student. The CRA easier to deal with than bookeepers in groups greater than two. Top Business school Deans easier than business school students. RCMP more fun and easier than parking people. The parking people in Montreal put me in cell, took my belt and shoes, so I wouldn't hang myself getting impatient for cash to arrive for $300.00 in unpaid parking tickets. And in nicer neighbourhoods. And I'm white. In fairness, I may have been too funny for them and they just wanted to play safe. And yet in a world that demands so much I still have my great sense of humour. True? False?

In hopes as many RCMP and CRA read this, we tried to make it both entertaining, informative and actionable. And for all "honest: non-criminal readers. And hope all victims reading also get a small laugh or smile and can read better things now happening. More who know the faster things go. And speed and complexity always screws these ignorant criminals into very stupid knee-jerk actions, As documented and witnessed. Repeatedly. 

More proof titles mean nothing in 891 and any other "criminal" union local executives from Plumbing to Painters to Machinists and Mines too many suffer.

Both IATSE 891 king of kings, Tom Adair and Paul Klassen in their clear documented deceptive arrogance, ignorance and judgement helping criminals not suffer disrepute to dismissing, and acting like Gods, a very clearly demanded "forensic audit" by 470 HONEST AND INTELLIGENT AND INFORMED members, will become very profound. Very profound. And with deeper RCMP investigations and interrogation. Bets? True? False? Judge and be judged only seems fair? And in an open and public even playing field of criminal courts and national media. Often called oversight. Certainly clear and obvious neither of these clowns acted alone and required executive blessings and criminal support as documented nicely. Which clearly proves criminal collusion and aid and abet a given. Ya' think? True? False? Both idiots broke one of the criminal rules "don't put anything in writing, don't leave a paper trail", which we'll also prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Oddly missing paper trails makes so much so obvious. Lost? Stolen? Moved? Burned? 

In war when any officer decides to sacrifice hundreds of men, mission and country simply for personal political viability and to protect a very few selected cowardly supporters, they often die from friendly fire. As they should. True? False? 

A review of direct criminally obstructive deceit and lies told to RCMP by those idiots also in the criminal elite, playing very sick and dangerous games of criminal defamation plus wrongful prosecution to clearly protect criminals from "disrepute" for violence and theft to millions in fraud, as well documented, and witnessed, will also be reviewed in more detail below. Fact check? True? False?

Blog purpose and points: 

This as to help all 70% of union workers with clear case law on file, as per "7 in 10 workers reporting having experienced a form of harassment and violence at work", and sickeningly suffering corrupt BC union locals and BC criminal union local executives and influence. Clear enough? As such, all three main BC provincial political parties must "fully" support:

1) Immediate RCMP Investigations and Interrogations in criminal matters below and the very long history of "documented coercion and intimidation" and fraud, by clear cowardly criminals and their abuse of position and trust funds. This involving criminals and crime in a major BC Film union. This while criminals enriched as children to foreign investors cheated. As documented below.

2) A Full "Forensic" BC Provincial Inquiry. This into millions in tax credit fraud and children cheated by criminals identified and named below. The fiduciary breach of procedural fairness almost unlimited here with the criminal elite favoured as "more equal" members. Costing many hundreds thousands of dollars in wages. But not me as they feared my legal network? Are not those who watch a rape and say nothing as disgusting as those who do? Or any crime against the weak and vulnerable abusing a position of trust directly or by indifference? Financial or physical? The abuse for ego even far worse?

3) Expedite 
a special committee to review legislated Labour Code reform. This to address such matters below for all BC. Some legal scholars do find Labour Code antiquated, short sighted and myopic. Proof below.

A quick review of Labour Board and Code to WCB and WorksafeBC and even tort stuff and employment standards, not "really" adequate beyond policy PR for protecting the very real single honest struggling mother from criminals to corrupt. Nor all honest workers. True? False? 

ALL legal sectors as such need to be further empowered. Hopefully some creative legal scholar will see how to even use Small Claims to share the burden and blessing on "Workplace Protection" — where most spend most of their lives. Others can check with lawyers what a complicated and expensive mess for a young working single mother. Or all honest workers. 

For the less politically astute 
"Workplace Protection" based on CLC's 7 0f 10 will be magic in next BC election and nationally if intelligently executed by real marketing and communication experts (mostly in Toronto). And works as well for BC Liberals as it would for Eby and NDP if "credible" and made "bullet proof"?

Maybe even Sonia and Greens can play this Ace to add more meat to Green Branding before exploiting new economic thinking? 

Focus groups will support "Workplace Protection" as a hot button for voters. Well, 7 of 10 possibly a goal? I'll even bet a thousand dollars focus groups all over BC will respond favourably. 

Simply test in Vancouver and Victoria. Kelowna, Creston and Campbell river and with both union and non-union workers. Just like Federal Liberals, Labatt, ESSO and 7-Eleven do. Sadly I've had to sit behind the mirror in focus group far too often. Only fun when they test your concepts, the other time insanely boring like supervising and watching TV Ad productions or editing?  Platform sometimes more powerful than a whole political party and millions in advertising. Bets. Heck, I even got 475 votes testing a single focused platform of "Forensic Audit" no matter how hard the criminal elite tried to suppress me and coerce and intimidate and defame. So seems a tested and proven strategy even more projectable than focus groups. True? False? Who was the genius in the criminal elite who made the threatening phone calls. Will soon be obvious to some?

We will review how "Coercion and Intimidation" — or nicely needless less criminal "sounding" phrased "Bullying and Harassment", possibly better handled like simple traffic laws. This with very hefty thousand dollar fines/Community Service and licence or right to work and/or to be in a union suspended. Like the Bar does with lawyers? Same with doctors? How fair? How just? Just like with drunk drivers and now for those in a position of executive trust no better? Traffic courts as a model for new "Workplace Courts", with both being able to add jail time and big deterring fines? Even for those slime who aid and abet. Allow appeals for the guilty?

Clearly this blog attempts to outline and define:
  • The main crimes and most criminals involved.
  • Those who aid and abet in the cheating of children directly and indirectly and the millions in fraud.
  • The victims and evidence for "all" legal realities as outlined.
And to add as much insult and full exposure of criminals, fakes, fools and frauds, and their sick cowardly abuse of those weaker or coerced and intimidated by their tiny temporary trade local power trip and gross illusions as above the rule of law. And so very clever. This "motive and oppourtunity" to enjoy proceeds of crime as so often laundered as political oppourtunity, "pick" or appointment, bigger pay, many perks, "more equal" member status, and witnessed reciprocal criminal support and secret silence. True? False?

NDP should agree

Dirty criminal BC unions need the exact same changes that BC government needed done. Just like the exact changes put in to stop sleazy corruption and crime by BC NDP in legislature, and based on issues and Chief Justice Heather Holmes, of the B.C. Supreme Court, judgement on abuses and breach of trust by Craig James. BC unions need the same. "Since 2018, the Legislative Assembly has adopted dozens of policy and other administrative reforms including developing new policies regarding employee travel, hospitality, internal audit, liquor control and inventory, progressive discipline, retirement allowance and respectful workplaces." And some BC unions executive criminal elite and dynasties and oligopolies guilty of far more. And with more than millions in fraud and theft and with families and children cheated. "The province has enhanced oversight and management of permanent officers of the Legislative Assembly and created a new, independent internal audit program for the Legislative Assembly including an assessment of internal controls, systems and program efficacy". IATSE 891 has far more criminal issues. True? False? Easy to prove. The legislature now posts executive staff compensation and travel expenses four times per year. Certainly at least a dozen in IATSE criminal elite deserve jail time for the children and families cheated. Even those who aid and abet by their cowardly silence in complete breach of mandate and trust. True? False? Only a certifiable idiot thinks banks and Wall street to unions can police themselves — and sadly as also proven even churches. These criminals had no oversight and any under-sight by crippled cowards a joke. A very sad criminal joke. True? False?

Fun stuff

The real fun part will be when those in the criminal elite realize what serious criminal slime and major uneducated nut cases are in their gang or group of criminal elite. Those sick criminal ones that they are now forced to demonstrate "full" solidarity with as to not, at least initially, appear criminal and in collusion. And roll the dice as they must. Fun for those too honest and not in the criminal elite to see how clever the slime are now and not, as fearing jail and incredible major personal costs? 

Who doesn't agree all union locals, like churches and banks should be "honest", "transparent", "accountable"? True? False? And far more actionable in criminal and civil law. Two tier legal systems hardly reflect fair or progressive development? Reform needed as even Moses had better rules than ambiguous and vague subjective varied applications of "fair rep" and "good faith" creeds, chants, rants and slogans. And better penalties. We can discuss the full legal merits including John Stuart Mill's utility and justice themes later. And qualified. The criminal ethos of this manifest for 30 years will be more than evident. As documented and witnessed. And that more than shadows hide in the dark.

4) Formal Affidavit Draft Notes. At least 80% of crimes and criminals named below and hard evidence serves easily for any "cut & paste" formal sworn affidavit for criminal and civil courts. A far more formal affidavit now being prepared.

What exactly a criminal court judge "needs" to hear and see in these criminal matters is outlined below. Also helps crown prosecution to best address those few who will squeal for a deal. And certainly, also a very handy shopping list for RCMP to quickly establish criminal obstruction with the clever ones as guilty parties. And those who aid and abet by facilitation, fabrication and/or fraudulent concealment. 

For the families and children as victims, as will others, I must now tell RCMP under oath, "EVERYTHING" I saw and heard. Even if just ugly rumour and hearsay many claim as truth? Fun? Criminals now to reap what they sow, as so very-very clever? 

This blog done to be helpful to all "honest" members, investors, producers and stakeholders, and their lawyers, to RCMP and NDP. And to expose criminals from women beaters, child cheaters and well known thieves and millions in fraud by criminal elite. And the cowardly slime that support and criminally aid and abet and obstruct. Has anyone else done better? Sad and so revealing if not? Truth like the rule of law must be forced or felons have a field day as these samples make so very clear.

The moral certainty that the highest test in law of: beyond a "reasonable" doubt demands in key issues, in many cases here, easily met. From internal trial documents to lies to RCMP and Provincial Inquiries and further documented BC LRB rulings on "coercion and intimidation" (and humiliating failed appeals), the dots overlap, so not even needing the dots and dolts to be joined. So denial or defence literally insane?  True? False? Proving who John Brummitt served and knew for decades like Rob Maier and Don Ramsden and "their people" who aid and abet, that they will also quickly soon bring down, easy to prove? Bets? 

The cowardly criminal slime couldn't ever and can never dare to honestly and fairly challenge my claims in real courts, or under oath with RCMP, or even in writing using their real names (and for friends of Adrian Dix, like Dusty Kelly, using real dates?). This as such cowardly criminal slime. So they block me from the little social media they can control (and only from members they can still deceive and fool), but not the police and MLA's sites where I post this link more and more to make a point and with selected media and journalists all across Canada. 

And so they try and still "pretend" no serious crimes for the criminal elite to critically help hide. And as so obvious now such cowards, when oddly once so very bold and brave. Well, when once feeling so very superior and so very clever and now appear just very ignorant and as very-very sad stupid criminals so easy to humiliate and expose. And with some seriously facing serious jail time. True? False? Also easy to prove. Normally non-criminals with any brains challenge me and in real court rooms and boardrooms? Are they all such clear fakes when fearing "real world" can now easily expose them for life-long ridicule and incarceration, and what and who they really are? Lies are not enough. And all they ever had? True? False?

So much good

So many great honest unions and talented union people all over  Canada that I've worked with. And in NDP. Including Hospital, Teachers and Transport unions. Not simply in film and TV all over Canada. However, the sick, criminal and corrupt in BC unions and in BC NDP must be fully exposed, criminally prosecuted and expelled. And all laundered proceeds of crime seized to compensate families and children cheated.  Including millions in fraud. NDP and BC unions do deserve better. Much better. True? False?

Fact: Compliance out of fear (financial or physical) with criminal's abuse, is a survival instinct, not true respect. Thus the currency of sleazy sick uneducated cowards and small minded men with big titles, of little merit, and in no more than basic film trades, is clearly (even BC LRB documented) no less than: "coercion and intimidation". 

Lucky for me I've had super clients, employers and supervisors from the towering intellect of Ron Basford, as the Attorney General of Canada and noted scholars from Oxford and McGill as clients, to the most highly decorated military, major millionaires, movie producers and investors, so I know first hand by obvious comparison what sad pathetic criminal posturing frauds some really are. And exactly what is class, integrity, intellect, education and real experience. And "honest and real measured accomplishment". Arrogant fakes fool few and only fools. True? False? And we'll prove it. Wait. 

Some should be thrown out as NDP candidates and BC NDP inner circle support. They are a cancer to the honest working person. And all BC. And have aid and abetted criminals in cheating children for their petty self-interest and deceptive political and personal advancement. True? False? See more below.

Imagine as you read below the fear levels these ignorant dishonest criminals have if I can get 470 far more intelligent and honest members to support me (as then an unknown) with just a few paragraphs demanding a forensic audit, and if ever honestly and fairly "allowed" to fully and formally and "honestly" address full membership? Just as criminal slime can with their endless self-serving and self-glorifying BS PR and propaganda. Exactly as documented. For thirty years. And address all these ugly criminal matters below. They certainly will have to now accept RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal courts objective informed perceptions. Then membership will know everything and can judge for themselves? Best the criminal elite and support now have their best liars and top cliche' lies on high alert? This case law should also help reduce other criminal driven union locals in BC.  This is the elephant in the room both NDP and BC CLC afraid to address. Possibly Falcon and BC Liberals will get critical union swing votes by just simply acknowledging this serious problem with criminal and corrupt union executives. Those criminals playing both management and members, and laws of Canada and BC, plus labour code. This as to clearly enjoy proceeds of crime. As documented and/or witnessed.

Sleazy low life criminals as lying cowards and crooks must be exposed and prosecuted by both Crown Prosecution and CRA. For the children cheated. The women abused and harassed. The thousands mislead, deceived and lied to. The resulting millions in fraud.

Motivation? I hate cowardly bullies. Most do. Those who beat up women and cheat other's children. Those who abuse power and position for their damaged ego and poor self image as mostly fakes and frauds. Often those also with little intellect or integrity, education or experience beyond blue collar, trades and one union local. This the motivation for this blog and slime's criminal exposure and full prosecution.

I'm also sick of hearing from too many of my female friends about being victims of violence, rape, attempts with date rape drugs to sexual harassment. This by criminal clowns and cowards who would never dare playing Alpha knowing these girls knowing me and my past encounters with such sad sick men. I didn't like how one attractive girlfriend had to carry a gun in her purse for her protection. And I guess mine? As some in BC know from Montreal days I was taught by the military at the armoury in Montreal and at Camp Farnham?

Three males I knew, now dead, who were screwed by these criminals, creeps and bullies, also as inspiring as the women who suffered violence and harassment by such small men and big sick sad women and their "collective" illusions of superiority. Alone little corrupt creeps and cowards. With gang support and solidarity so empowered. Now they will be "all alone" in criminal courts and when questioned by interrogation experts. Much more on the damage done to others to follow.

As a note, I've also been sensitive to women's equal rights since classroom discussions in 1976 with Sen. Eugene Forsey in Ottawa about supreme court Hon. Bora Laskin's landmark Murdoch decision as per "nothing is sacrosanct". As such, I may appreciate the ignorant cowardly sleaze in IATSE 891 of Paul Klassen and the absurd internal trial gang and this highly uneducated slime first hand? Working with and reporting directly to  Ron Basford in 1985 as the former Attorney General also enlightening for critical comparison. Studies with Keith Spicer also a plus? Time to expose this ignorant aid and abetting criminal slime. True? False? Fact check? My studies of formal logic with Jesuit scholars at Loyola in Montreal, also handy to make fools of this human lying garbage given to word spin BS and excessive use of deceptive rhetorical fallacies that they live by, and handy for the next needed and long over due Provincial Inquiry. And there fully focusing on "millions and millions" of  tax credit fraud, theft (over $5,000.00) and the cancer of coercion and intimidation. And the small minded, small men supporting or behind such sick nonsense? Specifically, Paul Klassen, Tom Adair, Rob Maier, Don Ramsden and sidekick John Brummitt all thinking they are above the law and so very clever. Some must go to jail and proceeds of crime seized. Present executive with Mitch Davies as now local president obvious for criminals they support with their cowardly creepy silence in such matters. And in breach of mandate they are paid so well to respect? True? False?

Kind of funny for slime trying to explain why trials for whistle-blowers and even police called, and with clear lies to protect criminals, but oddly not the criminals they work with, or support, or fear, as ever on trial? How obvious is that to Crown Prosecution and a Criminal Court judge? Having a friend and roommate Russ Mackay since 1973 as a BC Criminal Court judge, plus my own time in courtrooms, I find them very perceptive as with the former Attorney General of Canada? Also found friends from high school as Oxford trained acting law faculty chairs at UBC a tiny bit smarter than this lying criminal scum. True? False? Fact Check?

Father's of daughters should also fully support us unless also very serious and sick personality disorders. We will test some. Also sick of low level creeps and bullies with huge egos cheating and treating honest young workers like they own them. Or act like they are major shareholders in a union and coercion and intimidation acceptable, but not the rule of law. 

Yes, many very sad and sick and need to be exposed, prosecuted and treated. One super nut case even claimed to be religious while limiting his wife's reading material and allowing family to steal? True? False? Ask around. The truth is out there. As many know too well.

Simple, simple, simple

It really comes down to simply this:

A) Do all BC taxpayers and stakeholders, to even members and permits, all deserve the "full real honest truth" on how tax credit fraud and theft enriched sleazy criminals, gross incompetents, fakes and frauds and cheated hundreds of families and children? And all taxpayers?


B) Best criminals, with noted checklist personality disorders in criminal elite, including violence, coercion and intimidation, theft to abuse of funds and gambling issues, still best be protected by very  illegal non-disclosure agreements? Too often  as expensive and as needless "gag" and NDA settlements, with cowardly executives aid and abetting for self-interest and proceeds of crime, and with their historic endless expensive legal to protect criminals from criminal charges and convictions, police investigations and "disrepute". As very well documented and witnessed

I've been in many other unions, and know more legal experts than most, and such excesses with NDAs not normal. Not at all. Only useful for the criminal and corrupt's protection; claimed as "private financial matters" that fools accept to feel exclusivity and criminal elite affirmation as cool and inner circle. And in the know? Blood oath BS ritual in its finest tactical execution. True? False?

Crazy and criminal

Why so very many absurd and often illegal Non-Disclosure Agreements with this group of criminal elite? This is really very-very strange. So much to hide? And helps avoid caught on lies? Point: When I was on the board of directors of a public company dealing in advanced tech and media, I never had to sign even one Non-Disclosure Agreement? When I was working with Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada I never had to sign even one Non-Disclosure Agreement? Even when a senior executive in the biggest and best Ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver with all sorts of varied security issues? Even when working on US Pentagon military presentations with Dr. Bull at McGill, even then I never had to sign even one Non-Disclosure Agreement? Nor with Marconi Military Communications or when working with IBM(US). These people have many very dirty secrets to hide. True? False? Criminal and crazy? Or a profound lack of experience and related education. Makes idiots feel important, and inner circle affirmed and puts those desperate for higher pay and position in good books for reciprocal and symbiotic criminal's favours and political support. So easy to compromise these unethical uneducated slime. As proven. True? False?

What's best? Maybe best to have Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges decide? Should the rule of law be respected at all? Even if NDP insiders involved? Do children matter?

Will all two dozen criminals, as identified, be practised and in perfect solidarity with their lies and opinions, and all in flawless sync when RCMP start asking so very many questions? And not make any of the criminal cover-ups and criminal obstruction far too obvious. Are third party documentation by BCLRB and respected law firms hard to deny even for their best liars? Contradictory sworn testimony also not helpful to criminal elite. True? False?

Opportunity evidence is a form of circumstantial evidence. Evidence that tends to show the presence of an accused at or near the location of the offence near in time to its commission is "relevant, material and prima facie admissible"? The Supreme Court of Canada indicated that when it comes to circumstantial evidence, any inferences based on circumstantial evidence must be "reasonable, and not speculative". How easy is that? 
Those who have "really" studied formal logic and rhetorical fallacy word spin, rules of statutory interpretation and linguistics, just possibly better to appreciate terms like "reasonable" and "reason" than those who can barely fake it as fools in criminal elite? True? False? 

Why was John Brummitt paid less than below average carpenters and painters, but paid so much more when part of criminal elite with so little documented support as most feel elections fixed without third party control by a respected accounting firm or meaningless. And more to note, John Brummitt having no related education, executive experience, computer and database savvy or critical  integrity as such positions require. And so very many more in membership far more honest and intelligent? Educated and experienced. True? False? 

Election interest changing levels, campaign material and documented numbers so very revealing? My senior high paid work in Federal Elections and with CBC when in university and paid to work on Quebec polls may have taught me something. Ya' think?
BC Taxpayers

All BC taxpayers deserve the real and "full" honest truth how tax credit enriching sleazy cowardly criminals and the millions in fraud and damages. And as a real measured cost from innocent honest young workers to major foreign investors. Even if criminals and their mindless dog-loyal aid and abet support put in "disrepute", as intentionally done here. True? False?

Sad now for criminals if they "all" can't fool more educated and trained RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges. Kind of fun how hearsay key to expediting investigations and charges where not formally admissible in court? 

Same with those who aid and abet (tacit affirmed or directly) for political position, increased pay and perks; known also as "proceeds of crime" for those who "really" studied microeconomics, political science, formal logic and can map money movement crimes by simpler minds.

"Honest" hearsay far stronger than obvious lies by proven and documented liars in investigation efforts to connect the dots for RCMP, Crown Prosecution and CRA. Unlike those who must lie, mislead, deceive, deny, dismiss, diminish, divert, obstruct and perjure as critical and pivotal to their defence. And their sad little lives. More below.

The novel rationale for multiple strategies and tactics used here, as involving millions in fraud, theft, coercion and intimidation, violence against women, restriction of trade, economic interference, criminal conspiracy or collusion, also explained more below.

Wish I could make things much simpler, but I am trying to expedite and take out a whole gang of criminals or group, and with almost a dozen serious crimes involved. Motivated by the absurdity and perversity of internal trials and governance to protect criminals trying to look clever and enjoy their criminal windfall. Sad?

Review and preliminary summary points:

  • Do we have serious crimes exposed here? Yes.
  • Do we have criminals and collusion? Yes.
  • Do we have hundreds of vulnerable victims? Yes. All BC?
  • Do we have witnesses and supporting documents? Yes.
  • Do we have those who criminally aid and abet? Yes.
  • Do we have cases of theft over $5,000.00? Yes.
  • Do we have amounts of fraud in the millions? Yes.
  • Do we have lies to RCMP to protect criminals? Yes.
  • Do we have cases of "coercion and intimidation" from membership threats to internal trials and with failed BCLRB appeals? Yes.
  • Do we have cases of bad faith and lies and fraudulent concealment with BCLRB and Provincial Inquiries? Yes.
  • Do we have  470 members who supported a full forensic audit? Yes.

If "all" the above 100% honest documented and witnessed fact (and as possible directional rough notes on closing statements in criminal courts), what moron can't see the obvious other than criminals drunk on cognitive dissonance and other life, ego and self perception illusions.

Page-views all-time history: 124,412. Fact check?

Certainly we can calculate from many other media studies, both traditional and digital, and with even just 2% of these 124,000 page-views as already now as "viewed and initially informed", that so many now able, and by name and face, to discuss these criminals and criminal matters. And at Bars and BBQs to Boardrooms. Not just studio offices and film sets? 

Interesting how many "honest informed people" want criminal investigations and trusteeship, where criminals and corrupt obviously don't. And fear it. As they must. True? False? An easy test for the record? We should ask ALL members by name if they support an "honest reputable 3rd party full forensic audit" for clear system and quality control and management improvement and enlightenment? Not silly biased guesses? And if not, as by member name, as not supporting an audit: Why not? Makes things so very honest, accountable, transparent, trusted and too obvious? True? False? 

Of course for real fun times we will ask all the criminal elite executives and friends of the show, and for the formal record, if they support a deep forensic audit and if not, simply why not. 

If they say "yes" they are screwed as no one stopping a Deep  Audit? And even Tom Adair unlikely to document what uneducated self and criminal-serving slime he is again to best protect him and Dusty from transparency and accountability. If they say "no" they better have an incredibly good reason void of low level IQ emotional appeals as their mental workhorse for their world focused on suspending disbelief.

Friends of the show

The criminal executive elite, and aid and abetting friends of the show, for 30 years, just like Trump’s scheme Jan 6, now in legal address, was a well documented attempt to ignore the rule of law and destroying any attempt at honest democracy in 891 and "repeatedly" suppress free speech. This not only clearly anti-union, anti-labour in scope, but literally anti-Canadian. Well, unless highly uneducated top dog posturing Tom Adair to low dog John Brummitt can fool those far more educated and far more honest. Like RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges, Forensic Accountants and RCMP white collar crime specialist. Even if dealing with the best of best blue collar liars in the executive criminal coward crowd in IATSE 891. True? False?


Anyone who blindly believes the following list of criminal claims that we've so very clearly made without serious scepticism and very critical thinking and consideration, simply an idiot. 

As with any who  blindly believes "any of the criminal's denials" without similar scepticism and critical thinking and required consideration, also very clearly an idiot. 

However, and far beyond debate, any who dare deny 3rd party documented "irrefutable" hard evidence and hard logic most certainly a very major and obvious idiot. Or delusional. And thus that mostly just another psychiatric matter defined below. With others. 

The exacting standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt easily met with hard documentation and conflicting "sworn" testimony against proven liars, fakes and frauds. Crumbles a few key cornerstones to the criminal's cover-up obstruction efforts. How we trap fools and felons fast. This all should be very clear and obvious to all "honest" objective 3rd parties. True? False?

These sleazy, sneaky, criminal cowards, bullied and cheated weak young workers and literally cheated all honest BC taxpayers, employers and major investors. Bets? And this includes theft over $5,000.00, misappropriation of funds to literally millions and millions in fraud. Bets? 

Yes, easy to prove: 

1 sleazy
2 sneaky
3 criminal
4 cowards
5 bullies
6 cheats 
7 liars

Their aid and abet criminal support not much better. They normalized crime and corruption among the mindless and less educated. See documentation. We see crime and corruption normalized when young workers see criminal supervisors and union executives steal and ignore union bylaws, union constitution, Labour Code, Criminal Law and guilty of a variety of torts and fraud. True? False? Much more on this to follow.

The woman recently busted for theft in North Van "looked" honest, and even very smart doctors sadly trusted her "handling their money". These criminals here from the film and TV "acting" industry will also be image sensitive and dressed to fool with scripted lines and emotional theatrics. Well, this in person interrogation "acting" needed,  if not willing to do a "volunteer non-admissible polygraph" to help RCMP not waste time with "needless" obstructive banter and deceptions and expedite investigations. Don't let looks and words fool you like doctors?

Why wouldn't they want to help RCMP and all do a "volunteer non-admissible polygraph"? I will. Builds trust? Will anyone of the two dozen dare? Or safe to have special random-ish "picks"? Those with a thirty year history with the criminal elite inner circle like John Brummitt and Susan Butler Grey ideal. Or even Tom Adair

Certainly there must be (1) one of them who is at least honest enough for a volunteer polygraph? And as "non-admissible"? Handy. Convenient. Fast. And without the physical risk of even a vaccination. And like a vaccination, a volunteer non-admissible polygraph will help all criminals prove innocence and "best" protect them all? And this will most certainly help RCMP not waste valuable life-saving time with the oratory and theatrical skills of John Brummitt, Tom Adair or Don Ramsden. True? False? 

Trivia and trite: My passionate support of polygraph technology began in 1974 with Police Technology taught at John Abbott College in Montreal. And as a nice walk from my home. My friends were studying Police Tech as a fast-track to Law School at McGill. Later in my graduate studies at Loyola I would be using the same GSR tech with EEG and Lafayette eye-tracking and taught how KGB use for various insights. I would be a pioneer in advertising with work using this tech? Simply I love it. So do KGB, CIA, FBI and MOSSAD (why voice polygraphs from Israel kinda cool? And many all over BC so no purchase required?). Will seem the only ones who won't love it is IATSE 891's very criminal elite. Interesting? Allows one to honour non-disclosure agreements while making all of them almost pointless. And I know exactly why this criminal human dirt must fear, as we figuratively strip their minds naked with only truth "likely" naked and exposed. Their greatest nightmare. At this time during university I was also working at local hospital in psychiatry which would later be key to my high paid work with Dr. Gandell. And basis for my online studies at Stanford in neurosciences and my novel focus. So the insane in IATSE 891 criminal elite not only not new to me but provided some nostalgia of my job at the hospital in psychiatry and my work with hospital unions. My cousin one of the top "forensic psychiatrist in North America (now living in Victoria) also handy and fun. Yes, and for some it is obvious it was not my good looks, wit and charm why I reported directly to the former Attorney General, Ron Basford.

And for Morons of course some debate on use and reliability of GSR. Been debating it for over 30 years. An important tool for fighting crime and here used for children cheated and women beaten. And millions in fraud and theft over $5,000.00. when at least I volunteer? Quickly allows RCMP to see if I'm lying. Possibly inspiring police and providing a sniper focus on a few we may discuss when I'm wired and providing definitive clear questions to ask me? Fun stuff. And fast. Well, for honest people and no crimes to hide. Possibly the super sharp minds of those like John Brummitt and Don Ramsden to Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen as all far smarter than me (or as their titles may suggest or mislead) and so very clever, added with their distinguishing and so impressive paint ladies with decades of repetitive paint roller depth and understanding, and also smarter and more clever than a mere labourer like myself. And this as qualified by the honourable and trustworthy Don Ramsden and John Brummitt, so I'm really not much of a threat? Bets? As a failed comedy writer curious how many times I can make RCMP break a smile or totally lose it. The RCMP in Jasper certainly were easy to crackup? Even if I only had minimal success protecting CN railway workers. And certainly the top brass in Edmonton for CN found me funny at their Friday lunches? I may be the only IATSE person to have made a Prime Minister and Attorney General laugh at the expense of clever people including lawyers and journalists to making the adorable and sweet Pam Anderson when just a nobody Budweiser swimsuit model giggle, and Bryan Adams when just a very cool major nobody and only a local music star dating one of our junior copywriters laugh. when I teased him. Add failed stand-up comedian and X-Files Executive Producer Bob Goodwin who found me almost as funny as Chris Carter when joining my table at a Wrap Party. Chris also an old ad rep. As witnessed.  Making Pierce Brosnan laugh was easy. Sadly both Pam Anderson and Gillian Anderson both victims of such very sick men feeling clever in BC. Yes, in court it may be absolutely necessary to subpoena and have both Gillian Anderson and Bob Goodwin to testify why I was paid extra on the side and trusted to watch Gillian's only child. And those criminals believing more clever not? Heck, even NDP's Mike Harcourt when mayor and City of Vancouver my client and doing ads for Hollywood North found me funny. Criminals like John Brummitt and Rob Maier also got a laugh even if not for their sleazy benefit. Making Rene Leveque laugh and in English a proud moment. Ian Turnbull as an NHL record holder with the Toronto Maple Leafs the easiest to make laugh after our tennis games. John Molson of Montreal Hockey also good for laughs every Saturday night when I worked at the tennis club and his gang booked before closing? Heck, even Montreal mobsters found me funny and even as RCMP taking them from the tennis club in handcuffs, as John Brummitt also warrants with others in the criminal elite. And told them "not to worry" I'd save their tennis balls for when free again. This after the Montreal Olympic construction bust. Even if major mob, still far more fun than the insanely boring and highly uneducated pretentious criminals in IATSE 891. Some know higher up Hell's Angels also found me funny in Vancouver and Montreal and oddly appreciated my very Christian and charitable non criminal help for them or their families? Big shot Paul Klassen may have made the biggest mistake of his whole life pretending like a big shot like Tom Adair and both helping criminals from women beaters to major thieves. As documented and proving many things. Even Russians and Asians found me funny and without a doubt Russian, German and Dutch ladies with super brains and extremely accomplished as I brought two to film sets and wrap parties. Much more to follow. Had them dress conservatively as we'd be among wild animals. Even some brain-baked Australians found me a little funny.

Those who help criminals

Accessories after the fact, as simply those who aid and abet have received the death penalty in the United States for their support or aid abetting criminals as accessories after the fact. Who supported these criminals? This as to define by law "aid and abetting" with their silent secrets and efforts to coerce and intimidate with insane internal trials and membership fraud to their lies or clear deception to the RCMP. Should they go to jail as just so clever? True? False? 

One must wonder just how incredibly clever the criminals must feel now? What with their so clever actions to coerce and intimidate as documented with membership corruption to internal trials that backfired, now resulting in their family names and some faces soon all in front of RCMP, MLAs, CRA, Members, DGC and Production Companies. And with hard evidence of very serious crimes and exposing their friends and sometimes family, to serious golden years jail time. How clever is that? What is sick and stupid? Seems the sleaze who support and the criminals themselves easily qualify for both stupid and sick. Not just John Brummitt and Rob Maier. True? False? Myself, I suffer the fear and stress that big shot and legal authority and criminal champion Paul Klassen and trial brains may try and enforce a $100.00 fine unless now all afraid to do so? Maybe reduce to a dollar and "used to compensate victims" and I'll pay as kind of fun for closure? Can't wait to see the accounting audited by forensic accountants on how this entered. 

NOTE: As some in IATSE know I worked with (3) three accountants, Pete and Price people, this before IATSE. One I got to help an IATSE member out with bankruptcy, and start of a much better life. One of them on the board of directors with me in public company after seeing my work for Molson Pension Fund and Fortune 500 work. And knows how big my office and ocean view patio really was and my Audi as my company car. A car I drove an IATSE sign writer around in when needing help. A fourth accounting friend who I had also worked with and a former real CEO and President also helped an IATSE welder clean up tax issues. With family I have over a dozen accountants I can call who find me funny. One of the accountants also saw me do stand-up comedy in Toronto. I sadly have no document to prove the above but tons of witnesses. Bets. The accountant at CRA just a high school chum. Mostly knew his brother and sister. Why I know how a forensic and CRA audit works. Another buddy and roommate during university summers a tax credit specialist and witness I wore a kilt? And some think they can fool me with numbers. Even busted a Head Accountant on a show thinking I was just a labourer as witnessed and wouldn't see funny numbers? 

Point? I can save an accounting firm doing a forensic audit or RCMP white collar crime specialists days with where to look in IATSE 891 records. With or without trusteeship? With exact dates? And insights on supplier costs to petty cash. Wish I knew some basic spread sheet tricks and how to write complex conditional variable queries and using key word searches as well as the criminal elite. Will do my best to help? I promise. Would love to see Paul Klassen's stuff. Records for certain times when certain local presidents makes focus a given. True? False? And as a warning if any criminals named or pictured dare debate one-on-one at RCMP offices under oath what scholars and saints they are, it may get a little boring as a few dozen accounting questions. I'll try to be funny. Promise.

A chance

Selective criminal solidarity among criminal elite certainly supports hard evidence of criminal collusion. As it should. Sort of a twist with: " United we fall, divided we stand — a chance"?

Key question: WHY are they so very afraid to protect their honest good names and reputation from little wee me with their very expensive lawyers and big shot titles? 

The documented money spent on self promoting PR shows, and amounts already spent and wasted on me since 1992, makes very clear they easily have the money to legally challenge little me. And with expensive lawyers and protect their honest good family names if what I'm stating defamatory lies. 

What are they so afraid of coming out in a Provincial Inquiry or Criminal Court and only hinted at here for fun and games? Internal trials childish in such serious matters as documented?

Why can't the past and present union executive deal with little me and this blog head-on, with their expensive lawyers and "full" police involvement and "truth all told"? Suspicious? Highly? Think about it using basic judgement. And so many postured superior brains in the union executive and their support why still look so very stupid and so very guilty? Maybe threaten me again? 

We wouldn't let banks or churches get away with such crimes and abuse of the innocent and honest. Why would NDP let clearly criminal union executives get away with such sick and cowardly abuse? Why?

Simply put: What can it mean if these named and pictured 24 criminals CAN'T even find even just one (1) "HONEST" person among themselves or 15,000 film workers who trusted the slime, and easily many smarter than me, as to "HONESTLY" deny and defend themselves one-on-one with little wee me. And this now on any equal playing field of media and public forums, RCMP offices, Criminal Courts, Civil Courts and Labour Boards. 

Possibly, best if they can't find anyone: the smarter criminals with their top criminal defence lawyers now best plan to "SQUEAL for a Deal"? Not even one (1) HONEST person who can HONESTLY defend with sworn testimony is not a good sign? Denying and defending against hard documentation, HONEST sworn witnesses, so very daring? True? False?

As dealing in part, here below with proven criminal idiots, and not just legal scholars, lawyers, law students and RCMP reading this blog, this needs mention in this preface: Proven facts are facts. Proven idiots are idiots. Proven liars are liars. Criminals are criminals. Simple premise. True? False?

See added new riddle, 
only the most intelligent criminals will understand, now inserted below, to see how more criminal's lies will simply not work anymore and nicely provides a classic perjury plus defamation trap for many? Many.

Too many know the truth

Too many know, as hard solid fact, in the criminal elite here, we are dealing with not just criminal idiots, but "known" women beaters and misogynists, thieves (over $5,000.00), tax cheats (and those cheating employers and investors to weak young workers), liars (including lies to RCMP and members), and documented uneducated frauds, bullies, cowards and a variety of personality disorders. This "all" as will be very obvious in criminal courts. True? False? Fact check?

Exactly like a very small minority of self-glorifying Truckers recently in Ottawa, who also suffer the sick illusion they are above the rule of law and that any majority would support their obvious cowardly abuse of innocent people, the cases as such so very similar. Both grossly empowered by their very limited like-minded support, and their ignorance of honest facts, with oddly similar psychological profiles. Compare the obvious. Judge for yourself. True? False?

Any wish to debate one-on-one and under oath with RCMP interrogation experts are invited to deny these claims. How fair is that? 

Gender-based violence

BC now with $22 million over the next 3 years to make it easier for survivors of sexual assault and "gender-based violence". Unions like IATSE 891 should help expose and address the same? We will? 

"Four out of every ten women in Canada have experienced intimate partner violence." Then go to work with better odds of also being part of the "7 of 10" CLC reports experiencing harassment and some form of violence. Am I the only one who finds this sick and insane. Any MLAs also disgusted reading these insane numbers ? 

Numbers too confusing? And without even a slide ruler the odds one must suspect skew with racism. As my Asian friends seem to suspect. 

Now thank God just imagine how so much worse things would have been if Mitch Davies hadn't been brave and strong enough to wear a "stop  bullying" T- shirt one day. And while paid and doing photo-op with a Royal Wave for subjects so lucky to catch his eye. I wonder if he really gets all the thanks and respect he fully deserves for sticking his neck out of a T-shirt like a turtle for victims? And in writing on his T-shirt. And documented. Maybe the big pay the only real thanks he needs, plus perks, power, prestige and able to ignore his own constitution and oath to Federal Criminal Code, while enjoying criminal support, not risk or threats? Some Criminal Courts despise and hate cowards with clear Fiduciary duties as a form of contract and employment fraud and breach, no matter how charming and well dressed. Wait until he's forced to answer questions, members afraid to ask. And RCMP not?

Possibly top dogs and brains like Paul Klassen and Tom Adair and even low-life John Brummitt, or ANY from internal trial support gang ideal to debate. Or ANY past and present IATSE 891 local president with nothing to hide or lie about? Any. Point made. They should ask their expensive Criminal defence lawyers how this "really" works.

See some of the pictures with faces and names of some of the criminals below. And the self-serving uneducated cowards who criminally aid and abet. This exactly as defined by law. Some documented protecting criminals from "disrepute" while defaming honest people. Idiots? Criminals? Both?

This will make "national heroes" of RCMP to women and "honest" workers and the children cheated. Real heroes. 

Were my legal and logic mentors right: Is it easier in such criminal matters to burn a forest of criminals than chop each one up as fire wood and kindling? Saves on matches. True? False?

What do we know

What exactly did legal scholars at Oxford in England and Cornell in New York state teach us about criminal idiots? See traps below. Top legal brains from Montreal such as Stanley Hartt and Cookie Lazarus also key? I worked for Stanley Hartt 's detective agency during university and Mr. Lazarus represented me when problems with similar cowardly criminal slime prior in Montreal? 

Various Vancouver lawyers and former roommate BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mackay was also very helpful. As was the acting Law faculty chair at UBC, as another university friend? As were cases and law firm files from Davis and Company to Gowling and their proving "Coercion and Intimidation" by some of those named below. And certainly my old client, and key Federal Liberal contact, Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, gave me the confidence to ruthlessly and aggressively pursue these highly uneducated and cowardly criminals for full exposure to RCMP, Crown Counsel, Criminal and Civil Provincial Court Judges. And media? 

Help from another high school and sailing friend, with dinner and tennis, also includes award winning investigative CBC producer Terrence Mckenna. Wanted media input on what makes an important national news story? And certainly as very key was my talk with my cousin a former top "forensic psychiatrist" on how to prove or suggest insanity to personality disorders in criminal courts? Even sociopath, small man and pathological liars to narcissistic and psychopathic traits of note? Judge and be judged only fair? See more below for others helpful support from over 470 more intelligent and far more "honest" IATSE 891 members to RCMP and inspiration from lectures from Sen. Eugene Forsey. Some of Rob Maier's top people also highly inspirational, as also so very clever.

Trial of former BC legislature clerk makes news

If just a criminal trial of former BC legislature clerk makes news: The added millions here dwarfs such comparative petty cash abuse and by thousands cheated. And those far more vulnerable.

Now add the weak and vulnerable victims from women and young workers with 30 years of well "documented and witnessed" fraud to coercion and intimidation. Facts.

Certainly makes a much more "meaningful" and much bigger and "helpful" news story. And here also involving Federal NDP Candidates and a questionable director position in BCLC by Dix Hollywood date and their mission in personal pointless political PR and who paid? And this just the tip of one of the icebergs. True? False?

Note: Aggravating factors in sentencing for such clever criminals and such crimes included position of trust, the length of time it continued, and the significant degree of planning involved. True? False? Fact Check?

How many IATSE presidents have dirty and/or bloody hands walking into a courtroom? Hard to play stupid when pretending so smart for so long and with so many lies told. Even for John BrummittOne suspects some criminal planning certainly required for documented illegal internal trials and with clear lies to RCMP and the obvious deceit and obstruction. And as with super educated Tom Adair's documented effort to obstruct and protect criminals from a forensic audit and as with Paul Klassen's documented efforts to help criminals be protected from "disrepute" and now clearly pathetic efforts to "coerce and intimidate" whistle-blowers with criminal and illegal fines in his documented breach of both trust and mandamus. Will the paint department passive-aggressive princess who, ignored even clear criminal warnings and had witnesses who oddly refuse to play along and patronise this known nut case, as documented, and who clearly  bullied the absurd illegal internal trial: now cover legal costs for others she "used" to pretend she could be intimidating and deserved respect like others in the criminal elite. All good for big laughs with my legal friends. See below exactly why.

You help, or you help criminals. That simple.

December 20, 2021: RCMP provided this blog link.

Now targeted phone calls and repeated emails begin this 2023 in mid-November to selected MLAs and Media as an early election primer?  This for their full support for RCMP to interrogate and investigate these matters fully. MLA and Media contact including this blog's address and the many key legal link's below. And this as covering many of BC's next election's very key "tipping points". "Tipping points" for critical make-or-break-it voting "switcher" profiles that this blog also clearly identifies. And now as also pending. 

And this now added to the ever growing pile of byproduct and long term pandemic problems to all the many key environmental compounding issues. Issues that are now further eroding both NDP weaker seats in the very highly vulnerable ridings and with shrinking popular vote. And even below any present popular majority hopes. An insulting repackaged gas rebate, fooling only fools, will also haunt front line campaign volunteers and funding before next election with this NDP and Film Union scandal and crimes.


BC Liberal communications people had already discussed months ago, at summer BBQs, how criminal and corrupt BC union local executives offer the best "Thatcher-proven backdoor blueprint" for high yield gold mine targets of the critical "live or die" Predictive and prescriptive  data SWING VOTERS among their membership no longer trusting their local executive and NDP. TicTok taking political prisoners and not just packaged goods market share?

"Like shooting fish in a barrel" using advanced AI and social media studies, some claim? Those from women and young workers fed up with criminal and corrupt union executives now have a focused voice. This exactly as high profile film union IATSE 891 executives defines with Glazier to Grocery unions and their own cancer of corruption. And many know how NDP have ignored them. 

And the added abuse of BC union members and funds by criminal or corrupt as the tipping point, threshold or straw that broke the camels back. 

This all as icing on NDP pandemic growing "long-term" health problems to mushrooming housing crisis, economic and environmental nightmares to suspicious BC Museum blatant violation of project management guidelines on critical stakeholder consensus as per PMBOK and even lacking 2nd tier business school basics of offering a budget without a plan or design? Also poor political marketing and PR from the start. And many now know how NDP will open a Pandora's box, or can of worms to dare and even posture any moral and ethical high ground. See below. Moral and ethical high ground posturing that too few "switchers" (as more enlightened politically) will now believe. Social media will now be the killing fields as Dix people and polls also missed prior. Nurses and teachers, also with highly educated members, will also show fractures within the NDP voting franchise. Best NDP clean house ASAP before next election or Falcon will?

Horgan, if reflecting, and resigning as leader to "enjoy life and family" and golden years, outside of plethora of political problems, will leave NDP in full panic mode. And Dix may have RCMP wanting his computer "again" as per below. And Eby will suffer a growing angry public and media from all issues and sides and from economic to environmental. However, should Eby succeed he will do well. 

And as those who worked and walked stables for horse racing or dressage in Southlands, winners can be obvious before the race or show even begins. 

Time for NDP to also clean house. Only Sonia Furstenau, as BC's branded Joan of Arc, safe and ready to ride and ridicule both major parties from Sooke to Sicamous on criminal history and morals and ethics. See below. True? False?

No time for NDP to further fracture or lose millions of honest union worker's and women's trust and votes? 

From packaged goods to politics decades of research shows "credibility" the top game changer. Why so many don't vote, not trusting their vote "honestly" means anything from union locals to provincial political parties. Those who vote with primal blatant blind self-interest to favourite flavour of group affiliation and affirmation, that they can box their belief systems and empty silly slogans in, another matter. And don't matter much. See below.

This "message blitz" to Media and MLAs done to ensure the full focused support for all RCMP investigations and with full interrogation efforts to help women and children and honest workers. Clearly?  

This as addressed to MLAs by key riding definitions and their voter "switcher" psycho-graphics and demographics. And as proven by Federal elections since Mulroney and Turner. Funny how Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew and award winning investigative journalist Terence McKenna from CBC's The National, never asked why I was so highly paid by Federal Liberal's top brains, and just found me fun and funny? As with publishers of Vancouver Magazine and Vancouver community paper The Courier who clearly also found me fun and funny. As did some editorial staff at MacLean's when I lived with their Photo Editor in Toronto. True? False? Fact check? Yes, I've had more of a life than one-union one-trick-pony wonders in criminal elite who think they walk on water after decades with a paint roller or high school shop tools, who have spent decades doing what creative told them to do exactly and working 10-16 hour days. 

And this targeted media blitz added to now more repeated postings to other very strategic supportive critical websites. And all top social media pages exploited. This will be news in 2022. And this more so before next BC election.

Real fun

RCMP, as "suggested" for speed and fun, can simply give criminals (of those named and pictured below), this blog link (should they deceptively pretend and play ignorant). 

And give "ALL" those named 14 days to review this blog fully with their personal "individual" expensive Criminal Defence and Defamation lawyers (as cases and exposure differs by various degrees). "Individual" personal lawyers as this is Criminal and Civil law involving individuals not union or Labour law, as defined below, so no debate.  Then criminals simply can state what they ALL "individually" dare deny to RCMP. And this as well aware of what "Obstruction" is in a Criminal Investigations involving millions in fraud and children cheated. And this as very well defined by their very own criminal defence lawyers. Specifically deceiving RCMP by either clear misleading claims, false declaration or "fraudulent concealment". And this simply adding another few crimes to the list of crimes below.

I am not a lawyer 

I never pretended I was welder or a car mechanic as my ignorance would be just as obvious? Nor do I pretend to be a lawyer and easily admit I only just have far more fun and philosophical interests than most in legal history. J. Bentham legal utility?

Background: After university I had very modest goals of simply working in creative in a small Montreal Ad agency doing art direction and funny copy writing, and paid what a school teacher paid. And then simply enjoying amazing accomplished girlfriends, fun friends, skiing, sailing, tennis, academic development and playing music. Which I did accomplish.

However, in under ten years I was a very senior executive in the biggest and best Ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. This with top brains in Federal Political parties and major Fortune 500 companies as client contacts. And this with a bill-out rate more than medical doctors and scholars. And, in also under ten years, was also on the board of directors of a public company. Add as well a Dean requested speaker at major business schools with International trade and consumer recognition and quoted in Financial publications. I never asked for a raise or a promotion? My successful work forced my advancement. And no union needed to qualify, protect or promote me as IATSE  891 union executive do for those far less skilled supporting criminal elite. Easy to also prove.

Hope to get some serious quality time with RCMP interrogation experts and one-on-one with those named as to help expedite all matters. A career and life of mostly lying and deceptive omission or fraudulent concealment may work for criminals named below with family and friends and their employers and coworkers, and those weaker, but not with RCMP. True? False? This literally involves millions in fraud. The families and children cheated and the financially threatened workers and women the motivation.

Saving time and money for RCMP, CRA, WCB and Environment Canada the secondary goal. Primary goal protection of children and women. Seems the "honest" exposure of most of the criminals and very corrupt already being accomplished in part with this blog. True? False?

Yes, will be so very helpful for "target focus" or as MBO, to know what exactly the criminals "dare lie and deny" to RCMP. Cuts workload. And as well as "what they won't dare deny". That leaves it down to only dealing with their deceit and denial in "full solidarity" of the two dozen criminals and corrupt involved. And best as to be interrogated by the criminals own defined default agenda. So no crime left behind. 

Millions in fraud, women beaten, children cheated

To avoid added obstruction criminal charges "All" two dozen criminals or slime named below, when all alone with RCMP, will need to effectively lie to RCMP interrogation experts. And yet at same time be aware of their own word choice, lying logic, body language, breathing, speech patterns and eye movement. And this while lying and not seriously increasing suspicions further of crimes and criminal cover-up. And "All" liars and criminals being flawless. This while RCMP ask a wide variety of surprise questions from their big bag of tricks, and often already knowing the honest answers days before? Only truth allowed to stumble carelessly. True? False?

NOTE: Maybe, as well as top criminal defence lawyers (That "individuals must pay for themselves" as to avoid clear and obvious aid and abetting with added  misappropriation of funds, and blatant further breach of fiduciary duty, and not the local's money  - again?): IATSE 891 should also seriously consider hiring  Leo McGrady QC as a top BC labour law expert. This to find out exactly how sick and toxic and "anti-union" executive business practices have been with all past and present executives aiding and abetting criminals and with the documented insanity of documented internal trials and other idiot efforts at "Coercion and Intimidation" by criminal elite and abuse of the weak, women, whistle-blowers and children. 

Clear from the start

So clear from the start, in IATSE 891 many great Canadians I worked with, met, knew, played tennis with, golfed or sailed with. Just a few dozen criminals, frauds, fakes and aid and abet cowardly slime among the thousand in IATSE 891 being the problem. And explains why millions in fraud and children cheated and workers and women didn't feel safe. This while BC taxpayers cheated as tax credit created income windfall beyond merit for criminal elite. Clearly. 

Other film and TV unions in BC, Ontario and Quebec also fun and a joy to work with. As with those at CBC in Montreal and Toronto and "in-house" CTV in Montreal and Vancouver. All with "World Class" film and TV people. All professional. And not just in Vancouver. And not just in IATSE 891, as some suggest. Even some in Europe and below the border not that bad. 

Yes, the many great "honest" people in IATSE 891 and the 475 members also "documented" supporting my efforts for a forensic audit on these two dozen criminal slime, inspiring and motivating this blog and effort at exposure of corruption and criminals, criminal prosecution, incarceration and proceeds of crime provided to victims of criminal slime. And from the cowards who aid and abet. True? False?

Simply, those in 891 and NDP deserve far better than these criminals and this level of high school student union intellect, integrity and leadership and clearly self-serving petty political cowardly coercion and intimidation types as documented by BCLRB and recent media coverage (See Link Below). And certainly hundreds in the membership superior in judgement, integrity, intellect, courage, experience, education. True? False?

Yes, one 891 President felt a tiny bit foolish finding out when he was just building Ad sets in Montreal, I was working in one of the top Ad agencies (writing and directing TV ads) and with "top people" in Montreal with top production companies. And even models who would soon be known actresses (and two as McGill alumni). Plus was a Dean requested speaker at McGill ("Canada's Harvard"?) and at SFU ("Canada's Stanford"?). And where he felt a big deal to meet the Prime Minister, my family two generation family friends before I even was born? Didn't also like how I was working with an Oxford Scholar with an MBA and CAs,  just days before my first day with IATSE 891. So easy to compare and spot fakes acting superior to other 891 members when nepotism and cronyism to corruption and textbook restriction of trade their key kiss ass major blessing. True? False?

You help. Or you're helping criminals. That simple.

Note: Aid and abet? According to Canadian Criminal law, those who "counsels", encourage or "assist" in the commission of an offence are just as guilty as the person who commits it. 

This occurs through what is often referred to as “aiding and abetting”. And liable to the same penalty as that central person guilty of the crime. Or multiple crimes. Also see definitions and tests on Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Standard of Care, Conspiracy, Collusion, to Due Diligence and Gross Negligence. Others must? As such, we easily meet the legal burden of proof to sway the balance of probabilities with so many of the crimes listed below. True? False?  

Such dog-loyal solidarity with two dozen criminals in law defined as criminal conspiracy. Or obvious collusion. 

The aid and abet factor with fraud in the millions, cheating families and children, that ensures ones position or political viability with criminal elite, with big pay and perks for their cowardly silence, as to protect or facilitate criminals, best defined as "Proceeds of Crime". 

For those of little honest merit, compared to many more honest members, plus more experienced and more educated and blocked by coercion and intimidation to censorship as documented by BCLRB, RCMP records, Law firm files and even internal trials, as to protect criminals from exposure or disrepute makes debate and denial on multiple matters a fools trap. Also defines, obstruction, perjury or contempt. True? False?

Unless "full solidarity by all criminals" on denial, all denial efforts will all be kind of silly and increase legal risk and liability. And humiliation. True? False? 

The "Plausible Deniability", that they bragged about with "Statute of Limitations", will only offer very minor criminal protection to a very few. Fact check? 

INDICTABLE OFFENCES: "The limitation period does not apply to this type of offence. An individual can be charged with an "indictable offence" years – even decades – after the offence took place."

Their big shot tiny little local trade union executive titles as part of criminal elite, that they once used to impress and intimidate those weaker, and for the gross and reckless criminal misuse of funds, now absolutely meaningless titles to RCMP. RCMP who criminals can not so easily coerce and intimidate like membership. Absolutely meaningless titles. True? False? 

Yes, a serial killer or rapists, paedophile, women beater or children cheater may spend 98% of their lives committing no crime and just even being totally lying legally unethical immoral slime and cowardly bullies, but are still a serial killer or rapists, paedophile, women beater or children cheater. And a criminal. True? False? 


This blog will be an all-you-can-eat criminal and crime buffet for RCMP and Crown Prosecution. Bets? The yield or return on investment from fines, jail, community service, proceeds of crime seizures and tax evasion to always needed "honest" positive media PR for RCMP, hard to beat. And best RCMP may only need a few phone calls or Zoom interrogations and interviews for charges or so plea deals quickly forced. And this making RCMP "real honest heroes" for women and young honest workers plus the children cheated. 

These cowards and creeps just loved when their tiny temporary titles and "very limited criminal solidarity" supported and empowered their sleazy lying criminal acts and lives. This when their lives and careers sadly at their peak. Or when their aid and abet support for criminal elite by action or avoidance they thought so clever once served them well. And now ALL lying sleaze must suffer the FULL exposure and truth of their tiny temporary titles and criminal solidarity supported criminal acts, and/or dog loyal support for criminal elite. Criminal acts that now should easily put themselves or some of their coworkers in jail, to suffering police records and very serious CRA issues. And as an added big plus: their national ridicule, and full honest exposure to employers, members, family and friends, of their real lives that they once postured as such misleading success stories. 

Note: This blog is now being read, followed and spread from Turo Nova Scotia to Tofino. And growing daily. The more eyes watching the better to help many.

You help or you help criminals

Again so very clear: You help children, women and "honest" workers, or you help criminals. Yes, that so "honestly" simple. If I'm lying, I'm so very easily guilty of criminal harassment to vile defamation. Some may even considered I'm a designed target as made so very easy?

Plus clearly I'll not be able to renew my Federal Security Clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC projects, nor be able to teach or coach children again or cross the border. 

However, if I'm not lying, and others are proven repeat liars and criminals, or the cowards who aid and abet, then some should certainly go to jail. True? False? Those named and those pictured below welcome to file charges or begin actions against me. And share the cost equally (or fairly based on varied criminal exposure)? The expensive Criminal Defence lawyers they use can explain how "wrongful prosecution" really works. Or are their words total BS and they can only pathetically posture and bluff their superiority, authority, legality and legitimacy?

Some so enjoyed lying to RCMP and to members and feeling so very clever, but not even near as much as we'll enjoy telling the "full truth" to RCMP and criminal courts. And their past BS PR only adding to their ridicule to incarceration. 

Again, any named

Again, any named or not, who wish to dare deny and protect their good honest family names and reputations can meet me ASAP at RCMP offices for one-on-one fun and games. This with investigation and interrogation experts and take their chances. Or look so very guilty trying to ignore or diminish as they must. This as their last desperate effort to save face, career and reputation. And for some more guilty avoid jail or seizure of proceeds of crime to costs of undeclared taxable income. Won't their family and friends be so proud and suffering association with such proven criminal low life lying criminal slime. Only fair? True? False?


Hope this blog also serves as a blueprint reference for other union and non-union workers suffering crime and corruption to coercion and intimidation in their toxic, criminal and corrupt workplace. 

This blog showing that public to police exposure "as done here" reduces coercion and intimidation to corruption, and with crimes more calculated reducing frequency. Again, exactly as this blog has done. 

Even Faxes used before internet viable, proved lies to police and expensive legal a dangerous game and gets so expensive for lawyers to protect criminals and corrupt and as proven, and hardly protects the slime from "disrepute" and criminal exposure. 

They fear exposure, transparency and accountability.

They fear exposure, transparency and accountability. As they must with so much to hide. Thus this a strategic blueprint and case study for other needed whistle-blowers. Even just needing to show the criminal and corrupt what can happen and to help change or curb crime and cowardly bullies as well. This when criminal and corrupt need to be "exposed" to all stakeholders and full rule of law. Truth forces change. History books prove it. If Martin Luther can divide Europe with a post-it note, blogs should work. And faster? Consider the efficacy of avoiding expensive printing with just a blog post and no paper wasted. As proven here. And only two simple rules: 

1) Tell the truth 
2) Have undeniable documented evidence and sworn testimony.

Note: As some laws by condition, caveat or precedent may not strictly apply to the letter of the law, the progressive logic still applies as defining clear cowardly corruption. And serious crimes.

These are theorems not theories. Facts not fabrication.

Why "NOW"

Why "NOW" explained more below. And why some only now safe to testify as not fearing career, family and children financial threats to classic defamation and as BCLRB, Law Firm and RCMP files clearly defined "Coercion and Intimidation". This by those in absolutely no position to ever dare judge anybody, as so clearly cowardly, criminal and corrupt. True? False? Now they are judged. Only fair? Some think a tiny title and very limited authority empowers them and allows them to exceed legality and ignore the rule of law. Idiots? Major idiots? Certainly most of these criminals highly uneducated pretentious frauds. True? False? Fact check?
NOTE: Please appreciate the efficacy with this blog as written for RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal Courts, Criminals, Criminal Defence Lawyers, Victims, Union members, Media, and my few friends and family. And with the later requiring they also be entertained. This to save many time and money while helping many. And helping RCMP to the weakest youngest IATSE 891 member and all women.

I try and address all issues of corrupt culture, crimes and evidence involved, criminals and those who critically and criminally aid and abet, plus add my own past and perspective for some POV validation and appreciation. Leaving we hope with very few questions needed for support of full investigation and interrogation, plus Crown prosecution and incarceration to community service, fines, penalties and punishment.

Poor little me
It was hard. Very hard. I had no help in IATSE 891 from criminal dynasty and "elite" to those so mindless and easy to manipulate who aid and abet criminals. As documented.  Or any help at all from the highly uneducated very arrogant and ignorant criminal types like Tom Adair and John Brummitt to legal hot shot Paul Klassen. Easy to prove. As documented and witnessed. Nor any support from the passive aggressive pretty politically savvy princesses from Paint department fame. Like Dusty Kelly and Margo Mackenzie. And others to be named later? Poor me?

All I had for help (as I had no big shot title like department chair or head, or even as local president), and as in BC, and not Montreal my hometown where I have connections, my only BC help was limited to: my cousin an internationally recognized "forensic psychiatrist" formerly at St. Paul's; a former acting visiting law faculty chair at UBC, as a friend from high school; and my old roommate a future BC Criminal Court Judge and my former client the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford. And a few lawyers for legal strategy and tactics and my own studies in "legal realism". Criminals so lucky in Vancouver and not Montreal?

Oddly, I was staying with another Oxford super brain who I was designing  environmental emergency management software system models for, as to be used by natural resource giants. This based on my work with IBM (US) at Expo' '86. This when I first worked at IATSE and even drove others in IATSE in his car? A bit later I was helped by RCMP as documented and variety of lawyers I dated, met, or knew. This again including one a former roommate in criminal law and a future BC criminal court judge. Please fact check. 

This may start to explain why I was not intimidated by such low life ignorant cowardly criminal slime with tiny titles and little real education and little real experience in executive roles with real P/L responsibility and trust? While others sadly so easily are. Thousands. And far too often. Even now?

My own undergraduate studies in bio-cybernetics at Loyola to auditing the bio-chemical basis of behaviour at McGill added to my Military Combat and Marshall arts gave me some confidence to deal with these threatening morons. I could not be intellectually, physically intimidated. Nor legally? Some in IATSE know my millionaire friends I dated or skied with so never fearing financial duress and economic interference others so sadly suffered from such criminal human garbage.

Those familiar with work at Stanford by Dr. Sapolsky to Temple Grandin "perceptions", will have some insight on the games I learned studying formal logic that I will use with this cowardly criminal slime when they are finally exposed in various public and legal forums?

Even failed comedy writers start somewhere

I started in high school quoting Employment Standards Act (ESA) for abused farm workers in Southern Ontario and contract factory workers in Montreal. And physically and intellectually protecting women and men from creeps, cowards and bullies. As witnessed many times.  During university days I worked for Hospitality, Hospital and Transport unions. After university I was a grievance Coordinator for CUPE and first paid by ACTRA. 

I have also taught grade school, special education and ASL to being a requested speaker at top university business schools and an international AGM to US aerospace industry for IBM(US)? See below for more.  And why. 

Some in IATSE 891 know me when hired by SFU's Pacific Institute to teach refugees from Tiananmen Square, as I paid them more than IATSE ever could to sub for me. Funny how so many smart people from the Attorney General of Canada to various scholars pay me so well and thus get so much more from me. The gross ignorance in IATSE 891 criminal executive cost IATSE dearly to even Ron Maier all thinking John Brummitt to Tom Adair as super fakes or others could replace me at great personal oppourtunity cost. So very easy to also prove. Criminals not just criminals but clearly very stupid criminals. Also easy to prove. True? False? 

Failed Comedy Writer? Tried to bully my way in as the lowest paid junior writer on CBC's "Michael Tuesday's and Thursday's" in Ottawa (I start at the bottom always). A show which I felt could have been a Canadian "Seinfeld" success story. And easy to be low paid when living in a huge house with pool and wealthy in-laws buy you a car. CBC pulled it when poorly promoted and writer's pool not expanded. 

Note: I myself did not suffer financially within this dirty union. Plus add car and deal memo and having freedom few enjoyed. Tragically thousands of others did so sadly suffer. And suffered so much. And from membership fraud, qualification fraud, seniority fraud, "hour bank" fraud, bad faith and abuse. My experiences only added supporting evidence. And I only suffered defamation from the criminal elite and their mindless aid and abet support trying not look too stupid and seems in hindsight always failed. Never hurt my dating incredible intelligent and real honest highly accomplished ladies either. Some don't have such choice. Even senior 891 members and producers with brains also ignored the high school defamation to lies to RCMP about me. As did all friends, RCMP and present and future employers, and honest department heads. How odd? Nor was my position ever threatened for duress or compromise. Only criminal slime and uneducated believed their lies or had to pretend they did.

Others had defamed me before even when I was reporting directly to the Attorney General of Canada and that also backfired. Was also defamed by similar personality types, when my funny words won international awards, or my environmental management software recognized. And even when requested to speak at top business schools. Even was musically defamed by a top lead guitar player as apparently unethically just "running modes and scales". Yes, I confess learning modes and scales makes music easier. And more fun. Some people so strange. So very small. So ignorant. They can't like smarter honest people as they present a problem with their life of lies and self-serving beliefs and myths. They do love surrounding themselves with those as stupid or more stupid as witnessed and documented. True? False? See more below.

This case

This case by example or metaphor, exactly like those churches, that sadly many also trusted,  guilty of sickening child abuse and disgusting cover-up. Some of those "specifically named and pictured below" will be forced to try and explain what difference there is exactly. Even if some questionable support from some in NDP

To be clear, one involves life-changing physical abuse of children, the other life-changing financial abuse of children. The logical valid "equivalence" in this parallel precedent and premise being: both hurting children and both with pathetic cover-up efforts. This to pretend criminal claims not valid. See past President Gavin Craig/RCMP Fax key paper trail to far more highly critical and exposing recent third party media reports in links below. And from both left wing media and judicial rulings. And prior Davis and Company Law Firm files. See links below.

Every injustice, all corruption, all crime must be confronted. Or some day your child, sibling or partner will also be a sad tragic victim and you'll know exactly why. 

You help. Or you're helping criminals. That simple.

Some previous cases with settlements, stand as no-debate proof, where families and children innocent victims. This as specific files from law firms Davis and Company to Gowling also make so very clear. And that exact similar claims also stand as so very valid. Valid for so very many others. Other secret settlements and illegal NDAs of note. 

How many other cases exactly the same, also provides the basic clear simple mathematics for "millions and millions" in fraud. And add "honest" sworn and protected witness testimony. Cheating so many honest families and their children. And all BC taxpayers. 

Just a matter of criminal court standards of proof and likelihood, whether direct or circumstantial. And if all criminals can fool a Criminal Court Judge and RCMP. And on all matters. Most think not.

Like a little league version of Martin Luther, Julian Assange or Edward Snowden, being a whistle-blower never appreciated by critics. Often as those clearly fearing being exposed and so clearly guilty.

NOTE: Where criminal defence lawyers will absolutely have to read this whole blog by design, most can just read a couple of "key paragraphs" below until the facts and need seen blatant for:
1) RCMP Investigation and Interrogation 
2) A Full Forensic Audit and Provincial Inquiry 
3) Needed critical Legislated Labour Code Reform. 

Labour Code Reform including a dedicated Ombudsperson as done exactly for public employees. Nothing new. Basic template. 

This for all and any BC union members as a physical and financially safe and an anonymous way for whistle-blowers to also improve society and safeguard respect for rule of law. And improve productivity and profitability toxic environments proven tax too dearly. And from very sick and vile crimes to gross reckless mismanagement by documented highly uneducated frauds just faking it. This "right" as even minority shareholders in private sector enjoy not suffering those thinking above the rule of law. Like Conrad Black and Bernie Madoff to make a point with those who do jail time with those who should.

The added strategic and tactical length in this blog and the added fluff, funny and fill, done for criminal's Criminal Defence lawyers for tricks and traps. And as intended for running Criminal's legal bills through the roof. This as I've done before. Twice?

This so it's so very expensive for Criminal's to bluff and not to quickly "squeal for a deal". Well, if not "illegally" using other's or trusting member's money. In Trust? And for clearly "individual personal criminal legal matters". "Individual Personal Criminal Matters", not union or Labour Code. And without any honest legal mandate. This again as an obvious "misappropriation of funds". And "financing criminal support" again as used before by criminals. This as a noted Legal Scholar and a Criminal Court Judge I've known since high school oddly would possibly support? And my old client the great former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford might also have found this funny? Disgusting, sleazy, criminal but funny.

Possibly, I'm not as stupid as I look? Most titles and qualifications so often so misleading. Historically many with very big impressive titles very stupid and deceitful. And often criminal. See below.

John Lewis, 
President IATSE Canada TWEET December 17, 2021
@JohnMorganLewis RT @IATSECANADA: 

"Solidarity means standing up for ALL workers!"

We can easily and quickly also "honestly" judge John Lewis with his Osgoode legal education, like others named below, by action and deed, not worthless self promoting words too often the case.  Does "ALL" mean "ALL"? Simple question. True? False?

We must also for very "honest" key critical comparison show how "honestly" competitive union UNIFOR's law firm did more to protect IATSE union members, and myself, from "coercion and intimidation" by IATSE's very own criminal executive as per BCLRB ruling and even IATSE's failed BCLRB appeal. When "ALL" meant "ALL" by action and deed. This as also clearly involving restriction of trade and economic interference for all those union members with incorporated companies ultra vires labour code and able to take separate legal actions as per. Actions certainly speaks louder than words. Think about what this demonstrates and documents beyond any denial and as solid fact? True? False?

We are dealing here with some very low-life uneducated morons who think I'm doing something wrong by identifying criminals to RCMP who cheat families and children and not supporting known liars, bullies, thieves, women beaters, tax cheats and criminals as others obviously must? Easy to prove. And as clearly documented putting them in "disrepute". What a statement of exactly who and what they really honestly are. True? False?

 Just imagine the very sick facts and what they reveal

If recent union and police studies in Victoria show how such horrible toxic working conditions can be, even within an educated and trained police force, just imagine when no respect for criminal, civil and labour laws in film industry and with those far less educated and trained. This by those corrupt or with criminal control or influence in IATSE 891? As named below. And add void of any meaningful oversight and clear incompetent management. How do such slime as named below miss the obvious and pretend with their self promoting PR things not both very sick, very ugly and very criminal. See Link: Times Colonist.

My work with or lectures and mentoring by Sen. Eugene Forsey and former Attorney General Ron Basford possibly taught me something. As with two other Senators I worked for? True? False? 

Solid reasons

There may be very solid reasons why Senators, Scholars and a BC Criminal Court Judge liked me, and including 470 IATSE members and major producers, investors and directors, as documented and witnessed, and where clearly lying disgusting and cowardly highly uneducated criminals in criminal elite for thirty years clearly don't like me. Also as documented and witnessed. 

And there must be some solid reasons why a law firm, an engineering firm and a doctor plus SFU, Fortune 500 and Federal Political parties paid me more than IATSE 891 ever would? Or could. Even with IATSE 891 providing a six figure special deal memo, plus car, plus gas, plus meals, plus craft service and candy with inflated hour bank others paid for. Yes, very critical comparisons will be of note. See below. Some sadly not so lucky who subjugate to their abuse. Many are victims. Not sadly so lucky as myself.

And best some criminals called me a "trouble maker" and threatening the union executive and member's children and calling RCMP on me (but so afraid to followup?), yet so oddly no drop in pay or status and no "internal trial" or letter of warning or any reprimand. How odd is that? And this extremely key when digging deeper on the criminals involved as not even a silly embarrassing internal trial as tried later makes clear. 

This will be a key point later with a very sick and silly effort of an internal trial to coerce and intimidate and defame to protect criminals put in disrepute. Some needlessly "well documented" expensive silly and sick  internal pretentious trial postured with legitimacy and legality for "putting criminals in disrepute" and a tiny $100 fine. Yes, the primitives love their rituals and ridiculous self affirming parades of authority. No, I did not pay the fine. Even with such a so absurdly low price as slime hoping I'd affirm their stupidity, BS authority and respect their criminality. Major idiots documented embarrassing themselves once again with their so very clever very uneducated ideas of coercion and intimidation and inherent defamation, as wrong for me to dare put criminals in disrepute. Their petty power play so intimidating. Again. Best we let Crown Prosecution and real Criminal Courts to give an opinion on this, not some princess from Paint Department or pathetic kiss-ass master Paul Klassen.  Again clearly trying to coerce and intimidate illegally and to help criminals. As documented. Some others named below. 

NOTE: I will need about two hours with RCMP and in criminal court testimony when under oath to fully define how the criminal elite so afraid themselves as disgusting cowardly criminals or to put anything in writing with their own name and with signed signatures, or dare have any lawyer dare confront me, cheer-lead known major idiots like John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Paul Klassen to confront me. Knowing they knew so little about me? And lacked any brains to demonstrate and document natural justice, due diligence, standard of care and seeking serious  legal counsel before their illegal acts. Even "using" a labour lawyer for only IATSE (not criminals) no more than theatrical for internal trials and thus so easy to ignore such props and such lawyers and just play tennis. Insane idiots? See Internal Trial documents and full true story behind such insane stupidity as even criminals warned? Yes, criminals warned and refused to testify in their own defence? Seems I scare a few smarter criminals? As documented. Paul Klassen such a fraud all his connections on LinkedIn and Teamsters and family must know the truth. And should know what a clown and fraud he really is. And he can't edit what is so well documented and known.  Unlike his past?

Odd how far less internal effort over 30 years to help women, and cheated workers and children.  Kind of revealing? Facts are facts. Where I'm not a lawyer and just a common man, seems oddly selective, arbitrary and so self serving. Even criminal? True? False?

What happens

What happens when the 891 president a textbook borderline psychopath and has a pathetic sociopath to support him so both feel above the rule of law and superior to members and police? And women in subordinate roles? Plus think themselves as so very clever as really no more than pathological charming liars, cheats, sneaks, cowards, criminals? Just like a teenager with such similar very serious problems. No wonder even huge legal costs in IATSE 891 an issue internally as per links and details below. Probably also lying to their own families what a success story they are and using fraudulent concealment of their signature "silent lies" about their real proven and documented character or possible multiple personality disorders. And as best defined by a proven passion for "Coercion and Intimidation" to abuse of funds. 

This above as key executives often proven so limited intellectually of "honest" intelligent, logical or legal debate. But good at yelling and posturing. These low life criminals a bundle of charm if you affirm them. Negation however best defines them. True? False? 

Three hours

Three hours with John Brummitt, myself and RCMP investigation and interrogation experts and much will be obvious by either denial or acceptance of others sworn testimony. The RCMP will certainly ask questions they already know the "honest" answers for. Then another three hours with Paul Klassen as present top dog with his very huge title and things happen very fast. Very fast. And ideally video taped. And with both clowns, using this blog as a handy agenda list. And best all criminals lacking adequate data and details as to prepare their lies for a viable coordinated consensus or conspiracy of deceit among the criminal elite. RCMP and Criminal Court Judges will not be fooled by this sleazy criminal garbage. Bets? Judge and be judged only fair?

Yes, the smart ones with top lawyers always quickly "squeal for deal". Reportedly over 90% of the time? Only the most desperate in very embarrassing and obvious denial. 

As some very stupid arrogant and ignorant criminals in criminal elite, we conservatively plan on only 20% will, of over two dozen, will "squeal for a deal". 

And ideally only 3 squealing for a limited time and highly attractive offer (and while very limited quantities last) as their criminal defence lawyers will also promote. Helps? Criminals enjoying justice delayed for a little bit longer. But no longer justice denied. Like secrets now exposed just the beginning of something much bigger?

Predictive data

Predictive and prescriptive data wins wars and reduces cost. Recognisance and radar provides real numbers, real risks. Predictive and prescriptive data shows "real" possible true risk and benefit. And thus trends either linear or exponential. Reductionist or fractal. Bayesian or basic. Idiots full of themselves and their fuelled self-interest mostly guess, deny or diminish? Easy to prove when their God-like superiority and documented "authority" taken to task as such frauds and fools. And criminals. Judge and be judged? And this against the logic and numbers that oddly insurance companies and banks trend/tend to believe. Not BS PR by IATSE 891's criminal elite's best scripted spokesmodels and suspect wannabe movie stars or political criminal visionaries full of "sound and fury"? Predictive data for a provincial inquiry on how the financial fraud and criminal metastasis cancer grows when not directly and severely addressed. Predictive data as addressed below.

Why they block my posts on their web sites and Twitter accounts

If some still pretending women don't have a problem with damaged men and domestic violence to sexual harassment in IATSE 891 by those in senior and supervisory positions and to keep it simple: just watch movies like "Maid" and "North Country". "North Country" also gives some very valuable familiar insight of the mindless cowardly men in some union locals and oddly those who desperately need to block my posts. Or try to silence me with lies to RCMP to absurd sick expensive internal trials. Often pretending to be Alpha males or superior self-righteous females. Why all bullies and child predators and women beaters should be exposed for protection of innocent. This should be obvious to those with even lower intelligence and not financed with misappropriation of funds without mandate. 

How clever are criminal's support?

For every single time I'm blocked on IATSE twitter and FB pages it completely inspires posting on multiple police and political to other union's web sites and law schools across Canada. How clever are they? They are so inspiring and not frustrating at all with their lack of transparency and clear fear of their membership knowing the real truth? Maybe so very afraid of membership being intelligent enough to judge honestly and fairly. As so it seems?

Of course people like me always have ignorant critics who feel very clever. Always have. However my very few fans and friends seem for some more than adequate. I'll never be as popular as John Brummitt and Rob Maier with their wage-slaves to even charming Mitch Davies as present IATSE 891 president with his successful acting experience. Nor loved and respected as Paul Klassen as big title and former nobody: Executive Director, BC Council of Film Unions. The price for being too honest?

More disgusting is women who support such men for political self-interest and yet dare judge others. Father's with daughters as disgusting. So should be getting clear why some don't like me and how I couldn't fit in exposing their BS cowardly criminal and corrupt lives? True? False? 

Every criminal

Every criminal's very best deception, for denial or defence, now required to fool those far more educated in financial crimes and criminal behaviour like RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal Court Judges and Major Media. Those with "real legal authority" very clearly not stupid enough to accept any simple-minded twisted and absurd defence as some might. This as with these criminal's signature high school style word spin and their classic trademark fraudulent concealment. This by some of those criminals specifically named and pictured below. Full list of crimes below.

Gambling big time

Also some criminals and their dog-loyal support are gambling big time if they are "the first" to tell even possibly passable successful lies to RCMP, or able to mislead RCMP to obstruct; they are most certainly also further gambling another couple of dozen criminals don't accidentally contradict their earlier criminal testimony? Funny how that works. So often. These criminals greatest threat possibly other criminals in their group or gang.  As most hardly rocket scientists. Or should any "squeal for a deal" and break from the clear coworker, collusion or criminal conspiracy of criminal solidarity of the two dozen criminals as named. Odds makers in Vegas to top actuaries in New York consider such variables for the spread. Not trusting simply the false narrative of worn slogans and what "sounds" good? Much like RCMP and Criminal Courts not so stupid and have dealt with liars for decades. Seen and heard almost every trick in the book and by far more intelligent criminals and their efforts of faking boy scout and girl guide innocence? “I don’t remember that,” or, “I don’t know how that happened”, will seem so odd when so many as not in criminal elite do. Exactly. Only the criminal elite with memory problems always a big give-away of those who'd lie to RCMP?

Ignored or tolerated too long

The endless cheating of children, even as you literally read this blog, to the cheating of all BC "honest taxpayers", can no longer be ignored or tolerated. Sycophant support of solidarity "used" to support a few dozen criminals self interests, and not the majority of honest people in unions and BC, while children cheated", luckily the easiest thing to prove. Bets?

"A Vancouver-based film worker says that she was suicidal and has "lost so many friends" in the industry".  

See VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM link below for more back story and background on the sick toxic environment for those not "enriched and empowered" by a criminal and corrupt elite. And often grossly incompetent with little training, meaningful experience or education as Tom Adair to John Brummitt prove. This when so many more honest and more superior within the 15,000 membership. This will be obvious how not the best of the best paid so well. More than police. More than nurses. More than teachers.

You can help. Or not. For the record.
(Simply share link. Discuss. Or call your MLA.)

Hopefully this blog and RCMP will help thousands of women both be and feel so much safer. And help compensate all children cheated. This while making heroes of all who help from RCMP and Crown Prosecution to MLAs and Media. Plus, give literally thousands of honest workers and women protection from already BCLRB proven "Coercion and Intimidation" and many other vile cowardly criminal acts. 

My key male mentors as highly decorated military and historic figures in the Labour movement in Montreal and the great ladies I've known from grade school teachers and girlfriends to published and recognized Oxford Labour Legal scholars, another with a Doctorate in Labour Psychology, and one even a member of the Club of Rome, indirectly forced me do this. And sadly unlike far too many others and my good fortune, I could. 

I could not be intimidated. Not physically. Not financially. Not intellectually. Not legally intimidated by lawyers. Not politically. Not socially. Not even with very sick lies to RCMP and pathetic attempts at wrongful prosecution by criminals and morons. Nor did the insane amounts of money and time they spent on lawyers and internal trials could intimidate. Nor threatening phone calls. As proven. And certainly, unlike sadly others, did not worry either about "fitting in" or what obvious sad sick tragic whole life losers as women beaters, children cheaters and known thieves, frauds and liars and as sleazy highly uneducated cowardly criminals, as witnessed and documented, thought of me. Even with their pathetic huge extremely misleading titles and very sad little lives. Not with my fan club, friends and somewhat amazing girlfriends. Literally thousands including children, women and all honest workers, sadly not so lucky. Why I'm a voice for others bullied, beaten and cheated. Many women know me as a feminist before Justin Trudeau born with my promotion of Germaine Greer's "The Female Eunuch" in early 70's. As witnessed?

Only criminals

Only those reading this as "proven" lying criminals, cowardly bullies, guilty of "Coercion and Intimidation", and as known thieves, tax cheats, and those who cheat children, those who beat up women, those who aid and abet, frauds, plus present and past IATSE 891 union executives and clearly some in Fed and BC NDP, plus those so clever they both use and lie to RCMP to protect criminals, now need to so very seriously worry. True? False? 

Still some fun surprises for criminals part of the package, when face-to-face with RCMP to show off how smart they are. Or are not?

So many children as victims. So very motivating. For some. 

So none miss this: Helping children, families, honest workers feel safe from coercion and intimidation by criminal union executives also helps clean things up for major foreign investors who want "productivity and labour stability" to max their ROI, not labour camps and unmotivated pyramid caste plantation workers fatigued by long hours and a criminal to incompetent executive and unqualified supervision. I also have a very corporate part of my life dealing with investment brokers. True? False? Debate? See below for more.

This blog should also help many union members in many different unions in BC with Criminal, Common Law and Labour Board Issues. And their lawyers. 

And this blog also proves how the criminal and corrupt make unions "anti-unions" as fact, and make a very sick joke of democracy. And free speech. And not with just the first-past-the post taken to its most mathematical absurdity and to the censorship of election material and gerrymandering factors that exceed belief. Simply the perfect incubator for crime and corruption and criminal and crime viral spread. Bets? Debate? A classic crime of opportunity? 

Those that help criminals be criminals are criminals

Yes, RCMP and key MLAs, plus national and local media supporting these efforts will be serious proven "REAL" heroes. Heroes helping women and honest workers feel both physically and financially far more safe. And sadly too many children as also victims far better protected. Too many children. 

And where a long time huge fan of the integrity and monster intellects of my "hometown" hero NDP Jack Layton and Ed Broadbent, and respectful of Mike Harcourt (this from my work with City of Vancouver with elections to promoting investment in Hollywood North), it is very clear the NDP must get rid of low level human garbage. Those with long time criminal associations, and criminal supporting types as within dirty film union local IATSE 891's criminal elite. Past and present. Specifically Phil Klapwyk as Federal NDP BC Maple-Pitt candidate and BC NDP Adrian Dix's Hollywood date Dusty Kelly oddly now as a director at BCLC. Both must go as they clearly offer more negatives to NDP profile and platform than positives. Proven. 

"As government, we have to have integrity and honesty in our choices, and we have to stand by our commitments".— Phil Klapwyk.

Why did Phil-the-fraud compromise on his initial published election babble as documented and breach his Fiduciary duty in a position of trust? I'll be so very anxious to debate the semantics of "integrity and honesty" with this deceptive clown and con. And help his political opponents should he ever dare run for any position of trust ever again?

My few friends and myself prefer the company of those who don't cheat at tennis, golf, dinner bills, petty cash and cheat children and honest workers, partners, investors and employers. Others seem to differ? See below.

The very sick and sad past mistakes in critical judgement by NDP's Svend Robinson and Adrian Dix, as hardly role models for children, as historically noted by RCMP, best not be repeated. This for any real long term NDP legitimacy and hope of having any critical moral high ground key to next election majority success. True? False? With questions about Horgan and Dix only growing more and more daily from pandemic to environmental issues, the NDP better clean house. ASAP. Even with  Horgan's "approval" polls with swings of 40% to 70% no guarantee of success. Ask Dix how even great polls can soon be followed by disastrous humiliating defeat. True? False?

I started working with polls with CBC in Toronto in 1977 as "national media liaison" with Quebec problems, while still in university. So I have some depth where so many others mostly mindless BS. This even before working with national marketing and media research firms with major packaged goods and federal politics. And with question designs based on Allan Gregg and Joe Clark's people. Gregg and I both Carleton University alumni. Back when I was being lectured by Sen. Eugene Forsey and debating with Jack Webster and other media giants from print and broadcast. Gregg and I on opposite sides in 1984 Federal election when I reported directly to Ron Basford? I was a pioneer with Goldfarb psycho-graphic mapping. True? False? As a funny note I did the CRTC appeal that gave BC the first Kokanee Beer Sasquatch ads and did the media imperatives that moved budget from radio to TV. Not just a key creative guy resulting in International Awards and before going to Toronto to run an Ad Agency office for the intellectual elite in Canadian Advertising.

Those criminals not reading and reading carefully this blog, can fully enjoy the bliss of their traditional documented and witnessed ignorance and their delusional postured confidence. And with the added hidden stress with so much real uncertainty.

Sadly, as both a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal courts also must consider, please think of the children of these criminals? And their support with such role models and such sick low life liars, thieves and bullies as parents. What is the honest damage they have done to even their own children's lives? A few kids well known as having problems with alcohol, as junkies, to pill issues. Like their parents. As with anger management. Why death overdoses may have something to do with parents in such toxic environments they both support and suffer as per their personal problems or silence by proven threats of coercion and intimidation fearing to challenge. Most exhausted after 10-16 hour days. Many studies join the dots so debate limited. And trusting partners fear what? And yes not just the harm done to "honest" 891 members and their children that these criminals cheated. And more tragic these criminals think themselves so very clever, when clearly mostly dishonesty their greatest skill. Fact check? Always best for lying criminal slime to be with their very own kind. The company they keep and tolerate for decades so extremely revealing. 

I've been in many unions, even before university, so I know the difference between great honest unions and disgusting criminal and corrupt ones. So few have such "real" meaningful experience and related studies. So far too many accept intimidation, coercion, crime and corruption as the union norm, as never knowing anything better. Ever? See below for more.

Pretty sad statement as both well documented and witnessed when union members more fearful of union executive and other criminal elite in inner circle abuses than senior management. True? False?

Funny how this criminal slime (Some names and pictures below) thought they could threaten me and silence me as with literally thousands of others (See links below). 

If you read interviews by victims of Bernie Madoff (convicted fraudster) there is a constant word they use to describe him: charming. Same with Ted Bundy?

Not every charming person is a con-man, but it is "impossible" to be a con-man without being charming. Yes, extremely proud such sleaze as criminals and critics never found me charming, or willing to kiss ass of criminal slime who cheat children and beat up women as so many witnessed sadly have had to do.  A fact and part of their real lives even lies can't hide. True? False? Note the charm school efforts of executive criminal elite. As pretty as their BS PR.

Oddly, a few hundred documented their support for me (I was only hoping for compurgation by a dozen, like a random jury?), and oddly those clearly more honest and intelligent supported me? Tom Adair, clearly well documented his support for criminals and against a forensic audit and against poor little me with no big shot title of little merit. And I obviously had no key criminal executive support others enjoyed as suggesting a forensic auditJohn Brummitt, as probably highly capable was the paper boy, looking for PR and political face time, who distributed Tom Adair's cowardly one-sided "authoritative" claims protecting criminals, distributed to new members and old. Now cowardly and creepy Tom Adair will have to face me one-on-one, all alone, in hopefully RCMP interrogations and certainly in Criminal Courts. How very fair. As equals. So to speak and to start? His real reputation, education and experience as intimidating and respect worthy as his inflated business card image.

Some may wonder why these criminal slime even in solidarity all so very afraid to even call police on me for this blog and for extremely clear criminal defamation and harassment? Even as hard as we try. Can't even get a lawyer's letter. Miss the days when I'd get lawyer's letters trying to scare me. Guess the truth a bit of problem outside of this very criminal and corrupt union for frauds, fools and felons? Does truth scare them? Makes them all look so honest, all who are afraid of truth?

These criminal's threatening of many members easy to prove with their BCLRB proven "coercion and intimidation", to excessive economic interference and threatened financial security of others. Added with documented lies to RCMP, gross criminal defamation and wrongful prosecution attempts. Exactly the kind of people you'd want your daughter to date or marry or be friends with your kids. 

And this further added to their absurd and ridiculous and so very revealing internal trials. And all as extremely well documented and well witnessed. So I guess they also failed once again at silencing me with such threats and actions. And as this blog most certainly more than proves. True? Some simply can't be silenced or intimidated by criminals and their support.

Preliminary Proof

Preliminary Proof? Fact Check:

  • BCLRB rulings on "Coercion and Intimidation" (and embarrassing desperate needed and further revealing failed appeal?). Plus bad faith cases?
  • Revealing previous Provincial Inquiries
  • Law Firm Files and cases from Davis & Company and others.
  • Registered Mail (Including w/ IATSE New York)
  • RCMP (x 2) plus police files 
  • E-mails and postal
  • Union Newsletter (Print and Digital)
  • Revealing Election material claims
  • Many Faxes
  • 470 votes for a forensic audit
  • Media files
  • Sworn very contradictory testimony starting from 1990 film shoot of "Bird on a Wire" abuses by criminal oligarchy/dynasty. 
  • Internal trial documentation of past president and those charged with daring disrepute of criminal elite members.
  • Many Non-Disclosure Agreements to protect criminals from exposure. IATSE President's and executive's revealing published claims. Put together something stinks.

Again, every injustice, all corruption, all crime must be confronted. Or some day your child will be a victim and you'll know why.
Facts. Poor pathetic Paul Klassen. Former head of justice and chair internal trials. He should look like far more than a major moron plus clearly criminal himself as documented aiding and abetting criminals. And will have to explain how a constitutional right of free speech to put even the Prime Minister of Canada in "Disrepute" allowed, but not criminals in IATSE 891. This local transparent bylaw over riding our constitution with a very criminal self-serving stupid union IATSE 891 local bylaw? As documented. This allows criminals protected from disrepute and limiting freedom of expression. Funny how Paul Klassen missed the obvious, as so obvious. Much more odd when real courts most feel handling defamation law as adequate. More funny, as fact I had lectures on Constitutional Law in Ottawa by top Constitutional expert Sen. Eugene Forsey. Should I trust some stupid criminal serving like scum like pathetic Paul Klassen or Sen. Eugene Forsey? How stupid are the stupid? It gets worse when truth all told. Fortunately the idiots provided trial transcripts. Missed my own illegal internal trial. I had tennis. Cost them thousands to pretend they had authority or legitimacy. Cost me a whole dollar for trial transcripts to crucify all criminal supporting idiots involved. Funny when a list presented of what real criminals they don't ever put on trial? Procedures all novel further demanding legislative Labour Code reform. See below. 

More funny seems very clear with this blog and my unique history and strange connections, all across Canada, I simply can't be threatened, coerced or intimidated into silence, or paid well to sign illegal NDAs and subjugate. When sadly so many so much weaker, financially desperate or far less educated or accomplished must. True? False? Like René Descartes I get around? A voice against corrupt power like Voltaire and Luther? Or just a failed comedy writer?

And where so few impressed by a failed comedy writer, and so many more sadly impressed by very low level criminal and corrupt union local executive's titles and obvious incompetent criminal department heads: still some pride in making some smile and laugh. Making a Prime Minister laugh good practice. Destroying the  credibility of deceptive cowardly creeps and liars in courtrooms and boardrooms is always kind of fun. Being paid more for writing a funny 30 second radio ad than a department head paid for a 12 hour day must count for something?

So very very clear

What should be so very clear and more than obvious below, and critical and key to this whole blog, as lawyers and RCMP must agree, is none (Zero) of the criminal slime named or to be named, can spend three hours with me "alone" with top RCMP interrogation experts and technology, and not have some coworkers, family or friends going to jail. Bets? Fakes and Liars so easy to break. Including fake tough guys and fake smart guys. And with so much to hide and so many lies to tell. True? False? Feel the RCMP should find me fun and funny. Criminals not.

This above also provides the ability for some named as well, to so quickly defend their career plus personal reputations, honest character and honest credentials. Should they feel capable of doing or possible. And this can even also be so easily accommodated with recorded Zoom meetings with myself, RCMP interrogation experts and "non-admissible voice polygraphs" employed. This as so many voice polygraphs available all over BC. 

And this obviously helps RCMP save big money and use far less time wasted with desperate liars. This efficacy as we all must support fully, if not criminals, with so much to hide and lie about. You got to love this technology and the clear cost savings over silly internal trials and to allow criminals to tell lies from the comfort of their own home or office? They most certainly must be capable to do this, with their depth in TV and movie production. And show off  their best use of lighting and makeup and green screen artists. True? False? And poor me left to only minimalist cinéma vérité/noir. And we can use subtitles edited in, so when Latin or French legal phrases used, all can understand.  We can then post the video later for everyone's family and friends to enjoy and all IATSE Canadian and US members?

Certainly this would also be an excellent oppourtunity for any of the criminals named or even their very smartest and most educated coworkers or friends, and even those not yet named, to so incredibly and easily destroy both little me and my claims of crimes and criminals. Plus as an added matter easily dismiss all ugly sleazy sick rumours and hearsay for years about these criminals extremely quickly. And as an added plus Zoom recorded by RCMP interrogation experts with supporting "non admissible polygraph" that so many use and support as truth technology, more helpful than criminal's lies and word play. 

Top present top dogs like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen, both some suspect as with their winning support, and partially possibly based on their education, experience, intellect and integrity, the best to lead on this as leaders of men types. Well, if titles and appearance and image of any merit. And possibly Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen not given to ignorant high school rhetorical fallacies of John Brummitt and Tom Adair. A great oppourtunity for the best of their best, or any to show off their honesty and set me up for huge legal liability and exposure. Certainly jail if I lie. What are they so incredibly so afraid of, if no crimes to hide and no criminals to protect? Their big shot titles must reflect some superior authority and knowledge. True? False? Get real, I'm just a failed comedy writer and such an easy target. Just ask John Brummitt and Don Ramsden and Rob Maier how easily they all intimidated me with their intellect and integrity and possibly for a few seconds.

Great TV

Possibly a great TV show concept where a detective works from home using Zoom and voice polygraph. This from his bedroom, kitchen, patio or pool and using video chat. And never has to leave his heart breaking or too cute rescue dogs or leave girlfriends to swim or dance alone. "The Zoom Detective TM". Just some very funny tall nerd working for the police. From home. A MacGyver with code not just safety pins. Maybe some very hot dance moves when the Zoom Detective successful after busting criminals that he posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikToc. Such high value product placement. And so little waste on needless construction budgets. Ideally shot in Victoria or Ottawa. Wonder how well cute dogs and hot dancing works on social media? And with a cute kitten called, "Watson"? Who chases dogs?

Memories and motorcycles

I remember as a bouncer in Montreal and Ottawa exactly such tough talking alpha types with their big Harley Davidson motorcycles literally shaking in fear when caught without their supporting numbers to allow for their pathetic tough guy illusions and loud tough talk posturing. Sort of sad to watch when such bullies and cowardly creeps caught alone. Alone such cowards always a joke. Much like those who think themselves so clever when a temporary advantage by position or title and so easily the subject of easy ridicule when all alone with those their clear intellectual superiors. Those they also can't threaten their incomes with, using undue influence and duress. Such sad lives really. 

Much like slime in Victoria who foolishly got tough and made the wrong girl cry. After a month in hospital one had to live with only one testicle (See Victoria police files?). 

Are RCMP smarter than even John Brummitt and other criminal elite

As such, so anxious to see such similar tough guys and so clever as named below when all alone with RCMP interrogation experts and as RCMP clearly their intellectual superiors and RCMP certainly not fearing such sad fakes and their low level meaningless film industry titles hurting their RCMP careers, or cheating their children. Every women and child and all honest workers should feel as protected. True? False?

Why did I even go to IATSE 891

Some ask why did I even go to IATSE 891 if so criminal and corrupt? I had hearsay about women savagely beaten and settlements to protect criminals from court and extradition and with lunatics empowered by written statements and the related misappropriation of funds. And that theft common. My very first few days what I saw in 891 far exceeded my worst expectations. More below. 

Simply, my initial goal to work in TV and Film COMEDY, as many know. This using my "real proven senior executive business resume and accomplishments" in advertising and finance plus "Creative Writing" and directing successful and award winning TV ads. Simply, developing TV and Film COMEDY concepts into products. 

And at the time Harvard and business journals, and paperbacks, where promoting Japanese management systems. This where senior executives work every position below them for a few weeks. And so I did. And from the lowest levels of Labour, Transport, Paint, Construction, Greens, Accounting, Art, but with a purpose and focus to study management and supervisors antiquated project management systems first hand (and with some no better than centuries prior). Some thinking an expensive cellphone and laptop could disguise ignorance. True? False? Fact check? A tad more academic than most in my objectives.

And my university degree and TV ad production days covered me for Production to Publicity including Camera, Lighting, Editing and Sound. I had also Directed, Written and been in front of the camera. For Costume, Casting, Hairdressing and Makeup  I looked at budgets and project management. Very little difference between the talent needed for TV ads and Feature films. True? False?

For special effects (SFX) skills, I had been part of a crew of thermite welders in university, and worked in a garage. At the time was already using CAD and spread sheets for robotic code. Every spread sheet and printer is robotic tech? Even for music and midi?. And as some witnessed I have even done stand-up comedy in Toronto (for comprehensive academic depth). And even dated a real comedian, not just a funny lawyer and an actress? I was even a guitar player on music used in film in university and studied sound. 

My elective undergraduate studies in Contract and Constitutional Law and Economics also allowed me to know the difference between fakes, fools and felons in IATSE 891 and real talent, skill and genius also suppressed by criminal elite and a culture of corruption in IATSE 891 

And as some know in IATSE 891, I already had "real" board of director experience in a high profile public company, and very senior executive credentials plus added trade and top business school academic recognition. As documented. And add depth working with Federal Political parties, Fortune 500, brokers and investors. Including those connected to Lionsgate? Ask around? Fact check? 

Critical comparisons with ignorant or uneducated criminals to "real" depth, "real" education, "real" experience, "real" accomplishment, "real" integrity will be made. And far beyond common as pennies screen credits and local union executive inflated and misleading titles for caste and class distinctions. Exactly as documented and demonstrate by the criminal elite in IATSE 891 union executive. Past and present. True? False? And with the illusion "team feel" that payroll variations hardly reflect. More like slave-wage and master-servant dynamics evident. Certainly, big Hollywood and union executive pay and perks compensates and with fixed market restricted protected kit rental equations, for long 10-16 hour days. However for general trades just hoping to also pretend middle class a bit tragic. Critics always so very seriously revealing when they are judged fully. Point made? 

Certainly I'm a very real and serious "political and big easy pay  threat" to one-trick ponies and uneducated low skill and little talent phoneys, even by just political and editorial "freedom" of expression.  And if not suffering inner circle and criminal elite and their criminal influence. And their proven suppression and censorship to defamation, lies to RCMP and absurd illegal internal trials. Illegal internal trials when now well documented idiots believed their stupid "clearly criminal most possible self-serving bylaws", above the rule of law. Even Federal and Constitutional. Seriously, that visibly stupid. And as documented and witnessed. True? False? Did any of those involved have even just one basic community college law course? Any lawyer support this? Who? Same lawyer from BCLRB failed appeal on "Coercion and Intimidation".  The irony of it all?

As my friends and many know my goal was not to be involved here in cleaning up sleazy dirty criminal BC film and other unions. Nor protecting women and children. And I had no interest in provincial BC politics. Only to develop comedy film and TV projects. Only comedy. This for investment based on international awards and recognition for my words for humour making millions laugh from Moncton and Montreal to Vancouver and Victoria. And with my proven depth and with trade and academic recognition in marketing, finance and investment. Plus the thousands of comedic talent all across Canada and like maple syrup just needs proper processing.  And this added to my connections in Federal politics and with major Montreal and Vancouver money. Like Bronfman and Molson money. I had worked with both. 

From West Van to Westmount the money the easy part. The making of "The Comedy Machine" with the right people and team building always the hard part. And this as in any and every venture. Sadly, this "fun" side-railed as progressive passionate lectures by the great Senator Eugene Forsey and work with Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, created a huge sense of civic duty and Christian guilt, I wished I could have ignored. Couldn't. The crimes disgusting, the victims break your heart. More below. 

All the crimes fit to print

One thing to believe you are above the rule of law and screw innocent honest people. And playing stupid. This as to serve your very obvious and sick financial and petty political self-interest, abusing a position of trust. 

However, gets so very sick and so very ugly when you cheat children in breach of a fiduciary position. True? False? Stupidity is no shield. Nor ignorance a defence. And this certainly not when PR, newsletter, RCMP and Law firm files, internal trials, have you caught lying and playing superior "Know-It-All" and legal funds at your disposal. Like key member of criminal elite "Know-It-All" Tom Adair. Just one of a few dozen documented examples of sick cowardly human slime with others named below. 

Too bad too few knew anything about me for a few years especially criminals as so self consumed and impressed with really meaningless titles. This making it so easy to be an "eyewitness" to wide variety of crimes? And added with classic textbook rope-a-dope taking punches in early rounds. Absorbed by the ropes by those clearly thinking my superior. And possibly even baiting criminal exposure by criminals themselves wanting to brag and posture their inner circle criminal status with in-the-know dirty secrets and tales? Even if hearsay still directional by deed? Too bad RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal court Judges not stupid, and not amused by teenage word play. Bets?

Connecting the dots

Like RCMP and Crown Prosecution would probably agree: You don't see electricity or radio waves but with "measured" judgement we know scientifically that it is most certainly there. And how it works. And same with almost every form of financial crime possible? You seldom see the money move? We can however control electricity, radio waves and financial crime. And more the case if cheating children as collateral damage.

Simply to make a point or first legal touchdown

If Tom Adair not clear cowardly uneducated human slime helping criminals, exactly like a paid-off and paid well politician or judge with their secured position, plus bigger pay and perks, to ignore women beaten and children to all BC cheated, he or other cowardly slime named below, can meet me at RCMP offices. This at their very earliest convenience to defend their honest good family names and reputations. What are they so seriously so afraid of? And to be very fair I'll also defend mine. Seems fair. And RCMP will certainly be objective and fair. Fair? True? False? Are we clear here?

Criminal Court Judges may not be near so polite in sentencing as with the Judges I've studied like Laskin (Sen. Eugene Forsey made me?) or have known personally and socially. This for decades and as a former roommate after university? And not just a BC Criminal Court Judge and lawyers as friends, dates, employers and clients. See below for even more legal references. This certainly a problem for some in NDP to immediately address and not ignore. Elections far too close to ignore?

Oddly, only takes one, just one, top RCMP, white-collar crime investigation and interrogation expert to ensure dozens of these criminals busted cheating honest blue collar workers and children. Even including those corrupt or criminal who think they are the intellectual superiors to RCMP, Crown Prosecution, and Criminal Court Judges. And foolishly think they can lie and fool them just like so many union members? And with only their tragically transparent teenage level word spin and their signature used car salesman mastery of fraudulent concealment. This as to best keep some from jail to CRA investigations. Anyone betting John Brummitt and Tom Adair or Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen can protect all criminals and themselves by "obstructing" and lying and misleading and fooling those in RCMP and Crown Prosecution, and literally hundreds of 891 members, as documented, and as those far more intelligent, more educated and far more honest, and respect the rule of law? Plus protect criminals from "Disrepute" as a Paul Klassen proven speciality. As also documented.

As back on the West coast, former Federal Justice Minister and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould as not impressed with some men as bullies, would be more than absolutely ideal to head a Forensic BC Provincial Inquiry on all matters below. True? False? As with the other great Canadian and BC women recommended below. I dare think Ron Basford if still living and giving Canada class would agree. He liked the logical?

Distortions. Lies. Profiteering off the hurt of others. Those are the signature characteristics that mark these criminals to cowards and creeps below. True? False?

SEE: "Hey, I'm a nice fun guy" heading below. This so elite union executives can mitigate for many, and themselves, where needless road kill and so very expensive sacrificial collateral damage. Or tragically in continued blatant stupidity, enjoy another small minded illusion and very temporary ego trip pretending not proven idiots. Again, spotlighting both the ignorance and arrogance of those pictured and named below. Lawyers for all parties can define the exact details.

And where sadly some sick sleazy uneducated ignorant criminal morons brag about the far more than obvious statute of limitations, as their criminal shield, so very many things not. A few more sophisticated contemporary tools for arrogant sleaze should surprise them. And thus this only further documenting making fools of themselves again and tandem made fools by others. Again. True? False?

My opinion only? 

Time to be fair. Time to give very "real" extremely very essential BC nurses (Before even more exhausted ER nurses quitting), plus police and other front-line workers, and before next Pandemic variations and mutations, the exact same wage increase "value" that extremely very non-essential BC fiction and fantasy factory film workers (and far too many criminals in film industry) enjoy as windfall. Fair? And still even now criminals see and feel perk from film tax credit labour and material incentive compounded and compounding. Including tax credit applied to incremental "pandemic material and labour safety costs". This that other industries and "real" essential services not near as glamorous, do not enjoy. Point made? 

This critically required  "RCMP Investigations and Interrogations and a full Forensic BC Provincial Inquiry on all those "criminal executives" as named below. And this most certainly including those who must go to jail for cheating children to millions in fraud.

Thus the blog purpose and points above extremely clear. And using the very simplest of terms and more short sentences for clarity for criminals reading this. 

The "Why" for investigation and interrogation and criminal prosecution and incarceration detailed below. And includes hundreds of children as victims of fraud, thousands of honest workers cheated, and all BC Taxpayers. All BC Taxpayers cheated as this unique "film tax credit" enriching and supporting criminals and crime. Plus supporting obvious fakes, fools and frauds as secondary symptoms. This as fact. And must be stopped. And so much so very easy to prove. And all this as respecting rules of evidence, statutory interpretation and formal logic. Seems an "evident" legal first down and goal-to-go? Kick? Pass? Run it in wide or wedge the middle?

Note: Some fill and colour, humour, personal anecdotes all used to entertain and inform my very demanding support and friends and their endless needs to also be entertained, and to once again "run criminal's legal defence bills through the roof". This exactly as I've done before. This if criminal sleaze so stupid to dare and want to play more and more deceitful games?

Some statements here in this blog a bit "insider" stuff as specifically written for the criminal elite who are reading this and can read between the lines. And the slime just might see the futility and huge increased legal risk of any defence or denial. And needing much more dog-loyal deceit by dozens. And hopefully will not waste RCMP time with "obstructive" lies. And some in inner circle may not want to live with the increased cost, exposure, uncertainty and stress. And by all slime involved. This as those with most risk and exposure use those with less. This as their human shields to buy time and their dwindling success at pretence. How foolish and criminal as the facts will only grow? True? False?

"Evil succeeds when good people do nothing". 

Like domestic violence to fraud and theft and children cheated. Here an exact case in point. True? False?

Just guessing

With two previous girlfriends and a sister as psychologists, and a cousin in BC as an internationally recognized forensic psychiatrist, and added to my own well paid work work with Dr. Gandel in Montreal at LGH, plus my work in a psychiatric ward during university, I might have a pretty good chance of "just guessing" at the deep trauma to serious personality disorders of most in the criminal elite. And as named and identified for their gross criminal and corrupt acts, deceptions and illusions. However, as no formal studies will get 2nd and 3rd opinions, as with matters of law.

Already feel, based on lectures from Stanford, an MRI might be helpful. This to establish damage to frontal cortex, whether birth and early childhood developmental nutritional or emotional issues, blunt trauma, genetic or environmental. The later as some suggest from extremely high lead levels in past of paint fumes, or possibly all the above. Previous abuse of alcohol by even wine experts to over the counter pain killers by executive criminal elite also suggested. Maybe a way to reduce legal costs is by money for medical screening? Certainly a few with arrested development.

"There is no safe blood level of lead. However, a level of 5 mcg/dL is used to indicate a possibly unsafe level for children". 

A lack of formal training in critical thinking and added to the limited use of respirators when any airborne hazards, as from types of toxic saw dust and paint fumes to dried ice and film location shoot asbestos particles, may explain a few criminal culture judgement calls. This may also well explain such contagious criminal understanding and deceitful deeds. No matter how stupid it appears to others. Those with lower IQ never understand those with higher? Like rebellious teenagers with slow skull growth fail to both understand and also underestimate their parents and judge them as crazy and stupid. Arrested emotional maturity provides a similar knowledge base in some adults. And here with teen age minds and low IQ. Thank god pandemic forced more mask protection. 

Olav Krigolson, a neuroscience prof  at the University of Victoria could be a key witness on the criminal and corrupt  mindset of those in criminal elite too easily expose to toxic  aerosols too long in film industry and their documented damaged judgement. This as petty political membership and qualification to old seniority, Quorum and the resulting millions in fraud to the far more serious criminal acts of lies to RCMP to absurd internal trials all make so very clear. Amygdala problems, as a key part of the emotional system seems far less than normal. Opinion or fact?

And this also may support why Dunning Kruger and Cognitive Dissonance almost a disease among the criminal elite. What some of these materials can do to the skin can breach the blood brain barrier and burn the brain better and faster than alcohol and popular pain killers. As witnessed among criminals. Add childhood and formative year issues and some "executive" judgement clearly likely damaged and fears form the self indulgent and self consumed. 

Peer group pressure as a plus among any criminal elite also has known results. Patty Hearst possible proof with added legal precedent. The further added illusions that petty power and pretentious peer support provides intoxicating. So much so that no little cute white mouse in a lab caged test could resist nor even far less cute low dog John Brummitt and top dog Tom Adair. Also begging the question of Tommy Douglas and his support for eugenics, if the twins of John Brummitt and Tom Adair a reason for or against eugenics. Possibly both a way to also postulate to the Pope to support birth control. Food for thought. Previous lies to RCMP added to absurd membership and qualification rituals and millions in fraud as religiously endorsed and "coerced" to the multiple absurdities in internal trials so very revealing. For some.

For much more information on criminals and crime for media and RCMP and on ALL criminals and ALL crimes call Mitch Davies, 891 President at: 604-664-8910 or direct at 604-664-8911. Tell Mitch the big guy sent you. And get a deal with discount code number: 891. Or write Vice-President Margo McKenzie at: margo.McKenzie@iatse.com

They both should be able to answer ALL criminal questions in this blog? As many can.

"...I appreciate that you have taken the time to write.


David Eby, QC
Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing"

Will Eby "appreciate" notes and blog links before BC Liberals most certainly will with their new leader?

Crime frequency and reputations reduced 

We certainly appreciate, just by criminals and many members already reading this blog, plus my other novel efforts including previous Provincial Inquiry submissions, crime frequency reduced. And far better calculated by criminal slime for risk of member, public and police exposure. This as this blog provides and proves. It already has helped. As documented. And visibly dramatically changed criminal and corrupt behaviour of some of those criminals named. Note how the criminals so fear this blog link being shared with majority of "honest" members? The criminals and their obvious support can do their very best to block, delay, censor and spin, but numbers and "honest" support as fact keeps growing. The corrupt and criminal seriously fear the "honest truth all told" and all "illegal" and legal NDAs made transparent.

This criminal culture change clearly seen from once so bold brave and disgusting rapid lies to RCMP (With criminals using RCMP as their personal and petty political puppets, props and pawns). This by criminal elite to protect criminal elite. Obvious to many more intelligent and with far less brain damage. And not criminal. And brought down from lies to RCMP and 891 membership I threatened: children, union executive, IATSE 891, "The X-Files", BC NDP, Labour movement and even and oddly publicity department? And down to very humiliating and embarrassing silly expensive loaded "internal" cowardly illegal internal trials. And far more embarrassing and revealing for a very silly $100 fine by pathetic Paul Klassen as so easy to manipulate and eager to kiss ass. Now a forever fool with much to hide from RCMP. This fine for literally putting dozens of criminals in "disrepute". As documented. Thus the value of their lives, careers, reputations and with family and friends internally calculated by judicial super brain Paul Klassen and legal gang at a punitive amount under $5.00 each? And best no awards for damages? And no defence of criminality? None? Yes, a $100 fine for those who have threatened childrenunion executiveIATSE 891, "The X-Files", BC NDPLabour movement  and even and oddly publicity department, possibly a deal. Funny when compared to a department head who had to settle for thousands for putting one carpenter in disrepute? Much more on this to follow.

Best bozo brain-dead bad boy and then 891 president Ken Anderson busted for bad faith by BCLRB, while bad faith Paul Klassen "Disrepute" trial under his belt at the same time as well? Such solidarity? True? False?  You can't make this stuff up. Yes, collectively that stupid. This as the now pathetic best effort to "coerce and intimidate". Sad? Silly? Humiliating? Criminal? Coerce and intimidate as BCLRB had "already" busted the slime with. Plus more clearly disgusting bad faith. So denial a tiny bit difficult. Idiots thought their numbers and big shot titles "intimidating" as with others in my non-union past, but in fact made just a much bigger and easier legal target. The added multiples of witnesses and documentation also helpful when criminals part of a crowd or gang.

Looks like another very well documented figurative legal touch down?

And now criminals and slime afraid to do anything, even in writing of any meaning, other than "safe" generic textbook template PR BS. This certainly has obvious legal optics. Even Tom Adair forced to shut his mouth and keep his highly uneducated self-serving opinions to himself and others also living a life of lies. Including the pretty little delicate very honest cheerleaders and executives princesses of paint department fame like Dusty Kelly and Margo Mckenzie. To just name two. For now? True? False? Denial? Debate? Bets?

And certainly those criminals to major fools and fakes, now feel a tiny little bit less "clever", unless testing psychopathic positive, as some suspect in some cases.  

The RCMP, MLAs and Media may wonder why so afraid? War cries of solidarity to serve criminal clear self-interests, fools so few anymore, and at such a low level not to matter. This not the best display or seeing the big picture.


Congratulations to proven aid and abetting criminal friendly cowards Mitch Davies who has been re-elected as IATSE 891 President, and to Phil Klapwyk who was re-elected as Business Repre
sentative. Obviously very few quality choices. True? False?

These two, as the two now forced front and centre with Paul Klassen to tell multiple lies to RCMP and defend their criminal support and coworkers in criminal courts. Or not? I find all three so very intimidating knowing their real personal history and as so educated, judicial and politically savvy.  Paul Klassen's huge intimidating and respected title:

Paul Klassen, Executive  Director at British Columbia Council of Film Unions. 

Why are literally hundreds of honest and intelligent people neither intimidated and respectful at all detailed below. 

Certainly three of what some suggest the very best and brightest in all 891 of Paul Klassen, Mitch Davies and Phil Klapwyk, should so easily be able to handle me all alone together with their superior education, experience, intellect and integrity and face-to-face at RCMP offices and under oath. What do they have to so seriously fear when "three against one" from little wee me? And little me sadly with no big impressive title and just honest objective trained RCMP interrogation experts. Well, other than fear criminal obstruction charges and a criminal record going into other criminal charges and career and credibility clearly crippled for life? Two can enjoy a nice relaxing coffee while each alone goes into RCMP interrogation room with me alone and the very little I know. Feel free to defame me for the record. Others have. Or squeal for a deal?

Will Mitch deal with the issue of Kelly Moon's gambling and money issues (See Very Critical Media link below) and other crimes, or like Keith Woods (now back where he better belongs), and also threaten members with heavy legal threats. This as basic black tie and tails "Coercion and Intimidation" and still criminal, This if any member dares discussing very dirty union executive criminal secrets to best protect criminal elite in further "disrepute"? 

So very odd I can't get a big national firm's real threatening lawyer's letter as I did with non-union activities or in past RCMP to get the "threatened" criminal executive to charge me no matter how hard I try, and even as this blog tries and warrants. Well, if the slime have nothing criminal to hide? True? False?

As one lawyer put it, anything the criminals dare do to deny "any" of the criminal claims in this blog with RCMP or in Criminal Court will constitute obstruction in a criminal investigation and as aid and abetting obvious criminals, contempt or perjury.

Of course I'll be as insulting as possible and whenever possible of criminal cowardly ignorant abusive slime who deserve no better for the "honest" membership they insult, children they cheat, and funds they abuse to their creepy and cowardly support of criminal elite for gross self interest. And laundered proceeds of crime as position to very generous perks. And far too often acting like the criminal elite and friends own the local. This in addition to all their sick misrepresentation and documented lies including to Provincial Inquiries and whether by direct insulting lies to RCMP or with their most popular deceptive art form of fraudulent concealment. They so deserve this. And more to follow. True? False?

I think in chess, I think one says "Check" even so early. When Queen is useless, rooks ridiculous and cornered, and bishop's BS can't move? True? False?

Let RCMP and Criminal Courts decide

Did Kelly Moon's casino and accounting scandal cost 
Keith Woods with his now branded big bully BS a comfy big pay and perks windfall 2nd term election as local 891 president? So close as statistically meaningless. Almost unfair? And also cost Keith Woods future critical character and criminal court credibility? As documented by media (See link below)? Just as John Brummitt so clearly cost Don Ramsden, and all members ("other than Brad"), as well? And so dearly, and in so many ways. This with John Brummitt's poor self image as really and "honestly" mostly no more than a tool boy for criminal Rob Maier and his huge ego issues as well? 

Cost and price

And this just like these criminal scandals and ongoing criminal support and reciprocation will now severely cost the now "exposed" and referenced 3 Blind Mice of Mitch Davies, Phil Klapwyk and Paul Klassen with their credibility and future careers? This when  RCMP cut off their tails/tales with a carving knife for deceitful tales with very blatant deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment aiding and abetting a criminal elite? And in breach of Fiduciary Duty. Ego and such short sighted gain and greed a killer.

Again, as one lawyer put it, anything the criminals dare do to deny "any" criminal claims in this blog with RCMP or in Criminal Court will constitute obstruction in a criminal investigation and as aid and abetting obvious criminals, contempt or perjury.

What are the actuarial odds

As crime and corruption historically a tragic fact from Vietnam to Vatican, and even with banks and business, with "coercion and intimidation", what are the odds of crime and corruption in a union local like IATSE 891? Added with a parent union with a hundred year history of crime and corruption with their union locals. Or what are the odds Johnny Brummitt lies and now desperately needs to lie even more as to criminally obstruct and lie to RCMP to protect his two criminal friends? As must every single local union president of IATSE 891 since 1992 and as some lovely ladies must also lie. In full dog-loyal solidarity?

NOTE: And so some don't think I'm just picking on criminals, fakes, bullies and uneducated idiots and thieves in IATSE 891 criminal executive elite, I'm also at the same time taking on criminal sleaze in a  BC municipality for also very funny numbers right out of Montreal Construction bidding textbooks. And like IATSE 891 great pretty PR efforts as always a red flag. Montreal Mob far better at such scams than this municipality. But same funny numbers, velocity, funnels and flow. 

And where in IATSE 891 I certainly proved I'm oddly very good at pattern recognition and numbers, and in the non-union world busting 2 CAs and crippling their careers, my studies in microeconomics always seems oddly also handy stuff. 

My other Montreal problem people now mostly handled and "paying the price", so this means I'll have much more free quality time to better focus on IATSE 891 criminal issues and this "clever" municipality. There is never only one crime? Yes, I've been major a pain in the ass for criminals, bullies, fakes and sleaze since 1969. Bets? Forgot to also add that to my application to IATSE 891.

Power and perspective

Hey, I know "exactly" how the love and respect of 891 criminal executives and 891 Presidents works. It's very addictive for weaker minds. And weaker values. 

When I was a little big shot in advertising it would appear every national TV and Radio "Sales" Manager certainly so very fond of me and they also certainly seem to also "respect" me. And seemed their gifts of tickets to places, sports boxes, major shows and meals in top restaurants a similar form of 891 love and respect. This so much so that I would often ask girlfriends to treat me like a major national TV or Radio sales rep would. And then things got kinky.

And where not even near the same league as still pictures with Horgan or Dix like Dusty Kelly promotes, when paid PR pictures walking in the shadow of giants, and with a less than intelligent look on her face, I know the very artificial meaningless respect one gets from many when pictured with power. This as when I was talking and joking with a Prime Minister and clearly as per CTV and CBC archives, some are amused. And I just don't try and make Prime Minsters, Senators and Attorney Generals, Super Wealth, Movie Stars and top Producers and Directors laugh as witnessed. And even NHL stars when playing tennis also laugh. My long time friends will absolutely support how I try so very hard to make all cashiers, waitresses, labourers, and certainly all medical people have a laugh in their day. I'm not picky. So I do have some perspective on the sick vain pleasures of "pictured with power" and resulting measured perks. Most proud of my relationships with highly decorated military and Quebec union history hero and later mentor Toronto philanthropist Joseph D. Carrier. Real people.

Easy to feel love and respect from media sales reps when your agency and direct clients have the biggest media budgets and billings in Canada, even top law firms would envy. Little clients like Bell Canada, McDonald's, GM, IBM (US), Federal Liberals, Federal Conservatives, 7-Eleven, Labatt, Trizec, Cadillac Fairview, City of Vancouver. Yes, you feel loved and respected by media reps, even if not as much from girlfriends as Art Directors and Writers you live with. Imagine a lawyer with such clients? Advocacy pays well.

Yes, I've been in almost every expensive restaurant in Vancouver, and many in Toronto and Montreal when once as so loved and respected by national media sales reps and often so very extremely bored? Fries with my very funny too cool and highly intelligent and very accomplished smart ass girlfriends far more enjoyable. Always? As witnessed. And far more memorable. My best memories not when flying first class or having clients send limousines as Liberals and 7-Eleven did, but with girlfriends. Why I'm a voice for women's safety.  As far as a voice for children, one really has no choice.

Again everything here, so very clear, as hopefully obvious, done to support point and purpose of:
  1. Women and workers real physical and financial safety,
  2. Children cheated compensated,
  3. Millions and millions in liability and fraud.
With the ideal goal of criminal incarceration and victim restitution from proceeds of crime and critical legislative improvements to antiquated BC Labour Code. As some noted legal scholars agree.

I know of a few legal scholars to hire to help with BC Labour Code reform. Actually as fact, one once working for Sen. Allan MacEachen and later for national unions. Imagine that?

Back to the sick and sad times with the toxic, dysfunctional and criminal world of IATSE 891:

Power and position

One wonders if any cases in 891 where obvious documented nepotism and cronyism helps criminals families get more money over more competent, talented, trained, skilled, "honest" and educated 891 members and permits? We will have to ask in a Provincial Inquiry if John Brummitt, Dusty Kelly, Kelly Moon, Frank Haddad and other birds of feather and company they keep, and those involved with internal trials have any knowledge at all of the perversion and cost of nepotism or cronyism or of crimes and criminals? Maybe Mr. Lewis as IATSE Canada President and Osgoode legal type, best to address this? And add if any cases of workers families as including purse snatchers to thieves and hard core junkies of note, as to add to witnessed gross incompetence of other nepotism cases? More families involved here in 891 than the five New York MAFIA crime families that oddly Cornell University also best addressed, As with perfecting Maple Syrup. As proven. True? False? 

All serves to paint an obvious visible and demonstrated very pretty sick picture. Well, if not blind, or your life and self-image not based mostly on a psychological foundation of cognitive dissonance and Dunning-Kruger compounded illusions of ones self-importance. And above the rule of law. 

Is nepotism and cronyism in this union local so excessive even a Trump White House would be green with envy? And as in 891 with no critical press or meaningful oversight or loyal opposition for any negative legal optics. Well, this unless outside forces like RCMP and BCLRB help and provide the truth on such criminal lying slime. See BCLRB rulings to RCMP and Law Firm files to internal trials exactly why the need for "outside" help always so critical and need so real with IATSE 891. True? False? Yes, once we easily prove they are documented and witnessed liars the "criminal slime" claim a slam dunk. True? False? Even 891 elections need third party involvement to keep clean and honest and void of threats of economic interference, gross deceptive omissions, fraudulent concealment and defamation as documented since 1992. True? False?

Sad to also think that the lies that cost so many lives in Vietnam, even Canadian, for others self interest, exactly like the lies some feel born Canadians should suffer or be allowed to suffer in 891. Including honest Canadians as suffering such serious liars not from Canada. That sick? True? False?

Values of the RCMP who died and risk their lives include: "integrity, honesty, professionalism, compassion, respect and accountability" and as clearly the clear direct opposite of 891 criminal executives by multiple documented deceptive disgusting deeds. True? False?

What can a lower IQ criminal do

The criminal slime must lie and deny everything in this blog to RCMP and Crown Prosecution or consider the legal optics of the obvious what they dare not deny? All or nothing? Can't be picky? And with 24 criminals they all can't play so ignorant and stupid on so much and with a thirty year history for some, and add witnesses and documents they can't deny as also a small problem.

From my tiny wee little experience with criminal and civil lawyers from Vancouver to Montreal, as some in IATSE have seen me with first hand in criminal court, the ones who can charge the most save you the most. Saw Stanley Hartt and Cookie Lazurus literally solve problems in under an hour. Or less? As such, to do formal charges, we know there are many top lawyers to help with criminal charges in Victoria and Vancouver Or simply a quick justice of the peace and let Crown tear all the criminal slime apart? 

Did like a shy Vancouver lawyer who helped an ad agency I was with get "seizure before judgement", on money owed? This when agency bullied as a small 3 man shop? 

And certainly internationally respected Gowling's Law Firm  familiar and exactly with IATSE 891's criminal elites mind set for "coercion and intimidation". And failed appeal. 

And Davis and Company understands the cruelty of 891 criminal elite when families with children suffer. But not yet the case of millions and millions and fraud it supports for so many and gang or group related. 

And as far as antisemitic white racists in "good standing" (unlike myself as clearly not in good standing in 891), supremacist dumped by another top firm. So many Vancouver law firms familiar with the criminal elite in IATSE 891. Including one women lawyer known for her ruthlessness balanced by her incredible charitable and volunteer efforts with young women. We mostly focused on media and a SFU case.

When having dinner with Oxford legal brain when the acting law faculty chair at UBC after great day of sailing at Rossini's when Eby just a local lawyer, with Dr. J. Fudge: my somewhat complex legal problems answered faster than my question took? She must have been hungry? Frank Haddad was there, but of course not at our table, as we discussed him and others? 

What will Paul Klassen tell RCMP as both BC IATSE top dog with a very big and long intimidating title, and as top in house judicial mind and para-para legal counsel? And while having danced with the devil for a few years far beyond debate or denial? Mitch Davies will probably get a T-Shirt with something on it like, "I may be very stupid, but I am not a criminal. I help everybody as best I can except those clearly abused by criminal coworkers". And they can bring a business rep and that NDP Federal Candidate what's-his-name, along also. This as to best "represent the business" of IATSE 891 as a third target. We will compare his "real honest" business experience, legal depth and related studies to mine. Gives him a chance to show-off what he knows. He can also bring some of his old election material for a few laughs. Now a collector's item for his next NDP very crippled political efforts? 

And for critical added intellectual support and natural born leadership they do have John Brummitt to coach and lead on strategic and tactical legal logistics and lies. Heck, he's Don Ramsden's long time friend and a few suggest Don just his puppet or the other way around? Hard to tell? Hope John Brummitt smarter than RCMP interrogation experts, and Crown, and criminal court Judges. He likes judging. And obviously he'll be a key called hostile witness in others criminal court cases. Well, unless all or some squeal for deal and no need for long expensive trials. And deals made with all criminal slime. Otherwise, possibly a ton of John Brummitt's best lies mandatory and required. No one is above the law. No matter what huge 891 title. True? False?

Reality for real people really simple

Prima facie? It really comes down to simply myself and other witnesses and 475 of those who support me and my legal friends are very sick disgusting ignorant low life liars and all evidence and documentation faked. And those like John Brummitt and Tom Adair to Rob Maier's gang really highly educated and honourable people that people, members, employers and coworkers and partners can fully trust. And those in NDP power circle like Dusty Kelly and Phil Klapwyk the best hope for BC and Canada's future and BC Film Industry.


Many named below as women beaters and children cheaters and thieves should go to jail. With even IATSE 891 put into 3rd party trusteeship as so corrupt for three decades, while members helped again by sister union ACFC, so seamless as possible. 

Really, that honestly simple. And simply as will be clear to RCMP and Crown Prosecution. Even impressive legally trained Osgoode legal like IATSE Canadian President John Lewis should see the obvious?

Summary Judgement just based on simply thematic 30 years of documentation and basic arithmetic certainly satisfies a simple checklist and has solid merit? True? False? There will be a trick questions for Paul Klassen based on this?

Facts, fools, felons

Think how so very lucky and so cost effective for majority of "honest" members in IATSE 891 not to have little wee me a mere listed Labourer (as per J.B) or others like me in the 891 executive or even dare say president. And as directly compared in detail to the trusted unmatched ethics, intellect, integrity and education plus experience and depth of: 

John Brummitt, (SEE BCLRB rulings on "coercion and intimidation" and failed appeal, and his obvious involvement with lies to RCMP. Two separate times.)
Don Ramsden, past president. (SEE BCLRB rulings on "coercion and intimidation" and failed appeal and very dirty secrets or rumours often discussed? So many know? And aids and abets John Brummitt for three decades.) 
Gavin Craig, past president. RIP (SEE internal trial transcript and his involvement with lies to RCMP with Susan Butler Grey). 
Ken Anderson, past president SEE BCLRB rulings on bad faith and registered mail as super slime and super stupid. 
Elmar Thiessen, past president (a poetic and tragic Don Quixote moron, who thought change came with reason and university like chit-chat). My experience as a bouncer in a biker bar in Ottawa and playing football gave me a very different education. As did Sen. Eugene Forsey and Kieth Spicer. Spicer promoted Canadian TV programming, support for artists, respect for consumers, and telephone competition. He led a four-year campaign to reduce gratuitous TV violence aimed at children? For less informed from 1989 to 1996 "Spicer was the chairman of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission". Oddly teaching me Cartesian logic and news media dynamics in 1983-4?. 
Mitch Davies, present 2nd term president (the nicest guy criminals could ever dream of for ignoring the obvious and well-known. Couldn't hurt a fly or a felon. Living proof how kiss-ass charm cowards become kings when requiring criminal support). 
Keith Woods, past president (tough, NO BS and decisive and protecting gamblers and criminal elite from "disrepute", one would guess. His quotes and posts plus links in this blog shows what he really is and what he isn't? Beating Mitch Davies should have been as easy as for Gavin Craig. This when election competition lacking in so many, many ways, and some like myself thought insane. True? False? Possibly the paint princess also the only person John Brummitt could also run against for president and easily win. True? False?) 
Really, let's be honest, if I was a criminal and/or fake and sleaze in the construction department who would I vote for as so very easy to intimidate and manipulate, Keith Woods or Mitch Davies? Mr Woods didn't have a chance. And failed to get the simple single minded voting block criminals heavily influence. Had Mr. Woods been even more of a criminal doormat like Mitch victory would be his.
Susan Butler Grey (with her three decade support of criminals ready to aid and abet when needed. See Lies to RCMP files and video), 
Margo Mckenzie, (from my missing artwork, my missing software and absurd petty cash submissions, certainly a person most can easily trust as well. A darn good fit for team building in 891 criminal machine and also suffering serious illusions with her management and budget skills).
Dusty Kelly, (Adrian Dix Hollywood date and darling. Hard to begin with her career and seems far easier to end it. I almost feel so sorry for Adrian Dix and his critical judgement "again" that will also warrant RCMP consideration "again".
Tom Adair. Former Executive Director of The Council of BC Film Unions (but can't even manage me. Obviously. Can't say enough about Tom Terrific other then two years cleaning highways as community service far too generous. Much more below). 
So should be obvious I had so little chance of fitting in as such high standards and requirements for 891 executive criminal elite and inner circle. It gets worse. See below. 

Imagine if no nepotism how pathetic some would be and appear as we can see when no family influence to bully by position to create an image of almost adequate. Other cowardly slime without family connections had to almost endlessly kiss ass and to just be no more than department heads in a criminally controlled market of oligopolies. This as so many have witnessed and so easy to prove.

BTL News

"One example is IATSE Local 891 in British Columbia. They provide their members with information related to reconciliation, equity, diversity, ...". But zero information on proven physical and financial threats. How selective? Reading material exactly what every victim of racism and bullies need. Can't wait to tell my Asian friends afraid of applying to IATSE 891 that 30 years later some "thoughtful words" from their expensive PR machine. More below.

Hey, I've been a victim so add EQ.

I was teased, harassed, beat-up and bullied having dyspraxia until the age of 14 so I've been a victim. And only later when far taller, far heavier, far faster and far stronger, than those who once bullied me, they disappeared or avoided walking on streets where I walked. So justice was served. I feel so sorry for those who won't ever know such justice.

Intellectually, I was also teased for my vocabulary and math skills until only invited in high school, as fun and funny, to be a part of older groups in higher grades and their parties and events, to finally having absolutely incredible mentors 10-35 years my senior. Even in school and after, many of my girlfriends senior and certainly having many other choices with their many charms as some in IATSE 891 have witnessed. This with my highly "real" accomplished dates and girlfriends. Some girls just like men who can make them laugh and not cry. And don't need for personal self gain to support men who beat-up women and bully those smaller and weaker. Postured pretentious alpha males with fragile/toxic masculinity issues get very boring, very fast. And if little fat men possibly seen as also silly narcissistic and sick? True? False? 

And please forgive my writing and mistakes in grammar and spelling, 
as English not my first language, where I speak in English but think in French. So much stronger in English in person than with prose. And certainly the French find me much more funny? As do highly accomplished Dutch, Russian and German women.

Still always had a problem with small sleazy kiss-ass whinny big tough-talking cowardly men who didn't like any men taller. Plus worse when you are clearly more educated and far more fun and funny, and oddly not given to accepting beating up women to play their bogus tough guy alpha bit. Yes, that sick. And certainly I was not as boring and as dull. 

As with football never any problem with real big, strong confident men including eventual CFL players and even NHL record holders, and even when on the board of directors of a public company. I like big men and they like me. Even in 891? So I only feel comfortable with small men when clearly my intellectual superiors, honest, compassionate and very successful and fun. My formal logic prof very small and frail and put me to shame. As did the great Sen. Eugene Forsey. They had nothing to prove? They stand as giants in my humble life. True? False? Fact check. Yes, please do fact check. Some things far more than just visibly obvious. Some small men are giants others just fake it.

Small insecure damaged men with their anger management ego issues clearly a problem? The few women I had problems with in IATSE 891 also as obvious as big loud passive aggressive bullies known by many for screaming at others below them, poor self image and considered by many as emotionally unstable. And supporting men who beat-up women compromised by their own sick self-interest. See very key and revealing internal trial transcripts? Comparisons absolutely must be made. I never screamed at ANY of my subordinates only those with big titles?

And of course there is also the poetic justice when in non union business of those who once thought themselves so very clever and so very superior with their big shot titles having to walk by you a few years later when you're flown as a "real" executive and sitting in first class. And they're sadly flying economy with their big shot titles. Justice? 

And certainly a bit later even in IATSE 891 driving luxury cars paid by deal memo, while the criminal bully slime like John Brummitt in trucks not paid for, until in executive, and makes a fool of himself even among those in the office. And this as witnessed by many in IATSE 891. True? False? And a bit amuzing as falsely listed and to "defame and intimidate" in 891 as a listed labourer (as per J.B.)? And do add having had big offices in the most expensive real estate in Montreal and Vancouver even with patio and ocean view makes it a tiny bit hard to respect uneducated slime acting so superior in offices smaller than my secretary had. And even she had a patio and ocean view but shared with three others. Some who have worked with IATSE remember this. 

And now we get to prove these slime not only liars and whole life losers and small fat ugly little criminals with expensive phones and computers they can barely use, other than for porn and trying to look important but human cowards and very criminal creeps. True? False? And just imagine how very sad those who criminally aid and abet and cowardly support this slime in solidarity how they "really" appear to real world and will look in a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal court rooms defending against millions in fraud and cheating children

But no victory dance for me until ALL the children cheated compensated by these cowardly self consumed  slime.  And those who beat up women and harass women abusing their position and titles and even as 891 members in "good standing", and with added big titles in criminal executive ALL EXPOSED to ALL members, RCMP and Criminal Courts. Then I dance like no ones watching. And dance 'til dawn. True? False?

My military friends also "real" decorated heroes higher up on the food chain? They also most certainly put me to shame for courage to endurance. And as do certain women friends as single mothers and also heroic. I've been humbled by hundreds. Too often. Even some members in IATSE 891 but mostly women. True? False?

This should provide key insight of why so clearly only problems in IATSE 891 with exclusively their inner circle cowardly criminal elite. And why no problems at all with any other film unions or other non-film unions. And why slime in 891 so fear the truth all told. All told? Our values differ. True? False?

Yes, of course the criminal slime do nothing about this honest and very published 
defamatory abuse that irritates some enough for stupid cowardly "loaded" illegal internal trials, as proven and documented, and for putting the lowest of criminal slime in "disrepute". But now so many so very afraid of RCMP and Criminal courts they now can do nothing. Not even send a pointless threatening lawyer's letter for my trophy wall. Which would have made a very nice and thoughtful Christmas gift as my long time friends know I'd cherish for years to come.

Will save some facts and more amuzing stories for a provincial inquiry or criminal courts when my critics as criminals in person my supporting obvious proof. 

Possibly my Galileo insights not welcome in a Vatican like 891 criminal  executive feeling 891 the centre of the universe. And science like rule of law ignored. Just like math and numbers in construction budgets that easily provide for kickbacks with such fraud? Much more funny and very sick stuff saved for Criminal Courts and Provincial Inquiries. Hope NDP can clean their house of such human lying garbage as named and restore the respect some had with Ed Broadbent and Jack Layton types.

Is this how Martin Luther started, not too pleased with Florence defining divine rights and Popes, plus abuse with figurative union "favours" to buy your way into 891 heaven? Interesting parallel? True? False? Certainly John F. Kennedy makes an interesting claim on such illegal NDAs and such very sick self-serving "Secret Societies". So similar to organized crime. True? False? Yes, those who ignore history will most certainly suffer it. Or if profoundly ignorant not even notice.

I have dealt with some rather sick and sad people even from work in psychiatry wards during university, so very serious comparisons can easily be made. As well dressed and groomed, postured, polite and well spoken some only obviously seriously damaged when asked calculated and planned questions. And we will ask very calculated and planned questions in a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Courts one dare not even suggest in IATSE 891 with and within their criminal elite. And as always in such cases, we will know the answers before criminals even know the questions. That's how it's done. Even with RCMP experts.

NOTE: As my old roommate and later future BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay would basically say: "...ideal when all that honest people have to do is tell the truth". 

And thus, I suspect, simply more than ideal, and far better, when in addition, all sick, sleazy, dirty, cowardly criminals, liars, fakes and frauds forced to lie to RCMP. And under oath. And this as their best and "only" defence. 

Even seems top internationally recognized and published Oxford legal academics from my university days in Montreal and dinners and sailing in English Bay when the acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC, would also agree. As would my former client the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford? See below. True? False?

Cornell University and Stanford also gets key strategic credit for help as some top legal will clearly understand?

As a note none of my contacts, friends and family will help me here. They never do. Well girlfriends do. Most just like the entertainment value. However, anybody dares play dirty and phones start ringing? And the game goes up a notch and national. And then we play football.

We only need 3 MLAs and one or two MPs to be real honest heroes to "quickly" help make case law. And turbo charge the "better protection of women" plus compensating from proceeds of crime the hundreds of innocent children cheated by membership to life insurance fraud. 

This done as a warning to the Criminal and Corrupt in other dirty union executives all across BC abusing "honest" union members and wasting member's money by those that seem only capable of "Coercion and Intimidation" to Theft at best. This proven beyond debate and denial. See links below and BCLRB rulings to Law Firm files on settlements. Plus add "Honest" witnesses and other no debate documentation including RCMP files, revealing internal trial transcripts. and registered mail, as simply icing on the cake. These are hard "real" facts.

This all to certainly better protect women, honest workers and the innocent children cheated than all others "pathetic and duplicitous political PR efforts".  And as so very obvious. As documented. And this starting with BC film unions 15,000 plus members and millions in tax credit fraud (and abuse) to clear life insurance fraud. This as the first key springboard case study on trusting members cheated in BC film union local IATSE 891. This as to make important case law. And as absolutely critical. And ASAP. And we will most certainly make very key comparisons to all the good, normal and honest unions I've worked with including ACFC, UDO, ACTRA and with other non film unions in Hospitality, Hospital, Transport, Tourism, Teachers and even Postal. I have a novel past few can match. Knowledge is power? Faking real meaningful experience and education for fools and frauds. True? False?

IATSE 891 clearly not the criminal

The union IATSE 891 clearly not the criminal, just the tool or weapon used by cowardly criminals. So hardly a major BCLRB issue as defined by law. And clearly a very criminal matter. Not Labour Code. Other than a byproduct of criminality. The lying criminals just used IATSE 891 as their sword and shield while pathetically pretending crimes are issues of union solidarity to clearly protect 24 obvious criminals, fakes and life long frauds. This while hiding behind all honest workers to best enjoy their proceeds of crime in cliche laundering as position and perks. True? False? IATSE 891 clearly the victim not the criminal. See plethora of proof. 

Many lies that some share will not make it truth. Nor the fact that hundreds of people share the same form of mental pathology makes these people sane. Their problems in their family and personal lives to be detailed from daily deceit and domestic violence to tragic addiction and adultery makes this evident.

This to point, as including "millions and millions" in criminal film tax credit and life insurance fraud. Big money? Plus this Blog done to provide initial "individual profiles" and details on criminals and with many other crimes and hard evidence. This as also defined below with the Who, What, Where, When and How. So few questions needed. This as to best help RCMP save money and time. True? False? Please note below most crimes documented and/or witnessed. See pictures of faces and names below.

The clear goal to far better protect women and honest workers and all BC taxpayers from sleazy cowardly criminals and corruption. And the criminal's culture of proven documented and witnessed "coercion and intimidation". And as detailed over three decades? See BCLRB files and various links below for no-debate solid proof. 

What if it were Tom Wells, Margo Mckenzie's or Rob Maier's daughters savagely beat up as reported by others including criminals who talk too much? What would serious sickening slime like John Brummitt and Tom Adair dare do then as such kiss-ass creeps and cowards? By comparison. As documented. Much more on this to follow. Much more. What if it was anyone in IATSE 891's daughters beat up? And truth all told?

Must be so hard to be such big shots in IATSE 891 and yet as real honest fact, such major sleazy cowardly nobodies in real honest world. Just nobodies like me and so many other real honest normal people. All just nobodies and as titles so very misleading for fakes and frauds in this dirty union 891 local executive. Real world, and not a fiction factory, where the real law and rule of law makes a far more honest, even, equal and fair playing field. This as appreciated by honest educated people. And always so hard for criminals, cheats, fakes, frauds and endless liars in the real world.

When safe, I'll thank all those members publicly and with RCMP who helped with inside information and on very dirty secrets and ignoring illegal NDAs. This as not to reveal their names and who might also suffer abuse and "coercion and intimidation" prior to justice being served. As documented. And sadly also for just telling the truth. We know who they are and as important who they aren't? And we will also thank criminals who talk far too much for making pieces fit, plus for revealing internal trials and lies to RCMP. All so very helpful. Liars and criminals will be more than obvious. True? False? 

Amazing what you can find about people from their high school to military service records and property assessment, added to coworkers stories? And even in small BC hometowns on Island and in Interior. 

The best and worse of NDP and IATSE 891

Love how the criminal slime, as also very documented, as unmatched lying hypocrites with PR that supports everything "proven" popular or tolerable from reconciliation fad and safe, fair working conditions and taking responsibility, identifying the problem, but clearly documenting for three decades ignoring their members and criminal to labour law and board abuses. And WCB and Environment Canada? See below.

Seems as hard fact things only improve when real laws and outside forces involved. True? False? Seriously: True? False? Is this blog not solid enough proof for even the lowest of IQ in criminal elite? How slime ignore reality, and love affirming their obvious self-interest and personal promotion? This while children cheated and to not upset their criminal political support and false "image" of being incredibly popular? 

Certainly a bit of a big stretch in hyperbole and poetic licence, when obvious life-long fakes and frauds like Tom Adair, and Dusty Kelly to Phil Klapwyk claim they "represent the film industry", and not a very-very tiny minority. And at best when "most and large majority" won't even make a simple easy effort to vote for them, but would help push a stranger's car? Think about it. True? False? Loved and respected? True? False? 

Or in tragic fact use "coercion and intimidation", clear economic interference, with defamation, NDAs, deceit, with their classic fraudulent concealment and even recent misleading threats of high priced legal for the documented suppression and censorship of expression of free speech. Freedom of speech that some of our families died for as fact. This when some don't buy their three decades of documented bully BS and insanely very expensive PR. True? False?

Much more sick. Imagine NAZI SS offering Jews to Gypsies with problems: a no cost "anonymous tip line", so they could identify problem locations and situations quickly to help SS to "help them". Some miss the obvious and blatant, other than by metaphor. Like the high utility and moral value of an "anonymous tip line" for possible witches at Salem. Or for Hollywood History nuts anything smell like Joe McCarthy or Nixon at HUAC and Bertolt Brecht?  And some sleaze like John Brummitt addressing all NAZI SS problems as senior SS steward for Don Ramsden with a more fashionable and contemporary working class hero moustache. And some excellent wardrobe work by many in criminal elite to play their part having studied actors most of their lives? True? False? And some bragging about it. Or much like giving rape victims a place to leave a message for rapists. Or add casino signage about responsible gambling. Absurd? See 891 scams? Nice facade yet nothing reported including any "anonymous success"? True? False?

Yes, Federal NDP with people of honour like Ed Broadbent and Jack Layton can claim no shame. However, Provincial and Federal BC NDP have to ignore history from Hal Banks classic "coercion and intimidation", and hiring halls something very close to black markets in jobs, to Harcourt Bingo bust and Glen Clark and Dix as oddly hard for even RCMP to also trust. If not all "more informed" BC. 

And NDP now must consider the long association reciprocal supportive solidarity/collusion with association with criminals of Phil Klapwyk Pitt- Maple Ridge Fed NDP candidate and Dix Hollywood date Dusty Kelly as a director oddly at BCLC. And with poor man's Hal Banks wanna-be John Brummitt. True? False? 

I did like and respect Mike Harcourt and his great very honest team when Vancouver Mayor. Back when City of Vancouver my client and I wrote Ads promoting "Hollywood North". And bought ads in Variety in Hollywood to promote BC investment. Oddly, just like I was asked federally for Brian Mulroney people to help with Cape Breton economic initiative. This as some former film people know first hand. True? False? I certainly successfully had helped Federal Liberals and John Turner prior? Few knew between Season 2 and 3 of the X-Files when riding, I stayed at the same ranch and bed as Prime Minister Turner or why Chretien in the living room of the house I stayed at when first joining IATSE 891 or my mother his older sisters best friend in Shawinigan. She babysat "Petit Jean". True? False?

And where sadly Sen. Eugene Forsey and Ron Basford not longer alive to help here many others are?

Of course only in the 11th hour, when full escalation, and final bets all in, and pot maxed, will criminals and our side as well, will we both start showing aces? Obviously? Hope they have good cards and not a house of cards. And all two dozen of criminal elite a well synced symphony of "believable liars"? Both sides known for keeping secrets about their past?

Time to pay the piper

Time for slime to start to pay for their so sick and so cowardly and criminal acts as so very clever. Thank Don Ramsden and John Brummitt and the other big brains behind internal trials and lies to RCMP as so very motivating. Too bad I can't be "coerced and intimidated", like so many others by such human garbage as literal criminals, uneducated fakes and frauds. 

It will come down to, for most not following closely, of whether:

A) I'm just some wild highly uneducated nut case labourer (As per J.B.) and nobody, telling hundreds of very sick lies about such very honest, highly educated, experienced people of unquestionable, depth, talent, integrity, judgement, ethics and intellect, like John Brummitt and Tom Adair to Rob Maier and gang, and all five past highly respected 891 local presidents and their criminal support.


B) Some go to jail. Many exposed to ridicule among family and friends as very sick sleazy cowardly liars. And any future employers.

From Hal Banks criminal trial:

"There are, obviously, many questions that one could ask about the responsibility of a union that would continue to sign new members and take their money when it already had more than twice as many as could conceivably be working (for a sustainable living wage) at one time". 

Great way to cover big needless legal and other bills based on gross negligence and incompetence. This when clearly some the dumbest and less skilled, experienced and educated animals leading the pack. Even animals smarter? 

Those of us who have "really" studied economics and legislated demand understand price tolerance when demand far exceeds supply. Harvard to 7-Eleven use the term "insult pricing". More to follow exposing criminals, liars, fakes and frauds and details of demonstrated and documented idiots thinking themselves extremely clever like an MBA fresh out of Western. And here in 891 some without high school and servile accounting systems and services, oddly daring to be playing critics?

Has it all

Yes, this blog oddly by default has it all. And from priority critical women's protection issues and policy and children as victims to blatant Hollywood tabloid sensationalism and some very scholarly reference. All focus matters of Criminal Law, Civil and Labour Code addressed. And even Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll referenced. Major Movie and TV stars even a part of this very twisted story and various politicians. Federal and Provincial. And from Joe Clark and Justin's Dad to Dix and Horgan. And from CJOR and CKNW in Vancouver to CBC in Montreal and Toronto. As such, some should be mildly entertained and educated as we put a few criminals in jail, and get compensation for the hundreds of children cheated.

As some ask, my own law school plans killed by an undergraduate law prof in Ottawa who took me out for drinks to tell me, while I was having fun in law classes, with famous "landmark" cases and tests, I'd be bored in focused practice and could have more fun in media. He had a radio show. He loved doing radio. So off to CBC (Toronto), CKO and CHOM-FM (Montreal) I went. Trusting his education. experience and insights? And he was fun. Some from SE in Toronto and at MT also supported my choice? In radio found even more fun at Ad agencies. And so went from selling media to working in top Ad agencies and buying national media. And many in Montreal found the ads I wrote funny and liked the success. Some stuff intentionally serious with military and political clients. So a bit about my past and unique perspective as prologue, and to quote Steve Earle "how I got to Memphis"?

This blog/story has more sub plots and twists, plus Hollywood and BC political names, and BC specific criminal history, than the Diana Kilmury movie about cleaning up the Teamster's union. Certainly far more humour and including needing an actor again for playing Jack V. former Teamster Union local president as it applies in two key scenes.

Women in Film groups should also see this as another important film story as the Netflix movie "Maid"? Also shows how self-centred and consumed women do not help women, just themselves. And how the sick minds of men like Harvey Weinstein not just at the top of the film industry but some at the very lowest levels in union locals and in union local executives and just as bad. Some like Robert Pickton from Port Coquitlam just feel superior to women like others in Burnaby. Some are sick and damaged and just don't know it.

And as for my good fortune mostly by fate or fluke, this is how I pay back and pay it forward for all the great fun, talented and honest nice people in film unions I've known all across Canada. And from beaten and harassed women who told me their stories, to cheated children who sadly have no other voice sadly so far but mine. Other's pathetic counter PR efforts blatant and transparent as no-action babbel. And kind of funny when a failed comedy writer takes on over a dozen criminals? Funny for some. Not for criminals?

Only criminals or those as guilty as aid and abetting need to worry and plan and prepare lies for RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal Courts and Media. True? False? See how we play this fun fact below. Criminals helping criminals with their crimes are also criminals. See aid and abetting defined below.

As a note, as witnessed by a top legal academic and an executive producer at CBC and RCMP "before 1980", I had already been a voice for farm workers, factory workers and their families, hospitality workers, and even as a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE in Montreal. This before my somewhat very fun and reasonably successful career in national media, finance and federal politics began. After 40 years you have "real" depth others can only fake. I also wrote the 7-Point plan for Western Canada for Prime Minister John Turner and Federal Liberals when highly paid by "Red Leaf". This after my top McGill University references had me requested to help Justin's dad. See below why. And why I''m so very hard for criminal idiots to fool? Or intimidate.

Busting criminals with criminal code first makes it easy for so many others after to get civil court settlements fast. And criminal decisions even help make a point with future pending Labour Board cases. And for more fun even internal trials become more amuzing. True? False? 

All I have to do now is throw some touchdown passes as hard proof to Crown Prosecution like "coercion and intimidation" and "lies to RCMP" as a proven given, and march up the field with first downs with RCMP's top attack backs and line BS blocking players on "millions and millions" in fraud. And this certainly helps save time and money with Provincial Inquiries when RCMP key witnesses. And supporting far less Brummitt babbel and BS team work, as per previous Provincial Inquiries by 891 executive criminals. And again  highlighting their deceptive so clever classic signature omissions or fraudulent concealment. As extremely well documented? True? False?

And if RCMP want or need, I'm willing to do the inspiring and very motivating monologue by Al Pacino from the football dressing room scene in the movie "Any Given Sunday". If needed. I did a short version for a grade school girls soccer team. Key: "I can't do it for you".

How do you tell the big difference between more honest, educated and intelligent people and those certainly not? This can sometimes with a few key calculated questions can be done in under 5 minutes in any public forum or Zoom "recorded" and "live" conference? Also helpful to RCMP, Crown Counsel and Criminal courts. However, with a few key calculated rapid fire "Yes" or "No" or "Truth" or "False" questions, can take up to 30 minutes to prove cowardly, sneaky, sleazy stupid liars, fakes and frauds are clear criminals or aid and abet serious crimes. This including millions in fraud. Bets? Criminals can use this blog to practice? 

Dear Mr John "Kirk" Horgan,
Premier of British Columbia, Canada

First, wishing you best of health and recovery, so that very soon all MLAs can aggressively address the following crime, corruption, coercion and intimidation, women's safety and children cheated.

Are your daughters safe? Or the next profile victims on the predictive data list? Or will your family be lucky? Will your sons and their little children also be cheated by life insurance fraud like literally hundreds? As proven. Plus suffer other added sick criminal abuse? As proven. Should the rule of law even matter? Or just be philosophical banter for published academics in ivory towers? Or for former history majors in Australia and BC. Those who might drink too much beer and watch "Star Trek" reruns? Some so lucky. Copy Kirk?

Should police plus RCMP both be "used" as free toys and tools by criminals to protect criminals? As proven. Should tax credits also enrich criminals while those proven far more honest, intelligent, talented, trained, experienced, educated or certified are NOT even honestly recognized? Simple questions. 

Why "honestly" exactly is very sick slime like John Brummitt as a senior steward paid so much? More than police, teachers and nurses? His recognized superior breadth of experience? His meaningful education? His noted superior intellect and integrity over all other 891 members? His calm confident manner? His respect for women, the rule of law and RCMP? As documented. Or just exactly like Tom Adair as another very useful highly uneducated stupid criminal puppet loving big titles and big pay, posturing and pretending useful value to 891 membership and as to protect Don Ramsden 's reputation from "disrepute". This as later would also be rewarding for Paul Klassen also documented aiding and abetting the criminal elite. And poorly attempting to defame, "Coerce and Intimidate" the silence of members and their legal right to freedom of speech with an incredibly embarrassing  stupid little $100.00 fine costing members thousands in this criminal charade. And making 891 so proud and again so criminally obvious?

This blog should certainly be highly educating for some very sick and sleazy cowardly criminals who must read this "whole" blog to best plan their legal defence. And even at times, hopefully, highly entertaining for honest people and certainly the RCMP and Crown Prosecution who are also reading this. And ideally with a few laughs for legal scholars and the lawyers involved. Most MLAs will get repeated email with this blog link with selected federal MPs and National Media for critical backup starting November and up to election efforts.

And if Green and/or BC Liberals adds a branding expansion as discussed of a "Voice for All Honest Workers". Union and not. And proves credible in focus groups and town halls and provides police, teachers and nurses the same exact "net value" as film tax credit to labour and material costs: things change. And faster than Dix polls to election results. Speaking of ROI, any results from Dix's Hollywood date with Dusty Kelly now at BCLC in a position of trust as a director?
"This will certainly make all RCMP real honest  heroes to all working women and all working people. Plus the serious and sadly far too many little children criminally cheated by one very big dirty criminal union executive. And make Brenda Lucki so very proud."

This also includes RCMP's very own family members, as also victims not aware of their legal rights? And almost everyone knows somebody in the RCMP. True? False? 
And as it relates, more on this below. And more with other support references for my claims of crimes and criminals. Plus for serious legal fun the documented defamatory damage depth to my character by those sleazy low-life still so proven dumb they'd even dare any defence or denial as double-pronged "defamation" and "perjury" trap? As clearly planned. Legal academics help. See below.

And if you see a typo or grammatical errors, please hit refresh as you might be out of date on updates.

Note: And where some might suggest this blog a Dan Brown style of apparent non-sequitur overkill, ready for screen play or
criminal formal court presentation shuffle: everything in this blog is a serious reference for very key and critical legal points. Well, for those who read fully and not just fake it as demonstrated postured misinformed arrogant and ignorant judgement? True? False? And purpose for points immediately evident for some as per:

IATSE Canada President Mr. Lewis seems, like myself, also a fan of legal scholar and published expert David J. Doorey, who oddly now has this very exact helpful blog link. This to help him with future legal policy documents from "real life references" and with the very handy helpful links below. Another Osgoode Labour expert? The more top legal scholars the merrier? They really should provide this Blog to Labour Law students as a test involving BC Labour Board, Criminal Court Judges and Common Law potential rulings on the rule of law bit? And with the added test of rules of statutory interpretation, semantics and syntax, and from common man to Chomsky and Laskin. See below? More here than meets the eye. For now?

Here's exactly why I like and respect the courage of "trouble maker" and legal scholar David J. Doorey and other such similar legal scholars. He must be recommended as a Federal Minister of Labour?

David J. Doorey@TheLawofWork

"Can’t get over fact there are lawyers arguing that articling students should have fewer rights, entitlements than Tim Hortons’ employees.

It’s a dirty little secret that law societies, bar associations have lobbied over the years for their workers to be exempt from labor laws". 

Unlike IATSE 891 criminal slime, some can't simply ignore all laws? 

As Professor David Doorey also had his own mother screwed by Eaton's when her pension disappeared, he should be as disgusted as when film union executives in IATSE 891 cheats families and children of life insurance to medical benefits with fraud. As documented and witnessed.

Just trying to be just as helpful and as fun here, as when I reported "directly" to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. This on metrics, money, message and media in a Federal Election. Oddly, Trade and Financial national media and top business school deans have also quoted me or referred to me as a media expert? Innis and McLuhan to neurosciences at Stanford stuff? Certainly, I was one of the first quoted experts on Digital Marketing based on my pioneer work with IBM(US) at Expo '86 and "real" studies in bio-cybernetics. And I'm far more fun than most. This so some might appreciate my perspective here with criminal claims a bit, and based on my "real world" experience and limited graduate efforts.

Professor David Doorey writes he has: "...also argued in the past...that persistent violators of labour standards should be prohibited from being principles in a business, a right they forfeit when they demonstrate a lack of respect for the rule of law". He references New Zealand.

As such, as per rules in formal logic, should this not also equally apply, as same, with dirty criminal and corrupt union executives? Those screwing all taxpayers, honest people and membership, as in BC Film Union IATSE 891? And as also clearly proven not respecting "repeatedly" the rule of law for (30) thirty years? This is about the rule of law, not whether apples or oranges or a blonde or brunette stole money. True? False?

And this when already "clearly proven guilty" as with "priors" of "Coercion and Intimidation" (plus failed appeal)? And documented misleading with obstructive lies to RCMP. This for documented intent of wrongful prosecution. Plus misleading Provincial Inquiries, their own trusting IATSE membership and more? Even with their high profiled promoted PR pictured-with contacts in BC NDP like Adrian Dix  — himself already having had credibility problems with RCMP, still makes the rule of law the test?

And thus, we must allow and empower provincial labour boards to prohibit such fiduciary or mandated criminal and corrupt individuals from being union executives. Or work in any union ever? And with those that aid and abet. Plus severely fine and penalize these criminal and corrupt individuals directly and with no union shield as a Moses message to the masses? This noted as supporting the key references to critically needed labour reform points below

If children as victims of those in positions of trust can sue the Catholic church and specific people, even as priests, and decades later, with multiple victories and millions in settlements, shouldn't children as also victims, and added of parents as also victims, and as those also victims of those in positions of trust: have the same holy rights? Even if they have very big shot titles in union local IATSE 891?

Will be so very entertaining soon for many for watching the BS claims of criminals of just being "honest hard working labourers", "proud dues paying union members", and the very over used cliche of "educated in the school of hard knocks" bit, and just trying to do their "honest best for 891 membership" BS. This posturing and pretending by most in this criminal elite. Just like Hitler just a house painter trying to help the world.

"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis". —  Dante 

Same with executive offices in IATSE 891. We should confirm their reservations? This for the sickeningly disgusting cowards thinking themselves so politically savvy and of superior intellect supporting criminals for their sad desperate job survival and position. Hardly what honest unions about. True? False? Debate?

Key point no point

At no point should anyone forget that already two 891 presidents, 40% of five, already "caught" and totally busted by BCLRB for Bad Faith and "Coercion and Intimidation". This beyond debate or denial, and with more embarrassing pathetic failed appeal. And another recent presidential clown and legal illiterate far out of his league bluffing and threatening legal for young career fearing members or members all not willing to call his BS bluff on Freedom of Speech. And one other president documented very key to desperate disgusting obstructive and defaming lies as wrongful prosecution to RCMP. And certainly the so honourable Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen, have clearly both had no problem supporting criminals with their sickly cowardly and creepy hands off skills? Exactly like a crooked court judge enjoying his position and added pay, and perks by  leaving criminals alone. And both providing no help to myself or other honest members? Makes a point? True? False? Do they both have very weird fashion fetishes when alone like Mob had on FBI head Hoover? Why don't they act like real honest men and leaders against criminals? A question worth repeating?

And me with oddly a literally perfect employment record in ACFC and IATSE making my supervisors look smart and often better than they deserve. Bets? And "no mistakes" unlike others with bigger huge intimidating titles. And yet not even a letter about threatening union executives and Rob Maier's children? How odd? And these criminal sleaze really think RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges will believe their hundreds of needed lies and teen age deceptive rhetoric skills by these two dozen samples of human garbage? Yes, they may be very sad and sick people believing they are all "working class heroes" and "rags to riches success stories" and worthy to be Federal NDP MP candidates. And not clearly disgusting total criminals, fakes and/or frauds. And also believing they are above the rule of law. True? False? Fact check. And all this only the start?

And for fun later we'll not only show criminal executive slime deceive and lie to RCMP, Provincial Inquiries, whole membership, and often using their proven effective used car sales integrity salesman trick of fraudulent concealment. This as showcased in internal trials to Provincial Inquires and BCLRB hearings, but even lie and deceive others in their pathetic criminal elite. These are sick and sad people and some as Fed NDP candidates?

Why I love courtrooms and real world senior executive boardrooms and dealing and living with scholars from forensic psychiatry and environmental sciences to political and legal should be obvious. As some in IATSE have seen first hand. Fact check? True? False?

Collusion and conspiracy to criminally defame and coerce and intimidate in dog loyal solidarity to "protect criminals" obvious enough yet? Just as it is to top legal and those more educated and far more honest? And this including lies to RCMP and Provincial inquiries and BCLRB? True? False?

All free to tell their very best story of denial or defence to RCMP under oath or in writing. Only fair? Anything they do mostly just more evidence of their sick, sleazy, mindset as well as their intellect and integrity and clear criminality. True? False?

I should mention zero problems with ACFC as counter point and no other film unions or non-film unions all across Canada. Zero? And as with IATSE 891 for first few years, hardly noticed?  True? False?

Wonder what

Wonder what Brenda Lucki, when soon informed, will "honestly" think about a full criminal investigation and prosecution of those little very sick ugly men who beat up and bully women and harass them? Plus mislead and cheat IATSE members and their children? Plus document lies to RCMP, and as already proven guilty of "Coercion and Intimidation"? And her thoughts on the known sad female slime who support them and the other sick cowardly clearly criminal slime who clearly aid and abet? Asking for a friend. Many. 

Why with crimes starting in 1992 to 2022, that I'm only doing all this now explained below. And obviously as best to screw "all" criminals involved while clearly protecting others including children from abuse by delay. Plus much research required as new criminal material kept constantly being provided of their guilt and ugly cowardly criminal deeds. As documented. As witnessed. See more on exactly why below. Also kind of liked seeing their wealth, bank accounts and all other assets build from proceeds of crime. This wealth for BC Director of Civil Forfeiture to seize fully as to best compensate all "honest" victims from women beaten and children cheated to all BC taxpayers cheated.

Note: When final edit, graphics and grammar proofing done for official launch of this blog, ideally before Christmas, as a special gift for criminals, this blog site link will then be posted on various national police, church and community web sites like https://whyweserve.ca/ . And the 20,000 RCMP following the National Police Federation on FB. Pulpit politics oddly so very powerful? And more the case from Surrey to Abbotsford. 

"The main purpose of the criminal justice system is to bring to justice a person who has committed a criminal offence".


As advised by many, first we ensure political and media support. Then second, we file charges with a sworn statement. This using this blog as such very handy, and helpful rough notes. And for a quick cut and paste with strategic shuffle and for a detailed charge itemized list and agenda. And with many added surprise names. Three, fully support RCMP and Crown as needed or requested.

When I'm free

Then try and raise finance for a sitcom with working title "Royal Catherine" based on a young nurse in an old age home. This with ideally Annie Murphy or Sarah Levy as the ideal lead character. Character a bit silly, girly and goofy, but a walking medical encyclopedia and medical research library. What she does medically not the miracle, but what she does with hearts and minds. Recently divorced, moves to new small town in Washington state across from Victoria, Canada where filmed and her story mother lives. If there is a God with Catherine O'Hara or new BC resident Pam Anderson as the mother as often as possible. And using ALL women behind the camera and in all departments. All departments. ALL women. The head doctor at the home a first nations doctor, her first nations family also fun? The only men used are on camera actors from orderlies to old age seniors. And non camera when and if needed in other departments. See more below.

What I bring to the table? Well besides board of directors, marketing and finance depth and hands-on depth from TV ads that have to create a giggle 2-3 times in a 30 second story, as documented, to my work on East Coast watching the comedy brilliance of Trailer Park Boys movie "Legalize It!" and the genius with "Michael: Every Day" TV series, when both shot in Ottawa. And even with French Comedy "La Sacree", is arguing with investors that creative pool often under budgeted and understaffed? And products too often grossly poorly promoted? And my ability as "really" able to talk media dynamics from digital to traditional, as my degree, graduate studies and certification support and document? And as a media buyer. Also have studied contract law in both Quebec and Ontario. Fact check?

"Excellent" production crews like top lead guitar players and power drummers not hard to find. In fact in every place in Canada as proven. And in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Kelowna, Vancouver and Victoria. Oddly all proven world class in TV and Film. And for comedy. True? False? As with Canadian comedians, literally thousands available to support, promote, pay and exploit?

Some in IATSE know first hand how judges, brokers and investors and boardrooms listen to me as "supporting council". But odd not the criminal brain trust in IATSE 891? They as in fact pay, and pay well, plus trust and listen to people like John Brummitt to Paul Klassen with their intellect and integrity and related superior education and experience over hundreds of more "honest" 891 members. How fortunate for IATSE 891 to invest so well in such executive and legal judgement, management and systems?. True? False? Canada's other favourite sport is comedy. 

