Children Matter
"Or you're helping cowardly criminals cheat children?"
Blog Purpose
The purpose of this blog is to:
1) Help. Help legally and "fully" expose to RCMP, Crown Prosecution, CRA and all BC political parties for Criminal Prosecution over a dozen serious criminals in BC Film Industry.
2) This with some of the criminals named below and their key support in criminal collusion targeted for convictions and with 5 to 10 year sentence goals. Plus assets and savings as textbook laundered proceeds of crime seized. This to best try to compensate ALL cheated from children to taxpayers.
We estimate legal defence costs for all criminals, and those who collude to aid and abet in key criminal support, like the very cowardly "executive" criminals clearly involved, "this time", as to easily exceed $250,000.00. This even before fast approaching provincial election and more and more crimes revealed to police and CRA and costs take off? And again criminals better not dare use honest member's honest money "again" to defend very sick criminals already enjoying windfall of proceeds of crime. But certainly we do hope they do continue to lie to RCMP as to add to their mushrooming problems that any new efforts at a deceptive defence will certainly create for all the slime. This time, and far more fun, will be with literally thousands "honestly" informed watching these criminals by name and pictures all try and lie, including more lying to Police, Crown Council, Politicians, Forensic Psychiatrists and top Legal Scholars. And all union locals across Canada and whole industry across Canada also to be informed. This as critical case law made and legislated reform addressed. See below exactly how. True? False? Think about it?
3) This based on real total victim count, total amounts and their clever protected pattern of crime, corruption and contempt.
4) This as media amplified trials and decision done as a warning to others thinking also above the rule of law. And where other cowardly criminals think they can abuse and cheat those weaker. Even using coercion and intimidation as witnessed and very well documented.
5) Why the need for "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" far more than a needed given. This key case study as a critical, cost-effective, important and needed first step towards legislated "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". And needed change.
6) In addition, expose millions in tax credit fraud to theft and how literally hundreds of children cheated of life insurance.
7) And key the criminal's long time connections to NDP Federally and Provincially. This done below and fully supported with "honest witness testimony under oath", plus documented trusted third party evidence. And add a wide variety of trusted academic studies from Stanford to McGill and key legal references. Literally thousands of innocent victims from little children to "honest" businesses needing fair and honest legal restitution.
8) Help those also needing a strong critical voice to expose and to fully prosecute criminals and their criminal abuses. As detailed below. A "real" life, "real" world detective story. Guess who done it? Includes "real" strange people, twists and "sister" subplots? Name choices below. Guess who done it? And no one acted alone? Too cowardly.
9) Ideally done with possibly someone to voice for victims who can't be so easily "intimidated and coerced" or bullied and harassed legally, physically and intellectually. Unlike some small women or honest young man suffers by low life criminals. A voice for victims that could not be silenced, bought or bribed with settlements, positions, NDAs or proceeds of crime. This as to help aid and abet in criminal collusion a variety of criminal acts. A voice for victims who has worked with national news media and "award winning investigative journalists". Award winning investigative journalists who have already, and as fate would have it, have already researched, written and produced a report for CBC's "The National" on Crime and Corruption. And in Quebec's largest union and dealing with far more educated, clever, savvy and sophisticated criminals, but similar issues. I had earlier told him about IATSE 891 criminals at a BBQ at his home in Westmount and my BC legal goals. He also has some serious depth on political reporting, both Federal and Provincial. And like other story hungry East Coast journalists can maybe also see how this can also so easily snowball in a polarised province like BC and polls now showing union voters, as in the US voting right or conservative? And most important in BC where "switchers historically as a political psychographic profile rule". And this can provide Green the balance of power no longer played as trusting fools and now rather brilliant going at Dix directly, and on both his RCMP history of integrity and health policy. It will not be pretty. True? False? See below for more. Plus add also for "four decades" personal friends and former roommate of a BC Criminal Court Judge. And do also add, also from social circle, a noted published international Oxford Legal Scholar and former acting Chair UBC Law Faculty (Labour). Also for decades? Whose help with another Oxford Legal Scholar over dinner discussing the criminal brains in IATSE 891 so helpful? Again salmon served. Plus, as icing on the cake, add my own humble history familiar with "reporting directly" to the Attorney General of Canada, as kind of a perfect legal foundation? Yes? No? Add as needed: two Forensic Psychiatrists. One as family and another married to a long time family friends. Might as well add 3 generation friends with a former Prime Minister's family. Probably most not needed to ensure jail time for lying criminal slime? Yes, a"real" life, "real" world detective story. Ready now for RCMP and a handful of MLAs to be heroes for the weak and sadly too often forgotten or ignored. The working class voter-victim.
Note: This new recent name-dropping from my past for many (as so few knew. Fact check?), not done as a threat or sword, or that I forgot to brag on my resume, but as a noted shield and network as to fully ensure that the only sword that counts is the "Rule of Law", and that the pound of flesh bit all addressed. And idiot criminals like John Brummitt and up to even big shot title Paul Klassen criminally judged. Judged as they have judged. Seems honest? Seems so fair? And done by those with such "real" duty, responsibility or mandate to execute the rule of law. And this also as a small warning to silly young lawyers trying to impress stupid criminal clients. A lawyer at internal trials certainly didn't help much. How much was billed for bozos to continue to bluff any legality or facade of legitimacy? Again, just makes the stupid look more stupid and even more criminal. True? False?
10) Help ensure full support for RCMP investigation and interrogation plus the successful prosecution of all criminals involved in this "showcase and precedent setting case". Clearly involving millions in fraud and hundreds of victims. See below.
11) Help save RCMP big money and big time in the investigation and interrogation of all these criminals.
12) This done soon with a few key BC MLAs providing full RCMP signed and stated support. And done as to compensate hundreds of children cheated, and expose fully for prosecution literally millions in tax credit fraud.
13) And that these proceeds of crime seized.
14) Hopefully as part of this blog's important purpose and goals, these notes and legal references will also help many others to come forward. And help both them and their lawyers with criminal, civil, labour, and possibly some small claims issues for those who are members but have also incorporated interests? Anyone in their right mind "honestly" think it best that ALL these criminals ALL get away with ALL their cowardly and sneaky clever series of crimes? Every single one? Plus forgiven for the sick abuses exploiting the weakest, funds and key positions of trust? And should keep the proceeds of crime that indirectly enriched them? Crimes and corruption that provided for coronation or the most pathetic exercise in democracy, transparency and accountability. This with elections involving special self interest of large departments and their criminal and corrupt candidates. True? False? Only the foolish trusting such corrupt elections based on fraudulent concealment and other devices that makes you a star in used car sales. Please raise your hand for all to see if you agree best criminals set free? Few will soon show their faces or dare raise their hands when RCMP finished investigations and interrogations. Bets?
15) Defining risk to NDP in next election ignoring the cancer of crime and corruption here that won't go away like growing housing to health mess. And even worse if Falcon or Sonia use this motherhood and heart-string "honest" oppourtunity to win many more added, growing and available "switcher" seats (See polls below)? "Eby said the breaches are very serious and led to the government firing BC Housing’s board ..."? Dix had a very big huge lead in polls and still lost provincial election. Eby honeymoon will fade as problems grow. NDP better fix this one fast before Falcon and Sonia steal this easy to message and media 100% honest effort as to be real honest voter-credible heroes. And both gain key to "vulnerable seats". See below.
16) The end goal purpose meaningful actionable legislated:
"Workplace and Labour Code Reform"
Why now critical, and why this blog now, is also detailed below.
Why here and now specifically targeting the crimes and criminal elite in one BC film union IATSE 891 as a political time bomb for next BC election, case study and precedent, explained more below.
Simply, BC film union local IATSE 891 used as a key example of criminal and corrupt influence, as so many key and relative elements to ALL OF CANADA. And as so well documented and witnessed, as to make the case, and added and supported rather well with 30 years of focused observation and evidence gathering. From Criminal and Civil Law to Labour Code and even IP issues all a part of the composition of a toxic, criminal and corrupt workplace that this BC film union local of IATSE 891 so easily provides for with detailed case study and legal peer review. And with over 3 decades of criminal history. An ideal case study for why serious "Workplace Law and Labour Code" reform must be a BC political election priority.
This BC IATSE 891 case, as one of many added union locals, and as very clear proof — and beyond any doubt — that present laws and labour code inadequate: and has FAILED! Ridiculous repeated seemingly for now as endless stupidity, will only ensure more women bloody and beaten, more children cheated of life insurance and certainly with more sleazy clever illegal NDAs protecting criminals. Fact! Criminals should be ready to discuss the abuses of many members and their money in a sacred union trust. Seems this blog "pro-union membership majority" to most with a brain. True? False? Poll?
Macro and micro
This blog defines and identifies "most" crimes, "most" criminals, "most" witnesses and "most" evidence, and those involved with NDP? This blog also addresses and outlines future legislated provincial solutions and remedies with restitution defined for victims. This including all the children cheated. More on this below.
New news question
Will Eby and NDP be as hard on criminal elite in dirty BC unions like IATSE 891 as on gross mismanagement of funds and many other BC Housing problems now being investigated? Or try and ignore millions in tax credit fraud and children cheated as it involves Adrian Dix's old Hollywood date and supporter now at BCLC taking chances?
Please allow
Please allow that this blog has so many, and so much, to inform and educate from RCMP played as fools and pawns by criminals to protect criminals to misled CRA. This with even idiot efforts at wrongful prosecution. And this blog to inform Crown Prosecution, selected BCLRB, NDP, BCUP, Greens. And as well, those sadly thousands of union members and their children to BC taxpayers, cheated by criminal fraud to threatened by "proven" economic coercion and intimidation. This all while oddly done at the same time, and with so many I'm forced to also amuze and entertain. Those from family and friends to those I've worked with across Canada with this criminal exposure and prosecution? We try and give a few friends, family and fans a few laughs as well.
Fun tests
See the multiple criminal traps sprinkled so generously throughout this blog below. This as to best test top Criminal Defence lawyers plus dramatically increase their billable hours? And this also helps RCMP save time and money. Hopefully this time not trusting membership illegally paying from "funds in trust" to clearly protect criminals. This as with Gavin Craig and John Brummitt and friends lying to RCMP. And now criminals using their own personal funds as this is a criminal matter totally and totally not union or labour code. BCLRB has already done great work with "coercion and intimidation" to "Bad Faith and BS" issues. 95% of people in unions are honest. True? False?
Fun to think ahead of the literally hundreds of hours "without pay" that most of the criminal elite will need, as to all review all documents for a critical needed full consensus of criminal collusion. And clearly that to aid and abet criminals and avoid a few dozen traps, and as to best plan their very best lies and word spin. Hundreds of hours to best try and fool those smarter and more educated and accomplished and with very serious big shot titles based on honest merit as in the RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts. And this for criminals with the increased real risk of added charges of obstruction or perjury.The ante they'll all be betting against. Big time. True? False?
Case study referenced
We try and address all reasonable and related possible questions both Criminal and Political below. And case study referenced. This so when anyone questions this blog it provides comprehensive foundation material for far more informed questions and direction by Media, RCMP and Criminal Courts. Efficacy?
Simply, we just need a few dozen honest and heroic BC MLAs from "all parties" to fully support: full RCMP investigations and interrogations in these criminal matters below. This milestone, following PMI guidelines, as the key first step to a meaningful momentum with a Provincial Inquiry. A meaningful Provincial Inquiry done as a solid foundation to expedite clearly needed BC Workplace Laws and Labour Code reform. And critical that children cheated compensated. Below makes this need far beyond foolish debate. My work reporting "directly" to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and knowing top legal scholars socially and a BC Criminal Court judge for decades gives me some knowledge and firsthand experience so few have as to address these matters in this blog. Fact check.
Possibly major media should ask 3rd party Dr. Kendra Strauss, Director of the Labour Studies Program at SFU, if just the BCLRB and RCMP documents suggest some investigation, transparency, accountability for paying union members funds in trust and claims children cheated warrants some serious investigation with added abuse of NDAs?
Getting real
This decades overdue review and enhanced BC Workplace Law, policy and policing, plus Labour Code reform would invite all BC union locals NOT involved in criminal investigations of executive members or BCLRB rulings of bad faith to contribute. This with legal experts plus key criminology and psychology scholars from SFU and UBC.
This should also result in providing ALL BC UNION MEMBERS a booklet/website spelling out union local governance, accountability, responsibility and transparency and reporting and key exposing any violations of law. Too pro-worker? Debate welcome for those who feel continued member ignorance advantageous as per this case study, and not just fertilizer for fraud, crime and corruption in every union local? Any wish to argue pro ignorance? Union locals would cover all costs for member education and empowerment.
Management measured metrics
Transparency, accountability, liability, responsibility and democracy demand an informed, clear and honest participation, not secret circles using NDAs to hide crimes, criminals and the corrupt. And then watch election involvement increase when voters in membership to a provincial election both honestly and "credibly" informed and not grossly misled by criminal fraudulent concealment. And using best media and expense to inform "honest" workers. Internal union local governance will also improve. True? False?
Think for yourself
As you read below please ask yourself, and very seriously: why do those corrupt or very criminal, as so clearly named below, clearly so very afraid, even with their proven and documented major legal muscle — even internally, as so very afraid to defend their good golden names and reputation? And just fully challenge this blog and in real honest criminal and civil courts? Or RCMP offices? And after so many warm and welcoming invitations by us to do so. And with their traditional show of force in full organized solidarity/collusion among criminal elite and challenge little wee me. Little wee me as really no more than just a failed comedy writer? What do they fear so much? Truth? See below BCLRB rulings and various media reports and CLC, U of T and Western University studies, and judge for yourself if this can change BC provincial elections?
As a matter of record and reason, I went into the film industry with work in film unions IATSE 891, ACFC, UDO and ACTRA hoping to get into Comedy Writing and Producing. This based on my "proven" industry and academic recognition and success writing and directing TV Ads in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. And this including running an Ad agency in Toronto. This where and when Writers, Production Designers, Production Manager and Art Directors and Media buyers all reported to funny little wee me. And based on my my "real" university education in Media production and psychology. Plus my real experience and success as a senior executive. And with serious profit/loss responsibility? Oddly "ONLY" a problem with literal criminal elite and the corrupt and uneducated major fakes in IATSE 891. FACT CHECK. My only luck finding comedy oppourtunities was back East and in French?
What can it really mean about these criminals to major fakes acting so superior and so clever, and with only very minimal blue collar and trade depth with paint rollers to low voltage tools before criminal coronation via gerrymandering and misleading deceptive messaging with fraudulent concealment with membership, public and politicians? True? False? Res ipsa loquitur? Prima facie?
Just in the matter of just the full "real" honest number and full money story and critical context by Ernst & Young and RCMP on how EXACTLY the "Hour Bank" facilitates the criminal elite in IATSE 891 and pacifies support and possible critics by inclusion should surprise many. Fortunately not only can I do numbers as proven, I even studied microeconomics in university and know how MLMs, and Pyramid to Ponzi systems often poorly hidden. Should smaller departments pay for larger department benefits? From there the numbers unfold propelled by membership fraud and malicious seniority violations. Do the numbers. And add the hundreds of children cheated.
Sad and sickening after all the critical union conferences, 3 decades of unmeasured "action plans", nice hotels, and per diem, plane trips and paper, career political pontificating, posturing, Pix and PR, self-glorifying and politically self-promoting posts and mostly meaningless tweets, that as fact so very-very little has been accomplished in over three decades. Fact check? NDAs still hiding criminals and criminals acts. Criminals still protected criminals by criminal elite. Children still cheated. True? False? It gets worse. See below.
I have never worked with or ever known anyone from Ernst & Young, just Price and Pete people. Some I had help members in IATSE 891 with advice or paper prep. True? False?
Below now just very old legal rough notes for criminal and civil courts and a full forensic Provincial inquiry.
Tom Adair
And most important is to get major head of the heap Tom Adair. Tom Adair is Head of the Council of BC & Yukon Film & TV Trade Unions. His title has more words than his years of education or experience? Possibly combined? How did he get the six figure plus job? How did he get his six figure job when so many many others with far far greater skills, real certificates of higher education and a CV with real world experience oddly work for minimum wage? Fair? Honest? Or for position, perks and pay put to pasture as his proceeds of crime. Just to play stupid and not rock the boat. Get him under oath or at RCMP offices fast. He thinks he's an honest man?
His education? His experience? Hardly. What then got him the job? Follow the money?
NOTE: I am not a union buster, and in fact I'm a major fan of Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent and my hometown boy, Jack Layton back when NDP once meant something very honourable. Now do liberals in opposition have to help clean the dirt out of NDP and Adrian Dix's Hollywood union friends dirty dynasty. One bad apple?
In fact, I've been in more unions than most in The BC Federation of Labour and even dwarf John Horning's depth. Including all these impressive criminals and presidents named above. I was a Grievance Coordinator for a CUPE local (based on law studies) in 70's? And in unions all across Canada and with even a French productions. Actually I also, unlike these frauds, having actually studied media in university and written, directed and produced hundreds of ads. I've also been a senior executive and on the board of director's of a public company (based on honest merit) and worked in investor relations with those involved in Yorkton and Lions Gate. I know how money works doing franchise audits and on stock exchange. My CBC experience with top investigative journalist also gives me some small reference as well.
I was on the board of Directors of a Public Company under former COB Bill Grant, PC Candidate New West, CEO Nabob. I've been around the block.
My work for Federal Liberals handling Western Canada under Ron Basford and Senator Grafstein for John Turner's "Damage Control"election against Mulroney, suggests I have a small sense of the political. Not just legal. Started in media at CBC. After a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. This in the 70's.
I was doing message creative for Justin's Dad in Montreal in 1979. Fact check. Please do. Those who deny my claims to criminally obstruct and further defame me, do so as they wish.
None of these slime have mine or other's credentials. Fact check? Please do? They exploited a criminal and corrupt culture and internal policing and judicial farce too well documented. Said I threatened children. Such class and intellect. RCMP not amused being used like puppets and pawns to stage some false legitimacy.
They have no shame so deserve full humiliation for their faux good family names. Cheating their own members in so many ways. Not just international investment. Probably misleading friends and family how they got their secure positions and windfall salaries? Talent? Integrity? Education? Experience? Superior Intellect? Hardly. See below.
This decade plus dynasty of corruption so those more informed, experienced or educated could not get elected. Or dare. "They rock the boat and forget who butters their bread". To make a documented point I have 475 people documented support me on my claims for a "FULL FORENSIC AUDIT". I thus am not alone, and at best 40 who are stupid enough and with egos bigger than the Hollywood sign to dare deny. Mitch Davies initial Presidential support under 300. What could it mean?
Plus add if going to character how old school "time and material" theft a major perk for members in"Good Standing". This clearly cheating all Canadian taxpayers and Investors to their own membership, employees and coworkers. We can prove it.
The more educated and with higher IQ know fraud to obstruction includes the very clever use of "deceitful omission" and/or "fraudulent concealment".
Children Matter
"Or you're helping cowardly criminals cheat children?"
Blog Purpose
The purpose of this blog is to:
1) Help. Help legally and "fully" expose to RCMP, Crown Prosecution, CRA and all BC political parties for Criminal Prosecution over a dozen serious criminals in BC Film Industry.
2) This with some of the criminals named below and their key support in criminal collusion targeted for convictions and with 5 to 10 year sentence goals. Plus assets and savings as textbook laundered proceeds of crime seized. This to best try to compensate ALL cheated from children to taxpayers.
We estimate legal defence costs for all criminals, and those who collude to aid and abet in key criminal support, like the very cowardly "executive" criminals clearly involved, "this time", as to easily exceed $250,000.00. This even before fast approaching provincial election and more and more crimes revealed to police and CRA and costs take off? And again criminals better not dare use honest member's honest money "again" to defend very sick criminals already enjoying windfall of proceeds of crime. But certainly we do hope they do continue to lie to RCMP as to add to their mushrooming problems that any new efforts at a deceptive defence will certainly create for all the slime. This time, and far more fun, will be with literally thousands "honestly" informed watching these criminals by name and pictures all try and lie, including more lying to Police, Crown Council, Politicians, Forensic Psychiatrists and top Legal Scholars. And all union locals across Canada and whole industry across Canada also to be informed. This as critical case law made and legislated reform addressed. See below exactly how. True? False? Think about it?
3) This based on real total victim count, total amounts and their clever protected pattern of crime, corruption and contempt.
4) This as media amplified trials and decision done as a warning to others thinking also above the rule of law. And where other cowardly criminals think they can abuse and cheat those weaker. Even using coercion and intimidation as witnessed and very well documented.
5) Why the need for "Workplace and Labour Code Reform" far more than a needed given. This key case study as a critical, cost-effective, important and needed first step towards legislated "Workplace and Labour Code Reform". And needed change.
6) In addition, expose millions in tax credit fraud to theft and how literally hundreds of children cheated of life insurance.
7) And key the criminal's long time connections to NDP Federally and Provincially. This done below and fully supported with "honest witness testimony under oath", plus documented trusted third party evidence. And add a wide variety of trusted academic studies from Stanford to McGill and key legal references. Literally thousands of innocent victims from little children to "honest" businesses needing fair and honest legal restitution.
8) Help those also needing a strong critical voice to expose and to fully prosecute criminals and their criminal abuses. As detailed below. A "real" life, "real" world detective story. Guess who done it? Includes "real" strange people, twists and "sister" subplots? Name choices below. Guess who done it? And no one acted alone? Too cowardly.
9) Ideally done with possibly someone to voice for victims who can't be so easily "intimidated and coerced" or bullied and harassed legally, physically and intellectually. Unlike some small women or honest young man suffers by low life criminals. A voice for victims that could not be silenced, bought or bribed with settlements, positions, NDAs or proceeds of crime. This as to help aid and abet in criminal collusion a variety of criminal acts. A voice for victims who has worked with national news media and "award winning investigative journalists". Award winning investigative journalists who have already, and as fate would have it, have already researched, written and produced a report for CBC's "The National" on Crime and Corruption. And in Quebec's largest union and dealing with far more educated, clever, savvy and sophisticated criminals, but similar issues. I had earlier told him about IATSE 891 criminals at a BBQ at his home in Westmount and my BC legal goals. He also has some serious depth on political reporting, both Federal and Provincial. And like other story hungry East Coast journalists can maybe also see how this can also so easily snowball in a polarised province like BC and polls now showing union voters, as in the US voting right or conservative? And most important in BC where "switchers historically as a political psychographic profile rule". And this can provide Green the balance of power no longer played as trusting fools and now rather brilliant going at Dix directly, and on both his RCMP history of integrity and health policy. It will not be pretty. True? False? See below for more. Plus add also for "four decades" personal friends and former roommate of a BC Criminal Court Judge. And do also add, also from social circle, a noted published international Oxford Legal Scholar and former acting Chair UBC Law Faculty (Labour). Also for decades? Whose help with another Oxford Legal Scholar over dinner discussing the criminal brains in IATSE 891 so helpful? Again salmon served. Plus, as icing on the cake, add my own humble history familiar with "reporting directly" to the Attorney General of Canada, as kind of a perfect legal foundation? Yes? No? Add as needed: two Forensic Psychiatrists. One as family and another married to a long time family friends. Might as well add 3 generation friends with a former Prime Minister's family. Probably most not needed to ensure jail time for lying criminal slime? Yes, a"real" life, "real" world detective story. Ready now for RCMP and a handful of MLAs to be heroes for the weak and sadly too often forgotten or ignored. The working class voter-victim.
Note: This new recent name-dropping from my past for many (as so few knew. Fact check?), not done as a threat or sword, or that I forgot to brag on my resume, but as a noted shield and network as to fully ensure that the only sword that counts is the "Rule of Law", and that the pound of flesh bit all addressed. And idiot criminals like John Brummitt and up to even big shot title Paul Klassen criminally judged. Judged as they have judged. Seems honest? Seems so fair? And done by those with such "real" duty, responsibility or mandate to execute the rule of law. And this also as a small warning to silly young lawyers trying to impress stupid criminal clients. A lawyer at internal trials certainly didn't help much. How much was billed for bozos to continue to bluff any legality or facade of legitimacy? Again, just makes the stupid look more stupid and even more criminal. True? False?
10) Help ensure full support for RCMP investigation and interrogation plus the successful prosecution of all criminals involved in this "showcase and precedent setting case". Clearly involving millions in fraud and hundreds of victims. See below.
11) Help save RCMP big money and big time in the investigation and interrogation of all these criminals.
12) This done soon with a few key BC MLAs providing full RCMP signed and stated support. And done as to compensate hundreds of children cheated, and expose fully for prosecution literally millions in tax credit fraud.
13) And that these proceeds of crime seized.
14) Hopefully as part of this blog's important purpose and goals, these notes and legal references will also help many others to come forward. And help both them and their lawyers with criminal, civil, labour, and possibly some small claims issues for those who are members but have also incorporated interests? Anyone in their right mind "honestly" think it best that ALL these criminals ALL get away with ALL their cowardly and sneaky clever series of crimes? Every single one? Plus forgiven for the sick abuses exploiting the weakest, funds and key positions of trust? And should keep the proceeds of crime that indirectly enriched them? Crimes and corruption that provided for coronation or the most pathetic exercise in democracy, transparency and accountability. This with elections involving special self interest of large departments and their criminal and corrupt candidates. True? False? Only the foolish trusting such corrupt elections based on fraudulent concealment and other devices that makes you a star in used car sales. Please raise your hand for all to see if you agree best criminals set free? Few will soon show their faces or dare raise their hands when RCMP finished investigations and interrogations. Bets?
15) Defining risk to NDP in next election ignoring the cancer of crime and corruption here that won't go away like growing housing to health mess. And even worse if Falcon or Sonia use this motherhood and heart-string "honest" oppourtunity to win many more added, growing and available "switcher" seats (See polls below)? "Eby said the breaches are very serious and led to the government firing BC Housing’s board ..."? Dix had a very big huge lead in polls and still lost provincial election. Eby honeymoon will fade as problems grow. NDP better fix this one fast before Falcon and Sonia steal this easy to message and media 100% honest effort as to be real honest voter-credible heroes. And both gain key to "vulnerable seats". See below.
16) The end goal purpose meaningful actionable legislated:
"Workplace and Labour Code Reform"
Why now critical, and why this blog now, is also detailed below.
Why here and now specifically targeting the crimes and criminal elite in one BC film union IATSE 891 as a political time bomb for next BC election, case study and precedent, explained more below.
Simply, BC film union local IATSE 891 used as a key example of criminal and corrupt influence, as so many key and relative elements to ALL OF CANADA. And as so well documented and witnessed, as to make the case, and added and supported rather well with 30 years of focused observation and evidence gathering. From Criminal and Civil Law to Labour Code and even IP issues all a part of the composition of a toxic, criminal and corrupt workplace that this BC film union local of IATSE 891 so easily provides for with detailed case study and legal peer review. And with over 3 decades of criminal history. An ideal case study for why serious "Workplace Law and Labour Code" reform must be a BC political election priority.
This BC IATSE 891 case, as one of many added union locals, and as very clear proof — and beyond any doubt — that present laws and labour code inadequate: and has FAILED! Ridiculous repeated seemingly for now as endless stupidity, will only ensure more women bloody and beaten, more children cheated of life insurance and certainly with more sleazy clever illegal NDAs protecting criminals. Fact! Criminals should be ready to discuss the abuses of many members and their money in a sacred union trust. Seems this blog "pro-union membership majority" to most with a brain. True? False? Poll?
Macro and micro
This blog defines and identifies "most" crimes, "most" criminals, "most" witnesses and "most" evidence, and those involved with NDP? This blog also addresses and outlines future legislated provincial solutions and remedies with restitution defined for victims. This including all the children cheated. More on this below.
New news question
Will Eby and NDP be as hard on criminal elite in dirty BC unions like IATSE 891 as on gross mismanagement of funds and many other BC Housing problems now being investigated? Or try and ignore millions in tax credit fraud and children cheated as it involves Adrian Dix's old Hollywood date and supporter now at BCLC taking chances?
Please allow
Please allow that this blog has so many, and so much, to inform and educate from RCMP played as fools and pawns by criminals to protect criminals to misled CRA. This with even idiot efforts at wrongful prosecution. And this blog to inform Crown Prosecution, selected BCLRB, NDP, BCUP, Greens. And as well, those sadly thousands of union members and their children to BC taxpayers, cheated by criminal fraud to threatened by "proven" economic coercion and intimidation. This all while oddly done at the same time, and with so many I'm forced to also amuze and entertain. Those from family and friends to those I've worked with across Canada with this criminal exposure and prosecution? We try and give a few friends, family and fans a few laughs as well.
Fun tests
See the multiple criminal traps sprinkled so generously throughout this blog below. This as to best test top Criminal Defence lawyers plus dramatically increase their billable hours? And this also helps RCMP save time and money. Hopefully this time not trusting membership illegally paying from "funds in trust" to clearly protect criminals. This as with Gavin Craig and John Brummitt and friends lying to RCMP. And now criminals using their own personal funds as this is a criminal matter totally and totally not union or labour code. BCLRB has already done great work with "coercion and intimidation" to "Bad Faith and BS" issues. 95% of people in unions are honest. True? False?
Fun to think ahead of the literally hundreds of hours "without pay" that most of the criminal elite will need, as to all review all documents for a critical needed full consensus of criminal collusion. And clearly that to aid and abet criminals and avoid a few dozen traps, and as to best plan their very best lies and word spin. Hundreds of hours to best try and fool those smarter and more educated and accomplished and with very serious big shot titles based on honest merit as in the RCMP, Crown Prosecution and Criminal Courts. And this for criminals with the increased real risk of added charges of obstruction or perjury.The ante they'll all be betting against. Big time. True? False?
Case study referenced
We try and address all reasonable and related possible questions both Criminal and Political below. And case study referenced. This so when anyone questions this blog it provides comprehensive foundation material for far more informed questions and direction by Media, RCMP and Criminal Courts. Efficacy?
Simply, we just need a few dozen honest and heroic BC MLAs from "all parties" to fully support: full RCMP investigations and interrogations in these criminal matters below. This milestone, following PMI guidelines, as the key first step to a meaningful momentum with a Provincial Inquiry. A meaningful Provincial Inquiry done as a solid foundation to expedite clearly needed BC Workplace Laws and Labour Code reform. And critical that children cheated compensated. Below makes this need far beyond foolish debate. My work reporting "directly" to the former Attorney General of Canada, Ron Basford and knowing top legal scholars socially and a BC Criminal Court judge for decades gives me some knowledge and firsthand experience so few have as to address these matters in this blog. Fact check.
Possibly major media should ask 3rd party Dr. Kendra Strauss, Director of the Labour Studies Program at SFU, if just the BCLRB and RCMP documents suggest some investigation, transparency, accountability for paying union members funds in trust and claims children cheated warrants some serious investigation with added abuse of NDAs?
Getting real
This decades overdue review and enhanced BC Workplace Law, policy and policing, plus Labour Code reform would invite all BC union locals NOT involved in criminal investigations of executive members or BCLRB rulings of bad faith to contribute. This with legal experts plus key criminology and psychology scholars from SFU and UBC.
This should also result in providing ALL BC UNION MEMBERS a booklet/website spelling out union local governance, accountability, responsibility and transparency and reporting and key exposing any violations of law. Too pro-worker? Debate welcome for those who feel continued member ignorance advantageous as per this case study, and not just fertilizer for fraud, crime and corruption in every union local? Any wish to argue pro ignorance? Union locals would cover all costs for member education and empowerment.
Management measured metrics
Transparency, accountability, liability, responsibility and democracy demand an informed, clear and honest participation, not secret circles using NDAs to hide crimes, criminals and the corrupt. And then watch election involvement increase when voters in membership to a provincial election both honestly and "credibly" informed and not grossly misled by criminal fraudulent concealment. And using best media and expense to inform "honest" workers. Internal union local governance will also improve. True? False?
Think for yourself
As you read below please ask yourself, and very seriously: why do those corrupt or very criminal, as so clearly named below, clearly so very afraid, even with their proven and documented major legal muscle — even internally, as so very afraid to defend their good golden names and reputation? And just fully challenge this blog and in real honest criminal and civil courts? Or RCMP offices? And after so many warm and welcoming invitations by us to do so. And with their traditional show of force in full organized solidarity/collusion among criminal elite and challenge little wee me. Little wee me as really no more than just a failed comedy writer? What do they fear so much? Truth? See below BCLRB rulings and various media reports and CLC, U of T and Western University studies, and judge for yourself if this can change BC provincial elections?
As a matter of record and reason, I went into the film industry with work in film unions IATSE 891, ACFC, UDO and ACTRA hoping to get into Comedy Writing and Producing. This based on my "proven" industry and academic recognition and success writing and directing TV Ads in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. And this including running an Ad agency in Toronto. This where and when Writers, Production Designers, Production Manager and Art Directors and Media buyers all reported to funny little wee me. And based on my my "real" university education in Media production and psychology. Plus my real experience and success as a senior executive. And with serious profit/loss responsibility? Oddly "ONLY" a problem with literal criminal elite and the corrupt and uneducated major fakes in IATSE 891. FACT CHECK. My only luck finding comedy oppourtunities was back East and in French?
What can it really mean about these criminals to major fakes acting so superior and so clever, and with only very minimal blue collar and trade depth with paint rollers to low voltage tools before criminal coronation via gerrymandering and misleading deceptive messaging with fraudulent concealment with membership, public and politicians? True? False? Res ipsa loquitur? Prima facie?
Just in the matter of just the full "real" honest number and full money story and critical context by Ernst & Young and RCMP on how EXACTLY the "Hour Bank" facilitates the criminal elite in IATSE 891 and pacifies support and possible critics by inclusion should surprise many. Fortunately not only can I do numbers as proven, I even studied microeconomics in university and know how MLMs, and Pyramid to Ponzi systems often poorly hidden. Should smaller departments pay for larger department benefits? From there the numbers unfold propelled by membership fraud and malicious seniority violations. Do the numbers. And add the hundreds of children cheated.
Sad and sickening after all the critical union conferences, 3 decades of unmeasured "action plans", nice hotels, and per diem, plane trips and paper, career political pontificating, posturing, Pix and PR, self-glorifying and politically self-promoting posts and mostly meaningless tweets, that as fact so very-very little has been accomplished in over three decades. Fact check? NDAs still hiding criminals and criminals acts. Criminals still protected criminals by criminal elite. Children still cheated. True? False? It gets worse. See below.
I have never worked with or ever known anyone from Ernst & Young, just Price and Pete people. Some I had help members in IATSE 891 with advice or paper prep. True? False?
Below now just very old legal rough notes for criminal and civil courts and a full forensic Provincial inquiry.
Tom Adair
And most important is to get major head of the heap Tom Adair. Tom Adair is Head of the Council of BC & Yukon Film & TV Trade Unions. His title has more words than his years of education or experience? Possibly combined? How did he get the six figure plus job? How did he get his six figure job when so many many others with far far greater skills, real certificates of higher education and a CV with real world experience oddly work for minimum wage? Fair? Honest? Or for position, perks and pay put to pasture as his proceeds of crime. Just to play stupid and not rock the boat. Get him under oath or at RCMP offices fast. He thinks he's an honest man?
His education? His experience? Hardly. What then got him the job? Follow the money?
NOTE: I am not a union buster, and in fact I'm a major fan of Tommy Douglas, Ed Broadbent and my hometown boy, Jack Layton back when NDP once meant something very honourable. Now do liberals in opposition have to help clean the dirt out of NDP and Adrian Dix's Hollywood union friends dirty dynasty. One bad apple?
In fact, I've been in more unions than most in The BC Federation of Labour and even dwarf John Horning's depth. Including all these impressive criminals and presidents named above. I was a Grievance Coordinator for a CUPE local (based on law studies) in 70's? And in unions all across Canada and with even a French productions. Actually I also, unlike these frauds, having actually studied media in university and written, directed and produced hundreds of ads. I've also been a senior executive and on the board of director's of a public company (based on honest merit) and worked in investor relations with those involved in Yorkton and Lions Gate. I know how money works doing franchise audits and on stock exchange. My CBC experience with top investigative journalist also gives me some small reference as well.
I was on the board of Directors of a Public Company under former COB Bill Grant, PC Candidate New West, CEO Nabob. I've been around the block.
My work for Federal Liberals handling Western Canada under Ron Basford and Senator Grafstein for John Turner's "Damage Control"election against Mulroney, suggests I have a small sense of the political. Not just legal. Started in media at CBC. After a Grievance Coordinator for CUPE. This in the 70's.
I was doing message creative for Justin's Dad in Montreal in 1979. Fact check. Please do. Those who deny my claims to criminally obstruct and further defame me, do so as they wish.