Yes, absolutely criminal defence lawyers can bill for reading this short comedy pitch above and considering the legal ramifications. The above comedy pitch puts about $200.00 - $400.00 into each and every individual criminal's criminal defence lawyer's pocket. 24 criminals X $200.00 = $4,800.00. And plus criminal defence lawyer's ALL have to read this whole blog? And yet RCMP need not unless bored or until criminals respond (as suggested above) to deny or accept ALL criminal claims in this blog within 14 days? Can be done by phone or text? Saving money and time and safe as done by phone by RCMP. After only what those crimes criminals "specifically deny" (in writing and signed) in solidarity/conspiracy need be addressed. How efficient is that?
Hey, I'm just a failed com
edy writer with basic accounting skills and sensitive to lawyer's needs for billable hours. Again, doing more pro bono to help lawyers and not criminals.

Just business

If the "very proven documented" 891 executive for 30 years, as very sleazy sick criminal slime and as even "aid and abetting" and in internal trials, clearly okay with and support or classically cowardly ignoring (showing gross personal self-interest and traditional 891 political savvy) of: 

Clear documented and witnessed defamatory LIES to RCMP, with clear "criminal wrongful prosecution" blatant. And further add to "Coerce and Intimidation" for the more clear protection or promotion of criminals. Plus threaten freedom of speech as a show of criminal solidarity. 

Thus, the criminal slime must be so easily okay with "My Turn" as fair and  RCMP now knowing in high contrast the "whole truth" and using RCMP's "best experts" and "best technology" to showcase their leading edge skills, and ensure criminals go to jail. True? False? Or make me leave such honest nice people alone.

Seems the best criminal brains of John Brummitt and Tom Adair to Rob Maier and gang did not handle matters too well now, assuming themselves both brilliant and above the rule of law. And for really far less than middle management qualifications. And as titles to be feared. Or to quote trusted former "treasure" Frank Haddad at Rossini's restaurant when I was having dinner with the acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC after sailing: "Just business"

I failed to mention to Frank who I was having dinner with, but did mention to my dinner companions who the creepy pretentious wino expert with the red nose was, and about his creepy criminal friends like Rob Maier? So Frank Haddad must appreciate this as well as "Just business"? Oddly as novel fact my real business depth dwarfs Frank Fantastic while he was trucking tree parts around for decades. And like he supports internal trials as documented, I likewise support criminal trials when I'm put  in "disrepute". Fair? Ironic? 

Collusion and conspiracy to criminally defame and coerce and intimidate in solidarity obvious enough as it is to real legal experts or best trust John Brummitt's call? 

All criminal slime of course absolutely free to tell their best story to RCMP under oath or in writing. Only fair?

And our SEO, Google to FB and TikTok measured CTA skills and "network" from recent upgrades and updates, possibly the best in Canada? Possibly? Certainly fair to ask? Ready for a national high threshold frequency targeted blitz. And this has high "measurable" and "demonstrable" political currency for media ROI maximization? We've been testing? 

And this from font and colour real research (MIT?) to psycho-graphic (Stanford) and Canadian media retail footprints rates and ratings. Total fluke I also studied cartography? And before studying media and a little law? Even ESSO was impressed. We did Vancouver Island "Goldfarb" psycho-graphic mapping with Census data and it worked? Very well? Religion, Occupation, Postal Code, Income, TV, Soft Drink and Fast-Food preference, Voting history, values, triggers and "motives". These ESSO psycho-graphic studies will relate more below.

Point: As support for initial criminal fraud claims , I started in 1980 "buying" mailing lists from Dun and Bradstreet and "buying" US TV and at retail radio rates? And to point: yet oddly so very hard to be qualified as a very-very simple "construction buyer" by the extremely high quality qualifications of the so impressive criminal authorities in 891 like Don Ramsden and John Brummitt. As documented. And key as more evidence of fraud and "Coercion and Intimidation". 
And having done home renovations and sailboat repair? This is how they think. This how they act. And as documented fact. And much more sick and absurd I had already been a paid buyer in IATSE 891? What a bunch of human deceptive dirt? Literally took an 891 "presidential election" and another needless one-page appeal again to be "honestly" listed as a simple construction buyer. This as I worked on other far more challenging "creative" matters, as work so simple as planned. These people not just clear criminals but possibly insane or suffering some serious mental disorder with their needless lust for power, starving egos, poor anger management and abuse and at such very petty levels. As documented. As witnessed.

Sadly, literally thousands of others suffered as afraid to rock the boat or uncertain of how I made a joke of membership plus IATSE 891 qualifications and standards (and as further evidence of fraud on many) and yes, even position qualifications. And I kept the easy higher paying job as not intimidated, while others sadly were and are. Some men embarrassed don't want to admit their fear but easy to make evident in so many ways. 

Plus appears I documented as fools both Don Ramsden's "edicts" and his side-kick and goofy super sleazy lying criminal friend John Brummitt. Both later busted as key to "Coercion and Intimidation" as per BCLRB case files document and with their desperate failed appeal. How very odd same two slime and same type of activity? True? False? Goofy sleazy lying Brummitt later ALSO part of lies to RCMP. Will be fun if he thinks lies to RCMP "again" will save him and other criminals, even in present executive, from jail. As thinking himself smarter than RCMP and myself. His ego and stupidity exposed all his criminal network by association and his bragging. This referenced as a key point where tax credit, membership and life insurance fraud mathematically first evident.

Kind of fun for a guy who sailed and skied and did work with top CBC Investigative reporters to show off what he learned about Gonzo journalism, and about rules of evidence from his little legal friends? Why I and this blog might be extremely helpful in a Provincial Inquiry from the anecdotal to the actuarial? And as an eye witness under oath baiting in criminal courts, planned perjury traps. Yes, I'm a fun guy. Well, with nice decent people. True? False? Fact check? Easy to prove John Brummitt helps criminals while I help non-criminals. A
nd how every 891 local president since 1992 to present 2021 president Keith Woods help criminals and oddly how I don't. By clear comparison. So easy to prove those who helped me and those who helped criminals. True? False?

Frauds and facts

To showcase the early cases of the culture of deception and "coercion and intimidation" for example, with the honesty of John Brummitt and Don Ramsden as documented and witnessed, even at very petty small minded levels, my exact case took me 15 years to go from international media "buyer" to accepted "simply listed" local little league simple one department retail construction "buyer" in IATSE 891? And oddly, for comparison less than 10 years to go from graduate studies to the board of directors of a public company? And working as a very senior executive in the biggest and best ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. And working with both Federal Political parties and Fortune 500 giants. Oddly, including running a Toronto Ad agency using top TV production companies and with art directors, copywriters, production managers and media buyers reporting to me? I only reported to shareholders. And yet only a problem with 24 sleazy criminals in IATSE 891. 

For an honest and revealing fact about the class and integrity in IATSE 891 union executive, where it took over ten years to be honestly listed as a simple buyer in IATSE 891 with human criminal sleaze like Don Ramsden and John Brummitt, it literally took less than a minute with far more honest film union ACFC. Just had to fill in a blank. Facts make reality and sleaze and scum so very obvious. True? False? If teamsters can clean up their dirty union why can't IATSE 891? In addition to ACFC was also impressed by the honesty and professionalism with ACTRA to UDO film unions, so not just a fan of ACFC. Sadly, even DGC too often compromised by criminal factors in IATSE 891. True? False? 

How odd such high standards by those of so little "real" related education or experience in 891? More on other sick case studies on membership to qualification fraud in 891 even including top McGill graduates and brilliant Art Directors below and just as sick and absurd. Why? This blocking the brightest and the best, done so criminals could surround themselves with those far less less intelligent and qualified that they could so easily buy and/or bully? And with similar corrupt or criminals or the key cowardly criminally liable aid and abet support that they could both compromise as clearly required and as to not ask any awkward questions. 

Must be a bit of pressure, to say the least, for such low merit 891 union executives and criminal department heads, when just like a day call labourer knowing as fact that easily a couple of hundred in IATSE 891 quality membership who could so easily replace you as more honest, more educated and more experience, and less waste and cost, unless protected by criminals and corruption? And as fact even younger. Those of little merit and dirty secrets lead very sad desperate deceitful lives. As documented. As witnessed. See links. John Brummitt as an absolutely perfect example and case study. The true full story of his corrupt election success and numbers and added "unique" cost to follow.

And for criminals to further ponder, for also explaining, who else "exactly" had my skill level to be a well paid pick, plus deal memo, plus car allowance when others literally inhaling saw dust and paint fumes. Certainly not John Brummitt or other poorly educated union local executives or princesses in paint department. This including recent top 891 executives in criminal elite and yet most unable to be department heads for an honest sustainable living? Or incapable without blatant nepotism and cronyism to kissing ass and criminal servitude. True? False? And hundreds of others screwed by these criminal slime. Including children. Bets? True? False? 

Always funny to see the documented quality and productivity drop and careers flatten or crash, by both union and non-union slime when I no longer have interest in dealing with them and helping them looking far smarter than they really are and now threatened by those younger and smarter and in some cases even more honest. True? False? As documented. And witnessed. Many times. 

In hindsight they may wish they had simply been honest and fair with many cheated and listed me as a buyer as also simply and honestly fair. This initial BS by criminals should have made it obvious I could neither be impressed nor intimidated by criminals, liars, women beaters and children cheaters even in a matter of simple and "unnecessary" honest listing. Didn't reduce the quality level of women I could date to their level or my pay? Obviously? Sad and very costly to others this slime and their very petty ego trips. Costing others as honest and innocent ones thousands. Those who couldn't dare rock the boat to protect their families and financial security and revenue stream. This while I worked less for more. True? False?

Prove their innocence

Key Point: Below we offer multiple "no-debate" opportunities for criminals (named and pictured below) to so very quickly prove their innocence, protect their good family name, children, career reputations, and friends to RCMP. Including mail and simple multiple choice and yes or no answers? How helpful?

What on earth are they waiting for? Or why so very afraid of "now" and yet by direct comparison having "used" RCMP before so very-very quickly as their petty political puppets and props? As proven. As documented. As witnessed. 

Shouldn't the highly educated and experienced authority of Tom Adair put pen to paper "again" and do his documented pretentious pathetic pontificated prose as to again aid and abet criminals? And now for an RCMP investigation just as he did a forensic audit vote? Back when Tom Adair presuming, not one or even a few hundred of 470 who documented they don't trust him, was not also his very clearly superior in integrity and intellect or education and experience. And Tom Adair as one of 891's biggest fakes and frauds? Easy to prove? See below for more details. True? False?

This scorched earth Social Media blitz above done "as only" criminals and those who aid and abet need fear police to DGC and other film union associations and governments all across Canada knowing the truth and their exact good family names and funny games and often misleading merit IMDB screen credits. Myself, as well, with misleading IMDB screen credits as supporting proof? True? False? And as a plus their unique personality disorders defined to all this Blog's readers. Yes, not only legal scholars involved but already even an internationally recognised Forensic Psychiatrists? See below.  

Yes, I absolutely realize no sleazy criminals, fakes and frauds reading this blog will ever employ, qualify and poorly pay me ever again or invite me to their criminal parties and thus force me to continue to play with others far more honest, intelligent and far more accomplished. And more fun and far less boring and dull.

Very funny things

One of the very funny things was all of these sleazy cowardly highly ignorant and arrogant uneducated criminals and whole life frauds from women beaters and children cheaters to major thieves, is that they did not know much about me when playing big shot and so obviously criminal. Well, for a few years. Or enough. And so many still only now finding our about my secret past. But witnessed.

Most criminals thought I was just some tall "funny" polite computer nerd they could also easily "intimidate and coerce" with financial and economic threats like far too many others as my tool kit fit in my pocket. This fact of screwing others as Law Firms like Davis & Company (with an old high school contact) to RCMP files clearly support for solid history, to recent documented misleading threats against free speech, as per third party links supported below. And as well with supporting BCLRB rulings. And this abuse with their so impressive tiny 891 titles and "real" solid lack of qualifications, thinking as a licence for abusing a fiduciary role and trust to enjoy proceeds of crime and corruption collectively. This as defined by law? This culture and case also defines the perversity of first-past-post elections as a key case study in the dysfunctional and toxic when a criminal virus can not be controlled or vaccinated. True? False?

Below we suggest vaccination as part of Labour Code reform. Suggested below and tested for thousands of years since cuneiform and clay tablets. A simple single jab of "rule of law" a proven deterrent. Booster shots also recommended.

Certainly my family that died in battle defending Freedom of Speech would be proud of me where sleazy criminal liars, frauds and cheats not so much. True? False? And some criminals come from other countries that Canadians died to defend laugh at this. How sick can it get? They really are that disgusting. Bets?

Most criminals also knew I couldn't be intimidated physically like others by these criminals when some Harley driving biker and bar room fighting legend tried to go Alpha on me and barked too loud. I had already been threatened with guns and knives in Ottawa and Montreal. Theatrical world mostly filled with actors acting tough. I also had Military and Marshall Arts training and was a bouncer in Montreal, Ottawa, Jasper and Banff? In Toronto I even tried stand-up comedy on a $300.00 bet? So a bit hard to intimidate? And most certainly I could not be threatened intellectually or socially as with others. Didn't need any new sleazy friends with the classy friends I had. True? False? I was however helpful, fun and friendly with all honest nice people. True? False? And whether lowest level day call junior labourer to top producers and directors. As witnessed.

Kind of funny

Most knew I was kind of funny, as I was the publisher and editor and total writing staff team for "The Unofficial X-Files Staff Newsletter". Some even kept copies. Made many laugh. Just as I did in Montreal when not working with my Military and McGill clients.

This early showboat effort at "Coercion and Intimidation" of a funny computer guy done to show others as a warning to others, like a Mafia hit or Nazi public execution, just how clever and powerful they thought they were, and so in in love with the illusions their little tiny trade titles on their business card provided (See media link below with lack of respect of recent past president of IATSE 891 Keith Woods, and Kelly Moon credit card use). And this at sadly the peak of their life and careers and so temporary. The slime and criminals certainly love a show of force and abuse. This from coercion and intimidation, economic threat to defamation and their despotic pretentious postured authority to lies to RCMP for wrongful persecution. As documented by BCLRB rulings, RCMP records, Law firm files, internal trial documents, registered mail and media. No less? And from 1992 to 2022 and present documented and reported BS twisted word play legal threats against "honest" members for "freely" discussing union executive's so many dirty secrets. True? False? See links below as no debate or denial proof.

Hey, where did everybody go

Well, this illusion by criminals of being both "clever and powerful" began to crumble very fast. And all bold and brave overt threats against me oddly stopped. Almost instantly? This turning point when matters went from Labour Code to Criminal Code with very sick lies to RCMP. And very stupid criminals treating RCMP like idiots and their puppets to play with. As proven. As documented. As witnessed. Lies to RCMP that really seriously backfired. Big time. 

Then they got to know I was a bit more than a simply funny computer nerd. And started to learn about my involvement and my families and friends with 4 Prime Ministers, a few Senators, 2 Judges, 2 Legal Scholars, 2 Forensic Psychiatrists and a few everyday psychologists and lawyers and some media connections from Publishers on West Coast to CBC in the East. 

Sailed and boated with Publishers of Vancouver Magazine and The Courier in Van and dated and partied with some journalists and internationally recognized psychiatrists. I am fun. One girlfriend on the Editorial Board as Photo Editor of Maclean's Magazine . Another Chatelaine 100. On the East Coast had skied, sailed and played guitar with a variety of producers. I play well with some? Heck, even CBC 's Stuart McLean found me funny as with Producers of the Fifth Estate and The National? Heck, keep it local and ask Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew, what he knows about me and my connections in Federal Politics and National media. Some who have worked in IATSE even know of my work with Mulroney top brains. And not just Stanley Hartt. And major investors. Nor just Trudeau, Turner and Chretien people. See more below. And why I got Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC special projects should be of interest besides my work at McGill with Dr. Gerry Bull before his assassination.

Nor did the criminals and their aid and abet support slime know of my own "real" senior executive depth in media and work with unions all across Canada. Nor of my work at CBC in Toronto?

This above quickly noted so readers can start to appreciate what it was like "observing" such lying, pathetic, disgusting fakes, frauds and criminals and their tragic illusions, with my rather unusual background. This as proven from day1 to when I left ACFC and IATSE 891 to do music industry efforts. This based on successful market tests. Plus go back to putting in time with ACTRA and UDO. ACTRA as my first film and TV union in Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa? Don't like to brag but my manly intelligent looking hands made me a bit of a celebrity among hand models. From when manly and/or intelligent hands needed for Apple II TV ads in Montreal or Kokanee Beer TV ads in BC. Some don't know my name or face but millions have seen my manly and/or intelligent hands. I also voiced Federal Liberal ads. 

Very funny

Funny how no one ever guessed why such unusually highly accomplished, successful, strong and insanely intelligent women in academics and business liked me, and could ignore celebrities and men with money? And why some sleazy deceptive stupid women clearly don't like me at all. True? False? As such allow for the humour below and dealing with such serious and sick criminal acts. I use humour as a pit stop for readers like with Formula One race car drivers, so readers get a break and diversion, and figurative tires changed. I was almost moved to tears by a story a single working mother told me, but knew my anger would serve her better and a few jokes.

Not funny at all

Working women and honest workers need to feel "safe" plus "protected" both physically and financially from such low-life lying criminals, fools, fakes and frauds. Present labour legislation not adequate. True? False?

Clearly LABOUR RELATIONS CODE [SBC 1992] CHAPTER 82 "Internal union affairs" Sec 10. sounds very impressive as per union members "rights" and management stuff, but here we show how grossly inadequate in real life. This when Criminal Code a more appropriate tool to address Crime and Corruption with oddly clear BCLRB documented Coercion and Intimidation of members by their own executive as proof. Some feel that in many ways Labour Code also insults many principles of natural justice to Charter goals. Some see it. Some don't. Some can't and never will. Cognitive dissonance and uneducated crippling guilt blinds the best of minds. With blatant personality disorders even more the case. True? False?

More sick in this clear case of BCLRB "Coercion and Intimidation" no person held accountable. No one did jail or community service. No person even fined. None on a form of probation or supervision. So much member's money "again" illegally wasted protecting criminals from "disrepute", criminal charges and case law. Nor whole true story ever told as it gets far more twisted and ugly. Even failed appeal kept secret from honest members". This with the "executive" criminals many other misleading signature deceitful omissions and rulings of "Bad Faith" or criminally defined as fraud.  True? False?

Yes, I know 

Yes, I know very well I'm  certainly not a lawyer, but as a client who keeps pretty good notes, appreciates law and lawyers and understands rules of evidence to statutory interpretation better than most in 891 executive, so not too bad? True? False?

BC NDP as per Dix-Dusty dealings below better start cleaning house, and some dirty IATSE 891 criminal union executives, both past and present, better start hiring top criminal defence lawyers ASAP as so much work to do. So much to read, review and reference. This as to not again look incredibly stupid, deceitful and even more criminal. Fakes versus facts not the smartest move for criminal morons. No time for cheap lawyers? Criminals will need the very best and most expensive lawyers money can buy. We will give slime no other choice? True? False?

Do the math

And criminals might need to explain why I seem to get along with more honest and clearly more intelligent very senior 891 members like Don G. and Elmar T. And others? Even with Teamsters? And why just problems with 24 criminal slime vs. 470 voting for me. Do the math. Not just Producers and Directors and Investors liked and trusted me. Fact check? True? False? 

Was in fact very sweet of internationally recognized top executive producer Bob Goodwin to call after lies to RCMP about me and some of the intelligent girls at the X-Files. He also knew very little about me and amuzingly and helpfully suggested I get a "good lawyer". Sweet as not knowing about my even better relationship with the former Attorney General of Canada, and friends as Oxford Legal Scholars and future acting Law School chair at UBC. And another soon to be a criminal court judge, But still very considerate and kind based on only a few private meetings and only discussing public companies and Montreal investment and not my legal contacts. Those at the X-Files only knew about the West Coast brokers I knew. Nothing more.

Knowing this blog had to be a hybrid between low level tabloid Hollywood sensationalism, and as a solid basis, for a scholarly graduate level legal paper, and as to best address "all" audiences, this blog strategy and tactics best explained by a psychology major. One with LTM and advertising readership studies, and possibly some understanding of Mercedes Benz "long copy research" and military textbooks ideal. More on why this strategy and these tactics below. Also adding personal details, case study and colour in this Blog also runs criminal's legal defence bills through the roof. And where forever grateful to learn about law from Sen. Eugene Forsey, my teachings on "Legal Realism" has provided far more value? Lawyers like Cookie Lazarus and Stanley Hartt helpful. See below.

According to the RCMP

According to the RCMP, as of April 1, 2022 a constable will make up to $106,576. This for risking their lives and protecting children to seniors. Sad these criminals in 891 executive and as certain department heads, fakes, liars and criminal fools, with far less stress and responsibility, made and make so much more. Examples with big title big shots like Paul Klassen, Tom Adair, John Brummitt serve as perfect proof. Of many things. Making much more money as criminals or as their criminal aid and abetting support, and with many novel perks (See key links below). And for not much more than "supporting criminal elite" and related oligopolies, plus telling hundreds of lies and pathetically posturing as authorities. And some again with very big huge titles. And this as they screw seniors and children and all honest BC taxpayers. And some not from Canada screwing Canadians. This as well documented and witnessed as internal trials and newsletters to BCLRB rulings, RCMP files and various law firm files and settlements also make so very clear? And far beyond debate or denial. Sad? True? False? 

Again, criminals documented not thinking ahead of consequences, ramifications and legal liabilities in the also well documented tandem proof of their defined ignorance and arrogance? Tragic illusions they were the final judge on key matters and ignoring the rule of law like one of their cheap one night stands. Ignoring, Criminal, Labour and Common law to be specific.

Tragic illusions to now haunt criminals, and some in their golden years of criminal retirement? And with real solid threats of a year plus of jail time. Certainly no time for John Brummitt to wear his once branded "Steven Seagal" signature  pony tail and having no teeth in prison showers. 

Yes, as intended I'm again "intentionally" putting one of their key criminal players in "disrepute" as a trap? What will they do now to deal with "disrepute" of criminals this time? And to show consistency and legitimacy of purpose of trial stupidity by Paul Klassen or worse the lovely legal optics if doing nothing? And Paul Klassen with now even more authority, power and pay, better do something or will look so very-very strange? Or still not thinking ahead? Will be clear when executive criminal solidarity not so much about organized labour and far more about organized crime. Some see the key difference as well as clear parallels already. 

Organized crime

Actually, I was enlightened by girl in costume on a distant location of this parallel. At first I used only as metaphor. She much braver than I announced in a crowded room without an audience read. I really only like big corporate boardrooms and courtrooms where middle management minds and their BS seen and destroyed at super speeds. Yes, I had a crush on her. And still a fool as attracted to real strong and kind women not those emotionally unstable and very loud. Clearly?

Literally "insane" 

How incredibly and literally "insane" to spend thousands of dollars of executive time (and thus member's money) on the absolutely ridiculous and "criminally illegal" internal trials also used to "Coerce and Intimidate", legitimise criminal acts and defame honest members with very sick illusions of criminally enforcing a silly little $100 fine. Why lawyers and legal scholars told me to ignore such well documented major idiots like Paul Klassen pathetically pretending he had any power or authority to aid and abet criminals. And as so well documented by trial transcripts costing me $1.00? 

So much money

Sort of borders on the absurd when so much money, time and effort and straining relationships, when a simple letter of warning with similar illusions of authority and legality cheaper and better. Better than spending thousands of dollars to think idiots as documented could ever legally enforce a tiny hundred dollar fine and save face for ego issues. This while further damaging their future reputations, family name and careers for life. And names added to criminal file notes for RCMP. Some of us who have even worked in accounting in 891 think this a classic case of idiots in full force. As documented. As witnessed. See registered mail to Ken Anderson? Worth a hundred dollars? True? False? And best this while, as absolute fact, while women beaters, purse snatchers, junkies and known thieves ($5,000.00 plus) and those even proven guilty of "Coercion and Intimidation", not even addressed. At all? Such frauds. Such super sick slime? True? False? Maybe best criminals now ask real lawyers and real accountants what they owe me?

Sort of so very sad

Sort of so very sad, and so very incredibly revealing, and so very embarrassing, when the criminals once so proud with their deceitful postured position of power for abuse, sadly drops from rapid fire documented very sick lies to RCMP (with their illusion of big shot authoritative titles), and this as to try and "coerce and intimidate" me "again". And this stupidity as idiot slime not knowing I had reported directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and worked for a Senator. So a bit funny. And why I baited and begged then president Gavin Craig and 891 criminal elite and asked RCMP to be charged? No luck. And then slime sadly down, as also so well documented, to tiny absurdities of illegal internal trials and very silly little $100 fines. And add documenting with registered mail Ken Anderson's again "Bad Faith" and breach of duty, exactly as BCLB rulings clearly support. And also defining his ignorance and integrity as another great 891 president. What a pathetic drop in efforts to intimidate. Pathetic? True? False?. And best with claims I threatened children and threatened union executives, and 891 and whole labour movement. And the criminal elite failed again big time. Just like failed BCLRB "appeals" on clear "Coercion and Intimidation" rulings by this so impressive group. 

And then so very sadly, as also so well documented, down to no more than very sad and silly little internal 891 trials with ignorant ego trips by Paul Klassen helping criminals "coerce and intimidate" and "defame" with his judicial brilliance, ignoring required standard of care, due diligence, with added obvious reckless gross criminal negligence and with so many other well documented legal illiterates as support. And more sad thinking they look so clever. And not like ignorant fools "used" by others. And all for a pathetic $100 fine. Thinking so little I would pay so idiots could not look like obvious idiots and save face as fools. Odd so little when once claims I threaten children and union executives, and 891 and whole labour movement. At least worth $10.00 as loving father and not so loyal loving husband Rob Maier's children involved. And a few union executives And add at least another $5.00 for putting Dusty Kelly in "disrepute". An amount many would pay?

And add the humour when so called tough talking "Alpha Male Victims" and as witnesses, ALL afraid to show up as simply fearing legal transcript documentation of the silly little internal trial. As documented. As such, some may see these tragic types as possible whole life losers? More on the very sad trial types and their mindset and their real executive judgement below. And missing the obvious and far more. Their skills to be detailed later. Can they be trusted to make any trusted judgements beyond running a cash register at some slow fast food franchise desperate for labour. A valid question HR pros would address?

Hey, in my very limited experience I have found both RCMP offices and "real" Courtrooms more favourable when suffering ignorant and arrogant criminal fools than trust for even a second the legal integrity, intellect and ethics of Paul Klassen, and his stellar support. As documented. As proven. Nor ever trust the executive in any matters no matter how small. As proven, As documented. See below. Will be such fun ridiculing and humiliating Paul Klassen with others in a full forensic Provincial Inquiry desperately long over due, and in criminal courts. "Judge and be judged" as courts to biblical references make so very clear.

Brief small references to my CV, credentials and history should add to my points and perspectives criminals may not have and can only poorly fake. As with my past as even a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. To say the very least? And criminals and their criminal defence lawyers should really get to know me, as often provides such efficacy to such matters. Not my first legal rodeo? 

Or some smarter criminals should just quickly squeal-for-a deal and rat out all others. Protect their family name. And save a fortune in legal bills and literally hundreds and hundreds of hours of criminals "collectively" again not thinking ahead and missing big picture. Again? Plus doing possibly thousands of pages of research and endless "executive" meetings to at best fabricate more high-risk obstructive lies for RCMP and Criminal Courts. What choice do they really have? And at best while risking added jail time protecting John Brummitt, Rob Maier and Tom Adair and similar criminal "types"and their very key documented and witnessed criminal support.  Come on now, let's be real? Truth is not on their side. At all. True? False? 

Most rat out others with less evidence and this even proven from Conrad Black as a major corporate big shot to New York Mafia Teflon Dons and Hell's Angels. What do criminals in 891 expect? Greater loyalty? And loyalty for what? Historically getting far less of proceeds of crime and corruption than Tom Adair's laundered position and pay to aid abet criminals, as he documents with his election editorial?

The criminals can collectively form a critical conspiracy of consensus of all key details of criminal deception for RCMP. Can't they? Can't they? They do have proven coordinators to coordinate this gang and the executive leadership of lies with the criminal cream of Tom Adair, John Brummitt, Paul Klassen, Don Ramsden and Ken Anderson. This to best lead on new needed lies. Or best let the ladies leading the dynamics of deception like Dusty Kelly, Susan Butler Grey, Margo McKenzie, and if she still loves gambling Kelly Moon can roll the dice. It's only member's money. It's only the rule of law. (Sorry, last few lines an inside and outside joke).

It is funny how Dusty Kelly in the book "Voices of Labour" on page 265 supports the claims here of coercion and intimidation by bullies as a somewhat common problem, but in her classic signature deceptive omission, like the used car salesman she really is, using fraudulent concealment, oddly fails or neglects identifying her "criminal" coworkers as the worse case of coercion and intimidation and bullying. What a now well documented and witnessed fraud. She also defines how fear keeps most silent. So unlike myself. 

So we both agree with BCLRB a serious problem with coercion and intimidation. This including recent threats by Keith Woods attempting restricting freedom of speech in all his postured and grossly pretentious legal authority in union money matters of serious concern to members. In reality members his equals not his subordinates and employees in some company he owns as criminal executives often like to pretend to bully others. Neither can walk back these undeniable facts (See links and references). True? False? Seems a problem with sick cowardly bullies who abuse their position very clear. Who does Dusty Kelly think she's still fooling Adrian Dix?


Yes, this story, and legal mess, is much bigger news and involves far more money and victims than simply fraud and  misappropriation of funds with booze, clothes and garden tools in Victoria by government staff that gets excess press. And even bigger than some securities fraud in Vancouver. And add too many women and children as serious victims suffered and suffer. True? False?

The goal here, after criminals and their very expensive top criminal legal defence read this whole blog fully and very carefully, is:

"Full and immediate" admission of full guilt for absolutely any criminal acts the RCMP may even simply suggest or guess at for fun on first visit or phone call. And thus saving the RCMP wasting time and not saving lives. And by not wasting time again on liars, fools and serious criminals thinking their clever word play and sickening lies will fool RCMP again. Good to have goals? MBO stuff?

Post Federal Election News Flash: 

So sad, "Full-of-it" NDP Federal MP Candidate and BC Film union IATSE 891 executive super star Phil Klapwyk will not be drinking politically correct top award winning BC wines by the Canal on Spark or York Street. No Ottawa trips this November. When elections so very close tiny little things so matter? So much? See Turner Quadra flip as case study at SFU? See polling mistakes by Adrian Dix NDP marketing and communications machine.

Sad, Ottawa very beautiful in the Fall. Remember even winter night lectures by the great Senator Eugene Forsey in Ottawa on such sleazy criminal scum (pictured and named below). This overlooking the canal where I skated from the Glebe to school for undergraduate law classes in "Constitutional Law" and "Political Science"?  In oddly the "Loeb" building? The Glebe like the McGill student ghetto or Kits Beach, but in Ottawa. Back when I first became socially involved with Prime Minister Joe Clark's pollsters and photographer and joked with Justin's Dad outside old press building on Wellington when Jack Horner crossed the floor? Heck, what do I know compared to the highly educated and experienced top criminal brains in IATSE 891 criminal elite? Why was I offered "Producer Credits" to simply fix accounting systems with my "real" executive CA friends? But had to refuse as far too insulting being paid less than Federal Liberals to Labatt paid. And less than what I was paid for a comedy script sample? The girl at the Ad agency typing it up laughed? She also typed my words that won international awards for humour? As well documented even in national trade publications. True? False? And where sometimes considered a "ruthless prick" in court rooms and boardrooms, I do have a fun side. As documented. True? False? If Phil Klapwyk had won I would have made him a priority target for feeding hungry Ottawa journalists not just the Lower Mainland.

How many besides my very few NDP and Liberal friends in Phil Klapwyk's Federal BC Maple-Pitt riding found out about his involvement with serious criminals and corrupt 891 union executives in film industry? And leaving a very bad taste for his key signature deceptive omissions and misleading claims and posturing. Switching-swingers going Liberal and Green. If Federal MP and Maple-Pitt riding Dalton had years of association and participation with criminals wouldn't voters want to know the real truth? The whole truth?

Wonder how others will feel when soon many fully also understand about BC NDP Adrian Dix darling Dusty Kelly as now oddly a "Director" at BCLC already suffering suspicion and serious criminal scandal. And how so many more in NDP's own ranks far more deserving of such patronage bought with 891 union member's money without legal mandate? And learn fully of her novel Hollywood crawl for power and influence? Last time I saw her she was literally cleaning paint brushes on a film set? Loved her newsletter stories of paid pointless expensive travels with "Donny" and Adrian Dix? And now important evidence. (See links below).

Lucky for Federal NDP to still have such "real" class and heroes as Laurel Collins with an "honest" history of helping women in need, and winning again. Will she hopefully help these women feel safe in their workplace, and not just provide mostly politically safe self-promotional lip service like Phil Klapwyk and most of 891 three decade impressive executive criminal elite? Soon we'll know? For the record. 

Newest news: Am very impressed by IATSE International President Matthew Loeb's "tentative" agreement claim with new US deals for members as per, "quality of their lives were addressed" and "agreement with the AMPTP that meets our members’ needs.” plus, "including reasonable rest periods; meal breaks; a living wage for those on the bottom of the pay scale...". 

Look so forward in Mr Loeb's lifetime seeing "meeting members’ needs" and a "living wage for those on the bottom of the pay scale..." McDonald's in US at some franchises now starting to be paying $21.00/hr. Reportedly even dishwashers now getting 50k to simply work in Vancouver.

Wonder how Mr. Loeb feels about the rule of law as clearly being defined as part of "members' needs" and those having suffered "Coercion and Intimidation" as now light years beyond debate and with criminals and corruption so clearly identified. More on economics and law below. Registered mail to New York HQ revealing?

Hey, not just right wing banker capitalists disgusted by this slime. Now key, add "Militant", hard left,  World Socialist Web Site (WSWS). That now levels a blistering indictment of the IATSE union executive leadership". Worth a read because it includes some history of past IATSE accommodations and "century" of criminal history. And it gets worse.
WSWS - OCT. 10, 2021

Will this just mean more increases in BC film tax credits or BC left to be the discount dollar store in international arbitrage within their BC 891 franchise? Time BC showed the same tax credit function and net for police, teachers, nurses unions or just not glamorous enough?

As an added note on my very limited perspective: I was first asked to help Justin's Dad's gang by the Bronfman PR firm PIR on Sherbrooke Street in Montreal based on my recognition at McGill ("Canada's Harvard") and other activities in Montreal. Why I can do drinks and lunch with actresses as McGill Alumni? Two of my own past girlfriends also graduate students from McGill in Psychology (Labour) and Political Science. And where sleazy dishonest women in 891 hate me, seems very clear smart highly "honestly" accomplished women in business and academics find me amusing. Oddly, even in IATSE 891 seems only the smartest girls liked me? Even still a girl from Oxford and Osgoode I still make laugh? This should give some scope in part to why I'm a voice for women as well as so physically protective? And why others aren't. As witnessed.

Five years later I would be very well paid by "Red Leaf" (plus expenses) to handle coordination of all Western Canada Election Advertising, money, metrics, message and media buy and report "directly" to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada. Plus work with SFU business school Dean and published university textbook authour Dr Stan Shapiro (SFU: "Canada's Stanford"?). No fools and fakes at this level? Shapiro knew of my McGill and Montreal contacts and references. My roommates back then an internationally recognized scholar in political science (Election Fractal Organic Factors vs Reductionist Linear Mechanical Analysis? Political Engineering.) plus a future BC Criminal Court Judge as the other roommate. This on Ironworks Passage on waterfront across from Granville Island. 

So "reality" is I have a tiny bit more informal and formal political depth, experience and education than many who tragically and sadly can only fake it. And do fake it far too often. Far too much? On far too many matters. True? False?

As an added novel note, I also have far more big union experience and all across Canada than most in BC NDP including Horgan and Dix "combined". Including Medical, Tourism, Teachers and Transport not just a variety of film unions starting with ACTRA and my buyout on an Apple II TV ad? Yet, oddly McGill and SFU and national Financial media call me a media expert? Publishers (Telemedia) and Producers (CBC) have asked for my help with media metrics and probability not just Politicians and various international corporations (e.g. ESSO, IBM, 7-Eleven). True? False?

Being on the board of directors of a high profile public company in advanced media, and as a very senior executive and consultant roles allows liars and criminals to desperately lie and paint me as anti-union, but reality hardly the case. I did pay an IATSE 891 sign writer far more than 891 department heads to do 7-Eleven's Grey Cup signage. I also paid Art Directors from JWT more than 891? And for storyboards to packaging. I appreciate honest talent. I even also paid another 891 member more than 891 department heads to teach my computer students as Tiananmen Square Refugees for SFU's Pacific Institute. They liked me. So did SFU's Pacific Institute. Just seems I have problems with highly uneducated sleazy creepy, cowardly criminals, fakes and frauds in IATSE 891 and those who aid and abet. True? False?

Politics, PR and Pandemic

BC NDP must now seriously have to wonder how BC film business PR and their publicity experts suggest BC film business managing the Pandemic somewhat perfectly or simply to minimal legal standards of care as lawyers may advise. And this with no serious problems or specific "honest and exact" numbers reported from BC film union offices to primary production trades and studio sets? This so odd while sadly even 14 school systems and growing for just children and in just Victoria (and some in the shadow of Horgan's and Dix's offices), have such very serious "real" problems. Problems some still feel misleading as under reported for "children". And worse with now more cases than even Quebec with far larger population and in both urban and rural settings. This as also clear. Burnaby care home outbreaks and proximity of note?

Victoria-area Pandemic sample school clusters: George Jay Elem., Sir James Douglas Elem., Cloverdale Traditional Elem., Tillicum Community School, École Poirier. 

And yet so oddly (as an actuary may add) far less problems with Big City Film Productions? Can we fully trust their PR and Publicity department people from the top fiction production industry as we would those at Burson and Hill? And as nothing near school facts seems reported. Even by other trusted film production sources? Fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission when lives at stake by those in clear fiduciary roles also covered by Criminal Code. True? False?

Heck, one wonders how specific grocery stores and addresses and specific air line flights (and their lawyers) feel best to identify these cases? Yet impossible to find real trusted data and not just PR babble about pandemic cases on film "location" (near public) to studio cases where labour expendable and easily replaceable. Do love their poor logic suggesting brought to studios like that's even a defence for standard of care, due diligence or in fact even relevant other than defining planned PR deception and gross self-interest and negligence? True? False?

"A person making a negligence claim must prove four things in court: a duty of care, a breach of that duty, the cause and any damages. A duty of care means what the other person or organization was required to do, or avoid doing, something that could likely cause harm".

As such this sick insanely deliberate deceitful and misleading political PR BS above another sad and sick joke and so revealing about the real true intellect and integrity of these sleazy executive criminals thinking themselves so legally clever. And from IATSE president deceitful Don Ramsden in 1992 to very creepy Keith Woods in 2021 and his authority on Freedom of Speech to protect those with an obvious gambling problem that impacts membership and "THEIR MONEY". Seems a long history of gamblers? 

Both Don Ramsden of past glories, and Keith Woods of present shame both welcome to also double man me in any honest 3rd party forum to criminal courts with all their lies and authoritative posturing and tiny business card for credentials. We watched their video together with the unquestionable integrity of Susan Butler Grey define investment in real estate.  Now also evidence. "Goes to character"? This as per their ignorance and arrogance and illusions as opinion leaders for any more than the severely ignorant. Why do those more educated, more accomplished, more honest think they are just sleazy lying scum? And in love with their little trade titles and pathetic PR efforts? As documented.

Former one time peak of life 891 president Ken Anderson also invited to show off his intellect and integrity as well with me at RCMP offices. His whole life story a case in point when Peter Principle and Dunning Kruger prove the sum greater than it's parts. Another very sick and ugly cowardly man when truth all told. 

So very sad some of these clear criminal lying sleaze have wives or husbands or ex husbands and ex wives and even children who must suffer their documented deceit to anger management and other severe emotional issues. Bets? Three big shot presidents vs. one little listed labourer fully qualified by honest John Brummitt seems like a fair fight finally? Well for those who know me from courtrooms and boardrooms? The whole truth will destroy all of their reputations and life long deceptions. True? False? 

From the Economist: "Epidemiologists will also need to watch out for new variants that might be capable of outflanking the immunity provided by vaccines". See recent new Idaho wildlife studies as already on BC doorstep? Even Grade schools, Grocery stores and Airlines report problems why film industry so secretive and with locations where they shoot and related pandemic cases of serious public concern?

BC film industry already had serious hygiene problems prior to pandemic from STD and Hepatitis to flu outbreaks, yet somehow has managed Pandemic better than even BC government? Greed is good in non-essential tax credit abuse film industry? Sadly the film industry in the land of felons, fiction, fakes and fools may be now seriously fooling itself again and some will die or suffer for the rest of their lives. This if incompetence and deception still a branding standard. How many not fully vaccinated in film industry and don't wash hands even in union offices? Odd even loud anti-vax types as intimidated by 891 criminal gang as potential honest whistle blowers and even some of those in Teamsters and DGC fearing financial cost and to their careers. True? False? Bets? 

As Alberta doctors claim."We are within days of being forced to implement a triage protocol which will force health-care workers to make life and death decisions". This as BC film location work for thousands of non-essential easily replaceable workers booms like hospital emergency rooms and ICUs? And as BC government accused by doctors of misleading with lack of transparency and understating numbers and risk. This with no worse case scenario response clear or communicated. Or simply not planned and thus also planned to fail. 14 schools in just Victoria have exposures? What are intelligent people to think? Including lawyers and actuaries in film insurance companies and those with children? 

Proper PCR tests with critical QC results in BC film industry and with "honest" and "accurate" history would be meaningful. PR scripting the illiterate is insane and empty PR BS spreads as biblical-like babble, as far too often the case with these documented criminal morons? Children can be "needlessly" at risk with suppression and censorship of truth. Not just democracy and rule of law. True? False?

Wednesday, October 20--BC health officials report 696 new cases of COVID-19 while Ontario reports less than half that with 304 new corona-virus cases. And far worse BC has a third of the population with BC at 4.9 million and Ontario with near 15 million. What is Adrain Dix and BC doing so very and clearly wrong with 700% more sick per person? And this again as doctors accuse BC of under reporting. BC film industry should be impressive with film tax credits oddly helping the added safety personal and protection costs, but not for other BC industries with less glamour and tinsel and not exporting big profits to foreign distribution companies. Who is fooling who the new game in town?

I have a few in Film industry as friends and from Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto to Vancouver Island that I must worry about as political games and word play plagues BC NDP to even film trade union offices. Film trade union offices where the higher paid far better protected. Even if sick sleazy criminals. And more absurd paid more than police, nurses and teachers. And more disgusting for far less "real" work, training, certification, education and experience. True? False? How many will suffer death and complications from noted criminals, liars and losers, even in just film union IATSE 891?

Life expectancy for Canadian film workers "before" Pandemic

SEE COMMENTS by film industry employees in link below from "Vancouver Is Awesome" article below and now copied to the cloud in case comments disappear so no debate on all "unsolicited volunteer" claims.

More? More "real" horror stories on how very little union executives have done to protect "the expendables" for thirty years, while cheating families and children with membership to life insurance fraud and tons of meaningless self promoting political PR? This is absolutely not simply a management issue for those who really know the truth, but add criminal control of a corrupt union executive who let it get this disgusting and said nothing until caught:


More revealing, when truth all told, 
the sick self-consumed criminal slime designed and support a medical and life insurance "hour bank" plan that would literally make Broadbent Institute, Bethune, Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton sick. Bets? And very possibly John Horgan, Adrian Dix and legal eagle Eby? True? False? Bets? Debate? Those who really can do basic high school math can see how it favours the criminal elite with the so clever papered BS PR illusion and appearance of contribution merit "fair to all" with the cover of honest workers on it to hide this slime. Yes, this slime clearly as severely ignorant as self-serving. And more sick as so arrogant as ignorant and feeling so clever and superior. And with so little "real world" experience and education and little intellect or integrity. Bets? True? False? Where else in the "modern" world other than US sick health system do the working poor pay more than those with jobs and such plans?

And this again not sour grapes, as I myself was one of the very lucky ones having a deal memo with bonus hours (plus needless car allowance) and literally working literally less than an eight hour day having designed "alone" an advanced Project Management system others so very clearly could not. And my hour bank filled with gross surplus while the weak forced to pay. True? False? Ask Margo Mckenzie and her classic sleazy foolish efforts to use MY SYSTEM. And do add my ignoring the documented stupidity of Don Ramsden and John Brummitt by forcing my membership by "documented" appeal clearly identifying this very exact fraud on hundreds of others as real evidence. Exactly? True? False? 

This alone makes a complete mockery of solidarity. This alone also needs a couple of hours of a Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry into Tax Credits fraud enriching serious criminals, fakes and frauds to see exactly how honest workers and their children cheated for (3X) three decades. Seems all 891 local presidents and executive elite as such disgusting cowards or profoundly ignorant missed this numbers game. Or not? How clever and self-serving?  See much more below. Much more? And my documented successful appeal based on this fraud also supporting evidence of efforts at "Coercion and Intimidation" and insanely clear "Economic Interference" for an incorporated company and  before oddly both Don Ramsden and John Brummitt also key to BCLRB ruling and failed foolish appeal for "Coercion and Intimidation".

Hope RCMP and criminal courts allow me to absolutely rip to shreds and prove what a real idiot and sleazy criminal John Brummitt is and the damage these criminals have done and the costs to so many nice honest people. And best followed by finally an even playing field when dealing with the honourable believable Don Ramsden. A man women and honest workers can all trust? Now a proven sad and sick joke. And this is how he shows his gratitude to Canada by sick crimes against Canadians. Much more about these clear criminal clowns with others and their pathetic pretence and posturing. Plus their CRA issues?

Time for real honest truth

Time for truth to "ALL" be told, and all sleazy criminals fully exposed, humiliated and ridiculed, charged and incarcerated. This with the mindless who aid and abet from greed or fear. Or both? 

With less than 30% voting for 891 president and between poor choice of Mitch Davies or Keith Wood (as both favoured by criminals for their cowardice). And most of the voting of the 30% based on departmental lobby or gross personal self-interest involved or the illusions of clean elections. Void of gross deceptive omissions an understatement. And a clear majority not voting as trusting their vote, will as history proves, mean nothing. This with the added documented absurdity of first-past-the-post and non-proportional systems, plus on top of blatant gerrymandering to corruption, censorship and an extremely well documented toxic culture. Maybe time to clean up all the secrets from the dirty past, present and future trend. Still hear talk of higher wages and improved safety and women and minority concerns similar to babble from 30 years ago? 
So much talk and meetings and so pathetic little change. Bets? And this babble costing millions in executive time. True? False?

Like a Las Vegas casino they take your $10 dollars and tell you "you've won" $5.00 so you feel like a winner when really just a fool. Ask Kelly Moon how this works or the 891 accounting department?

This story and legal mess, again, to be very clear much bigger than simply misappropriation of funds with booze, clothes and garden tools in Victoria by government staff that gets excess press. And even bigger than some major securities fraud in Vancouver. And far bigger and more important for women's protection "going forward by action and deed" than just reports of sexual harassment of women, that a Victoria driving school instructor soon possibly charged with. True? False?

Should be clear below by simple logic, common sense or even intuition and basic instinct below, that criminals possibly extremely guilty of so many very different crimes. Crimes clearly involving millions in tax credit fraud, membership fraud, quorum fraud, seniority fraud, qualification fraud, life insurance fraud to basic everyday material and time theft over thirty years. Over $5,000.00? Plus beating women and cheating children, helped by those that are key to criminal support. Those who aid and abet from cowardly self-serving political savvy silence to facilitation. Those who should also all go to jail? Ignorance is no defence. Stupidity is no shield.

We clearly have zero tolerance for such obvious sad and very sick misogynist bogus Alpha Darwinian-Delusional males or the low life cowards who support them and their vain self-interest and criminal abuse of others. 

I myself know how initial violence against women and "emotional abuse" harassment escalates - and first hand. This from family and friends, who later have seen daughters damaged for life to suicide, rape and murdered. Suicide also not pleasant for parents? One of my school buddies has his daughter's rapist-murderer in William Head prison in Victoria (and resulted in DNA laws being changed in Ottawa with Montreal connections). Makes a point? Fact check? More below on these very sad and sick types and those who should go to jail below. And why they must be exposed for women's safety exactly like child predators and not protected and financed. True? False? And these clear slime dare judge others? What other personality disorders these types and the company they keep will be evident below.

Executives in this film union IATSE 891 if less guilty than others should suffer serious expensive personal fines and complete an ethics-in-business course. And pass.

It only took two journalists to help force the fall of US President Nixon from a small B&E at Watergate. Will only take one or two "honest" top BC or National Digital, Print or Broadcast investigative journalist to start to blow this all up for national interest, and make real heroes of RCMP all across BC. And Canada? And key help women and children. True? False? And for RCMP getting good press instead of just bad. RCMP publicity people will be advised of this "golden oppourtunity" for media balance. I do have a small feel for media as I even wrote a story in the mid 70's for Montreal CBC show "Mid Day" on a comparative of US and Canada's "laws" on carcinogenics. A few years later, before offered more money, was contracted as "national media liaison" for CBC Toronto dealing with Quebec polls where my studies better applied. So I may have a tiny bit more related depth than those in 891's protected publicity department and union executive and far more experience and far more meaningful education. True? False?


And we must certainly ask are these deceitful criminal's wives, children and family safe? Honestly? This as studies suggest concern for such types and profiles and with possible "priors". Any cases of anger management, frothing and hysterics within executive of note and witnessed? What about the ex husbands and men as well who suffer such horrible ugly deceitful women who support such men. Much more on this below. The truth is ugly?

Criminals are criminals and must be fully and publicly humiliated, exposed and punished by "rule of law" as with the selectively mindless fakes and frauds who aid and abet criminals. This blog a clear case study on exactly why. And most important why a Provincial Inquiry and RCMP full forensic investigation and interrogation with long over due Labour Code Reform critically needed. Labour Code Reform as some legal scholars agree, antiquated and fragile, inviting criminal corruption. This exactly as this exact case so completely proves. Exactly. True? False?

Special Note: Criminals and their criminal legal defence lawyers will ALL absolutely need to read this whole complete blog. Maybe twice? This so not to be very seriously and sadly surprised? This as to also not look so very stupid and even more criminal by shocking surprises hidden and intentionally designed below as to waste even more of their time and money. This if so stupid as not to read fully? Others who are honest and intelligent and not criminals involved can get the basics quickly by just scanning less than a dozen paragraphs. Also by design?

The best odds

Best possibly for all criminals involved, plus those who cowardly aid and abet, to avoid all games and criminal courtrooms and just plead guilty as sin and get reduced sentencing? This as their criminal defence lawyers will "eventually" seriously advise and if not so stupid desperately hoping dozens of more and more lies to RCMP can save them and not make matters far worse. Far worse. True? False?

A very wide variety of serious NDP next election problems covered and detailed below. This after some critical criminal context established as both premise and preface.

New NDP problems

Even Progressive Conservatives and O'Toole targeting and making inroads with also very disgusted union members and critical balance of power NDP "swing-switchers"? Possibly BC Liberals and BC Greens have seen the research and oppourtunity on NDP franchise fractures from Mill Bay and Maple Ridge to Sooke and Sicamous? True? False? NDP should do some very serious house cleaning and once again have the moral high ground? Will BC NDP ignore "reliable" polls to political science at their peril and add to their own history of corruption, sin and shame ?

Fortunately, having two long time friends from university school days as a BC Criminal Court Judge and another an internationally respected Oxford Legal scholar (Labour) and as a former acting Law School Chair at UBC, helped me take on these ignorant sleazy uneducated disgusting cowardly, blue collar bully criminals. Part of why I can do this and so sadly so many others sadly can't.

Other factors defined below including documented support by hundreds. Other help from RCMP "involved" as witnessed and objective support also empowering? 470 of IATSE 891 many "honest" members support for a full forensic audit as documented, certainly motivating. My working "directly" with the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford also inspiring? Other mentors and a few other top lawyers also key? Good to have friends of far higher quality and integrity than big shot 891 criminal executives and "documented" internal trial ethical human garbage. True? False

Sad when a union "executive" so ugly and so criminal it makes senior "real" management literally look like saints. A very direct "honest" comparison will be made by exact case study with a direct comparison of "known" top management and specific union IATSE 891 "executives". And both by name. See Below. 

Was amazed first hand by the class, compassion and humility of top executive producers like Chris Carter, Bob Goodwin to Aaron Spelling and with actors like Pierce Brosnan, Pamela Anderson and Gillian Anderson. This as compared to the low life cowardly corrupt ignorant sick criminals in IATSE 891 executive like John Brummitt and Tom Adair and their criminal coworkers, cohorts and associates and criminal aid and abetting support. I only spoke by phone to Spelling. 

And many of the basic trades and talent below middle management in 891 so often as also having far more class, education and intellect than union local 891's middle management as department heads and union executives. True? False? This as I've witnessed first hand in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria producing TV ads for Federal political parties and Fortune 500 giants to work with major feature film productions. Actually more trailer park trash in IATSE 891 union executive witnessed than when I worked on Trailer Park Boys feature film shot in Ottawa. Ottawa crews and talent insanely "honest" impressive and fun. True? False?

The unbelievable compassion of Gillian Anderson for a little girl with cancer makes her family more than just fans. Oddly one of the children cheated by these BC Film union executive slime. Both Pamela Anderson and Gillian Anderson also both suffering such sick men in BC with such textbook checklist small man problems like too many other women in BC? Bets? True? False?

This low level textbook criminal megalomania will be evident from disgusting lies to RCMP to "cheating" (with their classic ignorant sophist use of rhetorical fallacies and illogical postulates) of: members and their children of life insurance. Very disgusting, very sick stuff for normal honest people. True? False? Sadly, also so easy to prove with other blatant personality disorders from misogynist and domestic violence to narcissistic psychopathic behaviour that others have failed to address and many have witnessed. And suffered. Even purse-snatching, as per police files, far more tolerated by 891 criminals as far less of problem than legal honest whistle-blowers putting criminals in "disrepute" and worthy of the best legal slime and minds in IATSE 891 for internal trials defamatory and criminal.  Alleged witches had a better chance of avoiding flammables in Salem with similar twisted mindless mob-think. True? False? More below on major internal trials and the perversion of justice by ignorant clowns with huge gigantic titles.

Those with huge gigantic titles who even screwed the Teamsters union? Why did carpenters with no training, no certification, less material responsibility and far less risk, get higher pay when Tom Adair could have helped stop it and as a "former average carpenter" and BS "authoritative" know-it-all fraud. 

And for the record I'm not saying carpenters should be paid less but both Teamster drivers and Carpenters should be paid more and calculated more equitably. And I think I know where to get the money?

Hope some see how David Card's Nobel prize minimum wage increase (elasticity?) supports UBI and MMT.

Hey, some of my best times was with Teamsters. And very fond of certain Teamsters, especially the one who helped a little girl with cancer meet her favourite TV star. And as many certainly know I enjoyed quality tennis with a few young carpenters and department heads. Even once or twice beat the young ones. True? False?

My cousin, Dr. Madeline Tremblay a former top internationally recognized and respected "Forensic Psychiatrist" from St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver and now retired on Vancouver Island, handy? She was oddly the first person I met with after 891 Executive criminal lies to RCMP to discuss various "repeated criminal" behaviour by this IATSE 891 union executive and to expose them all fully. This even before meeting with my little nobody legal and media friends. True? False? Fact Check? Bets? My own highly paid work with Dr. Gandel in Montreal will also be noted on IATSE 891 management real "quality and qualification" and standard HR issues. 

Next, I would meet with old high school friend Terrence Mckenna as an award winning investigative journalist and producer from CBC "The National" for dinner and tennis and to discuss these criminals at length. And as advised by legal with other media contacts from my past to have ready for major legal escalation in 2022. 

Now time perfect to expose and destroy these seriously very sick cowardly criminal fakes and frauds and put some in jail and key  compensate victims and their families. Why "now" also explained below.

"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth." — Carl Sagan

For things to be scientific fact, things need to be proven by repeated documented demonstration with peer review. For things to be legal fact we respect that these same standards or goals should apply. 

First I am not a lawyer, nor pretend to be. Well, not that often. Just a big fan of legal history from even clay tablets, law and statutory interpretation to recent obiter dictums. And certainly an academic interest in BC NDP Attorney General Eby and "stays" in very related WCB matters. This since my limited university focused studies in such. See more below.

My real strength, as per my limited studies, is with Neurosciences and Biocybernetics to Formal Logic and Behavioural Economics. This as it applies to Product and Political Communications. Why Federal Liberals paid me more than medical doctors can bill out when working with "Red Leaf" to handle Western Canada and critical Quadra flip? I was a 
pioneer in "Goldfarb" Psychographic political mapping of media footprints and "effective" reach. Pre Myers-Briggs. Insanely valuable to some who understand such matters. Why, in part, top business school Deans at both McGill and SFU requested myself as a guest speaker. So a tiny bit more about me.

All this above stated so some small tiny appreciation of my perceptions and credentials in very direct hard comparison to highly uneducated ignorant lying criminals who may lie and dare challenge my accusations and "documented facts" and many "honest" witnesses. And again putting their ignorance and lack of integrity on display. And as tragic they fancy themselves as clever when no more than low-level liars. True? False?

Lie to RCMP and NDP

Note the continuous and clear "pattern of deception and criminal behaviour" for over thirty years as briefly detailed below. And this "pattern of deception and criminal behaviour" documented from previous BC Provincial Inquiries and BCLRB rulings to newsletter, internal trials, registered mail, documented election history, materials, and results to disgusting lies to RCMP. And often in their very own words. Documented. Certainly a problem with the probability, preponderance and plethora of corruption and crime to investigate fully?

See the obvious

See the obvious. As documented.  And why below that none of those criminal cowards named below will even dare deny, debate, defend and defame under oath at RCMP offices when all alone and one-on-one, face-to-face and eye-to-eye with little wee me and RCMP. Such sick disgusting cowards when alone? Odd, when once all such pathetic tough-guy big shot show-offs prior with their critical mindless gang and criminal support. How brave and bold will some well known and documented little lying sleaze be now when dealing with me "all alone" and RCMP? And the laws of Canada? See below for names, pictures of criminals and the exact crimes and evidence involved.

NOTE: All the good and great things that unions have done, from higher pay and benefits, to an "eight-hour day living wage", and five day work week, was mostly done by "honest unions" and "honest members" for "honest members". NOT ones corrupt, dishonest, and under clear corrupt and criminal influence and given to criminal abuse. True? False?

And sadly real labour heroes from Tommy Douglas to Broadbent and Layton suffer by association? Suffering those given to gross vanity, ego and self-interest. This over progressing social contract and rule of law and "traditional" union compassion. And as critical crippling like a cancer former Labour movement and NDP political credibility and support. True? False? Now an "eight-hour day living wage" and literally being "middle class", seems oddly only what those in union executive enjoy (See links for proof).

The BC Film industry was built on "honest distinguishing real talent and skills" by those union members best trained, educated, accomplished and experienced. NOT clear known documented criminals, fakes and frauds with big huge titles and literally "average" talent at best. And little documented intellect or integrity. If at all? True? False? 

This blog will save RCMP hundreds of hours. True? False?

For some reading this blog, and within the first few paragraphs below and links, will see the need for RCMP to ask some very serious questions of those criminals named and/or pictured below. This should be more than obvious. 

From known "criminals" who cheat families and children (and those that aid and abet as documented), and this added to these criminals clear lies to RCMP. Treating the RCMP like fools. And RCMP used like literal props, puppets and pawns for wrongful prosecution, and to defame and coerce and intimidate honest people, should alone be reason enough? Reason enough for RCMP to fully investigate and fully interrogate and put some in jail? RCMP should not be used like toys for petty political image-making and to desperately try and intimidate "honest" people for those clearly protecting "known" criminals. And themselves? True? False?

Should be very obvious why?

What if the criminals get away with this and innocent victims never compensated as worse case scenario?

1) Well I tried far more than most to help women "BE" safer and protect "honest" workers from "Coercion and Intimidation" and from criminals and the corrupt. And far more than others as extremely well documented. And without pay. Please provide name of "any" who had done more. And without pay. There is no debate or denial here. Or even half as much? Loved how criminals had to kiss my friend's ass and be super friendly and careful after finding out about me.

2) I did expose these sleazy criminals, fakes and frauds to thousands and RCMP and as to who and what they really are and really are not. All I can do legally. Making criminals more careful and sneaky but reducing abuses for some I hope. Or simply for others providing hope.

3) I had fun ridiculing this slime so many feared both in this Blog and on Productions. And was often very amuzing watching the stupid illegal efforts to show how clever they weren't but thought they were. Tragic as this at the peak of their lives based on so many lies.

4) I was well paid and far longer as compared to many others including brown nose criminal aid and abet types. And paid better from almost day one and later with surplus hour bank perks, deal memo and car allowance. And seldom working more than others. My computer systems made things so easy, as demonstrated.

5) And no regrets about trying music industry publishing and failing after film and TV. Few have such freedom. Ever. Living in a large house with property and pool made paying my dues to sing the blues tolerable.

6) And as a matter of personal pride I certainly didn't need the obvious embarrassment of nepotism or sadder servile cronyism to get work. My skills so adequate, and as in advertising, politics and finance? This documented and also beyond debate or denial.

7) I can now intimidate any one of the criminals named and call their bluff in RCMP offices and Criminal Courtrooms, others can't.

The task now for others and RCMP to take over and a Provincial Inquiry as a foundation for legislative reform. 

What else can or could I do to help?

Yes, too many will get away with only their reputations destroyed or dramatically diminished among workers, family and friends. And light community service stuff for a few weekends. However, with a little luck some compensation for children cheated recovered. And by their own newsletter termed of potential liability in the "millions and millions". And this seen as poorly handled and criminal by some observers as to why seniority had to be so handily destroyed. Any better guess or just PR and confusing tales? Logic catches many liars? There's a term in law called "injurious reliance" and for those in a fiduciary role they have a history together. And as such with luck some will do more than a year in jail and/or with CRA on their doorstep.

As a note on procedure consider this local has neither any form of "Loyal Opposition". And add with no third party observation with their 100% control of all media and message. Designed for despots and dummies? See links for proof?

Ultimate goal

Again the ultimate goal of this blog beyond seeding victim compensation is legislation that adds more: oversight, policing, transparency, accountability. And with bigger personal penalties to union locals proactively, as to better protect workers from "Coercion and Intimidation", Criminals and Corruption by their own executive. As proven needed.

The process

  • Provincial Inquiry
  • RCMP Investigation and Interrogation
  • Criminal Courts and Sentencing (Criminal)
  • Victim Compensation (Civil)
  • Labour Reform (Labour)

In Criminal's own words or pathetic postured PR efforts

Another noted recent reference documented. This below another very recent and "extremely highly understated" admission of guilt, responsibility and abuse to gross negligence and "criminal acts" against members? And best now in their very own protective "collective executive" words:

"We (the criminal executive mostly?) want them (hundreds of members cheated and abused) to know that we sincerely apologize for any pain, hurt, ("sincerely" LEGAL FRAUD COST missing?) and distress they have experienced.

The Local ("union executive" far more honest?) also missed ("criminally avoided" far more honest?) opportunities to act in a way that might have prevented further harm,("sincerely" LEGAL COST again oddly missing?) ...".

Clear "Criminal" Breach of Fiduciary Duty to aid and abet criminals in a circle of reciprocation. This while while enriched by windfall not "honest" merit and further enriched and empowered by BC tax credit fraud?

"...that might have prevented further harm....". Do they think everyone "sincerely" an idiot but IATSE 891 executive and criminal elite? "Might have"? How deliberate and deceitful? Very deceitful. Bets?

This union "executive" document (link below) calculated by design as such: extremely misleading and extremely deceptive. The liability in the "millions and millions" to quote one of the slime from newsletter. True? False? This blog far more "honest". True? False? And this union executive sick sophist exercise in rhetorical word play of note avoids the clear critical criminal matters as to again document efforts to protect criminals in their gang or executive group. Smoke screen stratagem? Diversion as deception? Edward Bernays school of integrity and ethics? Red flag red herring? However, this blog as far more honest, addresses all the criminal matters and serious legal liabilities the "sincerely" lying criminals oddly forgot? Note the slime only apologize when caught? True? False?

Total 100% BS 

Total BS or will they "honestly" take responsibility for their actions whether criminal to labour code violations of hardly fair representation or acting in good faith. Or for those with incorporated companies, ultra vires Labour Code suffering restriction of trade and plain as day economic interference.

Don't be fooled by such very well documented sleazy liars and lies in classic solidarity among the two dozen criminal elite supporting covers for criminals: they protect disgusting criminal slime. And so easy to prove. True? False?. 

As some know two of my Asian friends afraid to even apply to 891. My Jewish friend also cheated and abused? Why do white supremacist, purse-snatchers to misogynist who abuse women do so very well in 891? Hundreds of questions to follow. And how do highly uneducated major league sleazy criminal morons like John Brummitt and Tom Adair with so very little experience, education and accomplishment get paid so very well? For so very long?

The sleazy sick 891 executive again understate their apology and show zero action of "financial" restitution, nor "sincere" remorse:

"During this process of engagement, we have come to recognize that we have not always responded to concerns about exclusionary and discriminatory incidents raised by some of our members (as in this very blog) from marginalized communities in a manner they needed to feel heard, seen and supported. 

Furthermore, we now know ("now know"? I faxed, then 891 president Gavin Craig in 1994 with these facts? And both the faxes as per the one Susan Butler Grey provided to RCMP as so clever and the Fax the criminal slime so afraid to show RCMP as clear obstruction and so selected to hire expensive lawyers to politely inform them they are dead in the water criminal and idiots.) some of our members have experienced additional hurt (and very serious costs over $5,000.00 each) because of the way the Local responded (Breached clear fiduciary duty). We want them to know that we sincerely ("sincerely" BS. Actions speak louder than words) apologize for any pain, hurt, and distress they have experienced. (But tough luck on financial abuse and hardship). What class? Is this their best pathetic PR effort to try and document a "Letter of Dissent" that only one 891 president provided by email? Which presidents should we believe? The Local (union criminal executive to be very clear) also missed opportunities (Lie: AVOIDED) to act in a way that might have prevented further harm, (and insane cost to victims) which we deeply regret. We take responsibility for our actions, inaction and missteps in the ways we have responded (Hardly "sincerely" taking responsibility at all when zero compensation and remorse or financial restitution unlike generous settlements provided for a few since 1992 as per Davis and Company legal files. At all? Much more on this full story and three decades deception below. Do these two dozen sleazy lying criminals really think they can lie again and fool my 470 votes of support, plus my legal and media friends, majority of intelligent and honest 891 members, RCMP and Crown prosecution, beaten and harassed women and our read on taking real "sincerely" criminal responsibility and restitution for all victims? We will humiliate such scum and their pathetic lying deceptive scribes fully when in all public forums).We are accountable to each member, and while we may not always understand the lived experiences of our members from marginalized communities, we know that we are collectively linked." 

Show us the money or all the "regret" and "responsibility" claims total BS and as meaningless like some executive titles 100% BS PR. This as any criminal to civil court and human rights tribunal will be forced to concede. True? False? 

Fun Note: Poor me? I myself possibly grossly abused and marginalized for simply being tall, educated, "honest", experienced, funny and not boring. And not willing to support morons, fakes, frauds and criminals. Some certainly hated how very accomplished more intelligent and more desirable women in 891 found me charming, funny, helpful, kind, muscular and even possibly attractive. True? False? Fact check? I think Senator Eugene Forsey and Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada would be very proud of me and still find me fun? Where John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly, Tom Adair, Rob Maier, Ken Anderson, Susan Butler Grey and the human criminal garbage that aids and abet certainly do not find me fun or funny. Even put me on trial "internally" for whistle blowing on misappropriation of funds or as they tried to fake and spin as putting honourable criminals in "disrepute". This after their lies to RCMP also failed big time to intimidate me. These lies back when sadly the criminal elite "only knew" for a few years  I was some "tall funny computer guy" that smart women in IATSE 891 thought funny, and not so seriously legally and politically connected. All across Canada. Their biggest and very stupidest criminal mistake ever. Do hope the slime can explain why not put me on trial internally for "threatening union executive and children" when once good enough for now documented  disgusting lies to RCMP. This will get very funny and insanely awkward for liars, losers and criminals trying to explain to courts and to their own lawyers. Including major idiot slime Paul Klassen. True? False? And a few of the criminals named must not only fear RCMP and criminal charges but must also seriously fear CRA?

"Between April 2020 and March 2021, CRA says it received a record 62,855 tips". 

Soon add six more detailed and my offer to go under oath to testify against this cowardly criminal slime. Some will seriously need to review what CRA calls a taxable benefit. They certainly deserve it. True? False?

Where is the leadership in "honest proactive restitution" so that remorse "materially defined" not just more endless vomit-worthy and empty "clever" PR again? Put some in jail and much will be obvious and so members not suffer more sick word spin and continuing criminal abuse? True? False? 

Should these two dozen criminals in union local executive be simply forgiven like repeat three decades of serial paedophile priests for simply an act of confession for documented "Coercion and Intimidation"? Notice how "Coercion and Intimidation"never mentioned in the PR BS? Even if part of BCLRB files. How clever to be so sickeningly and endlessly deceptive. Yes, best criminal law fully applied? How very odd, some may notice, I don't need to fear a full RCMP investigation while sleazy cowardly criminals must fear full personal criminal exposure, ridicule, jail and large fines and penalties. Easy to prove as below defined. 

Don't my feelings matter

Why haven't I got a big intimidating fancy lawyer's letter from some big law firm representing the criminal cream of IATSE 891 local executive? Just like others have sent me when trying to intimidate me and silence me? And failed? Heck, why don't sleazy criminals, as some named and pictured below, call RCMP on me again for the very clear documented harassment and putting criminals and their good family name in "disrepute" in this blog? How odd, if once I was worthy of disgusting lies and calls to RCMP, Vancouver Police and even once as so well documented very internal trial "worthy"? And  to be judged by the sincere integrity and intellect of creepy and cowardly Paul Klassen. What are the criminals  so very-very afraid of and for fun "intentionally" not yet mentioned? Yet?

Hope Rob Maier can keep his long-time dog-loyal very stupid criminal support on a leash, as they only dramatically as proven escalate Rob Maier's many legal problems, risk and exposure starting with lies to RCMP to very well documented internal trials. And with "literally" every single seriously stupid move they make. True? False? Don't my feelings matter? 

"We are accountable to each member". This the executive's criminal and criminal support in their very own collective words. Obvious enough? If IATSE 891 Executive so honest and "accountable" if not more documented BS they should try being accountable to simply me to start?  If not more 100% documented paid PR BS, as will be far too obvious as a matter of record for RCMP, Criminal Courts, Provincial Inquiry and Major Media plus BC Director of Civil Forfeiture. True? False?

To keep it simple, we see no more than a dozen serious criminal offences for RCMP investigation and basically that leading to no more than a handful doing jail time for more than a year. Most will get community service and costs. Key is compensation for victims. Like children cheated. Possibly this estimate too conservative? 

This criminal prosecution certainly will put any other dirty union executives in BC, and possibly all of Canada, on notice that crime and corruption plus coercion and intimidation has no place in union local futures. Or any workplace. And this case, as such, serving as a key foundation and case study for critically needed legislative Labour reform.

I do hope some more "honest" and "intelligent" can see how this blog has absolutely nothing "legally" to do with union local IATSE 891. At all. And is simply and clearly focused on Criminal Law and about two dozen criminals mostly in union executive screwing thousands of members and all BC taxpayers. And the lesson here, simply how the criminal and corrupt can so very easily using the frailty of all unions and inadequacy of present antiquated Labour Code, to serve their criminal and corrupt self-interest or special interests. Should be so very obvious. Certainly for many more informed and more educated already. 

In my discussion with one of IATSE 891's own lawyers, we both felt much below more a matter of "criminal law" and "individuals" than labour or a union matter. Hope the obvious obvious? 

Fealty of fools

IATSE 891 is simply exactly, and only, "where" the two dozen criminals as a gang are/were and committed their crimes, and as simply "where" their crimes took place while hiding among thousands of honest talented workers. IATSE 891, simply, just a "location" or "set"  for crime and criminals to feed off as resulting proceeds of crime. True? False?

As an undergraduate, a law prof in Ottawa, once said that ideally crimes speak for themselves "as a silent movie" on conduct and actions. Motive and intent simply the logical conclusion and corroborating felony and larceny? Actus reus and mens rea stuff. So feel free to "ignore all my words and others" and just look at ALL actions and documents, exactly like in a silent movie? Ironic?

Most text below just details and reference for context and the exact crimes for criminal prosecution. Much should be obvious quickly. First we define the criminal culture, then the crimes. Evidence and names below.

Half million plus

Why does IATSE 891 spend more on "legal" than some criminal gangs and even more than far bigger more honest organizations? And to protect less than thirty key criminals? What do honest union local executives spend on their local's legal (and PR?) and with same membership or pro rata. Like ACFC by direct comparison. And on what? 

Even simple linear regressions can help make so much so obvious. I used linear regressions when doing audits on serious problems with millions in BC Tourism US advertising media buy? Some were impressed? Sometimes correlation makes causation more than evident. Also very handy with 891 election numbers and from production costs on shows starting with shows like "The X-Files"? Also why media imperatives changed for Federal Liberals to Labatt and 7-Eleven? Numbers matter. True? False?
To quote present Vancouver BC IATSE 891 local president Keith Woods from his FB page:

"I see legal fees climbing into the half million plus range and growing, with a supposed "insurance policy" to cover it. 
We have to ask:
Where is the actual confirmation of an insurance payout? 
Where was the mediation that was offered? 
Where is the line item report for the members to read? 


Insurance policy payout? NOTE: So much more hidden in the above than meets the eye. These are "specific references" to "real" things and events. The first clue.  All real?

How much of this money "honestly" is "illegally" used to get gags or NDAs as to avoid dirty criminal secrets being told? And avoid case law with generous settlements calculated to keep so much silent including serious crimes? Case law precedent with settlements, that would easily provide no-contest precedent and case law for "easy fast" actions and "settlement" for thousands of other 891 members cheated and even impact many "corrupt" elections. Clear when all the "truth" all told. First-come, first-served? FIFO? This including all BC taxpayers and children cheated still not addressed. And some criminals not from Canada? Is this how they thank Canada for our kindness? How sick? How ugly? How stupid?

Add the illusion of simply ex gratia payments or NDA/gag and documented SLAPP factors will fool few. Mostly only fools.

All this while also literally seeing tax credit fraud help enrich literal real criminals, fakes, frauds, major fools and gross incompetence for three decades. And even more disgusting some of these sleazy criminals being paid far more than front-line workers, nurses, teachers and police while cheating children? And for far less "real work". And in most cases requiring no meaningful training, experience or education? Only "criminal servitude" required as it certainly seems to my ignorant untrained eyes? Nepotism clearly defined more than "honest" merit or normal competence. True? False? Why and how explained below. The criminals can only fool fools and themselves. Clear case studies in Dunning–Kruger and cognitive dissonance and other personality disorders will become so very obvious.

Previous efforts to lie and fool RCMP also seriously failed. And as so well documented. And witnessed. See below.

A direct comparison of PR, political and vain gross efforts by lying criminal IATSE 891 union executives, and their big pay and perks supported by taxpayer tax credits compared directly with honest heroic front-line workers, nurses, teachers and police, makes much so obvious and so disgusting. As documented.

Let's be honest, even major Telecom companies use gags and NDAs with buyouts to frustrate case law setting precedent. Silencing crimes a handy informal bonus? Criminals in IATSE 891 did not invent this trick, they just abuse it far more. Once crimes defined easy to work-back to even those who criminally aid and abet. 

Yes, I don't simply just have a problem with a few dozen sleazy abusive deceptive ignorant and arrogant criminals cheating all BC and too many members. Criminals hijacking union local IATSE 891 as their very own candy store and ego blanket, but I also have very serious problems with Telecom "business practices" by major corporations like Telus, SHAW, Bell, Rogers. Been a long time fan of Michael Geist and have always been fascinated by CRTC since my first tribunal appeal in 1984? Let BC Hydro also sell taxable internet fibre time to help diminish losses from Site "C" costs and stop East-coast Rogers/Shaw empire from moving money over the Rockies. Yes, I'm a trouble maker

Yes, I've been a "Troublemaker" since 1973 for criminals and bullies, despots, tyrants, misogynists, monopolies and oligopolies. Even if just temporary or geographical. Ask RCMP? Ask my long time friends? Oddly, no problems at all with any other unions all across Canada that I worked with or for? Zero? Only 24 lying and stealing criminals in IATSE 891 my only problem, as documented and witnessed . Mostly dirty "non-union types" or known idiots I played games with before this film industry slime. Forced a few resignations and career failures in my past. How odd?

For NDP this "Dix and Dusty" back story will be nothing less than fascinating. 

How many in the executive criminal elite will RCMP find willing to lie and "obstruct in a criminal investigation" and possibly do "added" jail time to protect "brother" John Brummitt from RCMP and John Brummitt going to jail? This after he exposed so many of the criminal and corrupt with his sick textbook small man ego needs? And as to show full mindless criminal solidarity? Will Rob Maier? Will Dusty Kelly?

How many will "lie again" to RCMP in the conspiracy of solidarity in a criminal investigation to protect Don Ramsden? Again? And now when nothing left to gain in criminal reciprocation? And Don Ramsden's BCLRB documented "show of force" overt and covert Coercion and Intimidation abilities as documented, now so severely limited. Don Ramsden has now even lost his ability to help even ignorant and arrogant sleaze like John Brummitt be highly overpaid for criminal loyalty as a cute way to launder proceeds of crime. And as it appears (at severely increased cost)? As seriously, John Brummitt has little merit other than as a dog-loyal liar for criminals. No related "real" executive experience. No related education. Easy to prove and quickly demonstrate. Was John Brummitt really the "best of the best" of 891 and most honest, intelligent, experienced and educated for the job? Or did criminal corruption help most? And as with others in executive to enjoy the proceeds of crime as big shot title and position (in a very small pond), absurd pay and perks and an obvious clearly political self-serving disgusting amount of PR and pix as postulated working class heroes? As documented and witnessed. True? False? 

How many owe blind-dog loyalty to NDP cancer and criminals like Adrian Dix's darling Dusty Kelly (now a director of BCLC) and to even Federal NDP candidate Phil Klapwyk, whose long helpful cowardly silence serves criminals who support him so well? Will Adrian Dix have to resign? Again? Will NDP see the risk if both Phil Klapwyk and Dusty Kelly don't resign ASAP with zero political upside in these matters? Zero?

Or who will be so stupid to help Susan Butler Grey to also tell so very many lies to RCMP? As she must? Or squeal for a deal on "all others" from her "insider 30 years of helping criminals". This so she can be over paid and protected royalty as primary motive. Like other princes and princesses are "protected" in the poor man's palace. True? False? Susan Butler Grey a key name for members to media to keep top of mind as a key and critical insider, not just RCMP?

Who will lie to RCMP to protect even former intellectual heavy weight Tom Adair. Tom who once felt so clever supporting criminals who left him alone and over paid for selective silence on criminal matters. And who now must play so very stupid against his well paying "aid and abetting" criminal charges. And former big shot title as: Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions. Others named below, and some to be very surprised when charged? 

Will even present big shot Paul Klassen, Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions try and make fools of RCMP with deception and his clever politically polished wordplay and selective fraudulent concealment with words ripped out of context and parsing of words? Will they ALL be able to fool RCMP to my far more educated and far more accomplished legal friends? Bets? They couldn't fool me or hundreds of others more intelligent, more educated and more honest already as documented? Odd how my critics all lying criminals or those who aid and abet criminals? True? False?

How odd, as documented, RCMP, legal scholars, "honest" supervisors and employers and a law firm to the Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, to top producers, directors and studios "NEVER" had any problem with my "honesty" and bottom-line performance value? Odd how clearly only those criminals named and to be named found me a problem. And ALL with criminal association to solidarity? And I was paid extremely well for my work with Ron Basford and a law firm, just as with Fortune 500 companies at very senior levels? True? False?

And yet as clear fact, oddly I'm only challenged mostly by highly unaccomplished, uneducated, lying sleaze, major fakes, first class fools and serious criminals who cheat children, steal and support violence against women and millions in tax credit fraud. Those in the criminal executive elite in BC union local IATSE 891. As documented. For three decades. True? False?

Long before even knowing of this dirty very criminal controlled union local IATSE 891, I was even a previous whistle-blower to BC NDP on Socred abuse or gross misuse of BC Tourism US Advertising funds in 1988. And possibly more prophetic a previous whistle-blower to NDP on insane highly suspicious  BCLC advertising expenditures and now HR issues with Dusty Kelly, both defying logical and research merit. I do numbers. I did media analysis for Federal Liberals, Federal Conservatives, Labatt, Molson Pension Fund, 7-Eleven, Esso, Trizec, Cadillac Fairview to name a few.  So I'm kind of analytical?

I liked Michael Harcourt when City of Vancouver also my client and Ads first started to promote Hollywood North in Variety in Hollywood South. Didn't just help Federal Liberals to Labatt? 

IATSE 891 far too corrupt and too criminal to help from within as only third party trusteeship can help clean "all" the disgusting human dirt out and ensure 30 year truth all told and future elections far more honest and "meaningful". This as a new comprehensive and forensic Provincial Inquiry will make so very clear. IATSE 891 would have had to pay me twice as much as Labatt and Federal Liberals for my time, to simply try and be polite and try and work within 891 with criminals and such ignorant, deceptive, sleazy, sneaky, cowardly, uneducated morons like John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Rob Maier, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly and the insanity of Susan Butler Grey and many  "others". Those in love with their own myths, meaningless screen credits and big shot union local titles. Far above their real professional HR "competitive" qualifications. True? False?

"The free exchange of ideas critical to both democracy and law".
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. 

The criminals should all get together in solidarity of the two dozen complete slime with a high priced defamation lawyer, as far more to the peculiarities of defamation law, than Don Ramsden's tiny insights on "reverse onus". True? False? Bets?

Proof critical

As one reads below do consider very seriously the criminality and criminals with the large wealth of absolutely "undeniable documentation" and "witness volumes". This as per metaphor or figurative: 

  • Perfect DNA matches, proven priors, fingerprints everywhere, and smoking guns still smoking. As documented.
  • Add the hundreds of "honest" eye witnesses, that simply speaks for itself. 
  • The thousands of metaphorical victim bodies where buried a given, including women and children figuratively in the morgue for forensics. 

These crimes, as defined and detailed below, range from, and include and not limited to:

  • documented fraud, 
  • documented theft, 
  • documented wrongful prosecution, 
  • documented criminal defamation, 
  • documented obstruction,
  • documented restriction of trade,
  • documented economic interference,
  • documented breach of fiduciary duty,
  • documented extortion,
  • documented embezzlement,
  • documented sexual harassment,
  • documented coercion and intimidation,
  • documented assault. This as documented and/or witnessed,
  • documented clear classic criminal conspiracy and collusion as defined by 24 criminals (or less?) in mind-locked criminal solidarity for criminal defence. 
Literally thousands of witnesses/"victims".

Plus: "Volunteer" polygraph testimony to sworn protected witnesses available. I myself have been foolishly and criminally threatened? Think about that?

We are also extremely confident that a few of the more stupid criminals named below, and to be named, will also be guilty of more added "Obstruction" charges lying and playing RCMP "again" like fools when questioned in this criminal investigation. This with their signature classic sophist teenage misleading wordplay, scripted high school abuse of rhetorical fallacies, signature fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission, or simply their clear blatant stated lies they probably still feel so clever once exploiting. As documented. This as traps below will also add to and provide. All obstruction and lies noted. And as every supervisor, client and employer will concede I keep records rather well.

Some good news

Fortunately, RCMP experts know exactly what to look for with such suspected liars and criminals thinking they can lie to RCMP "again" as thinking themselves smarter than RCMP. And best, most of these criminals about as intelligent as they are honest. And once the RCMP "again" insulted and their feelings hurt, and certain of lies or obstruction by just a few key criminal actors, or those who criminally aid and abet, ALL the credibility of ALL group or gang members lost and deserving of more traps, charges and jail time. True? False? Bets? 

This much like when Adrian Dix had problems with his integrity and credibility and RCMP seized Dix’s computer, and Dix subsequently resigned. And Dix's problems far less than these criminals involved with, including lies to RCMP to millions in tax credit fraud and theft. Tax credits were not designed to enrich criminals. Simple numbers makes the case for those who really studied economics with acceptable business spreadsheet skills. True? False? 

Dix got caught making one mistake. These criminals guilty of hundreds. And this is on top of "documented and proven" criminal acts plus "coercion and intimidation" in a variety of forms. 

As such, RCMP very likely may also soon be forced to have to seize ALL of IATSE 891 executive's office and personal home computers, exactly as done with Adrian Dix? This certainly the case if too many lies and efforts at obstruction still blatant. Hopefully before key evidence lost, moved or destroyed "again"? This does involve "millions and millions" in fraud. And all crimes motivated by an increase in pay, petty political power and prestige and illusions of authority and accomplishment. Take John Brummitt and Tom Adair as excellent examples of criminal facilitation. Why do so many after being Presidents of IATSE 891 local or as executives go back to breathing paint fumes and inhaling sawdust. Can't even get jobs as just department heads? True? False? Tom Adair and Susan Butler Grey lucky not victims of elections and protected by corruption or criminal knowledge. Look so forward to having a fair and honest two way debate with Tom Adair in these matters when both under oath and judged by objective trusted formal third parties? Seems fair. 

RCMP will also have to review various NDAs or gag agreements. This as often also illegal when bottom-line purpose is clearly protecting criminals and obviously suppressing truth being told. Ritual oaths of "Omertà"?  True? False?

Some hearsay to follow in next few days as allowed on blogs, and with RCMP interrogations and investigations. And yes, not in courts. Well, not that often. Hearsay and rumours not as legal statement of facts, but to define key points for deeper RCMP questioning and directional efficacy.

Kind of funny

Kind of funny how some criminals will suffer very serious personal costs and jail time to community service work, if either or both John Brummitt and soul twin Tom Adair unable to fool and deceive RCMP Investigation and Interrogation experts, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges. Anyone betting on the real full intellect and integrity, plus meaningful education and experience of either or both John Brummitt and Tom Adair? And their best lies making fools of RCMP and other legal authorities "again"? Think of how hundreds have already documented they both can't be trusted? And including previous Provincial Inquires and BCLRB rulings. As documented. True? False?  Nor their long time criminal loyal friends and coworkers not trusted as well. True? False? 

Hope they can find just "one (1) real honest person" to support them and deal with little wee me, face-to-face, eye-to-eye, one-on-one, in RCMP interrogation rooms.  Just "one (1) real honest person" as criminals supporting criminals a bit of a joke. I look forward to being criminally defamed "again" by criminals and known liars. What is a perjury trap? Again this is criminal law and involves about two dozen "individuals", so hard to justify innocent and honest IATSE 891 members footing the legal costs for criminals "again"? True? False?

Proof and points

What is proven below, "beyond a reasonable doubt", as per Canadian criminal law prerogatives and imperatives, plus using no-debate documents, examples, tests and research, is the twisted level of crime, coercion and intimidation and the abuse of literally thousands of honest workers. Literally thousands. Tragically, those not strong enough to challenge the criminal elite, and who have suffered so much. Too much. Those with a family to feed and car payments far too easy to "coerce and intimidated" as per BCLRB "documented priors"? This alone reason enough for long overdue  legislative reform as reviewed below? Prima facie?

Many studies support the ease of "coercion and intimidation" combined with the promise or payoff of higher pay and perks on weaker minds. This from Patty Hearst to Stockholm-Lite to other studies in cults and cultures and political movement and mobs and more the case when one's livelihood makes one a prisoner of their craft and trade. Studies by Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram also clearly apply. True? False? The absurd consensus of convenience. True? False? 

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley

And this blog here done, as to also prove the very serious need for RCMP to help women beaten and children cheated and thousands of "honest" workers by investigation, interrogation, convictions and incarceration, as also blatant. Help them. Not me. 

As will be obvious below, I could handle these criminals that so sick and sadly that thousands of others certainly can't. What was/is academic-sport, fun and funny for me, was so sadly literally financially crippling and costly to too many of those "honest members" with family and children, and not funny at all. Not funny at all. Very sad. And very criminal. 

And do also add where I could not be so easily physically, intellectually, economically, socially or seriously legally threatened, nor vulnerable to economic interference and restriction of trade and free speech, others sadly have and are. Sadly. Why will be very obvious below and how I ignored or played these criminals who "once" felt so very clever. So blinded by both their noted ignorance and well-known arrogance and abuse of position and power as feeling repeatedly for decades so clever and above the rule of law. That rule of law stuff  legal scholar and published expert David J. Doorey feels critical for workers rights. True? False?  Position and power based on little more than a title on business card or position gained by criminal acceptance. Certainly not meaningful education and experience. Taking advantage of members money and those they considered weaker? Exactly as documented. 

Sadly for criminals seems no one guessed I once worked for an impressive detective agency in Montreal and had worked with Award Winning Investigative Journalists at CBC in Toronto, and enjoyed applicable lectures by Sen. Eugene Forsey. Nor knew of my work reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. This in my wild misguided youth, as detailed below? This real experience provided I'd know the difference between "honest" real highly accomplished, educated and intelligent people and the marked difference with liars, fakes, fools and criminals.

More odd, before the criminals knew anything about me, see how the former Attorney General of Canada and Senators, and top university business school Deans (McGill, SFU) judged me? This directly compared to very highly uneducated and far less accomplished lives of very dishonest major nobodies and criminals who loved playing and "pretending authoritative" to dare judge others. This gets really funny when these fools must solo in the figurative legal spotlight?

Those with little man big shot titles who loved pretending as "honestly qualified" in any way to dare judge others? Little man big shot titles makes a few small stupid men feel tall and clever? Even educated when not? As documented. And uneducated and stupid deceptive women feel so very smart and so superior to others, thinking they have the "quality or qualifications" to judge others, as so arrogant and ignorant as well. As documented. True? False? 

Yes, criminals, liars, fakes and fools clearly don't like me at all. Should be obvious why? Never have. Even since grade school I couldn't fit in with their type? However, I did very clearly play well with other types. And clearly those with far more intellect and integrity, education and experience, and far more accomplished. Pretty obvious really. True? False? The criminal slime love to play judge but hate being judged. See criminals named and pictured below. Now they will be judged. Fully.

Why did the Attorney General and Fortune 500 companies pay me so much more than criminals ever paid? Why was I on the board of directors of a public company, but not suitable to fit in with sick sleazy highly uneducated or unaccomplished criminals in the union executive with so many big shot impressive titles? Was I too honest? Too educated? Too accomplished? More on this exact comparison below. Much more. 

Suffice it to say, criminals made certain no whistle-blowers or anyone who could rock the boat and disrupt conspiracy cash cow, got near their dynasty and protected oligopolies when even gerrymandering simply not enough for undue criminal influence. Nor very open to those far more experienced, accomplished and educated. Impossible to try and create change from within. How to make John Brummitt feel and look smart so John Brummitt could help Don Ramsden look smarter seems to help careers? Bets? True? False? 

Hide and seek

When I asked to see the financials, knowing I had more financial experience skills than most in the executive, if not all, they told me I had to come to the office. And then not ready as with membership delay. How clever? I had already busted two accountants for use of Trust funds a few years before?  Well, wouldn't Conrad Black (before going to prison) just loved to have been that abusive to minority shareholders? Back when Mr. Black also thought himself also above the rule of law. And he had top expensive defence lawyers and connections and still went to jail? His once loyal number two man turned on him for a squeal and deal as no fool. I think it would be easier to see full books in the Vatican. 

Other efforts from simple membership made needlessly problematic disrupting almost all efforts at collecting critical evidence and protecting membership from criminal morons. Almost all efforts disrupted? Got enough now. So I couldn't go over "their books" with my real accounting friends as some in IATSE know quite helpful and impressive. True? False? Funny how easy to get books from other public institutions and some private ventures? I was looking for special loans and payouts and legal settlements so many in inner circle talked about? 

It was a way of bragging they had stuff on executive and presidents and how high up they were and in the know and oddly admitting to being part and support for the criminal elite. Almost nauseating to hear how many friends "Donny" had, but who couldn't keep their mouths shut and did very many stupid things. And bragged about secrets? Very helpful. And with history lessons. True? False?

Judged by the company they keep 

Whose "judgement" should people "honestly" trust about me, the former Attorney General of Canada to an acting UBC law faculty acting chair and RCMP, or the towering known intellect and integrity of John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Rob Maier, Ken Anderson, Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly and others. See their "real honest" credentials and note the "very interesting" very ugly stories about them all and the criminals who must support them and the criminals they must support. Possibly just very ugly rumours? Possibly just hearsay? Some thinking possibly and absolutely NOT? Hard for a guy like me with no criminal support? True? False?

I'll help RCMP keep them honest in investigation and interrogations and with any infantile memory problems serving to criminally obstruct.


Even more unusual, and to be honest, and as POV insight, I'm basically a failed comedy writer (with International Awards for humour for my Ad words). Yes, a failed comedy writer, as my girl friends and others will support and testify, and yet oddly forced "once again" to be a voice for others. As well documented and witnessed. Since 1973?

Even X-Files producers Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin, as also comedy failures, know me as a failed comedy writer from my solo efforts with the "Unofficial X-File Employee Newsletter". And including dating tips, investment advice to intramural sports and motivational messages. Back East known for funny radio ads. In BC known for funny TV ads by trade media and award winning words for humour. Even top directors in Quebec know me as funny and fun? Others know me for much more serious work with top brains for three Prime Ministers? Including critical elections and regional economic development. True? False?

All the 891 union executive criminal groups could do was call me names and defame, plus foolishly call the RCMP with very sick lies thinking the RCMP fools and I could be intimidated. Wrong on both judgements. Which more than backfired big time. As proven. Almost uncanny how the RCMP can tell a failed comedy writer when they meet one? I've worked harder crowds. And criminals. I have a long history as a whistle-blower and as a voice and protection for others. True? False? Bets?

The above should provide some colour and context for a clearer appreciation for what follows.

The purpose of this blog:
  • Criminal Investigation and Interrogation
  • Criminal Charges
  • Criminal Conviction
  • Victims Compensated
  • Provincial Inquiry
  • Leadership in Legislative Labour Code Reform
  • Criminal, Civil and Labour Board "Case Law" to help other union and non-union workers. All over BC. All over Canada?
Labour Code Reform, as noted by even legal scholars and some in legal community, critical to a far more "productive", "safe" and less toxic workplace for competitive world values? And obvious reduced criminal and corrupt influences and costs.

You don't have to be a top graduate business school management scholar (or requested speaker?) to understand how these criminals and their culture of deception impacts repeated studies on "Reciprocal Determinism" and "Observational Learning". And how these criminals serve as literally human fertilizer for a toxic workplace and union local. This the case sadly in dirty unions all across Canada where "Coercion and Intimidation" a documented "union executive" trade tool. A toxic workplace that as documented bears fruit as domestic violence and divorce to substance abuse and suicide. And "again" more children suffer. True? False?

As such, any criminal's victim audit requires a "total cost" measure? True? False? Also add when taxed by long hours and suffering  incompetent middle management with comic book depth and Dunning–Kruger self-assessment, and certainly productivity and creativity suffers and costs kink. 

Malicious obedience another "measured" disease these criminal's provide. I myself guilty as so motivated to let criminal supervisors look like idiots as per their direction? With more honest employers and coworkers I protect them. As proven. As documented. And documented from Federal Political Party Communications to day call labourer needs? True? False? 

Help Women. Help children. Help.

Please share this link today and talk about these crimes and criminals. This is the exact simple action required for how "real" honest people, help other honest people help expose sleazy criminals. Be a helping hero. And helping from helping expose women beaters to children cheaters and thieves. Criminals you can help expose. Be a real hero? Really help. Share. Or do nothing and help criminals. For the record? What will Adrian Dix and Eby do? For the record? Like Eby and recent legal decisions as per former Bill C-45? Justice delayed (or stayed); justice denied?

Homework for criminals reading this far

I think criminals will be able to legally justify themselves just as well as similar confident and superior posturing "executive" office people. Just like those in the ENRON "executive" also foolishly thought in the early days. And also not ever fearing forensic accountants and audits of their major league accounting firm?

As such, criminals each best to review, with both their individual criminal and civil lawyers "the burden of proof" from what is "probable" and a "balance of probabilities" to beyond a "reasonable doubt" stuff.

Beyond a reasonable doubt suggesting reason, not rhetorical fallacies. And balance of probabilities suggesting actuarial, not anecdotal. So it would seem clearly these are not strong points that most criminals as named, can best deal with, deny, debate or even defend against. Does it? True? False?

Criminals reading this blog as named, and to be named, should seriously read this link below and discuss with all their "individual" criminal lawyers as "very different and very unique legal exposures and liabilities":

Note: We don't believe penalising 891 funds fair to honest members and their innocent families. Those innocent already clearly ripped-off and cheated for three decades by sleazy criminals to gross reckless and negligent incompetence and in clear breach of Fiduciary Duty and Mandate. Plus with clear serious violations of Labour Code, Criminal Code and Common Law efforts. Efforts often out of the free-time and financial reach of honest workers and their families. As such we believe that recovery and remedies should best be provided by "individuals" involved with criminal groups by the  BC Director of Civil Forfeiture and those who aid and abet "personally" (void of union or corporate shield or director's liability defence and claims).

Sorry, if I sound a bit like Bora Laskin or babble like Blackstone. I'm only a failed comedy writer, not a lawyer? As per: "... rule of action which ... the inferior is bound to obey."

So very sad

So very sad if only a half dozen go to jail for over a year. More sad if victims from families and children cheated get little. Or for some, no compensation at all. 

Worse if proceeds of crime from theses criminal bully blue collar efforts at white collar crime, not FULLY exposed, and ALL proceeds of crime not fully seized for thousands cheated. Including all BC taxpayers. 

If quick guilty pleas, media will be needed to keep this story alive to help others all across Canada. Front line workers from Grocery Stores to Glaziers on West Coast to Oil rigs on East Coast also suffering abuse by criminal union executives. True? False?



An excellent place to start 

The link below selected as an excellent place to start. And as a very fast 3rd party "recent" reference. This before the full history and numbers of crimes detailed. 

And this link below so very to the point on so very many levels. From the present IATSE 891 President Keith Woods and his supporting criminal elite threatening BS legal muscle, who don't want you talking "freely" about executives Kelly Moon's recent gambling and use of credit cards, or ever talking about use of member's money involving criminal presidents and their criminal support. Truth hurts?

However, as total documented disgusting hypocrites, as now so very easy to expose, and as very ignorant low-life cowardly sneaky sleaze as: clearly far more than willing to allow criminal's lies to RCMP to protect criminals to be ignored. Odd? True? False? And creating the great charade of legitimacy and logic with internal trials if putting criminal's in "disrepute". And with Paul Klassen a more than willing volunteer to be a criminal puppet.  As documented. Hey, everyone loves lying sleazy hypocrites who support women beaters and children cheater for their own obvious financial self-interest and glorification. Don't they?  Hopefully RCMP and Criminal Judges just as impressed? Debate? Denial? Yes, has always been so very easy to make creeps and criminals appear so very obvious to "objective honest third parties". Why better to talk freely in criminal courtrooms than criminal infested union boardrooms? True? False?

And best, here in this blog link below using clear disgusted left-wing media exactly as referenced. This as valid proof that not only right-wing Toronto media and religious groups totally disgusted with these criminals. And soon do add Canadian military and veterans who have fought for "Freedom of Speech" to not be suppressed by documented despots. And those cheating children, but documented willing to  protect gamblers to women beaters. Some not from Canada screwing Canadians who had family "die in wars for freedom of speech". As such the link below a great starting reference for all crimes and context. Adds critical colour.

This link below also just a tiny part of a much bigger and much uglier criminal story. The tip of many criminal icebergs. And this is understated. 

Much more is detailed below. This on: women beaten and children cheated to millions in BC tax credit fraud for three decades. And details on how, why, when, what and all the "who" involved with lies to RCMP as documented.  Plus questions below about Adrian Dix's very strange connection with Hollywood date Dusty Kelly now at BCLC and her help for the working person or just herself and criminal cohorts? Did she fool Dix as well?

Clearly seems incredibly easy to prove position, titles and pay in IATSE 891 executive has little or nothing to do with integrity, intellect, accomplishment, education and any related meaningful experience. John Brummitt and Tom Adair as both twin one trick pony wonders makes this point so very obvious. And with just these two so very sick and obvious examples of major human frauds. And not the only ones?  And as with other criminals making big money and enjoying tax credits for criminal windfall and criminal empowerment as a perk with proceeds of crime poorly laundered as pay and positions. The honest majority in IATSE 891 deserve so much better than the sick sleaze named. 

And this absolutely including very stupid unethical IATSE 891 presidents like say Ken Anderson. Ken Anderson as now a "Bad Faith" Poster Boy with BC Labour  Board, when once enjoying the most absurd case of gerrymandering, fraudulent concealment, deception to defamation and in clearly corrupt elections resulting in clear voting apathy and hopelessness. As documented. BCLRB has documented the slime Ken Anderson is exactly, and how quick to cowardly brown nose, as do his very own words to "registered mail" that will now haunt him as further revealing of this very sick puppy. Don Ramsden and John Brummitt also have documented their cowardly mind set with both Provincial Inquiries and BCLRB rulings. And "key" failed appeals. RCMP familiar with the integrity of another president and John Brummitt's other long time criminal friends?

Why such a very needless expensive desperate and pathetic effort at appeal when coercion and intimidation again obvious to most "honest", "intelligent" or "educated people"? True? False?

Without their limited worn "Working Class Hero" PR and practised scripted lies these criminals are all lost. See Newsletter. 

 "Patriotism (Solidarity?) is the last refuge to which  scoundrel clings!" (Bob Dylan paraphrasing Oscar Wilde?)

And as well, as also so easy to prove, how very critical is cowardly silence and servitude to criminal elite as a key career-maker for the big pay, big titles and far beyond their "real honest" normal and ethical HR qualifications. "Illegal" NDA/gags so helpful. And this not only by comparison to myself but so many others in IATSE far more honest? 

Seniority and job/financial security replaced by criminal acceptance. Hundreds know how obvious this sadly really is. I'm even a very clear example as not acceptable to criminal elite. Ever. Yet a documented "High Paid Pick"? And I'm very proud of not being part of their type and lies. Yes, one of many traps easy to prove. True? False? 

Any are always free to debate, deny at RCMP offices if not fearing RCMP involvement and no-debate documented added obstruction? Any volunteers? Any? Let objective "honest" third parties judge those who liked judging others. Only fair?

Note: Not all criminal activities mentioned in this blog. Some are not mentioned. Yet. This so we can have a pleasant surprise for criminals and their critical aid and abet support when RCMP fully involved.

We are hoping that someone exactly like provincial Court Judge Patricia Janzen handles these criminal cases (and/or Provincial Inquiry?) based on her experience with such types and those that support or aid and abet such criminals. Respecting her depth with mediation at the Labour Relations Board, the Human Rights Tribunal and Canadian Human Rights and sick small man issues, she wouldn't be fooled by low-life word play. True? False? As such possibly far superior, educated and honest than Paul Klassen and others serving the criminal elite as named. She might even find internal 891 trial documents amusing, criminal and disgusting as with Labour Relations Board rulings when Don Ramsden and Ken Anderson were 891 local presidents when "Coercion and Intimidation" to "Bad Faith" and failed appeals and their personal character and methods defined.

And for those using cheap lawyers what if the Law Society determines a lawyer holds "a grievous risk of undermining public confidence in the profession"? Wanna' play?

"Proceeds of crime means any property, benefit or advantage, within or outside Canada, obtained or derived directly or indirectly"?

"Aiding and abetting. According to Canadian criminal law, those who "counsels", encourage or assist in the commission of an offence are just as guilty as the person who commits it. This occurs through what is often referred to as “aiding and abetting”. And liable to the same penalty as that person. Fun or what when at least 24 individuals clearly guilty of aid and abetting if not direct criminal acts? 

How stupid is stupid? Wait? It gets even better and easier to prove to criminal courts. See below. The criminally ignorant and arrogant will be fun to play out with in honest 3rd party public forums to criminal courts. Or starting with RCMP interrogation of the super brains named. And for top pay top of the heap like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen with huge titles even bigger and longer than a Prime Minister to bottom of the barrel bottom feeders like John Brummitt and Rob Maier. 

Seems simple enough: Prove the crimes. Show who and what benefit or advantage and who exactly helped by cowardly silence and clear breach of fiduciary duty.

To prove I'm not a bully, I'm willing to go all alone one-on-one, against the far superior super intellect, integrity, education, depth and experience of Tom Adair, John Brummitt and others of similar such cerebral strength with RCMP interrogation experts present. This as to judge us all honestly and fairly unlike very embarrassing and expensive  corrupt and criminal internal trials. Seems fair? Seems far more honest? True? False?

See below how simple. Even for super highly educated and heavily  experienced powerful people with gigantic impressive titles like the authoritative Tom Adair, former Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions and Paul Klassen present top dog as the new Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions. And to show how they helped criminal elite for their proceeds of crime as benefit or advantage laundered (as very common) as far better job, far bigger pay plus big shot huge misleading titles and free PR. And as an interesting note they would have to work so much harder to just be credible as a department heads in their old departments. So odd when so many honest 891 members so superior but far less servile to criminal elite as puppets. Or did they act alone with their superior authoritative criminal judgements? As documented. Judge and be judged only fair? True? False? 

And for real serious fun both Tom Adair and John Brummitt can both double-man me, like when I played football, and meet me at RCMP offices and this dynamic duo can debate, defend and deny and lie or obstruct "under oath" or just squeal for a deal? Well unless they still feel smarter than myself and real top legal experts and not squeal for a deal? Me, just a lowest level listed labourer as per the documented  judgement, intellect and integrity of John Brummitt and so very honest Don Ramsden. So this like a little David against two intellectual Goliaths as big shot "first time" executive directors and myself trying for two bird brains with one stone. Could be tons of fun. And this supports how money moves. True? Should make clear how honestly titles reflect real HR standard qualification in IATSE 891 and in many cases adding to the "millions and millions" in criminal fraud by frauds. True? False? 

Hopefully, some note my very biased and obvious support and endorsement of such extremely high quality "honest" women as head of the RCMP, Judges, Oxford Legal Academics, MPs and MLAs, Forensic psychiatrists and oddly none of the sad and so tragic women in IATSE 891's criminal elite. How odd? Nor my dog-loyal self-interest supporting women beaters and children cheaters as others clearly do of note. Also so many women in IATSE 891 I found as impressive and fun from Art Department and Accounting to Costume and Casting. Including no less than heroic single mothers suffering insane abuse. True? False? And where certainly myself as not near as accomplished as these women not in criminal elite, I'm certain I'm a far better cook and chef and as a former football quarterback. Am trying to make this blog also fun for criminal's lawyers as we run they're legal costs and billable hours through the roof as needing to read and review so much material including this blog. If I could force Gavin Craig and his criminal support to spend over $100,000.00 to find out what idiots some 891 executives really are my goal now to double that for criminal's individual criminal lawyers. Watch me?

Starts here for context. Click link. 

"BC IATSE suppresses opposition to union malfeasance."

Yes, just starting from this revealing link above, this will make RCMP superheroes to all working women and all working people. And hundreds of the many children cheated. They need the RCMP. How defined below.

After reading and fully digesting this link above, as just another added crack in the criminal dam, do add the plethora of points on many added criminal acts below. Many. The dam now breaking. Expect flooding.

Top 5 for Top RCMP Investigation & Interrogation Experts

Those above pictured and named the top 5 for top RCMP Investigation and Interrogation Experts to fully question for obstructive lies. And on ALL CRIMES as clearly defined and detailed below. Plus check for body language and any classic speech pattern irregularities. What will they ALL lie about? The fun part is criminals will have to guess what RCMP already know as documented and sworn protected witnessed facts. A liars lottery with nothing to win and so much to lose. Well, fun for some? And not criminals.

This added obviously obstructive needless waste of RCMP time, "ONLY NEEDED" should any or ALL named "NEED" to refuse a simple, very fast and so easy "volunteer non-admissible polygraph". This as to best so quickly clear their good honest family name, career reputation success and support claims of no criminal wrongdoings. And not waste RCMP time and patience. True? False? 

No "honest person" with no crimes to hide need fear a simple "volunteer non-admissible polygraph". This as I was taught at John Abbott College in Montreal by friends in Police Technology in 1974. Love it. Linear regressions show an interesting correlation between those who won't do a "volunteer non-admissible polygraph" and eventual successful prosecution and incarceration. True? False?

And this "volunteer non-admissible polygraph" would certainly "honestly help" RCMP seriously save time needlessly wasted with liars desperately trying to obstruct a criminal investigation? True? False?

And plus using this so very handy and helpful blog for critical agenda and criminal "itemized" defamatory denial makes it even so much more easy? 

Yes, a "volunteer non-admissible polygraph", just exactly as I certainly will also do based on my tiny education in bio-cybernetics (e.g. EEG, GSR, Lafayette, and other "truth" technology for more advanced media analysis). Sort of reversed-engineered AI? 

With myself, CIA, MOSSAD, KGB, RCMP, FBI and so many others all such big fans of polygraph technology either voice or traditional, or both, funny how criminals ALWAYS not such big fans? What can it mean to legal optics? What are RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Media to "honestly" think?

I myself certainly feel a polygraph far more reliable, cheaper and lightning fast for establishing truth. And far more than now very embarrassing and very revealing internal trials by cowardly creep and posturing legal scholar Paul Klassen. Paul Klassen who sadly will be noted for his criminal judgements to help "known" liars, thieves, women beaters and child cheaters and low life criminals from "disrepute". This as it appears to aid his future political fortunes. True? False? So pathetically political. Time for Paul and I to meet together as equals before the law with RCMP. I didn't like him using me as a political prop for his desperate ambitions and desire to showcase what he thinks he is and can fool others pretending he is. My turn? Only fair? And better he does not have to even consider my judgement just by the RCMP and why afraid to do a polygraph if hands clean. True? False?

Yes far too common a fact only criminals need to lie or use deceptive omission when asked specific questions impossible to equivocate. True? False?

Shouldn't at least one (1) of those named in this blog  be "honest enough" to do a quick, easy "volunteer non-admissible polygraph" to prove to RCMP, family, friends and future employers not just sleazy, sneaky low-life criminals and liars?

Yes, I loved my undergraduate lectures on "legal-realism" and talks with my wide variety of legal friends. And so easy to check if my old guitar buddy and roommate BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay? And if my sailing and dinner buddy the former acting UBC Law Faculty Chair Dr. Judy Fudge. Or if I reported directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. All making it so hard to ever listen to the highly uneducated  juvenile legal babble from John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Paul Klassen, Ken Anderson (a self-made fool), and Tom Adair (biggest cowardly fake). 

The criminals knew nothing of my past and personal life until they called the RCMP with documented lies to protect criminals. How stupid is stupid? Then they got to know me. Too late. 

Even their efforts to "Coerce and Intimidate" busted by BCLRB.  Even in appeal. Add internal trial documents of both myself and Gavin Craig as "insanely" revealing that the criminals must show their own lawyers with this blog and novel exercise in social media? Must also show their lawyers ALL registered mail and records financial to faxes so no one caught looking "both" stupid and criminal. Will they be able to fool anyone but the most ignorant dog-loyal support? Who more intelligent will ever believe any of them?


Will be fascinating whether they show solidarity/conspiracy as to falsely again justify abusing member's funds in Trust for clearly "personal" and "criminal" problems "again". This as with Gavin Craig's and John Brummitt's executive criminal partnership and hiding fax from RCMP? Or best try and go solo and covering individual legal costs to get a first-come, first-served squeal-for-a-deal and run ?

Why I waited until now

Why I waited until now to fully "tell all" detailed below. And involves "protecting friends and their children" from: deceit and defamation, economic interference, restriction of trade, bad faith and unfair representation, toxic workplace and subtle abuse, plus well proven and well documented "Coercion and Intimidation". This to name just a few key reasons to be very brief. 

Also, would be insane to pursue these matters as baby-step and stepping stone civil and labour board efforts to tiptoe through civil and labour and not have innocent third parties be exposed to criminal counters. As documented. 

And far too many criminals would get off and again "honest" union members would pay the bill for others sins and sick crimes.  And as we are mostly dealing with serious criminal matters seems Criminal Code the best choice for criminal matters. True? False? Bets? 

Also now some key criminals no longer holding any local executive office, and no big title or power so proximity to executive convenience, influence and funds somewhat complicated. True? False? Basic military textbook supply line food and fuel stuff?

Why these strategies and tactics

Why a BC Provincial "Forensic Inquiry on Tax credits and Crime" should proceed Criminal Charges and a formal review of antiquated Labour Code Reform to help all union workers and women feel safer:

1) Timeline logistics requiring less RCMP cost and time.
2) Defines fully a foundation by clear case study the problems needing addressing in Labour Code Reform
3) Provides deeper investigation and more charges.
4) Facilitates victim compensation.
5) Allows union to prove efforts at "honest" governance, restitution and remorse. Or not? Or some absurd showy effort to further mislead and obstruct as their best defence.

Why me

Was always hoping another younger, honest and far stronger and far smarter person would take the leadership on this bust of all this clear cowardly sneaky criminal lying slime. No luck. Possibly the lack of any pay as a volunteer worker's advocate not that attractive? No free T-shirt. 

Yes, some of us not so motivated by money or pretentious titles too often cover for very minimal "real" executive experience, certification and education and intellect. Tragically those like myself foolishly motivated by academic recognition, creative challenges and awards. Yes, I could have been a very fun modern history teacher at some Vermont college near ski hills, and working for Bernie Sanders not Federal Liberals?

Yes, big shot local executive titles in union local IATSE 891 certainly provides the illusion of integrity and intellect for many criminal executives. And the further critical illusion of previous meaningful experience or related to task education? This works very well when dealing with the coerced and intimidated, financially fearful, gross vain ambitious self-interest or as simply food for fools to follow. True? False?

Being a volunteer worker's advocate and voice since 1973 as per RCMP files in Alberta, and 1974 in BC, to Grievance Coordinator for CUPE in Montreal in 1979, gives one a "real honest" foundation others can only tragically fake. True? False? And still no free T-Shirt. Having a few law courses from Concordia University - Loyola Campus, in Montreal and Carleton University, in Ottawa, and my father's law books, and my own impressive legal friends, also helps. FYI: In 1991, I was teaching lawyers how to use online research so appreciate the magic of "https://www.bluej.com/ca" thirty years later? I had also already been a speaker to US aerospace industry and dealing directly with Dallas, 7-Eleven US for IBM in 1986? And Paul Klassen has "honestly" done what so far? And John Brummitt and Tom Adair have what "honest" and "exact" depth, experience, accomplishment and education? Exactly?

Yes, absolutely all these sleazy criminals and major fakes and frauds all hate me. As they absolutely must. Their type always do? Honest and far more intelligent and accomplished people oddly find me funny, honest, a bit intelligent, and very-very helpful. As documented. True? False? And where some have called me a "crazy ruthless prick" in courtrooms and boardrooms, a former UBC acting law faculty chair remembers me teaching ASL to handicap children? Others know me for "successful" national employment programs for deaf, blind, handicap and immigrant women. And some know not only Santa Claus working late on Christmas Eve delivering food and gifts. Peeling potatoes in a homeless mission with top Ottawa military brass also of note. We didn't have to be there. And still no free T-shirt like criminal union executives use for PR and Political pretence?  

John "Kirk" Horgan and NDP

Please note this Blog with "exactly the same mission statement" as NDP and from John Horgan: "to fight for a progressive, people-focused future...committed to building an economic recovery that works for everyone." This as per in their latest email request to "chip in now". Everyone? Much more on NDP next election problems below. Much more? Some like to think or plan ahead. Some not.

Canadian Labour Congress

Clearly seems we appear to have the directional support of John Horgan and NDP as quoted up above. Plus now even the president of the CLC. So it appears?

"If the rumours of a fall election are true, we want every candidate to know that the labour movement is standing together for "decent work and a more equitable economy". 

Something has to change, and that change starts with us.


Bea Bruske
President, Canadian Labour Congress"

Comment: But don't touch kit rentals, deal memos to executive perks. Just as some of the wage-slave animals in George Orwell's book "Animal Farm"  at the real life "Animal Farm" simply:

 "more equal than others". 

Yes, indeed "decent work" and a more "equitable economy" exactly as this blog proves a clear goal right from the trenches and gun fire. 

Hey, and don't think these specific union executive criminals don't just fail at "socialism" 101, they can't even make it in remedial free-market capitalism. Or they would, wouldn't they? Wouldn't they? Really. Wouldn't they? More money? More respect? More real? No cap or ceiling on real personal potential and income. No exclusive boys club to brown nose? They are "real" executives aren't they? 

Note the criminals dramatic lack of entrepreneurship (and ignoring theft, fraud, misappropriation of funds) and blatant tragic absence of traditionalist union socialism" and "compassion". And "compassion" only showcased for PR and Pix on appropriate T-Shirt day causes and for political points. As documented.

Oddly, as fact I had no problem during the writers strike. In fact made more money with a far better expense account and far better hotel rooms while discovering and driving around the beautiful West Coast and Island 2-3 days a week max? Foolishly still thought I could "make it" as both a failed Comedy writer and a failed Country and Western "Superstar". Ask around? Yes, knowing intelligent people in Montreal who knew my "real credentials" helped get the high paying job? True? False?

So seems I can be both a successful "honest" capitalist and an  "honest" socialists where some of the criminals as named certainly can not. Fact? This should help define my perspective and bias and credibility and credentials in certain matters "directly compared" to criminal elite and their deceitful counter claims.

My personal experience is if dealing with honest, intelligent, fair and compassionate people: all political and business systems work? And when dealing with dishonest, lying, "corrupt and criminal" self-centred, stupid people, no matter what system, everything fails and suffers greatly. As documented below. 

Caveat: Both capitalist and socialistic systems need serious critical oversight and clear guidelines on real transparency and accountability not financial post cards and PR. Required governance and severe penalties for violations a given. This thirty year history certainly proves idiots and liars can not ever be trusted to police themselves nor block criminal acts and influence. This as lies to RCMP and documented internal trials to BCLRB rulings and registered mail  document so very clearly. True? False?

And crime clearly should be a non-partisan issue. True? False?

Please do keep in mind

Please do keep in mind I'm writing this blog for reading by:

  • RCMP
  • Crown Prosecution
  • Criminal's Lawyers 
  • Criminals Involved (See names and pictures of some below) 
  • "Honest" IATSE 891 members and their legal
  • ACFC union members and their legal 
  • Women beaten 
  • Families cheated
  • Law School Students
  • Some in BC NDP
  • BC Liberals
  • BC Greens
  • Federal Liberals
  • BCLRB 
  • Revenue Canada (With Special Notes And Specific Names)
  • The 470 people who directly documented and supported a key part of these efforts for criminal audit. Including IATSE 891 senior members as Production designers, "honest" Department heads, Department Chairs, one 891 President (See email?), Plus "top" US DGC executive producers (See below?). I obviously had absolutely no support from sleazy ignorant, uneducated criminals including some of those specifically named? True? False?
  • And my little league legal and media friends and family network as also an important audience for this blog.

And all this while also trying to best entertain family and friends. As such, I think I do rather well.

Note: To keep this blog more interesting and not too dry, and not too glib, I have punctuated very serious points with breaks with a small touch of humour. 

The only key criminal issues when reading below

1) Was there clear serious crimes costing possibly thousands of many nice "honest" and innocent people and families with children thousands and thousands of dollars yearly for three decades? Should "ALL" victims be "honestly and fairly" compensated?

2) Did these serious crimes involve clear criminals and fraud to theft as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada and all rules of statutory semantic interpretation?

3) Is evidence, both direct and circumstantial, all sound and solid for "effective prosecution" from public and private documented text to protected sworn testimony?

4) Were there serious and sad victims of fraud from innocent children to trusting senior members? And all BC cheated, via tax credit to membership plus previous mushrooming seniority and continuing benefit fraud? This including life insurance for the "lucky" ones? Easy to prove. I was one of the "lucky ones". With a Deal Memo? Plus car. Plus freedom so few had. Some tried to buy my silence on crime and failed. Certainly when working from Whistler for under 8 hours a day. And what does that have to do with anything? Wait? For some obvious what it proves exactly like my forcing my membership to establish legal precedent and proof of criminal fraud? 

Textbook Ponzi and Pyramid schemes with just the very fake veneer of legality and authority detailed below? Knowing silence is compliance?

5) Is the criminal behaviour and motive obvious below based on clear self-interest, blatant greed, entitlement, and ego? Fear? Lust for power? Needed respect? Even if false? And repeated illusions as clever and above the rule of law? And still no compassion, regret or measurable and visible restitution for the children cheated. Just rather sickly PR. Such class? Such frauds? So criminal. Fact.

6) Were multiple lies told to RCMP (Twice) using the RCMP like they were "also" their wage-slave no-deal memo subordinates and fools? And the RCMP used as criminal's paid pawns, puppets, or theatrical props as to feed their ego and twisted minds (RCMP love this type and the respect shown RCMP and use of life-saving time)? True? False? This by members of this criminal dynasty, group or gang named and pictured below. Possibly in solidarity? And with those who aid and abet? This defining wrongful prosecution to conspiracy and criminal defamation of an honest person (Criminal Court Judges love this type and no need to bore a judge quoting Shakespeare)? True? False? This proof of absolute abuse of petty power by very well-known dishonest and documented lying criminals? This as to protect their gang's image from "disrepute" and the serious criminal exposure of members in their criminal group? As so very well documented. Including the tragic Tom Adair documenting his twisted self-serving deceit to those far more educated, more intelligent and more honest. Fooling only his inner flock of affirming and supporting bird brains. True? False?

7) Was there clear complicity and obvious tacit and cognitive conspiracy as defined by law involving more than one person as documented by internal trials to RCMP files? Possibly two dozen including criminals and those who thought safe to aid and abet as defined by law? This including past, present and recent union local 891 executives in their very clear supportive silence and evidentiary efforts to date. 

8) Can the Crown objectively and fairly measure all available evidence against the two-part test: whether there is a substantial likelihood of conviction, and if so, whether the public interest requires prosecution?

If all the above only 30% true, void of poetics, hyperbole, and rhetorical fallacies, some must certainly go to jail. Plus direct and indirect proceeds of crime seized. This to compensate victims as best as possible.

Yes, this will make RCMP "real honest" superheroes to all working women and all working people. And hundreds of the many children cheated.

This future case law can and will shake up any and all dirty criminal union executive locals all across Canada, and not simply film industry. Helping possibly millions of unionized workers see Legislative Labour Reform. And such case law referenced so very useful at many union local's General Meetings and Executive Board meetings. This should some again act like they "own" the local and act like Kings and Queens above the rule of law. As documented. As witnessed. True? False? 

Seriously, if we can't trust banks and churches to police themselves are we crazy to trust union locals? This blog proves certainly not. True? False?

For criminal's to discuss

The following references and links below for criminal's to discuss with their lawyers and provide context for others. Other sections below this specifically address crimes and proof for RCMP. NDP election risk and BC politics also addressed in greater length below. Where other sections for members and victims and related third parties also given focus.

The key questions from the links above

The key questions from the link above for top dog IATSE 891 president Mr Keith Woods as per Kelly Moon issues is: 

Who is his so very brave and clearly so very poorly informed threatening support lawyer? Bet I know more than both do. Bets? True? False?

Facts are facts. Truth is truth. Lies are lies. 

Documented the 891 President: " is charged with safeguarding the integrity of the Local. " Possibly confusing integrity with "image of integrity". Possibly and sadly on a personal level as well?

This below will be important later for setting up perjury traps:

Interesting listening to 891 Local President Keith Woods and Phil Klapwyk, the business representative for union IATSE Local 891 on Apple Box Talks. Phil Klapwyk a Maple Ridge resident with a long family history in the community, and a long history working with literal criminals he aided and abet in his union of IATSE 891 and now an NDP candidate? How sad for NDP and Maple Ridge?

I wonder how many Liberals and Greens in Maple Ridge "already" know of this blog and his work with literal criminals in 891? Guess only votes will tell? Will BC media be curious of his history working with and for criminals in mindless solidarity?

Their "real" education and background both of note and why they hardly impress me, and so many others far more accomplished. By direct comparison, I started with camera and film editing in 1972. This shooting  music videos before MTV. This with future lead guitarist for April Wine and other school chums. And with film studies with the future publisher of Vancouver Magazine and Western Living. Another top Montreal guitar player. This followed with more film studies in university with a Producer of CBC's "The National" in 1975. Also recording and playing guitar as music for film with the later. In advertising in Montreal I wrote jingles.  As far as stage theater, I was reading for Kent in King Lear? 

In university I was climbing ladders to do "lighting" but mostly writing and directing? By 1980 I was in advertising writing and directing TV ads? By 1986 my words and screenplay had won 2 international awards. More important to me at the time, my writing and directing had major market research firms, national trade and financial media and top business school Deans recognition and recognized by Liberal Senators in Ottawa. I had also written words for a Prime Minister and a 7-Point Plan for Western Canada. Possibly they can both better impress me with their "real honest experience, accomplishments, and depth" and with their knowledge of law and their "real previous senior management roles". Yes? No? Maybe not? Now compare integrity?

Why am I not afraid of BC Film union IATSE 891's president Mr. Woods' sick, abusive and classic "Coercion and Intimidation" and bullying big-shot BS threats as per link above? "Allegedly" once again with "Coercion and Intimidation" backed by bluffing of big-time high-priced legal powerhouses to frighten the weak and far less informed. And this again as well-defined by previous BCLRB rulings as per "Coercion and Intimidation" and "failed foolish appeals" by proven fakes and frauds part of the criminal elite. And also as documented: an appeal as to desperately challenge the facts of their clearly established history of crimes, criminal mindset and criminal culture? 

This also as documented by other past brave, bold, foolish and dishonest IATSE 891 local union presidents of little merit named below? Nor should any others ever again be victims of such threats of "Coercion and Intimidation" or have their "Freedom of Speech" threatened by those so foolishly and so well documented they think they are above the rule of law. Many laws. Many times. And think that their variety of criminal acts should not be fully exposed, and for all involved, very severely punished. 

(SEE  BCLRB Decisions: IATSE 891: "Coercion and Intimidation". Plus failed foolish appeal to try to hide tell-tales of their very dirty ugly 30 year truth. Much more to this case than meets the eye. And as ugly as it sounds so much more ugly when truth all told. Too bad I wasn't called as a first-hand witness and as to prior documented efforts at clear "Coercion and Intimidation" and prior efforts involving lies to RCMP. True? False?)

Note: These criminal slime, some also named and pictured below, historically so very stupid they even mislead their own lawyers, left only knowing half the story. Bets? True? False? Easy targets in Criminal Courtrooms and Provincial Inquiries for ambush and crossfire? And worse what if their own lawyers under-informed and misled, plus don't read this whole blog. Maybe twice?

As per General meaning of "Extortion": This is the practice of obtaining benefit through "coercion" (and possibly intimidation?). In most cases it is likely to constitute a criminal offence. Robbery is the simplest and most common form of extortion, although making unfounded threats in order to obtain an "unfair business advantage" is also a form of extortion.

"Extortion is sometimes called the "protection racket" because the racketeers often phrase their demands as payment for "protection"(or preference) from (real or "hypothetical") threats from unspecified other parties; though often, and almost always, such "protection" is simply abstinence of harm from the same party, and such is implied in the "protection" offer. Extortion is commonly practised by organized crime". And in this case organized labour in the executive criminal elite.

Clear enough and broad enough reference and guidelines?

How obvious the problem with guilt

Some won't even show their very own lawyers, employers, family and friends this blog as so afraid of the obvious logical and evidentairy conclusions? And possibly so very frightened of showing all "honest and intelligent" union members this blog. This as it oddly specifically addresses them and their funds abused in a sacred Trust. Just like franchise marketing funds in Trust I've busted others in non-union world with before? And as it addresses other union locals all across Canada. And so very many serious criminal acts? 

They don't want the whole 891 membership to see this blog, as it seems as they, so ironically, don't trust that their own membership smart enough and we must presume to be not adult enough to judge for themselves? Or why not if nothing criminal to hide? Why not? More on added both candidate and election suppression as it relates to crimes and criminal elite to follow?

It will be far worse for the criminals in the executive if members find out about this blog last or later, and how the executive so "in the know", as known "know-it-all types", helping criminals and compromised by criminals since 2nd fax to Gavin Craig in the mid 1990s clearly documents. And oddly when RCMP first lied to TWICE in same week as well? And clearly all these documented legal optics prima facie defined or suggest absolute cowardly guilt, not a position of legal legitimacy, strength or integrity at all. As with recent documented acts. 

Even with friends-of-friends who know RCMP legend NDP Adrian Dix for meaningless expensive Hollywood PR and BS trips and pandemic politics (Who paid?), plus even know NDP Federal candidate Phil Klapwyk Pitt Maple Ridge, who people can trust, exactly as criminals in IATSE 891 certainly do for their best interests. And his no hear no evil,  and see no evil, in odd contrast to his even early election promises and PR. And with Dusty Kelly as a director at BCLC in yet another over-paid patronage position of trust. This so very odd when most would have bet big and all-in, Kelly Moon a far better bet than Dusty for front line experience to more careful scripting and card counting. And probably better at accounting. Ironic. But all the above hardly a sign of strength any with basic statistics would bet on. Bets? Some should ask top lawyers if better odds some will be charged and go to jail? Twenty-five years later what has improved? Possibly a postured position of strength more a liability and major  vulnerability and as a much bigger target? Much like the other side of solidarity as slam-dunk proof of collusion, conspiracy and cartels.

Best, for RCMP, a three decade "insider" historian-ish and librarian-ish Susan Butler Grey can seriously help RCMP big time glue ALL the criminal names and pieces together or she can gamble big time with clever deceit and critical obstruction charges. Her choice? And aid and abetting a given byproduct. Why not waste RCMP time with lies or deceptive omission to obstruct? Again? 

Just think how you can so easily fool "legally less educated" people into signing illegal non-binding gag/non-disclosure agreements any Google search can provide as a template for unlimited criminal abuse.

On a more positive note, such continued blatant lack of transparency and accountability, and in breach in a fiduciary role, and forcing suppression and deception by censorship, bogus gag agreements, all certainly fuels and fires up a possible 8,000 plus members? As it should. Maybe random polling of a sample size of 250 members:

Sample poll questions:

1) Would you like to know the real detailed truth of the use of millions over three decades of 891 funds made transparent. And made public as tax credits and thus taxpayers involved? And audited by a respected 3rd party national accounting firm. Yes ( ) No ( )

2) Would you like to know the real full truth about the full history of 891 executives and corrupted elections by lies to coercion and intimidation? Yes ( ) No ( )

3) Are you aware of criminal acts from coercion and intimidation to theft and fraud? Yes ( ) No ( )

Some tiny sample points for reference

Add as well how clearly even IATSE Canada president Mr. John Lewis even when politely invited to help beaten women and cheated children, as witnessed and documented, he blocked me on Twitter and went into classic head-in-the sand position of legal strength and more Pollyanna tweets and virtue signalling PR as documented? And John Lewis an Osgoode law school legal brain? Think about that?

Maybe Mr. John Lewis did his homework, as to not look as so very stupid as so many others, like criminal puppet Paul Klassen, Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions and past 891 criminal union local presidents. And also simply doesn't like the fact I know "socially" McGill, Osgoode and Oxford legal brains. Including friends as top law school professors and even a former UBC acting law school faculty chair? Or like other lawyers when previously foolishly trying to intimidate me, maybe doesn't like the fact finding out I worked reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, so a bit harder to intimidate, bluff and fool? 

Maybe just my old guitar buddy and roommate becoming a BC Criminal Court Judge unnerving? Or maybe just the lawyers I sailed with and dated? 

Possibly my work with Montreal lawyer Stanely Hartt's ("The brains behind Mulroney") detective agency or work with Award Winning CBC Investigative journalists in university days of note?

Or why my past Montreal legal representation "Cookie Lazarus" who could make my problems and Justin Trudeau's mother Margaret Trudeau, disappear with one phone call? He forgot to bill me?

Possibly, if doing his homework also concerned about my volunteer and charitable work with lawyers at LAC? Or my past client the intellectually heavy weight law firm Fox Morgan. And where some accused me cutting my rate as having a small crush on a so charming funny lady from SE in Toronto, as my key contact (and thus doing partial pro bono in part for a law firm), truth is I liked them all. And fun being challenged by all senior partners just like when Ron Basford my client and dealing with at least a dozen senior partners from various major firms who begged to differ? 

So really just imagine the total fear I suffered when BCLRB documented idiot criminals like Don Ramsden, John Brummitt, Ken Anderson and Paul Klassen to soon Keith Woods, fake and try and impress me with their little legal savvy or intimidate me with "threats of legal" and famous and feared "illegal internal trials".

Consider how very silly and stupid some sound in IATSE 891 "executive" and some department heads talking law without even basic undergraduate studies and only TV show or film depth at best? 

Exactly like when they talk about film production without any academic or executive merit or perspective, and only very low middle management and/or labour depth at best. Various basic 1st year university undergraduate questions in law, labour history, management, finance, economics, accounting will easily prove this? As will basic 1st year TV and Film Production questions from SFU to McGill. 

And so some don't think my family and friends just top internationally recognised legal brains and a top "forensic" psychiatrist and a handful of certified psychologists, and two judges, I am also very proud of my friends and family just with simple doctorates in science, economics and even engineers. Even a bit proud of those with PMI, accounting and noted architectural studies. Only two MBA's. Yes, I was just the dumb musical, artistic and fun one in the family. The one who studied Formal Logic, Law, Linguistics, Computer Code, Philosophy, Economics, Media, Film and TV production, Bio-cybernetics and recently Digital Media Optimisation, yet possibly the most fun and funny. One top shrink a close second.

More documented evidence

More documented evidence of a culture of corruption and crime from my own case research and first hand. As documented? This very key to many points below.

The idiot criminals then had the illusion, not doing there homework, that I'd show any respect for judicial idiot supreme Paul Klassen and internal trial group of high school level legal super brains and their high ethical and moral standards. As documented. This when helping criminals as to get brownie points or impress others even more stupid. And will hardly impress "real" legal people when truth all told. Why were they ALL so very afraid to use "real courts" when I so clearly seriously defamed so many and with no denial on my part?

And this as the idiots provided prima facie documented and clear as glass — actually documenting themselves: "aid and abetting criminals". And in textbook defamation of little wee me for putting serious criminals in "disrepute"? Painting and defaming me as "problem" in front of all members and Hollywood, while clearly aid and abetting criminals. Idiots? True? False?

Some better talk to "real" lawyers about their documented gross stupidity and defamation law and bring trial transcripts (And Gavin Craig's trial?) Myself, I have trouble with wallpaper people just pretending they are computer stars. Pathetic Paul Klassen playing judge far more than simply absurd.

Do seriously note as very key and critically obvious and as so well documented that not one criminal "named" dared deny my claim of criminality as obvious legal suicide. Not even one? Again, so very-very clear: not one criminal "named" dared deny my claim of criminality. And their best now clearly best documented effort is some idiot also "not denying the criminal actions" and only can make mindless myopic efforts that: known criminals sadly suffering being in "disrepute". 

This not only defines the criminality of those involved beyond debate, defence and denial, but the gross stupidity and lack of education blatant. True? False? Bets? 

A crime in itself

Certainly making it clear to those more educated with no need to lie or teenage wordplay that Paul Klassen and others as criminally defined as aid and abetting criminals. A crime in itself. What idiots? True? False?

Where is the appearance of natural justice and basic standard of care and basic due diligence of whole trial, process and premise? How stupid can some really be as to not to get a "real Defamation Lawyer" to help hide their known ignorance and classic knee-jerk recklessness and blatant lack of fair representation? 

A "Labour Lawyer" as a stand-in and show of force already failed for John Brummitt to try and intimidate me. At least John Brummitt kind of funny when he would fake legal on his side, back when he knew nothing about me. Or the law? Yet felt, in his well-known noted very gross arrogance and ignorance, qualified to qualify himself to qualify others? As documented. More on this very sick lying bully and major league moron below. We are hoping he gets at least three years in jail with others 

Even past president Gavin Craig bluffed legal support, even if zero follow-up after spending over his insider reported $100,000.00 dollars of "member's money". This to basically protect criminals for his big shot BS bluff and to dare intimidated little wee me. Didn't. However, after discussions with lawyers who understood what I was babbling about and who I knew in Ottawa, they stopped making major idiots of themselves? And this very expensive "total waste of member's money" and executive time, to again help keep so many dirty secrets secret and maintain their criminal control. True? False? And all so well documented beyond belief? And in their own words and with their full collective cognitive intellect. 

Just imagine the absolute fear when this "Totally Illegal" challenge initiated and led by a Wallpaper Master and further supported by Rob Maier's also sadly loyal and so very brilliant top landscaping labour person, as also documented supporting such illegal insanity. Was he tasting too much wine again? And people trusted him as a treasurer, while CRA and many others certainly can not?

But 891 members, fortunately blessed by the depth of Tom Adair, John Brummitt and Dusty Kelly and other fakes and criminal morons in economics and in 891 union executive leadership, which over 3 decades also saw members purchasing power drop dramatically and called it "winning". This with their ignorant selective "winning numbers" as support. And more sad and absurd while members doing 10-16 hour days? The long 10-16 hour days other unions brag they fought for ending and many unions claim no longer acceptable? And now many report enforced by department heads still pretending when handy their member's "Brothers and Sisters" —  and when most advantageous? More on this to follow. Much?

The big question

We will ask in a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal and Civil courts if one's pay and pay level indicative of their real "honest" market-tested  value. Of course not including kit rental as a separate incorporated entity and perk and a non-union revenue matter. Just as with any outside supplier? And just their hourly rate and deal memo and car allowance calculated. 

As such why then was I paid more than even top department heads and Production Designers when saving 3 shows 20% of normal buyer cost and billing 3 shows for four-day weeks "weekly" at 12 hour days with "3" car rental allowances a week. 12 day week @ 12 hour days = a 144 hour week not including overtime? This saving three shows 20%. Each. 

Yes, I had freedom and funds few can enjoy. So many nice honest people so sadly trusting this human criminal union executive garbage had the intellect and integrity to manage anything "honestly", did not do so well. True? False? 

$4,000 (plus car allowance X3) a week based on 30 hours = $133/hr and still not what Federal Liberals and Labatt paid and I worked from home or restaurants with a laptop. True? False? Watch how this trap works and makes fools of so many uneducated criminals who once felt so very smart and powerful to bully and cheat so many? Yes, imagine what I could have done if not suffering such criminal morons like John Brummitt and Tom Adair plus coercion and intimidation for myself and friends plus documented defamation and censorship. 

Think how lucky 891 members and women and children were to have such highly educated and experienced and such "honest" presidents of local 891 like Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Mitch Davies and present super star Keith Woods plus slime like John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Paul Klassen, Dusty Kelly and Susan Butler Grey with their real true credentials, career and "personal" history when all made transparent. And the full cost not having far more honest people like myself in 891 executive? And there are many more honest, educated and experienced forced to hide in 891 and avoid the criminal insanity of such fakes and frauds with so many dirty secrets and crimes in the criminal elite, soon to be fully exposed? And do think about it: how the problem not me but lying sick ignorant cowardly and sneaky criminals who thought themselves so clever.

Imagine what I could save shows on kit rentals? So glad I didn't tell some what I learned working with real accountants for four years. This as a few in IATSE 891 do know as my accounting friends helped them personally? Costed so many so ignorant and arrogant so much with my selective silence? Simple minds only capable of the most simple solutions. As documented.

Helpful or what

I did help many in 891 avoid large accounting and legal costs with incorporation, income tax, investment (including a major broker as former protege and intern), court appearances and CRA discussions and helped department chairs and department heads with top project management software and web sites I designed alone. And both designed so others couldn't steal it very well. Covering initial building permit and key to final bin PO. True? False? The first staff reporting and planning web site I designed for The X-Files as no better commercial system at the time. Project management systems I first designed in advertising industry including talent payment cycles and TV production companies "Budget Estimates" from Montreal to Vancouver.

Some in 891, DGC and Teamsters, I taught guitar, music theory, computers, sailing, tennis and skiing to how TV rating points work compared to talent pay that even talent agents and lawyers missed? And how to prepare and focus for formal certified legal counsel and bank presentations. And still no free T-Shirt?

Odd how possibly the "highest paid buyer or even member ever in 891 history" working less than 8 hour days at home, mostly at Whistler, (while Dusty Kelly literally cleaning paint brushes), and myself now as the main one now trying to: help and protect women and children and all those cheated and all honest workers

Why did noted Producers pay me to make a database for them to monitor many things on top of my pay as a buyer, so even at that grossing more than department heads? What is real value? Much more on other management metrics to follow. Why no complaints or even a single mistake noted from any "honest" supervisor and employer? None? True? False?

Yes, I could have done well and kept my mouth shut. And had fancy trips to exotic places like Paris and Vegas. Just like Kelly Moon as per detailed link above. And could have used 891 business credit card when my personal maxed out? Or not? And like others flattered the tragic desperate egos of criminals in executive. Pretended I thought John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Rob Maier, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson and others in their group or gangs all Gods and not sick, sleazy, sneaky, ignorant, cowardly lying criminals. And pretended I was okay with thieves, women beaters and children cheaters and ignored children suffering. Just never my style. Even when flown first class?

And clearly my 144 hour week deal absolutely 100% legal and overt and documented? Makes a point on value and per law one's real measured market value? True? False? Note: My old bill-out rate to Federal Liberals and Labatt was even higher than medical doctors can charge? And only $10-$20 more an hour? Who looks stupid now? All True? Anything False? Any bets? Yes, I could have done 5 shows weekly with the Project Management System "I designed" and hired a part-time secretary? True? False? Bets? Not bad for a labourer (as per JB)? 

Things should also be so very clear about these fakes and frauds, corruption, criminal manipulation, "qualifications" and merit when just a "direct and detailed comparison" of top retired big shot and big title slime Tom Adair, Executive Director of B.C. Council of Film Unions and myself as listed as a mere Labourer. This hard comparison as per real qualifications, real education, real experience, real accomplishments, real integrity, real intellect. This detailed comparison should make so much  so very obvious as to the credibility of ALL titles and qualifications and the honesty and integrity of dirty Don Ramsden and John Brummitt. Stupid from the start?

Should be very obvious why Don Ramsden needed to surround himself with highly uneducated dishonest types he could impress and manipulate like dog-loyal John Brummitt, Tom Adair and NDP's Adrian Dix darling Dusty Kelley and others so willing to sell their souls due to gross greed and self-interest. Intellect and integrity need not apply. True? False?

"Just politics" or "Just Business" their best ethical defence. And some very near Wall Street bravado of stating "Doing God's Work" and this as I suspect some from Paint Department to Tom Adair and Paul Klassen may also claim. Or Don Ramsden and Rob Maier claiming "like Jesus, just a simple carpenter". Their ethical PR people in publicity only words away from such scripted gross pretence. As words about safety, protection of women and an honest and fair workplace like a thirty year old song no one's buying. Certainly not a majority? Bets?

We will ask "repeatedly" in Criminal Courts": If Tom Adair dared ever question or report his criminal support of thieves, women beaters and children cheaters, would he have ever really "honestly" have ever gotten his big cut of proceeds of crime "laundered" as position, pay and perks and huge title as: 

"Tom Adair, Executive Director of B.C. Council of Film Unions"?

This laundered poorly as patronage, position, pay, perks, power, pretentious prestige and free PR pix vanity efforts? And impress young girls at highly ranked Capilano? Would he "honestly" have done so well if real truth all told? Those far more informed and honest think clearly and absolutely NOT. He was an executive director and so was I.  A real one? Shall we compare? And set him up for total ridicule on so many levels with his servitude to criminals of note. And compare when one has criminal support and one dose not in 891. Makes an obvious point. True? False?

And yet as such a major human fake and lying fraud, probably also misleads family and friends he's a career success story. Tom Adair lives the lie daily. What a sad life? What a disgusting, fake, fraud and loser? Or did he get the position based on "real honest merit" for his prior meaningful experience, superior education, noted integrity and intellect like John Brummitt, as both the best in the union or just best for the criminal elite? As to poorly paraphrase pivotal precedent in US legal history "When the glove fits, you can't acquit"? True? False? Don't all the criminals and those who aid and abet fit well together? For thirty years?

We can easily ask "real" HR professionals if "objectively" Tom Adair's previous experience and education and tacit support for women beaters, and children cheaters for over a decade would get him similar market criminal windfall. And more sick and sad: paid plus perks more than front line workers teachers, nurses, police and even junior lawyers and working far less while others work far harder. Far harder?

Tom Adair can always do a volunteer and "non-admissible polygraph" to very quickly prove to RCMP his good fortune was based on his "integrity" and "intellect", "previous meaningful experience" and "related education", so superior to many "real honest" members. This as solid backup if those far more educated don't believe him? Like 470 votes made clear. Target samplings of just 250 respondents has a (+/-8%) margin of error for DARS (Day-After-Recall Testing)?

This could also be very well applied for "Decades"-After-Recall to sample what members "honestly" think and "SAW"? 
And we could improve and reduce the margin of error with a larger sample size and improved quality control. And not trust some silly survey or corrupt election numbers defined by gerrymandering and clear traceable special interests, added to  criminal's signature deceptive omission or fraudulent concealment, defamation and lies, "coercion and intimidation", and this 250 sample as certainly more proven credible, project-able and predictive data than election numbers? True? False?


When doing research for a small tiny "publicity" company called Cossette (not recognized as with my work when sharing office and working with Burson people, by 891 publicity before department going to another IATSE local) for little unsophisticated little clients like GM, Bell, Esso, McDonald's, we would use target samplings of just 250 respondents with a (+/-8%) margin of error for DARS. With real senior executive judgement this very cute tool could have helped Dix big time adjust his media and message by riding. Just being smarter helps? Just as John Turner did for "Quadra Flip"? Well, once I reported directly alone to Ron Basford? But Dix got Dusty Kelly. Too bad? And both with history of credibility and integrity issues. Unlike Ron Basford and myself. True? False?

Just take a wild guess who crunched numbers on users of IBM's "network" at Expo '86 for the world's first computer merchandising system using video and touch screen still used on newest phones to desktops today? This pre Amazon, HTML, Google, SEO?  Yes, pioneer work with video-streaming as well?

And if (+/-8%) margin of error polling audits with senior executive judgement good enough to protect millions for GM, Bell, McDonald's maybe just good enough to help clean out the human dirt and save money for IATSE 891? 

And this critical before extremely suspect building development and purchases as training and revenue properties as 891 video in classic 891 "one-sided bias" presents again. Welcome to Orwell's book "1984" and  "Animal Farm", in real life? 2021? And best this video staring the crafted persona of Don Ramsden, the educated integrity and added authority of Susan Butler-Grey and the highly honourable Keith Woods. Birds of a feather? The company they keep? As some people judge people by? Can we see the numbers please?

Build it and they will come

Hey, sorry folks, but I'm from Montreal where simply every building permit highly suspect, and not just from my work with multiple major malls and hundreds of tenants for Cadillac Fairview in Ontario and Trizec in Quebec, and Harbour Centre in BC, plus oddly also so relevant even construction budgets in Film and TV in BC, as also so revealing. Basic linear regressions can be revealing? Yes, correlation not cause. Cause even easier to prove.

Maybe I learned something auditing national franchises and even complex BC Tourism US media buy, plus "all" national cell phone rates by the minute (An understanding of "Behavioural Economics" helpful?) As such, with a union with a dirty 30 year history and with both stupid liars and big risk takers and noted gamblers more so to take serious note and audit "everything" involving 891 money volumes and velocity. Even the dirty world of real estate where dozens of paper games often played by criminals from janitorial costs to deprecation. Everything. See video. See links.

How many suspect suppliers can provide kick backs in cash or "promotional" gifts even with department heads and exotic trips probably neither authorized nor likely reported to CRA. The first thing I look for in an initial soft audit. And dummy invoices? True? False? Too protective of 891 honest members? More on this to follow. Much?

Isn't it great how in writing and publishing this blog (as a lesson for many?) how the criminals have a serious problem now spinning my words and meanings, and so limited now to only "talking" to their flock of sheep with their sophist twisting of tales, and to possible illiterates, thinking BS still has value. Those who can read makes a big difference? 

And where limited here to identifying for reference over 40 different crimes and a few dozen criminals for examples, and crimes from coercion and intimidation to theft and fraud, this still sadly almost a daily reality. True? False? Bets? Those who ignore history will suffer it again?

All Tom Adair's assets and wealth accrued since Tom Adair sold his soul and personal pride as a very "average carpenter" among hundreds and career going nowhere, should be seized, as proceeds of crime to compensate children to member's cheated? ALL assets. Same with John Brummitt and other criminals like Rob Maier. And this in addition to serious jail time. True? False? Bets? Fair? Honest?

And same with Paul Klassen and his proceeds of crime accrued since he first earned his criminal big brown nose badge so criminals who abuse member's rights not suffer "disrepute" and thought clever to help criminals defame me to get his big pay and big title. Or was he "honestly" the "very best one" for the job as neither too honest or too bright? Those who really know me know even with just a one dollar ($1.00) fine, 
I would never walk away from such well documented criminal garbage as this "internal trial" and these major human frauds, for their desperate pathetic paper victory. And costing members thousands. True? False? Only clearly more motivating and with new names to add as aid and abetting criminal efforts to defame and coerce and intimidate with their very best brains. How stupid some are? We will answer this fully in RCMP offices, a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Courts, or any "honest" and "trusted" public forums. as support why women and children need RCMP and CRA involvement. ASAP?

And of course, absolutely, Tom Adair former big titled, big shot  "Executive Director of B.C. Council of Film Unions", warmly welcome to deny, debate and defend himself and his good family name, career, and his criminal coworkers and avoid jail for himself and others. This face-to-face, eye-to-eye with wee me just a shy nerd mere "labourer". This as qualified by Tom's Adair's stage buddy the so extremely and similarly qualified soul twin John Brummitt. And both as supported by just too honest for prime time Don Ramsden. This done easily at RCMP offices any time? Let them judge. Everything. Anytime? Anyone want to dance?

What is Tom Adair so afraid of? Maybe if scared out of his mind of RCMP offices and his telling body language and speech patterns, he can put something in writing "again" and show off his superior intellect and integrity"again". This with his denial and defence. Take it to an actuary or lawyer, get it sworn. Go to Post office. Register. Send to RCMP  "Integrated Market Enforcement Teams" (White collar criminal division. And yet available to help with even brilliant blue collar big shots.) Simple. Easy. And I've also made it so easy to charge me with a variety of things. Very easy? Clearly putting criminals in "disrepute" a form of harassment and defamation if not true? True? False?

Also ask so clever 
Don Ramsden about how in defamation law there's "reverse onus". This as he emailed me like that was threatening and not an invitation to show off a few of my skills and talents? Like I don't talk to defamation lawyers so very few can afford?  Sad for criminal executives as these crimes forces excess on credit card to pay lawyers or as an added abuse of members funds in "personal and individual" criminal and civil matters, without full valid mandated authority to do so. Even CRA may be curious? Not just RCMP? I'll be honestly defaming more and more. And more specific? So best criminals don't forget to talk to Don Ramsden on "reverse onus" as oddly not my problem at all and just those who lie to RCMP? Ironic? True? False? Bets?

My defamation coach said only a raving idiot goes into court with dirty/bloody hands. Actuaries probably far less kind. (See Internal Trial Below).

Another coach advised that only an idiot will come into any court needing to tell "repeated lies" unless insanely desperate. 

Another coached on how to trap these liars and criminals. Starting with the very stupidest and highly uneducated ones first? We won't start with their best liars as a waste of time compared to the efficacy and speed idiots provide? True? False?

Most top lawyers understand these things. Most Judges certainly do.

Lies to RCMP 

As per crimes of lies to RCMP to corrupt and criminal internal trials and false qualification listing and more, I have been greatly injured in my character and career and suffered unmeasurable damage in both Hollywood North and South. How much farther can a failed comedy writer fall, one might ask? Possibly all across Canada, now known as the failed comedy writer who had the RCMP called to try and intimidate me as a documented whistle-blower. And for threatening apparently "a whole union executive (and seems no one was spared including night cleaning staff?)", and soon after my supervisors old partner's "children" as also reported to RCMP as "threatened". Ironic as these lies to RCMP by those who do honestly cheat children and beat women. Such an honest classy and so very clever bunch?

And yet as an "insane crazy threatening and possibly suicidal union member in good standing" I was warranting two calls to RCMP and Vancouver Police. And yet far more strange oddly so very soon after with "no drop in pay nor written reprimand by union or supervisor"? None? None at all? And word out I threatened children? Very odd, no verbal or written reprimand but worth "lying to RCMP about and using RCMP life-saving personnel as props, puppets and political pawns"? True? False? How strange is that? Not even scolded? A few dirty looks by two morons. 

Join the dots folks. Yes, join the dots folks. These defendants/criminals not even my peers or equals, were motivated by actual and expressed, as documented, criminal malice to defame with wrongful prosecution an honest and innocent person. I called another bluff and dared them to charge me. They ran. My dream to have myself and John Brummitt both alone at RCMP interrogation offices for a fun few days and play some mind games so he can show off his superior intellect and integrity, education and big time big shot experience. And hopefully not rat out all other criminals for a deal when truth all told to reduce his pending jail time. 

And so odd after once so bold, brave and deceptive all ran like little very frightened rats? Just like another group of liars in Montreal ran after thinking their big time media connections and even calls to police would also scare me. Then they did their homework. And also far too late. One thing to be stupid lying sleazy cowardly criminals in Vancouver, but insane in my hometown of Montreal. True? False? The idiots in Montreal oddly like John Brummitt told me to call their lawyer. Like that would intimidate me. So I made the less than ten minute call and wrote a page of stuff. Then they did their homework. Then they ALL ran like similar bullying lying little rats. And they still must run? In Montreal. Soon in Van.

Yes, obvious proof of union executive and other criminal 891 groups deceiving police. I politely asked to be charged. Even police wouldn't give me verbal reprimand? Not even a verbal reprimand? Actually very helpful just like IATSE's own "honest" lawyer? Seems a clear difference between intelligent "honest" people and ignorant criminal pathological liars? True? False? In fairness, the police in Burnaby warned me about how better "to use shorter sentences" in my "threatening faxes". So a tiny bit of a reprimand? West Van RCMP not so cruel. At least two senior executives apologized that I had to work with such scum. One had to?

So after dealing with three different police units in Vancouver in one week the fun began. And, I did try and use shorter sentences. Was a bit worried the night cleaning staff at union offices might still try a civil action against a failed comedian as appears they also were part of my general union office threat?

This above "documents" using police with lies, like fools or like props and puppets the criminals acted like they owned. Like they treat membership and those not in the  inner elite criminal circle of forced reciprocal affirmation. And also clearly illustrates the extreme level of sick deceptive illegal "coercion and intimidation" these criminal morons will entertain with other criminal acts as per above handy checklist, and as so full of themselves. True? False? And this to falsely defame with wrongful prosecution an "honest" 891 potential presidential candidate as they so very much feared. One who could expose the criminals, fakes and incompetence. True? False? 

Imagine you have a big shot title and pay as an 891 executive job or department head position. One literaly far beyond what you "honestly" qualify for. This as so little or no meaningful honest experience or related training, certification or education over others far more honest and intelligent. And you know at least a dozen others, or far more, who would do a better job. And as certainly many as simply and easily more "honest". True? False? Any idiots want to prove they were the "best of the best and better than all the rest"? Why not?

Now add you are paid far more than those who work far harder than you and that you dare call "Brother's and Sisters". This as some are "more equal than others" at the real life version of "Animal Farm". More sick paid more than teachers, nurses  and police and even lawyers with about 7 years of education. 

Now add you now have some absolute power to abuse or absolutely corrupt absolutely, as fun to be king no matter how small and temporary your kingdom. Now add you have a small man complex, self-image or esteem issues, or sexual uncertainty, or narcissistic and other personality disorders easy to identify, plus a desperate need for respect and a critical need to belong and respected or illusion of. In part to have safety in numbers as alone really so very cowardly and not much to speak of. This also easy to prove as well.

The price you pay for this win, or to get into the exclusive private golf club of criminal elite and enjoy part of proceeds of crime from cheating families and children without a peep is: simply aid and abet criminals. That simple. And you belong. Empowered. For once in your sad little life holding little promise in the real world and now enjoying a criminal windfall. That as aided by tax credit fraud that such "solidarity confinement" such criminal union executives provided or demand as members of the exclusive criminal gang.

How to get in with criminal elite? Start throwing softball questions at union meetings so criminal elite clearly know your kiss-ass and subjugation and servile level, and your added low esteem and integrity also made clear. They like those respectful of their criminal hierarchy and their illusion of numbers in solid support. 

Now imagine appointments or pick positions that define your future and fate as judged by these incompetent criminal and crippled minds "exclusively"? This "exclusively" as seniority offers no protection anymore. Not anymore? Yes, once a pillar of union governance and member equity and asset and suddenly seniority disappears? Many stories why? Some absurd not merely deceitful? Oddly this magic trick after "millions and millions" in liability "admitted" and made clear in newsletter by the president? Imagine now how obvious it is "now" how employment and thousands in income can be used to coerce and intimidate or extort so many? This if you even dare honestly question the criminal elite on "safety issues" to criminal elite "bonus plans". And living in fear daily as knowing your image and career hanging on a thread and a ton of BS or as with those more clinically damaged and totally textbook delusional, when they even think they are smarter than others. This as textbook checklist Dunning–Kruger. And in work boots or heels? Sad and sick? True? False? Yes, a Provincial Inquiry must involve a forensic psychiatrist fully briefed. It gets worse.

How ugly can it get

Over a dozen unsolved murders in North Vancouver. Some involving rape. Some refused DNA tests and polygraph? As some must? Robert Pickton farm near other film studios in Burnaby. Without belabouring the more than obvious: women need added protection from, "harassment", "assault", sexual assault and too often murder. Vulgar misogynists certainly suffer a personality disorder or seriously much more. As such all these threats to women need to be identified, not hidden and protected. Or financed? Women deserve basic human respect? True? False?

NOTE: I was a "picked position" due to my special skills so seniority not a concern for myself ever. Sadly for others an "honest" union dispatch system respecting the "real equity of seniority" critical to literally thousands and costed many needless thousands yearly with such corrupt, criminal, reckless or negligent incompetence and further breach of fiduciary duty. True? False?

What some will desperately try and dismiss as conjecture and hyperbole, others will see as more of an informal scholarly reasoned thesis. This rough thesis based on no debate and no denial documentation. And add those "really honest" who can be questioned in interrogation or court rooms and without any fear or need for dozens of supporting lies to RCMP and Criminal Court Judges. And add "honest" witnesses having no fear of added obstruction to perjury and contempt as further complicating their defence and many other problems. 

And yet even more sick the criminals clearly still void of remorse or any efforts at honest restitution for children cheated and innocent families. 

Crimes and violations that span:
  • Labour Board and Labour Code simple clear guidelines on good faith and arbitrary abuses to fair referral. Hundreds of violations. 
  • Criminal violations as per list above including aid and abetting crimes to blatant "Coercion and Intimidation" and repeated lies to RCMP. 
  • Civil actions for those with non-union non labour code incorporated factors from restriction of trade to economic interference to defamation and injurious reliance, and breach of fiduciary duty. All as more than evident. True? False? See case law.

Sick and twisted

The sick and twisted levels these criminal sleaze will go to is so clearly proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by documented lies to RCMP. And worse treating RCMP like fools to use as the criminal's petty political pawns, puppets and props. This to defame and discredit an "honest" whistle-blower with claims of threatening all the sweet honest old ladies and such honourable men in the union executive like Gavin Craig and John Brummitt, and even an honest hard working department head's children. This done to protect criminals like Rob Maier from exposure to X-Files management and membership as 100% lying frauds and thieves, thinking that their lies could be greater than truth, and RCMP could be easily fooled, and I could be intimidated? Wrong on all counts. Big time. 

Key Issue

And again "these threats a few days earlier worthy of frantic calls and lies to RCMP and full studio security alert for added BS credibility". And oddly only a few days later: NOT even worthy of a verbal or short written reprimand from the whole union executive (Once so threatened and including night cleaning staff). 

Not even 891 President Gavin Craig, and much more revealing, oddly not even the super lying sleaze John Brummitt as senior steward, nor the loving father and not so loyal husband of the children threatened,  dared put "anything" in writing. This as so incredibly scared out of their minds of being busted as clear criminals to even dare call RCMP "again", realizing their criminality now far too obvious to far too many. Nor a soft verbal reprimand from RCMP, nor from my obvious enemies John Brummitt, Don Ramsden and Gavin Craig? And never anything ever in writing? Ever? Never? 

Join the dots folks. This a slam dunk, and no matter how many lies or clever criminal deceptive omissions and poetics or some high school sophist abuse of rhetorical fallacies, with crocodile tears, or claims of misunderstanding their extremely absolutely disgusting ugly and evil actions really are. Lies are ALL they got left. Only lies! True? False? 

Also to note criminal groups void of remorse and "honest" efforts at restitution as it may impact sentencing maximums. As we hoped? The corrupt deceptive culture and character of their criminal group thus defined. True? False?

Anyone "honest" and intelligent or educated (and add possibly funny?) as a candidate, could easily blow these deceptive liars, super lying fakes and criminal frauds with so little accomplishment, away. Well in any honest election? And all truth told. True? False? Add real "executive" plus national union experience and meaningful education as also very threatening to such obvious criminals and/or fakes. True? False? 
See how denial of above under oath by those named in this blog equals defamatory claims as a perjury trap? And statute of limitations a bit of a non-issue and how what was old is new again? Plus how "reverse onus" used to trap many? And non denial suggesting a clear admission of guilt? I am more fun than most. Some honest and accomplished people are finding this blog funny. While others as criminals, women beaters, children cheaters, liars, thieves, fakes and frauds in solidarity certainly may not?

Consider BC Attorney General David Eby and Keith Woods

Consider BC Attorney General David Eby as per Keith Woods, present president of IATSE 891, and the contrast on "right of expression":

“Lawsuits (and internal union criminal and corrupt trials?) that serve to silence and financially exhaust those exercising their "right of expression" exploit our legal system and only serve those with significantly deeper pockets,” Attorney General David Eby stated reintroducing the legislation. (SEE Keith Woods link at top of blog)?

So not a big brain stretch to see how for any young "honest" working person, to be easily intimidated by corrupt and criminal three decade dynasty local "executive" threatening legal. And possible lies and further abuse of RCMP? And with tons of money and that in part thanks to film tax credit. 

And further the average "honest" working person also squeezed by antiquated Labour Code process and procedures. So needing update and reform to modern realities, and needing far greater transparency, accountability and oversight as documented and proven. This to be proactive on preventing endless union executive criminal and other gross abuses. Ability to also so easily coerce and intimidate icing on the criminal cake?  Economic interference and restriction of trade the cake's candles. True? False?
Eby: "We’re committed to ensuring a robust, healthy democracy that defends British Columbians’ fundamental rights (Even in dirty criminal union locals and threats by Keith Woods) — in part, by helping people who want and deserve the freedom to peacefully engage in public debate without fear of unreasonable and financially ruinous legal (or illegal) action against them.” 

Mr. Woods, if helped by a lawyer may someday understand this, and not be such a stupid despot again and with so obvious an abuse of position and breach of duty as per "protecting the Integrity of the Local"? Who exactly does Mr. Woods think he can fool? Can't think of one person I know who will buy his big bully BS? True? False?

This to be brief. Criminals best to discuss this fully with REAL legal experts and not trust Paul Klassen and Don Ramsden's legal skills and education. See PoPPA experts.

For simpler minds, and there are many, this means either:

1) admit fully to "all crimes" 
2) as known documented liars and criminals, for those with eyes wide open, and best deny and defame an honest person "again" and while under oath and/or even document obstruction in a criminal investigation/interrogation. Hope a strong consensus in solidarity or some will look so very stupid digging the hole even deeper and deeper for many?

Note thinking and principle applied: 

"In Canada, unlike the United States, there is no statute of limitations that prevents the prosecution of serious criminal charges at any time after the crime occurs. Anyone can contact the police in Canada to report a crime that took place years ago"? 

Imagine a few thousand "contacting" RCMP? Or say 470 "honest members" as previously polled and as a solid foundation for civil and possible class action personally and directly aimed at criminals and corrupt and those who aid and abet. And with no corporate or union shield. "Alone and naked to the rule of Law". Again, forgive me, I had law lectures from the great Sen. Eugene Forsey and literally spitting on me so full of passion? Comparisons between Sen. Forsey and Klassen will be made.

Likeable people

Most people don't like or would "honestly" elect or support people who cheat at golf, cheat at cards, cheat on their share of the bill at restaurants, cheat "friends or business partners"? And/or cheat all BC taxpayers? And when truth all told most not in love with those who cheat their trusting and IATSE 891 paying membership and cheat their children. And if some criminals not from Canada and clearly cheating born Canadians and Canadian children proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, it gets really disgusting. Really disgusting and really fast. Wait?  

And I suspect most and "even criminals in 891 executive" and even their loyal trusting support, don't really "honestly" respect or like when friends, coworkers, wives, girlfriends, lovers, boyfriends, husbands and their children and parents lie to them. Again and again. 

And deceit by deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, even if it feels so very clever and appears so politically savvy to proven simpler minds, still deception. Silent lies. Later defined as obstruction, perjury and contempt. Hope most understand? And here in fact deception very criminal. True? False? Just guess how you can tell dysfunctional families and relationships? I wonder if CRA curious about those who have a documented very long history of lies and cheating for self-interest for three decades. Being a sleazy liar and cheat does not take any brains or education at all. This as  proven by John Brummitt for decades.

Note: The idiots block me from commenting on their page, as obvious censorship to mislead and continue to deceive member's no very sick and serious problems in 891 executive. And even if I follow to the letter of the law, and drop no blood as per Shakespeare's take on Venetian Law on fleshing things out. Plus using clear "criminal reporting" journalistic standards as per Canadian Charter on Freedom of Speech? Stuff even arrogant and ignorant Paul Klassen felt he could help violate in his documented judicial wisdom. This when politically savvy pretentious Paul clearly aiding criminals put in disrepute to "defame" me "again". And as documented putting me in disrepute. I guess I know what I can fine Paul? What a genius? His only "mitigating" defence is now showing any non-criminals I put in disrepute? 

And I certainly respect the laws on defamation as possibly more informed and educated in such matters since first 891 executive defaming lies told to RCMP than absolutely anyone in IATSE 891. True? False? Paul better get Don Ramsden's introductory remedial condescending lecture on "reverse onus" for dummies to start?

Fear revealing

Are they just afraid of my wee tiny use of Freedom of Speech, or simply absolutely terrified beyond belief if and when all Canadian "honest" 891 member's "allowed" to fully by law exercise their Charter Rights when no longer feeling "threatened" or fearing Coercion and Intimidation, Economic Interference, Duress, Defamation, Extortion, Restriction of Trade, by the already proven illegal despotic whims of union executives and pathetic pathological lying department heads

This will be another question that will be asked hundreds of times in the months that follow from Inquires and Criminal charges to class action, torts and defamation claims. And so easy to prove as documented and witnessed

And Freedom of Speech as allowed in every major media and university commentary in Canada but blocked by 891. 

So surprised when 891 top computer aid and abetting experts and computer whiz Paul Klassen to Don Ramsden didn't consider the ramifications as still allowing easy screen captures of the names of all 891 "likes" while blocking honest comments? 

How with fill to ensure criminals legal bills to go through the roof

All celestial objects emit radio waves — planets, stars, dead stars, and even asteroids. Neurons. And the amount of myelin defines your brain speed. We see and hear neither.  And at different speeds.