None of these slime have mine or other's credentials. Fact check? Please do? They exploited a criminal and corrupt culture and internal policing and judicial farce too well documented. Said I threatened children. Such class and intellect. RCMP not amused being used like puppets and pawns to stage some false legitimacy.
They have no shame so deserve full humiliation for their faux good family names. Cheating their own members in so many ways. Not just international investment. Probably misleading friends and family how they got their secure positions and windfall salaries? Talent? Integrity? Education? Experience? Superior Intellect? Hardly. See below.
This decade plus dynasty of corruption so those more informed, experienced or educated could not get elected. Or dare. "They rock the boat and forget who butters their bread". To make a documented point I have 475 people documented support me on my claims for a "FULL FORENSIC AUDIT". I thus am not alone, and at best 40 who are stupid enough and with egos bigger than the Hollywood sign to dare deny. Mitch Davies initial Presidential support under 300. What could it mean?
Plus add if going to character how old school "time and material" theft a major perk for members in"Good Standing". This clearly cheating all Canadian taxpayers and Investors to their own membership, employees and coworkers. We can prove it.
The more educated and with higher IQ know fraud to obstruction includes the very clever use of "deceitful omission" and/or "fraudulent concealment".
Date: Sept 11, 2017.
Pageviews last month
Pageviews all time history
Signed Denials "0" (Zero)
NOTE: 66,000 page views and no one challenging using real name? Not even those named? How very odd? Should we ask an actuary for a basic linear regression or best guess?
"Millions" in Tax Fraud enriching known criminals to violence, assault, harassment and suppression of women must be busted, charged, prosecuted.
Add Tax Credit Fraud enriching a defined criminal group (20+) within the classic cliche' cover of other's legitimacy as smokescreen.
Just like criminal casinos used (This criminal and cowardly slime not the smartest of criminals. See below.) Pretty sad when those named above can't find even one (1) single "honest person" to meet with me at RCMP offices and defend them and their career and family reputation. Just 1 honest person. One? Or even lie for them without fear of obstruction to aid and abet and have charges also thrown in their face?
This case with victims ranging from "ALL BC Taxpayers" to young honest talented unemployed youth also cheated, theft over $5,000.00 and the assault and abuse of women.
Add economic interference for those victims incorporated? And jail a must for those sad desperate "cowardly" slime who criminally aid and abet for self-interest from money to "positions" in cover-up. They certainly should also go to jail and have all their assets seized for victim and BC taxpayer compensation. Fair?
Why should criminal slime be paid more than teachers, nurses and police who work harder and need to pass tests and go to school and be certified. Sick or what?
Forward Note: The criminals identified and named here - and intentionally harassed, humiliated and cyber-bullied here, and as pictured here (and many more to follow) are certainly all free to meet with me anytime at all convenient and prove their full innocence, integrity and even well their self-promoted superior intellect. Plus "protect their family good name". At least for their children? If not such criminals, frauds, fakes and cowards? This easily done at any convenient RCMP location they like.
POINT: That "simple" to prove they are not sad "sick" criminals seriously fearing jail time as I'll swear under oath. That simple. Five highly qualified present and past presidents and their so noteworthy executive supporters who aid and abet their criminal acts and their big shot Hollywood and Union vs. me. And all free to discuss millions in Tax to Membership Fraud? This should be proof enough 30% tax credit cost/benefit better going to teachers, nurses, police or hungry children than making fakes six figure salaries?
What EXACTLY are they so afraid of to allow such published defamation, slander, humiliation as viewed here by 64,000 views. Have they no pride. Or just no legal defence? Zero?
Their very stupid criminal non-disclosure documents to facilitate criminal acts as aid and abetting (including violence against women) and other documents from membership and departmental absurdities and health benefit fraud, low election numbers, and internal trials, non-confidence votes and charges against presidents and interesting email, with legal rulings for "intimidation and coercion" and provincial inquiry notes on "good faith" prove when they think they are clever, they are not. Just seriously low intellect criminal cowardly frauds. Not so brave and smart now are they? Looking like small men with small penis complex? True? False?
Can this put over twenty people in jail and blocked from any future union activity and their home and bank and other assets seized as clear laundered piece of or proceeds of crime laundered as position, perks and pay. All criminal sleaze can parade on way to jail?
Just over a dozen very-very serious criminal acts here to discuss "honestly" with RCMP and voice polygraph. From Tax credit fraud in literally millions, to theft and serious personal tax fraud well over $5,000.00 to "Women Beatings" and very sickening "self-serving" cover-ups and other acts of violence and other crimes.
Just a chat with RCMP and me? That simple? And we can even do "volunteer voice polygraphs" (many around BC legal). This to really "honestly" help RCMP as to not waste their time with lowest life lying cowardly slime. Who ever that may be. This so extremely clear to RCMP who criminals might be and where and who to best to focus on key criminal acts? Revenue Canada to BC Lib and NDP should take note. YES, VOICE-POLY NOT ADMISSIBLE IN COURT BUT CERTAINLY CUTS DOWN DESPERATE BS WORD GAME WASTE, WHEN POLICE COULD BE SAVING LIVES? DON'T TRY AND WASTE RCMP TIME? JUST MORE BAD LEGAL OPTICS?
Absolutely voice polygraph not admissible but certainly helps big-time RCMP avoid being bored to death with Tom Adair's and John Brummitt BS "obstructing" a very serious criminal investigation. Bring NDP Adrian Dix as fully versed in documentation
From top of the heap Tom Adair (above) with his big title and bigger opinions and noted profile in NDP and his fashionable Green support, and politics, to his serious criminal low-life slime and friends, to even more sleazy tax cheats and thieves he should be fun to fully expose - or take those like Rob Maier. And his so impressive tax cheating and stealing, defaming "intimidating and coercion" documented gang relations. This with fun questioning including:
Super brain John Brummitt.
(who actually: "knows all and everyone's crimes, but sadly got far less of the proceeds of crime from Don Ramsden and Gavin Craig as presidents than Tom Adair - and got no trips like Dusty Kelly.
John Brummitt should be a very-very big help to RCMP big time busting his old bosses instead of kissing their ass. Certainly odds are HE'LL BE wanting to plea bargain and sell out like bikers and mobsters to even Conrad Black's 2IC do, as also having super brains and top legal. Will Don Ramsden's 2IC and long time brilliant buddy Brummitt squeal on "all" to get a big squeal for a deal break and not help dearest friends Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly enjoy more money, prestige, power and false fame, respect by fools and the good life SAD, WHILE ALL HE GETS TWO CHANCES TO FALL IN DISFAVOUR AS A TOP "HARDLY HONEST"SHOP STEWARD, YES, TOM ADAIR DID SO MUCH BETTER FROM THE DIRTY DYNASTY?
This option of visit to RCMP should be attractive to "all" (or at least for some alone?) and this offer should/would appeal as to simply and honestly clear their "good honest respected names". As they should at least do it as to protect their family good name - for their "children"? AS SELF-PROMOTED LOVING PARENTS? And protect their big time titles and careers? They brag about being good parents now prove it? With their under a hundred page views as social media marvels (at whatever cost of incompetence) 66,000 pageviews should be noted by these slime and this blog.
And plus not suffer such "disrepute" as internal trials find repugnant? And best can shut me up and shut me down fast? Why not even try? Just as any "normal honest person would/should want to do" as to protect their good name? Again: As any honest person would? The point can be made more clear below. As they reap what they sow, and must do the time for the crime, and pay the piper stuff?
Creep Catcher will help children? Who will help women here? Daughters, sisters, wives?
And all tax payers cheated of millions and millions to enrich cowardly criminal slime?
Help? Guess which criminal pictured above did which crime? Or who helped aid and abet by obstruction or breach of fiduciary duty or extremely cowardly enriching silence for so very many crimes for so many years? An interesting media puzzle?
Creep Catcher will help children? Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives?
If we knew of those who stayed silent on child abuse, sexual, physical or psychological, we'd be breaking the law not reporting it. Just like a basic and obvious safety issues on a union work site. "Safety" so much noise made about it by comparison to women's safety at this proud local? Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives? Like at work site as not to be suppressed or cheated of work? Male or female. Young or old.
If we know of those cheating all BC tax payers to unemployed talented and deserving youth we must put them in jail or the law and judicial system has credibility issues. Plus resulting mushrooming corruption and crime if no visible deterrent.
Youth here as far more honest, talented and educated and suffering as well, the slime and those involved clearly in: restriction of trade and economic interference against suppliers to co-workers and their own brothers and sisters? Not just cheating taxpayers with millions and millions year after year for decades with easy to show and demonstrate tax credit fraud and endless deception. Key is even against those they term brother and sister they cheated. In solidarity with their women beaters, fakes, frauds, crooks ($5,000 +) and known by many for decades.
And with those criminals involved, they actually do have a documented history for decades and already proven for not simply supporting women beaters but "intimidation and coercion" against their own brothers and sisters.
This not theory, speculation or conjecture this in legal files from top law firms to BC Labour Relations Boards. Clear extremes of self-interest and ego and their self-interest groups or gang. Even their friends lying and misleading RCMP is on record. That full of themselves as this arrogant and ignorant slime. As criminal defence witnesses this will be obvious.
Beating up women also highly acceptable in these elite groups, oddly related to how much paid in lip service or special executive work and political opportunity. John Brummitt proof in spades. And John Brummitt involved with all criminals named and pictured. And oddly "all" supporting millions in tax credit fraud from manipulated basic membership and upgrade fraud to an hour bank ponzi scheme any Chicago economist can explain or simply for low level criminal minds involved how those who make the most pay the least. That obvious? This would make Tommy Douglas vomit.
The NDP should be proud of such support as labour movement and NDP destroy themselves as once a party of integrity allowing such internal cancers at vote cost? Who did pen master Adrian Dix do lunch with in Hollywood offering a 40% plus concept? Who paid for trips of promises?
The recent provincial election now makes this blog very key to both parties. A win or lose factor that advanced pollsters, actuaries, mathematicians and marketers might call "tipping point". Very key. Read below all the new reasons why. If alone the above not enough than with simply the statement:
Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives?
Now even more the case, as even the former Premier of BC admits that she also sadly another sad weaker victim of assault by such cowardly dirt as pictured above. So she knows how victims feel and felt. Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives? Like on a work site?
Time to put this very impressive group above of very cowardly - and "very creepy" gang of women beaters and their "career desperate" supporters, for clear "aid and abetting," as all well documented, and as named, ALL in jail. Plus for more added jail time how their very-very criminal and corrupt low-life fraud and fakes as friends ALL GUILTY in major tax fraud cheating all taxpayers to coworkers. Absolute fact. Very clear.
Sleaze do like similar sleaze or those they can impress, bully or mislead. Well now time for jail, as themselves as criminal social dirt, and their friends, oddly enriched by "MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS" in TAX CREDIT FRAUD. Time to put them away? In jail. This while far more honest, educated and experienced BC people not left to suffer highly uneducated, low skilled, low talented dynasties of nepotism and the dishonest.
John Brummit top stupid one? He's so clever he has me profiling him and his history for RCMP. He was the first to tip me off on corruption and crime. Others provided details. His life and career peak clearly by helping criminals, tax cheats and women beaters. Getting embarrassing for his family in interior BC. This as more and more find out about this twisted father figure and clear misogynist. Wanna bet? Have him meet all alone at RCMP offices if not a very serious lying criminal and simply defend himself (as any honest person would or could?) and defend ALL his sleazy criminal friends as so clever an in the know. He won't show up unless drunk so scared and so much at great risk to himself and all his friends like Tom Adair. This offer to show beyond debate what a shaking disgusting coward and liar he is when not being Don Ramsden's or Rob Maier's criminal puppet? Bets?
An easy case for RCMP as too many involved in too many lies and many in group not very clever as key criminals surrounded themselves with weak cowardly types motivated by greed, ego or just sadly wanting to deceive and impress family and friends as neither experience or education supports these criminal slime paid more than police, teachers and nurses.
They also have a history of lying to police to deny.
See Gavin Craig, Don Ramsden, John Brummitt, Rob Maier for how stupid one gets and how sick and criminal when ego a title and over paid just creates more greed and lust for power. The small man and small man complex should be obvious to RCMP and why jail time 5 years plus should be prosecuteed fully and no deals for top slime and small women beating cowatds and their cowardly and creeepy
That added on top off many, many other's acts of "coworker", tax and investor fraud to major theft, gross negligence and gross incompetence. Cheating investors to honest union and non-union workers. And ALL IN JAIL. SOME FOR 5 YEARS "PLUS". AS PER THE RULE OF LAW. And so all taxpayers, investors and coworkers see justice to those women beaten, harassed and suppressed. Ideally for Christmas.
Time for the "big dirty story" to now all be told making juvenile efforts at illegal non-disclosure agreements ridiculous and perfectly reflective of those "all" involved . The "WHOLE TRUTH" and nothing but the truth.
RCMP will know very quickly now, with info and witnesses provided exactly who the lying two faced duplicitous and disingenuous are at the first of many interviews with the "wordy-word game" slime. All
I gladly admit and will under oath and for voice, thermal or traditional polygraph admit I have intentionally published extremely harassing and defaming claims and I should go to jail or be stopped if what I say not true or fully legally justified. Or heroic as some honest women to highly educated claim? Funny how so brave and brazen major bozo brainless types are to act when criminals put in "disrepute". And now so humiliated so terrified of RCMP and filing a complaint or criminal charges against me? Why?
Whether unknown young girls and students at Dental School on East coast, to East coast actresses and others exposing, taking on and holding accountable big shot cowardly abusive arrogant celebrities like Jian Ghomeshi at CBC. And as well as exposing slime and nutcases and also key here holding cowardly company executives - and even the whole Crown Corporation CBC, accountable for breach of an apparent natural justice mandate? This expected by any honest legal philosophers in any progressive beyond primitive, civilize society. And guilty clearly, with clear hypocritical, gross and cowardly deliberate negligence, so breach of fiduciary duty charges also very warranted. And serious financial liabilities for those who support plus aid and abet.
These brave women at CBC to BC Premier making history at least now more translucent if not perfectly transparent to higher thinking minds. We have a crisis. This BC industry a key battleground to showcase and spotlight help for women to all taxpayers and add more very critical dialogue.
This blog further inspired by girls personally known in Montreal as victims of Date Rape (If having CF killing them not enough to suffer. Some men as we'll show that sick?) and the heroic efforts of one father (a former classmate) changing Federal Law with the murder and rape of his daughter? Too often twins and their big brothers "assault and bullying" not far from murder.
Rape and murder, also not a joke as for some sick very small cowardly uneducated men to laugh at? A old school mate's daughters now dead. So my patience with slimy hypocritical criminal fools and frauds now less than zero. So I'm very much not joking when it comes to the sick cowardly ignorant slime identified here. And do jail time even if only 50% of charges succesful.
My empathy only made more enlightening by University of Montreal massacre as I lived on the same street.
Add in now Ottawa with 40% of women reporting a form of sexual assault. So very-very clear we do need major whistle-blowing by non cowards and blogs like this. Probably a thousand more? We do have a very national if not international crisis to address. Politically correct or not. And everywhere possible like here.
And no matter who and what celebrity orr big shot with pathetically misleading titles they hide behind like Tom Adair, and as to even dare judge others like his buddy the puppy kicking king of sickest porn, John Brummitt, and a previous executive partner in smiles with Tom Adair.
Both as hundreds know as fact very-very key support for those who beat up woman and key to "millions and millions" in tax fraud. Classy guys? Both deserving respect and a minimum five years jail time for their impressive skills, education, accomplishments as with other blatant duplicitous acts of bulling or assault they help hide and support. And even bullying like a girl drowned by a girl in Victoria makes a point of those thinking superior to any other human being ? Yes a few women will even kill other women as so sick? Ego? And whether their illusions of being in the in-crowd and empowered by criminal executive elite has any merit, also illustrates their insanity, ego, vanity, ignorance and arrogance. And all easy to prove. All fact.
Maybe as some top Oxford-Osgoode legal minds suggest sexual assault should not be seen as a sex crime, but as "gross cowardly treason of all mankind" deserving nothing less than chemical castration and present legal chemical lobotomy for any of those involved? Do such fakes, cowards and bullies deserve less?
Add most of these slime enriched criminals by tax credit fraud they allowed for their selfish greed and gang members and for personal and political career survival as lacking and real world experience or accomplishment and education at best if any hardly related. Fact.
They not only humiliate their wives, children and families by their many deceptions, but cheat investors, coworkers and all BC taxpayers. Hey and again all those named and soon to be named more than warmly welcome to best defend their "honest good name and career". Reputation priceless to quote? Just easily meet me at RCMP offices and don't tell lies or try word games as it gets even worse. Much worse. And the criminal slime should most certainly defend yourselves when not cowardly devices ,misleading inflated titlees and corrupted democratic support and show who and what you really are if not obvious criminal cowardly slime. WHY NOT?
Poor Paul Klassen showing off for slime I guess he so hoped to impress he's not an arrogant, ignorant idiot puppet and buddy but failed. His name getting around Ottawa as well such a class act. Mitch Davies certainly not able to fool "all my friends" far-far more educated than that coward and women beater supporter, as much more educated then the dummies he and Dusty Kelly can easily fool. Asw proven. Like when using poor ethics judge ADRIAN DIX, for image making and he once again only to suffer more embarrassment for again such poor standard of care and integrity, as in the past. No surprise? Poor NDP.
They should be more careful playing the Hollier-than-thou bit ,while dancing with the sickest of devils? And before an election. Just wasting voters time and supporters money again. . Makes political parties look like garbage slime supporting those who support women beaters. True? False? And now BC Liberal Leader also admitting a victim of such low life.
And it gets worse. If your guilty for assault on the Premier of BC, Pam Anderson or suffer Vancouver's finest men like Dorthy Stratton sadly did you deserve justice and all low-life dirty criminals prosecuted. Fully. As does a nobody working single mother beaten deserve justice as a victim by others oddly also in "good standing" with Junkies, Tax Cheats, Drunks (Wine Expert and Son?), and dog kicking sicko extreme John Brummitt. Yes, my critics easy to profile and by the company they keep.
Hey, if you act like a big shot with bogus big title like Tom Adair head of the BC and Yukon TV and Film something or oter, and giving misleading uneducated and uniformed opinions while so cowardly silent and so supporting women beaters you're human dirt. And should be exposed from your hometown to Victoria and Ottawa. No debate. Tom also with little education, experience or any singular accomplishment other than possibly building a coffee table at career peak and his noteworthy documented his supporting women beaters by attacking their whistle blowers. Helps as to secure revenue windfall for stupid vain Tom Adair. 5 years plus? Yes, you are going to get burned playing with fire. Get full of yourselves and find you are now playing with military grade plutonium and well as they say in LA and Montreal, welcome to the Jungle?
As such ALL criminals named here will look more than sleaazy and stupid, criminal guilty and cowardly. Using illegal trials to illegal non-disclosure agreements to create a credible facade for fraud, will soon backfire with jail time and be extremely embarrassing and so difficult to explain to friends and family you once impressed by deception.
And do also add, as further inspiration for this blog's inspiration and also on West coast: celebrities like Pam Anderson to Gillian Anderson also suffering misogynist and similar nut case abuses in residential homes to Vancouver union film sets.
And sadly Pam Anderson (who I found to be a sweet young girl when doing Budweiser Swimsuit when in I was in Advertising for a top beer company) or as young girl at start of career like Gillian (When I worked on X-Files), also having needless fears. Hopefully others in future need not ever suffer and now including with Premier Clark, if we start to "very aggresively" prosecute such human dirt, cowards, crooks and their critical support in cover-up and this for personnel greed and ambition clearly.
A few personnel agencies West of Wawa will have all their names shortly as well as all RCMP offices and police files for licence checks when pulled over as with more names to go now to and for "border security"(See LinkedIn contacts?) and CRA (See File). An especially must show how powerful but sadly Rob Maier is, now as very targeted for ten years in prison as a minor and modest goal. Or less time if he throws Brummitt under the bus? Possibly reduced charges for any who turn on John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly. That's how it works. Help RCMP and Crown and they help you. If not? Well, place your bets.
Why are those named and pictured so scared out of their minds and to just simply defend even (1) one thing to show their titles and lives not one big deception to faciltate tax credit fraud? If possible should be blatant. So much silence now from such big talking authoritative opinion offering big shot small men with small penis textbook complexes? Odd? Those who once wouldn't shut up certainly revealing so cowardly in their silence. The disgusting women who support them also must all suffer our legal system and wide social humiliation by media to crush them and these criminals "like a bug?" as they would say and allow for others? Fair?
The mind set of the misogynist not just Robert Pickerton (and as so near Burnaby bastion f te Barons of Bullshit begs a variety of questioning of John Brummitts other loyal friends - one would think?)
Presentable Paul Bernado in Ontario, to those who hide behind military or petty political positions like Col. Russel and titles for psychological camouflage as with most textbook psychopaths and sexual supremacists must all have their day of truth. Whole truth. Nothing but. And what they must now fear. In "real people" courts?
The system and people who support these scum's image and titles hiding the sick cowardly frauds and helping their sick little lies must all have their careers "destroyed" as they destroyed others lives, sadly too weak to fight back.
All these crimes from millions in tax fraud to violence against women must make media headlines to help all women and all BC Taxpayers. Time for honest unbiased journalism from known writers in media BC to CBC in Montreal and Toronto or they possibly also suspect of personal or career otives for their selective silence?
The media not addressing far more on-line bullying and abuse of young girls and resulting suicides, also of tragic note, and why this blog so critical. Keep the discussion front and center.
The financial prosecution for fraud references also done in tandem so no sex nut or cowardly bully walks away from here like CBC celebrities, and so all will do jail time and most pay their victims of their breach and fraud to those with multiple charges of more serious jail time doing far beyond five years.
And five years now worth twenty in last remaining golden years some say. They must pay. Victims deserve respect. Or as proven some will pretend to ignore and ignore. And ignore like the super slime and coward of cowards Tom Adair.
Don't let slime enjoy fraud money while teachers and nurses underpaid and John Brummitt and Tom Adair have been both so grossly over paid and enjoying corrupt and elections.
As of May 21, we have removed three points from below before re-release. to hold from Criminal Defence lawyers as best introduced for a Provincial Inquiry on Tax Fraud, Crime and Corruption in Film Industry. Costing Teachers and Nurses and all tax payers far too much enriching these low-life cowardly "creepy" criminals and serious and savage women beaters and their critical primary and secondary executive support by others with inflated titles to corrupted and criminal election support - and oddly all in "good standing".
Note, "exactly" how all those named above and below as clear criminal slime all so "very-very afraid" of simply going alone or in full gang solidarity to RCMP to stop me from making such published seriously abusive, demeaning and certainly very defaming claims below about them if not "TRUE"?
Shouldn't they as normal non-criminals would obviously do and as to normally protect their "Good, Honest, Family Names and Career Reputation". Shakespeare to Brian Mulroney thought reputation important?
They really should stop these claims stated as 100% fact:
Immigrants we "once welcomed" then became Canadian women beaters (and worse some sick Canadians supported them for proceeds of crime) must be exposed like a violent CBC celebrity or young senator all full of themselves and double standards. And think women a safe punching bag. And if not greed and ego what was the motivation?
And as they are such Alpha males, they really should most certainly want claims as "small man types with text book small penis complexes" stopped. And claims they ine thinking they are superior to women - and their wives, stopped? And okay and "just business" that women should be beaten acceptable business cost to shut them up? Now add other slime key and liable for millions and millions in tax fraud and far-far more. Must all go to jail? This Christmas. This as victims from single working mothers will to honest bullied workers still be suffering their fraud
The slime and criminals better be able to finger point at others or the finger points right at them . That simple. That's how it works.
Did the criminals lawyers tell some of them they could be looking at easily six months to five years in jail - and/or gigantic personal liabilities being so very bold brave and clever so many-many times when clear slime lowest life cowards could hide behind a crowd..
Funny how they do nothing to protect their such good family names and at least "for their family or future careers"? But odd they rush everything else like their bullying and defamatory internal trials documented as helping criminals to absurd membership qualifications. just maling more cler what human garbage. Clearly. Now even more funny now as their big shot Hollywood and Union lawyers can't protect them as just to much crime involved. Far too much. Where to start must puzzel their expensive super legal stars. Or possibly financially crippling legal expenses too much to even dare try? Any bets?
Crown, based on documents and witnesses and old RCMP, BC LRB and Provincial Inquiries should be able to "easily" secure convictions on 80-90% of all those named and not doing a squeal-for-a-deal for reduced charges. Some will get a break rating "out all others". And for saving RCMP and Criminal Courts and Judges needles time. Will get very boring for RCMP wasting time with best efforts by human slime at final deception, word games and lies, trying to use RCMP once AGAIN as there pawns or puppets like Gavin Craig's gang and Rob Maier's gang tried to oddly intimidate and coerce as the case later and even prior support. Our discussions with Oxford Legal Scholars and former acting UBC law school chair, to the top practicing defamation lawyers and other top legal minds plus my old room mate the late BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mckay (also at our lunch with UBC acting chair and Oxford Scholar and Osgoode Law Review Editor) would support that jail time could be severe for those still arrogant and so highly uneducated and grossly misinformed. Idiots talking statue of limitations always good for a laugh.
Time to give women of Canada, and RCMP as helping a big win. Some "honest" and good PR helping women a good "communications strategy" and sooner the better?
Here's the perfect case.
We all know how the courts recently had very high standards for victim/witness credibility in CBC celebrity assault trial, so simply the perfect time to see if same very high standards on credibility as per documents and witnesses now demanded of the slime here accused of violence against women to "millions and millions" in liabilities for tax credit fraud as noted/admitted in newsletter - and no corporate/union shield possible in criminal matters.
Real trials and real courts, real people and really educated and really honest, should prove very educating for the criminal slime who love judging others and hiding behind out dated labour code clearly needing reform and a major re-brand of transparency and accountability needed as do churches protecting pedophiles to union locals protecting women beaters. Clear? Now those who had tiny little blue collar small man small penis local union hall ego trips playing judge, will be now judged. Ridiculed. Exposed. Humiliated. Charged. Assets seized. And other sentencing goals?
" has been estimated that as many as 20 to 25 per cent of women will be sexually assaulted as college students."
And just guess, if just very conservatively just half of above, say 10% or 1 of 10, that if that the same case, when no witnesses around in office work places or even churches to film union shop floors or offices. And sadly and more disgusting where those less educated even greater victims of coercion and intimidation and cultures of bad faith, with sexual harassment to suppression far beyond debate and in lower positions and a single mother with a child to feed? Sick? And with victims with smaller work titles than their abusers certainly compounding the cowardice of any assault sexual or not. Are there other cowards like Tom Adair who provide years of support to women beaters but hide behind insanely inflated titles suggesting both meaningful experience and education he really hasn't got to judge others his life superiors. A coward and a fraud not an unusual combination.
This far beyond debate but any morons mentioned or any of their other gang members or crews, all more than welcome to challenge this fact as well? Face-to-face? Eye-to-eye? And with RCMP present? Cowards and criminals? Here's their big chance not to continue to look so very guilty of far more crimes including few mentioned.
Why? For greed. Greed, greed and more greed. And ego. Clearly.
Losers bought with proceeds of crime for aid and abetting illegal cover-ups aith big bogus inflated titles and petty power positions, poor man prestige, big pay without merit, revenue enhancement and or others like Rob Maier theft and revenue protection. Fact.
Again those named, and to be named in affidavit, always more than welcome to challenge these very clear claims and protect their very good names, big titles and reputation at RCMP offices. This to save time. Why not? It will only get worse with new surprises? Tricks and traps set.
Why are the little cowardly uneducated slime and literal nobodies so very-very afraid to protect their image and ego once again - if not fearing serious jail time. Afraid of traps and those far more informed on many things?
Or is any legal defence now far too complex for such and so many simple minds who do like image and power and playing judge, and yet now so sadly left without any power at all and to be judged in real criminal courts based on their real liabilities, real personalities, real education, real experience and real criminal actions. Such incredibly clever bullies and cowards. Lies to RCMP to absolutely embarrassing and pathetic absurd internal trials proves how clever in spades and how very sick and hypocritical.
Others document this as well.
Are they uneducated human dirt lacking clearly both intellect or integrity and any forethought of consequence and ramifications? Some of us do hate sick creeps, cowards and women beaters, pedophiles and fakes and very much date rape types? Some in our families victims, so it gets passionate and very personal. As it should for any family having daughters or sadly victims suffering such super human garbage. Some are far more accepting.
Mitch Davies should have no problem doing a volunteer polygraph on date rape, tax credit fraud and supporting women beaters clearly more than honest workers, as evident to date, just to see if his hands clean on all three? Or just one? Or two. I'll do the same. So all very fair and so very honest? He likes games? He's a big shot once given a choice.
Hope he can do better then just appearing like a major sick fraud wearing a T Shirt one day as biggest effort to help women and yet help criminals to women beaters and support tax fraud the rest of the year. For years. Such a politically clever little boy. Should women or criminal courts trust him? Who will when all told? Will he be less popular than both Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly's last election numbers define. Will he lie to RCMP like Gavin Craig's gang of goofballs or Rob Maiers partner's in crime just to protect tax fraud criminals and women beaters and still be on record doing absolutely nothing for clearly victims. Hey, with Mitch women's rights not just a shallow saying it's also a cheap slogan to get votes. Any welcome to defend him on all matters. Anyone? Or defend the more disgusting higher up and head of all film councils Tom Adair.
Just guess why the T-shirt if really no problem? Stand up? Speak out?As on the T-shirt but this blog so oddly ignored and his criminal supporters still enriched by tax credit fraud. He's a fraud. Thi picture proves it. As do women as victims. His impressive numbers as first past the post and his "real" democratic legitimacy in corrupt elections involving criminals another embarrassing joke for this creep and coward to be firther defined shortly.
Mitch Davies. Is he fully ready for RCMP ?
Enough of judgments for CBC celebrities found "not guilty" as victim's behavior not in "harmony" in a shadow of a crime. Or more recent a president of a Canadian university using "behavioral contracts" as some of the slime named here use endless and blatantly illegal and very criminal "non-disclosure agreements". This worth a few laughs like Paul Klassen's judicial integrity to others very serious CRA problems. And illegal and very criminal "non-disclosure agreements"mostly used as to clearly aid and abet criminal acts, from millions and millions in tax credit to fraud to violence by forced, bullied or consensual silence. And helping enrich criminals. In millions.
Shows class? And action?
This case a very big honest, credible and now possibly a very critical win for both RCMP to investigate and for women in RCMP ideally to deal with? And ideally as per Justin logic say half the investigators from RCMP being women inRCMP. Those very familiar with liars like Gavin Craig and John Brummitt and their slime friends guilty of assault, harassment and suppression of women - and very familiar with victims fear of disclosure and exposure on their career, as coercion and intimidation to economic interference the ever present silent threat. Shows class? And action?
Time to also give all "honest" BC tax payers a major big win with some honest justice with major tax credit cheats and frauds enriching criminals and worse, making unons, labour movement and NDP Leaders and their past judgements look very bad and worse cheating other unions and making far more than nurses, teachers and too many police, all finally sent to jail. It's time. A combination of injunctions and all related proceeds of crime seized for victim compensation or liens on all assets, as needed with flight risk factors recognized. Some now out of country? May not return?
This as per present very organized executive crime helpers and leaders like present top dogs Mitch Davies and Tom Adair to old time extremely criminal slime John Brummitt and his old slave masters Don Ramsden and major crook Rob Maier, all now must all be put in a very serious criminal spotlight. And very amusingly now all in the spotlight by the very stupid, arrogant, deceitful, uneducated, low-talent people they thought clever to be empowered, hired or helped surround themselves with. Ironic? And kinda funny really. And now they must bet on these stupid people not to make things worse trying again to be far more clever than they are. And oddly all named all lacking any serious skill, meaningful honest real world experience talent, related education, integrity or intellect. Check? Bets? Just inflated credentials, extremely well pieced from proceeds of crime game and many amusing titles that often impress teenagers who watch TV and movies and think these people anything more than low life frauds and con artists. Or those at Capilano who thought Tom Adair more than a fraud whose biggest claim to fame prior o supporting women beaters was what? Really? Check. All enjoying big positions and pay far too obvious they would not ever near merit in real world or hold such positions - and so very easy to prove for any Provincial Inquiry into criminal costs of tax credit to all criminal court prosecutions. Do many others have far more education and experience than criminals in executive like John Brummitt and NDP's Adrain Dix Hollywood Date Dusty Kelly? Check? Do many others have far more integrity and intellect than those involved in internal Judicial efforts not trying for more of proceeds of crime and position payoffs? Bets?
The criminals here from sick immigrant Canadian women beaters Canada once welcomed to the very major crooks (5K+) and those dog loyal who clearly who kiss their ass (See newsletter and election material) and as such clearly aid and abet for proceeds of crime (See Mitch Davies and his and others very-very impressive election numbers for his "real" first past the puddle democratic legitimacy and very embarrassing this history first past the post absurdity added to criminally corrupted elections? How else can you get away with millions in material and time theft to major tax credit fraud unless all-knowing best-of-best executive not aiding and abetting. Impossible to commit such crimes with an honest executive clearly?
All these slime must now be fully prosecuted and made big media examples of for others and put now in national "disrepute" as very sad and sick and sleazy criminals. Or they can just pop by "any" handy local RCMP and just quickly do a volunteer polygraph at least one of forty named just might pass and protect theirs and others careers and reputation and most Honorable family names. 1 of 40 not asking much? Tom Adair when asked said he was honest now he can prove it and not a lying criminal cowardly mouse who supports women beaters more than honest efforts at forensic audits as documented.
And certainly while others more wealthy can enjoy off shore "tax assistance" the majority of BC tax payers don't need to also be helping the very lowest life criminals like those named above all get payed more (as laundered proceeds of crime) and get richer and better paid than lawyers, police, court workers, teachers and nurses and worse as solid fact while having far less training, certification, education, experience and accomplishment. Fact.
How nice for these criminally protected criminals to do so well while nurses to police work much harder and require more intellect, integrity and training than most dishonest department heads. Makes a point. And add and as easy to prove also protected from "honest and very superior competition and price", and using restriction of trade, coercion and intimidation, economic interference, duress, bad faith, criminal fraud, threats, and defamation of those far more educated, far more experienced and far more accomplished. Fact. And all so slime can enjoy some think-their-clever moments with high school effort of laundering clear traceable proceeds of crime so very cleverly played as pay, perks (plus more perks), prestige, power and position and as clear for all pathetic pawns aid and abetting in their desperate careers they can' honestly justify? All to be played and humiliated for family and friends to criminal courts and for Provincial inquiry? And must all be fully prosecuted.
Honest working trades, artistic and technical alsotrusting and also cheated by endless fraudulent concealment and deception and also of many millions exactly like tax payers cheated also deserve some justice. At least women suppressed and harassed to start? Helps women in industry and unions to female office workers as this a noted industry wide and national problem. Fact.
This case also a very major and critical win for BC Liberals or even if not to fractured and exhausted NDP. Or for whoever of the two "most supports this investigation" by RCMP as also heroes to women and workers, and provides, pushes or leads a tandem Provincial Film Industry Inquiry on Criminal Activity, Tax Credits and Fraud. All enriching criminals, and all key women's issues not missed. None.
Also a very nice win for both Mainstream and Alternative media as this is media now proudly on front-line helping women and average worker and tax payer with this "media content rich" legal buffet. And with a plethora of perspectives available from Old School Tabloid series to CBC or Youtube Documentary?
The media can both win big time and honestly help women and workers big time. Just educate and expose the truth to public. The audience/readership potential for this million dollar crime story of violence and fraud unmatched by the amount of money, totall crimes involved here and on top of dozens of critical women's issues warranted.
Note: I'm willing to meet at any handy local RCMP office near Parliament and with "any" who even dare wish to challenge "any" or "all" of my claims? Seems very fair? And we both just volunteer for voice polygraph most military intelligence support and police technologies teach, even if not admissible? Just to show some credibility to RCMP? Just so very-very insulting to RCMP to "waste their time with lies by uneducated idiots and frauds and obstruction like both Gavin Craig's (Who now can claim he teaches people to screw in light bulbs and which light bulbs brighter? He's come a long way?) and as per old RCMP ies to recent trial lies by the best of Rob Maier's gang. Oddly both gangs with dog-loyal boot-licking help from John Brummitt.