We make judgements with more impulsive emotional activity than calculated frontal cortex reasoning. Our deepest philosophical "belief systems" possibly only another cause and effect level up from raw animal instinct. As some from Stanford suggest.

A large vocabulary and multiple language skills and reference possibly just a more fancy dog or parlour trick in basic behaviour modification and response. We can see how Pavlov saw dogs respond to water floods like 891 members to "daily" threats of coercion and intimidation by the criminal elite. New ideas harder to sell.

Everything may be no more than a "0" or "1" and fractal algorythms? Even law has an evolution from religious rules for slaves and rights of Kings, burning witches at Salem or burying first nation children in North America to interment camps for Asians. 

Some laws can be "reasoned" as morally and ethically wrong and certainly to Western cultures or when religion added. Same with union bylaws. They also can be ethically and morally "repugnant" (A word Laskin would use for law students reading this)? Even Labour Code not without original sin?

Certainly an obvious and possibly very sad major joke when those like Joe Sala on the law and legislative committee. And John Brummitt put in any position of trust or any position demanding those far more educated and experienced with data systems and law and union member grievances. Who is fooling who? Why does Tom Adair so sadly pretend to act so educated and ethical? And seems we can also trust Kelly Moon with her transparency and accountability with a credit card and picking winners at casinos? As documented. True? False? 

And the highly deceptive and hardly majority respected Dusty Kelly best known from her revealing newsletter babble and expensive tastes in life and PR support. And thinking she should be as photographed as a royal Princess protesting land mines. She made a bit of a fool out of Adrain Dix to many. Too many? And with those who support NDP not just Liberals having a laugh at the Dix-Dusty duo?  This by note while 470 voted for a Full Forensic Audit of her and Tom Adair's trusteeship and expenses, plus pay and bonus perks. While hundreds of children cheated. Such class?

Don Ramsden with his Ted Bundy charm yet early revealed by Davis and Company settlements while a member under duress to agree to pennies, to BCLRB proof of an ongoing passion to control and use coercion and intimidation just the headline of his ugly story. Ken Anderson a sleazy idiot with mostly desperate departmental support by default not merit or proven integrity, again as BCLRB rulings make so very clear. An obvious documented and witnessed part of the criminal elite. His lucky family as well. Rob Maier loving loyal honest husband and highly protective father as he'd have fools believe all an act motivated by greed and ego. So much pretence absurd. And he thinks John Brummitt best should champion his merit into an Art Directors title a very sick and sad statement as Art Department discussed with disgust.This is how they think. This how they act. And as documented fact. Again, any of the big title big talkers want to debate, defend and deny at RCMP interrogation offices, a Provincial Inquiry or under oath in criminal courts. I'm ready with the other half of all other historical and present facts for fun times? Why not?

Heck, I'm fun to play with

I guess the criminal executive realized if with just two pages I could stop criminal slime from illegally blocking my membership (and set CRITICAL PRECEDENT for others?) and as bonus humiliate BOTH then president Don Ramsden and Department Chairman John Brummitt and this as just a lowest of lows listed "permit labourer (as per JB)". John Brummitt likes the ego trip to qualify myself and others with his blatant abuse of position to once again coerce and intimidate. And this done in a very fast two page effort as documented and witnessed. And plus as just showmanship bait them into documenting defamation and economic interference and restriction of trade of my incorporated company by not listing me as a "buyer", as documented and witnessed. 

And later with even editorial interference and limited to one piece of paper, plus competing against those with a year of free PR, Pix and promotion in newsletter and I can still get 470 votes of support for a forensic audit and very nearly beating one of the highly promoted executive inner circle criminal elite: 

Maybe best not to give me anymore pencils and paper? True? False? Bets? 

Statistically the graphing far more dynamic then Kokanee Beer's historic unmatched market share climb and Prime Minister Turner's Quadra poll flip, and when also limited to 30 second ads and not even a full page in local newspapers.  Hey, and to show what a fun guy I am I even voiced a few ads for the Prime Minister, as I speak much better than I write. Right? The 7-Point plan I wrote for all Western Canada less than a page. At least the City of Vancouver gave me a full page to help promote Hollywood North in Variety in Hollywood South in the early 80s. How did it work? True? False? Bets?

My academic friends and family such snobs or I'd have a dozen more friends on social media, and yet would still not ever be as popular as 891 criminals, women beaters and children cheaters. 

Why did Grey Nuns at St. Paul's hospital in Van also like me? Why did I help them and a church with free computer help and I'm a vocal atheist?

One CA critic in boardroom tried to politely and politically backhand and pigeonhole me or brand me and embarrass me saying my "heart was bigger than my brain". This after various "successful" charitable efforts for a variety of causes. I proved him wrong when I destroyed his career. And oddly after he wrote a nice letter of reference noting the "marked loyalty of my subordinates" and my unusual "profit- proven" marketing skills. Just like I got Rob Maier to do an honest letter of reference, before I began to destroy his career as knowing his cowardly criminal connections and helping others try and screw me. Seems I'm nobody's fool? Fun to play with?

Yes, CRA knows me as well, and as very funny and even if philosophically problematic as differing on interpreting superior court tax judgements. They try not to laugh at me and write nice letters back challenging my read on Tax Decisions and their ratio decidendi and obiter dictums.  Kind of fun? I did do friends' taxes. They also know I'm honest and had problems with certain people in IATSE 891 executive? And their names? As documented.  On file? Hey, if that's how they made certain Al Capone went to jail, so be it. Again, I'm fun to play with?

Where am I going with these spokes leading to a point

I am however very grateful to CRA for some generous judgements and opinions, even if they refused to consider a few of my claims and for others. My accountants in Montreal said "...always be honest with CRA, but feel free to challenge interpretation" and " if I'm not being audited I'm not trying hard enough"?

Some accountants are almost weekly visitors to CRA to get "opinions"?Yes, I had three accountants as business associates? Pete and Price people?  So I know the difference between real CAs, CGAs and CPAs and glorified over paid 891 bookkeepers? This before I even knew what IATSE was. My accountant friends have, however, helped reduce serious stress for a welder and a tool person in 891? Fact check? I could have helped others more, but many just too sleazy and preferred watching them miss thousands of dollars legally and yearly they should have put in their pockets. Good for a laugh. There is a big difference between when I'm your friend and John Brummitt your buddy. And so very expensive. True? False? My cousin was a very senior partner at Price?

The trial of the century for local 891 (show of strength)

My case study "with others" both very clear proof of blatant criminality and how far these morons will go to coerce and intimidate "honest" members to protect criminals from exposure. This as lies to RCMP also proves to Mr. Woods recently demonstrated threat against Freedom of Speech.  This according to links and stories as documented told of Mr. Woods "threats to honest members to protect less than honest members". Those part of a long time criminal elite. Who does he think he can fool? RCMP? Criminal Courts? Those more educated? The media? Again, I was fortunate enough to have lectures by a "real" constitutional expert Sen. Eugene Forsey. Sen. Eugene Forsey who also "coached" Justin's Dad?

The following not just for humour, but how it establishes various key criminal charges and defamation claims.

And best the trial of the century for 891 against little me for putting criminals in 891 executive and some criminal department heads in "disrepute", even had a little league show of muscle and bravado most suspect forced by nepotism and wedding vows of "Better or Worse" to attend trial. Pick? 

This when any criminals with any brains failed to support such lunatics as witnesses and as even "victims"? Yes, even the exact criminals/"victims" I put in such serious very clear published disrepute "feared" showing up. And they still know so very little about me. As documented. Again, I'm from Montreal not Mayberry. And as friends know I've not only been threatened by claims of legal muscle before but including guns and knives. Even in bars in Ottawa? True? False? 

All future employers should note the high functioning executive judgement these morons more than demonstrate and document. 

Me? I had a tennis game or might have attended the biggest trial in 891 History. Well, if raining. 

Could have been fun throwing Latin and French legal terms around. However, even with the passion, sound and fury and documented crocodile tears of frustration, as documented, still probably very boring watching ignorant children like Paul Klassen, play, posture and pretend honest and intelligent. Loving their primitive self-affirming primitive tribal ritual. As documented. True? False? 

I still really want a "real lawyer's letter". I do deserve it. What are they afraid of? Yes, a "real lawyer's letter", not just the very silly infantile registered mail posturing of authority and legitimacy in many very related criminal matters. And now so clearly very embarrassing as past correspondence. And key material evidence. As documented. And from the union executive. And from those with far less than impressive bogus inflated titles and no real experience or education of any merit. And as always with their transparent Orwellian doublespeak. The fruit of corrupt elections and appointments "absolutely" requiring criminal support and subjugated silence on all key executive criminal matters. True? False?

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Trial: Monty Python Version

This internal trial referenced is sort of like me as a rather shy and introverted, but likable, tall Knight Templar suffering the Spanish Inquisition. All alone. But here none of those at the trial even able to speak Spanish. And no Jesuit scholars with supporting papers? And not even one Catholic even dares show up to witness? And clearly, even after, as unforgivable, and in 891 sacrilegious conventional thinking: putting the present and "ALL" past Popes and Bishops ALL in "disrepute". ALL? 

And even the Popes "fearing legal" don't show? Consider the logical and legal optics? Please do. Others will. And to add, only some old grizzly wedding vow forced Beast of Burden monk possibly suffering years of exposure from fumes from making cheese, wine or painting too many Sistine Chapel facsimiles, and some very crazy Sister Superior nun, acting like she knows God personally or at least the head chef, to prosecute poor little me. Poorly. Can it be anymore obvious? Nothing like an obvious passive-aggressive also sadly virtue signalling. Maybe a post-it-note on 891's door would give me that Martin Luther edge for some reform? Indulgences always suspect?

If these people afraid of silly corrupted criminal driven internal trials loaded in their favour, how on earth will they ever handle objective hard RCMP interrogation and investigation experts and deal with "real" criminal courts when switched from innocent honourable victims to those criminally charged. This as far more honest and with real legal games to play?

And do add the key name of then president Ken Anderson to this impressive gang or junk judicial group documented defaming me (as a warning to others?) and protecting and "aid and abetting" criminal elite. This as per his novel BCLRB character profiling, with his added bad faith and gift for deception. And as a major whole life loser even at his local 891 one-time presidential peak. Yes, the stupidest past 891 president the very cowardly Ken Anderson. How soon they fall? Another very sad and tragic cowardly little man complex with a big mouth and little brains back doing physical labour. This as 891 presidential "Peter Principle" proven once again of ceiling at "maximum level of incompetence". How brave is he now? Debating in any "honest" public or legal forum the integrity of present VP Margo Mackenzie on petty cash abuses more challenging than Ken Anderson with BCLRB rulings already exposing what a sleaze he is. As documented.

Yes, as per link above, Kelly Moon can "try" and sue 891

Yes, as per link above, Kelly Moon can "try" and sue 891 and has more than enough key and critical insider knowledge of other's criminal and corrupt acts to "blackmail most other criminals" in the executive or sphere of influence. And into a very generous settlement? Also illegal. True? False? 

As reported and documented she used or abused mandate and fiduciary trust funds on personal excess/use while members paying dues, their children go hungry. True? False? That simple. Hardly the first? And hardly alone ignoring children cheated and women beaten. So easy for some to forgive those when so advantageous to income and career, power and a plethora of perks plus political PR pictures paid for with member's money. And like many now possibly fearing BCLRB and "Criminal Code" defined "Coercion and Intimidation" as so very clear and so well documented?

And also as such, so very clear why so many criminals fear any discipline of her and have not called RCMP. She has a gun to the heads of other criminals in executive if they try and cause her any trouble. At all. Clearly. And some far more educated and honest question if she's enough of a gambler to roll the dice and think her legal case would actually be successful...with truth all told? Maybe she really knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em? Maybe not as per credit card?

Why would 891 do another needless and generous and classic 891 historical out of court settlement/pay-off/buyout with member's money in "Trust" and another illegal and void gag or NDA , with possible bonus for Kelly Moon or special "educational" travel or other paperwork acrobatics made famous by Don Ramsden as legend, hearsay and rumours continually suggest? Just like Dusty Kelly goes to Hollywood with a man who would be king named Adrian Dix of Glen Clark fame and RCMP files. Who paid? Who pays?

Dig deeper and a very toxic culture of crime and corruption beyond belief. Any dare and want to debate with me at RCMP offices more than welcome. I'll buy coffee. Simple enough? We can use this blog as a very handy agenda? Note: NDA or gags illegal and void when serving a criminal intent? Same with settlements if serving a criminal purpose: Void. 

These morons must think Criminal Courts and RCMP idiots like those they must surround themselves with for clear criminal support. Just like the ones they can easily fool, deceive, clearly coerce and intimidate or as evident brainwash. This using proven basics from behaviour modification with classical carrot and cane manipulation, and with added elementary but effective "behavioural economics" as they also teach at U of T. Just like the pros they negotiate with have studied to make fools of fakes and frauds in 891 negotiations. True? False? I've been on both sides of the table? 

And some wonder why many in film can't make a living wage on an 8 hour day? And as unions once fought for? True? False? I studied contract and constitutional law with the great Sen. Eugene Forsey lecturing? A really great guy. Keith Spicer coached on other oddly now related matters? So clear for some of us: those who know what their talking about and those frauds who can only fake it. Sadly, I have no letter of reference from Sen. Eugene Forsey, just Sen. Grafstein and Beatrice Bazar a member of The Club of Rome (Again, she was my landlady and neighbour and took care of my dog, made me cookies and a friend of Justin's Dad in Westmount.) Not bad references for an 891 qualified labourer? 

As an added note my work with Ron Basford also appreciated by Senator Jerry S. Grafstein, as documented. (Not just David Olgilvy? Foolish me thinking Don Ramsden's, Rob Maier's and their lower level sidekick John Brummitt, and their superior intellect and integrity and life time accomplishments including all criminal and corrupt activities would not also see my work in "Media" as meaningful as others. Says so much about these low level slime. True? False?

Some criminals may also want to seriously consider what if the RCMP find me as funny as RCMP in Jasper and West Van did and other Legal types? I can set up jokes so perjury the punchline? Or initial obstruction? And I am such a lousy writer so a bit more of a bubbly barrister with bravado than a serious solicitor type. Hey, not just people in Westmount like me but a few in West Van? Seems only criminals have a problem with me and well known fakes, frauds and gross incompetents. Please show me one non deceitful liar or criminal who has ever had a problem with me? Ever? True? False?

Pamela Anderson and Jim Pattison found me funny, not just the smarter people on The X-Files? I differed on investment in baseball in BC. He liked logic while others just mindless "yes men"? Told him he could tryout to play trumpet in my band. A bit unfair only my sister invited on Pattison's small paddle boat.

Hey, I'm no lawyer, just a failed comedy writer. But can juggle jokes and key judgements, as I have at successful CRTC appeals against a tribunal and Fortune 500 boardrooms. All alone? Some at Labatt didn't feel I needed a lawyer? And ladies find me shy?

Seriously, those who fund these criminal's windfall have a right to know "The whole truth", like taxpayers or paying members. And without a doubt all about  Kelly Moon in the link above with image problems and damage control a little late. And she's certainly not the only one of such fine ladies that rise to royalty and riches in little dirty criminal infested, controlled and clearly corrupt union local 891 by being nice to criminals, women beaters, children cheaters and thieves. True? False? And add Adrian Dix's Hollywood date Dusty Kelly (now rewarded with pay and perks at already scandal-ridden BCLC) with these other respected and trusted 891 ladies. True? False? And add others? See much more "True" below.

More interesting will be poor Mr Woods replies when under oath in a criminal courtroom with the truth now more than obvious to far too many "honest" and "educated". Only fools won't go for deals to squeal when dozens of criminal charges and personal liabilities that can bankrupt them. Even the beautiful enviable criminal bond in solidarity between the super brains John Brummitt and Tom Adair could get fractured? And the slave-master relationship well habituated for three decades and well established between John Brummitt and his witnessed dog-like servitude to both Don Ramsden and Rob Maier possibly also soon very stretched and tested? 

Even animals don't let the dumbest ones lead the pack

And with the full consideration of many criminal charges as their very own lawyers will advise reading between the lines in this blog, things change. It can only get worse. Far worse. Far worse. True? False? 

Provincial Inquiry and a full RCMP Investigation ASAP. 

Plus this blog is also done to clearly detail why all BC needs a bigger better Provincial Inquiry than previous past performances, and a full RCMP Investigation ASAP. 

This into criminals in BC film union local IATSE 891's executive in Vancouver and relationship with BC NDP. This is also detailed below with added names, titles, and pictures. And as supported by sworn testimony and a wide variety of documented hard evidence far beyond debate, denial, or defence. Plus why we need court orders to put this union local in trusteeship for all "honest" members and all BC taxpayers and throw out all the human garbage which should be more than evident below, also addressed. Far more than evident. Many fear jail and seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime from their personal assets to compensate those cheated and their innocent children. As they should. Seems logical. And with legal merit.

And clearly, I'm not against NDP and was a huge supporter of the class and integrity of Ed Broadbent and my hometown hero Jack Layton. I even liked Robert Stanfield and Joe Clark, and the integrity of Green leaders like Sonia Furstenau. I just like honest politicians and people who don't think they are above the law. And I absolutely despise any abuse of position and power. And am disgusted by those that beat up women, cheat children and are major thieves and those who clearly as documented aid and abet criminals, and nicely have "zero proof" of helping our efforts. How clever? Even just my own 891 history far more than proves that. As documented. My physical efforts at protecting women from physical abuse from university and doorman days to when I worked mostly at home in Whistler as a buyer well witnessed. Some fathers and women like men who protect women and children. Some don't. 

Preface: Some will certainly question my unique style, strategy, and tactics as many do and have. And yet have been told by far higher powers often to ignore any critics as they hardly ever matter. And as this case also so clearly proves. We do jump back and forth from the crimes and the criminals to the political and provincial. Why explained below.

Yes, this will make RCMP real demonstrated superheroes to all working women and all working people. And hundreds of the many children cheated.

And we have most certainly have used an old proven and reliable tricks from my studies in "Legal Realism" in Montreal and previous non-union cases of intentionally using long copy here in this blog. This again for forcing the criminal's lawyer's legal fees to go through the roof and homo-cysteine levels as medical byproduct. This with hidden details, diversions, traps, meaningless fluff and fill, riddles and revisions. 

Preliminary Budget

It will cost about $3,000.00 at least in criminal's "initial" first month legal fees and for "each" and every one of those named and pictured below. And just for their lawyers to simply get started and get even a small tiny grasp of simply basics. A retainer of $20,000.00 each not unheard of? Or so foolishly use a cheap lawyer who will fake it and the Law Society of British Columbia will be alerted? And the same with their civil legal defence? Gets expensive. Very expensive. And even more expensive when a house of cards or foundation of lies involved? As proven? And add hundreds of hours of criminal's (and those so very clever who aid and abet) own "life-limited" time, just to continue to play and pretend so clever and so innocent. And as well as to not look like absolute documented, defined, detailed, demonstrated idiots on top of being clearly very sick ugly cowardly criminals. Plus slime will need time and many gang meetings and in in Full-Force solidarity to plan all the needed details for additional lies. True? False?
Criminal solidarity absolutely critical as if just one flips, squeals for a deal, or turns on the heard of criminals the castle of cards crumbles. Completely?

And for those who think I brag below (and still reveal so little?) how come even after a decade or two most who worked with me knew so very little about me? Or near nothing? And still know so little?  Explain, please. This while any meaningless accomplishment and token cause and lip service by criminal executives worthy of absurd publicity, pictures, and PR support? As documented. We will compare. In detail. So maybe I do brag a bit  "after twenty years" to add some credibility to my perceptions based on my "real" experience", "real" education and "real" accomplishments. 

And so some don't think I'm a snob, many of my friends don't even have high school or big shot titles and not millionaires. True? False? Some just great skiers or (published poets like Adrian Dix's wife?) or stars at Vancouver Jazz Festival? True? False?

I did like one revealing very tough-talking comment from a rather small very vain alpha male wanna be and department head, when inferring and suggesting his superiority to "over-educated morons", thus leaving one to logically conclude his preference for "uneducated morons"? And far more like him. As documented. True? False? He will be named and exposed later for his little crimes and disgusting abuses of position and subordinates. Most aware he had little distinguishing abilities other than to kiss ass and buy gifts for superiors he felt ideal to brown nose. And tragically believes he's respected by his core crew to day calls. However, kissing criminal's ass seems a good career move when dealing with other similar fools, fakes and criminals. Probably deceives his own family like himself that he's a success story.

Yes, this will make RCMP "real honest" superheroes to all working women and all working people. And hundreds of the many children cheated.

This future case law can shake up any and all dirty criminal union locals all across Canada and not simply film industry. Helping many. And such case law referenced so very useful at many union local's General Meetings. True? False?

Note: Fortunately, in BC when IATSE 891 put into trusteeship, honest Film Union ACFC can easily make it seamless and show others how honest normal unions don't need "coercion and intimidation" and a criminal elite in union executive.  And this abuse when both a perceived corrupt advantage and illusions they can get away with it and not be discovered and exposed. Until now. This as John Brummitt and buddy Don Ramsden had calculated. Wrong on all counts.

Yes, Film and TV shows if needed can move to more honest union  ACFC seamlessly and from contract to crewing. This as well proven for over a decade and many productions. Some in the IATSE 891 office "might be trusted" to also help transition from corruption and criminals to clean hands and honest governance? Neither major investors to day-call labourer will even notice, other than improvement. True? False?

Keep it very simple

To keep it very simple for the simplest of the criminal minds:

If you commit "any crime" you are a criminal.
If you commit a very serious crime you are a very serious criminal (i.e. Theft $5,000.00, plus "millions and millions" in liability?)
If you hurt families, women, and children you're a rather disgusting cowardly, and creepy criminal. Fact Check?
If you're a thief, hurt families, and a liar and a serious criminal, you're a thief, a liar, disgusting and cowardly, and a very serious criminal.
If you aid and abet criminals by calculated indifference in a fiduciary position to partial critical involvement, you're just another dog-loyal member showing single-minded mindless solidarity with criminal support of the group or gang that defines the criminal elite. And clearly for gross self-interest, vanity, and career advancement. And with that, we even have the motive, the method and the means.

Fun Stuff

"In 1997, “criminal organization” was defined as “a group, however, organized” of three or more persons for the commission of criminal offences. 

For this reason, Bill C-45 refers to an “organization” and then defines it to mean:
“a public body, a body corporate, a society, a company” [This comes from the existing definition of “every one”]; and
“a firm, a partnership, a trade union or an association of persons created for a common purpose.” 

I guess that would also nicely cover obvious nepotism where three members of same family in same department helping criminals like Rob Maier? True? False? Or any group of 3 people and trade unions?

Far funnier is where member's and labour issues clearly confined by BC Labour Code and Labour Board their incorporated businesses NOT. This gets really funny and Mr Lewis as president of IATSE Canada as a reported super Osgoode legal brain can best explain to criminal idiots why when incorporated, how member's companies can sue 891 for criminal acts and resulting torts and best directly their executive and avoid silly ritual Labour Board wrist-slapping. Individually and personally? Nowhere to hide. Some can be financially wiped out. True? False? Fact check? Even idiots who aid and abet like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen with huge big shot titles "Wiped out". Not just lunch money. And kind of cute also put in "disrepute". And of course very possible serious jail time. 

We will wait to see what comes first a Provincial Inquiry Report or RCMP criminal charges before settling on a legal team. We suggest others wait as well? 

HOW DOES A CLASS ACTION WORK? 1) A lawyer files a class-action lawsuit on behalf of one or more parties (say 470 to start?); 2) A judge agrees that the case should proceed as a class action and certifies it. Clear divisions between labour and criminal law? Too muddy when Labour and Civil step on each others toes and Judges left to pick best dancer.

Now all these very sick and disgusting criminals named and pictured below need to consider is how hard it will be with just a dozen "HONEST PEOPLE", or less to ensure the full support of RCMP, Crown Counsel, a Provincial Inquiry, Criminal Courts, Civil Courts, and all media and majority of honest members and industry to expose, investigate and charge such cowardly and creepy criminals? And for those that brag about the statute of limitations better learn how "perjury traps" work for those criminals pretending so very clever and yet so very uneducated? And more than a dozen traps? 

Perjury Trap for Dummies 101

How easy is it really to trap those who bragged about the statute of limitations and big shot super expensive Union and Hollywood lawyers? That seemed pointless with me and hardly intimidated me. At all. Clearly. Below a simple sample on how to use a perjury trap and build a defamation case, plus wrongful prosecution, perjury and obstruction, that some maybe not be as familiar with. This is simply done and for example:

A lawyer simply asks say a very nervous ignorant known highly uneducated lying criminals like Rob Maier, or any of a dozen other criminals when under oath or documented by RCMP in investigation interrogation:

If all my specific claims against him from involvement with lies to RCMP and theft over $5,000.00 truth or lies? Simple two choice question. Truth or lies? 

Rob Maier and Don Ramsden should know very well what it cost a department head to settle a defamation case defaming a carpenter or how much to settle with women beaten up? Or what it costs in Davis & Company's Harvey M. case when cheating children. Others do. Exactly? Hanging around with Award Wining Investigative Journalists even a dumb funny computer nerd like me learns something?

Truth or lies? And there you have it: a no contest guilty plea soon forthcoming by default or more fun you get a documented defamation case, perjury, obstruction and a wrongful prosecution bonus. 

And yes the statute of limitations will protect him and others so clever from whatever past sins he referenced. Like it matters to any not idiots. We really don't care what puts him in jail even if CRA needed.  And if not him directly, who did lie to RCMP with such clever ignorant wordplay and used RCMP like their paid props, puppets, and political pawns? This will also work with Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly. True? False? Denial is defamatory. Ask a lawyer how this perjury trap works. And about other proven tricks and traps?

Key Question: If Smallville actor Allison Mack gets 3 years how many years will X-Files and Smallville Set Construction Coordinator Rob Maier and his criminal support get? See Canadian Sentencing Guidelines? Not pretty?

And as for how "reverse onus" works in defamation law see super brain Don Ramsden as per his email when he presumed I needed his help in understanding law and computers. He can clearly impress very uneducated unethical criminal morons he needed to surround himself with like John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly, sadly those far more educated hardly impressed. True? False? Watch how we play him? All of them?

Really, again who should I trust in matters of law? My long time friends as a BC Criminal Court Judge like Russ McKay and internationally respected Oxford scholar from Berlin to Brisbane, Dr. Judy Fudge and as former acting law faculty chair at UBC and lawyers in my family or best to trust and respect Don Ramsden, Paul Klassen and Tom Adair who act so smart? Ask Vancouver Sun writer Ian Mulgrew who caught me working with Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada at Liberal Leadership Convention with Award winning investigative journalist Terence McKenna of CBC, and if I know any other publishers and producers across Canada and specifically top Vancouver defamation lawyers most can't afford? Terry and Judy also know my old girlfriend as part of the editorial board at Maclean's? I introduced her to the publisher of Vancouver Magazine and Western Living in Toronto when I ran an ad agency and as another old school day buddy when we did films together? 

Yes, I'm very proud of my old girlfriends even if most far more successful than myself as a failed comedy writer and literally these "classy honest women" far more successful than every single person in 891 criminal executive for last 30 years? This as I'm not some sick narcissistic misogynist or clear fake and fraud who aids and abets criminals and women beaters and children cheaters? I like honest people and despise fakes and frauds, uneducated liars. Should be clear why I never fit in with these ignorant and so arrogant documented uneducated criminals while others so clearly do. And must?

We will do direct comparisons and evaluations as to the real qualifications of the women I've known as friends and girl friends with the very exact qualifications of those so impressive honest ladies in 891 executive like Susan Butler Grey, Dusty Kelly, VP Margo Mackenzie and Dixie Cutlure (Sp?) to make a point. Or a few dozen? 
Their real qualifications makes so much so obvious. True? False? 

Poor Adrian Dix to ever trust Dusty Kelly. Will be so terribly embarrassing when truth all told. Dix better be careful with RCMP a second time or like Svend Robinson the future not looking too good as the past, and one's true integrity can haunt so many and crush and cripple political careers and ambitions. True? False?

Now see related defamation cases and related award amounts and why my eyes on the prize as they say. Even my legal enjoys an easy huge windfall with 24 defendants to ALL hopefully in solidarity lying and defaming me by denial. May even, to be a real good sport, pay my stupid Paul Klassen internal trial fine for putting criminal member's in "disrepute" and dare 891 to cash? Shows a certain level of reciprocal respect for Wallpaper masters? Such documented criminal defamation case traps make civil actions so very clean, fast and simple. True? False? 

Poor Mr. Woods, thought he won an election, power, big pay and perks, but also won a gigantic amount of direct personal legal liability and exposure, dwarfing his pay package and where no union/corporate shield. Naked to the law? Funny if his presidency costs him personally more than all benefits and with lost goodwill? Fact check?

NOTE: Any legal reference by myself mostly to reflect judicial themes and principles, not the latest related law cases and decisions, my formal strength logic not law. So criminal executive liabilities might be far worse? Like with others, some do find logic and reason cool and crisp, refreshing. Adding respect for neurosciences with irreverent humour makes it all such fun.

Now for real fun

Now for real fun also add that John Brummitt's successful new and old lies now very pivotal, and as the key goalie all alone on the ice. This for game one of seven. A one man show for the criminal's defence and their image of intellect, integrity, and credibility. This involving millions in tax credit fraud for three decades, serious theft, and lies to RCMP. Kind of funny when you think it all out. 

Should be tons of fun for a day or two as RCMP interrogate myself and John Brummitt and see who is a liar and a sleazy sickening criminal and has so many ignorant and criminal friends? Keeps it so very simple to start. And as always John Brummitt free to tell as many more lies "he best thinks" serves him and his criminal support. In solidarity?

And now add others "as documented" already with clear BCLRB rulings against them for a very sick mindset of "Coercion and Intimidation". Makes a very valid point. This "Coercion and Intimidation" against nice honest people including a lady I had a major crush on. So kind of personal? And further, add with clear repeated "Bad Faith" as noted in previous Provincial Film Industry Inquiries. In fact, they misled previous Provincial Inquiries with calculated deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment. All also so easy to prove. And documented hard facts always a crowd-pleaser?

Yes, thank goodness for added documented: BCLRB Rulings and Appeals, Previous Provincial Inquires, 3rd Party opinions, Davis and Company legal files, Gowling legal work identifying the methods and criminal culture in IATSE 891, documented newsletters, election material and results (Hey, like most in executive I love linear regressions and graphs?), and of course showcase internal trials clearly protecting criminals from "disrepute". And free unsolicited admissions by those void of forethought and ramifications, suggesting which personality disorders? 

And thank goodness for 470 votes for a forensic audit. Paints such a pretty picture of when mindless solidarity and gross stupidity so very well linked to crimes and comes with names and faces as below. Faces looking innocent like Ted Bundy and Col. Russel Williams on better days? These are not my opinions but opinions and facts from others. I can only add so much more? And most certainly will. We have history from mid 1980's "Bird on a Wire" to yesterday's shoot at a few studios? Some think Helen Keller and even mythical pinball whizard "Tommy" could win the civil cases forcing settlements in many ways? Yes, and some so proven stupid they will still try to lie to RCMP as their only hope at extreme risk for the whole gang? And each criminal with different priorities and legal liabilities The perfect package? True? False? And RCMP come away looking like real honest heroes for workers, women and children. Can it get any better? True? False? Bets?  Actually here "false". It can get better.  Surprises always fun?

My motive? 

My motive for this blog and efforts at criminal prosecution? Hate bullies and BS. Started in grade school. Hate sleazy fakes and frauds. Disgusted by those who beat up women or those weaker and/or abuse their positions like a paedophile priest or by political payoff. I have a super sister to simply great girlfriends and female teachers that I owe that inspire. No fan either of slime who cheat children blinded by gross self-interest. Easy to prove. I also could easily "take all this slime on at once that others couldn't". Or wouldn't. Also easy to prove. 

I've been very lucky in life so rather than try and save the world, best to start close to home. Was inspired by a lecture by Sen. Eugene Forsey on "compassion" and "duty" when studying contract law in both Ontario and Quebec (only those who know the difference will understand why both Code and Common studies). And inspired when working directly with Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada, and many other great men and women who as mentors had helped me. In many ways. And many times. Some referenced below. Time to make BC NDP and/or BC Liberals simply do what's right and honest. Not much to ask for before an election?

Who, when, where, why, and how.

To avoid answering hundreds of repeated questions we have attempted to answer as much of the major who, when, where, why, and how, as possible in this blog below. And yet still keeping a few very special surprises for criminals.

And where there is a limit on how much jail time, fines, and penalties, there is no ceiling on how much these criminals can be humiliated and exposed (See names and pictures below). And soon in front of their family, friends, neighbours, present and all future employers, coworkers, and courtrooms. 

If I'm lying they can easily sue me? And they can't. And their big pay and big-shot Union and Hollywood lawyers they once would brag about probably told them, or will, exactly why and why I know it, and can now laugh at them all? True? False? So much more to defamation law than "reverse onus" that Don Ramsden seems to have missed? Hey, I've had to help lawyer's in copyright law and with Latin pronunciation and even keep doctors up to date on medical research in Europe? Much like the way John Brummitt's intellect and education helped Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly helped Adrian Dix.

For the criminals, their repeated documented lies and from lies to RCMP to membership, in solidarity, as once their major strength, now a very major legal liability. Very major. The criminals should also better learn what fraud really is and as defined in the real legal world. Plus what constitutes obstruction in a criminal investigation to perjury under oath and contempt. 

Only two types of people.

There so very clearly will be only two types of people even after reading just part of this blog. Those who are criminals with those who support criminals, women beaters and children cheaters. Others of note will always posture or position as being objective and claim waiting for courts or more evidence and using other worn PR response babble making them aid and abet by selective chosen ignorance or "executive avoidance". NOTE: This as per my successful work with Dr. Gandel in Montreal specifically involving "Executive Avoidance"? He paid well. As did Dr Bull at McGill to help with Pentagon presentations obviously before his assassination, and others far more educated? Fact Check? Executive Avoidance is how some executives will be working hard at something but not what's important. This common among entrepreneurs and can be manic or due to problems in marriage like working late and avoid going home, or in say a union executive for those with fear of criminal prosecution? Avoiding blatant priorities revealing?

"Yes, just because there's a fire in the kitchen and the bedroom doesn't mean the house is burning." Expect this kind of teen age sophist word play from these criminal morons who think if it sounds logical it is. Will be funny as they have never been really questioned or ever challenged before like they will now. Power that could silence critics now a joke.

And where some will argue very distinguishing and dynamic olfactory features shared with other rodents and lab mice among 891 executive and others motivated by the smell of money, and mouse cage dominance: I still will argue adding possibly over responsive limbic, faulty synapses, limited protein factors with added amygdala reptilian brain fear and frontal cortex conflict factors; dwarfing reasoned frontal cortex measures, further added with adrenalin plus dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins indexes all poorly balanced (or programmed), with corrupted cerebral resulting rational functions. This as any MRI might support. Or maybe too much beer. Yes, fun for a failed comedy writer to play both lawyer and psychiatrists until we bring in the pros? When and where needed. 

What would Tommy Douglas do

One possibly has to wonder if NDP icon Tommy Douglas and father of medicare with his enthusiasm for eugenics would believe John Brummitt and Tom Adair a case for or against. Possibly group rate chemical lobotomies soon considered humane.

And to point: then there will be the clearly "other people". Honest types, and non-criminals, wanting a full RCMP investigation and interrogation based on a preponderance of "circumstance". And RCMP supported by those people with nothing to hide or needing to tell repeated lies. Nor have the fear of going to jail, big costs and media exposure. 

Some of these "honest types" will possibly even want legislative change to antiquated provincial labour code as suggested below to better protect women and children and all honest "qualified" workers. Or to now start the discussion on BCLRB changes, as I often do? 

Some of these type of people will want a full forensic audit of use of tax credit or abuse, and claims of tax credit fraud in the millions every year for for three decades. A full forensic audit by third parties just exactly as 470 random sampled supported as needed. Myself, I want a forensic psychiatric assessment of those when all named and as case study for universities. Fun stuff for Criminology, Law and Psychology majors?

Yes, just two types of people. Below will make even more obvious the difference between sick criminal sleaze, women beaters and children cheaters, with their dog loyal mindless aid and abet support and possible Nuremberg defence, and on the opposite side those serving their country, the rule of law and honest 891 members. Should be pretty obvious. True? False? Unlike so many members and growing —some in 891 executive still in classic denial or drowning in defence mech of cognitive dissonance on top of demonstrated and documented Dunning–Kruger self-glorification. It will be hard to get some to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. And telling more lies. And possibly so damaged they really do believe their own lies? 

If I'm lying I should go to jail. If I'm not, others absolutely must.

Add: Also fun to so very slowly and continually raise the bet and legal risk when you know criminal's clearly lying and bluffing? And the more they bluff, and based on almost endless lies and deception the more to win? True? False? 

Maybe Dusty Kelly with her postcard pictured political NDP power connections can get her buddies as pictures suggest with both John Horgan and Adrian Dix to get Eby to help John Lewis to help John Brummitt and his political criminal connections intimidate me? Sorry, if I seem arrogant and abusive. Blame Sen. Eugene Forsey as not really Jean Chretien's fault? Hey, my girlfriend and I didn't even go downstairs when he was in the living room? And I may have shamed and upset all my family in Shawinigan helping John Turner's top brains and not Jean?

So many great honest unions and executives

So many great honest unions, however, from Glaziers and Grocery Workers on West Coast to Oil Rigs on East Coast the elephant in the room is the criminal and corrupt union local. Yes, not only the film industry plagued by a few bad apples and criminal cancers. And with with similar claims: controlled by fear and suppression to cowardly and corrupt coercion and intimation? Bets? True? False? And clearly in Quebec and Ontario. 

National and Provincial laws also antiquated. By simply offering hundreds of cases across Canada free access to civil courts to small claims and not shackled by labour code two point absurdity of "Fair Rep" and behavioural guidelines that most high schools better define and enforce. More later below on the economics and ethics involved. And of note no high school or honest major business uses bylaws to protect criminals from disrepute.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police 

Deployed Canadian police officers help develop professional and effective law enforcement institutions that:

- respect human rights of women and girls, 
- protect women and girls from violence, and 
 meet the needs of the local population.

As per recent 20th Anniversary of the UN Resolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security.

Even those with highly educated opinions or faking it as too often the case in the executive criminal elite in 891 are destroyed by demonstrable facts. Unless "effective" coercion and intimidation. This as even ancient history to recent BCLRB judgements prove. True? False?
Demonstrable facts like a metaphorical assault rifle in a courtroom and leaving others with only dull wooden spoons as their best defence? True? False?

Note: My intent in this blog and in all legal and public forums is to be as insulting, irritating, and obnoxious as humanly possible of the criminals involved. And for the criminal minds who aid and abet. And this while being as entertaining and informative as possible for friends and family. And, as well, to entertain the hundreds who have supported various efforts as documented and even ignored Tom Adair's documented pathetic effort at honesty. This while Tom Adair faking an authority he "really" and "honestly" has neither the education nor experience to even suggest. Nor integrity to dare judge others as such a human fraud and sleaze. Many believe Tom Adair only got his title as too much of a disgusting coward to ever confront women beaters, children cheaters and major thieves who supported him? Bets? This more than obvious. Clearly, as documented 470 people don't trust him, now to make it thousands. Criminal creeps and cowards that help women beaters, children cheaters, and major thieves deserve what they get? Only fair?

Friends and family who have known me since grade school creates unbelievable pressure to always amuse. And all this while, as well as providing enough meat on the bone hard evidence for RCMP and Crown Prosecution. So will be serving Prime Rib as far as evidence and testimony allows.

And as political correctness and politeness has served this criminal slime for so long I will dismiss with both big time.

Family and friends find it funny when I take the gloves off in boardrooms and courtrooms. Some in IATSE 891 have actually seen me in criminal courtrooms make judges laugh as I irritate certain lawyers. Others have seen me certainly impress a few major investors and even in film industry, not just major producers and directors. True? False? Should be getting a bit clear why ignorant lying criminal fakes and frauds in 891 executive hate me and hate others more educated than their gold standard for intellect and integrity of John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly. Criminals, bullies and fakes often hate me. They are given no choice. And since high school.

And so some don't think I'm a snob many of my friends don't even have high school or big shot titles and not millionaires, but very honest and logical and fun. True? False? Some just great skiers or published poets like Adrain Dix's wife, or stars at Vancouver Jazz Festival?

Terrence Mckenna, award winning CBC investigative journalist knows me from high school when I used labour code against Ford Motor Company when we did inventory? True? False? Old girl friends who now have Doctorates in "Labour" Psychology and were later part of Maclean's editorial board have seen me meet and go against three lawyers all alone on the side of the road come back with cheques when still an undergraduate. Terrence Mckenna also knows these girls from when we skied together in Sutton at his brother's Brian Mckenna's (from "The Fifth Estate" fame) cottage. Media types find me funny in both Van and Montreal. 

And as such you can only imagine my fear having to deal with the integrity and intellect, education and accomplishment and the big impressive titles in 891 of Rob Maier, John Brummitt and Tom Adair at RCMP offices. Lying loser scum as women beaters to children cheaters are always fun. See below for more fun? These idiots thought I was just some tall funny computer nerd and impressed by criminal's 891 titles even as just department heads and union local presidents. Arrogant and ignorant criminal's? Bet on it. The extremely highly decorated military "real heroes" who supported my special Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC projects another story. Fact Check?


BC Political points to ponder. 

Are all these criminal acts below further adding to other "tipping point" homeostasis political realities and critical mass threshold problems for NDP? Costing NDP next election? "Tipping point"?

Those who have studied history and political science, as did Horgan and Dix, must fully appreciate how critical this really is. And how this is much more than a major motherhood issue, here as involving the safety of women and fair worker issues, plus impacting families and children's health. Yes, children's health. Serious matters.

This now added to worsening opinions by experts (Harvard Medical?) to voter polls on Pandemic "Management" and festering future liabilities, Site "C" cost credibility, Pipeline issues, Old Growth, Tourism, and Hospitality crash. 

My depth in economic regional development as some know spans Fashion in Montreal to Beer in BC and Cape Breton economic initiatives for the Mulroney government's top brains. 

My tourism and hospitality depth includes major national restaurant chains, executive travel agencies to the City of Vancouver and New Zealand as clients? As such, I may have the "honest" credentials, education, and experience to question in such matters that others simply don't and can only fake? And so easy to trap and expose fakes and fools. Bets?

How odd that none of my previous "honest
supervisors, employers, and clients and a variety of "honest unions" never had a problem with me and oddly clearly those more intelligent and educated? True? False? Fact check? I did the first ads for the City of Vancouver promoting Hollywood North in Variety for Hollywood South. Seems to have helped.  I did like Harcourt. And enjoyed my almost weekly chats with Stuart Beckerman when he was handling PR for Michael Jackson at the place where MJ's million dollar fan club database hidden? I took BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay to see MJ with my Labatt tickets. I didn't want to go but he insisted. Who was I to judge as he was a better guitar player. 

As such, many very serious criminal issues here best not be ignored by BC NDP. All costing "switcher voters". Yes, the very critical "switcher voters" who made NDP, and can so very easily soon break them. This can only "Help" or "Hurt" NDP. This can only "Help" BC Liberals and Greens. 

And possibly far worse this involving "Adrian Dix's Hollywood Date's dirty criminal executive union friends". Those involved in millions in tax credit fraud every year for three decades. Plus add the issues of beaten women and cheated children. Hurting all BC.

What if it were Horgan's wife or his single working mother who was very badly beaten up and left bleeding by cowardly criminal slime? And from another country? Even if white and speaks English? 

And what if Horgan's own family and little children cheated for many years by Adrian Dix's Hollywood date Dusty Kelly's friends and long-time criminal coworkers? Would Horgan and NDP still be so slow to act? Would they? Seems hundreds as documented have many questions about Dix darling Dusty Kelly, now a director at BCLC. See more below.

If the FBI can take down multiple New York Mob families and put dozens in jail, RCMP should have absolutely no problem putting handcuffs on a handful of some of these low-life little league slime and cowardly criminals, as named and pictured below? True? False?

And best RCMP has experience dealing with Adrian Dix's credibility from good times with Glen Clark glory days. And I oddly have 
experience, email, and other evidence dealing with Dusty Kelly's integrity supporting criminals, women beaters, and children cheaters — and Dix? This before Dusty Kelly a trusted director at already scandal-ridden BCLC, and not long after cleaning paintbrushes (when I did her payroll time-sheets). And when 470 honest truth-seeking members voted she — and highly educated and career accomplished BS brain buddy Tom Adair: both suffer a full forensic audit? 470 people? 
Note: A criminal court jury even in a murder trial only demands compurgation or a consensus of 12. 470? 12? Think about it. Will Dix support Dusty Kelly like he did Glen Clark or show more intellect and integrity now as to define future NDP election credibility? Much more on this to follow.

Can the combo one-two punch of the combined Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly fan club get simply twelve "honest" people to defend them and sign a sworn affidavit I'm a liar? And where specifically I'm a liar and not? As per this blog. This so I can defend my efforts. Should be easy as they both are so popular with "honest" members. Just 12? Sworn? Yes, a trap. One of the dozens. Denial = Criminal Conspiracy to Defame and Obstruct. Cute?

Political Risk Management

See much more below on this NDP problem and if BC Liberals see the strategic opportunity here with such very low political risk. 

This should test well for critical "switchers" from focus groups to pilot tests. And certainly has unique legs and sex appeal. This with such a very newsworthy BC Political Platform plus Hollywood Halo combo to pump and bump readership and audience ratings when time is right. Like just right before the next election. And with added merit of women's safety and children cheated as purpose and primary focus. Will voters care about beaten women and cheated children as much as old-growth forestry?

An opportunity some may think made for Kevin Falcon to re-brand as an all BC party from blue-collar to blue blood wanting an "honest and safe workplace" and minimal financial and business literacy in the leadership to rebuild the economy. Nice for Sonia and Greens to also brand expand with all women for incremental votes and added with returning "switchers" trends. Certainly wouldn't hurt? Who will be the "honest" hero here with RCMP? NDP? BC Liberals? Greens?

Please share this link today. 

Please share this link today. Or print and share. This is the exact simple action required for how "real" honest people, help other honest people help expose sleazy criminals. Be one? And helping from women beaters to children cheaters and thieves you help expose. Be a real hero? Really help. Share.

Why does little nobody me dare challenge NDP to do the right and honest thing and to "fully support" RCMP investigations and interrogation in this criminal matter is possibly quickly best defined by my:

Career Brief or "How I got to Memphis"

Note: Going into my past has pivotal strategic value as to later go into each criminal's "exact past" and those who aid and abet and their exact honest past for critical individual comparison, credibility, and key "qualifications" as to be "honest high-quality high-paid 891 executives"? And paid more than front-line workers, nurses, teachers and police. Defines character. Only fair? Judge and be judged?

Do note, how I don't list dozens of meaningless screen credits. And won't. Or use grossly highly misleading 891 titles and "qualifications" with such documented abuse of position. This as "qualifications" are used too often in 891, and far too often, by criminals to clearly intimidate and coerce or reward cowards and other criminals, dog-loyal servants and slaves —  as "qualification"? Also far too well documented. Explains why so many far more educated, experienced and far more "HONEST" can't even win an election against lying loser John Brummitt and other far less than qualified and dishonest and coercing and intimidating Presidents, and other big pay and perks executive positions. True? False? What exactly does it cost to get John Brummitt a title and truck expenses?  We will ask those paid well to step aside. As we must? And again to be clear with "packages" of big pay and perks (Plus Exotic trips and expenses as per link above understates) and more vomit worthy, paid more than front-line workers, nurses, teachers and police. Film Tax credit helps.

So sad when some have the same titles as twenty years before or far more. Dirty networking hardly helps life, dating, career or social advancement and with added lack of experience and education so common among the criminals named below? True? False? And at best, for most criminals named and pictured below literally simply one industry, one dirty union, and one-trick pony depth and promoted by corruption and criminal acceptance. At their very best. Sadly Dix bought the deception of Dusty Kelly posturing as a Joan of Arc of working people and with Hollywood connections soon to be blown apart when truth all told. 

Integrity has almost no currency in this executive. And for three decades. Obvious to those more informed, honest, and educated. Bets? True? False? Facts are facts. How many alumni and graduates of the K Chang school of ethics or Don Ramsden's course on "Accounting for Dumb union members", or John Brummitt's "Law for Losers" seminar?

Honestly, how long would these exact types be employed in any honest non-union business or "honest progressive union local" based on their very sick crimes to real lack of qualification and simply a gift for deception and cover-up and supportive criminal cowardly silence and excessive abuse of member's funds in Trust? We will have to examine that much deeper in a formal Provincial Inquiry. Much deeper? For "qualifications"? Will be very clear how a corrupt and criminal union executive protects and promotes criminals to gross incompetents. True? False?

About Me: 

School was fun. Great teachers. Great Football coaches like Ross Tellier a former BC Lion. Plus Clark, Mitchell, Young and others in college. And great orthopaedic surgeons trying to fix my knees for US scholarships? This including Dr Percy of the Montreal Alouettes football team , Dr Miller, chief orthopaedics, Montreal General Hospital, and Dr Shannon McGill medical school? They kind of liked me? Left sadly to only play "mixed doubles" with Ian Turnbull of NHL Toronto Maple Leaf fame. This mentioned so no one thinks I'm just some "funny" academic computer nerd and failed comedy writer and only have noted Oxford scholars for references and friends — a few serious jocks liked me. Including those on scholarships as baseball pitchers, tennis players, and female Olympic divers. Losers, liars, frauds, failures, fakes, fools always difficult to relate with as proven. Small men complexes and other personality disorders difficult to take seriously and impossible to trust? As some noticed clearly in IATSE 891? 
After university, I started my ad career writing funny ads and selling advertising for a very small local radio station.

For flashback and to foreshadow: I had already worked for the CBC in 1977 in Toronto as a "national media liaison". This dealing with Quebec "political polls" and all major national media "personally" including Jack Webster and this when still in university and fascinated by actuarial arts and sciences? 

And to fast forward and foreshadow for a moment, I had actually hoped "ending my varied careers" with CBC writing comedy as a less than minimum wage writer. Less than minimum wage to start? Justin's Dad found me very funny (See CBC & CTV archives). So did some at the CBC like funny Stuart McLean​ and Terence Mckenna. Back when we sailed together. Actually, my ads some of the funniest on Montreal radio, as many even in Vancouver can recall. And this Montreal humour recognition before "unmatched" BC Beer TV Ads and International Awards. Some were national. See below. I can be funny.

Within 10 years out of university, I had also already worked as a "very senior executive", and in the biggest and most "sophisticated and advanced" Ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Much like being a senior lawyer in the very biggest most prestigious law firm in Canada and with the biggest billing clients in Canada as hers or his? Including Federal governing parties. My education gave me a very clear and marked advantage over others with no "media studies" and faked it. This was back when top Art Directors reported to me? And was then, as well already recognized by noted Deans at major business schools (e.g. Dr Goldberg, McGill, Dr Shapiro, SFU). This academic recognition for my "successful" work with Federal Political parties and Fortune 500 giants and Hollywood awards for my "funny" words. And these business school Deans also knowing about my trade and international media recognition. Including and not limited to New York School of Retailing. And do add, as also knowing of my far more serious "consecutive" work with Trudeau's, Turner's, and Mulroney's top brains and scholars. This is also of note by top scholars and academics. Meaningless to most criminal morons.

Then still, and just within 10 years of leaving university, moved into finance and investor relations, and this including time as a director of a dynamic listed public company "really" increasing stock value. This with former New West PC candidate Bill Grant as my great mentor as COB and as the former CEO of Nabob. Seemed more like an old football buddy than a COB. And again "honestly" successful. And as some art directors know first hand back when Molson Pension Fund provided a rather large office, a rather large patio, an ocean view, and a new Audi, and flown first class. And expenses never questioned, just my strategy with 3rd party research firms? True? False? Oddly even an IATSE permit carpenter has been in my unusual offices and a VP of a film company. He worked there as well but smaller office.  As has an IATSE sign-writer and top art directors that I had also paid better than 891 union wages. And I was fun to work with. Check? 

Yes, I could be honestly successful and not just like criminals and fantastic fakes when nicely protected by a union restricting competition (internally and externally) nor sadly and so tragically needing nepotism or to kiss ass (and provide "gifts") for survival and limited success, nor criminal cronyism to compromise my integrity and ethics and make me a very visible criminal kiss ass coward. As so many have seen so sadly with others. So often. True? False?

So, with this "finance experience" and my odd special computer depth (From 1980 and ACTRA Apple II TV Ad contract and database direct mail management, and advanced IBM work in 1986?) and inner nerd and geek fascination, I went then from finance to designing "Environmental Management" models. This with the international engineering firm SRK for legal compliance and key risk and "director's personal direct liability reduction". This for major natural resource giants. And with my finance depth this tandem with another school buddy's software company and packaging this software as an IPO ready for resurrection and riding a dormant shell as some eager to provide. Ask IATSE 891 investor guru Brian S. in construction who he knows and who was involved with Lionsgate Films and Yorkton Securities in Toronto, who would also provide me a public company on a play now pay later deal. When honest employers it becomes very profitable to let me play.

To note this when others like Weaver from BC Green party just talking to students at U Vic about environmental stewardship, where I was in natural resource giant's boardrooms with top executives, directors, and their legal, talking about risk management and "director's liability". Yes, I made them laugh. Rather nervously? Previous legal judgements and costs made it all too real. I can deal with price objections? And as a result, and to point, can talk about IATSE 891's very serious legal environmental liabilities and pass a volunteer polygraph on paint poured down drains and all over BC. TV and Feature film. Bets? Two Ontario cases establish precedent? Where does the buck stop as per criminal code?

Due to twisted corporate politics with Toronto trying to take over and take credit, plus corruption and abuse of my intellectual property, and as I had already far exceeded my modest life corporate and academic goals (Board of Directors of a Public Company, shortlisted by head hunters for VP of Oland Breweries and software companies, plus 3 of top 5 Business Schools Dean requested and recognized, plus add my work both Trade and Consumer media recognized, plus even quoted by Financial Post on "media investment"), so I then decided to follow my hidden passions and boyhood dreams and get into TV and Film "Comedy" Production.

After final absolutely absurd abuse and documented stupidity and evidence with "internal trials" in 891 to protect criminals from "disrepute", I walked away from the disgusting insanity of too many fakes and frauds, women beaters, and children cheaters, drunks and drug addicts to deadbeat dads and I came within inches of MY life goal. Even walked away from honest unions ACFC and ACTRA? This goal of a low-paid comedy writer, to start, so close, I could touch it. Sadly CBC killed my dreams and dream show 
"Michael: Every Day". Sadly, both show creative under-budgeted and poorly promoted. Talent to technical absolutely brilliant. Got to work in front of the camera for a few days. Almost the perfect career life and with my modest life goals exceeded or achieved. Almost. Still would like a similar intelligent comedy project. Maybe in Ladysmith, BC with old Labatt Budweiser swimsuit model Pam Anderson via CORUS contact to help reverse stock plunge? Hey what do I know about construction and comedy? Pamela Anderson no fan of men who take advantage or beat up women and cheat children and puppy kickers. 

I still have comedy concepts for test that many find very funny? Note: I had already been paid to write a sample comedy pilot script for a TV show before leaving Ad business in the late '80s and before going into film and TV. Experience and education so very few in the IATSE 891 executive could ever near match. When all honestly qualified for who they are and are not? 

This bit of bio above should also start to give a small hint of why my first and many clients and roommates are scholars (and even a top psychologist and a law firm as clients. Plus almost even a brilliant doctor who I was trying to help finance R&D tech for distant medicine). And why later top brains in both Federal Political Parties and Fortune 500, are also my contacts and "happy" clients. And why they liked being my clients. And this not because I was just a bit smarter, but simply that I could quote, echo and repeat, and photocopy from very brilliant people and books. Books forced on me by my over-achiever girlfriends and university professors. Brainy blonde bombshells (Fact Check?) from McGill can be so very demanding. Yes, my girlfriends ended up with doctorates and master's degrees where I didn't. Sadly, only very smart women like me as others can't get my jokes. Fortunately, a few very smart women in 891 found me funny? True? False? And the less intelligent ladies simply very confused to be very polite. Learned early easy to document from books and research studies and appear smart and informed? 99% of all my best ideas not mine but hybrids. As Picasso says, "a good artist copies, a great artist steals". The film industry certainly a case in point. All I did was add humour to the hard logic and numbers from the brilliance of others. Plato with a punch line can do far more than just entertain? 

Yes, sadly and certainly, and in fairness, many of the criminals in the executive clearly my superiors when it comes to latest video games and depth on teenage movies and names of top movie stars, wallpaper mastery, small electrical repair, and complexity of green screen painting. Easy to prove. The shame.

This new TV and Film production career began in 1991 with goals of writing and producing "comedy" plus to also continue working on music composition and publishing. Just as I had early in my Ad career writing Ads and jingles. I lost my Montreal Ad jingle writing partner to Paul Anka when he was put on contract to work with Earth, Wind, and Fire in Vegas. My musical recording friends in Vancouver have Jazz Festival credentials as some in 891 know and have played tennis with? Still, hoping to meet David Foster and not just his old friends and old band members. I test well in the classic test markets of Ottawa and Kelowna? A guy in Toronto now working on my market-tested compositions. Que sera, sera.

Music and Art

Most of the faux Jackson Pollock fine art for Guggenheim Set in the movie "Deadlocked" mine. And as far as electric motors and John Brummitt's skill set my first jobs was "product testing" for CSA working with "real" engineers including power tools to toasters and light bulbs.

And for the record I've played piano in Mount Stephen Hall at the Fairmount Banff Springs Hotel and by invitation taken lead guitar in the toughest bar in Kelowna. Recorded with the notorious Daniel Feist from CHOM-FM from Montreal, and a producer from the CBC and C&W with Van Jazz festival stars. Some saw the expensive Roland midi pickup put on my cheap telecaster by Don Gervais on the show Nightman. Some saw the Roland drums and keyboards. Fooled a few I had talent and not just theory. True? False? Hope the criminals lawyers reading this aside on "incremental billable time" enjoyed that babble and trivia. I try and be sportsman-like and to further define why fools and fakes must hate me?

Real world and not

So, to continue, I went from working with a respected international engineering firm and in corporate boardrooms to follow my goals to go and work in Film and TV comedy. Yes, this in the crazy and criminal executive IATSE 891 world of women beaters and children cheaters, pathological liars, over-the-counter opiates to cocaine and junk drug abusers, drunks, purse snatchers and deadbeat dads, all in BC union local IATSE 891. And with this to try my best and fit in. And then with even a top law firm as a side client. And plus prior documented successful work with Fortune 500 and Federal Political parties and extremely high tech at McGill.

And this at first to work in the Film and TV industry simply enjoying painting sets and general heavy labour (to build muscles for competitive local tennis and demanding girlfriend), and to find out how everything "really" works. The good. The bad. The ugly. The disgusting. The criminal. The forms. The budgets. Sadly, this for only a very short time until my computer skills discovered, and desperately needed to make others look far smarter and far more educated  than they "honestly really" were. True? False? Bets? 

This got me meeting producers, but not "comedy" producers where I offered far greater and "proven" value. My "real" senior management depth clearly well-proven before 1990, so only my "comedic contribution" to prove beyond my International Broadcast Awards for Humour and TV ad samples, which also tested incredibly well? True? False? Many comedy scenes exactly like a funny 30. sec TV ad with less pressure and fewer people to please and no product to also sell. Sounded easier? I also had success in Print and Radio.

Was kind of fun having Ad, marketing, and political research firms and dozens of executives from MBAs to CAs, plus Oxford scholars and legal, question and test your every word. Every shot. My best work for Molson Pension Fund, as a TV writer, director, and producer, not Labatt as most believe? My best on camera work cut from "H20" shot in Ottawa, but many felt based on my work was an easy choice for Award-winning director Charles Binamé  to read for English Hockey Management or Coach in "The Rocket". He had seen me as a Detective and political Senator as a bit upset with the murder of a Prime Minister. Another very fun guy like Chris Carter at The X-Files and Pierce Brosnan who also got my jokes. Just like old great senior members like Don Gervais and girls in costume and accounting and far more talented and educated Art Directors and Painters?  Well, when "allowed" to speak freely and be funny? Bets? True? False? Well witnessed.

And where 90% of those in the film and TV industry that I worked with "all across Canada" and with a variety of unions 90% honest, highly talented, intelligent, knowledgeable, highly skilled, educated, and so many simply incredibly fun: far too many uneducated sleazy low-life criminals, bullies, fakes, frauds, and thieves in just one dirty Vancouver union executive: IATSE 891. For three decades.

And before idiots lie again and again claim I'm anti-union, I had also worked for more good honest unions in high school and university and even after than most in BC NDP. And specifically including Horgan and Dix. And combined? Check? And all but one union IATSE 891 very honest and professional. This including postal, hospital, teachers, transport, tourism, and even ACFC, CBC and ACTRA unions. BC type of unions? 

So, yes with my background in political communications and election marketing so appreciate the psycho-graphics to persona of election switcher and how fragile BC NDP is with union and non-union "Workers and Women" and all their "hot buttons". My studies go back before Thatcher and even JFK media and message. Heck, even endless research studies by Labatt, 7-Eleven, Esso and Federal Liberals and BC Media told me more than BC election polls about BC? Why Dusty Kelly in her documented ignorance and illusions thought Dix would win and I didn't, as having "real" first hand experience helping reversing polls. 

Yes, I understand unions more than most first hand to low election turn-out, not just constitutional, contract, and labour law studies as they relate? I was a grievance coordinator for CUPE in Montreal in 1979, so not just national union experience from rail to radio and tourism to teachers, and the minimal essential academic baggage required to play in the big leagues. Comparisons must be made? If accomplishment, education and experience not important in IATSE 891 what is? "Coercion and Intimidation" by criminal morons like John Brummitt and Tom Adair? Dog-like servitude and patronizing points? 

So pretty clear why I didn't fit in with 891 superior intellects and their noted integrity and executive and industry depth and education. And yet Tom Adair and John Brummitt did?

Here's a quick little comment below on my work just helping Labatt make millions and millions. And this beyond helping Trudeau's, Turner's, and Mulroney's top scholars and brains, Fortune 500 companies, and other public companies. My words also used by Prime Minister Turner. I wrote the 7-Point Plan for Western Canada and even humour for 7-Eleven. With proofreaders obviously.  A "funny" half-page 30-second radio ad pays more than a department head makes in a 12 hour day. What can it really mean? And I have a serious side? This should give a very small hint why 3 of the top 5 business school Deans requested I speak on "media economics". 

Sadly IATSE suffered so dearly for so long in their very documented very ignorant executive missing so much in the glorification of both their heavily promoted gross ignorance and insane vanity and arrogance. Dunning–Kruger effect? See Tom Adair and John Brummitt below who loved their big shot titles based on so very little education and experience. True? False?

Western University and U of T not having the pleasure of my company. McGill, SFU, and UBC got lucky. In fairness, U of T didn't really need me as McLuhan and Innis had already taught there? 

Just like my software, writing and artwork some use fancy wordplay to take credit for my work with words like "we" and "our system" and "our creative" and "our numbers". My favourite was some fake saying he "oversaw" one of my success cases. In reality, he was a student intern and could barely watch and learn. Fate and facts eventually destroyed him. I helped. With others. Other fakes even taking credit for my work that I had never met or knew? Like with my software and other ideas. Liars and fakes everywhere. And easy to prove. The truth is I work better and faster alone? Here's a quote on one of my little efforts. The "tested" far better stuff (X2) sabotaged so this the best I could do back in my wild youth:

"Two International Broadcast Awards and both introducing the legendary Sasquatch trademark and this success in TV to then take the brand to "market domination" and peak with a 30% plus brand share (From 4% when I started bringing my Montreal humour contribution to a BC beer in 1982. Darrel Shee also from Montreal the genius behind the radio, but TV my thing. These Sasquatch ads also were featured on the NBC "Tonight Show" as samples of the "World's Best".)

Note: And please do fact check this was when a Sasquatch first used way before movies and other such gross poor imitations. Had already secured Quadra riding for Prime Minister Turner and done damage control better than my East Coast "Communication Expert" counterparts?

Yes, Johnny Carson called my stuff "samples of the world's best". And to date I don't believe many others in BC IATSE "Publicity" share that claim. Or even international awards? Or domestic? Or regional? And as when under the progressive and honest mind of Don Ramsden?  

I wonder if my criminal "executive" critics have ever been termed simply best of even just a single small city? Or even far less competitive as best in just IATSE 891? Ever? Even for just wallpaper mastery or small tool repair?  Best painter on just a show? Or more to point John Brummitt has never even been the best tool maintenance master or best senior steward where honestly competition severely weak (See Link). True? False?

This noted as rather novel, as I was refused and blocked from the IATSE 891 publicity department by Don Ramsden's governance and oversight and so very unaccomplished foolish friend Department Chair, Dixie Cutler in 891 as another such honest, accomplished, intelligent, educated, and proven publicity professional to "qualify" others far her superior in "real honest" world? "Storm Drain Awards"? This as we will fully detail and compare exactly. In detail. Exactly. 

Funny having been asked to help the tiny little PR firm of Burson-Marsteller in Van when sharing offices and working daily with Y&R in NYC? Plus asked to help Justin's Dad by Bonfman PR firm PIR in Montreal. My words also used by Prime Minister Turner. Again, I wrote the 7-Point Plan for Western Canada. With proofreaders obviously. Disgusting dishonest slime everywhere in 891's executive history? Or can we see resumes from publicity people as I know some who can hardly compare? True? False? Let others judge when the truth all told. All told. Yes, much to discuss. And other's real credentials or severe lack of. 

These criminal idiots confused themselves as they thought themselves owning IATSE 891 not simply equal members? Why a Forensic Provincial Inquiry and Legislative reform a given?

Note: The "30% plus" bit above understated as the market share crashed after fools took over with sick imitations and I left for higher pay to run an Ad agency in Toronto for the intellectual elite in Canadian Advertising. This including one of the top editors of the main national trade publication at the time with Elliot Ettenberg as an owner. This is also oddly like being the chosen lawyer hired by the editor of the top law journal to be his trusted top big city office, senior managing lawyer. And this as I continued my pioneer work in psycho-graphic political mapping? Yes, Art Directors, Copywriters, Production Mangers, and top Media Buyers worked for me in real world. And then back to Van to work with IBM (US) and promised a partnership. And more documented success. Fact check? 

Think how unlucky for the so many "honest", talented, and skilled 891 majority suffering crime, criminals and corruption, women beaters, and children cheaters, major fakes, fools, and frauds, liars and obvious gross incompetents in their union executive for three decades. And suffering a few very well-known major ass holes as department heads. Ask around. And sadly not myself and my far more "honest", educated, accomplished friends and coworkers among the 891 membership making real measured progress. Others as all disgusted or fearing running for election against those well documented and known for "coercion and intimidation" and textbook extortion. And maintaining their criminal control, censorship, silenced sick secrets and dictated version of 891 political correctness. Where oddly in 891, and says it all, a violation to put criminals, women beaters, and thieves in disrepute. Are they insane? See corrupted elections below. 

Has IATSE 891 ever had one "HONEST" President who could match my credentials or just those who have no serious real administrative background and left to fake it and act the part. Very theatrical at best. 

And so many far more "honest" and more educated in 891 even better than this dishonest incompetent human garbage. Hope the criminals can prove at least one President with such "meaningful" experience. And "HONESTY"? Hope they can prove to a Criminal Court and Provincial Inquiry at least one 891 President also "honestly" elected and based on transparency and truth all told. And not the product of deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, coercion and intimidation, and media monopolization of newsletter to vainly self-promote? And with such a profound lack of meaningful merit? Yes, everyone free to vote, but dare voice and put any criminal executive or department head in "disrepute" and the witch hunt begins and careers compromised. As documented. Bets? Yes, we can criticize the Prime Minister of Canada, but not put criminals from thieves to women beaters in 891 in "disrepute". So easy to prove. As documented.

What sort of legal moron authours such union local bylaws and what sort of idiots support it to be clearly defined. Including legal super mind Paul Klassen? And as so clearly aiding and abetting a criminal elite. Obvious enough? What sort of idiot thinks a Wallpaper star could intimidate me like with other cowards who aid and abet?

More simple for the simplest and self-serving of union executive minds and quoting one of many "real" judges not foolish grossly uneducated legal fakes like Paul Klassen: 

"Ontario, Justice Morgan’s decision sent a strong message ...that rules that silence dissenting voices and give undue advantage ... have no place in a democracy." 

That's absolutely right, even if slime in executive doesn't like democracy other than for their well-documented BS image and maintenance and scripted pro-worker BS. As documented. Why do the more honest ones leave for "health reasons"? Sick to their stomachs or just sick of sitting with lying bulling uneducated ignorant slime? Why aren't presidents like Mitch Davies and Ken Anderson not able to get re-elected and now back to being nobody dishonest cowards and Don Ramsden has to go work for a sister local? So much more on this to follow. So much more.

So it will come down to the flagship internal trials and the judgements of the super brains in IATSE 891 like Mr. Wood given to threats at free speech and more BCLRB "891" defined "Coercion and Intimidation" against noted "real" judges and many more educated and far more honest. 

Hal Banks house

In Montreal we would drive by Hal Banks old house and wonder how some avoided jail? Maclean's asked in 1963 "Should We Kick Hal Banks Out of Canada?" Soon many will ask "Should We Kick Don Ramsden (and others not born in Canada who cheat Canadians and their children and beat up Canadian women): Out of Canada?" 

Those of us who lost families in war didn't die so these lying slime could act like fascists and treat Canadians like dirt after we treated them so well. True? False? Yes, John Brummitt should also go to jail for 5-10. We owe it to real heroes who died and would not approve of such sick abusive clever criminal human dirt. True? False? And others who aid and abet by silence or deed no better than cowardly traitors as well. True? False? 

Wait until we drag "ALL" this sick criminal cowardly bullying slime in front of Provincial Inquiries and Criminal and Civil courts, when their only hope more lies and far less than clever wordplay and when ability to fool those more educated and more honest not their best bet. They have already failed to fool myself and hundreds of others. True? False?

Hardly will help Mr. Wood as a continuing little local president when so well now documented against such democratic efforts and working for his and gangs self-interest and against free speech, and when it can hurt the image of the gross very fat ugly dirty pigs in the executive in a shocking parallel to George Orwell's "Animal Farm" in his book "1984". 1984 when little pigs first started in IATSE 891?

However, will be the most fun to question Mr. Lewis the president of IATSE Canada on this, his selective silence and his first-hand insights on nepotism. This as he has a "real" law degree from Osgoode so no one can call me a bully anymore picking on uneducated liars, fakes and criminals and little union local nobodies with big titles? Heck, Dix has Eby to try and do what poor sad John Brummitt failed to do and "put me in my place". And only further inspired this blog.

Eby and Lewis both promoted as legal brains and me a lowly labourer in "honest" 891 so I'm hardly a classic bully. And I don't beat up women nor support such for my self-interest and reciprocation as those who do selectively or by their so political savvy silence. True? False?

Side note: In fairness, and thanks to Don Ramsden and John Brummitt listing me as a "labourer" to humiliate me and desperately try and "coerce and intimidate" with their show of force and savvy, hoping for my silence and servitude: I once met a dynamic women chased by West Van money and power and told her I was a listed labourer in the film industry. Well it worked. And being tall made it believable. And my muscles had that free range and non-gym appearance by that label. Thanks Don. Thanks John. Your best fantasy again became one of my memories. How fair? 

I guess I'll send John Brummitt one of those cheap porn magazines he once loved reading in his tiny tool closet/office with door open or closed as just not too clever to bring home as hurts his image of "family man" and pathetic Steven Seagal makeover. The least I could do for making me a very lucky happy labourer. We all can use misleading titles can't we? 

I soon, but not too soon, told her the honest truth I was a failed comedy writer and oddly that also worked. Some women I guess just don't prefer small men with just big huge titles and not educated and not even very funny? Is this a great country or what? As a big city girl I did not mention I was also a major failed Country and Western "Super Star" and yet works very well in BC Interior.

For fun look at the faces below of those who are criminal's below and their support and imagine exactly how they'll look in a criminal courtroom all together or all alone when truth thrown in their faces again and again and only high-risk lies might help if not providing added perjury, contempt, and obstruction? And so unlike in 891 their BS and babble both unlimited and freely challenged until prosecution rests? Fun times. For the honest ones.

We could have "honestly" helped IATSE 891 

Who knows maybe we could have "honestly" helped IATSE 891 big time as we did so many in 891 and with volunteer stuff not on salary or cheaper than lawyers and accountants as well proven? From incorporation and taxes, computer training and investment, to music theory and logo design. Even with para-legal and criminal court stuff. I'm very nice to nice people. Fact check? Add web pages design and management for more honourable Dept Chairs and Heads. This with those of honest merit, integrity and intellect over those named and pictured below? And possibly even far more than highly inexperienced and highly uneducated dishonest types and major fakes like Tom Adair and John Brummitt.

And we could have helped even better than their corrupt or criminal inner elite quality circle including even wallpaper people and green screen master artists. All those documented wasting time and member's money on absurd internal trials where so much so well documented as aiding and abetting criminals. This to protect them from public and police exposure. And as either cowards or criminals or possibly themselves fearing coercion and intimidation? As a defence?

Well, we could have helped 891, if 891 executives not so criminal, so stupid, so sleazy, so corrupt, and as some suggest with some certainly very crazy people with power pretending and playing games. Playing games with people's lives and hurting honest people's families and children. Wasting member's money in trust. True? False? Let others far more honourable, educated, and experienced best and fully judge them all?

Note: Where not as big a fan as Christopher Hitchens was on George Orwell's "Animal Farm", I will if possible, in a Provincial Inquiry or Criminal Court, make the obvious glaring comparisons of various pig characters, visible and by virtue, and the sheep clearly as documented. The matching use of continually evolving constitutionality and Canadian Law "contradicting" self-serving bylaws no less than profound? Criminal's, critics and f
ools always welcome to debate, deny, or defend? Any RCMP place? Any RCMP time?

Seriously what do their partners and children suffer? No wonder some of their children suffer substance abuse with such dishonest and criminal role models as parents. True? False?

The Names and Titles with Link and Phone Below:

Here are the names of those RCMP must question either before or after me? Or both where I can help with traps prior or easily challenge by specific counter claim after. Ideally both.

Tom Adair, former top dog: Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions (Much to hide and lie about to RCMP).

Paul Klassen, present top dog Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions (Much to hide and lie about to RCMP).

Keith Woods, 891 present president. (Will he lie repeatedly to aid and abet criminals, women beaters and children cheaters plus obstruct to keep John Brummitt out of jail?)

Mitch Davies, 891 past president, (Will he lie repeatedly to aid and abet criminals, women beaters and children cheaters plus obstruct to keep John Brummitt out of jail?)

Ken Anderson, 891 past president,  (Will he lie repeatedly to aid and abet criminals, women beaters and children cheaters plus obstruct to keep John Brummitt out of jail?)

Don Ramsden, 891 past president (The most to hide and lie about to RCMP).

Rob Maier, Department Head/Construction Coordinator,  (with go no where career. Even when Brummitt gave royal endorsement to help him get into Art Department which angered so many? His people also used RCMP like props or pawns to bluff legitimacy and defame. Brilliant people. Easiest to prosecute and needs to tell so many lies)

Dusty Kelly former paint brush cleaner now NDP rewarded Director at BCLC (needs to tell so many lies)

John Brummitt Tool Maintenance Master (And biggest liar by volume. Needed Don Ramsden to reciprocate?)

Susan Butler Grey, former nobody (Who mislead RCMP as 891 executives political play things?)

Margo Mackenzie 891 VP, (May be smarter than she looks, will need extensive interrogation as may lie repeatedly to criminally obstruct to protect Dusty Kelly and John Brummitt.)

For RCMP and Media here's a handy helpful link with phone numbers for most above and handy with others in criminal executive offices to question.

891 Day 1

Well, in IATSE 891 I ended up a whistle-blower from day 1 and a voice against coercion and intimidation, women beaters, and children cheaters. Plus a critic of the abuse of funds and gross incompetence and breach of fiduciary duty, plus dozens of other symptoms and causes of crime and corruption. See documented "2nd (Trap) Fax" to Gavin Craig's gang of criminals when Gavin was union local 891 president. The fax he was just far too compromised by criminal support to show RCMP. Obstruction? Deception? Documented? You bet. Great trap? Absolutely. As such any defence of ignorance after the fact a fools gamble? All this in one very dirty and disgusting criminal union executive local as criminal elite in BC Film Union IATSE 891. 

Note: When Gavin Craig building sets for TV ads in Montreal I was writing and directing TV ads and speaking at McGill on media economics? 
And this back when Ken Anderson almost successful at basic personal hygiene. And to make a point John Brummitt made him look good. Very good. Possibly brilliant. And certainly John Brummitt always made Don Ramsden look very smart by basic comparison. True? False?

The union's local "honest members" all great, just a couple of dozen "criminals", major fakes, and fools in the executive and some as very stupid department heads and department chairs for three decades behind all problems and literally millions in tax credit fraud to theft. 

They often need to hire those far more trained, skilled, talented, or educated to hide their gross incompetence to look as possibly smart and capable. In a normal "honest" business, these types eliminated as literally no cost-benefit. Just acting useful when often increasing only cost. Any want examples? How many? Hey, what do I know as simply not as "qualified" as Tom Adair and John Brummitt to judge such measured metrics? True? False? And yes, including those involved with millions in tax credit fraud every year for three decades and cheating children every year for three decades. Children? True? False? Bets? 

And do add, as to quote one clever criminal president of IATSE 891 in his very own words, and in print, and in their own "controlled" newsletter referencing "millions and millions" in liability from seniority and qualification abuses. I suspect trying hard to mitigate his own key liabilities for clear gross mismanagement, known misuse of funds, and fraud, and as a pathetic form of legally documented descent?

Physically I couldn't be threatened by tough talk and alpha posturing, sadly often used on others. This as I proved with some Harley-Heavy very quickly with witnesses on the The X-Files? My speed more than size and muscle surprises many. 
Having worked as a doorman and bouncer in big city biker bars, plus work in a psychiatric ward as a custodian during university, I could deal with such tough-talking very threatening and crazy big ugly screaming Alpha males (Football, Marshall Arts and combat training at Camp Farnham helped)? Some had no idea what I could do being trained to kill or cripple quickly at Camp Farnham. And as well as gently and compassionately suppress psychiatric patients? The psychiatric ward background also helpful even with screaming hysterics and tons of tears and pathetic passion full of sound and fury and frothing in 891 union executive offices. My tiny graduate studies in neurosciences (biocybernetics) also helped me understand many of the clear personality disorders and possible frontal cerebral damage involved in 891 executive motivation. My cousin a top forensic shrink at St.Paul's in Vancouver helped me confirm it? Possibly paint fumes? Hormones? Genetics? Childhood trauma? All the above? One really wonders what an MRI might reveal?

I also had a little tiny bit of legal help and connections behind me to be so very bold and brave as a whistle-blower as "one against many" where others so very sadly did not. 

This help based again on my respected and recognized work reporting "directly" to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada and who I got to know?  This when handling Communications for "all Western Canada" in a Federal election (i.e., money, message, and media); a university friend I was doing dinner and sailing with the acting law faculty chair at UBC at the time; and an old roommate and guitar buddy soon a BC Criminal Court Judge. I also had minor media support from Producers at CBC in Montreal to Publishers in Vancouver that I skied, sailed, and/or played tennis or pacman with. Simply, life losers, lies, and liars didn't have a chance at "coercing or intimidating" or putting me on one of their behaviour modification basic plans. Nor could I be impressed or coerced and intimidated by their endless and compounding lies that must have "served them so well before in their little lying lives", that now will fail big time. So many so sadly not so lucky, and forced to be bullied and kiss the ass of the criminal and crazy elite. And suffered financially to personal abuses. This as files from Davis & Company in the early '90s to Gowling law firm files and my own research and recently documented attempted abuses, all makes so very clear. It all adds up for those that can add. Speaking of addition we can do linear regressions and see the correlation between the lying criminals and fools and fakes that support John Brummitt like Tom Adair and the more honest and educated who support little me. Yes, just correlation and not causation — causation a psychiatric factor.

Sadly, while literally hundreds, maybe thousands of others, were cheated of thousands of dollars for many years from membership abuses to seniority fraud, so friends and families of criminals got "special treatment", I got the executive to quickly overrule with just two pages of clear logic and with legal liabilities suggested, the "edicts" of both honest Don Ramsden's as 891 President and John Brummitt's as a very sick and sad moronic Department Chair. This as both pretended selective enforcement of absolutely idiotic qualifications for membership, not so obvious, documented and witnessed.
Estocada? The Sun Also Rises

Not bad for a "non member permit labourer" humiliating "both" the integrity and intellect of the 891 president and the tiny damaged brain cells of the lying loser department chair and (sorry to brag) in under two pages? True? False? And the best is yet to come? Or the the worst from criminals perspective and far beyond John Brummitt's to present top dog executives like Paul Klassen's wildest imagination. Bets? And again with possibly less than two-pages. My Estocada? My Magnum Opus? Will share with RCMP and hundreds of other things. And with five surprise names to be added to criminal list with questions with element of surprise? So lies not aligned will be blatant? More traps?  The last trap for dealing with the Bull and criminal Bullies.

This obvious insanity and criminal fraud to try and block my membership and others and demanding "non-union" permits work for 3 Coordinators/Department Heads for twenty days each. This "advanced math" is so unique to this slime as I use to be "qualified" in other unions and non-union companies at far higher positions and higher pay in under an hour in an interview and membership "automatic" not "autocratic", and full medical, dental and life after so many days, not three criminal idiots like Brummitt pretending qualified to qualify me or so many others? Sounds suspect? Slime-like? Clear crimes? And against innocent children as third party liability. I also hired some people at far higher levels based on under 30 minutes of questioning? Why this exact insanity and not "a simple universal probation period" gets interesting. I got hired as a buyer in under a half-hour with oddly membership and John Brummitt's "Quality Control" pending? The irony Don Ramsden pretending he could be trusted and he was just following the rules and protocol will haunt him. And has. Certainly very sick and sleazy criminals with much to hide and lie about, possibly feared me helping clean up union of women beaters (as per police files X 3?) major thieves (as witnessed and documented) and child cheaters simply more than obvious and the easiest to prove. This is all much uglier and criminal than it sounds as again just trying to simply highlight a few criminal facts in this blog. True? False?

When time comes I'll show making most follow silly and highly suspect rules as BCLRB defines as "arbitrary and unfair representation" or as criminal law defines as economic interference, unfair trade practices, restriction of trade, fraud, while criminals giving family and friends special consideration helps one, but cheats hundreds. And more measurable when seniority multiplied liabilities. After predictive and prescriptive data must suffice for liabilities. 

This special criminal consideration and setting "precedent" for all others by waiving all rules for the blessed to the appearance of propriety fast tracking the 3 x 20 day criteria for selective showmanship and itself cheating other paying members and permits by facilitation. This misuse of licence and priority insane. Idiots pretending they were making meaningful executive decisions and simply being criminal. Sick? True? False? Much more math and linear regressions to follow. And not that complicated for forensic accountants. 

This "Qualification" process will require at least an hour of hard "Trap and Trick" questioning of super sick sleaze John Brummitt all alone in a Provincial Inquiry or Criminal Court. Ideally we can get both him and myself in RCMP offices to answer a couple of dozen planned questions so he can show off his real intellect, integrity and superior education and experience. Protected witness testimony will already have been handled? This is John Brummitt's greatest fear as a very sick twisted very stupid criminal bully. And must also certainly scare the living hell out of Don Ramsden and Rob Maier as point of no return when John Brummitt their criminal intellectual gatekeeper. John Brummitt told people he wasn't afraid to debate me now he can prove that not another cowardly lie. After far more fun to do same with Rob Maier. The goal simply by the time I deal with Don Ramsden he'll have no choice but a guilty plea on a variety of matters to avoid obstruction charges and begging for a deal. Unless he really is a Ted Bundy like psychopath and can lie through his teeth as many witness such similar insanity and confidence. Maybe we can make him cry and sign another letter again when his lies can't help him again? 

When I did audits all across Canada I had fun bringing big tough Alpha males to tears using only words and logic traps (See Copi). So much fun bullying big tough bullies as I've enjoyed since grade school when protecting Special Ed kids from teasing and abuse? Yes, a huge ego trip when mothers would tell their kids to sit near me on the bus as I'd protect them. In high school I protected nerds. With size, muscles and speed like in John Irving's novel "A Prayer for Owen Meany" I had a sense of purpose? In university I would be protecting women while other's stood around and did nothing?

Fools and criminals statistically mostly successful with lies with mostly greater fools. True? False? More experienced and educated RCMP in white collar crimes often not so easily fooled by blue collar calculus by John Brummitt types. Crown Prosecution and Judges also certainly not. Sort of like criminal departments heads or those that aid and abet and their cheap accountants thinking they can fool CRA? True? False? 

Liars are liars? Cheaters are cheaters? Fools are fools? Frauds like Tom Adair more than obvious.

And for some, as hard as it is to believe, but Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges may also be a tad smarter than even deceitful cowardly criminals with big huge titles like "Executive Directors of the BC Council of Film Unions", even if far smaller titles. 

And certainly all 891 presidents, past and present, have to suspect BCLRB documented "Coercion and Intimidation", and "Bad Faith" and lies where once useful and a work horse in 891, best not be attempted with a criminal court judge? True? False? 

Criminal lying highly uneducated Department heads hardly likely to even fool or impress or threaten career of even parking enforcement in the real world. The real world so different from 891 reality. Bets? Nor will the ladies in 891 executive be able to flirt and charm even with crocodile tears a legal system tired and bored by such theatrics by such obvious disgusting slime.

Please appreciate the use of the anecdotal and empirical to introduce the valid statistical merit that follow as predictive data.

Note: Sorry for my writing style and also for the mix of British and American spelling and grammar and the non-sequiturs and syntax that suffers from my heavy exposure to French and Italian in Montreal. English not my first language. But I try. Latin just for fun. However, my postmodernist Quentin Tarantino PM-like poetry, prose and text totally all my fault? I am fun. Even if not that good when writing in English. True? False?

Before the changes millions in damage done?

Before the pathetic slow and incomplete changes millions in damage done?

Possibly some literally textbook defined insane or suffering serious personality disorders from PTSD to psychiatric nurse phone app definitions (We won't be texting in court?) or some just narcissistic misogynistic, sick and cruel types. We'll be checking. You can bet on it. True? False? 

This creating "millions and millions" in liability to quote from their own newsletter and their own "admission". Who dares qualify who, making the insanity even more obvious as with corruption and crime. If not a scam why so easy for me to ignore and just needed a quick two page appeal to the executive? Who dares qualify who?

This scam is obviously done to ensure only those "accepted" by a criminal inner circle and cult as those so desperate to feed their children or pay their mortgage, or simply very ignorant as documented, and are servile enough and willing to kiss ass to inner circle criminal frauds and incompetents, and highly uneducated fakes. And those with minimal career and life experience wanting work like young workers and to "belong" so easy to manipulate — the sleaze loved the power. True? False? And with added lack of distinguishing skills education and real world experience like John Brummitt and Tom Adair as living proof, who dares qualify who?

Some were rewarded very well with "special exceptions" if they kiss ass enough and unlikely to rock the criminal cartels' boat or question feudal powers within this clear criminal oligopoly. Unlike tall funny computer nerds as such a problem for criminals, liars and fakes. Or those with special talents like myself used to make idiots look smarter than they are. So easy to prove as well. Easy to explain to those more educated. Very easy as tested with those I know?

This juvenile game-play and baby math contradicts labour code good faith and fair rep rules. And so many other legal principles from criminal fraud to restriction of trade. Children clearly cheated even obvious to those with only high school math when chalkboard or overhead used.

As such being in this very toxic local's union executive for an outsider often looked like being able to sit at the cool table in an asylum for the criminally insane with morons babbling buzzwords and feeling like undiscovered celebrities and/or political proteges in waiting like Dusty Kelly. Sadly not far from the truth. Examination in a Provincial Inquiry will add much more to these claims beyond just the criminal and corrupt factors. And how hundreds of children cheated with honest medical and dental legal rights denied or delayed, while visible ugly criminal human pigs had their teeth whitened and massages? True? False?

In all the different unions I worked in and with all across Canada I had never seen such sick corrupt and criminal abuses and so many uneducated in a union executive or as criminal and corrupt. We will use John Brummitt as Exhibit "A". And trust me this just the tip of the iceberg. 

More with others sworn testimony to follow, The criminal sleaze will soon fool no one, at all, any longer. Yes, some will go to jail clearly the goal. Good to have goals?

Any dare debate, deny the above, or defend this gang of criminal slime at RCMP offices one-on-one? None? What can it "honestly" mean? Possibly best to "crush John Brummitt" like a bug" as he has threatened others? Tell him to crush this bug? I wanna play. Possibly his superiors far more fun or any with superior intellect or integrity? Or both? I can't think of any?

We will need to parade a few of these disgusting types in front of RCMP to criminal and civil court judges.

Yes, who should I trust? John Brummitt as far less impressive, grossly less well educated, and very sleazy and dishonest Construction Department "Chair" or an Oxford Legal scholar and UBC acting Law School "Chair"? Which "Chair" would you trust? Seems clear idiots and criminals trust John Brummitt. True? False? Bets? Test?

Hey, I'm a nice fun guy
I can easily just continue to escalate at greater speed. But since 891 executive and criminals all highly ignorant on negotiations and mitigation as per Rand research for Camp David negotiations and other leading works, simply:

1) I demand in writing a personal apology for the excessive defamation from lies to RCMP and internal trials to clear gross income interference I suffered by clearly 891 empowered criminal executive elite. This as well defined by "real" laws. And this apology personally signed by 891 president and executive. Not negotiable. Think of the legal optics if not and still as such further aiding and abetting criminals by default.

2) $10,000.00 transfer as meaningful proof of "honest" goodwill and as real honest sincerity of apology above, so not just more BS babbling and this "credited" against further amounts owing for damages done and wage loss, and showing sincere good faith and fair representation grossly absent from my time with slime in executive. Not negotiable. Brad and Don and others got more? Bets?

3) Add my membership back in 891 so I can properly review forensic financial history with my senior CA friends while other future amounts honestly and fairly negotiated, ACFC still calls me for availability should make things sickeningly obvious. 

This perk to keep negotiations "within" RCMP and Criminal Prosecution discussions as to better protect innocent third parties like criminals family and friends and as per clear presidential mandate to protect the image/integrity of IATSE 891 and with the well documented 30 year history of crimes and stupidity. This so less shame and embarrassment for 891 members by membership and association with previous or present criminal elite. If idiots like Paul Klassen thinks I should pay a $100 fine for putting criminals in disrepute this far more than generous and far more legal as a first honest effort and allows further mitigation. And to prove I'm fun will pay $100 fine.

Or as Kelly Moon might add you can just continue a history of lies and criminal exposure and further "roll the dice" with similar uncertainty and unknown statistical legal and media risk. 

Show all your lawyers (Criminal, Civil and Labour) this blog  and trust them as this may be far over 891 executive education and critical judgement skills as historically well proven. Until cashed full speed ahead. Always fun when motivated by criminal arrogance and ignorance as proven. Not negotiable.


The failed comedy writer, super buyer, amateur Gonzo Investigated Journalist and former CBC national media liaison, high paid consultant to former Attorney General, Ron Basford and former Stanley Hartt's detective agency employee and friend of a Criminal Court Judge and very all round fun guy.

Why did I wait to tell all?

To protect very innocent 3rd parties. including their children. So I have waited until now for a full effort at "criminal prosecution" and well aware of the statute of limitations (in only a few matters). So I waited for friends to retire. Or die.

Note: The Ontario & British Columbia Limitations Act was changed to remove ALL limitation periods that may have previously held survivors back from seeking justice from where their harm was caused.

This delay so my friends and their families not suffering financial duress, economic interference, and restriction of trade as with others, exactly as documented, and as applies in this internal very dirty and ugly union local executive's criminal case. This with these criminal's trademark signature of "coercion and intimidation" to "fraudulent concealment" covering 3 decades, already beyond denial or debate. 

And this signature "coercion and intimidation" starting before the early 90s with Davis and Company law firm HM legal files and dear Don Ramsden's dealings with diabolical duress for 11th-hour squeeze as he could bluff where a man with a family to feed hardly so lucky. Sick? You bet. And to more very recent illusions by present local 891 president Keith Woods with his threats of legal action against freedom of speech in casino and credit card oddities and abuse by executives (See link below). Too easy to also prove.  

Why do I hate bullies? I was often a victim and bullied in grade school. Well until grade 7 and a boxing ring put up in my basement. So empathy comes easy. Some in 891 know who I boxed with back in grade 7? And did Marshall arts with back in college. He married the Oxford Legal scholar? Small world.

Clearly, I'm not threatened by such "coercion and intimidation" BS. As others must? And as even many deny to themselves as themselves victims. This "denial" as a variety of studies supports in such toxic environments from a culture driven by the corrupt and criminal. The corrupt and criminal do well in 891 union local. True? False? 

As such, I look so very much forward to meeting Mr. Woods at RCMP offices and under oath to see how tough and smart he really isn't when forced into denying and defending the criminal dynasty, plus women beaters and children cheaters. Another trap? 

And of course, always fun to deal with this type's highly-paid, high-powered legal muscle. Some might find it so very strange should member's money "again" in Trust "again" be used to pay "Labour, Civil, and Criminal Defence Lawyers" for individual's criminal and political problems? Not member's problems? How is that done?

Where not an Oxford legal scholar, another Montreal lawyer from high school days at Davis & Company who also knows my past very well and that I'm funny, kind of handy? SE Toronto labour legal superstars also from high school days another option for later. If needed?

Yes, here a union executive local with a very clear and well-documented three-decade-long history of coercion and intimidation, and lies. Hardly a single mistake? And more a three-decade mission statement of corruption and criminal acts. Stupid little fat ignorant and arrogant sick bullies? Let others judge the facts when truth "ALL" told and nothing but the truth. And just lies like 891 titles as now literally useless — and more lies certainly legally very high risk? But always fun to watch liars lie when so many more now know they are lying, and even better if lying a third time to RCMP interrogation experts and best when RCMP also know now they are also lying again? Fun times? You can absolutely bet on it.

This clear criminal claim of "coercion and intimidation" oddly extremely well documented by BCLRB rulings, plus "failed appeals", prior provincial industry inquiries, plus major Law Firm and RCMP files, to even left-wing media documented disgust. And as such now also for many far beyond denial, debate, or defence. True? False? Bets?

The first red flag

The first red flag was when simply applying as a permit to IATSE local 891 in Vancouver and simply wanting to fast track medical and dental. This while others who had worked for far longer and far harder would wait years suffering membership, hour bank, and qualification scams, fraud, and gross mismanagement. At great financial cost. And this with serious economic cost and income loss for thousands of honest workers? But not me? Having "really" studied microeconomics and as a former spreadsheet and database "superstar", I can do the math others in this executive, and as named and pictured below, can only fake. 

So I played their sick and twisted game. And even with the sleaze having a home-field advantage and greater numbers of criminal dog-loyal support and already given to "coercion and intimidation". This as some pretended they owned the local as their private country club of the highly unaccomplished, hardly distinctive, criminal, uneducated and self-serving slime. So based on logic and rule of law and as a non-member technically vetoed Don Ramsden's efforts and "edicts" as the 891 local president and John Brummitt as honourable and respected Department Chair. And by that win made clear how others not as educated suffered for years and with great financial cost and benefits. This as a wide variety of legal authorities will quickly understand from criminal to civil courts. Simple math. Stupid sleaze? True? False? 

These stupid sleaze often left to give grossly misleading baby numbers. And far too often for what they really don't understand. Plus given to misquote and paraphrase at best and too often just visibly serving their own self-interest and gross self-promotion and vulgar vanity? As documented. Ego and pride their Achilles heel? I could trap and outsmart them. As documented. Easy to prove and demonstrate with a few of these very arrogant and ignorant criminals and clowns in "any" Public Forum with a public record, Criminal Court, or Provincial Inquiry.

 Applying as a permit to IATSE 891

It was then when first applying as a permit to IATSE local 891 that I was told, oddly by a future local president (ET), not to put my university studies in my application and state no more than high school, nor mention my corporate advertising and finance world success: or I wouldn't get work in IATSE local 891? As a note the character of ET in 891 executive best matched in the book "Animal Farm" is with "Snowball". And as sad. And as tragic.

Seems the criminals in the executive or as department heads welcome those sadly very desperate for career and financial survival and clearly and continually demonstrate kiss ass servile subjugation they can control and so easily compromise or coerce and intimidate. True? False? Look around? When sadly some willing to call women beaters and child cheaters, liars and thieves "friends" the brainwashing of "Animal Farm" sheep complete. See studies at Stanford and McGill on Patty Hearst mental collapse and compromise? It happens in corporations and churches, crime groups and with bikers and where hard to believe even in unions like IATSE 891, where some also need to feel they belong? Another reason for a forensic shrink to be part of a Provincial Inquiry?

Later it would seem IATSE 891 very open to work with major material to time theft thieves, women beaters and children cheaters or simply those stupid enough to support, vote and foolishly trust people like Don Ramsden, John Brummitt, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Tom Adair, Rob Maier, Paul Klassen, and Mitch Davies and many present and past executives. 

Imagine how easy for all of them collectively in their total combined cerebral strength, education and experience added with their high priced power Criminal, Civil, Union and Hollywood lawyers all against the tall dumb "funny" guy? Seems more than fair to those who know me from boardrooms and courtrooms when not so funny. Nor so friendly? 

They really should show "executive solidarity" as the best and brightest in 891 with an affidavit of specific denial  and individually signed. Or what are "honest" people left to "honestly" think? Or just too obvious as another trap? And this as I intentionally run the slime's legal bills through the roof. What are they so afraid of?

24 plus of them vs. only one of me.

24 plus of them against only one of little wee me. And they certainly by temporary titles my "real honest" superiors and appear feeling so powerful as documented from qualifications to internal trials. So what are they so very afraid of now? Why don't they call RCMP on me again? Or have another internal trial as now I'm even putting even more and new respected members of criminal elite in "disrepute" to show who rules ignoring the rule of law. And as so very inspired by last trial efforts? They have nothing else to hide or lie about to RCMP do they? Do they?

We certainly welcome their denial and reply (or any very expensive senior legal superstar on their behalf) as we can go far deeper when one-on-one. And item by item. As they know as fact. What are they so very afraid of as not dare respond to even reply and protect their good "honest" family names, public image, ego, and less than impressive "sawdust" credentials, "trusted" reputations and titles of merit? Have they no pride?

Again, for those who may miss the obvious: What are they so afraid of not to reply and protect their good "honest" family names, public image, ego, and less than impressive "sawdust" credentials, "trusted" reputations, and titles?

How odd, they use to call the RCMP on me so fast for far less and even have fast foolish internal trials for far less. Now just frightened little sleazy obvious lying loser rats? The criminals must so miss the years when they only thought I was just a tall computer nerd who made the smart girls in 891 laugh and major Producers liked. Some like smart people. Some don't. Makes the criminals feel and look so stupid.

They seem to not only have problems with other races, but it seems that those too honest, too educated, and too experienced another thing the criminal elite must seriously fear. My non-white friends first made me aware of racism, just as women made me aware of assault and harassment. A Vancouver law firm dropped one of its members in good standing as a white supremacist. 

And now just take a very big guess who they had a problem with and spent the most time and money worrying about:

A) me "the whistle-blower" and funny guy.


B) real racists, real major thieves, real women beaters, and child cheaters? 

We will compare equally such honourable efforts, so that the obvious even more obvious.

Internal trials on whistle-blowers exposing real criminals (and to even dare ever putting them in "disrepute"), when compared with such little effort in very direct and telling comparison as with efforts with women beaters, children cheaters, theft, and fraud begs: just what on earth will honest people honestly think about documented cowardly two-faced slime, like Paul Klassen? And such an obvious ploy by members of the gang including nervous excess red-nosed wine-lover Frank Haddad as former "trusted" treasurer. And all well documented? Such disgusting slime.

Funny what some people already think of pathetic Paul Klassen when told the whole truth about his "documented" judicial aid and abetting women beaters, children cheaters, thieves, and criminals. This when Paul Klassen the top dog in internal trials and not helping a whistle-blower as so well documented. And add helped by his so very well-informed honourable trial committee/conspiracy? 

Or what will honest people "honestly think" of two-faced Tom Adair as only a brave action when going after whistle-blowers with his brilliant biting editorial, and full criminal support, but oddly avoiding women beaters and the children cheaters who clearly support him. And even distribute his editorial creepy and cowardly gross hypocrisy? As witnessed. As documented. My turn to have an honest and fair reply in public to the impressive intellect and integrity of super cowardly slime Tom Adair. In a Provincial Inquiry. In criminal and civil courtrooms. Two sides to every story. Facts matter. Truth matters. As documented.
Clearly 470 people don't trust Tom Adair, now to make it thousands. Creeps and cowards deserve what they get?

Comprehensive comparisons with John Brummitt and Tom Adair both with very little experience and so little education or with others in the criminal elite will make much very obvious as added to these facts. True? Or false? Bets? 

And add oddly and clearly both John Brummitt and Tom Adair had no problem with women beaters and thieves for three decades and oddly just me as a whistle-blower? Where on earth were their documented efforts and measured results in these other far more critical matters? They had the "paid" positions? They had the power and fiduciary duty by mandate? True? False? Bets? Ask around?

Funny claiming only high school in my application to IATSE 891, as I never got to finish high school as admitted to college early. So I have no high school degree, just college, university, and a tiny bit of graduate studies. 

To continue on "How I got to Memphis" and my brief bio for legal context: , I quit graduate studies as my employer paid too much and my career going quickly. I had already been asked by "Bronfman" PR people at PIR in Montreal to help Federal Liberals and Justin's Dad as Prime Minister on TV production and had been a Dean requested speaker at McGill (often referred to as "Canada's Harvard") and had a major historic military engineer McGill scholar as a flagship client, Dr Bull, I helped with Pentagon presentations? I needed some technical reference added to Marconi Military Communications to balance with my challenging jean and lingerie client "work"? Graduate studies could not keep pace. Many of my other clients and references no less impressive? Including Beatrice Bazar as a member of the Club of Rome? Yes, no high school. However, did start a Masters's Thesis on "Media Economics" (elasticity?) as I spoke on at McGill and SFU. This including digital and broadcast to print and signage? Cuneiform and clay tablets to cryptocurrency. Just as McLuhan and Innis would. This when requested by business school Deans. A former IATSE 891 permit knows me from my talks at SFU so easy to also prove?

And that's simply why in part serious criminals and the corrupt and many major fakes, fools, and frauds in 891 criminal elite "must" hate me. And are my well-known big mouth vocal cowardly critics, as they totally fear full direct and full public personal comparison and full honest disclosure? As they must and with some fearing serious jail time?

 Why no problems for myself outside of 891 even with certain far more impressive "real educated executives" and multiple unions? Even with film union ACFC no problem? Why no problem even with most "honest" members in 891 and only in the criminal and corrupt executive? Why?

And yet this slime so very unlike my long-time friends and other employers and the many "honest" unions I worked with. Also easy to prove. And to be fair and honest where I have many legal friends, I do have one or two lawyers who also hate me. This for humiliating them in courtrooms or in public as my comedy skills and formal logic studies have amuzed a judge or two and a CRTC tribunal? Some in IATSE 891 have actually seen me in criminal courts entertain a judge on their behalf arguing sentencing and taking a chance on my studies of Chancery and such appeals to equity? Some at Stanford might be impressed?

Why so obvious why IATSE 891 executives, incompetents and criminals have so many problems with me, while oddly other honest film unions all across Canada have none at all? None? Nor management anywhere. Well, to be honest, a great French Comedy "La Sacree" threatened to fire me for joking around with talent and crew too much. Certainly would have helped my "comedy" resume. Fired as too fun and too funny? Works? Simply great people and fun doing French productions. Seems I'm funny in both official languages? Heck, even those on "Trailer Park Boys" production from the far East found me funny like the much smarter ones at the X-Files? True? False? Fact check?  Mine and hundreds of others only  problems "only with" the most ignorant and most criminal and "only in IATSE 891"? Fact check? Why do my critics have criminal records or are well-known thieves and fakes? Steal my software or buy copies off of others?

We can just do a direct full "honest" comparison of my life, career, and education with any or all in this dirty corrupt and criminal executive named and pictured below. And this as to make even more far more obvious about big titles and very small men and very sad women. And myself directly compared to ALL 891 local presidents since 1990? And this as to detail fully how much 891 has suffered liars, fools, fakes, women beaters, children cheaters, and the needless millions and millions in cost. And suffering those with little meaningful experience and little or no education. And certainly very limited "real" skills and talent. True? False?

First day at work

Just my first day at work with 891 the volume of employee theft and abuse of BC tax credits used for individual's "home projects" bordered on absurd as with the management issues with gross incompetence and waste shocking. 

Many of the elite criminals lacking basic business math skills. Yes, they had very expensive computers thanks to tax credits and kit rental abuses helping them be highly overpaid compared to nurses, teachers, and police. However, what they had on their computers beyond porn and games, simply silly and childish.

So it became very clear, and very fast why criminals did not want those far more "honest" and far more accomplished and educated like so many and me, to see the truth of tax credits supporting enriching criminals, women beaters and children cheaters, thieves, fools, fakes, and frauds. And possibly a certifiable lunatic or two. Ask around? 

And criminal elite enjoying tax credit enrichment far beyond their "real honest" qualifications, while no tax credit helping nurses, teachers, and police as well? Sick and sad if you think about it? Where is the governance? Where is the oversight? Where is natural justice? Mandamus?

Yes, as documented, I was certainly not very popular with criminals, liars, and fakes fearing should I dare run for an "honest" election? And where "truth all told" and real "honest" comparison says it all. And where I would fully expose all the criminal elite. And where they would be exposed and held accountable for who and what they sadly as humans and criminals really are. 

And worse I couldn't be coerced or intimidated into selective silence. Or like an obvious idiot just foolishly signing totally illegal, totally void non-disclosure agreements. This as some silly blood oath of solidarity as a disguise for aid and abet declared loyalties? This as to best aid and abet criminal elite keep their very dirty little secrets from transparency and accountability, as with member's money misuse. See links. And peer group pressure pointless, as clearly none of these slime my peers. True? False?

Obviously with my past "any position" in the union executive would have been a major step down in pay and with my work with noted scholars, Federal Political Parties, and Fortune 500 at the very highest levels. 

And certainly a far greater step down after working with so many "honest, good, nice and really accomplished people" and now what? Left to work with criminals, liars, fakes, cheats, cowards, con artists, uneducated bullies, women beaters, and children cheaters. Yes, hardly desirable. And most of these executives in 891 insanely full of themselves. As documented and witnessed. And also easy to prove thinking they are above the rule of law and can coerce and intimidate honest people. And honestly based on absolutely nothing more than some meaningless 891 local union executive title from some corrupt election where defamation to lies rule and too often defined by deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment and gerrymandering skews impossible to deny or defend? Bets? True? False?  Would take too long to try and change things from within as many too criminal or too simple-minded to fully understand. Or care?

As a note, where some rather very sad women support women beaters and children cheated, many women in 891 and even women working with "suppliers" disgusted by these men. Ask around. Fact check. No big secret. 

These sad and possibly literally sick women supporting women beaters and children cheaters, and/or John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Don Ramsden, Paul Klassen and/or Ken Anderson "possibly" based on their known dysfunctional childhood and/or family to marriage and/or relationship history, and in fact possibly their support not "honestly" based the integrity, intellect, meaningful experience and related education of this male executive cream and dream team. This as will be made obvious as they can't hide exactly who and what they really are either. Nor hide their very own literally low level of meaningful experience, education, and integrity to be the best executive group for 891. True? False? . 

Wharton hardly recognizes Wallpaper skills as meaningful. And yet Wallpaper skills with some muscle and ability to "illegally" hurt and help (carrot and cane) people's careers, qualifications and income is enough to run for president of 891. And as a very serious threat to Gavin Craig as a presidential candidate (See internal documented presidential trials of Gavin Craig with "lawyer paid by member's money" and old election material.)? And others referencing to his drinking style and involvement with lies to RCMP. This with others who supported him by title or by deed?  

This further pair of potential presidential cream of IATSE 891, based on both having very honest solid similar executive experience and depth, and all related modern management skills and with added meaningful academic baggage. Not! As proven.But with criminal elite acceptance and tolerance, no serious or honest barriers to the executive, and based on soon to be well documented, add their integrity and intellect. 

Funny both involved with lies to RCMP. Even put me on trial with legal heavy weight Paul Klassen. I didn't stand a chance. They were going to "steal" at least my lunch money I could no longer expense disguised poorly as a legal, legitimate fine —  at least fooling themselves (as documented and literally at a cost of thousands of dollars of member's money in Trust. This net-net to do no more than finance egos and executive theatrical and ritual time. Member's paid time). The pretence of power, authority and "legality" to protect criminals from exposure as criminals, —  as such I was definitely not going to play with these cerebral giants and pathetic pretentious punk Paul Klassen anxious for his criminal best puppet award much like Tom Adair and share of proceeds of crime and a huge title. My turn to judge Paul Klassen, with RCMP and Crown Counsel and see if he can score a hat trick of disgust and repulsion.

I'm certain I could get a few laughs based on these idiots protecting criminals from disrepute and their lunch money efforts, out of my law professors at Carleton and Concordia? And possibly a giggle from my former client Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada, my school buddy the former acting Law Faculty chair at UBC or old ad Van client the fun law firm of Fox Morgan to my Montreal nobody former no-name legal and former employer Cookie Lazurus and Stanley Hartt. 

My old roommate and guitar buddy the former BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay found the idiots calling the RCMP on me funny. Many found it funny. And still good for a few laughs at the very gross arrogance, presumption and stupidity. Now add the internal trial that conflicted with my tennis schedule. Fact check? 

Can you just imagine my fear of such 891 legal superstars and with titles helping Paul Klassen tell me about law? What a pathetic fraud? As with the whole trial and those named and involved as trial documented. They as so cruel made me pay a dollar for copies. No they don't think small nor ever see the big picture. True? False? 

Is that further documented proof of the best and brightest and most honest and loved as best leadership choices and of clear 891 proven executive quality? True? False? 

Wait there's even more from BCLRB rulings and very desperate failed appeals of the mindset of Don Ramsden, when president and John Brummitt, as a simple-minded sidekick senior steward, and with what they think "coercion and intimidation" can't mean in top business and law schools. Funny how stupid and foolish they again look to so many and also as so well documented. John Brummitt not just Don Ramsden's buddy but now his whole life's biggest liability? True? False? This back when the idiots dared try and "intimidate and coerce" both myself and many others on an ACFC show as a statement of abuse of power, (and for those incorporated: restriction of trade and economic interference?), and a "documented" threat to "honest" income to those with families and children to feed, by two very dishonest slime and sleaze masters as too many now know so very true. SEE BC LRB rulings against these to attractive spokes-models for the executive in IATSE 891. True? False? (See Criminal Code on "threat")

And add even another BC LRB ruling against the quality and documented integrity of the unmatched stupidity of Ken Anderson when 891 president. Who can you trust? And even if not simply criminal and just simply stupid? Yes, absolutely Dusty Kelly fit in with the 891 executive's gang perfectly like a glove or a doctor's gentle gloved probe. Again these are BC LRB rulings and not my opinion, as I know so much more. So much more. And where big surprises limited in civil and criminal courts, not so in Provincial Inquiries?

Their poor children having parents as documented liars, cheats, thieves, fakes, and frauds as parental role models. This will leave many children damaged. See research. To poorly quote Churchill's classic line only their "price" the issue? Some suggest very poor self-image and esteem issues. We'll all see, won't we? Time for truth, not more lies from those whose whole lives, careers, and personal relationships requiring many literal lies. True? False?

Only a "Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry" offers tandem efficacy and respect of RCMP, Criminal and Civil court time and costs. 

Only a Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry offers tandem efficacy. And to protect women and many in the future and compensate all victims including children from the past. My unique challenge to argue the equivalency of financial child abuse? Simply, if you steal a person's livelihood you hurt their children from the food they eat to the toys they would never play with. Those given to cognitive dissonance will miss this observation as a key part of their personality disorder. True? False?

And thus criminal and corrupted slime documented blocking anyone, not a coward and too honest, too experienced and too educated and too smart, while certainly not blocking by clear appearances "highly under-qualified or self-serving criminals" exactly like big title big shots like Tom Adair (who made aid and abetting criminals, women beaters, and children cheaters with his historic cowardly selective silence an art form and a career-maker and career protector) to very low-level tool maintenance career stars like John Brummitt. Slime's best friend to aid and abet. They can both do their best to try and prove me wrong at RCMP offices if they wish to have any credibility "at all" at denial or defence. If nothing to hide, then nothing to hide?

Sadly, Tom Adair "rewarded" far better for aid and abetting criminals than John Brummitt both financially and politically for years. Many years. This for aid and abetting the criminal acts by Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, and Rob Maier types. So sad, John Brummitt worked far harder and so much longer for so much less. True? False? What an idiot? True? False?

Brummitt a very dog-loyal kiss-ass key snitch for Don Ramsden and Rob Maier about threatening rumours from women beatings to theft that may threaten their pretentious image, power, pay, and ego. 

Both Tom Adair and John Brummitt ideal for RCMP  interrogation?

Both Tom Adair and John Brummitt simply ideal for RCMP  interrogation and investigation, as together they know almost everything about "all these criminal matters". And both ideal for side-by-side comparison beside others far more honest sworn testimony and those not making and saving their careers by aid and abetting a criminal elite. Will be kind of fun watching now having to play stupid when once pretending so smart .

Yes, absolutely we hope they further try to mislead, obstruct and lie to RCMP "once again" to try and save their ass. This as it makes it so much easier to squeeze and crush them later if our plans correct? And thus as a big plus also destroys "all" the credibility of all those they try to defend. We have a few plans? And flexible enough to adjust to various brilliant moves by the criminal elite "all" in simple-minded and single-minded solidarity to going solo?

Why won't they let John Brummitt's intellect lead their defence or have Tom Adair again show off his intellect and foresight in writing authoritative one-sided cowardly and hardly honest or scholarly reviews? As documented. With a few key tricks and trap questions, we believe we can expose them both in under 15 minutes as fools, fakes, frauds, and felons. Bets? They can also so easily offer to take a "volunteer non-admissible polygraph" to easily prove they are not lying cowardly slime and aid and abetting criminals for decades. I will. See below why. It makes it very obvious and very fast to RCMP, as with CIA, FBI to KGB, who is trying to help not waste their life-saving time, and who very likely has much to hide. They have them all over BC and certainly Vancouver to make it so easy? As I was shown at John Abbott College in Montreal in their Police Technology Department they can also be used by honest people. Why I used GSR and EEG in my graduate studies? So I'm willing. Is John Brummitt? Or any other sleaze? I love high tech. I was working with drones in mid-'80s? Not just IBM and helping three consecutive Prime Minister's top brains and scholars with my ideas, words and skills.

Why do I have so few friends?  

Why do I have so few friends? While others so very loved and popular and have hundreds?

While possibly a bit popular in high school, not so loved later. Sadly, great, amazing, highly intelligent, very accomplished, very fun and funny girlfriends cripples and kills a person's social life. All you want to do is stay at home. Fact check? As none could cook we ate out often. And going out limited when every one hitting on your girlfriend as you look like some big dumb jock. Funny when idiots trying to impress with money or pathetic titles and positions when girls just wanna have fun. (Some sad sleazy men try to impress with their Rolex watch. She had four.) And when certainly unlike many sad women not desperate for money or why bother with me? Or easy to impress? Fact check? Some in IATSE know or have met. Three I brought to wrap parties or to the construction shop to see what I suffered. One put a famous actor in his place making it clear he wasn't in her league with her apology she didn't know him after he said he was a well-known actor with, "I'm sorry I honestly don't remember you from the "Hollywood People" parties in Washington DC"? Made a few laugh thinking he could impress my girlfriend as with just a labourer (as per J.B).  And no giant huge title like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen and so like John Brummitt as based on so little or limited education, experience, accomplishment, integrity and intellect and so cowardly not causing trouble for women beaters, children cheaters, thieves, fools and fakes whose political and career support they clearly "needed". True? False? Bets?

Add to that possibly less than 10 regular male "Vancouver" friends. Hardly helps your networking or socialising efforts when your friends top internationally recognised Oxford scholars to drink and debate with, to known impressive Vancouver guitar and tennis players, and some who also ski and sail. So my world got very small? But was fantastic. Contentment made my career suffer. Great girlfriends killed ambitions. Great restaurants to oven-fresh Montreal bagels in walking distance of both tennis courts and sailboats hardly helpful. And sadly where academically dwarfed by amazing "intelligent" girlfriends and their very noted "real" career success (without nepotism), and financially put to shame by my male friends in Montreal having never owned a Lamborghini myself and the buildings and multiple homes they easily owned, was always most proud of their superior intellect and integrity and respect for the rule of law and compassion for others more than their wealth. Joseph D. Carrier certainly blew my mind with his charitable efforts even more than his tiny Toronto art galleries. Yes, as such, so very hard to be impressed with IATSE 891 titles as documented liars and whole life losers and their obvious lower IQ and doing 10 hour days at less than $30.00 an hour. Yet, while oddly still enjoying as much or more my poor "published" poet friends and struggling artists as both "honest" and "intelligent". Yes some in 891 easily as impressive with their talent, intellect and honesty.  Comparisons will and must be made to how "small and sleazy" some are as well-known criminal thieves, women beaters and children cheaters, liars and lunatics as in the executive in IATSE 891 and as grossly incompetent department heads. Can we judge people by the company they keep for thirty years? My major life regret not bugging my friends for a second chance to meet Bob Dylan in NYC during "Rolling Thunder" as my friends taxed getting people out of Vietnam at the same time?

So with so very few friends was so very surprised to get 470 votes in 891 for my efforts at literally polling on a forensic audit disguised as an election effort. This as no serious chance of a fair election or winning? This as word was out by the so clever lying slime I threatened Rob Maier's children and quality union executives requiring "2" calls to RCMP. 

Had hoped for simply 24 votes for internal added credibility and got 470. And I made no effort just a single page platform. 470 votes a big surprise. Those far more well known and with newsletter for gross political monthly self promotion, criminal elite support and solidarity, and going show to show barely beat me? Other election reported numbers also have very interesting statistical validity as with their election material? Priceless?

Some nights alone I ask myself why am I not as loved, trusted and respected as Tom Adair and John Brummitt? 

My post election analysis was possibly where some willing to accept stories of my threatening Rob Maier's children, film industry and whole labour movement, some may have felt I crossed the line with tales circulated I was threatening top quality union executives like loved Susan Butler-Grey and the honourable, respected and trusted John Brummitt?

Truth? I threatened union with legal ramifications by fax. As documented with RCMP? And threatened Rob Maier with reporting him to social services by phone. Yes, I'll do a voice or traditional GSR polygraph? Just as I offered West Van RCMP when I was on my way to being a serial threatening type and saw the light. This before threatening babies and those in palliative care as John Brummitt might also suggest?

Some idiots also for added legitimacy called Vancouver Police as I might take my own life? Poor timing as when police arrived to stop me from killing myself I was dressed and on my way to tennis (with new tennis balls). To further prove to police I was not a threat to myself I showed a prepaid cable bill. No one buys new tennis balls or prepays cable if a threat to themselves. I don't think? Anyways, the police bought the new tennis balls and cable documentation. Thank God RCMP and Vancouver Police not as documented stupid as 891 executive and with their internal trials and unable to get any witness support other than by those forced by wedding vows and a show of force by nepotism? As documented.  

As an added note my election material understated on my real qualifications while other forced to embellish their mediocrity and severe lack of education and related experience. As documented. Compare? 

Some idiots fail to realise aid and abetting a criminal makes you a criminal. See below for detailed definitions and sentencing guidelines. True? False? Bets? 

Can they possibly honestly have simply one (1) "honest" person in their criminal elite dare debate and defend under oath or by affidavit and Zoom for RCMP to make their own professional objective judgement of these slime in these matters? Just one (1) credibly appearing honest person to defend them is not asking that much? Is it? What can it mean even to a mental midget if not one (1) person with big titles and big pay "honest enough" to "honestly" defend and debate or deny against a low-level labourer "(As per JB)" like me at RCMP offices?  And under oath? What can it "honestly" all mean?

Are 891 titles all misleading BS and more a reflection of cowardly silence and dog-like servitude to a criminal elite, than honest real qualifications? Is their best defence all built with only lies and with more lies as a key foundation? Is there any cases of nepotism unlikely in honest business realities?

Yes, most certainly, this blog helps victims from children cheated to women beaten. Plus this can only help all BC and the film industry. Shouldn't it? Debate? Victims, exactly as defined by law firms like Davis and Company to Gowling to BC LRB rulings on "Coercion and Intimidation", to recent reported threats and bullying of members to keep casino activities silent, as per links below, also so clearly defined. 

And as in most criminal matters: Some must lie. Some need not.  And add clear contradictory "protected witness testimony under oath" and fear of criminal obstruction to perjury WITH MORE LIES for criminals named, now to fully consider? This exposure of some criminals (named and pictured below with media contact phone numbers) helps thousands of victims. As do witnesses and documents. And as to make so much so very clear. Far beyond any "honest" denial, defence or debate. Bets?

NOTE: Not one of those alpha-posturing suggested superior intellects with big titles named and pictured below dares meet "alone" with little tiny me at RCMP offices face-to-face, one-on-one, and under oath to simply chat about their honesty and the honesty in this blog. Not one? Why? Possibly having to lie again to RCMP a "3rd time". And now in a major multi-million tax credit fraud case and criminal investigation that none so stupid to even ever dare. Maybe not? We can only hope. 

Time to bully the bullies.

Am so very anxious to see who or ideally how many will say I'm a liar under oath or as to obstruct a criminal investigation and further document defamation and wrongful prosecution efforts. That's why I guess they call it a "perjury trap"? 

Seems even the $100,000 spent on legal when Gavin president and I played mind games with Gavin Craig's executive gang, taught them nothing. This when first trying to intimidate me with lies to RCMP? Fools? They knew nothing about me, my legal friends, work, and family ties. They thought I was just some tall computer nerd who made girls laugh.

Novel consideration: When some criminals named and pictured below presented "all the facts" by RCMP, and all alone in RCMP offices, 
and IATSE 891 business card titles and screen credits far more than meaningless, will one (1) of these criminal types, as so self-serving dump solidarity? And flip like Cohen did on Trump, like 4th Ave Dave did to Conrad Black, or like mobster "The Bull" did on "Teflon Don" as their expensive lawyers advised? This in a New York City Mob with similar men of honour? Will Donald Ramsden, Rob Maier, John Brummitt and Dusty Kelly get lucky and command even more dog-loyalty, silence, and obstruction? Hope no divisions and any doubt in their dog-loyal critical criminal single-minded solidarity of support?

Consider potential sentencing breaks, wherein a judge could choose to ignore the minimum required sentence, and criminals get less. That is if they have provided “substantial assistance.”

Will the love, adoration and respect that thousands of members have for Tom Adair and John Brummitt be enough to sway popular and political opinions? And march in support of Dusty Kelly and Adrian Dix. This as a solid political force against little wee me?

It is kind of fun when those in the executive who have been so incredibly dishonest and deceitful from direct lies to deceptive omission as documented, and have so enjoyed the immunity of their positions in "coerced and intimidating" 891, to soon find real criminal courts not even near as forgiving of so many very sick and twisted lies and liars. Just as this union executive has documented for three decades. Bets?

As an added note, before many from criminals to crown counsel read more and as to best illustrate "Deliberate Indifference" as for best understanding "aid and abet" consider the police just standing around when another put a knee to the neck and killed a man in recent news. They all get sentenced to jail. This noted to help that dog-loyal support very similar. See why courts must see such acts as "standing around" as clearly contributory? Those with added fiduciary liability should calculate as such. Criminal Courts will not be fooled. True? False? Bets?

This would never happen in a non-union business unless controlled by criminals who could "Coerce and Intimidate" while women were beaten and children cheated, and tax credit fraud continued. True? False?
OCT 15, 2024
Page-views all-time history: 125,545
Goal: 250,000 of key targets before BC election.

Now over 120,000 page-views and this blog still not finished. Nor officially launched? Official target launch was: May 31, 2024. Almost finished. Ready to be part of serious next BC election social media viral "chatter". All over BC. And with full distribution and promotion. And for any curious how exactly BC Politics, Business, Unions and Film industry play together using tax credits. Distribution and promotion. Sort of like how John Brummitt using his best paperboy skills to promote and distribute the almost biblical certainty and pontification to new young members using the unquestionable intellect, integrity, education and experience and huge business title of of Tom Adair. The world's biggest fraud and fool who aids and abets criminals from his paperboy John Brummitt to big shot union local presidents, women beaters and children cheaters?

And some ask, what will we do if criminals as named and pictured below try to coerce and intimidate, say for example Richard Hicks into lying, when questioned by RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts? Well, oddly we're betting "all-in" he doesn't like gambling. At all.

Some must lie. Some not.

Here's just a top ten list criminals and those who aid and abet of those who must consider (with their supporting witnesses) ALL lying to 
RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts or plead no contest admissions of criminal guilt:

Paul Klassen, (Present "Executive Director The British Columbia Council of Film Unions") 604 983 5531
Tom Adair, (Former Executive Director The British Columbia Council of Film Unions)
Dusty Kelly (NDP/Adrian Dix darling)
John Brummitt (Key Target. As per prior lies to RCMP)
Rob Maier (Key Target. As per prior lies to RCMP)
Susan Butler Grey (Key Target. As per prior lies to RCMP)
Keith Woods (Present local President) 604-664-8911
Don Ramsden (Past local President)
Ken Anderson (Past local President)
Elmar Thiessen (Past local President)
Mitch Davies (Past local President)

About a dozen more names to follow and be surprised.

PLEASE NOTE: Like in advertising days when doing Annual Reports for Public companies to election ads for Prime Ministers and Political parties, this blog will not be officially launched until time for final edit and proofreaders and software check used for spelling and grammar and UK/US judgements. Plus as some know tweaked for tone, theme and colour; and target tuned with Flesch-Kincaid and final legal clearance. Persuasion scores may not be necessary as it seems with informal focus groups to date this message seems clear. Well, except for morons who have never worked or educated at such high levels and are not familiar with high-paid "professional publicity and process", and in their ignorance are often critical of drafts and notes like some silly young  intern not knowing any better.  Fakes fake it?

Some of our Academic and Legal targets deserve this quality. Did and still do. 

We will still need and use silly fill and fluff about myself to increase all the  criminal's legal bills to send their costs through the roof.  And as I must entertain friends and family. They expect no less. So added pressure to add humour everywhere until final edit and ready for typesetting and graphics?

So please wait to judge final efforts to not look stupid. And until readership mushrooms when all Film and TV productions and associations, plus many union locals in film "informed"? Plus add key selected major media, CLC, MLAs, MPs, plus CRA and RCMP in Ottawa formally addressed. 

And all fully and far more formally addressed and "informed" in the next few months. This by very targeted individualised email and related subject lines and body copy all with handy and helpful links to this blog. This based on my studies and work in direct mail/response since 1979 and with IBM (US) in 1986 with UX click? Yes, with clicks in '86? 

My very recent "certified" six-week full-time studies in digital marketing for packaged goods to political policy, promotion, and publicity should have some merit. Well, other than simply keeping me "academically leading edge and now expertly networked". And ideal for my efforts to help small businesses recover from the pandemic. Well, for those who I find are honest. So few understand at my level all traditional media and digital. The big cost savings and effective media investment that I can provide already measured and proven from biocybernetics and beta waves to brochures and billboards? Business plans to body copy. Unfortunately, I've had to make many fakes and critics look like idiots in front of their superiors and coworkers many times in many boardrooms foolishly dismissing my value, and yet I was paid more. Many times. 

This will obviously end up resulting in names and pictures below in RCMP files with my small bios on the criminal elite. As they should. And why they should. And with thanks for key help and critical motivation from Rob Maier's most brilliant and loyal long-term staff.

So much here for all criminals and their high-priced legal to read and reread a few times as to best study, plan and support ALL their lies so that all liars in sync from BC LRB rulings and previous Provincial Inquiries to internal trial transcripts and old printed newsletters, registered mail, Law Firm and RCMP files, and more. 

Will they ALL share the burden of so much reading and homework like a book club or dump it all on their smartest or stupidest gang member? Or too lazy as some suggest. Possibly nicely visibly forcing solidarity/conspiracy among the criminal elite as more than evident? Funny to consider. 

Very funny also, as well documented, when RCMP called with lies that I sent a "threatening" fax (provided to RCMP by 891 idiots) trying desperately to intimidate me. This with more lies (See Fax 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?), and saying I was "threatening" the union executive including Gavin Craig to John Brummitt. And then within days sick slime lying again saying I "threatened" Rob Maier's children. As a former proud teacher of ASL, Special Ed, and refugees this far too much. And on this ugly very twisted sick tale alone the whole truth needs to be exposed. And critical for polygraph and any who made such sick, twisted, and ugly claims in their gross delusions of righteousness thinking lies helping a known thief and other criminals clever. True? False? Having been a bouncer in biker bars I certainly don't need to threaten children when more than physically capable of kicking the hell out of these incredibly small sick disgusting little men? Yes, I begged to be charged. So I quickly went down to BOTH RCMP offices and obviously begged and pleaded to be formally charged. Even begged for a voice polygraph. Still do? Even sent more and more outrageous faxes but as an obvious criminal trap, the liars oddly not so brave anymore? What did they find out about little wee me to go from so brave and bold into pathetic little creepy cowards so very fast? They spent a ton on lawyers against little wee me not to help IATSE 891 as they deceptively claimed, but panicked to defend themselves and others in the inner circle in the criminal elite and using honest members' money in trust as per Fax #2. Yes, used honest members' money to pay for legal to protect criminals. This while pretending they were protecting 891 and possibly the whole labour movement. And exactly as John Brummitt would act pretending as such a hero. Fooling only a few fools at best. And none of those who really know me bought for a second. All easy to prove. Called the little rats bluff and my bet was then "ALL IN" (Note the subtle double entendre)? 

Poor John Brummitt, then so very desperate and stupid, still tried to intimidate me again bluffing by telling me to talk with 891's lawyer. Like talking to the 891's lawyer would be intimidating? Talking to the Attorney General of Canada and a room of senior law firm partners who disagree with you initially possibly intimidating? And my friend an expert McGill, Osgoode, and Oxford scholar in Labour Law. What a stupid bluff again. I did call immediately. John Brummitt did not like that and what I found out talking to such an "honest" lawyer. Seems we agreed quickly hardly an 891 or Labour matter and best addressed by Criminal Courts. So glad I made the call. Brummitt not so much.

Some found it so very strange how after calls to RCMP that I had threatened Rob Maier's children his old partner and former boss hired me immediately and gave me a generous deal memo and car allowance. And paid more than some of those in the criminal elite? And more than majority of honest members? And it gets more sick and more obvious.

What an idiot thinking such uneducated slime could ever intimidate me with lies as someone who had worked with the Attorney General of Canada and friends Legal scholars and another was soon a BC Criminal Court Judge. Crazy sleazy stupid people? Is the present 891 local executive any different? Any better? Soon we'll see very clearly if any meaningful improvement or still leaving their influential criminal support untarnished? So much will be so very obvious.

And then the fun continued when Brummitt changed his mind again and told me not to bother the lawyer. Brummitt a very sad and confused man when under pressure. Is his wife safe? How much damage to children when they find out their parents, thieves, liars, cowards and lowest life criminals? No wonder so many of their kids have problems and need nepotism to deal with such a crippling upbringing. So sad. 

So now, lying slime forced to lie to RCMP a third time and a real criminal court judge and again dig even a far deeper hole. Or all admitting their clear complete guilt and try for a deal. I love it? The Rubicon crossed.

Note: We know most don't read this whole blog and many quickly scan so estimate only a thousand read most, but accept only a few hundred very key readers at RCMP offices, Crown Prosecution offices, NDP, BC Liberal and Green offices will see this as a must-read. We will be more than pleased with just a 1% "response to action" from more than 102,000 pageviews to expose criminals as a first step at demanding a critically needed and far too long overdue:

Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry

This critical economic and social needed Provincial Inquiry as all BC cheated and as hundreds have already supported as per or via third party audit as obvious. As documented. 

This needed Provincial Inquiry needed on millions in film tax credit fraud by one clear small group in one corrupt and criminal union local executive for over three decades, to all the children cheated and women beaten and issues with theft over $5,000.00. We need the lessons learned on many levels, as progress pathetic. Too many victims? Too much stolen. Too much money wasted on "Coercion and Intimidation" to cover-ups of crime and costly stupidity? True? False?

And where the page view numbers over 102,000, my limited "real" very senior marketing and media, plus "real meaningful new business" experience has taught me I really only just need one (1) heavy weight key reader from RCMP, Crown Prosecution, or a strong MLA or MP in Ottawa or Victoria to champion for efficacy. Just one. 1? All BC Liberals and Greens disgusted possibly ideal? And only one champion needed by December 30 for our efforts here to be the little tiny snowflake that starts the political, legal, and media avalanche. As per PMI BOK and Deming guidelines. I do have some tiny "insider" experience in politics, media, law, and education others can only fake. And I most certainly owe the documented 470 members who supported me and very clear audit efforts.

As an amuzing note for comparison, years before working with the famous Disney Film Management Systems I had already worked with Disney Project Management System in a non-media project? So from Disney to Department of Defence "Management" systems, I have real depth others can only fake, posture and pretend and clear just playing the intelligent boss and brilliant military general or general manager. Such a joke. I was the first to design a department web page for both The X-Files and young Construction Department chairs. My pioneer work with CAD for professional estimating also of note. Just prior to starting in film at the engineering firm I had over 50 computer engineers as critics. Why I study APEX?

Too many small women sadly need big friends. 

And for those curious, yes the RCMP have many files on me since 1973, oddly speaking up for Hotel workers in Banff and 1974 standing up for Railway workers in Jasper. Actually police in Ontario know me for farm workers rights in the '60s. I do have a long history of dealing with bullies, fakes, and frauds, and not just when a doorman and a bouncer and a more physical rebuttal often provided far more speed than scholarly debate with any highly uneducated mental morons? Any idiot dares touch a woman or bully those weaker and I would literally make them bleed as witnessed by even those in IATSE 891? However, I was not involved directly with those requiring a surgical testicle removal and hospital stay in Victoria for bothering a little lady with very big friends. My friends have seen me protect women. And men. Too many women sadly need big friends. True? False?

Only those with connections to the exclusive criminal elite in 891 can get away with sexual harassment and hide and settle assault claims and now have legal support for criminal defence activities as a member perk. For now. Think about it? And the legal optics for those who can join less than ten dots together. And compared to how many union locals in Canada offering the same member perk selectively warranted. Good grief, these folks are collectively fools and suffer their weakest link always. And as their legal common denominator for hierarchy. True? False?

Seth Rogen:

"What I can say is that I despise abuse and harassment and I would never cover or conceal the actions of someone doing it, or knowingly put someone in a situation where they were around someone like that".

Note: I was making Montreal laugh at my radio ads before Seth Rogen born. My words had won awards in Hollywood when Seth Rogen not even in grade school.

And RCMP must have a tiny bit on me from my related KGB coached graduate studies in media neurosciences (biocybernetics) in Montreal as with many others at Loyola? Fact check? And my involvement later with highly decorated military and CIA ex operatives, the law firm Davis and Company also familiar with? Fact check? This involving very advanced political marketing software. 

My work with Justin's Dad's top strategic communications "Bronfman" people in 1980 in Montreal and my client Dr Bull at McGill being assassinated by Mossad certainly worth an RCMP paragraph or two? 

Hey, all I know is when I'm pulled over and my license checked in northern Ontario or BC I'm shocked at the courtesy shown and once even called "Sir" and offered a ride to get gas? Jasper RCMP the most fun. More below on what RCMP also know about me and will soon know about these sleazy criminals, women beaters and children cheaters.

Yes, these far less educated criminals ridicule me in their solidarity of self affirming circles of highly ignorant human slime. Yes, some laugh at those with far more education and higher IQ. They have to, as the real honest truth hurts too much that they clearly have less brains, less accomplishment and their fragile wounded ego leaves no choice. The "honest" sum of their whole lives a bit sad. And from my subjective perspective certainly better to be a "ridiculed nerd and geek" than an emboldened and empowered known lying criminal idiot. And these corrupt and criminal with case law already on file for "Coercion and Intimidation" already against them? And as a "ridiculed nerd" you also have more "honest" and far more accomplished friends and very impressive girlfriends. And possibly smarter and far more loving dogs. 

Actually, as documented, I've even been a "ridiculed nerd" in a national Computer publication in the late '80s for explaining how ad revenue will make those who invest in new search companies (as per McGill "search" tools) with ad value, (Just like Google "would be"), will do well. Many laughed at me as quoted saying "Ad revenue from computer screens will dwarf brioadcast telivision". Thought I was crazy. Many ignored me. Some made money on shows with my help with investment and brokers I knew. None lost a cent with my guidance? True? False? As compared to other absurdities in 891 including Frank Haddad as cowardly treasure to mutual funds. True? False? ? The Financial Post far more respectful when quoting me as a media expert beyond TV and Radio numbers. Even with my picture so easy to prove it's me. As also documented. 

I do get to laugh last watching one-trick pony careers go absolutely nowhere after twenty years in both dishonest companies and unions, and after a very brief time in the sun. Or seeing the ones who laughed based on their postured illusion of temporary superiority seeing their career, stock or companies crash always a good chuckle for a "ridiculed nerd". See below for more.

Unions were key to reducing the 12 hour day to 10 and then 8 so people could have full lives and be with their families and better raise their children. This rather than simply affording expensive video games and designer T-shirts and toys. And children left alone. And unions at their peak when able to ensure a good wage at just an "honest" 8 hour day.  But in the film industry rather than share the work with their "brothers and sisters in solidarity" personal greed and need with clearly unions failing to secure good 8-hour wages for eight-hour shifts clearly reversed all these gains in the film industry. Some say changes can't be done. However my work with CUPE doing a three day week with two double shifts and a "4-day weekend" every week and every month suggests other options very possible. True? False? 

I also enjoyed putting in a hard four hour day in advertising. 3 before a two hour lunch and one after and then just taking emergency calls. And a half hour coffee break. In advertising maybe one emergency call a year? 

Yes, idiots kept 891 honest workers from a fuller life and family with long hours and low wages? Two Ad agencies in Montreal and Vancouver gave me an informal "wind-win" clause. If wind good enough to sail and clients happy as all were, I was gone. Why my sailboat all alone in English Bay so often. Funny, also how well more educated and honest employers treated me while IATSE 891 executives and very stupid criminals called RCMP on me twice with insane lies. True? False? Detailed comparisons to follow.

One wonders if idiots in criminal executive able to join all the dots before criminal charges?

Many doing 10-12 hour days and six days a week. Often. And funny claiming artistic consistency for the proven declining return on hours worked for real productivity as more than proven. All business schools would have to agree on a problem with the middle and low management skills in union executives and more so with sleazy department heads like Rob Maier and other well know bozos. Basic materials scheduling and staffing simply not mastered and faked on a best guess, gut reaction, and added intuition for the theatrical pretence of effective judgement. And then corrected at some time, if at all?

There are  far better ways for 891 members to  live and enjoy ones life. Those with more education can see various formulas to give ALL film industry workers a far better life and living wage. Sadly 891 had elected or appointed idiots like John Brummitt and Tom Adair and dozens of other stupid self-serving slime who can't do the advanced math to allow for this "option" for real family types or singles who want to ski, sail, play tennis and guitar or like some impressive police in West Van run a second "successful" business? 
So sad for 891 members suffering both idiots and criminals as well documented and those who really can't think outside the box. One scholar told me "genius is the ability to see what others see and see it differently". True? False? 

I am rather proud of my "systems" when I became more "pushy" where even a day call lowest paid labourer would get not only the "exact" donuts they wanted but even a bagel with the "exact" cream cheese they wanted. Butter and toasted also optional. And with paper proof they got exactly what they ordered. That is what respecting and caring about the working person means and not just empty words and babble like 891 executives and other sick sleazy department heads  known for? True? False? I also gave P.O. numbers to a variety of people who could be trusted so no theft unlike very stupid department heads who thought control meant only they could, and wasting time on their pathetic little ego trip. Actually most of the major theft by department heads or their family and friends as witnessed. Bets?  True? False?

I also enjoyed putting in a hard four-hour day in advertising. 3 before a two hour lunch and one after and then just taking emergency calls. In advertising maybe one emergency call a year? 

Yes, idiots with so little real world experience and little education kept 891 honest workers from a fuller life and family with long hours and low wages? 

Also also proud of when workers just sitting around talking and laughing and panicked when they saw me thinking I was just another uneducated department head and told them "business schools taught me if staff just sitting around laughing a meaningless metric and to measure as far more statistically valid if people measured by the week or project so encouraged them to continue sitting and laughing and that they would be measured by the week or project. Odd no one ever found fault in my "Deming" and PMI BOK business school approved designed quality control and management systems? Empowering by trust and respect very powerful and profitable.

In other jobs my staff knew if I didn't hear laughing I knew not loving what they were doing and where they are. Why my references mentioned the "marked loyalty of my staff" and why secretaries cried hearing I was leaving when promoted. My senior management style totally opposite from stupid tyrants and the huge sick ego trips in 891. True? False? Odd how not "one single problem" with "my systems". Ever? Bets? True? False? 

Many reasons why criminals, fakes and frauds hate me and call RCMP with lies. Stupidity certainly easy to prove, True? False?
Two Ad agencies in Montreal and Vancouver gave me an informal "wind-win" clause. If wind good enough to sail and clients happy as all were, I was gone. Funny how well more educated and honest employers treated me while IATSE 891 executives and very stupid criminals called RCMP on me twice with insane lies and dishonest qualifications. What is a small man complex exactly? True? False?

One wonders if idiots in criminal executive able to join all the dots before criminal charges?

Funny how those with the most crimes will want a power show of solidarity while those with far less serious legal issues and best chance of recovery best go solo. Funny to watch how that plays. The half dozen major criminals will want the whole executive and whole union (and member's money) and whole NDP to back these criminals? Defcon 1 for their very top publicity and PR people no matter what sister local they now must hide in, to be expected?

Whole truth needs to be told.

Whole truth needs to be told in a formal Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry for legal efficacy, so that both criminal investigation and all criminal charges and civil actions for hundreds of victims fully justified and seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime a given.  Loved watching big shots in shock when "seizure before judgement" used for simple late payment in my past? 

KEY: Those without "honest demonstrated" real action and empathy for children cheated and women beaten beyond pathetic PR, lip service and T-shirt day pictures, have defined themselves as suffering textbook personality disorders. Psychopathic? Cerebral atrophy?

WARNING! We will be as obnoxious, cruel, humiliating and insulting as possible below to the criminals involved and those who aid and abet women beaters and children cheaters. They deserve no better. True? False? These documented and witnessed bullies, thieves, liars, fakes and cheats deserve nothing less before criminal courts do what they must do. 

Hopefully the high-priced criminal defence lawyers and high powered Hollywood and Union legal attack dogs they bragged about (possibly to try and intimidate me as they have others), can explain to this ignorant slime, why I can do this and even far more? I'm certain top legal minds (as I've known) can figure out exactly what I'm doing. And why planning on begging for a deal should be a very serious consideration. Considering guilty pleas as a contingency, is certainly very well warranted. Well for the smarter ones at least. It can only get far worse. True? False?

Just like the clear criminals busted in the recent US Ivy League school "admissions scandal" fraud and involving very wealthy families corrupted by self interest, nepotism and entitlement and with top people at top university athletics and admissions who would also easily sell their souls for proceeds of crime and to aid and abet, this exactly the same. Exactly. Both cases about self interest, ego and illusions of entitlement and illusions as above the rule of law, and here further enrichment in part a result of added BC tax credit fraud. Simple math. All are criminal acts in all cases when the rule of law ignored and innocent victims and state suffer. 

The criminals here no different, other than far lower education, intellect, experience, accomplishment and far lower on the food chain as bottom feeders. Fact check? And more sadly cheating and coercing and intimidating as historically to present as documented and witnessed, sadly exploiting those far weaker. 

Greed, self-interest, entitlement, ego the exact same motivation. Exactly. And also exactly the same thousands of nice, honest, good people and children always get hurt and cheated by such criminals and cowards that define human slime. As documented below. See names and pictures below. 

Here, however as involving tax credit fraud, so add cheating all BC of millions every year for three decades. Not just other members and industry cheated. All BC cheated. And fools made kings.

"I am sick and tired of men...thinking they can get away with this predatory behaviour and the ones who protect them by remaining silent on the matter." - Kalika Fetchuk 

Would the initial 350 women already supporting Kalika Fetchuk above find the executive in 891 for three decades just as sickening? Or far worse? And more disgusted by their T-Shirt and Lip Service token shallow efforts for their blatant posturing political PR and pay plus perks clear self-interest? Take a big huge giant guess. Shall we ask when a thousand women? Would you want your daughter or sister anywhere near these types of men? These types of men that it seems that only women as in union local IATSE 891 with obvious very low self-esteem, little education and image issues would support. Is it that obvious? "Coercion and intimidation" takes many forms. True? False?

Criminal Code of Canada - section 266 - Assault. 266 Every one who commits an assault is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Summary convictions may not apply?

The recent efforts by 891 to misrepresent with selective truths and deceptive omissions certainly qualifies as very deceptive advertising and publicity: 

This the biggest latest lie from these 891 people is a headline claiming to young: "The easiest way to level-up your film and television career". Truth and reality other film union locals far better and far "easier" and history certainly proves what a major new latest lie this is. True? False? Bets. This also must be used as reference as documented for qualifications in next Provincial Inquiry and criminal courts for laughs. As with the stupid letter to Burnaby about racism. Do they lie about almost everything and with the silent deceit of fraudulent concealment as clearly documented in prior provincial inquiries and BC LRB rulings?

Probability. What are the odds?

We already have literally hundreds of "criminal" case law all over Canada and the US showing how criminal slime busted in "dirty union executives" and positions of trust. Nothing new or unusual here other than the BC names and faces as pictured below. 

If super rich media moguls like Conrad Black can do jail time ignoring both minority interests and laws based on similar illusions of entitlement as above the law, shouldn't these dishonest slime named below also go to jail? All victims deserve justice. As do all criminals. This is just simply not fair to Conrad Black and Bernie Madoff that John Brummitt and friends still walk free. Not fair or justice at all. Why should those like John Brummitt not also go to jail with others who aid and abet a criminal elite. Black and Madoff mostly cheated millionaires. These sick low life cowards and documented deceptive creeps and sleaze cheated the weak, the innocent, families, children and poor. Not millionaires. True? False? 

I guess when you are paid far more than front-line workers, most working single mothers, nurses, teachers and police, and with less experience, accomplishment, education, training and certification and paid far more than you are really "honestly" worth in the "real" world with big shot titles far beyond your "real" qualifications, plus promoted and "protected" from honest competition internally and externally by corruption and criminals: the criminal's families, friends, and employers when reading this should feel so very proud of their accomplishments. True? False? See examples from John Brummitt and Dusty Kelly to Tom Adair and Paul Klassen for total verification of claim compared to others more honest.

A cult of crime and corruption 

This union due to criminals in union executive clearly suffers its cult of crime and corruption. And do add sadly also suffering ignorance from "mitigation" like airline crash studies sadly clearly define. Exactly. This executive also promotes "malicious obedience". "Malicious obedience" as most top business schools recognise as costing more than employee/member theft. As far as theft in 891 more to follow. All again easy to prove to more honest and intelligent people. And further add that this ignorant union executive, as this blog clearly states, puts all in three decades worth of executives: now ALL in "disrepute"? Heck, may be fun to do an internal trial when the all things come to 

Any one of very the best brains in the criminal and corrupt group of those named and pictured below dare show off their stupidity and defend and deny the above at RCMP offices or any public forum from courtroom to online video debate where a matter of record and paper or video trail, and where even a written rebuttal fun? I'm ready.

Well, as ready I guess, as Christopher Hitchens to dare debate former UK PM Tony Blair at Oxford or as poor Dr Finkelstein when having to deal with big shot Harvard legal superstar Alan Dershowitz. So sort of ready? And I'm also as intimidated by titles and political power as they were.

Maybe Adrian Dix will defend Dusty Kelly at RCMP offices and the speed at which one goes from cleaning paintbrushes to a director position at already "trust" scandal-ridden BCLC?  Adrian Dix has already established his credibility with RCMP helping Glen Clark? Will Dix do for Dusty Kelly what he did to help Glen Clark?

Maybe criminal IATSE 891 executives can send Adrian Dix to defend against these repeatedly very clear criminal and corruption claims, and clearly putting those named and pictured below ALL in "disrepute" — oddly, in the past putting them ALL as criminals in "disrepute" once worthy of very speedy "internal trials" by those sadly thinking themselves so very clever (See Registered Mail)? And sadly as a direct result only exposing their employer Rob Maier to even far greater ridicule and criminal exposure. And Paul Klassen has career-like cancer based on honest good judgement missing the obvious. How very clever? Should be so very easy to prove to RCMP with volunteer non-admissible polygraph Rob Maier NOT involved with prior lies to RCMP and obstruction, wrongful prosecution and to try and intimidate an honest person with false defaming lies. As with others? And to best prove nothing to fear by honest people I'll do it with him?
Te statute of limitations has run out so he can tell the truth.
Some believe those who lack foresight as to risk and ramifications with their emotional limbic response have possible frontal lobe damage?

And Dix can defend that they are all not criminals and aid and abet criminals and not key to millions in tax credit fraud. Funny how freedom of expression allows one to put Adrian Dix in disrepute but not women beaters, children cheaters, and thieves in IATSE 891. Comparisons must and will be made. Hopefully, poor Paul Klassen can explain how so empowered to protect and clearly aid and abet criminals, women beaters, children cheaters, and thieves, and explain other very interesting bylaws and the stare decisis he references? The authors and motivation and connections for such insane and illegal bylaws and illegal non-disclosure agreements to protect criminals also very funny? Ultra vires?

Even send their very best "executive" mind to RCMP offices to defend all named? This from, those most loved, most trusted, most respected, most experienced, most educated, and with the most integrity, greatest intellect, and most criminal "in-the-know" like say: John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly (She has powerful political connections as per pix, PR and very vain and vulgar self promotion), Ken Anderson (from BC LRB fame), Rob Maier or others of similar high quality, integrity and intellect, education, and honest accomplishment and meaningful merit and with nothing criminal to hide or lie about should work well? Why not?

If slime on Wall Street go to jail for misappropriation of investors funds for enrichment or political and social self-interest, shouldn't dirty union executives with misappropriation of members money for casino to coverup financing? Really? Shouldn't they? And those who aid and abet? ASAP?

If idiots on Wall street or as lawyers, accountants or commercial bankers are incompetent, reckless, and irresposible with other people's money, they get thrown out and are forced to pay victims from their own money. Most try for a deal. Tort law? FYI: Tort law falls into three categories: those complaints dealing with "negligence"; "intentional harm"; and unintentional but non-negligent acts known as strict liability. In both tort and criminal law, "strict liability" exists when a defendant is liable for committing an action, regardless of what his/her intent or mental state was when committing the action. Some should remember the term "strict liability" to discuss with their defence lawyers and accountants.

If we find out a judge helping criminals in a trial the judge goes to jail? Think Paul Klassen can figure out why? And why he got the big pay and big title job he did oddly when so many far more honest, more educated, more senior, more experienced, more accomplished and not based on the criminals and corruption that enriches the judge with promotion, pay, and perks. And for some lucky like Paul with a business title so big even quick printers wonder how it can best fit on a business card should impress a few for short time. What are Paul's real qualifications and hopefully more than his profile on LinkedIn promotes or some may ask questions? We will most definitely talk law when we meet and records kept in some future real legal circus and as law one of Paul's politically promoted previous strong points as well as Rand issues as related to his present huge title. 

The thing about when I was dealing with "real world" corporate executive criminals and not film union executive "fiction fabricators", is mostly they have no illusions about the law. They fear it? With less educated criminal union executives as the case here, are ALL incredibly delusional about the law and the penalties for assault of women to major theft? Stupidity? Ignorance? Cognitive dissonance? Brainwashed by their own BS and self and group affirmation? With a top shrink as part of a provincial inquiry, we'll know possibly more about motive than even the third-party accounting forensic audit could reveal. Maybe not? The research pretty extensive on such herd mindset.

A bit naive and simply silly for one to think that the only crimes are the few mentioned here, for now. And are the only crimes and abuse of funds some involved in?

 Consider how simple and fast to turn this blog with a very quick cut, copy and paste into a sworn affidavit for RCMP before even final edit and officially launched to fully support criminal investigation, interrogation, and multiple charges. And with other names added at will?

"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize (...put in disrepute?)" - Voltaire.

Yes, in Canada I'm allowed to freely express opinions on Horgan to Trudeau but not major thieves, children cheaters and women beaters in 891 like some of those named and pictured. Seems easy to prove? "Honest" Defamation actions best handled in real courts so some not appear so stupid and silly. True? False? Actually a deparntment head had to settle for thousands just for defaming a carpenter in writing as many know. Calling and lying to RCMP far more serious even if just considering criminal law. True? False?

Key BC NDP, BC LIBERAL and GREEN Political Question.

Key BC political question, when truth "ALL" told about Millions in Tax Credit Fraud and making ideally some national news:

a) Will this help protect plus provide critical needed incremental votes to Horgan, Dix, and BC NDP as "real" demonstrated and proven heroes "honestly" and "really" helping all women and all workers? And not hurting people and efforts by further ignoring and playing political games again? This as passive tacit aid and abetting as the most cowardly of political crimes? 

This now a visible oppourtunity for NDP as "honestly" proving themselves real "working class heroes and protectors of women and children". Even if it upsets a few dozen dirty criminal film union executives and their criminal support? Integrity and meaningful action are real tipping-point vote getters? Hey, just ask Horgan and Dix as they both studied history and political science and have political experience as losers and winners even if no full popular vote majority.

b) Or if NDP not real heroes and just obvious hypocrites, will NDP further fracture and erode both union and nonunion slim margin of BC NDP plurality of popular votes - plus sadly adds to down trending labour movement "credibility cancer" and crumbling support. This by such similar savvy political moves as with  ignoring experts from both sides as with pandemic? The same "switcher votes" that gave NDP slim margin of power without a meaningful popular vote majority is so very fragile. And as with most elections - "switcher votes" the votes who matter most. True? False?

c) Or will this oppourtunity be taken and make the new BC Liberals and very angry Greens the visible demonstrated "real" heroes to thousands of abused union and non-union workers and "ALL" women? And give BC Liberals and Green new and returning votes and demographic and psychographic expansion. This as they both move a little more to center branding, and soon may lead on this criminal cleanup? See Thatcher's UK defeat of Labour and how easy it happens in times of economic uncertainty? As Horgan studied history he should know this?

So little, so fast, can hurt so much, when a tipping point is on top of three-pronged optics of 1) Ever growing and literally mushrooming Pandemic Management Problems and Analysis, 2) Site "C" reductionist myopic sophist logic and lies on cost, 3) an ever growing Economic crisis. And add the resulting added poor management exposure and media optics here, only hurting NDP support more and more. Hindsight may be very cruel? 

NDP in next election will be endlessly grilled on why they decided that deceptive ommission and misrepresentation a better way to avoid "misinterpretation"? This as intentionally not willing to share all the data it has accumulated about COVID-19 when so key to risk and health exposure. And even with Rt and morbidity in film industry. What is the truth?  Why not give the well audited facts? Can we trust Dix? 

Hey, I'm no political scholar but my old roommate an internationally respected doctorate in political science, so not my first Bayes and fractal multi-variable analysis? I myself am a pioneer in Goldfarb political psychographics and media mapping. Handy for more advanced and sophisticated media buying for TV and radio for politics to packaged goods. Yes, some less educated laughed at me for my pioneer "premium-priced vertical" buys, but oddly not Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada who judged accordingly and Fortune 500 companies like Esso, 7-Eleven, Labatt, and Cadillac Fairview? As a subscriber to major "Communications Research Journals" often provides a major advantage over other's best guess and fakes. Yes, sometimes those who laugh looked very-very stupid later making their ignorance blatant? Just like 891 executives in their documented illusions and delusions of superiority. Actually, Standard Broadcast first resented my numbers skills in 1980 in Montreal, and how a cocky kid dare be challenging their computer calculations? And many not fans either when I challenged BC Socred US Tourism media buy? And I'm certain criminals, women beaters, children cheaters, fakes, fools and frauds will absolutely despise me when we do numbers and use my calculations and conclusions as comedic punchlines as to best humiliate such middle management superstars when one-on-one and face-to-face and under oath?

Will Horgan and NDP deal with this very ugly issue far better?

Will Horgan and NDP deal with this far better? Integrity and credibility are vote getters? Big vote getters. A hot button for psychographic switchers. Major motivators. And great for influencer marketing and messaging.  I've proved this with Federal Liberal election work handling all Western Canada paid media and communications and flipping Quadra riding for damage control in 1985 as per papers at SFU to even corrupted elections in this film union. Proven. Both well documented. Flipping Quadra riding an interesting case study in media and message. McLuhan would be proud?

RCMP and Crown Prosecution.

NOTE: This 269-page blog (unlike for big billing criminal defence lawyers?) is being reduced to 8-12 pages for RCMP and Crown Prosecution. Most, however,  in under 15 minutes of reading this blog below, can get a solid feel for most of the very serious crimes, the key criminal's names and faces (below), and their support. Plus the probability of those going to jail, plus estimates of proceeds of crime to be seized. See names, faces and phone numbers below. Even if only a few charges successful on a few many will be pleased.

The metrics or measured purpose of this blog is to make things as easy, fun, funny and as simple as possible for RCMP. This so with the first focused phone call or door knock at criminal's home or at work, the smarter criminals ready to admit before even getting the officer's name:

1) Guilty of "all claims" (avoiding a perjury trap, obstruction, contempt stuff).

2) Full unqualified admission they are documented and witnessed ignorant deceptive idiots — even if union executive royalty or has been. This confined and defined as per BC LRB rulings, previous provincial inquiries, RCMP files, internal trials and the almost superior court judgement of a failed comedy writer.

3) Accept in "sincere" remorse "full" restitution to victims must be made. Every child. Seriously. Every child. Or community service on weekends for a few years as wages garnished or assetts seized. Every child. Seriously. Every child. A profitable feel good for any top accounting firm to figure out as IATSE 891 executive even with their best brains hardly Enron. Hardly clever. As documented.

And I can certainly take pride for doing far more to expose women beaters and children cheaters, thieves, frauds and fools than anyone ever in the whole history of IATSE 891. True? False? Bets? Denials? Really anyone else near me in these critical efforts? Any? 

We have clearly below provided most of the key crimes, most of the suspects, the clear motive, the how, key documented evidence, the timelines, some legal reference, and hopefully provided a few laughs for honest people and victims? Seems only interrogation, protected witness testimony, and criminal charges and resulting judgement with sentencing and seizure, pending?

Let others judge. Many "honest" people already have?

Yes, many "honest", intelligent, and far more accomplished to far more educated people already have already judged little me.  Now time to have the same judge those named and pictured below with repeatedly rumored women beaters, definite children cheaters, and well-known thieves.

As a note, I not only have set up a national employment program for immigrant women but even taught refugees with another from IATSE 891. A VP of a film company knows first hand of my "successful" work helping immigrant women, plus with the handicap, blind and deaf. This for Molson Pension Fund and PNF investments? This all before ever knowing anything about 891 sleaze, woman beaters, and children cheaters, criminals, fakes, frauds, and the other documented gross incompetents in IATSE 891. For my other "real honest" volunteer and charity efforts for direct and very critical comparison to 891 paid executive PR BS, just ask around? 

My Oxford Legal friend a witness to my work teaching ASL to Autistic children. Others know of my work even peeling potatoes for the homeless. And a few know not only Santa working Christmas eve and morning delivering food for families and gifts for children. 

Yes, I do have an absolutely horrible reputation as absolutely ruthless and needlessly cruel in barrooms, courtrooms, and boardrooms but do have a small little tiny nice side? True? False? 

There's a reason why my students and secretaries cry when I leave? As some know I have even helped many BC lawyers as a volunteer for LAC? Heck, even Hell's Angels in Ottawa and Van know of my kindness helping their family members as do CBC producers helping their family members? Not just the nuns and churches I've helped with computers easy to prove. And I'm an atheist but I help good people no matter what their belief? 

Yes, there are very good reasons 891 women beaters and children cheaters and the dog loyal human dirt who aid and abet all hate me and lie about me, and that is something I'm so very proud of. Actually very proud of all the enemies I've made during my life. 

As a note Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada knew nothing of my charity work as with others in Federal Political Parties, and as with Fortune 500 executives and a variety of noted scholars, just my brains what they paid for. And paid at far more than department heads who sadly act like success stories when corruption, lies, and incompetence of others is the real honest truth of part and key to their real documented limited success. True? False?

Most image efforts as altruistic and benevolent by slime in 891 executives transparent as political PR and some even paid while promoting themselves and fashionable day cause. Sick? Also easy to prove.  And while so many pictures and press of this slime and PR most know nothing of my volunteer work until now? How odd how we differ?

Some very curious why Don Ramsden to Joe Sala (and others of note to be named) not as vocal about protecting women from physical violence and sexual harassment as myself? Trust me it will get very ugly in a Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Courtroom as we make very clear what sad sick human scum these people really honestly are. As with their sick internal trials to lies to RCMP. Bets?

What if it was Tom Wells's very classy and impressive daughter bloody and savagely beaten up by those in the executive or sexually harassed by those in the paint department with their documented hypocrisy and very disgusting and pathetic illusions of self-righteousness protecting the reputations of thieves, women beaters, and children cheaters? And exactly as documented and witnessed. Certainly this alone worth a few hours of interrogation and review in Criminal Courts and a Provincial Inquiry? 

Efforts have now also started for a https://ca.gofundme.com/  page to produce a short Youtube video documentary using this specific case study to empower others as victims in other corrupt and criminal situations. 

Working Title: 


This with names and pictures below as freedom of expression gets a ton of lip service from media and defamation law and qualifications kind of clear. 

And this video credited and inspired by Sen. Eugene Forsey, former Attorney General Ron Basford, hometown hero Jack Layton, Ed Broadbent, Tommy Douglas, economist Richard D. Wolff and neuroscience lectures by Dr Robert Sapolsky at Stanford. And certainly inspired, as my friends know, by university girlfriend Dr Victoria MacFarlane (Labour Psychology) and old university buddy and internationally recognized Oxford Legal Scholar from Brisbane to Berlin, Dr Judith Fudge (Labour & Women's Law). And with special thanks to the 470 IATSE 891 members who supported my efforts to audit and begin and try to expose criminals and slime from within? 

Yes, a short video documentary can be done and use this exact case study on why labour unions need to be cleaned up exactly and labour code review and reform critical from permit factors and initial membership to corrupt executive elections and bylaw, labour, civil and criminal abuses. All detailed. Reform long overdue, as some legal scholars agree and the two-tier laws "repugnant" to use a term by Laskin beyond "nothing is sacrosanct" plus predictive data and total "FULL" cost analysis. And to cover the psychology of the criminal and corrupt explained from genetic and early trauma to frontal lobe MRI research and basic personality disorders. A video on how unions get cleaned up exactly like as with Teamsters and others have who have improved and cleaned their once criminal and toxic workplace and own backyard and houses. Reform will make it much faster and better. It's even in a movie about BC Teamsters and some who had been involved in BC film. So some missed something? I actually got to talk with the real Jack V. portrayed in the movie when he thought I was just a labourer. Revealing?

Hey, we are not fools. We have done our homework. And totally appreciate the same crime and executive corruption from Oil Rigs on East Coast to Glazier and Grocery union executives on West Coast too similar. With 90% of unions honourable these bad apples hurt the whole labour movement and NDP as the slime like "vulture capitalist" disguised in socialistic solidarity and choir skills, help only themselves. And from family nepotism and cronism to material and timesheet theft. You name it?

Suggested BC Solution: 

BC leadership Legislation with a "Worker's Rights Enforcement Officers" Bill to support a "proven crime stoppers model" for safe anonymous tips on criminals in union executives ASAP. And this "separately" policed by BC LRB and forensic accountants familiar with all the tricks. Ideally called "Worker's Rights Enforcement Officers". 

This so when "honest" union members suffering "coercion and intimidation" exactly as BC LRB has documented by their union local executive, but failed to be further proactive in addressing and investigating. It does go much deeper. True? False? Bets?. 

And "Worker's Rights Enforcement Officers" responding to anonymous tips on matters such as assault to sexual harassment and abuse of funds. Those various things that union executives may need to best ignore for career and political reciprocal safety or success and offer only lip service as 3 decades of IATSE 891 history and case study make far more than clear? 

Make Financials and files available "On Demand" to these LRB officers as so often key and critical to criminal evidence and prosecution. And not requiring any special writ or warning. This so paper trails not conveniently missing as too often the case. 

Elections NEVER handled internally. Like having only Republicans count votes and based on an honour system. More problems and not so clever tricks than meets the eye. Best 3rd party "major" accounting firms handle such serious and critical matters. Logical? Any want to debate with one who has tested the whole system? I started in 1979 with CUPE in Montreal as a local's "Greviance Coordinator" with studies in Constitutional and Contract Law and semantics as it relates to statutory interpretation plus Formal Logic and ever so handy how to spot absurd rhetorical fallacies and emotional appeals void of reason or facts. And liars? I know what to look for? Ask CRA what a pain I am questioning Superior Court Judgements? Documented.

- Will this Legislation not help the majority of "honest" members? Yes? No?
- Will this Legislation further help better ensure the safety of women from assault and harassment? Yes? No?
- Will this Legislation not ensure greater transparency and accountability and dramatically improved internal governance? Yes? No?
- Will this Legislation discourage criminals and the dishonest, fakes, and frauds from seeking elected union offices? Yes? No?
- Will this not improve the quality and qualifications of unionized middle management in the union executive and on the worksite? Yes? No?
Are not the small cost-reducing BCLB bottleneck and other transfer costs savings absolutely justifiable and proactive, not simply stagnent analytical efforts? Yes? No?

Any wish to debate real recommended "meaningful" action and not just PR and Policy weak-willed words?

And this video funding for an educational reference for Labour reform to young union members wanting a more honest, safe, and fair workplace and not suffer "Coercion and Intimidation" control by a few criminal, corrupt, or grossly incompetent union executive's mismanagement and illegal use of funds. Knowledge is power. 

This video may even use the indie film community in Victoria with CineVic and best "honestly" use tax credit to help labour movement enjoy past historic support and credibility by helping clean up dirty unions hurting labour movement. I'll add humour and credibility and not be adding to the erosion of public political trust and support of labour movement.  

To make a point on tax credits: if we took samples of top University, Independent, and Ad agency Productions and various best of BC union productions and judging from best Set Construction, Paint, and Lighting to Hair and Makeup, could any proper focus group of "sophisticated investors" or audience targets tell the difference in quality? And where cost difference oddly so very well documented differs dramatically? Debate? Test?

A video mini-doc has efficacy for Youtube and other social media for all Canadian labour about cleaning up the problems within unions when criminals and corruption killing purpose and traditional union principles. And not just being a hiring hall franchise run by fat lazy dishonest criminals abusing and wasting funds pretending to be honest, intelligent and educated. Artificial management?  This as this case study from pathetic PR to absurd use of illegal funding for efforts to "Coerce and Intimidate" and illegal internal trials to also  "Coerce and Intimidate", that also makes so much so very obvious.

Yes, so many seem so honest, normal and good "most of the time", with their well-scripted word-play, just as do serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, con artists and thieves. "Most of the time". Without a doubt, Hitler and even in Roman history Commodus and Caligula had good days and appeared "normal"? Probably all three would have also shopped at Mark's Warehouse to look normal, and "fit in" in the film industry at lower kevels?