Sick to waste RCMP time when they could be saving children's lives or busting Senators in Ottawa. It won't happen again? This blog designed to save RCMP hundreds of thousands in investigation time and not be bored to tears by lying low life nobodies and leaving just the fun stuff for RCMP and crown?
Point: Would like just one (1) honest person (Just (1) if there is one ) involved with these slime named, pictured and to be named?) to explain, or one of their lawyers to tell RCMP why okay:
That if even Trailer Park Boys' actor Michael Smith, and even with pretty boy Jian Ghomeshi assault trial, that celebrities with big shot lawyers get charged and brought to criminal court for criminal assault against women, but why oddly union executives or department heads in 891 so oddly do not yet get brought to criminal trial? Odd? Just one (1) honest person? None?
And yet by direct and defining comparison (as registered mail documents with Ken Anderson and Gavin Craig and their added respective internal trial or BC LRB insights on their "real", credibility, integrity and intellect and their very serious lack of education, judgement, foresight and consequence) of note.
And for their help by default as morons clearly exposing and bringing many other criminal slime into clear and blatant "disrepute" where they by comparrison "rushed" at documented "blinding speed" like all efforts to intimidate and coerce. As from lies to RCMP by Gavin Craig's and Ken Anderson's gang and rushed over documented honest and reasonable appeals and protests (as per registered mail)?
And to further make a point all actions by criminal uneducated slime by oddly those documented and known well for deception to bad faith and even with labour board like Ken Anderson and legally liable documented politically and career clever super slime Paul Klassen .
And as Ken Anderson registered mail illustrates and labour board decisions against him added with registered mail and his glowing published support for women beaters he can't deny, show both how incredibly cowrdly, creepy, dishonest and highly uneducated he really is. He is free to debate me on this with RCMP present to prove he's not a criminal and uneducated ashole like Gavin Craig? Their lucky wives and kids? Very sad.
So decieved and mislead like Rob Maier's and John Brummitt's wives and kid's what real cheating dirt and slime their Daddy's are (and surround themselves with) and how the image of baseball coach to executive producer fools only fools.
Or first and for chronological reference and for more insight RCMP should consider the self-serving convenient lies told to RCMP when Gavin Graig's gang with Susan Butler Grey critical to RCMP deception and idiots thought they could use RCMP like their paid servants, slaves or toy soldiers and puppets for their political vanity and self-entitlement issues. A display of power?
WARNING: Obstruction and deception not the smartest move or very respectful of RCMP. Ever? This as Gavin's own internal trial also documents and and reflects further on his integrity, cowardice as a low life fraud and light bulb expert. Gavin Graig better squeal for a deal to reduce a few criminal charges and throw his very dear friend John Brummitt under a bus for trusting him, well, before John Brummitt beats Gavin to the squeal for a deal and the very-very limited first come first serve option and the get out of jail card still available to only a very few and far more intelligent. Well, say if Tom Adair as super coward doesn't beat them to the squeal deal first and tell RCMP EVERYTHING to save his cowardly criminal ass?
And in absolute fact these slime women beaters and major players in tax frauds get oddly more executive support and/or supportive silence and fraudulent concealment, from deep inside 891 inner circle THAN THEIR TRUSTING HONEST PAYING SUPPORT. Fact. Just compare the documented support or witness help Mitch Davies provides women beaters over honest seniors as this blog also nicely supports.
Every new day tax payers cheated even more, victims just victims and as low life frauds and criminals get to be even further enriched. Any bets? Any superior clever minds dare debate with me in a room filled with RCMP? Say Rob Maier as he has very serious criminal issues from tax fraud to theft (5k+) that his most loyal employees amusingly as morons motivated people and helped him get exposed on a lesson for many for Don Ramsden to Rob Maier don't surround yourselves with stupid people they do very stupid things that will help big time to put you in jail. And even worse if they rat you out?
Any dare lie in a further and added criminal investigation and deny or play word games as Tom Adair probably will, and add criminal obstruction to pile of other crimes? Including conspiracy in a number of matters. Hope the slime have top expensive lawyers so the idiots know exactly what is happening, and why this blog and not just faking smarter than most on real facts and the hidden goals here.
And this on top of other crimes from millions in tax credit fraud, membership fraud, qualification and pay fraud, medical benefit fraud, and a variety of million dollar environmental liabilities. Cheating all BC tax payers of millions and beaten women as victims and as women beaters doing well and in such "good standing"?
And environmental damage not addressed? And theses criminals, slime and frauds paid more than nurses, teachers and police and with far less accomplishment, experience or requirements.
Mitch Davies on left a women's worst friend and a women beater's best cowardly supporter. Paul Klassen possibly one of the most impressive judicial minds since Laskin. Management looks for those with educated judgement so can ignore these two cowards and criminal supporters.
Mitch Davies & Paul Klassen Clear Critical Criminal Supporters of Women Beaters to Tax cheats and they both know it. Both must do jail time? As both so clever and both really so criminal and cowardly supporting criminals and women beaters and not honest workers and all ax payers, but those they help to help their pathetic career ambitions. Mitch will soon be back drilling screws and cleaning up shop floors like so many other past presidents when who and what little they really are really honestly known.
Could there be a link between totally criminal acts by "immigrant" women beaters as well illegal non-disclosure agreements, and documented industry wide suppression of women and needless harassment? And add for real hypocrisy and humour the restriction of trade and clear tyranny and election fraud in a union executive that babbles about workers rights, democracy, green efforts and safety first. Look very closely these are very-very impressive people like Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Susan Butler Grey, Dusty Kelly and Mitch Davies who all help women beaters not be exposed or suffer to lying to RCMP? Class acts? And they are also impressive beyond their serious lack of forethought, judgement, intellect, integrity, education, accomplishment so judge them by the company they keep? Say like former head of BC NDP Adrian Dix and his less than holy Hollywood tax credit sell-out and his trusted date? Yes, not fair to simply judge people by the company they keep, as possible duress to cowardice or in on proceeds of crime and job protection/extortion a factor? Best to let criminal courts judge these women beaters and tax cheats to those like Tom Adair's proceeds of crime paid silence supporting millions and millions in tax payer fraud and women beaters and by either financial support or support of silence. As others have. Did. Do.
So very hard now for those who act so in-the-know on almost everything and so very-very smart as to understand non-disclosure agreements, real business, film making, law to now try and play stupid or uninformed when so in the "know" and in the know positions for so very long as "coercion and intimidation" also provides on so much?
NOTE: Any form of deception or obstruction when questioned by RCMP an added criminal crime - as if criminal crime list not long enough yet? Hurts chances at reduced charges and reduced sentences and screws others up if caught lying and their credibility?
New Information below to help RCMP and defence lawyers and personal injury lawyers get very-very rich and billing more and more hours. As planned. On May 1 info to help RCMP help: Hundreds of Victims here from Violence against Women to investors and employers also victims of Theft and Fraud, plus all BC Taxpayers cheated of literally millions and millions, again literally enriching criminals with tax credits. Simple math.
Here this legal case deserves far more media plus political spotlight than CBC or Senate scandal, and RCMP as clearly shown as heroes to women, workers and tax payers and the children and seniors hurt by this slime. Yes, time for RCMP for a heroes hat trick? And the halo factor for their key and critical pre-election political support and cheerleading by either BC Lib or NDP? This legal monster far more bloody than CBC beatings and here millions and millions more tax fraud than in Ottawa Senate or possible present federal CRA supplier audit. Maybe time for CRA to use resources on charities on dirty banks, churches and even dirty unions?
Plus help environment get cleanup/reclamation at direct personal expense of all executives with liability by mandate, and oversight as fiduciary duty, for all areas damaged all over BC (See locations list for reclamation reference). This environmental damage by paint and garbage dumping far more excessive than leading Ontario case law suggests. This specifically as per environmental case law on direct executive liability.
Help put in jail women beaters and their misogynist dog-loyal and/or delusional support who all sold their souls or clinically mindless for all portions of a "pawns" petite piece of the proceeds of crime. Fact. And with blatant elementary textbook diversification as pay, position, prestige, power, perks.
Help hundreds of those declaring clearly and wanting dearly a "full forensic audit" (Trusteeship, Seizure Before Judgement, Flight Risks seriously more than conversational? Ya' think?)
This as to help put this (See Titles and Hierarchy Lists/Mandates) "organized" group of criminals from women beaters to major crooks and tax cheats all in jail. As more fact: This slime already well documented for "coercion and intimidation" and "bad faith" rom Labour Board to provincial Inquiries to even lying to RCMP in a serious criminal investigation (Check?).
Put ALL IN PRISON. FAST! And as needed by law: their most dog-loyal aid and abet criminal support. As per rule of law. Those needed to aid and abet as political puppets - like moronic photo-loving present president of all BS Mitch Davies. Present president Mitch Davies who must be prosecuted fully for his key and critical help with his now clear cowardly and sadder politically motivated hiding criminals and criminal acts. And definitely including violence against women as threat to his pay and position I suspect not worth being honest. Hope to get some quality one-on-one time with this disgusting coward with RCMP all around. Saves time and money. Too bad such bad choices or career and criminal culpability for such uneducated clowns with their best acting skills now critical. Put them all in jail.
This as a "must do" to send an important message "all across BC" as to help all women beaten and expose, put the conversation on the table and as a political priority. The creeps, criminals and cowardly who beat women up and their cheerleaders must do time and be subject of mass media exposure and ridicule. Help workers, tax payers, investors and support that a cleaner better talented and skilled industry possible and such crimes not tolerated, accepted or allowed as some support and all as such fully exposed, ridiculed and criminal with civil prosecution a given . Those beating women, cheating workers to tax payers and investors are not just guilty of simply all this but in principle literally for the more informed or educated "economic treason" and hurting tiny children to suffering seniors as also solid fact, documented, demonstrate-able fact, that absolutely no double-talking ace super high paid legal defence can deny or diminish. But we certainly hope they try and run up legal costs even higher. Making confessions look cheap and attractive in many ways as well as personal pride and protecting family good name and family from even more shame and added ridicule.
Criminals certainly here and doing very well, and clearly organized as "organize criminals" no matter how stupid, and thus "organized crime" and conspiracy (If not clear keep rereading). Plus add obvious classic tacit and/or robotic aid and abet associates, who must also have direct and personal liability. All criminals and criminal benefactors who have all by conquest or cowardice all have hijacked a local Vancouver union and key industry channel. A institution as with others in past that now must be put in "full trusteeship" with light risk factors. This for a meaningful and full forensic audit. The Project management of seamless transfer to trusteeship ready.
This done as to best serve a "comprehensive and meaningful full industry Provincial Inquiry" long overdue. Obviously. And for both efficacy and cost control and best ROI on investigative investment . All this as goal to: help women (many with children) suppressed, harassed and beaten, all "honest" working people, to major critical economic foreign investment. Minor stakeholders to major shareholders must be protected from violent criminals, their liabilities, crooks robbing all blind from coworkers to CRA like Rob "Robbing" Maier as point of fact. Thinking his BS skills to bullying would protect him. Look so forward to eye contact in court with this Hollywood Powerhouse.
This full forensic audit referenced to note as extremely desired as documented in elections by 475 of "obviously" by default by concept and content mostly "honest", "educated" and most intelligent members and this vote clearly less all those who voted against for obvious criminal self interest? Obviously. How can "any group" oddly not want a third party audit if such financial heroes and proven and educated finance and business experts like Frank Haddad and Tom Adair at the helm as they have had sadly so many led to believe. And allows them to really showof their best eforts whilehighly over paid and in work better done by others not focused on plastic flower rentals. Which is it? Heroes? Or slime and gross incompetents hurting seniors, single mothers and children.
Obviously either fearing criminal audit and their very serious criminal exposure no votes for audit from criminals or aid and abet olowers and a clear effort against as Tom Adair documented with his denial to superior posturing defamatory efforts and hiding behind possibly the biggest pretentious title in all Hollywood history? Certainly. The votes against far more revealing than the votes for. Think about it? Well as one scholar put it. Clearly neither side had support from those those just literally ignorant as always a factor, to those understandably ignorant of issues and as a result of totally and clearly documented "absolutely illegal Non-disclosure agreements" to facilitate criminal fraud, breach and avoid criminal protection. Some so clever it will kill them. The more informed and honest just gave up as hopeless as many witnesses and as numbers support. And common where corruption and criminality blatant? Those more educated can see the obvious here. For criminal prosecution and RCMP even far more educated in these matters. legally a literal logistics cakewalk.
Or as more reveling and sad as with any election anywhere the missing majority of voters not voting as always who feel elections so corrupt, rigged, as with election material as documented censored to misleading. Fact. Documented. So why trust such scum to even count ballots honestly or bother to read absurd self-promoting propaganda of stupid people. But 475 honest and brave people did exposing their names as others feared so avoided. Proof? Just wait. Election optics seems that those with very many very vain pictures of themselves as frauds who do little as documented but obviously like taking time image making with big smiles they earn being paid more than nurses, teachers and police. Sick? And love faking they do much and even fake they are even educated (John Brummitt, tool boy "as per 891" and Tom Adair still getting big pay for criminal silence and pending civil litigation a case in point. And ideally civil actions by Teamsters and all sister unions cheated by his misleading and very selective priorities and as to support women beaters to teamster cheaters. A blatant and obvious conflict of interest with clear political motive that he thought he would never get caught at, or ever need to defend. So full of himself. And both as real world and multiple union experienced and even highly intelligent, as also well documented. Both the best to defend all others to RCMP as honest as possible. And for speed seperate rooms.
And we are hardly shy of supporting witnesses, so oddly unlike even more nut-cake internal trials also well documented and seriously shy of witnesses, integrity and intellect. And again all also well documented. The funny part is these sick idiots brag not only about cover-ups of violence against women, but how no paper trials and yet so stupid missed so much paper right before their own clever eyes. Internal trial efforts lacking any objective witnesses makes a point (ZERO?) on how even their best judicial minds not very good at even faking not brain dead or acting as criminal support. They documented it themselves trying too fake legitimacy costing thousands for that embarrassing crocodile tearful charade by criminals at their deceptive best as documented. Well, as best as somebody with O'Leary's reputation at Quarterback could suggest and then the idiots sold all the incriminating to me for a dollar? Only thing possibly as brain dead where the registered letters by Gavin Craig and Anderson showing off how once so honest and powerful they are and now was. They should share a pison cell.
The motive for all criminal slime also obvious. Greed. Ego. Personality disorders. They like being highly overpaid and paid more than, nurses, teachers or police and even more than most of those who pay them most and more absurd with such little certification, education or experience or integrity as easily compared to so many others more honest, but not wanting to work with criminal slime groups even if costing being honest.
Their motive greed and ego. They like money and glamour and would like to be movie stars their role models and mentors from prime time TV fiction as will be obvious.They also crave these criminal positions for proceeds of crime as they know no honest intelligent person or company would pay them so well ever. And see through them and their deceptive embellished terribly misleading resume as documented.
The abuse of power and position and political posturing also attractive to these slime as with absurd trips and many perks sadly police, teachers and nurses don't have. Why be a nurse if no ego trip and bigger money and far less education needed, why bother saving lives while criminals start to carry a few too many ponds, or if a bad actor or painter or just an average wall paper hanging skills you'd crave respect and attention as documented.
As much the ego and temptation to get a part of proceeds of crime laundered as big title, big pay, power, perks and media vanity and prestige, so not hard to understand why losers like John Brummitt so lustful for core criminal position, and wet dreams of presidency and hopefully loved back by gang acceptance, as he loved them.
Poor Brummitt such a loser did not get the very easy high paying jobs others sold for their silence and souls did. Sadly for John Brummitt, Tool Boy (as per 891) the criminals he helped did. And did very well. He kissed both Rob Maier's and Don Ramsden ass so long and well but hardly got repaid or respected anywhere near as well as Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly and by hundreds of thousands o dollars from proceeds of crime. Fact. Sad man like other slime back oddly back where they started as fewer and fewer fooled by fakes and snakes. Mitch Davies will have it the worse.
Which political party here will be the "honest", "authentic" and "credible" - and "very real" BC Heroes here? Getting big voter support fully supporting with pride and passion RCMP efforts? Will it be NDP or BC Liberals with this multi level legal and election monster or election changer and brand upgrade? Now available to first party to back the RCMP as they should?This novel made for Cream of Cream of election vote switchers and market influences. For VOTE SWITCHERS in next election this is elephant herd in the room? Women beaten, single mothers harassed major investors cheated with all honest tax paying workers and investors as well suffering fraud as criminals enriched.
Yes, either NDP or BC Liberals taking the lead as honest heroes on here on :
high profile industry housekeeping,
protecting taxpayers
with a very high profile "media rich content" issue
and being "honest" heroes to ALL Canadian women Nationally,
ALL BC taxpayers,
ALL honest workers,
literally ALL foreign investors,
most BC Business
and ALL BC Film and TV,
and The Environment,
That not really not bad political marketing communications strategy and tactics. And for either NDP or Liberals. Well it certainly seemed election critical back when I was high paid by Federal Liberals, (with Lino service) in elections to do psychographic voter and media footprint mapping and message design and copy for BC voters, flip Quadra, and hold Winnepeg West damage control Stuff? Ron Basford and Senator Grafstein certainly impressed. I only answered to Ron Basford. Only Ron Basford. Not Toronto. Not Red Leaf. Not Vickers. Bsford-Grafstein. Certainly three top business schools appeared to also understand me as well? This all after requested to help Justin's Dad with creative with the Seagram group on Sherbrooke St. with East Coast issues in "messaging". I can help more than just Kokanee Beer get noticed. Get loved. Make history. Yes, some of us have "real" street depth not just ivory tower stuff. My polling work for CBC on Quebec to evaluation of ratings for shows like CBC the Journal and Spelling's Nightman to leading on BC Tourism marketing audits (from cost to creative) maybe a bit noteworthy. Best be stated before any critics embarrass themselves further and look like idiots talking too loud and too proud and default targets for road kill. As many have in past.
Will this let Christy show her "best of" as final legacy. Make her kids proud and now walk tall from union halls to Howe. Will Poor John in Langford and his marketing brains and polling all-stars and Dix delusional dance team see, or even have a clue, how leading on union house cleaning here critical? Or be chained again so blind not knowing how one pays a penny and gets a nickle in political marketing? Again. And be as further embarrassed as Adrian "Holywood" Dix will soon be, as soon an even better laugh at BC Hydro and as to even ever be seen in Victoria and at any popular NDP watering holes? Donuts with Dusty on East Hastings the best the future holds for such working mans royalty.
Is this the end of NDP credibility and trust, as now "totally fractured" within - as even just two random issues of The Tyee makes more than evident? Or a chance for a "new and improved" honest beginning making labour and political history like a Tommy Douglas-Bernie Saunders repackaged combo would provide? Or be as stupid as Federal NDP. Anybody ever read research studies about beards to media math? That is political vanity more costly than Mike Duffy could dream. Votes lost to save beard. If asked back to speak at McGill again I'd have to reference that in my lecture on anti-marketing worship.
Blog Point.
Help put these "very sick" and "serious smiling arrogant and ignorant criminal slime", as pictured above and named, put in jail fast. Very fast. This for violence against women and for critical support of violence against women and cover-up - with what money? Whose money? To millions and millions in tax fraud enriching same women beaters and almost as or more disgusting millions and millions in environmental damage they had high paid executive big shot responsibility for. Just like protecting women from violence and harassment - two decades of sexual harassment from those in elite inner circle seems acceptable as women beating. As documented and witnessed far too well.
Others to also be short-listed as best of best of slime and must to go jail from two days to two years and pay for victims to environmental damage to criminal defamation to wrongful prosecution, economic interference personally - and much much more and as no surprise also to include and certainly not limited to:
- Ken Anderson
- Gavin Craig
- Mitch Davies
- Susan Butler Grey?
- Paul Klassen
- Kevin O'Leary
Have them and ALL their cute and cowardly criminal friends stop me and just charge me in writing ASAP with RCMP and for very clear documented and obvious witnessed cyber-bulling, harassment, defamation and a number of crimes "if I'm lying" and they not incompetent moronic dirty low level slime and criminals? Protect their good "Family Name" for their children to prove not absolute human dirt possibly might appear normal?
And really just so very easily and quickly destroy my federal security clearance and political career and my reputation working for Federal Liberals and Federal Conservatives and even helping Grey Nuns, Blind, Handicap, MS victims, Immigrant women, Asian refugees for SFU, plus my reputation working for or with a BC Criminal Court Judge, Oxford, Legal & "Environmental" Scholars, Harvard and Princeton "head hunted" Political Scholars, and CD Howe types, Military Heroes who consider me for CEO stuff , Banks and Brokers I've worked with and the Board of Directors of a Public Company possibly also foolishly trusting me, as well, just to name a few to start who should know the truth about me "if I'm lying". These folk should ALL know the truth about me, as many have known me since grade school - some as a baby? That simple. Yes absolutely all named and pictured should charge me if not insane frauds and liars and appear as such criminal cowardly women beating tax cheating greasy human slime and as with their critical criminal aid and abet dog-loyal support as well - if I'm lying or misleading? Should be so easy? How better to set a number of legal traps? RCMP must ask why those named so very-very afraid to charge me. All of them. Together? With added names of friends supporting those charges. Not that hard to do at all.
Or best just confess to ALL crimes and compensate ALL victims. Time running out. Mitigate. Don't be a major criminal idiot like Mitch Davies and NOT ATTEMPT EXPOSURE AND RISK REDUCTION and destroy your chance of charge reduction or avoiding jail time, industry wide humiliation and suspicion and serious future career destruction. Just put something "impressive"in writing just like Elmar to protect yourselves/ Mitch an idiot. Elmar much, much smarter. Better go to the prtected files and see how smart people cover their ass. Or appear an Ass? And extremely criminal and cowardly as friend of slime. Files missing? Copies of registered letters gone. What a surprise. Not my problem? Not one person in charge able to know how to coordinate mass lies and obstruction with all necks on chopping block? Not my problem. Better review my stuff with Gavin and Ken and see how O'Leary and Klassen trial slime played like idiots.
NOTE: Denial or further defamation just adds to obstruction, jail time and direct personal financial liability. Check with top lawyers and legal scholars and an acting law faculty chair at UBC how it works. It helps. Trust me. Like 475 people did and documented that a Full Forensic Audit critical and needed. But what do I now compared to high paid highly educated and experienced people of such integrity and intellect like John Brummitt as just one sample of executive cream that rises to top, just like women beaters to honest Gavin Craig caught lying to RCMP thinking he's smarter than RCMP and gets laughs with John Brummitt how RCMP played like personal political toys? Gavin also free to sit and have a long chat with myself and RCMP to dicuss his career highlights and gross cowardice and many acts of deception and drunkedness just to get chat going?
Avoid highly embarrassing and backfiring, as with very high school level ignorant and arrogant criminal hicks who parade internal trials with such Bozo punk frauds and criminal puppets like Paul Klassen. And as will be named his whole moronic trial group - and now time to play with pros? They should do it for Paul. He and his high level and so impressive trial gang who helped criminals defame honest people, just like Tom Adair helping Women beaters and their most important support, and now Paul Klassen's good name and "whole future career" to be seriously crippled. If not totally killed. Up to courts how much they need to squeeze Paul as he must understand some things about judicial process as to judge others.
Charge me? Do it for poor stupid puppet Paul Klassen used like others by another very ignorant and possubly delusional criminal loud mouth who can intimidate and coerce even Frank Haddad as documented, and when muscle beside them? They are threatening. True? False?
Paul Klassen the now very well documented idiot made a hundred dollar decision for his ego and political gain and posturing, but sadly exactly like Gavin making him a hundred thousand dollar target now in a major criminal defamation case and insanely well documented from e-mails and registered mail all better read carefully this time to further documented trial transcripts costing moi $1.00 (A whole $1.00, which I also want back to really bug Bummitt and the clever Women Beaters who dare judge or defame honest superior humans). Seems fair? Seems honest? And with RCMP all very legal? Let RCMP judge. I trust the RCMP. So should Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and they should not be even greater idiots lying or misleading RCMP like Gavin Craig and when not even drubk and acting very stupid as witnessed. Solidarity will sink everyone. Poetic justice or what. United they fall. All?
Enough of beating up women. Criminal cover-ups. Cheating tax payers and their own coworker's family and children of millions and millions, as per below. Enough of those helping destroy environment beyond millions and millions in reclamation (My work with SRK engineering in major natural company reclamation gives me some authority here. So very unlike the Green fakes smiling above as environment possibly permanently poisoned by their two-faced cowardly silence. Their silent knowledge so clever and critical to aid and abet. This so critical so their political big pay never threatened as made clear by criminal Mitch Davies (Mitch always, as smartest most honest President ever, and "honestly" representing every single one of 5000 members, is warmly welcome to fullyand honestly as to avoid obstruction in a major criminal investigation to "fully" defend himself and as handy, "all named" . Even bring head of heap, highly educated and accomplished Tom Adair with the biggest title in Hollywood history hard to recall. But he's a big title big shot and jis title and authorative opinions on right and wrong documented legends? Both together a solid one-two punch for defending their good "family" names and the company they keep. Like Dusty Kelly always welcome to defend herself and former head of BC NDP and Management and Marketing role model Adrain Dix, and their tandem Holllywood history of honest judgement for all BC taxpayers? And against "ALL" my claims, say for maximum speed and less tax payer cost in Victoria with RCMP present?
In Victoria with RCMP present?
Or just fly or ferry as cargo John Brummitt over to Victoria "all alone" as he's so brave, so educated, so honest, and "loves" all honest working men and women and women beaters to defend all his long-time well witnessed and documented friends like Rob Maier, Tom Adair, Gavin Graig, Ken Anderson, against "all my claims" with RCMP. He was a very big big shot and cream of senior executive and "loves" all working people and his wife and women beaters, with others
Time for those named, while faking their big honest family man and so loyal husband and ather smiles to honestly and really prove not helping cheat all BC tax payers to single mothers and their children based on personal greed, criminality and ego? And solidly defend to those trained in investigation and interrogation with even far more education than executives best ask a ew frienly questions? Why not? They are heroes to those coworkers (they cheated of millions to medical), environment and women's rights. Aren't they? Aren't they honest heroes to women that their good long-long time buddies beat-up? I'll let Tom Adair with his superior brain, forethought, experience, education and personal accomplishment as possibly not a slime and cowardly criminal and creep as some claim, including myself very clearly, and given to cowardly defame hiding behind his gigantic title, defaming those who threaten his women beating buddies pay check? True? False? I say let RCMP judge who they can trust like Gavin Craig to John Brummit (See previous Government Files) and Gavin maybe now less likely to help deceive RCMP in criminal matters as he and Brummitt not getting the big pay of Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly so may feel cheated among the slime getting so little from the criminals they did so much for like Rob Maier very-very enriched as a CRA story not to be missed and textbook seizure before judgement and border and flight risk stuff - or so say's my reference on border security from Ottawa on LinkedIn? Her job?
Millions and millions in environmental abuses.
When I lived with the guy who became a BC Criminal Court Judge and later Facebook friend, his room was then rented to a lady from Fisheries, so some stuff you learn from such types, as well as your own work with a major international law firm working with Natural Resource Giants on reclamation and the direct legal liability of executives and directors with no corporate.union shield can cover? Hee! Hee! Tom Adair as head of almost all BC film unions with some cream in DGC so very-very smart? Funny how "real" accomplished producers like , Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin of X-Files to Spelling to the brilliant people on East Coast for Trailer Park Boys and even in the great French Comedy "La Sacree" such serious honest, polite, humble when compared to super fakes and frauds like Rob Maier as a major crook and bully. Simply compare who he is who works for him and much too obvious. Just compare. RCMP and CRQA will make their own judgement that I doubt even the biblical written words of an arrogant , abusive, highly ignorant criminal authority like even Tom Adair can't diminish. Tom welcome to meet with me and his gigantic big shot title and my tiny five letter title that took a decade to honestly get and well documented as to the integrity of those from Bird on a Wire cowardly and very sick union abuses to those cheated at this very moment by all these slime including all BC taxpayers even at this moment all cheated. How could those of such superior integrity, experience, education and proven ability and Intellect like Dusty Kelly, Tom Adair, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Mitch Davies all not even notice what over 475 more honest and inelligent people (as obvious by context and content) felt deserving of a full forensic audit. How could they miss that and eel so superior or criminally guilty to ignore totally 475 trusting coworkers they represent. I think myself and Tom Adair or super brain John Brummitt beore lunch can establish the truth on all these matters. This also the best opportunity ever for John Brummitt to prove he has always been a loving loyal husband and father, and his buddies as well, and has not helped women beaters and major crooks, tax cheats and very serious environmental abuses , why he should have been paid as much as Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly and Don Ramsden helping their dirty work only at the peak of his career to see only pennies by comparison, And he can prove by his important experience, education, noted honest accomplishment and recognition and now in construction as a low level tool guy or another arrogant department head fraud. I'll check.)
Plus add the insane criminal enrichment and position these pathetic cowardly slime get and who gets protection by others enriched and their cowardly silence - almost unmatched by executives? And knowingly allowing insane millions in environmental abuses (Volunteers for even voice polygraph makes a point?). So now "ALL" will now be exposed in Civil and Criminal courts and hopefully very soon by a "full forensic" Provincial Industry Inquiry on Suppression of Women and Criminality in Film industry the BC NDP, BC FED and BC Women in Film better help clean up fast before BC Liberals must and make Christy (or Carol?)in next election the next and "real" Joan of Arc for honest tax payers, workers and women. Helps in elections when clearly credible and authentic efforts made? And this clearly as great redeeming film for women in film to produce, after such internal embarrassment from their own insiders, as so incredibly "content rich" as alternative media love, and can play for society's education in every high school as educational. And having "real" high interest from Hollywood tabloid name value to Law Schools and present political realities and upcoming watershed election no need for fill, car chase scenes or special pyritechics. This is real and meaningful documentary material CTV to CBC national media also need?
FLASH News Update for Ides of March below: Very New Very Helpful information for RCMP from three more witnesses? Plus far more major embarrassment for: BC NDP, BC FED and BC Women in Film, with their own insiders well documented and witnessed helping those far more violent than CBC's Jian Ghomeshi's sexual assault trial would ever reveal? Plus add embarrasment of making the abuse of tax payer money by Milke Duffy appear as pennies. Yes, pennies compared to the "millions and millions " enriching major criminals with clear obvious tax fraud?
And do add big-time the aid and abet suppport obviously all slime enjoying proceeds of crime laundered as positions, pay, privilege, power absurd perks and trips corrupt Federal Senators would envy. Why should those who laugh at the law, lie to RCMP as documented and witnessed, beat up, harrass and suppress women get so much tax payer money while RCMP paid far far less then these slime with less education, less training, experience far less honesty and not risking their lives like RCMP just sick. Millions and Millions in money that should have gone to real society heroes like nurses, teachers, police or hopefully soon some for women's rights so such sickness punished.
This new information and only growing almost as fast as blog page viewsPOSSIBLY HELP EVERY CRIMINAL'S LAW FIRMS BIG-TIME TO BILL EVEN MORE BIG WEEKLY HOURS? RCMP SHOULD LOVE THIS.
Help put these very sick and serious criminals as named in jail fast. Help beaten woman and honest workers get justice and compensation by criminal and civil courts. Expose these sleaze to their coworkers, community, friends and family as a serious public warning to other sleazy cowardly violent and dishonest criminals. And make them hard targets of ridicule and community and workplace disgust. Just as with sleaze like CBC celebrities too rough with ladies to Senator Duffy, public exposure, ridicule and disgust also helps society. Help "ALL" honest tax payers now used and abused by millions and millions in tax credits enriching serious criminals. Help get compensation for literally millions and millions in environmental violations from toxics going down drains or dumped in wild life sanctuaries and beside dog paths. Note: Due to age, health, reputation, career fears and financial exposure we now estimate 10% or about 3 - 4 of those smarter and less to fear from full named list. will squeal for a deal as pressure turned up in summer. And should rat out all others on "mostly everything" but minor legal crumbs. Perfect for fall Provincial Inquiry as to best shoulder election for maximum media value.
She received a standing ovation.
Brave Ladies must speak-out for those women too afraid and weaker?
Not be silent or sell-out slime to help women beaters or Adrain Dix.
In Almonte Ontario where I also worked on a films across Canada and with very talented and honest union workers as in BC, another misogynist nut case was "not stopped in time" killed his girlfriend and her father. This topic can not be swept under histories rug like Montreal massacre, missing women, CBC scandal and local Vancouver women used as pig food. This film industry is well known across North America for suppression and gross inequality. In one BC film union the stories get much uglier. Not only are women beaten up and threatened or bought off as financially desperate and these actions supported by very uneducated greedy frauds and like Tom Adair slime wanting or enjoying proceeds of crime laundered as his big pay, position and title for his cowardly silence. Odd for someone who talks to much? And more disgusting they have Adrian Dix taking expensive trips to Hollywood (Who paid NDP supporters sacred money or union with no legal mandate to use BC tax payers money for such vain self promotion. This as a far greater priority as to enrich criminals in film union more, and much more than teachers, nurses and police. Such class. Such standard of care. Such impressive due diligence. Such judgement? Innocent honest more accomplished people are documented defamed in efforts to protect known women beaters and their key known support from "disrepute" and coerce and intimidated by monkey trials by morons and other women beating supporters intimidating others into silence. Well based on this blog that backfired and inspired. Smart people. John Brummitt in on almost all crimes but enjoying far less than Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly and all proof of the intellect in executive and character of many including major crooks. This as also abuse, suppression and harassment of women also absolute fact and far beyond debate hurting from acting to accounting. Not only X-Files star Gillian Anderson and BC's Pam Anderson suffering abusive sick men but single mothers - it gets sick. Sicker? These slime all in good standing. Which also nicely supports criminal conspiracy as legal optics go. Not only highly skilled women hurt even men suffer fakes, fools, bullies, pigs, and highly uneducated, toothles dog kicking no talent slime with such self-entitled tyrants. Point: In business world just a few words to a female office staff and one senior executive gone before lunch literally. No golden parachute. Gone. This compared to a union that protects and promotes women beaters for decades must be made very clear in a full forensic Provincial Inquiry and the classy impressive ladies who support women beaters as documented and Adrian Dix. At least Monica Lewinsky never supported women beaters in there lust for money and power by association.
Women Beaten. Millions and millions in Tax Fraud. Murder. Rape. This case a critical beachhead for BC Film Industry and women. A comprehensive Provincial inquiry on women in film, criminality, millions in tax fraud and environmental liabilities.
And for a real insight how sick add their very interesting tales of "Children Threatened" with lies to RCMP? All certainly far more than reason enough for government, courts and police to be far-far more proactive and should have been investigating years ago, when police files first opened and missed or ignored by Inquiries prior? More and more and more reason for forensic audit to Provincial Inquiry. We shouldn't use tax credits to offset theft and gross incompetence for best marketing or new business value. And government appear like idiots abused by frauds and NDP supporters like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair both involved in helping cheat their own and other unions as Trustees to Industry mouthpieces. Hey, I won't show respect to any priest who abuses little boys or those involved in cover-up they are slime. Nor will I ever show respect for any union executive who beats up little girls or those who support them so clearly. Those who will lie to police for political points in some slimy dirty local union even possibly more sick?
They also laughed at and lied to RCMP. As with women they abuse. And played RCMP like their very own own no-cost political puppets. Now for fun RCMP can play real very-very serious mind games with these cowardly criminal and morons from Gavin Craig and "knows everything" John Brummitt to even judicial defamation star Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies and their juvenile efforts at standard of care and due diligence far from their value to aid and abet criminal elite. The inner circle of the elite and criminal desirable for those of little talent, experience, skill, accomplishment or education as John Brummitt proves as a case in point. The gross incompetence to the cowards who aid and abet another colourful story on how all BC cheated not just one industry.
Get Tom Adair with the biggest title in Hollywood history and "vocabulary" to find the right words to rat out all the criminals he aids and abets for over two decades from his brain-buddy women beaters to Brummitt his brother at the table of scholars and heroes. Tom's so very smart. Time to as they say to those they "intimidate and coerce" as per documented legal files, so no debate seen when all tables all turned for threats of "Crush like a bug" types but now done very legal with RCMP help to nail and bury former women beaters and for all workers threaten by such intelligent, honourable and manly "crushers"?
Time to pay the piper for those slime who thought or may even still think, they smarter than RCMP. RCMP with far more intellect, integrity and education and better specific investigative training and dealing exactly with, word game masters, deceptive omission, fraudulent concealment, academy award winning wanna be actresses and actors liars and sleaze to women beaters and tax cheats and frauds with much bigger BS titles so nothing new here for RCMP. Fact.