This blog with facts, names, and pictures as such will be a top-line link reference to support video funding? Stay tuned? We will be fair and reveal how very normal some of the named and pictured criminals below are "most of the time". Just like other nut cases like Col. Russ Williams to Paul Bernardo and Bundy to even blue-collar labour level 891 Local Burnaby BC neighbour pig farmer Robert Pickton. They all seemed and act normal. "Most of the time". They all also had to? Even some of the slime a bit believable in initial interviews and interrogation. See pictures below of the criminal ones looking normal. "Most of the Time"? Even major thieves spend less than 1% of their time actually stealing. The thieves named here as not as bright possibly 4-5%. 

Please appreciate the following quote for context. This and as supported with numerous studies and lectures at Stanford in neurosciences and my own graduate work with biocybernetics at Loyola in Montreal to key behavioural economics at U of T. And as to references to my specific discussions with a former top Forensic Psychiatrist in Vancouver (my cousin) regarding specifically these "exact criminal matters"
 and some of the criminal's minds named and pictured below. 

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

Criminals named and pictured below and their criminal defence lawyers will have to read all 269 pages. As absolutely intended by design. This as this whole blog designed as a minefield full of tricks and traps. 

This as exactly done before with others, and even when using fax machine for Gavin Craig's clever gang (See Below) and his expensive legal having to read or reference long versions and critical updates of my written previous escalating efforts playing with these clever people. Note, I was blessed by legal lectures by the great Sen. Eugene Forsey and mandatory reading of decisions by Laskin in Ottawa and my own direct personal experience with top Montreal lawyers Cookie Lazarus and Stanley Hartt. So sort of schooled in basic semi-pro fundamentals of "Legal Realism". And thinking outside the box. Hey, I'm no lawyer but know dozens? The top ones since high school. As documented. Others must only fake my depth. And I'm no stranger to speaking in criminal and civil courtrooms nor Federal tribunals. As such, too hard to take seriously silly internal union trials with liars and losers aid and abetting criminals with documented defamation to wrongful prosecution inherent. As documented. And using their own words. 

Some insiders say over $100,000.00 needlessly spent of members money in trust added to executive time and pay involved by some of those criminals named and pictured below to try and get average lawyers to try to coerce and intimidate/threaten little wee me back when so little known about me. I use to be impressed by expensive letterhead from national law firms when others have tried using lawyers to intimidate me, so a bit insulted nothing in writing? Nothing? Ever?

Now that I've basically introduced some of the crimes, the motives, the dates, the location, the connections, some very logical suspects, the goals, and purpose and the basic backbone of my possible executive summmary phone app, I'll now add more colour, humour, and detail as follows:

And this foolish effort of trying to intimidate with insane lawyers fees and lies and wrongful prosecution and criminal defamation with lies to membership and even lies to RCMP all failed to intimidate me. And all done even after when Don Ramsden as 891 Local President and John Brummitt as Department Chair with their big shot titles and gross abuse of position failed to block my membership as a low-level permit: Failed. As documented. Exactly as they have "Coerced and Intimidated" literally thousands of others with their unchecked power to hurt or help. They love it? Others were victims or souls bought. I was not either? Costing victims so much. As documented. And yet obviously failed with little wee me with no title or even membership and they still failed? Big time. More here than meets the eye as per "millions and millions" in liability. Others so tragically, not so lucky as so well documented. Thousands of victims. Including children cheated. I was not a victim. Well, other than bothered or bored by criminal slime pretending they were clever and not just stupid liars, but yet I was paid so well compared to others for such very easy work with no complaints by any "honest" supervisor? Plus car. Plus "Deal Memo". Plus a guaranteed health plan many far more senior and harder working so very sadly did not. Easy math.

When you hurt an honest man playing by the rules you most certainly hurt his family. And if you hurt her family, you hurt her children. Simple enough? 

Even with tested classic behaviour modification techniques of carrot and cane by 891 executive bozos, I am solid first-person proof with my very good fortune even with restriction of trade and economic interference, duress, wrongful prosecution, harassment, intimidation and coercion, plus hardly bar setting BC LRB defined prima facia: "fair representation" nor "acting in good faith", whereas now criminal law far better defines it as clearly criminal. Amen. And so much better? And add defamation with the systematic idiocy, management incompetence, void of appearance of natural justice and gross injustice pervasive in this twisted criminal union executive that this executive as populated by morons and criminals for three decades proves. This as nice honest people suffered abuse. Debate? Denial? Try me?

And this added to when even calls with added clear lies and deception, wrongful prosecution and obstruction to RCMP also so seriously failed to intimidate me a 2nd time? And not only failed but backfired (See Below). And this again added to when John Brummitt and Don Ramsden also failed to block my membership (when appeals to an "honest executive" was "once" viable and appears never since?). As documented. This mentioned as it makes so clear the cost to victims not so lucky as me, and sadly literally having to wait years (like even some future local Presidents and other union executives and department heads) to just get to my pay level and deal memo. True? False? Others tragically not so lucky as well documented. And yet the power pair John Brummitt and Don Ramsden failed with their big titles and infallible papal power lobby efforts against a powerless permit that they could not fool nor intimidate, considered back then as simply funny and tall. Possibly rugged with class. As documented. And oddly as even again as John Brummitt failed soon solo with his brand new Senior Steward title and friends Donny and Gavin, also failed to get me fired in desperately appealing to both my supervisor and show producer. Instead got me moved to "executive parking" as the producer so very disgusted by such human garbage and knew a bit about me from reporting sytems to rating points? Plus got very special craft service personal fridge consideration and selection as many others also disgusted with John Brummitt as Senior Steward. Plus deal memo. Plus car. Plus hour bank excesses as Deal memo provides the lucky or the criminal? Yes, never any problem with ANY executive producers or any "honest" supervisor? Never? Even historically successful X-Files producer Bob Goodwin paid me extra to do private computer work while paid by the union. So paid by two sources at the same time to make more than department heads. So John Brummitt had the far bigger criminal elite title for a short time before defeated and humiliated, I had the bigger pay and far better job longer and little title. Fact check.

And as icing on the cake, as they also severely failed with internal trials spending thousands of dollars in very stupid executive and "member's time and money" to at best posture some faux veneer of legal authority for criminals (as to try and steal my lunch money) and try again to defame, intimidate and coerce me once again into respecting criminals and fakes, BS illegal absurd bylaws, and not put criminals in "disrepute". Of which I'm still very proud and clearly still ignore.  As charged. As documented. So unlike "real" law allows. And also failed. How defamatory. How stupid are the stupid even in their very own words?

Fools certainly have a very well noted, documented, and witnessed track record of being fools, frauds and certainly failures. And as well, a noted track record of very serious crime. True? False? How crazy is that?

And sadly by design, these idiots couldn't dare to buy me off as it would be proof of further criminal actions and I knew the case law amounts as far more than anything Brummitt could dream to cover for his and others defined stupidity. And they already knew from their very own lawyers Gavin thought clever to use,  to tell them how bad things really were. Are?

Why do disgusting stars and power players when they abuse their positions in Hollywood like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein get criminally prosecuted but not this much lower level human dirt in Hollywood North when women and children victims? Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein never beat up any women.

Maybe they were very afraid and very threatened, that if I got in the union and ran for "any office" in any "honest" election, and real truth all told that my honesty, long "honest" union history plus non-union corporate success, industry-specific real education, meaningful experience, noted trade to academic recognition and accomplishment and more, was a threat to those lacking in all or most criteria in the executive. This as clearly and honestly as fact, as my credentials so superior to these lying fakes and frauds with their added documented passion for: Coercion, Intimidation, Bad faith, Defamation, Decieful omission or Fraudulent Concealment (See illegal non-disclosure agreements), than quality modern management. Fact check? 

Maybe they thought best to block those more honest and smarter and not cowards as a threat to criminals, and offer very little choice to the majority of honest membership with only those of documented so little integrity, honesty, transparency, accountability, and those who could not "really" offer majority membership real value and progress. And so sadly membership left with those exactly like John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Ken Anderson to the king of kings Don Ramsden for value and integrity. 

My trade unionist studies from the industrial revolution to Marvin Miller and Canadians like my historic mentor/client Joseph D. Carrier and with my even more meaningful credentials probably very threatening to those with little, meaningless, or none? Compare? And with so many dirty secrets to hide as with the petty to major thieves in their support and inner solidarity circle of the criminal elite. Ya think? Their serious lack of depth in experience to education will be easily made clear by demonstration in any Provincial Inquiry and criminal court with their clear criminal activities. Bets?  

Some need loyal dummies easy to control by threat or cheap purchase more than quality and integrity if much to hide? And this also easy to prove, document, and demonstrate. As a note: I do have more hands-on union depth and real-world business senior executive experience than Horgan and Dix" combined". Even more than John Brummitt and Tom Adair "combined"? Fact check. 

And when Horgan just studying history I already had worked for the former Attorney General of Canada making history. Fact check. And when Horgan waiting tables at the Keg I was involved with the Keg's hostile takeover of dead horses at Control Foods and had been a Dean requested speaker at McGill, UBC and SFU. If comparisons need to be made. And they always do. And as per below, seems clear not only Horgan and Dix studied history and political science. Some much more?

So clearly majority of "honest" members must be so grateful and thank Don Ramsden for all the help he gave John Brummitt and at what cost, and others of similar high-level integrity, intellects like Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly, so similar in twisted reciprocation as to never have to run against me for the best choice for an honest informed majority with full truth all told. And truth never all told until now? True? False?

And before criminals bore each other with their TV show depth: Yes, we understand that hearsay not admissible. However, myself having worked at the CBC with Award-Winning Investigative Journalists and know why even top interrogation people treat hearsay collaborated, and added with more hearsay also collaborated, and added to even more hearsay further collaborated as: certainly directional and circumstantial. Plus how in Formal Logic both deduction and induction works, as to support other documented direct to circumstantial evidence. And certainly, further RCMP investigation with protected witnesses, as an actuary would conclude: "very warranted". Even better if absolutely no believable counter or any believable person to "honestly" counter these claims. Yes, seriously not one (1) honest person to "honestly" counter these claims. And when countered by those already proven to lie and previously mislead even RCMP, things get very obvious. Fun? True? False?

I know two of the women beaten up by those in the elite in this gang. Easy to prove. 
I know of hundreds of victims of tax credit, membership, qualification, quorum, hour bank, and election fraud. I know children's faces cheated by this tax credit membership fraud of life insurance to dental benefits and hundreds suffering "Coercion and Intimidation" as BC LRB rulings also support. Easy to also prove. 

RCMP and Crown Prosecution will have all they need as a simple 8-12 page unformatted text file in advance on their phones for a major easy head start. Or as a fun little phone app, I'll design. And this as to copy, paste and print as needed. Others will have to wait longer and be a little late in so many matters. Just for fun. 

Only a mental midget can't see these crimes as both one of commission and omission or in this case both. Clearly."I didn't do anything wrong" is often used by those in grade school or who drive the bank robbers' car or watch the doors and windows to protect a rapist or a pedophile. Or helps protect women beaters and children cheaters? Or as to textbook criminally aid and abet criminals, helping to stop their criminal exposure/disrepute. Just as sick. Documented as well as also beyond debate and denial.


This blog is about many very serious crimes and very unusual criminals. Involving millions in tax credit fraud and theft for three decades. And how ALL BC taxpayers screwed like fools, by trusting frauds, liars and thieves given to clear Coercion and Intimidation. All also very well documented and witnessed (See Links Below). And exactly how some young families and children cheated. Too many families and far too many children cheated. Too many women assaulted and harassed.

I've done audits on BC Tourism US media buy to national audit work protecting Molson Pension Fund investments, so have seen such criminal financial abuse before. I've been key to a CEO, MBAs and CAs being asked to immediately "resign"? I also have a tiny background in numbers, criminal and constitutional law, few of the frauds and criminals named and pictured below simply can't match. No matter how much they pretend as more intelligent and educated or act as so superior when playing God or Godfather theatrical roles. Sadly with thousands of people's lives? And hurting thousands of innocent and honest people's lives. No exaggeration. Bets? Clearly a deep group profile makes obvious why they don't like honest, educated and more experienced, accomplished and those of far more value to the majority of membership in their elite group as those like John Brummitt and Tom Adair make obvious. Obedient corruptible dishonest cowards ideal.

Yes, I've been threatened. But started to learn to use a gun at Camp Farnham military base in Quebec, decades prior to film work? As such I'm proud to say I was not one of those sadly who could be so easily "Coerced and Intimidated" either by being physically threatened, economically threatened, socially or politically threatened, intellectually or legally threatened. And as my other careers paid more I could clearly not be bought by even generous "deal memos". Obviously. I took a major drop in pay on what Federal Political parties and Fortune 500 paid to get into film industry to meet "COMEDY" "writers" and "producers". As many know. Why I left board of directors and senior executive roles to meet comedy "writers" and "producers" better defined below.  And my few friends, from even grade school, and amazing successful girlfriends, made it hardly necessary to socially "fit in" with fakes, failures, frauds, criminals, thieves, children cheaters and women beaters as other must, as it clearly appears. I was lucky. Too many others sadly not. True? False?

IMPORTANT: To be absolutely clear, we have absolutely no problem with union local IATSE 891 or ACFC or the many other honest unions I've worked with. None. Zero. As should be far more than obvious as one reads. This is absolutely, and clearly only about very specific people hurting all BC and likely their own family and friends as well as majority of trusting members, and about some very specific people named and pictured below. And ideally this a key case study to support various legal academics on the need for antiquated Labour Code Reform and for law school students liking names and faces in case studies?

The primary target here those specifically who screwed thousands of people using the "systematic frailty" of unions and labour code that clearly allows ignorant dishonest criminals and corrupt control and abuse of funds and with more pay and perks than police, teachers and nurses and without the needed education, training, tests and certification. And more so the case in this example of crime and corruption in IATSE 891. Families cheated. Children cheated. And they even cheated all BC taxpayers. Hiding in 891 in "plain sight" pretending to be pro worker, pro member and other BS, as witnesses and documents support. And then pretending the next minute depending on audience to impress to be bottom-line slave masters making their lack of basic education in management sciences profound. And suggesting as far more similar to organized crime than organized labour. Fact Check? Comparisons must be made? Some clearly criminal, some just criminally aid and abet. This as their incompetence and intellect has no or little merit and their gross self-interest blatant they become dog loyal, corrupt and criminal  for singular self benefit. And screw thousands with their crimes to repugnant cowardice. Cowardness and cognitive dissonance often must fly together and so seldom differ in solidarity with classic choir full of sound and fury? 

The criminals reading this, in their known documented ignorant arrogance, will pretend to ignore and try very hard to dismiss this, and their honed, trained and critical classic cognitive dissonance will and must kick in. The more criminal ones "with far more brains" will read below exactly like an RCMP investigator would, a Crown Prosecutor will, and their own criminal defence lawyers absolutely must.

Odd how incredibly hard to get denial?

Odd how incredibly hard and how long it takes to get a simple denial in collective solidarity by a simple "sworn signed affidavit" and by those named and pictured below to show RCMP. Or even alone?

This affidavit in full force solidarity shouldn't be a problem by such clever accomplished and such honest people, and with such big shot titles, superior intellect and integrity, who once postured as such quick thinkers and fast on action, yet now so very slow on denial. 

Why oddly so very slow on formal legal denial? 

Say like top criminal brains and in-the-know John Brummitt and Tom Adair who should be leading such critical efforts at a fast formal denial to RCMP and in full signed solidarity once again ignoring any intelligent forethought and ramifications. And this considering "honestly" both of their added "honest" superior education and unmatched real-world "honest" experience. Such a pretty pair. Why should criminals worry with these two natural Alpha males and natural leaders with big shot titles "once" and oddly only "once" and only in 891, now both the brains defending all those criminals cheating children and all BC, as some named and/or pictured below? "Bonne chance"?

They did like posturing as big titled and formal authorities to judge others in their tragic illusions of superiority when documenting clearly helping criminal friends, so they must respect and welcome when authorities will now fully judge them. Completely. Only fair? Judge and be judged as they joke in cases of wrongful and constructive dismissal and other torts. And even more odd how very slow to "formally deny" by sworn affidavit if they are to be believed: and as loved and respected by so many as also to be believed? So why so insanely slow to simply just deny "all" 5 very simple very-very extremely clear claims of:

a- coercion and intimidation (x 3 decades)
b- millions in fraud (x 3 decades)
c- women harassed and assaulted (x ?)
d- children cheated (x 3 decades)
e- deception of RCMP (x 2)

Odd how very hard to get such a simple easy denial? And by all named and pictured below. And about all five very simple clear claims above? Why should they even worry about further proof of conspiracy to criminally obstruct, wrongful prosecution and to criminally defame and decades of documented bad faith and deception as illegal non-disclosure agreements also define? Why worry? 

Would also help RCMP to see this collective confidence in full solidarity that RCMP were not once used by this slime like petty props and puppets to serve some of these criminals in the past. And both times in one week by some of those named and pictured below. Why did they get so frightened and stopped calling RCMP on little wee me while I oddly clearly escalated all my "threatening" efforts and legal threats? What were they so very afraid of to not even call RCMP on little me anymore? What did they find out about me far too late? A very-very interesting question? And why cowards and criminals silenced so fast? Well documented. And best I'm a material witness. And so well documented even with RCMP?

For now, for speed, even by just those named and pictured below, all in "full denial" as a tight cohesive "intelligent and honest" group, in very safe solidarity on ZOOM for RCMP should be enough. How easy is that? 

They say they are part of "world class" professionals in TV production. Odd to fear ZOOM solidarity and the clear efficacy for RCMP and with their 891 power brains 891 executives they normally should love to showcase? "Most of the time"? Clearly they loved publicity and propaganda postured as as "honest and intelligent" prior. Maybe just a signed affidavit in solidarity safer than showing their lying faces and more pathetic posturing?

We are trying to keep it so very simple for criminal slime to so easily deny so very little at their increasing peril. And so very odd when previously so very quick to use RCMP as puppets and pawns to having silly corrupt internal trials as to protect criminal's reputations from "disrepute"? Once so very fast, and now so very slow? They should be able to provide some exculpatory evidence against both witness and protected witness testimony plus previous Provincial Inquiry testimony to BC LRB rulings and Internal documentation plus both direct and circumstantial evidence? Shouldn't they quickly deny these claims? Or best to start documenting remorse and restitution even if a few decades too late?

Why now so incredibly and visibly slow to protect their "good honest family names and "succesful" career reputations" from such very serious  "disrepute" in real honest criminal and civil court rooms? What are RCMP to national media to "honestly" think when so very slow and yet so simple to do a formal denial in solidarity? Solidarity always a winner when self interest the result. Such legal optics hardly desirable. Easy to prove at least three local presidents and their executives cabinet well aware of this blog and these very clear claims? All void of accountability, transparency, responsibility, standard of care, due diligence restitution or remorse. Acting in good faith or disgusting excessive breach of fiduciary duty as per reference to Labour Code:

12 (1) A trade union or council of trade unions must not act in a manner that is arbitrary, discriminatory or in bad faithQuis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Or act or be criminal as well as corrupt an added given as a no-no?

Sort of helps blow apart any illusion of even the appearance of no wrongdoing when so hard to show even good faith in so many matters. From permit first day call to local union presidency for three decades, so much to hide.

Criminal Matters Are Criminal Code Not Labour.

Note: When criminal idiots first called RCMP bluffing or totally delusional they weren't in, or helping a gang of major thieves ($5,000.00+) and women beaters, children cheaters, supported by perverts and purse snatchers or judicial savant like Paul Klassen (or maybe just suffering temporary cognitive dissonance of their ugly sins and lives as they must), they totally freed key efforts from (Provincial) BC LRB responsibility and opened the door wide for a variety of (Federal) criminal and the resulting civil liabilities from these criminal law matters. Later stupidity by ignorant criminals just added windfall.

And add with Paul Klassen as such a master in understanding the "honest" legality of those in "disrepute", and his documented lack of, and irresponsible and reckless, standard of care and due diligence in a "paid" fiduciary role, it is now kind of funny Paul Klassen, in such very serious and real world, himself in clear stated criminal  "disrepute", so even more odd all so slow in shared denial. Paul Klassen paid to help criminals clearly? Why so very slow? Why now so willing to look so sadly so very pathetic and so sickeningly documented as dishonest in a position of "paid" trust and so very stupid. This when once trying so very hard to look so strong, smart and honest? Thought they would get away with it? Look impressive. And never being criminally exposed failing to consider ramifications as characterises arrested development, not just ethics issues.

Maybe RCMP will get lucky and get signed denials from "each" of those named and pictured below? We do desperately need their documented signed denial in collective solidarity as to ensure the best entertainment and most laughs for RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges. And for my legal friends, who always put so much insane pressure on me to amuze. As a failed comedian I still need good material to work with? For laughs later we will discuss illegal and legal non-disclosure, gag and confidentiality agreements as they relate directly to criminal fraud. 

"Fraud and falsehood dread examination. Truth invites it"
Samuel Johnson

This blog is written for 3 Audiences (Just like Shakespeare or a multi-level Melville?):

1) Primary audience, RCMP investigation and interrogation experts, and Crown Prosecutors. Those who can read very little of this blog to appreciate the many crimes involved. And if bored may be entertained reading more or all of this blog. This as I try to both educate and entertain others. And while having provided an interesting minefield for the criminal's lawyers to disarm all around this blog?

2) Second audience, Criminals named and pictured below and the big shot expensive Union and Hollywood lawyers they bragged about and now must hire. And pay. And pay well. For a few years. And with no illegal use of member's funds in trust. This personal and not a union matter so member's money best not used. Big shot expensive Union and Hollywood lawyers who again as warned "must read this whole blog" to avoid placed minefields throughout. And thus criminals left with the options to: 

a- Accept a "full unconditional guilty plea" and beg for a deal.
b- Fight in courts for a few very expensive and psychologically taxing and very physically damaging years of stress. And needing far more lies? And in media spotlight and scrutiny. And with added possible appeals. Appeals likely as to avoid or further delay jail time and their assets seized as proceeds of crime. Very expensive as any legal realist must concede.
c- Do nothing, don't meet in solidarity, don't plan, pretend, posture and really panic later and while surrounded by proven and very documented fools they once reciprocally used and can't trust either intellectually or ethically, as proven. Such an impressive gang even if not much individually. Their dog loyalty in solidarity now ironically a major legal liability. True? False?

3) General public, selected media plus many from MLAs and MPs to those needing help with this blog for their own issues. This blog as a handy educational and entertaining reference for others own case or causes. And as a key focus as to warrant and expedite a long overdue and so clearly needed (and going deeper into criminal matters than Tysoe Inquiry):  

A Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry.

This as to best expose tax credit fraud in the millions yearly for three decades. And make all other great "honest" unions look good. Comparisons must be made

I myself am a major big time fan of unions like CUPE and UNIFOR/ACFC and ACTRA and so many other honest unions that I worked for or with. And I've worked for more unions than most even in NDP including Dix and Horgan. And some unions so honest they literally can make some churches and banks look corrupt. Yes, literally. But not this criminal group when in control or position of fiduciary trust and where any form of trust an absurdity. Makes "Chicago" politics look cleaner, even if in Chicago political criminals go to jail.

Was also very impressed with the integrity and intellect in Nurses and Teachers unions executive, even if still some questions on policy and priorities. 

Had to deal with Nurses and Teachers unions when I was on the board of directors of a public company looking to lead on investment in distant medicine and education.
This after my great COB Bill Grant (as former PC Candidate New West and CEO of Nabob) great success with funding TelSat. 

The purpose of this blog is to be an easy handy reference for dozens of critical needed and novel criminal charges as defined below. Designed specifically for RCMP and Crown Prosecution. And for consideration for a few of the criminals needing to be reading this. And that, so they can share with their lawyers to expedite all matters. 

Hoping this forcing criminal slime to take the bait and either dramatically escalate for more criminal charges and traps. Or simply plead guilty and try to get a deal. Both work so well. 

Doing nothing out of foolish fear with a postured veneer of pretentious legal or intellectual strength makes these criminal slime now look so very stupid and uneducated and so very weak. And seriously incapable of coordinating any "consensus of solidarity" of denial or legal defence. And for any possible "honest"response. Their three choices above.

This covering millions in tax credit fraud for three decades to assault of women. And this added with further documented and witnessed three decades of  "Coercion and Intimidation". Beyond denial. Beyond debate.

And this blog makes very obvious both who you can trust and clearly who you can't. And from top politicians to lowest level coworker or pretentious union executive.

Key: This also to help the young single working mother needing an "honestly" and "healthy" safe place to work, to young men looking for an honest and fair workplace. This is very serious. 

What if was your young daughter or sister severely beaten up or sexually harassed from someone from another country? Or your son, brother, sister, mother or father cheated of years of income by criminals, frauds, fakes, liars and bullies? Would you like knowing the criminal cowardly human slime, plus those who aid and abet still thinking it all so very funny, and still laugh about it all? And still thinking themselves so very clever as helping or ignoring. Yes, be honest. How would you feel?

Yet, cowardly criminal critics and slime can only "verbally" deny these claims, fearing any and all paper trails, but until they "all" can:

(1) put something "meaningful" in writing and signed by all with lawyers or not, and/or
(2) call RCMP a third time (X 3): 

They are thus all seriously just a very sad and tragic human joke in a rather desperate pathetic self-affirming circle of slime of those named and pictured below. Waiting for judgement day. 

Who will be so desperate to be recorded and lie again to RCMP on ZOOM or Skype or other cool new video conferencing ability, and lie again to protect the worst of criminals from "disrepute", and thus severely increase their own very serious legal problems? This making criminals stars on their very own ZOOM TV show, as they take a number and seat and wait for their number to come up. 

This as RCMP use their novel "non admissible" voice polygraphs with their "so very admissible" audio and video recordings? Funny time for some to suddenly get camera shy, when prior they clearly loved the camera and writing their own script? And now they get to act like absolutely nothing "criminal" to hide? But now with a far more legally enlightened, educated and intelligent audience. No more advantage with fools and fear factors. Such challenging roles. And hoping their best PR publicists in their union can separate the semantics of "fraud" from "fraudulent concealment" or more basic signature "deceptive omission". Very criminally obstructive if more deception tried on RCMP a third time?

Certainly ZOOM a great opportunity to show "everyone" plus RCMP and Crown Prosecution how honest they all are plus showcase their "world class" camera, lighting, directing, script, audio, wardrobe, makeup and hair talent and even pre production skills? Also a great way to promote upcoming talent like Vice-President Margo McKenzie, to Business Representative Phil Klapwyk (loved his election material documenting the problems within he is now in partnership with?) and even spotlight old-timer Manager, Administration Susan Butler-Gray in her very major key three decade criminal supporting role? And if RCMP like the incredible entertainment value and cost-efficacy of Video conferencing count me in to play the evil villian. Possibly stream live for 9,000 membership and kept for binge viewing on Youtube for union members all over Canada?

And likely slime still hoping fools, friends and family still fooled for as long as still possible that they are no more than just very sad fakes aided by crime, criminals and corruption for their titles and financial windfall and the blatant restriction of trade and fair market competition such dirty unions can provide. Even using "restriction of trade inside among members" helping criminals and incompetents but blocking those more skilled, talented, educated, honest. Also easy to prove.  And thus slime more and more obvious to more and more people by delay, and by the day, as just sleazy fakes, frauds and felons. 

And so odd if these criminals ("some" pictured and named below) not in historic single-mined solidarity in this extremely serious criminal matter. And for simple denial? They do get their strength in numbers just like Trump people. And all alone with matched adversity classic creeps and cowards. And oddly so slow in full denial. Any denial? All criminals only need fear is added contempt, obstruction, perjury, and "criminal conspiracy to defame". This on top of other very serious criminal matters, as also easy to prove. Silence hardly suggests innocence? Ever?

They can just say "Not True" in a signed sworn affidavit for RCMP and it's only certainly defamatory and obstructive in a criminal investigation if their sworn statement not true, and just another added documented lie to obstruct? 

Solidarity in so many criminal matters, kind of helpful as it also makes "aid and abet charges" and "conspiracy claims" a slam-dunk. In a way a retirement plan for criminals.

Ideal if the whole executive in IATSE 891 with fiduciary duty, and not simply pay, still so very helpful aid and abetting criminals. As documented and witnessed. 
Silence hardly suggests innocence? Ever?

The totally "illegal" non-disclosure agreements stand as clear proof as with documented internal trial efforts of clear criminal conspiracy to aid and abet and clearly protect criminals, and their reputations from "disrepute". Or more simply: Criminal Exposure.

As for criminals reading this now, we know exactly who you are. And we also know your networks and employers and from IMDB, Facebook friends to your key career and reputation LinkedIn references. And we know where you work, and who you work for. And where you lived. Where you went to high school. We know so very much about you. See Pictures and Names below. Surprises to follow. 

One of the greatest fears of cowardly, sneaky, sleazy, liars, fakes, frauds and felons is exposure as such and as documented here, and in front of all their family, friends, employers, coworkers, CRA, Crown Prosecution and Police. 

The other things criminal slime and those who support and abet them all fear, is looking so very incredibly stupid in front of those so much smarter. This Blog makes the latter now near mission accomplished. And this blog certainly starts to help ALL honest workers in BC. And all taxpayers taken for fools. True? False?

It only takes one to stand up to groups and gangs of clear cowards and crazy people. "March 2021 was the 50th anniversary of the My Lai Massacre, when US soldiers raped and murdered 500 Vietnamese civilians and burned their homes. Only one man resisted, Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, he stopped the massacre by blocking the American soldiers, turning rifles on them and threatening to kill them, which saved countless lives." Some are cowards. Some are crazy and sick. Some are followers who aid and abet. Some all three.

The Fastest Way For RCMP

The fastest way for RCMP to Media to have a quick feel for the validity of "ALL" these criminal claims here in this blog is:

Simply video-phone John Brummitt? Ask him to review this blog for 5 days. This so he can talk to his criminal friends and all those named and pictured below. And to help his memory.

Then after 5 days, which also allows him time to talk to a top criminal lawyer, and then ask him to go to video-phone and/or come down to RCMP offices, even with an expensive lawyer, as needed. And simply ask John Brummitt: what "exactly" he can deny? If not "everything" in this whole blog? And sign a sworn affidavit for court records.

And to be fair RCMP should fully warn John Brummitt that his third time involved and very connected to lies to RCMP and involving millions in tax credit fraud for three decades coming from him or his so very clever superior criminal friends: is another added new criminal offence. And RCMP should give John Brummitt some idea of how long he could be in jail should a Criminal Court Judge find him as disgusting as so many non-criminal types absolutely now do. Bets? And by default any little lie he gets busted on, any credibility he may have had, becomes a major joke. As with the credibility of all of his friends in solidarity pictured and named below. And before they can even speak a word. No pressure.

No matter what he does, says or qualifies this should make so much so evident. Ideally this meeting video taped with Brummitt involving top RCMP investigation and interrogation experts familiar with FBI and CIA methods on "how to spot a liar". A great fast way to start? True? False? 

If these people so smart to have such big shot jobs, big pay and perks, titles and even business cards and so sadly paid more than nurses, teachers and police, they must be smart and clever enough to understand exactly what is happening and how critical formal denial is as an imperative?

This would be interesting for RCMP with just a quick friendly chat with John Brummitt. Or even asking any or all past and present 891 presidents as listed below, and one-at-a-time, so they can avoid as best as possible the appearance of criminal conspiracy and the DNA of a 3-decade deceptive dynasty.

Keith Woods, present 891 union local president. See links below here for his threats of legal and union executive bullying as to also "Coerce and Intimidate" honest members and threaten free speech possibly confusing himself with God and missing the obvious? This as per media links in this blog. 

Sad if he's such a cowardly slime and not dare legally threaten little me like he does nice honest workers just wanting to talk freely about all executive's abuse of funds? Try me, tough guy? My family fought and died in wars to protect "Freedom of Speech" so no stupid low-life slime with some tiny corrupt union local title will get away with this garbage to protect the corrupt or criminal on my watch. My military family and friends will not be amused?  Nor any honest person.

This may be the right time again to get Gowling law firm and BC LRB to once again humiliate and expose another 891 President and his dog loyal self-interest and self-consumed uneducated and limited experienced fakes. Those that aid and abet and in fiduciary roles? Twice as bad. This added again as another ruling of "Coercion and Intimidation". Defines 891's executive perfectly. Just as with Don Ramsden when the little local president and John Brummitt as top senior shoeshine boy showing how clever they aren't, and plus failed in very foolish BC LRB appeals. Even more revealing. Or when fat little fool Ken Anderson little local president also busted by BC LRB for also documented deceptive bad faith and integrity as well, and also abuse of position. What a culture of corruption and crime? This back when that slime was president (See Registered Mail?). Then as such seems somewhat simple to show a cult, conspiracy, and culture of "Coercion and Intimidation" documented from 1990 to 2021? And added to RCMP files with the lies they were told by the protected upper ruling class of IATSE 891 criminal executive elite. 

This link EXTREMELY important to review for context as per below. This may be a first in union history as to both totally disgust left-wing media to extreme right-wing Toronto media and all "honest members with brains". Much-much more to this story and about honour among thieves. Plus reciprocal protection and why?

Mitch Davies, past 891 president. Clown or coward, or both, who clearly aids and abets criminals with his textbook tacit support of silence. Now his career a joke and back inhaling sawdust as he deserves as also so very brave and clever. Odd he feared denying my claims for three years? His life and career as such now tainted and limited, as this blog and his name part of federal criminal files. Forever. 

Side Note: The irony some love is I made more money as a buyer and systems developer in 10 years than he did as a carpenter and as an 891 President. Don't I feel stupid? My accounting friends don't think so. Also made more than John Brummitt as tool boy and senior steward in my 8 years. Just do the math. I may have been an intellectually and philosophically suffering victim but not financially. Would seem with honest and/or smart people I'm always paid more. Honesty pays well. Crime does not. True? False? Bets?

When I was doing three shows at one time and saving all three real money and still working less than an 8 hour day (mostly from home? And no complaints from the smart and honest ones?) makes a few look very stupid. Very stupid? Real numbers don't lie. A win for the shows I helped saving over other buyers as one show wonders and allowed me to bill for a "12 day week" with a 12-hour deal memo plus 3 car allowances weekly. And just a four-day week off-budget not five fools need? Saving 20% a week for my shows? All honest. All Legal. All fact. Based on honest education, skills and talent. With my personal "private system" (to avoid theft by fools) I also designed (alone) I could have done 6 shows and billed for a "24 day week". If results, savings, quality and "honesty" all that matters? As it should with "honest" and "intelligent" people. However, comedy called and went back East. Wish I could have given the hundreds of added excess and needless hours in my hour bank to workers with families less fortunate but IATSE 891 never provided a system to allow me to do so. Makes a few look very stupid. Very stupid? Real numbers don't lie. Loved laughing at efforts trying to replace me? Such intelligent value paying more for less. 20% more every week. Makes some management look very stupid. Oddly as they really are. As documented for three decades? True? False? We'll talk in more detail about stupid management costing shows when most damaging?

Compassion? Still willing to help all "honest" 891 members and any major law or accounting firm when local put in trusteeship. However, will demand I be paid at the same billout rate Federal Political parties and Fortune 500 paid for my mind-time @ $150.00 an hour. Only fair? True? False? Bets? And allowing for inflation. However, unlike much  smaller men and minds and less educated and experienced "criminal" union executives will not need a meaningless bogus big shot title or business card. Am also willing to be paid as 7-Eleven paid for "words" @ $ 350.00 a half-page or 30 sec. of radio. Or at the far more generous compensation rate paid by SRK engineering and for speaking at their International AGM. I'm flexible on price. And as with IATSE 891 and Labatt will again want a car deal for luxury car rental. Plus expenses. Hey, if the former Attorney General of Canada has no problem with "judging" my bill out rate, really who are uneducated dishonest criminals morons in 891 to really even dare "judge" my well-proven cost-value? Really?

As a final point international trade and top business school "Dean" academic recognition nice, but also very proud of what my past secretaries from two different companies will say under oath and young men I helped "unsolicited" written words of appreciation. Never scolded or raised my voice? Always joking, always "teaching". This oddly in contrast to why some have called me a "cruel ruthless prick" in courtrooms, barrooms and boardrooms. And still always funny for some? As witnessed.  I just hate liars, cheats and sleaze, bullies and bogus big shots with big titles. All so easy to prove. And since 1975 when I first started fighting with lawyers? These former secretaries and men can also validate some of my other "surprising" claims. 

Now back to the cream of 891 and the best and brightest of the criminal and corrupt and the honest truth about their intellect and integrity.

Ken Anderson, past president. See BC LRB rulings against this sleaze and fascinating registered mail as appears clearly the very stupidest of all 891 super brains as 891 union local president. Anyone trust him? At all? Will need a whole day in criminal court to show how sick and stupid this one is. Well, it is only my opinion he was the stupidest. Some can put together very good reasons why others should share that claim.

Don Ramsden, past president. See BC LRB rulings, email, and as a person Canadian women and men can really and honestly fully trust with their safety and their money? True? False? He's so very clever he "needs" and has to reciprocally aid and abet John Brummitt. Such a key sign of strength or reciprocal criminal compromise? 

Does Don hate Canadians? Or just Canadian women and men, not dog loyal like Brummitt and problematic? For the official record and to be honest and fair, I have never heard any disgusting, cowardly and ugly rumours of any men he beat up and made bleed? True? False? Much more on this honest clever fellow later and the many reasons I and now so many "honest" Canadians can't trust a single word he says. Not one? 

Certainly, hope he can find one "honest" Canadian who can defend him at RCMP offices? Just one honest Canadian. And who can call me a liar under oath and/or for a calculated obstruction to perjury trap? Possibly John Brummitt as clearly dog loyal will defend him at RCMP offices? Actually, that would be ideal and a ton of fun. Things can only get worse, not better? True? False?

A great oppourtunity 
for John Brummitt to show off his honest documented superior intellect and integrity and clearly superior education and experience beyond just being the best ever kiss-ass subordinate to Rob Maier and Don Ramsden as so very many witnessed. And Brummitt can defend both of them to the very-very best of his ability and this when "all alone" with me face-to-face and one-on-one at RCMP offices with trained RCMP interrogation super stars. How lucky for Rob Maier and Don Ramsden to have such respected and loved people to best defend them both and keep them out of jail? True? False?

To get an "honest" feel for what a disgusting pretentious self-righteous sleaze two faced fraud Don Ramsden was as another impressive 891 president and "really" is, and twin John Brummitt when thinking themselves again as so very clever with their illusions and gross pretence as superior in intellect and integrity: See page 6 of this link below and BC LRB ruling. 

Seems sadly for these two very sad, sick ugly men as so clever they couldn't fool Labour Board, Gowling lawyers, intelligent and honest 891 members, nor my nobody legal contacts and based on election numbers, less and less 891 members also fooled. 

Do doubt he will fool my cousin as one of North Americas top forensic shrinks now also on Vancouver Island and no longer at St. Paul's. Bets? She knows  exactly how sick these types are and the danger they present to women, honest workers, even their wives and family? It appears law firms and top forensic shrinks at St.Paul's will simply not be fooled or those more educated. Best the other top forensic shrink related to a sign painter who also suffered these sleaze. Two top forensic shrinks? An uncle of an IATSE member I met on a flight to Hawaii.

His desperate LRB appeal efforts also of note. Will he, combined with John Brummitt, as two such superior experienced and educated creeps be able to both make fools RCMP interrogation experts or "coerce and intimidate" them as is their way?

Now his turn to be screwed around with as he did with Canadians and his income and assets in his so sad and sick pretentious and pathological lying life's golden years. Seizure before judgement as a flight risk as not from Canada seems logical. And much more on the very ugly rumours on the "letter" and why "No one ever heard of him beating up a man" as some joke, and how many honest Canadians he tried to cheat and bully? 

I still have his funny e-mail warning me in his clever legal-speak about defamation law. To which another top defamation lawyer he can ask Ian Mulgrew at Vancouver Sun about, told me to laugh at. "Only an idiot goes to court with such dirty (bloody) hands". All Canadians should be disgusted and send him back, he does not deserve any more kindness or compassion from Canada with all the honest Canadians and too many children he cheated to help criminals. True? False? 

The RCMP should totally crucify this top slime and all his sick and sad criminal support.

Read how he abuses his position any time this sleazy creep thinks he can get away with things from lies, gag agreements, out of court settlements as per Davis & Company law firm files. Seems from documented videos he clearly works well with Susan Butler Grey and Keith Woods when moving money into real estate. How insane all three of them? As most legal judges know you can tell much about people and the company they keep. And for three decades it gets obvious? True? False?


RCMP interrogation experts will need about 3-4 days with Don Ramsden to try and break him down and to give up John Brummitt and those who aid and abet for a "squeal deal" as he has the greatest legal risk.  Well, if not any others smart enough to beat him to the "squeal deal"?

Actually, any and all not from Canada and clearly part of the criminal elite/executive screwing Canadians not from Canada should be sent back as well? It will get very simple to make a choice for every Canadian either you support criminals who screw Canadians and their children or you support honest Canadians. Really, that simple? Really. True? False?

Elmar Thiessenpast president. Nothing sadder than someone who talks intelligence, ethics, and integrity, but such a sick deceptive coward as thinking himself politically savvy as he married the deception and demonstrated conversational soft-love towards criminals who yelled at him like a dog. See emails. He however was the very smartest one with effectively a legal "letter of decent"?

Gavin Craig, past president. Gavin Craig is deceased, so we will just have to use documentation from his internal trial, email and other matters. Gavin was president when I first formally warned the sleaze to clean up their criminal act and now in RCMP files and mine? 

We  can, to be kind, even pretend that none have documented BC LRB rulings against them for "Coercion and Intimidation", nor involved with prior documented lies to RCMP (X 2) and even for now ignore their well documented problems with truth at previous provincial inquiries. And for some, clear personality disorders will hardly be mentioned. For now? See below.

Or RCMP,  if interested in those with even much bigger, flashy and fancy and far more impressive big shot titles and of superior intellect and integrity, experience and education as to judge others, while as documented, protecting children cheaters, womem beaters, thieves, fakes, fools and frauds please consider these class acts:

Paul Klassen, present super brain Executive Director - British Columbia Council of Film Unions. Clearly should never be trusted again in any position of trust. True? False? Maybe if lucky RCMP will believe him he's as ignorant of all crimes as he'll fake as odd for such a top dog fancy title? Many don't trust him at all. He really should see a top defamation lawyer and certainly try to sue me? How dare I even suggest problems with both his superior intellect and integrity and noted legal depth and now dare put him in "disrepute". Paul can get me for both defamation and wrongful prosecution to show off his so respected legal skills? If he can.

Tom Adair, another past super brain as Executive Director - British Columbia Council of Film Unions. Having worked in a psychiatric ward in university with studies in neurosciences, he should have all assets a result of a teenage effort at money laundering as proceeds of crime, seized, and Tom put in an institution with others exactly like him. Yes cruel. But for his decades of cowardly kiss ass efforts only confronting those not criminals with his needless brilliant "authoritative" editorial skills, as such disgusting coward and fraud, he deserves nothing less than suffering his own kind. Would he have had such a high paying job for so long if he questioned women beaters, thieves and children cheaters as he does others? As documented. Be honest for those who can be honest?

Or if RCMP curious about those with very pricy PR pictures and having had "quality time" with John Horgan and Adrian Dix, and even with Don Ramsden and Tom Adair possibly ask Dix Hollywood Date Dusty Kelly as no longer cleaning paint brushes and oddly a Director at BCLC to sign a sworn affidavit denying all my claims? Proving again who you blow or know, more important than what you know. True? False? And to, as they say in game shows, invite her to: "Come on down"? 

Other names available, but not critical until criminal court and a provincial inquiry.

And where I sadly don't have a big shot title, no business card and am not even another stupid department head and major thief, or socially acceptable by these exact types, and sadly only just my long term nobody grade school to graduate study friends and family who like me; and oddly only with previous employers in other unions and non-union world who liked me, like Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada and Russ McKay as a former roommate and a BC Criminal Court Judge, I am certainly punching far above my weight class based on business cards and titles of 891 executives? Well, if Big Shot titles "really" mean anything in 891. Or just exactly as misleading as my title was when Don Ramsden and John Brummitt thought themselves so very disgustingly clever. As documented? Or worse?

And silly me inviting these known bullies documented for "Coercion and Intimidation" over 3 decades to now bully little wee me as a full coordinated group. They do have the amazing Rob Maier as a long time crime coordinator to coordinate with his dog loyal support. If his title means anything? Maybe RCMP would like to speak to somebody who can coordinate all these so clever, honest, educated, accomplished and intelligent people paid more than teachers, nurses and police? And paid so much more with far less training, education and certification and far less integrity and merit. True? False?

And even with no big shot 891 union local title or business card or big expensive Hollywood and Union lawyers, I'm more than willing to be interrogated by 3-5 RCMP officers and all alone, and to expedite matters do a volunteer polygraph. Will also add a dozen other items and new names to that agenda? Then we can leave RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Press to make their own comparison and logical reductionist judgements. And should RCMP be curious will try to help them stack questions for all targets and traps. And with those not named yet that they can totally surprise? Everyone loves a surprise. Maybe not. 

Hey, what a great oppourtunity for some of those named and pictured below as sadly suffering horrible ugly rumours of beating up women, kicking puppies, porn addiction, theft over $5,000.00, abuse of funds, coercion and intimidation, bad faith overkill, as they can now so easily help protect their family good names and career reputations and legacy and also do volunteer polygraphs? This to kill all the ugly rumours. What are they worried about they brag about how a few still protected by the statute of limitations and illegal non-disclosure agreements aid and abetting criminals from exposure to disrepute. As documented. 

Yes, I will also ask that I also do a volunteer polygraph on additional and totally unrelated matters as a matter of record on copyright and criminal law. I've caught other slime taking credit for my work. This will shut them up as well and allow with witnesses and documents to settle other matters. This is lucrative and since rights of authorship under copyright law good for 50 years after my death, no issue with statute of limitations. Why not kill six birds with one stone and pickup some cash on a totally unrelated matter? Do it once and do it right stuff. But the criminals in 891 will be the critical primary focus. I promise. Duty before desire as I tell all the girls.

I guess some surprised I'd be the one as just a "funny computer nerd" as assumed for a few years, to stand up for others and take them all on at once? Couldn't be bought. Couldn't be bullied. And zero pressure to "Fit in". My friends and girlfriends certainly easy to be far more proud of helping others than the women and men in 891 executive. Shall we compare so facts known? When you grow up with and knowing so many real heroes (including "real decorated" military heroes) and do-gooders the peer group pressure possibly far more than when peers all low-life criminals, fakes, fools and frauds. Award winning "investigative" journalist to legal scholars who have literally changed Canada can change you. Others "real" volunteer and charitable work without PR or paid efforts as with those named and pictured sets a far higher standard. 

I'm really no more than a spokesmodel here and a failed comedian and failed Country and Western "Superstar". Am, however, a bit proud of the millions I've made laugh or simply smile with Radio and TV ads all over Canada to coworkers with written words. As documented. As witnessed. Some think if you're funny it's a sign of weakness. I know this too well as I suffered that hundreds of times as a doorman and bouncer. Just like when Muhammad Ali was funny and not so macho and alpha as much smaller men like John Brummitt -- and like myself, Ali a bit of a poet and to some a bit pretty as well. Some think you're weak if funny? I was the same height as Muhammad Ali and had a one inch longer reach with a tiny bit of martial arts and military combat training. Helps when you're protecting ladies. And not beating them up.

I am also tragically shy, well, when not in real courtrooms or real boardrooms and when not surrounded by idiots, and have alone only done successful presentations for CRTC tribunal appeals in Gatineau, speeches to top computer brains in US aerospace industry for IBM(US), and auditoriums filled with merchant associations plus top business school students. But will deal with my shyness, as I must. I'm much stronger in person than in print. Fact Check. Back to business:

This blog also done as all BC and Canada should know exactly how film tax credits enrich such very low-life criminals as eventual proceeds of crime. And how "exactly" done in a few simple easy diversions, steps, and covers. Little league money laundering fools the stupid ones only.

And with this blog to not simply to identify millions in tax credit fraud yearly for almost thirty years but to provide actionable remedies and solutions. This obviously will help honest workers. And with respect to proceeds of crimes, that they be used to compensate all families and children cheated as once considered collateral damage or not at all. This by those blinded by greed, ego and self-interest and gross illusions of self-importance and superiority, as both witnessed and so very nicely documented.

Only fair that those who pay taxes that provides tax credits have the honest right to demand such public transparency and accountability for "their funding". Just as all unions and businesses that are enriched by tax credits or other public funding should have open books. Certainly if using taxpayer money and Canadian workers. And this certainly helps members and public simply not get ripped off so often. Too honest?

Possibly, Bill C-317, the union transparency Bill tabled by Conservative MP Russ Hiebert should be enhanced and best tabled by NDP for "voter credibility" when tax credits involved and detailing about those in a film union executives paid more than nurses, teachers, police and lawyers and with far less education, training, certification and insurance. And about the real resumes to casino habits of executives (See Links) and other novel use of funds to buy silence and settlement. Where do tax credits flow and go?

Some may not realize that tax credits are a real cost of lost tax revenue of normal government revenue. In this case, like any tax credit abused by fraud, as to enrich criminals or their criminal friends, basically "stolen". And tax credits, even if no fraud, still always looking for recovery, as termed an "investment". And a recovery greater than cost (ROI) and with "oppourtunity cost" as must be calculated and so often forgotten by deceptive economists or those faking such status? And even given credit for secondary economic benefits and spill to velocity of money. I'll leave it at that, for now, as I can be so incredibly boring having "really" studied microeconomics. And yet, oddly CRA and CAs do find me very funny when I talk about money and abuse. From Crusade financing, Merchants of Venice and Vatican, Bank of England to Chicago School of Economics, Fractional Reserve absurdity; so tons of great material for jokes. Just like others providing funny numbers. Just like those criminals named and pictured below and their numbers also good for great jokes. And for the exposure and humiliation of these sick ignorant criminals.

So this blog not boring, I have intentionally added random tiny morsels of humour and introduce and explain a tiny bit about myself. This added as to also to run criminal's legal bills as much as possible through the roof with fill and other fun stuff they must read or look stupid. Just as I have done before a few times even in non-union issues? Have made fools of a few from my corrupting "my own software" systems that some tried to steal and/or plagiarize and claim as their brain work? The sincerest form of flattery not imitation but theft? Where did all my artwork and software go? So costly for the dishonest and so free for the honest. Plus free support. 

Humiliated and made fools of Don Ramsden and John Brummitt when I totally ignored their Big Shot titles of President and Department Chair efforts to block my membership. This with a "simple successful single page appeal" to executive. Then an "honest 891 executive" as comparisons will make so very clear. I think some use the reference "when truth stands up to power"? Others, easily hundreds, sadly not so lucky, and as this documents, and costs "honest talented workers" thousands of dollars yearly in corrupted seniority lost and medical and dental for their children. And more sick and disgusting with only special perks for those dog loyal to the criminal elite, or those honest with talent that the criminals clearly used to hide behind or exploit. As so often the case in such matters. Just like department heads who are hardly as smart as their staff but fake they are the talented ones? Too obvious as not? So very easy to prove.

This added copy fill and traps as the criminal's lawyers must read this whole blog or take insane risks as might be calculated. This also done so that it is clearly understood that this not my favourite focus as a failed Comedian and failed Country and Western "Superstar". And, so some also understand why once again how I'm oddly forced to speak out and speak up for others. Just as I have for farm workers (Ontario), railway workers (BC), hotel workers (Alberta), and starting in the early '70s as RCMP files support. And as even a grievance coordinator for CUPE in the late '70s (Quebec). And a grievance coordinator for CUPE in the late '70s as based on my undergraduate law studies in Montreal and Ottawa. Not a lawyer. But not a fool. Good on principles. Weak on procedure. I still do have Federal Security Clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC for special projects?

Why me? Be honest, really who else "really could" and who else "really would"? Names please or you're just wasting time or kidding yourself and haven't read much below. True? False?

News: Guns? Threats?

Some now think it best RCMP interrogation experts on "how to spot a liar" ask those named and pictured below, and ASAP, if I need to carry a handgun when outside for protection and reasonable defence. This as based on phone threats and other criminal efforts, and those with illegal firearms as per my best guess some very upset with claims of:

1) Millions And Millions Of Dollars In Criminal BC Tax Credit Fraud For 3 Decades.

2) Women Assaulted and Harassed.

3) RCMP Used As Pawns And Props And Mislead By Deceit By Criminals To "Coerce and Intimidate" Honest Workers. Some as per Names and Pictures Below.

NDP Shame?

What will Horgan and NDP do, or not do, about Adrian Dix's old Hollywood date Dusty Kelly? And her criminal friends and herself. As documented? Dusty Kelly went rather quickly from cleaning paint brushes to over-paid token "Director" with plenty of perks with the already seriously scandal-ridden BCLC in matters of trust. 

This oddly and so sadly and says so much , when so many loyal NDP supporters from Golden to Sooke as: far more qualified, far more educated, far more accomplished, far more senior, and those who had worked far harder, plus for far longer, and as far more critical: as certainly far more "honest"? But sadly just not the glamour and glitter as Dix's Hollywood Dusty date offered. This alone requires a variety of questions be answered for transparency and accountability. And mandamus? Like simply and "exactly": "who" paid and "why".  And why such a "scheduled" priority? Good thing Dix has no history of problems with trust and integrity as when RCMP had to grab his computer when helping Glen Clark mislead all BC?

Did Hollywood offer to make them BC political celebrities and so invited to all the lavish parties also enjoying tax credits to help cover booze and food? Or would they buy that honour offering more tax credits to help further enrich Dusty Kelly's clear criminal friends even far more than majority benefit (See Pyramid Frequency Distribution Graphs?) And again build her growing brand and image as "worker's hero" few dare question and using others money. Few allowed to debate. And all this as others once again left to pay the bill for her excessive self-affirming PR and vain photo and blatant pathetic political efforts? As very well documented. And as to cost taxpayers and/or members so Dix could look like a hero with Dusty Kelly to the Film Industry? This while nurses and teachers so heroic and exhausted and sadly still not given even anywhere near such an "honest" focus. Nor do nurses, teachers and police get near so many "tax credited lavish parties". Dix and Dusty should try and sue me? Should be so easy. Shouldn't it? Ask Eby?

We can only hope real "honest" superheroes like nurses, teachers and police got vaccine before Adrian Dix and his Hollywood date Dusty Kelly and her long time criminal film friends. And before those who aid and abet a criminal elite as documented and witnessed. Those who literally and honestly just make mostly teenage cerebral useless junk and based on meaningless myth of fictitious superheroes while our real BC heroes not so honoured. 

And as far more revealing and tragically sick, and requiring far more detail, also exporting millions and millions of taxable Film and TV profits to foreign "distribution" agents? This while BC tax credits helped cover risk and cost via tax credit. Making taxpayers fools. Making criminals rich. True? False? 

Nothing more sad when PR and Publicists try to fake an understanding of economics.  Missing the real price of everything and value of nothing?

We only have to do a fair and honest comparison of Dix dicking around as when with Glen Clark, but now with a focus on the past year of health policy metrics as compared to other's "success" from New Zealand to Nova Scotia. And even when allowing for honest variable differences. "The truth the sharpest sword".

Yes, teachers, nurses, police far more valuable to BC and all society than easily replaceable criminal film union executives and dirty sleazy department heads with big impressive titles, nice business cards and very expensive sunglasses. 

Feeling sick and disgusted just with children cheated? Wait, there's far more. Far more? Is this the most aggressive power play since Monica Lewinsky? 

Why exactly did "literally hundreds" of union members vote for a full "forensic audit" of Dusty Kelly and brain buddy Tom Adair in a previous position of TRUST? And obviously with a need for a Forensic Audit that this gang's criminal executives ignored for their own protection? Had to ignore? Again, for their own protection. And kind of funny by cheer leading and encouraging made a real documented idiot and fake out of Tom Adair, while trying to pretend he was not aiding and abetting criminals, and this by clearly aiding and abetting criminals? Yes, he documented himself aiding and abetting criminals, and best in his own printed and published and distributed words. As documented. What an idiot? 

And as very obvious to very many: the criminals themselves as a voting block were clearly not voting for a "Forensic Audit". This as criminals clearly fearing and not wanting a "Forensic Audit". Ya' think? Who else really would have"needed"to support Dusty Kelly in core criminal solidarity unless grossly uninformed or likely misinformed by her trademark and signature fraudulent concealment. As Dix now suffers by association. And criminals as seen historically easy to mobilize as motivate, and as a core part of long time gravy train? Obviously? 

Is this the kind of patronage issue that killed Federal Liberals and made Mulroney Prime Minister and here as Dix also couldn't simply say "No"? 

Trivia fill: I almost got into a physical fight with Brian Mulroney when he was just a chain smoking Labour Lawyer trying to seed political currency in the Montreal Press Club abusing a busboy. I had to interrupt.

We will also review how and why even former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney must suffer "disrepute", but not defamation? Where and why criminals can only make efforts to protect their criminal friends from "disrepute" will also be reviewed. Yes, such idiots document their legal stupidity and lack of education as such. Much more on this clever word play that makes so much so obvious to follow. What idiot supported such stupidity from authoring this transparent purpose union bylaw to absurd internal trial when creeps cowardly supported criminals. A tad self indulgent some may ask? And so very stupid thinking I would simply pay a small fine less than a lunch and just accept and show respect to criminals with them never thinking that their gross stupidity would be critical and pivotal to their exposure as part of criminal elite and those who aid and abet. Thank God Paul Klassen such a documented dumb idiot. Clearly aid and abetting criminals in a documented illegal trial and punishing, penalizing defaming an obvious honest whistle-blower.  The sick slime thinking they'd be respected. And now the future objects of union to national ridicule. Yes, as they say in law using a baseball metaphor "Justice Bats Last". Should help Paul Klassen's career and reputation soon be in very well known serious criminal "disrepute". Will Paul Klassen be honest on his LinkedIn profile and admit helping criminals certainly didn't seem to hurt his career or pay scale either. Much like the ascendancy of Susan Butler-Grey. Such is history. We can document diminished cognitive capacity and define where they continually tended to make decisions that prioritised immediate short-term criminal benefits with little forethought of results and ramifications. Blinding ego blatant?. 

Is this blog like a tiny "The Jungle" that Upton Sinclair wrote to expose the appalling crime and corruption and working conditions in the meat-packing industry?  Sorry. Inside joke. I have friends and family reading this that I also must entertain?

Big Thanks 

First, big thanks to all the people who have been so very encouraging and so very helpful like old university buddy Oxford Legal Scholar Dr Judith Fudge (Labour/Women's Law) when acting Law faculty chair at UBC and my old roommate BC Criminal Court Judge Russell McKay. 

Yes, once I was just an honest union member worried about the insane time and cost to get all these sleazy people in front of Labour Board plus handle civil court costs and efforts. However, possibly before even dessert was served, was told basically "crucify them all in criminal courts". Then mostly discussion on evidence. Other top legal coached on defamation and media use.

This kind of funny, as I would be talking to such internationally recognized legal heavies with other issues related to these criminals, and this as exactly about the same time when criminals first tried to use RCMP as their personal political puppets and pawns with clear lies to try and "Coerce and Intimidate" honest workers. Like me. And it gets even more funny.

And RCMP foolishly used as a threat as to help criminals not being exposed. And this back when so many of the Criminal Elite knew so very little about me and for a "number of years" and simply thought I was just a "very funny computer nerd". And seriously thought that they my superior based on a meaningless big title and a position facilitated by lies, criminals and corruption. Well, maybe in part true, I am a funny computer nerd? In part. I do make many laugh. And from The X-Files crew and producers, as witnessed to top talent in French comedies and even Trailer Park Boys talent and crew back East. In fairness, the criminals knew and know so very little about me. They may even find me even more funny in person. One-on-one. Face-to-face?

And most criminals also knew nothing about my work with Award Winning "Investigative" Journalist Terence McKenna at CBC National, when I did national media liaison radio work in Toronto with Mr. Mckenna, as well as tennis, skiing and sailing. Nor my work with Stanley Hartt's ("The Brains behind Mulroney") Detective Agency in Montreal and my introduction to the BS busting wonders of polygraphs, and university studies in "legal realism", rhetorical fallacies and formal logic? Obvious who looks so stupid now? And will look even more stupid in criminal courts not just as sick cowardly sleazy criminal human dirt. I play my aces last. True? False?

And maybe even far more funny, and certainly makes some laugh, these criminal slime knew absolutely nothing about my work with Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada. He certainly liked me. And certainly 891 executives didn't. He also had no problem paying five times (x5) as much as department heads for my services. Fact check? Ron Basford thought I was funny when attacked by a bunch of senior law firm partners who wanted to debate political marketing and media? What would he think? And this with the later added appreciation by Sen. Jerry Grafstein and Prime Minister John Turner, as documented and witnessed. Most on the X-Files thought I was joking about riding and staying at John Turner's ranch house at the Calgary "Polo Club"? More to follow on why the former Attorney General pays me well and Paul Klasen in his pathetic judicial brilliance with a totally illegal internal trial illegally "fines me and defames me" and while he and his brilliant group believing their own myths about themselves helps criminals. As documented. 

Nor did the criminals know how many friends in total in their 891 IATSE union local, as disgusted as hundreds are, that I had telling me stories about these criminals, as well as my own funny little investigation and detective work. Too bad really. Too bad too many talk and the 891 Omertà or vow of silence, just like totally illegal Non-disclosure efforts all a bit of a big joke now. Seems that these criminals really not that clever, nor loved by all. "Secrecy not part of the recipe for any honest democracy" as those more far educated clearly and repeatedly taught. And so many once silently disgusted, not so silent anymore.  Nor fearing more "Coercion and Intimidation" by criminal bullies, liars, fakes, frauds and felons as safely retired? This as election history numbers also makes very clear.

And certainly thanks to all those providing key "insider information" that will also help RCMP and Crown Prosecution put some in jail. And cost so many dearly.

And special thanks to the senior members now deceased like Don. G, Clark S. and Steve P. for very key history and biographical notes on this criminal elite since the mid-1980's. Some so bitter. And so many just love to talk. Even criminals? Some alive still talk. Didn't need their testimony just to point fingers and affirm my questions. I listen well? 

I remember going down to the productions of the The Fifth Estate in university and listening to Brian Mckenna on investigations on Vitamin "C" to Kennedy Assassination and began appreciating investigative journalists. And when skiing in Sutton at Brian's with Canada's media elite. I may have learned a few things? My publisher social life in Van included Publishers of Vancouver Magazine and The Courier. Ask Vancouver Sun writer Ian Mulgrew what I was doing at Federal Liberal leadership conventions in Richmond with Ron Basford. Or CBC's Terence Mckenna. This when Dusty Kelly cleaning paint brushes and Tom Adair possibly first trusted with cordless power tools.

And thanks to RCMP not buying these criminal low life slime's lies for a second. Maybe some will get lucky a third time lying to RCMP?
And as always thanks to the 470 people who voted in support of a "Full Third Party FORENSIC AUDIT" of Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair, and the resulting further added legal optics. That combined with other hard evidence and testimony makes a nice solid case. Theoretical, logical and empirical and satisfying golden, mischief and literal legal guidelines. Heck, I try. And with a plethora of “A priori” and “a posteriori”. And pile of "Prima facie".  Maybe, I am a funny guy even using Latin and French. I did like Laskin? As women must? Maybe I'll try an "Obiter Dictum" and "Ratio Decidendi" as a tribute to Laskin and as high contrast to the clearly pathetic, pretentious Paul Klassen and his now documented thoughtful legal work clearly helping criminals more than assaulted women or taxpayers. Sadly so illegal. And clearly "Ultra Vires". His family must be so very proud of him?

Sort of sad when a failed Comedian and failed Country and Western "Superstar" knows more about law, management, finance, and media than the whole criminal union executive for three decades combined, faking so very much. Oddly like thousands of criminals all over North America. Denial? Debate?

And thanks to the many supportive comments that foil so well against the well documented babble by ignorant, highly unaccomplished, uneducated, uninformed and arrogant critics and criminals in these gangs, as they thought they were helping their gang not making even more even more obvious. Idiots? Exactly as documented. Would any hire them if not for nepotism to corruption and all their lies, theft, stupidity and gross incompetence exposed? Plus whole truth about assault to theft fully revealed? We'll see won't we?

This blog ironically while used in internal trials for putting criminals in "disrepute" now funny as evidence in criminal trials of internal trial efforts to protect criminals? 
And with internal trial documentation obviously documented as well.

And last and certainly not least, certainly some form of very sincere appreciation due to the big brain trust in the secondary in Rob "Strobby" Maier's criminal gang. This as always so very motivating, as with their so very honest and so very clever inspirational efforts. And their very key help identifying possibly whole criminal network and other added issues with those who aid and abet. Without their help and initiative and ignoring others far wiser, we'd have half as many names and pictures below. Credit where credit due? Frankie and Johnnie were lovers? Well, they both worked and loved Rob Maier their crime boss for near 3 decades? Judge and be judged only fair? If not true they should sue me for defamation. But they can't? And their lawyers know I know it? Should be easy enough if not true? Hey, and I'm no lawyer just a failed comedy writer left now to make front-line workers from medical to grocery delivery laugh. For free.

Thank God for so many "honest class acts" so supportive at "The X-Files" from Bob Goodwin as Executive Producer to the girls in Accounting and Costume. Was cute when Bob called and said I should get a good lawyer and I didn't have the heart to tell him my buddy an acting Law Faculty chair and my old roommate soon after a BC Criminal Court Judge added to my connections from my work with Ron Basford the former Attorney General and already had help from Davis and Company. I think I did mention where not of the high quality and integrity of those in 891 publicity department to get a junior position as documented I did run a Toronto Ad Agency office where higher paid Art Directors worked for me. My girlfriend an Art Director. Her Dad who also worked for me an Art Director. My buddy an Art Director. None arrogant well-known drunks? I did have respect for a few outstanding Art Directors in 891 and told them to go to ad world for better money, better hours, better people. 

Funny in IATSE Rob Maier can attempt to be an Art Director with zero education and talent compared to hundreds of others and I can't get a junior position in Publicity. Such an effective honest executive most will suspect? Hardly? True? False?

NO! No! No!

The absurdity of these 891 executive morons developing real estate with gigantic legal penalties pending will be met by challenges from Wharton and Harvard textbooks to why airline companies lease their planes, offices and training centres. Or are real corporate executives just not as smart and as educated and experienced as Don Ramsden, Keith Woods and resident investment scholar Susan Butler Gray as per absurd video and pretence.

More on why this stinks and why these people can't be trusted beyond their record for coercion and intimidation and documented lies to RCMP when Gavin also thought he was a God and Gavin only beating a raving lunatic for his presidency. Easy to prove. Look forward to getting my real estate buddies in big city Commercial/Industrial/Office to rip these clowns apart with possible good guesses how the money best serves human frauds and criminals and other tricks in "real estate" scams. What is a bubble what is a sucker?

So very clear: My goals simply:

1) A meaningful full comprehensive Forensic Provincial Inquiry into Tax Credit Fraud, Women's safety and "honest" Family protection to young workers protection from fraud, mismanagement, coercion and intimidation, bad faith and criminal governance as historically documented. A one two punch of Labour and Criminal Law.

2) Interrogation and Criminal charges with seizure before judgement and full sentences served.

3) Compensation for "ALL" families and persons victims of membership, seniority, qualification, quorum to election fraud (see fraudulent concealment?) and if any meat left on the bone some fractional reward for my efforts and costs but absolutely "full credit for my efforts" and a letter of apology to all cheated.

4) Legislative change to Labour code as suggested in this blog.

5) New "honest" elections in 891 and the absurd end of gerrymandering themes for big departments suffering their own internal coercion and intimidation (See Construction Department) as no longer supported or tolerated. At all. With penalties in criminal law for fraud.

6) All those found guilty in Criminal Courts losing all 891 benefits and their personal assets and funds treated fairly as proceeds of crime taken for victim compensation.

So some appreciate I have non-union battles I also fight: 

"... since journalists and creepy cyber bullies thought themselves clever CORUS stock has fallen from over $12 to less than $6.00?"
And Dix thought he would lead the province until some spread the word on his past credibility and date with Dusty and lit a few fires? Polls not wrong, he did have a 20 point lead? Some thought best to let the truth and past speak for itself.

My appreciation of Molson respect compared to my Labatt abuse cost what in Ontario launch after letter to Molson legal?

I certainly proved I would corrupt code in my own software to punish thieves taking it or taking credit for my work or their pathetic patch work imitations.

See I don't just pick on dirty criminal union local executives?

Most think once RCMP and Crown prosecution simply has 100% undeniable proof and evidence of "Coercion and intimidation" by three 891 Presidents and their dog loyal executive "helping",  and including lies to RCMP, and see what slime John Brummitt is and as so many agree, that all other slime named in this blog will have zero credibility. Zero. Absolute zero. True? False? Bets? Even Dix won't be able to save Dusty Kelly.

See new pictures and names below. 

Big major BC NDP and Dirty Criminal IATSE 891 Film Union Executives post-election multi-million-dollar "criminal" scandal. All very soon about to mushroom? Big time? 

And should fate so allow (and with actuaries and major math nuts in my family helping), plus my own very minor skills busting fancy numbers and graphs since 1980 in the non-union world, do an "honest" hard review of Adrian Dix as health minister, visionary leader, with his policies, policing and penalties and PR, and looking for some Rt number credible clarity. As polls show others getting less and less impressed. As many know I'm a nut for detail? Say BC compared to New Zealand to Nova Scotia, as to define incompetence or playing political games. Yes, some medical experts have very different opinions. This as a possible clear third strike, as they say in baseball? Note: I did the audit of BC Tourism for Cossette of Virginia Greene's Socred Tourism large US media buy in late 80's? My numbers differed. As they will with these criminals. My numbers often differ? Ask Federal Liberals? Not my first rodeo?

From Capital Daily April 11, 2021:

"UVic’s Dr Dean Karlen, say they could have predicted this exponential growth had they been given the data they had asked the government for when variants of concern were first reported in BC."
"The third wave of the pandemic has arrived on Vancouver Island, bringing with it triple the number of COVID-19 cases that we had been seeing just 10-12 days ago."

Experts Rated 98 Nations Handling COVID. Canada Was 61st. BC no better than Quebec and Ontario, and not anywhere near as good as Nova Scotia. The use of graphics so often so very misleading? 
Heck, even as a failed Comedian and failed Country and Western "Superstar", if I was health minister or his ad agency I'd simply "honestly say"say: 
"Let's stop the silly misleading word play on "curves flattening" and insanely misleading and almost meaningless insulting graphs. And simply and "honestly" state: if we reduced the infections and deaths by even 90% we still have an extreme national pandemic crisis. And must respond with two months of "severe hardship" to avoid the deaths and stupidity of two years ahead of more political postured silliness". But Dix has Dusty and other such highly qualified support and media and message experts? So best I be ignored as others as clever have ignored me?

"The numbers still have a political tinge: some governments may well have suppressed "embarrassing" data" fearing as in BC that data may "be misinterpreted."  Déjà vu? Is Dix out of his depth and best grab Dusty Kelly and find some rural locked NDP riding and rule accordingly? 

I love when sleazy people who feel superior with deceptive omission or fraudulent concealment "misrepresent" as fearing they might "be misinterpreted"?

But for now, here a very sad and sickening scandal enriching literal criminals and women beaters, children cheaters, thieves and documented gross incompetence, plus with literally "millions" in film tax credit fraud. For three decades. True? False? 

This cheating ALL BC and so many honest talented and educated people, and sadly so many children? Too many children. And sadly so much more! And it gets worse? Far worse! 

And Horgan will do what exactly about women assaulted and children cheated? And with all BC taxpayers cheated. NDP, Liberal and Green taxpayers all cheated. Everyone should know. And when Horgan will do something to "honestly" help?

Bigger better heroic union UNIFOR/ACFC should very soon have this link to know how to help  honest workers "again" at IATSE 891. And help Labour Movement have the credibility it once had from Tommy Douglas to Jack Layton times. This as IATSE Canada clearly to date won't help. And as executives in local 891 can't do, as due to reciprocal criminal respect and prior obligations. 

And some sadly think themselves so very clever playing stupid monkey and playing the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil bit, but so very obvious a textbook evil response stratagem that clearly aids and abets criminals involved. Transparent to those far smarter? Used for centuries, maybe since clay tablets. How very clever? 
And ideally UNIFOR using top international Gowling Law firm "again" against sleazy 891 union executives and help 8,000 + honest nice 891 people "again" not suffer seemingly endless "Coercion and Intimidation" from IATSE 891 criminal executive. And so women "really" safe and children to BC taxpayers not cheated. And criminals no longer enriched by windfall without merit, for proceeds of crime. And by those documented as criminals to Coerce, Intimidate and basically Bully as per:

1) http://www.lrb.bc.ca/decisions/B343$2004.pdf (See also very pathetic and revealing added failed BC LRB appeal.)

2) https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/10/24/iats-o24.html
Note: I have no involvement in the above two actions. I'm simply, for legal metaphor, figuratively the third shooter in Dallas with crosshairs on Elm street. The artist with thermite in the bag pre 9/11 that helps towers fall as fast as gravity and in a perfect footprint. An artist as such?

"Internal Trial Documents" to be scanned and linked shortly illustrating even more crime and corruption, and more clear efforts at "Coercion and Intimidation" by executive and criminal elite gang for their 3 decade dynasty and tax credit fraud for millions every year. This as proceeds of crime enriched their inner criminal circle and secondary critical tacit (See Chomsky?) and direct support that aids and abets. This as defined by law and sentencing guidelines. Motive and means blatant. Ask what did they do and did and ignore what they say?

Really, as far as Neuroscience and Governance goes, what "really" can Dr Robert Sapolsky and Dr Andrew Huberman from Stanford tell us about these criminals from women beaters to children cheaters and their documented or tacit supporters even in high places who by legal definitions below also clearly "aid and abet"? Interesting research at Stanford on why their growth stunted and health compromised by their lifestyle of lies.

Hey, if all those who aid and abet fined even just $5,000.00, with legal costs and hours of court time and prep and seriously publicly humiliated from ignorance to ethics, well hardly ideal, but not a perfect world. And good for a laugh and ideally fines going to families and children cheated. Possibly those with average carpenter skills can do community work building shelters for the homeless and for once feel "honestly" helpful and feel presidential like Jimmy Carter? 

And the rather clear and childish "stupid monkey" posture and play of hear-no-evil, see-no-evil will hardly wash after three decades. 

And let's be very honest: 

We can easily roughly estimate 90% of those as union members (like many non-union office and warehouse workers) "honest", very skilled, talented, educated, unusually intelligent, certainly creative, compassionate, considerate and majority real team players. Certainly the case in this 891 union. For 90%?

And in my "firsthand experience" with major Hollywood investors, producers and directors to hundreds of day-call first-day young labourers, and this "firsthand experience" from all across Canada from "Trailer Park Boys" in the East, and even French Comedies in Quebec, to "Terminal City" in Victoria, most very fun people. 

Easy to tell the sleaze and fakes having depth with many film unions and from investors offices to in front of camera starting with ACTRA in 1978. Even a real dumb guy like me learns things. 

And maybe I'm not just some boring nerd academic who top business school Deans like McGill's Dr Goldberg and textbook authour and Dean at SFU, Dr Shapiro personally request speak, just as international engineering firms do for their AGM. Maybe not as dumb as I look? Or maybe just maybe others just look and fake far smarter than they really are? Or ever will be. We'll see. As more and more see. Makes you wonder why the brains in 891 never asked I speak on how to help members and industry as so educated, honest, experienced and so accomplished and felt John Brummitt far more valuable and a clearly better fit with such similar 891 executive's mindset and ethics?

"Terminal City", mentioned above is a TV series shot in Victoria, where BC LRB helped clearly identify some of those criminals named and pictured below involved in "Coercion and Intimidation" and even in their very desperate and very pathetic BC LRB appeal. This also as very well documented. I'll add so much more to this story when under oath and in a criminal court for others to counter. And when criminals also under oath. Another tip of so many very ugly dirty icebergs.

And let us still be as honest and accept that: 

In any group of 9,000, it is hardly a big major stretch that 10% or less are as "solid statistical actuarial validity": seriously criminal and corrupt, major fakes, frauds, petty to major thieves, deceitful, psychopathic, sociopaths, delusional, pathological liars, women beaters, child abusers and abusive narcissistic types, and suffering a wide variety of other personality disorders and childhood trauma to even being abusive to animals. Even some in a basic primitive tribal form of sub-culture solidarity, and void of greater good and critical thinking, as partially indicated here, an obvious part of this exclusive group. 

It is therefore statistically clear some people with serious social problems in any group of 9,000. Then simply, as such, if not those named and pictured below and their criminal friends as clearly part of this criminal elite and the exclusive <10%, then "exactly" who are the problem? Who beyond 470 "honest" whistle-blowers and thousands of victims are the problem in this dirty union local for 3 decades? Who? Numbers and names or "lack of" clearly both revealing. True? False? Any idiots wish to debate, defend and deny "One-on-one" to prove not slimy little cowards without a mindless crowd of support, at RCMP offices as part of a criminal investigation? Anyone? Hopefully, at least one (1) from 9,000 loyal dues paying members against little tiny me? Good odds? Or what on earth are RCMP and Crown Prosecution to "honestly" think if not (1) person honest enough to show up? And believe? And national media to trust?

This is exactly what needs to be wiped out of IATSE 891 Vancouver local for a far less toxic workplace. Starting with whole executive and redundant office staff. And for a far more honest and fair workplace. 

And a much more honest, educated, effective, transparent and accountable union executive

And as studies show this seriously reduces domestic violence, divorce and substance abuse, overdoses to suicides. With my own work with a film called "Fido" shot in Kelowna: one overdose or suicide and a worker soon after arrested for murder. Facts. 

And soon with a new clean honest executive as to "honourably" compensate children cheated by cowards and criminals. And for a more productive and competitive BC film industry. Time to flush the toilet? True? False? Yes? No? 

Some feel the whole union local of IATSE 891 should be taken over by a respected accounting firm in "Trusteeship" as is normal in such cases. This so many critical documents not further mysteriously lost or destroyed. As with other "paper trails" noted. And to expedite clean-up and honest elections with a seamless management transfer. Well, yes certainly criminals and those who aid and abet obviously feel this is not a good idea at all. They like the easy money and hate the long hours if thrown back into lower pay in production.  Obviously. And odd as "Trusteeship" should  be absolutely no problem for honest people? Look closely at the criminals who complain? In fact honest "informed" people should easily welcome it. 

I do have senior executive depth with advertising and marketing research for Fortune 500 companies and Federal Political parties from Focus Groups and Mall Intercept to Phone and Mail. And know the difference between BS and a Bayesian bump? Shall we ask members "privately" by polling what they "honestly" think with proper honest information provided? 

We'll even give criminals who like Dix, now not believers in polls, an added margin of error. We would use a sample of 250 respondents for a margin of error of (+/-8%) as more scientific and reliable than TV rating points. For these criminals we are more than willing to allow (+/-20%) on a 250 qualified sample. This means if 80% answer yes to questions like say Allan Gregg might ask like:

Do you believe your union executive has been criminal and corrupt?

Do you believe the executives could be guilty of criminal offences and "Coercion and Intimidation" as BC LRB has ruled and even in appeal?

Do you trust your union executive?

Do you believe rumours of certain executives beating up women and getting executive to finance settlement cover-up?

This means even if only 80% say yes, we'll consider only 60% supporting criminal claims and suspicions. Or 100%? Pretty nice of us I think?

Hey, I must be a nice guy as two of the toughest guys I knew in Montreal send me dog rescue videos. I need at least two a day. And Italian men kiss me. Even Italian men in IATSE 891 seem to like me. Just like my African and Asian friends. And some like me as knowing not only Santa Claus working Christmas eve delivering food and gifts in Montreal and Ottawa? Some do find me strange as once a big shot executive peeling potatoes in a mission for the homeless and hungry, and with top military brass also peeling? Very competitive peelers. Actually was fun. Great guys. 

So clear, as many know, my goals joining IATSE 891 was to work 1-2 years to:

1) Get in the industry to meet writers (ideally comedy). And leverage my international TV ad awards work for humour and my education and senior management depth in Finance and Marketing.

2) Do physical labour for a few months to compete in tennis at Stanley Park tournaments. And build muscles for my gorgeous highly intelligent girlfriend. She really liked it when I did hard labour. Sort of sad when highly successful and accomplished women don't care if you have a brain or play guitar.

3) Expose women beaters, fakes, thieves, frauds as I've done since out of university. This my "only" union problem of this type. All others corporate problem people.

But the brains in the 891 criminal elite made it so very hard to leave. So had to make lemonade from suffering these human lemons and make the most of it.

When the courts look to damages and cost the courts will have to estimate the cost to honest workers and their children of income lost compared to what is reasonable to expect if an honest union executive and no criminals and corruption? Yes, justice bats last and if bases loaded can get insanely expensive for the fakes and frauds criminally liable as with those who aid and abet? I think 5 times what Rob Maier made since the X-Files fair based on precedent from my previous pay and open free honest market value. And as more than fair and reasonable and using other case law as a great place to start? Well, if any money left after children and families cheated compensated. Hey, when in advertising and education I hired artists and computer people in IATSE 891 and  got them paid far more than department heads in 891. As with myself. Fact check? Yes, who wouldn't respect those less experienced, less trained, less educated, less accomplished and paid far less and clearly incompetent, corrupt and criminal? In advertising I also hired full shooting crews for TV ads from Montreal to Vancouver. Plus negotiated talent rates, lighting to editing costs based on my real education and all before the mid '80s. 

They have documented in a video they have money to invest in real estate that must be frozen for these millions in liability these BS masters have bragged about. See below. Using the case of Harvey M. from Davis & Company law files we have done rough estimates on what stupid sleazy Coerce and Intimidating criminals must personally pay. Even "honest" Tom Adair with his highly overpaid big title can't play stupid and will pay dearly? And Paul Klassen should do jail time.

As a note, I don't only have writer and director credits and international award credits in advertising and a background in finance: I have "real" experience from research and concept testing from literally hundreds of focus groups, phone surveys and pilot test markets. Plus have been on all production costs from building search and permit to final garbage bin PO. Even in the early '80s doing talent payments to international TV rating point analysis. Possibly one of the top five in Canada. Why financial and computer media quote me?And my critics who judge me as 891 executives and those with such big titles have accomplished EXACTLY what outside 891 and within 891? Exactly? Yes, exactly? Are they all faking it?

I was doing film editing and soundtracks in the mid 70s (and as a musician and producer?) if seniority means anything in 891, or experience, or education, or integrity. My first ACTRA payment in 1981?

Any want to deny or debate how misleading titles and qualifications are in IATSE 891 and pay grade and not want to look like some desperate pathetic lying fake and fraud? Any?

We will have to look at the "real" qualifications of some who dare judge others to judge them fairly and honestly. Their real education. Their real work experience. And review their sense of entitlement as super fakes and criminals paid more than nurses, teachers and police.

And the volume of movie credits on some peoples resume reflects what exactly restriction of trade from outside and inside union or quality of work? If any "honest" work at all. Point made?

What is a fake and a fraud? What do criminals look like: see names and pictures below with some phone numbers.

Special Note: Please kindly excuse spelling, grammar and mistakes in syntax and apparent non-sequitur use, as this is simply a very quickly evolving draft. And as I type far too fast and am "clinically dyslexic", so this blog not finished or best effort. Yet. 

"Feign disorder and crush them" 
                    Sun Tzu, Art of War

And as in the past, when working with Federal Political Parties and Fortune 500 companies, we will again use Spell-check, Grammarly (premium) and Flesch–Kincaid (to allow for the three-tier audience), and past proofreaders and past legal editors, and other software. This will help greatly improve this blog. And a needed sort and edit of various paragraphs easy to link.

And with this, this document will also soon be far more polished. And soon ready for Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Courts, plus selected national trade and consumer media distribution. And from Sooke to St. Johns in traditional broadcast and print media and with the power of social media from SEO to TikTok and Clubhouse "testing"?

Note: Just finished a six-week intensive course in Digital (Political) Marketing that should be handy here with this very national NEWS media-worthy cause and criminal case. And this study as to further add to my depth since being National Media Liaison in 1976 at CBC Toronto dealing with "research polls", and while still in university. And adds to my very-very senior election "message and media" research work later with Federal Liberals. Working with Goldfarb demographic and psychographic software and media circulation maps and broadcast footprints. And this when reporting directly to super class act Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada? 

And with other friends as part of the Joe Clark people was fascinated by polling perspectives of Allan Gregg as a regular visitor to a friend's home in the Glebe. The Glebe the Montreal McGill student ghetto in Ottawa. Near the canal but not smoked meat.
Yes, JOHN M. LEWIS DIRECTOR OF CANADIAN AFFAIRS FOR IATSE helps criminals as he blocks my comments on his clearly self-promoting Tweets. And oddly blocking my comments on very serious crime, to so very understandably his personal sensitivities as with the concept of "Trump-White House Nepotism", and also as very serious and sadly this blocking even when women assaulted needs awareness. One wonders exactly how he'll do in a criminal courtroom with his impressive law school skills? Will he appear as respected and trustworthy as a Republican lawyer defending Trump or help the honest and the victims. He has two clear choices.
This just like IATSE 891 executives who must also block me on Facebook and their web site (unless someone lends me a password or just sends me key info)? This as to save face? And to desperately control that one funnel narrative and so blatant self-affirming endless single minded solidarity self-promoting PR cost monologue, that 891 criminal union executives have loved for 3 decades. And members money wasted on. Makes them appear so credible and incredible. This as documented in previous published newsletters.
Ideal for criminal elite with no critics having any real uncensored newsletter, and other media access? And absolutely no serious loyal opposition, and with free speech far less than Canadian Charter standards as well documented by present president Keith Wood in link above at his career peak before back playing with wires. See links. 
This media monopolisation made the incredible glowing success stories of Don Ramsden to Dusty Kelly (pictured below), what they certainly aren't today. Like Donald Trump owning FOX news, NBC and ABC networks with a potential for self promotion and political bias and censorship, clearly tempting. What's a girl like Dusty Kelly to do? Or did? As documented.
As a note, I have a feel for Mr. Woods career skills, management and legal depth as in university when just a kid, I was climbing up ladders with heavy Klieg lights and measuring lumens, lux, and foot candles and not just doing camera work. I have also taught film and sound editing, so should be so easy to see why I'm so very impressed by Keith Woods as union local 891 President and Paul Klassen with possibly the biggest and longest and most pretentious title in Hollywood North history as Executive Director - British Columbia Council of Film Unions. I however preferred the higher pay writing and directing TV ads and running a Toronto ad agency office. Soon we'll meet face-to-face and see who is an uneducated fraud and supports criminals. As documented. 
But, I really do think my team's (from those also in course) state-of-the-art SEO clever "keywords", to top TikTok, Clubhouse and their other tricks, will make that internet social media blocking of criminal allegations, soon no more than resulting in last-to-know status and also again backfire big time. And a resulting TKO. Excuse the pun and wit. Funny how it all works in the real "honest" and virtual world. 
I have been studying social media and messaging UX since my work with IBM(US) network launch at Expo '86 in Vancouver when network touch screen and video streaming first launched for free public "network" use. Gives me some real depth others must fake, like most in union executive for three decades? Does experience matter? Education mean anything? Is knowledge power? Heck, what do I know compared to cowardly possibly brilliant criminal slime frauds like John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Rob Maier and all the past 3 decades of sleazy lying union executives and a few disgusting department heads? Those who love to play God and judge and dare qualify others as feeling so very superior with their -- in the honest and big real world -- very "meaningless tiny titles" and their serious lack of both education and experience to do a job far above their honest pay scale blatant. True? False? 
And such fakes and criminals absolutely hate when others judge them, and even when they are judged with far more "honesty" than they have judge others? Far more. This is justice served cold. Honestly. Easy to think of the all little children and honest workers cheated to keep motivated.
I just hope and pray they don't ask me about safety and maintenance of 14.4 V cordless drills or a few top criminal union executives will make me look such the fool. Or tested by Dusty Kelly on cleaning paint brushes and their storage as I may not be that smart. 
I can, however talk about direct director and executive liability under environmental law, with no corporate or union shield, exactly as I did with various law firms and in the boardrooms of natural resource giants, and how Film paint poured down drains and all over BC. Liability and reclamation very expensive. What is killing fishing industry? Many more surprises await these sleazy lying criminal slime? Who is to blame? Who is personally liable? Who was the department head?

(May need to lower grade level targets?)
This page (http://891realnews.blogspot.com/) has an average grade level of about 9. It should be easily understood by 14 to 15-year-olds.

Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease 61.5
Flesch Kincaid Grade Level 7.9
Gunning Fog Score 9.9
SMOG Index 7.9
Coleman Liau Index 11.8
Automated Readability Index 7.
All criminals and their proven very Trump-like cult of clearly documented ignorant and very arrogant loyal followers in blind solidarity, will not receive the handy executive summary that others most certainly will? 
Nor get the handy phone app I'll hopefully soon finish that RCMP, CRA, Crown Prosecution to Criminal Court Judges may find very handy. 

For added reference in these matters many thought my PMI designed Management Reporting software system the best in the BC film industry (See email)? Some very sad stolen, imitations and stolen simple parts of my early work, now only further reflects the gross ignorance and arrogance and integrity of others, and now so very far behind. Ask 891 Vice president Margo Mackenzie what she paid for a useless outdated copy of my work? That's what happens when a union so sick and ignorant they let John Brummitt and others pretend they are executive quality and with highly noted idiots as department heads. Sometimes you don't need hard evidence when everyone knows you're a liar and a thief. 

I also suspect some are as ignorant on matters of Intellectual Property or the more interesting concept of "Suppression of Authorship"? I did help and give much to nice honest people. And my silence cost so many clever criminals thousands, and made them work so very hard, and I made certain I did nothing to help pretentious criminal's careers? And I certainly made more people laugh than so many others. The criminals and women beaters made women and children cry. True? False?

So sad when some think they are so clever in construction working long days compared to my old clients who simply and only did pallet repair to become millionaires. I forgot to mention to slime exactly how but got a laugh at the long hours that took up most of their lives and posturing as clever construction people.

Why would Don Ramsden need such an uneducated idiot as John Brummitt for reciprocal usury? Is that the best he could do? Or like Don Trump loyalty more important than quality, integrity and intellect? Or simply ideal? Same with Rob Maier?
So sad when criminals thought they looked and sounded very clever, and yet so easily now to make them look so very stupid and so very dishonest and with criminality so far beyond debate. 

More Lies?

And so sad now when so "very many" criminals and their friends so critically needed to "ALL" lie even more, but now under oath or even in an initial RCMP criminal investigation. And in solidarity. All of them? Plus, also as needing "the whole gang and network in perfect sync, harmony and solidarity" to tell so "very many" new needed lies. With no holes or flaws. Well, a bit of a problem for those hoping to avoid jail. But added lies will certainly add a very serious substantial risk of additional contempt, obstruction and perjury problems. May have an impact on criminal sentencing with the added clear lack of remorse or restitution issues. As not documented? And the blatant bad faith ignoring these issues for decades where they had a clear position of fiduciary trust and duty, simply priceless?
And best of all, they absolutely "ALL" in solid solidarity must lie once again for a third time (3X) to RCMP, just as when prior, and once again treating RCMP as idiots and as their personal puppets, props and pawns. As previously documented. This, again as was done to "Coerce and Intimidate" an honest worker and whistle-blower for their pathetic petty political credibility. And send a message to any who would be so foolish to dare rock their dirty little criminal row boat. And dare interfere once again, as they continued to pathetically postulate their pretentious papal edicts for their desperate decades of deceit and self denial. Arrogant and ignorant criminal slime? Absolutely. 

This all as so well documented and as per other BC LRB documented facts of efforts to "Coerce and Intimidate" that failed against me and a few dozen others. Others sadly not so lucky. Most of the time their slime low life effort to "Coerce and Intimidate" sadly succeeds and nice innocent honest and talented people suffer? And children. This as well documented with these criminals high school word spin masters, and low life bullies. And even when appearing as puke worthy passive-aggressive players and added to their other many obstructive and criminal efforts. 

On a positive note, the slime do have so little training dealing with hard trick questions and "honest" open dialogue and debate (I was coached by Keith Spicer,  who coached Justin's Dad? And top Jewish and Jesuit Scholars), and have a hard time when they can't "Intimidate and Coerce" by a monologue, narrative and agenda control and flash a meaningless local union title, they not much to speak of. We studied them. A title often bigger than their honest job description and not much grey matter to help them. And they turn to tears or mice when not empowered by visible criminal gang support and big titles and business cards as to make them feel important. As documented. All alone very cowardly and humbled so easily. Alone they become obvious as RCMP will note, as so familiar with initial criminal denial and other similar word spin masters and charming types. 

Would be awfully nice and kind if RCMP could ask them for a business card and act impressed and faking needing a moment to catch their breath in the middle when reading their long titles. What's wrong providing a little ego gratification and asking for a business card from somebody worried about jail time and if their lies in sync with others not that clever, and their nest egg proceeds of crime being seized to compensate at least the children they helped be cheated? Would be rather sportsman like?

And to be real, after just two to three key lies busted by counter sworn testimony and hard evidence and by even just one major moron in the criminal elite, as named and pictured below, and even in just an initial RCMP investigation: all their decades of deception and all their vanity efforts, so sadly simply all in vain. The house of cards crumbles and better when counter testimony from one of the criminals? Ends things fast. Very fast. For all of them. When it all comes to a boil things will happen very fast.

How on earth will they "ALL" ever handle "expert" RCMP interrogation experts? How on earth? And all of them lying without flaw? And when all so alone with RCMP real interrogation experts, and so very many lies to tell against many others very contradicting sworn testimony? And face even more very serious criminal obstruction charges telling more lies to RCMP? Democracy verum petit. Non instituit.

Is that what they call a "perjury trap"? Are they idiots? Old is new.
Or will any with more than an IQ over 70 squeal for a deal, as their expensive top criminal, civil and environmental lawyers may so very strongly suggest? And this before one much smarter criminal beats the others, so far less clever, to the one-person-only, squeal-for-a-deal, and one-day-only-special, and while quantities last, bit? Much like musical chairs with only one chair? And while some idiots continue with their lies not knowing that it is now all over. Certainly good for a few laughs. And this in a multi-million dollar criminal tax credit fraud case, and when no others can get deals. And when just one (1) criminal rats out like the "Bull" on another east coast "Teflon Don"? Or like Radner with Conrad Black and all their similar illusions of entitlement. If mobsters and media barons can't fool the law how will these low life far less than brilliant criminals? Tot mendaces. Ita vero parum.

The Crimes

These are the crimes requiring investigation, charges, prosecution and maximum sentencing:

1) Millions in tax credit fraud yearly for almost 3 decades enriching a dynasty of a criminal elite and by restriction of trade, economic interference, coercion, intimidation, defamation, wrongful prosecution, bad faith, bullying, lies, corrupt elections, corrupt qualifications by the unqualified who dare judge and qualify, blocking honest superior competition and free speech. Cheating all BC taxpayers and hurting honest workers and their families. Fun how they fear their 9,000 membership reading this and yet no way to eventually block it. Bets? 

2) Millions in health and benefit life insurance, dental and medical fraud with textbook Ponzi and Pyramid practices. Cheating members, children and whole families.

3) Assault and harassment of women. Hurting women. Hardly making women feel safe when assault ignored and financing settlements to avoid truth getting out, case law and paper trails. If all the rumours true? More on women's issues below. Includes murder reference to reflect on below. Pretty disgusting when Canadians help non-Canadian born cheat and abuse Canadians. Or even more disgusting Canadian women protecting non-Canadian born get away with financing settlement to protect criminal's reputation from "disrepute"for assaulting Canadian girls? Clearly serving their own very sick self-interest blatant and bragging about having "A letter"?

One of the cool things when studying  in my college, university and graduate studies, was why RCMP, CIA, MOSSAD, KGB and many others so very fond of non admissible polygraph is that it can not only help identify liars and losers, but was how cleverly it can be used by honest people when criminals can't? And a non admissible polygraph ignores big shot titles and business cards. This can be demonstrated beyond debate with any and all those named and pictured below.  And when they can't and how I will and can. Speeds up so much and saves RCMP being taxed by high school level word spin masters or Adrian Dix buddy Dusty Kelly's charms and Susan Butler Grey's less than educated babble.

4) Abuse of funds and breach of fiduciary duty and trust. Cheating members. Incompetence already costly, theft just insane overkill.

5) Theft over $5,000.00. Stealing from employers and investors while using members and staff to aid and abet that they can bully or buy to facilitate?

6) Criminal obstruction with lies to RCMP and treating RCMP like their personal petty political paid for pawns or political props for I suspect theatrical credibility. Possibly making senior RCMP Interrogation officers possibly cry and then some RCMP finding it hard to ever trust again. Just like BC LRB, 470 union members and provincial inquiries have documented with trust issues and as exactly defined with some of those named and pictured below. Who will be left to trust them even before all lies fail?

7) Literally tens of thousands of violations of "contractual" good faith and breach of Fiduciary duty, by known deceptions by declaration or fraudulent concealment and  in almost all dealings, and as blatant breach of Fiduciary Duty or violation of LRB full flavour "Fair Representation". 

For added reference. "Good faith" as per SCC Bhasin v Hrynew, Justice Cromwell: 

"This means simply that parties must not lie or otherwise knowingly mislead each other about matters directly linked to the performance of the contract. (As per unions and tax credit fraud on government of BC to membership) This does not impose a duty of loyalty or of disclosure or require a party to forego advantages flowing from the contract; it is a simple requirement not to lie or mislead the other party about one’s contractual performance".

Note: I'm most certainly not a lawyer and just a failed comedy writer and failed Country and Western "Superstar"and only dated lawyers. And I only just have "real" studies in just contract and constitutional law with lectures by only Sen. Eugene Forsey, and Forsey certainly no match for the knowledge of know-it-all-posturing and pretence of Tom Adair, Paul Klassen, Don Ramsden and the blinding brilliance of John Brummitt, that sadly so many fools are sadly so fast to follow.

And my top marks only in formal logic (meaningless for many idiots) and rhetorical fallacies, and yet oddly so very handy as fallacy a big favourite of the union local presidents of 891 involved in millions of tax credit fraud yearly for near three decades. And with studies in semantics and statutory interpretation I could get a pretty good read on these lying criminal slime. I can be possibly be very helpful to RCMP and Crown Prosecution?

26 lectures at Stanford in neuroscience, audit of biochemical basis of behaviour at McGill, and my own tiny graduate studies in bio-cybernetics, with my work during university in a psychiatric ward and with employment with clinical behavioural studies, and studies even in "behavioural  economics" and police polygraph technology, I just may have some tiny credibility as to say those named are literally: 

- disgusting, ignorant, lying, low life criminal slime, fakes and frauds and bullies guilty of many crimes against the weak and innocent. To children. And with possibly some frontal lobe, protein and/or early life damage. And the criminals must live such sad and desperate lives of so very many lies. Lies which we will detail in criminal courts when character key, as with bank loans, CRA and respecting their unique specific personality disorders. 

I've studied these criminals for twenty years and when they knew so little of me. This criminal human dirt just loved themselves and thought they were so very clever as documented and thought no one would ever see through them with their so little "honest"qualifications other than a case study for Dunning–Kruger and Peter Principle platinum case studies and career success a case study in criminal corruption.  When in honest reality just ignorant and arrogant bullying low life criminals in a tax credit candy store with no one watching. And no one talking? And with no more than very big impressive local union titles and some even with business cards. Possibly the more theatrical and savvy even having business card holders. And a laptop and phone most can hardly master.

What will their family and friends, employers and coworkers honestly think as this drags out over a few years and when truth all told to counter all the years of BS, self-promotion, PR and pictures and BS from internal trials to provincial inquiries?  And from 1986 to recent problems for local president Keith Woods.
Why can't I get money owed for over ten years? Should I trust local president Keith Wood's Video:

And yet these criminals still making idiots of themselves as documented and witnessed so many times. True? False? Bets?
And if assets can't be seized then freeze an attractive 2nd choice.
This above is what we can now prove as crimes with evidence and sworn "protected" testimony, with much more to follow.

NOTE: Below are first draft rough notes not edited and only need be read by criminal's lawyers looking for 3 surprises and 4 traps and those who find this entertaining.

This already far more than justifies full RCMP interrogation of all those named (and to be named?). Initial charges should follow shortly. Trusteeship should follow with criminal charges. 

Note to Criminal's Lawyers:

As a helpful note to all the criminal's lawyers reading this, as I appreciate their job requirements and have no ill feelings towards them and seriously will even do my very best to increase their billable hours. 

But these criminal's lawyers should note some of those criminals they will be defending even  pre-pandemic didn't even wash their hands after using the bathroom. And other revolting habits. UBC security provided notes when some working at wave pool for The X-Files. As documented.

So watch out and be safe with those with any with good relations with John Brummitt. The women in their group probably no better. Be extra safe and have your office or the boardroom were you must meet both quickly and fully disinfected. Wear mask and gloves. And as a bit of positive note on nepotism some of their smarter relations did wash their hands. 

Some in "good standing"  had hepatitis C from dirty needles (unlike myself obviously never-ever in figurative  "good standing" with the highly uneducated criminal elite and the John Brummitt inner circle criminal cult and dynasty). Those addicted from painkillers to heroin (And in "good standing") had the lowest levels of personal hygiene. Those given to drink no better. This included known thieves who broke almost as much as they poorly built or stole. Nepotism's finest moments will be detailed later to RCMP and in Criminal Courtrooms. 

But yet these friends of inner circle criminals in "good standing" never oddly put on trial in the local. Nor ever fined. Never? Ever? Makes Paul Klassen seem so trustworthy and ethical that his reputation will soon be absolute total dirt. And for irony by honest reasons and honest merit. And after proper due diligence and standard of care he missed clearly aid and abetting Criminals not be put in "disrepute"?  Speaks volumes? Gavin Craig's trial documents make other cute and clever things even more clear.

Another funny story 

Another funny story was when I was playing mind games with then President Gavin Craig and he thought not best to call RCMP a second time as I tried so hard to bait him to do again, and with even more lies to RCMP, and getting more proof against him and his so honest executive. 

Well, it even got more fun and funny when John Brummitt still thinking I was just some "funny computer nerd" called me and told me I should call the IATSE lawyer and not deal with executive. Wow a real lawyer. How intimidating? And me just a "funny computer nerd". Feeling somewhat generous I gave him a management tip and told him to cut his ponytail as his imitation of Steven Seagal wasn't working as he was far too small.  The idiot clearly thinking I'd be intimidated with the word "lawyer". So this sounded like fun, as he knew nothing of my legal world. So immediately called the lawyer, held back on using Latin, and discussed many things. Many things. And so helpful what she could tell me and what she couldn't. She, however, was very clear she "did not represent Gavin Craig nor John Brummitt" nor executive and only IATSE 891 Labour issues not their "criminal" legal defence. So I appreciated John Brummitt having me make the call?

Why didn't I take out both Gavin Craig and John Brummitt right then

Now some ask why didn't I go for the easy legal head shots and take out both Gavin Craig and John Brummitt right then? And just add to my trophy wall? Well as a bit more than a fun computer nerd I wanted far more than just these two. The more the merrier. And possibly wanted more sport than my previous legal fight clubs had provided. And absolutely critical I had to take out Rob Maier's criminal group as a "must do" who also called RCMP on me. And as after three years only thought I was a funny computer nerd and could be intimidated by nobodies thinking themselves so very clever.  Well after just computer magic all I really did was make all the girls laugh so fair to possibly conclude I was mostly a funny computer nerd. Some of the males clearly had problems with me making the girls laugh as tall, smart and funny. Bigger more accomplished men don't have those small men problems.

Why now?

Most important I was not willing to have friends suffer criminal economic loss from my efforts as part of the criminals "Coercion and Intimidation" culture and cult of a thousand lies, and so I had to be somewhat surgical. Even warned friends not to be seen with me. And at all times very aware the statute of limitations an issue. 

Alone, lost, confused I turned to my military textbooks wondering what ancient Greeks to US efforts in Vietnam could do to help me as possibly just "a funny computer nerd". Well that was helpful. As was a bottle of Shiraz and "The Art of War" but finally broke down and called legal in Ottawa and learned with measured management I could let the statute of limitations not be so limiting and how to make what was old new when needed. And what couldn't be used for criminal charges certainly still fuels other efforts with recent criminal charges. 

This also provided far more time to research these criminals and their madness and methods. And ladies, tennis and sailing taking most of my time. And so many helped. 

Ken Anderson as president of IATSE 891 proved as president how very stupid some slime could be as documented by registered mail and later by BC LRB rulings. 

Mitch Davies as the next president made it clear how scared they were of their criminal support but a bit more knowledgeable about me and my few friends. Between a rock and hard place clearly he showed little management and leadership. 

Seems Ramsden and Maier had scolded Brummitt for being a bad dog and seemed on a leash as such an idiot? But clearly could not leash or cage the idiots involved with my internal trial as documented for putting criminals in "disrepute".

Why now?

Why now? Well Gavin no longer able to play with and I thought as most friends retired or passed away, and no longer could suffer this human garbage, kind of a perfect time for a perfect legal storm? And heck, I missed John Brummitt. Even his cute little Steven Seagal ponytail when posturing as the 891 Super Alpha Male and heavy that I should fear and respect, well I missed that.

My friends now safe no longer needing or wanting work. My swords sharpened. Time to rope a few dopes. They are all punched out so time to leave the ropes and start swinging with arms which have only been resting blocking body punches. Really what would Muhammad Ali do? This I often asked myself when a bouncer/doorman in Montreal, Ottawa, Banff and Jasper. Jasper was voluntary and was just based on free beer keeping the railway Steel Gang in town and others more peace loving. Jasper RCMP the first time I realized police could be fun and very funny. I already knew bikers could be fun from Montreal. Even in Van one biker  called Bear fun, and such a dear, who helped get a little girl I was helping with cancer meet Gillian Anderson, or "Scully" as she called her, on the X-Files set and in her star trailer. Sadly, she survived but her baby just had brain cancer.

Why now as such.

Hey, if nothing else in my life other than great skiing, sailing and tennis and great ladies all over Canada I'd have had a great life. And am incredibly grateful for simply just that. Certainly time to now help others not so lucky.

Hey if nothing else in my life other than great "honest and intelligent" fun and funny friends and those who also sailed, skied and played tennis plus played guitar (Yes, some played both amazing guitar and tennis) all over Canada, I'd have had a great life and with just that. And am incredibly grateful for simply that. With Terrence Mckenna of the CBC I did all four. The question will Mckenna as a top international award winning "investigative" journalist believe me or honest John Brummitt? Or any of the recent and past IATSE 891 presidents from Don Ramsden to present president Keith Woods?

Will a former publisher of Vancouver Magazine and Western Living as a former Montreal school chum and partner in a sailboat in Van believe the criminals or me? What will his old buddy somewhat compromised in these matters Ian Mulgrew at Vancouver Sun believe criminals or me?

Will a former publisher of The Courier and journalists there that I also socialized with believe the criminals or me? Or  John Brummitt? Or even the more authoritative and highly educated and one industry wonder Tom Adair?

Having lived in both Montreal and Vancouver in their best of days also a very major plus and so grateful for.

And am so fortunate for the kind fun and funny and forgiving ladies from grade school teachers to lovers and so many distinguished women from international business to international academic success. Unlike this slime I respect real accomplished ladies.

And fortunate for the power mentors starting with Sen.Eugene Forsey and his great legal lectures, then my incredible 1st boss in Advertising who let me do anything as he would rather just teach and supervise and count profits. And we had great clients from fashion (why I have lunch with actresses as former Montreal models) to extreme high tech and military. He taught me well as to end up working as a very senior "numbers nerd" with the biggest most prestigious ad agency in Canada. With time also with the most intellectually respected ad agency in Canada and running their Toronto office. And with another highly respected agency for creative to which I'd contribute to winning International Broadcast Awards. Then playing with software until Board of Directors of a public company and then three power mentors helping my career and status.


My only real career regret is never having been even the lowest paid person in a comedy writers team, and not fully appreciating the beauty of Banff and the mountains there. Did manage to accept my "almost" total failure as a Country and Western "Superstar" as made it to Number 1 on one music test site?  And regret not exploiting times when piano proximity so handy. I did play the grand piano in Mt Stephen Hall at the Banff Springs when under intense pressure few could handle as the lone night elevator operator in lowest of low season and literally with no where for any guests to go. Some nights I wouldn't see anyone other than security so had the castle to myself. Including kitchen, pool and roof access and piano time.. Insane pressure. A job that allowed me to sleep at work (near elevator bell) and ski all day. And play the grand piano in Mt Stephen Hall. This for a few weeks before snow gone and moved to Bellman for summer (with pool and golf privileges) and pimped at front desk for any needing a fourth for doubles tennis or competitive singles. And the Banff School of Fine Arts good for music expansion. And then making more with tips than Hollywood North Department heads paid 15 years later, ignoring kit rental revenue. And I wore a kilt. Ladies like kilts? But should have used the piano time more and worked scales and modes harder.

Who in the the corrupt and criminal union executive known for lies and if "rumours for three decades true" support women beaters and thieves, and as one industry wonders, should I envy and respect. Tom Adair?

Children cheated not rumours but hard undeniable evidence and hard numbers real. Any bets?

Taxpayers to 90%+ members cheated not rumours but hard undeniable evidence and hard numbers real. Any bets?

Lies to RCMP by known criminal support not rumours but hard undeniable evidence  real. Any bets?

Criminal courts valid proof of history to recent efforts to "Coerce and Intimidate" not rumours but hard undeniable evidence real. Any bets?

One of the reasons I didn't play the piano more in Banff was somewhat addicted to my university books on logic and rhetorical fallacies. My fun and funny girlfriend at the time working across the street doing car rentals would later have a doctorate in psychology (Labour). Another of the parking girls across from the castle from Montreal later a photo editor at Mcleans and a journalism graduate. Such intelligent girls and breaking hearts all over Banff, Canmore and Calgary? Another of the Montreal girls I sold on Banff a top downhill skier who skied Sunshine with me. She also helped me make tons of unneeded new male friends

And where now a lost art I was one heck of a manual elevator operator and like football as I'd tell guests: inches matter. And your only as good as your last floor arrival. Often to add value to the guest experience as a top manual elevator operator I'd tell them the floor above or below rumored to be haunted. I did get a standing ovation and an applause that echoed throughout the Bow Valley for doing the famous flag ceremony and yet forbidden by all management to ever do it again. I figured with bagpipers playing beside me like we were marching from the trenches off to battle as brothers in arms fell on either side, it would be somewhat cowardly of me and the bagpipers to avoid the high powered sprinklers on the way to raise the flag. Flag ceremony went back to boring most guests the following day. Seems a brave manual elevator operator in kilt and full military dress not afraid of sprinklers can impress the ladies. The bagpipers not so much impressed. They did fire me three times but was successful on all appeals except one. Was accused of turning the Hotel into my personal playground and just too hard to defend. Some defamed me saying I would turn the Hotel into just another motel. And no bellman and no flag ceremonies. 

Yes big Alberta Tourism and Tax credits for a sitcom shot at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel with very attractive logistics also a plus. For "Baywatch values" the Hotel has two pools. For audience identification 80% of staff under 30 and healthy? Creative platforms include and not limited to: Tour Bus People, Bell staff, Dining rooms, Bars (for Cheers-like opportunities), Room Service, Housekeeping and Golf Course. Guests just double creative oppourtunity.

Note: We are very aware of how hearsay is inadmissible and only helpful for RCMP, Prosecution and Press. Much like non-admissible volunteer polygraph? And do appreciate the statute of limitations and made some trade offs to get a bigger bang for our buck. Fun how we can make what was old new again?

Note: During this time of dealing with these lying fakes and frauds and low life criminal losers and slime, and the cowards who aid and abet (and knew little about me and thought I was just a "funny nice computer guy"), I was discussing this human garbage by name and title, with Oxford Scholar Dr Judith Fudge former acting chair Law Faculty UBC (Women and Labour Law) and another Oxford legal brain and buddy of hers over dinner and later coffee with Dr Madeline Tremblay (Forensic Psychiatry), St. Paul's, as both family and long time friends. And a few lawyers who my friends arranged for me to also query on media factors based on work with an SFU case. Please Fact check. This either over dinner, coffee or sailing in English Bay. Terence McKenna had arranged for a Vancouver CBC contact to be on standby.

Both very highly accomplished ladies noted above obviously not big fans of those who beat up women, unlike some very highly unaccomplished females in 891? Nor possibly support those cheating families and children and those who aid and abet based on greed, ego and self-interest. So very different from the low life women in the criminal's gang or group like Dusty Kelly, Dixie Cutlure, Susan Butler-Grey and nut cases as named on internal trial documents. And other very similar very low life women who as documented empower and aid and abet these criminals for their own sad desperate self-interest. And all with such very tiny union local titles. Union local titles that any dishonest idiot seems able to achieve if willing to sell their soul and aid and abet criminals while voicing only on safe topics. So unlike myself? (See John Brummitt, Ken Anderson and Tom Adair as living proof of how idiots do well with so little education and meaningful experience as compared to nurses, teachers and police? Just like some very stupid and dishonest Department Heads, and as well, also so very easy prove). 

Are these criminals key to helping labour movement have the greater needed critical credibility so needed with voters as movement continues to erode and BC NDP still struggles for a real majority still beyond their grasp? And do these fakes and felons  help BC NDP and working persons as much as they claim?  Clearly Dix liked Dusty's "image" and her "presented" less-than-honest credentials more than my type. Such impressive leadership and judgement. As documented.

And both these distinguished ladies probably even a tad smarter than the obvious small man and small penis complex types in these gang's top male dogs (See pictures and names below), those who find themselves so clever, and as with certainly the women involved with them. And with their obvious and known poor self-image and low self-esteem to reported gambling issues (See link above). And so sad local award claims for a "drainage video" and their depth cleaning paint brushes also on record.

Also did a salmon BBQ and tennis with CBC Award-Winning Investigative Journalist Terence McKenna and his son's, from The National, up Belmont Street near where Leonard Cohen home is and where Cohen  grew up in Westmount. This during our time to discuss strategy as per the pictured and named slime below. McKenna and Dr Fudge and I skied together with Dr Victoria MacFarlane (Labour Psychology) in university days, and back when I worked as a national media liaison for the CBC with Terence Mckenna and sailed with Stuart McLean. 

Terence McKenna and Ian Mulgrew of Vancouver Media both caught me working "directly" for Ron Basford, former Attorney General of Canada at a Liberal Leadership convention when paid extremely well to help Prime Minister John Turner. And oddly my not helping hometown three-generation family friend Jean Chretien. My mother babysat Jean with his older sister. My grandfather helped his Dad?  He may remember me from my walk alone with Justin's Dad from Parliament buildings across Wellington to old press club. Seems as documented by CTV and CBC news, when Horner went Liberal, the Prime Minister found me very funny. So not only major producers and directors and criminal court judges find me funny, but I can even make a Prime Minster laugh. From paid to write TV comedy script treatments to my stand-up experiment in Toronto I have a tiny passion for the art form. And when even just 7-Eleven pays $300.00 for a half page for a 30 second radio ad that even department heads not paid for a day of work, you do feel funny?

During this time of dealing with this slime from The X-Files, I also stayed at the Turner ranch house south of Calgary and riding horses at "The Calgary Polo Club" as some call it. And as an added meaningless trivial note to increase these criminal's lawyer's billable hours very intentionally, (and who "must" read all of this blog to avoid set traps randomly hidden below as the meter runs wild), the kid helping record ads on West 2nd for Federal Liberals that I wrote, was Bryan Adams. Adam's who was also dating one of our junior copywriters, and this as his songs just getting noticed. So in a strange way, Bryan Adams has helped recorded my stuff. I'm amused. 

My law prof for undergraduate law referring to this use of "trivial fill" during a lecture on legal realism called it "flooding"? Similar to exhaustion methods in behavior modification. As the meter runs? And clearly I'm "flooding". And so I add trivia and notes here and there to keep the paralegals helping the criminals amused on Saturdays, and as having to read all this to increase criminal slime's lawyer's billable hours. And as they try and identify all the minefields hidden below. I am thoughtful and considerate of others who are not human garbage. Other tips on legal realism also employed. And regular standard military textbook stuff.

Yes, I have done more than just write, direct and produce TV ads and more than even writing beer ads that have won two (2) international broadcast awards in Hollywood and beating out Budweiser, and shown on the Tonight Show when show ratings huge as "Samples of the World's Best", and with added international academic, trade and consumer recognition? Easy to prove. Have video. And listed as one of the "Landmark 100" for the decade in Marketing Magazine for the 80's when published by Maclean's and this while ignoring at least a half dozen of my other success stories from flipping a key riding for Federal Liberals (Quadra) to Montreal fame from fashion, motorcycles, to real estate and extreme high tech and military. So safe to say easily in top 5?  Why possibly in less than ten years I went from fun work with wooden sail boat repairs at a Montreal Pointe Claire Yacht Club to board of directors of a public company in Vancouver with COB and former fun New West PC candidate and former Nabob CEO Bill Grant. And this without nepotism, cronyism, criminal support and misleading people. Seems some of those behind the Yorkton Securities investment in Lionsgate entertainment also found me funny as two people in IATSE 891 know well? And why offered dormant listed shells. Why would Molson Pension Fund via Pacific National Finance (PNF) offer to money a takeover of Western Partnership of Cossette Advertising, with plans to open offices in LA (based on Awards) and in Dallas with 7-Eleven Harvard heavies (based on other successes and as fun to ski with at Whistler). Why is John Molson jr a friend on Facebook when I don't even know him? Well, I knew his father from a tennis club in Montreal and we'd discuss art not hockey. And never mentioned my playing tennis with very fun and funny Toronto Maple Leaf record holding legend Ian Turnbull. Molson compound north of Ste. Agathe where I also  had a cottage and living with the lady who handled PR for both Charles and Phyllis Bronfman. Wonder if her credentials with Burston if she'd qualify for the high quality standards of 891 Publicity department now hiding in a sister union local. Our neighbour landlady who took care of my dog Beatrice Bazar, and made cookies for me, was a member of the Club of Rome with Justin's Dad. She wrote a nice letter of reference for me for Jack Austin and Vancouver Law Firm Davis and Company. Yes, I got great Bronfman baseball tickets. David Molson a lawyer in Vancouver also as fun? And John Molson jr. and I simply just fans of sciences at Stanford? And football. Must have frightened Cossette partners when my happy clients included both Labatt and Molson Pension Fund and with very senior work with both Federal Liberals and PC. And with both real estate giants also very pleased with Cadillac Fairview and Trizec. My four years of fun with 7-Eleven I suspect also as threatening. And even advertising legend David Ogilvy, and Y&R, NYC, and JWT liked my stuff?  All Cossette had was Bell Canada and MacDonald's.

And yet, even as once termed "world's best" and as some I hope may explain, not able to be 891"world class" enough to be a junior in publicity 891 union local? And with their such honourable high standards and critical qualifications. Maybe silicone breasts would help to state the obvious. And when those like Dixie Cutlure (Don Ramsden's girl/groupie before Dusty Kelly) with local "Drain Pipe" video awards she used for self-promotion, treated like Gods. Some find that revealing. And both women also in "good standing" in 891 and sister union local union local like the slime and criminals named and pictured below. Anyone else disgusted by fakes and lying frauds?

They ALL must have incredible credentials and to be paid so much more than nurses, teachers, police and paralegals. Or not? Time to pull out the microscope and take a very hard look at those criminals named and pictured below their real honest credentials, experience and accomplishment and if not total disgusting frauds and one industry wonders?  

And as a note where prior in Advertising and I ran an advertising agency office in Toronto, where writers, art directors, TV production companies, and production managers worked under me (sometimes running three different client TV productions in a single day?) and yet still pointless to try and even "honestly" get "junior" work in those departments in so honest a union local and with such world class IATSE 891 "professionals" in the slime filled executive. So honest about everything? So educated? So accomplished? Anyone would be a fool not to trust people of the quality of Don Ramsden and John Brumitt. And certainly women can trust them and feel safe with both of them. NOT! (Ramsden from another country and abuses "real" Canadian women and men well documented. For three decades. Should Canada and all Canadians send him back not appreciating our hospitality and our laws)? John Brummitt kisses his ass. Ask around? Certainly not John Brummitt's education, intellect and ethics his strong point for advancement. True? False? 

And where prior being on the board of directors of a public company and with the required signing authority, and still not the stupidest in the room, how could I ever-ever compete with the "implied" education, experience, accomplishments, skill set, intellect, integrity and ethics of such superstars such as: John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly and even union local Presidents like Ken Anderson, Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig. Some of those involved with BC LRB rulings against them for "Coercion and Intimidation" and deception, and lies to RCMP. Should make so much so clear?

And as not not part of the criminal elite, really just how could I ever-ever in any honest department or election compete. Or trust any of them as such sleaze and fakes. As documented. Honestly how could I honestly compete against the brains of John Brummitt and his unlimited BS. Their "real" resumes will be used as evidence of corruption and how elections as corrupt and filled with deception and criminals supporting. Defamation levels just absurd. 

My work with other noted Oxford and other scholars like Dr Harm Gross and Dr Michael Morgan with IBM(US) also added to my depth. Dr Michael Morgan recognized internationally for his work in Political Science on election dynamics? His thesis by my bed for years. Helps when I review the corrupt and criminal elections in union local IATSE 891. 

I also lived with Dr Morgan directly across from Granville Island on Ironwork passage and now across from Ron Basford park in Vancouver, when we shared a place with BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay. Small world? 

And also lived and worked with Dr Gross and helped him with kids when dating his famous lovely future wife when I was designing Environmental Management Systems models. This just before very easy numbers work on Film industry computer systems making idiots look far smarter than they are and pretend to be. And with initial goal to get into writer's groups and comedy? 

I was using Dr Gross' car for a while to drive workers to The X-Files. As a note for trivial and "legal realism" flooding fill: Dr Gross an expert fly fishing master who I approached investors behind Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation to pitch a "funny" expert international fishing show using one of the dormant listed shell companies "they offered me" for a show called "Fishing Science". I know how ratings, ad dollars work and where companies like 7-Eleven best invests their sponsor and ad dollars on early morning mobile coffee drinkers? All over the world. Sad some got so greedy.

And Dr Gross a funny guy with a doctorate in Marine Biology from Oxford and an MBA. A fishing show with comedy writers and funny fish scholars. And these "real" scholars so very  different from the clearly very ignorant criminal slime left to thinking themselves clever and intelligent in IATSE 891. Possibly these scholars even better at fishing. Well, sadly like those more educated can even out fish such fake experts.

Should be easy to see why lawyers wanted to be my friend with my work with Ron Basford, as former Attorney General and the acting law faculty chair at UBC a long time friend and my ability  to open doors for lucrative legal work with my Fortune 500 clients far beyond most lawyer's dreams? So some should understand why I said so little in film industry about the company I keep, as so many fakes, frauds and felons and kiss ass types. And only shared parts with Bob Goodwin as executive Producer of The X Files. Bob Goodwin and Chris Carter and myself all failures at comedy? Was easy to make them laugh, just like girls in costume to accounting. So many men as department heads on the X-Files possibly the most arrogant and ignorant ass holes I've ever dealt with? True? False? Bets? And I certainly had no respect for the way they treated their staff and women. The only other men other than Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin with class were Teamsters? From Bo' bros to Bear. The women in the office all great. And Gillian Anderson helping me with a child with cancer makes her nothing less than a saint. Pamela Anderson when just a Budweiser swimsuit model was also a very sweet fun kid. She's back in BC and herself a victim of sick cowardly men may be asked to help. Gillian Anderson also had problems with sick men as in the 891 executive and as department heads?

So I'm a bit more than ready to deal with this so very clever "Coercion and Intimidation" criminal cult and not so highly educated criminal slime in a full forensic audit for a long-overdue Provincial Inquiry on: Tax Credit Fraud in the millions for over three decades. And help protect nice women and children far more than any other's effort in 891 and 9,000 members. True? False? Bets?

And am certainly ready to help RCMP and Crown prosecution put some in jail. Only fair. Including some who also beat up women to be fully humiliated and exposed. Plus help get assets seized as proceeds of crime for children cheated. I do do numbers. This to help compensate so many victims and families. 

Bullies and me

FYI: I started in grade school when mothers asked me to protect their special ed kids from bullies making them cry and teasing them. I'm protective. Some have seen me physically need to protect women when others just stood there. Some have seen my nice side teaching ASL and Special Needs. My other "real and honest" volunteer and charitable work can be referenced by others with my success with national employment programs I did for the Molson Pension fund helping paraplegics, deaf, bind and immigrant women. And yet yes I can be insanely cruel and ruthless as some in this union local have seen in corporate boardrooms and criminal courtrooms and even in bars when dealing with ass holes, bullies, fakes and frauds and any cowardly slime who aids and abets. As a bouncer/doorman in biker bars in Montreal and Ottawa and in the tougher bars in Banff and Jasper I did retire undefeated. Seems frothing tough guys with their primal screams and Alpha pretence hardly could intimidate me nor the very much smaller man tough guys in the circle of the criminal elite. Even ones with cute ponytails. Sadly so many others could be physically threatened and even women assaulted. True? False? Nor could I be threaten legally by the legal babbled threats stated or implied by myths of great Top Union and Big Shot Hollywood lawyers. And as far as intimidated by the intellect of these obvious losers? Hold my beer. Sadly others could be intimidated. Not by their IQ. But by their way to criminally:

 a) screw you with membership fraud (A permit is not a union member so certainly Criminal Code not Labour?), 

b) "seniority fraud" (Well until "pending" legal liabilities and to quote Don Ramsden in the published member's newsletter in the "millions and millions"? Requiring whole membership be screwed and losing all the equity and security.  Seniority as a union prerogative in honest unions. This end of seniority to stop the financial hemorarhaging from legal settlements (including gag under duress) and to void a paper trail of case law and precedent "Stare decisis". Sorry, I know but I find Latin funny. This however, is not funny at all. And very-very sick and very-very sad. Very nice people got very-very hurt. But not the criminal elite? How odd.

c) "qualification fraud", runs into defamation, restriction of trade, fraudulent pencil prince and princesses costing many honest work so less qualified slime with criminal connections in all the worst places can steal work. 2 people defines a conspiracy. 200 and we have a problem.

With some effort I got accepted as a "junior" in accounting? Did a few days out of curiosity about many things based on my prior senior audit depth. A few months later and some minor honest recognition, when on the TV series Nightman I was offered  "Producer's Credits" to fix the accounting systems for our neighbour's show  "Nothing to Good for Cowboy". And where I'd join comedy writers for below minimum wage, they couldn't pay half of what Molson's Pension Fund and Federal Liberals paid? And I was having fun with Montreal friends and with Montreal talent on the show like Kim Coates to Jayne Heitmeyer and had a generous deal memo and car deal. And worked less than 6 hours a day. And as a buyer tons of freedom. Here John Brummitt tried to get me fired. That again resulted in the Producer so disgusted by Brummitt giving me executive parking and craft services taking my special snack orders. And the ladies nice from Costume and Art to service counters at major lumber supply. Most knew what an ass hole John Brummitt and Rob Maier were and only two people on the Nightman show kissed his ass. Dusty Kelly was on the show and just an average painter at best. But pretty good on the critical detail for Green Screen work.


Well prior in advertising art directors worked for me. I lived with an art director. Her father an Art Director. My guitar buddy an Art Director. Some of the Art Directors absolutely brilliant and under paid. A few are not. 


The three little pigs, John Brummitt, Rob Maier and Don Ramsden and I guess based on their meaningful experience, education, integrity and ethics thought clever to have me listed and qualified as a "Labourer". And where only rumours some say, as many say, one of them a major thief and the other assaults women. They should all do a volunteer polygraph and clear their good honest names and crush these three decades of ugly rumours once and for all. And be able to walk proud and silence all critics. Or not?


Will need to discuss Frank Haddad with CRA. He's a wino "wine expert" and a bad role model and a fake and a flake, but good with watering small plants. He then became treasurer for the criminal elite and supported internal trials when criminals being identified and put into "disrepute". He supported the criminals. Judge and be judged.


Much more to insert here. 


Much more to insert here about the horrors and horrible people in "Good Standing". This a very long and very ugly tale.  However a few extremely talented class acts and I got along very well?


I faked many things from FBI reports to Stock and Medical materials to help Props. And with a year's experience I'm certain I could find where they sell umbrellas in Vancouver. Some very sleazy and sick people as well as very fun and classy ones. Won't take long to guess who is who and those with funny kit rental scams.


They were cool and encouraged me to apply. Unfortunately my coloured blindness made it impossible to be insured as a driver. But mostly great guys. And some liked my trucker song "18 Wheeler Full of Tears".

Even my own undergraduate law studies in Montreal and Ottawa might be a tad helpful with interesting lectures by Sen. Eugene Forsey as they apply here and to the judicial brilliance of Paul Klassen. Paul well documented helping aid and abet criminal's brand image and their sterling reputations not suffer "disrepute"? Trump would love him more than Barr and Sessions as AG? Total slime. As documented.
Easy to show how internal trials to protect criminals from disrepute as totally illegal and a stupid effort by morons to steal money as a fine and thus clearly a moron's mind idea of coercion and intimidation. Their efforts to silence me backfired big time and added more to put in honest disrepute and criminal crosshairs. And clear "whole" trial group "assisted" criminals in this crime. We have all their names. No one steals my lunch money.

FYI: Aiding and abetting.

A charge of aiding and abetting has three requirements. First, someone else must have committed a crime. Second, the defendant must have "assisted" (by commission or "omission") that person in the commission of the crime. Third, the defendant must have had knowledge of that person's criminal intent or criminal plans. Ignorance of the law hardly worth crying about. And no defence for those with big titles and pay in fiduciary positions. See SCC cases. Cheat like I do and read the obiter dictum first? When on the board of directors auditing business plans for investors I also cheated and went right to the marketing section to understand the psychology and limitations of executive management as most prose and numbers mostly scaled template copy and paste. Like most film budgets. Some department heads total fakes
When tax credits cover waste?
How long do you go to jail for aiding and abetting?

A charge of accessory after the fact is punishable as follows: Up to a $5,000 fine; and/or: Up to one year in jail if you are convicted of a misdemeanour; or up to three years in jail if you are convicted of a felony. Only fakes, frauds and felons need worry.

1-3 years sounds fair?

Note: I do like to think of myself as a bit of retirement planner for criminal slime. Cutting out rent, mortgage and vehicle cost, helping ensure criminal slime living in a gated community. With 24/7 security. Daily activities and meals just like with assisted living. Free dental. Free medical. With no hour bank scam. Meet others like themselves. 

If Ivy League lawyer Ted Cruz so easy to catch lying, how can John Brummitt even stand a chance with RCMP interrogation experts? And if people vote and believe Donald Trump, easy to see how even Donald Ramsden has a populous following with such very similar psychographics and neuroscience profiles. And some do see John Brummitt as a far less educated and far less honest Rudy Giuliani. There for Don. And as very strange Adrian Dix and NDP trusts Dusty Kelly faking the Joan of Arc of working people when so many worker's children cheated? What was she thinking? 

Seems some think themselves clever and yet sadly can not fool all the people all of the time. For a gang in solid solidarity, so very needing safety in numbers now, harder to fool so many? Nor able to all fool RCMP and Crown Prosecution no matter how clever they think they are. See legal files.

And sadly, as very solid fact, all the slime has at best on their side are no more than much more of all the sick lies that once served them so very well. For so very long. And now more and more lies needed? And almost tragic for the criminal slime, now just the superior possibly unmatched intellect and education and real honest life achievement of John Brummitt and Tom Adair as to best protect all the impressive criminals and themselves. How lucky is that? And all their so impressive tiny union local titles that once help them "Coerce and Intimidate" with proven economic interference and deceive others that they should deserve respect, well, that just may not work that well anymore. Never more? Should be such fun for some?

BC Liberals, RCMP, CRA other related union locals and labour and trade organizations across Canada (and NDP MLAs, soon after others as to hamper any Dix spin), will be sent this page's most updated link with a very cute short covering letter written to the "specifics" as they relate to recipients. 

This detailing exactly how this criminal slime, and those who clearly aid and abet with some pictured and named below criminally conspired. Including special notes and my turn at "honest judgement" of big shots with big titles like Paul Klassen as Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions to the lowest boy on the criminal totem pole John Brummitt (as per J.S.) and others who clearly aid and abet the criminal elite. And so very few with any "real honest" merit as to ever be paid more than nurses, teachers and police. Ever. Bets? I may have to give myself a title:
Head Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Union's Executive Criminal Retirement Planners. I like it. Kind of catchy?

This all done to best to help (and go that extra mile and hopefully entertain) RCMP and Crown Prosecution with those (and as to state again for those with textbook cognitive dissonance and so selective memories) those who had literally once "used" the RCMP as their petty political puppet, pawns or props. This will be made far more clear in RCMP offices and criminal courtrooms. This as very well documented with RCMP files. And this aid and abetted by the very cowardly and creepy silence of their clearly loyal support in "mindless solidarity" much like Jonestown and Trump followers. It happens all the time when the mindless and damaged need to belong even in little union locals. 

These lies to RCMP were done "again" as to desperately try to "intimidate and coerce" honest people. This "exactly" like major law firm files (Davis, Gowling, etc.), RCMP files, BC LRB decisions, plus failed appeals, previous Provincial Inquiries, Internal trial and documents (blatantly void of principles of natural justice by obvious deliberate and calculated fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission), Email, Registered Mail and even very recent very revealing "left-wing" media disgust with present IATSE 891 union local president Keith Woods and his now added documented efforts to also threaten members, clearly defines. Exactly as documented.

If left wing media disgusted by this union local what will right wing BC Liberals think reading this? And again a 891 President again using the pretence of the law to intimidate, coerce, bully and kill freedom of speech, whom I'm also so very anxious to meet in criminal court or RMP offices ASAP. 

This ALL makes so very extremely clear a criminal culture that uses police, coercion and intimidation to defamation to maintain their 3 decade dynasty. And as so very well documented and witnessed as to their cowardly criminal culture. A culture of women beaters, pathological liars and thieves ($5,000.00 plus) and bullies and this far beyond debate and any possible legal defence. True? False? Bets? Any bets? 

Will NDP be just as disgusted as now hundreds of honest people and even left wing media are and BC Liberals will soon be, or be silent? And do add a couple of dozen "protected" witnesses from the 470 who voted support for a "Full Forensic Audit" exactly as documented of Adrian Dix's Hollywood date and darling Dusty Kelly and super slime and postured, pretentious, verbose super brain buddy Tom Adair

Note: I do suggest RCMP for their own mental safety frisk and remove any pocket thesaurus Tom Adair might carry and conceal. And have vomit bags handy and ready. A possible future injustice is if Tom Adair gets in prison with the elite as he could be handy to have around when prison bosses doing crossword puzzles and shower time.

Unhealthy Health Plan

Sadly and so very-very  serious, we will also, in far more detail and as "deadly serious", also show the pyramid and ponzi scheme which the criminals "authored" with a health plan hour bank "formula" that would disgust and certainly make Jack Layton,  Tommy Douglas and Bethune seriously sick and insanely disgusted. Prima facie? Denial? Debate?  And this again, where as criminals named and pictured below in inner circle and criminal elite enjoy a further "taxable benefit" from this so cute "loaded" and corrupt and criminal enterprise so very poorly disguised as an "arms length" health plan. If legal a non-taxable benefit?. If by criminal manipulation a taxable benefit? One clearly where the weakest and poorest pay a premium (if they can) so those well paid in criminal elite and their criminal family and friends pay not. And more sick banking extra hours in the absurd hour bank for calculation? This oddly in direct contrast to CLC efforts to get universal pharmacare. Souls for sale clearly. Dirt cheap? Sort of more sick when the bigger honest union groups honourably pushing for across the board pharma-care so the weak (those not enjoying being over paid with members money and tax credit fraud flow), don't suffer. And these slime and others meanwhile at the exclusive trough. Best be called part of the criminal elites "Wealth Plan" than a fair and non exploitative "Member's Health Plan". Yes, ideal if the criminals bring in some guy from the insurance company and the glossy four colour brochures. Maybe the only chance I'll get to discuss semantics and insurance practices banks would envy.

What do top psychiatrists think of those who would show such lack of compassion and abuse of a fiduciary position for clear self interest pretending to be pro union and pro working man and other noted posturing and pretence knowing women beaten and children cheated. We will ask. Hiding behind a program claimed to help ALL members but so well serves a few will fool only idiots, as designed by idiots for idiots. We know who some of the authors are. 

Any super self-consumed self-interested proven stupid disgusting criminal slime involved in this free perk and 3 decades of policy support want to dare debate this in any public forum, criminal and civil courtroom or Provincial Inquiry? Children cheated of dental and medical benefits easy to prove. How can such dirt exploit their "brothers and sisters" like this? What will the Broadbent Institute think? If we rate universities to investments for public why not unions? Seems needed and fair. Next time CLC asks for a donation I'll ask?

This sadly hardly as bad as the numbers on life insurance with children seriously cheated of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars by hour bank/seniority/deal memo scam, and while criminals  enjoy a pension windfall as further fruits or proceeds of crime. Almost ripe for seizure before judgement. And as noted their "success"and "impressive titles" with clearly restriction of trade and economic interference, "Coercion and intimidation" helping their twisted so great career and personal "success stories" and yet thinking themselves so very disgustingly clever and "honestly" accomplished. So very many reasons for seniority to be gone? So many handy reasons?  Funny the stories the criminals picked to tell for why? Where the hell is Jack Webster when you need him an BS on steroids? And unlike the legal in OJ Simpson case, civil actions will run tandem to criminal charges. Double down almost immediately.

And as fate would have it, not only have I worked with "real" big firm accountants as some in this union know firsthand and who helped them "at my request" and added with my cousin who was a senior partner at Price and others at Pete and Price, but also add my studies in Formal Logic and Rhetorical Fallacies and just how fast I can make fools out of sophist efforts of many and often in a much higher pay scale when others tried word play on numbers, that works only on fools. These far less intelligent and educated criminals should be fun. Or maybe just keep it simple and target one of their five very weakest links?

This would be the perfect time in a criminal courtroom as discussing children cheated to show these slime's plethora of "paid" PR efforts at branding themselves as working class heroes and compassionate and as so very creepy with no more than lip service and pictures in T-Shirts for the latest cause in compassion fashion? Any others, other than few hundred and legal brains finding these people and criminal cult absolutely sickening? Wait! There's far more. Sadly far more.

The only question a criminal court judge, a crown prosecutor, CRA and RCMP investigators should ask is where is the very simple, clear, quick and so easy "sworn" Affidavit in full solidarity/conspiracy in FULL detailed denial of all our many so very clear as "CRIMINAL" claims above and below. Where is it? So easy to do? So fast? Fast, easy and cheap, if not incredibly guilty and incredibly easy to prove and that they totally fear as added proof of criminal obstruction? Cute trap? Yes? No? 

The goals here are to:  

1) Make it as easy as we can for Police to Crown Prosecutors to get jail time from the criminals involved and those who aid and abet cheating children. And hopefully with seizure before judgement (as we had used successfully on clever clients trying not to pay?). This for seizure of assets as proceeds of crime to compensate all the children cheated by millions in tax credit and insurance fraud over three decades. Expose the criminals and their names and pictures as done here (below) and ideally soon in other media, as to protect and warn women and "honest" members. Plus run all these criminals, individual legal costs through the roof with a "flooding" strategy and tactics to make meter run as they try and defend their sick crimes with all the top lawyers they bragged about. Est. $50,000.00 + each. This from women beaters to known thieves ($5,000.00 +). Half dozen ideally doing jail time and a few also having assets seized as clear proceeds of crime. This windfall as hardly, for many that any "honest" merit could ever justify with their criminal windfall, position and perks compared directly to those suffering clear "Coercion and Intimidation" and defamation not to compete with criminal elite, run in elections or speak freely? Take for an undeniable example a complete and full comparison of John Brummitt and myself when both under oath? And when one not benefiting from the very calculated reciprocal political usury with super honest Don Ramsden. A man clearly both women and men can honestly trust. Not? Why should this criminal slime hurting children and peoples lives as documented be making more than:

Honest Police, who risk their lives?
Honest Nurses, who save lives?
Honest Teachers, that help lives?
Honest paralegals working Saturdays reading this?

And more disgusting this windfall for criminals indirectly subsidised by BC film tax credit fraud costing all BC taxpayers and their own honest working union members. And "millions and millions" for every year for possibly over three decades. True? False?

2) Expose women beaters to protect and warn women, and expose other disgusting creeps and cowards who would also bully compromised men threatening to "crush them like a bug" and women, with implied threat of family income loss. Good leverage to exploit a young single mother? This done as to help protect honest workers from this human garbage. The law defines this very well from economic interference to textbook "extortion". 

Humiliate and expose 

And clearly my goal also to totally humiliate and expose the slime who criminally aid and abet by their so clever cowardly well-paid silence or direct aid, and who should also suffer public ridicule and humiliation, plus all serious retribution costs and the full rule of law. Like say for example Susan Butler-Grey and her not so honest call to RCMP and her very-very interesting success story on par with then union local president Gavin Craig. And John Brummitt another very impressive union executive, and not much more as far as credentials beyond brown nose skills with his role models of Don Ramsden and Rob Maier and their criminal requirements, and Brummitt's best effort posturing and pretence.  As a note when in corporate world when a top executive bothered a young temp at morning coffee his office boxed and gone by noon. And yet assault and harassment hardly addressed after two decades and a ton of PR for political currency at best nor any "real" efforts even near my non-paid efforts. Comparisons must be made. It gets very ugly.

Fortunately, was so easy to trap Gavin Craig, Susan Butler Grey and John Brummitt in added clear criminal obstruction a few days after lies to RCMP. This when their very frenzied thought patterns panicked at play and throwing thousands of members money at lawyers trying to save face and further attempt to coerce and intimidate me? Again, they knew little about me. This I'll share in greater detail with RCMP and a Crown Prosecution after a few more lies on the record by a few. Gavin Craig was interesting as a trusted union executive and president. This as internal trial documents have revealed? And as some say he only won the election to union local president as he was running against a now internal trial documented well-known raving idiot and deceptive fool from the impressive Rob Maier gang. As detailed and documented. This must satisfy putting one in "disrepute". Maybe try real honest courts?

3) Provide seeding for long overdue labour code reform to protect ALL union members ideally all over Canada. From abuses on Oil Rigs on East Coast to Grocery store workers (now front line heroes) on West Coast. And protect them and their funds from criminal ignorant self-serving union executive abuse. Just as this case study makes so very clear as critical. And as with other criminal union executive cases like teachers and police unions in Ontario and Construction in Quebec. And all over US court records. This forcing more transparency and accountability, just like honest progressive unions now do exactly. And with full legal civil and to even small claims liabilities of executives allowed, and justice no longer compromised by criminals protected and limited by present antiquated sheild of Labour Codes and strange LRB procedures and literal two-tier legal system for union workers. This as some legal scholars also feel long overdue. 

Some may think it a tad clever using the Federal Criminal Code to make an impact on the Provincial Labour Code. One pebble many ripples? To quote Superior Court Judge Laskin: "Nothing is sacrosanct".

Don't know how many times in a boiling  rage I almost totally lost it. "Completely". And in fact was on my way down to the union hall at least three times, and ready to catch them all off guard in the late afternoon when tired and taxed by toxic themes. And with the element of certainly surprise, and so full of passion, burst into my very best version of Lesley Gore's hit song "You don't own me?". Maybe a few of the possible honest ones would have come in for verse or crescendo.

Leaving many in union executive with awkward images they would never forget.

And sadly so many could not sing that tune and mean it? In jest there is truth. I'll avoid quotes from King Lear and Latin making a cool rap song

What stopped me? Too many Sushi places en route. I do like to think of it as a playful smile, a twinkle in a young girls eyes, a soft giggle, but pretty certain it was Sushi.

Would office people feel free to sing along and they be allowed to talk about it or just pretend like abuse of women to assault best avoided with any open honest discussion or how the discussion of seniority equity cost many while benefiting such a selective few.

Saddest thing besides duress and threat of economic interference and restriction of trade by despots was seeing those who thought themselves such a personal and financial success story as department heads in construction and other departments. 

Delusional as outside free market competition blocked by union, and inside competition blocked by qualification and membership criminal corruption and fraud. So easy to prove. 

Poor Art departments, Producers and Directors Guild suffering these life losers as not much choice on suppliers. If all some are selling is bacteria-filled bottled tap water not much choice on quality or brand.  And sad so many better, younger and passionate people not in these lead roles.

Do love the hypocrisy when they act and play the part of competitive-get-the-job-done-bottom-line P/L pros to sell the illusion of efficacy and proven management systems; but hide and exploit the socialistic perks of the union they hide behind and later claim solidarity as a despot's disguise. Easy to prove.

Mediocrity enough to be a success story if keeping criminal's secrets and if no personal pride and willing to kiss ass. True? False? Nepotism also allows morons to fake middle management skills. As witnessed for three decades. Being a friend to criminal elite like John Brummitt, Don Ramsden or Rob Maier critical to advancement plus membership and magical qualifications. And a clever "Free Health Plan" based on the so equitable "hour bank" and criminal slime's best guess at fractional reserve banking. Fooling many. But not a few. Easy to prove as well. 

Hard if not part of the criminal inner circle or showing them absurd respect they hardly "honestly" deserved. And add where absurd budgets made idiots look good no matter how much waste and gross incompetence. Also easy to prove with multiple real case studies. 

Sadly, I wasn't very good at all (and possibly the very worst?) showing respect to criminals who beat women and cheat children or those who kiss their ass for self-interest and a temporary illusion of economic security and to avoid blatant economic interference and restriction of trade. I clearly did not "Fit in"! True? False? A very clear line with no grey area between those who demonstrated they support me and the creeps, criminals and cowards who support the criminal elite. Very obvious by the company we keep and our life long friends. 

Sad when in reality so many better at their craft, smarter, more intelligent and more honest than the sleazy lying stealing department heads. Young now ready to take over in an honest and safe workplace. Also easy to prove. 

Oddly, and more sad to make a point on the difference between real winners and real losers using any financial yardstick: I had a teenage millionaire as client to compare their "success" with. And with no union protection from "real" competition. He imported skateboard wheels and added Canadian wood. Think how sad and embarrassing what some can do with a drill and screws in small shop to become a millionaire compared to such sleazy morons? Add another millionaire client doing simply pallet repair and resale? And both with less pollution waste and trees killed. And not including his time skateboarding worked about 4 hours a day. Sad what an ego can do and can't do. Blinds many. And very sad as these idiots as department heads actually believed they were clever, successful and intelligent. And good with wood. Sad? friend from Nigeria started as a dishwasher in a Montreal deli and within five years was taking me to dinner in his Lamborghini. He made his money from a single ad. And the saddest case I only shared with one member in construction was a guy who made his millions building bird houses from scrap wood which made these department heads in construction putting in insane hours and pretending to be busy and important, look like super idiots, and not simply by fair comparison clear financial failures (by their yardstick and ego), fakes and frauds with a nice truck and part of "the in crowd" with the criminal elite as their "whole" life glory. True? False?

And amazing how many who are forced to work for these small man alpha illusionists actually think these departments heads actually raving ass holes. Fact check? 

And so many women I know far more successful than these misogynistic, porn loving types who beat up women. 

A friend Charlotte Fineberg owned Mosport race track in Toronto. She alone could make these brilliant success stories seem like special needs candidates for those who think money a measure of one's real value and worth. Also easy to prove. 

And easy to prove how much of their success proceeds of crime and corruption not creativity or capability clearly. Bets? Certainly their must be one department head who in a criminal court can prove their success not from restriction of trade from outside union, supply and demand theory wrong, and controlled competition competition from inside and a criminal and corrupt union executive to protect them inside all myth? Hopefully (1) one? Another friend dirt poor for four years before he bought his first Mercedes. So a bit hard for these life losers to honestly deserve any real respect if money their only measure? Any other measure makes them tragic.

Maybe I was a fool as my life goal only wanting a teachers salary and some local recognition in Montreal for writing funny ads. Sailing, tennis and skiing time a plus. And to be honest to feel like a real winner I just had to look at my very fun, funny intelligent very educated girlfriends. As some have said my memories are most men's fantasies. I'm a simple man. Not saying anything wrong impressing stupid women. But sadly they don't get my jokes.

The reason I'm such an incredible raving success story is I had such modest goals and as not "looking for the big score" and my life goal to simply make a modest teachers salary and paid to write funny ads as a career goal with some little local recognition in Montreal. Mission accomplished. This with secret deep distant dreams of working as a writer in film and TV comedies even at minimum wage. Which I later had the luxury to take a big drop in pay to try and pursue and add to my failures as a comedian and country and western "Super Star".

Watching the Dick Van Dyke show as a kid about comedy writers, I dared to dream. Came within inches with the perfect  CBC comedy back East of touching and tasting it as total self-actualisation as Maslow may term it. And sadly CBC let it go. 

As such with great funny teachers at my high school St. Thomas like Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Clark and so many funny jocks like the fabulous Steve Fergus, Mike Mackell (son of Boston Bruins hockey star), Bob Grey, Ian Turnbull (Toronto Maple Leaf, former defence record holder and great for tennis and laughs) was to make people laugh. The folks at my local grocery store think I'm funny. 

At present have TV comedy concept almost ready for social media test for Anne Murphy of Schitt's Creek as a nurse in an old age home in Victoria, BC. Some find it funny? One just has to study the genius of Lily Tomlin, Sarah Silverman, Rita Rudner and Tina Fey using a team of writers oddly like The X-Files system and add a machine like Anne Murphy. The target audience as solid as Golden Girl blueprints. 

As some know 

Working Title: "Saint Anne's"?

Still also throwing around a funny film concept based of Rupert Murdoch media empire called WOLF not FOX. This media empire feeling optimised in news, sports, prime time products this media giant set their focus, while 24/7 supported by a trusted FOX like news service, focused on hostile domination of religious programming.

Working Title:  "Jesus of Australia"?

Funny? Again, inner circle says these slime have already blown over $100,000.00 on legal costs trying to intimidate and coerce little wee me, and this before even adding all the needless and wasted embarrassing and humiliating executive time costs (at further member's expense) to literally help criminals. This when trying to intimidate and coerce me. Sadly it seems idiots hardly intimidate me or impress me. As documented. And witnessed. 

Even criminal threatening phone calls hardly intimidating. I can use a gun. Was taught at the military camp at Camp Farnham in Quebec. Oddly with another 891 member? Some clearly did not do their homework on my history? Will I be beat up just like women? Murdered? Hardly the first time I've been physically threatened. Plus hardly the last. 

Just literally the most unaccomplished, most uneducated, most arrogant stupid group of criminals to try threats of legal and illegal criminal acts. Even impressive internal trials with extremely far less than a jury of my peers, hardly worth the insane waste of time and money as some did no more than document making absolute fools of themselves aiding and abetting criminals and adding rather key evidence. 

Note: Knowing extremely highly decorated military like Larry McHale, I hardly can feel brave? My other mentors like Sen. Eugene Forsey and Joseph D Carrier (a historic union hero and later major Toronto philanthropist) have all set and "demanded" incredibly high standards.  Standards I'll also never near match. But I try.

We are now hoping to have "forensic" psychiatrist, Dr Lohrasbe testify, as Dr Tremblay retired on Vancouver Island, on "why" these types as pictured and named below given to violence against women, misogynistic abuse of women, cheating on their trusting wives, plus the obvious narcissistic and other expected somewhat blatant personality disorders. The "why" that also helps explain thieves ($5,000.00 +) and their textbook illusions of superiority as per Dunning-Kruger to dead beat dads and substance abuse, and the pathological liars in these gangs grouping and the company they keep. For decades.   most in "Good Standing".

Note: Sadly, I didn't fit in and had to play with less cool kids. I had a history prior of not fitting in with liars in the ad world. Not fitting in with liars in the world of finance. However, I really like my small fan club and the supportive ladies. And had enough fun guys for skiing, sailing, tennis, golf and quality jams and as many witnessed. Two great guitar teachers, one a local rock legend the other of Jazzfest fame. And best they both played tennis. Like a fool I thought I had it all just needed work with comedy writers in film and TV. Was tempting to go into music after recording with stars from Vancouver Jazz festivals and playing with former local Rock to Country and Western stars in Vancouver and Kelowna. And in Montreal bouncing back when losing a composing friend to Paul Anka to go on contract in Vegas to work with Earth, Wind, and Fire. Leaving me like a bride at the altar. Yes, I had trust issues. So had no interest in being involved with criminal slime when they offered and thought I could be bought. And reality more money back in Ad world and Finance. Could have even done more Federal political stuff.

Maybe should have been more serious about music as per:

Thursday, Jan 28, 2021 — Thursday, Feb 4, 

Your profile has been featured in New Artists Promo.

All Time Statistics

Total Plays: 17,950 + 303 this week

Total Profile Views: 10,959 + 386 this week 

And a forensic psychiatrist key as it also relates to this union executive and millions in tax credit fraud and those who aid and abet by their cowardly silence and obvious gross self-interest. This while in positions of trust or by direct deception and to internal trials. And to sadly believing they are above the law. Yes, just like some low-level Trump support types and as documented and again needs stating again: once using RCMP as their pawns and playthings as to try and intimidate and coerce honest honourable people into forcibly respecting the low-level intellect and ethics of those in the:

  • Rober Maier group/gang, 
  • The Paul Klassen judicial savvy internal trial group.
  • And ALL distinguished present and past union local presidents. Including Don Ramsden, Ken Anderson, Mitch Davies, Keith Wood.

Again exactly as documented and witnessed. 

The big question possibly is: 

Are their children "honestly"safe or has the damage been done as it appears as needing nepotism and cronyism critical to get weak family members perks, pay and jobs when others of greater merit and seniority blocked. True? False? 

One might question their real merit and honest value? Would honest employers knowing the "real honest truth" about all their lies and abuse of those weaker, really ever hire such lying, corrupt and criminal personality types? Should we ask a "real" HR professional?

Would your daughter or sister be safe dating or married to these "frothing" anger-management types? Dr Lohrasbe or another top forensic psychiatrist will be helpful in both a comprehensive Provincial Inquiry on millions in tax credit fraud to criminal court explanations on these type of people and their motivations and mindsets and their resulting poor self-image. When not delusional and not a walking talking case of cognitive dissonance and defence mech' denial. 

Then just a bit of testimony from forensic accountants (Est: 3-5 hrs?)  on how very stupid some really are, and all will be so very clear. 

Myself, I have enjoyed my work and social interaction with top psychiatrists and psychologists. And as a few in my family and that added to my high paid work with Dr Gandel in Montreal in offering "business executive services" to social BBQs with top shrinks at St. Pauls in Vancouver. I am possibly fun and funny. No one asked me to bring a guitar. My sister's own studies with my work in behavioural modification research work after university and my tiny depth in neurosciences makes me sometimes helpful so others ask the right questions for speed and efficacy. Judge and be judged only fair? 

As a note, I'm a tad protective of women as my family has suffered date rape attempts to the class act who killed and raped my friend's daughter in Montreal and now at William Head in Victoria medium security trying for a parole, and thus provides my motivation to expose fully those who abuse women in any way to those weaker when criminal slime in positions of trust or minor authority. Why I look so forward to exposing those like Paul Klassen as Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions, to other low-level types best left to cleaning paint brushes. And even as when a career in computer science and formula film editing not paying near as well for poor pathetic Paul Klassen who has little to brag about when truth all told? And truth will all be told. 

Yes, I can be very cruel when dealing with criminal slime so documented as such liars and criminals and whole life losers, even if they do have nice trucks and motorcycles and large debts and with big shot titles and even business cards in a union local. And so grossly overpaid. And "again" as more disgusting paid far more than heroic nurses, teachers and police. And as added fact with far less personal risk training, responsibility, education and certification. And qualified too often by the unqualified to even dare qualify others. Denial? Debate?

Look, I'm sorry these types could never make the football or hockey teams beyond high school. Hey, I didn't do that well in tennis and skiing after a car accident. And I'm sorry those named and pictured not given the brains to succeed in real-world and their "success" nothing more than in one dirty corrupt union at best, and where no open, honest and fair market competition a threat, and as a big plus with those with far more merit kept out. And those as lacking personal pride given to such witnessed brown nose efforts to even distinguish themselves for advancement, will make so many vomit. As even seniority disappeared cheating many by obvious injurious reliance on that real equity and liability. Hardly a success story when some in the very same exact position or less as twenty years earlier as the realities of Peter Principle and Dunning-Kruger make more than just the obvious evident.

And I am sorry for those with very sad and serious women issues and that they could never date the pretty girls and most certainly not the ones with integrity and brains. The girls I know and have dated have doctorates in psychology, law and medicine and others who as "real" business success stories make these misogynist types such super losers. Some owned businesses and recognized by Maclean's Magazine and Chatelaine Magazine. Easy to prove. I even brought one to a wrap party to see the mindset I was forced to show sympathy for. 

And another to a construction shop to see some of the criminals and where they work, where they steal, where they bully. Another I brought to the X-Files where an actor presumed he was even near her income level and tried to hit on her. Yes, some very bright and extremely successful ladies seem amused by those who have been a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king. Maybe they just find me funny. As certainly not wealthy and I have no big shot titles. No business card. Possibly my cooking?

"Narcissists, who constantly wear a “mask” (or T-shirt cause) portraying their ‘false self’ lead eerily double lives that we know nothing about? They need to mirror people they admire to seem "normal". Narcissists spend every waking hour seeking out attention to fill the void inside themselves." (See 891 Video and PR history and plethora of pictures of sickeningly vain executives postured as fake heroes and other such pink shirt political personality types. A picture worth a thousand words on their sick gross vanity. And they only do lip service for political merit. So vomit worthy?) If they did the crime they should do the time. True? False?

To make a simple point as a further preface:

Note: Again, only Criminals and their Criminal defence lawyers need to read all 268 pages of this blog and those who may find it entertaining or interesting. RCMP and Crown Prosecution can wait for the 8-12 page executive summary/sworn affidavit unless amuzed to read more. Ideally the criminal's lawyers will be calling you first for damage control?

To make a simple point as a further preface:

If possible simply name one (1) person who has done as much as I have to help film people and key "when not paid to do so". Nor will be paid? This from exposing those who are a physical threat to women to those a financial threat to families and children. Name one (1)? Add my efforts to help many from incorporation, providing accountants, providing brokers and advising on self-administered RSP and tax tips to teaching computer skills from Spreadsheet to CAD and helping paint and props with my artistic and graphic skills. Some I taught music theory and tennis. Time to show the best the slime got. Yes, I have a nice side, as my charitable and "real" unpaid real volunteer efforts with no fame and pictures, but dwarfs all these criminals' token paid PR and political efforts. Possibly combined? Comparisons will most certainly be made.

Clearly there is no middle ground and such disgusting equivocating slime playing fence sitters and that BS of "I didn't know" and Nuremberg defence efforts at "Just did what I was told to do" so easy to expose. You either supported and aid and abetting a criminal union executive and John Brummitt by cowardly so supportive tacit affirming silence and/or gross self-interest (motive)with direct active complicity or you supported our efforts? Only two choices people had? There was only ever two very clear black and white choices as to best to idiot-proof such matters. Pick one? Sad if you already picked and picked the wrong choice?

Too late now for too many to run like stinking cowardly rats from a sinking ship? Time for slime to fully support John Brummitt and Tom Adair and Adrian Dix darling and "trusted" date Dusty Kelly and the criminal elite and exclusive 10% types. And in full signed solidarity? We could use the names? Or will one and only one smart one with a higher IQ if not EQ help crown prosecution crucify them all for a possible sweetheart deal and a get out of jail card?

Just guess what kind of nut cases have to be eliminated ASAP by friendly fire in the military and in real-world "honest" management? See case studies on those that got to go?

Direct and circumstantial evidence

Direct and circumstantial evidence as documented, plus contradicting witnesses under oath, one wonders so who exactly wants to play so very clever now and smarter than God? Tom Adair? John Brummitt? Rob Maier? Don Ramsden? Dusty Kelly (Again so not missed: Dusty is an NDP Dix friend, and now oddly a director at BCLC already scandal ridden. Does she call John Horgan "Johnny"?). Ken Anderson who BC LRB saw through so fast as such a dumb deceptive sleaze up for a chat? Registered mail will help crucify him as the lying sleaze he was as well - and so very clearly was and obvious as aid and abetting criminals? They all certainly all feel they are extremely clever, even if facts from witnesses and documents will differ so dramatically? Peer approval as honorary degrees among thieves tragically their only measure of self worth with those they can mislead or deceive. Mislead or deceive as they must family, friends and employers. What a life?

Will criminal courts reflect labour board and even provincial inquiry clear definitions of such very deceptive characters given to 3 decades of documented "Coercion and Intimidation" and clear economic threat and interference to duress. And doing double-time with decades of deceit. This when it comes to matters involving them exactly. And again? Cute correlation for some?

It is not unfair that sex nut and anger management CBC poster boy Jian Ghomeshi gets exposed by media and charged for his treatment of women, and gets his day in court? And yet these very sick and sad clowns get off without a even a criminal court reprimand, so far, plus have their union finance settlements for clear reciprocal self-interest. As "rumours" so strongly suggest given liberal deduction or induction?

And so no stone unturned, having worked with "real" experts in real estate with Trizec in Montreal and Cadillac Fairview in Toronto and with friends far more successful and as brokers in residential and industrial back east, than any of the fake experts in 891 pretends: I so look forward to the questioning these pretentious, posturing investment experts in "Dirt" as bankers term it? The union executive stars of the video saying investment with members funds in trust should be in real estate. Why would Harvard, Wharton and Warren Buffet dare differ? See their pathetic buzz word babbling and anecdotal skewed misrepresentations. I had two CAs careers crushed abusing funds in trust? I can handle more. When so many members need help this is also kind of very sickening. And with my background, I'm so highly suspect with use of shells as with other matters of trusts and other "arms length" BS as previously the case. Nice way for some to sleaze a few bucks for historic incompetents appointed to positions with building trust funds for their locked compromised silence like others. This as seen many times in criminal courts and with even REITs. This needs a review under a microscope and by trusted third parties as well. 

Sleaze so sadly not as clever as they think they are. John Brummitt certainly proves how very stupid some who think themselves clever, sadly really are not. And getting his supervisor in criminal spotlight and women beaters noticed simply classic. And helping Brad Cotteral get some handy and helpful pocket change and dragging Don Ramsden's credibility again into the mud in full view again priceless?

And now the result and end game costing his criminal friends so very much? And that will also be such fun to detail in a criminal courtroom or a long-overdue Provincial inquiry on: "Crime and millions and millions in tax credit fraud" by one very dirty union executive in the film industry?  Such impressive experts as documented in their own homemade video as PR. Once again void of any contradictory claims like Donald Trump types so need and desire. Hating truth. Hating educated questions, Hating lack of blind mindless Jonestown Trumpish loyalty/solidarity. True? False?

I find it informative with the comparison of top efforts in film and TV in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal as literally indistinguishable as per location and production values and all world class and only suffering weak scripts and management, and pre production crews all impressive. All over Canada. But when some criminal slime in labour in Vancouver 891 union local claims "They built this industry" I'm a bit in shock.  How very sad and tragic as some "really believe it". And so given to many short empty slogans. My work with Federal Liberals suggests maybe Prime Minister John Turner more helpful with initial tax credits than these low life slime. True? False? And possibly my work with City of Vancouver with the promotion in Variety in Hollywood in early '80s of Hollywood North, may have also helped? My thing numbers but for fun and fast cash I write ads, do art and talent direction as I did for the ads in Variety in Hollywood to help BC film industry. What exactly were these slime doing to promote Hollywood North in early '80s? When 7-Eleven paid $300 dollars for a half page for a funny 30 second radio and Federal Liberals and Labatt even more generous, and Molson Pension Fund flies you first class, heck you do feel kind of funny. 

But how can anyone compete with an international engineering firm like SRK when having fun with computer and numbers and being a speaker at their AGM on: "How to save the planet for increased profits" pays even more. And was fun in all the big boardrooms with natural resource giants and in so many law firms discussing "Directors Liability" good for a few laughs. 

Maybe time to talk about the criminal slime and their careers and big titles they like being respected for? Poor me often I didn't even have a title or even a business card. And not even a business card when when running an ad agency in Toronto or on the Board of Directors of a public company in Vancouver with former PC Candidate in New West Bill Grant as my very fun COB. Well investors liked me.  Found me funny when dealing with BS.

Bet the criminal slime all had fancy business cards and possibly the more pretentious ones even had very fancy business card holders. Funnier when helping Molson Pension Fund with one of their investments in a Quick Print national franchise I didn't have a business card either. But why be bitter about a business card? They did give me a huge office with a "very large patio and an ocean view" in North Van , and an Audi, and flew me first class and an insanely gorgeous secretary. I guess they liked the "funny" TV ads I produced, wrote and directed and the resulting increased market share and profits just like beer companies and a Prime Minister. 

But my life goal was to be a comedy writer in film and TV as I confessed to Bob Goodwin when he was Executive Producer of The X-Files and not be a such a huge failure in TV comedy like his boss Chris Carter was. I wanted to succeed where Chris Carter failed. As witnessed both found me funny. And where some said Chris Carter and I looked like brothers and both started in advertising, this not the same as nepotism and cronyism and the cancer it can cause. And where some found me funny in Vancouver Film and TV; with talent and crews in French comedies I was considered hilarious. 

But as horrified seeing a picture of Adrian Dix and Dusty Kelly, I knew I had to leave a nice home and pool in Ottawa to do everything I could to help reverse polls and help any to stop Dix from being King and a possible Monica Lewinsky being Queen and to save all BC. I had some spare time, why not save a province. So big phone time with Nelson, Creston, Revelstoke, Vernon, Campbell River, Naniamo, Pitt Meadows and Victoria, was critical? 

Back to basics

The lack of real "honest" solidarity in this exact toxic highly hypocritical union with too many sick Trump types as case study and where "honest" team building ends is with small empire builds of select crew groups. This witnessed from paint department to publicity and as well documented, plus from accounting to art.

Highly suspicious seniority loss alone requires a solid review where "injurious reliance" a clear issue with other liabilities with so many nice honest members cheated of an equity they had "honestly" built. And so many slime not? Nor merit for experience or educational advantages considered, and now nor seniority? How else can anyone accept John Brummitt's BS "success" if not criminal loyalties and reciprocal support as "Picks"? Criminal to corrupted loyalty for self-interest seems a far more honest definition for advancement. Ass kissing mandatory for advancement for those with honestly and really not much to offer and nepotism and cronyism and criminality certainly helps as documented and witnessed. Tom Adair's reported incredibly average skills as carpenter can not be the only reason he got a big title, big pay and ego trip as former Executive Director of the counsel all BC Film and TV Union stuff or some babble like that? Or was it a thesaurus that has him get the big money faster and longer than John Brumitt who worked just as hard or harder as Tom Adair for criminal respect and endorsement and net thousands less? How sad is that?

And where middle management empire builds and bastions more common in the corporate world with similar lower middle-management gross "costly" self-interest - as also far greater than shareholder and stakeholder value: many more excesses as some feel, hidden by the protection of union local criminal executives here. Multiple case studies and examples. 
FYI: This is not sour grapes as I was paid far more in film union than so many using many fake titles and even without a business card and honest title, than most, plus car and deal memo and literally never worked more than a few hours as automating so much others couldn't, making criminals work dozens of more hours a month to just keep up in part. True? False? The only time as solid fact these sleaze paid more than me is when they used positions in executive or as department heads and needing a kit rental to be paid more. True? False? I did Dusty Kelly's, John Brummitt's, time-sheets so I know exactly how very low they were paid for their average skills yet got far greater pay with their management pretence as to ethics, intellect, education and experience when in the executive, and aid and abetting criminals at source. Hardly the best of the best? Also so very easy to prove. 

Also easy to prove, as also the truth, the excess of nepotism that often provides for and far too often forgives seriously gross incompetence to criminal acts, and as far more noted with this gang. And sadly this added fraud blocking those of honest merit. So very often the worst of people paid the most. Denial. Debate? Bets?  