And do note, unlike when another recent sick big shot at CBC who punches and chokes women with "retroactive consent" and thinks he can get away with it, we not only have far-far more bloody physical abuse here, we have hundreds of witnesses and for many of these other crimes. And from millions in serious environmental liability "beyond reclamation"? to millions and millions tax payers cheated and women beaten. They are a known gang or group of "friends" all sharing the proceeds of crime obviously "criminally laundered with cliche textbook pay, perks, position, power and privilege. As so very often the case. Wanna bet. Anyone? Bets?
And as enough serious threats of serious incarceration for many, those possibly more intelligent or educated - and with the far better higher priced senior lawyers will "squeal for a deal". And reduce charges. Again, all slime clearly named welcome to deny not criminals, cowards and incompetent highly uneducated creeps. Or do they fear a much bigger trap? Not as victims put perpetrators. And much so easy to prove and far beyond a reasonable doubt.
This a key legal test case and a MAJOR acid test for BC NDP or BC Liberals to be "REAL HONEST" heroes or not to SMALL VOTING GROUPS CALLED WOMEN, WORKERS AND TAX PAYERS, and in time for next election as to best help women and honest tax payers and honest workers best vote. Tiny groups, tiny issues here can destroy NDP hope of victory and if Adrain Dix again caught with judgement issues as well? However, if NDP cleans their own house first of slime, then they get hero points helping RCMP. And helping have full PMI textbook project support? Seems sensible?
NOTE: Any decent father or those just faking it ,with a daughter should help, or a brother with a sister, son with a mother - or just who do they really think they are fooling? Fooling that they are also not also a very-very key and serious part of problem? Names of more guilty to follow in time for Father's Day. New names below.
Too much? Too little? Too late? More Violence? Help? Or Not?
From : John Sinclair (See my Federal Security status and the newest February 14, 2016 notes below).
Official Release Date: Mar 14, 2016, 6:00 AM (Draft #04)
"The Story" as per below:
First, if these five above above "NOT" clearly criminals and all with others not deserving serious jail time enriching themselves and other "supporting" criminals (as with others to be named), and sadly at trusting tax payer and honest working women and men's expense - and as not a sample of text book symbiotic criminal slime, they should "simply and easily" file charges collectively with RCMP against me?
Stop me. Stop this blog? And ASAP. If not fact.
Or what are they waiting for? Or what are they really so afraid will be discovered, also during investigations and later under oath? Why should they fear when RCMP just chatting to less than a dozen "honest" and say six very targeted "dishonest" witnesses? They should have nothing to fear or be nervous about if not criminals who support criminals who support criminals who laugh at and lie to RCMP. And themselves as criminals not knowing what RCMP already know as fact can be very unnerving when all you got are morelies as your only hope to avoid jail time. Facts will make fools of liars and others as guilty of criminal obstruction. Misleading by deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment as with ignorant trusting, bought followers and support very different with intelligent, educated and specifically trained investigating police officers. And silly illegal non-disclosure aggreement can't fool the more educayed as simply illegal as done to support crime and criminals. Clearly.
This effort at clearly baiting "real legal" charges against me for this blogs very intentional and blatantly clear defamation and harassment to cyber-bulling below just too easy to not file charges against me. If what I say not true? Easy to do. I have been coached by the best to make it so very easy for those named if nothing to hide from RCMP and CRA. And yes, so very-very easy to just charge me. And as such, to have some token credibility they can just simply - and so easily just deny my claims, all or in part, as they wish? Just deny my claims? Individually or collectively. Even just writing to RCMP and simply signed. As they wish. And where long over due charge me. And in real world where no corruption and criminal intimidation and coercion and no judicial carrot for bigger part of proceeds of crime with inner elite slime handy. Yes they all - and soon others should most certainly charge me for putting their such real "good honest" family names and big titles in "disrepute" - as well as their whole careers?
Why let friends and family suffer by association if claims not true as good parents? Just charge me like very normal honest people would do - if no BIG crimes to hide? If not, why not?
"Why not" charge me to stop me, is the "real big criminal question" here? Hope this clear for all readers. Certainly the heard of elephants in the room that some pretend not real and now must fear from members, other unions, CRA, RCMP knowing too much about them haunts them? Afraid too many "smart or educated people" too hard to fool and may see through them and find out everything about them? You can bet on it.
Preface point:
Please understand and appreciate how this blog for economics best and must serves as:
- a letter to both Federal and Provincial Attorney General Offices as to help "fully"support RCMP efforts as hurting a whole BC industry, supply chain and investor profits now all more very critical to economy.
- and for BC Liberals and NDP to both have an honest chance to also be "real" heroes with RCMP as soon to be known heroes to woman, honest workers, all tax payers and not be the ones seen babbling moral high-ground and appear somewhat lacking credibility in a very fast approaching election on a key women's case from violence to suppression to millions and millions in taxpayer fraud. Maybe Dusty Kelly will help the lonely in Langford as she did putting spotlight on Adrian Dix for RCMP interest possibly a second and third time. How much money without mandate and majority? Exactly?

- and this blog certainly handy mobile RCMP reference with names during investigations. I call it the "lying slime app" as to complement RCMP investigative training in body language and fraudulent concealment, and give purpose to the over 50 cute voice polygraphs they bought designed in Israel for intelligence agencies. And for such lying slime as mentioned here. In both Vegas and in international security with odds like these you bet "all in" even if polygraphs not admissible and somewhat volunteered. But there are ways.
- this blog a pretty good outline for crown prosecution to build and design strategy and tactical.
- a directional and entertaining aid for CRA, WCB, CTF investigation and involvement.
- a helpful national to local media buffet serving both traditional and social media appetites for very-very rich "serial" content. As Post Media and Maclean's to SHAW and CBC all critically need.
- a document that hopefully entertains a few Oxford legal scholars who helped.
- this blog a great reference for psychology, law and business schools on union corruption and cost maybe done for academic papers.
- and for the criminals, from major thieves pocketing by now a million each in tax credit fraud and regular tax cheats named, to the woman beaters all oddly in "Good Standing" with junkies and drunks to warn them to get seriously get high priced lawyers who can help with their denials for a bit longer. And offer initial affirmation to counter with the clever added billable time we provide their legal. They can buy us lunch for this legal billing windfall. With highest priced legal they create an illusion temporarily they are not obvious lowest life slime dirtying their own lawyers legal offices and reputation. But big billable hours for their criminal, civil and labour counsel a positive for all sides. The Montreal lawyers called it legal realism?
- to help all victims if class action not accepted with individual civil claims against persons named.
NOTE: All, and any denial, if what I say not 100% fact and true, just helps further obstruction, aid and abetting and defamation charges. This with jail time just a small fraction of what they must fear getting known. As such, we love slime and frauds continued efforts "pretending they are not guilty". And guilty of even more serious jail time and personal tax fraud than revealed here. Love it. Love how we can easily see how honest union locals have all details transparent to even public ot needing C-377 to expose serious criminal slime, while oddly other sleazy union locals need absurd and embarrassingly security of files, sneaky secrecy, illegal non-disclosure agreements - and far more disgusting even hiding facts from their own majority of members (without mandate, legal or democratic legitimacy). Yes, their own majority, they must mislead, lie and treat like puppets and fools exactly as they did with RCMP? Idiots. This done when feeling very powerful superior and clever and above others and the law. Just as they do and did when women savegly beaten. Classy educated accomplished guuys. Guys like John Brummitt and Tom Adair who both know about all the crime from savage Women Beatings and sick cover-up for selfish self nterest (that helped their career and paycheck big time for a piece of the proceeds of crime), And add membership and trustee membership fraud to tax fraud where both also key in complicity. And from 1993 on X-Files to present efforts on a film "Lucifer" oddly enough. Who will get the squeal for a deal reduced charges and possibly walk and who spends five years in jail John or Tom? John or Tom? Who is more educated? Who excuse the term will be "more honest" with RCMP to save their ass?
Reference point: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren January 29 at 2:31pm · "Much of the public and media attention on Washington focuses on enacting laws, but a law that is not enforced – or weakly enforced – may as well not even be a law".
For idiots some simple logic: It is far too late to claim to be proactive with a serious cancer of a misogynistic sub-culture after a Montreal massacre of women, Col. Russ Williams military madness, Robert Pickton's playful piggy human sacrifices, Paul Bernado's seriously sick god-like entitlement issues to CBC big shot personalities with punching bag problems - that run to Senators with known boxing skills and also getting too rough with women like slime boys here, continually ignored at ground zero.
Domestic violence much harder to both "EFFECTIVELY" and economically to police and filter than Workplace related behaviors? Which has bottom-line benefits to reduce with compliance and legal exposure - often enough, and nicely without corporate or union shield via criminal law. And let's be honest as additional fact, those who bully women hardly ever best of anything or at anything, really, and their support, aid and abetting and peer affirmation groups usually also gross incompetents (See: John Brummitt). True? False?
Even womanizers like JFK to Clinton a problem possibly bullying perceived inequities to gender and title.
The workplace and such investigations and prosecutions as defined by law must be addressed here.
Estimated Tax credit Fraud Enriching Criminal Gangs/Groups/Families for (20) twenty years: 120,000,000.00 Plus UNDERESTIMATED?
Date: Sept 11, 2017.
Pageviews last month
Pageviews all time history
Signed Denials "0" (Zero)
NOTE: 66,000 page views and no one challenging using real name? Not even those named? How very odd? Should we ask an actuary for a basic linear regression or best guess?
"Millions" in Tax Fraud enriching known criminals to violence, assault, harassment and suppression of women must be busted, charged, prosecuted.
Add Tax Credit Fraud enriching a defined criminal group (20+) within the classic cliche' cover of other's legitimacy as smokescreen.
Just like criminal casinos used (This criminal and cowardly slime not the smartest of criminals. See below.) Pretty sad when those named above can't find even one (1) single "honest person" to meet with me at RCMP offices and defend them and their career and family reputation. Just 1 honest person. One? Or even lie for them without fear of obstruction to aid and abet and have charges also thrown in their face?
NOTE: 66,000 page views and no one challenging using real name? Not even those named? How very odd? Should we ask an actuary for a basic linear regression or best guess?
"Millions" in Tax Fraud enriching known criminals to violence, assault, harassment and suppression of women must be busted, charged, prosecuted.
Add Tax Credit Fraud enriching a defined criminal group (20+) within the classic cliche' cover of other's legitimacy as smokescreen.
Just like criminal casinos used (This criminal and cowardly slime not the smartest of criminals. See below.) Pretty sad when those named above can't find even one (1) single "honest person" to meet with me at RCMP offices and defend them and their career and family reputation. Just 1 honest person. One? Or even lie for them without fear of obstruction to aid and abet and have charges also thrown in their face?
This case with victims ranging from "ALL BC Taxpayers" to young honest talented unemployed youth also cheated, theft over $5,000.00 and the assault and abuse of women.
Add economic interference for those victims incorporated? And jail a must for those sad desperate "cowardly" slime who criminally aid and abet for self-interest from money to "positions" in cover-up. They certainly should also go to jail and have all their assets seized for victim and BC taxpayer compensation. Fair?
Why should criminal slime be paid more than teachers, nurses and police who work harder and need to pass tests and go to school and be certified. Sick or what?
Forward Note: The criminals identified and named here - and intentionally harassed, humiliated and cyber-bullied here, and as pictured here (and many more to follow) are certainly all free to meet with me anytime at all convenient and prove their full innocence, integrity and even well their self-promoted superior intellect. Plus "protect their family good name". At least for their children? If not such criminals, frauds, fakes and cowards? This easily done at any convenient RCMP location they like.
POINT: That "simple" to prove they are not sad "sick" criminals seriously fearing jail time as I'll swear under oath. That simple. Five highly qualified present and past presidents and their so noteworthy executive supporters who aid and abet their criminal acts and their big shot Hollywood and Union vs. me. And all free to discuss millions in Tax to Membership Fraud? This should be proof enough 30% tax credit cost/benefit better going to teachers, nurses, police or hungry children than making fakes six figure salaries?
What EXACTLY are they so afraid of to allow such published defamation, slander, humiliation as viewed here by 64,000 views. Have they no pride. Or just no legal defence? Zero?
Their very stupid criminal non-disclosure documents to facilitate criminal acts as aid and abetting (including violence against women) and other documents from membership and departmental absurdities and health benefit fraud, low election numbers, and internal trials, non-confidence votes and charges against presidents and interesting email, with legal rulings for "intimidation and coercion" and provincial inquiry notes on "good faith" prove when they think they are clever, they are not. Just seriously low intellect criminal cowardly frauds. Not so brave and smart now are they? Looking like small men with small penis complex? True? False?
Can this put over twenty people in jail and blocked from any future union activity and their home and bank and other assets seized as clear laundered piece of or proceeds of crime laundered as position, perks and pay. All criminal sleaze can parade on way to jail?
Just over a dozen very-very serious criminal acts here to discuss "honestly" with RCMP and voice polygraph. From Tax credit fraud in literally millions, to theft and serious personal tax fraud well over $5,000.00 to "Women Beatings" and very sickening "self-serving" cover-ups and other acts of violence and other crimes.
Just a chat with RCMP and me? That simple? And we can even do "volunteer voice polygraphs" (many around BC legal). This to really "honestly" help RCMP as to not waste their time with lowest life lying cowardly slime. Who ever that may be. This so extremely clear to RCMP who criminals might be and where and who to best to focus on key criminal acts? Revenue Canada to BC Lib and NDP should take note. YES, VOICE-POLY NOT ADMISSIBLE IN COURT BUT CERTAINLY CUTS DOWN DESPERATE BS WORD GAME WASTE, WHEN POLICE COULD BE SAVING LIVES? DON'T TRY AND WASTE RCMP TIME? JUST MORE BAD LEGAL OPTICS?
Absolutely voice polygraph not admissible but certainly helps big-time RCMP avoid being bored to death with Tom Adair's and John Brummitt BS "obstructing" a very serious criminal investigation. Bring NDP Adrian Dix as fully versed in documentation
From top of the heap Tom Adair (above) with his big title and bigger opinions and noted profile in NDP and his fashionable Green support, and politics, to his serious criminal low-life slime and friends, to even more sleazy tax cheats and thieves he should be fun to fully expose - or take those like Rob Maier. And his so impressive tax cheating and stealing, defaming "intimidating and coercion" documented gang relations. This with fun questioning including:
Super brain John Brummitt.
(who actually: "knows all and everyone's crimes, but sadly got far less of the proceeds of crime from Don Ramsden and Gavin Craig as presidents than Tom Adair - and got no trips like Dusty Kelly.
John Brummitt should be a very-very big help to RCMP big time busting his old bosses instead of kissing their ass. Certainly odds are HE'LL BE wanting to plea bargain and sell out like bikers and mobsters to even Conrad Black's 2IC do, as also having super brains and top legal. Will Don Ramsden's 2IC and long time brilliant buddy Brummitt squeal on "all" to get a big squeal for a deal break and not help dearest friends Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly enjoy more money, prestige, power and false fame, respect by fools and the good life SAD, WHILE ALL HE GETS TWO CHANCES TO FALL IN DISFAVOUR AS A TOP "HARDLY HONEST"SHOP STEWARD, YES, TOM ADAIR DID SO MUCH BETTER FROM THE DIRTY DYNASTY?
This option of visit to RCMP should be attractive to "all" (or at least for some alone?) and this offer should/would appeal as to simply and honestly clear their "good honest respected names". As they should at least do it as to protect their family good name - for their "children"? AS SELF-PROMOTED LOVING PARENTS? And protect their big time titles and careers? They brag about being good parents now prove it? With their under a hundred page views as social media marvels (at whatever cost of incompetence) 66,000 pageviews should be noted by these slime and this blog.
And plus not suffer such "disrepute" as internal trials find repugnant? And best can shut me up and shut me down fast? Why not even try? Just as any "normal honest person would/should want to do" as to protect their good name? Again: As any honest person would? The point can be made more clear below. As they reap what they sow, and must do the time for the crime, and pay the piper stuff?
Creep Catcher will help children? Who will help women here? Daughters, sisters, wives?
And all tax payers cheated of millions and millions to enrich cowardly criminal slime?
Help? Guess which criminal pictured above did which crime? Or who helped aid and abet by obstruction or breach of fiduciary duty or extremely cowardly enriching silence for so very many crimes for so many years? An interesting media puzzle?
Creep Catcher will help children? Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives?
If we knew of those who stayed silent on child abuse, sexual, physical or psychological, we'd be breaking the law not reporting it. Just like a basic and obvious safety issues on a union work site. "Safety" so much noise made about it by comparison to women's safety at this proud local? Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives? Like at work site as not to be suppressed or cheated of work? Male or female. Young or old.
If we know of those cheating all BC tax payers to unemployed talented and deserving youth we must put them in jail or the law and judicial system has credibility issues. Plus resulting mushrooming corruption and crime if no visible deterrent.
Youth here as far more honest, talented and educated and suffering as well, the slime and those involved clearly in: restriction of trade and economic interference against suppliers to co-workers and their own brothers and sisters? Not just cheating taxpayers with millions and millions year after year for decades with easy to show and demonstrate tax credit fraud and endless deception. Key is even against those they term brother and sister they cheated. In solidarity with their women beaters, fakes, frauds, crooks ($5,000 +) and known by many for decades.
And with those criminals involved, they actually do have a documented history for decades and already proven for not simply supporting women beaters but "intimidation and coercion" against their own brothers and sisters.
This not theory, speculation or conjecture this in legal files from top law firms to BC Labour Relations Boards. Clear extremes of self-interest and ego and their self-interest groups or gang. Even their friends lying and misleading RCMP is on record. That full of themselves as this arrogant and ignorant slime. As criminal defence witnesses this will be obvious.
Beating up women also highly acceptable in these elite groups, oddly related to how much paid in lip service or special executive work and political opportunity. John Brummitt proof in spades. And John Brummitt involved with all criminals named and pictured. And oddly "all" supporting millions in tax credit fraud from manipulated basic membership and upgrade fraud to an hour bank ponzi scheme any Chicago economist can explain or simply for low level criminal minds involved how those who make the most pay the least. That obvious? This would make Tommy Douglas vomit.
The NDP should be proud of such support as labour movement and NDP destroy themselves as once a party of integrity allowing such internal cancers at vote cost? Who did pen master Adrian Dix do lunch with in Hollywood offering a 40% plus concept? Who paid for trips of promises?