Cronyism another matter providing for decades of oligopolies and added forced desperate loyalties for income protection. A toxic workplace with low productivity to blatant malicious obedience and silence on innovation, reflects this intentional and reprehensible manner. As some know my friends top "real" architects and my work prior with "real" engineers, so the fakes frauds in construction as department heads acting like geniuses simply so very-very sad and so easy to spot. And easy to identify.

My work prior writing, directing and producing and including award winning ads for Fortune 500 giants advertising and Federal Political parties with bottom line responsibility, also made it clear what ignorant fakes some really are in matters of TV and Film production, even if they had a few classes at Capilano College too hard to handle. 

My university studies made much  even more obvious. Wanna bet? Seems few have any real education in management or media and simply act the part of some movie scripted leader and visionary. They'll all be able to show off to RCMP, Criminal Courts and a Provincial Inquiry what they all really got. Or exactly really not?

Elections corrupted by criminals?  

The size of certain departments makes elections a literal tragic joke where the sheep get to sit with a greater majority of wolves and get to vote on dinner and hourly rates. Elections are defined by two large groups by their interest or clear lack of. An inherent lobby with obvious gerrymandering beyond debate as well. The smaller departments should split off from 891 exactly as camera and publicity departments did and not be second class in a very sick and toxic democratic exercise. True? False?

And I don't just pick on dirty sleaze in a criminal union executive, I've had to destroy careers of fakes in advertising and even finance and when on the board of directors of public company. Lawyers, MBAs and CAs have also been targets and part of my trophy wall.

Remember John Wayne Gacy, convicted of rape and 33 counts of murder, he was one heck of a nice guy 99% of the time like these union executives? 99% of the time. And of course Ted Bundy to Bernardo and Col. Russel Williams also charming and as engaging as a few 891 presidents. Fooling many for a while  but like others: just not police nor prosecution lawyers? 

Pre bust Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka with their charm just like Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly could as easily be voted or given position in any of the corrupted elections and strange appointments in this union local as clearly loaded and unfair. John Brummitt a case in hardly the cream floating on top. Ken Anderson as president makes this beyond debate. Unfair and corrupt elections easy to prove. Any dare debate in all their glorious credibility and education, ethics and real "honest"experience in such matters? Yes, numbers can be funny and make you laugh. 

From year long newsletter self-promotion and insanely self-affirming PR some hardly do that well in elections considering promotional cost and pictures? Add single media control vs. outside inner circle's one-time two-page election paper (edited without permission) and elections obvious for what they were and are. Why slime and idiots can so easily be the local president faking an education and experience they hardly have. Or a department head milking those wiser below them. As too often the case. And further added to clear gerrymandering with other documented realities, also easy to define. Insanely low trust of all inner circle candidates to the defamation of other candidates never addressed. This  also helps a gang known for cronyism and nepotism and deceit that a Trump White house would envy. Too bad little nobody union local presidents can't give federal criminal pardons?

Numbers make some things very clear from elections to internal trials for burning witches and kneeling in front of golden cows. Some get free legal like Gavin. Some don't? Natural justice? Not.

Likewise, these "nice" charming people below who worship and study actors in TV and movies also fool many in their union as failed actors or frauds. Only takes a few minutes before many obvious as simply not authentic and often obvious liars or must clearly depend on deceitful omission to illegal non-disclosure as aid and abet documentation to create their "brand" or "image". They also feel illegal non-binding Non-Disclosure efforts, that can fool the very stupid ones to aid and abet criminal issues and in violation of their own constitution and a clear breach of fiduciary trust to Criminal Code, as clever. Sick? Sadly void by law as a clear criminal purpose.

Plus so very selective in their word spin as we see in old newsletters with vanity on parade to excess. As documented. See FBI videos on "how to spot a liar" before seeing them in criminal courts or provincial inquiry. 

Dusty Kelly now "trusted" oddly as a big power, pay and perks director of BCLC for her support for Adrian Dix? And far more strange and so very sad and revealing is when so very many in NDP better qualified, with far more meaningful experience, better educated, more respected  and certainly far more honest. And so odd as my last memory was of Dusty cleaning paint brushes. And it gets even far more disgusting as the devil in the details and BC NDP? Who paid for the Hollywood trip and exactly why for those who miss the obvious to be detailed? And no matter how clever some feel they are, it really is hard to fool a forensic accountant and RCMP. Even to fool even nobody me. And hundreds of others to date and literally growing daily. But the criminal slime encouraged to try with the needed added lies to further obstruct and dig their own graves deeper and far faster. (See links above).

Some don't like people who lie and cheat at golf, tennis, hockey, cards, board games and who would also cheat their investors, employers, employees, voters, family, friends, coworkers or union brothers and sisters. And most don't like those who also hardly deserve any respect or trust, who aid and abet criminals by their very cowardly silence to breach of fiduciary trust and clearly done for clear basic and blatant self-interest. And paid more money than they are worth in the real honest world. And sadly paid more than nurses, teachers and police. True? False?

Most "normal" people also are certainly disgusted by those who assault children, women, seniors, small animals and those who aid and abet by their very cowardly silence or breach of fiduciary trust for their obvious self-interest, ego and greed. Their personality disorders to frontal lobe damage and/or early trauma obvious to many who are more honest and normal, and clearly more intelligent and educated. 

And most know what sick cancer these types are in any workplace from a low-level union warehouse worker like John Brummit to the big corner executive office of Conrad Black and their similar illusions of entitlement over others who trust them.  Just not fair Conrad Black goes to jail and John Brummit does not? True? False?

Some, again so clear,  also very disgusted by those sick slime who would lie to RCMP and also use the RCMP like they were their paid valet staff and bogus muscle as to also abuse, and to use the RCMP to try and "Coerce and Intimidate" honest workers, so criminals left alone. Some so clever? One may find even Criminal Court Judges and Crown Prosecution as disgusted as RCMP with these types and those who aid and abet. True? False?

This document exposes such people exactly with names and pictures below and more to follow and those who would cheat all BC taxpayers with millions in tax credit fraud for over three decades and assault women and those who in the inner circle who aid and abet by their very cowardly silence. And as to be in breach of fiduciary trust and clearly for basic self-interest. 

As Dr Sapolsky at Stanford might suggest these are "transaction animals" void of altruism or benevolence and their reptilian and limbic system brain functions dominate, resulting in the narcissistic actions and deeds. Just an "educated" guess?

One wonders how safe children and wives "honestly" are with these anger-management types as documented and witnessed. Such role models often do such serious damage to their children for their whole lives as they learn to bully, steal, lie and cheat just like Dad and/or Mom. True? False? And their marriages far too often involving deceit and their family life highly dysfunctional if not divorced. And these types, as CRA, must consider given to probably not to be that honest on "taxable benefits" as well? Such a thin line often between salvage and theft? Bets?

As a key preface on real truth and facts, do note:

I am not anti-union and have worked with great "honest" unions all across Canada since 1973. And with more unions than Horgan or Dix and most in NDP. Teachers unions, transport unions, hospitality and hospital, CBC. Not just film unions like ACTRA and ACFC. I was even a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE in 1978 just based on my undergraduate law studies at Carleton in Ontario and Concordia in Montreal. And I was a major fan of Jack Layton and still of Ed Broadbent. I just absolutely hate cowardly and creepy criminals abusing union funds and members. And politicians who already are proven can not be trusted. This forcing me to vote for Sonia Furstenau simply as a matter of ethics, intellect and empathy. And where not a big supporter of Green Party dynamics and oddly as my previous work before film industry with the International Engineering firm SRK designing Environmental Management System models for Natural Resource giants. This with Oxford Scholar Dr Harm Gross? And asked to speak at their AGM. This when Green Leader Weaver just working with kids at UVic? Fact check? 

Also disgusted by fakes and frauds thinking themselves so very clever with their documented decades of deceit and countless criminal activities. And the pathetic lives of those who criminally aid and abet such clear criminal slime.  And add for many reasons, I'm no fan of women beaters or other sick bullies. See below my friend's case involving rape and murder of his daughter.

Cowards and creeps pretend they are leaders. Pretend they are educated. Pretend they are tough talking Alpha males when dealing with those weaker. Why not try that garbage on me? And they pretend they are success stories and accomplished in a closed market for a select oligopoly with zero competition externally and suppressed competition internally, as also well noted. Such super fake success stories? Alpha males also a joke as playing the tough guy. Idiots faking intellect and education far above their pay grade. Be ready for some "C-" acting with posturing and more needless possible passion on par with an average high school play. And with neurosciences we can see which part of the brain most active in their deceptive story-telling and other personality disorders fully flushed out.

Is it "honestly" fair clerk Craig James gets criminally charged in "BC Legislature Spending Scandal" and these sleazy criminals pictured and named below don't? And clearly documented, plus very well witnessed with added "decades" of "Coercion and Intimidation" to deceit and bad faith bargaining as per BC LRB decisions, previous provincial inquiries and when RCMP used and stated (once again) as props and pawns by this criminal sleaze? This while, as also literal fact, screwing far more honest people and even little children of medical and dental care as simply collateral damage by their blind sick self-interest or reckless irresponsible clear gross  incompetence. Yes, their pension and other assets should be seized as proceeds of crime to compensate victims. True? False? Fair?

Exploiting those far weaker their trademark and for far more misuse of money than BC clerk Craig James who gets criminally charged and these slime don't with hundreds of charges a reality? And with this gang literally screwing all BC while this inner circle of corrupt, criminals, women beaters, thieves, tax cheats and deadbeat dads, and the company they must keep, of grossly incompetent frauds who aid and abet criminals, oddly all enjoy a financial windfall? Anyone want to debate this in full dirty details at RCMP offices for a feel for what criminal courts will clearly conclude?

Kind of sad in sentencing when some finally forced to plead ideally "no contest" when our work done, but yet have no signs of any proof at all for decades, of any "remorse" or efforts the courts accept as "restitution". And some still aid and abet other criminals with lies to this very day. 

Or is it best simply squealing for a deal to "honestly" help and not obstruct RCMP bust of all other criminal slime, and not criminally obstruct investigations with not-so-clever word play and once again waste RCMP time and more taxpayer to union member money trying to win an Oscar for best supporting actor in lead roles in criminal slime? 

Why am I making these claims? 470 documented the need. And few if any at all have my unusual experience, education, national legal, media and political network and resources to do such. And if any name (1) person who could. Or would?  If any name (1) person who could. Fact check.

More to point: Why have I had zero (0) problems with so many clean and "honest" union locals and literally all across Canada from hospital, hospitality, teachers and transport and even with other film unions like ACFC and ACTRA. Even with CBC? Even French unions? And oddly just problems with IATSE 891 and with all these criminal problems with just those pictured and named below. And all so honest and such educated and accomplished union executives. Not. And add the mindless to self interested who aid and abet for them for political merit or involvement, who also do not impress me nor intimidate me either? 

Why have literally dozens of employers and supervisors and investors "NEVER" complained about my work? Fact check. Including my work directly with Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, but yet those so much of so far less character and life-long merit in this union, will say such horrible things about me but frightened to death to put anything in writing? And as possible added obstruction and defamation? And left to pretend and posture their foolish superiority to judge others. Gets very obvious? And as to hide their criminality or of their friends and family, as witnessed? Why do so many find me funny while others don't?

Why have I had no problems with "honest" employers and "honest" supervisors and so often paid so well and so quickly promoted when dealing with scholars and those far more accomplished, experienced and educated? And paid so much more than any department head. Why do Fortune 500 companies fly me out alone to Ottawa to handle CRTC appeals and tribunals. But oddly in test in various departments I'm not even worthy of junior positions I applied for? This when dealing with the decades noted and documented honesty and integrity of Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson and the added power intellect and education of John Brummitt, Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair. And even combining their lifelong credentials, (less accomplishments a result of criminal merit). I can't get even a junior position in publicity or listed as a buyer? Yes, combining their real "honest" merit. See BC LRB rulings and pathetic expensive failed appeals involving oddly Don Ramsden to John Brummitt? What are they trying to hide?

Why have I had no problem with any other "honest" workers other than one or two wannabee Alpha males acting like such tough guys because they drive a truck or a Harley motorcycle? And thinking I would ever tolerate their tough guy posturing and deep growling or frothing and best tough-guy game face. I worked in four tough guy bars in university in Montreal, Ottawa, Jasper and Banff as a doorman/bouncer so saw many such fakes left in blood and tears when push comes to shove. I know what a tough guy is. I also know highly decorated military heroes? Did I quit bouncing as beat up or undefeated? Sadly so many others can be physically and financially intimidated it can break your heart if you have one. . With my credentials I could easily go back to my "real" success in advertising, federal politics, computer industry, finance, marketing, teaching and environmental sciences. Few can. And I even almost achieved my lifelong goal of comedy writing when working back East with fun French movies, Trailer Park Boys and a CBC TV series sadly cancelled (as poorly promoted and staffed). Awards for humour from Hollywood in advertising when working in Van and my reputation in Montreal as very funny certainly a good start for an acceptable minimum wage job in comedy? Some even found my publishing and as sole writer of "The Unofficial X-Files Staff Newsletter" very funny? Now as retired I do pro bono, charitable and volunteer work for Labour, Bank and Economic Reform and help other causes and amuze ladies at lunches and front-line workers. I'm a simple man easily content and amuzed. Now without further digress: 



The millions in tax fraud and those with criminal liability also very easy to prove for those beyond high school math and junkie dealer morals.  Those with some education in microeconomics or forensic accounting makes it even faster and easier or with top RCMP white collar crime people. Also very hard to fool. Price/pay elasticity matters.

As a note I've paid two IATSE workers far more than IATSE department heads. One to do a sign for 7-Eleven for the Grey Cup. The other to teach refugees. Fact Check?


Easy to see the classic motive from money and greed to the tragic humiliating ego and self-image issues and needs. Personality disorders can also be easily defined in a criminal court with a basic psychiatric nurse's phone app. Check? And this applies as well with the idiots who, as also so well documented, aid and abet by classic and common cowardly silence in positions of trust or indirect or direct support. They know exactly who they are. And pictures and names below helps others know. Hopefully handy to put in RCMP files.


Lack of labour reform and union regulation as needed as much as in investment and securities regulation. This as to force meaningful governance from dirty unions to banks all across Canada. Many legal scholars see the need.  

We know we can't even trust churches to deal with sex abuse of children, nor can we trust some union executives with matters of women being beaten and safety or financial trusts and misuse. This as documented as a case in point. 

And this defines the need for added regulation in Labour Code to better protect millions of honest talented and skilled union members, women and men, families and children. This effort here as such blatant and clearly as not to hurt majority and "honest" people. Kind of obvious for some? Any dare debate the obvious. Or desperately, in a very dead or dying defence, need to qualify to obviously try and save face among their family and friends to coworkers and future employers that they have deceived and so try so very hard to impress. Possibly save their two faces? 

Any have my depth or just fakes? RCMP have files of myself standing up for hotel workers in 1973 in Banff. Others have seen me standing up for railroad workers in Alberta. Some in CBC have seen me even stand up to even Brian Mulroney when just a Labour Lawyer in Montreal. I started with farm worker's rights in Southern Ontario? Some feel I started in grade school protecting kids in special education from being teased and made to cry. Their mothers liked me and told their kids to sit near me on the bus for their protection. Yes, many have enjoyed my protection or voice on their behalf. Even in this dirty 891 union. Some ladies in this union have told me they would vote for me for anything? Well that covered the price of admission alone. Some enlightened "honest" balanced males also supportive.
These women who supported extremely different obviously than those who don't in the executive. Some say obvious why.
I now have time as retired fully, to now focus on these felons and fakes and their very expensive top legal and make case law. This helping RCMP every way I can making things better for the 90% of honest workers from investigation and charges to helping crown counsel in prosecution with others as "protected witnesses". This as a first step towards legislative reform and as having been in more unions than most in NDP and most Labour lawyers, maybe I have a point or many? Fact check? 

I do certainly have issues with dirty criminal and cowardly union executives and from Oil Rigs off the East Coast to the abuse of Grocery and Glaziers on West Coast. Not just this dirty sleazy little criminal film union local hurting labour movement and NDP credibility and honest nice people. Big time. And hurting innocent children. And women. And families of "honest" workers.

Having studied the cases in Ontario and Quebec of dirty police union executives to teachers groups and even construction industry from days with CBC investigative reporters back east, and this before being a grievance coordinator for CUPE in 1979, I may be hard to fool with lies others would accept or sadly must. 

Some of those named and pictured below tried and repeatedly made serious fools of themselves or documented their stupidity and criminality as so full of themselves. Will detail from Day 1 of my investigations with "Bird on a Wire" abuse to present day president Mr. Wood and what even media reveals as fact and only the tip of the iceberg in lack of disclosure and protection of criminal elite. So arrogant and so very ignorant with their tiny titles via corruption and/or criminal activity. And they think they are smarter than those that really are. And they think they're tougher and braver than those who really are.  Others best defined by their very cowardly creepy silence to best aid and abet criminals.

Since my lectures in Ottawa with the great Senator  Eugene Forsey to the letter of appreciation from Senator Grafstein for my work with the also great and inspiring Ron Basford, as former Attorney General of Canada, I've learned what a few major fakes and criminals certainly may have not? Bets?

My friends have seen me go from college to board of directors of a public company in under ten years. As such, am not so impressed by these very unaccomplished lying life losers and their success now doing sadly what they were doing twenty years ago and now facing serious criminal charges.

So easy now as retired to better focus on all the other dishonest bullies, women beaters and sick sleaze and crippling their careers and if time, to even  make some corporations and politicians on my target list to also suffer. And as to also put through years of hell, tears and torment, just as many have, and as many have now paid so very dearly. Now quality time to focus on these criminals and whole life fakes in this union and then I'm going after corporate criminals at higher pay levels.

Just this group of ignorant and arrogant abusive union slime left before more fun back in corporate world sleaze, and again with some case law and hopefully some effort at seeding legislative change. May add some icing on the cake. Back to making noise about real business people as criminal fakes and politicians, and will wish all unions and NDP the best to clean up their acts and raise ceiling on integrity and credibility and real election potential.

All other past targets were non-union issues. This my only problem with one dirty union executive, as I had usually focused on sleazy real management with much bigger titles and higher pay levels. Seems others and their big titles and MBA and CA designation and with such impressive lawyers, I only made them, as much smarter, run and/or settle faster. Unlike these morons who never suspected my goals and investigation and my keeping so many "key files" to counter their conspiracy of lies and sick "Coercion and Intimidation" and millions for decades with tax credit fraud.

Yes, only this incredibly disgusting highly uneducated and unaccomplished losers in this union executive to fully crucify and their criminal support so this union local someday far more honest and far less toxic for an honest majority and can elect only those into positions of trust who can be trusted. And beyond just trusted to keep dirty secrets like churches do to protect paedophile priests. So many so honest and talented in this union deserve far better. My "only" target dishonest criminal slime union executives and department heads who make innocent and weak suffer and the mice that aid and abet to empower them. Should be clear. Nothing for the honest to fear? Fact check? Only fakes, frauds, bullies and criminals ever need fear me. Such a clear fine line between my critics and my few fans. Kind of funny when I only know about 2-3 dozen people and get 470 votes of support. Makes me wonder if 9000 members knew more about me and the real honest truth about those pictured and named below how the honest members would vote? Think about it. As I mentioned above we used a polling sample of 250 to get a (+/-8%) read as more projectable (with executive judgement) than TV ratings and focus groups. And market share mostly follows awareness. And votes. As documented with Federal Liberal riding of Quadra. And when "The truth simply told". SFU has a paper on this work with a Prime Mister and with my work with beer. Numbers matter.

If we are so very willing to do non-admissible polygraphs to aid and abet RCMP, (and not waste RCMP time) should not those named and pictured below do a simple convenient sworn Affidavit denying women beaten up to theft ($5,000.00 +) and denying aid and abetting criminals and very key tax credit fraud in the millions for decades cheating all Canadians and BC taxpayers? An easy Affidavit in classic single mindless full solidarity from all those "Aid and Abetting" including all union executives named and pictured below, the Rob Maier Group and the highly intellectual and so very legal savvy internal trial people in the Paul Klassen group, as so well documented, often in their very own words. Words that they now must deny? And as well documented and witnessed from a variety of previous RCMP and BC LRB files to Law firm and internal documented files? Where is the Affidavit in solidarity in denial of all our many so "very clear claims" below and documents? The legal optics as such.

Speaking of very disgusting and repugnant slime: What is the difference between a paedophile priest and a woman beater? Not much. Both take advantage of a weaker party or victim. Both leave scars for life on their victims. Both love organizations from church to a film union local where disgusting cowardly types out of gross and blatant self-interest will help keep all their dirty secrets. Just like sick churches do exactly? And this union local is certainly no better than a church? And thus, as with churches as such, why they owe billions. True? False? Any need to qualify? And they both hate being exposed. As do pharmaceutical companies with Opioids, oddly like union hiring halls that decide if criminal friends, relatives and political support enriched while "honest" families and children literally suffer. And like opioids have many criminal and non-criminal addicted, for metaphor, to needing more work so both the honest worker and criminal slime hooked for their economic survival or maintenance by those who would, as also well documented and witnessed, abuse their positions of trust. Like John Brummitt. Does power corrupt? Certainly, at the least duress and abuse of position and this breach of trust as also a clear given. The honest workers need income like an addict needs a fix but to feed his honest family. And thus such pharmaceutical practices as such, also owe billions in liability for similar abuse of trust. True? False? Seems RCMP and Criminal Court  judges can't be fooled as easily as most union members by lies.

The human slime brags how smart they all are and call each other "brothers and sisters", even in formal writing and have big-time Union Lawyers (and paid by members) and offered by this union in such "needed" criminal matters making the union local executives certainly clearly aid and abetting criminals if not found innocent? Plus they even have big expensive Hollywood lawyers? So clean, so fast with such power legal to do a very simple affidavit and using these handy notes as an exact checklist, that we so kindly provided below. This to reduce "all" their personal legal bills as this is criminal code and not labour code and BC LRB, and can't use their union labour lawyers or union funds? Are they in full solidarity or just individual criminals so even easier to deny or rat out others for a deal?

Hey, to best show anyone of those named and pictured below and not guilty of certain crimes why don't they call police on me for clear defamatory harassment and charge me? Use to be so very easy to get these slime to call police on me to try and "Coerce and Intimidate" me. Sadly now the best they can do is try very stupid internal trials that makes more criminals even more obvious and with Paul Klassen as head idiot. Why didn't I show up for the trial? Various legal told me to "ignore the idiots" the "whole process illegal and criminal" from first registered letter? Was told to pay $1.00 to get a copy of trial transcripts ASAP. Did they not tell Paul Klassen what a mess they put him in or just promise a very easy job and again paid more than nurses, teachers, police and as with Paul's less meaningful experience, little meaningful education, void of any meaningful accomplishment in computers or computer film editing. True? Faldse?.

And do add, as so critical the implied intimidation further postured with big-time political friends like Horgan and Adrian Dix? As with Dusty Kelly, if distributed PR pictures are to be believed? Sadly Dusty Kelly could never impress or intimidate me. Sadly others are suckers for this kind of image making and for the young intimidating. For me rather, excuse the term, provincial.

And even with Dusty Kelly's very strange appointments to scandal-ridden BCLC when over four hundred who documented a clear desire for a forensic audit of Dusty Kelly's prior position of "trust" with super educated and super brain buddy Tom Adair and the criminal company they keep, a bit of a joke. Bets?

Deceptive omission and selective reality a trademark for these cerebral giants and low life human slime. True? False? Look how very sad and stupid they look now just like deer in headlights and fish in a barrel with literally only legal success possible with dozens of needed successful lies and so many telling lies under oath to save them from jail time and proceeds of crime being seized? Their lies will save them or send some to jail. Sounds like fun. For some.

As a big added plus nothing like how the media and journalists, as now so very competitive for ad dollars and readership, all love a story involving:

- High profile politicians like Dix with a documented history of credibility issues.
- Literally, millions in fraud enriching very sleazy low-life criminals.
- Hundreds of victims including children and all BC. (Helps readership and audience ad numbers)
- A plethora of documented evidence with more to follow.
- Violence against women to a porn-loving puppy kicker to fully expose and crucify in the courts and courts of public opinion. 
- Absolutely illegal non-disclosure documents used to aid and abet criminal acts.
- Proven tabloid value Hollywood names and subplots. Who paid for Dix's Hollywood date with Dusty Kelly and expenses?
- Supporting RCMP, Law Firm, BC LRB, Provincial Inquiry and Internal trial document and email support.
- Literally, dozens of protected witnesses and those easy to compel by the threat of criminal obstruction added to blatant aid and abet efforts.
- Very stupid arrogant criminals who think they are so very clever. And historically in their documented vanity have historically loved fame, media interest and photos to acting honest intelligent and as bigs hots intimidating and coercing many. Having been on the board of directors of a public company to a senior executive working with real scholars, their very tiny titles and self-presumed superior intellect in a union trade local, hardly intimidating nor impressive. As such their little lives of living lies are tragic.

Pre bust Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka charm could easily be voted in any of the corrupted elections in this union local? This as clearly loaded and unfair. Unfair and corrupt. From year long newsletter self-promotion and affirming PR election support numbers revealing. Very revealing.  Add single monopolised media control vs. a single-page election counter and more disgusting as with Dix buddy Dusty Kelly (edited without permission) and elections obvious for what they are. Corrupted by criminals. And further added to blatant inherent gerrymandering with other documented realities, also so easy to define. The insanely low trust of all inner circle candidates to the defamation of other candidates never addressed, also helps a gang known for cronyism and nepotism and deceit that a Trump White House would envy. Too bad little union local presidents can't give federal criminal pardons?

Numbers make some things very clear from elections to internal trials for burning witches. Some get free legal. Some don't?

To make things insanely obvious for everyone from mental morons and masters of cognitive dissonance and denial as such frauds and fakes to top RCMP investigation people to legal scholars:

Why can't a union local like IATSE 891 with around 9,000 dues-paying members, with added top big shot Union and Hollywood lawyers to coach them, just simply find one (1) "HONEST" member without dirty or bloody hands, and in "Good Standing", to simply meet me at RCMP offices for a few hours to both "chat" both and under oath? 

Why not? So easy? So fair? They can even cherry pick which claims they think they can deny or defend if not deny all claims under oath? And they in solidarity can even pick their best and brightest spokesperson to debate my claims face-to-face at RCMP offices? Even if ethical and intellectual cream like Don Ramsden and John Brummitt or mental light weights like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen. Possibly random selection from any named below or any on present executive even present president Mr Wood and he can threaten me in person with legal discussing Kelly Moon? We really are so flexible and clearly not wishing to waste RCMP time with lies and obstruction?
That should make it clear how bad it is for this slime.

Likewise, these "nice" charming people below who worship and study actors in TV and movies also fool many in their union as actors or frauds. Only takes a few minutes before many obvious as simply not authentic and often obvious liars or must clearly depend on deceitful omission to illegal non-disclosure aid and abet documentation to create their "brand" or "image". 

Plus so very selective in their word spin as we see in old newsletters with vanity on parade to excess. As documented. See FBI videos on how to spot a liar before seeing them in criminal courts or provincial inquiry. 

Cowards pretend they are leaders. pretend they are educated. Pretend they are accomplished in a closed market for an oligopoly with zero competition externally and suppressed competition internally. Such fake success stories? Alpha males also a joke as playing the tough guy. Idiots faking intellect and education far above their pay grade. Be ready for some "C-" acting with posturing and needless possible passion on par with an average high school play. And with neurosciences, we can see which part of the brain most active in their deceptive story-telling.

Is it "honestly" fair clerk Craig James gets criminally charged in "BC Legislature Spending Scandal" and these sleazy criminals pictured and named below, and clearly documented, plus very well witnessed with decades of "Coercion and Intimidation" to deceit and bad faith bargaining, don't get charged? This while as a literal fact screwing far more people and even children as simply collateral damage by their blind sick self-interest or reckless irresponsible incompetence. Exploiting those far weaker their trademark and for far more money and yet clerk Craig James gets criminally charged and these slimes don't with hundreds of charges a reality? And with this gang literally screwing all BC while this inner circle of corrupt, criminals, women beaters, thieves, tax cheats and dead beat dads, and the grossly incompetent frauds who aid and abet criminals, all enjoy a financial windfall? Anyone want to debate this in detail at RCMP offices for a feel for what criminal courts will clearly conclude?

Kind of sad in sentencing when some finally forced to plead no contest, but yet have no signs of any proof at all for decades, of any "remorse" or efforts the courts accept as "restitution". And some still aid and abet other criminals with lies to this day. Or is it best simply squealing for a deal to help RCMP bust other criminal slime, and not waste RCMP and court time and more taxpayer to union member money trying to win an Oscar for the best supporting actor or top lying slime? 

Why am I making these claims? 470 "honest" documented the need. More would if honestly informed. Bets? And few, if any at all, have my experience, education, legal network and resources to take on ALL or ANY these women beaters, thieves, tax cheats, do such. Factcheck.

More to point: Why have I had zero problems with so many clean and"honest" union locals and literally all across Canada from hospital, hospitality, teachers and transport and even with other film unions like ACFC and ACTRA. Even with CBC? And oddly just with IATSE 891 oddly all these criminal problems with those pictured and named below. And all so honest and so educated and accomplished union executives and the mindless to self-interested who aid and abet for them political merit or involvement, simply do not impress me nor intimidate me? Why have others far more accomplished flown me first class like Molson Pension fund or provided me limousines like 7-Eleven and other major corporations with real "honest" MBAs and CAs? 

Why have literally dozens of employers and supervisors "NEVER" complained about my work? Factcheck. Including my work directly with Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, but yet those so much of so far less accomplishment character, education, experience and ethics in this union will say such horrible things about me? Gets so very obvious? And as to hide their criminality or of their friends and family, as witnessed?

Why have I had no problems with "honest" employers and "honest" supervisors and so often so quickly promoted when dealing with scholars and those far more accomplished, experienced and educated? And paid so much more than any department head. Why do Fortune 500 companies fly me out alone to Ottawa to handle CRTC appeals? But oddly in test in various departments, oddly not recognized when dealing with so honest slime as Don Ramsden and the known power intellect of John Brummit, and even combining their lifelong "real" sad credentials, less criminal merit?

Why have I had no problem with any other "honest" workers, other than one or two sad wannabee Alpha males acting like such tough guys because they drive a truck or a Harley motorcycle? And thinking I would ever tolerate their tough-guy posturing. I worked in three tough guy bars in university in Montreal, Ottawa and Banff as a doorman/bouncer so saw many wannabee Alpha males with blood and tears when push comes to shove. I know what a tough guy is. I also know highly decorated "real" military heroes?



The millions in tax fraud and those with criminal liability also so very easy to prove for those beyond high school math and junkie dealer morals.  Those with some education in microeconomics or forensic accounting makes it even faster and easier or with top RCMP white-collar crime people. So hard to fool.


Easy to see the classic motive from money and greed to the tragic humiliating ego and self-image issues and needs. Personality disorders can also be easily defined in a criminal court with a basic psychiatric nurse's phone app. Check? And this applies as well with the idiots who, as also so well documented, aid and abet by classic and common cowardly silence in positions of trust or indirect or direct support. They know who they are. And pictures and names below helps others know. Hopefully handy to put in RCMP files.


Lack of labour reform and union regulation as needed as much as in investment and securities regulation. This as to force meaningful governance from unions to banks all across Canada. Many see the need.  

We know we can't even trust churches to deal with sex abuse of children, nor can we trust some union executives with matters of women being beaten and safety or financial trusts and misuse. This as documented a case in point. And this defines the need for added regulation in Labour Code to better protect millions of honest talented and skilled union members, women and men, families and children. This effort here as such blatant and clearly as not to hurt majority and "honest" people. Kind of obvious for some? Any dare debate the obvious. Or desperately, in a very dead or dying defence, need to qualify to obviously try and save face among their family and friends to coworkers and future employers that they have deceived and so try so very hard to impress. Possibly save their two faces? 

Any have my depth or just fakes? RCMP have files of myself standing up for hotel workers in 1973 in Banff. Others have seen me standing up for railroad workers in Alberta. Some in CBC have seen me even stand up to Brian Mulroney when just a Labour Lawyer in Montreal. I started with farm worker's rights in Southern Ontario? Some feel I started in grade school protecting kids in special education from being teased and made to cry. Their mothers liked me and told their kids to sit near me on the bus. Many have enjoyed my protection or voice on their behalf. Some ladies in this union have told me they would vote for me for anything? Some enlightened "honest" balanced males are also supportive.

I now have time as retired fully, to now focus on these felons and fakes and their very expensive top legal and make case law. This helping RCMP every way I can from investigation and charges to helping crown counsel in prosecution with others as "protected witnesses". This as the first step towards legislative reform and as having been in more unions than most in NDP and most Labour lawyers, maybe I have a point or many? Factcheck?. 

I do certainly have issues with dirty criminal and cowardly union executives and from Oil Rigs off the East Coast to the abuse of Grocery and Glaziers on West Coast. Not just this dirty sleazy little criminal film union local hurting labour movement and NDP credibility. And children. And women. And families of "honest" workes.

Having studied the cases in Ontario and Quebec of dirty police union executives to teachers groups and even construction industry from days with CBC investigative reporters back east, and this before being a grievance coordinator for CUPE in 1979, I may be hard to fool with lies others would accept or sadly must. 

Some of those named and pictured below tried and repeatedly made serious fools of themselves or documented their stupidity and criminality as so full of themselves. Will detail from Day 1 of my investigations with "Bird on a Wire" abuse. So arrogant and so very ignorant with their tiny titles via corruption and/or criminal activity they think they are smarter than those that are. And think they're tougher and braver than those who really are.  Others best defined by their very cowardly creepy silence to best aid and abet criminals.

Since my lectures in Ottawa with the great Senator  Eugene Forsey to the letter of appreciation from Senator Grafstein for my work with the also great and inspiring Ron Basford, as former Attorney General of Canada, I've learned what a few major fakes and criminals certainly may have not? Bets?

My friends have seen me go from college to the board of directors of a high profile advanced tech public company (TELSAT) in under ten years. Many know of requests by Deans of top business schools (McGill, SFU) to international engineering firms that have requested me speak at their AGM. Such contrast to those who are at best mediocre carpenters and painters and can hardly operate their expensive phones and tablets. Also so very easy to prove. And they dare judge others. Well time for many to judge them and what sadly they really are with their dysfunctional marriages and children they also must tell lies?

So easy now as retired to better focus on all the other dishonest bullies, women beaters and sick sleaze and focus on crippling their careers much more and/or hopefully putting some in jail, with proceeds of crime going to all victims. And if time, with no other unions to bother to even make some corporations? Probably more fun taking on corporate big shots as on my target list to also suffer. And as to also put through years of hell, tears and torment, just as many have, and all now paid so very dearly. Now quality time to focus on these criminals and whole life fakes.

Just this group of ignorant and arrogant abusive union slime left, with some case law and hopefully some effort at seeding legislative change to give victims and innocent a sharper sword?. May add some icing on the cake. Then back to making noise about real business people and politicians and will wish all unions and NDP the best to clean up their acts.

All other past targets were non-union issues. This my only problem with a dirty union executive, as I had usually focused on sleazy real management with much bigger titles and higher pay levels. Seems others and their big titles and MBA and CA designation and such impressive lawyers, I only made them as much smarter, as to make them run and/or settle faster. Unlike these morons who never suspected my goals and investigation and keeping so many files.

Yes, only this incredibly disgusting highly uneducated and unaccomplished losers in this union executive to fully crucify and their criminal support so this union local more honest and elect those into positions of trust who can be trusted beyond just trusted to keep dirty secrets like churches do to protect paedophile priests. So many so honest and talented in this union deserve far better. My only target dishonest criminal slime union executives who make innocent and weak suffer and the mice that aid and abet to empower them. Factcheck? 

My history? Again, some think I started in grade school protecting special needs children from teasing and abuse? Some know how I protect and help the little guy and girl even in the film industry? And from tax planning, incorporation, investment to driving and feeding their kids and fixing their home computers or teaching many things from CAD to Editing software. Exactly as I did for SFU Pacific Institute with refugees from Tinamien Square. This with another IATSE member as my sub. So also so easy to prove. Samples of my other volunteer and charitable efforts on Linkedin. From veteran advocacy in Ottawa to national employment of handicap in a national franchise to driving MS patients and their medication, some have seen my nice side. I have one?  As some know first hand not only Santa working Christmas eve delivering gifts and money on Christmas and then peeling potatoes for a homeless kitchen in the morning with some of the top military brass in Ottawa oddly also peeling potatoes beside me. Such class. And no pictures of us holding big cheques for political vanity. And this said to compare to the documented disgusting vanity of those who use others kindness and money as their political photo-op exactly as documented from old internal newsletters to recent social media and other online efforts. My only pictures ever in the Financial Post on trends in media when Deans at top business schools like McGill and SFU also felt I was an expert.

Those who once felt themselves so very clever now must feel so very obvious as very stupid, sloppy and lazy. Should have done their homework on me? And now time for my group to just simply get them in front of RCMP to face criminal charges and Criminal Court prosecution ASAP.  And to face facts not the fiction of their clearly crippled criminal minds, and as a perfect example of when cognitive dissonance of their evils and with Dunning–Kruger perceived abilities, they stand as simply textbook hybrids? 

Other's bigshot international law firm letterhead had provided no followup to my rather rude single reply when top lawyers made efforts to try intimidate me not aware of my family and friends legal depth? As such, I wait so anxiously for these sick nobodies and their visibly obvious personality disorders from small man and women self-image complexes, to the obvious narcissistic and sociopathic checklist, and their so very "threatening" lawyers letters so long overdue? And as to also now try their best to intimidate me with expensive legal letterhead and not very stupid internal trial efforts. And I will again most certainly reply. And in far more detail for police to also read.

If not now self-admitted cowards and creeps with sadly so many dysfunctional children and marriages, that they don't fear criminal and wide public exposure, they very soon will. True? False? Judge and be judge. Reap what they sow stuff? 

Now others and so many victims and honest BC taxpayer groups will have all the fun and laughs at this slimes very serious financial and reputation expense. This as so honest and fair, that will pay so dearly. True? False? Others under duress settled for far too little as even their lawyer's warned them. 

Note: These super sick sleaze and pathological liars also said I threatened children and union executives. When I begged for charges against me they oddly ran rather than continue to posture, as good loving husbands and fathers and honest union members? Why? Why didn't they protect their children?

We will continue to humiliate and defame and put into even far greater disrepute in "real world" and at will in 2021, and with others finding it so very revealing with their still oddly no rush to justice to clear their good names from this clearly published defaming effort? If what I say not true how odd? When earlier efforts to protect their reputations so rushed from Tom Adairs revealing prose and papal postulates to internal trials far removed from reflecting even basic natural justice, due diligence and standard of care or any judicial depth just idiots acting clever and not doing their homework.

We'll defame and humiliate even more now as even clearer disrepute in my counter efforts. This until criminal charges against the majority of those involved. Or ideally, they charge me so we can add wrongful prosecution to conspiracy to defame. Again?

From internal trial's very sick sleaze who clearly aid and abet known criminals for political merit and added pay and perks as documented, now all a bit of a joke? As with the other cerebral highly educated heavy-weights like John Brummitt to Tom Adair, who both can now show their "real" superiority in education and real accomplishment as to dare judge others, or be completely obvious and ridiculed as the major fakes and frauds that they "really are". Their families and friends should 'honestly" know the real truth of these wannabee Hollywood and political bigshots after all their BS and PR to disguise their dirty souls and bloody hands. How fun? How fair? When in the "honest real world".

Hey, to be really fair and so none can call me a legal or intellectual bully I am willing to meet at RCMP offices all alone, and with any and even all present and past IATSE presidents all lined up or in a lineup? This from the very documented member threatening present president Mr. Woods and his strange issues "Coercion and Intimidation" and with freedom of speech, to the even more calculating diabolical super brain Don Ramsden, with so much to hide and lie about, who once thought himself so extremely very clever on matters of membership and seniority. This when he and buddy John Brummitt were first ridiculed by my membership against their protests and Dixie Cutlure define edict? And their sleazy ways nicely documented and witnessed ever since. Plus we can discuss many very serious and major criminal matters also with Rob Maier, to endless documentation on "Coercion and Intimidation" of the weak and vulnerable. This with the added multiple threat of obstruction to help keep such decades proven pathetic pathological life-long liars and losers in check. For checkmate in four moves. And only one surprise move.

Yes, there will be many traps in respect to such very clever people. 

And if these postured Alpha males and females far too frighten as such clearly fakes and frauds, they can even double up on me with aid from their top and best-educated and intellectual cream of John Brummitt (who is aware of so many criminals and criminal acts by his buddies) and add the very creepy and cowardly Tom Adair who also aids and abets criminals with his documented papal dictates and word skills, both with motive and method prima facia as they say in little league labour board hearings. 

They all posture as such Alpha Males and Super Brains what are they so very afraid of? Little me? They use to be so brave, bold and so very daring, back when they thought I was just a funny computer guy and possibly myself, impressed or intimidated by their tiny union local titles, why now such obvious disgusting creepy super cowardly criminal scum? They like having power over and to abuse weak women and compromised men. Try wee little me? 

Maybe time for more threatening phone calls. Threatening what exactly? For me to be beaten up like a women? Or possibly murdered by those with illegal fire arms? 

RCMP will have to ask for a volunteer non-admissable polygraph to get a read on that by refusal or allowing by John Brummitt? 

Note: I myself fell in love with polygraphs via Police Technology in Kirkland Quebec in the '70s and became even a bigger fan when doing graduate studies at Loyola in Montreal in biocybernetics using GSR, EKG, EEG and Kafeyette eye tracking. What is the truth always a question for this kid. Body language another story. But easy to see why RCMP, FBI, CIA, KGB, MOSSAD and so many others love polygraphs in addition to myself (even the voice ones as popular all over BC) and why none of those named and pictured below can dare get near them even if the best way to help RCMP efforts and reduce further tax payer cost catching and exposing these criminals, liars and frauds.

As a note these fakes also a joke when negotiating contracts as no "real" studies in contract law, economics or critical behavioral economics. So many make major fools of themselves when others nodding affirmatively and pretending engaged and interested in listening to these ignorant fools while patronizing their ego needs and using many more advanced tools of negotian. Rand? And tolerate the patriotic passion, hyperbole and deceit as they know they'll win dealing with such ego-empowered losers.

Note: If we lie to RCMP as clear Criminal Obstruction we should be the ones who go to jail and I should certainly have my Federal Security Clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC removed and fully exposed and humiliated in front of my few legal, RCMP and Federal Political friends and contacts. Only fair?  And if they are the liars and criminals or aid abet thieves, women beaters, criminals, tax cheats, puppy kickers they should ALL be exposed and prosecuted and pay the piper for their corrupted elections for meritless promotions and perks with their pensions and other related proceeds from crime seized to compensate victims and all BC? And certainly, "ALL" who aid and abet as named and pictured below for petty political posturing and promotion with others to be named, should also be exposed fully and fully prosecuted. Denial defamatory. Obstruction criminal. 
And do add as icing on the cake threatening phone calls when lawyers, calls to police to very stupid internal trial efforts all fail to intimidate? Murder or further violence and assault as a threat not clear.  Too bad this boy from Montreal and too hard to frighten or intimidate and coerce.  Such a culture of the little league criminal minds and their cult of followers who aid and abet. Too bad I've seen such big tough alpha males when a doorman/bouncer in university lying in a pool of their own blood, unconscious with an ambulance on the way? And very big and ugly with their big threatening voices.

Hey, to be really fair and so none can call me an intellectual bully, I am willing to meet at RCMP offices all alone with any and all present and past IATSE presidents from the very documented member threatening Mr Woods and his issues of freedom of speech to the diabolical super brain Don Ramsden who once thought himself so very clever, and we can all discuss many very serious criminal matters to endless documentation on "Coercion and Intimidation". This with the threat of obstruction to keep proven pathetic pathological liars all in check. Or clear checkmate? And if these Alpha males far too frightened as such clearly fakes and frauds, they can even double up on me with their top and best-educated and intellectual cream of John Brummitt (who is aware of many criminals and their criminal acts by his buddies) and add very creepy and cowardly super brain Tom Adair who also aids and abets criminals with his documented word skills. They all posture as such clever and Alpha Males and Super Brains what are they so very afraid of? Little wee me? They use to be so daring plus brave and bold? Why now such obvious disgusting creepy cowardly criminal scum? They like having power over others and to abuse weak women and compromised men. Try me? 

2021 the real fun begins. My efforts here inspired by my mentor Sen. Eugene Forsey and his life-changing lectures and my time working with Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada. Such honourable people. Not low life lying losers and cowards of really such very little merit, accomplishment and education under some illusion deserving of respect or trust. We know the difference. So will RCMP and Criminal Court Judges.

Purpose: The purpose of this post, as blatant by names and pictures below, was to expose these named criminals from women beaters to major thieves and tax cheats. As done. This as well as those more cowardly arrogant and ignorant who aid and abet such crimes and cover for clear self-interest and pathetic petty political merit. And as witnessed and documented. Not conjecture. Not innuendo. Not circumstantial? This also done with their pictures and names below, while very intentionally baiting efforts at further criminal conspiracy in continued looked and loaded solidarity for criminal defamation, and as such made so very easy to protect their honourable family names. If they can? And they can't. See what they fear below.

In addition, this post to provide a handy easy-to-use checklist for RCMP and Crown Prosecution to quickly deal with these crimes and charges. Ideally after a more comprehensive full Forensic Provincial Inquiry on "Crime and Millions in Tax Credit Criminal Fraud in BC Film Industry".

News? As Hollywood tabloids ask, "Can ‘Smallville’ star Allison Mack avoid jail time?" Others now ask if "Smallville" department head Rob Maier and his decades' loyal intellectual slime support who "Aid and Abet" can also avoid jail time based on testimony and witnesses under oath? Even if the statute of limitations and extremely expensive lawyers their best so-very-clever last defence? Will they lie to RCMP plus, CRA? And lie to Crown prosecution and Criminal Court Judges by declaration or deceitful omission and gamble they can "All" get away with all crimes and associations and thus obstruction as a textbook default perjury trap? Best once the lies and obstruction begin impossible to walk back. Bets? 

Too bad internal trials backfired so very badly and put those in far greater disrepute and clearly documented such gross stupidity to once again clearly "Coerce and Intimidate" honest members as per BC LRB rulings and very recent media coverage. Proof enough for those with higher IQs and education levels. Plus their absurd internal trials and totally illegal Non-Disclosure efforts all foolishly fueling this blog to insult their cowardly ignorant and arrogant criminal efforts to intimidate so many for so long.

Hey, they outnumber me and all have fancy titles far beyond their "honest" qualifications and big-time very expensive Hollywood and Union lawyers and collectively one would hope all smarter than me as they act? What are they afraid of? Little nobody me? More surprises to follow.

Preface: I know two of the women who were beaten up by two of these cowardly deceitful slimes (See exact names and pictures below). Other cases are hearsay. For now? Imagine if it were your daughter. grandaughter, sister, wife? What if it were Horgan's single mother or Dix's wife? Bet NDP would not help protect such NDP support by ignoring this if Dix's wife or Horgan's mother beaten to bleed? Horgan and Dix Heroes or cowardly self-interest political pigs and soon documented hypocrites no better than those pictured and named below. No better at all? No better than those they "Aid and Abet" by political selective silence as their brothers and sisters?

Add that many of those named and pictured below also very involved in literally "millions" in tax credit fraud and cheating honest workers, their families, their children and ALL BC taxpayers. Any dare deny or defend? NOTE: Defamatory libel/obstruction is equally valid as a criminal offence under the Criminal Code?
Lies and deception by even classic deceptive ommission (The slime find so clever) are all criminal obstruction in a criminal investigation and perjury in a criminal court. Not just a wrist slap with labour board and with lies during a provincial inquiry as documented. Why exactly are so many in fear of denying my so clear claims if not "absolutely all true" and defending themselves, reputations and legacy? What exactly are they so very afraid of? Did their expensive lawyers tell them they are all dead in the water and better to try for a deal by rating others out for reduced jail time and protect retirement funds?

And from the literally insane corrupt internal trials to protect criminals reputations (exactly as documented and witnessed) that fuelled this effort to RCMP files it becomes so very clear those exactly who aid and abet criminals from women beaters to thieves ($5,000.00+). And void of any legal or logical merit. And the uneducated low life slime are further documented in "clear solidarity/criminal conspiracy" protecting criminals from their names being in "disrepute"? And in all their extreme documented and witnessed stupidity their documented and well witnessed continued efforts prosecuting an honest whistleblower. And a extremely well documented and witnessed. True? False?

We have BC LRB  files making clear the culture club guilty of "Coercion and Intimidation" to more recent efforts to "Coerce and Intimidate" to hide other ugly details of the inner circle. Clearly not only internal trials obviously used to try and criminally "Coerce and Intimidate" as well. And again well documented.

They have wasted and used member's money on lawyers void of honest mandate and exploiting lies and misinformation, so they know exactly how bad it really is for ALL of them.  All of them.

And for those who think so clever to posture and pretend not involved, simply as most accept "silence is clear cowardly complicity" they will be soon as obvious. You either support these "honest" efforts, as literally, hundreds have documented, or you are helping this creepy cowardly criminal slime and their clear criminal aid and abet support. Such stupidity will be obvious to those far more intelligent and clearly far more educated in the legal community (See below). And documented solidarity certainly proves "criminal" conspiracy. True? False?  It will also be obvious the literal personality disorders and other frontal lobe damage from anger management, small man complex and violent acts to possible textbook psychopathic characteristics. 

Yes, the well known stupid uneducated ones may sleep well, but the smart ones won't, as the guilt and fear have real physical impact. Hope ALL the slime have considered ALL the dozens of bullet-proof lies needed by ALL of them to try and fool RCMP, CRA, crown prosecution, a future full provincial inquiry, and media interest all across Canada. We can only hope for dozens of no debate "obstruction" charges added to their many other crimes.

As you read below just take a wild guess how very easy for crown prosecution, RCMP and CRA to so easily bust all those thinking themselves so very clever once and now named and key targets for full criminal exposure? Plus as a big surprise for some, many still to be named, as also so very involved. Surprises always fun. Again as documented and witnessed. 

Note: SEO (and paid?) experts in Ottawa are now adjusting this blog for far better organic search and far better exposure of each of these criminals, and with their exact "names and pictures", and from backlinks to critical keyword dynamics. As such various new tools and toys will soon be optimized. Thus most of their future employers, neighbours, friends and family will soon all know the real truth. 

Can it be any easier for RCMP and CRA to make the lives of such creepy, cowardly and very criminal low life, all neatly in clear solidarity/conspiracy to aid and abet criminals and help millions in fraud, as so well documented and witnessed, soon made absolute living hell? True? False? 

Funny how they "once" bragged to many about having high powered expensive Union and Hollywood lawyers and added to the superior intellect, education, experience, and the "real" lifetime accomplishments of John Brummitt and Don Ramsden, and yet I can't even get a silly lawyers letter? Why? I certainly try hard enough. Why now such disgusting and obvious cowards and uneducated creeps once so brave and bold as such pretentious big shots and thinking themselves smarter than God now so repugnant as such obvious low life criminals cowards now?

Special thanks for major motivation and inspiration to expose ALL these cowardly creepy criminal sick slime from John Brummitt's and Don Ramsden's brilliant early criminal efforts, to the other extremely highly uneducated frauds who aid and abet known thief Rob Maier and so loyal for years. Best this added with silly embarrassing and well documented internal trials void totally of any real-world legal merit, standard of care and minimal due diligence, ethics or intellect? 

Fun when "protected witnesses" and documents tell one story and all these documented dishonest pretentious lying slime must tell and document, another. 

Who "exactly" will be willing to face ADDED obstruction charges defining aid and abet criminal charges and risk jail time and a criminal record to just protect John Brummitt? Or those documented in aid and abetting criminals by clear malicious criminal intent or gross negligence, and with such pathetic efforts of standard of care and due diligence. And will be willing to tell ADDED new lies as so very clear with such well documented internal trials and key RCMP files? And this ADDED headache while trying to protect their own ass with needed ADDED lies from jail? Maybe time to stop digging a deeper hole of police matters and best now to fully rat out John Brummitt and most 891 presidents also noted for their ethics, intellect and judgement? As also so well documented. We do hope they ALL ignore plans for a proper legal defence and their skills at cognitive dissonance ensures none are prepared. So many and so many lies to coordinate so much fun. For some.

The key issue is: who will lie "again" of those so clearly named and pictured below or try with their well known limited intellect and education to fool RCMP? And treat RCMP "again" like fools, pawns, props "again" for their petty pathetic political efforts to intimidate and bully others? Who will lie again?  How stupid is stupid?

This blog the start of how such stupidity fails for those who beat up women, cheat on their wives and employers and screw honest workers and cheat their children. True? False?  Sad to be so arrogant and yet clearly ignorant and uneducated when so very obvious? This with textbook wrongful prosecution and done to protect and aid and abet "real" criminals, and "all present and past the dishonest union local presidents"? Are solidarity claims literally an effort to conspire as such? And thus solidarity proving criminal conspiracy beyond debate? Beyond debate?

As witnessed I started protecting women in the '70s. Also started standing up for "honest workers" back then. This is nothing new? Also easy to prove. This slime oddly the most uneducated yet most arrogant slime I've ever had to expose for criminal charges plus. Others prior and as noted scholars have tried to intimidate me with major law firms. Some in Montreal also thought calling police and use of national media might intimidate me. But when they did their homework they all ran, some closed their business and moved. Some even tried threats and muscle. Seems I can't be intimidated only inspired? And yet I'm no where near what my mentors were as real heavily decorated heroes and vetrans. Some should do their homework on exactly why I have Federal Security Clearance for special DND and NRC projects in Ottawa and my strange CIA connections. I didn't just work with Senators?

See the faces pictures and names of clearly cowardly ignorant sneaky slime criminals below with those easy to prove ignorant low life who also "aid and abet" tax cheats and major thieves to women beaters. See what psychologists to even a forensic psychiatrist to legal scholars had to say "exactly" about such "Personality Disorders" below.

Proof? Evidence? Prima Facia?

In addition to RCMP files, law firm files, a few dozen "honest" protected witnesses, a plethora of documentation from brilliant "internal" trials to email and registered mail, with added handy BCLRB rulings from bad faith to guilty rulings even in appeal of "Coercion and Intimidation", can it honestly be any more obvious what  very sick small man and small penis types these slime "really" are, as facts really do fully support? Those who like to talk tough and pathetically posture as alpha males and "pretend" having higher intellect, are capable of without oversight. Must be a few hundred thousand as proceeds of crime including a few of their retirement nest eggs an easy grab? Justice sometimes served best when cold and slime getting old. 

If this low life ignorant and arrogant slime had done their homework they would have known I reported directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada and my buddy, Russ McKay a BC Criminal Court Judge.  Makes so many with their very costly and major time consuming ridiculous incriminating internal well documented trials look so very very stupid and foolish and makes clear how criminal those who aid and abnet as such so guilty as well? As far as my other legal support back in Ottawa and Montreal see below.

For very revealing insight see this added link below of more recent "Coercion and Intimidation" to silence freedom of speech on corruption and criminal acts as with internal trials, as to also again silence freedom of speech and aid and abet as documented. And as clearly protect criminals while wrongful prosecution of an honest member. Constructive dismissal documented beyond debate. 

The funny part is these very very uneducated and documented stupid and disgusting human slime tried this on a person who worked directly with Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada and decades long time friends with BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mckay. Add also a sailing and dinner guest of former UBC Law Faculty acting Chair and Labour Law Oxford scholar Dr Judy Fudge. Her friend another Oxford Law scholar also helpful? Fact check?

Yes, they not only are criminal and corrupt but very very stupid. John Brummitt, Rob Maier and dirty Don Ramsden will prove this true just by exactly who and what they honestly really are. Bets? Yes, who and what they honestly really are and not what they pretend and posture. . And even when well warned about their efforts as "Ultra Vires". How ignorant and uneducated  these slime are will be revealed in far greater depth at a Provincial Inquiry and RCMP offices as well as with CRA, criminal, civil and LRB review. They are what they are. True? False?

This link below, from a left wing pro-union media oddly also clearly as disgusted with this criminal and corrupt culture and decades long dynasty. Just as right wing anti-union media disgusted like Canadian Tax Payer groups not impressed with millions in film tax credit fraud. Speaks volumes? And for the record clergy to forensic psychiatrists disgusted. RCMP treated like puppets, props and pawns by thieves and friends will maintain a professional impartiality, but may ask for statements under oath or volunteer polygraph based on previous lies and a plethora of problems with the integrity and documented lack of intellect some named and pictured below have themselves documented from email to registered mail to dozens of  internal documentation? 

(SEE: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2019/10/24/iats-o24.html)

Soon I'll be talking with MLA: Ralph Sultan West Vancouver-Capilano about union film tax credit fraud in the millions for decades enriching criminals and the funny friends of Horgan and Dix, like Dusty Kelly, who has a history of aid and abbetting criminals to women beaters and children cheaters before given a position of trust as a director of BCLC. Bets? Pretty odd when so many even in NDP having more experience, more education and more "honest"? Dusty Kelly can defend herself and her criminal friends and support under oath at RCMP offices with myself also under oath. Only fair?

New Note: Get real, if even police trusted "policeunion executives" in Ontario can be criminally prosecuted, just take a very big guess how many criminals in a BC film union executive (including friends of Horgan and Dix - now with BCLC?) can be "easily" busted among known women beaters, liars and thieves and for life insurance and membership fraud cheating children and "honest" families to tax credit fraud cheating all BC? And in the literal millions and millions and for 4 decades? And do note  how far less educated, accomplished, literate as named and pictured below got their jobs and misleading titles and as clearly overpaid? Facts are facts. Lies are lies. True? False?

As such, consider exactly why some of those named and pictured below oddly not taking any legal action against little bitty me for clearly defaming them as too obvious? Think about it? Nor interested at all in protecting their good family name and family, and children? How odd when bragging what good parents they are? This also from certain and endless ridicule behind their backs? Much more strange why with their endless babble of solidarity and with 8000 plus members, not even one (1) or a few very clever ones, not dare willing to meet with me at RCMP offices to chat about many crimes. Not even one (1)? Too dangerous? For too many? Many crimes and many victims. None have the intellect or integrity or far too guilty with blood on their hands and too many crimes?

They talk so big in their very tiny pond but in real-world clearly why are now seen as very low intellect cowards and as very obvious sick and sleazy criminals. As many agree! Those who once thought themselves so very very clever. Now so subject to ridicule and clearly defamed. And so little they can do to defend themselves without ratting others for jail time or suffering their own perjury trap in criminal courts? How strange? Why did one of the slime, who aids and abets criminals now given a patronage position in NDP at BC Lotteries not protecting herself and old friends? And with her Hollywood date with Dix and pics with honest John Horgan? Hurts NDP credibility big time. As it should. This is sick. Sleazy and dirty.

If you stay silent and ignore this you are a coward who aids and abets human slime and criminals (A few named and pictured below). This includes women beaters, major film tax credit cheats and those who cheat children of life insurance, And they are too obvious who they are. Their lies and babble clear and won't fool RCMP or CRA. Bets? Note: This blog started long before whistleblowers heroes and standing up against crime and corruption hardly fashionable.


Here is recent background proof of criminal acts from wrongful prosecution and lies to RCMP files as per  RCMP files by Rob Maier's dumbest and most loyal inner circle and clear aid and abet by others and again per previous BC LRB ruling on "COERCION and INTIMIDATION" by a dynasty of the corrupt and criminal:


NDP give some directorships on BCLC (Lotteries)?

Note: This below is based on real BC LRB and RCMP files and is neither conjecture or hyperbole. Add many witnesses (literally hundreds) and a variety of documents from registered mail, internal documents, illegal non disclosure garbage, previous Provincial Inquiries and internal plus BC LRB trials.

These are real names and pictures of those accused and involved in criminal aid and abet in millions in tax credit fraud and all free to clear their good names at RCMP offices. An easy bust for CRA and RCMP with a Provincial Inquiry.

This about a real life example of Milgram's obedience studies and the sheer power of social pressure on the more ignorant.

Will this cost NDP 3-7 key seats if not fixed? If not strange appointments to board of directors of BCLC enough? With oddly one named below. And if none go to jail? Bet on it? Special thanks to 475 who document need for a full forensic audit of these slime. And key thanks for fueling and inspiration by John B., Liz S., present and past executives. Think how sleazy and cowardly some fakes are ignoring this. Or how criminal? To ignore victims is to empower the criminal and corrupt!


See all the names and pictures provided below. See also Google case study on handling of internal sexual harassment vs. these cowardly slime? Women beaten and children cheated matter? This gets very ugly and involves many serious crimes. Many crimes. Tax credit fraud to theft in the millions enriching criminals and protecting women beaters.

Is a 28% PLUS BC film tax credit best used to enrich criminals in literally millions from thieves to women beaters and children cheaters, and those in union executives who help them? Or best used - if NDP and unions don't clean out garbage ASAP and put some in jail, as to help others? Police? Nurses? Teachers? SMBs, High Tech, Tourism, Distant Medicine? Some must go to jail. 

Please Help!  Others Don't? 
Others Can't? Others Won't.

Great news for honest Greens and Liberals?

(2001 the Liberals got 57% of the vote, the NDP even when it forms government has great trouble breaking 40%? True? False?)

National Media, MP and MLA Distribution and Final edit began December 15.

(We hit 70,000 pageviews a couple of weeks ago. News spreads fast? And spreading now faster. Even before official national media launch). PLEASE SHARE AND DISCUSS WITH MANY.

What if was your own young daughter, wife, sister, mother "beaten" and children "cheated"...what would you do? Honestly? What if it were John Horgan's single working mother or Keith Woods or Adrian Dix's wife? Paul Klassen's girlfriend, or the son of John Lewis and both trying to make a name for themselves? What do Federal NDP do when dealing with these exact types? Great for Greens and Liberals: if NDP and CLC do nothing? This may be why the whole labour movement crumbling. Credibility and integrity counts?
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

(Yes, some do ignore far more intelligent people. Often. And document it. And as witnessed. See Law on Aid and Abet below. And on those who "don't do anything"? See how easy for RCMP and CRA to help a Provincial Inquiry below)
"Be a Hero. For Real. So Easy?"

Blog Purpose and Point:
  • To get BC voter and MLA support for a new fourth and more meaningful BC PROVINCIAL INQUIRY. Previously Tysoe 2004 , Ready 2006 and Fleming 2012 did great initial work on these inquiries but now time to finish the job and to help women to all BC. And do it once and do it right. And ideally this time with women leading on this. Three or more ladies as recommended below. Have not seen B.C. Labour Minister Harry Bains efforts, but as much of this more criminal than labour, I'll get to it in an update later. 
  • This to get compensation for women beaten and all children cheated. This via a Provincial Inquiry. Strategy and tactics defined below.
  • This Provincial Inquiry with a full RCMP and CRA investigation. And as per multiple criminal facts more than warrant below. See what top psychiatrists have to say about these exact lying dishonest types below.
  • And this MLA support for a critically needed first step full disclosure and bust of all criminals named, and to be named, and help women to whole industry. This done with a FULL forensic:
Provincial Inquiry

Thus the Blog Purpose and Point pretty clear cut as a: Provincial Inquiry required and as supported and recommended by many "non criminals". This as a clear goal and first milestone objective. The rationale for this emergency BC recommendation is detailed below. And as to better help beaten women and children be compensated and help all BC, as follows.

Note: Consider this effort not only honest, but volunteer? And key how it dwarfs all other token transparent efforts by those with budgets and on paid time and with tons of self promoting pictures, and tweets, but pathetic efforts and results, while clearly overpaid. Comparisons must be made.

If just half of what we claim below both witnessed and well documented, not only a Provincial Inquiry in order, but immediate Trusteeship and full staff cleaning and upgrade and clear criminal charges and jail for many.

What else will keep #metoo top of mind and moving forward with such political and credible media force as a Provincial Inquiry pivotal on women and children compensation from proceeds of crime? And this should always be in the News until all women safe. True? False?

There is a solid legal strategy and efficacy starting with a Provincial Inquiry before or tandem to criminal charges, as some with legal backgrounds may recognize. If RCMP can bust union executives for fraud in a Police union in Ontario this should be easy?

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

"It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence." - Upton Sinclair

Guess which three should do jail time? Who should have all assets seized as proceeds of crime? This to compensate victims? Then read below for answer?

Paul KlassenExecutive Director, B.C. Council of Film Unions
604 983-5531
Who and what he is, and why he should also be charged and do jail time below. Sets an example for those who abuse positions of trust and aid and abet criminals in wrongful prosecution and defamation.

Mitch Davies, Former IATSE Local 891 President (now dumped back to sawdust like other cowards). Now for Keith Woods?
604 664-8910 Who and what is he, and why he should also be charged and do community service cleaning highways on weekends for two years or more detailed below. 

Feel free to call all these people above, and judge for yourself? 
And if any seem honest? And when asked such very simple questions? They fake so very smart, and have big titles, should be funny for them to play so very stupid when their gangs well documented as in-the-know for years. And some read this blog. They, as their lawyers would advise, seems now all far too afraid to even dare talk about all or any of this that doesn't feel legally safe? Why?

How easy for RCMP?

To make it very easy for RCMP and to save them time and money, they can just call, text or email these big shot slime and give them all this blog link. Then just tell them to read and study fairly for a few days and simply reply?

Deny or accept. Easy? Simple?

And if any denial, on any issue they wish to deny, the criminals and their aid and abet support can just put it in writing and anything and everything that they all in solidarity ALL dare deny and NOT. And sign under oath and return to RCMP. All of them. In solidarity? Or why not? That easy for RCMP. Too easy? The names helpful to RCMP with sworn affidavits denying all or any claim. Hey, to be fair I'll do the same under oath in reply. Honest people have no problem going under oath. Liars need to fear jail time for obstruction. Obviously?

That easy also for women beaters and children cheaters and those who clearly aid and abet, to finally appear or seem if possibly not guilty, to finally start to defend their career and reputations fast. If possibly innocent. If not, why not? If honest, the law will be on their side. How can any ignore women beaten and children cheated?

Or they can each just get a top expensive criminal lawyer, one not needing to fully milk billable hours for partner established quotas, and just plead "no contest"? And to all these claims and accept all criminal charges.

And/or squeal for a deal and rat out others to reduce years of pain and punishment from national ridicule to jail time. And possibly reducing assets seized as laundered proceeds of crime? Plus help RCMP big time and Inquiry focus on other matters fast. And not obstruct a criminal case. Proceeds best going to victims. Should be some point in this blog that some or at least one named alleged slime might deny? True? False?

We try to give criminals many easy choices here. And try to make it both easy and fun for RCMP. And this to expedite compensation to women beaten and children cheated.

Consider how insanely slow and pointless using labour board tribunals (I've had to appeal two tribunals. Even CRTC.) As note this CRTC appeal allowed me to visit my friends in Ottawa doing graduate studies in law and working for Allan J. MacEachen, for any "honestly" interest in Labour history?

Civil courts against a large war chest simply silly. As second step valid. The issue not just getting compensation to women and children but fast as many long overdue.

Criminal courts already clogged and RCMP taxed so efficacy was critical.

Under duress some have settled for far less than they should. I'm even here to help Harvey M. case based on Davis and Company files provided to me. Sick ganging up on a family man trying to feed a family. My argument his children also cheated as under duress and possibly as per BC LRB rulings also a victim of "Coercion and Intimidation". So often and too often the case.

I'll start with present criminals who aid and abet not helping women or children cheated. And go back to 1980 to make a point on the decades of dynasty of criminals and corruption up to today and tomorrow. This, if this drags on any longer and victims suffer more injustice waiting for NDP to deal with it.

That easy for RCMP.

Preface: Many reasons for this very unusual creative style used here and strategy as explained below. And from the humiliating many by name legally (or illegally defaming?), to the legal baiting to the intentional topic jumping. This with many spokes leading to a hub on this wheel. All leading to one single point of clear action. Like any major million dollar movie production, the issue to bring all subplots with story goal to clear climax, and resolve. And to entertain and effectively inform to climax. To further make a point, I will also ask CRA to directly compare my tax history (and appeals) to 30 named criminal slime with my handy and helpful notes and claims against them, I'll also state under oath.

Others who know me, also know my goal not only to get women beaten to harassed and children and workers cheated of millions compensated from seizure of proceeds of crime, but for multiple purposes. Including for fun and sport to run legal bills through the roof for all Criminal and Civil Defence lawyers representing these criminals. Or they can squeal for a deal?

The criminals lawyers will love me referencing so very many and key documents from registered mail to NYC with Ken Anderson, and prior plethora of faxes and emails with Gavin Craig's 40 pages and Don Ramsden's counter logic and ethics, to emails with Dusty Kelly documenting both her integrity and support for women beaters and children cheaters, and as all very legally linked. And to defend against conspiracy and collusion no matter what solidarity and signed non-disclosure documents imply. Small legal joke.

Now add the old newsletters to latest babbling that many save, plus well known and well documented election results and materials. Election issue avoidance and deceitful omission of note. Phil Klapwyk distributed election material also of note. As with Tom Adair's postured and pretend superiority and simply brilliant self-incriminating self-serving thoughtless and lacking foresight complete dismissal of 475 intelligent people's honest beliefs a forensic audit best ignored. Many of the 475 more educated, more intelligent, more accomplished and with far more integrity. Clear why criminals just love this guy and must reciprocate their support? Aid and Abet?

Never oddly any executive dare addressing directly violence against women or repeated sexual harassment, or how so many families and children cheated. Starting with two cases from 4 decades ago and continuing to present day. True? False? Facts and history. Witnesses and documents.

Hard for any in executive slime with women beaters and children cheaters or their informed inside helpers to still play stupid as such major events as violence against women and millions and millions in membership fraud? And as such gossips and rumour freaks. If even listed labourers know this stuff hard to pretend big shot long term and repeat executives don't? True? False?

I started in 1973 using this legal trick with making Criminal Defence lawyers big incremental profits and against civil actions by bullies trying to intimidate me. This when bored playing and negotiating with morons. Best to make it exceedingly expensive for liars and criminals while multiplying legal risk and exposure. I've been threatened with far more than lawyers letters/opinions on fancy international letterhead before. And with connections with Mulroney government.

I find when threatened by top expensive lawyers best to make certain they can see a windfall with a criminal or civil defence possibly demanding in fairness a retainer of $50,000 each from such shady clients? Well for top lawyers. Each? Should cover a few months. This letter and style reflects that "proven" method. What do I know about the law compared to all criminal slime named? Read on.

Side Note: And so none think I'm anti union, as these slime claimed to false rally support against me, and claiming this as having been a very senior executive and on the board of directors of a public company, and by my very senior work with Federal Liberals and Conservatives - or try that chicken little sky is falling war cry others tried:

Fact, I am very proud of my work with CUPE as a grievance coordinator plus my work with many other great unions I've worked with, from postal, hospital and teachers to hotel and railroad steel gangs. And CBC. And the film unions from East Coast to Vancouver Island. And even French Film unions. Where oddly no problem. None? Here is a link below of why I'm so proud of my CUPE work. And so very disgusted with hundreds of others as documented, by IATSE 891 executive and far beyond the women beaters and children cheaters, fakes, fools, liars and incompetent. This is integrity and accountability, some plumbers union's putting all financials online no less than heroic:


As such, I'm certain after just a few hours with IATSE top dog in Canada, John Morgan Lewis at RCMP offices, with his very impressive Osgoode legal training, and my minor legal friends from Montreal to Victoria, he will concede a total cleanup and cleanout of all 891 executive and trusteeship as far more than critical to IATSE, NDP and Labour movement. This will make a better workplace for Morgan's son. And end the abuses of nepotism to honest workers bullied and suffering income loss to those as "favourite son" too often too obvious. True? False? Or he can aid and abet criminals? His choice. He knows the law.

Yes, and I'm a fan of the integrity and intellect of Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent, and hometown hero Jack Layton and rising star Nathan Cullen. Big time? I also enjoyed Justin's Trudeau's Dad, Joe Clark, Stanfield, and old family friends from Shawinigan, Jean Chretien. In BC like others, I now vote Green looking for integrity in leadership like NDP in Saskatchewan to Surrey? To make a point? Bet I know more about union history and labour law than most past and present 891 Presidents? And not just Quebec. Bets?

The slime also love to "act" smarter than others with their big misleading titles void of honest merit or any honest election not corrupted by lies, defamation and endless deceptive omission. Let's test if they are all smarter than as qualified by John Brummit and Don Ramsden than a simple "labourer" just to start. If not smarter and more honest than a just a listed labourer, pretty sad statement of fact of what ALL titles and pay rates mean in 891. See if titles mean anything in 891 other than clear nepotism or cronyism, corruption or criminal aid and abet. Often these lying criminals and their aid and abetting support enjoy these titles that so many far more qualified for. Any executives or Presidents want to now prove far smarter than a labourer and deny these claims? They can at RCMP offices.

How far will they go to protect women beaters and dog loyal helpers?

As a listed labourer, I made one 891 new bigshot president and 891 executive waste members money with false cause and with calls to RCMP to try and intimidate and spent easily far over $100,000.00 on legal and executive time trying to intimidate me and protect criminals and their battered ego. Right up to internal trials as idiots still trying to cleverly intimidate suffering many illusions from witness support to illusions of results and ramifications. Just like one time president Gavin Craig did. Exactly. With help from John Brummitt and aided by Susan Butler Grey. Failed. Just like when idiots with big titles challenged me in 891 and I'd bet $500 I knew what I was talking about and they were full of it. None bet? None joined the dots? True? False? Bets?

See below why full legal attack now. And why avoiding collateral damage to innocent ones, while helping women and children and all BC?

How many with big shot bigger titles did I humiliate with this end-the-debate wager in front of others and their coworkers and employers?

As a sidepoint and justification, as some thought clever to assault to sexually harass women and get away with it, we have chosen to be fair, and to now sexually harass them as small minded, small men with a possible checklist small penis complex. See psychiatric notes by scholars below. Only fair we reverse roles and sexually humiliate these men as they did women or helped. But we will not assault. Fair? True? False?

Some head accountant also tried to suggest my numbers not accurate and forced me to make the always debate ending bet in front of many? Seems many fakes, liars and criminal slime feel their tiny local union fake titles (and inner circle "friends") make them feel very superior as documented and witnessed, and far too easy to lie (See psychiatric notes below on bullies, narcissists, sociopaths, misogynist, liars, and other disorders). And many feel far too protected with a big fake title and their knowing criminal insiders among the elite and royals and their bloodlines. What qualifications exactly if not aided by criminal and corrupt influence? Exactly?

If a CA or bookkeeping clerk was caught in the real honest world fudging numbers they'd best resign or be fired. And defaming an honest man as incompetent a bit more than just sleazy? And as sleaze at others and those far more honest expense. Too often. This a seed reference to below. And to establish theme and some colour by anecdote. More statistically valid reference follows. And that peer group review stuff also reviewed below.

Important note: In one "non-union" company I worked: at coffee a VP made sexual remarks to a temp secretary. And literally packed and gone by noon. How many years can such slime get away with harassment in 891? Ask any who know of Joe Sala and others.

The economist J.K. Galbraith once wrote, “Faced with a choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy with the proof.” Or faking proof? See 891 case studies? And I tried to help these people clean up their act since day one as documented.

Leo Tolstoy was even bolder: “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.” More academic and psychiatric references below.

This below, a case study in same. How even those with even just average intelligence or less, so easily manipulated to aid and abet criminals, defined more below. More on cognitive dissonance to PGP factors as well below. Sometimes it helps to study mice in a cage. Consider the title these notes for a documentary called: "Of Mice and Men"? The story of one man who stood up for many women fighting rats. I may get a date with some classy lady as a result and not settle for far less?

The head accountant above tried dumping other department costs on mine? Well, before they knew much about me? Also was challenged on separate two major computer and software purchases by fakes, I had to also, and as always in front of others, challenge with a simple $500.00 bet to end debating morons and fakes. I do like honest and fair public forums from police stations to courts and boardrooms, and where other forms of questions can be freely asked. And where liars, fakes and fools so easily exposed. Also like videotape. See below.

Now to help women and children victims, my first targets: Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies.  And to break both in tandem to squeal for a deal to RCMP. And as validation for an immediate:

Provincial Inquiry

Or see how much members money and executive time they'll also waste on protecting their image and ego and for further aid and abetting criminals and their dog loyal full solidarity support. Plus see who pays the costs to cover for aid and abetting criminal groups. And to again document as more sick and "still" as always ignoring victims, honesty and fairness. Will they use honest members money again for dishonest deeds?

A Provincial Inquiry done for speed in getting women and children compensated from proceeds of crime. A Provincial Inquiry more comprehensive and with greater measured value than previous myopic Inquires as too narrow and focused, helps. And this minimizes RCMP cost and time.  And helps the most women and most children. Plus helps as a secondary benefit all unions, this industry and all BC. True? False? Debate, Denial. Facts are facts. I'm just a reliable messenger. Most times not needing my few friends.

Am I monster as my critics claim? I'll bet $500.00 my community, volunteer and charitable work also literally dwarfs every single executive in 891 for four decades? Most of the little and very meaningless image stuff that super fakes like Mitch Davies to Dusty Kelly did is on "paid time" plus their personal PR costs as documented. And more sick with pix as cheap personal self serving PR and political posturing? True? False? Bets? I have no PR pix but tons of witnesses to real actions, not stories, hopes, prayers and best intentions. Well, not completely true, CTV and CBC has me joking with Justin's Dad when just the two of us crossing Wellington on way to Press Club. Goes to character for story context. More on this below.

This knowledge creates a reference point for below. Clearly. Helps when readers or movie audiences know the characters involved. In a Hemingway or Bergman kind of way.

Do I have witnesses to my going into a house on fire to check for children before firemen arrived (My buddy even braver) to establishing successful and profitable national employment programs for deaf, blind, handicap and immigrant women? True? False? How many times have I delivered gifts or food to poor? Some late Christmas night more than Rudolph working for free. Bets? Many honest people no matter what title or super rich or struggling student know me as a nice guy.

Odd only criminals, women beaters and child cheaters, idiots, fakes, fools my stated critics in 891. True? False? Bets? Fact check? I have the former acting Law Faculty Chair of UBC impressed by my generosity to work with Autistic children teaching ASL. A top CBC investigative journalist knows me, as with me, bringing gifts to poor kids to helping his brother when flood. When many slime hungover was I peeling potatoes at a mission to feed the homeless. My proud advocacy for Veterans of added note. How many cancer patients and family did I help? More later. Again reference for context, character definition and goal purpose.

As others from same school reading this, and even in 891 know, a school buddy Michael Manning got Federal Laws changed for DNA testing when his daughter raped and killed. "...changed homicide investigations forever". As such a BC Provincial Inquiry really not asking very much when so many other serious and sad reasons below should easily suffice? I hope to help women and courts here as much as Mr. Manning. We had a long talk at last school reunion.

Another from same school daughter committed suicide. She was raped in Australia. Too weak to fight needing a double lung transplant. See article in Maclean's. The mast at McGill hung at half mast for such a once promising student. Thank God for Australian legal system as the rapists convicted and sued faster than this BC problem addressed. I gave her a computer for her studies and babysat her dog. So I may get a touch ugly when dealing with any who defend women beaters and child cheaters. Forgive me.

The key goal here to provide compassion and full compensation for all innocent victims. And from too many women beaten to hundreds of children cheated. The ends justifies the means. Absolutely.

NOTE: I try to make key points quickly for new readers here, and entertain my legal and other friends long familiar with many points. Many audiences to address. Consider that?

Plus this blog an added heavy warning to all reading this who think women or those in positions of weakness, like children and seniors, all easy targets of assault, harassment, suppression, abuse of position and criminal fraud by any group of lying bullies, criminals, fools and super fakes. This as per the facts, legal files, documentation and protected witness testimony as briefly outlined below. Clear facts if you will. Someone has to be a whistle blower? Other can't without suffering "Coercion and Intimidation" define outside the Labour Code as antitrust, restriction of trade and economic interference. Or "Physical threat"? Mr Lewis can explain with both his Osgoode legal and financial background to the legally and financially challenged . And as in a Fiduciary position. And with a son to protect and further promote as connected.

This helps all BC. True? False?

Is it a bad sign when hundreds of people really don't trust you?

Is it worse when 475 also document and vote they want a full forensic audit?
Funny 891 executive had to ignore 475 honest members and this as a classic case of collective cognitive dissonance in blind solidarity and even more clear self interest. Cognitive dissonance that 891 executives need to look in the mirror and member's faces, friends and family, and live in the illusions of the many lies in their lives. Again?

The slime and criminals now have zero chance of lying more and fooling RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal and Civil Court Judges and National Media and even majority of honest skilled and talented members. True? False? Denial? Bets?

For reference how corrupt and very criminal some BC unions can be as solid no debate fact and history, and can even be cleaned up with help of Legal/Political see the true BC story and movie: "Mother Trucker"

Now they must pray and hope RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal Court Judges, my stupid little legal and media friends, other union friends from pilots to plumbers, 891 friends and support (475+?), some MLAs, MPs and possibly even John Horgan or BC Liberals, all as blatantly stupid, uneducated as John Brummitt to Mitch Davies. True? False? And that they all will trust every single 891 union executive in this lying 'herd"? And after lies to RCMP already well documented. And BC LRB rulings and previous Provincial Inquiries also hardly adding any credibility at all to any executive claims. Any at all. Denial? Debate? True? False? Bets? Internal trial documents just whipped cream on cheesecake.

How can Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and other executives both be so incredibly, ignorant and arrogant unless also textbook sleazy types aiding and abetting criminals? Why else be so stupid? Don't they talk honestly to even their very own lawyers? Or is that why so frightened to respond in any way? Can't they at least send me a postcard. Or respond any way at all? Do like how they also owe me money from Producers credit as to further document their honesty. They are so clever?

Some find it very funny how Paul Klassen once able to play judge and clearly aid and abet criminals put in "disrepute" but now such a sickly documented coward so afraid of using "real honest courts" to protect his very own name, family, reputation and career? Hilarious? Guess he missed the law course on "Publish at your Peril" and "Judge and be Judged" literal court judgements. As other best brains in executive like John Brummitt missed. These two executive personalities certainly give a very solid feel and fair stool sample for all in executive solidarity/collusion? True? False? Deny? Debate?

The history of even hold-your-nose reality of strategic voting in unions with this case study a point of fact for PR voting in all IATSE and other unions. If good enough and same LOGIC, honest and valid for NDP certainly in IATSE 891?

Like all North America now, we vote not for the best of, but for anything or any idiot, incompetent, liar, criminal or slime, against those we don't trust more. See 891 election history. This as lesser of two evils, or when it serves some selective self interest. This is the face of democracy now. Why even PR over FPTP elections needed in all unions. Nobody is winning elections...others just lose more. And mostly all voters lose. Did Horgan win or need Greens? He may need Greens more after this hits national media and if 3-4 more seats go Green in disgust if this not addressed. Or worse if Liberals steal the spotlight as the heroes here of all women, all taxpayers, all honest workers. British election history of note.

See 891 elections for past twenty years and US and Canada for proof we can vote for literal Goofs and Big Liars with great smiles (See Pictures above of the slime and crime group spokesmodels). Or am I wrong?

Why women need this legal case and protection in a union of 8,000 as within an office of 2 men in BC.

Was in "honest" fact John Brummitt "honestly" the best 891 could honestly get for experience, intellect and integrity and education and to protect and identify all threats to women over other candidates? Honestly? Really? How many will sign support for him? Please provide support pages of signatures. We need those names? More names than internal trial supporting witnesses we hope? Say three people?

Was Don Ramsden the smartest and most honestly informed vote by women over others? Did even honest men find him disgusting, sneaky and cowardly? Fact check? Or did his superior honest experience and business depth and specific education, accomplishments, full membership transparency and accountability make all things forgiven? What is a fake and a fraud needing deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment? And sadly needing John Brummitt. More on dearest Don below. With his distinguished military background and with my veteran advocacy he may just appreciate exactly my claim of "no women or child left behind"? Or honest member? Why do some get killed by friendly fire. Putting too many at risk for self interest and cowardice? Just a guess.

Is Mitch Davies really and honestly the smartest, most experienced, most educated and most honest 891 can get? Was Gavin loved and respected by all? Drinking or not? Was there no one more honourable and far smarter than very stupid Ken Anderson? Can any pass an RCMP full review or even casual chit chat? Get the point?

Gavin ran against a well known idiot, not supported in elections, nor by criminal long time friends at internal trials. Big win? Not hardly as popular, loved and respected as she deceives herself like Dusty Kelly so sadly did.

Ramsden ran from truth. Ken Anderson tried for a few months to hide his gross stupidity, lack of education or meaningful experience, and that he's also a documented liar? Mitch Davies even worse? Everything just acting? True? False?

Only with truth and freedom of speech protected and with  "honestly informed" voters can we get rid of such human junk everywhere. From Ottawa to Burnaby. If Nixon and Trump dare not silence critics like Noam Chomsky or Woodward why should 891 have greater power to abuse? The hypocrisy will be blatant when those who document and feel charter rights should hold by principle over notwithstanding law with Ford in Ontario, but in same two faced breadth support Draconian despots in their own franchise? Mr. Lewis should agree?

Can't wait to go face-to-face and one-on-one with those criminals named and pictured below. And under oath with 3rd party totally objective, honest RCMP - and with RCMP fully informed prior of "real and full truth" by others. This prep before questioning designed for the clever lying criminal slime. And as pictured and named above and below. We'll love all added lies as incremental criminal obstruction traps. As you read below guess which gang calls RCMP "Pigs". Their group or my friends.

Simply, either I'm a cowardly, lyin' criminal, highly unethical and uneducated, arrogant fake and fraud who beats up women and cheat (or "threaten") children or support those who do, and a major thief (5K+) or NOT? And thus possibly they are? That simple. Let RCMP, Crown Prosecution and BC Criminal Court Judges - even BC and national media as objective decide. Fair? Honest?

What if it was the "son" of John Morgan Lewis, as IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs who was also bullied (ignoring nepotism for a moment), and lied about to police, and cheated of tens of thousands of dollars by a union executive in IATSE family of "brothers and sisters", and for just trying to protect women? Same reaction? We'll see? Easier to judge others "real actions" than babble and PR efforts. As documented. John Lewis has Osgoode Law credentials as well as undergraduate studies in finance, so we won't have to dumb down to make a point. As we must it seems with the cream of IATSE 891. He'll translate. John Morgan Lewis should be more than willing to help women and children? Or why not?

The criminals and women beaters, to fakes and fools will now all be exposed. And criminal slime thinking that they are far above the rule of law and their big titles and union solidarity and dates with Dix or pix with Horgan will protect them, will now ALL be seriously corrected? This using jail time, penalties, fines, settlements, civil awards and seizure before judgment of all assets and key ever expanding Public Exposure to the court of public opinion as tax credit from public funds. This for starter kit basics.

This now far beyond any legal, scholarly or common man intelligent debate. Easy to prove. Awareness leads to action as a rule.  There is a very legal way to prove the rule of law has some muscle against women beaters and children cheaters. And against the royal criminals and their sadly loyal mindless "aid and abet" in solidarity helpers.

And should seizure of proceeds of crime not seem adequate for compensation even in criminal appeal, civil actions will shake down any remaining fruit. No women or child left behind.

BC needs a Provincial Inquiry.

BC women need a Provincial Inquiry. BC taxpayers need a Provincial Inquiry. Honest workers, young and old, women and men, need a Provincial Inquiry. BC needs a Provincial Inquiry. True? False?

And with full public exposure of these criminals as women beaters and children cheaters, plus their sad and mindless helpers (with a few named with pictures below) and others who aid and abet, so that now many now warned and informed. And many soon much more frightened if criminal or helper. A case study for all BC. Some on their way to jail.

This blog also helps RCMP save big time and big money. They should buy me coffee. Tim's? Double/double. Medium. True? False? Debate? Denial? The criminals defence lawyers should buy me champagne as finders fee and bonus for incremental gross revenue and margins few members of firms can match?

And as far as legal morons babbling about statute of limitations that's why God created the "perjury trap" to name some of the more popular tools of justice and legal realism?

Please excuse these background seemingly random details but as you'll see below much covered with far greater speed and economy of motion.

It helps when these issues make news. Proven.

It helps when these issues make news. True? False? Makes low life more careful. Less abuse. Less theft. Less women hurt to harassed. And the slime must accept there is a price to be paid in full for so many varieties and levels of illegal acts. And with these names provided, woman and workers now know who to best avoid for both their future physical and financial safety.

As some read ask what the children of such role models suffer? Why so many of their kids lacking direction or initiative and can only fall back on nepotism. Why such substance abuse from heroin to alcohol? What do their wives suffer beyond deceit.

8,000 aren't told the truth 

8,000 aren't told the truth. True? False? Why? An oligarchy of morons and criminals who think that with some tiny local union title they have divine rights and thinking they are smarter than others using illegal non-disclosure documents to aid and abet criminals and women beaters to child cheaters. Or intimidate fools or even the strong and intelligent as per BC LRB rulings? True? False? Those in inner circle and in-the-know criminal elite a case in point.

Here is their Mr. Whitfield as 891's "Managing Director" also in a Fiduciary role. And as exactly promoted on LinkedIn (maybe wanting another job?), and states skilled as "Neutral Third Party" this should be very interesting:

Neutral Third Party (?)
Brian W. Whitfield, Labour Arbitration, Adjudication, Mediation
August 2009 – November 2012 (3 years 4 months)
Canada Labour Code: Grievance Arbitrator, Unjust Dismissal Adjudicator and Wage Recovery Appeal Referee

We'll see how smart they all "really" are? And from their in-house images of legitimacy. This from some past due Canada Post MA (Masters of Industrial Relations) still being researched, to the new little ones and far less educated, pretending they are also such big shots with their new big bogus titles and big pay. Yes, I worked for a detective agency owned by Stanley Hart ("The brains behind Mulroney") back east. Yes, I have special security clearance in Ottawa for both DND and NRC.

What really has the former Canada Post "Pro Union" MA (Masters of Industrial Relations) delivered? And on time? And for relations for women beaten and children cheated. And to simply help children and women as victims and help lead the enterprise? This will be funny in a Provincial inquiry.

NOTE: Brian W. Whitfield and I both did Carleton University where I was doing law classes ten years before him and his studies in economics. I did Microeconomics in Montreal. My Austrian and Milton Chicago stuff to Yanis Varoufakis and Richard David Wolff  based on interest from a friend going to LSE. His studies in economics may also need some discussion in a Provincial Inquiry as well as his take on justice and law. Women. Children. And I was already a Grievance coordinator for CUPE in Montreal before he finished school. And contracted as national media liaison in Toronto for CBC on Quebec polling. So I may have a head start. And had worked with Post Office, Hospital and Teachers unions in Montreal Soon even paid by ACTRA. Well, if experience, education and seniority means anything in a union. Or to Mr. Whitfield?

So we're all on the same page I'll be questioning the Labour and Economic depth of Mr. Whitfield and the appearance or natural justice, appeals to equity in 891 as per:

Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market Economies by Roger Blanpain, Jim Baker

Image result for Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market ...

Other Reference:
Near to the building John Lewis did law, some did sexual neuroscience research like Debra Soh. She holds a doctorate in sexual neuroscience research from York University and can add to what forensic psychiatrists suggested below may provide.

Some BC Psychiatric nurses have a phone app to do basic checklists on narcissistic types fast and that can also be easily referenced in a Provincial Inquiry. This when reviewing certain executive judgement in 891. And from their cognitive dissonance to possible psychopathic checklists. For some the following should be handy for discussion.

Spot Any Psychopath By Looking For These 8 Warnings

1) Lack of guilt: A psychopath will do what they please without consideration for how their behavior will impact others and without feeling a sense of remorse. (Why BC needs a Provincial Inquiry on Film Industry. See executive history. Membership fraud. No apology to thousands. Not to women either. No remorse.)

2) Lack of empathy: A psychopath is unable to place themselves in another person’s shoes or see things from their perspective if it is not beneficial for them. However, they are capable of mimicking empathy or sympathy by observing others. (See plethora of PR pictures of actors and mimics. Fakes? Frauds?  The slime can hardly see what too many suffer in 891 from sexual harassment and as well known as ignored for decades to economic interference with bullies and bitches and their obvious lust for any illusion of power and control. And they like big titles. They clearly lack empathy when not a paid PR effort? True? False? Mr. Whitfield's reference on LinkedIn refers to his "emotional intelligence". How odd?

Fact: I've done far more in charity and non-paid volunteer work than all these 891 executives and I don't have one picture or news story. Not one? Most who know me in Western Canada know little about me. Well, was quoted by the Financial Post when helping Molson Pension Fund investments in Pacific National Finance but no reference to any of my charity work ever. However have many witnesses.

What Mr. Lewis, being from Montreal needs to now is why on earth does a major Montreal Family with office towers with their family name on it who scuba dive with Justin's Dad to feed sharks, and impressive political position need me a "labourer" to use my contacts so NY banks nicer about investments in US military non-combative supply business? And it's not John Molson. He's only a friend on Facebook as I knew his cool father from West Island Tennis club? This family not Molsons, but also Liberal money like Senator Fitzpatrick who I also dealt with when working for Red Leaf? On West Coast two buildings at UBC have the names of girls I dated or socialized in Kits with like Southam and Buchanan. The Buchanan girl even used 891 construction shop to do some wood work and met a few of the class in 891 and some of the 891 fakes and fools. In short, I have a few friends outside of Ottawa. How can I get along with so many popular, respected and nice people and scholars, but not slime, criminals, fakes and fools in 891? Women and children matter to me, I guess. Why was I given seats in Charles Bronfman's section at Jarry Park that I gave away to poor kids on street corners? Why did Toronto's Joseph D. Carrier (Art Gallery)  in Toronto oddly become one of my major Labour Relations mentors. His heroics in Quebec Labour movement also of note. And like John Molson's Dad also liked Art?

3) Enjoy making others feel guilty: Another way to detect a psychopath is that they like to manipulate people’s emotions in order to get them to do what they want. They pick up small details about you, and once they build your trust, they will use the information against you. (MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GUILTY? The slime told fools I was anti union, posted my picture, called two different RCMP offices, and said I threatened children and I suspect also threatened any less than Honourable union executive. Well, this seemed fun so I immediately went to Burnaby RCMP to turn myself in and ideally to be charged and for possibly threatening whole union executive. Sadly all I got was a lecture on grammar by some friendly RCMP officer more concerned with my presentation skills than claims of "threat".  Still in shock about my grammar being questioned and asking myself filled with doubt, "Was my grammar threatening in a blue collar dominated union"? Only Brummitt possibly so ignorant enough and would use my grammar against me? My first foolish thought. Then went to West Van RCMP, where they were told I "threatened children". Pretty serious stuff? True? False? RCMP in West Van extremely professional and no abuse of position like in Burnaby, with a lecture on grammar. Do they teach literary criticism in RCMP training? No matter how I tried, including even as documented begging executive to charge me, I failed. I couldn't find anyone to charge me after claims I was threatening to both union executive and children. Both. Or possibly one in the same and calls just redundant? Why the fast change in their efforts and claims? See below.)

4) Only value themselves: As long as they’re doing what they want and getting what they want, they couldn’t care less if the world goes up in flames. (See Big Shot Titles without merit and self worshipping and endless congratulatory consensus newsletters and PR efforts. And do ballpark total of proceeds of crime from pay, perks, odd travel and PR party expenses, PR Pix, possibly even Hair and Makeup, plus vehicle or alpha macho truck allowance for the chosen.  Is this a union local or upper executives from Walmart and Amazon or the Federal Reserve and Wall Street also "Doing the work of God?". The resulting measured value? Exactly? To quote King Lear: "Nothing will come of nothing".)

5) Believe they are better than others: Psychopaths think they are better than everyone else (See Tom Adair documentation of better than 475 members and myself as a listed labourer. John Brummitt qualifications to qualify others far more educated, experienced, honest and intelligent, and that is how and why they get away without feeling any guilt. They think they are better and smarter than everyone including a listed labourer.  Or Dusty Kelly as thinking better than others using idiots to vote for her and also lacking experience, education, integrity, intellect, accomplishments of other candidates who could provide far more proven and logical value (Give a little man or crazy lady a big little union title by corruption, crime and enrich by restriction of trade that organized crime would envy. And in a sick culture that can dismiss and ignore 475 human beings paying dues as trusting members and wanting a Forensic Audit and life pretty for liars in solidarity). Makes a point and why shrinks should be part of this Provincial Inquiry and videotaped. See Tom Adairs aid and abet documented efforts to help himself and about two dozen criminals avoid audit requested by 475. 24 vs. 475?

6) Liars: Another clue to detect a psychopath is that they will lie about anything to get what they want (John Brummitt and Rob Maier proved this on the X-Files with their gangs calls and documented lies to RCMP), but they will also lie even if it has no benefit for them. It gives them a false sense of power over everything. (I'm hoping to sell just this story to a publisher about when some lie for the pure art or love of lying. All about the 891 culture club of corruption and crime. They think lying to deceptive omission shows how politically savvy they are, having no integrity, and sadly think they appear clever and not so very simple minded.)

7) Often well-liked: Psychopaths are able to get along with almost everyone. They are friendly and approachable which allows them to gain your trust (vote) and learn about you (See elections and "winners"). Sadly, I only get along with a very select few. But liked those I did. Some, oddly say I'm too argumentative. Rock the boat? A pain in the "A" list. A potential whistleblower. Not very friendly to slime. I try? Tom Adair implied and certainly John Brummitt told whole construction department he "loved them" and based on fear of fanatics many appeared to love them back. Well until elections when others loved by others better? Or as lesser of two evils and no candidate of much "measured" merit.

8) Lack of accountability for their actions: This is how they are able to manipulate and bend people to their will. They feel no responsibility whatsoever. (I'm hoping to sell this story to a publisher as my second big best seller on 891 women beaters and children cheaters or do seminar circuit for 3rd year accounting and psychology majors who need a laugh.) Neutral Third Party Brian W. Whitfield, Labour Arbitration, Adjudication, Mediation expert will be asked not only about law, economics, but also about "accountability" in a Provincial Inquiry and what his studies of statutory interpretation might mean? That "mischief rule, literal rule, and the golden rule" stuff. Hey, I studied linguistics (semantics), Formal Logic and abuse of rhetorical fallacies. Should be fun.

The 891 culture club. All BC mislead. More than just members cheated, women beaten as children suffer, True? False? Sort of the MacDonald's of lies not fries?

All BC cheated 

All BC cheated as well with millions in tax credit fraud. Not just children or women beaten. True? False? Enriching criminals? Millions. Not just women and children as victims. This for those needing even more reason to help, and like a tax credit fraud reason in the "millions and millions" and an abuse story as well. Well, here it is. You get it all. And all reasons for a Provincial Inquiry. And if just children cheated not enough to fully support a Provincial Inquiry? Millions and millions of tax credit fraud. True? False? Women beaten? Children cheated? BC cheated? True? False? That simple. Members misled and deceived? Industry crippled and limited? BC screwed? Microeconomics anyone? I can talk Milton and Chicago and new economic insights at Yale and Harvard as well as any 891 President. Bets?

My issue and focus women and children COMPENSATION. The tax credit to CRA fraud, theft (5k+)  just a quick legal magic carpet ride for these victims to compensation. And to quickly further expose criminals and slime to RCMP and CRA. My issue and focus compensation from proceeds of crime for women and children. Fast. And issues that certainly warrant a Provincial Inquiry far more than previous efforts. True? False? And then I'm gone to be a far more serious pain in Ottawa again. I've done my good deed for the decade for BC at that point. An Inquiry will make things fast for RCMP and ideally interesting and easy? And force an industry wide shakeup. Why not?

This will also put all dirty union executives to all employers with similar aid and abet factors, and direct liability across BC on alert. If dishonest in money and policy matters and abusing to misinforming their trusting union members and staff as well.

And in fairness this make heroes out of the honest and good union executives doing honest work for their membership and as fully transparent and accountable. Not awards for most hypocritical PR for decades of a union local dynasty of misinformation and deceptive omission and theatrical studies and selfies. Fraud.

When looking for the bad you often discover the good. The good and honest are the real heroes of the Labour movement. As history proves. The good impressing many. And slime must be exposed if also using non-disclosure agreements to intentional calculated fraudulent concealment and gross deceptive omission on members and BC government. Or if aid and abetting women beaters and children cheaters, they must be exposed. This the first step to help thousands. True? False? Debate?

There are many reasons those far more honest, more intelligent, more accomplished, more educated, more experienced support this effort? And also they see quickly how obvious the ignorant liars and criminals really are. (See the many hard facts below and key references). Who would people best trust? Who would a Criminal Court Judge and RCMP trust? Who did both John Horgan and Dix in best judgement trust? Who with any legal education will trust John Brummitt as keystone criminal or Paul Klassen as a judicial and political whiz kid? As documented. And trust as documented frauds and liars who clearly must aid and abet women beaters and children cheaters, for Rand-like reward and political and economic survival. How did 891's best and brightest miss all this?

See exact "Motive" for this blog below and pictures and names of just some of the key criminals involved from women beaters to child cheaters, also below.

Yes, to point, if my claims not true, far too easy to sue me or charge me. Restraining order? Bait? But their high priced and high powered criminal defence lawyers know this also just another cute trap? Hope they don't miss the far more subtle ones hidden below?

This blog also helpful and hopefully amusing for RCMP and others as below to read. The devil in the details, but I will try not to bore repeat readers. And this is fun to investigate for media and police as so many liars now so obvious and named? And involves Hollywood celebrities and various politicians so more than business and a media human interest story here. Nationally and locally. An honest cause also a big plus. This for media wanting a story with real meat and shelf life? And that also helps women and children.  And that journalists not be bored.

And all this as a national media nightmare news story on dirty ugly unions as per below, just about to mushroom. And in time for Christmas. Maybe some children will get gifts owed from many a Christmas prior by slime and criminals. What if it was John Horgan's single widowed mother cheated when John just a boy at Christmas some BC Liberals may soon ask? Will children be cheated again this Christmas? Will Horgan and Lewis help?

Yes, I'm no lawyer, but as documented have challenged CRA on statutory interpretation on Superior court rulings, corrected lawyers on matters of Copyright and Intellectual property (Suppression of Authorship) and helped others with Latin pronunciation. And once stayed at a Holiday Inn. Been in courtrooms many times and have done successful CRTC appeals in person and all alone north of Ottawa across the river and small claims to Veteran advocacy. Oddly, all successful? Fact check? I'm often a volunteer lobbyist for good causes? Even those in 891 have asked me to go to court for them and asked my legal advice. Yes, not a lawyer. But many friends are or were before becoming BC Criminal Court Judges? Fact check? True? False?

If we have zero tolerance of drinking and driving to texting shouldn't we do the same on all Women's protection issues from assault to harassment from home to workplace? And protect honest young workers to seniors from the clear fraud to blatant breach of fiduciary trust. And by such sick low life cowardly criminals and from 1st day permit and membership fraud to last day of life insurance claims fraud? If we expose those who abuse children shouldn't we expose those who beat women, cheat children of thousands and trusting members also abused? And cheat all BC?

Estimated amount owed all victims:

(Including BC Government, Women, Children, Honest workers, CRA)

Beyond this very critical and major upcoming BC provincial election - and already muddy on so very many issues: do also add the further proven election tipping point and full BC voter impact here.

The impact that this specific blog topic also certainly provides. And to all "honest", educated and informed BC voters? And as reason enough to now switch their votes? As history proves. Fact check. Plus also add this as also soon and very major CRA and RCMP Criminal investigation.

Reason enough to now switch their votes?

What do I know about politics and unions? When John Horgan still in university in Australia studying history, I was reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada on analytics on Federal Election and flipping Quadra with university textbook authour and SFU Dean Dr. Shapiro. I handled Western Canada for Red Leaf. I've also been in more unions than Horgan. Fact check. See below. Time to help victims. What do I know about the law. See below.

Email blitz with this blog link will soon be sent to all BC NDP, Liberal and Green MLAs.

a) Liberal MLAs will have the following subject line:

Horgan's next big fear? Liberal's next big focus?

b) NDP MLAs will have the following subject line:

NDP last chance for critical credibility or kiss 7 seats goodbye?

c) Green MLAs will have the following subject line:

How Green can grow organic votes from NDP GMO cowardice and credibility.

Win voters hearts and minds. Their votes will follow. Bets?

This issue on women beaters and children cheaters will also have clear election impact on all political parties. Plus very key BC swing ridings and their very critical switchers. Those I termed "The critical few" in 1979 at McGill and in 1985 to Federal Liberals and needing a clear message and "smart" media buying. Many BC unions also now as fractured and needing damage control? And this topic often helpful to MLAs and MPs with difficult media targets like educated working mothers. Or as pollsters may ask: How many opinions or votes changed by respected opinion leaders in any church group or women's groups? Pulpit politics pays political dividends? Core votes are always a lock. In the Lower Mainland, Interior and Islands many cheated. Many hurt. True? False?

What do I know about women voters? After paid more than medical doctors to study women for Federal Liberals, Esso, 7-Eleven, Trizec and Cadillac Fairview, and other retail national chains, possibly I know a wee bit more than most? Case study on election "message and media metric" dynamics from Margaret Thatcher's to Hillary Clinton also helps. A bit.

Dare any MLA be so foolish to gamble? Four ridings won with less than 700 votes in last BC election. And a coalition government forced to avoid another quick very expensive election and basic coin toss (None could afford). This where everyone stood to lose far more than they could ever win. Greens may have won or lost a seat or two, but money a perishable for all parties.The more you bet the more you can lose.

These BC victim issues here with women and children as victims, and that touches all BC taxpayer from their wallet and purse, to women's equal rights and protection issues, has impact, most polling groups will concede. And added to one or two other small "tipping point" actuarial "fractals", and a vote changes. A party loses or wins power. Or shares far more?

When your roommate a recognized international doctorate in political science and voter dynamics, and offered work at Harvard, you get bored on a rainy Vancouver Sunday, after the girls have gone home, and take a peak at a thesis or two? I was amazed how much money wasted by all Federal Parties first hand and provincial parties in Quebec and BC. And nice to have some academic support.

I've seen this voter and poll flip first hand working analytics in Federal Elections. SFU has a paper on the Quadra flip for Turner. I changed the message and the media. Nobody questioned the message or my expenses. The creative value of added note? And my other successful work also noted at SFU. Actually nothing brilliant on my part at all, honestly just repeating what I was taught at Concordia in Montreal to many. I'm too much of a party animal to be taken seriously so I have to quote scholars and supreme court rulings? For dates with highly intelligent strong women I just use humour as an aphrodisiac. Even when dating lawyers who are fun.

What really hurt Dix? Some really just not impressed with his Hollywood date and full trip pandering purpose. So phones rang all over Canada: "Who paid?" Like the way E.coli leaves more than a bad taste in your mouth?

To make a point, and totally misquote pollster Allen Greg from our Joe Clark days:

If you ask people: "will they vote NDP?" and 70% say "yes", it looks impressive? However, if you qualify it with:

"Would you still (in a Hal Banks kind of way) vote NDP, AND if you found out too much sick and very ugly crime and corruption in a few major BC unions funding NDP? And "without recourse or review? And clearly NDP hiding from issues of women beaters and children cheaters - when union friends?"

Qualified research above as such, a reversal in poll and votes indeed extremely feasible.

I was also national media liaison for CBC with Quebec Polling in 1977 and while being lectured by mentor Senator Eugene Forsey.

Should we do a solid statistically valid projectable third party poll (with no short cuts) after members told the whole truth and real history of 891? And honestly qualified. And some background on IATSE parent and a hundred years of criminal cases across North America of criminal and corrupt union locals? And then clean house? When we did polling at Cossette for ads we were using initial sample sizes of only 250 (+/- 8%?) highly qualified and screened phone respondents to adjust media weight for small clients like McDonalds and Bell Canada. As such we must be careful not to test 250 of the 475 who voted for a forensic audit as dramatic and thus the skew possibly misleading. And fun to get names of those who didn't support a forensic audit in a poll. And why.

BC political parties next election PR or not, just need the touch of the famous Tony Schwartz termed "responsive chord" as Johnson did against Goldwater with famous vote changing single simple "Daisy" message? It still works? I know Horgan likes history lessons? And maybe winning another election. And as we see with BC Lib last election that once again message more critical than media dollars. Always? Some have been forced to study this stuff? Kokanee Beer needed less money than Molsons to dominate market and Molson's. Yes, even in BC: message matters. This also the case with Fashion from rural industrial jean manufacturers in Quebec taking on the giants in Miami, Manhattan and Massachusetts? Why I was asked to speak at McGill  before Kokanee and Liberal success and work on East Coast Economic Initiatives for new Mulroney Government.

How they fall?

At this point some may ask why with so many major connections and success why would I drop out of politics, business, media, academics, finance to just slum in film industry? Not all my fault. I blame the absolutely amazing women in my life, and crippling my career and turning me into a major boring homebody and pretty good cook. Who wants to babble over beer with the boys and do career kiss ass when a lady is waiting? So I'd rather kiss ladies lips than some life losers ass. I am not John Brummitt or Paul Klassen. And as some have noted even in 891 most men's fantasies hardly match my memories. So I blame women for many things, not just smiles. Fact Check? In addition my university studies in TV and Film production with Law, Logic and Linguistics and Economic stuff so playing with that as a thought to dabble in film industry. Was first thinking of doing Documentaries? My ad awards and recognition and work with CBC was also a foundation.

Worse I fell in with a very bad crowd of guys and including scholars, from the right side of tracks, who fed my addiction to Tennis, Sailing and Skiing. And back to academics. I sunk so low had to move to Whistler. Grouse not near enough for a ski fix. There is also no rehab in BC for those who wait for small boat warnings for small boat sailing. As some in 891 know first hand I've needed coast guard rescue when drunk on the wind. Only after keel and rudder lost on the rocks I surrendered to authorities. Playing tennis almost every day in Kits maybe not the way some should live?

My friends and associates have also turned down major promotions in professional prison camps in Toronto and Montreal. No regrets. And others to blame.

Then I got into the world of music with two top Vancouver guitar players from Jazz Fest and local rock fame and simply sunk lower. To quote from the movie the Godfather, "Everytime I thought I could get out, they kept pulling me back in". In short many to blame for my lack of ambition. I am a multi-millionaire with memories few can touch. True? False? Feel free to compare me to my critics whole sad lives and their ladies and friends? Please do. So I give back.

Time to take a good hard look at your life when you sink so low you find yourself among gourmet Japanese and Italian cooks and "real" top wine experts and using any cheap tanning lotion to ski or sail as you just don't care anymore...and left to ask only "where did I go wrong"? Is Sashimi just a gateway addiction that leads to Kobe Steak? Statistics alarming. My own experience with Asian cooking a tragedy in indulgence. My own experience a story of shame.
(This added stuff about food or whatever exactly how I run up Criminal and Civil defence lawyers billable time having to suffer my freedom of speech and to not look like fools missing stuff below when trying to defend fools and criminals? An old trick?)

In the dark of the night picking up a chef from the shadows of Bayshore for a food fix about as low as one can go in Lotus Land. Being from Montreal made things even worse, I could get under the counter 24/7 at Siegel's bagel on Cornwall near Burrard and ensure quality and oven fresh. And with Montreal smoked meat flown in weekly and minutes away 24/7, normal things in life that matter to others, like a big truck and union title, no longer mattered. Your life just one smoked meat to the next. And a lady to die for at home? Ambition? Add a dill.

Both top Sushi at Kibune on Yew and Octopus Garden on Cornwall. With smoked meat and bagels closer to me than my friends have in Montreal. Fact check.

Who needs the Moishes and the Main in Montreal when even ribs flown in. How often did Teamsters find me wandering in the early dawn with a bag of fresh Montreal bagels. Smoked Salmon. Winnipeg cream cheese. Eyes glossy and a frozen smile?

So I no longer had big titles. Big deal. Film industry did still cover my luxury cars as part of deal memo, but sadly no more limousines for me? And no "honest" union in Canada was going to pay me or treat me as well as Federal Liberals, PC Conservatives, Molson Pension Fund, Labatt, Esso, 7-Eleven, Cadillac Fairview and Trizec. Life is more than a big office with patio and ocean view? Certainly far more than a big truck and big bogus union title. True? False? Fun for a while.

And no union executive in Canada would give me the same respect as Ron Basford as former Attorney General of Canada, or a UBC acting law faculty chair and Oxford Scholar, or another Oxford Scholar at an Engineering firm. They seem to have the brains to figure me out? True? False?

Yes, very hard to fit in with the highly very unaccomplished super fakes, criminals and frauds in 891 executive and 891 criminals who aid and abet women beaters and children cheaters and drive big trucks and steal (5K+) and with such big shot titles. When you're an honest man with a brain? For those who think this food talk just rambling babblings better read below and how used as setup? Foreshadowing as literary types call it.

MLAs really should help. They really should?

Note: I don't agree with people, as a rule, like Conrad Black, David Frum or Ayn Rand on many things, but will steal their "honest" logic that none of us own.

Is this a landmark legal case for law schools? That can help so many women? And children? Plus even "honest" workers? And as per Ayn Rand above: is evil the means to survival, and looting rewarded here? "Production Punished" a good reference for a Provincial Inquiry and long overdue even without this primary cause.

MLAs really should help. Plus as this human and political issue targets extremely "key demographic and psychographic switcher profiles".  Like "informed" women and workers, or simply mothers -  as an obvious example. And just to keep it simple: often Opinion leaders? This as pollsters know far too well. Mothers do matter. Ask Margaret Thatcher? Or why Jacqueline Kennedy the US first female president.  Or how without Oprah and Caroline Kennedy crowd, Hilary had little chance.

The MLA reader here, should however be primarily focused on "Victims". And key being women and children. And their honest and fair full legal compensation. Easy honest incremental votes for those "honestly" demonstrating helping women, children and more. Ya' think?

All that's needed is help from honest and caring people and MLAs for a more comprehensive:

 Provincial Inquiry.

And more than last efforts, that missed so much? The work of Vince Ready and Fleming efforts excellent but far too focused. This easily more than twice as big as the issues they addressed. With greater economy of scale. True? False?

This will help beyond the criminal exposure to validate claims for victim compensation by proceeds of crime of women beaten and children cheated, but will also address the many non-criminal gross incompetence and negligence in union management without labour reform. Hurting industry. Hurting BC. PR a must in unions by even community geography and population groups and departments for any honest democratic validity. Wasting and abusing tax credit that helps even criminals be enriched too taxing to some minds.

And there must be a few MLA "CHAMPIONS" in BC Legislature who can help BC women and children so very much, and who will be honest heroes and support.

 A new and overdue Provincial Inquiry

Maybe this time have a Provincial inquiry handled by ALL women for obvious reasons. And as per the recommended women below. Why and how easy to establish, just when and where remains an issue?
  • BC needs a new Provincial Inquiry on film industry tax credit fraud suggested by criminal insiders in the "millions and millions". Or more with secondary and posit tertiary costs also calculated.
  • BC needs a new Provincial Inquiry to help women in the workplace. No kidding. And ASAP.  This is sickening.
  • BC needs a new Provincial Inquiry on film industry to help honest skilled and talented plus protect union workers from corrupt and very ugly criminal to grossly incompetent executives. Including many hardly making a difference and making too much for far too little?
  • BC needs a new Provincial Inquiry on film industry to help protect hundreds of small business missing the "inside fix" from corrupt and criminal executives in union and by top department heads. Will help all unions cleanup?

BC needs and immediate review of Labour Reform as many legal scholars support. Even I was disgusted seeing Latin used as absurd and verbose in Labour Code? Who writes such verbose garbage? Tom Adair? As one of my main legal mentors and Quebec historical labour hero Joseph D. Carrier and later respected philanthropist advised, "If you can't make people be honest, make them tell more and more lies". We will.

And we'll bait them by making them feel empowered by diversion and designs, as in the past. As documented. And to lie many times to RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judges. We want to max the jail time for some so deserving. Ask around if any others more supportive of women beaters and thieves (5k+) than John Brummitt and all his noted friends? True? False? Some matters too often witnessed, well documented and too well known. True? False?
Five 891 presidents lowered the bar on ethics and integrity to transparency and accountability. This will help it rise again. When house cleaned and disinfected.

Or they can just plead total "no contest" to all charges for reduced sentencing and reduce months or years of life shortening stress, cost and/or jail time with sticking with more lies? Squeal for a deal for any breaking in solidarity?

Now as these slime older, two years in jail as good as ten in their twenties. While supplies last some can squeal for a deal? Legal exposure and actual crimes vary so legal defence requires many costly personal custom alterations? Some of those named and pictured below should ask their very own criminal defence lawyers they bragged about, if better to concede to ALL charges and squeal for a deal? And trust their own lawyers not criminals when their lawyers fully informed. And when previous lies to RCMP also a given?

Pageviews all time history 70,000 +.

We hit 70,000 pagepage views in last week. Over a hundred before lunch. Prior to official launch. Growth exponential at certain visibility thresholds a given. Fact Check Google Analytics. And this before full national media blitz. From tactical local Regina and Ottawa community papers to major media like Maclean's Magazine (my old girlfriend was their photo editor) to the the CBC Fifth Estate (I was a groupie to Producer Brian Mckenna when he took me around studio in 70's).

And note where more than some of the 70,000 page views already for this blog the Google analytics do show some from outside BC and even Europe, Russia, China to Ottawa viewers. So to be conservative say only 50,000 from BC and 30,000 from Lower Mainland and 24 hrs before launch.

90% of BC film productions have been reached. This will improve with frequency.

Now MLAs. Followed by MPs and national media. This with respect to set direct response studies in Communication from MIT to Concordia for effective frequency and as per Cossette media exposure guidelines. Heck, what do I know? (Their will be a test for 891 new business reps on elementary marketing basics?)

Yes, absolutely 90% will ignore these facts and read little. But as my former mentor and COB and New West PC Political Candidate Bill Grant would say "Their not the 10% that matter". This oddly reinforced by my own political experience prior.

This with Federal Liberals reporting directly to Ron Basford, former Attorney General of Canada, when intellectually bullied by various senior partners from a wide variety of "Liberal" law firms. And only 1% mattered. Red Leaf in Toronto tried to have me fired.  Failed. Just like a Criminal Court Judge the only one who matters (See 891 Samartino civil suit award $1,000,000 when legal guessed less than $100,000) Same with beer or Big Gulp marketing: Only 10% matter. Sometimes 475 votes also matter. (891 can ask why 10% matter and then look at election numbers and why the cover of Harvard Business Review once screamed for the business illiterate "Marketing is Everything"? And why my even my spreadsheet skills unmatched? This if 891 ever decides to put a statue of me out front of offices for cleaning up the executive mess and criminal and corrupt oligarchy. In bronze. And helping Mr Lewis get hero points during trusteeship and helping put more intelligent, experienced and honest with no dirty hands aid and abetting criminals to incompetents working as executive for a big change? As soon many no longer fearing (as per documented BC LRB Gowling ruling: Coercion and Intimidation) or frustrated by loaded big department plurality self interest and mindset (who can hardly dare help women?) and insiders who aid and abet the criminal and corrupt?

The slime and criminals will soon ALL be very famous and exposed liars and losers and to family and friends when national media fully kicks in near Christmas. Who knows how much RCMP have already accomplished?

Official national media, MLA and Federal MPs email blitz as to max proven effective reach and frequency goals and launch, now in literally hours. A figurative Operation 'Overlord' for history fans like John Horgan has begun. As such, some should watch out for Russian's movements.

We will make heroes of all MLA heroes who help. 

We will make heroes of all MLA heroes who help and ideally even nationally. And help their elections overtly, honestly and legally and better than a Russian or a Chinese hack?

What did I speak on at McGill: "Truth Sells"? Being interesting and entertaining also helps win awards in Hollywood and get noticed in NY. Fact check?

Call me crazy, but I think every penny and asset, that are clearly in the courts eyes, seen as de facto prima facie proceeds of crime, either directly or laundered for the cowardly "aid and abet" types as position, power, pay and perks, and whether or not union executive, department head or chair, should be ALL be seized for compensating all victims. All victims. Fair? Honest? What would Laskin do?

As an after note please excuse grammar and spelling, as English is not my first language. And some dyslexia. And I was born French in Shawinigan to an English father. My mother babysat with her bestfriend their little brother Jean Chretien, he also had similar problems.

So sad Mitch Davies, IATSE Local 891 President ignored us when we were trying to mitigate major added needless very costly civil damages to help his very intentionally misled and selectively uninformed, fooled and deceived sadly honest trusting 8,000 members. He failed to take the bull by the horns or halo of the saints and deal with this.

Once was a small chance that Mitch Davies, with others was not also deceptive scum and could handle anything but the obvious. But clear exactly just like others aiding and abetting in the criminal elite. And this so key as any "real" senior executive or MA not milking fools would have addressed and not ignored. Their meaningful MA? And these idiots have legal budgets? How can they be so stupid?

Mitch Davies, political image, support, survival, ego and wallet clearly more important than women victims, cheated members trust and money? True? False? Many MAs and stupid 891 executives all think short term. True? False?

This Mitch Davies guywill be referred to later as the "8,000 Lie Guy". What work did I do with Dr. Gandel in Montreal: "Executive Avoidance"? We will get more technical and critical later?

And Mitch Davies, by his clear aid and abet, by default, of criminals, did not help honest and children victims. A breach of duty bubble? This far too clear. His choice. Mitch Davies can explain to Criminal court judges and civil court judges and RCMP: Why so slow to go to help women and children  compared to "The Funny Blog Guy"? Why? Too obvious? Why so very many words and so very little action and even less results Mirch? Unless slow minded?

Many pictures of Mitch Davies in the T-Shirt PR political cause of the day, plus his non-paid efforts "resulted in what", other than a free T-shirt? Much like a hockey sweater picture. Changes little. At best appears visibly and exclusively only best promotes the blatant twisted vanity of Mitch Davies and his very false image? True? False? Who is handling his mickey mouse 50's nostalgic PR? Hill and Knowlton? Burson? Dusty Kelly the logo and trademark and new business marketing master? Note the measured media results of all their "Sound and Fury". Exactly?

As such, with such calculated delay, as now obvious by gross self-serving and very expensive, overpaid and highly under qualified Mitch Davies, an incompetent once again is president of sadly 8,0000 trusting souls. And again based on too key corruption and criminal support, deceptive omission and multiple cases of fraudulent concealment. And clearly support from one dominant department with clear self-interest. True? False? Democratic? See numbers? See lies. So much obvious deceptive omission in all election material and no mention of criminal and corruption or forensic audit vote facts or follow up. Well, other than the documented papal infallibility postulated and pontificated by wordplay allstar Tom Adair. When conspiracy crosses the line to collusion?

Mitch Davies has the look of the best con men, dirty priests and preachers. Looks trusting. Like very sleazy department heads often do? Ask casting people in film? And again as yet another president as an aid and abet slave for "survival and reward" (classical conditioning and operant conditioning). Clearly providing textbook aid and abetting to criminal elite and not this honest effort. True? False? Debate? Denial? Too obvious?

Mitch Davies' lack of experience and education now very clear. And his judgement no better than past presidential honour roll. True? False? Now even good honest people in membership will continue to suffer this new super fake as well with Paul Klassen, Executive Director, B.C. Council of Film Unions.

Paul Klassen, who also clearly aids and abets criminals, women beaters and child cheaters with his now very well documented judgement, intellect and integrity as per internal trial transcript, word for word, silence and cowardice. Denial? Bets? True? False?

No point in just cleaning a part of a dirty wine or beer glass. You have to clean it all?

I think I've documented my honest efforts to help these women and children victims, for years, and as this blog and other files more than documents. And as an honest effort, that literally "none" in any 891 executive can near match for decades? Literally "none"? Compare. Exactly. True? False? Why? And this "volunteer effort" while not on 891 executive pay list. Makes a rather disgusting point on the criminals, the cowards and the clueless in 891 executive? True? False?

Please do provide exact names of any in 891 who has done and documented more for decades for women than myself? Names please. Sad when even big talking 891 executive and power women can't compare to my efforts helping women? Intimidated? So many in fear and denial? Tragic when criminal slime so politically savvy and clever?

What's wrong with Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies? No brains? No balls? No integrity or intellect? Meaningless comparative experience and education to many? Little league legal? All the above? Cowards without a crowd of criminals in reciprocal solidarity of support it appears? Waiting for John Brummitt to again lead the mindless in equal legal exposure with his endless self-promoting battle cry of solidarity for union support and working class BS. Or less skilled Paul Klassen best to be the voice for all criminals?  This based on Klassen's very impressive legal education and judicial experience as documented and helping criminals?

Kind of sad for 891 and industry if both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen together can't prove more honest, more educated, more experienced and more accomplished than a labourer? And can't prove not helping woman beaters and children cheaters as much as a labourer?

They are both with others, all so warmly welcome to respond and fully defend all and fully, at local handy RCMP offices (free parking) and under oath or any open and free forum and deny any of these claims. Any? And videotaped? Even any single tiny silly point they want to refute and feel safe with, is welcome. The tiniest denial welcome. In writing. Signed. Under oath.

Possibly now hundreds of RCMP "non-admissible volunteer" voice polygraphs all over BC so we can also just turn them on to speed things up for RCMP? No need to waste RCMP time and money with lies? And we all want to help RCMP get ALL the honest facts fast don't we? I do.

Should be nothing to fear with helping RCMP speed things up with volunteer non-admissible voice polygraphs so RCMP can best be free to save children, time and money. And extremely quick to defend one's integrity, intellect, careers, reputation and legacy and financial assets? And no reason "any honest person" should worry about warm-up questions about:

  1.  Violence against women and aid and abet factors.
  2.  Theft over $5,000.00 and aid and abet  factors.
  3.  Lies to RCMP and aid and abet factors.
  4.  CRA tax fraud and aid and abet factors..
  5.  Membership fraud and aid and abet factors.
  6.  Upgrade fraud and aid and abet factors.
  7.  Election fraud and aid and abet factors.
  8.  Hour Bank fraud and aid and abet factors.
  9.  Life Insurance Fraud and aid and abet factors.
  10.  Internal Trial Fraud and aid and abet factors

And this as only a first inning sample? Any of those named, should, with their theatrical backgrounds, like Justin Trudeau, be able to pass at least one voice poly question? One?

And where 891 people like specifically John Brummitt and Don Ramsden to Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and all 5 presidents may not trust such advanced technology RCMP, FBI, CIA, MOSSAD, MI5/6 and dozens of others oddly do? And some foolish employers. And even after scholarly, legal and peer review. Again, how odd if they don't or won't and I will?  And they won't in possible solidarity and visible conspiracy? All or none? My discussions with ex CIA mentor Larry McHale and with my graduate studies supervisor as ex KGB at Loyal in "Biocybernetics" taught me respect for such forensic tools.

"Proponents will say the test is about 90 percent accurate. Critics will say it's about 70 percent accurate,"

And as a fact, 60%  far still more accurate than trusting a liar when lying like John Brummitt defending Don Ramsden and Rob Maier? At 60% in Vegas who won't bet big? I can make this much simpler with an actuary in a Provincial Inquiry where "refusal to do a polygraph" is nicely very admissible and noted for public record. RCMP will note so much refusal for so many? Let's be honest many drugs get approval for consumer consumption with less success?

And in fairness, those of us who have actually used GSR, EEG, EKG and Lafayette Eye Tracking in remedial graduate studies at Concordia in Montreal (and when still considering Law School) we like using all devices, and with the handy ecologically friendly voice stuff. Plus think the very new hot AI stuff really very sexy. Kind of helps with studies in Formal Logic and abuse of Rhetorical Fallacies when dealing with liars and losers, long on wordplay like Tom Adair. And for very fast deceptive thinkers like his buddy and partner in Crime John Brummitt. True?

Maybe Tom Adair will offer some master wordplay defence for executive on proportionality and like Col. Russell Williams, Paul Bernardo and Burnaby BC's own "Willy" Pickton as serial killers that 90% of the time not killing and doing honest work. The 90% defence of 90% of time doing honest work or self promoting PR and Pix one of their strongest arguments of their merit. And why so busy accomplishing so little as to help women and children. If you murder somebody you are a murderer. If you abuse even one women you are an abuser. If proven a liar in previous Inquiries or BC LRB rulings and RCMP files you're a liar. If you document clear deceptive omission you are also a fraud. If you fake superior to others you're a fake. If you help? Hope this clear?

Victims the reason for this blog. Not Votes.

MLAs and others, however, should consider both victims and votes. Women, Children, Seniors and majority of honest workers.

My Motive? 

My knowing women in BC who have been beaten up (when pregnant?), assaulted, harassed, to those in Montreal raped and date raped, killed as innocent victims by sick overpowering, misogynist bullies, abusing position and power, all a key reason for this blog and my key motivation.

And as an added note, most of my life heroes women? And a few very impressive men. But more women. This from great grade school teachers and family to even the kindness and compassion of more honest and intelligent women in unions all across Canada. Yes, all across Canada? Starting with votes in CUPE in 1979. A woman made me run?

My great very classy and so very highly accomplished girlfriends (See Below) also extremely inspiring. Including those women in 891 among the 475 who voted for me from art to accounting and costume to construction to get a full forensic audit done.

Unfortunately fearing the appearance of self-interest, two I wished I'd asked to do dinner, I didn't. And this 475 member support as to get a full forensic audit on these criminals among the union executives in IATSE 891. And exposed for charges and prosecution with other criminal slime. All these ladies thus honestly also owed this effort. Even my amazing Fairy Godmothers and references (Beatrice Bazar, Club of Rome) reason. I have motive. And more.

Closer to home? A woman in Victoria, BC suffering the needless anxiety of documented "Coercion and Intimidation" by 891 executives against own members as per BC LRB files, and from a show shot right in Victoria called "Terminal City", also inspiration. She called them criminals when I was still being so foolishly polite. Couldn't ask her to dinner either. Later in Kelowna I apologized for not hitting on her and why. She forgave me. There's far more to this story than BC LRB rulings reveal to review with a Provincial Inquiry and RCMP. And on a very sick criminal level.

More Motive?

Knowing extremely more honest, skilled and  talented men who have been bullied and cheated of tens of thousands of dollars for decades by criminals, "nepotism" and by membership fraud, endless election fraud, economic interference, upgrade/qualification fraud, seniority fraud, deceptive omission, fraudulent concealment, "illegal" non-disclosure to "coercion and intimidation" and "bad faith" (as both BC LRB and previous Provincial Inquiry clearly documented), I have more motive. And as added victims with the women cheated or beaten, also another very "honest" reason for this blog.

These men as victims were my friends back when I was in Vancouver in West coast film work. I sailed, played tennis, played guitar and skied with these men. I owe them?

The cowardly criminal slime screwed, cheated and bullied my friends. So I'll now ask other weakling friends to now help expose and crush this cowardly royal 891 scum (See below the weak Women suggested to lead a panel of women on a Provincial Inquiry). Others not my friends I also saw abused and cheated by liars, lunatics and criminals. I want to help them as well.  Do it once. Do it right.

Knowing children's names and faces who have been cheated out of life insurance, medical, pharma and dental, Christmas gifts, food, shelter also a very serious and ugly major reason for this blog. This the disgusting face of Greed. Sociopathic?

A psychopath neither feels for their victims nor shows remorse, unless it works for their narcissistic image and critical cognitive dissonance. Like too many PR pictures document? Thousands have not gotten a letter of apology nor seen documents of "dissent" from 891? I got one I'll show RCMP and a Provincial Inquiry from one very guilt ridden legally astute local president as to further make a point.

Say's it all:

Seems oddly others in other provinces and states have trouble with free speech and sleazy IATSE executives. What did Kennedy say so obvious about "Secret Societies"? Or Orwell as per: "all animals are equal except for some animals who are more equal than others"? This is as sick as it is insane, and as clearly contrary to Federal law and the appearance of natural justice?

At least Canada apologizes for Japanese internment camps in BC to residential schools in Quebec. I guess hard to apologize for all slime 891 executives, if still helping or more formally termed as "aid and abetting" criminals by "omission" as part of breach of fiduciary duty and trust. And by their signature excessive deceptive omission to 8,000 members and even among the criminals themselves (Non-disclosure agreements kind of a form of deceptive omission, ya' think? An executive culture fearing transparency and accountability). Liars lying for liars? They all talk big but not one dares go one-on-one with me at RCMP  offices under oath? Big talkers or criminal cowards? Or both?

So hard for the 891 executive to fake even an apology. Or consider honest class and fully compensate ALL victims of abuse or coercion and and intimidation. Far more honourable an expenditure than the millions wasted by Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair both pretending and posturing as so superior in intellect, ethics, education and experience and with members paying their absurd travel and self promotion costs? And both supporters and friends of the highly educated and accomplished John Brummitt and master of integrity and judgement Don Ramsden. They all pair well like wine and pasta. All textbook fakes and proven liars. Wings of a feather fly or fry together? As documented. Embarrassing 891 from schools to BC Fed. True? False? Factor the FNE oppourtunity costs?

Where did all the millions go and WHY? 

Where did all the millions in trust go and WHY? What EXACTLY are the great things these criminal 891 fakes did with the million plus of their total career pay and tax credit pump and investment joke hurting many members. Results? ROI? What did they ever do alone DO and not as the Royal "We" and "honestly" accomplish as "meaningful" to help 8,000 of 891 members. Say compared to those more educated and helping society not Hollywood US Profits and themselves, like say lower paid and higher value teachers and nurses as a sad example. That silly measured management stuff? Yes, we do hope to hear the arrogance of some top wallpaper hanger enjoying nepotism to criminal corruption again charm and claim, "We built this industry".

We also look forward to seeing executives indexes and graphs and if his performance also mostly theatrical. Hey, what do I know about MA types and MBAs with only a few I've busted? Arrogance makes some so very sloppy. Any union executive alone with no oversight and transparency and no accountability to a superior as superior a moron, who would do that? Why is executive so desperate to hire outsiders than own brothers and sisters? What committee?

Small Point: How come in absolute fact:

1- I helped trusting union members make more money from stock market investments using self administered RSPs with me as a "Labourer" than Frank Haddad as big shot spreadsheet illiterate Treasurer did pro rata and with his strange change of RSP group? Or more than any helped by 891 executive for four decades? Much to discuss here? Yes, I screwed a few slime by not helping them. And helped a few be better department heads and look smarter than others. True? False? My choice? Knowledge is power. How come two brokers came to shows so quickly when I called to help those I wished to help and make more than a days pay in a few hours? How did they know me?

2- How come I saved so many members money from incorporation to taxes than all the brains in 891 executive over accounting and legal fee rates? Why did Teamsters to Carpenters come to me in matters of finance and law and not John Brummitt or any 891 know-it-all executive?

3- How come I was "personally" cashing more paychecks for young labourers at no fee to save them the abuse of usury at payday loan stores than any highly overpaid 891 mindless self-consumed executive with a big bogus title and more disgusting claiming hero to the working person BS?

4- How many have I helped learn computers in 891 and ACFC and Teamsters besides my work with refugees from Tiananmen Square with Pacific Institute at SFU and even an Oxford scholar. How many computers have I fixed for union members? Why was I used to test VOIP for Bell Canada with 891 members? How many computers did John Brummitt fix for free as per his real qualifications?

5- How come I paid IATSE members prior to knowing what even IATSE was far more than department heads to substitute teach for me when I was teaching? And paid signwriters also far more than IATSE  doing signs for 7-Eleven and Grey Cup? How much did I pay production crews in TV advertising as budgets my problem?

6- And so some not think me just a simple bean counter and computer nerd, how many have I taught music theory in 891? Why was my art used in the movie "Deadlocked" and not others. Guggenheim Museum faux stuff too tricky for "experts"? Why do Teamsters ask me to design logos over Art Directors? Why do directors and producers take my furniture I designed and paintings I did? So I'm just a wee bit more than just a numbers nerd guy.

Ask Federal Liberals to former New West PC political candidate Bill Grant who put me on his board of directors and family kitchen table, if more than just number and ruthless audit skills? How well does my music do in standard marketing test markets like Kelowna and Ottawa? I have an attrition rate of 30% from those who listen to fans giving me their email? And as bit hurtful not one single fan friend or family or 891. Many things I do I don't discuss.
#26 in the Country charts for Ottawa, ON. Not bad after a year in test. One take rough concept going against studio produced full bands? I use midi so can cover guitar, keyboard, sax, strings and use drum machines. Some in 891 know this as a fact. Seen it. Do I brag prior to this blog? Ever? Most who have known me for decades don't know I'm even musical or worked with the Attorney General, LAC and Vancouver Law firms? I did have one great 891 musician a bit cruel and critical saying I use running scales to find melody line and modes to tweak. He was right and I guess hurt my feelings. This runs up costs for all the Criminal Defence Lawyers reading this and for readers an amusing pit stop in the prose.

7- How many in executive with big shot titles in 891 executive "Dean" requested speakers at McGill, SFU and UBC? How many have their work recognized in Hollywood (south) with two broadcast awards and in NYC in schools and by major TV shows as "samples of the world's best". Names please? Feel free to use both sides of page and small type. Say with Tom Adair, John Brummitt, Mitch Davies, Paul Klassen and Ken Anderson COMBINED? They in all fairness as in a position to once judge me can judge me again and with their own criteria? And combined to be fair can they even measure to my efforts to help women and children and "honest members to theirs? And now they will be judged by real judges, real intellects, really educated. Fair?

8- How many fakes in 891 executive have been on the board of directors of an established public company? Please provide list. Not some film farce stock pump, dump and run for fools as will not count?

Yes, easy to tell the fakes and criminal slime from others.  And why they hated and feared me with their tiny titles and huge ego and fake lives?

There is a reason the Criminal Code demands financial transparency and accountability that no self serving non-disclosure agreement to protect criminals can legally superseded. Yes, we are not only dealing with cowardly corrupt criminal slime, but as documented real major idiots and clear incompetents. No need to be polite to those who aid women beaters and children cheaters? True? False? Get a legal opinion?

No wonder such little support for IATSE at CNE and for BCFed and whole labour movement in a slide that makes CORUS stock look stable.

I myself as former NDP believer, do miss the integrity, vision and class of Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent and my hometown Hudson hero Jack Layton - and won't vote NDP until Cullen NDP leader. Like others who vote and promote, integrity matters!

I'll vote for any BC party with the most integrity. Now I'm forced to vote Green based on simply their honesty, not policy - and even with their misguided message and marketing. Like others going Green? PR or not next election? Strategic voting scare tactics, as with Federal Liberals won't be such a clever tool for abuse in near future. See polls. Discuss?

Knowing all these victims suffer while some of these sick criminals and those who aid and abet, all very well enriched by windfall tax credit fraud to cheating all BC taxpayers, and/or theft (5k+) the final added reason for this blog.

Dozens and dozens of crimes. Some must certainly go to jail. Corrupt Fakes, Liars, Fools and Criminals should be exposed. VICTIMS MUST BE COMPENSATED AS A MATTER OF ETHICS, JUSTICE AND LAW. Who cares who goes to what jail.

How many of the so very clever criminals, creeps and cons as big talkers in 891 playing superior to all and for four decade history now obvious so afraid to meet one-on-one with RCMP? Funny how facts get obvious? Are they all just cheap sad and tragic image freaks? If not what are they afraid of? Something I haven't mentioned? The unknown? Other late inning surprise twists? Or what is known to some? And why not mentioned here? And criminals pray unnoticed or forgotten but documented? Everyone likes surprises. Like a climax in a movie. Or a prize fight when rope a dope goes from a look of defeat, cowardly fetal at the ropes and clumsiness, then turns to a storm of upper cuts and statcato jabs. Some judges amused by my initial slow awkward speech and Clarence Darrow limp.

As such, possible some good story twists and very surprise celebrity cameos?

If even media and financial heavyweights like Conrad Black goes to jail for not respecting minority shareholders (also oddly removing a paper trail and emails), feeling so above the law, shouldn't 891 executives who also do not respect stakeholders or the law? Plus all who cheat, deceive and mislead majority of 8,000 "full membership" paying members and those who aid and abet also suffer the law? Not helping or respecting beaten women and cheated children to all BC taxpayers: shouldn't they all go to jail as well? Only fair.

Or is "special protection" given to little local criminal union executives in 891 when far worse than Conrad Black? Far worse (See below). Conrad Black may have misled widows for Argus hostile takeover but he never beat them up?

"What if it was John Horgan's single working mother beat up by an immigrant?"

This as BC Liberals as fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, may scream across the floor asking Greens for a vote of non-confidence on Horgan?  And if white and Christian with a long union history, the criminal? Hardly racist? Or as Sonia Furstenau may ask Horgan far more politely, but repeatedly: "John, your Mom"? Hope Hogan's mother made proud. What if it was Sonia Furstenau who got beat up and her picture at the top of this blog? Would Weaver totally lose it?

As RCMP know a guy in Victoria who harassed the wrong girl was held down, legs spread and kicked repeatedly resulting in six months in hospital and loss of a testicle. A form of justice. I did not help.

For some of these these slime we simply want jail for beating up Canadian women, as not from Canada. Not a testicle. Another mistake in immigration and with a white christian oddly? Canadian women should be protected from all men?

If some had tried that on my family or lady friends there would be no hospital time. There would be no testicles. If they did this to John Horgan's single working mother while pregnant he might even help?

And this, as 891 executive funded or protected criminals from women beaters to children cheaters, shouldn't they also go to jail? And by law those who clearly aid and abet? What is the appearance of "Natural Justice"? True? False?

Why not some audi alteram partem on this nemo iudex in causa sua by the slimes legal? Yes, I'm a bit playful. Why waste good Latin on ignorant loaded deceptive internal trials if surrounded by criminals and far less than a jury of peers? They miss many jokes.

And trying again with their best brains in the axis of evil trying to intimidate and coerce, and I'm just looking for documentation, names and witnesses and playing along? I'm holding back on quoting Shakespeare. Be grateful.

Reason enough?

Hey, if I didn't do this just exactly who could? Who would? Yes, who else would or could in 8,000. Names please. If not in with criminals and corrupt aid and abet types wanting a part of proceeds of crime and political or power title. a scary place to work. Physically and financially. Yes, Worksafe will be invited as to help reduce injury costs. Few can rock a boat. I can.

Fact check? I could not be intimidated by their silly misleading titles, not physically, nor by their big time Hollywood and Union lawyers or lies to RCMP? Looks like I was perfect for the job of helping women and children. True? False?

Here's below is what I had intended to with my senior executive experience and awards and recognition from Hollywood and my experience on the board of directors of a public company and having written, directed and produced many TV ads. Standing up for women and children not a choice, but no one else did. Hey, I'm more than just a funny crazy numbers nerd, and laborer (as per JB) as 891 criminals to fakes would love to believe. Here's what impressed Bob Goodwin the executive producer of the X-Files beyond my comedy efforts for investor test and those who financed helped finance via Yorkton for Lion's Gate.
These were concept boards for focus group to indicate investor merit:

Yes, I test well in focus groups and with marketing research firms. Fact Check. This labour reform stuff was not what I wanted to do, when joining this union. Just wanted some first hand experience over and above my TV "ad" work as writer, director and producer from ground up and build muscles for tennis. Fact check? This before using my other very well proven skills with my "real" senior executive project management success. Including volunteer and charities.

Had oddly no problem with class acts at other Vancouver film union ACFC when working both unions? How odd? Fact check? Nor any problem with any other single other union executive in Canada? Including ACTRA, UDO, Teamsters, CUPE? All Canada? How odd? I have done a very valid comparative of these two film unions going longer and farther and deeper than others dare? One thing made extremely clear to me when doing Law for Dummies and Party Animals at Carleton was rules of evidence?

Why did sculptors email me about abuse by 891 executives? Why did painters tell me of abuses in Paint Department by department chairs. Why did some in Construction pay me well and play tennis and golf with me (And if I didn't win at tennis or golf still like me and do beer with me)?

Why did classy intelligent honest ladies in accounting, set dec, costume seem to like me possibly a little bit? Why did craft services deliver Prosciutto to me and stars ate sliced ham? Why do lead actresses drink with me at wrap parties? And still do lunch with me in Victoria? They know me from Montreal?

Why do executive producers like Chris Carter at the X-Files choose to sit at my table totally uninvited, as witnessed, over others as obvious sleaze and with big huge titles? Why do producers give me executive parking after John Brummitt tries to defame me right after lies to RCMP and get me dumped based on more lies, even threatening show? Why did the smart department heads, foremen have zero problems with me. And paid me well. Well if not criminal or aiding and abetting. Why ZERO management problems with my measured management and cost? Nor with investors, partners and shareholders prior? How odd? We may need an actuary to support rough linear regressions here? Joke.

Why do Hal Hemmerich involved with financing Lion's Gate like me? Why do directors like Charles Binamé appear to like me (in front of camera) and I don't speak French anymore? Why do Quebec French productions treat me well? Why did some of the most senior and liked members like me like Don Gervais? Why did 1st day young labour permits like me? Why did 475 honest members vote and support me for a full forensic audit on popular loved and respected Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly? Dusty good friends with John Horgan and Dix as pictures would have one believe?

And really and honestly why do 891 slime, fakes and fools in 891 executive and criminals hate, try to coerce and intimidate and defame me with lies to both members and RCMP? Maybe because they really are fakes, fools, criminals, women beaters and child cheaters? Total life losers. Ya' think? All those named also can come by RCMP offices and even just prove not fakes, fools and Total life losers.

Why Now?

My friends, as either retired or retiring, dead or dying, and can no longer be made to suffer any implied economic threat, or be "intimidated" any more for just knowing me as the "Troublemaker" and "Whistleblower". The pain in the "A" list? I'm always the type slime hate? Since grade school?  And the uneducated and very cowardly always like defaming me among their mindless herd. Nothing new here. At all?

And they, like others hate me as I can't be intimidated physically, intellectually and legally or bought by settlement or cozy positions, nor impressed or respecting big inflated titles so often rewarded by this criminal slime to new slime.

Gavin Craig as president wanted to meet in a Hotel Room with 891 checkbook and cut a few cheques like the so clever Ramsden did to Harvey M. as per Davis and Company legal files. And playing games with mandate and amount ceilings. This to avoid case law and precedent. They love controlling others by blackmail or bonus plans. The sheep normalize it as Cognitive Dissonance as many psychiatric studies support in conformity, conspiracy and collusion to gold old school PGP stuff. See Below. True? False?

And they have tried, and tried to silence my free speech my family died in Europe for, as "real war" heroes, and why my friends father had no leg, and tried to intimidate me. Non-Canadians trying to intimidate me? Well documented. What will Canadian military think? See my volunteer work in Veteran Advocacy in Ottawa and my unmatched military references? Enough real medals? Who was my reference for special security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa?

Abuse of position of power absurd. I got them to show their true criminal character playing gonzo investigative reporter and saying nothing about my past or my friends for years. Just watching. Witnessed and documented many criminal acts. And with other "honest" witnesses.

For literally years few knew much about me other than my spreadsheet skills. Clearly, not one to brag,  as so very many knew so little about me.  And while being defamed as "threatening children" to "threatening honourable union executives" I still stayed silent. The criminal slime also felt very clever lying to RCMP until they found out I was having dinner in Kits with UBC acting law faculty chair (after sailing) so got nervous and did not dare press charges. And even less clever when they finally found out my other forty year fiend a BC Criminal Court Judge.  My work with former Attorney General of Canada something only discovered in last few months? They feel less clever now.

Made an idiot of Don Ramsden when he was president and John Brummitt a department chair. This when back then an "honest" executive ignored his and John Brummitt's cowardly, sneaky, criminal efforts and "edict" to block my membership and benefits. As with other's? They wanted more people  like John Brummitt and those who kiss ass, as it appears?

Blocked based on my being too honest? Too logical? Hating women beaters?  Too legal a "precedent setting" appeal? (THIS A KEY POINT: Others before and after all cheated. Not me?) As idiots with fake titles feeling titles important they wouldn't qualify me for a job "all know" I did far better than others. And none honestly qualified to judge. How clever. How motivating. And more absurd a job those who couldn't do judged me on? Arrogance and Ignorance with added no debate incompetence in 891 executive criminal inner circle and elite? True? False?

Then made an idiot out of next president Gavin Craig and John Brummitt once again, and as JB oddly now knighted as Senior Steward. This when  Gavin Craig was president and Susan Butler Grey aid and abet princess and trusted . Back when they lied to RCMP and blew over a hundred thousand dollars on lawyers and executive time also trying to intimidate me. Failed. They did not show RCMP my other correspondence? Sad even their lawyers helped me?
John Brummitt thought telling me to deal with 891 lawyer intimidating. I guess when he found out she was helping me he then demand in all his superior intellect and new big title to stop. I ignored him on everything?

Then made a no debate major idiot out of Ken Anderson and Paul Klassen and gang, when Anderson was 891 president by using registered mail and internal trial word for word well documented transcripts. BC LRB stats on Ken Anderson also revealing? No intelligent coordination again. Rope a dope? Some of my friends Tai Chi masters so more than Art of War and military textbook and some proven Saul Alinsky theory stuff for slime to deal with here? Hope all not too much for Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen to deal with here. They should print out everyday for updates and edits. I used a similar trick on Gavin's gang. Many found amusing.

Also made an idiot out of Rob Maier and his sleaze gang, among many with his gangs so clever lies to RCMP also trying to intimidate me. A thief (5k+) suffering illusion of power and title supported by his bozo gang calling RCMP on me as threatening children a bit funny. And then finding out the acting chair of UBC faculty an old friend. And only later one of many legal friends. Another a BC Criminal Court Judge? And knowing little about me. And Rob Mair a well known thief and tax cheat. Efforts at internal trials to intimidate also backfired big time. The ego of idiots? I kept some of their grade school budgets and files?

Now to make an idiot out of Mitch Davies and his gang and brain trust, with some new and fun novel games. Hey, and I may try and set a record like old tennis buddy Ian Turnbull did with Toronto Maple Leafs in NHL. So none mislead, my music world bigger than my legal and sport world including gold medal Olympic divers. Lucky for Dusty Kelly next as now she's with music unions?

From April Wine on East Coast to Vancouver Jazz festival stars and Victoria and Kelowna musicians I have a few friends. I do lunch. I do lead. An unusual network? Who was my piano teacher? With family bloodline ranging from same DNA in Tragically Hip to recording studio ownership Prince liked in Montreal, to long time contacts in April Wine and Vancouver Jazz fame, I know my modes and scales. My car owned by a Toronto symphony violinist. My summer cottage four down from Glenn Gould? I can talk music. My only mistake estimating Sass Jordan when asked to join her band "Pinups" in 78 as working with Steven Rosenberg  the first writer signed by Paul Anka. More later. I also played guitar with BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mackay starting in 1973.

Why so many details here and apparent non sequitur ramblings? Why? Again, an old Montreal trick to run billable hours by top expensive criminal defence lawyers through the roof ,reading all related materials, as so not easily embarrassed and making a mint off of criminals? They need to read every detail? Others don't? And they bragged about affording top expensive lawyers, so I will accommodate and double their billable hours?

This intimidation above with internal trial threats to protect criminals and yes amazingly well documented and witnessed. Odd when these criminals brag to so many they leave no paper trail. This from the corruption and criminal culture of "Coercion and Intimidation" as per prior precedent established, and oddly now "on paper" with key BC LRB rulings. All leaving a very clear paper trail with RCMP and other law firm files. Ironic? Pathos? The idiots left a major paper trail after bragging how they don't? And dozens of other papers on not reported cases. And also as well documented. And as witnessed. Decades prior. And a decade after to even today.

Yes, today and "tomorrow" many will still be cheated by fraud and women beaters and children cheaters, not yet fully charged and fully exposed. Cheated as with all BC taxpayers still. This as 891 executive still aids and abets or facilitates enriching criminals and themselves. Plus as very incompetent liars and fools with this  BC tax credit fraud. So many brains so little math? True? False? None in 891 executive helping this cause? None? Why will be so very revealing?

Help the children?

Textbook "Perjury Traps" and other tricks in "Legal Realism" await those criminals who also brag about "statute of limitations" and having big shot expensive lawyers. Ask a legal scholar. Like top firms do. As we did. See below. Having big legal bills the criminals and any liars only real certainty. Bets?

The whole group of criminal slime involved also now at their weakest. Fat, old and lazy. Less executive respect and election support.  Or too young and too stupid in so many matters and so easy to play. Experience matters. The old slime wanting to gorge on their proceeds of crime like their pension and paid-off homes after decades of supporting in cowardly silence and "actions" many criminal acts for proceeds of crime. The young on an inflated ego trip so very easy to play and pain them as well? And sometimes even more fun? True? False?

Will I prove doing more for women, children, honest and intelligent IATSE members, Canada and industry than John Lewis to John Horgan? Many will soon compare. Exactly.

Should I run as an MLA in BC having been in more unions than John Horgan? And with more real and far wider business depth than Justin Trudeau and Christy Clark? And my work with emergency environmental management software with SRK engineering, this while Weaver talked to students I talked to natural resource giants? More amusing I worked with the cream of ESSO brains pulled out of retirement with an offer he couldn't refuse. This on switching purchase behaviour on Vancouver Island from family run local efforts. And as works well in elections with those of similar sophistication and not simply ex journalists claiming they are communications experts. We used many election and psychographic maps. Not just voters in BC in my experience.

Do I have a team of top legal, media  and labour friends? See below. Point: Defaming potential political candidates plus wrongful prosecution and added obstruction expensive? But pays for ads.

What will the criminals, fakes and idiots do now?

Scheduling criminal committee meets thus gets awkward now. When can they all meet together to discuss strategy and lies? Weekends? Nights? Meet twice a week? And with expensive criminal defence lawyers billing big time. Each needing their own special criminal lawyers. The logistics funny.

And more fun they will ALL waste big time. This having to politely, patiently and positively listen to all the idiots who haven't read this blog. And yet, desperately guessing and considering countering with more lies and deception to RCMP. And more amusing suffering suggestions from those with blatant self interest as either major criminals screaming and frothing for solidarity in position. And those with minor aid and abet wanting to leave the sinking ship.

And best each will have to ask themselves what are they doing even involved with defending these other criminals and idiots. And then it should dawn on them why they fly with such birds of a feather.

Who will now lead the criminals and helpers and deal with RCMP investigators and interrogation experts? John Brummitt? Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly, Ken Anderson? Paul Klassen? Mitch Davies? Who is their very best liar their only hope. True? False?

Is this like shooting fish in a barrel? A tiny barrel? So many fish. So much ammunition. And soon at much closer range? CRA seems very familiar with many in 891? More on CRA and border security flight risks below.

And too many know the truth more and more, so these slime seldom re elected. Well, unless from construction department loaded dice or insider fix and corruption and deliberate deceptive media control?  They think themselves clever where too obvious just sneaky lying slime. True? False? As documented. True? False? Debate? Fact check? Poll? Special interest bastardization of democratic integrity? Undue influence? How hard to prove to any real Judge other than fake and fool Paul Klassen.

And the younger brand new criminal slime like Paul Klassen all very ignorant and very full of themselves. Talking and texting too much, being political, doing PR, playing video games and watching or working too many teenage action adventure films and shows. And TV night after night and after far too many beers and hockey games.

Should be fun one-on-one to entertain RCMP? Such big shots and failed actors in the 891 criminal elite as giants of intellect and integrity, not just in education and real experience.

But who really cares about seniority, experience, education, talent, skill or accomplishment when you got a token titles for a facade of legitimacy? They should be able to qualify and quantify measured management after so many years and key PMI milestones.

And most facts well known by too many now. And by far too many honest and intelligent people. And with some of the "most ignorant fakes" now still helping criminals now. Now as with such top dogs like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen.

Now also ideal time for full legal attack on all criminals and their new young highly uneducated and poorly trained or experienced spokesmodels. Had to wait for some to return to Canada as well before I could do this? My team ready to go on the field.

Their lawyers will cost a fortune, but will have little success other than to coach on how to squeal for a deal and/or reduce sentencing with no contest pleas on reduced charges? We did our legal homework. Some think.

If a single one side page of paper can get 475 votes of support for a full forensic audit (with no lip or leg work) and oddly for a "forensic audit", just guess the support when membership finally fully informed of this blog. And whole truth. 4700 votes? And with all sister unions and small businesses also indirectly suffering these corrupt and criminal 891 slime soon also fully in the know. So many falsely qualified titles in 891 not fair to DGC and ACFC. Even Teamsters tricked by slime and wordplay. I did some numbers. Am ready to put my rough linear regressions against Tom Adair's and John Brummitt's combined? And more absurd is when morons paid more than Teamsters who need real certification, serious insurance, work bigger machines and with greater cost and time and human life responsibility? The slime talk about how Teamsters sit around. For those of us with minimal math skills seems parking attendants and restaurant staff to doctors in emergency rooms to fireman do exactly the same when not busy. Or poorly managed. Yes, even Teamsters tricked by the babble of Tom Adair. All Teamster drivers. True? False? Will Paul Klassen finally compensate Teamsters for the absurd logic and loss of wages loaded to three departments minor plurality of self interest support like Tom Adair did. A silly election with silly little numbers and big title in a small union with silly putty mandates is not a defence for fraud. Teamster lawyer's should attend this Provincial Inquiry. I owe a few Teamsters with class this effort.

Funny when John Brummitt helping both Gavin Craig's and Rob Maier's gang and their lies to RCMP noted and on file and using RCMP like their paid staff puppets, pawns and "props" to aid and abet criminals - and all in under seven days, they also told many I was anti union? And funny as if threatening children and honorable union executives and calling RCMP with their lies not credible enough? Hardly anti union and clearly supporting the many unions I've worked for, when honest unions?

The slime even posted my picture at security gates to add further aid and abet legitimacy to their deceptive claims. What happened? And with such major academy award winning theatrical efforts? Imagine how they treat women who differ? See picture at top of page if still missing the point?

Somehow in their frenzy and swollen egoes they found out I was sailing and doing dinners with the acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC and another top US Oxford legal super star - and a published poet. What a crew.  More ironic an Oxford legal brain who is internationally recognized in both "Woman" and "Labour" law. Fluke or what? And from Osgoode like John Morgan Lewis? And then the criminal cowards tried to be friends? Gavin ready with cheque book and wanting a meeting in a hotel. Thinking I could be bought?

Only later finding out about my other former roommate and another 40 year friend a BC Criminal Court Judge. As such the smarter ones felt a bit stupid, obvious and very busted. Then some of the sleaze and criminals got some tale about media friends, some from school or party days as publishers of Courier and Vancouver Magazine and sharing boat ownership, to others producers with more national recognition and awards for investigative journalism. Even writers for the Courier friends? They thought I was just some fun computer nerd for first few years? I never told any in super sleaze criminal circle anything about my past or social life.  Some have seen my girlfriends but I protected them from slime. See how they treat those they thought they could intimidate? Clear enough. Those weaker than me don't have a chance against such scum. Why they thought they could ever intimidate me even if just a numbers nerd, still a wonder?

What will criminals and aid and abet savvy political theatrical artists do now?

Coordination of criminal committees (in solidarity?) and for any hope of a criminal defence and to appear a bit credible to those far more educated and experienced: all new 891 Executive lies now certain to be very complicated and chaotic for any criminal committee. Or PMI basic foundation style consensus. Fun or what?

Or will criminal super brains and slime just wing-it solo again, with more signature and trademark impulsive knee-jerk misleading lies and very silly juvenile wordplay and games? This when questioned by RCMP, Crown Prosecution and in Criminal and Civil courts? And National Media?

Real Media Value?

Union stories do well in morning papers and Tabs. Women stories get readers in Maclean's to Chatelaine. Film and celebrity related stories do well in both Print and Broadcast. This story made for "The Fifth Estate" and about MLAs helping from all parties. Male and female? And so media friendly. And such a ratings or readership expansion tool?

Funny how the puppet masters like Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig and Rob Maier surrounded themselves with such very weak minded, ignorant, unethical, uneducated dog loyal criminal support, and now must suffer them? Like John Brummitt as a clear case in point. Funny some think?

John Brummitt was very helpful in making and putting both Don Ramsden and Rob Maier together and revealing their real integrity and real intellect in so very many criminal and other legal CRA matters. Did Brummitt do more damage to criminal elite than help them? What was the real cost of having Brummitt pretend he was somebody? He helped Gavin Craig gang feel they could lie to RCMP. Proof your only as strong as your weakest big mouth lying link? And when your strongest links: Mitch Davies, Tom Adair and Ken Anderson to John Brummitt some might just have a laugh? We will.

Having been lectured within spitting distance by Constitutional Expert Senator Eugene Forsey, I also think respect for the rule of law and our judicial system important? He might agree this oddly the fastest way to get woman and children compensated. He was very smart.

I was also very motivated and inspired by absurd internal trial efforts by more ignorant criminals and very silly tax cheats. This to cleary coerce and intimidate and by inflated very ignorant egos, but yet clearly the human garbage fearing using real honest courts. And insanely helping known criminals protect their reputations a bit more than insane? Why? See Transcripts. Real courts avoided how very odd?

Why is Paul Klassen a better judge than real honest courts with his ship of fools? Ethically running on empty? Courts where soon these criminal idiots will look like major idiots and very major criminal and cowardly very dirty slime. Clearly helping woman beaters and children cheaters. Hardly encouraging public or legal empathy or sympathy. As documented. True? False? Why no effort to help this cause and share this blog link?

Paul Klassen the most obvious. Paul Klassen, who likes playing judge, now has his whole life and inflated career to be "fully judged" and on trial. And his "real" full past. We will make him famous all across BC. Possibly Canada as this much further escalated and real truth now all told. And make any other career efforts by Paul Klassen a joke - like his LinkedIn page now circulated among many. Even in Newfoundland? But soon little Paul honestly destroyed. His name now on a few police files all across Canada and even with US border security (See Below US File number). Judge and be judged? True? False? Bets?

And now time to expose all this slime. And put their names clearly and honestly in "disrepute" for all BC to judge. These pretend posturing superior race and judges. Clearly not the "superhero of working people" that they so like to posture and pretend (See pictures)? This while documenting aid and abet of woman beaters and child cheaters. And beyond any debate cheating majority of membership. Bets? True? False? Yes, I bait them?

Would I help Liz May get votes the way Keith Richards would help Ann Murray sell tickets and CDs? And as an economic, finance, business critic? Could I get more union NDP votes for Weaver based on my real union depth and still academic and scholar recognition. Could I help John Horgan as the "clean the place for business" guy? Sometimes marketing and market growth a matter of honestly improving product quality and credibly communicating the honest demonstrable fact or effort. Like supporting this blog for Provincial Inquiry.

If Teamsters union can clean house for members why not IATSE?

The well documented fear by "witnesses and friends" documented at internal trials. Even the loaded and clearly criminally biased internal trials, exactly as documented and in their own trial transcripts, and so clever wordplay. This is simply priceless. Priceless? True? False? How many were better off before trial stupidity, makes a point certainly on stupidity. Just adds to the witnessed corruption of elections using coercion and intimidation. And so reckless again. And using their own words? Idiots? Wonder what more educated people, with far more intellect and integrity, and far more accomplished and far more honest than Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen, and not long time friends with criminals, will "honestly" think? Just guess as you read below.

Don't forget the woman and children victims.

Should be funny watching ignorant and deceitful slime try and defend against real honest documented facts and a few real honest "protected" witnesses and previous legal files and rulings. With only more and more lies their only ability to delay and severely increase legal exposure. Like beaten women and cheated children not an issue? And their fat wallets and purses clearly as demostrated more a priority? Maybe they'll all get very Lucki? Very Lucki?

Lady luck? A women now head of RCMP.
Lucki for some? Can we improve workplace culture for women physically and financially in 891 and all BC workplaces, on and off the job? Even in dirty BC unions? Putting people first?

Will Brenda Lucki care about abused women and cheated children more than John Horgan, Dix and Eby or will she help protect criminals like John Brummitt and women beating long time friends? "On and off the job". Like idiots do. I certainly think not? We'll see. Won't we? The suicide stories will make a point on abuse.

Will Lewis be like Lucki and modernize IATSE Canada and use the NDP supported Proportional Representation so union locals a much more democratic machine, and small departments not bullied by bigger stupid ones and any despot looking for fame and fortune?

Method: Strategic and Tactical?

As suggested by one lady lawyer, with previous high profile BC cases, getting MLAs support as first baby step for a Provincial Inquiry, helps ensures process efficacy. In music we call it economy of motion. And this is why in part this method used and as the prime appeal for a full forensic Provincial Inquiry of these many criminal women and children issues, and very key BC economic and political matters. Objective 3rd parties only criminal and liars need fear. True? False?

Much here by design, not accident?

This style of presentation used for the various reader segmentation issues from ignorant criminals to the scholars reading this and friends I must entertain. So many audiences. Also done to help RCMP and CRA save money and time and not get bored with other less novel cases. This will also save an Inquiry money and time. True? False?

My priority goal, again clearly compensation from proceeds of crime for women beaten and children cheated and others also helped from past, present and future for the measured goals, milestones and results defined. All else secondary. Again, a means to an end.

This blog also saves one-on-one talking and correspondence time, as one single source and documented reference or info hub for this cause and checklist. And for hundreds of other victim's legal claims.

Can any suggest a better idea? Prove it?

Can any suggest a better idea? A better "easy search and find" legal checklist? Any better ideas? Any? Get real. If no better ideas for speed and target/goal efficacy, than just accept this blog for measured legal speed.

Don't forget the woman and children.

And just voicing these issues with this distributed blog helps seriously make a better and safer future for women and honest workers. True? False? Puts many on defence and forced to act or run? And helps all across the province. Certainly more than any other documented petty token and transparent effort. Simply, compare this honest effort to all other pathetic and paid obvious self promoting PR efforts by these types in 891 executive. They get more press wearing a T-shirt than their victims and honest critics. True? False?

A Provincial Inquiry the Pandora's Box?

Simply, the line in the sand extremely clear. You are either helping this cause or you're exactly what criminals love "knowledgeable self serving apathy"? Or partners or franchise in crime with the aid and abet bit tacit or documented? As good as direct support to aid and abet. Obvious is obvious?

This blog also helps big time get the "whole truth" out. And "nothing but", for a very big change. And this blog exposes slime with the "whole truth and nothing but" bit. And far better than others babylonian babble and banter (See Tom Adair/John Brummitt as glimmer twins). And serves goal and task rather well? And as a very fast and very brief intro. I might add. Yes, this blog also works as a slide and seminar notes for any flipchart or whiteboard. Or web page. From Twitter and Facebook to Google groups it travels well.

What criminals and slime must and most fear is: 


And here with a rather novel, interesting and twisting story as per this blog the truth now told gets out. Ideal for national media coverage to law school case study from UBC and UVic to McGill and Dalhousie. Or even psychology students wishing to do graduate studies as per: Asch to Milgram: conformity principles, Stockholm Lite, cognitive dissonance and the blatant PGP factors defined here in spades. True? False? Reason enough? And here using real criminals and sleaze and real names? Real BC Union History for John Horgan. He's a history buff?

Some of the fakes, criminals and their dog loyal aid and abet types with an IQ over 70 should realize more and more lies pointless. This evident when now dozens of legal people, media people, business people, BC Liberals (Soon NDP?), BC LRB, RCMP plus 475 honest members and victims all don't trust or believe slime-crime gang (See local election numbers). And that only more and more will see through such additional lies and such less than clever uneducated deceptive sophist wordplay as clear "criminal obstruction". And obvious as to aid and abet other criminals. And for added jail time when even BC Criminal Court Judges don't believe you.

And when no symmetrical legal liability only an idiot still lies (See lawyer). I suspect election results also indicate a growing lack of trust and respect as well? Hey, they earned it. Not their past pay or position as proceeds of crime, but jail time well earned.

Or "honestly" was John Brummitt based on his very demonstrable and documented wide experience as "tool boy" for thief Rob Maier (5k+), with his superior intellect, higher education, meaningful experience, and demonstrated integrity and ethics and with wide and 100% honest appeal to woman and honest voters, the reason for his major landslide win over Brad Cotterell? Is this the reason John Brummitt so popular and wins elections? Or just expensive? Or as a result of corruption to criminal factors? Or helping women beaters and children cheaters and his own noted crimes? Debate? Denial? True? False?  Those who have signed non-disclosure agreement will be advised by legal how null and void as criminal supporting.  The fool some of the people some of the time factor has run out of time?

Victims the reason for this blog.

Victims the reason for this blog. What else? Everything else a means to an end.

Yes, for more educated and politically savvy MLAs, many Margaret Thatcher "kitchen door" motherhood strategic and tactical tipping point. "Blue print" issues here. And for messaging and media matters and just prior to critical elections. However, Victims, Investigation and Charges, the real needed focus. And you're a hero.

Suppression of truth is the last step towards tyranny? And people ask why so many unions internally fractured all across North America and have internal credibility issues to absurd low voter turnout (Ask Dix. See 891 numbers?) And why labour movement now eroding, fractured and fading into old folk homes. This while this union executive facilitates enriching criminal "business union executives" who fund NDP. But who in fact killing it? NDP, CLC to BCFed better take a good hard look at this human scum here and their medical and benefit plan ponzi-shell game. They are judged by the company they keep. See any qualities of Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent or Jack Layton? Any? Any at all? Why so many laugh at the blatant hypocrisy of BC NDP and labour now.


Liberals can see this as a giant real oppourtunity

BC Liberals can see this as a giant real oppourtunity to prove the real heroes to women, and to union and non union honest workers? Not a bad line extension for incremental non-profile votes?  This if rookie NDP dare ignore these very proven key motherhood election issues. Plus involving tax credit fraud cheating all BC. True? False? So you go to a BC Liberal Bar-B-Q and also plant many seeds. This if NDP plays arrogant and stupid about criminals in control of unions. Many seeds. Something should grow?

I really don't care which BC political party leads as champions on this. Victims the issue.

I even suggest below both Christy Clark and Sonia Furstenau with other very amazing and distinguished women as named and credited lead a Provincial Inquiry on this. Possibly both John Horgan's and Adrian Dix's wives? Those with sensitivity with children cheated as well. See below. They should all be introduced to the intellect and integrity of Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies to judge them fully and fairly. All of the crime-slime solidarity syndicate.

All BC political parties should support this?

All BC political parties should support this. All? Will be possibly costly for those politically who don't support or help victims. Silence sometimes screams?

Losing an election expensive, as so many perishables rot, if not sold on the big one day only sale, or election day - for those metaphorically challenged? Hey, but what do I know about political reality? I was only national media liaison for CBC dealing with Quebec polling starting in 1976 when just a student? A bit of a head start over many faking such experience and depth. Allen Gregg just starting helping Joe Clark and PC improve polling then? The math only meaningful if questions are? Ask an actuary? I worked with Joe Clark's photographer.

Within ten years I was paid by Federal Liberals via Red Leaf to read federal election polls for all Western Canada and respond? Advanced analytics pays well. Best I know first hand how just changing message from Liberals self promoting to Conservatives documented declarations flips polls. See SFU papers on Quadra flip. And as some know, I even know exactly how even a major brewery with millions in war chest can't stop ugly word-of-mouth rumours or honest truth? See SFU papers on Kokanee Beer. How they won the west and then lost Ontario and BC? Even lost millions in BC. Too bad John Molson (and a few other Molsons in Montreal and Van) such class acts from West Island Tennis Club, that cost Labatt dearly, and in many ways. Why John Molson's son a Montreal Facebook contact with a BC Criminal Court Judge. Don't know him but knew his Dad why Facebook friends? Yes, I'm a troublemaker when suffering sleaze even in non union world. The Molson Pension Fund folks more respecting and generous than Labatt? Costly. With Molson gang I got an Audi and office with patio and ocean view. Labatt gave me a tennis racquet. And clearly Molson family more fun than Oland family as RCMP back east will also support.

Possibly very costly to John Horgan and Dix if they don't help, as both very familiar with funding from those who aid and abet these criminals in IATSE local 891. See pictures of John Horgan and Dix with those who document support for criminals, women beaters and children cheaters below. Money and marketing matters in politics some say?

And certainly John Horgan and Dix  don't want to be also used by Dusty Kelly and friends as their union "bought" props, puppets and pawns to falsely legitimize or further empower these 891 criminal types (See Pix Below)? Or aid and abet women beaters and children cheaters in any small way? This tipping point factor not so ideal with other voter problems so near such a very tight election. Once again. Hope Horgan and Dix didn't sign any pictures with Dusty Kelly for her office? Better burn them?

Will NDP force even more to run to Green again on matters of integrity or simply get lazy and not vote as Dix knows far too well? Even his picture with Dusty cost votes. And more threatening to NDP if disgusted, those once NDP who won't vote at all? People have very clear memories of Dix and his spin with "memo mistake" and now with trip to Hollywood:

"I Own Memo Mistake’ Says Dix, Pointing to His Record Since
NDP leader says his apology for act 12 years ago stands, trusts voters to accept it."

By Andrew MacLeod 20 Apr 2011 | TheTyee.ca

As John Horgan may agree "History Matters". Or just in Australia mate?  Was Dusty Dix's other mistake? Or will BC NDP show the real integrity and class of Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent, Jack Layton and rising star Cullen? And clean all this criminal garbage out of dirty ugly union executives and send some to jail? Or not. Further eroding trust and credibility of BC NDP, BCFED, CLC if not with this cause? With a functional "credible" cause.

This blog with MLA, CRA and RCMP effort will be of great value to women, children, honest workers, parents. And soon very media worthy. And with real bottom-line measured honest value to all BC political ridings providing for BC Film tax credit. A tax credit that clearly benefits lower Mainland and far too many criminals and gross incompetents, and also cheats all BC. And BC getting nothing but PR BS as fake news and diversion from key issues or some reports of crime, corruption to assault, overdoses and suicides. Understated. Not even a free movie for all BC? Shall we index? True? False?

Preliminary, highly conservative, estimate on all civil legal claims and from proceeds of crime (as ideally seizure before judgement) and cheating all BC estimated for victims:

$17,500,000.00 (+/- 15%)

With a Judge's order to hand over all void, null and illegal - or even possibly even a few legal non-disclosure agreements, among criminals in executive, this above amount could easily double? Triple? Why and what truth do they fear disclosure of? Exactly? One must suspect those whose career and reputation and trademark as documented, made by deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment? The slime must just love non-disclosure agreements even if illegal and keeping ugly secrets from honest dues paying members. And void of such mandate and clear breach in a Fiduciary role from natural justice to documented criminal fraud.? The secret society lack of transparency and accountability highly attractive to such psychological profiles. True? False?

In a undergraduate prep law class at Carleton University for party animals needing prep for U of O Law School a prof asked: What's more important a high priced lawyer or hard evidence? Discuss.

Yes, there are very sleazy ugly rich criminals in West Vancouver in big houses high on the hill, same with Westmount in Montreal, or on the Bridal Path in Toronto, but these low life criminals and slime here are very sick, hurt too many, too weak?  And a quick and easy low-cost RCMP bust, and should be busted as super slime. And as women and children need help right now - and as thousands do. Right now. Still cheated. And all BC cheated. Right now!

Who will John Horgan, Dix and Eby support?

Side note on location. When now Attorney General David Eby and I both in Kits 1983-2008, and I was living with future Criminal Court Judge Russ Mckay and political scientist CD Howe super brain Dr. Morgan. On Ironwork Passage working on IBM EXPO '86 launch of digital interactive media with video and touch screen oddly still popular today, I did other things as well. Like reporting directly to Attorney General Ron Basford and writing 7 Point Plan for Prime Minister John Turner. And doing dinners and sailing with the acting chair at UBC Law faculty. Plus having fun with Publishers of Courier and Vancouver Magazine out on the water or out on the town. This as Vancouver Sun Critic Ian Mulgrew knows. My COB Bill Grant former New West PC candidate also appreciated my skills when on his board of Directors - another kits' guy. As a Kits guy I hope Eby can advise victims on their rights. Certainly the criminals named should read his book: The Arrest Handbook: A Guide to Your Rights. Only fair?  I was also champion for a national franchise for Molson Pension Fund for employment of handicapped, blind, deaf and immigrant women. A regular at tennis courts and Cornwall and Yew Street restaurants. So we may have met?

 Who will Horgan, Dix and Eby support: Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen? Or beaten women and cheated children? Can't do both and be trusted, when truth all told?

Will John Horgan help women and children or his selfie pix friend and Dix's old Hollywood date and funding support matronly new business and marketing cheerleader Dusty Kelly? Should we show educated ad people the absurd logo work of Dusty and friends and estimated costs of her other pretend and play time waste.

As Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew knows me, via publishing friends from Vancouver Magazine and Courier, and briefed on this, and as was CBC award winning investigative journalist and producer Terence Mckenna from CBC's "The National", I'm a bit media, CRA and RCMP ready? Are women beaters and children cheaters as ready? And those who aid and abet?

News Update: To date, ALL these slime named below have still been sadly unable to "simply" just find  one (1) "honest and informed" member out of (8,000+) members, plus even various family and friends or even friends of friends, as to simply dare defend them all and alone and on any simple silly issue and against little me alone or ALL issues, at RCMP offices? How odd? Not (1) one? Once the criminals so very brave and bold hiding in the herd. Where have all the Alpha Males and non-gender specific ladies gone?

And with just me also helping RCMP on finer details so both sides told, and with everyone under oath as to up the ante? And thus credibility for all. At RCMP offices many liars become major losers very fast. Slime and liars know that. Well maybe not the stupid ones. Why they must now fear RCMP showing up at union offices or at their homes, or talking to members on work site. Visiting big shots like Rob Maier at his oddly "expensive home" on "budget" as usual or at office about previous lies to RCMP that he and his his most loyal staff noted for? Could be fun.

Odd still not any even willing to have their reputation, careers, legacy in "disrepute" simply defended now? How very very strange? Putting a criminal's reputation in disrepute used to be such a very high "rush" priority issue. Even Frank Haddad as a money guy supported? Exactly as documented. This when Paul Klassen, Executive Director, B.C. Council of Film Unions,  pretended, postured and played internal superior court trial judge, but documenting far too well helping criminal sleaze and his ethics, intellect and integrity also made clear in spades? True? False? Defend? Debate?

Then Ken Anderson as another presidential jewel missing the obvious just added to the obvious "aid and abet". Aid and abet in spades? As documented.

Why not have Paul Klassen protect criminals including himself all in major "disrepute" now? Odd? Very odd? Too bad poor fool Paul Klassen didn't know my forty year friend and old roommate on Facebook a real "honest" BC Criminal Court Judge. And his key legal friends also know me from helping LAC? Ironic or what? A fake a fake. Seems I'm good enough to help lawyers, law firms and lawyer groups in Montreal and Van but not 891. Why didn't the slime warn Paul Klassen and Tom Adair before documenting their stupidity and aid and abet efforts for distribution and that "Publish at your Peril" law school rant. That's what friends are for? Make you stick your name and neck out defending criminals and giving a hard time to honest members? Such class? Were both used by others as some suggest as neither very educated or bright beyond paperback buzzwords. Were they also fooling themselves with their big shot titles they were the keepers of truth and guardians of beauty in their tower of song? Yes, I borrowed that last line from a boy from Belmont Street in Montreal.

Help Victims:

Please help. Help literally hundreds of women and children. Possibly thousands. Yes, likely thousands? Read on. Past and future. And for MLAs, please help with these very personal voter to political motherhood issues and help force a critical needed Provincial Inquiry. Help many. Starting with women and children.

Be a Hero. For Real. Kind of Easy?

Be a hero. As an MLA? Or as just an honest person in BC. One who wants to simply helps others. And there are many heroes in BC. And far too many liars and losers as documented here. And many to help here. And for the sake of too many real sad and tragic victims. Some bullied and abused from birth. And sadly later in life, still suffering such financial and physical abuse by such sick cowardly bully slime, and their crimes, as well noted here. Sadly this as just more added injustice. Easy to help. Be a hero?

Please help. From "beaten women" and "cheated children" to cheated honest workers, plus far too many honest BC businesses, to even honest sister BC film unions all hurt, as fact (See Evidence Outline Below). Denial? Debate? True? False? Bets? There is no legal or scholarly debate. So please help. So easy to help. So sick and sad not to? Yes, as the selfish and self absorbed say, "Life is not Fair". However, real honest good people and legal system do try to be? Don't we?

Talk, share and ask for another far more meaningful:

Provincial Inquiry.

A little does a lot?

See all incriminating inculpatory direct, plus the plethora of circumstantial evidence below for these criminal claims made.

Democracy, truth, honesty, fairness, knowledge, rule of law is not threatened by what people say, but what they often so selectively don't say?

One MLA call or contact does it all. That easy.

And here's how "that easy" call, or interesting MLA contact helps and makes you and your MLA both "real honest heroes":

1- Helps get discussed and a motion in Parliament for a serious successful and very needed motion for a full Forensic Provisional Inquiry. Again, as needed. Very fast. And as key to honest full legal compensation for ALL these very innocent victims from women and children to aging seniors. 
This compensation from proceeds of crime from these criminals with seizure before judgement (as per the blatant "transparency"). See flight risk factors as detailed below, and as already provided to US border security (See US security border alert file number below for many of those named and not named yet. See new twists and tricks at US border?).

2- Helps fully expose and ridicule the reputations of those who beat up women and cheat children and helps put women beaters and children cheaters, and all who "aid and abet" and those stealing from or cheating others, in jail? Makes an example of such criminals and their sleazy friends. Makes other human garbage consider exposure and consequences. Even if just weekends in jail or community road work next summer for the smaller criminals. In the heat. Helping forest fire fighters with meals and laundry? Perfect work for many of these criminals and slime. A win for victims and all BC? This will smarten many up. And most certainly when national media fully involved.

Sad, I documented all this exact crime to Gavin Craig twenty years ago and all the executive slime did since then, and easy to prove, was defame me, laugh at me, based on their titles and loser lives, and ignore cheated children and beaten women. The more I tried to end this the more illegal activities kept coming up. And I needed to not cause more damage to victims and future victims? True? False?

Ideally a few past union presidents and executives as directly guilty or who aid and abet, or both, will all be in same jail. Covering each others back in showers? And having no teeth possibly adding to their new-face-in-town prison popularity. John Brummitt may actually be "honestly" popular among other prisoners? Don Ramsden will probably payoff to leave him alone and promote Brummitts mouthy skills. Those who don't have dates and like a real man's man without or with dentures in a good match for JB. And certainly the younger feisty ones like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will be on everyone's dance card at the jail. Saturday nights will be busy. Tom Adair will probably be someone's girlfriend in prison with those who just want to talk and hug. And the idiot will believe.  I may play advanced matchmaker and send to various prisons Tom Adairs nifty pix in his aerodynamic colour coordinated action bike shots.

3- Helps make the new RCMP "sincere real honest high value heroes" to ALL honest workers, children and women in BC. More than riding horses, but riding to the rescue of real children and women suffering real cowardly white collar crime and slime? RCMP have done excellent work busting bad-boy bankers and brokers to bikers, now time for these blue collar white collar crime cowards and bullies to all get theirs. Other dirty union executives all across Canada should take note of this soon RCMP legal showcase with dirty unions.

4- Helps get a full forensic PROVINCIAL INQUIRY on film industry and on "Women in the Workplace" and millions and millions in tax credit fraud enriching criminals.  Helps women. Helps industry. And this will help get a real more academic economic performance peer review on ROI on film industry over high tech and other ventures. Or not? 

Economic perspectives from Milton Friedman and free market rhetoric to Keynesian and Richard Wolff basics should be employed? Those not familiar with such names or have not studied at least microeconomics are just wasting the time of all those more educated and just babbling more BS. As they have in the past with their ignorant babble that could sadly fool many. True? False? Want a demonstration? Want a history lesson?

I'll debate any in 891 super senior executive or any super impressive past or present 891 president on matters of law, economics, logic, media and production as per 891. And obstruction and aid and abet rules of statutory interpretation should also be debated with abusive use of sophist rhetorical fallacies for criminal fraud. And how I'm listed as a labourer and they have such highly inflated titles as a very direct and honest comparison. This to further make a point on some with brain damage with anger management issues. Also makes the real currency value of any and ALL titles ever in IATSE  891 far more than simply suspect. True? False? This an important point for many reasons including increasing added jail time.

They really can't all be ignorant on all these matters and just major life fakes can they? Paul Klassen, Mitch Davies, Johnny Brummitt and Ken Anderson will prove the executive has not been filled with ignorant, lying uneducated fakes for decades won't they? Inside joke. For now.

As such "Opportunity Costs" will be defined. And money. The slime and crime gangs prior sophist and poetic inspiring math very suspect. The "Sound and Fury" theatrical, but mostly entirely meaningless. Bets?

After a review of the two prior Provincial Inquiries clearly so much missed. Clearly. Not here? Not this time.

If my claims not true:

As pretext, should be extremely easy (as intended) for "ALL" those named as criminals or aid and abetting, and ideally in continued full solidarity (to demonstrate and document collusion and conspiracy as hyper aid and abet), and to simply deny my claims under oath as per:


131. (1) Subject to subsection (3), everyone commits perjury who, with intent to mislead, makes before a person who is authorized by law to permit it to be made before him (/her?) a false statement under oath or solemn affirmation, by affidavit, solemn declaration or deposition or orally, knowing that the statement is false.

Note for idiots in criminal executive elite: This means lying or misleading RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts by fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission or high risk very direct and calculated deceit.


132. Everyone who commits perjury is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years

In this case with women and children as added victims a reasonable goal ten years in jail?

Yes, those criminals named can show their integrity and intellect not just myth, plus demonstrate visible honest true efforts to protect their good honest family names, career, legacy, reputation and bank account and home ownership. And even women and children. Or simply as a Criminal Court Judge or RCMP may ask many "Why Not?" And so easily defend themselves from these claims and very ugly rumours. And defend themselves against various documented facts and "protected" witnesses.  And so very easy. And if not fearing added indictable offences?

See below how easy for any honest person in any of their gangs to internal trial groups to clear and protect their good honest names? Too easy to defend if not aid and abetting criminal elite. So hard to even try more lies if clearly criminal. That easy?

And note already these slime caught lying to misleading RCMP, CRA, a Provincial Inquiry, BC LRB and both John Horgan and Dix. And the slime crime gang also found guilty of "Coercion and Intimidation" against their own "brothers and sisters". True? False? That's just the start of the problems for this criminal slime. Who would a Judge best trust? Horgan studied history? Lewis studied law?

Now add the documented major arrogance and ignorance of both Tom Adair and Paul Klassen with both documenting and daring to judge others they have zero "legal" or superior experience, education, intellect and integrity or any democratic  authority to do so other than blatant criminal support? And both far less educated and experienced than those they pretend as peers to dare judge? Fakes? Idiots? Arrogant? And while documenting at exact same time aid and abetting their criminal support? This their positions called for? Idiots? True? False?

Seems neither Tom Adair and Paul Klassen very anxious for a one-on-one at RCMP offices, as clearly major uneducated cowards without their cowardly crowd of applauding seals. And this to just simply meet at RCMP offices and chat. We all want to help honest members and RCMP and quickly clear this all up fast. What can they be so very afraid of? And under oath. A big red flag if they need lawyers just to just be honest and help women and children and RCMP. And help RCMP not waste time. Ya think? And best they can try and intimidate me again like so many they sadly could, with their big shot titles and very big cost expensive lawyers. Who can still "only help" in matters of law and not like some drowning in the fiction of TV and Film making, win the case?

The longer it takes, for all those named, to swear under oath a simple honest clear denial of all these claims here, it is only reasonable RCMP might be very curious why the slime don't defend themselves just a bit faster? Or better? Or at all? Why not? Or best all together just to prove no collusion or solidarity in so many varied criminal actions (Inside joke)?  Or why not act as fast as their sick and twisted internal trials? How odd as per below.  And they really should defend for their family good name, reputation and career? And help their children as to appear as not even more self consumed slime. Fearing a few years Jail time for a number of offences possibly makes some hesitate?

Note: If Women in Film http://www.womeninfilm.ca/ decide to do a movie about, and called "Women In Film", as now suggested to https://www.creativebc.com, and about women harassed to beaten up and children cheated in film for their "Respectful Workplace Funding". And using this true exact story and multiple novel subplots, the film could open with just voice over reading the following. This with a simple white type super on black background:

(SFX: Women loud screaming, sounds of beating, broken glass, door slam, children crying in fear.)
Music BKGRD: Rolling Stones "Sympathy for the Devil"


V. O: "Would you help if this was your daughter, sister or mother savagely and bloodied and beat up and sexually harassed or assaulted?(SCREAMS)............. What if it was your honest son, brother,  father or favourite grandfather cheated of ten of thousands of dollars yearly for decades..... in work and life insurance....... and by very creepy, very cowardly, slimy and very ignorant self-consumed very vain criminals?............ What if it was your child going hungry and not much at Christmas (CRYING CHILD) and cheated of life insurance that could have helped pay for university? What if all BC taxpayers cheated? Would you help? Or not? Or not much?"

Scene 2: Hospital Emergency Room (Ambulance light and sound from window pan).

Maybe just a promotional trailer?

Help Women Feel Safer. For Real.

Help women feel safer.That will be certain by any effort here, and as per recommendations below. Even this blog already puts various men on high alert to not be sickos or feel very safe as abusers anymore, and so we also start to win.

Notice how the slime cowards only prey on woman in weaker positions and not higher? Sick? ugly? Cowardly? Creepy? Helps all workers also feel more protected from criminals as well, exposing these crimes as now being voiced by this blog. The whole truth criminals fear. As voiced here.

Making things better, is always better.

Who's afraid of honesty, transparency and accountability? Certainly not anyone with something to be "proud of". And only those with much to hide, need fear transparency and accountability and truth? And need so many bogus non-disclosure agreements protecting criminals, liars and fakes? True? False?

This is about what many know, but fear speaking about. Not me. As a whistle blower for over four decades from corporate boardrooms of publicly traded companies to little union shop floors, I've been standing up to bullies and literally defending women and others since grade school. Fact check? True? False? Even in other unions, I kept union executives honest? In other unions there were enough honest people to keep idiots and sleaze in check. 891 so loaded with fakes, fools, slime, corrupt and criminals, this was not possible? Except once? Long ago.

See extremely hard evidence below, far beyond legal or scholarly debate. See solid recommendations.

Support a parliamentary motion for a Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry into tax credit fraud for decades enriching this criminal elite and cheating all BC.
THIS SO VICTIMS  CAN SHARE IN PROCEEDS OF CRIME WHEN SEIZED (See Motive and Modus Operandi Below).Those who clearly do support women beaters and children cheaters must be exposed.

Why the sleaze must go to jail not as key as just getting them in jail. If CRA works best, so be it. Getting compensation for victims directly from criminals wallets and purses an imperative. Civil actions to shadow final criminal charges made after a full Provincial Inquiry. Some have PMI studies and backgrounds working with Disney systems prior to Film?

What Next?

As women's issues key to this future Provincial Inquiry, I will ask that three very clearly distinguished honest women that I've known since high school in Montreal, and who have all also lived in BC, also be very seriously considered and invited to sit on Provincial Inquiry to help review Labour issues and Women beaters and Child cheaters. Well, unless anyone can suggest anyone possibly better educated or experienced with their "matched" intellect and integrity? Any better in 891 than these three amazing ladies? Any?

Suggested Potential Panel for a Full Forensic Provincial Inquiry:

1) Dr. J. Fudge. Osgoode/Oxford internationally recognized expert of "Labour" Law and "Women's" issues, and former acting Law Faculty chair UBC and UVic Labour expert. She can help Mr. Lewis, head of  IATSE Canada as oddly both Osgoode alumni and staff.

She helped me when 891 executives like John Brummitt, who clearly support women beaters showed off how he and friends like Gavin Craig and Susan Butler Grey and Rob Maier's gang are all so very very clever and lied to RCMP. Twice. Thinking that could intimidate me from exercising freedom of speech, my relatives died for, and exposing criminals and women beaters, and as well documented. What idiots? I could have given them two high school friends oddly in RCMP in Montreal to call who also have known me for over forty years? Or those who work with RCMP in Ottawa?

Simply, they failed to intimidate me by misleading and lying to RCMP. Fools? Dr. Fudge was incredibly helpful while at UBC.  As was Terence Mckenna of CBC "The National" when in Montreal. Both served salmon at dinner. She also worked for Allan  MacEachen, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, when I was doing CRTC appeals across the river in Ottawa. And John Horgan still in school and getting a Masters in History. So he must support that history matters? And devil in the details.

Many things, I never discussed about my past in Film industry, so I could get others talking about the criminals named. Don Gervais to Elmar Theisen, and others by email, I guess as wanting to distance themselves from the criminal scum, fools and fakes, as with many. They told me many things about many of those named. And from Don Ramsden and Gavin Craig to Tom Adair and Mitch Davies. Even John Brummitt helpful when bragging about how criminal and clever many are in his groups and gangs, and not having a paper trail?

2) Dr. V. Macfarlane. Dr. Macfarlane has her  doctorate in "Labour Psychology". I would audit the "Biochemical Basis of Behavior" with her at McGill when both just students. McGill where I later was a Dean requested speaker, not just simply SFU and UBC? Some refer to McGill as Canada's Harvard? As a note, others from Montreal in 891 also went to the same high school as these two ladies. And also know these two very highly accomplished ladies. These ladies also both know award winning investigative reporter Terence Mckenna of CBC? We all sailed and skied together. Dr. Macfarlane also starred in my first major movie I wrote and directed in university: "Easter Sunday".  So she has some very minor film depth, but always as a leading lady. She also starred in my follow up less pricey action adventure film "Cross Country Skiing". She's also an accomplished artist and musician. Karma? Both Dr. Fudge and Dr. Macfarlane best friends so they can play well together.

3) Dr. M. Tremblay, also "internationally recognized" top forensic Psychiatrist for her insights on nutcases. Like Dr. Fudge she was also briefed on Don Ramsden and John Brummitt, Rob Maier, Gavin Craig power trip group and the many forensic psychiatric factors. She's known me the longest and my family history from before I was born? She was at St. Paul's Hospital on Burrard in Vancouver, when John Brummitt decided to show how incredibly smart and educated he is with friends in two groups lying to RCMP. So I checked with her how smart she thought these slime really were and why so sickening? What was their mental and ethical problems. And we talked about how intimidating and powerful people in Rob Maiers and Gavin Craig's gangs are, as "lying" and using RCMP as their personal props, pawns and puppets, - and as to try and legitimize their very sick and ugly criminal ways, also discussed. My talk with West Vancouver RCMP also extremely encouraging. I know they are also a class act and hardly helped Rob Maier's gang of morons intimidate me. True? False?

Dr. M. Tremblay certainly knows these very pathetic type of men, dealing with specifically small men to misogynist, narcissistic and psychopathic complexes and violence against women. And when it gets deadly. And the warning signs. I've done beer and BBQ with tons of shrinks as clients, friends and family? I do seem likeable to those more accomplished, experienced and educated than those in this union executive. Compare? Why exactly?

And for backup she's not the only Forensic shrink I know in Vancouver. The other I oddly defended his wife when younger, when assaulted by men? We flew to Hawaii together. He knows those who also know me from grade school? And also with family in 891? And has seen the damage done in 891. And first hand. He studied under Dr. M. Tremblay?

One of the stupidest slime former Presidents is Ken Anderson as per registered mail and BC LRB rulings and alone needs an hour or two of psychiatric discussion.

A Forensic shrink should be a key part of this Provincial Inquiry. This may involve some reference to Yale's Milgram's 1963 article in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, and in greater depth in his 1974 book, "Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View". Possibly dabble with lighter cases of Stockholm syndrome? The repugnant rainbow of a toxic enterprise and the economic to psychological damage, should all be measured and noted. I may even babble about "Misogyny in the Movie Business". "Union: Corruption, Crime, Caste and Culture"?

These ladies, as also very attractive, have also suffered, many cowardly men abusing their positions or situation, to sexually harass, supress or worse. Being attractive they may have more empathy for victims then women obviously less bothered and oddly not in my 891 fan club.

Does it bother me all these girls I've known smarter and far more accomplished than me? Not at all. I'm funnier and I play guitar better. And horses, dogs and cats like me. Fact check.

As another lady from this very same high school gang a former Photo Editor at Maclean's, so we should get some national coverage as well in Print and Broadcast media. This when this story fully mushrooms early 2019. And with those who have known us from high school at CBC Fifth Estate and The National?

Unions: The good, the bad, the ugly.

Could be a story Broadcast or Print headline of interest for honest Union dues-paying workers as around 35% of all employees in Canada union (And as high volume TV viewers), and this true story interesting to most management and investors, not just intelligent women. And with a solid case study. Helps keep the #metoo thing top-of-mind for many, as it should.

These three women above, as "real doctorates", and literal real experts in their chosen field, may even be a possible fair match for the very proven, demonstrated and documented superior intellect and integrity, ethics, experience and education and simply demonstrated clear class of 891's very own Dusty Kelly, Susan Butler Grey and Liz Solyum. All politically and legal savvy. Another inside joke.

These three big 891 political heavy weights fakes in 891 versus three "honestly very accomplished" intellectuals? Could be funny?And with their very big 891 titles, big fan club and big egos, should be interesting to compare fully their "educated and insider informed" opinions and dirty deeds to those of much higher integrity and far superior intellect. And exactly who or what witness support they "honestly" have? And best we ignore self-image issues. And as all three 891 princesses all helping women beaters and child cheaters, to lies to RCMP, this should be novel.

As such, once again their big title authoratitive and highly membership respected opinions will also be so fully encouraged on all points possible, as with internal trial reviews. All very well documented (See 2nd Perjury Trap below). Time for Dusty Kelly to show off? On videotape? Everyone loves Dusty Kelly, Susan Butler Grey don't they? Don't  they? And those other woman demonstrating internal trial skills and thrills? Don't they?

Do note, as will be key later, how I never had any problem with women far more honest, accomplished, more intelligent, more educated than my less than a handful of  know-it-all female critics in 891 executive. Those who lie and fake many things. And support women beaters and children cheaters. Their lives full of lies. As documented. Some women even in 891 do like me? Fact check? True? False?

We can also compare my male friends to the criminal men named on similar exact merits? My long time male friends also similar. Some historical figures in union history and fighting corruption in Quebec. Mr.Lewis should know Quebec Union history? We will compare. Odd, I also have had no problem with any other union executive in all Canada from CUPE and ACTRA on East Coast to ACFC, CN and CP rail on West Coast. Nor Hospital, Hospitality and Teachers unions. Again, I have been in more unions than NDP's Dix and John Horgan. Fact check?

Why do I work so well with scholars like Dr. Bull (McGill: Science), Dr. Gandel (Psychologist), Dr. Morgan (Political Scientist), Dr. Gross (Oxford: Science), and professionals like the law firm Fox and Morgan to engineering firms like SRK as employers or clients, and yet do not get along with the super brains in 891 executive criminal elite? Why am I Dean requested speaker at McGill, SFU and UBC and not with the brains in 891? Sad, John Brummitt and Paul Klassen to Ken Anderson and Mitch Davies don't like me and that majority of all honest members suffered this slime as "leaders" pretending so superior?  Fakes and fools? Heck, even the biggest and best Ad Agencies have documented they like me? And Hollywood and NYC?

Will be obvious why soon. More to follow. Also, just exactly how did I ever get along with some of the most honest and best of IATSE 891 from Art to Accounting, Costume to Construction, and even the class in Teamster's transport. And certainly I seem to socialize well with senior management from Disney to Fox. Fact check? And how did I tolerate the human garbage for so long? Simply: Roses among the weeds.

These accomplished honest ladies above, on a Provincial Inquiry will also provide some insight on super big shots such as Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies (Pictured Below). And as present big shots in 891 helping women beaters and children cheaters, and certainly not this cause. Zero help? Victims will be compensated. Men and women and their cheated children deserve this. True? False?

Guess which three should do jail time? Who should have all assets seized as proceeds of crime? Then read below for answer?

Paul Klassen, Executive Director, B.C. Council of Film Unions
604 983-5531

Image result for mitch Davies iatse 891
Mitch Davies, IATSE Local 891 President
604 664-8910

Media and RCMP should call both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen anytime convenient, and ask when both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen, both ready to meet with me at RCMP offices? Under oath. They like being seen on their phones and looking very important. So call first. And this really is important so both should appreciate a call that is important as to help their "Hollywood" image and criminal support? This for ideally a few hours of friendly one-on-one, one-take, no-editing videotaped chat, and under oath in RCMP offices. And discuss the whole truth and nothing but stuff. And we can hand out and post video on YouTube? This is about the film industry?

And to be more than fair, than they ever were, and have both fully and easily defend their honest good names, career, reputation, and that their criminal support, as not criminal? And not reciprocal? I'm ready now.

I'll even do both major big shots together in front of RCMP to be fair. They both should have nothing to fear? Should they? Two big shots with big titles as proof they are big shots against tiny wee me? And both have nothing to hide? We all "honestly" want to help RCMP save time and money and not obstruct and aid and abet. Maybe both will squeal for a deal? And then they can really prove they want to help women beaten and children cheated, and not just protect their wallet and deceptive careers soon about to crumble as their real reputation really known?

And both can help RCMP to bust others? Or not? Their choice. Obstruct a criminal investigation or not? Unlike lying to BCLRB and membership as documented as deceptive, with criminal courts you do go to jail. Hard for those who faked so very smart to now fake so very stupid?

I can also bring in other BC women to make a very serious and amusing point, as they are all also far more accomplished than oddly any of these superior misogynist Alpha males in 891, and far more honest and accomplished than Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen? True? False? Plus raised children.

Men who think they are superior to women, and felt empowered enough to sexually harass, suppress or beat up women, or aid and abet and support women beaters and children cheaters for political support, do need this honest direct comparison. True? False?

Shall we put all these men under a legal microscope and judge them as they have judged others and treat them EXACTLY like they treat women?

One lady Chatelaine 100. Twice.  (I brought her to an 891 Wrap Party to see the slime and arrogant fools), the other lady controlling restaurant chains and real estate in Squamish and in California. She was also an actress on Jump Street. Both familiar with my so very honest and classy criminal adversaries and slime in 891 executive and the women beaters and children cheaters involved.

One lady even added another very high profile lawyer to help. A lawyer who advised, based on other high profile cases in BC referenced, to get media and BC government on side first. This as per how PMI guidelines and legal realism best both allow. And attack all with criminal law. First things first. And so we begin.

Note: Not one legal resource recommended any effort with the Labour Board? Possibly as this literally a criminal and civil class action by thousands of members for the insane daily for decades violation of "Fair Representation" or "fraud" and breach of fiduciary duty (with no union shield?) And fraud for decades from elections and upgrades to crew call, hour bank and deal memos? True? False?
To quote Superior Court Justice Laskin "Nothing is sacrosanct"? If incorporated does BCLRB care?

Yes, I took a few blows just like Muhammad Ali did against Foreman, but now we rope a dope or a few dozen.

Forward: We have tried to answer all questions below on many crimes as defined below. And from: "who, what, where, when and how" and "why now", "why me" (a bit of bio, a bit of a CV), plus "why this way"? And "why this strange proven Legal/Media/Political/Media strategy". Plus "Why these slime", "Who they are", "How we know". And some very specific hard evidence and the added protected witnesses. This as outlined below, kind of makes a pretty clear case for jail. And certainly for a full Provincial Inquiry? We have added tiny bits of humour for my friends reading as reader pit stops, and very serious comment for new readers where appropriate.

We will do final edit shortly with Grammarly, Flesch–Kincaid (to further dumb down for slime and criminals), and use spell checker and my proofreading friends. Just as when I was writing for two Prime Ministers?  Both Ian Mulgrew of Vancouver Sun  and Terence Mckenna for CBC caught me at convention when working for Prime Minister Turner, and reporting directly to Ron Basford and handling all Western Canada. I think I was a pioneer then doing cartography of psychographics to broadcast footprints not just writing? Both journalists know nothing of my prior invited work for Justin's father with Bronfman PR firm in Montreal. But others do?

I'm clinically dyslexic as some know, so writing not my strong point. More a Barrister than a Solicitor type? Know many great writers and journalists, but I'm not one.

Some of the slime in their noted and very profound arrogance and ignorance  have laugh at this dyslexic condition as ignorant and less educated. But oddly they, as whole life fakes, have neither the awards nor international and trade recognition that I do oddly for writing? And they laugh at me. How sad the truth. And recognition from Hollywood to New York. And for just writing? Not just academic recognition. And they laugh at me?

How sad they look when facts shoved in their faces and everyone soon sees what they "really are" and not mislead by their big huge fake undemocratic and corrupt election giant titles. Plus add my national trade and consumer recognition in business with added academic and political achievement? And compare why Dusty Kelly and John Brummitt win elections and women can't feel safe? Can it all be that obvious? Crime and corruption a given.

Was John Brummitt as fact and based on his superior integrity, intellect, experience, education a better choice for honest 891 membership than I or Brad Cottrell? Makes a point? Or was his support for criminals, women beaters and children cheaters the reason for his and others political popularity? Fair question. And many know the true answer?

Was Dusty Kelly, "honestly" the smartest and most "honest" best choice as well? For my critics who claim sour grapes about elections a more intelligent person may ask them to explain why I avoided elections in all other friendly and honest unions where my skills, education, experienced not suppressed and where never defamed? And far more friends? Why run in hostile lying 891? Traps.

Yes, my criminal critics are very interesting bunch, but yet a very sad unaccomplished, very dishonest, corrupt and criminal group. Look at their whole lives? Very closely? They cheat on their wives and husbands. They cheat trusting members. They cheat their friends. They cheat CRA. And lie endlessly. Their children suffer this mindset. Easy to prove.

So sad when critics hardly as accomplished and successful, and "reality" no more than a one big shot tiny title, and as a one-time-only, one-trick pony, in one small glitzy toxic film union local in Burnaby, BC. And their whole life and career peak and highlight all founded on corruption and sick cowardly criminality, and lies and more lies and endless deceptive omission as their true key foundation. True? False? We are almost ready for full attack. Legal scholars and some media as below also pre-briefed as per PMI guidelines.

I have had to remove some things below, as some may notice, that criminals may have now missed and might be far too helpful to slime's criminal lawyers. So now they can bill their paralegals out to research this stuff again for themselves and for a couple of thousand or more extra each. Each. I have no motivation to help reduce costs for criminal legal costs from the women beaters to child cheaters and those slime that aid and abet beyond debate? Who does?

Does the executive in 891 feel the same or will it "again" finance and fund criminal's legal cost as with Gavin Craig and previous just too clever president's sell-out settlements? Using/wasting tax credits and honest member's money in Trust for criminal protection? Aid and abet obvious? And members honest money in Trust? Will they fund legal again for crime and slime while respecting lies to RCMP on file? If criminal slime using honest members money for criminal lawyers, we will fully expose that as well as further absurd aid and abet before and after the fact?

As the women and children as victims, with honest workers cheated easier to define, we can start at the Provincial damage done and then review other victims with children last and as still to date cheated.


Cheating all BC taxpayers? True? False?

The tax credit if used to enrich and empower criminals and block honest more skilled, talented, educated, experienced workers plus those being honest, all BC taxpayers cheated. That simple.

I have very little proof of nepotism as qualification but a few dozen families should be questioned (Legal Joke). And those with purse snatchers and substance abuse issues to bigger thieves in the royal bloodline and dynasty?
White supremacist, women beaters, children cheaters, junkies, crackheads, deadbeat dads, pathological, liars, drunks, all in good standing? And I'm not? True? False? A John Brummitt kind of union? I do get the attention of internal trials and lies to RCMP. True? False?

When the cancer grows into a criminal dynasty for decades power corrupts. Absolutely. And "millions and millions" literally going to criminals and criminal families via membership to life insurance fraud not good for BC?

Is it still organized crime if not very well organized but solidarity blatant? And no one speaks Italian except the honest guys?

If  sleazy, well dressed and clever executive bankers, in a banking company are criminal (from assault to theft, aid and abet) and wasting banks money, they are personally charged with crimes and dumped ASAP?

If  sleazy executive bankers with latest paperback buzzwords like Tom Adair and dressed for success, in a company, are  grossly negligent or incompetent or misrepresented themselves to get their job, with critically deceptive omission or fraudulent concealment, to restriction of trade and economic interference now blatant, the company dumps them? Add defaming and lying about other candidates for the job as also not a quality character trait?

Ask any major executive headhunter or personnel agency if these are good points in real world? Even if they had a very inflated title once in a regional small film union via corruption and criminal support? Only once.

If this is how we treat sleazy criminal to incompetent bankers, why not sleazy criminal bozo executives in a small union local? Even if they all wear expensive Hollywood sunglasses and carry laptops and expensive phones they can hardly master other than texting?

Having worked in more unions than NDP's John Horgan and Dix (Fact check?), and having even been on the board of directors of a Public Company with former PC candidate William Grant, plus worked in Investor Relations with those involved in Lion's Gate finance, and as well as reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford (another guy from Vancouver),  I think this a fair question for all stakeholders? And including all BC taxpayers as per tax credit and ALL 891 members? Why not sleazy cowardly criminal bozo executives in a union local going to jail certainly a fair question?

Again: If this is how we treat sleazy criminal to incompetent bankers, why not sleazy criminal bozo executives in a union?

Ethical fund managers will avoid a telco if too many generous dividends. One of my references on LinkedIn the head of an ethical fund and an historic figure in aerospace engineering as with my client Dr. Bull. They knew each other in Montreal. Again fair question? As with where did all the 891 money go? I helped do audits even on BC Tourism? Don't miss the subtlety of the reference to "dividends" this will be referenced later with "franchise fees"?  John Lewis studied finance so easy to make a few other criminal points.

Should coworkers as "brothers and sisters" be warned of those with serious and physically harmful "anger management" and very serious financial integrity issues when in positions of trust in executive? Or best kept just another dirty little secret for criminal elite in executive and to do another illegal, unethical, cowardly, sneaky non-transparent non-disclosure paper trails. And directly contrary to federal law? Those who have seen John Brummitt froth or talk numbers have seen it all?

Cheating thousands? And for decades. True? False? Debate? Denial? Simple question. Why we need Labour Reform as many scholars agree and kill the two tier legal insanity.

And note BCLRB would not consider other victim issues as ultra vires, from assault to suppression, and as very clearly this "criminal law" and "civil law" and with non-unionized loan out "incorporated" companies also seeking damages. Top lawyers can explain the later underlined legal novelty.

And best with criminal law, criminal defendants as named, need very very expensive top criminal lawyers to even cope and hope to avoid some charges and jail time. We like that. And victims need none. Crown Prosecution helps victims for free. Legal efficacy? Lucky victims.

As such, this blog purpose done clearly to protect even the future young single mother suffering any other sick  department head or abusive Machiavellian department head or foreman in future. And in art to accounting or paint to props. And protect, as a mother and permit, any girl worried about feeding a child and "economic interference" to "coercion and intimidation" for her career - and/or corporate loan-out company. And young and busy, having no idea probably soon that her child also possibly also cheated out of life insurance, medical and dental. As sadly so many other children have.  Or thinking anyone cares. Well I do. True? False? And she also suffered and cheated, as have many to make life insurance, medical and dental "free" for criminals already enriched by tax credit fraud to theft (5k+). And as "always" and "everywhere"  slime hiding among the honest and talented members. True? False? Debate? Denial?

What's in it for me? I will try and claim CRA award for whistleblowing.

They talk the talk:

Women done waiting in 891 a fact?

This blog also done as further reference to both major BC actresses Pam Anderson (an angel prior to fame when the Budweiser swimsuit model for Labatt) and as also suffering assault by cowardly and creepy men in BC, to X-Files leading lady Gillian Anderson  (Who my whole family owes with her excessive kindness and consideration to a child with cancer. I use to watch her child Piper when she was shooting?) And both also suffering assault and/or deceived by assholes in industry and by 891 department heads. On many levels. Excuse the carpenter's pun.

This abuse of women sadly epidemic from the 891 executive and 891 workplace to Highway of Tears to murders in Pig Farm in Burnaby. Latter not to be confused with 891 executive offices as their Big Title Farm as also in Burnaby.
As a bit on topic, RCMP should be very inspired by those in these gangs who lie to RCMP and dare call them "Pigs"?

Possibly, as reported also suffering such men, possibly former Premier Christy Clark may add some political insight to a Provincial Inquiry on panel? And with these two actresses as also victims providing testimony? Or chair a Provincial Inquiry with Green super brain Sonia Furstenau on these clear workplace and women's issues? And with any honest ladies Horgan or Dix might also suggest? Maybe Dix's and Horgan's wives?

Hopefully, some women will now take over leading or cheer leading this cause and I can get back to keeping Ottawa honest and with very serious non-union issues. I can do more rock-the-boat stuff Federally. And clear so many women in BC far smarter than me. And smarter than all these criminals.

Help Women? Help children?

News Update: Who will John Morgan Lewis as IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs and as a former Osgoode law student "help"? Will he help the women and children as victims get "FULL" honest and fair compensation? Or not? Or not much?

And John Lewis  with his added undergraduate studies in finance, also likely he's no fool with numbers either? And with my work on audits on BC Tourism and a National Franchise for Molson Pension Fund, I can help him see why IATSE 891 needs immediate Trusteeship and All staff removed during a forensic investigation who may obstruct. And before they again start clean out of key files. Numbers? I can help?

Will John Lewis  as IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs help criminals, tax cheats, thieves, liars, fakes? Or think best of ramifications and "help" honest workers, beaten women and children cheated? And this very clear cause? And this after some honest "reasonable" standard of care and due diligence? Will John Lewis be a hero and call RCMP on these Criminal Slime himself? This after his own internal investigation? Or not?

If IATSE Canada was a Master hamburger franchise with a US parent corporation enjoying revenues (that a European bank would envy?), and selling a variety of hamburgers, pop and fries, and not marketing skilled trade and high talent crews, wouldn't the local 891 franchise office be shut down? And as so much fecal matter and E.coli in the burgers and fries? If IATSE selling burgers and fries? And all E.coli coming out of the same Burnaby, BC kitchen? And for decades? And as hurting the whole brand? And all fast food? Like IATSE 891 now hurts Labour movement, BCFED and NDP credibility? True? False? One burger making one child very sick hurts everyone's appetite. Hurting many children worse? And near elections this can be nauseating to far too many still deciding on who to vote for?

As a note: Nothing wrong with unions IATSE 891, ACFC, DGC, Teamsters but something seriously wrong with a few dozen criminal gangs. Don't confuse. I myself have enjoyed and respected 98% of the unions I've worked for. All across Canada. And, again I've been in more unions than John Horgan and Dix combined. True? False? Well, if union experience or history means anything in unions and to NDP? I was grievance coordinator for CUPE in 1978. I have a head start over many fakes and criminal frauds.

My first fight with a Labour  Lawyer was at the Montreal Press Club with a then unknown Brian Mulroney in early 70's? I can handle bigger and better now. After my work with Federal Liberals and Ron Basford, I ended up on the team helping Mulroney, Sinclair Lewis and Stanley Hart (also worked for his "detective agency?) and Federal PC on east coast with international economic initiatives, oddly working from Granville Island on West Coast?

As such, I ask wouldn't normal competent responsible management with fecal food problem then start checking for dirty or bloody hands of staff and all five chefs, past and present? And as just good old fashion standard of care and diligence stuff? Or ask why no rules or requirement on legal hygiene but tons of other rules and nondisclosure agreements to idiot internal trials for protecting criminals?

And wouldn't a more civilized temporary group best be put in quickly to replace all E.coli related human resources in Burnaby office during Trusteeship? Even temporary third party trusteeship as now legally warranted as to fully disinfect? And if it meant "more national revenue" for Master Franchise net-net and in FNE projections? The industry and employment could more than double?

Not the best marketing or media relations for a "business union" like 891 when executive involved for literally decades as supporting tax credit fraud, women beaters and children cheaters protected. And with their signature documented vanity and insane arrogance - and very strange and excessive indulgence in very heavy self promotion? RCMP, Firefighters, Doctors and Nurses all get less recognition and some less pay saving lives? And no budget for vain PR? Why should those who beat women and cheat children or help be paid far more and have PR budgets? True? False? Sad? Sick? Vomit worthy?

And this vanity of egos, while cheating members, and not able to focus on improved management, marketing, wages or working and safety conditions - as possibly no education or experience in executive for actually doing so. Or for doing much. Other than posturing and pretending they are the "best of best" and "heroes to working people" and wasting millions of dollars in "TRUST". And pretending they are the most experienced and most educated? See real history about these so very clever criminal and/or corrupted folk. Fakes? Super Liars and Cowardly Cheats? True? False?

The story of the full criminal career of Revelstoke,  BC's John Brummitt from work in a cage away from others in Interior on Mica Creek to being top 2IC sidekick, to being Gavin Craig's, Don Ramsden's and Rob Mair's favorite foolish faithful monkey in 891, provides a wide variety of crimes to illustrate to RCMP. Tom Adair another very strange and meteoric career as well should be considered, discussed and reviewed by those with far more integrity, intellect, education and experience than trusty Tom Adair?.

Same with their clerical skills, faking as experienced and educated executives and headhunter material, when their jobs only secure by not "rocking-the-boat" or aid and abetting thieves, woman beaters and child cheaters or for bigger brownie points supporting them as some documented and in their very own words and witnessed. Bets?

And wow, 891 even with an MBA on staff to fake legitimacy as to make things appear so very legal and so very business like. Too bad I watched so very many dullard MBAs dumped or asked to resign at HSBC, Labatt and 7-Eleven? And myself key to dumping a few CAs? Canada Post been there. Top floor? Many fakes have not only big titles but some have degrees. Just more fakes and liars, faking they are not a literal case study in gross incompetence or simply criminal nutcases? For decades. True? False? Don't let an MBA fool you when Labatt to 7-Eleven wouldn't?

Hey, I'll even help during 891 Trusteeship to reduce costs based on my "real" extensive research and real honest credentials, and only ask paid at my prior billout rate to Federal Liberals to Labatt Breweries? Fair? Or when working both IATSE and ACFC putting in hours for a (12) twelve hour day (guaranteed by deal memo), and for a 12 day week? A twelve day week? This when handling (3) three shows plus making many people look far smarter than than they really honestly are? Saving each show 20% over a standard 891 weekly buyer like Rob Maier overpaid for far less? True? False? Deny? Debate? My skills even the liars couldn't lie about. So I'd do a thirty hour week? Mostly from home. Who was the leading pioneer in computers to VOIP (doing trials for Bell Canada)? HTML?

Myself always very overt and transparent. Executive Producer Bob Goodwin even paid extra for "special project" work when executive producer on X-Files. "Nothing too Good for a Cowboy", offered me big shot Producer Credits to fix accounting mess rather than money. They had no idea I didn't need Producer Credits? I was running three production crews in Advertising prior doing TV ads in and as top dog in Toronto ad agency office? I worked for the biggest and the best. Why national trade magazine Marketing listed me as one of the Landmark 100. Reality? With just two of my friends and business associates and with CAs, an accounting fix and full accounting reboot in three to four days? Many have big titles in film industry. But quality personnel hardly a trademark in 891. The victims more than women and children.

Ask many others in 891 if any other systems as fast and accurate as mine? And with what I could do then? And for more fun compared to what I can do now, as far smarter? Much smarter. And put in writing and sign it, if any dare or very dumb differ? In writing, as talk is so very cheap like big titles in 891? Debate? True? False?

If true?

If true what I claim, 891 wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly. Costing members, investors, BC taxpayers to unemployed youth. And wasting money for victims, while vain idiots pretend and play executive material. Do the math.

This while children cheated and women beaters and criminal friends enriched with tax credit fraud and restriction of trade. And as per BCLRB rulings, just suffering more "Coercion and Intimidation" by 891's far less than honest class acts. I'm prepared to demonstrate how "Coercion and Intimidation" in fact a daily factor for decades. And still is? Why are others afraid to "rock-the-boat" and only 475 honest members not afraid voting for a full forensic audit?

Not easy, but this has to be done.

Not easy, but this exposure and RCMP investigation and full Provincial Inquiry has to be done. So this blog had to be done. It also shows how social media works to fully expose criminals by name and help victims. May help others in other dirty union locals. The Seed becomes the Tree.

But also made easy, so easy, for others to help.

However, this blog with names and crimes defined, makes it very easy for MLAs and RCMP to be "real honest heroes" to women and honest workers. "Voters" if you like the term? And all BC. Very easy. See below. And as now very obvious to literally hundreds, if not John Lewis to John Brummitt?

Hard for some idiots to believe, but those of us with "honest" meaningful and specific "real world" and real non-union and union work experience, and from real corporate board rooms to union shop floors - and with many far better, smarter and honest "unions", and all across Canada, we have seen so much better than 891. Debate? Deny? True? False? Much better than 891's  documented and witnessed crippling, criminal, corrupt toxic culture and executive gross unethical incompetence as demonstrated by five 891 local presidents in a row. In a row. And their herd happy to have proceeds of crime. See evidence list below. And their dog loyal Pavlovian pets, who aid and abet as defined by criminal law, thus supporting women beaters and children cheaters? And victims ignored as slime blinded by their sickly greed and ego. Debate? Deny? True or false?

Aid and Abet made clear:

A person can be criminally responsible as the principal actor in committing an offence or as a member of a "party acting together in the commission of an offence". In terms of guilt, there is no difference between being an aider, abettor, or principal to an offence.
[1] They are all equally culpable. EQUALLY CULPABLE?
[2] By contrast, liability as an "accessory after the fact" or conspirator is separate from a party. These forms of offences concern "involvement falling short of personal commission".
[3] The operating section on parties states:

Parties to offence

21. (1) Every one is a party to an offence who

(a) actually commits it;
(b) does or OMITS to do anything for the purpose of aiding any person to commit it; or
(c) abets any person in committing it.

Common intention

(2) Where two or more persons form an intention (Or Internal Trial?) in common to carry out an "unlawful purpose" and to assist each other therein and any one of them, in carrying out the common purpose, commits an offence, each of them who knew or ought to have known that the commission of the offence would be a probable consequence of carrying out the common purpose is a party to that offence.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 21.

In Canada, a person who aids or abets in the commission of a crime is treated the same as a principal offender under the criminal law. Handy or what? Hope Paul Klassen very clear on his being EQUALLY CULPABLE?

Maybe not the best time to again show blind mindlessness solidarity with criminals from women beaters to children cheaters? Or solidarity with John Brummitt? Or with Paul Klassen?

Real Honest Experience, what can that teach you?

Experience, what can that teach you? Some will find it amusing and clearly very hypocritical below, how experience means everything in 891 in one case and zero in others. Two faced liars? Fakes? Cons? Self-serving frauds? Millions in liability. You can bet on it. And bet big.

This all goes to character in support of my claims of many of those named aid and abetting woman beaters and children cheaters, and cheating all BC plus defines the gross incompetence, negligence, and endless breach of fiduciary duty. Daily? For decades? Where did all the money go? Why so many illegal, null and void Non-Disclosure Agreements?

No wonder such a problem in 891 with women beaten to harrassed, children and honest workers cheated, and as per recent news with: women abuse, suicides, substance abuse, plus petty to major theft, malicious obedience, low productivity, overdoses, domestic violence, accidental deaths to deadbeat dads. All showcased in Vancouver's very own Hollywood North? Some don't just create Hollywood teenage myth, they live in it and suffer it? They live the lie. Their lives are lies. From cheating on wives to coworkers and friends. They normalize the lies and the toxic workplace. What are their choices in such fuel feeding corrupt cultures and with who and what they really all are as fact?

Long hours working for mindless self-serving milking low-mid management abusive self-enriching criminals and the clearly corrupt and incompetent, driving too many to many very desperate actions and safety abuses? Debate? Denial? We will discuss not only the abuse of women in 891 but of many very specific cases from Harvey M. to Clark S. This for hard historical evidence and foundations up to present day efforts at aid and abet by Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies. And in their somewhat Fiduciary roles of Trust and Mandamus? And what real honest unions do and don't do. My friends in plumbers to pilots unions also educating.

This background to make it clear the personalities and character of corruption and criminals as to facilitate the clear aid and abet connections to the clever women beaters and children cheaters as per below.

This background also to show my opinion and credibility may have some small tiny wee validity outside of the intellect and integrity of the many executive superbrains in this very dirty and corrupt little local 891 union. John Brummitt a case in point. Get the whole truth.


Seems a few executives have awkward drinking issues. Embarrassing themselves? Too often and talking and bragging about their crimes or their important friendship with Don Ramsden and Rob Maier.

Don't let their Hollywood smiles and boy next door Paul Bernardo and Ted Bundy good looks fool you. Don't let their celebrity like too-cool-for-school buzz word babble, banter and charm like CBC's Jian Ghomeshi mislead you. And as Hollywood North alphacool for cowards. And don't be a fool for big shot grossly misleading titles like with "Colonel" Russ Williams. Yes, even serial killers have had big titles like Paul Klassen. Look at the person not the title. Look for truth. The whole truth. Facts matter. History matters. Titles so often everywhere so very misleading. And numbers also often misleading.

And don't buy the plaid shirt "just hard honest working union folks" bit of BS from some of these frauds. Actions hardly ever match deeds. Don't be fooled by pictures of John Horgan and Adrian Dix with the Queen of corruption and documenting support for women beaters and in position of Trust as children cheaters.

Hiding behind honest talented people.

You know all those thousands of very nice honest people who work in nice clean banks? Their often also just cover or a front for Billions in very cowardly and greedy dirty deeds, also cheating the weakest and most vulnerable. Like staff and talent in a dirty Casino. Behind the shine is slime. And they get exposed. And they get investigated. And they get busted. Even as nicely dressed trusted bankers they get busted. Possibly bankers at RBS and HSBC just not as clever as John Brummitt and Don Ramsden with numbers and disappearing paper trails, nor near as careful in their documented senior executive judgment as Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies?

It is amazing how many voted for Donald Trump or Hilary and for the "majority" supporting either, really knowing so very little about world events, history, economics, business and even about about Donald - oddly that even hush money and appointments later just couldn't hide either. Could it happen in a much smarter little union local like IATSE 891 with most members really knowing so very little? Ya' think? Most also voting in ignorance, and suffering grossly deceptive omission as per non-disclosure agreements and no free speech or free media for those not in criminal elite "A" list? True? False? Debate? Denial?

And more absurd, some claim, like all past 5 past and even present president, that they have 891 "honest" democratic legitimacy and without proportional representation or freedom of speech? And more BS  or implied by fakes the support of 8,000 members. And endless deceptive omission and a plethora of self-promoting PR. Hardly democratic and more tyrannical despot by deeds. More to follow.

Math not a strong point in 891 executive, nor political science and polling. And while using clear no debate ignorance of the majority, ignorance with a deliberate act that they "facilitate" (With diversion of priorities), and while punishing and silencing of critics, plus muffling those who wish to expose women beaters and children cheaters a nice gig?  Nice gang? Clean and honest elections? Can we really judge people by the company they keep for four decades? And the pretentious, posturing and pretend games they play. And clear crimes they commit or aid?

It gets even more sick when you see how the medical plan warped to enrich criminal elite hiding among the honest and talented members. Cheating honest workers, children. All those who can do math, voted for a full forensic audit. True? False? Criminals fearing an audit did not. True? False?

Will be funny in a Provincial Inquiry when all the criminals in the criminal elite and executive, in ideally full marching solidarity for decades all have to prove some reference or merit for such high pay (or hush money) and their far less than majority election love? And finally and honestly list their real "honest' experience and real education. PLUS all taxable income (and benefits). All?

And fun times, as the criminal elite must now list this merit to those now as really and honestly far more educated, far more experienced, far more honest, and for some, paid less than the fakes in 891. Like teachers and nurses, real architects, real lawyers paid less. True? False? And not enjoying a film tax credit fraud pay pump and as insiders and in with criminal elite, and even in executive, as they have for decades. True? False?

To be honest and fair.

Those documenting years of support for women beaters, children cheaters and lowest life thieves like Rob Maier should be given every chance to defend themselves and their good honest family name, career, legacy and reputation should my claims be false. (See multiple choice options below and textbook Perjury Trap below?). You'll learn to not love these people as many have. See election history? And do get the truth.

Method to the Madness?

Exposing the criminals here in this blog helps all victims faster and seriously helps RCMP save time and money? True? False? And as compared to what else doing better than this detailed blog. And with names and many crimes defined so fast? And this blog clearly far better than any other effort for decades in 891. True? False? Debate? Denial? Including better than pictures in a T-Shirt for T-Shirt day to support a cause? True? False? Debate? Denial?

And this multiple choice option below, in all fairness, gives so many a chance to defend against so many very dirty ugly rumours and criminal claims about them? And once and for ALL, they can protect their good honest and respected name - and even against statements by "protected witnesses" and under oath. And mine.

And they can even defend "why", and in exact detail, Tom Adair and 891 Executive, as so intellectually superior to hundreds of members that they can document dismissing, and ignoring 475 honest members votes for a full Forensic Audit? As documented.  Strange? You bet. Arrogance? Ignorance? Both?

This will take a few hours for a few days of Tom Adair's time for RCMP, Crown prosecution and Criminal Court Judges to buy in on Tom's highly educated logic and lies? And as criminals and those who document aid and abet: dismissing and ignoring 475 honest members and clearly many of those far more educated and experience and with far greater intellect and integrity than even Tom "Terrific" Adair. True? False? Deny? Debate? And done in all the slimes classic needlessly documented ignorance and arrogance.

This audit very key to getting inside the numbers of those who aid and abet women beaters and specifically in this case the "Children Cheaters". True? False?
Or what paper trials missing as per Conrad Black DIY 24/7 paper storage services.

I do trust RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Criminal Court Judges will all be very objective? And that all these criminals will be given a much more than fair chance to defend themselves or qualify whatever they want. Who cares what they babble now? Documents and witnesses out number them and oddly clearly more honest.

We do have a legal system that gives every break possible to both the innocent and the dirtiest of low life criminal slime? So many in executive and their thus friends will qualify.

However, having known BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mckay for over forty years as well as others named, and as former roommates, I know how quickly an educated Judge can be made seriously livid and irritated by even top defence lawyers and defendants attempts at very juvenile sophist rhetorical fallacies. What wordplay works under duress sadly with 891 members will not in Criminal Courts. True? False? Deny? Debate?

"And God said to Abraham..."

To point: John Lewis, as IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs, now has a son, as a new 891 member in Vancouver, and who now works with these criminal slime in Vancouver. And with aid and abet and highly unaccomplished or hardly executive experienced Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies, as new leaders and spokesmodels. The slime leading the slime. Crime after crime.

Both Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies as now key academy award winning figure heads in leading roles and playing and pretending as big shots in a very sick union tragedy. And both aiding and abetting criminals. Criminals who beat women to common thieves (5k+?). Some of those who pay their salary, support and vote for them? True? False? Debate? Denial?

But oddly Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies prior real honest experience, just prior to their brand new big titles, really prior just screwing small little screws and cutting light wood and if needed using a very long tape measure. Or as editing, as data entry clerks for less glorification and playing with Final Cut Pro editing software. And looking so very technical, but doing exactly as told? I taught editing? I studied editing theory and practical at Concordia university in Montreal, so will be easy for Paul to impress me, and not only with his superior legal and judicial skill set and helping women beaters and criminals protect their reputation, but now with his added award winning editing skills. And Paul Klassen's real education and real experience now to note. I was supervising editing of TV ads in Montreal and Vancouver in 1982. Not just academic studies? Also did tons of editing "supervision" in advertising. I had the P/L responsibility? I also had the academic baggage.

Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies? Two major cerebral lightweights and con men pretending or acting at best. Fooling only fools? Watch them deal with a few dozen key stacked questions by informed Media, MLAs, RCMP, Crown Prosecutors, Criminal Courts and a Provincial Inquiry and you'll respect and trust them as well. Then they can possibly answer my questions? And under oath. See below.

Would be very funny if RCMP investigators, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Court Judge all women? True? False? And all truth told.

While victims still suffer...

Both Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies still faking as honest "best choice" for 891(and not in absolute fact, a very rather limited "selected" choice in a highly corrupt executive and with a history of insanely corrupt non-democratic non proportional elections, and a hardly demographic filtered choice, and clearly needing key criminal reciprocal support?). And faking both "best of best" in 891. Plus as best for helping whole film industry? But criminals, clearly as documented and witnessed by hundreds, helped first. Get real? Mitch Davies had less than 400 votes out of 8,000 as core initial support on first ballot. A Forensic audit had 475 first ballot?

Both now pretending to industry, friends and family and all business contacts, no reciprocal criminal support helped them and they are both just so very clever and so loved, ethical, educated and experienced. Like Dusty Kelly misled family, friends and members. Even if based on so little truth? Or pretending that their cowardly political silence does not scream of being "insiders", and those who clearly aid and abet criminals. Big time. And certainly both help criminals, more than victims? True? False? And hardly helping far more than this blog, that they oddly don't support or don't wish to share?  And when even paid to help as per any Canadian executive with such fiduciary and civil liabilities? True? False? Debate? Denial?

Odd how they had zero problems with criminals named below? Clearly helping in corrupt and criminal internal trials as well documented. How come they fear members reading any critical free speech or this blog? See below. If my claims false very damaging to me they should share?  If true, who goes to jail? Who pays?

And Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies hurt so many others by their clear cowardly, lack of integrity, intellect and ethics. And lack of "meaningful" leadership. Hurting those far more honest, experienced, educated, intelligent and ethical, as such political savvy cowards. And liking being paid by proceeds of crime more than "real world" would pay such fakes and rubber stamp puppets.

And having big but gigantically misleading titles certainly an ego trip. Was for all past presidents oddly now sadly all fallen from grace and/or busted as sleaze by BCLRB rulings to members wake up? Will Mitch Davies go down farther and faster than other deceitful 891 presidents, when whole honest truth told? And absolutely neither helping cheated children and beaten women as much as this blog. Simply compare visible truth and documentation not their equivocating babbling banter.

In my union experience and all across Canada with Postal, Teachers, Hospital, Hospitality, Transport, I've never ever seen so many criminals and fakes in control. And with so much corrupt influence. And so many millions wasted. I'll elaborate more for RCMP. And under oath. And far more in a Forensic Provincial Inquiry. And as support for compensation for victims at direct criminal expense. Women and children compensated the goal post. And legally and ethically the end justifies the means.

One or two completed passes to a few MLAs and top RCMP interrogation experts and we'll have the football at "goal to go" and a first down and only a few minutes on the clock. I played a little football and had some promise. Or so thought Dr. Miller, Chief of Orthopedics Montreal General, Dr. Shannon, McGill Medical School and last and not least Dr. Percy, Doctor for the Montreal Alouettes? Like Mr. Lewis I know a few people in Montreal. Fortunately I could fall back on my real education when no US scholarship and at least be a requested speaker at McGill. True? False?

And as fact both Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies very pretend executives, just actors acting and dressing the part, and with absolutely no prior "real honest senior executive experience" and by simple comparison very little union depth. Little business depth. Little legal depth? Little financial depth. Compare both combined? Or depth in any matters of business to law. At all? Just faking it. Just helping women beaters and children cheaters as such pays off very well. True? False? And for many presidents of 891 not "rocking-the-boat for criminals" so very key to their election and limited duration? True? False? And not being honest and not "rocking-the-boat for criminals" and you go far fast? Do Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies hurt majority of honest members with their clear documented and demonstrated lack of integrity, intellect and ethics? True or false?

Yes, who else better to get these slime than me?

Consider for humour below: Would a carpenter without any real experience or related education be your first choice to manage a budget building a mansion or build a sailboat. This when a dog house or simple movie "two wall film set" often seems challenging (See budgets)? And friends for years with those who steal wood? Or with family who steal?

Would you let some well known crazy lady wallpaper your home with zero experience or run your computer system or lead an internal trial thinking her popularity, and member and criminal love and loyalty, and real respect would show off her intellect and integrity plus power, influence and brilliance to "Coerce and Intimidate"? Imagine a party and nobody came but your husband also under duress? Imagine a trial without ANY supporting witnesses. Such solidarity should be an example to many why squeal for a deal (See Transcripts).
And they thought I'd reschedule a tennis game to legitimize their 891 lies and legal imitations to intimidate myself and others coercion and intimidation has clever disguises? Who told me ignore these criminals and fools a BC Criminal Court Judge or the former acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC?

Would you let a lady who cleans paint brushes, but unable to even get or hold even a respected department head job, like many criminal slime, and with zero real business (Management, Marketing, Finance, Operations) or political or real new business experience, fly to China and Hollywood on your nickle? And claiming it as an 891 "New Business" or more alarming as an NDP "Political" imperative and expense priority (including pictures with Horgan and Dix)? And all at members expense and with near zero results other than pointless PR banter, and her expensive effort to get press pix riding coat tails. And this as better mastered at Hill and Knowlton and Burson-Marsteller. And still not very credible.

What will John Horgan do now?

What will John Horgan do with this women beaten and children cheated former funding support? His mother a single working mother? What will Dix say to explain his trip and date going to Hollywood to offer what film tax credit increase? And who exactly paid for the charade? Exactly? Who paid?

Will John Horgan support a full Provincial Inquiry so no connection or influence appears bought by bloody and dirty hands? What will he tell women, parents, seniors, union members cheated or simply all BC voters? Will Weaver demand it?

Please note the following with Gavin Craigs death:

My condolences to those who may have benefited from this person as per 891 Post:

"Gavin Craig, past President of 891 and past International VP of IATSE, will be warmly remembered by all those knew him. A warrior for the worker, with a mischievous sparkle, he could always be counted on to fajiggle something into place. We will miss you dearly, Gavin".

Sadly some were not so lucky with knowing this Gavin Craig and his integrity and efforts to " fajiggle something into place'. Some also wish to seriously differ and debate on "warrior for the worker" bit, say even compared to myself? This as based on RCMP files, faxes, email, internal trial transcripts and registered mail. I do remember him telling a few of us when he knew so very little about me, he was a "traditional unionist" as if I should be impressed. Or believe him? We both came from Montreal? He started when I was writing and directing ads in early 80's and after a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. He was a junior Grip. He later a senior Grip and won his one term presidency running against a screaming lunatic nutcase? Could it get any more obvious? True? False?

So sad that Don Gervais, Gary Marlatt, Clark Simcoe, Steve Pooley and others oddly and very sadly not given same posting and executive respect when they died? Why not?

We will be respectful (unlike slime when my father died), but truth will still be told.

And again hundreds of thousands of tax credit dollars further wasted yearly by ego on parade again? And with noted primary and secondary costs to blatant opportunity costs. Or to be more specific would any normal person let a very pathetic Grip, as former very failed and humiliated president, say like Gavin Craig who waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal and meetings so criminals and women beaters and children cheaters and John Brummitts brand new title and power, all best protected? And with added lies to RCMP about one honest member, and so his ego also protected. See RCMP files. As per Susan Butler Grey.

And he needs a member paid lawyer for internal trials "paid by members" to defend against members? With only Ken Anderson as the next president and master of intellect and integrity and also so trustworthy as per BC LRB rulings and registered mail traps make so very clear, and the sickness of "Bad Faith" fakes and liars in 891? A dynasty of despots? For decades. They oddly all needed protection from an honest man? True? False? Ken Anderson the stupidest of all 5 past presidents? True? False? Debate? Or Mitch Davies?

Again so point not missed: They oddly all needed protection from an honest man? And one certainly more educated and experienced? True or false? Be honest?

"Sticking up for Beaten Women"?

What was the "honest" problem these criminals had with me? Other than honesty and "sticking up for beaten women". At first? What else but? And as only much later fearing me more when finding out a bit more about me, and only after lies to RCMP? And why did they hate me not knowing my being more educated, experienced and accomplished than these criminal fakes, who pathetically play and pretend as so superior to women and dare judge so many others? If nothing else what can it really mean? Only later when playing with some spreadsheet functions was it clear how many children cheated by these liars and criminal slime.

Please have any who deny the above problem with me to put in writing and signed if anything else other than my obvious efforts trying to: expose women beaters and those who aid and abet?

Was my work and proven senior management skills not adequate compared to John Brummitt, Rob Maier, Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Tom Adair, Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen? And even Dust Kelly? Can we see their full "honest" resumes and compare and see if just fakes and liars and if BCLRB documented rulings on "Coercion and Intimidation" and "Bad Faith" have more than singular merit?

Also get all my past supervisors to list all my mistakes and dishonesty. And have them ALL sign it. Should be so easy to do? Why did I have zero problems with oddly any supervisors or management as per my work quality and charming personality, or non-union management, in 891 and so many other film and TV unions all across Canada from Trailer Park Boys in the East, French comedies, CBC, Toronto, to ACFC on Vancouver Island? And oddly my  ONLY problem ever with criminals and fakes who aid and abet women beaters and children cheaters oddly just in 891 in Vancouver? Odd? Ya' think? Why do I have Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa but couldn't see the books of 891?

An honest man has membership efforts blocked to internal trials in pathetic efforts to again "Coerce and Intimidate" as per BCLRB rulings. But no problems for those who aid and abet woman beaters and children cheaters? How odd how 891 really and honestly really works? True? False? Debate? Deny?

Because I dared speakout about women beaters? Or what else? Really, what else?Really what else was my crime? Really? Honestly? My honesty? Seems some new improved lies needed by slime and fast? Very fast.

I dared speakout about women beaters?

And so many so sadly delusional with their big new titles, as the peak of their deceptive lives and deceptive go nowhere fast careers and dare judge others. Losers? Liars?  Fact check?

Do they really all think they can ALL manage ALL the dozens of lies needed to fool RCMP, Crown Prosecution and a Criminal Court Judge for a legal hatrick as rookies (See Perjury Trap below)?

The RCMP are not 891 foolish or mislead members who have to kiss ass the executive, and normalize "Coercion and Intimidation" and "Bad Faith" as per BCLRB rulings, for fear of career and economic consequences as proven dozens of times.

And I doubt RCMP would sell their souls for a pathetic little local union title (or contract work?) and to be "unfairly" paid more than military, police, teachers and nurses. And yes, these criminals paid more than police. And travel. Yes, kind of sick. And gets even sicker. Read on.

Oddly, seems very clear, one more experienced, easily more honest and obviously more intelligent, and with very specific academic credentials, accomplishments, simply not welcome in the dirty filthy ignorant criminal elite of fakes, fools and felons and embraced by 891 executive's criminal elite.

Showcasing the likes of John Brummitt, Ken Anderson, Tom Adair and Don Ramsden and a history of far less than heroes to working people. Why else could these class acts hate me? Makes a very valid point? Not sleazy or ignorant enough? True? False? Yes, odd how slime, fakes and criminals hate me? And their type sadly has hated me since grade school. See below. As such I suffer the highly honourable, accomplished  and historic friends I have. True? False?

What did I learn from Conservative Party and US Republican Pollster Allan Gregg when both helping Joe Clark in 1976? And from my roommate Dr. Morgan and his doctorate in political science on international election factors? Dr. Morgan and BC Criminal Court Judge my roomates when working with IBM (US) at EXPO '86. And after reporting directly to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada? Ya' think in an honest "truth all told" election I could have been a bit better president for women and honest workers than Don Ramsden? Gavin Craig? Ken Anderson? Elmar Thiessen? Mitch Davies? And beat all five? Truth all told? Be honest. How expensive and how stupid and how criminal the cost for these cowards, criminals, liars and fakes running 891?
Why is 891 both a financial and ethical mess? Even the PR efforts absurd.

This all also as so well documented and witnessed by those more senior. Specifically educated. And with no debate "higher ethics"? Why do they fear an honest intelligent man as documented for decades? True? False? Debate? Deny? Why?

I was told when applying to IATSE 891 to "dumb-down" and not to mention anything more than a high school education and labour work? This to get labour work in 891. Fraud for frauds? This as to get medical benefits "faster" as a member (absurd and unfair) and soon exploiting far more disgusting abusive hour bank that cheats majority of members and foolishly trusting their 891 executive and not doing the math. I also took physical labour as no ego issues and had to build muscles for tennis as well known and witnessed. I got medical fast. Children didn't.

Their own brothers and sisters cheated by those they should trust. That's who they cheated. Ask John Lewis to do the math and actuarial implications? We did. This is more sick and ugly than it appears. And will be fully detailed for a Provincial Inquiry. Children often the tragic victims with women.

Should be easy for both Paul Klassen and Mitch  Davies to defend with their "honest" amazing depth, skill, experience, education and such solid executive know-how and critical documented executive judgement, or lack thereof - and this as to best defend all the criminals they work with and loyally for, to RCMP?

Compare carefully the very many key differences between these two criminal fakes and those like myself or of the literal hundreds of blatantly honest 475 members clearly wanting a full forensic audit. And as also very well documented, and making an honest effort to expose criminal frauds, women beaters and children cheaters - like here in this blog. And compare to those who don't help? Or fake it?

Helping women be and actually also feel "Safer" is a bit more meaningful than a selected fitted T shirt, supporting women for one day. Naming names much more proven? Punks pretending they are politically savvy? Compare. Judge for yourself both Paul Klassen and Mitch  Davies, as RCMP, Crown Prosecution, Courts, MLAs and Media soon all will.  And must.

My people and friends (See Below or Above) oddly do not protect or respect criminals, women beaters and children cheaters, or those cowards who aid and abet in clear cowardly silence like others, all fearing upsetting their key career criminal political support. And fear not getting the big Keep-Your-Mouth-Shut Proceeds of Crime pay and perks like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair. As documented.

The slime middle minds must seriously believe with their huge egos and huge titles and giant intellect and depth, they can fool RCMP and Crown Prosecution, and Criminal Courts and none of their dozens of lies will ever be exposed? Ever? Good luck to all slime. And their aid and abet friends. After two or three plead guilty the domino effect happens fast?

This all well documented. I documented this criminal and corrupt culture of women beaters to children cheaters starting in mid nineties just before X-Files left and also ignored by Gavin Craig and his so very honest executive, and every cowardly grossly incompetent president since. History matters. And those that aid and abet.

I've also made note of history before me and those cheated since "Bird on a Wire" in 80's. Yes, decades of criminal influence and control. And oddly those victims from then oddly also from Montreal and known to my forty year plus legal friends. Kind of cute when you screw the brother-in-law and a buddy of one of the top legal minds in Canada? More cute when family of a top forensic shrink also a victim? Might be handy for a real shrink to add notes about women beaters, children cheaters, narcissists lack of remorse, cognitive dissonance, bipolar disorders, anger management, small man complex, misogynists, pathological liars? And those who follow and support them.

Now watch them ALL lie.

But thanks to Susan Butler Grey as Burnaby RCMP informed me, my fax-files with RCMP. West Van RCMP even more helpful and also no fools. So everything well documented. Now watch them lie.

But odd how when my faxes got far more aggressive and very pointed and revealing names, the slime didn't bother RCMP anymore about me? And then they started to research a bit about me and the real cowards ran? How very odd? Obstruction on steroids? What did they fear to clearly be trapped in matters of clear criminal obstruction. They call RCMP on me when I'm far more polite, but run like little creepy cowards when I get more aggressive and detailed as documented. I even requested more RCMP involvement to tease. And clearly still do. They ignore me now when once also so full of themselves to dare lecture me and thinking a normal generic no-name lawyer could intimidate me and once daring debate and denial, and even using threatening silent phone calls and other silly forms of entrapment? Idiots? You bet. Actually one of their lawyers helpful by telling me what she wouldn't answer or address honestly? Very professional. Very helpful?

This when these fakes can't or won't help make a better and safer workplace for women and honest workers, I tried to change the system from within, as also very well documented and witnessed, but as Leonard Cohen says:

"They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom,
Trying to change the system from within."

And later with more investigation and doing linear regressions, and seeing how children and honest workers cheated, and all BC taxpayers cheated, plus local businesses, I then also tried to help children. And not be further cheated as well as women. Why I got 475 votes.

When I first saw picture of Dusty Kelly with Adrian Dix (As the man who would be King and the lady who would then fake as pathetic Princess of Pictures for whole film industry), I knew I had to return to BC from my very sweet life in Ottawa and my Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC, plus fun film work and to return to work from Victoria on this matter. Was having a blast with French Comedy and other projects and with world class productions at half the cost? Shall we academically compare production values and budgets across Canada as was key in advertising and Hollywood North budgets to Toronto-Montreal corridor? Even Ottawa now also world class?

Sick when children cheated of thousands in life insurance and medical, that the criminal elite (and their own psychologically high risk children by their role model parents crime and corruption) do enjoy. Not enjoying honest role models as parents we see many signs?  Criminal parents do have criminal kids sometimes, or with similar problems with substance abuse as their fathers or self image with their less than honourable manipulating control-freak mothers? True? False? Debate?

And yet executive cowardly wordy slime, with their well known and noted cowardly silence, they help criminals get even further enriched. True? False? Debate? And so very well and so very long and by tax credit fraud and theft. Win-win? Seems criminals win and executive and Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies win? Both win? True? False? Victims all screwed. True? False?

Would you want your daughter dating or involved with integrity of Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies when you get the whole truth and nothing but? Will they both be blacklisted from every union in Canada, when truth all told and careers do a U-turn like so many others also once Gods? Both should do very well in honest independent non-union film making with their exceptional experienced and education. And their ethics and executive depth and dishonesty fully exposed.

Days prior to starting in 891 union local, I worked with the international partners at SRK Engineering at Head office in Vancouver and with executive/director liability and pointless disclaimers, due diligence and standard of care stuff. And direct liability where no corporate shield? Many lawyers involved. Many opinion. And what courts really demand of Executives of Natural Resource Giants, oddly this just before discovering IATSE 891 and their honest and classy executive? How handy?  And in Environmental Law? More on Paint Department integrity and ethics below. Who put paint all over a Squamish mountain and Red Dessert paint all over ground on X-Files when cheaper to do in post, and with no honest real reclamation as per environmental law? Funny so few in Canada know this stuff? See Environmental law and director's liability below. See exactly how stupid the stupid below. Plus other environmental issues in national parks ideal for review in a Provincial Inquiry and for making major changes and jail for many criminally charged. Green MLAs must support this gem?


At this point it should be very obvious why another full and forensic and economic and Provincial Inquiry on Film Industry, both clearly needed fast plus long overdue and with much more to consider.

In addition, enough here to save RCMP and CRA time and big money with names, pictures and even office phone numbers. And to objectively determine the amount of criminal charges worthy of Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts.

For media this story has more meat and audience appeal from Hollywood celebrities to political and business issues than most news stories and serious and honest public interest. Certainly for women.

And if 8,000 members with a warm network of friends and family estimated in marketing and media @ 100-250, a conservative estimate of 800,000 talk potential audience reach reasonable. And from just this audience segment alone.

Now add the 30% of Canadians in unions and union interest across Canada. Even by management? Now add those who like tabloid factors from Hollywood Celebrity tid bits to those in every political party and riding this also impacts. And with other Production regions like Maritimes, Quebec and Ottawa/Toronto as major production centers. And Winnipeg to Calgary has also certainly proven more than capable of world class productions as well. Not simply Vancouver.

Further media should consider the clear added academic and legal interest this story carries from Labour Reform of a two tier legal system most legal scholars feel needing review. Transparency and Accountability any time BC taxpayers money used or abused or in any public trust including churches to unions (Some oversight on churches a given as per recent Vatican factors and hate groups)? This as such a very big media story?

Good News?

The good news the following reading can all be ignored by most readers and only needs to be read by Criminal Defence Lawyers working for the criminals named. And the legal superstars like Mr. lewis working in IATSE and from Osgoode. And protecting honest IATSE members?

Most of the criminals will miss the very fun and playful legal nuances below and best their lawyers explain as certainly over most of their heads and IQ. This so more obvious for criminals to quickly squeal for a deal or plead guilty and no contest for reduced sentence, penalties, fines and seizures of proceeds of crime.

Or ignore their very own high paid lawyers and add more lies and spend more money digging a deeper and bigger hole. And increasing risk. They will  need 100% solidarity in the lies with all named or look very stupid and even more guilty? Their choice. True? False?


Heroes: All that you need to do - as you've mostly done most by simply reading this far and being more informed - the only need is now for honest readers and MLAs, as possible classy BC heroes, is simple support for a Provincial Inquiry to help women, children and honest workers, industry and all BC.

Honest people, Media, MLAs, CRA and RCMP can  ignore below as I'll have other points to make to many privately. Much more to add to those named. This only the tip of the criminal iceberg.

"Democracy rests on the theory that you can trust people.” David Frum


For all the Criminal's Lawyers, key points below: 

Golden Years not so Golden?

Time to take away the stolen gold from criminals in their Golden Years. "Seizure before judgement" like trading into a Public Company not really as complicated as some lawyers and accountants pretend or even new to some of us. Just forms to fill out.

As some in 891 know I can have a company piggyback on a dormant public company and increase share value before lunch? True? False? And even do incorporations and tax planning and filing for many members to help members save money. This fact. ? Fact Check? See also my experience with "Seizure before Judgement" Below? No big trick, just be honest and present solid supporting evidence. That easy. And to misquote former tennis buddy and Toronto Maple Leaf hockey legend and record holder Ian Turnbull (Also from Montreal),"They thought I couldn't get goals fast enough"? Or another from high school days who had Federal Law changed when daughter raped and murdered also motivating. Michael Manning is the man who convinced Canada's parliament to pass a law giving police the right to test every suspect's DNA upon arrest. I spent a few hours with Mike in Montreal to see if he could help me get more than Ron Basford, Senator Grafstein, Senator Fitzpatrick, Senator Massicotte, and John Turner on side when seeing picture of Dusty Kelly with Adrian Dix. Could have canoed over to Jean Chretien's cottage when at the lake? My mother was his babysitter and his sisters best friend. Maybe have Mike say a few words on why laws need change at Provincial inquiry and why Labour Code Reform delay also absurd to better protect women and honest workers.

However, to continue to point, (with some colour commentary now addressed to make my claims have both some background and possibly worthy of curiosity or review) and as per nepotism and cronyism:

As the son of John Lewis, IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs, and as his son, now a brand new IATSE 891 member, his son possibly or probably was given the "Royal" treatment? And by every major brown nose and kiss ass Department Head, and all in the Executive possibly also trying to fool John Lewis and Son.

Trying to fool both young and older Lewis that they are not the lowest life criminal scum and frauds in 891 and aid and abetting women beaters and thieves who do well for decades? Or paying for Dusty Kelly anything she wants fearing she'd turn on them? Her career also now a joke with music unions now suffering her endless deceit and real documented incompetence and lack of meaningful education and experience.

To quote another Montrealer from April Wine and from same group of friends as top labour lawyer at Stikeman Elliott in Toronto: "Rock and Roll is a vicious game". Yes, some of the guys I know got successful even if not a well as the women? As such when this mushrooms all lawyers will be watched by many lawyers across Canada and from my volunteer work with LAC and those who also know my old roommate and Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay or other old friend and former UBC acting law faculty chair Dr. J. Fudge. So everyone should be on their honest and best behaviour. We've raised the bar before. Excuse The pun.

Why didn't the BC Federation of Labour beg Dusty Kelly to help them more? Were they sad to see her go? Have the slime told the whole truth to John Lewis? Was his son also given "fast tracked" status BS, like so many with friends as criminals in the elite? Cheating literally honest hundreds "playing by the honest rules", and not suffering illusion above the law. "Home rule"?

Canadian Labour Congress - Congrès du travail du Canada

Health services ought not to have a price tag on them.” –Tommy Douglas.

And we pride ourselves as Canadians based on our fair medical single payer support?

However, see the 891 hour bank Shell game and Ponzi scheme and how the 891 hour bank calculates with giving criminals another big free ride. Again criminals hidden in the crowd of honest talented people as cover, others also not questioning those in positions of trust - and liability. This again at honest follow-the-rules members expense. And  not getting the big hours and deal memo fair and honest calculation? It would make  Tommy Douglas sick. And a medical to life insurance feed that would make Donald Trump and AIG envious. What is self enriching slime and enriching criminal elite? I made this clear as early as 1994? The slime so smart they still ignore? My proof first hand? True or False?

Why not all benefits for all members if the "economics" good enough to expand membership and "dues" from all members? Connect the dots? A Judge might.

Everything corrupted with fraud from day one: "prior to membership", membership, seniority, pay scale, qualification to hour bank. Fakes faking they can judge others everywhere. I know first hand. True? False?

To make it with criminal elite you need a full bottle of Cognitive Dissonance, without remorse, plus sell your soul, and leave most intellect and all integrity at the door. True? False? Certainly too true, too often by too many. Even those with only grade school math skills in criminal executive must have known something stinks and the dice so loaded? So often.

These sad young people below believing they got lucky as new members hardly know the honest truth? True? False? Seem excited and happy? Do they understand how unfair "Hour Bank"? And why it would make Tommy Douglas vomit?

If we can laugh at and ignore Don Ramsden as another big shot 891 President and his "edict" and Papal Infallibility to block my membership, as another cowardly and creepy sample case of abuse of position, once again, as with others not criminal-friendly. And because I don't worship and respect women beaters? Plus in tandem also, I can make a major monkey out of John Brummitt, what can it mean? John Brummitt as a very deceitful Department Chair, also desperate to block me, as documented and witnessed. And both soon very humiliated with their big shot titles, by my simply "appealing" by registered mail to a far more honest and intelligent 891 executive (when there was one?) and it appears able to steamroll my membership past both major criminal morons as approved and when both president of 891 and Department Chair. True? False? Based on honesty and formal logic and some tiny legal reference?

And yes, so sad others before and after me have to suffer this criminal self-serving stupid BS and criminally fraudulent games on non-union members (thus ultra vires Labour Board on two counts: Not union members as only "permits". Criminal acts. Contractual fraud applies prior to membership. Not unfair "Fair Representation" LRB wrist slapping BS) As Mr. Lewis knows this a very important legal point. The morons didn't.

I also proved departmental chairperson a joke to dare judge anyone like John Brummitt to Paul Klassen did when so ignorant and arrogant. Time for those who judge to be judged? More odd when both fakes, both have neither qualifications, skill, education, intellect or integrity to do so. True? False? Courts as a rule don't like those far less qualified, qualifying those more qualified?

The very ignorant slime did not know that I had done appeals alone to CRTC across the river from Ottawa, when highly paid by Labatt and about my other successful appeals in criminal and civil courts plus Veterans Affairs and with CRA. And when helping others for free? Sometimes I rock the boat softly? As a note on CRTC appeal Dr. Fudge's husband with me. Dr. Macfarlane has also has seen me deal with lawyers in Winnipeg. Also successfully? As clinically dyslexic writing not my strong point. Even if asked to write for two prime ministers and recognized in Hollywood by two awards and NYC two different times.

Now  "again" I help beaten women and children cheated? And once again can humiliate both Don Ramsden and essential brown nose sidekick toothless puppy kicking and porn loving John Brummitt, and now expose all their criminal relations and dog loyal dumb aid and abet support. Sad for others who would not appeal and cheated of thousands of dollars in 891. Thousands cheated? And of thousands of dollars.  Seniority was all based on stupid rules and bylaws authored and enforced by criminals, liars, frauds and fakes and when liability to quote Don Ramsden from old printed newsletter in the "millions and millions" seniority oddly disappeared and soon after the money. Where did all the money go? Not all on trips with Dix I hope?

We will most certainly compare directly John Lewis' son's treatment by 891 executive slime to others. Those who sadly played by the meaningless rules so "selectively enforced and interpreted" by criminals, liars and fakes.

Yet the ignorant criminals amazingly didn't understand exactly why my appeal successful and so very "precedent setting" and what is the appearance of natural justice or deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment bit here to prove fraud? Now their liability to the literal hundreds cheated as trusting victims following like fools published plastic rules, now in the millions of dollars. Only fair?

Why did they have to screw so many members out of seniority and thousands of dollars that seniority earned and represents? The real truth? Time for a Provincial Inquiry? Funny how they couldn't screw me but sadly thousands of others? True? False? Deny? Defend? Debate? And under oath?

Yes, John Lewis' son was probably not beaten up while pregnant like one lady. How many sleaze and cowards in Construction department beating up women? How many in pre production reported for sexual harassment? Big Giant Hint? Maybe more than one big shot and other small abusive men? How odd? How many documented as harassing women, feeling so safe in their 891 positions and with big shot titles, or as department heads and/or having friends in criminal elite. And having something on the President?

And to help readers, as pretext, I'm absolutely a major Troublemaker and Whistleblower and not a Victim other than to bait and entrap criminals. I won my appeal and big pay and easy work honestly and fast? And made fools of fakes and liars. Sadly, as thousands suffered. True? False?

I made "honestly" with my special unique honest real computer and real business skills more than 90% of 891 members, plus including special rate deal memo plus luxury car rental. And some excutive parking when union disgusted management when union tried to bully management into being fired? Fact check. Executive parking. Some Producers liked how I stood up to fakes, slime and criminals. Legally still a victim? This also as very well documented and witnessed for years in film industry. Working less than six hour days. Makes a point. And how many producers from Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin to Spelling and Disney didn't trust me? Or complained about my pay, performance or presence? Or my strange work? This the same as prior to IATSE. Not getting $300 for a half page of 30 sec. radio copy, but still doing better than majority of 891 members. Sadly, so many members I could have also easily helped not be cheated, for decades if honest elections? True? False? Federal Liberals or Fortune 500 never ever debating my billout rate "higher than medical doctors" and results. And pretty cool about limousines? Fact check? Even Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada nor Labatt or 7-Eleven Harvard MBAs and Accountants ever questioning. Nor my expense account? I am not a victim. Others sadly are. See below. I have had to handle bigger, tougher, from bikers to lawyers and even bankers back East. I learned much in Montreal.

Yes, been rocking the boat in the "honest world" for most of my life, and with those of far higher intellect than in 891, and this is exactly why I reported directly to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada. I pissed off and insulted senior law firm partners? And exactly why I ended up on the Board of Directors of a Public Company  reporting only to COB Bill Grant, former New West PC candidate.  I pissed off and insulted a divisional president and board members?

Why did others on Howe Street like me like those financing Lion's Gate? Or fear me? Just compare those who like me to those who don't. Makes a point. Or who I like and who I don't. And why was I asked to work at the senior most level for the biggest and best ad agencies in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.  I pissed off and insulted a few there as media experts, also faking they knew what they were babbling about. I can talk numbers? Others must fake.

And why was I invited to help two Prime Ministers write messages? But oddly not helping three generation long time Shawinigan family friend Jean Chrétien? My mother was his babysiter with his sister her best Friend. My grandfather helped Chrétien family from before Jean was born. Odd I didn't help him. Nor asked his help and his cottage just a few cottages down? Guess helping IBM(US) and 7-Eleven (US) was more attractive at the time? May have to ask him for reference and explain why Sen. Graftein, Sen. Fitzpatrick and Ron Basford liked my work? And 891 executive didn't.

Anyone know who first helped Jim Pattison with his first car loan and flip? Anyone want to know who rocked the boat on baseball in Vancouver?  Seems to some Jim likes me even if we differ on many things? Not as much as my sister who got a tiny boat ride and later visited "The X-Files" using her married name? In her family Gillian Anderson far more than a Hollywood star? And the slime was identified. More on this for Provincial Inquiry.

This not about me as victim, I've been very very lucky in life. Always had fun? And often paid extremely well. And working with scholars and real honest brains?  Fact check? This should be clear. Worked with the best of people in many unions and in non-union work. And all across Canada. Also know fakes and sleaze when I meet one. Anyone want to compare lives? I am not a victim but sadly thousands are. Women and children. That is what this blog is about: women as beaten. Children as cheated. Don't be confused. And we have to help them. As cowards and political slime won't. True? False?

I'm a troublemaker since grade school standing up to bullies for others. Bets? I only name drop to make a point here. Literally for decades most if not all in 891 executive and even long time friends knew very little about me. I didn't need to brag. But here it helps make a point on who am I to judge to now judge the slime who dare judge others? Fact most know more about the very little the 891 executive has done and posting and bragging about themselves like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair and others, than about me. True? False?

I didn't pay CBC or CTV to film me joking with Justin's Dad walking from Parliament buildings to Press Building like Dusty did for pictures with Horgan and Dix. Nor did I use it in 891 elections or even mentioned with other Federal Liberals and Conservatives in my life. Fact check?

I do have a long history prior to IATSE 891 of (even again while very well paid) still standing up for others against bullies, cowards and liars. This as per RCMP files in 1973 with Hotels in Banff, on railways in '72 (CP) and '74 (CN). Farm workers in Ontario '69 with Labour Relations, and with CUPE in Montreal as Grievance Coordinator. I think I've made my point? Seems I help others.

May even have real union depth others in 891 must fake. Facts don't lie. Even helped lawyers in BC with volunteer work for LAC? How many in 891 did I help for free learn computers, do their taxes, incorporate, set up self administered RSPs - and get them a broker, and make money on Debeers cross, show how PMI management works, and personally cashed their paychecks so not exploited by payday loans. Say compared to any in 891 executive? Any in executive? And when not paid to help others? Compare real facts. Review all fakes.

Some of us really have do have very honest depth, experience and education, intellect and integrity and some in 891 criminal elite clearly just highly very overpaid fakes, liars, women beaters and children cheaters. True? False?

Thought it funny no one at the X-Files wondering why I was staying at the Calgary Polo Club and using John Turner's cottage. The low life thought Rob Maier a somebody? Some people certainly like me and certainly women beaters and children cheaters, fakes, liars, bullies and frauds certainly don't like me. Possibly the 475 who voted for me to get a full forensic audit might like me as well?

Some like me?

I played stupid for a few years, and the few who knew me in 891 kept silent and the criminals thought me  just some computer nerd for a decade or more. As funny and easy going, they saw it as a sign of weakness. I guess uneducated slime brainwashed watching too many teenage movie dramas? And they postured and pretended they were my superiors? Faking Alpha leaders of men. Such a sad joke? Facts don't lie? And they so liked believing themselves superior and fit to dare judge others, so I played them? Including Paul Klassen and internal trial as documented.. And played them well. How I found out so much about the level of crime. Why I can do this now.

Reality? If the criminals and fakes knew I had worked for a detective agency owned by a top Montreal Lawyer (Stanley Hart "The Brains Behind Mulroney") plus worked for an award winning "investigative" CBC journalist and Producer (Terence Mckenna) plus reporting "directly" to a former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and a top Vancouver Law firm as my great paying clients. Or that my long time friends a criminal lawyer and soon to be a BC Criminal Court Judge (Russ McKay) plus add the acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC (Dr. J. Fudge "Labour") another long term buddy, do you think these sick, sad, pathetic, ignorant low life losers and women beating and children cheating slime with big titles, would have been so very very stupid and document so much abuse for me? I think not?

I don't think I could have found out as much about these sleazy criminals and crimes had they known more about me? Having my cousin at St. Paul's as one of Canada's top forensic psychiatrists (Dr. M. Tremblay) also was helpful as per my discussions with her about John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig and Rob Maier and their groups or gangs lies to RCMP - possibly priceless?

And for historical reference when in Hotel dispute in '73 was extremely highly paid for just a summer student (more than a department head in 891. And less than the criminals in 891), but had to use my rock the boat skills to help others even in '73. For free. And did.  I could not be bought?

Can I see John Brummitt's, Mitch Davies', Tom Adair's, Dusty Kelly's, Gavin Craig's, Ken Anderson's real resume or CV to compare depth and character and their history of honestly helping others. Or as PR BS "heroes for the working(person)"?  For free?

Some think this a personal issue with Brian Mulroney. Some think about a personal issue with John Brummitt.

And for much more fun we should also compare their "honest" charitable and volunteer acts helping or protecting others (and when not on payroll with a big bogus title, or as disgusting self-promotion, and not just doing personal PR at members expense, as excessively documented) with my few decades?

We will most definitely compare my charitable and community efforts as well. And no pathetic PR pix ever needed. Or requested. Yes, my volunteer and charitable work also dwarfs all these fakes and liars. And my references from Senators (3) to clergy (3). And many classy and highly accomplished women? Including one super lady in inner circle with the Montreal guy considered for Pope. My Jewish friends and clients also of note. Compare?

Getting too obvious what frauds, fakes and criminals those slime are who all have supported women beaters, for their tiny position and big title and big piece of political "proceeds of crime" and thus added piece of political pie?

Denials under oath ALL so warmly welcome. And ideally in full locked legendary solidarity. This as to best support claims of aid and abet to conspiracy and collusion claims? Or solo rogue defending efforts also welcome, as even more fun. Like with insane internal trials? Those who do go solo with far less legal exposure are most likely to squeal for a deal? True? False?

Criminal defence lawyers reading this blog, consider the thousands in billable hours this slime provides you in just researching enough to at best give nothing more than an educated opinion? And one that may differ with other lawyers, judges and legal scholars. As happens 50% of the time in criminal trials.

Mr. Lewis, as IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs, better have a very long serious talk with many of the criminals and cowardly ignorant slime, in his loyal local IATSE 891, as named and pictured above and below. Whether he helps criminals or not when given a month or two to do his own research and standard of care fiduciary bit, will clearly define him as a hero to working people, beaten women and cheated children. Or a hero to criminal slime. His choice. His career and reputation at risk.

Those hurting the IATSE 891 brand name should be exposed and made accountable and criminally charged. Not just women, children and all honest 891 workers hurt here. And then Mr. Lewis can make his own "honest" and "educated"  and most honourable legal and "best business" judgement, on efficacy and integrity in this pending and soon mushrooming matter. And best before community to courts do? And not leaving IATSE needlessly nationally embarrassed and now suspect nationally. And as not cleaning their ugliest local up in Vancouver . Hoping, I guess publicity and pathetic PR can cover them, and protect their bogus driven image with BC Government, Federal Government, Investors and all stakeholders. A bit of a risk? But no one ever seriously claimed any of  the slime in executive and criminal elite very bright? True? False?

And do hope Mr. Lewis has the guts to put in writing for the record, and for that transparency, accountability stuff, his "honest" support: is not for women beaters and children cheaters as named. Or is? We hope for some intellect, ethics and integrity from Mr. Lewis, but not worried if not. See why below.


First Key Point: For maximum efficacy, and to best reduce cost and time for RCMP (and Mr. Lewis), this blog designed to be simply printed out, and for those named as slime or criminals below, to just simply mark, check or highlight in colour of choice, absolutely "anything" that either they alone or in locked solidarity will dare deny to RCMP and under oath, this to then debate as per laws of obstruction and this very criminal investigation. 

This blog a very simple easy-to-use checklist for denial? 

This or any sworn affidavit under oath daring denial will also be warmly received and immediately be respond to. And very very honestly. And as to help all from RCMP, and lawyers, and as to best focus our claims and first criminal charges. Handy? Helpful? And as strongest denials always best initially address. Defines the futility of more denial.  Fast. Simple. Effective? Saves RCMP money and time. True? False? Helps even Mr. Lewis when talking to criminals and honest members. We all want to save the RCMP time and money. Don't we? Handy how the RCMP can just print this blog and staple to a file? Handy for CRA?

Helps some easily reference and put in writing under oath, for denial as just simply defending their good honest family names. Easy for non-criminals to be honest. Or for slime, it can further document more lies and deception and further obstruction and aid and abetting? Too easy? 

Just need to know what criminal slime and 891 present executive dare deny if anything? Or not deny for added speed. 

This is about exposing women beaters and/or children cheaters, millions in tax credit fraud enriching a criminal elite for decades. This while honest workers needlessly cheated and abused by this reckless, ignorant, cowardly slime. And very key is to get compensation direct from these exact dishonest slime and criminals for honest victims. Starting with women and children.

Am I lying? Yes, am I lying? RCMP will have to question me for hours or days for full story, so any lies I make under oath should be discovered pretty easy or possibly the RCMP may find me like hundreds of 891 members and the former Attorney General, and other RCMP very honest? Ya' think? May help me remember other criminal matters as well. And so easy with 891 criminals lies and those clearly who aid and abet. And as very obvious, and with witnesses and documents.

Clearly this blog making (when distributed among members) a far safer more honest workplace for women and all honest workers than a picture of an 891 executive wearing a T-Shirt for the days pathetic insulting PR posturing? True? False? And a T-Shirt as documented, that never really helped anyone much? True or False? Too obvious? I think this blog far more effective, specific and detailed with compassion and charity starting in the "home rule"? This blog will certainly keep issues top of mind so helping women and children just doing this blog and with so few page views? See Google Analytics on page views below?

My Very Clear Published Claim

My clear published claim, is all these
criminal claims, as made by myself, here below in this blog, are real and "honest"! All counterclaims really as fact (and for bait and trap), require far more lies? This I will swear under oath?

Yes, the criminal slime groups will diminish, deny, divert, use deceitful omissions, equivocation and qualification for their classic deceitful sophist wordplay. Well, when not under oath, as well expected. And be a bit more careful under oath. As planned for? And they will need even more and more lies to support other lies. We may help them tell more lies? And under oath? See "Perjury Trap" tool below.

We will, to be fair, and also kind of fun, offer a few very fast ways for those who are "possibly" honest and not criminals "at all", or not clearly aid and abetting criminals, to so very very quickly clear their good family names. As they should desire? Ya' think? We are nice people and far more objective? And as a big plus for these tigers who change stripes, they can also so easily sue me for blatant defamation and far more below. We wanted to be a very easy target if any honest enough? Well, if what I state and publish not 100% true? Any want to play in real courts?

Any want to play in real courts? 

This should be more attractive than silly 891 internal trials, so why is judicial super brain and due diligence master Paul Klassen so very comparatively slow as a snail and once as such a speedy judicial whiz kid and once so very fast with internal trials when judge, and not judged? How odd? Fear his lack of education and real executive experience, makes him a serious human joke now with his helping criminals so easily documented and how he dares judging others more honest, more educated, more experienced and with far more integrity and intellect? True? False?  Not knowing who he is being puppeted by to judge, I can only guess? Not having any facts as per "WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT" bit, I guess Paul Klassen missed a few key facts only such a moron could? See Transcript. Odd Paul Klassen, not so keen to be fully judged in real courts by real police by real honest members and appears he better likes pretending he has some divine legal right or executive competency, meaningful experience and education to do so? Who got idiot puppets Paul Klassen and Tom Adair to stick their necks so far out so very far and document themselves aid and abetting criminals and hurting my honest reputation? And as compared to theirs? Sport of sad really. Their biggest claim to fame not making clear what fakes and frauds they all are and helping women beaters and children cheaters. Funny how no one wondered why girlfriends and dates such highly accomplished women from Chatelaine 100 to owning restaurant chains and successful businesses and with far more money and accomplishment than any in 891 executive or any department heads. Male or female. None wondered why actresses knew me?

Well, if what I say not true, and as also not very newsworthy, and not in the public good, as per coming provincial elections, many should just sue me. Get me cleaning roads of garbage as I suggest many of them should? Get RCMP to charge me with even public mischief or nuisance stuff as easy and fast. We wanted to be very accommodating? Well, if not fearing jail time after talking to a top very expensive criminal lawyer. They really should do something rather than let others assume it suggest in a state of either fear of jail and assets all seized as proceeds of crime, or blind denial? (See wrongful prosecution below)

I "Publish at my Peril" as they say at the top law schools? We made it so very easy to sue me, if anything not honest in my published claims below. Too easy? Why?

"Evidence is Everything!" 

Plus, these honest criminal claims made here, are based on solid fact: Documentation, RCMP and Law Firm legal files (Criminal, Civil and even Labour with LRB documented rulings. See below), internal documents, emails and protected witnesses.  Plus for icing on the cake 475 honest members voting for a forensic audit. As documented.

Should we ask why the hundreds of members "exactly" why they wanted a forensic audit - and as protected witnesses? Crown Prosecutors should be very amused by any expensive defence efforts even at this point? And it gets worse. Criminal Defence lawyers should make a killing at best efforts reducing jail time. Is it worth $20,000.00 to pay a lawyer to reduce community or road work sentence?  Should members pay for legal via another cliche' ponzi scheme and shell game on trusting members?

We all want these criminal defendants to have the very best and the most expensive lawyers "their" money can possibly buy. Don't we? We do. We, however, do not want honest members money used for criminal's criminal defence lawyers. Will John Lewis think that clever?

And do add to above evidence, hundreds of hours of review and analysis with various lawyers from various Vancouver firms, a BC Criminal Court Judge, a former Oxford/Osgoode acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC (and prof at Osgoode where John Lewis got his legal skills?) and a national award winning CBC investigative journalist. Prep. Baby steps, I admit it, but I needed coaching? And in a very tiny way, all this oddly helped by my own studies in microeconomics to logic and undergraduate law. And my now very handy studies in formal logic, rhetorical fallacies, statutory interpretation and linguistics as to again fully crucify lying cowardly criminals, women beaters and children cheaters. Fun times ahead. Fun busting and fully exposing wordplay masters of the monologue, women beaters and children cheaters. And with so many lies and liars, super fakes and criminal slime and they now needing even more and more lies - as such, fun always a given.

Having done CRTC appeals (alone?) and argued legal interpretation of Superior Court judgements with CRA (as documented), and as some in 891 know even having fun in criminal courts and civil, seems Judges like me? And more than as just roommates. My amusing but "extremely honest" ways possibly refreshing? Even in small claims. However, some lawyers certainly do not like me? At all. A few possibly even hate me. Possibly soon other lawyers will hate me? Some will love the billable hours needed by over two dozen criminals and slime? True? False? Hard to share a lawyer when so many crimes and players vary? And the legal optics a bit more than revealing when you share a lawyer to defend against criminal conspiracy and collusion as group.

To point: With IATSE's John Lewis as IATSE Director of Canadian Affairs , now having his very own son working now in Vancouver 891, it can't get any better? Can it? Allows so many clear and many very honest comparisons on the state of unions and labour in BC and possibly not just the human dirt in IATSE 891? And John Lewis having also studied Law at Osgoode, another big plus. This will now get far more interesting and far more fun. For some.

And John Lewis  also being from Montreal, this should make things even far more interesting. He'll know people I know? Why I'm a Dean requested speaker at McGill (SFU and UBC). Why top Montreal lawyers like Cookie Lazarus helped me with other similar big shot slime in Montreal when young and standing up to big shot bullies and executives. Yes, I'm a Troublemaker. And guess who paid? Why I'm quoted in Financial Post to Computer publications? Why Stanley Hart (The brains behind Mulroney) hired me to work for his detective agency in Montreal? Why I was "national media liaison" for CBC when just a puppy and still in university? Why Dr. Bull at McGill my client for Pentagon presentations or "New Business" as they term it in 891? Why exactly do I have Federal Security Clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC? Why Dr. Gandel at Lakeshore General Hospital in Montreal my client? Why Beatrice Bazar (Club of Rome) in Montreal a key reference. Why I ran a Toronto ad agency for a highly respected Montreal group? Why I have unsolicited national trade and consumer recognition in business from operations and project management to publicity. Even in Hollywood and NYC. (How odd, as so well documented when a senior executive in the biggest and the best in Canada, I was blocked from even a "permit junior publicity" position in 891)? Guess helping Don Ramsden more meaningful then the Attorney General of Canada. I got lucky I worked for an honest guy? Such honest types?  But good enough for literally the biggest and the best ad agencies in Canada, but just not good enough and clearly not for the fakes, frauds and highly uneducated criminal slime in 891 with little of any "real" experience. Clearly? And as fate would have it, I was blocked by criminals and slime fakes with grossly far less accomplishment and experience? What does this scream about their real "quality control"? Should all documented defectives be recalled?

Aren't unions designed to protect those more skilled and "more senior" or just trade incompetent criminals as per IATSE 891 criminal elite? Hypocrites, liars, fakes, cowards, creeps, criminals? Idiots?

They didn't know anything about me for decades and thought I could be played with and bullied like hundreds of others. Not seen as just warmly welcoming irrefutable evidence and witness testimony.  Why on earth would I want such low paying work in publicity? And with far less senior executive recognition? I welcomed it. Baited it? As would any investigative journalist or undercover cop? Were they ever wrong having their small man ego trip and yet being repeatedly humiliated and infuriated? Frothing and screaming some say? As witnessed. Who was playing who? I certainly rock the boat but paced and carefully.

How odd and with so many fakes and frauds doing best dumb guess management and clearly far less accomplished or educated in these departments also fearing exposure. So they block more honest more skilled and talented members? Or defame them? And plus add those specifically threatened, and that even big time department heads might be exposed as so very gross incompetents. Or as a major thief like Rob Maier. Stealing from employer to coworker. If he's not a major thief, have him also sue me and bet everything he owns or hides, he can fool RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Courts? Makes a trip to Vegas seem boring? And hope that he has witnesses willing to lie under oath and counter other more credible protected witnesses? His garden boy, tool boy and so documented impressive buyer can all help him? They got him in this mess and very exposed trying to help their criminal boss? Case study after case study? Possibly all humiliated as both slime and idiots they are now moving slow?

----------------------------- Insert 4.02 ------------------------------

Why else would they block me?

Why else would they block me? Word got out I was not willing to respect women beaters. No matter what their silly local union title. These ugly cheap cowardly paper games obvious for what it is and to those oddly far more honest, educated and experienced than these sad lying criminal slime and fakes acting their best. Bets?

I only did the math/audit on children cheated much later. The stupidity was beyond my belief and missed foolishly thinking the criminals wouldn't be so sleazy and obvious cheating children of life insurance using an hour bank ponzi scam where those who work less subsidies those like criminal department heads who fake they work more?  Would this make Tommy Douglas vomit? And any honest MLA? I did well, as documented, my hour bank flooded. Some sad single mother and honest young or senior workers not so lucky.  I identified this ponzi scam in a fax on file with RCMP that Gavin Craig's Presidency Gang provided as proof their both idiots and liars. And proof their criminals. True? False? And even that was ignored like hundreds voting for a full forensic 3rd party audit. Ignored by executive for decades why?

Blocking departmental admission also done as to also to protect fakes with such big titles to clearly "restrict competition and trade" from honest brothers and sisters more skilled and far more honest, but in reality often tragic slime with less than a fraction of other's skills get the big title and big pay. Oligopoly of the criminals? Corruption? Clearly. Criminality? Clearly. Anybody want a handful of examples? And even as well in my very own 891 case with my proven abilities, accomplishment and education and directly compared to all my critics. Yes, directly compared to all my criminal critics? The idiots while blocking me in publicity, however made one very big stupid mistake they let me into accounting department? Guess what I found?

Why my accounting friend a former national CFO becomes VP of a major production company, oddly while waiting for just junior accounting consideration in 891 by the Gods in Accounting, is also bit of a joke about 891 quality control and restriction of trade and talent, as most judging hardly qualify as bookkeepers. This further proves a point, on the real "quality standards" of 891 and preference for criminals or dog loyal type support? And do compare the one's they "fast track" to membership, big jobs and big titles? My musical friends kept out of sound, my art friends with real honest academic and international recognition suppressed in art department by morons.  Not just women suppressed as a given.

As most know, who know me,  I've clearly proved literally and first hand that literally that any raving idiot and psychiatric patient, thief and/or cocaine addict can be a department head in Construction or Paint, and made to look far smarter than they fake it. With real educated help? This now very far beyond debate. Easy when top real people also backing fakes.True? False? Debate. And those like Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson to Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen are also proven idiots and slime helping criminals, so that they can rise to the top.  And with what merit? As per internal trials and BC LRB rulings added to their superior and proven executive experience? This will be more obvious with evidence and witnesses with RCMP or a Provincial Inquiry and a long serious honest look at their full and so impressive careers.

My old Art friends from Ad days working for those noted for gross incompetence and far less talented, trained, educated and skilled, another matter, and best detailed in a Provincial Inquiry?

Not the way we produced highly costed and highly accountable TV ads as I first thought? We can so easily compare production quality and cost? As fact. Notice how even TV ads so very easily Hollywood quality or better, even when non-union?  How do they manage to do it without IATSE 891 cream and for far less and not using provincial tax credit fraud to enrich criminals? I'll put our production values in advertising against their best of best. And from set construction, to editing and sound?

Hey, what do I know compared to big titled experts in 891? Well, I've worked from East Coast to West in Film, TV, Politics (paid) and Advertising and on the Board of Directors of a Public Company. Easy to see why John Brummitt and Dusty Kelly the stronger candidates in 891 where such meritless fakes rule? And John Brummitt the main man in Don Ramsden's eyes far too often. When so little comparative education, experience or executive accomplishment? Easy to prove. Or did Don Ramsden very intentionally surround himself with sad and tragic fools easy to fool and so easy to manipulate, just like Rob Maier did?

They offered all slime better pay and positions than they ever had in their whole life prior, or could dream of, so very easy to manage and manipulate. The slime only offered me far less than when I reported directly to the Attorney General of Canada and Fortune 500 giants? My punishment for not behaving like other trained dogs with no personal pride, intellect or integrity. And a troublemaker?
Why would I and other honest educated and talented members be offered far less and John Brummitt and other criminals in 891 offered so much more with so little meaningless comparative merit? Bigger titles? Bigger pay? Key question? Why.

So many of the criminal fakes made fools of themselves believing their superior titles meant anything more, than a badge of aid and abetting criminals, and as directly and "honestly" compared to those with much more real accomplishments skills, education. Stuff that the criminal fakes suppressed, seems everywhere possible. Their image is very misleading and many so easy to humiliate. And as criminals and liars. And the slime and criminals know that.

Insert 1.c ---------------------------------------------------------

And being a clear subservient brown nose yes man with no personal pride, integrity or intellect and not rocking the boat, and supporting or voting in any form of solidarity or fake Quorum, for criminals, women beaters and children cheaters, liars, fakes, just a bit more than obvious as a fast way to be very accepted by fakes, scum and criminals, junkies, crackheads, women beaters and children cheaters? True? False? Deny? Defend? Debate? Yes, I rocked the boat. Made a name for myself as not another brown nose cowardly kiss ass almost immediately as a permit as not respecting women beaters and children cheaters, as others did and document so well. True? False? And it seems I rocked the criminal boat and far more than anyone in 891 history? Who else dared rocked the boat more and take on all slime? All at once. Names please.

Why was I as a listed labourer, but in reality so oddly and quickly was offered Producer Credits to fix another accounting mess of note? This fact. And not a joke. But illustrates again for the prefered incompetence desired to protect criminals by criminals in 891. Yes? No?  Well, unless needing my help like a few department heads to Producers have on a variety of things from TV ratings to cost management and talent tracking systems. My own leadership and pioneer work in CAD/Sketchup, Internet/Intranet, PMI schedule, budget, cost controls, makes a small point on the hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions as possible fact, that I could have also helped 891 and members SAVE. And easily saved millions by really "rocking the boat" and throwing out the "Greed and Me" crime and slime crowd? Denials? Debate? Or is 891 better for having criminals, liars, fakes, frauds and fools in executive for decades. Debate? Denial?

And I could have "helped" from more honest efforts and business policy to replacing and exposing fakes, frauds,criminals, woman beaters, child cheaters with their big BS titles. And fast. Wouldn't that be good for 891? And more than incompetent cowardly fakes and criminals clearly motivated by greed and ego to cheat and lie did or do? And so often. Stuff others couldn't or wouldn't do? I did. Debate? Denial? Seems I also exposed frauds previously and even in non-union roles and even on the board of directors of a public company? Old habits die hard.

Yes, the criminals certainly had criminal motive to keep me away from 891 financials and executive group, and stopping me telling membership the real truth about many things?

The slime as documented tried twice to even edit my election material without permission? As documented. This while their decade long friends as clear criminals enriched and with vain fools and fakes flying to Hollywood (With Dix from NDP?) and China, and accomplished what? Exactly what? See election material. Very revealing.

Some accountability and transparency on this needs very special attention. Fiduciary Trust is a thing? Where did the millions go? Yes, where did all the millions go? We have a few questions as will CRA for their treasurers like Frank Haddad and others hiding behind void, null and criminal NDAs. Money hidden away from legal seizure? Lost? Stolen? Misappropriated?

Again, any up for a chat at RCMP offices ,and for a very critically needed and long overdue Provincial Inquiry. One honestly focused on better protecting and helping beaten women and cheated children to all BC taxpayers? And that this should all be videotaped?

I'm clearly doing what others wouldn't do, as due to their own criminal involvement, and others too cowardly politically or pritecting their family from econmic interference as documented beyond belief? ? Big tough talking small man complex Alpha males abound but such cowards outside of 891 offices? Just like in the movies? Yes, that pathetic. Some live in a similar fiction to that teenage glorification in fiction they worked their lives for.

This all videotaped ideally as educational for many unions to law schools and certainly very newsworthy nationally. Some psychology courses could also use this videotape for NPDs to the PTSDs involved? May add some weight to need for Labour Reform as many scholars agree, as a two tier legal system questionable?

Will we see the same esprit de corps made famous in the self-affirming echo chambers of the offices of the criminal executive elite in 891, with RCMP? Or will some realize far less intelligent risk and legal exposure going "solo" and squeal for a deal? Better than suffering charges of aid and abetting the worst of group or gang members. And suffering equal jail time, as aid and abet charges allow by law. See below.

Labour Cleaning up Criminal Labour?

Am I really visibly helping women to children here and clearly far more with this blog when fully distributed, than just a token T-Shirt purchase by 891 executives and their "total" efforts for literally "decades". True? False?

Labour cleaning up criminal labour might just help the labour movement now eroding so very fast and even in BC where Libs got Horgan elected and as now being crushed in US and Ontario. Sadly lacking sadly valid worker or voter credibility? And having lost a moral high ground that Tommy Douglas, Broadbent had and Nathan Cullen still has. Any other time in history and Sonia Furstenau would have been a Joan of Arc for NDP majority? Any wonder why after reading this? Instead of having Sonia Furstenau and her credibility, the NDP got 891's Dusty Kelly and got the same ROI as 891.

And cleaning up this dirty ugly union local, and finally honestly compensating all victims cheated, this effort with a Provincial Inquiry and RCMP help this will certainly help women all across Canada feel safe and equal and when examples made and many jailed.

And this money should not come from the sweat of honest 891 workers but the wallets of criminals and those who helped. I may be more pro-union and worker than those who babble as the flag they hide under?  Debate. True? False?

And I'm more of a feminist than most all 891 executives as documented fact for decades? I don't support assault, harassment or suppression women. And not a big fan of cheating children with a paper work shell game.

Slime intimidated financially now big time, as roles reversed, and also them now fearing also being exposed to their community and corporate relations, plus family and friends. And as seen now as such low life criminal cowardly slime. Plus this blog and legal efforts providing all stakeholders from government to worker and investors to feel some clear cost accountability and performance? And merit measured. Finally? Void of criminal influence and such gross incompetence.

Why is 891 in a panic for votes as documented on Constitutional changes, but I can't comment. And I even studied constitutional law where none of the criminals or slime have? How many know who Laskin is my first question but not my last? But they are all somewhat involved in their well defined ignorance on many things pretending to be executives and constitutional experts? How very 891 to avoid any critical intelligent or academic thought by those more educated, accomplished, experienced and ethical, but let Dusty Kelly, John Brummitt and Tom Adair, Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies who clearly help criminals, babble their less than biblical truths, on this and other matters? Denials? Debate? True or false? I was lectured by Sen. Eugene Forsey on Constitution to Contact Law and by others who helped Justin's Dad?

Why can France produce in a four day week what England does in five? Why can real skilled Construction Coordinators, many not in 891, outperform those posturing and pretending in 891? My carpenter friends can build planes and fly them? Others can reno whole heritage buildings and build homes to code. My architectural friends also of note for landmarks across Canada including parliament buildings in Ottawa. We can easily compare all the criminal elite later on any merit worthy of note? Including those in Props, Paint, Publicity, Construction, Art and Accounting, and sicker holding better people back and to those I know - and even how many good people I know, or have known in 891 as far superior than these insider fakes. And on so many levels. And worst, many working in a toxic environment under "frothing" and "hysterical" uneducated idiots, "intimidating and coercing" criminals, fakes, thieves? Bets?

Hey, let's be honest, what the heck do I really know compared to big title and big super brains like Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies to Dusty Kelly and John Brummitt. We really should honestly compare many details. And on ethics, integrity and intellect. And on video. Why not?

The criminal slime sadly it appears fear confronting little no title me, even one-on-one as witnessed, as I just can't be threatened to be "crushed like a bug"?

Unfortunately, I don't fear them, or ever could respect them, even as a whole gang as clear from documents from 1996 in RCMP files to this very blog? Some fear a paper trail. Some love it?

They are only what they really are and not what they pretend, supported by tiny local union titles with less than clerical skills employed. Not much other than what they try and pretend to be, or titles might imply or allow, for a very short time.  As with others of historical note?

And they certainly are, 100% fakes, frauds, incompetents, woman beaters, children cheaters, cowards, criminals, sneaks. Denial? Debate? True or false?

What will the criminal slime tell RCMP?

What will the criminal slime as named below as well, tell RCMP? And under oath? And real Courts? And "ALL" together as one synergistic, symbiotic criminal unit in tacit to direct aid and abet solidarity for decades? And all helping women beaters and children cheaters, and so very clearly not this cause? Clearly. Why? Criminals got too sloppy as too good for too long. Couldn't control even their subordinates from getting stupid?

Yes, Mr. Lewis being also from Montreal will know people I know and can find out why I was a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE in Montreal as well and when just in my early twenties, and this should also be understood by Mr. Lewis? And yet why not used in 891? Why I'm on RCMP files from 1973 standing up for "honest" workers rights and respect in Hotel Industry in Banff and not used in 891? And on railways in BC to orchards in Ontario? Why exactly I reported directly to Ron Basford, the former Attorney General of Canada when writing the "7-point Plan" for Western Canada in 1985 - and yet I'm not skilled or educated enough used to help majority of honest members in 891? Funny how blatant inequality and corruption in 891 and millions owed? And tas judged not suitable for executive by all criminal all stars? And i came alone? As documented by many as well. Why Progressive Conservative candidate for New West, Bill Grant liked me on his Board of Directors of his Public Company to raise stock prices "honestly" and knowing my Federal Liberal work, but not yet having the big titles of fools and fakes like in 891.

With a BC Criminal Court judge and an Osgoode/Oxford legal scholar (Labour) an old girlfriend a doctorate in psychology (Labour) as a forty year friends and in-laws as a judge and another a lawyer in Quebec, I think I can chat with John Morgan Lewis, about the criminals and scum in 891 maybe a bit better than others? And see if he dares differ with what I know and what those I know, know? Should also all be videotaped. I started in front of camera with ACTRA in Montreal in 1982? Later in French Comedy with French film union UDA (Union des Artistes) in 2008 and Actra again. Do I in more honest fact: have even more union depth and even more and wider "film and TV union and non-union" experience than John Lewis?

From concept and writing, and as talent, plus directing for TV ads, to final cost entries in Feature film do I have more of that "Experience the best Teacher" bit? ? i started having responsibility and accountability for production Budgets in Montreal. Mr. Lewis may know my work? And more is my very specific education and experience in producing film and TV, including TV ads? Facts are important. Why did Directors in Quebec like me to even X-Files Producers and Directors in Van over slime. And major investors in Lions Gate via Yorton in Toronto like me?

John Lewis
will certainly want to help expose women beaters and help children cheated, as a family man? Won't he? What if it was his son cheated? Or daughter beaten? Won't he help? Will he show good faith with every move he makes? And John Morgan Lewis will certainly help majority of honest 891 workers and victims, won't he? To be fair. Show good faith. Being honest. We will now consider exactly how he might help. Or not. To be brief.

We will most certainly compare the ease of membership in 891 for the son of John Lewis into 891, and John Brummitt's wife, and other 891 executives families where clear and blatant  nepotism clearly far more important than quality and integrity. Denial? Debate? This only fair. This only honest. And makes a rather disgusting reveal on tax credit abuse as per below? True? False?

And we'll note well, those as well documented, but not so lucky with no nepotism or no insider help with criminal executive elite who corrupted and perverted "all" membership, hiring, and upgrades in the slimes and their friends favour.  What if it was the son of John Lewis cheated of thousands of dollars of work a year? Or in one month? I bet he knows the answer? Debate? Bets? Denial? I thought royal bloodlines a thing of the past or at best part of very intellectually "primitive" tyrannies?

As we see in 891, and as hard solid fact, nepotism and respect for criminals protects even cocaine using purse snatchers, heroin junkies, drunks, women beaters, thieves - and yet odd as it sounds, super criminal slime like John Brummitt oddly has a problem with my honest credentials? Things obvious yet?

This all is kind of helpful, as to make a brief introductory point about tragic victims of the criminals and corruption and from day one membership attempts by honest talented people, to millions and millions in tax credit fraud cheating all BC and on many levels. The cheated children and beaten women a byproduct of the culture club?

And my insights here based on my "real world" experience and in so many very honest good unions, plus my "real" senior business executive work. And with help from my legal and media social circle, as detailed far more below.

When I heard and saw how children suffer I get more than rude. What will John Lewis do? When a girl tells me how some bully beat her up I was tempted to reciprocate? But didn't. When I see money wasted by uneducated fakes and criminals and criminals enriched by executive I document.  Since 1992 and some prior notes. Funny how they can't find One honest person in Eight Thousand to defend them all or any one person, and just met me for a one-on-one with RCMP?

Some know the real honest truth why seniority was really taken away from honest workers, and the value to so many honest members, as another cost to the honest and innocent courtesy of twisted and sick self-serving criminal abuse. The admission actually in part in 891's own executive newsletter before the BS PR machine failed to fog that up as a thin effort at disclaimer or letter of descent? And clearly this slime move, was to protect slime and criminals and once again sadly penalize honest workers? Sick? Disgusting? You bet. Fearing legal costs mushrooming best to screw those who trust this slime, and again to protect their "total BS image"? See their NDAs written by NPDs pretending to be NDP future leaders?

Where did all the money go? Mr. Lewis with a degree in Finance should have no problem with numbers? Or Law? Where did all the money go?  A simple honest question deserving an honest answer: Where did all the money go?

Note: Not  even officially launched and this blog according to Google Analytics has readership from Russia and China to Australia and Asia. Canada covered from East Coast to Vancouver Island. Heavy targeted readership in Victoria, Regina and Ottawa. Much more to follow. Seems majority of members in 891, the only ones deliberately and deceptively kept ignorant? This as to avoid a revolution at the next GM when truth all told? And all about the crime and slime in IATSE 891. Even IATSE locals in US possibly more informed.

Official launch to national media and MLAs starts May 31, 2024 of this blog link and with targeted email cover page, appreciating each media targets key factors. And to all related union and non-union offices.

Hey, what do I know about national media and direct response messaging, and as a former national media buyer for the biggest and the best ad agencies in Canada and as a national media liaison for CBC? And about effective frequency and reach. McGill thought I knew something that even most "experts" don't?

So honest hero readers, do help us bust ALL these very obvious very sleazy, very "sick" criminals. Those who cheat children and beat women, and just contact your:

MLA (And/or local media by email and simply send this link).

And say you think a Provincial Inquiry and RCMP investigation just might have very serious merit for society and all BC. Including environment? And help, with some as specifically named and pictured below, and put them ALL in jail.
Help women and children and not be documented ignoring like slime named here.

Put those working in the BC Film Unions below as named with pictures, as criminals and their criminal very very loyal aid and abet support, all in jail. But first put them on videotape.

Note: This all is for the law to decide and not my personal opinion and plethora of evidence. And hopefully all criminals, now all together in their longtime very solid so cowardly criminal solidarity so very worthy of jail time to cleaning highways on weekends. True? False?

Hurting all "honest 891 workers", beaten women and cheated children and cheating all honest unions and businesses they work with, and "all BC taxpayers" is reason enough? Denial? Debate? Videotape? This by tax credit fraud in the literal millions and enriching a criminal elite by windfall literally for decades. True? False? Deny? Debate? Defend? More lies to RCMP?

BC women and children must see justice served. And victims "honestly" compensated. ALL! From Gross negligence, breach of mandate or fiduciary duty to aid and abetting women beaters and children cheaters, or lying repeatedly about it? And victims compensated from seizure before judgement of proceeds of crime and fraud. And fast. And victims at least partially compensated from the blatant clear two-step laundered proceeds of crime. Plus this helps whole industry reboot and helps all honest union workers and even investors and BC businesses hurt by millions and millions. Bets? Debate? Denial? The slime also owe me a few hundred the idiots thought I wouldn't notice? How many others not so good with books and forms do they abuse?

Please today get your MLA to voice in parliament, as to help all victims and avoid future ones, and with all MLAs in full support for an "objective and honest":


This long overdue. And as per previous Provincial Inquiries, as so focussed too much not addressed now costing millions to BC. Why explained in greater detail below. And an Inquiry on whole industry from women's future safety to criminal and incompetence factors hurting industry, as really some might argue only half as successful as could be. 50% of what it could be not a success story in a world of Wharton and Warren Buffet types? I do like talking economics and about all extremes and models may have to debate Tom Adair and Paul Klassen on their strong points?

The big shot titles in 891 like a slot machine at a Casino easy to make you look lucky and a winner. Well, if you don't understand actuarial realities? Plus we all need to expose all these very very sick, lying, cheating, women beaters, thieves, fakes, tax cheats, frauds, bullies, cowards, CRIMINALS. Or not?

Help and you're a:

Real Honest BC Hero

All victims of violence and economic abuse by these cowardly, creepy criminals, thank you. Thank you for your kindness and consideration in this matter. 

You are a hero just reading and simply sharing this blog link. Or giving voice and talking about this criminal cancer in a key BC industry. Is it not  more disgusting than sexual harassment any use or threat of  violence. "Coercion and intimation"? True? False? Where tax credits and other crimes enrich too many very ignorant and arrogant filthy criminals, and their tragic mindless aid and abet friends, shouldn't it be stopped. Share this link to support it fully, and you'll feel you're doing serious good. Why? Because you are doing serious good. That's why.

We need top RCMP also on this.

We need national media attention on this, and a full measured response from heroic RCMP. The same way the RCMP have been excellent busting criminal slime bankers and brokers to bikers and bullies. 

And BC needs to see both NDP and BC Federation of Labour to now formally distance themselves from such serious, known and documented criminal slime and in writing. In writing. Just like BC Federation of Labour has parted ways with one of 891's multiple decade criminal elite and not-so-loved Dusty Kelly. 

891 criminal slime should be kept out of BC Federation of Labour until 891 cleans this very disgusting dirty house, or this will be in next election under the radar as tipping point talking points, and fun jokes for BC Liberals at NDP expense and erosion on a very Motherhood issue Margaret Thatcher would die for?  And now when every single vote so very critical? And pushing more NDP Green? 

Well, we'll see exactly which party cares about beaten and harassed women and cheated children and dares have some credibility claiming a higher moral ground bit?  And adhering to and upholding a universally recognized standard of justice or goodness? Or appearance of natural justice. Fun times ahead.

Should those with high school education or not much more, or even less, and as fact little or no "meaningful" real world training, certification, experience, other than criminal fraud, theft and trades, be paid by fraud more than an MLA and Police? Honestly? More sick? Paid more than highly trained and highly educated teachers and nurses? These community heroes and other unions should not be amused? Not at all.

And paid more as women beaters and children cheaters, pretending very corrupt elections or offial appointments can legitimize them and/or their big titles. Debate? Denial? And with no "honest intelligent or educated" oversight other than by similar criminals and slime and absurdly corrupt elections to internal trials, with clear criminal influence blatant. And documented. Well, obvious to those more educated and familiar with such matters much is obvious (See below)?

Preface points.

- If RCMP ask the sleaze named, and those soon to named and added to list below, to dare deny these claims and they do, that's criminal obstruction.
- If RCMP ask any of them to also deny they were helping criminals, that's criminal obstruction, plus further obvious aid and abetting criminals, giving other criminals false deceptive defence directly to RCMP and lying. Again.
- If RCMP ask them, and the liars and criminals get really brave, and dare deny any or all the claims above and below, that's added criminal defamation and wrongful prosecution themes as well, and further added on their mushrooming legal exposure. Plus a dozen other possible "surprise" twists? Civil actions a given?
- If previous well documented lies to RCMP, again further lied about (as per RCMP files) read on. However, for the extremely brave lying to the CRA on tandem issues with RCMP, gets the Gold Star, and not that clever either.

Key Point: Can any of the (5) five past Presidents and present President Mich Davie, as named below from Vancouver Union IATSE 891 dare deny any, or all of my claims to RCMP, as this an obvious criminal issue and thus investigation? Any? Not even one? Just one? All of them even better? Such big titles they should not fear me one-on-one with objective honest RCMP hosting and moderating? Or so frightened they need lawyers to just chat with RCMP?

Any willing to go one-on-one with me at RCMP offices? Why not the top of the heap to defend the criminals that he already documented clearly he supported and aid and abet. Specifically judicial joke Paul Klassen, Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions. He'd be perfect, as the first to best defend all criminals named and deny all or any of my claims and qualify BC LRB and other rulings. Paul Klassen has major legal and trial experience? Inside joke.  How he got his job with so little real executive or business experience and education, besides editing "under the better direction of others", and other than as a criminal executive puppet, as will be defined. Yes, he'd be perfect. Simply perfect.

Next choice is John Brummitt, as a major insider slime with many criminal efforts and as major brown nose to Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig and Rob Maier and their three distinct group's criminal acts. Including documented lies to RCMP. Yes, kind of handy having evidence. And John Brummitt connected to them all and beyond any debate? True? False? Deny? Debate?

Just those two, John Brummitt and Paul Klassen, will be helpful to RCMP, and no matter what they say or babble. Or how theatrically inspired. Whether denying or agreeing with protected witnesses both extremes work? This as far too much far too obvious now, and too clear to too many.  And exactly who are the fakes, criminals and liars? See election history? And those who will further obstruct and aid and abet. Fun times?

Funny how in real "honest"world scholars from C.D. Howe think tanks and Oxford scholars, hire me for top executive positions, as do Federal Liberals and Fortune 500 giants. And oddly even to audit BC Tourism to National Franchises? But 891 showcases it even higher standards and their integrity and honesty qualifying me as what? Makes a joke of all titles in 891 as highly suspect? True False.

Side Note: Back when a restaurant chain thinking themselves also very clever and too big to fight, once, we had no choice but to get a seizure before judgement and have sheriffs taking cash out of till from their retail units. Funny how some think they are so very clever, at first? At first? And even their big time lawyers couldn't stop us? And funny what can 891 really honestly document, as an intelligent and honest use of human resources considering my education  and experience as directly compared to say John Brummitt's to Dusty Kelly's, vast and national film union, executive, business and  depth and Tom Adair who certainly must be smarter than myself, and 475 honest members voting for - and not fearing a forensic audit? Or as my previous clients odd 891 not needing real honest executive help? See Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly's honest full no BS resume compared to mine. How odd they don't want me in elections, or executive and corrupt elections and criminals block me? Is it my lack of honest qualifications or my long history of standing up to such criminal scum they feared me? Let those more objective from legal to media judge?

This is a much bigger point as per fraud and corruption in 891. Did majority of "Honest" members "honestly" get short changed with such human garbage and frauds getting paid big time to be "Senior Steward" or "New Business" agent. And as it appears to many, a direct result of supporting women beaters and child cheaters and not "rocking the boat". This another serious issue that is partially detailed below with hundreds of victims, but will also be fully addressed when time allows and with RCMP, Courts, and Inquiry.

Maybe get big time former big shot Producer Rob Maier (before similar major career fall from grace - as with oddly: Gavin Craig, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly, Ken Anderson and John Brummitt and their career reversals?),  to meet me at RCMP offices? And Rob Maier's extremely loyal boot-licking brown nose king and pathetic sidekick, goofy and toothless John Brummitt? Amd both do a one-on-one with me and RCMP (Sung to the tune of "Me and Bobby McGee).

Can both clever and brilliant career failing criminals both stick handle all the various legal realities and facts when RCMP question both and about dozens of different things? Funny how Rob Maier's two most long term loyal morons, who aid and abet Rob Maier, oddly have provided clearly great no-debate evidence and documentation to prove corruption and criminality. Irony or what?

And as nicely added with their gangs previous lies to RCMP. Should be fun to question his whole gang. And this really should be video taped to show transparency, accountability and freedom of speech? Well, that's unless the slime or criminals hate and fear: transparency, accountability and freedom of speech as previously witnessed and documented? Documented monopolizing monologues and media. Denying full honest dialogue and debate. Brilliant evidence from internal trials to lies to RCMP documented to address.

Both faithful servants of Rob Maier seem now hardly the best help for Rob Maier now, even with their best and most mindless loyal stupid documented corrupt or criminal efforts? Both aid and abet employees of Rob Maier have helped his criminal and corrupt fortunes for decades. Debate?

Hope 891 kept all records and didn't pull a Conrad Black removing files? Looks bad. Legal optics. Who saw what boxes go into car? No worry, I did keep records. When I worked for the CBC under the wing of a top award winning investigative reporter, as with my Montreal legal mentors, they all made it clear that evidence can very easily trump, and is more important than any top lawyer? Test?

For the criminal slime and women beaters who brag and wink with their all-knowing, knowing smiles about their crimes, expensive Hollywood and Union lawyers and "statute of limitations", a far better lawyer or scholar might warn:

"A perjury trap is a legal situation in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify with the intent to base a perjury charge on their statements, not to indict them for a previous crime. It has been argued by legal scholars whether or not this constitutes a form of entrapment." Yes it is? But legal?

In this case the perjury charges will stumble all over themselves and not need that trap. Maybe soon all will plead guilty and no contest to reduce or avoid jail time. or continue to lie through their teeth and fight for their lives, homes, cars, pension and producer's credit. Just asking for the truth on many things should work? What are the other tricks they teach in Legal Realism? I was lectured by Sen. Eugene Forsey and my other varied legal mentors? 

Who really cares technically why the woman beaters and children cheaters slime are going to jail, as long as they are going to jail?


"The IATSE Constitution and Bylaws requires strict adherence to procedural fairness in order to protect members from unwarranted discipline by local unions." Get real? This is a joke and will be more of a joke the more you read below. Registered mail hard to debate?

As JOHN LEWIS, as 7th Int'l Vice President & Department Director, Canadian Affairs has sat as a private "mediator and arbitrator" and even studied law at Osgoode (Where my friend may have taught him) it will be very interesting to see what he offers all those victims abused and those like myself suffering "unwarranted discipline by local 891"?

I do like reading all the positive PR and prose at http://www.iatse.net/ . I  wonder if it means if others - and if even with myself, we'll get the money still owed many by 891 - and fully and honestly documented (as less the criminal abuse of fines and any penalty or interest)? Or document clearly for more evidence more documented deceit? I guess IATSE also being judged now by members, media and MLAs and other unions like ACFC and DGC, investors and taxpayers also cheated, 891 executive may realize the lies and crime must stop. Now?

As per all the criminal factors, I wonder how much civil courts would "honestly" award us as victims suffering a criminal elite for decades? Maybe John Lewis will arbitrate? This should also be videotaped. As per IATSE babble on free speech:

Freedom of speech is a Canadian right. Right?
Freedom of speech is a Canadian right. We all have opinions. Some of us use facts. I can put the Pope in "disrepute". I can put Justin Trudeau the PM of Canada in "disrepute". Even Horgan and Dix. And better if not opinion, but a matter of solid visible facts.

But just think how very sick and too obvious, if I have no rights in alleged honest IATSE 891 (as per their VERY criminal serving void and null bylaws, like their silly illegal and criminal serving NDA's), and put criminals (as known, witnessed and documented criminals in local 891) oddly in disrepute? Think about this. Really think about this. This well documented as well. Do we not have adequate defamation laws in Canada we need Paul Klassen to pretend the world needs his royal know-nothing judgement in an illegal trial. An absurd childish internal trial used again to "Coerce and Intimidate" exactly as per previous BC LRB rulings? Exactly. And again as per other BC LRB rulings against Ken Anderson for disgusting dishonest Bad Faith. Exactly? True? False?

No free speech in this union in Canada and as to expose criminals who beat up women, cheat all BC tax payers and children? Clearly. Hardly sounds very Canadian or even pro labour? Seems very pro criminal to some? Very pro criminal. What will the BC Federation think? What will BC Liberals, NDP and Greens think? True? False?

How nice for criminals. Their very silly "Prima Facia" "Ultra vires"  bogus bylaws used for criminal intent clearly and an idiot like Paul Klassen playing and pretending any authority to try and intimidate and coerce and dare limit anybodies freedom of speech. Restriction of free speech? Are they morons in a mindless herd? Handy and helpful as well documented. This as made clear from election material editing without permission or admission, and clearly per internal trials transcripts and the documented actions of Paul Klassen.

Paul Klassen now a super Big Shot, well, until also far more exposure of the real Paul Klassen, and what an ignorant clown he really is aid and abetting criminals, and now also hits his Peter Principle threshold point penalizing free speech with zero legal authority as helping criminals.

Most of this a bit far over Paul's little head, little experience, little education so other more enlightened of criminal elite should help him.  Easy to prove as well. Judge and be judged only fair. Exactly as with the other slime in criminal elite who have now fallen in this criminal herd, from big title 891 criminal elite to again working the shop floor or set. Some still not credible to be department heads? Helping criminals with crime cover-up a crime gets known. Too slowly but truth will win.

How much did Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly and Susan Butler Grey take/get as total pay to perks from 891 honest members? And including all trips and self promoting efforts and pay for cameras to capture their image, and when aid and abetting women beaters and children cheaters and tax credit fraud. Total cost please?

My relatives died for Freedom of Speech in Canada on distant soil. My friends father had no leg from his heroic efforts. The "very very extremely decorated" Veterans I worked with like Larry McHale in Vancouver, or knew as a neighbour Russ Newton for decades, to my proud advocacy work Bert Williams in Ottawa, would not be amused, nor others in military by some little local union internal trial slime and petty pathetic Paul Klassen, thinking they all are above the law. Bets? And slime thinking freedom of speech something they can with their big shot titles suppress. Freedom of speech is something that many died for or some honest unions fought for?

And this human garbage thinks clever with denial of freedom of speech? True? False? What would these real heroes as non-cowardly non-criminals do to such slime and such real cowardly creeps like Paul Klassen, Tom Adair, Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Mitch Davies? In war time are these the leaders of men that have to be eliminated by friendly fire as hurting so many others? True? False? Debate? See what happened as referenced below to another slime who didn't treat women with respect and lost a testicle. See below.

Isn't freedom of speech a key cornerstone in most honest unions and NDP? And constitution? What is this 891 garbage? Well, it gets more sick for honest union workers below and their cheated children or beaten daughter or wife.

To make on a point of absolute disgust.

Take the case of what "honest freedom of speech" really is. This from President Jefferson. And then consider all Canadian law? All Canadian Law?

Jefferson had newspapers out that were "extremely critical of him" and his administration - and that a accused him of being a traitor and worse. The ambassador from Prussia who noticed, said that the publisher ought to be arrested, and certainly would be shut down if they had published such a thing back in Prussia" (Or possibly put on trial for bringing a big shot criminal into "disrepute" in 891).

At that Jefferson supposedly just chuckled, folded up the newspaper and handed it to the ambassador saying, “Take this back to your country and show everyone what it says and where you found it. This is what it means to be a free people.”

Sad how none of the cowardly criminal slime like Mitch Davies, as like all documented fakes, frauds, criminals and liars in 891 executive, can't do that? And give all members my blog link? Sad and sick that 891 union members as fact, as such, and as documented not "free people".

Are we free? Is there freedom of speech in 891 when clear public merit like exposing women beaters to children cheaters?

Time to call the slime on their Bluff and BS for what it is:

If 891 executive "honestly supports free speech", and not further aid and abetting criminals, just "effectively" tell all members, (with a real "honest effort"), to read this blog and provide this link to all 8,000? And then simply honestly and democratically ask them to honestly vote (audited by third parties) on whether they want me to Chair an IATSE 891 Forensic Audit Committee? Wouldn't that be funny. Very honest so slime and criminals wouldn't dare.

Maybe with my accounting friends also helping RCMP, I could help fix 891 faster than four ignorant past presidents "combined"? Plus certainly make women feel safer and far safer in the workplace than trusting Don Ramsden to Mitch Davies to address this. Bets? Debate? Denial? Who better? Honestly? Who better? Why not? They certainly don't scare me.

Consider how the criminal slime and their women beating and children cheating friends look: Aid and abetting criminals, plus restricting free speech, and more odd restricting freedom of speech by oddly of those with far more experience, and as documented far more integrity, intellect, education and more informed. And yet 891 executive slime let Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly, Don Ramsden, Ken Anderson, Gavin Craig babble any BS they want. As documented. This not the best legal optics either. How obvious are these criminal slime and frauds? Read on.

Too bad, and very sick and very sad, that free people not allowed now, in Canada, in union local IATSE 891, to be free people and have freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech criminals would not be going to jail. Some would have been thrown out of union if truth told. True? False? Any miss the logic? And the legal optics?

Some may miss this legal logic, like judicial super brain Paul Klassen and his very impressive trial group, who document they aid and abet criminals? This as very well documented in trial transcripts.  And Paul Klassen thinks himself clever as a judge and as doing zero research, zero due diligence, zero standard of care, and this idiot thinks best for his career to help criminals and restrict this oddly Canadian Constitutional Freedom?  And punish a far more honest person than even Paul the Puppet. Fact check? True? False? What is a major idiot and asshole? Paul Klassen a very serious consideration. True? False? Debate? Denial?

I studied Constitutional Law and Contract Law at Carleton University and Contract in Quebec at Concordia. Clearly Paul Klassen and his so impressive sick corrupt and ugly trial group, as documented and named, literally did not (And hardly in any way a jury of my peers? Ever?) and possibly very disgusting clearly frauds and criminals aiding abetting criminals, as to clearly and illegally prosecute, intimidate and defame an honest man for "simply being honest". Like that could intimidate me, with so many criminals involved. Not.

Clearly this aid and abet internal trial group did not study much of anything to pretend and play judge and jury other than possibly theatrical and acting classes? Best they even had a  lawyer there? This a real plus when liars try lying.

Was I wrong?

I don't show up to trials sponsored by criminals who support women beaters and child cheaters (Would John Lewis?) and flooded with criminals and illegal use of bylaws to help criminals. And I have zero respect for uneducated idiots who pretend and fake they have legal authority, that they literally don't, and aid and abet. Yet funny as documented they have no witnesses as "fearing legal", and so afraid to show up? This is absurd? I guess some knew about me? And poor Paul Klassen didn't, think the lack of witnesses and victims not odd? Read the trial transcripts.

And funny these sick criminal helping nobodies dared judge one not only as their documented senior and real executive superior as fact and not opinion, and funny as a guy who reported directly to Former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford  (When handling all message design and media buy for Federal Liberals), and has a forty year friend a BC Criminal Court Judge, another the former acting Chair at UBC Law School, and an internationally recognized scholar (Labour), and other friends who may also may have a far more honest and far more educated opinion, on what real human scum Paul Klassen and friends like Mitch Davies really are. Really are. And I should respect these two? Should any member?

Both possibly not as bad as Tom Adair, but as documented. also as ignorant, uneducated - and as arrogant. And as per both their brainy documented judgments both lacking serious forethought make far too much too clear. Faking everything? I suspect both full of themselves and believing their titles made them Gods and might hide their lack of integrity, intellect, ethics and education. True? False? Hardly hidden well. Truth all be told.

It may take another year or two but Paul Klassen should be banned from any union activity with rest of trial gang and other gangs. Well, if not in jail when all truth all told. And all show how sadly unsuccessful they'd honestly all be, as such cowardly ignorant slime, and in any real honest union or non-union world, that didn't support a criminal elite fakes, losers and criminals. Just as 891 does and did for decades. True? False? Denial? Debate?  Places where integrity, intellect, education, experience matters more than getting big brown nose brownie points from criminal elite in 891 Executive. Any debate? Defamatory denial? Obstruction? All so warmly welcome.

Wackos and Heroes:

Just to make clear the difference between those who aid and abet, and have no problem working with or for women beaters, child cheaters and thieves, take the case of two Catholics in IATSE 891.

1st Catholic in 891 as known by police as a community hero, and an incredibly honest man.  Earned my respect as worker and a compassionate intelligent human being. Also totally disgusted with 891 decades of deceit, corruption and criminality and a reliable now "protected witness". And an important resource later when liars lie. As he had family, I told him as I told others to avoid me, to protect himself and income from criminal pressure.

2nd Catholic "forbids" his I suspect LESS THAN EQUAL wife to read the book The Da Vinci Code, but has family that openly steals and brags about it. Family who blatantly exploits young workers for his "home projects". Cheats on his trusting wife and charms stupid Producers and Directors. And has a variety of over the counter and back alley substance abuse issues. Also a fan of John Brummitt? Grossly Incompetent? Over paid? Serious psychological issues? It would seem. Nepotism often a problem. See Nepotism below.

Both Catholics dress well and look no different. Both appear as good honest intelligent and community minded. One is. The other a delusional psycho? Welcome to the twilight zone. Welcome to 891. Gender equality a problem? Nepotism a problem? And from literal junkie purse snatchers to job snatchers as literal brothers and sisters and sons and daughters in good standing? And I'm not? More to follow. You'll learn to love all of those named criminal slime below and may start to even have favourites that you'll now like to follow more closely for maximum entertainment?

Teams and drafts finalized.

Some, sadly where impossible now, to change teams and to say they support me, as that train left years ago, and so much documentation; some other criminal fakes will play the fake pendulum Cartesian dialectal cliche equivocation BS. This with the "I'm in the middle ground" bit. Even if often too overdone. And then further mislead and lie, and say they knew little of crimes, while oddly so many did, and not even such key insiders or elite for decades. The slime will fake and lie they did not know - or they'll fake uncertain about the facts and fake they supported neither group and are only objective types waiting for all the facts BS. May be the very first time RCMP have ever seen that trick? When we prove that's just another lie or obstruction, as to aid and abet ,they just look like very stupid liars plain and simple. Not just liars. Ignorant liars.

That middle ground BS does not exist here, nor has it for years. Will not wash. But fun to watch. You either provide minor or major support for criminals, women beaters, thieves, fakes, frauds, or this honest cause and blog. No bogus middle or wide grey line. Liars are liars and so easy to bust as really and honestly liars.

This a simple "A" or "B" choice. Seems clearly big titled big shots Tom Adair, Paul Klassen, John Brummitt, Rob Maier, Mitch Davies, Ken Anderson, Gavin Craig and Don Ramsden all very far from my friends or could ever be my friends, as with their other criminal aid and abet supporting ignorant self-serving slime.

This whole criminal cancer needs to be cut out and removed from 891 toxic, criminal elite culture. This done for honest 891 workers. The ones I liked and enjoyed in 891 and the more honest and intelligent for the 475 who voted their support for my efforts for a full forensic audit.

Just compare my friends to these slime, do they make it? Really? And much is much too obvious once again. Never slime on my team. Seems a few ladies who also support women beaters, children cheaters and literally puppy kickers also don't like me. I think Dusty Kelly and Susan Butler Grey both don't like me. Shame.

Odd so many very classy and very accomplished women have liked me from scholars, lawyers, Chatelaine 100 and business success stories and oddly also and ironically these women dwarfing even all the slime small men complexes as named and as well the men and women in the women beater supporting gangs. Strong women. And some of these classy highly intelligent and accomplished women even lived with me. As some in 891 also know very well.

Ironic so many women I know out classing, and out performing all these tough talking big shot little small men with big titles and their woman beating and child cheating ways -and their nobody aid and abet support types. And from real world business success to academic and with international or national recognition all male criminal slime oddly very outclassed? By women. Debate? Deny?
Yes, I'm grateful for the amazing women in my life. This sort of payback to so many great women as family, friends, teachers and lovers. Some reading this.

And these slime men like John Brummitt to Tom Adair act like they are impressive? Hardly. We will compare my ladies to these small men and their real career success. And compare their intellect, integrity to these amazing women?

Well, other than helping women beaters and children cheaters and their lies to RCMP later for career protection, really not much to say about such life losers. And these ladies I know, as some in 891 also know, much more than just great looking. Compare their ladies to my ladies academically and in real business?

Do I regret these 891 Executive Go-Go girls and crazed internal trial lovelies who aid and abet criminals, as not on my team or social circle? Just guess. Do I like that RCMP files shows these ladies part in lies to RCMP as per Susan Butler Grey, and some fun emails and protected witnesses. And like how I will soon show as Churchill phrased and I paraphrase here: as no issue as to what exactly these women are, "only their price" to still be determined. A double entendre?

I was a feminist before Justin Trudeau born. Ask some of the ladies who know me. And as most of my "life heroes" women? This from aunts, cousins, sister and grade school teachers to very powerful fairy Godmothers and very amazing girlfriends. As such I'm not one to "ever" respect cowardly criminal women beaters or those who sexually harass or bully with their tiny titles on sick ego trips. Or any cowardly self-serving slime, who aid and abet them for their greedy proceeds of crime.

Sad these very sad and sick men have women in their lives, women that must suffer their personality disorder and horrifying illusion men superior. Hey, I know what it's like to be dumb and stupid, most of the women in my life smarter and tragically I grew up where my family and friends almost all got doctorates. Lucky for the criminals I'm the stupid one, in my gang. Or maybe not. We may never have met?

Those not helping after "adequately informed", certainly not helping victims from women and children, nor helping hundreds of honest workers, women's issues, or child protection, Labour movement or NDP. True? False?

And thus we hope the majority of members as "honest", will, as well, and when given "full honest information", will fully support to clean house of the toxic criminal women beating and child cheating culture with 3rd party trusteeship (and give their vote for this needed temporary trusteeship) and once again a critical full forensic audit. And this to further add to the 475 members who already have voted very clearly for a full forensic audit. I told friends I just needed a few dozen votes to make a point I'm not the only one who sees through these criminals and liars. As such 475 votes a bit of a plus over a few dozen? True? False?

I'm now giving hundreds, an honest voice again, that criminals and slime like Tom Adair to Mitch Davies ignored, as to further aid and abet criminals. And exactly as Tom Adair documented.

Tom Adair tried to qualify, after the fact that hundreds just not as smart or as educated and experienced as Tom Adair, as documented. Idiot? Asshole? Fake? Fraud? Verbose loser? Friends of women beaters, children cheaters, puppy dog kickers? Aid and Abets criminals for laundered proceeds of crime and his over paid big title position? All the above?Another sick story of corruption and a very sick dishonest self-deceiving delusional man. Too many years as a super fake impressing teenage girls at Capilano College you're a big shot, can later haunt you. As the country songs lament: "Something even the whiskey can't hide"?

And we'll ask for a judges order to review ALL Non-Disclosure agreements in 891. This as to best ensure members and all BC taxpayers not suffering fraud and deceitful omission from executive's misappropriation of funds, and using illegal intimidating non-disclosure documents like internal trials as to protect criminal elite and inner circle. Only reasonable. Ya' think?

Far over 5 million dollars by fraud - and including tax credit fraud, enriching criminals and at a clear expense to many victims, this while children and direct victims like women beaten suffer the cowardly and creepy, slimes ego, greed, deceptive ignorance and multiple criminal acts. Bets? Debate. Defaming denial? Anyone? Please anyone?

Really and honestly, "anyone" in criminal group or not, care to dare defend these gangs multiple crimes or this very less than talented artistic professional group of human garbage? And just simply sign their full name and under oath. Not one person? Not one person who can deny even one claim and not be lying? Wow? Big Wow? What could it mean?

Nice initial legal optics as lawyers might note. And have.

Some should absolutely go to jail. See below. Every "good honest" person should help?

  • What if it was your own young frightened trembling daughter, mother, wife, lover or friend "savagely" beaten up by a department head or union executive? How many more need suffer?
  • What if it were your nice young kids or babies literally cheated of thousands in life insurance? This then as to enrich very sleazy (thinking themselves so clever) criminals or benefit trickle down, their very sick compromising cowardly aid and abet friends? Cheating children will make you sick. The more you read on it gets even sicker.
  • What if it was your best friend, that they cowardly all ganged up on and bullied and cheated of thousands of honest income and laughed at their bullying ways and abuse of position and trusts. From initial permit and membership the fraud begins. Many still not even in the union, and some incorporated making this case mostly "ultra vires" the LRB for hundreds cheated - easily thousands. Read how below. Disgustingly slime empowered by their very little very temporary local big shot union titles. Obtained by criminal and corrupt elections and blatant clear lack of merit or valid honest democratic process. Debate? Bets? Aid and abet? And certainly their positions not based on meaningful superior experience, ethics, intellect to education? Also easy to prove. And then thought themselves as so clever, again with their literally one time tiny as it gets titles? From cleaning brushes or pushing screws a big jump to big pay executive suite. How? They sold their souls. These sick little cowards, now in inner circle where beating up women and other crimes supported. See Aid and Abet definition below. Those who made deals with Satan now exposed.

    The slime left me alone as I'm physically intimidating at 6'5" and with martial arts and military combat training. As an amusing side note my hands so manly the more photogenic one was used in a BC beer ad when beer bottles got less masculine looking in early 80's? Some tough guys tested me. Only once.

    So sadly so many others from youth, to single mothers that they could intimidate, psychologically, physically to financially - or financially reward if aid and abetting criminals. And rewarded with position and big shot pay, position, perks and power to abuse members and some petty prestige. And with honest members money and tax credit paying the bill. Do the math. . And then the cowardly only played paper games with "moi" and thinking themselves oddly "ALL" my intellectual superior, and then hardly knowing much about me or my friends in Montreal and Ottawa, but only now know a bit and now in fact documenting looking like lying slime. And running from me. And I just want us all to be friends. And with one-on-one quality time at RCMP offices and all under oath. How friendly is that?

    Then sadly they started to learn I was far from who they thought or hoped I was, and then most ran in fear. Some got polite. Some got friendly. I exploited both? Some even tried to wash their hands of gang association by messenger or email or friend as documented. And as insiders not wanting association with this criminal scum? Letters of dissent? Documented? Suckers and morons like Paul Klassen and Tom Adair both document aid and abetting criminal elite and in their own words and judgments when others knew better. Such puppets. This before these sad life tragic  idiots knew much about me. And still much more to learn. See why below and exactly why even big Hollywood and Union Lawyers could never intimidate me either. Fact check? Clear to so many far more honest, far more accomplished, far more experienced and far more educated possibly why others afraid reading on. True? False? 
  • What if it was your corporation or small business that was a needless victim, suffering very serious economic interference or clear restriction of trade and fraud for decades by this dynasty of insiders. Will the insiders try and pretend now they were outsiders?
  • What if it is your very own BC tax money enriching women beaters, thieves and common criminals by millions with tax credit fraud?

It is.

Note to all criminals reading this: 

Be absolutely certain to show this whole blog, and "all" key related documents and evidence (unless no paper trail on your side), to your very expensive super big shot top Union, Hollywood and Criminal law experts. Lawyers names slime too often drop and use that can too often sadly so easily intimidate or worse impress others. But as you read below certainly and obviously not little wee me. Why? The legal muscle the sleaze once bragged about that could protect all these cowardly criminal slime and could intimidate me haven't. I wait. And wait. And wait. Still wait? I'm still waiting. And still wanting?

Some should ask RCMP about the idiot in Victoria who treated a lady to some vulgarity and harassment (and nothing physical like in 891) and was held down and legs held apart and testicles repeatedly kicked. Resulting in hospital for six months and loss of testicle. Some really do not like those who treat women as less than equal and showing little respect. Many. Nor impressed by those who aid and abet. Like a female RCMP investigator?  A female Crown prosecutor?  A female judge? Possibly all three? A legal hat trick?

And also criminals and slime, and friends who aid and abet criminals once thinking they were safe and now reading this, do show to your family and very closest friends this blog, and see what they "honestly" think. And of your best lies and word play? And if best to confess to all claims and simply and safely squeal for a deal to avoid added jail time and get some sympathy and leniency?

Do your family and friends  even "Buy the BS you're not documented criminals and slime"? Well, if not feeling very sick, busted and guilty enough - and now busted in a dozen different ways, do consider squeal for a deal and "honestly" helping RCMP save time and money busting yours and others best lies? Afraid of family, friends and honest and intelligent members and media and MLAs now reading this, all about you with your name and faces, and those who also witnessed and/or documented your crime,s also now all coming forward as "protected witnesses"? Of course you are.  No? Lies and bluffing only fools who?

If not frightened, the little sleazy arrogant and ignorant very guilty criminals, have many options below as to so quickly clear your name. And prove to so very many you're not sleazy little sneaky-creepy criminals, as I document, and can easily support that under oath with witnesses and multiple documents. Aswe have.

The criminals, if not criminals can easily exploit devices below to prove very fast they are not all criminals, with little merit. Little ethics. Little experience. Little intellect. Little education. Little accomplished. Or simply not small man complexes or women with little pride or shame? Deny? Debate?

So sad so many criminals once with big pay, big power titles simply not so popular anymore among informed members. And never again. Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies once also as well exposed, for aid and abetting criminals, women beaters and children cheaters for political self interest and for proceeds of crime laundered as position, pay, power and perks, will soon also join their like. Back at the bottom like Don Ramsden, Ken Anderson, Gavin Craig, John Brummitt, Rob Maier. Why didn't their careers take off? Sad and funny how now no power over me at all now and myself hardly in same league as just a "Labourer as per JB". As such are not ALL titles suspect? All? The smaller the man and the smaller the mind, the bigger the ego? 

Possibly now the absolute perfect time, if not far too late, for all criminal slime, named, pictured or referenced below, to now form a special elite committee or force. And of "all" key criminal minds and in collusion and for one last time in classic blind solidarity. You know that solidarity babble John Brummitt used to try and get others to aid and abet his criminal women beating and chldren cheating friends, and witnessed by so many.

And these All-Time and All-Slime criminal meetings for planning all the critical very key lies needed very soon, and very needed. Plus all nicely synced by a few dozen insiders and inner circle criminals for the symphony of big lies now so needed to fool RCMP. Better practice as RCMP not fools, you can easily fool or intimidate like members or buy off with proceeds of crime as pay and position. Just like all those now forced in "locked" solidarity with criminals? One bad musical note can kill a whole musical performance, and whole orchestra, or tumble a house of cards. Some may even get an RCMP Academy Award for best actor. Well, if lies far enough above standard criminal theatrics, and cheap classic sophist rhetorical wordplay and verbal dances the RCMP suffer daily. That stuff Tom Adair famous for. 

We really seriously and "honestly" should videotape this meeting with RCMP for all members to see the representation literally that thousands suffered. 6,000? 7,000? Time for criminal slime to be video stars. So many very very serious criminal matters reason enough for good content. Maybe we'll also play stupid and pretend we believe the sleaze on certain matters as to bait more lies and obstruction, perjury or contempt stuff? Like police often do?


"... (1) to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years". Wanna play hardball? We do. Big time.

Aids and Abets?

"In Canada, a person who aids or abets in the commission of a crime is treated the same as a principal offender under the criminal law. ... Section 2(b) was also added to make clear the legislative intent to punish as a principal."  Getting fun yet? 5-10 years for some?

Much more fun? Is my previously playing very stupid and baiting these uneducated criminals below, as full of themselves and their delusions of any form of superiority to any member or women, and getting them all, and one-at-time to tell more more lies to RCMP. Fun? Yes. We may get the bonus prize. This big bonus with those who both obstruct plus done as to aid and abet criminals. We set goals. We have a dream. We have a plan? A one-two KO punch? Watch how easy to trap those far less honest, far less experienced, far less accomplished and far less educated. Like shooting fish in very proud unified solidarity factor in a small fish bowl? Legally. True? False?

This Blogs Key Focus:

This blog clearly done as to speed things up for slimes criminal lawyers, CRA and RCMP and as a solid base for a full Forensic Provincial Inquiry. Why else? Really? Why else?

Sadly in a world of such criminal scum, those who will cheat coworkers and friends and beat up their daughters, the RCMP and CRA have earned the respect and gratitude of many. This as per RCMP and CRA files and those slime and criminals named that never could be "honestly" respected with their liesand dirty secrets. Never. See new facts and why zero respect for criminal slime below

Note to all honest intelligent people reading this: 

The key issues to consider by all those honest, objective and educated reading this whole blog, and simply if true or false:

1) Does this blog "honestly really" help all BC by helping women? Those who have been assaulted to sexually harassed for decades? And many women in "future"? And does this blog "honestly help" as clear fact far more and by direct comparison to the multi-level fakes and frauds like Mitch Davies as puppet 891 president, and Paul Klassen as top of the heap "Executive Director of The BC Council of Film Unions." Both at best just wearing a cute anti-bully or pro women rights T-Shirt for one day and photographed for obvious self promotion and vain glorification. As so very often documented with those named. Both these little boys key to aid and abetting criminals and abusers with others, and with their big shot titles and big time, as common practice for  decades? What is gross breach of Fiduciary Trust? Absolute fakes? Those who aid and abet criminals and woman beaters and children cheaters? And aid and abet by the blatant motive to be highly overpaid - and oddly based on their very clear lack of real any honest real executive experience, skill set, real integrity, real ethics, real education, real intellect, clean hands? True or false? Answer after reading below.

2) Does the blog "honestly" help women and give voice to assault and harassment victims more than any other documented pathetic and token PR effort by three decades by the frauds and criminals in this IATSE 891 union executive? Fact check? And more than any efforts by 891 executive ever or "combined". Please compare. Please share. Others will judge as well. True? False? Let the facts speak for themselves. Compare what I've done to what they've done. That simple. That sick.

3)Does this bolg honestly really help innocent children and babies of honest workers? Does it? Those cheated of life insurance, multiple critical medical benefits, honest work and more? And children cheated by very disgusting sneaky self-enriching dirty little criminal slime, and three decades of overpaid criminal frauds and union executives. True? False? Using membership to upgrade and hiring fraud to build their gangs and cheat thousands and all BC? True or false? And clearly by those who have aid and abetted for a nice chunk of proceeds of crime. Laundered as classic position, pay and perks like with Paul Klassen. True or false? 100% True or false? Answer after reading below legal definitions of aid and abet, and samples of exact criminal acts and consider "protected witnesses". 

And add the clear evidence from other legal ruling and files on this slime. Could a BC Criminal Court Judge, clear BC LRB rulings, the former Law Faculty acting chair at UBC and another Oxford legal Scholar, all be wrong and the highly uneducated and one trick pony careers of Tom Adair, Paul Klassen and a wallpaper hanger who would be Queen, in fact be honest and right? Absolutely possible but so highly unlikely. Let third party honest and objective Criminal Courts and a Provincial Inquiry best decide.

4) Does this blog seriously (and possibly brilliantly?) help reduce both time and costs for RCMP, Crown Prosecutors and CRA? True? False? And by clearly identifying specific criminals and their many crimes plus providing evidence for jail time? True or false? As documented, this slime loves internal trials and the ritual and pageantry to pretend legitimate. So they should absolutely love the real thing with more honest real people, more educated in legal to liars? Real real. And even videotaped will help?

5) Does this blog "honestly" and very seriously help clean up and out the human garbage in BC Film union IATSE 891 so many fear. And from executive scum to other criminal low life losers? True or false? Be honest? And thus helping all honest, talented workers in IATSE 891 more than three decades of fakes in executive. Faking integrity, intellect, education. And seriously and literally helping so much more than any effort in three decades? Plus help the real honest majority of all honest members, plus sister unions to investors and production companies and all BC taxpayers? True or false? Give this blog to all members and ensure they understand?
    If all true so far, seems jail a very clear given for few clearly named and their simple laundered proceeds of crime like house, car, cash seized. This to compensate women bullied and beaten to sexually harassed and assaulted to honest workers and their extremely innocent children cheated?


    Ideally soon RCMP, ideally female RCMP and knowing their own issues, and in uniform, will soon go to various IATSE 891 studio or locations, and IATSE big shot offices, and say hello to some of criminals, like president Mitch Davies or big time department head Rob Maier. Those who clearly aid and abet abuse of women and theft (5K+). And personally handout cards for women to call and "identities protect". Freedom of speech means freedom to talk to RCMP and give names.

    A piece of paper has big power.

    And then ideally RCMP give "all" honest ladies a card to call. This if ever harassed or assaulted and as "protected witnesses" and a file will be opened. And opened with suspect names - even if harassed or assaulted by a very big shot union executive - or major department head from Props to Paint, Art to Accounting. Any idiots want to debate this might not possibly save a life from domestic violence. See below.

    They even have some psychology major in executive who unless suffering her own very deep cognitive dissonance and a latent need for tribal bonding will be fun to also question under oath with their MBA guy who aids and abets legitimizing both the insanity, incompetence, corruption  and criminality.

    Below as documented have referenced their awkward legal efforts in past as well. Their lawyers should also be questioned. And under oath. These  executive super brains and powerhouses, with zero to hide should be able to trump my groups efforts? They better.

    The present system has failed.

    Without going in to the 100 year history of crime that IATSE executives associated with, in US, BC Labour history, and how critical BC Labour laws recognized needing giant reform to Hal Bank factors and these invested crime and corruption slime to date, we'll first keep it simple. And very specific. How many times exactly have the sleaze held Joe Sala and other misogynists, and literal women beaters and other cowards using their petty position as protection and have been held fully accountable not just financed IATSE 891? Or slime posturing on young ladies their political abuse by a corrupt title BS as to economically threaten, and also held accountable for harassment? Or violence against women? Numbers please.

    How odd and funny that they, when not fearing me, as not knowing much about me, and my real honest past, and work and/or friendship with the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, a BC Criminal Court Judge, Russ Mackay and some interesting Oxford/Osgoode Legal Scholars like Dr. J Fudge and back when total slime idiots, once so extremely brave and bold an under illusion superior as Gavin Craig tto Tom Adair document and while aid and abetting many criminals and many criminal acts. Here's my response to being so clever. See documented internal trial why now so many big mouth talkers now cowardly little mice with big shot titles oddly fear me. As documented. Notice how more and more cowardly they all got, as they got to know me and realized how bad their situation was. This compared to when so arrogant and ignorant and had illusions their titles could either impress or intimidate me. Nor could all their lawyers or MBA? See why below.

    And back when they thought themselves so impressive and intimidating with their big new once-in-a-life time titles and brand new trucks, courtesy of members money and tax credit by all BC. Pretty proceeds of crime obvious for those who know the law, know how laundering works and are suckers for solid logic and facts not lies by morons.

    Back when again the slime so full of themselves and total BS that the slime would dare call police on me trying to intimidate me? Funny now. Funnier when all truth told about me how they really were so seriously outclassed. And the idiots called police for just sending a fax of criminal issues, first too politely stated? Well documented. Zero debate. I asked RCMP to get them to press charges but as talk supported I might know some law school student they started to get careful but far too late. When more truth and facts hit some slime tried to become friends? Yuk. Vomit bag or what?

    And as well within same week again calling police on me. Feeling so very important and powerful and clever telling more lies to RCMP. Oddly when I was telling slime they should be reported as to protect their own children, as very disturbed parents. But by then some slime knew as fact I really was friends with the acting Chair of the Law Faculty at UBC. And others knew I had worked for the Former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford and reporting directly so they got a bit nervous. Then some heard an RCMP message to me making clear they were helping me not hunting me. How odd? Then they found out my client a BC Law Firm. So from a position of strength, as any know from "The Art of War" or Military textbooks, lessons in legal realism I retreated. Time to get them all.

    So in their extremely well documented brilliance and illusion of big titles and power, they call police and try and twist I was threatening their children and not the parents. Idiots? A big week for liars with lies to RCMP. Super idiots? Then they found out the acting Chair at UBC Law faculty a long time friend and internationally recognized Oxford/Osgoode scholar (Labour/Women issues). And other friends who despises women beaters, children cheaters, super fakes and frauds. Then later they found out a BC Criminal Court Judge also a long time friend and former roommate. Then they found out a top internationally recognized CBC award winning journalists also long time friend. Then they found out I not only worked directly reporting to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford. Then they found out I worked for Stanley Hartt "The brains behind Mulroney". Then they found out I wrote for both Justin's Dad and Turner when PM. Then the blow was when some found out Even Jean Chretien a friend of the family. Not knowing me or about me they treated me like they did others they could bully and hated me being critical of policy, woman beaters and thieves as documented and of all the criminals and fakes, and they have even loaded internal BS trials to try and further "coerce and intimidate" and waste my time watching them pretend all garbage and fakes.  Some so stupid they believe a small tool repairman and a wallpaper hanger and Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies could "put me in my place".  And could "handle me" based on their superior integrity and intellect to experience and education. But made fools of themselves and documented aid and abet efforts. And once again clearly failed and only revealed and humiliated themselves. And as documented losers and liars and very ugly and very stupid people. I was the trojan horse they thought they could ride. Never suspecting what pathetic sleazy nobodies they really were. And are

    But oddly all these sleaze as hundreds have witnessed and as documents support, they all have zero problem, and clearly far more friendly with warm smiles for women beaters and those who sexually harass to major thieves and tax cheats. As witnessed.  But oddly also very obvious how such low life losers don't like me. Makes me kind of proud by who exactly my very sleazy unaccomplished and uneducated cowardly enemies are as and as compared directly to my very very classy friends with still more surprises to follow. Only an idiot plays hisAces early. As I've already proven?

    For decades corrupt elections clearly to facilitate criminal influence all faking, lying. Any dare debate? Any? Any? Under oath? Any? Anytime? Easy to prove: Hypocrites? Liars? Frauds? Criminals? Very ugly and fat ugly low life losers? All the above? True? False? See their names below and warn others. Let others judge the blatant legal optics and very key real evidence and facts below. Like criminal courts, RCMP, CRA, Crown Prosecutors. To be fair? Whole truth and nothing but bit.

    This makes a lightning fast clear point beyond debate on all previous presidents like Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, and Don Ramsden and present superstar Mitch Davies - and their dog loyal criminal friends and criminal executive support - key political support? Bets? Defamatory denial? All three past presidents and Mitch Davies, as my clear and proven superiors (as per IATSE?) in intellect, ethics, education, experience, so they all should not fear meeting me with such low 891 qualifications and for cowards in a crowd now one-on-one at RCMP offices and with their super titles and as per BC LRB rulings and other character references from previous RCMP and legal files?

    The RCMP visiting sets, offices and on location, handing out cards to all girls and women with a number to call, if harassed or assaulted and as "protected" witnesses or victims, ideal? True? False?

    This, many would logically think would help big time and make all ladies feel very very safe. True? False? And all slime assholes behave far better. Far better. True or false? And big plus. this critically empowering women when I can no longer be a voice for them. I do have much bigger fish soon to fry in the non-union world in then this human garbage waiting back in Ottawa. And as logical fact this would make all women and girls far more safe, than such disgusting twisted super fake feminists like Mitch Davies wearing a T-Shirt for one day as so brave and such a leader.- and done mostly for his own self promotion.  Vomit bag? Sick and obvious when all real full honest truth finally told. Debate?

    Time for RCMP to be seen as heroes for women and children?

    Plus this coming to the people by RCMP makes RCMP very visible and honest real heroes. Certainly for young women, honest men, critical foreign investment man and to all BC taxpayers. Like having a cop on the corner crime drops. True or false? Various community papers and broadcast from Calgary to Vancouver Island would have to applaud RCMP and such proactive cost, time and pain reducing proactive logic. And all women and labour groups. Inspiring many. Time for pictures and PR for real heroes in RCMP not sleaze in IATSE 891. Those who lie to RCMP, work less and paid more. True? False?

    But just how do we protect honest and honourable men from any or all the ugly false accusations and ugly false rumours? Easy! So easy!

    In honest fairness and efficacy, as to protect any honest good men from very ugly false investigation, rumours or innuendo, and any claims based on just dirty sick false ugly rumours as women beaters to thieves and tax cheats, these sadly so very innocent and honourable people can just run quickly to RCMP. And very quickly do a volunteer non-admissible fast voice polygraph ieven the latest and best? Faster than a Hollywood cafe latte. That easy.  John Brummitt can prove how easy first and prove safe and fast for all his friends also suffering ugly rumour and innuendo? Fast, friendly and so no longer victims of very ugly disgusting rumours. And prove they are clear community minded honest people. Heroes to the working person. And quickly protect their such honest good family names, reputation, titles as all proven good. Tom Adair must be anxious to quickly prove:

    1) No knowledge of criminal acts.
    2) No aid and abetting of women beaters, thieves, cheating children and honest workers and all BC to get his high paid job. Two tiny questions and RCMP may give him a few tries trying to fool the newest and best voice truth machine? Or not? Well, if just ugly rumours and not absolutely 100% truth nothing to fear?

    And the criminals think their so clever and can cover up so many crimes?  Can even one criminal do this? I will. Makes a point. Makes a giant point if not one in the two dozen named can dare do a non-admissible voice poly. Max 5 questions each. They should protect their good honest names and legacy at least for their own children's sake. They pretend to be good parents this is their big chance to prove it?

    A volunteer non-admissible fast voice polygraph gets some a fast cheaper-than-a lawyer-get-out-of-jail-card, and with far better legal optics for Crown Prosecutor and RCMP. Even CRA for some. This great for those with no sick ugly cowardly crimes to hide. True? False? Legal optics?

    Side fun note: I studied polygraph technology in 1975 with buddies at John Abbott's Police Technology in Montreal. I love them. Helps protect the innocent and helps RCMP, CIA, FBI, MI5, Pentagon. But as usual Tom Adair as so superior and possibly not a super fake, may disagree with these folks, just like he did with 475 honest members, those he felt not his equal in intellect and integrity as documented. But didn't trust him for a minute and wanted him audited. John Brummitt liked Tom Adairs documented stupidity and handed out to new members. Even my hidden friends? What an arrogant ignorant ass? Wait until you meet him.and so many others. Many employers define top slime suspects very fast using truth technology as well. Very fast. Or is Tom Adair thinking these groups also more stupid than him like 475 who want a forensic audit on him and Dusty Kelly? Some just by refusal will be obvious and fair suspect for far deeper traditional form of investigation. Sometimes there are those who are very afraid of lie detectors or truth machines. Why? Obviously because they are liars or criminals with much to hide. Do understand the qualifications but always counter with the given safeguards.

    And this saving time and money for RCMP over absurd lies and banter from well known assholes like Tom Adair to buddy John Brummitt. We all want to save RCMP time and money, so they can focus on saving lives and protecting children's lives don't we. Don't we? True or false? We can all prove our honest desire to save RCMP wasting time by this tool, that they have invested heavily in for oddly just this exact purpose. Only women beaters, child cheaters, thieves, tax cheats need be afraid. And those who aid and abet by cowardly silence and breach of fiduciary duty to those with very direct and documented criminal efforts should only fear this. I'll show how they work myself?

    Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will most certainly help RCMP, won't they? Won't they? And as will all the classy honest ladies in their inner circle, group or gang, and do one little fast easy voice poly. If "all" have absolutely nothing to hide, at all, about aid and abetting vile creepy criminals to women abusers more than 50% should pass. Mitch put your money where your pretty mouth is? Paul Klassen as a judicial master of truth and justice he should have nothing to fear? He wants truth and justice doesn't he? Well unless people ask who died and made Paul pope? Such a career jump for Paul after documenting helping criminals. I'm impressed as will be RCMP. Look forward to some very serious face time at RCMP offices and seeing if his judicial skills as good as my friends and family and not some disgusting fake. Only fair. Judge and be judged. You reap what you sow bit? Squeal for a deal based on aid and abet as documented helping handfuls of criminals try and intimidate and honest man and censor free speech. This ashole a cancer?

    In my graduate studies at Concordia in Montreal, I also used GSR and other tech like Lafayette, EEG and EKG to see if lie detector technology could be advanced. Not just studying film editing? Kinda funny if you think about it, and now the lies I can document without a poly more than enough. Poly still much faster. I have the depth to see the beauty of such truth tools.

    My studies in legal statutory interpretation, formal logic, rhetorical fallacies and linguistics, also helps me deal with these great low life uncertain weakling coward liars and actors and fakes, so far less educated - and such authoritative tough talking types. They turn to mice one-on-one. This not my first time playing such games with slime and ruining their careers and reputations as only just?

    Having been a bouncer in a biker bar and a custodian in a psychiatric unit in university, such fakes or lunatics and their Hollywood gunslinger stares or insane facial contortions and frothing hysterics, hardly scare me. Sadly, so sadly, they do scare and intimidate far too many nice honest people.. Those without my muscle, military and martial arts bit and my tiny wee academic merit. I've only been a Dean Requested speaker at McGill, ("Canada's Harvard") and at local schools like UBC and SFU. And I work with many scholars and think tank super stars as some in the Industry know very well.  Heck, what do I know compared to these super minds in the sleaze gangs. Or why my empathy of those  with very focused skill sets and family to feed and need not do what I do here to draw fire, and don't have other multiple industry talents like myself as very well proven prior from politics to publishing. Even finance? Those not like myself,  must fear the sleaze and their sick economic threats. I don't. Very disgusting. This may start to explain why the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford, also amused when I reported directly to him, and had to have screaming matches with senior partners at various major law firms trying the I'm-a-lawyer bit. One lawyer on BC Ferries thought his legal title could intimidate me. But I gave him a very big non-legal hint about legal realism so he smartened up fast. Yes, I'm a troublemaker and a whistleblower and willing to stand up to women beaters, sleaze, liars, cheats, fakes, frauds and proud of it and those I help, have helped and will help. Including the lawyers I've helped via my volunteer efforts with LAC. I'm just trying to impress one girl to be very honest. Certainly no one in IATSE 891 I need to empress friend or foe. True? False?

    Some in IATSE have seen me in real Criminal Courts go from witness to advising Judge and both prosecution and defence on strategic sentencing and successfully? And others know exactly why I didn't need any lawyer's help to do CRTC appeals in Ottawa when Labatt flew me in to fix things.  Alone? I'm not a fake like Dusty Kelly or Tom Adair. Why did fortune 500 companies fly me around so much and provide limousine service and fancy hotels? Why do really smart people like me and yet ugly lying losers and women beaters and tax cheats don't.

    Yes, I'm a big fan of temples of truth from small claims to civil courts as well as the truth machine. Kinda fun. And I just might be strong enough to handle  such major super educated quick minds like Paul Klassen and John Brummitt and with luck even the very impressive and intimidating former top of the heap  Tom Adair. Possibly all combined? But may need help. Joke. See below.

    New Hard Solid Evidence Below. Debate?

    New hard solid evidence below. Names and pictures of criminals and cowardly slime who aid and abet, also added below, as to further help RCMP & CRA.

    Special email now sent to: Media List, Directors Guild of Canada, ACFC 2020 Unifor and BCP/ACTRA, and Teamsters, and a variety of IATSE locals. Places where "honest" executives and "honest"  workers and where women who have also had enough suffering such criminal slime in unions and workplace ready to support.  And to those possibly also disgusted to similar boiling or tipping point with liars and criminals, woman beaters and child cheaters And if also directly suffering similar slime on set to union contract negotiations.

    891 Executives giving you any trouble? Just throw this blog link in any of 891 executive's lying cowardly criminal faces, and threaten to call RCMP if any named slime dare get delusional with their fake titles clearly lacking honest or democratic merit. Exactly like judicial landmark Paul Klassen or most Local 891 executives for 3-4 decades. All fakes? Who not?

    Those now, among a few far more educated and honest in such matters, now have zero credibility and respect for whole 891 executive - like literally as documented hundreds wanting a full forensic audit of Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly and others of named slime, and many now know they are now fearing real serious jail time. Well, if not stupid or delusional like John Brummitt, a crazy wallpaper hanger who would be Queen and Paul Klassen, those who ignores other criminals warnings and as all three clearly so much smarter than everyone and even their friends.  Few and fewer will now take them seriously, or ever trust their word or judgment after reading this whole blog. True or false? The sharpest swords buried below in various places so criminals or lawyers a who don't read or can't, will miss so very much. We've used this trick before. It works.

    Best they are powerless to complain about anything. Including little me? They can't even dare complain about me to police for harassment or public mischief as I continually bait them as to humiliate them as such with national exposure?

    They should just fake another fraud Quorum and surprise the other criminals and attack me without listening to others. Just like with internal trials when idiots in the gang go rogue and ignore solidarity? Their honest and very serious lack of ethics, education and experience and documented history of helping key criminals will soon make Paul Klassen a literal human and career tragedy and with Mitch Davies, both will now be on hundreds of Databases. All across Canada. Fooling no one. Not even members or their families. They may back to old jobs faster than the other big shots who prove the Peter Principal that some little title in a union local the highlight of their. And as truth hit threshold turning point none could be elected again. True? False? Is Mitch Davie's true initial core political support just a bit more than 200 members and in honest fact hardly represents "honestly" the 8,000 members he postures. True? False? Debate? Defamatory denial of fact?

    May, I suggest, or nominate, as acting Chair, either John Brummitt, Tom Adair, Mitch Davies, Paul Klassen, Rob Maier or even Gavin Craig or better the very politically savvy  Dusty Kelly to be  Chairperson of Slimes Legal Defence group, committee or gang. A woman as top dog finally could present very cute legal optics? 

    All named are such very honest and such proven leaders and honest achievers and with an incredible and documented history of superior ethics, intellect and integrity and such big credentials and CV, and all so very well educated. What a superbowl team of slime? And loved by all? Not. Yes, they must certainly all be given an honest chance to defend themselves to RCMP unless even now fearing even that can backfire about a dozen different ways. True? False?

    Yes, some of the criminal sleaze named have already been directly involved with serious lies to RCMP as documented and as to best protect criminals and others getting "political overpaid positions" for helping criminals, this with their cowardly obedient silence as women beaten and children cheated. Bets?

    Is ten years jail time asking to much when hundreds of victims? Just standing at the door as a decoy or to watch out while others steal or rape children is still Aid and Abet. Literally. You don't have to be the criminal just the helper with motive of being part of the gang and eventual proceeds of crime.And further rewarded with bigger titles to wrongfully prosecute an honest person in internal trials like super documented idiot Paul Klassen. No standard of care. No due diligence. And documenting exactly the same bad faith as previous super slime and very stupid president Ken Anderson, as per BCLRB rulings on clever Kenny and registered mail. And Paul helping with the exact same silly slime efforts at coercion and intimidation as documented also against own members as John Brummitt and Don Ramsden noted for. Again as per BCLRB rulings (Link below). How exactly did a super uneducated jerk like Paul Klassen ever get his job. Even I can teach film editing and tools in Final Cut Pro. What is his magic? As documented. Hardly his education, ethics, honesty, experience or judicial and executive judgement impressive. Does he have awards from Hollywood as well?Or possibly Paul Klassen just incredibly good looking? So great looks or criminal slime? How did he "really" get such a title and such big pay when so many dwarf him in honesty, integrity, intellect, experience and education? Kind of sad when you're a fake and exposed aiding and abetting criminals and witnessed and documented. True? False?

    So strong collective solidarity among all named with women beaters and children cheaters very critical. Alone too cowardly and stupid. In bigger numbers a bit better but support collusion and conspiracy in criminal matters? Makes it much more fun if criminals tell even more lies to RCMP and criminal courts and make their IQ and integrity and ethics insanely obvious while adding compounding obstruction, perjury and contempt charges. Lying to members one thing. Lying to RCMP, Crown Prosecutors and a BC Criminal Court Judge Russian roulette with three chambers loaded. True? False?

    All crimes and slime, very well documented for those of obvious higher levels of intelligence and criminal courts, like my friends a BC Criminal Court Judge and former acting Law Faculty chair at UBC and other lawyers and scholars who helped and encouraged, and oddly who will differ with these very sick ugly ignorant small men and big women criminals. And absolutely not fooled.

    This slime has a half dozen no debate criminal issues, including aid and abet to now deal with. And as all clearly done and clearly  key to protecting those who beat up Canadian women and cheat Canadian children, and/or are literally major thieves and criminal frauds themselves. Sue me? Any of this 891 slime in the BC Federation of Labour makes a point why both BCFed and all Labour has credibility issues? Why would both Horgan and Dix be with such human garbage. Funding? I think a few journalists in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa may want to know. Maybe even in BC some may get curious how Dusty gets all the NDP men to pose with her so she looks like an intimidating insider? Dix will know more if a subpoena needed? True? False? David Eby quoted below hating corruption is their top lawyer and a provincial Attorney General. Kind of interesting? Will Dix defend the dirty two dozen?

    Some of the super slime might be smarter now? And not try lies to both RCMP a third time - and when first becoming brand new friends with CRA? 

    Or maybe best for all or some with much smaller crimes to just give up and try for reduce sentence, and end the needed lies and excess stress and for more very proven legal efficacy. See below the logic detailed. And as to avoid literally hundreds of hours planning lies and strategies with their proven stupid gangs of the grossly incompetent to the possible narcissistic to socio or psychopathic traits as to all try and fool RCMP and a Crown Prosecutor. Good luck to the slime as named. And with very proven morons and all with more great ideas creating any intelligent consensus a major joke? 

    I actually hope none of those named squeals for a deal and throws others under the bus, and that they continue to lie, and lie, and lie to RCMP and pretend they are honest people. And pretend highly educated and honourable and with tons of meaningful experience, and lie as not key to helping women beaters and child cheaters and wrongful prosecution to a dozen other key criminal acts. Debate? 

    How come with nepotism in 891 literal purse snatchers, low life thieves and heroin addicts, drunks, women beaters and child cheaters, not a problem for these sleazy criminal slime, but oddly I am as the little legal beagle here? Why?

    They'll all play ignorant at first

    They'll all play ignorant at first, as major Hollywood big shots and pretend they have much bigger issues than my accusations against their involvement with millions in tax credit to membership fraud - and that they weren't directly involved and with the added cliche over used memory issues.  The Harvey Weinstein strategy? Brilliant or what? These are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

    "Feeling Lucky?"

    Or if slime feeling real brave possibly "ALL" named will all sign under oath a simple detailed denial of my claims. Or any single claim. We do try to be very open minded.

    Names of those below who need to be fully questioned by RCMP.As per beating up women, cheating children and millions and millions in tax credit fraud enriching criminal elite. And cheating so very many. Even children.

    Those below who need to be questioned for certainly a few hours or days by RCMP. And for some CRA. This as per all the witness and documented supported criminal details below - and as much more to follow. And this as to just have an "honest" chat with RCMP, under oath. And the slime and life losers can babble whatever feels good and sounds "right", but no classic obstructive deceptive omissions or any fraudulent concealment, as too easy to prove, as this legal minefield and just justifies added jail time. And for any or so many if lies still the best these little brains can do. Called obstruction.

    Time to Talk Honestly

    Time to talk honestly, for once about the plague of criminal issues from women beaten up and major theft to literally millions in tax credit fraud enriching this criminal elite. A bit funny these slime brains thinking statute of limitations will save them as so legally well informed. Not. My legal friends not idiots? And having worked with MBAs, CAs, lawyers and engineers I know it's important to get a few dozen "expert opinions".

    Time for some truth for RCMP so very well trained from those slime with far less experience, training and education and far less ethics, intellect and integrity, but paid more for less - and yet oddly are also paid so much more with added tax credit than very honest and very hardworking nurses, teachers, lawyers, police and military. Those that risk their lives and require some meaningful education, training or certification. Not like these criminal fakes. Makes a small point. Disgusting? You can bet on it. Some looking at 5 years jail time. Guess which ones named below will disgust criminal courts the most and most often.

    RCMP suggested honorable guest list:

    • John Brummitt (Can his self affirmation slime group teach him to look not guilty? And in time? And cover a few dozen lies showing both grace and charm and fooling RCMP interrogators and media and make fools of us all?) 
    • Don Ramsden and his Aid & Abet criminals (One-at-a-time). 
    • Rob Maier and his Aid & Abet criminals (One-at-a-time).  
    • Dusty Kelly & most loyal support? If any left. Who will support Dusty now. Adrian Dix? And give their names?
    • Tom Adair (That's what friends are for? Nice song. Also supports conspiracy. And criminal charges for this well respected fraud?)
    • Gavin Craig and his Aid & Abet criminals (One-at-a-time).
    • Susan Butler Grey, (Why exactly did she call and lie  to RCMP and as per RCMP files to protect criminals like John Brummitt and Gavin Craig. Or better why she can't remember. In criminal court such clever called contempt? Why such a big pay and power career move after lies to RCMP? Others may ask harder questions.)
    • Ken Anderson and his Aid & Abet criminals (One-at-a-time) and why BCLRB saw through him as just a stupid little sick fat boy liar helping criminals trying to fake not a fake. And as per registered mail?   
    • Frank Haddad. Having seen this clown's financial skills first hand and drinking habits or family problems, added to his documented integrity and intellect, clearly supporting absurd internal trials to protect criminals - and those who employ him. Those that he has brown nosed for decades. Many suspect having no pride and as some guess as reporting to me, that booze burning a few brain cells. Time for a small reaction for such a brown nosing numbers man who supported internal trials as documented? Oddly trials where "even criminals feared showing support for criminals" as a bit of a joke. Some get it. Exactly as documented.
    • Paul Klassen, and his internal trial Aid & Abet for criminals. He should get those who will sign their name that they know him and support him. Like on his LinkedIn profile. 
    • Mitch Davies, also with top twenty names "signed" of those who know him and ready to swear under oath and after reading this whole blog, that they "honestly" back him and willing to do so for RCMP, and under oath.

    All named above have been friends or long time criminal coworkers for decades. Enjoying each others company on stage at union meetings (as a show of intimidating force and criminal solidarity) or socially in their homes or out on expenses (paid by honest trusting members), using members money. Like the trip to China that disgusted so very many and will be a blast to watch any defend other than possible internal blackmail and extortion? This should be cleared up fully? Get real. Slime and criminals far too obvious. This when the "best of best" of criminal elite including Tom Adair to John Brummitt, shoulder to shoulder, and with those very confident forced Hollywood laughs, and witnessed as such, and as very tight insiders with the criminal elite. An elite controlling their very well picked pathetic and very very dishonest support and stewards. Like literal intellectual and visual joke human joke Mr. O'Leary (891 police) and censoring and controlling all media as Dusty loved doing as documented by email in elections, so all members can be deceived and cheated. 

    Note: If those reading this, and it was you I was attacking and saying things not true about you and this ugly and abusive, and clearly "defamatory" wouldn't you call police on me like normal honest people would do or get a big time Hollywood or Union lawyer to try and intimidate me? What are they so afraid of?

    Media reading this if the slime play stupid send this blog link and tell them you'll call them in a few days to defend and respond. Like RCMP could to save time and money. 

    No place obvious in this tight criminal gang for any honest person, and worse those more educated as well, and/or far  more experienced and accomplished, nor those who even dare to be whistleblowers as too honest, and as such critical of 891 executive criminals, women beaters, children cheaters, puppy kickers, porn loving fakes, liars, family screw-ups, deadbeat dads, cowards top wallpaper people who claim to have "built this industry" and paint brush cleaners? Dare debate? Why exactly do criminal slime vote for Mitch Davies and oddly not me?

    And this slime have aided and abet many major crimes, from beating women, children cheated and theft (5k+) to lies to RCMP and so many very criminal and corrupt elections and many other criminal matters but to keep this brief will wait for other stories to be told for a full forensic Provincial Inquiry and Criminal Courts. Bring a vomit bag.

    The idiots have tried threatening phone calls and pretending they are women with an interest in me. Sadly the idiots used a girl who can hardly compare to my real girlfriends, as many know, in either looks or honest non-union major accomplishments from Academic to Business. Yes, I'm very proud to say they all put me to shame. Seems "honest" insanely classy accomplished successful women oddly like me and clearly those with an obvious poor self image don't. True? False? 

    The idiots also tried to spread I threatened children and union executives (unnamed?) and in fact the whole local, the International and the whole dam Western World Labour movement. Kind of an Alice's Restaurant moment. So now my turn at name calling. Only fair. But now with very honest insults and very real criminal claims they honestly deserve? Not lies. They are such major idiots and losers they showed police my famous threatening fax and that backfired and got me RCMP helping me. They failed to show my following faxes to RCMP why?

    Reality: I once threatened a biker with a history of bar fights who started playing macho tough guy. Plus insulting and ridiculing me in front of other bikers .  I was now not among Oxford Scholars just prior. Having been a bouncer in biker bars, I simply needed him to feel my grip to make very clear I could not be physically threatened, or verbally abused, by such big talking tough guys. It worked. Worked most of the time in bars and only had to cause a few pain. Some also think I'm also difficult to intellectually or legally intimidate as well - even with top lawyers? 

    Yes, I've thrown guys across tables when beating up a women or bullies beating up on one guy, as oddly some IATSE 891 members have actually witnessed. My nobody legal friends of forty years also know I hate women beaters and bullies, fakes, frauds, liars and criminal slime. If some wanted get physical I'd oblige. Hey, if I was violent and even with a women beating bully group like these slime, wouldn't I have kicked in John Brummitt's little ugly toothless head in? By now? Think about it. Or Rob Maier's and Don Ramsden's?  Sadly both figuratively and literally all three very small men with related small man and small penis complexes and I'd deservedly be called a bully. People would mock me as Hulk Hogan vs. the little dwarves. Fact check? See textbook definition.

    Yes, they are all very warmly welcome to fully defend themselves and their such honest good names, and their honest real life credentials at RCMP offices, and simply and easily just deny and defend and directly challenge, and against any single claim I make, that they can? What's hard about that? Or defend against "all" of my claims, protected witnesses and clear documentation.  

    And all criminals all in solidarity like the old days and to present. This to protect their good honest names and their children, idiots thinking nepotism can't hurt you. Should be motivation enough as to just help their very own innocent children? Now also obvious victims? Well, if no major serious crimes to hide and lie about, should be easy to all sign a affidavit for RCMP against me. Well, and if not totally afraid of RCMP now? And fearing five years jail to hopefully added obstruction charges for lying to RCMP a third time? We could get lucky? 

    And if not just sleazy small man cowards and disgusting sleazy women, as many now even hundreds all clearly agree. Seems historically as fact after this slime in the spotlight with big titles and truth told their popularity as per elections drops dramatically. True? False? Why? And the majority of truth still not hardly told. And so many disgusted. And so many hundreds wanting a forensic audit. 

    Those sleaze who help women beaters and children cheaters and needing a mindless crowd, can now just go one-on-one with very low title me (with honest real qualifications) against "all" the bigshot titles (with their sadly tragic and minimal qualifications as detailed below), and in front of RCMP. And then in Criminal Courts. And ideally videotaped. What are they so afraid of? See below.

    Evidence is everything.

    Background Notes: As per below, with forty year friends and even as an old roommate as a BC Criminal Court Judge, and another an Oxford/Osgoode Legal Scholar and former acting Law Faculty Chair at UBC, plus some other great local Vancouver lawyers - more than just National CBC friends, as award winning "investigative journalists and producers", have been pre-briefed on this very sick criminal cowardly slime. Even had help screwing these slime from St. Paul's top forensic psychiatrist Dr. Madeline Tremblay. Family? We discussed Don Ramsden, John Brummitt and Gavin Craig. So not only RCMP and legal Scholars on my side.

    Even the heavily compromised Vancouver Sun Justice Critic, Ian Mulgrew has been briefed. Mulgrew knows me through various journalists and publishers from Vancouver Magazine and Western Living and national CBC producers. This when I was handling media and message and directly reporting to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford - and all helped so much.

    Odd or funny the criminals kept me out of the Publicity Department to show how smart they aren't - as I'm not another fake as having been a senior executive with the biggest and best ad agencies in Canada. Maybe done to protect losers with only some drain pipe video as their top claim to fame,  and very key, also supporting women beaters and child cheaters, but more foolishly they Allowed me in Accounting and near so many spreadsheets? Idiots? How stupid is that.

    And do also add the very classy objective and honest support of West Van RCMP. This back when Rob Maier's gang thought themselves so very clever with wordplay and lies. This was also very key as per below details.  I played the message to some 891 members from RCMP so clear on what fools RCMP weren't? And what lying idiots Rob Maier and gang certainly were.

    This back when RCMP so very disrespected by these sick nobody slime and treated like the RCMP were these fat headed criminal's:

    • personal paid props, 
    • puppets 
    • and pawns 
    • and lied to by these sleaze. 

    Lies from the sleazy Union Executive with Gavin Craig, plus RCMP lied to even by Department Head gang members, as with Rob Maier's gang, and laughing and all thinking themselves so very brilliant, and as to absurdly fake legitimacy (fooling only idiots), even the Executive Producer Bob Goodwin called me also not buying the BS sadly the uneducated and those with fear now must? The cognitive dissonance and ability, as delusional, to deceive themselves good for laughs.

    And this as obvious "wrongful prosecution" - and as an idiot's ego trip and illusion, that they were all above the law. Such tiny titles and tiny offices (My secretaries had bigger)  and yet so empowered with their brand new once in a lifetime flashy big new so intimidating titles. Well,  before all their careers skyrocketed to nowhere. Fact check. Rob Maier a case in point. How odd? At least they had a very dirty union executive in clear support. In real world they'd be certified losers. Once again all just trade workers, exactly like those I've been defending since 1973 on railway, in hotels and in schools against such bullies and slime. RCMP know me from 1973 strike sticking up for those afraid. Even if so highly paid?

    All these criminals with very big titles and very small man complexes, really are as very honest fact, and at best, are just skilled trades and not to good at that either some feel. Don't let their absurd titles fool you. These slime prior to criminal and corrupt elections and their positions, literally as very well documented fact just real major nobodies, but great liars and smilers, insiders and fakes. Meet John Brummitt. Fact check? Debate? This just some of the few facts that get us started. Bets? Debate? Defamatory denial welcome? More obstruction charges ideal? A wallpaper hanger acting like a Queen and thinking she also well loved and respected like Dusty Kelly and yet hardly supported in internal trials as almost tragic. Funny, but tragic. As with her tears of frustration when no criminals showed up to defend criminals.

    If slime and criminals all not seriously fearing jail time, they should obviously rush (at least half as fast as they do their very brilliant and so well planned internal trials, and as for basic legal optics, as documented, as noted), or as even as fast as they have Tom Adair dare shoot his very highly uneducated, verbos, women beating and child cheating supporting mouth off, and further deceiving all members, as extremely well documented and reviewed at Gowlings Law Firm. . Clearly also a  delusional nut case thinking he's smarter, more educated and more experienced than those who want a full forensic audit on this scum and also think Tom Adair and his title and whole life a very sad joke. And based on just his protection of criminal secrets. Judge and be judged only fair?

    Yes, all named should rush to local RCMP as a sign of honest strength and show RCMP this link to this blog. Like non-criminals would most certainly absolutely do? If not fearing jail time of possibly 5 years for themselves and a few stupid dog loyal friends? Why not? I'll supply RCMP all other documents. My pleasure.

    Some all across in Canada really don't like cowardly Canadian women beaters, sleazy children cheaters, puppy kickers, fakes and thieves. I know a few from churches to Senate. Shall we check? I not only reported to Ron Basford the former Attorney General it appears both Senators Grafstein and Fitzpatrick like my work as did Labatt and 7-Eleven, even top decorated Veterans. Odd John Brummitt and Don Ramsden not as smart, accomplished and honest.

    And yet some do, as clearly documented and witnessed seem, to like, support and vote for  women beaters and children cheaters. Hal Banks eat your hear out. Even honouring them as amusingly also documented.

    The RCMP have done excellent work and appear to no longer tolerate those who harass or beat up women as too many suicides even in RCMP. Or cheat children.

    The RCMP have done absolutely excellent work busting far more clever sleazy lying brokers and bankers, politicians to bikers, now time to bust these sleazy women beaters, child cheaters, thieves and tax cheats protected far too long by a dishonest criminal union executive. If RCMP can bust Col. Russell Williams, Paul Bernardo and Robert Pickton so fast, John Brummitt as a low life lying criminal fraud should be easy.True? False? Debate? Defamatory denial and obstruction added to criminal conspiracy? This just to get started. Read on.

    "Canadian whistleblowers lead the world in reporting financial crime"
    Vancouver Observer Dec 2nd, 2017

    "The CRA promises rewards of between 5 and 15 per cent of the additional federal tax collected as a result of a tip"? What exactly is a non-reported taxable benefit? Like employee theft? In say Construction with Rob Maier or Greens with Frank Haddad? A voluntary non-admissible voice polygraph a quick way to kill ugly rumours and get RCMP on side and saving time and money. 

    A "preliminary estimate" - as a term department heads giggle about, on tax cheats could net me conservatively a few thousand and just busting major tax cheat Rob Maier? He likes being a cowardly sneaky lying bully - should he be forgiven and for hiring literally now documented very dishonest idiots who trust him but talk too much?

    We can ask a few criminals named above and below why they and their so clever bookkeepers differ with CRA? If they had to put away Al Capone with tax law to get him, then same with this very cowardly ignorant lying criminal scum. Why not? Note: Have debated Superior court decisions with CRA. Check if they know me and would appear they like me - and found me funny? I certainly like them.

    Seriously and sadly far too many honest weak victims of their greed, intellect and integrity and anger management issues, and finally deserve some justice and all proceeds of crime seized (like all Tom Adair's to John Brummitt and Rob Maier's total  assets). Victims need full compensation more than these slime needs a new big truck. Any legal whiz want to argue not proceeds of crime with me? And we must also seize all their money ASAP. And put in trust and provided to all victims via such trust funds, and from women and children to heroic honest members all cheated to threatened by this gang of cowardly criminal liars, fakes and frauds and the clearly insanely incompetent. 

    And all victims from "Bird on a Wire" to latest show in production get justice? Some more legally informed should also see the critical need for immediate trusteeship and all executive and support literally all thrown on the street. What's 10% of a few million as a reward by CRA? I can help when in Trusteeship so honest workers not hurt any more and more than need be by these fakes and criminals.

    Should be getting obvious by know why criminal slime, women beaters and child cheaters and human frauds and fakes all must hate me and fear me, if not idiots, and yet oddly why one type of people (honest and intelligent) oddly like me and for over forty years? Even an RCMP buddy on Facebook? Many friends also from many honest unions from Airlines to Education? Not just the former Attorney General of Canada and few Senators like me. And why I'm oddly liked as an invited dinner guest, and sailing plus tennis buddy of international Oxford and Osgoode legal scholars and a former UBC acting Law School Chair (sailing only), and dinner guest  with an internationally recognized and award winning investigative journalist (tennis and sailing buddy since 1973), and short listed for youngest VP of Oland's Breweries (this based on work for Labatt in BC and awards in Hollywood) and selected as a CEO of Geodom with extremely highly decorated veteran Larry McHale as COB (CIA), and why oddly major Scholars also hire me, and liked me at SRK Engineering  and ask me to speak at their international AGM and oddly all pay me far more than even all knowing department heads. Why COB Bill Grant liked me on his board of directors of his public company as a signing director. Why such extremely impressive ladies having doctorates in Psychology (Labour) to listed in Chatelaine 100 date me or live with me? Even I paid IATSE members more than IATSE as sign painters for 7-Eleven and as substitute teachers for SFU? Why are Molson family my friends on Facebook knowing I worked for Labatt? Why 19,000 likes? Why do such very very smart ladies and men like me, but not these deceitful political savvy very low life scum full of themselves. 

    Do I regret with possibly a tear that such respected and "loved-by-all" ladies such as Dusty Kelly, Susan Butler Grey, Lunatic Liz and Dixie Cutlure (as documented) don't like me? Look at the obvious? And with their ever so very not impressive real honest credentials - and that even some very well documented crazy wallpaper hanger also no fan of mine also hard to debate? And all don't like me, and not even over their dear clear women beating and child cheating criminal friends? How odd who don't like me as directly compared to those who do, as many witnessed, even Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin as X-File Producers enjoyed my "honest" company and clearly preferred to sit with me at my desk and at my table at wrap parties, as witnessed? And oddly even paid me extra for computer work and while on the clock, plus considered taking me to LA. Just like those at Yorkton Securities who helped finance Lions Gate and as Frank Giustra money buddy Hal Hemmerich, as some in 891 also know I know, oddly also kinda liked me some say? Not liked me as much as the big Montreal money via Yorkton in Toronto/Montreal or as liked as much as producers and directors back East like the great Charles Binamé, but still liked me more than such low life criminal scum, fakes and frauds? Bets? What will a class act like Frank Giustra think of these slime walking around Lion's Gate. Don't worry we'll ask and get his office all these criminal names.

    Yes, Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen reputation, careers and future now a joke, and both will be back as major nobodies soon with very dirty reputations exactly like Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, John Brummitt and Dusty Kelly. And both will have much shorter careers than even Gavin Craig and buddy John Brummitt as big shots both helping criminals and documented uneducated frauds. Seems liars, criminals, fakes, assholes do get discovered in 891? Fact check.

    And consider visual legal optics with these ladies named of their REAL integrity and charm, when considering the ladies who liked me. And some in 891 have met. And as compared directly to those who don't like me. For a bit of a surprise, a few others who like me will be made clear later as with other names of tough talking criminal assholes and other idiots who don't like me. Time to see if these tough guys as tough as those I know. Easy to prove. Everybody plays their aces last and those who laugh last laugh best. True? False? Hint: I have special security clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC? Why? Who do I know?

    Side Note: What is funny and kinda very obvious is these sleazy criminal morons, in this clear criminal cartel, oligarchy, conspiracy, gang, group or very exclusive high school-like very ugly sick-clique, who think hiding (more deceptive omission) this blog and "full honest story" from their "trusting" 8,000 members, and their family and friends, and hiding their clear criminal exposure, plus very key again, hiding truth from their sadly trusting 8,000 members, they think they are all so very clever. But not. Bets?

    Censorship of freedom of speech key to killing any "honest free democratic transparent discussion or any honest election", and by censoring free honest comments and bragging about not leaving a paper trail, the criminal slime think themselves so clever.  Corrupt elections a given. Criminal motive a given Debate? Protected and hidden by their clean union. But makes them far more than obvious now. As per below. As documented.

    However, anyone who has had far more education, experience and accomplishment and far more "honest" experience and exposure to legal realism, military strategy or to martial arts, sees how easily to use this all against them. Poor Don Ramsden and Rob Maier as criminals having to surround themselves with such ignorant idiots. I like how I didn't? Best some may turn on them as not getting their fair share of proceeds of crime. Tom Adair did so very well aiding and abetting criminals, yet poor John Brummitt who was as criminal and helpful didn't. Now just a bigger major loser, liar and criminal,  John Brummitt will be forced to lie and defend Tom Adair to Mitch Davies as not criminals and life frauds. Love it.

    Ideally the "trusting 8,000 members" will be the very last to know. As the slime and criminal cowards wish.

    Ideally the "trusting 8,000 members" will be the last to know. This so majority of members anger extremely fresh and full when criminals soon at their legally very weakest and truth mushrooms out too quickly for damage control by committee. And this membership sadly enlightenment only after  MLA offices, MPs, RCMP detachments, national broadcast and print media in the know, related industry entities, while sadly majority members sadly trusting their executives honest judgement to best protect criminals tells majority nothing and with their silence to keep their proceeds of crime laundered as positions. Just like dirty casinos do. Exactly? What are they so afraid of? Truth? Even local media from West Van to Abbotsford also oddly will be so well informed and get this final edited blog. Clever? Many mailings now ahead. Even to Ottawa and Regina.

    And all media related production groups and other honest unions having to work with such sick criminal slime with decades of documented deception and crime, also will be very informed in advance of Mitch Davies and about the real honest intellect and integrity of Mitch Davies local 891 president or super big shot Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions: Paul Klassen.

    And many will soon know about exactly how weak 891 executive now really is, with literally blood on all their hands and so much money wasted or gone to criminals, and with their gross mismanagement plus misappropriation of funds, and from membership to benefit fraud, and with added clear tax credit fraud enriching their criminal elite, and with key violence against women all paints a pretty picture of those who support 891 executive and cowardly creep Mitch Davies. And as compared to those who support me and my friends critical perceptions.

    Should get some 5 years or more and seizure before judgment of proceeds of crime to compensate beaten and harassed women to cheated members and their children. Bets? Why indeed would the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford have no problem with my $150 an hour billout rate, as with others. Why would SFU and the Law Firm Fox Morgan pay me far more than big shot department heads. Facts are facts. Truth is truth? And yet highly unaccomplished small man complex cowardly sneaky very dishonest, lying criminal  types like Don Ramsden and John Brummitt feel so superior? Based on what? Lies? Are they delusional? Psycopathic or sociopathic. They show no remorse unless to get an advantage. Textbook?

    Why would a BC Criminal Court Judge have me help other lawyers. Why do I get invited for dinner with the the acting law faculty chair at UBC and these scum never would? Never. Why do Oxford scholars also pay me more than big shot department heads and have me help them and speak at their international AGM and again also paid more than these slime? Maybe i'm the fake. We really should compare.

    They must be so superior or sadly delusional small man complexes? Can we judge people by their friends and company they keep for decades? By their honest careers? Why did CBC in Toronto pay me more than department heads when not even finished university? And to handle media liaison with all major journalists. Guess. I think I can deal with all major national journalists still. My friends have been publishers and major national award winning investigative journalists.

    If the slime are not 100% slime or criminal they should feel very safe and just send another major big shot like John Brummitt or sick slime like Paul Klassen to defend them "ALL". All. And at RCMP offices with myself to help their memory with real honest facts. Nothing funnier when big shot know-it-alls have to fake and lie to RCMP they know nothing. Very funny. They call it obstruction. They made certain they left no paper trail, but I kept many notes, and election material, internal trial detailed documents, email and registered mail to old newsletters, spreadsheets, budgets. We will have fun. They won't.

    The slime can use censorship inside 891 and edit and limit election material to protect all sorts of criminals as documented, as so very clever, but blatantly obvious as aid and abet, but best these very literal nobodies including Wall Paper Queens all have zero power outside in real world, in real courts, with honest people, and among those more educated and far more honest.

    And their big shot nobody titles don't add credibility but destroy it? In real world these are just average trade people but criminals, clearly faking and pretending they have the education, experience or skill set to be paid more than teachers, nurses, police and military. This already a fact. Disgusting? Well it gets more ugly as you read below.

    As such these brilliant 891 executives and their executive deceit for decades will have a few thousand honest members wanting a legal lynching of a few named, and their proceeds of crime seized from these cowardly and very ignorant and arrogant sleazy criminals, and soon provided to honest victims from member's children cheated of life insurance and the women beaten, and no longer criminals and women beater's enriched. Bets?

    Majority of honest members kept in the dark and played like dummies even if smarter and more honest than most in executive - pro rata. We can compare to make a very key point. 

    Those with their absurd criminal abuse of power and funds in trust. They will, as this cowardly slime such primitive behaviorist use classical carrot and cane on fearing members: from their showcased and documented ability to  "intimidated and coerce" and very well documented or to over-reward real honest life losers, fakes and frauds with restriction of trade protection, position, pay, power, prestige, perks, travel, hotel and an expense account with little accountability or oversight. Dusty Kelly's dream job. And lets Mitch Davie fool idiots. Makes some sick, that these criminal slime paid more than honest nurses, yet highly less educated than teachers and paid far more for far less, and giving far less than military and police and getting more pay. And to help criminals as they pretend many skills. Just "C" grade actors and trades people at best. How about an honest trade test. Many will see these lying slime as great actors including tears?

    They lied to members exactly like they lied to RCMP. Both direct lies and deceptive omission when slime so empowered and still are. Bets?

    Yes a legal and media lynching of many in executive from top dogs and super brains Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen for their educated strategic deceptions to majority of members to even more low IQ criminal gopher John Brummitt and to major frauds and fakes like Tom Adair (all pictured below). And seeing how members have been deceived and mislead by dirty executives for decades and their well documented moronic wisdom and actions, it could be a legal frenzy for Labour Board and Civil Courts not simply criminal courts and tax. One thing that may make John Brummitt smile is Tom Adair owes BC and victims more from proceeds of crime than he, as Tom got so much more for so much longer for his know-it-all big mouth aid and abet witnessed and documented skills, even if Brummitt a bigger brown nose criminal worker and suffering his reality longer now odd such cowardly silence on selective issues still? Even I made far more in 891 based on my honesty than Brummitt did based on lies. What is a super loser?

    And more sick and ugly majority of members treated like morons and made to feel legally weak. Bets? Obviously this done so criminal elite and aid and abet losers has no accountability to any "honest majority". Or any "HONEST" oversight for governance? Too easy to prove. Do the math. The slime can't even dare show this blog to their whole family and all their friends as sadly facts are facts. Truth is truth. Evidence speaks for itself.

    Slimes sophist juvenile wordplay and lies get exhausted fast with those more educated. Easy to prove as I have tested with legal scholars? Why are those named and pictured below alone or in criminal solidarity so very afraid to simply call police on me for harassment or even real easy public mischief. Sign their names. And charge me? Even for simple "public mischief". Or get their member's money in trust to once again help criminals and get some top Hollywood or Union lawyer to try and intimidate me again and my tiny little legal and media friends? And I made it so easy. So easy. Why won't they defend themselves and protect their family and their children's good honest name if a good honest name and attack me? Like honest people not fearing five years jail time would. Why not?

    One can hardly think BC Federation of Labour to Ed Broadbent or Tommy Douglas would be impressed (Or want any association with?) by such self-serving criminals in 891 or their sick cowardly censorship of free speech and by such cowardly women beating and tax cheating slime and criminal oligarchs and loyal followers and support, yet as major fakes waving a "workers flag" - or would even Diefenbaker and Pierre Trudeau buy their BS. None?
    The slime here should obviously disgust every honest union and every honest person in Canada hurting the  image of honest unions, labour movement and in BC NDP? See below exactly why.

    One can hardly think real hero Veterans like my "decorated friends" or my friends father, missing a leg, who went to war so freedom of speech could be suppressed by Dusty Kelly and criminal elite. As documented. And by such sick small creepy, criminal, cowardly cults of self empowered self-affirming scum as so documented in the 891 executive for decades and to date.

    Some once welcomed to Canada, ended up beating up Canadian women. And then exploiting trusting Canadians? How classy. And cheating Canadians. Not groping. Beating up? Canadians need to know the truth. Women need to know about such cowards and their anger management issues. Are some women still being beat up by these tough talking cowards.

    So their excessive abuse of censorship and deceitful omission, fraudulent concealment will soon backfire big as with such silly stupid and self incriminating efforts as documented by their very best brains in internal trials like honest Paul Klassen and by many other mental midgets in a mindless mob frenzy. And done as to clearly suppress exposure of criminals and punish an honest innocent person again as documented. Documented Internal Trials? No debate. Aid and abet documented. Can any in industry or government trust the highly uneducated and little experience sleaze of Paul Klassen? Ever? His Linked in profile highly revealing and now part of file with his friends. Clever boy. Two years community service and kept out of any union for ten years seems fair. With his skills he'll do well editing independent non-union films. If they'll hire such scum.

    Please share this blog link. But not with any honest trusting 891 members so their the very last to know the real and whole truth about how badly treated and misled by criminals and cowards. This so thousands get insanely angry when truth all told and all read this blog and thousands do get motivated to help with this story big time, and add many other major legal claims. As the slime warned and fear. The slimes greatest fear is ALL their dirty secrets exposed? And ALL at once. Bets? Debate? Defamatory denial?


    The criminal direct evidence here ranges from:

    • Legal files from Davis to Gowling law firms, 
    • RCMP files, 
    • BC LRB rulings, 
    • Previous Provincial Inquiries, 
    • Internal Trial documents, 
    • Newsletter admissions, 
    • Plus 475 votes for a full forensic audit, 
    • Plus a variety of "protected" witnesses,
    • And "insider" Emails.
    As such, will be simply great fun to watch John Brummitt soon telling the needed dozens and dozens of very well rehearsed and effectively synchronized lies to RCMP, and in a very real Criminal investigation and while avoiding obstruction and discovery. And be able to fool highly trained very successful RCMP interrogators. I'm betting on RCMP.

    This as to best defend his sleazy cowardly, sneaky criminal friends from Don Ramsden and Gavin Craig and their very sick abuse of trust and power . Plus defend his criminal employer Rob Maier also suffering other very stupid longtime loyal staff who have amusingly hurt Rob Maier and Don Ramsden more than helped. Love it. Kinda funny when loyalty more important than basic intelligence and integrity and backfires having loyal idiots and liars. Add the other long term super brains Rob Maier was forced to accept to pretend and posture he was smart and not just a sneaky sleazy thief. Hire and keep stupid people around you and weak minds easy to manipulate by greed, low self-esteem, cowards needing a crowd, or intimidate as well documented. How Don Ramsden and Rob Maier did it? Both never to keep the honest and intelligent around them, as they may be discovered, so they had to settle for morons or those they could intimidate? Debate? Bets?

     The only reason I even dare speakup and write this blog isn't the BC Criminal Court Judge, lawyers and legal scholars I know as social friends, but my work directly reporting to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and my unusual security clearance with DND and NRC in Ottawa. I helped real heroes and veterans and they helped me.  So I don't need to fear the sleaze in 891 as most must and do as documented? Also the class at West Van RCMP helpful and Burnaby clearly identifying Susan Butler Grey working for Gavin Craig kinda handy.

    The counter or defence for these documented cowardly criminals as named below will be done one-at-a-time of these criminal slime, and under oath. A few dozen questions no honest person need fear. Only the dirty and guilty. Alone they are creeps and cowards. This will also be obvious.  They are major cowards alone and their multiple "real" psychological problems to lack of intellect and ethics will be blatant, in under twenty minutes for most.

    These sick sleazy cowards only brave and bold with their gang in blind mindless solidarity and empowered by very misleading fake titles and illusions of legitimacy. Illusions of legitimacy clear by absurd internal trials and to deceiving membership from initial membership to final life insurance fraud. As documented.

    All alone they will appear very stupid and deceitful and ideally adding added obstruction charges as just all so very clever. John Brummitt first to establish all gangs credibility. One or two key lies and their house of cards crumbles and proceeds of crime seized. Flight risks notified at border database. Regular stuff. I'm willing to help and be video taped with each one as educational material for police, labour and law schools.

    To best "help" RCMP

    This blog designed from concept as to best "help" RCMP save both time and money when dealing with very deceitful, documented criminals, liars and life frauds. And as to best bait and trap as to secure additional obstruction charges when lies easily busted or countered. Names and faces and overview below.
    Who will squeal for a deal also provided.

    Can't wait to watch with 475 documented honest members wanting a forensic audit and the less than 30 in the sleaze machine not wanting an audit defend their position and strange internal trials when witnesses even afraid to show up and support a not-so-popular and loved lunatic, as even being considered legal or real added with why no forensic audit? Who really are the stupid ones? Read on it gets funny how stupid and abusive such liars and frauds are and best they document themselves as such.

    Ideally RCMP chat will be videotaped

    Ideally RCMP chat will be videotaped with "myself" helping selective memories and details and save RCMP big time and money. As before, I will ensure RCMP also entertained with the added efficacy. It should be very obvious why Mitch Davies elected president and so many worked so hard to stop me. A comparrison of Mitch Davies and myself will make much very clear.

    These are Hollywood North Big Shots, so they shouldn't all fear a tiny little camera, a few lights, some makeup, and shot on RCMP location, with one take.

    This as they show off their honest faces, integrity, superior intellect and high class ,while protecting their big shot reputations, legacy and good family name and criminal friends - at least for their children enjoying nepotism and on Youtube, While lying through their teeth makes good engaging content when even lies can't save them now? Those documented aid and abetting criminal elite and hardly helping this cause, also ideal for interrogation and video and similar charges. Those like top dogs:

    Paul Klassen, Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions
    (What "honestly" are his real impressive credentials as to be paid far more than nurses, teachers, lawyers, police and military? Was he elected or just by the criminal cardinals at the Vatican selected? He documented helping criminals big time when given a tiny bit of trust and documented abusing his trust to aid criminals. Hard for big shots with big titles to now play stupid. Then he gets a big pay job? What a loser when fully exposed. Now will be fun to watch him lie to RCMP or squeal for a deal. His great skills at executive judgement have great legal optics?)

    Tom Adair, (Former) Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions
    (Even those on his criminal support slime side, even think he's a major asshole.  See why. Was warned about him by many. He clearly helps women beaters to look good so he can look good, noted for both his selective silence and loudmouth documented declarations dismissing hundreds of voters as not being as educated, informed, honest as dear Tom Adair. A major cowardly fraud who can't hold a candle in any "honest dialogue" with those his real honest superior in education to experience and like my like my legal friends, myself  and trained RCMP interrogation teams. A less than adequate carpenter with a big mouth and paperback depth at best on so many matters. He should go to jail. I'll help. )

    Mitch Davies, President IATSE 891

    (Another in reality and honestly just another average carpenter with classic BS charm. An average wanna-be actor like Justin Trudeau but lacks credibility more and more and day by day. Just like other Presidents when truth known. He helps women beaters by his long time cowardly and a bit creepy silence, and clearly to help his political career. Glad he's not dating my daughter. Or why else his creepy silence that helps criminals big time? Don't let your daughter near this thing. Look so forward to meeting him face-to-face at RCMP offices so he can show off how real clever he is. For legal optics he better bring money owed me or look more like a joke and a very easy bust.)

    John Brummitt, Small Tool Repair Person. Small man complex, and toothless, puppy kicking, porn loving, illiterate, loyal friend to women beaters. And union steward when elections criminal and corrupt and controlled. Where did the money go. Expensive helping Brummitt as insiders advise?Bets?

    John Brummitt a very well known asshole, even among coworkers he smiles at and who also smile back having to pretend they honestly respect him, and just like another star in intellect and integrity Tom Adair - even among their similar criminal friends known as assholes, both as a team they both now must defend.

    "JB" Knows?

    Knows ALL about the integrity and sneaky cowardice and criminal acts by Don Ramsden, Rob Maier, Ken Anderson and Gavin Craig and some key details of their no-debate previous direct documented lies to RCMP? Plus most of the sick illegal acts and the absurd and the legally ridiculous totally void and meaningless Non-Disclosure Agreements (and clearly void of any mandate as used for  protecting criminals and clearly for deceiving majority of members - and why even Conrad Black went to jail?) Non-Disclosure Agreements? See Phil Klapwyk election material revealing his once disgust. But now on payroll so keeps his mouth shut. Disclose?

    Their big shot titles very impressive. Well, for the fools and idiots they can fool to follow and/or intimidate with economic or political fear, like some psycho-sicko high school clique, but void of easy comparative merit and a clear byproduct of corruption and criminal influence. Debate? Bets?

    Obstruction plus defamatory denial under oath warmly welcome to all sleaze here named and those to be named for some fun surprises. Corruption and criminal influence that the scum aid and abet, so they must know something? Even if their sad little one-union, one little tiny title "honest" resumes for real education, experience and any meaningful accomplishment makes, them sadly clear life tragic. Oddly, they also have such very very minimal depth in unions, education or meaningful experience just compare to my friends in 891 or even a low title person like myself as a case in point also beyond debate? Shall we put them under a legal microscope and compare. Honestly? Nothing to fear as not just sleazy fakes and frauds.

    Big question: 

    Who would any one "honestly and intelligently" really vote these slime if 891 elections not so criminal and corrupt and controlled for decades and media not censored and no lies. Be honest. Be real.

    We do appreciate why criminals need to vote for criminals or cowards for protecting piece of proceeds of crime pie.

    Really and honestly would you or any "honest and intelligent" person honestly VOTE and support women beaters, children cheaters, fakes, incompetent frauds and aid and abet support with truth all told about:
    Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Dusty Kelly, Mitch Davies, Tom Adair, John Brummitt? Be honest. Be real. Criminal Courts will?

    Or would the more honest, more educated and less sleazy vote someone like me with real:

    1) Teal Legal and Negotiation experience

    Successful legal and negotiation experience from criminal and civil court rooms to "lone" successful CRTC and CRA appeals. Some in 891 have seen me in Criminal Court rooms. I also reported directly to the former Attorney General on Western Canada, Ron Basford. And paid far more than any swollen headed arrogant misogynist macho big tough talking department head. Fact. I even studied a wee bit of law in Ontario and Quebec. I even have a BC Criminal Court Judge and a former UBC acting Law Faculty chair and Oxford legal scholar (Labour?) as long time friends. My ex girl friend has a doctorate in Psychology (Labour). This may not be as impressive as knowing superstars of intellect and integrity like cowardly Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, John Brummitt Ken Anderson and Tom Adair. But should make a good starting point. They are all welcome to debate and deny fully they are not criminals at RCMP offices.

    2) Real Honest World Financial Depth

    My financial depth from even micro-economics in university to national audits for Molson Pension fund and on BC Tourism's "expenditures in media", plus on Board of Directors in a Public Company dealing in advanced tech, auditing for acquisition, we should compare to these major cowardly criminal slime. I even have depth dealing with BS from MBAs to CAs and screaming matches with senior partners of law Firms? I got a few fired. Real world business experience. Not faking it like present slime in 891 needing outside help for many things with such nobodies who really know little about anything. I ran a Toronto ad agency doing three separate shoots a day? Hard to fool when talking budgets from lighting to editing. As some know I worked with "real" engineers and my friends top Canadian architects so very hard for "wordy" carpenters to fool me. Or my legal friends. My carpenter friends build planes and fly them or reno old buildings and flip them and outclass most. Bets? And these scum build simple sets. I know what frauds a few department heads really are. And how very criminal and grossly incompetent and lazy.

    3) Real Honest Union Depth

    Anti-union? Hardly. I've been documented supportive and working in more "honest" unions than NDP's John Horgan and Adrian Dix. Fact check. Possibly combined. Fact check. I started on rail roads and in tourism in BC in 73 and as a Grievance coordinator for CUPE in 1979 in big city Montreal.

    4) Real Film and TV depth?

    Real film depth that sadly not one of my critics can match. How odd? Film unions? Been in more film unions than any of the highly uneducated fakes and criminal slime in 891 executive. This from Trailer Park Boys in the East to "Terminal City" on Vancouver Island for "problem-free" local BC union ACFC. And even in French comedies. And no problems with any other film union in Canada only the filthy dirty lying cowardly criminal uneducated executives in BC's dirty 891. People like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen. Both who clearly must support criminals for their political survival and very absurd pay as two new fakes, frauds and felons picking the wrong team. Bets? I was paid by ACTRA starting in 1979 $325.00 for two hours work. And at CBC as national media liaison in 1977. Real depth not just another clear idiot babbling BS from very obvious uneducated criminal morons, with so little real honest experience and with their one union one big title depth. Compare me to this human junk. True? False?

    Note: Where those who know me find me humble and kind all my critics find me very arrogant as not respecting liars, fakes, women beaters, children cheaters and thieves. Easy to tell this difference.

    Sad elections corrupted by criminals lies and multiple major deceitful omissions and so much clear criminal influence. Majority of members get screwed putting literal liars, morons, incompetents, fakes and liars in positions of trust as left bottom of the barrel types like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen. Feel free to compare my real honest credentials with both these clowns combined. True? False? Makes much obvious.

    Film? Well we can also compare and start here with my real honest degree and graduate studies (some busted faking) with an honest major in Film and TV production. Shall we compare my education with those named? And my undergraduate degree from a major university most don't get accepted in and not Capilano College? Ten years plus producing, writing, directing TV ads think I may know more than these major fakes lacking any meaningful education and experience. Some of my stuff recognized in Hollywood by awards and New York by schools. Shall we also compare real honest experience. And real honest accomplishment. And be honest who intelligent and honest people would vote for?

    5) Real Honest Management Depth

    Management? Oland Breweries shortlisted me as the youngest candidate for VP marketing and sadly 891 gets documented major life losers, and fakes and serious very super useless expensive fakes on New Business with literally a fraction of my value and honest depth, education and experience.  Lucky members not getting the honest truth? Why are morons getting these positions? Some say they support women beaters to get their position as their real experience and education hardly merits? Some say they are Monica Lewinsky types. I'm not certain which or both? And sick and sad is these fakes and criminals wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars of honest members and BC taxpayer money, pretending and acting and being so very politically self-serving. As documented. Why can they do this? A very very criminal and very corrupt executive for decades easy to prove now. Members screwed again by major fakes and criminals? True? False? I was a Dean Requested speaker at McGill, UBC and SFU and for the International Engineering Firm SRK's AGM. Shall we honestly compare why me and not John Brummitt and Tom Adair? 891 had to listen to endless BS from so clever fakes and cowardly creeps like John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson and all now proven clear deceitful scum as documented. And  from my membership, upgrade everything based on lies. And now Mitch Davies as the new cowardly president aids and abets tax fraud in the millions, women beaters and children. Smart boy. Maybe he should resign exactly like Elmar did in disgust and write a letter of dissent to cover his ass and filed as his lawyers should have also advised by now? If not too late for stupid Mitch Davies? 891 can call it health reasons instead of repugnant disgust. Elmar sent me a novel email that I'll quote later after some make deceitful claims of defence under oath? Somebody has to be lying?

    Who would you honestly vote for if an honest intelligent person and honest elections and truth all told? A women beater? Slime like Gavin Craig with zero comparative merit? A major fraud and fake like Tom Adair. A super sleaze and consistent failure and well known brown nose like John Brummitt? A major lying idiot like Ken Anderson. A coward and creep like Mitch Davies or major aid and abet slime like Paul Klassen. Why are they so afraid to disagree with me at RCMP offices. Seriously why?

    So just guess who honest and intelligent people would honestly vote for me or these human frauds, fakes and sleazy cowardly criminals? We can project from the 470 who voted for me as a ratio of those who got informed and read my material.  Now imagingine all 8,000 members fully and honestly informed?

    No problem when you meet John Brummitt and Tom Adair, it will be obvious why even both their criminal friends and all honest and educated non-criminals consider them both major assholes, and both well known as friends to women beaters, children cheaters, tax cheats, and porn loving puppy kickers.  And this slime certainly no friends of mine. Bets?

    Side note for humour: John Brummitt tried to get me fired talking to both my supervisor and the executive producer and failed. He got me executive parking as a result of the producer seeing what an asshole he is and my supervisor knowing what an asshole he was. Funnier? Don Ramsden and John Brummitt thinking both above the law and both super brains, tried to delay my membership and both failed creating a  very special legal precedent for other and prior criminal acts. What idiots? The 891 executive as far more honest back then (well a majority) and not cowards, over ruled both slime and idiots and I got my membership, avoiding all illegal games so many others before and after suffered. So many others not so lucky.

    Then the two slime then tried to mislead membership and other department heads as documented on my listed qualifications, oddly by the very highly unqualified they wanted me judged by? Such stupid slime. True? False? Those who honestly had no education or experience to judge me (See Case Law). Fact. That also failed. Then John Brummitt humiliated clearly as a criminal and idiot then key to two gangs lies to  RCMP. That also sadly failed and best got me guaranteed 12 hr days working 4-6 hrs and luxury car rentals. Fact check? And a new friend at West Van RCMP. Too bad John Brummitt such a failure. And then I was able to do multiple shows so billing a "twelve day" work week at 12 hour days and while saving three productions money on a full time buyer, like other productions and coworkers suffer, and with less than adequate buyers eating up budgets. Would it be fair to call John Brummitt and his long time friends not only criminals but life time losers and failures? And from their pathetic careers and history to the type of women and men in their lives, as friends and coworkers? Sad little lives, but big trucks and now some must go to jail. They also tried to show off how smart they were, bothering me and others that resulted in BC LRB rulings for coercion and intimidation against their own members. Don Ramsden and John Brummitt must be very proud of their sad little lying lives and as criminals now busted.

    They like having big titles and pretending the titles mean anything valid other than clear indication of conspiracy and aid and abet with criminals and for decades as witnessed and documented. Like my documented status as a Labourer also another interesting title among such superior Gods like John Brummitt and Don Ramsden, Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies - and also based on direct lies and deception. Compare these slime to other "honest" members and myself. Please do.

    It gets very ugly dealing with such major fakes, liars, tax cheats, women beaters, children cheaters, cowards, sneaks, puppy kickers and frauds. Sadly they all are possibly fooling their trusting family and friends as with trusting members, they are somebodies and not just sleazy sick criminal fakes suffering the illusion they deserve any respect. If their afraid to show members this blog can you imagine their incredible fear showing family, friends and business contacts? After posturing as somebodies? We'll see if criminal courts and "honest" media agree? Read on. They should show this blog to all family and friends and police if not criminals and frauds? Not just criminal defence lawyers.

    The remains or DNA of 33 women were found on Pickton’s property in Port Coquitlam, B.C. near 891 offices and studios. Who exactly were his similar misogynist sicko friends? More to follow. Can we judge people by the company they keep. Their friends and coworkers?

    Violence against women takes many forms with such small "cowardly" men with clear misogynist small man complexes and clear narcissistic personality disorders and not able to fool intelligent and classy women, so must settle for far less. John Brummitt a case in point. Much less. As documented. See the sad women in their lives as also tragic and based on misrepresentation, illusion and deception. Sad little men with sad little lives. Many women victims of harassment for decades as well. Many. Very clear.
    Be more than a Hero.

    Now add, to you being a real honest hero here, as honestly helping women beaten (including when pregnant - and as the reason why - or needing the work) do generously now also add, you are now also an added hero, as also helping many innocent children cheated. Children clearly cheated of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental and Life Insurance by these stupid, sick, greedy disgusting self-interest slime. Many. Clear to those who have high school math? Their parents cheated as well. Bets? And this as these cowardly criminals named below, all enriched by "millions and millions" from tax credit fraud to direct theft (5k+) as witnessed and in some cases documented?

    So if you help, you are also a "REAL" hero to all BC taxpayers busting criminal and fakes like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen enriched by tax credit fraud. Judge and be judged only fair for such documented slime. Plus and most important honestly helping innocent children and beaten women, when slime wouldn't, didn't, couldn't - and  should be reason enough. Well, if not part of criminal groups, and as guilty by aid and abet as mindless blind support, much should be obvious. See Criminal Code for definition of Aid and Abet below.

    Lied twice to, and laughed at RCMP? Now a 3rd time?

    Three strike rule applies. Courts not amused by serial liars. Nor RCMP treated like this slime's personal paid props, puppets and pawns and for faking legitimacy and power abuse and at added taxpayer expense as internal trial documents also make so extremely clear.

    These gangs or groups of corrupt criminals, plus their aid and abetting all-star slime, all thought they'd never ever be exposed, criminally investigated and fully prosecuted.  And they laughed about it?

    Their brilliance documented with Ken Anderson, as another former 891 president, before and also embarrassing and revealing himself to many members and BCLRB and by "registered mail", and by BC LRB rulings on his similar well known major lack of integrity and intellect and very noted and documented lack of class, and this added to the very cowardly deceptive nature of his group. i won't call him a fat lying slob but others do.

    Sadly, like a few other former slime, Ken Anderson also not able to ever get re elected, as truth got out about their real character, lack of intellect and integrity and now known to many as lying slime, as will soon be the case for Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen when more exposed and back drilling screws or impressing losers with Final Cut Pro editing tools. Oddly, I taught computer skills to many in 891, ACFC and Teamsters for free. And including Final Cut Pro.

    And soon both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen also back as a major nobodies again to original labour trade or skilled jobs, and also as fate and fact will have it suffering less trust and far less respect by soon thousands, and for far less pay, power and perks. As the other liars and losers suffered. The slime sadly will still control elections. This union local needs a full trusteeship to really clean and disinfect and all dirt thrown in the street until all criminals discovered and removed. 

    Hey, what do I know about elections? Well, when reporting directly to the Former Attorney General of Canada on demographics and media footprints, I may know something about political science and writing strategy and words for two Prime Minsters. This as compared to the combined intellect, integrity, education, accomplishment of the very arrogant and ignorant Tom Adair and John Brummitt. Even both combined? Gets obvious. Let's compare.

    What a very sad and very revealing career fact for Gavin Craig, Don Ramsden, John Brummit, Dusty Kelly, Rob Maier, when truth told shatters their PR myths and illusions and tiny remaining voter support as documented. Cognitive dissonance can only go so far?

    Soon both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will join this very impressive group of women beaters, life, marriage, parenting, career and love failures, as whole exact truth gets out versus their less than impressive 1950's  style PR babble, and absurd censorship of truth, plus their very very sick disgusting pretentious token one day T-Shirt efforts against bullies and women beaters. Fooling who playing fakes. Disgusting? You bet. As documented. Such deceptive hypocrites and cowards. Hey, if not criminals, losers, liars, fakes and cowards why won't they dare challenge me in front of RCMP ASAP? Just take a real wild guess? Soon we'll give them no choice?

    "Helping Helps!"

    Not helping aids and abets criminals. True? False? Helping helps. Fact check? Peer review?

    So once again, any who help, also clearly real honest community heroes here. And best these slime actors are already well exposed by lies to RCMP (on file twice in one week with North Van and Burnaby detachments) to BC LRB rulings of  "coercion and intimidation" against selective trusting innocent dues paying members, to multiple cases of very deceptive bad faith and breach from legal files, added to either physical to economic threats, or at some, to be "crushed like a bug"?

    Some might say the writing is on the wall. Can honest toothless, puppy kicking, porn-loving Johnny Brummitt come out and play - and show how incredibly intelligent and very quick he is with his incredible lying skills, accomplishments (in a small tool category) and very unquestioned integrity and so educated in union matters as to best defend "ALL" his sleazy longtime friends and coworkers like Tom Adair? Tom Adair did very well financially with his proceeds of crime for his cowardly silence and tacit support of women beaters, thieves, tax cheats, as compared to poor John Brummitt who had to kiss both Rob Maier and Don Ramsden's ass for years for far less proceeds of crime, as position for their silence and dog loyal support. Neither makes any case for their positions based on integrity or intellect, education or experience. Just two good looking guys women sadly trust.

    And John Brummitt making far less than Tom Adair and for so long and more criminally exposed. Hardly fair. And now they both have to lie to RCMP defend each other. At least they humiliated Gavin Craig as president fast with internal trials as documented, and now added as evidence to his gangs lies to RCMP as per Susan Butler-Grey as key aid and abet, as per RCMP files, so certainly Gavin will now be great fun for RCMP to play with as he played with and used them. Karma?

    Not that hard to prove the criminals sneaky, misogynist, small man complex, cowardly, bullies, with classic narcissistic textbook checklist, plus very arrogant and ignorant, as will be also very obvious, and in reality most with little "honest" merit, meaningful education and experience compared to so many very honest non-criminals?  And the ladies hardly ladies in their gang and will also be fun for RCMP to question. Like about Dusty Kelly's trips with NDP leader Adrian Dix and all real details? Many shocked by Monica Lewinsky? Who paid for Hollywood bigshot trips? Why? Again, why?  I've done more business trips with far better results so I'm very curious what the ROI. With total cost wasted by their arrogance of a certain win. I got to know a few provincial premiers in Banff so they hardly can intimidate me either.

    And clearly these criminal slime and fakes ALL just possessing fraudulent self-inflated titles, as criminals nicely rewarded with same and providing for each other, and also as well documented. Proceeds of crime obvious. Do the math.

    Sadly this slime believing their tiny corrupt and criminal supported titles mean anything real or honest as with many other slime in the real world. With real police and real courts they'll need their best liars. A wallpaper hanger in reality and all honesty just a wall paper hanger not a Queen. Even if documented as insane sleaze.

    Their titles meant nothing to me and so many others more educated, honest and accomplished and served to just embarrass many by their clear sick criminal friendships and associations for decades. Carrying fancy phones and computers few could really use as props like their sunglasses and wardrobe. They thought it was a show of power. Idiots missing it proves collusion, conspiracy and criminality highly probable. Facts are facts? Friends and coworkers for decades, inner circle, the slime must know something far more than even I do about their criminality odds are? And by their corrupt and criminal upgrading practices to many membership and hiring issues and so many such clean honest elections. Hardly. Bets? Debate?

    With so much hiring and membership fraud and as a growing legal cancer for decades and a tragic liability for honest membership with such stupid uneducated executives and their so impressive MBA who must know something criminal with such big time credentials from Canada Post? When in Ottawa at Canada Post I asked about him. Add as per their own controlled newsletter and in their own words warning of abuse and liabilities in the "millions and millions". Trying to fake standard of care and due diligence. The slime got very spoiled dealing with highly uneducated yes men. And got very sloppy. Debate? The MBA as guilty? I've worked with dozens of MBAs they know everything. He must as well aiding and abetting criminals and soon also proving his hands clean. When Don Ramsden hires you to cover all his weaknesses after elected at added cost a million red flags went off.

    As fact most key titles in 891 mostly indicating part of crime group, conspiracy and corruption or as loyal cowardly aid and abet types (see definition), and also driven clearly driven by greed and self interest, over members trust and rights and getting proceeds of crime laundered as these titles, position, pay, perks, travel, hotels, and with grossly meaningless credentials and their titles from very criminal corrupted elections, and endless blatant deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment.A signature strategy of all these criminals and sleaze? Bets? And as literally hundreds see it. Including law firms to legal scholars and soon criminal courts. Some national media already on side. See below. I am trying to be brief and keep a few surprises for the slime when RCMP on them.

    And honest members (literally hundreds as documented) clearly do "honestly" want a forensic audit no matter how paranoid Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair are. What, I have nothing to add with my depth in auditing compared to these two fakes? Clearly. And soon thousands and courts will see the same critical need and for Trusteeship. Hard to say who can be trusted. Other than a few trusted insiders who have been very helpful. Leaks? Debate? Bets? Defamatory obstructive denial? And with Tom Adair fully exposed his sophist opinions now absolutely meaningless against 475 honest members. As should be.

    A review of those with such big shot titles like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen a case in point, as aid and abetting even to date as you read this - and their lack of real of "honest" merit, by education, experience, integrity and intellect and real "honest" popularity, as so easily compared to far more honest members. This will give RCMP and criminal courts some real insight into the gross corruption and criminality and the resulting more blatant excessive incompetence. With tax credit and honest members paying the bill for decades enriching this criminal slime and whole life fakes. Why should nurses, teachers, firefighters, police, lawyers and military be paid far less than nobody nothing criminal slime when others real and honest careers requiring so much more education, training, skill, accomplishment and integrity? Nepotism cases also shows what losers some really are and will make obvious how scum succeed as well. Very obvious to those far more accomplished and educated in Law, Actuarial Sciences, Psychiatry like  my friends and family below. Easy to prove not only criminals but living sad tragic lives. Pretending to family and friends they have any honest merit and recognition and not corruption and criminality their only plus.

    Crimes all aid and abetted by the corrupt and criminal union executive. Bets? If they weren't so guilty, why don't they just counter or just try and stop me publishing and circulating this blog. Or get their bigshot Hollywood and Union lawyers to try and intimidate me? Legal optics get even more horrible. Lawyers have tried to intimidate me before. Some got scared when finding out about me as per below?

    All they got to do to show not enriched by hundreds of thousands by criminal acts is simply call RCMP on me for harrassment, if not fearing truth and jail time for themselves or for their friends? Not even one dares debate me at RCMP offices. Think about it? Why all named so afraid to protect their good honest family names like they would so very fast in internal trials for a very amuzing fact filled comparison? How about the criminals and with aid and abet in full solidarity of all those named and just challenge little me and my tiny title?

    Not one willing to deal with me at RCMP offices? Not one? How very odd when so brave and bold prior. What cowards? What human frauds? What serious criminals. Hope your daughter or sister not involved with such human garbage.

    When I worked with Molson Pension Fund some similar executive asshole bothered a temp secretary and was gone by lunch. We will compare how protected such losers are in this group even beating up women and far more harassing and why they can keep working for decades. Slime? Read on it gets more and more obvious the criminality below.

    Please help get an Investigation and a full forensic Provincial Inquiry done fast! Help innocent small children and women for real? For real!

    So easy. Avoid any real honest guilt doing nothing.

    Please help and simply call or write your MLA (List below). This to simply get RCMP's very finest interrogators and a full forensic audit (as hundreds already clearly and honestly documented they blatantly both want and support - and as "protected witnesses" will also support). So many cheated victims. Too many enriched slime and criminals? True? False? You can help. Spread the truth.

    The RCMP have done simply great work on Politicians, Bankers, Brokers and Bikers,  but missed this group decades of crime? The Hal Banks days are gone. Being very busy for RCMP and under staffed a given. But now the time for RCMP to rip these union protected slime and frauds apart is perfect. And will help fuel Labour Reform in BC. Any wonder the Labour movement eroding and even credibility of BC Federation of Labour a joke with the company they keep.

    Plus if you help, you'll also be helping get a full critical Provincial Inquiry to help all victims, that have no voice. None. And certainly if you like women you'll help women as documented, suffering some very strange small men in both Hollywood and BC's Holywood North.  This will also be a case study for Labour Code Reform long overdue. And helping all BC taxpayers cheated providing tax credits to enrich such documented low life criminal slime.

    Please don't help women beaters and criminals and ignore, plus those cowards and creeps who aid and abet, and all get further enriched, while honest workers children literally still suffer these major morons.  Any with high school math or better willing to debate little me?

    A legal review will make very clear many with these frauds big titles without any "honest" merit and just enriched by corrupt and criminal influence. Bets? This while honest victims from children to seniors cheated and still to this day cheated and suffer. Victims got nothing. And lost so much. Federal MPs will contacted directly. Some MLAs will be met in Victoria. I have many stories that will break your heart. My background producing TV ads and real university studies in TV and Film to my work with departmental budgets for Disney and Fox will let these fakes show off why their big titles and pay hardly based on any real meaningful merit or integrity very fast. Fakes so easy to expose. Whether a union local president or department head or those pretending to have any financial skills like my old partners, family and friends as real chartered accountants these slime too easy to humiliate as I've done in boardrooms and courtrooms prior?

    Silence as complicity a given.

    See Criminal Code on Aid and Abet below. Some must go to jail. And their loyal brown nose "yes men and women of noted low esteem and integrity" as criminal helpers. As documented.


    If my claims not absolutely all true stated below, as I'll swear under oath, and about some of these named 891 executives and others to follow. And I'm not absolutely and legally defaming and harrassing "real sick cowardly criminals" with hard facts and honest truth - and they all are not as solid fact low level criminal slime and they are good honest people, and I'm a liar they can:

    Easily and simply just call police, as before, and in signed full group, gang, crew in classic "solidarity" and "charge me". And for a number of crimes and using this blog as very easy evidence. Well, if not all true? Or get their big Hollywood and Union lawyers to try and intimidate me? Why not? Why not?

    What are they so afraid of with their big impressive former or present big shot titles?

    You'll be a very real honest hero in BC and Canada? My family didn't DIE in wars so these slime could sit pretty and be paid more than those in military.

    Yes, you'll be a very real honest hero in BC and Canada,  if you help even a tiny bit with a quick phone call to your MLA asking for an investigation and sending this blog link. The beaten women and cheated children will thank you. And you'll put most of these sleazy (named here) as present and former union executives and their criminal friends in jail. Or for some, cleaning highways on weekends where some of their skills best showcased. This for very serious tax credit fraud in the millions, to women beaters and those who support them and such criminal acts - to those okay with cheating children of honest workers of honest medical to life insurance benefits ($100,000?). Say like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen as present supper slime. Neither seems willing to meet at RCMP offices with me? Why?

    And please think how your selective "strategic silence" if not helping really literally helps protecting women beaters, thieves and their reputations like union executives do and have done for decades. See internal trial documents. And what will it reveals about you and others who don't help as scum?

    This blog shows the degree of violation, abuse and criminality from taxpayers cheated to even children severely cheated, again also by fraud, to the women beaten. Who helped. Who didn't. And why not?

    Side Note: Why is this blog so long and so detailed?

    1) To help RCMP reduce time and cost plus have some fun at cowardly criminal slimes expense and their growing embarrassment and notoriety as they play musical chairs on who will rat out others and squeal for a deal. Solidarity can be both embarrassing and as very solid proof of aid and abet.

    2) Also a smart trick to seriously run up all the slime's criminal legal defence costs as to even dare fake any counter, or defence in any form. Any form? And if they dare use union money (in trust) without an honest mandate, just more fun. They bragged how they could afford good lawyers - as benefitting from proceeds of crime. Time for them to prove not just fakes and serious violent criminals?

    Now to send this blog around more and more to Industry Signatories of Code of Conduct including IATSE folk: http://readthecode.ca/industry-signatories/

    Those who clearly don't help, do clearly help very ugly criminals get rich, cheat children of money and silence beaten women, like 891 president Mitch Davies as a case in point in cowardice helps criminals get enriched and to this very day so they will support them? Defamatory denials? Bets?

    Simple honest questions to fact check? Would Mitch Davies honestly be president today if  he had the courage to challenged criminals like this and women beaters who supported him or would those more honest, less cowardly, far more experienced, more educated likely be President? (Take a moment. Cognitive dissonance powerful.) And based on real honest merit from real experience, education and more and real truth who really would vote for for or hire in real world those like Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies? That simple really. Use even myself and my tiny 891 title as an example to show no criminal corruption justifying critical "trusteeship" and full forensic audit? Certainly the president of a union local with clean hands can justify no need for trusteeship with me at RCMP offices and under oath as such an honest man?

    Would Phil Klapwyk now be trying to star in BCFED if he had upset criminals in 891? How embarrassing for BCFED and their integrity and credibility of whole labour movement as BC Liberals now laugh about their 891 local members? Would Paul Klassen also be paid more than teachers, nurses, military and RCMP for far less skill, training, certification, experience and/or education if honest governance and oversight?

    Those named above or below or others are "ALL" very warmly welcome to deny and "fully" defend and destroy any or all my very clear criminal claims, and defend their criminal support at RCMP offices under oath.. And we go Face-to-Face and One-on-One. And yes, all of us under oath? Hopefully videotaped as fim and TV types? Why can't the slime alone or in a group do anything if all so very clever and just charge me with something? Send an amuzing lawyer's letter.

    Such small sad man tough talkers and BS bottomline business men should be able to show they are not just tragic life fakes, cowards, and helping women beaters and children cheaters as I claim if not true. Can't they? They all kill the credibility of the Labour movement but claim pro-union when not also faking high performance business types and when they won't even clean their own house but dare even talk pro union BS when handy - and wear Anti-bully T-Shirts and Women's Rights T-Shirts one day a year.

    And thus some, intentionally, as not helping this cause, and as aid and abet, clearly helped facilitate millions in tax credit fraud also enriching these cowardly women beating and children cheating criminals and with other slime savouring the simple minded laundered windfall proceeds of Crime as: Position, Pay, Power, Prestige. And blatantly clear facilitated by a criminal executive dynasty.

    By not helping, as clear aid and abet, seriously helps possibly some criminals as named below escape prosecution and incarceration. For years. And laugh about it. As RCMP, Teachers, Nurses paid far less for giving far more?

    The key and critical tipping point and key difference between my very detailed, researched, documented and witnessed claims below and others, as my critics BS and babble of any deceptive defence is I can easily do a "volunteer" non-admissible polygraph for RCMP. And they simply can't. None of them without failing. That simple. Bets? Debate? See below why? And that just where various traps start.

    Only a few dozen successful lies to RCMP can save them? One stupid lie or a few by any and all credibility a joke and obstruction charges a checklist. Like with John Brummitt a top liar, fake and fraud to his family and friends, and not fearing added jail time, seems ideal as a spokesperson on the long history of criminality for all criminals to bet on to save them all?

    And some clearly do aid and abet, so politically clever, as victims from children to women beaten get nothing. More and more see thru Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen more and more every day. Victims get nothing. Criminals get rich? Slime and cowards should be very proud. How classy? The big shot image they fake with family and friends makes clear how very tragic their little lives in their little local as major nobodies only there in big pay positions as a result of obvious lies and misrepresentation (deceptive omission, fraudulent concealment). Yes, they are all cowards and creeps and live in fear of going one-on-one with me with RCMP at RCMp offices and the jail time they fear?

    To be fair: Selected victims do get minor payoffs when lawyers used as per legal files. Some files going back thirty years. Some from just yesterday. But zero compensation for majority and so very little in "settlements", as under duress to feed children, and should be void (See Laskin and thoughts on "sacrosanct"?) and all previous legal claims and all cases of bad faith all fully reexamined. As per Davis & Co, Gowlings and other law firm files. Yes, some of my friends from high school not only work in this dirty union but at Vancouver Law Firms?

    Contact your local MLA to get RCMP on this.

    Mitch Davies like Paul Klassen never helped this cause, and have hurt it as documented to help their criminal friends, as their key pivotal political support criminal. And that they needed to aid and abet as to justify their huge salary the real honest world will think absolutely absurd reviewing their minimal credentials and aided by corrupted elections and truth endlessly suppressed. Bets?

    Don't be fooled by these frauds and their easy-to-prove very misleading pretentious inflated titles and as partial proceeds of crime payoff?

    Titles of trust even  BCLRB documented economically threatening. Titles and positions of trust a sad sick joke. These positions as to facilitate laundered proceeds of crime (like they do in criminal casinos)? Bets? Any 1st year Poli Sci or Accounting major can see this as blatant. Which elections exactly have not been corrupted by many and major lies, censorship, gigantic deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment, that got many criminals (without "honest" merit) in the criminal elite elected? Please list and prepare to defend. And what got Mitch Davies elected? Bets? Do the math.

    Am still waiting for a written and signed formal published "defaming denial" and best meeting both major media big shots Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies for a few days of solid one-on-one and Face-to-Face stuff at RCMP offices. Seems appropriate to video tape? I'm in?

    Millions in fraud so a few dozen questions of note? And all of us swearing under oath.

    Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies should have absolutely nothing to fear as both so very honest, intelligent, ethical, moral and highly educated and so very accomplished, and both with absolutely no criminal political support to defend. Aren't they? Same with John Brummitt? All so honest. 

    Who will squeal for a deal?

    Who will squeal for a deal like the smart lawyers suggest by the thousands all over North America daily? Maybe not so smart lawyers will suggest "solidarity".

    Sammy "The Bull" flipped and squealed for a deal on his NYC Teflon Don and a whole New York Mob family, legally a smart move.

    Conrad Black, also had his top number two guy David Radler flip on him, again legally a smart move. Even bikers to bankers flip. Seems those with top expensive smart lawyers do "squeal for a deal".

    As such, will super brain John Brummitt, as a former "Royal Broom"  to three major top gang or group bosses, squeal for deal? And help put Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson and Rob Maier all in Jail. Is there honour among sleaze and thieves? Will others do added time to protect Don Ramsden's "reputation", or Gavin Craig's highly respected legacy and his groups lies to RCMP or help Rob Maier relax and enjoy his proceeds of crime and slime?  How many willing to love and protect Tom Adair?

    Or will others forced now into playing legal musical chairs be smarter and jump first to squeal for a deal? Possibly those like Tom Adair to Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will want a break for blatant documented and witnessed aid and abet as per Criminal Code? How stupid and how smart some are will be revealed? See laws on obstruction in any police criminal investigation and jail time. Helping or beating up women, cheating hundreds of children and tax credit fraud in the millions and various other matters and charges.  Dozens of lies to try and successfully fool RCMP or best squeal for a deal? Odds? How smart are the ones who acted so clever? Will Dusty Kelly throw everyone of the criminal elite under the bus as a bit self-absorbed, or will she do added time to help John Brummitt.

    Simple to bust these sleaze.

    Say 4-6 of us swear under oath about criminal acts for RCMP. Then John Brummitt or other big title types like Tom Adair or Mitch Davie swear under oath a defamatory denial as defence with their 4-6 honourable friends. At this point
    RCMP are 100% absolutely certain one group liars. Now John Brummitt must must also tell a few dozen other lies successfully based on trick and trap questions to RCMP or the sleaze are so very busted, and their whole gangs credibility a joke. Now add solid evidence and one group seriously pathological liars and losers. And some will go to jail? Which group?

    Media Blitz: November 15 started. With 70,000 + page views already (Some very paranoid of jail time do read more than once) and this number prior to "official blog launch" on November 15. Then readership will mushroom from media and political to sister unions and tax groups. The only ones kept in the dark will be 891 membership as so very frightened to share truth with their dues paying and trusting members.

    You really can be an honest real 100% hero.

    You can be an honest real 100% hero by just contacting your local MLA with this blog link, telling them to investigate as something odd in Hollywood North and to investigate me, little me, or any or all of them named. And to get RCMP's best interrogation on this. Simply send this blog link. With a tiny note. And you're ah honest hero.

    How to help? Simply by helping get top RCMP interrogators and investigators, as clear major intellectual superiors to these slime to do a simple basic "designed" very low cost initial inquiry (needing only any one person of the many named, and myself as per below present, and all under oath). Ideally videotaped with release forms, just like the movie stars they think they are? I'm thinking about cost and time efficacy for RCMP to quickly start laying charges against a few dozen.

    After initial police investigation and report,  MLAs and MPs must support another much more critical full Provincial Forensic Inquiry than prior efforts to protect tax credit dollars from enriching clear criminals, women beaters and children cheaters and their highly documented loyal aid and abet fan club.

    And now a full Provincial Forensic Inquiry clearly far more critical. To help hundreds of victims that criminals to cowards, fakes and frauds won't. As named and pictured.

    With their big shot Hollywood and Union lawyers why so afraid of visiting RCMP? Alone without lawyers at first. As an honest person would? Could? legal Optics do make a great first impression. Why look so guilty?

    That easy. MLAs not helping will be noted as with those below as total human garbage. Enough documented evidence and proof and witnesses here to drown in.

    MLAs who help as such will be highly honoured and noted here with expanding page views far beyond present near 70,000 page views and soon hopefully added major national media attention. As a warning to others too clever.

    Why am I doing this now? Some ask.

    This a very serious issue from millions in tax credit fraud enriching criminal elite to protection of women and children.  I like women. I owe many. I hate bullies and arrogant and ignorant slime with big smiles who cheat children. I like confronting liars in big public forums or court rooms. Kinda fun.

    Second, now my friends once in this toxic, unsafe, criminal and corrupt culture, can no longer suffer BCLRB proven "intimidation and coercion" to economic interference (with their incorporated companies), by these cowardly criminal slime, and suffer as added innocents from my actions here as a whistleblower on this criminal slime.

    I'm totally free to speak now. As are others as protected witnesses. A few of the 475 members supporting a forensic audit have other stories to tell. This same slime documented twice as already lying and misleading RCMP. Twice. Hope they trying lying to RCMP a third time with John Brummitt involved in all three deception efforts?

    Why me? 

    475 "honest" (and one may suspect far more intelligent and certainly obviously more honest and informed members), voted for me to get a full forensic audit on these criminals. At some risk as BC LRB files prove. NOTE: Dishonest criminal members and whole executive and other criminal aid and abet friends and loyal fan club, clearly could never ever vote for me or "support me" as fearing jail time and being fully exposed as fakes, fools, criminals and or slime, and simply had to vote and support others and not me. I gave them no choice? Obviously? Those named below do not support me.

    Some as stated in front of witnesses were "afraid" to honestly vote for me?

    If not me, who would or could stand up to all these scum? Names please? Who else could? Read below exactly why I can do this.

    I had really hoped someone much stronger and younger and ideally female would be able to "honestly" stand up to these two dozen criminal sleaze and I could simply support their honest legal efforts to confront. This based on my very unusual legal depth and contacts as per below, and ideally helping from a distance. I was not so lucky. And now had hoped I'd be frying much bigger fish. Fact.

    Some to be fair, for honest reason with families. must fear "rocking-the-boat" of the bullying, abusive, ignorant criminal elite. And can not voice support for me in criminal circles. Can dramatically lower or eliminate income if criminals don't like you, no matter what your real superior honest skills or qualifications? Bets? So easy to prove. And as proven by John Brummitt and Paul Klassen helping criminals will dramatically increase income and provide ill gotten titles, if criminals like you and you support criminals and "honestly" lacking real honest merit as compared to many more honest, more experienced, more skilled, more educated, more talented. Compare? Bets? A fraud a fraud and easy to expose.

    Was I rude to and so very unimpressed by these ignorant and arrogant criminal slime, women beaters to wife, children and tax cheaters? Absolutely.

    Was I also, to note, a lowly member who oddly showed compassion for even day labourers from personally cashing their pay 9to avoid payday loan charges), or finding them motels or getting them food? Helping them in legal matters? Ask around? Fact check?  How many did I help build their computer skills? Exactly? And how often did I help department heads look far smarter and far more educated than they really honestly were? I think I proved beyond debate almost any corrupt, misguided, unstable idiot can be a very high paid department head or construction coordinator like Rob Maier, and do just as well or far better when "honest" smart people supporting them. And be very high paid and more than teachers, nurses, RCMP. When others make them look smart when clearly not.

    And sadly many not looking so smart after the smart ones leave and their careers oddly go nowhere. Just more theft? True? False? Look at the history of those named. Revealing their deceptions and real reputations, credibility and visible performance not able to secure any honest support once exposed even when criminal elite in executive on side?

    SAMPLE 891 Executive Directed BS:

    This picture below by BC Film Union IATSE 891 executive (we can call for fun exhibit "A" ) is possibly the stupidest, deceitful, misleading token, pathetic, hypocritical effort by 891 executive BS. And as their classic 50's standard PR and Propaganda. An insider group that has a well known history of aid and abet for woman beaters for decades and helping finance cover up and support criminals who support them in loyal solidarity? The sleaze not very bright, even have brilliant extremely well documented  internal trials as to once again coerce and intimidate with threat of economic interference?

     If what I say not 100% true the criminals can sue me and charge me criminally. I made it easy? And do it in a criminal conspiracy of loyola solidarity all signing and under oath or even alone if not cowards without a crowd? I wait. And wait. And wait. They have big shot expensive Hollywood and Union lawyers what are they so afraid of? Come and get me. I wait.

    "Done Waiting"?


    Before I had even known these slime or their names all involved in this BC IATSE 891 local film union executive crime and corruption, a girl (We'll call "V" for now) told me and others about a union executive in 891 beating up a women, and also told others, about the help financing with funds in trust outside of mandate with abuse of funds. In trust. Fraud. No mandate. And the famous letter.

    Others also talked of women being beaten, even when even pregnant (not hearsay when time comes) and others even told of the amount of theft 5K+ by department heads. The amount of tax credit fraud in "millions" discovered after.

    At first just hearsay and rumour. Fortunately low life criminal nobodies on a power-high like to brag. And brag about cheating both coworkers and as literal fact all BC taxpayers. This as criminals involved in wide-level of restriction of trade, economic interference and conflict of interest, and as the slime so nicely enriched from direct theft to kickbacks or political support and position and added tax credit to cronyism (as even screen credits make insanely clear and clearly not merit)  added with literally blatant nepotism (without honest merit and costing honest people) and facilitated by textbook aid and abet by union executive? A corrupt and criminal union executive, all soon discovered. As with the very limited intellect within the criminal fan club.

    Who helped me and who doesn't and helps criminals is a very clear line in the sand. See names in a variety of internal trial transcripts. As so very well documented.

    Having worked at the CBC in Toronto as national media liaison in 70's  with a top award winning investigative journalist and high school friend, and when still just in university, and added with our other friends a PhD in psychology (Labour) and another a recognized Oxford/Osgoode Legal scholar (Labour) and former acting Law Faculty chair at UBC, I had a bit more depth, that the criminals new nothing of. And still more surprises. So easy to bait and trap the disgusting uneducated unethical slime and criminals and whole life fakes, frauds and/or felons from Paul Klassen and Tom Adair to John Brummitt and gangs, as they could only fool fools. Not me. Not RCMP. Not CRA. And not that many MLAs and MPs we hope soon.

    The slime knew nothing about me prior, so made major idiots of themselves and still do. When I asked and documented that they simply be honest, legal and fair they laughed. As documented. From day one I made notes? I can easily provide more cases of "Bad Faith" than BC LRB or provincial inquiries document. Many. Many multiple offenders. A clear culture of crime and corruption spanning decades. Bets? Defamatory denial with criminal obstruction my goal to add to Mr. Brummitt's jail time and other big shots good at and sadly use to fooling only weaker minds, sociopaths and screaming and frothing psychopaths as witnessed.
    Note: In university I worked as a custodian in a psychiatric ward and as a bouncer/doorman in biker bars so the sound and fury and ugly game face types had zero impact. My martial arts and miltia friends also empowering. They were left to only intimidate me intellectually and collectively with their super brains (See Trial Transcripts). As a note if these frauds dare brag about their skill set my carpenter friends build their own planes that really fly and gorgeous houses and do heritage buildings. One does boardroom table and furniture invisible repair. Another building a studio. My friends not just top architects?  And i was working for an international Engineering firm just prior to this adventure.

    They first thought they could threaten me economically and humiliate me, tell lies, mislead others (as documented) as with others as per Davis & Company legal files oddly also support with Gowlings law firm as per "intimidate and coerce", as they did with others weaker prior and after. Easy to prove from even Davis and Company law files from Harvey M. case of abuse to present abuse of trust by present executive. Criminal intent or unbelievable gross incompetence and disorganization.

    The very sad small man complexes riding on big loud motorcycles and in very manly trucks (for their image and brand), hardly intimidating. In university I was a doorman and bouncer in biker bars? Again, their only hope to intimidate me was intellectually with Rob Maier and Gavin Craig and their gang's total collective intellect in solidarity. Inside joke.

    475 other members it also appears "very clearly" not fooled and best documenting a critical need for a full RCMP forensic audit and Provincial Inquiry. This is not a one lone nut assassin magic bullet theory. Enough witnesses, documents, legal findings, facts to make fools of any liars. Any. And if under oath ideal for added criminal obstruction charges and jail time. Two very different stories by two extremely very different groups. One has to filled with liars? True? false? Note for slime reading this far with many others far more honest and honourable: Criminal Law is not about anyone's personal opinion, speculation or interpretation. Only criminal court judges have that right. I know my old room mate was one.

    Can 475 honest people wanting a full forensic audit really and honestly all be wrong? Think about it? Get real? And most far more educated wanting a full forensic audit than deceptive smiling slime who felt an audit not in their very best self interest as documented and so very well by  key aidand abet super fraud Tom Adair. Things get very obvious. Like connections, collusion and conspiracy to defraud all tax payers for direct on indirect self enrichment. This will be easier than busting brokers, bikers and bankers for RCMP and possibly far more heroic. Well, if not suffering a personality disorder and have some compassion for the children cheated and women beaten. And not just faking it in a T-Shirt?

    Add as well a former friend since 1973 and roommate and still Facebook friend former BC Criminal Court Judge, Russ Mckay and a scholarly criminal lawyer prior, and so was pretty easy to investigate and trap them and their lies and abuse of funds, and tax credit fraud, cheating all BC and industry.

    Both my CBC award wining investigative journalist fifty year plus friend Terrence McKenna and my other high school buddy and an internationally recognized Oxford Legal Scholar (Labour) Dr. Fudge, both briefed and helpful on this since early 90's. Dr. Fudge was studying law and writing labour laws in Ottawa when I was reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada and doing CRTC appeals all alone? And doing detailed reviews on BC Tourism expenditures for Cossette Advertising and audits for Molson Pension Fund investments. No one questioned my spreadsheet audit skills the slime missing the obvious? There was a reason my company car and big office with full patio and ocean view and oddly when not protected by a union and better than my car and deal memos when with unions. And I could force this based on honest real value as I had no criminal or slime friends. Bets. Why?
    Funny how I do well with so many honest unions and even with non-unions when not dealing with highly uneducated, criminal and corrupt slime. Let's see if others can see blatant legal optics?

    They thought I was just some very fun computer nerd and/or ex Ad guy and easy to intimidate by a bunch of small man complexes in Hollywood Sunglasses and egos on parade, and so many insanely pretentious titles. Almost tragic, is ignorant women beating rednecks, faking like educated blue collar, as to enjoy white collar crime windfall. So clever. They where wrong I was not just a numbers nerd.

    The saddest part some of the slime is the lesser ones are inspired by Vietnam Veterans, while my mentors extremely highly real decorated heroes, so was not so impressed. I did WWII Veteran advocacy in Ottawa for those who emptied POW camps. Real heroes. My mentors and neighbours "real heroes". My friends father missing a leg. I was not impressed. At all. A coward and criminal is still a coward and a criminal. Simply if John Brummitt simply a long time friend how dirty are your hands?

    And the sleaze thought themselves brilliant wearing Hollywood sunglasses carrying laptops they could hardly use, and latest cell phones, all sadly trying to look so very very important. Hollywood laughs at them when not scolding them. The real truth so different from their pathetic PR efforts. And they look like idiots whether trying to appear as bottom-line management or talking like gun owning tough guys.

    This all the while, while criminals enriching other low level criminals and very critical and again deserving fair mention cheating "innocent" children of life insurance and medical with their absurd anti-member self serving elite "hour banks" with such blatant absurd criminal elite and fan club self serving math that would make Tommy Douglas vomit and Trump medical management jealous. Very sick. In trust? Bets.

    I'm very proud, as most "honest" Canadians are of our medical system. However the selfish slime involved above in "trusts" in 891 have an hour bank system that cheats honest workers and makes those who work less due to corrupt hiring and pay literally paying for sleazy criminals pay for coverage for medical and dental while literally children cheated and suffer their deceptive games. I have friends in insurance as some know and actuaries with doctorates in the family. Any slime want to try and fool me.

    More sick again and tragic these lazy uneducated slime paid more by windfall from proceeds of crime than nurses, teachers, military and RCMP who need real training, certification and education. Why should such ignorant, uneducated, lying scum and criminals like buddies John Brummitt and Tom Adair be paid so much more than police, teachers, nurses, military when all most know both for their loyal silence and protection and worship of women beaters for obvious political gain? Or is it because everyone or real honest majority of fully and honestly informed loves both of them, trusts them and even respects them? Simple question.

    Yes, the few honest workers hides the abusive self serving elite while "dues paying"  trusting members suffered, as this another veiled cover and illusion of validity. Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly did not want an honest audit? As documented. If not obvious than why?

    The decades of tragic trapped loyal aid and abetting morons, thieves and tax cheats Rob Maier, Don Ramsden, Ken Anderson and Gavin Craig surrounded themselves with, as to ensure the slime and criminal bloodline maintained for decades.

    Also known and witnessed corrupting membership, elections and with lies to very stupid internal trials for criminals protection of reputation of criminals as not criminals, all provided a plethora of information? And well documented. And all slime helped exposing many others and their efforts, added to their lies to RCMP documented prior on file. And when bragging provided more details on women beatings made a pretty detailed picture added with BCLRB legal rulings of "coercion and intimidation" and repeated files of bad faith, even in past Provincial Inquiries? Some in denial as afraid to face what frauds they are?

    And so the idiots trapped themselves bragging and showing off their corrupt and criminal abuse of such petty power. Internal documented trials a very key case in point. A trial Frank Haddad had to support of note.

    President Gavin Craig before recognized by far too many as a sleazy cowardly egomaniac as RCMP files to trial documents support are also of note, and goes to character and credibility, of all these slime in their criminal gangs solidarity and added to their lies already on file to RCMP. Well documented.

    Three in Construction department women beaters also a case in point and another how elections corrupt and absurd with this departments perverse political influence? Proportional representation needed in unions ya' think? If minority shareholder rights can put Conrad Black in Jail why not for minority stakeholders as with such criminal slime in unions? They fear their membership reading this so try and keep it away from members as so superior to their honest dues paying members in these matters? The use and copies of illegal and void Non-Disclosure Agreements shows how lying fools only fool bigger fools.

    Slime likes slime. Just like I like my classy friends. The slime clearly like each other and worked and played well together for decades, so very easy to group criminal gangs or groups, should their solidarity suffer when legal all hits the fan. We can tell much about people by the company or friends they keep or decide not to keep, for decades? True? False? If my friends beat up women, sexually harassed women, cheated children, kicked puppies and cheated honest coworkers and involved in theft 5k+, what would people think honestly of me, or courts, or Judges, RCMP, CRA?

    So easy for many to now help so many serious victims from too many criminals and human frauds, doing far too well with big shiny new vehicles and big pay that neither their real literal honest experience, accomplishments, merit, skill, talent or education can justify without "influence" of criminals and corruption. Frauds and liars.

    Their main skill set deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment (see election material and internal trials). Nor can the slime justify their success and  in any court over more honest not criminal supported types say like me and many others, other than by their dishonesty on almost everything?  Bets? And if directly compared to many of those more honest?  Get real?

    This all while many children still to this day cheated of medical benefits and "life insurance" by hiring to hour bank fraud, to women beaters still laughing and all BC taxpayers abused by these cowardly sneaky criminals. And puppy kickers (as witnessed) Bets? Criminals enriched by proceeds of crime and by literally "millions and millions" in clear BC tax credit fraud. Any dare debate at RCMP offices? Any of those named and with big titles once or presently? Or just criminals and slime affirming each other as textbook cognitive dissonance that their hands clean of blood?

    Do you help or not? 

    Do you help or not? Or aid and abet as per criminal law (See Below). Do you? Seriously think about the innocent children also suffering criminal greed as criminals, fakes and frauds and so very enriched by tax credit fraud windfall and corrupt "hour bank" and many other matters, like all elections?

    Shouldn't victim children get clear proceeds of crime honestly theirs from these disgusting cowardly slime like Tom Adair who documents aid and abetting criminals and this so others not suffer this corruption and fraud by these named fakes and felons? Or in future.


    Why "exactly" don't Paul Klassen, as the brand new big shot Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions, or former big shot Tom Adair, former Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions, or even Mitch Davies as top dog, as president of IATSE Local 891 and any of those pictured below, help these clear victims of violence and theft and help BC taxpayers and not helping enriching criminals and women beaters by fraud? Or far more simply help me a tiny wee little bit expose women beaters and also not aid and abet criminals and tax fraud, as so well documented. Too late now for many to "just act" like they help. The line in the sand they drew in their own words? And even more evidence by internal trial documents and multiple witnesses of slime like Paul Klassen helping criminals?

        Paul Klassen

    Pays too well when your job not justified as per your "real honest education and experience" like Paul compared to others more honest with less criminal support and as directly compared to others oddly far more honest and accomplished, educated, experienced - and appears too obvious as such.

    Hey, you don't need to be an MBA from Stanford to know dirty criminal film unions, with documented incompetent frauds faking in executive and department heads involved in theft 5k+ increases costs dramatically as so easy to prove. Is the tax credit being used to offset theft?

    So cowardly slime and cowards too easy to compromise to aid theft (5k+) and women beaters not hard to prove either. And with proceeds of crime for their aid and abet laundered as their big pay, power and perks far beyond their real honest experience, accomplishments and education of note, and as clear laundered proceeds of crime far too obvious to those better at advanced math and real actuarial factors. Teachers, nurses, police and military paid less. Compare? Fact check? This just the tip of the iceberg. As truth all told it gets more disgusting and criminal.

    Yes, their sophist rhetorical wordplay masters will fall back on their juvenile skills to further deceive but sadly know being judged by those far more educated in such matters and will fool no one in RCMP, CRA, Criminal and Civil courts? 

    Kinda sad in BC if criminal charges against Elizabeth May and friends as pipeline protesters, while these far more very serious and ugly criminals laugh at victims, lie to RCMP (and will?)  and cheat all BC taxpayers and children. A bit sick? As documented. Who you helping?
    Why are slime like Mich Davies, Paul Klassen and Tom Adair with their big gigantic movie business titles and expensive Hollywood sunglasses so very afraid to casually comfortably meet meet me one-on-one at RCMP offices and make a few profound statements under oath? Maybe have a skim no foam coffee? Fearing jail time and public exposure? For themselves? Or fear forced to squeal for a deal on ALL others? As literally thousands do?

    If you need a blood stained legal case of why you need proportional representation in government and absolutely in all BC UNIONS when most don't even vote accepting corruption, this is it. 

    Giving power to a few criminals and slime like John Brummitt and his dog-like loyalty to known thieves and criminals for return favourite slave status, a bit vomit worthy. Like with Paul Klassen who likes the power to judge and yet seems not very keen now to be "fully judged" himself based on his real lack of honest education, experience, merit and selection. Blessed by corruption, criminals and lies. Bets? He can prove how honest he is and not helping criminals and cooperating fully and helping RCMP and avoiding obstruction? I did film editing in university and supervised in Advertising production. What else has Paul done. Ever?

    Idiots, those secure by cognitive dissonance skills, the uninformed and criminals will try and spin a defence this an exaggeration and desperately try and diminish my claims making the criminal and corrupt too obvious. Or claim I'm anti union? Hardly? Seems I like honest unions? Those more  informed, far more honest and not part of criminal elite will dramatically differ. Like 475 members. Obviously?

    What do others with top high priced lawyers do?

    Sammy "The Bull" flipped and squealed for a deal on his own Teflon Don and a New York Mob family, legally a smart move. Conrad Black also had his top number two guy, David Radler also flip on him, again legally a smart move. Many throw others under the bus to protect themselves from full prosecution and squeal for a deal. Many. Even bikers flip. Seems those with top expensive smart lawyers very often squeal for a deal.

    As such, will super brain John Brummitt, as a former "Groom of the Stool" to three major top gang or group bosses he served so very well, squeal for deal? And help put Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson and Rob Maier all in Jail. Is there honour among sleaze and thieves? Even when very stupid gang members? Will others do time to protect Don Ramsden's honest "reputation", or Gavin Craig's very admired and respected legacy or Rob Maiers proceeds of crime from "disrepute" as per internal trial documents?

    Or will others forced as also now into playing legal musical chairs, be smarter and jump first to squeal for a deal before no more deals offered? Possibly those like Tom Adair to Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will want a break for their extremely blatant, documented and witnessed aid and abet as per Criminal Code? How stupid and how smart some are or are not, will be revealed? See laws on obstruction in any police criminal investigation and resulting added jail time. Helping or beating up women, cheating hundreds of children, trusting honest workers and with added tax credit fraud in the millions and various other matters and charges.

    What, the heck, do I honestly know about unions and TV and film and production costs directly compared to all these very deceptive fakes and "top 891 big mouth experts" as named, and exactly?

    Before even finishing university I had done everything but hairdressing and makeup. Later I would be directing and writing TV ads. Later in advertising also running a Toronto ad agency office where we would be producing up to three different TV ad productions on same day in three different locations - and with (3) three different "full crews". And three different budgets? I had full 
    responsibility for accounting to art direction and final costs. As such, I can spot frauds, fools and felons financially and personally in 891 very fast. Very fast.

    I worked with the biggest and the best in Canada and signed off on their invoices. Some of my work award winning and internationally recognized. Some work even for a 
    Prime Minister when I was reporting "directly" to the former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford. Was also on the Board of Directors of a Public Company with a COB, a former PC candidate. I've helped Liberals and PC. And even tried to help NDP and Greens even discounting my rate? Seems smart honest people like me and pay me well. Liars, frauds, fools and criminals hate me. I expose them. Every chance I get. 

    All above and below now very easy to prove. As documented by key internal trials to elections. Before film work I did franchise audits and worked with three accountants as business associates and brokers? The idiots in this dirty union executive didn't know this. My broker friends helped some make money on one TV  production. And none suspected I could even read spreadsheets upside down. 

    I have also changed and pioneered many things for various departments in film and TV production like construction, paint, greens, costume, accounting from budgeting (using CAD and documented pioneer work?) and "real time" cost reporting and planning systems based on my prior work with an international engineering firm. Real engineers. Those who can do basic math? Not fake it.

    These slime neither helped as many members as I did from helping others with computer skills, incorporation, taxes and investment to cashing paychecks? Bets?

    Any "experts" in 891 want to debate absolutely anything from creative concept to final costs, price elasticity, rating points to PMI guidelines? 

    As well as employed by an engineering firm prior to work with 891 frauds and with real engineers (not fakes) and two of my friends top Canadian Architects, we can also talk set construction budgets. I've done TV production budgets since 1980 in advertising? In 891 they had me listed in accounting and construction as a permit labourer when reality I had been on the board of directors of a public company and more senior executive experience than the frauds involved. Don't be fooled by any titles in 891 criminals most frauds with criminal support blatant. And the highly uneducated with zero real executive experience and as criminals labeled as senior executives another pathetic but very revealing joke. Can it get more obvious what frauds, fakes and fools many are. And criminal? What did I see? And as per PMI guidelines?

    Many honest and very talented intelligent people in BC production unions like 891 and certainly much more honest in ACFC, but far too many lazy sleazy cowardly sneaky small man complex criminals and life frauds far too enriched in 891 (as named). This as honest people all cheated from coworker to taxpayer. To children. 

    Too many women beaters, child cheaters, deadbeat dads, junkies, drunks, bullies, liars, fakes and criminal frauds oddly in "good standing" in 891 union, and in executive culture. For decades. And far too much criminal tax credit fraud  to medical benefit fraud and corruption, also aid and abetting criminal windfall enrichment. I did my homework mentored by top legal and investigative journalists.

    Hey, what do I know about unions beyond my legal studies in university compared to top "891 experts"? 

    Simply, to start I've been in more unions all across Canada than NDP leaders Horgan and Dix, and most if not all in BC Federation of Labour? I started as a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE in 1977 in Montreal? Add hospital and hospitality unions as well. Was paid by ACTRA for TV work in 1979? And have worked for more TV and Film unions across Canada (including CBC) and from Trailer Park Boys on East Coast to ACFC on Vancouver Island doing "Terminal City" than any in 891 executive. 

    Oddly this Vancouver Island Production when IATSE 891 union executive also busted and exposed by BC Labour Board for " Coercion and Intimidation" of own trusting honest members. And the slime again wasting money on lawyers like they did with Gavin Craig and hoping and praying that big shot union and Hollywood lawyers would intimidate me. Hardly. Again, I worked reporting directly to the former Attorney General of Canada and my social friends a BC Criminal Court Judge and a former law faculty acting chair at UBC. Wow, was I ever intimidated when John Brummitt said he was having some no-name lawyer deal with me. John Brummitt and a no-name lawyer together imagine my fear.

    This one case above just the tip of the iceberg of a much bigger and uglier story here as well. And we do need another full forensic Provincial Inquiry what other previous film union provincial inquiries missed must now be addressed?


    RCMP may also wonder why "exactly" the slime named here in 891 executive (and others to be named) for 4 decades literally 
    can't find even just simply 1 in 8,000 members not in super fear to simply meet "with me" at RCMP offices and defend the whole dirty gang to RCMP? And under oath as per below. Makes too much, too obvious? 

    475 voted for a full forensic audit against the sleaze machine and they can't find even find just "ONE" intelligent honest person in 8,000 members to defend them one-on-one? Any of them not criminals, frauds or cowards. Even a tiny little bit? And against "any" of my claims? Any?

    They must have at least one "honest intelligent" person in their criminal group or gang more honest, more educated, more experienced and with big impressive titles than little nobody me?  One labourer taking on so many kings? Or just creepy cowardly criminals with fake titles by corruption and key criminal support? Let others judge. Like criminal court judges. 

    Biggest big shots Tom Adair (left) and Paul Klassen. See their real honest resume for experience, education and accomplishment and ask are they the best and most honest 891 has? 

    John Brummitt  as so honest, so educated, so accomplished, and so intelligent, he would appear the absolute perfect spokesperson to defend ALL those named and pictured for RCMP, and to be  "fully question" under oath (ideally with myself to help memories and avoid criminal obstruction with more lies), and one-on-one?  And best we both be videotaped. He can show how he's smarter than both myself and RCMP trained skilled interrogators? He knows of other lies to RCMP he was involved with.

    John Brummitt knows about most crime mentioned here. Maybe more? And a well known brown nose and key helper to criminals Gavin Craig, Don Ramsden and Rob Maier.  Who and what would John Brummitt be if not their dog loyal support? Kinda sad if you think about it? Not much as little education, experience, intellect, integrity as documented compared to so many others more honest and accomplished. And for decades, only an idiot would debate he doesn't know of many crimes and the many he aided and abet.  And John Brummitt ideal to simply defend against "any" or even all "my claims" as per below? Somethings just far too obvious or not? 

    So many fearing jail time John Brummitt (or his substitute?) better be able to lie, obstruct and outsmart RCMP on dozens of items even if John Brummitt can't be and honestly never could be "honestly" elected and without clear corruption. Fact check? And fears a RCMP moderated objective one-on-one? Debate? And as always RCMP will be asking  John Brummitt questions they know the "real honest answers for" already and in advance, and just being playful with liars And very ready to add serious obstruction charges for those still so clever bragging about statute of limitations as their cover? How clever?

    As such, even an actuary to a Vegas point man would think the odds of very serious criminality near 100%?   The slime should really send John Brummitt as their star brain and quarterback and as to best to reflect on others in his gangs or group. 

    What's the problem to go under oath and defend them all and deny and defend against all my claims. Or any? If nothing criminal to hide? If not fearing multiple obstruction charges, aid and abet to criminal defamation plus the crimes already listed and making conspiracy a given, by "solidarity" of criminal fools? Divide and conquer nice, but grouping by solidarity of criminal conspiracy for RCMP will be like shooting fish in a barrel. My intentions always considering and respectecting time and cost to RCMP to help put slime in jail.

    To deny my claims under oath with RCMP with sworn testimony just too much of an obvious trap for added obstruction, wrongful prosecution to slander and libel for such well documented criminal morons and fools lying and trying to fool RCMP "again" and CRA? Strike three?

    A full forensic RCMP and CRA aided Provincial Inquiry needed on Film Industry. Again. This time with crime the focus.

    Yes, a full forensic RCMP and CRA aided Provincial Inquiry needed on Film Industry, and specifically union local 891 decades old dynasty of insiders in criminal elite, and ALL those who aid and abet tax fraud to women beaters and children cheaters, and despite the executives very costly and pathetic PR efforts to mislead their members, industry and all BC. Just like PR efforts with John Brummitt. Exactly! Kinda obvious why some oversight on governance long past due? And trusteeship, seizure before judgement and flight risks already a reality.

    If they, as well documented, can't even fool BCLRB with high paid lawyers about "coercion and intimidation" as per blatant abuse against their own trusting dues paying "brothers and sisters", plus another gem of bad faith by another deceitful criminal presidents as also on record with BCLRB, they seem hardly able to fool others, and certainly 475 members wanting a full forensic audit on the slime,  it appears many not fools or fooled. Nor will RCMP be fooled again. One wonders just how they think they can lie and fool RCMP for a third time?  Or a criminal court judge?

    John Brummitt perfect for RCMP to interrogate as so in-the-know about so many crimes and cover-ups. And so experienced, so educated, so honest and so intelligent. Is he smart enough to fool RCMP and CRA? And as my superior in intellect and integrity as to judge me and in so many ways, he really shouldn't fear a simple one-on-one as a former major union bigshot and buddy to Tom Adair and a few very corrupt and criminal presidents, just being honest with RCMP.  And possibly help sending some to jail? And with both of us under oath? Should he be afraid?

    Where no more honest, educated, accomplished or intelligent than
    John Brummitt, both Paul Klassen as present Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions also possibly should be invited for one-on-one with sworn statements at RCMP offices about aid and abetting criminals - as also very well documented by internal trial transcripts. To start. And present local 891 president Mitch Davies also might also be best to consider to defend his key criminal support he clearly aids and abets. Odd how they never helped or supported me in exposing and busting women beaters, criminals and tax cheats. Why? Odd?

    FOR MLAs & MPs:

    MLAs, journalists may very soon ask you: "Honestly, do BC women beaten to thousands of honest workers cheated, and all BC taxpayers cheated of millions by criminal fraud enriching criminals, really matter to NDP, Green or Liberal for new incremental votes? Do taxpayers?"

    UPDATED: December 23, 2018. With a few cute and clever changes, new names, new faces. See Criminal Code reference below if uncertain.


    John Brummitt should do some jail time for all the honest people he screwed, bullied and cheated. The women and children he can document no effort to protect when in a position of trust like he protects those who beat up women? Common knowledge.  As witnessed and documented. And his even sleazier lying highly unaccomplished uneducated friends should also do jail time?

    News note:
    Introduced to provincial court Judge Christine Lowe a few weeks ago. Discussed my work with Ron Basford former Attorney General of Canada and my forty year friend a BC Criminal Court Judge. And another as a noted international Oxford Legal scholar and a former acting law faculty chair at UBC. Now ready to meet with David Eby as new provincial Attorney General. See the words of David Eby below.


    RCMP: Have made this very easy for RCMP as per below, and with added notes, documents, witnesses (475+?)  and with trap questions with sworn testimony on demand. Some witness identities will need to be protected. Obviously.

    Think about this:

    If not even (1) of 8,000 members (including "any" in executive or any local 891 president from past
    4 decades) can't even  dare meet me one-on-one at RCMP offices, under oath, as to simply deny any or all my claims and defend this human cowardly criminal scum, can something here far uglier and criminal be any more obvious? And how many crimes and criminals involved? What are the afraid of? What are they hiding?

    Why was it easier for me to do numbers for major corporations and Federal Political parties even audits for Molson Pension assets, to help and still have not seen any honest or meaningful financials from this very sick and dirty union or any request recognized. They owe me money as with others. Legal optics speak volumes?

    And sadly how many victims from women and children to all BC taxpayers still being cheated? Think about it. That obvious. Not even (1) of 8,000 members can defend them against little me? Those that executives claim as "brothers and sisters" in solidarity and thus some support or aid and abet - now will they defend them? And without further lies to RCMP, defamation and obstruction? We call it a trap. From internal trial transcripts blatant to BCLRB rulings only a major moron would even dare challenge me with sworn testimony in any criminal court or in front of RCMP. Hoping for a moron. As per below.

    Here's the phone numbers for RCMP, MLAs and Media now more curious,  for two very key 891 BC Film Union people and both very impressive top dogs - and with very big impressive super long titles. Oddly who also aid and abet criminals. Numbers for RCMP, MLAs or Media to call about tax credit fraud enriching their criminal support. As documented. And simply invite them to just meet with me one-on-one at RCMP offices and swear under oath before they babble. Dress is casual. I'll bring coffee. Let RCMP judge us all.

    Paul Klassen, Executive Director, B.C. Council of Film Unions.
    Tel. 604 983 5531

    Mitch Davies, president IATSE 891. 
    Tel. 604-664-8910

    Tell them your calling about John Sinclair and this 891 blog. Listen to them panic and watch body language as per CIA guidelines "how to spot a liar". Smell the fear and watch the words and lousy acting. Always funny when those with low IQ and little education or experience try and fool those their superiors like RCMP and Courts.

    The issue here is how did these two frauds from the fiction production and budget film world, get such big pay as clear proceeds of crime from aid and abetting criminals, simply laundered as position, pay, power, perks, prestige, little oversight and governance and fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission with trusting membership?
    What are their real honest credentials if not frauds, fakes and felons?
    Was John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Rob Maier honestly a sample of the best and brightest?

    And more strange if not even near as experienced, accomplished, educated (Economics? Law? Management?), nor as honest as so many others how did they get their jobs? Lies? Deceptive omissions? How do people like these two and Johnny Brummitt honestly get the big pay? Really? Honestly? How do criminals get re elected or helped like Johnny Brummitt? Corruption? Crime? Or because they are more honest, 
    experienced, intelligent, accomplished, educated (Economics? Law? Management?)? Yes, members have been cheated of honest and intelligent leadership fearing economic intimidation and coercion. Easy to prove. 


    This is a very interesting human interest story and plus a very meaningful cause for women and children. And important to investors and all victims, plus all BC taxpayers.  Cause enough? Other stories media cover, can't even touch this one.

    It also has everything media loves from serious political and legal to criminal and commercial impact. In "millions and millions". Even some sex and rock n' roll.

    Heroes helping BC women beaten to thousands of honest workers cheated, and all BC taxpayers cheated of millions by criminal fraud enriching criminals, is somewhat newsworthy? As well as easily justifying RCMP and CRA investigation, interviews, interrogation, charges and easy prosecution?

    Having had a BC Criminal Court Judge as a friend with another an internationally recognized Oxford legal scholar and former acting law faculty chair at UBC, on top of my own tiny remedial law classes, I may know a bit more than just Latin, Linguistics and Formal logic. 

    Another friend an award winning investigative journalist added with my own work at CBC as a national media liaison, also adds some insight others might miss. 

    Investors? I've been on the board of directors of a public company and did audits for Molson Pension Fund. So much by these red necks faking white collar crime masters as such a bit transparent. I've gotten a CEO, a VP's, CAs and an MBA asked to resign for far less. 

    Union depth? I've been in more unions across Canada than Horgan and Dix and possibly combined. Most unions honest and with just cause and purpose. This one executive for literally decades the very worst with the ugliest of crimes cheating children of medical, dental and life insurance. And more sick thinking themselves so clever. They brag and boast.

    Watch how long before I make them shake and sweat after swearing under oath and just asked very simple yes or no questions. One-on-one they are cowards, in solidarity with other slime empowered. This will be fun and funny for RCMP and fast. 

    Please Note: I am trying to address multiple audiences from legal, political and media to the exact criminals far less educated involved. And trying to both inform some and entertain hundreds of supporters already familiar with such matters. Why this style used. Spell Checker, Grammarly, Flesch–Kincaid and Canadian Press.com writing guide adjustments and editing to follow. Please excuse this rough draft.

    How long can these sleazy, lying, thieving, criminal blue collar rednecks avoid jail with their silly transparent efforts pretending for decades they are masters of white collar crime? And thinking I could be impressed, "intimidated or coerced" by their numbers, titles and stupid games. Exactly as per BCLRB also makes very clear with this decades of crime and corruption in executive culture of bullies, frauds, fools and felons.

    Can they fool highly trained RCMP interrogation experts? Just like they do far too many honest trusting members? Are these criminal slime more clever than Col. Russ Williams and the Oland boy, and think they can fool trained RCMP interrogators and not suffer multiple obstruction charges. And for the very many lies needed to even dream of as to deny, defend and further defame others. Those far more honest, far more accomplished, far more educated can not be fooled by so many frauds, fools and felons.

    And far more sick to note, is their inner circle of criminal elite, as fact, paid more than those more trained, educated, certified, and experienced like honest teachers, nurses, police and military. Those risking their lives for less and working far harder? With far more importance. Most in this union local, talented, skilled, educated and honest. A few create a toxic culture as BCLRB rulings exactly define of "coercion and intimidation".

    Very tempting to aid and abet criminals when paid more than real world would ever pay such clearly highly uneducated fools, frauds and felons? Bets? Debate? See Tom Adair below. See party to crime as per Criminal Code also below and see exactly why those who help criminals get the same jail time. Watching for police or driving the getaway car when a child raped can go to jail for just as long. Those who use internal trials to document their gross stupidity to protect criminals like Paul Klassen and gang a case in point.

    Updated for MLAs, RCMP and CRA December 23, with yet another brand new twist below now added for slime's defence lawyers?

    This will cost some votes and help others gain votes.

    Political Value: With Kelowna election can NDP, Green and Lib MLAs now dare ignore tax credit criminal fraud enriching these named and pictured criminals and sad followers, who aid abet theft and fraud in the literal millions? And this when all BC taxpayers cheated? This will cost some votes and help others gain votes.

    Reportedly by-election polls for West Kelowna were down to around 20%. 80% didn't bother to vote.  Enough doctorates out there on how trust and meaning on this election factor of note. Voters are looking for real honest heroes who help. Any MLA's heroes?

    Room to grow for many smart MLAs and best by just: "honestly" helping here. And really helping women, honest workers, seniors, little children and all taxpayers cheated of millions. Very newsworthy. Not editorial fill or fluff. Worth a few votes.

    How do I know?

    How do I know? I reported directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada when helping Turner get votes and win Quadra and deal with Justin's Dad's patronage problem and Mulroney myth. I've come a long way since then. Prior I was part of invited team helping Justin's Dad on East Coast. And later Mulroney on East coast with economic initiatives.

    MLA Objective:

    Please give voice in parliament and get a "Full Forensic" Provincial Inquiry on Film industry tax credit fraud to economic interference and help women, honest workers, seniors, little children and all taxpayers. Fact: Over 450 members asked and voted for a full forensic audit, but ignored. Why? Can it be more obvious?

    Those who clearly don't help, clearly help criminals and help victims suffer more? Fact.

    For those politically enlightened and with real honest political depth these numbers for NDP, Liberals and Greens are very important. For details see below

    NOTE: Official blog email MLA and Media blitz, with press release and launch was: November 15. And yet already thousands in the know, but members treated like idiots by sleazy full of themselves executive and the honest truth and this bolg kept silent about. Idiots can block comments but they can't hide all the names and emails of members who like their BS. Idiots are idiots. And criminal slime are criminal slime. Nothing to qualify here?

    As per criminal and corrupt elections for decades helping criminals:
    Reality in 891 elections: The largest block of  891 eligible members to vote were neither for the criminal slime or against them. They were people who didn't bother to vote as feeling hopeless and weak as executive requires and critically needs. And some as witnessed stating to others actually fearing to vote for those they support knowing the culture of coercion and intimidation, bad faith and four decade long use of economic interference by criminals with members to retail trade violations? The executive also seen by many as criminal to sleazy or grossly incompetent as per their  honest credentials. Even their self promoting election material makes how clear how weak.

    Point: I got 475 votes for a full forensic audit. Mitch Davies initially only had less than 300 votes as core support and became President. Think about it: how he won as a far less desirable second choice run off, and so few voting? Does his REAL honest union support intimidate anyone?

    Any dare to do third party controlled polling with full honest truth told or simply both sides of a very contradictory story? I have over ten years of working with polling with Federal Government to Fortune 500 and was a pioneer with Goldfarb. And add dozens of focus groups. Easy to join the dots. Why not tell members everything. What criminals have to say and myself. And let those as not criminal and at least more educated or intelligent and with more integrity than Tom Adair and John Brummitt decide?

    Yes, the clearly the cowardly and compromised slime like Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and their easy to prove stupid dishonest executive who help them aid and abet a wide variety of criminals do fear: Any honest third party forensic audit, and any third party involved in elections to keep things clean as clear by BC LRB rulings. Clear that executive should never be trusted, and the slime absolutely must fear any reliable polling of members?

    Not simply RCMP and those more educated and experience being honest and soon very critical of obvious criminals, fakes and incompetents. And soon disgusted by those who support women beaters and child cheaters with cowardly silence, that they all totally must fear. Or are some just too stupid to not know better as lacking education and experience to do an honest job like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen. And just pretend like teenagers experts on everything. Bets?
    Kinda sad when you can't fool the smart ones and must surround yourself with such self serving stupid sleazy scum.

    Key Political Issues:
    (When voters now so critical to all BC political parties.)

    NDP: Will NDP with John Horgan and David Eby as Attorney General (and as quoted below - if  their words "honestly" mean anything), clean this very ugly issue up? Or add to their Site C and Pipeline problems?

    Those who clearly don't help, clearly help criminals?

    This help from NDP to give NDP "needed" and "honest" credibility for critical new very needed incremental votes and regain previous voter trust and confidence. And with this proven, plus visibly and credibly seen as NDP "honestly" fighting corruption and clear crimes hurting thousands and all honest BC taxpayers. 

    Crimes hurting all BC, women and children as defined below? Even if means NDP cleaning some tiny ugly dirt from one dirty film union from their own house, will Eby do it? This done as to claim an honest higher moral ground? And visibly and credibly proving it? And, again as per quote (below) by the Attorney General David Eby?

    Andrew Wilkinson? With Kelowna handled and now 42 seats, will this get BC Liberals 4 more?

    Liberals: Will new BC Liberals with "brand" new leadership by Andrew Wilkinson (also as a former BC Attorney General), use this very ugly legal mess to better champion this issue for all taxpayers, women, honest union workers, seniors? And thus visibly seriously hurt NDP credibility enough going at this hard with textbook gains with "switchers" and "influence" voter markets? I've not only worked in Federal Elections I've actually studied elections since Kennedy-Nixon and Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. So many still make the same mistakes.

    This honest help as to better ensure a possible Lib and majority win next election? Over any Lib-Green coalition? Time for BC Lib to earn the trust and votes of union members? If NDP do nothing but babble, this a gift.

    Those who don't help, clearly help criminals? And it may cost them an election.

    This big win Liberal effort s
    hould NDP still sit on their hands and ignore those named and pictured criminals, again cheating all BC to children, women, youth, seniors? 

    And will the NDP now fear that the "New"  LIBERAL brand now shows and demands far more honest respect for the rule of law than NDP and as equal or better, as such? With this putting Lib on a higher moral ground as Lib action here would document to all union workers and investors? And this move with their new leader to begin to have LIBERALS rebranded as: clearly and honestly as BC Heroes. And best to even "all honest union workers". And all the literally hundreds honest businesses also cheated. Visibly far more than NDP?

    And far more important so that BC Taxpayers to children will not be further abused and cheated while enriching criminals? Proving Liberal leadership and vision is "brand new" in this matter? The criminals have large retirement savings based on theft and fraud.
    It belongs to victims.

    GREEN: Will honest relentless top Green heroes, like superperson Sonia Furstenau, use this case to show they will also fight for both honest unions and honest business, as added value as environmental heroes and expand the brand? This as any Harvard MBA might suggest critical for growth? Clean environment and now clean economics building and widening their brand? And brand appeal? This as to further enjoy possible PR voting soon? Even if it means attacking BOTH criminal and corrupt unions and criminal and corrupt businesses. This as to best help both honest BC unions and honest BC business? And visibly attacking any hurting BC. taxpayers to children. Playing no favourites? "Working for all BC"

    NOTE: I had also worked in matters of Environmental Law and on clear executive and director's liability (without corp. shield). This with international engineering firm SRK in Vancouver. Paint disposal violations by this slime also of note. See below. Millions in liability?

    Assault, Harassment, Coercion, Intimidation, Fraud.

    As you read below think about it? What if it was your pregnant daughter, mother, sister, wife savagely assaulted, beaten up harassed, and/or both income and career also suppressed? And if pregnant? Is it okay for others to come from other countries and beat up our women and use Canadian tax credit and Canadian money to hide their crimes. Even if white and English speaking.

    What if it was your son, sister, brother, father, mother, grandfather cheated of literally thousands of dollars of work every year for decades? Or your own children or babies cheated of health benefits and tens of thousands of dollars in life insurance to medical benefit fraud by very ignorant and arrogant self-consumed criminals. Those who don't help, clearly help criminals? And clearly are helping porn-loving, puppy-kicking John Brummitt and his very criminal friends he aided and abet for decades. Minimum 5 years jail time? More sick is what criminals enjoy:

    Who exactly should RCMP interrogation experts question right after a few dozen from the hundreds who voted for a full forensic audit as volunteer witnesses with protected identities?

    John Brummitt.
    Super sycophant who knows most of the crimes he helped aid and abet. He'll squeal for deal when he hears all the charges he can so easily suffer? Or a real idiot? And against what witnesses like myself will swear under oath a nice little trap to add more jail time with.

    Tom Adair.
    Former big title, big shot, Executive Director of the BC Film Council of Film Unions oddly very afraid to meet with me one-on-one at RCMP offices and with both of us under oath and  explain why his superior uneducated judgement better than hundreds. Many more experienced and many far more educated. RCMP will be objective and will be good practice for Tom Adair when further questioned by crown prosecutors. 

    Paul Klassen
    . Present Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions: RCMP and Media can call: 604 983 5531
    Paul Klassen documented beyond debate in internal trial transcripts and judgement aid and abetting his criminal support in internal trials and punishing a whistleblower. This makes him vomit worthy. Even lies won't help him.

    Don Ramsden. Past President and Gang (From Dixie to Dusty). His ugly past many talk of he can do a volunteer hand RCMP voice poly and clear his honest good name. That easy. If he can and proven dozens of others including friends all liars. Hard to keep secrets with those who brag about them. He surrounded himself with well paid idiots for power and protection. Now those idiots will be what cost him.

    Gavin Craig. Past President and Gang. He and his gang already lied to RCMP and his friends a joke on integrity as per BCLRB files. He also can do a volunteer voice poly and clear his good honest name as well. Or look insanely guilty of many things. Legal optics?

    Ken Anderson. Past President and Gang. See BCLRB files and his aid and abet efforts helping criminals documented by registered mail as well as witnesses.

    Mitch Davies. Present President and Gang. Clearly helping his key supporting criminals far more than I. Obvious. Cowardly and vain he should be anb easy squeeze to also squeal for a deal. 
    RCMP and Media can call:  604-664-8910

    Rob Maier. And Gang and crew. He deserves his own blog just to cover his crimes and corruption. We can make it so very easy for RCMP and CRA to bust this well known arrogant asshole.

    Dusty Kelly. And her faithful and loyal followers and fools
    All have had their careers reversed or stagnant as truth got out on all of them. Classic liars and losers, who got lucky once and given an opportunity given to cheat and steal. 

    Side Note: A big thanks for the honest and very brave and very honest 475 men and women who first documented full support for my efforts here, and for a full focused forensic audit, plus the many documented kind words of support and the encouragement. And votes. As documented.

    Also thanks to various law firms from Davis to Gowling for their success exposing the slime factor. And sharing files. And other lawyers and legal scholars. 
    Certainly obvious the criminal slime and less intelligent, less skilled and less talented can't EVER support me or a Full Forensic Audit? Obviously?  As they'd kiss their $140,000.00 jobs goodbye. Those, as will be very clear, as so far less trained, educated and far less experienced, who have documented will sell their souls. Greed. Ego. Easy to prove. 

    Those who don't  help, clearly help criminals?

    These crimes done so very sick, very dishonest, less experienced, less educated, less certified, less talented "criminal slime" could be enriched, while the honest , better skilled and weak suffer. And their children. A plethora of cases as proof. Many. And worse this as the criminal's egos very flattered with their misleading and very inflated corrupt titles, crimes and big pay and more sick riding often on others honest merit as well as others cost. They brag about it.

    Criminal Code Notes:
    Parties to offence  21

    (1) Every one is a party to an offence who
    (a) actually commits it;
    (b) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding any person to commit it; or
    (c) abets any person in committing it.
    Marginal note: Common intention

    (2) Where two or more persons form an intention in common to carry out an unlawful purpose and to assist each other therein and any one of them, in carrying out the common purpose, commits an offence, each of them who knew or ought to have known that the commission of the offence would be a probable consequence of carrying out the common purpose is a party to that offence.

    So seems so many so clearly guilty. Internal trial documents and the whole aid and abet ganging helping criminals with
    Paul Klassen supporting criminals and wrongful prosecution as per his obiter dictum and ratio decidendi documented stuff a bit beyond debate?

    It must be fun for these criminals and those who clearly document their aid and abet to still pretend among themselves they can try and look and babble any not-guilty BS. And their pathetic PR efforts on social media also more than transparent BS? They hide behind the honest talent of others. Like a dirty casino.

    Sadly, those more educated and familiar with the many very clever ways criminals like to lie and feel confident and clever, say like RCMP, Criminal and Civil courts, as far more educated, more honest, more intelligent, it will now be kinda hard for John Brummitt and other big title big shots like Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies to fool anyone how smart they are, when made so very very clear they really aren't.

    And each one all alone with RCMP as to best further aid and abet will need to defend ALL others in their inner circle who are guilty of very serious crimes. And fully protect all those who also aid and abet, when all those far superior in matters of law questioning them (with soon media) and with clear legal focus on their superior integrity and intellect. Only a few hundred lies that work in concert with other's lies their only hope

    All alone with RCMP questioning they should be all be very impressive as such cowards and as very clear criminals. And praying no one in gang breaks, screws up lie scripts and squeals for a deal? The use of any criminal defence lawyers always a red flag of possibly many more and other very serious crimes and points to the guilty as a figurative legal clean red dot headshot.

    And a previous Provincial Inquiry documenting John Brummitt's brilliance and his clear bad faith babble, also goes to character and why so many witnesses say John Brummitt not really ever honestly elected or reelected, makes that all kind of fun. And as far as hundreds voting for a full forensic audit, John Brummitt can use his key spreadsheet and statistical and other well noted skills to defend. Or if asked why never-ever honestly ever elected as elections so corrupt he need others help as honest members paid to buy him his title?

    They do in absolute fact limit elections to elect known criminals and support fools, criminal frauds and felons to make a team or gang. Why not Brummitt for president? Not criminal enough? Or far too transparent as a very cowardly, corrupt and very criminal?

    How come no smart honest people in executive. So many with more talent, experience and education don't do so well.

    And Brummitt  involvement with lies to RCMP with Rob Maier's and Gavin Craigs group or gang, also will certainly also help all his brothers and sister slime all look so good, and that he must now "all defend" to RCMP - and that he must also both defend plus "lie" again for. And himself. Smell a trap? A big trap? Will he dare deny my sworn testimony and add further obstruction and criminal defamation to his list of crimes.

    Will union executive blatantly aid and abet and cover his legal costs like they did with Gavin's and other presidents documented very legal stupidity with lies to RCMP, and now fooling no one of the highly transparent conflict of interest and misuse of funds as to protect their own criminal gang and their own ass? And abusing others "honest" money in "trust". And yet so all void of any acceptable legal honest democratic mandate. Clearly. Further proving collusion, conspiracy to cartels and oligopoly and their very clear criminal culture? Solidarity? Solo? Both play so very very well? Any one or two squeal for a deal and the whole ship of fools, frauds and felons sinks very fast. And a few will spend a few years or many weekends behind bars. If not they have the option of a slow legal Chinese water torture as a possibly more painful and costly? Dragging on for years as legal cost go wild.

    Criminals will have to pick one strategy and absolutely ALL must be agreed on all and amusingly in full solidarity on all tactical lies to RCMP and all stick with it? And best trust Johnny Brummitt and Internal Trial brains and their impulsiveness for more legal leadership and to deceive RCMP? Again?

    Union Local Legal Costs Preliminary estimate to defend "all" who aid and abet to direct criminal actions: $ 1,300,000.00 And from trusting members money in a fiduciary trust. How sick is sick? how sick is present IATSE 891 president Mitch Davies? That's is less than Tom Adair's career package sucked out of honest union members as his criminal cream. And cheating many of those more honest, more educated, more experienced, more accomplished and far less wordy. As documented. Very easy to prove.

    These criminals often not the smartest knives in the drawer. Don't let the very fake big titles as very highly misleading titles fool you. And where they use censorship internally and on social media like they use "intimidation and coercion" to hide from honest debate and clear criminal exposure. Censorship that would "literally" make Donald Trump envious of such democratic to charter of rights suppression on steroids.

    Fortunately all social media activities still provides a very high value and very handy email list of the more engaged members, as soon to be employed. They even cheated other unions?

    So whole truth and nothing but bit now gets out and all told to all members. And where the criminal elite thinking their spreadsheet and calculus skills above question, sadly those of us with years of statistical analysis of national media, we have a very different take on their so called "arms length" BS on medical and benefit plan other cute math fraud. A health plan and hour bank scam that would literally make Tommy Douglas to Bethune sick. Hardly Canadian.

    Cheating children of honest workers of medical, pharmaceutical and life insurance benefits so criminals enriched about as sick and ugly as you can get. As i warned them as documented in 90's. They ignored me and continued with their criminal abuse. Any bets. Also easy to prove to those more educated. Mitch Davies must feel very proud of the way he helps criminals and hurts children. Fact check? Please do.

    The reason I come forward now at full force is they can not hurt my friends anymore as retiring or dead.

    The ton of misleading election literature, as case in point of deceitful omissions and fraudulent concealment, also good for a few laughs. And as compared to "no paper trail" they so often brag about, enough there to make many points on deception to members. And for decades. Like any sleazy used car salesperson fraudulent concealment their life blood. And soon not much will not be concealed, censored, handled or contained. 

    And they even bragged about the way fools suckered into signing totally illegal non-disclosure documents to force others to aid and abet criminal fraud and deceive majority of members. Why EXACTLY did "all" other candidates refuse to mention what I freely mention here? Again: Why did "all" other candidates refuse to mention what I freely mention here? Aid and abet "omit" rules do also apply? Fear? Intimidation and coercion as per BC LRB ruling below? Greed. Ego. A piece of proceeds of crime and pay and position beyond real merit? The fun begins. Many trick questions and traps.

    I know I'd sleep well at night if in this very prestigious inner criminal circle and lacking both education and experience and having a huge salary compared to even a well documented listed labourer far more educated, far more experienced and accomplished, for an easy honest example of corruption to incompetence and governance by fools, frauds and felons. And what their very big titles really mean, if not based on merit, integrity or intellect and to the satisfaction of criminal courts as  just brown nose basement aid and abet criminal frauds at best. At best. Bets?

    And as criminals, knowing their career, future, reputation and income and assets all resting on the intellectual and highly educated ability of such high IQ types and quick judgement without forethought of ramifications types like Tom Adair, Paul Klassen, John Brummitt, Ken Anderson, Gavin Craig and other criminal clowns, as to deceive and obstruct and outsmart RCMP their only hope, when each (when all alone for questioning|) all must fool RCMP's very best, gets hard to sleep well. Well unless cognitive dissonance super stars?  And with their best lies and wordplay their biggest bet. All lies synced like a perfect sympathy like real truth sounds. This so the ante of all criminals and those who aid and abet for laundered proceeds of crime don't have all their assets seized to honestly compensate victims. Sleep well. Brummitt soon alone with RCMP has got your back and he can lie and fool them and keep all criminals out of jail and himself. He's no coward or fool and can handle RCMP all alone. Bets?

    Perjury and Obstruction.

    To be perjury or added criminal obstruction, one must intentionally lie about something that is material to a legal proceeding, such as an investigation into any one or all of:

    1) BC tax credit fraud cheating all BC taxpayers, Industry and other film unions. Some math required.
    2) Union local benefit/life insurance plan fraud. Little math required.
    3) Assault to Harassment and Suppression of women. As per protected witness identities and international studies .
    4) Lies to RCMP. As documented courtesy of the super brains in Gavin Craig's and Rob Maier's gang.
    5) Misappropriation of funds. Where did the millions and millions go beyond so much suspicious high cost self-promotion and PR. See notes by others on Dusty Kelly and email.
    6) Time and material theft (5K+).

    And be ready to be questioned name by name and claim by claim from tax credit and membership fraud to children cheated of medical and dental as per my previous correspondence starting in 1993. So well warned of criminal acts?

     Or lie and lie and lie on all the above if really one of those named likes to really gamble big time and trusts another two dozen to lie and lie as well in perfect sync. And hope none in solidarity flips and squeals for a deal. Are we clear? Casino has better odds.

    Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

    The standard that must be met by the prosecution's evidence in a criminal prosecution is simply: that no other "logical explanation" can be derived from the "facts" except that the defendant committed the crime, thereby overcoming the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

    Compelling? Can we go even farther and a bit beyond "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt" to scientific peer group review and scientific and military standards as to capture these criminals and slime? Well, we may have on a few key points. Read on.

    Ideally in respect for RCMP time and taxpayer costs, any RCMP can just print out this blog and have all suspects read it and then simply ask what they want to confess to or lie and obstruct about. That easy. Saving hundreds of hours. Could be that simple? Courts will not be forgiving of criminals still telling lies and wasting court time. Will Mitch Davies and Paul (Ultra vires) Klassen still pretend they don't aid and abet? Still? Daily?

    If the BC Federation of Labour and NDP sits on a fence and won't "visibly and aggressively" help clean its own house, is it honestly really any wonder at all why numbers, support and trust erodes daily for both NDP and whole labour movement? Added to other Federal and Provincial issues? Again, those who don't help, clearly help criminals.


    Criminals paid far more than honest nurses, teachers, military and police? With far less training, certification, education, experience and accomplishment. Can a top wallpaper lady really honestly deserve a six figure income and perks even most journalists, lawyers and police would envy? 

    And this obviously more than disgusting when these criminals with far less experience and education to training, earn far more than honest nurses, teachers, military and police? True? False? And this old trick just a "simple-minded" three-step laundered proceeds of crime, simply laundered as big pay, big titles, big perks, power for abuse? Exactly like dirty Casino once thought so very clever fronted by a few honest people for cover. Positions and pay they have neither the education or experience as to hold such positions, over so many others oddly far more honest, educated and experienced. As documented. Gets sick. Gets very ugly. Read on. 

    NOTE: To criminals and their support reading this as well, do ask your lawyers to explain "aid and abet" as defined by Criminal Code and terms like conspiracy, collusion, cartel, gerrymandering, economic interference and how amusing that "solidarity" is now as also proving clear conspiracy and collusion, fraud? Go it alone to reduce legal liability and exposure or keep the gang solid in full solidarity and all sink?Now with so many in the know, must be so very hard for Rob Maier, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair (pictured above) to go in public or pretend they are honest and accomplished to anyone but fools they can still fool and deceive. Unless total narcissistic psychos? Many psychiatric nurses do have a handy app on a phone to quickly judge those also pictured or like John Brummitt and Mitch Davies as well.

    What if an "honest" vote or survey/poll of all 8,000 IATSE 891, members fully informed of ALL HONEST facts who and what would they support:
    A) A group including women beaters, known liars and abusers, puppy-dog kickers, thieves (5K+), fools, uneducated frauds and felons, clearly historically cheating majority for decades and their children and even already found guilty of "coercion and intimidation" by BCLRB  on their own trusting paying members added with files of lies to RCMP by Gavin Craig and Rob Maier's gangs?


    B) Support the first brave 475 who voted for a full forensic audit and those who want bullies to women beaters all exposed and expelled and assets seized for honest innocent victims.  And after decades of fraud finally an honest, intelligent and fair hour bank and not a ponzi scheme that absurdly benefits a small minority of human slime and far too many criminals. And so clever nicely hidden behind the appearance of many honest people. Old trick. And those who are sick of those with so little experience or little education  and little integrity like 
    John Brummitt and Tom Adair prove as former union executive leaders, who sold their souls to present local president Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions.

    Those who clearly aid and abet all criminal slime as per Criminal Code as they "omit" or breach fiduciary position and duty? I do suggest they call RCMP like Gavin Craig and Ron Maier's gang did with their obstructive lies and now fully defend themselves and their real honest good names, if not fearing jail time  and this not 100% fact and truth. Once so bold and brave and now such meak mice.

    And to be very clear, as all BC taxpayers cheated, this inner elite criminal dynasty for decades gets a 3-step laundered proceeds of crime like a classic dirty casino cover providing: absurd pay, positions, power, perks - and yet clearly these slime having far less meaningful experience, skill, talent, meaningful or  related education or accomplishment to make things more obvious - if any education worth even considering, over so many intelligent, honest and talented members. 475 come to mind.

    Plus most of this slime have clearly none or severely minor, limited "associated" accomplishment that they embellish as documented, nor intellect and integrity or any merit over so many more honest ones. So easy to compare. Easy to prove. All BC cheated. And teachers, nurses, military and police who risk their lives paid far less? Read on.

    Best the criminals luckily now have long time 4 decade plus inner circle super brain 
    John Brummitt to take me on face-to face and now fully defend them "ALL" as not ALL criminal slime and himself human dirt. This at RCMP offices with just the two of us and as soon as possible? This is John Brummitt's time to prove he's as clever as Don Ramsden and as honest and classy as Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson, with their record of internal and BC LRB decisions showing their very cowardly dishonesty in spades?

    John Brummitt's intellect and integrity best to protect them all? As
    John Brummitt's intellect and integrity did make him a well respected Senior Steward. This as buddy Brad and as others will fully support under oath? John Brummitt's lack of intellect and integrity as with others who aid and abet so many criminals so many times will be made obvious by non-criminal witnesses, documents and sworn affidavits. So many issues will need so many lies to even attempt an illusion of no guilt. 

    If criminal slime honestly not fearing serious jail time, it should be so very easy send their legal star scholar John Brummitt and who honestly best reflects so well on all of them and so many in the decades of the dynasty of dishonesty and crimes? John Brummitt's very own record as documented in previous Provincial Inquiries in matters of Bad Faith oddly similar to Ken Anderson and his clear BC LRB rulings. How odd? Not. And John Brummitt knows so much he'd be an idiot to lie on any single issue to RCMP after both Rob Maier's and Gavin Craigs gang documented as already busted for lies. What deal did Brad get? RCMP may need to know? And why and with who helping? We'll ask RCMP and Courts and public and all 8,0000 members after fully informed of all related honest facts who'd they vote for. Myself or Brummitt? Maybe he'll squeal for a deal? Note: The criminals brag about the statute of limitations watch how we play them as so clever and so honest on that. They are as strong as their weakest link is laughable.

    "Accessories after the fact", or prior, as per cowards who aid and abet, get death penalty in Texas for those not clear how some jurisprudence and objective logic works with other aid and abet types. "Accessories after the fact". And how bad they all now look to others as a clearly criminal culture also all greedy little egos wanting a piece of proceeds of crime pie. And live a lie like mitch Davies.

    Aid and abet needs only "omission of action" not direct involvement? Not a joke. Internal deceitful and duplicitous trials with Paul Klassen running the show. literally a case in point in aid and abet and defaming and trying to intimidate an honest man by known very criminal and self-serving slime. 

    Lies to RCMP by Gavin Craig and Rob Maier's gangs also makes so much so obvious. Tom Adair also documents his helping criminals like himself by this sad  dishonest dummy documenting discounting 475 honest intelligent members wanting an honest 3rd part objective and fair "full forensic audit" and the illusion his intellect, integrity, education superior to hundreds of others hestates voted wrong about auditing him and Dusty Kelly. What a sick traject, pathetic fraud he'll appear to all soon. With others. How obvious who he aids and abets can it get? Really?

    And Tom Adair's motive fearing full exposure based on his having so very little experience and education makes very clear how he gets his big title and paid far more than honest hard working  teachers, nurses, military and police. Aid and abet has many rewards. And why he'll deceive majority of members. This also clear simply aiding and abetting criminals who support him, should also be more than obvious.

    NOTE: To foreshadow a tiny bit, and add some small credence on how I can dare make these claims, see below why I reported directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, and why I was Dean requested speaker at McGill ("Canada's Harvard") as well as SFU and UBC. Yes, and why so odd that Oxford Scholars like me and many Fortune 500 top executives and 2 Federal political parties also have no problem paying me very well. Guess then exactly why all slime and criminal 891 executives now need to hate and fear me? I make them look far too often look very stupid and as clear cowardly criminal slime. And from day one - as most can guess. They did not know when trying to coerce and intimidate me that my forty year friends included old roommate BC Criminal Court Judge Russ MacKay or former Oxford legal scholar and former acting chair of UBC Law faculty Dr. J. Fudge. Now they do. A few more surprises still coming.

    My billout rate when helping Ron Basford and Prime Minister Turner $150.00 an hour in 1986. As with other Fortune 500 clients prior. A doctor then was $129.00. When I was helping Chinese refugees from Tiananmen Square I even paid an IATSE member $35.00 an hour to teach my classes. And one of their 891 sign writers I paid the same doing work for my tiny national client 7-Eleven. Much more than union pays them, this as a point for later to ponder. Sadly, the idiots in 891 executive didn't respect their members skills and talents as well, as so ignorant of so much. Fact check? Truth hurts? More truth hurts more.

    Key Issue:

    Are these criminals as honest witnessed and documented fact, all ugly sick cowardly criminals to women beaters and porn-loving puppy-kickers, cheating all BC taxpayers? And whole industry to their own trusting members or not? Simple question.

    Sue me for defamation if not 100% true? So very easy if not true?

    The slime with their leading ladies should be rushing to RCMP now even in solidarity clearly if not very sick disgusting criminals and "all" complain about me and this blog and lay charges against me? And sign it? I made it very easy? Intentionally and planned as very clear defamation and harassment and an obstruction trap. Well, if 100% true? Maybe now so many slime now fearing very serious jail time and soon their slime names exposed to thousands of members and all BC cheated? And their golden years with proceeds of crime reduced to pennyless and clearly just non-union and non RSP pensions. 

    Solidarity will sink them all. And alone their just nobody low-life slime with misleading corrupt and criminal titles.

    What are they all waiting for? Must be at the very least
    1 of 8,000 members who will defend them? Just 1 honest member of 8,000 to meet me at RCMP offices and dare deny any or all of my very clear stated claims? One in 8,000 not asking that much if not all honestly criminal human slime? And idiots not fearing added documented clear criminal obstruction to sharing full liability with those they aid and abet? This as per criminal code and yet still further defaming me. Yes, the 
    "aid and abet" bit which all criminal's support should have a criminal lawyer best explain in detail to them. Soon.

    I wait for RCMP to call me when just 1 of 8,000 willing to defend the slime in 891 at RCMP offices against me. This honestly should be videotaped.

    My "motive" for this blog as I'll swear under oath (as another added clever trap?): 

    • I know two women beaten up by criminals in very "good standing" not just a white supremacists with these folks. One was pregnant. I also know of many women harassed and suppressed in a variety of departments. As do many women. Women need to feel safe and single mothers not compromised. And silly wasteful IATSE 891 PR events for faking support of women's issues mean little and have absurd ROI and only serves self promotion of slime? As too often documented.

      I do have a real world background in "measured management" and audits. One reason I was on the board of Directors of a public company with former New West PC Candidate Bill Grant. He also was impressed with my work with Ron Basford as former Attorney General of Canada. And the fact I headed the audit of all BC Tourism for Cossette Advertising when Virginia Green head of Tourism. Yes, how many times can you bill for handling a parking ticket?
    • Friends and hundreds screwed of literally thousands of dollars and abused and suffering "coercion and intimidation" as per BC LRB files below. Thousands cheated. Any bets or debate by criminal morons more than welcomed. Must be 1 in 8,000 willing to defend the slime not criminal slime?
    • Hundreds supported me to lead a "full forensic investigation" as clearly not trusting two of the above, Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly. Where did all the money go? All members and all stakeholders, like BC government and all BC via film tax credit, and to investors and retailers, to even new dues paying "equal" members, ALL do have a right to "honestly" know exactly why tax credit enriching so many criminals and incompetents. And for decades and how ALL cheated by executives in IATSE 891 and their loyola aid and abet gangs. (Illegal non-disclosure agreements void as serving fraud and also as evidence of tools of fraud, was also used on their very dumb and desperate followers wanting in on proceeds of crime). Greed? Ego? Slime? Those who don't help clearly help criminals?
    • Not knowing much about me they made themselves very obvious not knowing that my 40 year friends a BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay and another a former acting chair of UBC Law faculty Dr. J. Fudge and an RCMP officer, and the slime not knowing my working directly reporting to  Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, nor why my Federal Security Clearance in Ottawa for DND and NRC, as now fully revealed below. Now what do they do? So in their ignorance they got very very stupid and very sloppy and didn't hide much. Ignorance and arrogance often twins. The idiots even tried lies to police, excessive and endless defamation, internal charges and an insane trial to again coerce, intimidate and defame (also so very very well documented). Aid and Abet by Paul Klassen beyond debate. All to try and intimidate and silence me. Didn't intimidate me at all. And appears did the opposite of silence me. Who were the super brains in trial group all in big trouble. And tried to use me as an example to others of their abuse of power for criminal elite. Hopefully, didn't work.

      Nice trap I had, pretending I had very few tennis friends, if any and just a fun computer nerd? Didn't tell them I played tennis with NHL record holder Ian Turnbull either or who I played guitar with. Yes, my friends have class and also very very accomplished. Published Scholars. Chatelaine 100 ladies. These are slime. And paid more than teachers, nurses, military and police. Can we judge people by the company they keep.
    • All BC taxpayers cheated and whole industry, also the motive for this blog. And those cheated range from all major investors to young honest labourers cheated. Unlike these stupid criminal slime, I did actually study micro-economics and law (Lectured by Sen. Eugene Forsey), so I could see through the criminals so very quickly and immediately. How do you trap narcissistic ego driven textbook small man/small penis types like John Brummitt and Rob Maier and their long time women beating types and his very major crooked cocaine friends? Pretend you respect them or fear them. That easy.
    • If I didn't do this, who else would or could? See below other reasons these slime could not intimidate me and why I had to give voice to these criminal issues from Women beaten, Children cheated and all BC deceived enriching a criminal elite, and those who are so critical in aid and abet, as per those below. Yes, I'm not a lawyer but do like Latin, Linguistics and Formal Logic. And I once stayed at a Holiday Inn.
    Fraud: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Simple enough? March is Fraud Prevention Month? Those who don't help clearly help criminals?

    Two very happy over paid liars as children suffer them.

    And speaking of critical aid and abet helping criminals, take these two happy liars and highly overpaid as really both such mental midgets pictured here:
    Tom Adair, Paul Klassen. And as former and present Executive Directors of the BC Council of Film Unions (604-983-5531 for RCMP and media inquiries) both together should not fear, as an obvious team, fear just meeting, just only little me, at RCMP offices, unless both now so very afraid of jail time as helping criminals big time? And now so very exposed, and both with others now needing a wall of lawyers?

    Two such big shots and with such big titles vs. little nobody labourer me (as per J.B.). Don't Tom Adair and Paul Klassen big shot titles and big pay really honestly mean something in 891? Can't they at least defend themselves and those they supported and those criminals that clearly support them. Other than helping criminals they must have some merit? Shall we compare EXACTLY their real experience and education to mine and others with far smaller titles? Time to put these two documented misleading deceptive slime and very verbose goofballs under a full legal microscope and have them both do some nice reflective  jail time? And all assets seized for victim compensation. Seems fair.

    And Tom Adair's assets must all be seized as proceeds of crime as to help victims of this clown and his inner circle friends and in full breach of Fiduciary trust and mandamus? This will be made obvious below.

    Mitch Davies, present President BC film union local IATSE 891 (604-664-8910 for RCMP and media inquiries) with big misleading smile as whitened by BC tax credits to hour bank and election con and fraud, while so many cheated. Even children. And he smiles? Hope to see that big smile at RCMP offices very soon. Very soon. One-on-one? What can he fear?

    We will also compare my efforts to expose women beaters and major tax fraud with this smiling coward, 
    Mitch Davies. And who exactly of the two of us exactly best helps criminals and women beaters to tax cheats for his proceeds of crime laundered as position, pay, perks as president. Simple math. Simple obvious witnessed connections. Yes, the criminals hide behind honest workers. And buyoff those with their integrity for sale. Old trick. 

    So look forward to meeting 
    Mitch Davies as well and face-to-face at RCMP offices to simply compare intellect and integrity, as a honest leader of 8,000 he can't be a such super coward and at least as a real leader of people, he can simply chat about who should go to jail. Mitch or me? His support or me?

    Will Mitch Davies defend all his criminal support, he also reciprocately clearly supports with his blatant cowardly selective silence. Or his "omit" as per Criminal Code defined for Aid and Abet factors? On far too many things. And exactly why he could "really" run for president and exactly why I and others far more honest, experienced, accomplished and educated couldn't? Exactly! 

    If not fearing jail time Mitch Davies should be far more than willing to talk about many things, even swear under oath if nothing criminal to hide and not protecting criminals? This to help women? To help children? To help RCMP not again be used like their private paid and owned props, puppets and pawns and waste life-saving time with more criminal obstruction as fraudulent concealment, deceptive omission, selective memory, and just as others have tried before and may try again like Rob Maier and Gavin Craig gangs did? Rob Maier and Gavin Craig also free to defend their gangs lies to RCMP and establish their real honest credibility, intellect, accomplishment and merit and protect their good honest names.  Yes, Mitch must swear under oath. Easy if not dishonest and helping so many criminals and not fearing even more jail time. Makes so much so obvious so quickly if he can't?


    Can NDP, Green and Lib MLAs ignore?

    Can NDP, Green and Lib MLAs really dare ignore all this below? And as such an easy honest and credible incremental "very honest" effort for easy vote growth with women, seniors, honest workers, all BC taxpayers. Plus creating easy honest serious "meaningful and engaging" media content and credibility with all. And this helps any honest MLA from live presentations, TV interviews to social media. And best, just doing simply what's honest and right? This story has honest election and media value. Helping so many? All taxpayers. All women. Many children. Many investors and stakeholders.

    Or will some MLAs ignore? And still pretend a higher moral ground to your present  voters? And still look their families and your own volunteer and funding support in the eye? A still dare ask for more money and volunteer time? And as all BC taxpayers cheated?  Hard to ignore. See new added notes below, edits and revisions.

    NDP and others like Green and Lib MLAs may very soon need these critical incremental "switcher"/influencer marketing votes (Note: I may know something about "incremental votes" and switchers, as I handled Western Canada for Federal Liberals doing press/broadcast footprint to Goldfarb psychographic data mapping and "messaging", and this reporting directly to Ron Basford former Attorney General of Canada. Not Toronto? See SFU papers why Quadra flipped? And as a note prior being invited to East Coast creative group at Bronfman PR firm in Montreal to help Justin's Dad as another Prime Minister I was asked to help. And now I'm even smarter. More on my credentials and actuarial factors in political science below - and as compared to these ignorant and arrogant sick and twisted unaccomplished criminal slime.)

    With LNG a "line-in-the-sand", and Site "C", Casino and ICBC issues key, this issue here is one directly hurting children to all BC taxpayers, and only requires honest  MLA support for honest objective 3rd parties to evaluate, interrogate and investigate for criminal charges? A Provincial Inquiry and full objective and honest RCMP forensic investigation needed should be far more than obvious?


    1) An objective Provincial Inquiry into BC Film Industry and going deeper than Michael Fleming 2012, Tysoe 2004. This time with a needed focus into criminal, corruption, tax credit abuse and misuse, women beaten, harassed, assaulted and suppressed, membership fraud, benefit fraud, cheating children and seniors, coercion and intimidation to economic interference regionally to retail. And enriching criminal slime and not nurses, teachers, military, and police?

    2) That RCMP begin addressing the literally "millions and millions" in fraud enriching criminals for decades, laundered as position, pay, perks and power (and hardly merit, experience, talent, skill or education). This to show how sick when low life criminals paid more than teachers, nurses, military and police. The later all highly trained, certified, educated and accomplished. These criminal slime not. At all. See John Brummitt's real CV to make the obvious even far more obvious and his pay and perks as compared to 
    teachers, nurses, military and police.

    3) That BC Film union local IATSE 891 be put into full trusteeship ASAP securing all funds, assets, financial books and papers and protected from further removal and "loss". As noted. And clear no-fly flight risks like Rob Maier and Frank Haddad be immediately identified. Certain parties not in Canada likely will not return and face criminal charges. Others may also try and run or hide.

    Just asking for a few dozen honest MLAs from "any" honest party or parties wanting to "easily" and "honestly" increase votes with taxpayers, women, seniors, "honest" workers and to champion support in house for a Provincial Inquiry on this sick and serious abuse of tax credit to taxpayers. If helping children cheated not enough. Again, simple math, no actuaries needed as easy to also prove.  Those who don't help clearly help criminals?

    And a Provincial Inquiry going far deeper than the solid and focused, but clearly understating prior efforts as per Fleming 2012 or Tysoe 2004. And into clear criminal elements and gross incompetence waste and cost for all stakeholders. 

    Can BC Federation of Labour also ignore this?

    Can other honest unions? Can taxpayer protection groups also ignore? Innocent children suffer? This is not a joke. Children! David Eby, Q.C. , BC Attorney General's issues with "anti-corruption, transparency, accountability and good governance" should be fair to all?

    MLAs with executive brief and this blog link:


    dan.ashton.MLA@leg.bc.ca, harry.bains.MLA@leg.bc.ca, donna.barnett.MLA@leg.bc.ca, lisa.beare.MLA@leg.bc.ca, garry.begg.MLA@leg.bc.ca, mike

    Various RCMP offices in Burnaby and West Van, and CRA as a given, will also soon be as informed and provided this blog link. As with various film media and organizations like Creative BC to others on list as per: https://www.acfcwest.com/links/ 

    Note to Criminals:
    Amazing how an internal trial to defame, intimidate and coerce can help "inspire" such a tipping point threshold response a few years earlier than planned? And even that very stupid internal trial as clear documented abuse for criminal benefit exposing now almost all criminals. And some new ones like Paul Klassen in obvious and documented "Aid and Abet". Who was the super brain behind internal trial efforts? See Internal Trial transcript. So no debate. Hope Paul Klassen, as new big shot Executive Director of BC Council of Film Unions (Tel. 604 983 5531) ready to fully defend his intellect, integrity, reputation and career future, against my sworn affidavit he's guilty of helping criminals, women beaters, thieves to porn-loving puppy-kicking not suffer "disrepute". Can't he? And best helping criminals defame an honest man far more accomplished and honest and as to intimidate and coerce others. What a moron? Could he not see the totally obvious when only two self-serving witnesses dared mislead and others as well documented "fear legal", as to not show their face, and the leading lady given to tears? And as employees decades loyal to known criminal Rob Maier involved? Where was the unbiased research, standard of care and due diligence before such stupid documented efforts and reckless defaming and damaging criminal aiding judgement. Too much too obvious? Poor Paul Klassen? My turn to have Paul judged. Only fair?

    A long overdue comprehensive Provincial Inquiry will seriously help taxpayers and voters, vulnerable woman and seniors, investors and stakeholders, industry and children, and put a few major slime in jail. Help children? Help women? Help seniors?Help youth? Help honest workers? Help RCMP and CRA? Those who don't help clearly help criminals?

    Too much to ask from all MLAs for easy credible needed incremental votes and more engaging message and proof of meaningful honest work in progress - and solid content in Social media. And with key opinion leaders? This as MLAs consider next election and who may need extra, credible and real honest hero points?

    So much that previous provincial inquiries failed to address. Obviously? Like tax credit to seniority fraud in millions, sexual harassment to assault and excessive gross mismanagement and abuse of funds in fiduciary trust. This just to start with the most obvious. 

    Incompetent to criminal management also wasting millions of taxpayer and thousands of members money for decades and clearly waste and misuse of tax credit support. And tax credit directly enriching far too many criminals, also easy to prove. It gets far more ugly. Read on.

    Over 42,000 direct and indirect jobs are generated by Film & TV production in BC, with more than 80 percent located in Metro Vancouver. All BC pays and Vancouver gets 80%? Fair? IATSE 891 has 8,000 dues paying members. A frequency distribution shows a classic 20/80 where 20% get most of the work and benefit fraud perks with nepotism to cronyism too often too obvious and not merit key. Bets?  If any stock broker or retailer tried this sick twisted ponzi fraud bit they'd go to jail? What is fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission? What is fraud? Gets worse. The health to pension plan real math as ugly as it gets. Designed to serve who?Thousands cheated in this sick toxic union as well as all BC taxpayers and even babies and children? Must be 1 person in the 8,000 not afraid to debate me? One?

    Is it okay for men coming here from other countries, as our welcome guests to savagely beat up Canadian women and use union funds and part of BC tax credit for financing cover up and other very generous out-of-court settlements to hide their many slime crimes and pay them well? Even if white Christians? And still have citizenship?

    Many honest and normal people not blinded by greed and self-interest, absolutely don't support this. Those pictured with selective silence must. Just logical? 
    Those who don't help clearly help criminals?

    Some others greedy or by ego as named here seem to have absolutely no problem at all with all these crimes and so many innocent victims. Including children unless selectively ignorant or needing a big dose of cognitive dissonance to sleep at night? And if it gets them union executive positions with very high pay (as poorly laundered proceeds of crime) for their selective serving silence, their motive and actions become also too obvious. As with the cost to honest members in individual criminals self-promotion beyond absurd.  Too obvious? And if they have neither experience, accomplishment or accreditation over so many others more honest, and they then  working less hard and far less trained than nurses, teachers, military and police, should these sick criminals be paid far more? Or really have jobs at all, if not in a very sick criminal corrupt union local?

    Should those so criminally dishonest, plus much far less qualified, certified, educated and skilled than honest teachers, nurses, military and police be paid far more and enjoy a literal criminal windfall with an added tax credit to milking trusting membership? Screwing all BC and own trusting "brothers and sisters". And add a disgusting abuse of benefit fraud for decades while teachers, nurses, military and police honestly work harder to earn their pay? Even cheating many of life insurance to their "children" of "needed" medical pharmaceutical and dental benefits for decades? Seems okay for some of these very sick pompous, arroant and clearly ignorant sick criminal scum. And thinking themselves as so very clever and so very smart? As documented. Debate welcome? They can bring their high paid Hollywood and Union lawyers to help? We expect nothing less. Not all can use honest union members money to pay legal to help criminals again as with Gavin Craig's efforts to foolishly try and intimidate me.

    And everyone okay with criminals paid far more than even members far more honest, far more qualified and in "proven" experience, accomplishment and education. Screwing investors and other stakeholders? It gets worse. It gets ugly. Really ugly. Read on. 
    Children, Women and Seniors suffer this. Even the young trying to start careers. All BC suffers.

    For quick intro see my credentials below. I did audits for Molson Pension Fund, National Franchises and even on US media buy of BC Tourism for Cossette Advertising when Virginia Green BC Tourism Minister. Why so hard for me to see numbers when I'm have far more education and experienced in such matters should also be obvious.

    I did not tell Virginia Green BC Tourism Minister, that I had worked just prior directly reporting to Ron Basford former Attorney General of Canada. Just gave her some numbers to spook her. Nor had I informed any in union local 891 of my reporting directly to the former Attorney 
    General of Canada, or my old roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge and another old friend the acting chair of UBC Law Faculty, and both forty year friends. Even after after lies to RCMP told about me I kept silent? And as it appears now even a fun RCMP officer another forty-year friend on Facebook and knows me from grade school fighting bullies. This makes the criminals look as stupid, ugly and criminal as possible.

    Attn: David Eby, Q.C. ,  BC Attorney General.

    "It’s a great honour to be here with you today. It’s a privilege to be with so many policy leaders on the issue of anti-corruption, transparency, accountability and good governance. And it’s timely."
    David Eby, Q.C. ,  BC Attorney General.

    Those more honest and smarter like RCMP and Courts won't be fooled or "lied to again": 

    "Your silence and your amnesia is complicity."

    Lies or Denial of "any" of my claims under oath or to an RCMP investigation also adds very clear criminal defamation and more than obvious further criminal obstruction. Any of my claims. Anybody wanna play? Not one of 8,000 want to defend these criminals at RCMP offices?

    Sexual assault making big news in Hollywood North? What about the violent assaults against women in BC, plus "coercion and intimidation" against own trusting members to economic interference at many levels and too many BC stakeholders. Many women. This that this elite criminal group above and below pictured and others, all clearly well known to support or have very direct criminal involvement with? And for decades. We do have a statistically valid sample an actuary might say.  And add some very interesting election numbers for linear regression at least, and their well documented internal trials with this dynasty of dumb abusive despots well documented? Much will be far more than obvious soon. Read on. And well documented and witnessed with other crimes. Law books also clear on what constitutes evidence, circumstantial to very blatant no-debate documentation. A Provincial Inquiry, Trusteeship and deep RCMP investigation obviously long overdue.

    Cheating "all" BC taxpayers should be enough to get all MLAs to support some very serious political and critical police focus on this and an honest Provincial Inquiry? Where did all the tax credit and trust fund and honest members money really go? Really? Where? Well, besides on Dusty Kelly's and others, personal PR, perks, pay and postured political sponsorships of others, or for "her personal brand expansion" and to leverage future owed equity opportunities. She failed. This as she tried to build her career and media and political network using members money. Based mostly on deceptive omission disguised by her deceptive excessive affirming charm on "any" fools she can use or manipulate. All at honest workers and BC taxpayer tax credit direct and indirect expense. But real tax credit supported money as expense. Disgusting? Obvious? Any debate? What are John Horgan and Dix doing pictured with her?

    Fraud: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. March is Fraud Prevention Month?

    Clearly money well wasted in part for her very vain and very well documented self-promotion and absurd hardly successful (ROI/FNE?) trips to China and to Hollywood. The later trip to Hollywood to cost BC more in tax credits well documented with
    Adrian Dix. Yes, I studied economics so can babble Austrian and  Kenneysian to Milton and Piketty BS? Won't 1 of 8,000 stand up to me? This also desperate branding by Dusty Kelly for enriching and empowering her personal political brand and misleading political image - and clearly using Dix like a doormat on a doorstep to step higher - like he didn't already have credibility problems with calendar dates? Also sadly making her criminal elite friends and coworkers seem to "appear empowered" by association with her and her photo buddies Horgan and Dix? Old trick. Or why the pix? Do John Horgan and Dix both support Dusty Kelly, as she supports them? This as her glam pictures with both might well suggest? Who exactly paid for clearly losers trip to Hollywood. Honest workers? Honest NDP support? BC tax credit? As documented.

    BC taxpayers, BC government, honest members, industry and sister unions, as clearly all major stakeholders from investors to retail, all cheated via tax credit to other awkward policy. All BC taxpayers do have a very honest and moral right to know ALL about this tax credit money enriching far too many sneaky cowardly criminals and their women beating, harassing and suppressing slime friends. Far too many fakes and far too many frauds. As all BC cheated. Easy to prove.

    Just a few days with myself and
    John Brummitt with RCMP should reveal much or see Brummitt die in jail? His choice. Hope he can show some support and solid "honest" solidarity behind him with sworn testimony and make it so easy to identify other criminals with the names stupid enough to further support him. Or  should he or others best "Squeal for a deal" like all smart 2IC types do from Teflon Don's NYC mob's number two and Conrad Black's 2IC did listening to the most expensive lawyers money can buy.

    Repeated to make a point:

    "It’s a great honour to be here with ... so many policy leaders on the issue of anti-corruption, transparency, accountability and good governance. And it’s timely."

    David Eby, Q.C. ,  BC Attorney General

    Special prosecutor David Butcher told a BC provincial court that Brian Bonney should serve a community sentence of 12 to 23 months after pleading guilty to simply breach of trust in a possible weak moment of "reckless enthusiasm". I guess the aid and abet light weights in 891's

    The slime and criminals all very qualified to clean litter on highways and beaches.The criminal slime do "all" owe BC at least that - if not "millions and millions" of dollars more as former president Don Ramsden suggested in internal newsletter, as financial liability pending. Any debate?

    Criminal and Civil Court Judges, RCMP certainly also aware:

    "Your silence and your amnesia is complicity."

    8000 members and just 11 again pure self affirming "likes" on Facebook. Just who do they think they are fooling and deceiving avoiding real issues with such sick self-serving and self-promoting PR BS?

    Will Kelly Moon, as posted here dare show up and meet me with RCMP or deal with me in a real Provincial Inquiry?

    11 likes? In real world this a total insane waste of money and time. 

    Yet,when  475 intelligent, brave and "honest"members voted for a full "FORENSIC" audit THEY GET IGNORED? These people drowning in denial and in their well published one-sided deceptions and fraudulent concealment. How sad to live such dishonest lives. They also pretend no children to seniors hurt by the criminal slime they are surrounded by and clearly support more than myself and 475 who think a full forensic audit needed on Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly. Why won't just one of the 8,000 stand up against me? And under oath?

    Note: As witnessed Kelly Moon cried after first meeting me. Another lady in tears in internal trial, also documented. If they think truth hurts wait until we meet in RCMP offices or they are forced to answer questions in Criminal and Civil courts under oath or a Provincial Inquiry? They hate the real truth as they can't fool themselves of what they really are and the literally thousands they've hurt from innocent children to seniors while living in a life full of lies like major thief Rob Maier. Also named and pictured above with alleged women beaters and witnessed sick porn loving and puppy kicking John Brummitt and other criminals and support of fraud masters.

    With 8,000 members their must be hopefully just even one (1) honest and intelligent person who can dare challenge me under oath of "any" or "all" of my claims? If not is something too obvious? Like why 3rd party trusteeship critical?

    Here's a picture of just one of the children they hurt with their sick deceptive lives and lies:

    She'll be cheated out of life insurance like hundreds of others. Easy to prove.

    Again I'm easily willing to go under oath and do a volunteer voice polygraph as I told RCMP. The first time I said that RCMP said they "don't use 
    voice polygraph on people like me". Now I'll beg for a poly'. Will slime beg for a poly' to show they can be trusted? Hope at  least 1 of the 8,000 can do the same and dare challenge me. On any of my claims?
    Many from 8,000 union members to whole industry and clearly RCMP  should also know the real truth all about Frank Haddad's deep insights on history of theft in 891, misappropriation of 891 funds, and even while treasurer his brilliance, and add his very pivotal support for his help and very revealing with his sick defaming internal trials he documented he stupidly supports. There is honour among thieves? And oddly as so clearly documented Frank Haddad's support against those clearly not favourable to his very very sick criminal coworkers. As documented. And thus such audacity internally he helped punished and ridiculed an honest worker for putting his impressive criminal coworkers in "disrepute". Wrongful prosecution? Beyond debate. Defamatory? Again? As documented.

    Frank Haddad's weakness with spreadsheets to possibly reporting taxable benefits also of note. Seems he also may have forgotten oddly to report some income and taxable benefits - or called it "salvage" to fool less educated  or as a noted criminal handy wording code for theft?  Like Rob Maier his criminal boss would as also his twin. We'll soon see. This idiot Frank Haddad told me crimes "just business" one night at Rossini's in Kits. Had he known back at my dinner table the acting chair of Law Faculty at UBC, I doubt he would thought himself so very very clever. So arrogant and ignorant as a garden boy. Would he still now feel clever or drinks too much? Well, I guess this also "just business" as he once claimed so clever. A comparison of our differing understanding on "Trusts", "Investment", "Governance", "Fraud" long overdue. I will also need a full day or two with this clown at RCMP offices or helping a Provincial Inquiry.

    See other new pictures of fakes, frauds or felons below who also aid and abet in tax credit fraud to assault on women cover up.

    Key Point:
    Not one of these clearly named slime has dare gone to RCMP to complain about me? Why not? Seems so very strange to "honest" normal people? Or to even defend their good family's name - even for their children's sake? Their reputation? Why not?  Not one (1)? Nor will any "alone" also dare "sign" any disagreement with my claims? Cowards? Creeps? Criminals? Maybe I'll get even more lucky if the more stupid ones go solo again.

    Literally within minutes, as in very my own case of wrongful prosecution and criminal defamation with lies to RCMP,  I was on my way driving to RCMP Burnaby and West Van RCMP offices. This when executive of 891 and a department head told lies to RCMP about me. Gavin Craig's gang and Rob Maier's gang on file. 
    Within minutes I was defending my good name and even having a chuckle with class at RCMP in West Van? As documented.

    Then beyond any debate this sick stupid slime using these lies to RCMP like
     the RCMP was also their very own private paid staff and political pawns, puppets and props. Just as they do "equal" employees. If they treat RCMP with such little respect and with lies, just guess what respect members get? Just guess? 

    Not too smart for those who think themselves so very clever? At taxpayers expense using RCMP as their own private paid staff and political pawns, puppets and props also clear. Debate? Why are they so scared out of their minds to call police on me again? They used to be so very very fast to call police. So fast? Like internal trials. Once very fast. 

    If what I'm saying not true, I should be stopped fast, as this would be clear blatant criminal harassment and defamation on my part and very illegal - and no one should fear RCMP? Should they? Well, unless many serious crimes for decades to hide and criminals to protect, and your own ass. Ya' think? 
    This Labour board excerpt below just the tip of the iceberg on coercion and intimidation. Hey I don't make this stuff up. Defines culture "goes to character".
    Great work by lawyers at Gowling.

    Note: Law Firm of Davis & Co. also helpful providing Harvey M. files. Other lawyers helping and with then acting chair of UBC law faculty Dr. J. Fudge  as quarterback also deserve mention. As with ideas and notes from my former roommate former BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mackay also handy.


    1 ACFC applies under Sections 5 and 9 of the Labour Relations Code (the "Code") asserting that IATSE's policy of expelling its members who maintain membership in ACFC is intimidation and coercion and contrary to Sections 5 and 9 of the Code. ACFC also applies for an interim order that IASTE cease and desist from intimidating and coercing members to resign ACFC membership and charging or prosecuting members who join or maintain ACFC membership pending the adjudication of the application.
    NOTE: They will use charging or prosecuting members in internal trials as intimidation and coercion "again" and as Criminal Conspiracy to Defame.

    2 IATSE argues that ACFC does not have standing to bring forth the complaint since its interests are not directly affected in any legally material way. In the alternative, IATSE asserts that the complaint fails to disclose a prima facie case. The facts alleged in the complaint only suggest possible adverse union consequences by restricting dual union membership, not employment consequences. In the further alternative, IATSE asserts that its alleged actions are permissible since they were engaged for a legitimate defensive purpose to prevent a rival organization from continuing to undermine collective bargaining activities. IATSE argues further that discussions with its members are beyond the purview of the Board and protected under Section 8 of the Code.

    The real full story much worse. They were flexing criminal union executive muscle to again try desperately intimidate me and others "who employed me" as 891's major troublemaker. And other innocents just collateral damage. How odd I was working on that show and more sick and twisted the executive willing to stress "coerce and intimidate" on so many other innocent wonderful people around me to try and spook me. Didn't work. And when talk of lawyer's began I again stepped back? Ask an actuary the odds if hardly coincidence?  They wanted to spook 891 criminal's favorite "Troublemaker" (moi) and defender of women, children and seniors, as documented prior and after. And obviously not help all honest members not popular with criminal elite and their mindless moron followers who all aid and abet. The dirty thirty in criminal elite hated me for obvious reasons. Sadly, in marked contrast hundreds have documented they oddly might like me and fully support me demanding a full forensic audit. The dirty thirty didn't.  475 did. Hey, if I'm not the number one all-time star troublemaker for 891 criminals who the hell is? Who were the 891 union local presidents who showed me how very clever they weren't? Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson (See BC LRB rulings on this dishonest criminal supporting and praising slime), Mitch Davies. Who was senior steward? John Brummitt. Why do they hate me and freedom of speech, democratic principles and rule of law? Simply, join the dots and all the criminals idiot faces involved.

    This just again the tip of the iceberg with the integrity of Ken Anderson clearly one the dumbest and dishonest of the past five presidents:


    As per my humble "opinion", the ridiculous "suggested" obiter dictum and ratio decidendi bit by 891 lawyers as defence certainly very ambitious. But for those who studied economics, formal logic and sophist rhetorical fallacies my notes:

    1) Money and  workers leaving under threat disrupting an ACFC show, to their dues and revenue is a "
    legally material way" enough for ACFC and any normal thinking person?
    2) "disclose a prima facie case." This seems to  be a repeated empty echo war cry by slime in 891, so I might have to quote Laskin on sacrosanct bit? Or take noted linguist Chomsky to task on: if "common sense" an acceptable Latin translation/adaptation for "disclose a prima facie case."? And considering rules of judicial interpretation how would Golden, Literal and Mischief apply? Yes, will be fun discussing jurisprudence and some Latin phrases with Paul Klassen as their top legal mind.

    Hey, how prima facie is it of me dare questioning, as just a listed labourer (as per JB)  
    John Brummitt's higher executive judgment, education, intellect and integrity - and as a once highly respected porn-loving puppy-kicking former Senior Steward (Yes, he can sue me) and with Paul Klassen as further blatant  judicial brilliance prior to, and then as well rewarded with his new position as "Executive Director for the of BC Council of Film Unions" after proving he'll help criminals. Yes, the very big titles a mouthful for such small man types. But wait until I tell world how many criminal elite John Brummitt, Mitch Davies, Paul Klassen and Tom Adair had to suck with their big mouths for their big shot title. Will be clear why all such big mouth frauds, fakes and felons. Yes, I'm clearly putting Paul Klassen and picture buddies in very clear intentional "disrepute" clearly. What will Paul Klassen/they do now? Fun times ahead. Putting Paul Klassen in Disrepute perfect irony? True? False?
    3) "only suggest possible adverse union consequences". Like a death threat  only suggests or  when a Senior Steward threatens to "Crush you like a bug!" Got it. how ridiculous a claim by any lawyer.
    4) "legitimate defensive purpose to prevent a rival organization from continuing to undermine collective bargaining activities." This totally absurd. Like the old dirty rusty piss pot calling the white teacup black. To even dare use words like "legitimate" with anything this 891 executive criminal slime did and does, possibly shows possible clear contempt or a reckless effort of due diligence and standard of care - as some first year law student might also ask. Misrepresentation is contempt?
    5) "union membership, not employment consequences" who on earth would dare try to seperate the two other than some IATSE lawyer? Semantic gymnastics?
    6)  "beyond the purview of the Board and protected under Section 8 of the Code." How also very nutty? As proven. They also think criminal law, civil law, environmental law "beyond the purview" for these criminals and purview of RCMP, BC Government, Criminal Federal and Civil courts. Wrong.

    If not clear:

    My harassing and exposing small parts of these criminals full story here with this blog is to get them "all" to confess no-contest full-guilt, quickly and fast to RCMP and self-serving ones to "Squeal for a Deal". And with these notes just hopefully helping RCMP and courts big time save time and big money. This while this proven troublemaker dilettante
    (Moi) just dabbling in the fourth estate and some labour, civil and criminal law. 

    And where freedom of speech clearly suppressed in 891 and on their social media for oddly 891 executives living in fear of any challenge, debate, negative exposure or transparency and accountability to other key stakeholders: they can't stop me in the bigger more honest world and now clearly fear real criminal and civil courts. As should be obvious right here in this blog and as posted soon on every MLA blog soon. 

    Note how 891, so unlike so very many good and honest unions, how they limit or block comments on Facebook posts and other social media pages, as so very afraid of dialogue, exposure and sadly can't really complain to police? Why?
    They fear freedom of speech among their own members. Clearly. How sick for any union? And for those who may want to enlighten me on unions facts is I've been in more unions than John Horgan and Dix or any of the criminals named and pictured. I just wasn't on the board of directors for a public company so I have depth few can even fake.

    Others honest unions don't block comments? Note, also how honest unions publish their "honest" books and election results for even public exposure? And 891 doesn't? Won't? Can't? WHY?And 891 offers only peeks of unaudited financial postcards and further needs a plethora of illegal non-disclosure agreements for so many ugly things to hide from their trusting paying members ("Brothers and Sisters") and funds in trust and to whole world (See Phil Klapwyk election material and his own "once" apparent disgust with illegal non-disclosure agreements)? Where did all the money go? Something stink? Is it the smell of fear of fools, fakes and felons? Absolutely.

    Here's what an honest union shows members:


    The real joke is the same very honest high quality people work in and for both unions: 891 and ACFC, local BC Film unions. ACFC has done a good job of keeping most of the ugly sick 891 criminals and slime out, but vulnerable as few from 891 like
    Rob Maier now invaded and should be blacklisted for non-union like behaviour and banned from every union in Canada as an obvious place to start.

    A cheap highlighter and this blog designed to be very handy for RCMP in printout form when talking to Rob Maier or Gavin Craig and their "gangs" very exact involvement with previous clear misleading overt lies to RCMP. Yes, we all know how statute of limitations to even how prescription works in Quebec. So what is the legal trick here? Guess? Ask an IATSE lawyer to guess what a BC Criminal Court judge and a acting UBC law faculty chair suggested?

    This opening topic of direct lies to RCMP in both Burnaby and West Van kind of a cute social icebreaker for
    Rob Maier or Gavin Craig when chatting to RCMP. Another chance for both to try to be far more honest and credible? And why okay for their gangs to deceive/obstruct and use RCMP as their private paid servants, political pawns, puppets and props should make good conversation.  I should be there to defend myself? Hopefully with sworn statements and video used in interrogation of all of us.

    And even on a smartphone RCMP can easily use a browser and "Find" function to do name search on this blog. This handy for talking points with John Brummitt and others. This blog also even helpful and handy for even these criminal's very own criminal and civil lawyers as to explain the obvious to these criminal idiots consumed in cognitive dissonance and multiple denials and deceptive omissions. Even to themselves. Their families will be so proud. Some will do time. And thus bringing 891 into disrepute?

    Nor has any, or (very important) their very honourable friends, as well accepted my very generous and sincere offer to meet at RCMP offices with them? And to simply dare deny "any" or all my claims? Under oath? Why not? Yes, exactly why not? Exactly? Any or all my claims? I'll bring Timbits as an act of good faith? Tell the porn-loving, puppy-kicking criminal John Brummitt not to forget his teeth.

    "I want all of the girls watching here now to know, that a new day is on the horizon. And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say, 'me too' again."

                                Oprah Winfrey accepts the 2018 Cecil B. de Mille award.

    As per above: I guess I'm a much more of a "phenomenal" man than Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen "combined" and the creeps, criminals and cowardly and the porn-loving and puppy kicking John Brummitt and women beating men and their loyal solidarity of support. As named here. All part of the despot's dynasty for decades. True? False? Too obvious? As witnessed and documented. 

    And thus, seems as such oddly, and so sadly, I'm also far more of a hero to women than even any of the
    Fab Four low life woman with dignity, integrity and souls for sale, that criminally supported these sick men so long, so well. Not helping women as much as I. Clearly. Like Dusty Kelly and Susan Butler-Grey. And they both should also consider jail time a fact. As documented. Dixie Cutler gets a few  deserved honourable mentions as dancing award winning publicist  (storm drain video) with other such honest classy ladies who sell women out or bully absurd defaming trials to help criminal friends. And act like the 891 union their private country club only they own. Debate? Deny?

    Shall we compare and honestly plus fact check? Let courts and RCMP decide as so very objective - and the Attorney General's office?

    The coward who beat up this girl got 24 months in jail. How in God's name can the sick criminal disgusting slime in 891 executive justify all the men guilty of same being in "Good Standing" with law firm noted white supremacists, purse snatching cocaine addicts, thieves (and that some should be financed, enriched and covered by tax credit funds in part, and to do out of court settlements with other tax credit spoils). One women told me she was beaten when pregnant. Classy guys.

    Who would "honestly" best help protect this girl Mitch Davies or myself? Don Ramsden 
    or myself? Tom Adair or myself? Gavin Craig with Ken Anderson combined or myself? Let the honest facts and real true history speak volumes on this. Too much too obvious only  idiots will dare debate.

    This coverup clearly so president and executive well protected, and thus even more sick, also dare in their absolute arrogant and ignorant insanity have internal trials for me putting this literal human garbage in "disrepute". Sick? Insane? Extremely motivating. Thanks to Paul Klassen for his documented very sick and far too transparent integrity giving gasoline fire and the trial motivating this blog. Just as  with Tom Adair's cowardly one-sided debate on Forensic Audit? Both need to talk to RCMP and try for reduced time. I'll help.

    This will also give more insight on John Brummitt who exactly his long time friends are, and as obvious to many, as a porn-loving puppy-kicking sick ugly coward, sneak, liar and very key long time player in the dynasty of criminal despots. JB needing the most jail time when even sadly and pathetic paid the least of slime from proceeds of crime, and for less time than Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair who both milked 891 and all BC taxpayers for years - or maybe best for John Brummitt to best squeeze to squeal for a deal? In case he loses faith with solidarity among slime? And fears Tom Adair beats him to "Squeal for a Deal" as well. And like musical chairs "Squeal for a deal" has only two or three chairs and thirty forced to play? 10% odds of not doing full jail time?We can do police volunteer "non-admissible" simple and handy voice polygraphs to better help police decide quickly and who and whose friends are disgusting criminal slime. I'm in.

    I think to be fair and objective, I think both John Brummitt and his good executive buddy Tom Adair and I should all do volunteer "non-admissible" voice polygraphs. This "non-admissible" stuff so RCMP can see which of us a liar, a crook, fraud, fake, hurting women's issues and cheating honest workers to all BC taxpayers, and to best not have RCMP time "wasted" with whoever is the real lying scum. I'm in. Hey, keep an open mind I may be the disgusting scum. Or not?

    Guess who
    Mitch Davies cowardly silence, his intellect and integrity a hero to, me or the slime? Women or women beaters, who has done more and while not paid, Mitch or myself for really helping women? Easy to compare. Let the facts be known. Yes, exactly, who has documented more to help for women Mitch or myself? And done far more for majority of honest members. Mitch Davies, John Brummitt and Tom Adair "combined" or myself? Feel free to use a help line if question seems too tricky?


    • Combined, how many of these slime helped how many members do incorporation to save them lawyer and accounting fees? And tax. I did it, why couldn't the whole brilliant executive figure this service out? How many members did the slime really help, do compare? I did it, why couldn't the whole executive help members save money? For decades?
    • Combined, how many of these slime helped how many members use self administered RSP as I did with my broker connections and make them extra money on stock market as proven with a few dozen on The X-Files. Some helped far more than department heads. How many members did they really help make extra money? I did it why couldn't the whole executive? For decades? The real sad joke was Frank Haddad pretending he understood investments costing members so dearly. I've actually been on the board of directors of a public company and dabbled in investor relations. But not much garden work. And really studied economics. Not just work on national audits. He fools only fools. I've even busted and exposed CAs and MBAs as fakes and liars so a garden boy/florist should be no problem. Reversing their careers big time. Frank a fool.
    • Combined, how many of these slime helped many members do income tax to save them lawyer and accounting fees? I did it why couldn't the whole executive so clever do same, if I could? 
    • Combined, how many of these slime helped day call labourers with payday loans with their own cash to avoid usury excess? I did alone for free . Even before in 891 for 891 members? Why couldn't the whole executive figure this one out as well?
    • Combined, how many of these slime helped women members as documented and as per my efforts to expose women beaters and compared to their EXACT efforts. Compared? Combined? I did alone for free?  Why couldn't the whole executive while so well "paid" and an obvious "natural justice" mandate do half as much?
    Who did Paul Klassen, Frank Haddad and Kevin O'Leary impress as to their disgusting cowardly very sick ethics and morals, even daring to put me on trial for putting similar criminals to themselves in "disrepute" AND trying to "intimidate and coerce" as to silence or pathetically "coerce and intimidate" me. Again. And failed. Again? And it appears again failed big time. My little nobody legal friends think this insane and this slime out of their very sick greedy self-serving very dirty/bloody hands and very badly wired lesser minds? 

    Image may contain: 1 person, text

    Yes, we will also talk about sexual harassment in Props, Paint and Construction to start and then to the other full financial environmental liability of some pouring poison paint in national parks - and laughing at that as well. Green MLAs will vomit? Where the buck stops and director's liability in Environmental Law? Oddly "Director's Liability" sans corporate shield, exactly what I was dealing with before film business building an environmental PMI styled protection models for natural resource giants with international Engineering firm SRK. The irony. How guilty in elite are also guilty for environmental abuses. People get so sloppy when ignorant of who is watching them. 

    What will BC Attorney General's office and RCMP think?

    Best we also have both very sick clowns Ken Anderson and Dusty Kelly both documenting glorification of similar slime so symbiosis blatant with their own efforts as per email and registered mail and history of being lying scum to BC LRB rulings and in front of Provincial Inquiries on them - and other problems they have reportedly and repeatedly have "playing with others" more honest. More intelligent. Criminal Collusion? Conspiracy? Decades of proof. Dusty Kelly's submission to the Tysoe Inquiry clear fraud riddled with deceptive omissions and fraudulent concealment as exactly documented.

    wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. March is Fraud Prevention Month?

    John Brummitt
    also documented as no match for those his intellectual superiors either, when in government interface. As documented. Hope he can fool RCMP much better. This his last chance or best "Squeal on a Deal" faster than Tom Adair does and once again Brummitt looking like very dumbest in gang? If not JB who is the dumbest?

    If these small cowardly men who had beaten up and had tried this on any women I know, they'd have ended up like a very similar asshole in Victoria in hospital for 8 months and missing a testicle and having a limp for life. The male creeps in 891 got lucky.

    Clear yet to all, why I could not ever be a tiny part of the grossly highly overpaid criminals, with the other class acts, in this very disgusting criminal and cowardly union executive? They disgusted me since day one. As documented. And for decades waiting for "a hero to rise from these streets". And as no heroes around that left me.

    We do have hungry and homeless and sick children more deserving than this criminal elite. Children cheated and women beat up. This not a joke.

    Will get easier and easier to tell the difference between my friends and those clearly not and the thirty who hate me, as the criminal slime must huddle in solidarity. Oddly, 475 voting for me, seem to even like me as to lead a forensic audit as a single focused platform. And now ironically,  I'm supporting similar solidarity of criminals so the solidarity that once protected them now destroys them. Organize slime. Organize all the criminals to speak as one voice? Kinda funny, I'm hoping the slime show solidarity to easily prove conspiracy? Wonder how many thousands will support me when also as well informed and know whole truth as 475 did and document?

    NOTE: Again denial of my claims not only clear criminal defamation but blatant criminal obstruction. Possibly wrongful prosecution by an eyes wide open criminal court judge like my old room mate, BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mackay - as he comes to mind. Play me? What's another year or two in jail among friends and with friends? Time for the criminals and slime to all show solidarity among themselves as they once asked of other "brothers and sisters" they cheated. In many ways, from membership to medical costs. Children cheated. All BC cheated. 

    If those named and pictured above, as they pretended for decades, exactly like Tom Adair and buddy John Brummitt, and pretending as mine and hundreds more as our superiors in intellect, integrity, experience, education, "honest" accomplishment. And with other such very impressive honourable ones in local union 891 inner criminal circle/executive, and with very big grossly misleading titles and big proceeds of crime pay, they should not fear just meeting me? I'm  only as per 891 just a ("Labourer as per JB"). Yes, they should meet with RCMP on matters of 891 integrity, governance and their critical role aid and abetting so many crimes and big titles how can they fear a labour title/listing. I wonder if Don Ramsden realized how stupid and deceitful he was explaining this as with his twisted story on cheating others of honest seniority.

    This whole story 
    ("Labourer as per JB") as well, also further reflecting on the real decades long integrity in 891 executive and how misleading, sick and corrupt most titles, upgrades and pay really works in 891. Fraud? Absolutely.  From decades ago membership/permit fraud to present day tax credit fraud and thousands of members cheated in benifit hour bank fraud. This just the tip of the iceberg. Where did all the money in trust go? Over 450 want a full forensic audit?

    Just simply meet at RCMP offices. Face-to face. Their titles and/or past big shot titles must mean something and as per why I'm listed as a labourer must have some logic or defence as a small start? Or just obvious frauds and total criminal slime in every way possible? Every way possible? For decades.

    Their BC LRB well documented files of  "intimidation and coercion" of their "own honest innocent members" speaks volumes. Volumes? As does hundreds voting for a full forensic audit and best with Tom Adair's documented sick and sad illusion of superiority that he knows better than those 475 oddly as fact far more honest, many far more accomplished, and many far more educated than Tom Adair, so again so very full of himself. As documented. More on this special criminal clown later.

    Shall we simply compare Tom Adair and myself fully and honestly and see who RCMP and Courts and 475 members best trust or soon thousands of honestly fully informed honest members best trust? Also easy to prove. Many of the literally hundreds as documented and who oddly clearly don't trust Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly as per their vote for forensic audit, makes just too much too obvious? But oddly also many of those voting for a full forensic audit more intelligent and honest than these two frauds combined as well. Far more educated. Far more experienced and accomplished? Bets? And last but not least far more honest. Far more accomplished than these two three dollar bills and their whole gang. 

    Yes, Dusty Kelly has such  nice pictures with John Horgan and Adrian Dix (during their Hollywood date?) and I don't. And as such where I'm a big fan of Tommy Douglas and my hometown hero Jack Layton like others, this why I now vote for Liz May and Sonia Furstenau in BC. Integrity matters? Watching NDP best effort on this before I vote NDP again or Liberal again? Yes, Adrian Dix going to Hollywood forced me to support the intellectual integrity of Liz May and Sonia Furstenau. And forced me in part to leave Ottawa and return to BC fearing a Dix and Dusty combo. Remembering as per Vancouver Sun article, "Dix’s darkest days or his biggest admitted mistake, when he falsified a memo in an effort to protect Clark from allegations of conflict of interest. Or that he was fired for it, or that the memo-writing affair was part of the casino scandal that led to Clark’s resignation and paved the way for the Liberal election sweep of 2001." Dusty as loyal to Donny?

    Hoping the integrity of David Eby, Q.C. ,  BC Attorney General makes me proud to vote NDP again, or some honest hero Liberal? Should Green show leadership hear and broaden brand image as hero to all BC taxpayers.

    Yes, just as with ignoring literally hundreds of members honest and intelligent vote for a full forensic audit also speaks volumes to those who can hear, and that all this does not reflect executive integrity at all. And a plethora of criminal matters. Plus do add their very well documented lies to RCMP, as also exposing more tip of the iceberg and their incredible dishonesty and their sick "herds" culture of corruption and crime for decades in this union executive. And in this long time corrupt group dynasty, including criminals, fakes, frauds and felons with women beaters and for a short time their official insider porn-loving, puppy-dog kicking head of justice as Senior Steward John Brummitt - and who best reflects on them all perfectly? Exactly? Any debate? Wait until their family hears how they cheated on their wives like they cheated on their coworkers to all BC and Industry - human garbage? When truth all out we can let others decide.

    Above a bit misleading the suggested exclusivity of World Class. Many other far more honest film unions "manufacture" World Class products and with a  far less costly criminal executive like BC's ACFC as a clear case in point staying in BC for examples as fact. And beyond debate. False positioning like others don't do World Class absurd? And as my experience in Ontario and Quebec film unions also strongly supports. They are also certainly also world class in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. And again with far more honest union executives. Easy to prove.

    Add "Millions & Millions" in decades of BC Tax Credit Fraud. Cheating ALL BC Taxpayers. Enriching criminals and/or gross incompetents in 891. Screwing young workers as permits to their senior brothers and sisters, some now in graves. Easy to prove. Debate? 

    Get real folks here's a link of what we do in the just the ad business in Montreal with non-union high paid. I also worked in Toronto ad business running an office doing up to three separate TV productions a day? Working with real professional artists and technicians. This before working with 891. World class no big trick.  ACFC also World Class and far more honest and with "normal" good people in their executive  than creeps and criminal cowards in 891. This also based on my first hand experience all across Canada.

    Experience I should add from Trailer Park Boys in the East to Terminal City on Vancouver Island. And very inspired by the courage of Lucy DeCoutere with CBC nutcase and from Trailer Park Boys (and ladies), Gillian Anderson (who I worked with on X-Files with, and helped me with a young cancer patient) and Pam Anderson (who I met when Labatt Budweiser Swimsuit Model), as all victims of very sick men. My friends daughter almost a victim of Col. Russ Williams, in Ottawa so I have very little sympathy for these type of men nor those who aid and abet fooling others.

    Can the ad world do world class:


    My own work recognized in Hollywood and New York and by many in BC. The criminal scum have done what? 

    This pix below shows the insanely sick obvious hypocrisy of 891 clearly good at self promoting themselves that they care about women and working people, but failed to do so much for their own members and thousands cheated to women beaten. As documented. Debate? Vomit bags will be provided in both criminal and civil courts and next Provincial Inquiry when this slime all fully exposed and their sick internal trials. 

    Fakes, frauds, felons? You can bet on it. Note how they block comments and freedom of speech on all social media so afraid of freedom of speech, honesty and how by direct comparison so many other unions not so afraid? And note the waste of time and money on their social media BS propaganda with 5 likes. These people both very stupid, incompetent and clearly dishonest scum. When as BC Attorney General states above transparency and accountability now timely? Many documents to show what lies and other misleading BS pics by this very disgusting group. Too many good honest people in 891. The scum has got to be put in jail  and house cleaned and sanitized as a message to others and as so needed.

    "Represent" such a lie. The good honest people here the heroes from 891 not 891's executive PR and sick signage branding efforts documented here again as so misleading. This picture classic and more on this later.

    Tax Credit Fraud (in millions) by 891 continues to this day. And still enriches this insider criminal or corrupted decades old dynasty and their new cowardly "won't-dare-rock-the-boat" and their key present pivotal political support in the new hardly honourable local executive inner circle? Still? Like new little pond king Mitch Davies as 891 president and Paul Klassen as the mighty Executive Director of BC Council of Film Unions both make very obvious. And  look even worse when truth all told.

    And sadly so many good and honest members helped pay for Dusty Kelly's unusual business expenses (taxable benefit fraud?) and very pathetic success at new business and politics, and her academy award winning effort acting as hero to the working man BS. Members sadly got not much more than impressive pictures of herself the queen of deceitful omission and fraudulent concealment. She appears by photographs to able to easily fool both her Hollywood date with Dix and her latest pix with Horgan? 

    They certainly could intimidate, coerce or impress others, but so sadly as I worked for and reported directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada kinda pictures with NDP leaders like Dix not intimidating for me. My other history of note later. Senator Eugene Forsey also inspiring. Both men of integrity and superior intellect. Senator Grafstein liked my successful work. Senator Fitzpatrick a witness. But oddly not good enough for John Brummitt and 891 his very very impressive credentials and education and when reciprocating helping a variety of criminals who cover for John Brummitt's lack of brains and integrity? As obvious to now to too many?

    Will be obvious what an ignorant, arrogant, fool, fraud and very criminal this arrogant and blatantly, how ignorant, this porn-loving puppy-kicker really is when we meet with RCMP. Face-to-face.

    Again, we can both do volunteer "non-admissible" voice polygraphs so RCMP know quickly who to best trust and who to question for days? I'm in. RCMP free to ask me if myself and others witnessed this puppy-kicking coward and hardly hero to women, his wife, his family? I'll even do voice poly alone if Brummitt too frightened to defend himself. Helps my Federal Security Clearance status in Ottawa for DND and NRC to show I'm still honest.

    Present local 891 president Mitch Davies and new big shot Executive Director of BC Council of Film Unions Paul Klassen to name two recent high profile frauds are two great examples of those who aid and abet criminals to get their job, that any honest elections would never ever support, in any honest union, truth all told, and this very easy to poll or survey for truth and makes another key point about slime and criminal frauds. Bets?

    Some do find it so very odd I can speak about these criminals and both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen won't even dare? How helpful for women beaters and thieves (5k+) how both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen aid and abet? They certainly don't help me, as too well documented, so that helps who? Who?

    Remember the words of senior legal and political minds:

    ""Your silence and your amnesia is complicity."

    Sadly, for this criminal slime the quote above how honest people, RCMP, Media, courts and judges think? Evidence makes it beyond debate.

    Both Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen just more deceptive slimy punk creeps and criminal helping cowards by greed and self-interest and conflict-of-interest, wanting petty small pond political power, pay more than teachers, nurses, police and military and nice perks to aid and abet, as indirect proceeds of crime. Aid and abet a good bet?  Debate? Anyone?

    Proven by real history beyond any debate.  Won't fool real courts with more honest and far more intelligent and educated people than these sick cowardly criminal fakes. Far more. They can only look more stupid and criminal daring to challenge me on any point. Any point. Look forward when one of them ready to meet at RCMP offices and try. Sounds like major fun.

    Note: I do like a bit more excitement than lawn bowling and crosswords, and tennis and sailing still leaves much free time for hunting and exposing criminal tax cheating scum as another retirement hobby. So I have five years to get all of them at least.

    Add to "Aid and Abet", Violence Against Women, Major Theft (5k+), lies to RCMP and below much more? Time to put ALL these criminals in jail and their key very inside critical executive and other aid and abet support. And their assets, as clear proceeds of crime (not obvious merit, experience or education or integrity) seized "before judgment". Should be very clear why? Victims? Compensation? Justice?

    The  need for trusteeship of the union local beyond debate. Assets and documents seized. The need for no-fly flight risks identified should also be blatant.

    Many also see the very immediate and serious need for honest 3rd party "trusteeship", with "seizure before judgment" and these real "flight risk" types also very valid. Some are really scared as well they should be.
    Some will now stay off shore and not dare return.

    And certainly pivotal 3rd party trusteeship for this local union a given. Better be? Or more taxpayer money abused. Jail? Add the critical and very serious need for a Provincial Inquiry. THEY ALL EARNED IT! Any dare debate me at RCMP offices? Please do.  
    Or challenge and debate 475 votes for a full forensic audit for more fun? 

    As this no task for any mere mortal, I suggest top dogs where the buck stops types. Ideally, Mitch Davies president of 891 and leader of 8,000 men and (sadly) women but as hard fact reality based on only 200 initial core votes - and what percent finally voting so disgusted or exhausted with fixed elections corrupted by lies and wide spread defamation? Or best a judicial heavy weight very familiar with the rule of law and legal realism: the brand new Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions, Paul Klassen, former internal trial chair and discuss on why children suffer corruption and criminals in 891. And little me all alone.

    To be honest and fair 90 % of  union local 891 people extremely talented, decent, and honest, fun, pleasant, and miss many, but the very sick 10% slime criminal factor must now be fully exposed, charged, prosecuted and jailed? And all proceeds of crime as assets or past wages and fines or penalties compensating all victims and all BC taxpayers cheated. Only fair. only right?

    As such, I'm obviously clearly helping the 90% cheated, lied to and fooled. Thousands? And all BC. And not the present or past executive as also clearly obvious by direct comparison. True? False? As a note no other film union I've worked with from ACTRA and UDO in Ontario and Quebec, to ACFC, DGC and Teamsters in BC this absurdly incompetent, disgustingly criminal and corrupt? Even when I worked at CBC as national media liaison during university, most also classy people. Not all there like sicko Ghomeshi and same in 891.

    Having also as fact been in more unions than John Horgan or Dix, experience might count for something? If not in 891?  I started as a Grievance Coordinator/Senior Steward for CUPE in Montreal in 1979. My history of standing up for others against cowards, bullies to criminal and/or sneaky slime corrupt sleaze in Railroad Steel Gangs, Farmers Fields and at 5 Star Hotels prior also of note. RCMP had to escort me out of Banff Springs Hotel as a "Troublemaker" and for a strike in '73 before rehired at higher pay and working directly for General Manager. Management also liked me. I'm fun. Later it would appear both Justin's father as per CBC and CTV archives to former Attorney General of Canada found me fun. And willing to stand up to a room of senior lawyers. And win the floor like with 475 votes for a forensic audit, some understand me. As some in 891 know I've made criminal court judges laugh. Not just having fun in small claims.

    More serious: Do people think it is okay for men to come from other countries and seriously beat up Canadian women and get financing to settle out of court? Some certainly do. See names and pictures above and below. They never supported defending Canadian women or ever helping me oddly expose criminals and now too late to even fake it. And for even Mitch Davies. How sick when greed and ego a blinding motivation. As documented.

    Anyone think how obvious that the scum won't report this blog to their membership? Why not? and rally 8,0000 as portrayed executive support against me? Fearing class action by those also incorporated for economic interference?

    Point of this blog

    So to be very clear, the  point of this blog is to force all these criminals (named and more to be named) to immediately or very quickly plead guilty as charged and no-contest full guilt to all my claims as too much too obvious, too documented and too witnessed. All. And as fast as possible once RCMP and CRA ready to move on "all the slime" and all at once. On all issues. Sort of like the end of the first movie of The Godfather for those who can't read or understand how law works and just watch movies. And spend too much time texting, playing video games or checking out porn. 

    And this blog to make clear, all not so clever in this criminal decades old dynasty and micro one world order nuts, from their lies to RCMP to BC LRB files of "intimidation and coercion" of own members, to well documented internal trials. Much to defend and not overtly appear as dirty criminal slime. And some key math questions about money and millions in fraud. Add repeated documented "Bad Faith" from previous provincial inquiries to other BC LRB rulings as all must be addressed. I didn't make this stuff up.

    Their deceptive high school skewed sophist rhetoric no match for top RCMP interrogation. Bets? This as to not waste RCMP or court time with needless operational costs, silly sophist wordplay and more games by this criminal group of such tough talking little big shot arrogant and ignorant slime. And their lovely ladies. Thank god I never had to settle for such unaccomplished women. Criminals did.

    Note: A friend died during holidays, very abused by this human garbage and for decades, suffering this toxic criminal fake "criminal class" driven absurd twisted criminal toxic culture of "brothers and sisters". And like too many in 891, his talents suppressed and soul compromised by these felons, fakes and frauds and their criminal friends. Many victims. Including their children. And honest member's children. Do the math. I know a few personally and from grade school? 

    Oddly, sadly many of these ignorant criminal frauds and the company they keep for decades too often paid far more and as so much  far less talented, less qualified, less educated and less experience and did far less honest work. And again, these criminals paid more than nurses, teachers, military and police. That sick? So this is now "very personal". Yes, very personal. Any dare debate or deny?

    Others, I cared about also now dead, or dying and also cheated by this human garbage of simply fair and honest opportunity and better honest wages.

    However, many of the more intelligent and honest of hundreds documented who supported me for a "full forensic audit" still alive and still cheated, still very angry. And soon with truth out thousands more? And as when all honestly and fully informed the thousands cheated will hardly support all the slime in executive who cheated them for decades. And by direct criminal intent and conflict of interest to greed, ego and self interest to absurd grossly incompetence and governance. And many of the hundreds supporting a full forensic audit  support testimony in both criminal and civil courts? Hope Dusty and Tom can still get at least a few signed names of full support when truth "all told". These names will be handy to also identify other criminals that support Dusty and Tom. Justice will be served cold. Very cold. They better get a real good lawyers. (Criminal and Civil).

    Should they even dare as to be so silly to counter and further abusing union money for their self-interest/conflict-of-interest legal fees to try to still hopelessly cover their ass or defend themselves, we'll run "ALL" their legal bills through the roof to play them  out - and this time, unlike with Gavin Craig, they "all" can't use and abuse honest union members money and hundreds of hours of executive time and easily over a hundred thousand dollars "fully costed" or more to just see  me make fools of all of them, and once again. Once again? This will be the last time.

    Gavin Craig desperately tried with lawyers to hide/cover his and Rob Maier's gangs clear lies to RCMP and again showing off their repeated poor executive judgement and of the herd they support and surround themselves with - and as to best support them criminally. The symbiosis of aid and abet blatant beyond the more obvious nepotism and cronyism. And added and noted very poor judgement in criminal wrongful prosecution. See Rob Maier's LinkedIn profile and Paul Klassen's. It gets more embarrassing and humiliating for such slime shortly. And all those who recommended them?

    And worse, this slime like Tom Adair documents ignoring hundreds  of those far more honest, far more educated, far more experienced, far more accomplished and far better skilled than Tom Adair, the super fraud. And many honest members simply wanting a full forensic objective 3rd party audit on Tom and Dusty to start should make more ever so clear. And again, oddly members only wanting a full forensic honest audit. Tom documented he didn't nor his criminal friends. Is that too obvious? And those who want the audit most with an intellect and integrity the slime will never know. Compare and prove? No problem. At all.



    Evidence: Compare? Take a totally inflated full CV and resume of say the very impressive once very well paid John Brummitt and/or even super brain Tom Adair or any other criminals in their following, with nepotism and or criminal cronyism as also very blatant, and compare if many more "honest" members with clearly far more impressive credentials, skills, accomplishment, certification, education, suffer these morons. These criminal morons as highly uneducated arrogant and ignorant very criminal Foster Grant wearing iPhone middle management gross incompetents? Thousands suffer. As thousands cheated. I do love all the stories why trusting members lost their seniority. But sadly for criminal slime I love the honest truth more.

    I myself paid two IATSE 891 members when in advertising and later working for SFU helping refugees, literally three times (3x) what IATSE thought honest and fair for their members and best use of their talent? This will be a critical point later.

    Hardly a victim?

    And to be very upfront, I'm hardly a victim, as when I left 891 I was getting 12 hour deal memos working up to three productions and billing a 12 day week (3 x 4)  and multiple layered car deals. Yes, billing a twelve day week at 12 hours a day. Almost as much as my billout rate to Federal Liberals and Fortune 500 giants. Sometimes working from Condo in Whistler or at beach? And best was I was saving 3 productions 20% of the cost for historically far less educated and accomplished people like Rob Maier has hired? Needing five days. So with the savings I provided productions, more members could be hired with the savings I created. Do the Math morons. I worked far less than an eight hour day. Fact check? Ask the department heads I made look smart like I did others in Federal politics and with Fortune 500 giants. There is a very good reason why I was a requested speaker at McGill, UBC and SFU. And another reason why I have special Federal Security clearance in Ottawa specifically for work with DND and NRC and these slime and fakes don't. Won't. Can't. And never will. Never ever will.

    Getting clear yet why these criminals fear and hate me? They didn't know much about me until after they got far too stupid with internal trials. The tipping point. Now they do know I worked directly reporting to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada, that they once dared judge so superior in judgment? Thinking themselves so superior to all members. Yes, I know many honourable men and far more successful ladies than these slime. My date for one wrap party a twice listed Chatelaine 100. I wanted to show her the liars, frauds, criminals and assholes in 891. Fact Check? Yes, seems with classy men and very classy accomplished ladies I'm liked and so don't have to settle for inclusion with criminal scum. True? False?

    So I do know, and first hand, and from both extremes, from being on the board of directors of a public company with former New West PC candidate Bill Grant as COB to union shop floors in 1979, just exactly how corrupt, criminal and twisted 891 really is and clearly how to save productions money to pay other members. They didn't. Oddly saving money exactly as I did with multiple TV ad production groups and daily with our TV ad shoots when running an ad agency office in Toronto. And oddly working for the brightest, biggest. They oddly also liked me it appears? And would be disgusted by John Brummitt as a porn-loving, puppy-kicking small man, small penis type fake who would not impress any but bigger fools and idiots. Nor his other small men, small penis types he brown nosed like big mouth little cowardly, sneaky slime like Don Ramsden and Rob Maier.

    However, sadly with my deal memos, my corrupt hour bank also overflowed while so many others and their children cheated of health and dental and suffered by this very sick policy and herd of human garbage. An hour bank policy by inner circle authors that would make Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton vomit and certainly any honest MLA in NDP, Green or Liberal party also make their stomach turn. Clearly children suffered. And an hour Bank that literally would make Trump look compassionate on medical entitlement? These are very sick, very ugly and stupid people. Very sick. Very stupid. And very criminal. Any dare debate? To keep it simple the evidence here is me.

    Could have been very sweet for me (as they hoped) if I'd just shut up and milked the machine and I'd not started rocking the boat from early membership fraud that I almost immediately busted and exposed (embarrassing both John Brummitt and Don Ramsden and his alleged Papal Edict by Dixie Cutler, when a far more honest executive turned on him and Brummitt and oddly supported me and forced my membership - and best baited more BS from this creepy cowardly sleaze?) And proof seniority clearly corrupt. And later my raising a voice after too much talk of abuse of women and starting in 90's as witnessed by RCMP files and perfectly documented with my "threatening fax" as Gavin's gang claimed but oddly missed so many points on. So stupid? And further documented and supported by other very related RCMP files.  Did they provide police the other faxes I sent or more criminal obstruction blatant and so clever?
    Where the criminals brag about no paper trails this will also haunt them.

    Having also been a previous Grievance Coordinator/Senior Steward in CUPE in Montreal in 1979 too much, too obvious to me. Having also had millions in P/L responsibility and two associates as chartered accountants with my own noted spreadsheet and financial skills and auditing similar franchises to even all BC Tourism in late 80's for  Cossette, too much, also too very obvious to me. The in house 891 MBA hardly fools me. Have made fools of many such MBAs and CAs and destroyed their careers as such lying scum, as well. 891 not my biggest battle. Fact check?

    Truth "all told" from women beaters, thieves, incompetents, cover ups, illegal non-disclosure agreements, had 891 had any honest elections and each and every candidates full "honest" and "real" meaningful honest merit, accomplishment, education and experience, crimes and honest history made clear and truth all told, and not suppressed by deceitful fraudulent concealment, who would honest members really vote for? Any debate? Denial? Defence? This a fun topic and alone merits a provincial inquiry as per:

    "...the issue of anti-corruption, transparency, accountability and good governance. And it’s timely."
    David Eby, Q.C. ,  BC Attorney General

    Men who beat up women as  president and their main support as porn-loving puppy-kicking super brains as future Senior steward a good pair if decades of talk to be believed? Shall we ask RCMP and Criminal courts what they think? Really? Honestly? Lying, deceptive, cowardly, creepy women beaters and porn-loving puppy kickers and wallpaper hangers given to bully and ignore others legal rights and honest truth, and as well documented by internal trials and even their own words. Mitch Davies aids and abets showing his real education and intellect with his true integrity sitting on the fence. What a moron?

    "Your silence and your amnesia is complicity."

    Side Note:
    What great tricks and traps did two Oxford Scholar legal minds, and one then as acting chair of UBC Law faculty coach me on? Back when sailing off Spanish Banks or doing dinner at Rossini's in Kits or as their dinner guest? This as to best 
    fully play fully these slime in 891 executive dynasty? 

    What advice did BC Criminal Court Judge Russ McKay share with his old roommate and guitar buddy from 1973? He borrowed my suits and car when starting as a lawyer so did not charge me for legal help either?

    What tricks did one of BC's very top defamation lawyers and a pit bull at a major firm generously advise and other noted lawyers suggest knowing I had also studied law and legal "objectivity" and "legal realism"?

    Why did West Van RCMP figuratively take my leash and muzzle off and set me free after accused of threatening whole union executive and children by these slime? I first fell in love with RCMP in Jasper in 70's. The class of West Van RCMP in 90's even more impressive.

    What did my cousin, Dr. Madeleine Tremblay, one of the very top "forensic shrinks" in Canada, then at St. Paul's on Burrard street, catering to the rich and famous to serial killers, also advise when discussing these 891 small man, small penis criminal textbook narcissistic deceptive union local presidents and their buddies on their motives and their slime herd?

    Presidents of 891 like 
     Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson to the very little big shots like Rob Maier and John Brummitt and their personal, ethical, moral and now very serious criminal problems have been discussed with many. Many times. And

    What exactly did she say to me when we spoke having worked with major nut cases and serial killers? See below for legal hints. Also, just for overkill, I also had support for legal from a very fun and brilliant top Grey Nun administrator at St. Paul's Hospital, Sister Carty - also a cousin, in case clergy needed to back me, and forgive their sins or more exactly make their lives soon total hell? Cost me a Sushi lunch to get God on my side. Bitch. Lawyers free. Both cousins very fun. Having high school friends in CRA in Ottawa I once protected from bullies and now teaches audits a bit of a plus for later?

    The criminal's lawyers and their criminal clients and their key inside aid and abet support, now have a literal ton of documents to read. And must read as many tricks and traps sprinkled randomly below and some not even referenced yet? Stuff only a senior experienced lawyer will best understand. And some in other places? This so any defending legal for this criminal disgusting slime must read all of as to best not look so very stupid to other more serious legal stars and judges, when offering or just even dare suggesting their initial best guess legal defence for criminals and thus possibly uninformed and uneducated "opinion" on so many documents?

    They better read everything. From my first letters to executive on membership fraud in 1992 and my very selective wording used to my planned seeded resignation at X-Files. Everything! As impossible to bluff or posture without reading. Everything. Worth a $20,000 retainer (each) as lawyers who helped me for free do charge? Well conditional on my making them laugh after hours.

    Slime themselves, will all also need hundreds of hours of full committee, conspiracy, collusion, time and in their "solid group solidarity" for all slime as "brothers and sisters" as to all get all their many lies right to even dare deny my claims to RCMP and in criminal and civil courts.  And certainly tons of reading and research to prepare their lies. More fun or sport if they dare do? Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen have a ton of reading to do now, not just their reciprocally obvious supporting women beating and porn-loving and puppy-kicking friends.

    And they must after hundreds of hours of prep and practice on presentation and the always give-away body language, all pray none of the dirty thirty when bullet hits the bone, throws rest of criminal slime all under the bus and "Squeals for a Deal" on all of them. And on everything. Exhausted mentally and financially trying to manage lies and mitigate their jail time. With aid and abet meaning similar jail time as those who robbed the bank and did so much better sad for blind followers. This 
    "Squeals for a Deal" as to avoid jail in golden years and for lesser charges helping RCMP and not further obstructing with lies to fraudulent concealment.  Is their honour among thieves? Gets very attractive as history proves best to squeal for a deal as both Conrad Black's and NYC's Teflon Don's 2IC did, as having very smart criminal defence lawyers? Who will rat others out as having far less liability or far too great a threat on par with aid and abet liabilities? RCMP will not be fooled again by lies. Never were. The slimes lies very transparent.

    As you read do very seriously consider: "What about the very sad children, partners or poor family of these very well documented criminals, thieves, liars, fakes, frauds, felons, cowards, women beaters, tax cheats, porn-loving puppy-kickers, and defaming deceitful bullies? And the very high probability that many innocent others including children suffering them, and beyond all cheated taxpayers and beaten women, as also suffering this exact herd mindset of  "assault", "harassment", intimidation and coercion" and other well documented "bad faith" factors. Are their children safe? Or as it appears to some their children already too far badly damaged? And best now just can only work in 891? With only hopes nepotism will give them the same unfair advantage as parents had due to something they lost with such sick selfish lying bullying parents gone for twelve hours or more. Like self respect and real confidence? 

    The idiots even lied to RCMP and stupidly claimed that I threaten children to dare try and intimidate me, not knowing anything about me or my past and trusting John Brummitt as their brains with other low life types. I do have others including said legal scholar witnessing my helping children. Other in Montreal know me for going into burning house to check for children. Not as brave as my buddy, but was not willing to crawl on floor below with structure weakening. He was.

    Again, I had reported directly to the former Attorney General of Canada when highly paid by "Red Leaf" so my above claims certainly may appear  far more honest?  But will do a volunteer voice poly to expedite and for efficacy. But don't trust me. Best RCMP use their "non-admissible" voice polygraphs. And overtly on myself and any who dare deny or debate my claims. Any or all of my claims?

    Truth? Truth? I threatened to honestly report one dishonest slime to Social Services. Not a crime when so valid such a very sick twisted and so dishonest parent. West Van RCMP very helpful and saw through the slime in minutes. if not seconds. I played some department heads the tape of  West Van RCMP's message helping me? This was the first time they suspected maybe not some guy with no friends and just gorgeous girlfriends so they got very very stupid.

    They then found out the acting chair of UBC law faculty a friend for forty years. They then found out my old room mate a BC Criminal Court judge. Then they also found out another friend for forty years a top award winning investigative reporter. Also an old friend of Oxford legal scholar as well. Can we judge people by the company they keep for decades or who pays them best? Shall we?

    For many of these cowardly creeps their wordplay becomes their sad psychotic reality? Cognitive dissonance on overdrive I suspect the only way they can still look in the mirror and not be totally disgusted as overweight ugly creatures - as even children their victims hungry and cheated of dental and medical with the absurd hour bank to membership fraud. The slime also said I threatened the "whole executive", but oddly the whole executive couldn't give one specific name or any names? Idiots like Susan Butler Grey named in RCMP files. I literally begged to be criminally charged in writing many times to expose their lies, and the cowards all ran. But not far enough?

    I told RCMP I was very ready to have them say "all" threaten from night janitorial staff to then the very dishonest Gavin Craig as local president and above the law king, and the other genius criminal slime like John Brummitt and Susan Butler-Grey. This to show off their superior stupidity even far more. I really begged to be charged. Still do. My invitation still ignored. Charge me:)

    Hey, if I honestly threaten children I should be charged? And go to jail that simple. Or possibly the liars who lied to RCMP and used the police as their props, pawns and puppets to politically threaten, "coerce and intimidate" honest people should be charged and they clearly go to jail?

    Let others from RCMP, Crown prosecution decide?

    In their golden years jail now perfect for criminals. Worth the wait as adcised. Seems fair to all? Either I'm a disgusting lying cowardly human slime or they certainly are. No middle ground. No grey area. No wiggle room. You either help criminals or you help me and can document it like Rick Stranan, Shane O'Reilly did paying me well and as Elmar and Don Gervais both did with critical information written and spoken. And initial honest 891 executive did pushing my membership in both Don Ramsden's and John Brummitt's face. And best baiting more stupidity from both as proven. Yes, certainly some very honest and classy people in 891 and certainly a few just very dirty women beating, porn-loving puppy-kicking types and their aid and abet so supporting inner circle

    I do think for efficacy John Brummitt and myself should both do volunteer non-admissible voice polygraph, common at a variety of police locations around BC. This as to best reflect our integrity and intellect and best: help not waste RCMP time and costs when they could be saving lives like children? Well, if children "really" matter? And not  just more BS babble from these types. John Brummitt will want to help RCMP won't he? Won't he? And not waste their time.  Will be funny to see what a coward and moron on his own he really is when no Don Ramsden "fixing" things.

    By this time word had gotten out I was sailing and dining with the acting chair of UBC Law Faculty while they had just lied to RCMP about me, so some got very cowardly very fast. Even tough talking posturing and strutting Alpha mini-males ran. 

    The slime also, so clear, as well documented, have also used and abused police in West Van and Burnaby with lies to police like they were again, the criminal slime's paid props, puppets or political pawns. Bets? As documented. Using police like a prop, or puppet as they did with Tom Adair, and as to service their vain political delusional self-image with such another all star brown noser like big fake smile Tom Adair and so very willing to aid and abet to please the criminal elite, woman beaters, puppy dog kickers and keep Tom Adair getting his slice of the laundered proceeds of crime he now still enjoys. He documented it. Once he made it clear his loyalties and support to criminals and documented it in his own brilliant wording. He became an obvious added target. So clever is he? 

    With Tom's big title he should also not fear face-to-face with me alone with top RCMP interrogation experts. Should he? As so honest, accomplished and educated and with his impressive word skills?

    Can we excuse this slime using two police detachments, like the police should be their props, puppet and pawns for political posturing and for faking their very deceitful legitimacy, titles, position, pay and perks and cheating all BC taxpayers. Debate? Volunteer Non Admissible Voice Polygraph? This when police could be saving lives. Even children's lives. And also so very well documented. We all want to help RCMP don't we?

    Pageviews yesterday 85
    Pageviews last month 198
    Pageviews all time history 67,331
    (All BC taxpayers and voters and thousand of the 7,000 members are victims and really just thirty plus sick criminals leading the tax fraud, supporting women beaters, porn-loving puppy kickers and now reading this. Well those slime who can read and write. And their aid and abet herd).

    And do note very clearly not one (1) of the criminals (not one ) named dares to defend their "honest" good family name, theirs and family reputation - and career, legacy and simply sign their name on a simple sworn affidavit or file charges with police for this blog and just stating any or all of my claims simply not true. And be specific?   Not one (1)? 

    Very criminal of me if what I say not absolutely 100% true? And I should be stopped. And so very easy to do if not all true?  Just call police on me again and get "all named" to also do a sworn affidavit in full traditional aid and abet solidarity against me and deny my claims? Do another stupid illegal non-disclosure document again like many so void if facilitating fraud, misrepresentation or other serious crime. Possible obstruction and more documented criminal defamation gets very ballsy? Play me.

    Play me?

    They once oddly were "very fast" to call police in minutes with their power illusions as they knew so little about me, clearly treating and embarrassing and abusing police as their paid props and puppets? And add also trying to "intimidate and coerce", "defame and ridicule" with as done with added utterly embarrassing stupid well documented internal trials, and that now also backfiring and big time as well on all slime like judicial super star Paul Klassen. This soon destroying Paul Klassen's future career and credibility and even bank credit score? Judge and be judged seems only fair? How guilty and deceitful can you look? How stupid can you look? How arrogant and ignorant can they look? How uneducated, unaccomplished can they look? A legal microscope on each should make much very clear. Very clear.

    Why do they fear me now so much and just a friendly lengthy simple chat with RCMP?  When once they didn't? Why won't at least one (1) protect their good honest family name, reputation, career, legacy? Why can't their all top ten super brains and all together take me on and all at once as they did before, and in solidarity back when they knew so little about me? What else are they so afraid of? Read below.

    Why me?

    Simply as you read below clear while thousands silent and in fear they couldn't speak up and be whistleblowers as families and careers to protect from criminal abuse to economic interference with their incorporations. I however could as they:

    • Couldn't intimidate me economically (Paid better by many. Multiple skills unlike these one trick ponies as wallpaper hangers, paint brush cleaning Emily Carr graduates, faking they are impressive bottom-line cost effective buyers and new business stars lacking both education and experience for either. Again easy to prove).
    • Couldn't intimidate me physically (Former bouncer in biker bars and Martial Art student at 6'4". And some small militia combat training. They only threaten the small guys they will "Crush them like a bug" for simply exercising freedom of speech? Wouldn't and couldn't dare threaten me like smaller men and women)
    • Couldn't intimidate me intellectually (Why will be obvious, if not already)
    • Couldn't intimidate me legally (Reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada within "Red Leaf", a former buddy a BC Criminal Court Judge and and another 40 year friendship with an Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar and dating lawyers - plus having worked with noted East Coast famous legal heavies like Cookie Lazarus and Stanley Hartt, I'm possibly a bit harder to impress or intimidate by fancy letterhead. My own liberal and legal education including lessons directly from Keith Spicer and Senator Eugene Forsey also a bit handy. Hey, I correct Latin pronunciation for some lawyers and their excessive use of rhetorical fallacies).
    Keynotes for reference to new readers: and those given this link from emailed special covering letter and executive brief where link attached. And as sent to all BC MLAs for NDP, Green and Liberals in BC, plus other honest  labour to taxpayer protection groups. All now also on mailing list. And provided this blog link. Please all readers consider the many audiences this blog must address from Attorney General's office (BC) to those criminal slime who can read and the victims and the 475 honest and brave voting for a full forensic audit. And to help RCMP save money and time. And help some MLAs savvy enough to realize how incremental votes from women, honest workers union and non-union, seniors here all bundled nicely All any MLA has to do is be honest and help. Not asking too much. I did most of the work.

    Will be hard for Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen to have any credibility and respect at all, and now soon, if not already with others named, both possibly already having problems at US border? Or when pulled over by police in future - when their names on many police files for crimes of aid and abet, fraud and being liars with silent deception their best ace? There is no light at the end of tunnel for such sick cowardly greedy ego driven criminal slime.

    Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will soon be back covered in sawdust as they were or editing cheap youtube videos, if not in jail, again, exactly like Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson to John Brummitt and Dusty Kelly's careers started going backwards fast. This when just too much truth known about them by a very few and all their careers all reversed themselves. Truth about them got out. This the same fate when too many find out truth about Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and their key role helping women beating, porn-loving, puppy kicking, criminals, liars and membership and medical to tax fraud cheats - and screwing many including children. Yes, children!

    Poor Dusty Kelly her photo PR ops with John Horgan and Dix with BC Federation of Labour now a major joke. And so revealing. Guess it didn't fool or intimidate me. Too bad. Again, one of my mentors not only former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford but life changing Senator Eugene Forsey in university days. Back in my remedial law classes. Only fair Senator Eugene Forsey shares the blame with me for opening my eyes and my becoming such a "troublemaker". He made me do this. And blame my other mentors including "real tough guy" highly decorated veterans like Larry McHale. Why I did veteran advocacy in Ottawa?

    This blog especially for David Eby, Q.C. and his office and now serving as BC Attorney General. More on David Eby below.

    As I reported directly to Ron Basford former Attorney General of Canada, I feel very comfortable addressing Mr. Eby also directly and as a BC Attorney General.  My forty year friendship with BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mackay 
    and an Oxford/Osgoode Legal scholar and former UBC Law Faculty acting chair and UVic prof Dr. Fudge also provides some key legal reference for myself, that few in 891 will ever have. Or could ever afford? And never will. Where I don't have 1950 ad style impressive pictures of myself with historic political figures like Dusty Kelly with John Horgan and Adrian Dix, I however have CTV and CBC archives of video of me entertaining Justin's dad crossing Wellington from Parliament buildings to Press gallery in Ottawa. I am entertaining. I made a Prime Minister laugh. Proof on video. When truth out will Dusty Kelly make John Horgan and Dix just cry just being near her and flying to Hollywood with her? Who paid? Again, who paid?

    My CBC contract work in Toronto as "national media liaison" and then only in university and forty year friendship with top award winning investigative journalists Terence Mckenna also of note. I sailed with Stuart McLean. As added note consider my work for Stanley Hartt's ("The brains behind Mulroney") detective agency in Montreal and later detective work on 891 cowardly, creepy criminals?

    Being on the Board of Directors of a public Company with former New West PC candidate Bill Grant as COB, also gives me depth in both finance and politics beyond my studies in just political science, law, formal logic and economics - well enough as to take on this whole gang of criminal ignorant slime and once so arrogant slime as per above and below. And alone? What can the slime fear as so very accomplished and such clever super brains of me all alone now? John Brummitt will be again advising on strategy and legal tactical so criminals have nothing to fear. Much?

    And as a final introductory note of fact: I've been in more unions than either John Horgan or Dix and most in BC Federation of Labour.  Check? I started in CUPE in Montreal as grievance coordinator/senior steward in 70's. My film and TV depth also completely dwarfs "all" these one-trick one film union ponies named here in both education, experience and accomplishment - and even far beyond my formal university studies and international trade and consumer media recognition. Seems Hollywood and NBC "Tonight Show" also liked my stuff as much as Federal Liberals.

    Hey, I was paid by ACTRA in '79 doing Apple II TV ads in Montreal? Ads I wrote, directed and budgeted. Just a hand model in my ad but a few hundred pay by ACTRA? Wonder why these unaccomplished woman beaters to porn-loving puppy-kickers, criminal fakes all lacking real experience and higher education, intellect and integrity must fear me and hate me, and desperately had to corrupt elections to deceive majority of membership to not look so honestly cowardly, disgusting as pathetic as human garbage by comparison? Read on.

    My solo TV work also recognized by international trade and consumer media. Theirs not. And also by academia. I've been a Dean requested speaker at McGill ("Canada's Harvard"), UBC and SFU. My work for Fortune 500 Giants and Federal Political parties and hundreds of focus groups and possibly thousands of research marketing and media reports all over BC, also gives me some political insight others may not have of "Politics in BC". And this textbook Margaret Thatcher "Kitchen door" political currency as a motherhood issue with all BC taxpayers cheated should be obvious. An honest MLA can get serious good press and votes leading on this and simply being honest? And helping? First come, first served. FIFO as accountants might say?

    Feel free to compare those criminal slime like Tom Adair's "total whole lifetime achievement" and Paul Klassen's who both love to think themselves as so superior to judge others and in their own written words or as documented, as both so above the law and compare with myself on both integrity and intellect just like their buddy John Brummitt for accomplishment and education so quick to judge. So little research. Just blinded by their tiny titles arrogance and ignorance. Hard comparisons will be done with each of their real and honest merit. Truth will be told. They will be humiliated for the rest of their lives now and with threat of jail time now so very very real.

    Do add my by comparison my 50 years of volunteer charitable work from peeling potatoes (With Military Brass) at the Good Shepherd Mission in Ottawa and feeding homeless, to my leadership  in national employment programs for deaf, blind, handicap and immigrant women to all of their paid PR efforts as  all also easily dwarfs many of them and their disgusting and so deceitful PR driven and photo op self promotion. And while on pay faking as compassionate types. As documented. They are disgusting white trash.

    With known white supremacists in their supporting group as one Vancouver law firm well aware of, any surprise why my Asian friends avoided this racist union? Why so few first nations? And others. They do great film work. Did Bollywood not also notice the lack of proportional representation as "Fair Representation" even the Labour Code hints at?
    Yes, sad my ethnic friends felt IATSE too white. A white supremacist with women beaters and porn-loving puppy dog kickers i guess restrictive?

    Consider: Most did not know all this above about me until reading blog and this including family and friends. But comparisons should be made to highlight the fakes, frauds and felons with facts. Certainly, keeping so much secret from this slime and even long time friends suggests not one to brag as: family and long time friends also surprised to read all this about me. And my real past. Even Globe and Mail quoted me as a media expert when working with Molson Pension money? Few know that as well.

    See pictures of Tom Adair, Frank Haddad and Mitch Davies faking the community hero bit while paid more than they "honestly deserve", more than nurses, teachers, police and honest members to fake like community heroes and paid well, while this image key to cheating own members and supporting women beaters, puppy-kicking porn-loving slime and crooks (5k+).  My point is they are not only criminal and key to millions in tax credit fraud and hurting children, but in fact real very disgusting human criminal fakes and frauds as total textbook serious human garbage. Wine experts or not? Easy to prove. On many levels.

    From lying and cheating on their trusting partners or wives, or cheating their trusting friends and coworkers to cheating all BC and Revenue Canada with multiple tax fraud they have much to explain to RCMP and CRA. Yes, they even cheat on their trusting wives not just women beating, porn-loving puppy kickers in this classy herd or bunch? 

    Their children and family should be so very proud of such disgusting people. As documented and/or witnessed. Col. Russ Williams at least confessed to save his wife humiliation for his very sick acts of superiority and lack of respect for women. Will they?

    What else do I know about fakes, frauds, fools and felons in IATSE 891 criminal executive? Having "really" worked with two CA's as associates, hundreds of MBA types, and working with real Engineers and even Law Firms and paid more than IATSE highest paid department head, and add with two school friends as top Canadian Architects and my work with many top art directors: I may be able to comment briefly on film budgets for Construction to rentals and recycle scams, stuff I witnessed for years? Trizec and Cadillac Fairview my happy clients as well, so big mall construction a big part of my past. And now also no longer a secret. And my other observations on their other middle management horror efficacy from Art Department to Accounting. That another story? I busted an accounting department in 891 thinking themselves also superior moving costs to construction. Also busted?

    Art directors and others who did very poorly in advertising ended up with some very big titles in 891 and even in DGC unlike when they worked for me? Or tried to work in advertising.

    Like Tom Adair had a big title it but means nothing but more proof of what a fraud and fake he really is as with others and their clearly as misleading big titles and patronage positions as the proceed of crime package many enjoyed. This personal profiling simply axiomatic to aid RCMP. And again I did the creative to costing on TV ads. From lighting cost to CRTC appeals in Ottawa/Hull for Labatt, so I can prove experience and education matters and make fakes and those so superior to dare judge others, look like slimy dirty criminal ignorant idiots in literally minutes.

    I was also offered Producer Credits to fix an accounting mess. Those idiots thinking I wouldn't  need to be paid more, with a big shot title like Producer as a carrot for my ego of a "Producer Credit". Wrong. They hadn't seen my real resume. That title almost meaningless with my past.

    My work with key investors and backers of Lions Gate to my contacts at Yorkton securities in Toronto another point for later. I had already written produced international award winning TV ads. I test well.

    As you read this, please do note these very sick twisted criminals and very corrupt disgusting very unaccomplished and uneducated cowards, and as well documented, all knew "nothing or far too little about me" prior or who I was, or who I knew. Some only reading this see and now aware of how I played them. Well, until far too late. Years too late. A sort of brilliant Sting operation? Some would agree? Never talked about my past. Or they would have hidden much more from me and not been so criminally obvious.
    Ken Anderson a case in point. And alone just honest Ken Anderson worth a few hours in a Provincial Inquiry, criminal and civil courts, as to show how clever he is. Or not. As documented by our registered mail to BC LRB rulings where he's also clearly another literally fat assed sick cowardly documented liar and a cheat with others now clear on what a slime he is. Including BC LRB. True? False?

    They all knew nothing about my previous work for a detective agency owned by Stanley Hartt ("The brains behind Mulroney") and working with one of Canada's top investigative journalist at CBC in Toronto or doing audits on Molson Pension Fund investments and even auditing BC Tourism for Cossette Advertising, where my audit number skills highly respected? Why I got paid an added $35.00 an hour on X-Files helping class acts like Bob Goodwin and Chris Carter. So the criminals in their blatant arrogance and ignorance and sense of very false superiority suspected nothing. Suspected nothing. Fools? Easy targets. Internal trial documents proves how arrogant and ignorant slime of many things including law and best, after zero research on me. New readers will get the facts now immediately. None clued in when oddly actresses knew me.

    For years the fools fooled I was just another person easy to "intimidate and coerce" and criminals not aware their crimes being all documented and noted.

    Even before knowing what an 891 was, I was involved directly and speaking to a woman assaulted by such slime in a union executive. We'll call "V" for now with another in 891 as a witness. As hating bullies and cowards I was motivated long before my first day in 891 and taking notes immediately. Months ahead of my first call?

    Ever since I first did ads for City of Vancouver promoting film industry in LA and in Variety Magazine (but yet not good enough for the super stars in IATSE publicity when part of 891 or to help super fake Emily Carr failure Dusty Kelly?) I heard disgusting things about 891 and executives. And where money goes. This in early 80's and when "Bird on a Wire" a big film production. I've seen so much and researched so much to put this slime in jail. I've seen many of their criminal and corrupt acts first hand. Many of my friends suffered 891 before I ever joined? I was destined to be a troublemaker for 891. Don Gervais and Elmar told me many things as per email? Both oddly also very disgusted by cowards and criminals like John Brummitt, Gavin Craig, Don Ramsden, Rob Maier, Tom Adair and as I suspect the hundreds who voted for me to lead a full forensic audit were also as disgusted and soon thousands more.

    My only tiny wish is they all now show previous consistent full solid solidarity with Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen, so conspiracy and collusion to cheat all BC taxpayers to coworkers and their wives a total slam dunk

    Prior I had heard the stories of women being beaten up, cover up, abuse of funds and major time and material theft. Theft as with Rob Maier and friends time and material theft well noted.  And how sleaze like
    Tom Adair and John Brummitt oddly both do so very well in these executive circles as oddly both having no real honest merit in experience or education prior as compared to so many others more honest and intelligent in 891. And both having no integrity. As documented liars. Dare debate?

    And oddly it appears loyalty and solidarity clearly supporting women beaters, porn-loving puppy-kicking and theft, a ticket to position, pay and perks. Linear regression? Where in the honest real world would human slime like both 
    Tom Adair and John Brummitt as honest fact (as both totally lacking any key meaningful experience, certification or education, meaningful accomplishment or honest merit) would  they ever be paid more than nurses, teachers and police. This as compared to those more honest and protective of women in 891. Big talkers. Giant fakes. Low life criminal cowards and sleazy clever dirty sneaks? True? False? Hope RCMP ask them all why this group of dirty thirty all hates me and never supported me? And why hundreds did?

    And thus now very amusing their collective stupidity and ignorance helping me documenting their plethora of crimes from day one membership fraud and millions in tax credit fraud to personal tax fraud and theft over 5K. And hurting children. Since the production of "Bird on a Wire" I have names of victims. They brag about their cleverness and crimes. Like their unregistered guns. Sometimes was too easy.

    Will they all pretend to not know each other? They'll need so many lies to avoid jail? From the late abused Clark Simcoe and sick abuse of Mr. Harvey M. to the disgusted Don Gervais not much I missed questioning them about. The Law firm Davis and Company where another high school contact worked supplied the Harvey M. file. Debate. Growlings and other Law firms helpful.

    Sadly for slime, who I was, was very poorly researched by these cowardly criminal slime indeed, so they didn't hide their slime and sleazy games very well. In fact they bragged? And from corrupting day one membership and permit fraud to elections and crimes, and from assault to tax cheating and disgusting internal trials to continued tax fraud present makes local president Mitch Davies now such an easy target. Is he on their side or mine? Gets obvious who he helps as such a weakling and coward. And clearly not me and my honourable efforts. And yet by my work the slime were perfectly researched. True? False? And best researched by a guy who has worked for a detective agency and with one of Canada's top investigative journalists and producers. Irony or what? And more amusing has a criminal court judge, an RCMP officer, an Oxford Legal scholar and a real PhD in "forensic psychiatry" and another one a PhD "Labour Psychology" on side. They should pick their enemies better? And some even as family and past girlfriends. Yes, even a Judge and a lawyer in family but in Quebec, in BC just a judge and a lawyers simply long time friends.

    The slime and losers now have some of their top legal/judicial minds with puppet Paul Klassen in place, and with John Brummitt and Tom Adair to maybe best defend "all them" as each so very very clever. They like making judgments putting things in writing. Bullying small weak men and women. The perfect sting? As documented. Bully me now?

    The criminals all thought they were all so very clever, just ganging up and criminally bullying, lying, insulting with their signature and trademarks "coercion and intimidation", deceptive omission  as done with many others they could intimidate. And the criminal slime thought they were just intimidating and insulting and demeaning and defaming some, "fun computer" guy. Others were very easy to intimidate. I was not. I played them everywhere I could. And did. Brought out the best in them? 

    Note: I am a fun computer guy. My cover as such was "fun computer" guy. "Yes, I am a "fun computer" guy. And so many other things. Many things they did not know. And still more surprises to follow. Now my turn to be as insulting as they were to so many others, my friends and myself, and as not part of their inner circle "criminal elite" and fueled with their tragic

    Now they get a few years of hard insulting abuse in criminal and civil courts "Ultra Vires" labour law and a few certainly go to jail or get deported? They will be social media stars when this goes viral. As will the MLA who first helps or BC Attorney General?

    Now they have absolutely no choice but to suffer my endless abuse as they once did to so many others. Should be obvious why they neither call police on me or advise whole membership and their families of this little blog for getting support for them?  However, unlike these bullies and lying BS artists, I'll be 100% honest and will put some in jail and destroy their careers and reputation honestly. Only fair? Fair? True? False? Read on bigger surprises hidden below.

    Then for the slime, I then made myself even a bit bigger target and was just some "big crazy guy" in early 90's who: Stood up for women beaten (See Fax to Gavin Craig), and members cheated and as very well documented, and with their following documented lies to police - and who they foolishly tried to intimidate as such. Which also all failed. Big time. Maybe not so clever?

    Calling police on me a bit ridiculous as well as criminal wrongful prosecution like their absurd internal trials now documenting their very tiny mental abilities and low life garbage white trash integrity. All well documented.

    Who would honestly hire this misleading human garbage once truth all told if not protected by a dirty union executive? And with such little real experience or such pathetic lack of specific skills, education or certification. Really? O
    nce truth all told? Really?

    Easy they thought to intimidate with their big shot Union and Hollywood lawyers and calls to police that would have intimidated "most other people" as it had. But sadly for the slime again not I. The troublemaker. They believed for a time I was like others and could be bullied and threatened. As documented. How foolish? Read on?

    Their textbook checklist narcissistic, very small man and small penis egos, squeaky voices and funny arrogant proud Alpha strut and walk - and with the four disgusting very sick dishonest ladies helping and praising them, all thought I couldn't or wouldn't fight back? Wrong again. Very wrong. I owe the victims, and hundreds who voted for myself and a full forensic audit this small effort. My only minor and meager reward so far impressing some very amazing ladies. As such for these criminal slime their best fantasy now my real memories? Classy women not having to suffer such men and often fun. Such whole life losers. Look what they had to settle for ladies.

    And they even thought in their pronounced ignorance and arrogance  I was intimidated by their impressive numbers and big show biz little office titles, and they thought I should have been intimidated with their big shot Union and Hollywood lawyers that they bragged they could afford (using proceeds of crime from membership fraud to cheating others out of life insurance and thus children), and thought I would not ever dare challenge their whole full inner circle deceptive dishonest dynasty of super brains - and possibly surprised kinda all alone. Thirty against one so none can call me a bully. Or frightened.

    Wrong again thinking they could fool me they were something or somebody. Or even considered I had far superior connections than this scum could ever imagine. Read on more fun surprises below. And much more surprises to come? They were wrong. Very wrong. And wrong about so many things. Lawyers don't scare me. See below.

    Another fifty year friend on Facebook an RCMP officer (Maple Leaf hockey star Johnny Bowers nephew for trivia value- and where not a Leaf fan guess which NHL record holding hockey star I played tennis with as added character reference with Nuns and Criminal Court Judges before a top draft?) And others who have known me since grade school. Mr. Dawson would have warned them I actually beat up the bullies who picked on girls and special ED in even grade school? Even in grade school I was a "Troublemaker". Maybe he'd even mentioned the other real record holding hockey stars I played tennis with before going to Toronto as a top draft. My other youthful references include which hall of fame Rock Star with April Wine? Which Vancouver Jazz fest star? Maybe my being a nice guy when Bryan Adams just help at Westward studios when I was writing and producing Federal Liberal radio ads and BA dating our junior copywriter helps. Or maybe being nice to Pam Anderson (also a victim of sexual assault) when just the Budweiser swimsuit ad model when working for Labatt might have something nice to say about me (She also a victim of sick men like Gillian Anderson). Why were Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin of The X-Files nice to me? And paying me an extra $35.00 an hour or coming to my table to sit at wrap parties and avoiding major known assholes. Which two actresses did I date from Jump Street to Space shows? Why did Gillian Anderson trust me to watch her child Piper (also a victim of similar sick men as mentioned here)? She also a class act helping again me help a child with cancer? I know what class acts are. Including in Teamsters and other unions. Add a McGill MA in psychology and female lead Jayne Heitmeyer also a hometown girl from Montreal. She knows I was a Dean requested speaker at McGill and another McGill prof my client. Seems classy RCMP, Actresses, Decorated Veterans, Hockey and Rock stars to Attorney General of Canada and a few hundred who voted for me in IATSE and some Teamsters like me and criminal slime in 891 clearly don't. Even documented it?

    Others have also seen me deal with cowardly men who assault women in bars, restaurants and private homes. In university, I was a under aged bouncer in the tougher bars in Montreal, Ottawa and Banff. As such, I could not be intimidated physically like others, or intimidated legally, economically or intellectually, by this group of such very arrogant and ignorant highly unaccomplished scum. As they do and did with thousands of others. The real victims. Not I.

    To start, my 50 year friendship and work with top multiple award winning CBC investigative journalist Terence Mckenna, just one small surprise, that made the smarter ones who got wise  run very fast. This when I brought Terry into this 891 story after dinner in his home in Montreal with family. And some tennis. This so I could have some major media help with my lawyers, guns, and money friends when time right. Like now. And some ran very fast. After my other surprises of who I was and knew, simply you could smell their fear. Some on Facebook know the money friends. Even had a Bronfman connection come as a date for a friend to X-Files wrap party when telling me she'd like a rich handsome guy. Took minutes. I also thought good to introduce to Bob Goodwin my Montreal and Houston money friends.

    Ask Vancouver Sun "Justice Critic" Ian Mulgrew if I know and went boating with publishers of Vancouver Magazine (shared boat ownership) and to be fair partied hard with Courier publisher or who really wrote the "7-Point Plan" for Western Canada for Prime Minister Turner when reporting directly to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada? Or did the ads to help promote Vancouver in Variety and Hollywood Reporter for City of Vancouver. Time for some very stupid ugly sick criminals to connect some dots. I told some at X-Files my vacation at Turner's Calgary Polo Club south of Calgary ranch but none realized why? And just guess why they all disgust me. Why I had the same lawyer Cookie Lazarus in Montreal as Justin's Trudeau's mother and paid nothing has surprised many others? Cookie worked for free as to impress my other "money" friends, when some big shot thought I could be bullied? He was also very wrong.

    My previous employers Fortune 500 giants and Federal Political parties and later the sad little fakes, frauds and felons in IATSE 891 executive and as lying stealing department heads thought I should "respect them" and not put criminal slime in "disrepute". Hardly with my real past.

    Gavin Craig when a big shot lying local president lying to RCMP thought such a big deal meeting Jean Chrétien. Well I was born in Shawinigan. My mother's best friend his sister. My grandfather helped their family. His cottage four down from family's? He liked my grandfather a local hero. Was tempting to put the fear of God in that slime 
    Gavin Craig with this Liberal connection whispering in Gavin's ear, but I held off. Kept silent on that and other things. As some in 891 know even when Jean Chrétien downstairs at parties where I lived, I didn't expose my connections there as well. As proven, so hardly one to brag for years and as best to trap this gang of slime and total frauds. Only revealed now to make a point about how we can judge those by the company they keep. And family history. And yes, John Molson son a friend on Facebook. His father a class act. Don't really know the son.

    It does gets a bit worse for the criminals than just one investigative award winning journalist and legal scholars as long time friends? And their friends? Read on. Who helped finance Lions Gate via Yorkton Securities? Some not criminal slime do like me. 

    Why are they so afraid of me now? Read more below about my other big surprises below and why the smell of their fear even among 5 past and present union local president Mitch Davies and two Executive Directors just meeting me at RCMP offices makes their hands shake and sweat. GSR ready? 5 years (+?) in jail not what some planned for their golden years and from windfall from proceeds of crime and corruption.

    Why so very afraid of me, as such uneducated, merit less frauds, women beaters, porn-loving puppy-kickers or helpers, and with big time union and Hollywood lawyers on standby for them, as they implied, and a even big shot MBA on staff? Why am I not intimidated? And to simply just meet me at RCMP offices for a tiny "friendly chat". Below will define the fear these criminals live with now daily.

    RCMP Key Point: John Brummitt and Tom Adair together (pictured above), as decades long very top key insiders, and both with their unquestionable integrity and intellect - and to add to their deep historic knowledge of "everything", both should have absolutely no problem both swearing under oath to RCMP my following or above claims all or in part not true. Should they? Should they? Dare they? Can they? Will they? Please do.

    Hey, for even more fun bring the brilliant judicial mind of puppet fool 
    Paul Klassen along, he likes playing big shot and enlighten judicial legal expert and judge, as a very stupid  judge in internal trials as documents do document very clearly - hope he likes the real thing. I do and will attend. Judge and be judged seems only fair for Paul and now an imperative. 
    And now this slime soon all fully exposed from Parliament buildings in Victoria to Police road checks in Revelstoke and Golden and to US border security at airports and borders. Judge and be judged as they say? 

    Paul Klassen forcing an appeal to Ken Anderson the "Bad Faith" deceptive poster boy as per BC LRB files and various registered letters documents also priceless. Paul Klassen and former local president Ken Anderson very ignorant uneducated cowardly criminal brown nose characters as well.  As documented. Too bad about so much documentation, witnesses, registered mail, email admissions and BC LRB to RCMP files with their lying clearly defined. Too bad?

    They have White Supremacists, Racists, Women beaters, Porn-loving puppy kicking top dogs, drug dealers and tragic addicts, major crooks (5k+) as members in good standing with Dusty Kelly, Tom Adair and I'm not? How revealing is that? They even still owe me money and as such certainly others as sickening criminal such slime.

    See new pictures and names of other criminal slime and those who aid and abet below.

    Note: As you read all the new material added January 21, 2018 below, just think how many slime and criminals in their gangs,  now "ALL"  have to tell the exact extremely well choreographed same cross-supporting lies to RCMP. And again without flaw? Why worry about statute of limitations when you can force a choice of lying to RCMP "again" and "again" or immediate admission of past and present guilt and criminal defamation as a trap? A win either way? Do the math. Ask an actuary how he'd bet?

    This symbiotic symphony of 100% successful solidarity in deceit with lying to RCMP again the criminal's only distant and best hope that no one goes to jail nor their assets all seized for victim compensation.  Stuff criminal court judges love? And makes it all more fun for me to see them bet on more lies and more criminal activity.

    Just a few even busted on a few lies and a few serious crimes and their whole gang has zero credibility fast and very horrible legal, public, political, member and even with their own family, optics. And the house of cards cracks and crumbles?

    Why are they so afraid to share this blog with "all members" and even share with their own family and friends,  if not cowardly criminals now all cornered and caught?  And why not use this blog to rally their loyal support - and show the whites of their eyes stuff? And provide us other's names?

    All they have now as a defence is hopes in much more clever lies to RCMP. More lies their only hope no matter how risky further criminal obstruction, wrongful prosecution, and possible perjury means attempting and the handy plus of criminal and civil defamation. And as well making criminal conspiracy and collusion also not even far more blatant.

    And best now the literally "hundreds of hours" for each of them to study and review "all details and documents" so not so easily trapped or look too obvious as fools trapped and faking selective ignorance?  They do all have or "had" such impressive titles?

    Again, remember the words of a legal superiors:

    "Your silence and your amnesia is complicity."

    Some will be on pay like Mitch Davies as present president planning lies. And again abusing honest members money and again like others in gang of slime for blatant self and conflict of interest stuff - and thus their conflict-of-interest with no union mandate, forcing honest members to pay again for criminal defence and/or legal help more disgusting.  True? False?

    And Mitch paid for his time in planning lies, while others not paid driving to weekend -wrecking and long boring night meetings to plan essentially more lies, and just trying to establish an agenda of lies fair to all criminals in their defence time consuming. This as hardly fair to the smaller criminals to be exposed to full criminal charges based on aid and abet. And not paid as well as a lying president. The price of solidarity. Some get very screwed.

    And consider the hours and cost to do even a half-assed defence from Mitch Davies and his local's retained lawyer and 891's silly MBA (also guilty?) to all other criminal elite? 
    "Hundreds of hours" for meetings with their super minds like John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Paul Klassen whose judgment has cost many dearly and critical a "full reading" of "all related old and new documents".
    This just as to reduce tricks and traps that could screw them all far worse later trying another cover up at last inning at bat. Details matter or just too easy to bust. And possible varied witness testimony to also consider. Witnesses for RCMP investigation with either their well protected identities" to those so easy to crush, squeeze and forced to testify and "squeal for a deal"?

    "Perfect Lies" their only "last hope" so any strategy even has a chance of fooling RCMP again and real criminal plus civil courts. Hundreds of hours now to best plan their lies and extremely awkward legal defence? A symphony of deceit must be mastered? And by those sadly very ignorant, uneducated and as documented knee-jerk impulsive slime, as will be obvious as one reads more below. And thus to our pleasure increases their legal risk and wager. I love it. 

    They don't have a chance too many crimes and too many traps, too many documents and witnesses, but living in a world of cognitive dissonance and Peter Principle case studies and filled with deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment BS black belts, they all deserve each other in their "herd". Some desperate to avoid jail to others avoiding possibly just fines. Perfect mix?

    And do add all their individual lawyers extremely very high legal cost to "each" to also study and read all documents. This imperative so their lawyers don't look seriously very stupid bluffing nothing more than an educated  "opinion" or acting like idiots buying lies from their criminal clients. Playing stupid for few may work?  But that another high-risk gamble in criminal obstruction. Their signature and trademark "deceptive omissions" and "fraudulent concealment" also a very big gamble in criminal obstruction. Sounds fun. 

    Glad Mitch Davies present 891 IATSE local president put his failed actor ego over legal logistics and legal realism, honesty and fair play and couldn't even dare mitigate a thing. Probably told to do nothing by his criminal puppet masters who supported him? And with an 891 lawyer with an impressive MBA on staff, he still screwed up. What a measured moron?

    Maybe Mitch Davies as such a leader wants to meet with me "all alone" at RCMP offices and show off his real leadership skills, integrity and intellect, charm and PR efforts? Why the hell not?And discuss and detail the merit that made him King. His core initial election support just over 200 votes. This with his impressive education, executive experience and previous accomplishments - and why he has the "right stuff". And why 475 votes for a full forensic audit still ignored by him? While union debt and where money went also ignored by thousands trusting him? And this gives him a fair chance to try to prove not just another dishonest IATSE 891 president flake and fraud who aids and abets criminals and women beaters and with comparatively so little education or experience or merit, as to best get elected - and who also offers criminals safety, for his cowardly silence and not "Rock the boat" political policy? Aid and abet?

    This RCMP visit should be easily motivated for 
    Mitch Davies and done as to "honestly" protect his career, reputation and at least his family good name and for his associated friends and political  support he really should defend them all. He should prove he's not as bad or worse than others? Well, if nothing to hide or lie about to RCMP could be a smart move. Why not as such a leader of men come alone. I can. I will.

    Update April 28, 2019

    Note: And where John Brummitt and Tom Adair scared out of their sick cowardly criminal minds to even protect their good family name and friends across BC and in their hometown local media, and just swear under oath that "any" or all my claims here untrue, I however:

    Am absolutely willing to swear under oath that "ALL" my statements here of fact and true at any RCMP office. Anytime. Even will do "non-admissible" voice polygraph as many criminal matters to help RCMP efficacy. Why or why won't the cowardly criminals as women beaters, porn loving puppy kickers and major crooks do the same if nothing criminal to hide

    Note: I do have a background and some education in use of polygraph and I love them. From Police technology friends in Montreal in 70's to my own own graduate studies using GSR in "Biocybernetics", I love them. Like CIA, Mossad, FBI, KGB and many employers also like and trust them.

    Hope lying sleazy sick big ego, small tool repair boys and highly accomplished top wall paper hangers as ready to volunteer to show off their real true sanity, intellect and integrity. This so RCMP not taxed by time and money with further efforts at criminal obstruction and mindless verbose deceptive babble from uneducated criminal slime, liars and losers. Fact?

    We don't want to waste RCMP time when they could be protecting and saving lives - even children's lives? As postured loving parents don't children's lives matter? Certainly Mitch Davies does not wish to waste RCMP time like other liars when they could be saving children's lives? Do we? Why they call it obstruction and an added crime diversionary or deceptive BS babble or any blatant deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment. Many traps? Many witnesses. Many documents. Should be around $10,000.00 to just get each of their lawyers simply up to speed on all key details and hopes of avoiding jail assome estimate? Each. Sharing a lawyer becomes just silly if trying to avoid obvious collusion and conspiracy facts?

    Will "any" of the criminal slime named and others who aid and abet, including, Tom Adair as past Executive Director of the BC Council of BC Film Unions, plus Paul Klassen as new present fake tiny shot Executive Director of the BC Council of BC Film Unions, and including ALL present and past 5 IATSE 891 Local PRESIDENTS "ALL" swear under oath my statements of fact "not"?  Solidarity critical?
    All free to come together and gang up on me as such clever Alpha males?
    I've taken on larger groups, lawyers and top scholars so find this kinda fun.

    Time to push this sick slime very hard in 2018. Who will and who won't sign a sworn affidavit a novel trap. Without ALL signing or some not, with this trick or trap, crimes get just too obvious to MLAs, RCMP and CRA? Certainly all in Rob Maier's gang can all swear under oath my claims, documents and witnesses all lies and they are the real honest accomplished ones and not just cowardly criminals fakes and frauds expoliting and cheating all BC taxpayers?

    Can't at least (1) one "honest" person, just even one (1?), without dirt and "blood on their hands" simply "honestly" just deny my claims under oath with RCMP? Just one (1)? What can it mean if not even (1) one stupid enough? What can it mean? Guilty of all claims and charges? All?

    By their so honest big titles of such honest merit seems with the fraud image all are my superior in their little tiny 891world of deception and make believe? Titles do mean something in 891 not just boy scout badges of key criminal political support and cowardly silence as women beaten and taxpayers to members children cheated? Why else?

    The titles have merit or just positions for silence supporting criminal culture? True? False? Bets? Let us ask Tom Adair as a perfect example of honest merit compared to my CV or my other more talented, skilled and educated friends in 891. (Labourer as per J.B.). Funny how the Attorney General of Canada judged me and had no problem as with Fortune 500 giants my bill out rate more than doctors vs. the genius and judgement of John Brummitt, Tom Adair and Paul Klassen who felt they deserved higher pay and were my peers. Fakes and criminal frauds? Big time.

    Note: I did work directly reporting to Ron Basford while paid by "Red Leaf" and writing "7-Point plan" for Western Canada for Prime Minister Turner. Ron Basford was only the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada (1975–1978). He trusted me with message and media buying. And millions of votes and dollars of Liberal money. And certainly wouldn't trust or hire any of these sleazy idiots, fakes and such cowardly criminals? And who would he use for new business over Dusty Kelly famous for her big breasts at Wreck beach and pix dating former NDP heavy Dix in Hollywood? A former wreck beach retailing tax cheat and failed Emily Carr artist or those with more education, experience and accomplishment. Who should Horgan and Dix trust if now given a second chance?

    Just like Producers from Fox, Disney and Spelling trusted my brains and even psychiatrists paid me to help get new business, but oddly the super uneducated unaccomplished dishonest slime thought a paint brush cleaner like Dusty Kelly a smarter new business choice? And why even in film industry even paid me extra. How could I bill for 12 hr days and 12 day weeks as per deal memo and save productions money and others can't. I also did at the very same time as work with the former Attorney General of Canada, the CRTC appeals in Ottawa (without Labatt lawyers) for two ads I'd written that I appealed alone. Both that later went on to win two International Broadcast Awards in Hollywood. Not much compared to these so very highly educated and accomplished criminal super brains like Tom Adair? Fact check? Please do. 

    Why do they get elected if such little education, "honest" experience and accomplishment and not related, if any, and with such very little union experience or real world business experience, compared to others easily their superior. Seems helping criminals enough once your cowardice proven by your silence and your cheer leading of criminals and women beaters blatant. As documented.

    Yes, I can handle lawyers. As I've proven in Federal politics and at highest levels. This working for both Ron Basford as former Attorney General of Canada, and also paid work for Stanley Hart ("The brains behind Mulroney"), Sinclair Lewis (Economic Development East Coast), CRTC tribunals in Ottawa/Hull, and in BC criminal and civil court and even civil law courts in Quebec. And with a forty year friendship with BC criminal Court Judge, even the unmatched education, intellect and integrity of Tom Adair and John Brummitt both together as a power play and ideally face-to-face in RCMP offices and with all of us under oath as such, really kinda fun.

    Making their titles, promotion, corrupt elections and honest merit a humiliating joke and clear by their "honest real" education, experience, accomplishments, intellect and integrity. We can judge people by the company they keep and who pays them the most. Or the herd they play well with for decades? Proof enough? Decades?

    On a very serious note what damage to their children can such deceptive and bully flakes and fakes have on their poor children? Seriously? Such great lying and stealing role models. Poor kids, poor wives and husbands. 

    Two such superiors as both Tom Adair and John Brummitt together in education, accomplishment against just little wee me (Labourer as per J.B.) and I'm not much in Tom Adair's eyes as per his honest conflict-of-interest editorial as he defames to protect himself and other incompetents and criminals oddly in positions of trust?  

    And possibly also amusing with my forty year friendship with an internationally and big law firm respected Oxford/Osgoode/Legal scholar do add, as funny, but also true. And with my other friend and former roommate a BC Criminal Court Judge , and believe it or not even my Ottawa Orthopedic doctor Dr. Guy Moreau in Ottawa, also a law school graduate: On my mothers side another Judge and a lawyer. My mother babysat Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. Criminals should start to connect all the dots and all the lawyers and legal scholars?

    My 891 superiors like Tom Adair and Paul Klassen as such so easy for me to now judge, ridicule and now legally defame and humiliate when both documented clearly helping aid and abet criminals from women beaters, puppy dog kickers to tax cheats and as well documented, yet so brave and bold dare defaming me in their pronounced ignorance. Now they get charged with my sworn affidavit aiding and abetting criminals. My turn to be insulting by simply being fully honest?

    Not their fault they didn't know who they were playing with. Such now documented idiots and slime. What are they so very afraid of now? And all three  such good talkers and with their limited one-trick, one industry big huge and long titles and with such meaningful education, education and accomplishment - they must have some small tiny "honest" merit to debate me - and with two or three or thirty against one at RCMP offices and just me. Why not? If no crimes to hide and criminals to protect this should not be a problem?

    Can criminals handle ALL the truth? More about my legal friends below. And how idiot Paul Klassen dared judged me vs. the Attorney General of Canada's judgment of me (to make a point on what a sad sick joke he and his future career is and now such a high profile easy target and so easy to document his corrupt and criminal helpfulness). This done by Paul Klassen as documented his cleverness so criminals save face from "disrepute  and his criminal support now definesPaul Klassen's now very limited career. As documented. What a joke? 

    He should have done more research on me before full of himself playing little league legal mind and to even dare even judging others his superior and hardly by a jury of my peers? What an idiot? True? False?

    Paul Klassen will be haunted and hunted for years. Well,  until police and courts deal with him fully, helping criminals with the facade of legitimacy as documented, and such slime done for political points and position with criminal elite.

    Paul's helping idiots and criminals so they are not held in "disrepute" certainly illustrates what deceptive cowardly scum he "really honestly" is. And what an idiot. Wait until his family and business contacts know the real truth. As documented. And how stupid not doing his homework or minimal standard of care and further defaming me in their clear conspiracy and collusion. As documented. "Judge and be judged" as courts say. As documented. Idiots? Let those more educated in police and legal matters decide?

    Was told for legal strategy to avoid internal trials as "when the cat's away the mice will play", but to do make certain I got all related documentation on mice at play. I did.


    The purpose of this blog is to:
    • Make certain criminals enriched by windfall from tax credit fraud and disgustingly paid more than nurses, teachers and police, soon go to jail.
    • Make certain more women to honest workers feel a bit safer in IATSE 891 from violent assault, harassment and economic interference or for Labour Law nuts and those not incorporated to show economic interference with old school  "fair representation".
    • Ensure a full and very serious full police investigation on all 30 criminals named and those who clearly aid and abet. 
    • With a tandem full provincial Film Industry inquiry (again, and far more meaningful) as to help all taxpayers, industry, women to honest senior and young honestly talented and skilled workers. And revealing the obvious abuse of nepotism and cronyism to cheat thousands. No exaggeration here.
    • And ensure a serious "comprehensive "RCMP" full forensic audit of those named and their criminal financial abuses and actions and the more corrupt and cowardly aid and abet with their critical support or very cowardly silence. (This as documented well and further warranted by 470 "obviously honest" member votes for a "full forensic audit"). Can it be any more obvious: "Houston we have a problem"? As documented. And even far more revealing are those honest members with an accounting and audit background and those who can do linear regression and other audit skills the frauds can't, seems odd so many voted for a "full forensic audit" and others intimidated not to? And those clearly uneducated criminals involved wouldn't and couldn't vote for a suicide audit could they - and best 475 members also ignored by two "trustees" with neither the same formal education or real business experience and as clearly protecting themselves and clear conflict-of-interest when defending abuse of funds. Certainly criminals not supporting a very well warranted audit. Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly have something to hide about member's money to members also seems kinda blatant? 
    • Provide victims from beaten women to cheated trusting workers and all cheated taxpayers compensation via these criminals and their poorly laundered and transparent proceeds of crime laundered as position, titles, power and perks for helping criminals and cheating all BC taxpayers. Ideally  with "Seizure before Judgement" and border security listing as flight risk real.  They earned it?

    Plus, a full investigation of "all" criminals named in IATSE 891 union executive and other big shots like those who aid and abet the criminals in union executive in millions in BC taxpayer tax credit fraud to common theft and for (4) four decades. Including four very sick low self esteem very ugly unaccomplished ladies and very much in the criminal know and helping criminals and corruption. And as a very key target, one who makes it appear dear and near friends with John Horgan and clearly as documented as a Dix date in Hollywood. Like that could intimidate or impress me.

    Not their money this dishonest pair ready for wasting with inflated promises and uneducated ROI and economic babble on four star travel?

    The fraud continues under Mitch Davies,  as present president of Local 
    891, and as with all past five presidents "afraid to rock the criminal boat" and windfall for lying criminal slime and thieves (5k+)".

    This effort by myself done all as per the law. And to ensure "honest" compensation of ALL victims.

    Women beaters, tax cheats, cowardly bullies,  junkies, drunks, thieves and those wanting part of proceeds of crime like
    Tom Adair obviously did not vote for a full forensic audit. Why not?

    The slime including class act Mitch Davies even still "honestly" owes me money from Production contribution. They better have very solid numbers that match mine to the penny, on that as well, or what they did with mine and many others money without mandate or permission and held in "trust" without authority,  and just their deceptive declared divine right also looks pretty sick. Or add one more additional sick disgusting criminal act to so very many. And this also beyond debate. As documented.

    Caught two executives once, both clever CA's using trust money in a non-union world and they got fired and careers destroyed. Harder in unions busting these same cowardly small man complex criminals and the ugly disgusting ladies who clearly support them. Labour code outdated and protects criminals and their abuse. This a case in point why Bill 377 critical. Saw many MBA's also busted being so full of themselves. Lawyers called before the bar. I do have history? Am not just a fun computer guy.

    This slime protected by mindless solidarity in/by a criminal elite.

    Nobody fooled: Remember that silence means acceptance. And means aid and abet more than blatant. In a fiduciary role or position of "Trust" even worse.

     Why did one President already document in an e-mail to me an apology (associated guilt?), and "disgust" for his prior executive's actions and even tried to help in a very small way? Compared to the disgusting cowards and criminals who didn't?

    Who are they trying to lie and mislead now as more PR BS as per below?

    What's so good about this blog?

    1) Keeps these cowardly sneaky lying criminals names and faces in the News as things in 2018 now expand and mushroom. And the friends and company they keep to be added also news. Clearly.

    This keeps violence against women, sexual assault and harassment in the BC film industry in the news, as so needed and hopefully helps protect a few women in 891 as others in executive don't, didn't, won't and couldn't? And from abuse to harassment for decades, as compared to my real "non-paid" honest efforts to help vs. Mitch Davies high paid and PR efforts not to. makes another rock solid legal point?

    And hopefully this also soon addressed in another but far more meaningful Provincial Film Industry Inquiry not just criminal and civil courts. This as with other forensic issues like millions in tax credit fraud cheating ALL BC taxpayers to honest and oddly more talented, experienced educated, members deserves notice?

    2) This tests the integrity and ensures future honest credibility of BC NDP? Or not?

    As voter support now maxed for BC NDP as future polls will support and popularity falling as Horgan honeymoon ends and Site C scandal mushrooms in 2018, they may see doing something honest and meaningful for all taxpayers as smart content rich and credible brand and share building? Or not? Always happens when promises measured against promises, pontification and performance priorities. No fault of any leader or Horgan. For now?

    However, if BC NDP will clean a known dirty high profile union local for "credibility" and a warning to other dirty union executives, Libs and Green switchers and Women more credibly possible there for strategic incremental growth in votes. Things can change. Possible NDP majority as looking like honest and real heroes to honest workers union and non, taxpayers and certainly women not the dumbest marketing move so far by NDP? And time to not be haunted by history from "Hal Banks", "Bingo", Clark and Dix errors in critical political judgement and calendar dates.

    Hey, I'm betting the kid with a big bright future from Kits,
    David Eby as the BC Attorney General, who oddly is an award-winning lawyer and to date, well respected and "trusted" for his work on constitutional and administrative law issues. And best related to the protection and promotion of "human rights and democratic freedoms". He, by time this read by most criminals, has  also gotten a letter with my legal references as partial introduction and a link to this blog. And has then both criminals names and faces. Yes, he now has the criminals names and faces as RCMP and soon CRA will as well.

    What do I know? I started in '79 helping Federal Liberals and Justin's Dad in Montreal with getting votes on East Coast at Bronfman PR firm PIR on Sherbrooke St. in Montreal and later helping working under Ron Basford flip Quadra in '85 in "Red Leaf" doing "Damage Control" for Turner against Mulroney. And pioneer work in psychographic to broadcast footprint mapping. I studied cartography. I honestly wrote the "7 Point Plan" for Western Canada for Turner in election. I also grew up with Award Winning Investigative Journalist Terence Mckenna and worked at CBC Toronto on Quebec Politics. I'm very comfortable in Criminal and Civil courts. And with politics. What do I know? Odd on the East Coast I'm shortlisted to work as VP for Oland breweries and on West Coast honest IATSE 891 thinks best to list me as a labourer. Don Ramsden so clever with his shoe shine boy John Brummitt will be fun to confront in courts or with RCMP as both brilliant honest men and not just as possible fact porn loving and women beating slime as many witnessed or suspect. A simple volunteer voice polygraph of both would clear their good names quickly and make me lose my Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC quickly. Why so slow?

    3) Makes criminals accountable in both criminal and civil courts.

    This keeps union executives and (5) five union presidents and (2) two Executive Directors of the BC Council of Film Unions (past and present) responsible for the crimes they directed or aid and abet.This from film tax credit fraud in millions, membership fraud in millions to health and benefit fraud for added many millions, and fraud of honest taxpayer and members money. Also in millions. And coverups of violence against women. Judge and be judged. Publish at your peril.

    4) Exposes all cowards criminals and their key executive and insider support.

    Yes this union so toxic, criminal and corrupt possibly only trusteeship and RCMP review of all in executives past and present  and employees questioned. Fully. Also high score actuarial targets for CRA.

    This proves present president Mitch Davies not capable, as at best a wannabe actor and recent average union carpenter, of being an effective president. This as lacking much real business, legal, or experience of mitigating his or members giant liability by his clearly cowardly silence on this matter. Ignorance? Well compared to others and myself and any my far more educated and accomplished friends in 891. Like other real world weaklings, cowards and creeps not helping women, Mitch Davies will be back covered and sawdust for final years doing 10 hour days.

    Or like tragic Gavin Craig still trying to impress others he can be trusted. Peter Principle? Dunning and Kruger? All afraid to help victims but proud to help cowardly criminals? It pays well in 891. And he even has an MBA on staff and a 891 Lawyer to help him and still too much of a major moron to mitigate.

    Simple question, that leads to so many more:

    Would Mitch Davies, and in real honest fact, or any of the past 5 presidents been elected if they had gone after their own department or others, for crimes from time and material theft, violence against women, membership to health fraud (they are all very connected)?

    Or even dare challenged Don Ramsden's to Gavin Craig's gang/group/people for criminal acts as I have. Including "Intimidation and Coercion" against their own members as per BC LRB case files? Add lies to RCMP? Oddly, this never an internal trial issue? Where Paul Klassen in fiduciary position of "Trust" as internal trial judge very willing to entertain and defame any putting criminal elite in "disrepute". As documented.

    Most courts, and both criminal and civil should find Mr. Klassen a bit disgusting in his virtue? And a gang from Frank Haddad's documented support for an internal trial oddly done at lightning speed odd. As documented.

    Why? Why do they do such profoundly stupid criminal acts to  defame and "intimidate and coerce". Simply as to show who runs this very disgusting dirty union local. 891 known for cover-ups, out-of-court settlements, illegal and void non-disclosure agreements to also help criminal elite get paid more than nurses, teachers and police.

    As none of those named dare do a volunteer non-admissible voice polygraph on this, and I "certainly" can, as to help speed things for RCMP just who do they think they can deceive and fool in "real world" in real courts and surrounded by those really far more honest, accomplished and far more educated? And they can no longer "intimidate and coerce" as per BC LRB files that define their corrupt and criminal culture with files from two law firms. And for four decades. Fact check? Please do.

    Note, with an hour bank system for health and medical benefits so well documented for decades that would make Donald Trump look kind and compassionate and Tommy Douglas vomit, who do these selfish greedy uneducated morons think they can fool. And with an MBA on payroll and also in a fiduciary role? Get real? I've made monkeys out of many MBAs so he hardly impresses me. Or the Dean of Business at Western as per his attack on such MBA bozos. They all cheated so many by their documented greed and self-interest to documented gross incompetence with a tragically amusing standard of care blatant.

    I hope NDP and Green get on this before it becomes a very honest key BC Liberal issue to further humiliate and shame NDP already vote maxed out as Site "C" scandal and relations further erode NDP credibility in 2018?

    Note: I worked for Federal Liberals directly under and directly reporting to Ron Basford former Attorney General of Canada crunching numbers and mapping broadcast footprints to psychographics. lesser titles as such with less integrity hardly intimidate or impress me. Why they paid so well with Fortune 500 giants a bit smarter than all the criminal slime in IATSE 891. Yes, not just writing words for a Prime Minister. I also did the audit on BC Tourism for Cossette advertising and then even turned on Cossette.

    And still NDP still suspect of many after Dix and Clark honorable history. No time for more dumb dishonest acts? And many still appreciate the Hal Bank's history?

    Maybe this will help my hero Sonia Furstenau and Liz May and the Green Party claims of "Participatory Democracy and Social Justice" not just like others babble. This case should reveal so much about the present BC NDP and the company they keep? And again with little opportunity for voter growth for NDP a present actuarial fact.

    Note: I've been in more unions than John Horgan and as Broadbent Institute knows, I'm a big fan of Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton. And hate criminals and cowardly greedy ignorant self-serving slease. In any party.

    I'm certain when RCMP question those named and pictured here and their loyal aid and abet friends, the slime's body language to awkward verbose answers will be revealing enough.

    Note: Homo sapiens are herd animals, and humans are most happy when they are amongst "their own herd - or tribe". Unfortunately "lika barn leka bäst" - similar kids play best together - and the more homogenous a group is, the more tightly knit the group is . As documented. And thus why these scum hate me and oddly on the other extreme some very smart and very accomplished and educated people do?

    To make it easy for RCMP, I can just start reviewing history of crimes with both myself and John Brummitt (one-on-one, face-to-face and eye-to-eye) and Brummitt can deny/lie as he wishes and best not knowing what other honest witnesses have already informed RCMP about with protected identities And other documents and email make clear. What's wrong with John Brummitt alone defending all his friends for a few days?

    Of the 475 voting for a full forensic audit, just possibly a few dozen of those "honest" members willing to tell RCMP the truth (with identities protected) prior to executive interrogation, as the easy way RCMP spot criminals and liars and better focus investigations and as an added clear case for obvious criminal obstruction. Their lies will now hurt more than help such documented and witnessed criminals and corrupt. Fraudulent concealment and deceptive emissions also constitute criminal obstruction. Handy? Yes.

    I like this as helps add even add more jail time for liars and John Brummitt and adding with other lies to RCMP with those in Gavin Craig's gang and Rob Maier's gang of liars and losers, already busted as documented in police files for lying to RCMP. Bets? And we get fat asshole criminal kiss-ass fraud and fool Ken Anderson for far more than bad faith as defined in BC LRB case files.

    Hope those in "present" and past executive can "ALL" sign a sworn affidavit my claims not 100% fact?

    If not, aid and abetting criminals blatant and clear obstruction defines many legal optics? Think about how this great trick and trap works on many levels? You either agree with me or you don't. That simple. No wiggle room at all. Poor Tom Adair and Paul Klassen both documented not agreeing with me. With other similar less educated, accomplished and experienced like Ken Anderson. All so clever and so cowardly and creepy.

    Think of the damage done to their poor children and abused partners with this groups egos and mindset. Seriously what damage done to their children?

    John Brummitt and former president Ken Anderson's documented "Bad Faith" and superior intellect and integrity well noted in previous Provincial Inquiries and BC LRB case files, registered mail and correspondence, and emails.

    Time for Tom Adair (former major Capilano College and Small Town big shot "Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions") and myself (Dean requested speaker at McGill, UBC and SFU) can both do volunteer (non-admissible) voice polygraph as to "best help police" in this matter and prove who is honest and who is a sad cowardly criminal fake and disgusting fraud, and who helped criminals cheat taxpayers to members for decades. And treat 475 people more honest, educated and accomplished members like fools voting for a forensic audit as Tom Adair documented so well. Time for Tom and his big vocabulary and verbose BS to dance with me at RCMP offices. Or "Squeal for a Deal" to avoid jail time and huge legal costs.

    NOTE: I know what fakes some really are as I really do also have a university degree in Film and TV production and legal studies and a history in advertising of budgeting, producing, directing, writing and directing for film and TV. Fakes and frauds as such far too obvious. And again I've been in more film unions than any of the sleaze. And in more unions than John Horgan and Dix. I was a CUPE grievance coordinator in 79 and ACTRA permit in 1980. What were they then? Not just on board of directors of a public company or working for the former Attorney General of Canada in my past. Read on. It gets very funny.

    Who should go to jail? Mr. Adair can bring the present Executive Director Paul Klassen also noted for his documented judgement helping criminals and beyond debate and again also well documented in trial transcripts and bring super slime John Brummitt for intellectual, integrity and educational muscle. Three highly educated and impressive intellects against little wee me? What can they "honestly" fear? Read on.

    Funny how the slime got even more cowardly when they found out my very few Facebook friends include a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer.

    Or did they realize how insanely stupid they are when finding I dined and sailed with old school friend an Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar (Labour/Women's Issues) and oddly former acting chair of UBC law faculty? Oddly, all I've known since high school or grade school.

    How stupid, cowardly and criminal all past five IATSE 891 presidents now appear is now beyond debate? We certainly can judge people by the company they keep and by voice polygraph?

    Working and directly reporting to Ron Basford the former Attorney General of Canada must clue others many dots still to connect. And how more than literally hundreds vote for me in a small union local without promise of proceeds of crime for me to "rock the boat".

     So much for lawyers to read will get insanely expensive for further missuese of member's money and time "again" to try and get a lawyer even to speculate on even an "opinion" in their defence. But worth a laugh for honest people. This is a criminal matter and "honest" 891 members paying again to support criminals a bit too revealing as well? Gavin spent how much on legal and paid time to also try and "intimidate and coerce" me prior and legitimize his gang in executives with lies to RCMP and his pathetic and so desperate legal costs and effort. Thank God, West Van RCMP saw through the slime before I arrived at their offices.

    With homeless to hungry children in BC and women suffering violent assault to sexual harassment in IATSE 891, we can not let these cowardly, unaccomplished, uneducated self glorifying real criminal slime be so greatly enriched by criminal gain and windfall, thinking they are above the law or smarter than God.

    Lying to RCMP (2) twice documented by their friends. John Brummitt knows this as very involved with both lying groups. Again as RCMP already know I can sign a sworn affidavit.

    Living with a future BC Criminal Court judge and having a law firm as a client and an Oxford legal scholar as a long time friend you learn a few tricks and legal traps. My own undergraduate legal studies also kinda helpful. Ya' think?

    Yes, I'll swear under oath everything I say is true and gladly volunteer for an RCMP voice polygraph. None of the slime can.

    In Ontario and Quebec dirty ugly criminal union executives like this go to jail for so much less. The BC "Hal Banks" history should not be further encouraged. Other needs for Labour Reform well documented.

    Victims matter?

    All victims. Victims from ALL BC taxpayers cheated of millions for over four decades via film tax credit fraud, assaulted to harassed women, trusting and cheated members, to others as victims sadly agreeing to out of court settlements (to keep things out of case law) and signing even illegal and void non-disclosure agreements under clear duress and suffering tacit "intimidation and coercion" (making these too clever non-disclosure agreements void or illegal). And the slime behind it all far too obvious.

    In addition, the goal to put all these criminals named, pictured above and below and those still to be named (and their helpers clearly aid and abetting) in crime, corruption and gross negligence and incompetence, in jail. Even an MBA thinking his hands clean.

    And proceeds of crime must be seized before Judgement. We once had a smart client not paying bills once, so we had sheriffs pulling cash out of retail tills when stores were open and customers standing in line, to make a point that this warranted. Seizure before judgment nothing new or novel.

    Aid and abet union executive support also "very enriched" by crime, fraud and corruption. And all also to be put in jail with their assets as clear "laundered proceeds of crime". Hidden exactly like they do in criminal casinos as pay, position, perks and power with a front of honest workers and legitimacy again nothing new. And thus assets seized. Ideally seizure before judgement as amounts in criminal law do also justify this and textbook "flight risk".

    Anyone or group in foolish solidarity/"conspiracy" with this slime very welcome to now dare deny, debate or defame me in RCMP offices and thus are more than welcome to entertain even further criminal obstruction and additional charges with more easy humiliation, and now with further added RCMP witnessed: wrongful prosecution and obvious obstructive deception. Sounds fun.

    What EXACTLY are those above pictured and named so far, so very afraid of just going to RCMP offices to just "chat" a bit with just me?

    Oddly, now so slow to try anything now when once this slime and so often so very quick to call police on other matters and documented very "speedy" internal trials, as also well documented, and best clearly when used used to protect criminals "reputations" and "intimidate and coerce" honest whistle blowers. Any idiots want to debate this? As documented far beyond debate except for legal morons? Also well documented and witnessed.

    Again, I've worked in very honest and business-like unions all across Canada and more than John Horgan and Dix. And like most 95% of IATSE 891 local members honest, very talented, skilled. I'm a fan of many honest 891 members. Just ignorant criminal slime, fakes and frauds in executive for decades the big problem in 891. Needs trusteeship to clean out the clinical 10% sociopathic, narcissistic and psychopaths factor usually in the bottom of most unions and corporations not often in the top executive as seen here.

    As these low life criminals enriched by tax credit fraud to time and material theft, supported by their criminal union executives who need their criminal support, and enriched far beyond their "real honest" talent, skills, education and experience". This as directly compared to others far more honest, educated, trained, tested and certified in 891. Teachers, nurses and police also cheated of added funds/investment in film tax credit enriching 891's criminal elite and not going to others more honest.

    Yes, you don't need to have studied microeconomics and elasticity in university (Concordia) oo basic linear regression, when others fake it to see how nurses, teachers and police incomes cheated, and when so much money enriching uneducated criminal slime in 891.

    And cheating many others and a clear majority in IATSE 891, also far more honest, educated and accomplished, than these well documented and witnessed frauds and slime with so little business experience (but oddly can secure "New Business" titles), education or accomplishment. This human slime enjoying criminal windfall life styles and absurd pay, power perks and perks and exotic travel while many BC homeless, children hungry and honest tax payers ALL cheated. And honest talented members. This is disgusting. This is not a joke.

    Lies to RCMP on file, to previous Provincial film union inquiries and BC LRB findings of clear "coercion and intimidation" and repeated "bad faith" by these very ignorant and arrogant slime a tiny bit beyond debate. And also well documented. Like their documented nepotism and criminal cronyism a bit hard to fool anyone. Most criminal morons have family employed like they owned the business.

    And still to this day, these crimes continue and victims still victims including indirectly all BC taxpayers, nurses, teachers, police, industry and sister unions and women. And their own trusting membership. Sadly with major coward Mitch Davie still aiding his key and critical criminal support. Such a charmer.

    This sleazy deceitful group also has a history of ensuring only creeps and cowards who won't question women beaters to major thieves (5K+) get elected. Kinda obvious to many?

    Changing election material without permission as Dusty Kelly documented in emails to best protect major coward and creep Don Ramsden a case in point. Telling lies as documented to RCMP and members also makes more things clear. Why exactly do the sleaziest (as per LRB cases, out of court settlements and prior Provincial Inquiries, and pay off to beaten women using member loans/financing) get elected in 891, when so many more honest, accomplished, experienced and educated not. Not normal in all the honest unions I've been part of? Again I've been in more unions than John Horgan and Dix possibly combined?

    To End Violence Against Women, We Must Fight All Forms Of Oppression 11/25/2017 05:53 am ET Huffington Post

    As a note, good to see cowardly slime like Tom Adair gone after aid and abetting women beaters and tax credit fraud and for a short time enjoying his proceeds of crime in his golden years and soon exposed in his hometown as just a cowardly nobody and patsy for criminals to puppet master as needed, well until RCMP fully investigate Tom Adair  and my "sworn claims".

    Great to see Don Ramsden exposed and not able to get the enough votes from even his enriched criminal friends and those they could "intimidate and coerce" or fool or buy off with political appointment and jobs like Tom Adair and others. So odd when many others as non-debatable fact as Tom Adair's clear superior in intellect and integrity to his education and experience and blocked by many documented corrupt elections to help Tom. Yes, help poor Tom pretend he's not total cowardly verbose human garbage and documented ignoring 475 members his superior in integrity who wanted as documented a full forensic audit on him and Dusty Kelly.

    Glad Gavin Craig's been exposed as an absolute 100% ass hole like buddy Ken Anderson to so many and has clear documentation against him from internal charges to his gang's effort to lie to RCMP with Susan Butler-Grey and use RCMP like his pawns and puppets and blowing honest members money and time, easily over $100,000.00 for his ego trying to intimidate or impress little me. And failed.

    Happy to hear Dusty Kelly now with music union where I have boyhood contacts from April Wine on East Coast to many musicians on Vancouver Island and friends as stars of Van Jazz Fest, so can haunt her until she goes to jail. Clearly Dusty abusing members funds with trips and PR photo costs to appear an NDP insider and aid abetting in tax credit fraud to benefit trust fraud. Her pictures with Horgan and Dix not only embarrassing but evidence?

    Like how John Brummitt now just a major loser again fixing small tools and now setup as our key target for RCMP to totally crucify on multiple counts.

    Nice how easy now to humiliate and prosecute 
    Paul Klassen as the new Executive Director of BC Council of Film Unions and humiliate him from DGC to Creative BC and best with honest NDP MLA's like the honest Attorney General David Eby, Q.C. and with Green and BC Liberals.

    Rob Maier's sick gang including Frank and Liz and their long time loyality also hard to debate in criminal court or with CRA. Also easy now to further and fully expose for police and for theft over 5K as with Rob Maier.

    Just need get rid of the ugliness left in 891 like loud obnoxious bully-bitch Susan Butler-Grey and a big win for all honest members.

    Ken Anderson now a very easy legal kill with a legal head shot as per documentation from my registered mail correspondence to BC LRB showing he's both cowardly scum and not just dumb as doorknob, not covering his fat ass.

    Yes, some may possibly get a bit lucky like O.J Simpson to CBC's Jian Ghomeshi and walk from all or some criminal charges, but their reputation and image to their fans, family and friends and all BC destroyed as well. Justice comes in many forms.

    Too bad for slime and criminal cowards and bullies, I have both friendly witnesses and those who can "easily" be forced to testify against their low life "criminal brothers and sisters" for a textbook squeal for a deal play. And tons of documentation from two law firms (Vera and Harvey out-of-court settlements, again costing honest members money in trust to protect criminal members in executive), and cornerstone, RCMP files documenting lie(s) to RCMP by Gavin Craig's and Rob Maier's gang of thieves and CRA tax cheats, plus internal memos, emails, registered mail (Ken Anderson, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly and Elmar got sloppy).

    What will Mitch Davies do to mitigate damages for 891 for honest members. I do owe the 475 who voted for me to lead a forensic audit against this slime to do my best. And best, Mitch as documented had just over two hundred (200+ as core initial support vs. 475?). What can it mean all this honest documentation and interesting real math and historic numbers? Did anyone do linear regressions on this BS corrupt election bit? We will in a real criminal court? And as these slime can no longer intimidate as so many with inflated little shot titles gone. Fun times ahead.

    Psychopaths, Narcissistic or Sociopath?

    Pathological liars and very criminal fakes, fools and frauds a given? What's wrong with this human dirt named and pictured here beyond the clearly obvious and also easy to prove? Dunning and Kruger effect and case by case cognitive dissonance? Peter Principle?

    Note: Homo sapiens are herd animals, and humans are most happy when they are amongst "their own herd - or tribe" - similar kids play best "together" - and the more homogeneous a group is, the more tightly knit the group is . As documented.

    Psychopaths show no remorse for their criminal actions, usually because of a lesion on a part of their brain responsible for fear and judgment, known as the amygdala. Psychopaths crave control and impulsivity, possess a predatory instinct, and attack proactively rather than as a reaction to confrontation. Anyone want examples?

    Sociopathic behavior is manifested as conniving and deceitful, noted fraudulent concealment and deceitful omission trademarks of these signature slime, despite an outward appearance of "trustworthiness or sincerity". Sociopaths are often as well documented pathological liars. They are manipulative and lack the ability to judge the morality of a situation, but not because they lack a moral compass; rather, their existing moral compass is greatly (yet not always dangerously) skewed or very badly broken.

    So far only a few have documented remorse in written apologies. They saw or know lawyers? Or writing on the wall or did some real research on my past. The others lack a moral compass and as well documented textbook narcissistic traits as well as to crave control as bullies using 100% BS as documented. Small man small penis visually suspect too obvious? This despite" despite an outward appearance of trustworthiness or sincerity". Also as documented.

    Only two have apologized to me and thus legally distanced themselves from this human criminal trash? Others legal morons like Mitch Davies pretending.

    Note: My cousin one of Canada's top forensic psychiatrists, and was  at St.Paul's in Vancouver and we discussed this slime and how to legally prosecute. And others in family psychologists and a friend a psychiatric nurse with even a phone app to help call a spade a spade. And old girlfriend a PhD in Psychology (Labour). These are sick cowardly deceitful bullies. Their children very possibly at risk or already damaged as drug to alcohol abuse makes very clear? Already damaged by such parents. Fact check? Yes, a psychiatric phone app.

    Note: Maybe I do know something? Again, I've been in far more unions all across Canada than John Horgan and in honest fact most in BC Federation of Labour and this starting as a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE in Montreal in 1979. I know my stuff. 90% of unions very honest and intelligent. I have a feel for Unions. And am a big fan of Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton. And any honest NDP. Or honest Liberals.
    And am a big fan of Liz May. Oddly for her intellect in economic matters. 

    ALSO for my feel on "unions, executives and criminal acts", also add that my friends/roommates have included a BC Criminal Court Judge (See my very few friends on Facebook) and a Montreal grade school friend was with RCMP. Further add an internationally recognized Oxford/Osgoode legal scholar in Labour law (who oddly when acting chair of law faculty of UBC helped directly in this IATSE 891 criminal slime matter. And has also known me for over forty years.

    Who ya' gonna trust? Tom Adair? Paul Klassen? John Brummitt? And as to better to judge me than the former Attorney General of Canada, an Oxford Legal Scholar, a BC Criminal Court judge and few fun RCMP in Jasper, West Van and Montreal. I am kinda of a fun guy. How I might have such classy educated classy girlfriends and don't have to settle for low self esteem dishonest white uneducated ober weight decadent self consumed human trash? Will get much more obvious as more to follow.

    Those who violently beat up women? Major crooks (5k+) and criminals and their loyal long time aid and abet friends also enriched oddly hate me and now can't even fake they support me? What do we know compared to the ignorant and arrogant far less educated criminal brains in IATSE union like John Brummitt and Ken Anderson to Gavin Craig and Mitch Davies?

    Time for the highly accomplished lying cowardly scum and human garbage from Revelstoke BC John Brummitt to meet me face-to-face with RCMP interrogation experts who can smell a criminal and liar and BS within seconds. Just like I did. And John Brummitt with his honest education and senior steward "honest" merit best to defend all of them with RCMP. And fun Brummitt not knowing what RCMP know as truth? What a trap? Will Brad lie to RCMP to protect Brummitt.

    Add to above and further my own little tiny bit of legal studies with my other lawyer friends and do add girlfriend as also Ph.D in "Labour Psychology" with my other work with award winning CBC investigative journalist. This when I worked for CBC as "national media liaison" in 1977. Yes, I'm not as accomplished, educated or experienced as Tom Adair, John Brummitt and Mitch Davies - isn't that why they get elected.

    And I have the title of "Labourer as per J.B" as such honest folk? Could any beat me in a real honest election with their real credentials? Let's ask a criminal court judge to decide?

    In short, I hardly can be fooled or intimidated by such unaccomplished and uneducated criminal creepy cowards and human frauds or their expensive big shot union and Hollywood lawyers. Play me? And find out more?

    These cowards, creeps, women beaters and criminals obviously hate me and can't support me. Now too late to fake anything. The slime don't like it when they can't "intimidate" those far more ethical, honest, educated and accomplished. Can they?

    My RCMP friend on Facebook who has also known me for over forty years with my legal and media friends also of note. Even former Attorney General of Canada Ron Basford clearly liked me and a variety of real scholars, Fortune 500 companies and Federal Political Parties or why would I be paid far more than any department head in 891? I've also paid other IATSE members more than big shot department heads as artists to teacher jobs I gave them. I was on a "real" board of directors of a public company and not just a senior executive. Any wonder why criminals didn't want me executive?

    More than greater union experience than most in NDP and "any" of slime in IATSE 891, I've also been a senior executive and on the board of directors of a Public Company and handled all Western Canada for Federal liberals advertising working under Ron Basford and Sen. Fitzpatrick and Sen. Grafstein, so I'm no stranger to political "realities".

    I wrote the "7 Point Plan" for Western Canada for Prime Minister Turner. Clearly those far more educated, honest like me and low life liars and losers and human frauds don't. Can't?

    Now time for the law to do as they do in Ontario and Quebec and put such obvious dirty sleazy ignorant dishonest union executives and all their loyal aid and abetting helpers, all in jail. It is the honest and right thing to do. True? False?

    Next Move:

    All Provincial MLAs member's offices listed in link below will receive personalized mailing(s) within days in 2018 with this blog (after final edit of these rough notes:)

    This to test political integrity and interest in respect to taxpayer fraud to violence against women. Then RCMP will get a sworn affidavit with below claims. 

    Mailing List:


    (Note: A very recent criminal case tried by Justice Heather Holmes of the B.C. Supreme Court had a Burnaby British Columbia man convicted of criminally harassing through a revenge website that maligned ("disrepute") and he got four "real" years in "real" jail. Maybe this website also counts as well? Those pictured above and named should check if hands not dirty with many criminal acts and also charge me? Please do! Here's the legal case reference if what I say not all true. And I'll lose my Federal Security clearance in Ottawa to work with DND and NRC if I'm lying.

    One party here is also absolutely clearly guilty of criminal harassment from membership and life insurance fraud to calling RCMP with lies to "intimidate and coerce" to "aid and abet" with insanely revealing internal trials. And do add no debate registered mail and with well documented prior BC LRB and Provincial Inquiry revelations as documented. And of course with other key RCMP and Vancouver police files. Maybe this web page criminal and I'm a fraud and not helping all cheated BC taxpayers to women suffering assault and other victims of multiple crimes and corruption? Or maybe I am a tiny hero?

    None oddly, nor their lawyers have yet dared offer a "signed rebuttal" after 67,331 pageviews? How very very odd? Why are they so very afraid to call police again on me or sue me if my claims all or part false? Even their lawyers are afraid of this mushrooming, as my tiny wee real legal world suggests. 

    Media and MLAs now being contacted with link to this page. 

    Hope the slime pictured above can find at least one (1) "honest" person willing to defend/lie to RCMP and Criminal courts on their behalf without fear of defamation, mischief, obstruction or perjury and aid and abetting criminal harassment. The list grows? If solidarity by these slime as documented by internal trials conspiracy and collusion a given?

    Proof Samples?

    • RCMP files. Lies to RCMP. Documented.
    • BC LRB decisions. "coercion and intimidation". Documented.
    • Provincial Inquiry Records of deception and bad faith. Documented.
    • 470 members clear vote for full Forensic Audit ignored? Documented.
      (See Tom Adair pretend he's smart and educated protecting criminal slime like himself)
    • Internal trial documents showing wide criminal conspiracy to aid and abet with Paul Klassen earning criminal respect. Documented.
    • Witnesses (possibly a few dozen from the 470 above clearly wanting a "full forensic audit" must have much to say about this human garbage as pictured above - and possibly for more fun, with even much more to ADD?  RCMP will protect various identities.)
    • Emails to "registered mail" from past presidents and very cute newsletter admissions. Documented.
    • Legal files: Growlings, Davis & Company. Documented.
      Many victims presently and from past. Decades of criminal deception and tax credit to health benefits fraud. Documented.

    The above really kind of funny. This as these sleazy Criminal Morons brag about "plausible deniability" and "leaving no paper trail"? But lied to RCMP. Twice. Documented. 

    Plus with them having, as they brag having big shot and very expensive Union and Hollywood lawyers what are they so afraid of? Jail and the huge waste of money even trying to defend themselves.

    What are they so afraid of?

    And sadly, to make a point for higher IQ and EQ types: all I have in my very small list of facebook friends (who have known me for decades) oddly including a BC Criminal Court Judge and an RCMP officer. Plus a sailing and wine buddy, the former acting chair of UBC Law School (Labour and Women) and one other visiting major Oxford Scholar also helpful. And must also thank a RCMP officer in West Van who first saw through their lies and a half dozen Vancouver lawyers as also helpful.

    Hey, it's a small start when dealing with such cowards and criminals documented from Bad Faith and beating up women to documented lies to RCMP? Using RCMP as their puppets and pawns to be played with for political self-interest or "intimidate and coerce" a bit of a big stupid? 

    In a nutshell, these slime are all legally fu*ked and in so very many ways.

    From John Brummitt, four lovely honest uneducated ugly ladies, two big title frauds and the documented cowardly
    Executive Directors of the BC Council of Film Unions, 5 past 891 presidents to Mitch Davies and a few big shot department heads.

    Poor John Horgan and Adrian Dix pictured with their now obvious criminal support from IATSE 891 executive dynasty.

    As a keynote again so very clear, I've been in more unions than John Horgan and Adrian Dix and most in BC Federation of Labour. So not just associated with Oxford Labour Law scholars. Also a documented for decades I'm a big fan of Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton and certainly "honest unions".

    And I've "really" been a senior "real world" business executive and on the board of directors of a public company. Not a fake. So my "real" depth far more than just education and real world experience over this human garbage as direct comparisons, will soon make even more clear. And some surprises still to follow.


    171008-000563 is the US border security reference for those going to US named and pictured above and below. May want to clear things up before any future US travel. Better see what was sent.

    W407-23518 is the file number at Crimestoppers for those involved as named involved in 5k plus theft. And those who aid and abet as friends in theft to tax fraud. They have this blog. 

    Much more to follow. Hope to meet with RCMP in next few weeks in 2018 for a dozen hours or so. Yes, I will swear under oath an affidavit.

    Also have filed with RCMP. They have these names and pictures above. And this blog.

    "Silence is complicity"

    Next members of all three provincial parties including NDP (that gets money from these slime) to be called to action. Pictures of Dusty Kelly with Horgan and Dix will embarrass NDP. And disgust Green and Liberal women. 

    Total lies may work well inside IATSE 891 criminal executive with their trademark deceitful fraudulent concealment and decades of deceptive omissions, and all so very well documented. But this culture of deception and wordplay very legally dangerous when dealing with RCMP and Criminal Court system.

    “Wilful blindness”

    Obstruction alone is really enough to go to jail with documented plus witnessed "aid and abetting" in theft and criminal fraud. But why not set our goals higher for targets?

    Sadly for these morons too many criminal court Judges can see through this slimes BS as "“an element of wilful blindness”. This for those who did criminally aid and abet, but think they are smarter than those far more educated in RCMP and criminal courts in these specific matters. 

    Yes, as RCMP will see - exactly just like provincial inquiries to BC LRB decisions saw and proved, these slime criminals not only sleaze, but also very very stupid. Any bets?

    SEE former union local presidents Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig and Rob Maier's shoe shine boy John Brummitt in previous provincial inquiry make obvious not just slime but very stupid plus dishonest.

    Ken Anderson is in BC LRB decisions showing off his severe lack of intellect or integrity as a local President as well. This with his documented replies and other acts of trust he breached. I have kept. He goes to jail as well.

    Will RCMP and criminal courts trust such "documented liars and frauds" in their investigations, or needed future provincial inquiries and BC LRB cases make clear the "aid and abet" company they keep?

    Rob Maier and Gavin Craig's gangs easy to sink with their groups previous lies directly to RCMP and best in RCMP files. No debate here. At all. Do they even have a chance more lies to RCMP will now work or that their totally illegal non-disclosure agreements can protect them when in reality reflects just more criminal aid and abet for criminal elite.

    Criminals here in 891 make more than nurses, teachers and police. That's disgusting.

    Do I feel physically threatened? Yes, as with many other cases and non-union related. But any good boy scout "always prepared" and to turn lemons into lemonade. Why I intentionally provoke and bait such slime? Having been a pioneer test for Bell Canada and oddly, involving others in 891, I know how all calls can be traced and are stored and what idiots some are in 891 already trying threatening calls, lies to RCMP, defaming internal trials and their stupid arrogant efforts membership and department admission problems.

    Hey, I was a bouncer, doorman and waiter in rock clubs and biker bars in Montreal, Ottawa and Banff, so was threatened sometimes twice a night. And these tiny men in 891 think I can be threatened by phone? I got use to loud aggressive tough guys with ugly angry faces threatening me often.

    I've also have gotten big threatening well worded, nicely typed letters from lawyers from big firms on other matters. My intentionally grade school pencil reply stopped that 
    nonsense and the company and owner had to leave BC, as some IATSE members also aware. When you've been lectured in law class by Sen. Eugene Forsey and on "legal realism" and "objectivity" you pick up a few points.

    Inside 891 this slime are a corrupt power elite, power players, big shots but in a very small pond, enriching themselves and criminal friends who aid and abet as literal criminals with tax credit, membership, medical and life insurance benefit fraud to old school time and material theft over $5,000.00 dollars.
    Sadly, outside in the real world where "real truth" matters they're just nobody hourly wage types below $30 an hour at best and clearly major nobodies who are crooks and just very creepy. CUPE carpenters get $30.00 an hour? In real world Mr. Brummitt just a tool boy. Tom Adair a verbose arrogant average carpenter.

    And Don Ramsden's reputation with violence against women still unconfirmed he should take a non-admissible voice polygraph and prove he has done nothing wrong and nothing to hide. And defend his honourable family name? Ya' think? Rob Maier can also just run on down to his local RCMP and also use the voice polygraph to support he is not a major crook (5k+). Both so clever.

    No matter what actor they talked to at a wrap party, when put under a legal microscope these slime mostly unskilled or uneducated paint brush cleaners, wall paper hangers or mathless carpenters faking everything in their lives. I had to do the math for many. Even busted to CAs in real world. And helped humiliate a few MBAs?

    And after twenty years most slime back still at the same old job. Such success stories? Lucky they are criminal or they'd make less than teachers, nurses and police. As they "honestly" should. Most will agree.

    Let's see what real criminal court Judges really think about human tragedies like Paul Klassen documented aid an abetting criminals in internal trials to help criminals not fall into "disrepute", and defame an honest man and try to also "intimidate and coerce" and restrict free speech. As documented.

    Now we play my game.

    Why this? Why now? My friends in IATSE 891 can no longer be threatened or suffer economic interference or as per BC LRB classic "coercion and intimidation" (as proved against this human bully dirt). Friends now all retiring within weeks and others now retired. 

    The power these criminal slime once had to threaten my friends and others has now vanished. Ours increases. Big time. Now we escalate. Big time. I got 475 honest folk who as well as wanting a full forensic audit as documented might like those named charged, convicted and sent to jail and their assets seized a clear laundered proceeds of crime as big position, big pay, big perks. Imagine John Brummitt explaining his position based on prior proven superior skills in management, unions, with labour law, his impressive education. Who can he fool when many others not criminal support people have far more of everything and honestly honest?

    Once again this criminal cowardly slime is just nobody dishonest average trades people at best. What they really are. Wanna bet?

    Pictures with new NDP leader John Horgan "suggesting" criminal slime who aid and abet women beaters, tax cheats and crooks are NDP insiders, hardly impressive for many and myself with my "real and paid" Federal background. Horgan pictured with one of key slime cheating many from taxpayer to co workers a tragic statement in many ways for NDP. As Dix did. So sad. So ignorant.

    Now we get very very aggressive. I suggest as those named if hands so clean they call police on me again. Maybe a (4th) fourth time they'll get lucky (Ha! Ha!). And not look so very stupid and very ugly and dishonest to hundreds? Using RCMP with lies like RCMP their puppets or pawns to play or manipulate also backfires now for both Gavin Craig's and Rob Maier's group or gang member "picks"? Oddly, the more intelligent and educated ones not fooled or fools. 

    This slime better get their big shot high paid Union and Hollywood lawyers with some Criminal Lawyers to show me their best stuff. Try and scare me with lawyers again? 

    Why are they so very afraid to protect their careers and their family good name even for just for their "children's and families" sake, if no very sick crimes to hide? Multiple crimes. Why they can't call police is they are criminals or loyaly or in clear "solidarity" aid and abet.

    Fact check? 

    Soon legal system will put this human garbage with New Executive Director BC Council of Film Paul Klassen with those pictured above and below, all in jail soon? With all five present and past IATSE 891 presidents. 

    If I'm lying sleaze put me in jail? Call police and give a fortune to lawyers again? Sounds Fair? If what I say true possible 5 years for some. To deny my claims is to defame me, not only as added criminal obstruction to wrongful prosecution. And as to what I will swear under oath. Can it get any more simple? Can it? Love it. Yes, we hope they tell more lies to RCMP or try their trick of selective memory, fraudulent concealment and deceptive omission. Wish them luck dealing with those with more intellect, integrity and education.

    With new "woman beater and criminal key helper" Paul Klassen as new "Executive Director of BC Council of Film Unions" will an immediate full BC RCMP "FORENSIC" investigation on this multi-million tax credit fraud begin? And help BC, whole industry and all "victims" from beaten women to major theft and abuse of funds? One can't help but notice how quick in Ontario and Quebec how "union" such crooks busted.
    See Picture of Paul Klassen below with key criminal helper ex slime Executive Director and major woman beater helper-coward Tom Adair, and below a classy honest chick with new Premier john Horgan (below) trying to imply Premier will help her and her criminal friends? Let's see if Horgan will support sleazy bottom-of-the barrel criminals. Would take less than 2 weeks for enough evidence and witness sworn statements to secure full criminal charges against all named. All.

    Tom Adair and Paul Klassen below are good for women beaters and major crooks (aid and abet). I'm not. Clearly. And well documented. 

    Too many honest people suffer these lying cowardly, frauds? True? False? Get RCMP to get the facts on how they aid and abet their key criminal support? Both have been reported to US border security as such slime. Time to have these two sick cowardly clowns FULLY exposed with those pictured and named at top of page.

    Small man complex human fake and fraud big smile Tom Adair on  left and confident criminal helper Paul Klassen on the right. The best friends criminals could hope for? The cream of what 891 criminals like in cowardly aid and abet types. Not much of career, not much education, not much experience and accomplishment.Tom former Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions, Paul present scum.

    The textbook cowardly small-man-small-penis complex on left is Tom Adair who was key to aid and abetting women beaters and a very key working buddy of John Brummitt for "decades" and helping other criminals in 891 film union. Mostly known for their cowardly silence on many matters.

    I so hope to spend a few hours with Tom Adair at RCMP offices. And on the right with internal trial expert who is very well documented aid and abetting criminal elite to get his new position as Executive Director of the BC Council of Film Unions. We should also chat at RCMP offices if not fearing jail time and afraid to show his disgusting face without a lawyer at RCMP offices. Many surprises for these two not revealed yet.

    Serious Criminals?

    I "invite" both these two very cowardly creepy deceptive criminal ass kissing "creeps" Tom Adair and Paul Klassen (who aid and abet serious criminal friends as to enjoy their proceeds of piece of criminal pie and political merit and title) to meet meet at RCMP offices. If nothing to hide? Why so afraid?

    This support for these clowns from known women beaters and MAJOR thieves got them their big titles, big pay, big perks. Any bets? 

    So I do seriously hope these two to just simply meet me at RCMP offices. Say for 4-5 hours with face-to-face and eye-to-eye with me and with "volunteer" voice polygraphs (non-admissible) on "all of us" so no one "wastes" RCMP time "again" playing clever or lying to RCMP a third time. Yes, wasting RCMP time, as with others with their brilliant lies and clever sickening sophist wordplay. They also called Vancouver police. That story funny enough to save for criminal court with other documented notes.

    And USING RCMP like their pawns and puppets as documented (SEE RCMP files) by both Gavin Craigs and Rob Maier's loyal supporters in their gang or group -- and witnessed by many, as before -- and they can best thus protect their good family name, reputation and legacy byvisting RCMP? If possible? For their family?

    If what I'm saying false I'm defaming them, harassing and publishing falsehoods I should suffer the rule of law. If true they should all go to jail and have all assets seized as clear laundered and veiled proceeds of crime with their long time criminal and women beating buddies as well? True? False? Fact check?

    And so I don't seem a bully they can bring past 5 presidents of 891 local along as their ethical and intellectual support.


    One of this gang must be honest enough to do a volunteer voice poly or just think of the legal optics and 10 against one. And just little me and I'm all alone and yet I'm the only one willing to do "volunteer poly". Obvious problem?

    And many must thank Liz for the helpful documentation on internal trials adding such serious motivation to expose those she tried to show off with, and making clear what slime Paul Klassen is and others silly efforts to protect criminal slime from exposure. My legal friends advised ignore trial idiots and leave 891. Don't want my good name in "disrepute".

    Paul Klassen has 500 connections. 500 connections? But Paul has only (1) one person who recommended Paul Klassen? How did he get job if not aid and abetting criminal elite? His good looks. His honesty?

    Feel free to compare me to Paul Klassen and others in this criminal gang? And our real credentials. Real education. Real accomplishments. 

    My friends on Facebook a BC Criminal Court judge and former RCMP officer spooked them I guess? Or that I sail and socially dine with top Oxford legal scholars and award winning "Investigative" reporter who "both" helped coach me? Fact check?

    These two overpaid fakes above with tax credit fraud and criminals feeding and needing them, both got their jobs and big pay because those more experienced, educated, accomplished and far more honest didn't have their key criminal support. And all elections corrupt for decades. only the greedy, weak and cowardly and friendly with women beaters and thieves need apply. Bets? Do the math.

    In honest reality both neither very educated or accomplished. A no award film editor and a average carpenter wanting bigger things for their big egos. I do have screen credits as a lead carpenter and have taught film editing and computer skills so I know how little they both know about many things. And I was just playing.

    All frauds including past 5 presidents, also in breach of duty and very guilty of helping criminals and women beaters and cheating coworkers, members, sister unions and all BC taxpayers? Again, any bets?

    Come on let's dance and prove I'm a liar, or see if their also lying to their friends and family as to what cowardly, very dishonest fakes and criminal slime they really are. Really are?

    Their poor wives and
    children suffer this mindset? And even John Horgan and Dix make themselves look criminal by association? As pictured. As documented.

    Why are they so very afraid to meet with RCMP if 10 against one in "full solidarity"? And no criminal acts to hide? Why afraid? Funny now how any show of solidarity makes conspiracy a no brainer.

    Every member of BC parliament NDP, Greens and Liberals with Tax people/ groups for audit, will get special e-mail notes on these two and this web page link by December 30, 2018. And continued press efforts until all who cheated every BC taxpayer to their trusting own coworkers know who and what all twenty of them really are. Really are? And when all key crooks, cons and criminals in jail and proceeds of crime laundered as political position, perks and pay seized from their bank accounts and their vehicles for victim compensation. Then I stop.

    "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.- Upton Sinclair

    "It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence." - Upton Sinclair

    900 criminal convictions?

    In most developed countries, unions must disclose their financial dealings to prevent corruption. Canada is an exception? Dan Janisse/Postmedia News files:

    Union leaders objected, essentially asking Parliamentarians to trust them, despite the fact that similar legislation in other countries has identified widespread financial mismanagement. In Australia, for example, it got so bad that the government called a public inquiry, the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption.

    Union financial disclosure laws in the U.S. led to over 900 criminal convictions for inappropriate and fraudulent activity between 2001 and 2008, according to the Office of Labor Management Standards.

    If the public trust invested in union leaders was shaken by the revelations from the Charbonneau Commission, it is completely shattered by those coming out of the Ontario Provincial Police Association. This whistle blowing blog on BC tax credit fraud below now takes it over the top?

    All BC political parties now have a few people informed.

    Those above pictured ideally to be questioned "Last" and "Fully" by top RCMP interrogators with clear understanding of crimes by others testimony and about "ALL" who "aid and abet" in major millions in BC tax credit to insurance and benefit fraud.

    With over 450 members voting for a full forensic audit a couple of dozen "honest" witnesses should be able to prepare RCMP for word games by these deceptive clowns.

    Fact check: They have or had for decades a health-benefit package that makes Donald Trump look like a compassionate socialist and would make Tommy Douglas vomit. Bets? Those doing well and in inner corruption circle got it free (with honest members as well so easy to "appear" legal, ethical and moral. In Vegas called a "front"?) Simple math. Also easy to prove.

    Then cheating all tax payers from cash to serious opportunity costs to even young honest workers as nepotism, cronyism of corrupt and grossly incompetent took control over more honest, more experienced and more educated. Criminals listed in "Good Standing"?

    Don't appear very educated and be hypocritical and two-faced disgusting and be silent on crimes from theft over $5,000.00 to violence against women and you have a good chance to be a proud cowardly member of this union executive. Fact check? Sign some bogus illegal non-disclosure documents and your in the group. 


    All named aided in tax and member fraud did it to keep their "highly overpaid" over-titled  jobs as fact most grossly unqualified to do by experience or education compared to so many honest and intelligent people. Paid more than teachers, nurses and police with less education or certification.  A sick joke. And they block free trade and competition to aid criminals with absurd qualification test by those unfit to judge others. And freedom of speech within their own union and elections novel.  This group even found guilty of "intimidation and coercion" of their own paying members. Like they were stupid and didn't know exactly what they were doing. They sold their soul to dance with the devil and must pay and have assets seized as proceeds of crime for taxpayers. This a no-brainer. Too many victims. Too many witnesses. Too many documents. Strange email.
    Special Item

    How serious? RCMP should invite this lovely lady below pictured with new BC NDP leader and as a key NDP supporter below and myself with a couple of senior RCMP interrogators and discuss aid and abet factors in millions in tax credit fraud and many other very interesting issues. I have nothing to fear?  When real "whole" truth all told.

    Dix made the same mistake doing Hollywood promises with her? She does not seem worried yet? Will women in NDP find this as embarrassing when ugly matters of violence against women and windfall for crooks also discussed.

    May see her on Tuesday as she's invited to swearing in ceremony?
    I'm so impressed with her integrity and intellect would be great fun doing RCMP with her for a few hours. Will she show solidarity with slime or squeal for a deal? She supported a health plan in her union that would make Trump look compassionate and make Tommy Douglas sick. Fact check? She also in solidarity supported an executive guilty of "intimidation and coercion". See BC LRB files and fact check or be fooled by deceptive, duplicitous omissions? Horgan should be more careful who he has pictures with. Why I support Federal NDP and disgusted by the people BC NDP associate with like Dix did. Get the facts on this lady and the women beaters she supports. She's a fraud in so many ways.

    What message does Horgan send to BC taxpayers, honest NDP, Liberal and Green parties? This picture indirectly makes it look like criminal union executives big NDP insiders. This lady a big part of a BC Film union executive IATSE 891 that finances and hides violence against women, tax fraud, fears forensic audit (even if 470 members voted for it as "very needed"),  plus has a documented history of lies to RCMP,  already guilty of "coercion and intimidation" and multiple cases of "Bad Faith" as per BC LRB rulings (and this against their own dues paying and "trusting" members), use of illegal non-disclosure and so much more. RCMP must "fully" investigate. Add time and material theft. Internal trials makes clear efforts to protect criminals and punish honest whistle blowers.

    Note: I'll do a volunteer non-admissible voice polygraph to help RCMP save money and time. Will those named do the same or are they all scared to death of jail time, being exposed and humiliated.
    Think about it.


    And do ask later what Mitch Davies ( below, the now "democratic voice" and present President of IATSE 891's 5000 Plus members (with 80% not voting for decades?), and thus less support than Donald Trump, what exactly what he knows about money and theft and what he'll state as fact with very possible obstruction
    , contempt or perjury - adding to his other checklist efforts? And what he'll dare claim he does not know serving as criminal obstruction if not honest?  Under oath?
         Mitch Davies
    Under oath denial of my claims defamatory? One of us won't be lying to a provincial inquiry and/or criminal court. Or to police? That simple?

    The solidarity of slime? BC taxpayers paid for his Hollywood white teeth smile with their tax credits. And enriching many criminals, tax cheats and thieves. Costing Nurses, Teachers and Police. And thus children. Nice smile?

    This hopefully including the brilliant RCMP questioning of these failed actors or frauds just as documented in both Oland murder and as crippling Col. Russel Williams interrogation. Some will have to learn to lie and hide better. There are harder nuts to crack? A few here will "squeal for a deal" for reduced charges. I have a list of names. As variety of crimes nicely vary in severity. Some big. Some tiny.

    For RCMP questioning present President, IATSE 891: Mitch Davies (above) and all present and past 4 Presidents. Including: 
    - Don Ramsden
    - Ken Anderson
    - Gavin Craig, 
    - Elmar Theissen 

    This will reveal many things. Ask if any wish to have me there to help their memories and motives? Conspiracy means all go down as bad as the worst of this crew.  Even for the more cowardly or stupid. 5 against 1? What can they fear about me?


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