The recent provincial election now makes this blog very key to both parties. A win or lose factor that advanced pollsters, actuaries, mathematicians and marketers might call "tipping point". Very key. Read below all the new reasons why. If alone the above not enough than with simply the statement:
Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives?
Now even more the case, as even the former Premier of BC admits that she also sadly another sad weaker victim of assault by such cowardly dirt as pictured above. So she knows how victims feel and felt. Who will help women? Daughters, sisters, wives? Like on a work site?
Time to put this very impressive group above of very cowardly - and "very creepy" gang of women beaters and their "career desperate" supporters, for clear "aid and abetting," as all well documented, and as named, ALL in jail. Plus for more added jail time how their very-very criminal and corrupt low-life fraud and fakes as friends ALL GUILTY in major tax fraud cheating all taxpayers to coworkers. Absolute fact. Very clear.
Sleaze do like similar sleaze or those they can impress, bully or mislead. Well now time for jail, as themselves as criminal social dirt, and their friends, oddly enriched by "MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS" in TAX CREDIT FRAUD. Time to put them away? In jail. This while far more honest, educated and experienced BC people not left to suffer highly uneducated, low skilled, low talented dynasties of nepotism and the dishonest.
John Brummit top stupid one? He's so clever he has me profiling him and his history for RCMP. He was the first to tip me off on corruption and crime. Others provided details. His life and career peak clearly by helping criminals, tax cheats and women beaters. Getting embarrassing for his family in interior BC. This as more and more find out about this twisted father figure and clear misogynist. Wanna bet? Have him meet all alone at RCMP offices if not a very serious lying criminal and simply defend himself (as any honest person would or could?) and defend ALL his sleazy criminal friends as so clever an in the know. He won't show up unless drunk so scared and so much at great risk to himself and all his friends like Tom Adair. This offer to show beyond debate what a shaking disgusting coward and liar he is when not being Don Ramsden's or Rob Maier's criminal puppet? Bets?
An easy case for RCMP as too many involved in too many lies and many in group not very clever as key criminals surrounded themselves with weak cowardly types motivated by greed, ego or just sadly wanting to deceive and impress family and friends as neither experience or education supports these criminal slime paid more than police, teachers and nurses.
They also have a history of lying to police to deny.
See Gavin Craig, Don Ramsden, John Brummitt, Rob Maier for how stupid one gets and how sick and criminal when ego a title and over paid just creates more greed and lust for power. The small man and small man complex should be obvious to RCMP and why jail time 5 years plus should be prosecuteed fully and no deals for top slime and small women beating cowatds and their cowardly and creeepy
That added on top off many, many other's acts of "coworker", tax and investor fraud to major theft, gross negligence and gross incompetence. Cheating investors to honest union and non-union workers. And ALL IN JAIL. SOME FOR 5 YEARS "PLUS". AS PER THE RULE OF LAW. And so all taxpayers, investors and coworkers see justice to those women beaten, harassed and suppressed. Ideally for Christmas.
Time for the "big dirty story" to now all be told making juvenile efforts at illegal non-disclosure agreements ridiculous and perfectly reflective of those "all" involved . The "WHOLE TRUTH" and nothing but the truth.
RCMP will know very quickly now, with info and witnesses provided exactly who the lying two faced duplicitous and disingenuous are at the first of many interviews with the "wordy-word game" slime. All
I gladly admit and will under oath and for voice, thermal or traditional polygraph admit I have intentionally published extremely harassing and defaming claims and I should go to jail or be stopped if what I say not true or fully legally justified. Or heroic as some honest women to highly educated claim? Funny how so brave and brazen major bozo brainless types are to act when criminals put in "disrepute". And now so humiliated so terrified of RCMP and filing a complaint or criminal charges against me? Why?
Whether unknown young girls and students at Dental School on East coast, to East coast actresses and others exposing, taking on and holding accountable big shot cowardly abusive arrogant celebrities like Jian Ghomeshi at CBC. And as well as exposing slime and nutcases and also key here holding cowardly company executives - and even the whole Crown Corporation CBC, accountable for breach of an apparent natural justice mandate? This expected by any honest legal philosophers in any progressive beyond primitive, civilize society. And guilty clearly, with clear hypocritical, gross and cowardly deliberate negligence, so breach of fiduciary duty charges also very warranted. And serious financial liabilities for those who support plus aid and abet.
These brave women at CBC to BC Premier making history at least now more translucent if not perfectly transparent to higher thinking minds. We have a crisis. This BC industry a key battleground to showcase and spotlight help for women to all taxpayers and add more very critical dialogue.
This blog further inspired by girls personally known in Montreal as victims of Date Rape (If having CF killing them not enough to suffer. Some men as we'll show that sick?) and the heroic efforts of one father (a former classmate) changing Federal Law with the murder and rape of his daughter? Too often twins and their big brothers "assault and bullying" not far from murder.
Rape and murder, also not a joke as for some sick very small cowardly uneducated men to laugh at? A old school mate's daughters now dead. So my patience with slimy hypocritical criminal fools and frauds now less than zero. So I'm very much not joking when it comes to the sick cowardly ignorant slime identified here. And do jail time even if only 50% of charges succesful.
My empathy only made more enlightening by University of Montreal massacre as I lived on the same street.
Add in now Ottawa with 40% of women reporting a form of sexual assault. So very-very clear we do need major whistle-blowing by non cowards and blogs like this. Probably a thousand more? We do have a very national if not international crisis to address. Politically correct or not. And everywhere possible like here.
And no matter who and what celebrity orr big shot with pathetically misleading titles they hide behind like Tom Adair, and as to even dare judge others like his buddy the puppy kicking king of sickest porn, John Brummitt, and a previous executive partner in smiles with Tom Adair.
Both as hundreds know as fact very-very key support for those who beat up woman and key to "millions and millions" in tax fraud. Classy guys? Both deserving respect and a minimum five years jail time for their impressive skills, education, accomplishments as with other blatant duplicitous acts of bulling or assault they help hide and support. And even bullying like a girl drowned by a girl in Victoria makes a point of those thinking superior to any other human being ? Yes a few women will even kill other women as so sick? Ego? And whether their illusions of being in the in-crowd and empowered by criminal executive elite has any merit, also illustrates their insanity, ego, vanity, ignorance and arrogance. And all easy to prove. All fact.
Maybe as some top Oxford-Osgoode legal minds suggest sexual assault should not be seen as a sex crime, but as "gross cowardly treason of all mankind" deserving nothing less than chemical castration and present legal chemical lobotomy for any of those involved? Do such fakes, cowards and bullies deserve less?
Add most of these slime enriched criminals by tax credit fraud they allowed for their selfish greed and gang members and for personal and political career survival as lacking and real world experience or accomplishment and education at best if any hardly related. Fact.
They not only humiliate their wives, children and families by their many deceptions, but cheat investors, coworkers and all BC taxpayers. Hey and again all those named and soon to be named more than warmly welcome to best defend their "honest good name and career". Reputation priceless to quote? Just easily meet me at RCMP offices and don't tell lies or try word games as it gets even worse. Much worse. And the criminal slime should most certainly defend yourselves when not cowardly devices ,misleading inflated titlees and corrupted democratic support and show who and what you really are if not obvious criminal cowardly slime. WHY NOT?
Poor Paul Klassen showing off for slime I guess he so hoped to impress he's not an arrogant, ignorant idiot puppet and buddy but failed. His name getting around Ottawa as well such a class act. Mitch Davies certainly not able to fool "all my friends" far-far more educated than that coward and women beater supporter, as much more educated then the dummies he and Dusty Kelly can easily fool. Asw proven. Like when using poor ethics judge ADRIAN DIX, for image making and he once again only to suffer more embarrassment for again such poor standard of care and integrity, as in the past. No surprise? Poor NDP.
They should be more careful playing the Hollier-than-thou bit ,while dancing with the sickest of devils? And before an election. Just wasting voters time and supporters money again. . Makes political parties look like garbage slime supporting those who support women beaters. True? False? And now BC Liberal Leader also admitting a victim of such low life.
And it gets worse. If your guilty for assault on the Premier of BC, Pam Anderson or suffer Vancouver's finest men like Dorthy Stratton sadly did you deserve justice and all low-life dirty criminals prosecuted. Fully. As does a nobody working single mother beaten deserve justice as a victim by others oddly also in "good standing" with Junkies, Tax Cheats, Drunks (Wine Expert and Son?), and dog kicking sicko extreme John Brummitt. Yes, my critics easy to profile and by the company they keep.
Hey, if you act like a big shot with bogus big title like Tom Adair head of the BC and Yukon TV and Film something or oter, and giving misleading uneducated and uniformed opinions while so cowardly silent and so supporting women beaters you're human dirt. And should be exposed from your hometown to Victoria and Ottawa. No debate. Tom also with little education, experience or any singular accomplishment other than possibly building a coffee table at career peak and his noteworthy documented his supporting women beaters by attacking their whistle blowers. Helps as to secure revenue windfall for stupid vain Tom Adair. 5 years plus? Yes, you are going to get burned playing with fire. Get full of yourselves and find you are now playing with military grade plutonium and well as they say in LA and Montreal, welcome to the Jungle?
As such ALL criminals named here will look more than sleaazy and stupid, criminal guilty and cowardly. Using illegal trials to illegal non-disclosure agreements to create a credible facade for fraud, will soon backfire with jail time and be extremely embarrassing and so difficult to explain to friends and family you once impressed by deception.
And do also add, as further inspiration for this blog's inspiration and also on West coast: celebrities like Pam Anderson to Gillian Anderson also suffering misogynist and similar nut case abuses in residential homes to Vancouver union film sets.
And sadly Pam Anderson (who I found to be a sweet young girl when doing Budweiser Swimsuit when in I was in Advertising for a top beer company) or as young girl at start of career like Gillian (When I worked on X-Files), also having needless fears. Hopefully others in future need not ever suffer and now including with Premier Clark, if we start to "very aggresively" prosecute such human dirt, cowards, crooks and their critical support in cover-up and this for personnel greed and ambition clearly.
A few personnel agencies West of Wawa will have all their names shortly as well as all RCMP offices and police files for licence checks when pulled over as with more names to go now to and for "border security"(See LinkedIn contacts?) and CRA (See File). An especially must show how powerful but sadly Rob Maier is, now as very targeted for ten years in prison as a minor and modest goal. Or less time if he throws Brummitt under the bus? Possibly reduced charges for any who turn on John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Dusty Kelly. That's how it works. Help RCMP and Crown and they help you. If not? Well, place your bets.
Why are those named and pictured so scared out of their minds and to just simply defend even (1) one thing to show their titles and lives not one big deception to faciltate tax credit fraud? If possible should be blatant. So much silence now from such big talking authoritative opinion offering big shot small men with small penis textbook complexes? Odd? Those who once wouldn't shut up certainly revealing so cowardly in their silence. The disgusting women who support them also must all suffer our legal system and wide social humiliation by media to crush them and these criminals "like a bug?" as they would say and allow for others? Fair?
The mind set of the misogynist not just Robert Pickerton (and as so near Burnaby bastion f te Barons of Bullshit begs a variety of questioning of John Brummitts other loyal friends - one would think?)
Presentable Paul Bernado in Ontario, to those who hide behind military or petty political positions like Col. Russel and titles for psychological camouflage as with most textbook psychopaths and sexual supremacists must all have their day of truth. Whole truth. Nothing but. And what they must now fear. In "real people" courts?
The system and people who support these scum's image and titles hiding the sick cowardly frauds and helping their sick little lies must all have their careers "destroyed" as they destroyed others lives, sadly too weak to fight back.
All these crimes from millions in tax fraud to violence against women must make media headlines to help all women and all BC Taxpayers. Time for honest unbiased journalism from known writers in media BC to CBC in Montreal and Toronto or they possibly also suspect of personal or career otives for their selective silence?
The media not addressing far more on-line bullying and abuse of young girls and resulting suicides, also of tragic note, and why this blog so critical. Keep the discussion front and center.
The financial prosecution for fraud references also done in tandem so no sex nut or cowardly bully walks away from here like CBC celebrities, and so all will do jail time and most pay their victims of their breach and fraud to those with multiple charges of more serious jail time doing far beyond five years.
And five years now worth twenty in last remaining golden years some say. They must pay. Victims deserve respect. Or as proven some will pretend to ignore and ignore. And ignore like the super slime and coward of cowards Tom Adair.
Don't let slime enjoy fraud money while teachers and nurses underpaid and John Brummitt and Tom Adair have been both so grossly over paid and enjoying corrupt and elections.
Note, "exactly" how all those named above and below as clear criminal slime all so "very-very afraid" of simply going alone or in full gang solidarity to RCMP to stop me from making such published seriously abusive, demeaning and certainly very defaming claims below about them if not "TRUE"?
Shouldn't they as normal non-criminals would obviously do and as to normally protect their "Good, Honest, Family Names and Career Reputation". Shakespeare to Brian Mulroney thought reputation important?
They really should stop these claims stated as 100% fact:
Immigrants we "once welcomed" then became Canadian women beaters (and worse some sick Canadians supported them for proceeds of crime) must be exposed like a violent CBC celebrity or young senator all full of themselves and double standards. And think women a safe punching bag. And if not greed and ego what was the motivation?
And as they are such Alpha males, they really should most certainly want claims as "small man types with text book small penis complexes" stopped. And claims they ine thinking they are superior to women - and their wives, stopped? And okay and "just business" that women should be beaten acceptable business cost to shut them up? Now add other slime key and liable for millions and millions in tax fraud and far-far more. Must all go to jail? This Christmas. This as victims from single working mothers will to honest bullied workers still be suffering their fraud
The slime and criminals better be able to finger point at others or the finger points right at them . That simple. That's how it works.
Did the criminals lawyers tell some of them they could be looking at easily six months to five years in jail - and/or gigantic personal liabilities being so very bold brave and clever so many-many times when clear slime lowest life cowards could hide behind a crowd..
Funny how they do nothing to protect their such good family names and at least "for their family or future careers"? But odd they rush everything else like their bullying and defamatory internal trials documented as helping criminals to absurd membership qualifications. just maling more cler what human garbage. Clearly. Now even more funny now as their big shot Hollywood and Union lawyers can't protect them as just to much crime involved. Far too much. Where to start must puzzel their expensive super legal stars. Or possibly financially crippling legal expenses too much to even dare try? Any bets?
Crown, based on documents and witnesses and old RCMP, BC LRB and Provincial Inquiries should be able to "easily" secure convictions on 80-90% of all those named and not doing a squeal-for-a-deal for reduced charges. Some will get a break rating "out all others". And for saving RCMP and Criminal Courts and Judges needles time. Will get very boring for RCMP wasting time with best efforts by human slime at final deception, word games and lies, trying to use RCMP once AGAIN as there pawns or puppets like Gavin Craig's gang and Rob Maier's gang tried to oddly intimidate and coerce as the case later and even prior support. Our discussions with Oxford Legal Scholars and former acting UBC law school chair, to the top practicing defamation lawyers and other top legal minds plus my old room mate the late BC Criminal Court Judge Russ Mckay (also at our lunch with UBC acting chair and Oxford Scholar and Osgoode Law Review Editor) would support that jail time could be severe for those still arrogant and so highly uneducated and grossly misinformed. Idiots talking statue of limitations always good for a laugh.
Time to give women of Canada, and RCMP as helping a big win. Some "honest" and good PR helping women a good "communications strategy" and sooner the better?
Here's the perfect case.
We all know how the courts recently had very high standards for victim/witness credibility in CBC celebrity assault trial, so simply the perfect time to see if same very high standards on credibility as per documents and witnesses now demanded of the slime here accused of violence against women to "millions and millions" in liabilities for tax credit fraud as noted/admitted in newsletter - and no corporate/union shield possible in criminal matters.
Real trials and real courts, real people and really educated and really honest, should prove very educating for the criminal slime who love judging others and hiding behind out dated labour code clearly needing reform and a major re-brand of transparency and accountability needed as do churches protecting pedophiles to union locals protecting women beaters. Clear? Now those who had tiny little blue collar small man small penis local union hall ego trips playing judge, will be now judged. Ridiculed. Exposed. Humiliated. Charged. Assets seized. And other sentencing goals?
" has been estimated that as many as 20 to 25 per cent of women will be sexually assaulted as college students."
And just guess, if just very conservatively just half of above, say 10% or 1 of 10, that if that the same case, when no witnesses around in office work places or even churches to film union shop floors or offices. And sadly and more disgusting where those less educated even greater victims of coercion and intimidation and cultures of bad faith, with sexual harassment to suppression far beyond debate and in lower positions and a single mother with a child to feed? Sick? And with victims with smaller work titles than their abusers certainly compounding the cowardice of any assault sexual or not. Are there other cowards like Tom Adair who provide years of support to women beaters but hide behind insanely inflated titles suggesting both meaningful experience and education he really hasn't got to judge others his life superiors. A coward and a fraud not an unusual combination.
This far beyond debate but any morons mentioned or any of their other gang members or crews, all more than welcome to challenge this fact as well? Face-to-face? Eye-to-eye? And with RCMP present? Cowards and criminals? Here's their big chance not to continue to look so very guilty of far more crimes including few mentioned.
Why? For greed. Greed, greed and more greed. And ego. Clearly.
Losers bought with proceeds of crime for aid and abetting illegal cover-ups aith big bogus inflated titles and petty power positions, poor man prestige, big pay without merit, revenue enhancement and or others like Rob Maier theft and revenue protection. Fact.
Again those named, and to be named in affidavit, always more than welcome to challenge these very clear claims and protect their very good names, big titles and reputation at RCMP offices. This to save time. Why not? It will only get worse with new surprises? Tricks and traps set.
Why are the little cowardly uneducated slime and literal nobodies so very-very afraid to protect their image and ego once again - if not fearing serious jail time. Afraid of traps and those far more informed on many things?
Or is any legal defence now far too complex for such and so many simple minds who do like image and power and playing judge, and yet now so sadly left without any power at all and to be judged in real criminal courts based on their real liabilities, real personalities, real education, real experience and real criminal actions. Such incredibly clever bullies and cowards. Lies to RCMP to absolutely embarrassing and pathetic absurd internal trials proves how clever in spades and how very sick and hypocritical.
Others document this as well.
Are they uneducated human dirt lacking clearly both intellect or integrity and any forethought of consequence and ramifications? Some of us do hate sick creeps, cowards and women beaters, pedophiles and fakes and very much date rape types? Some in our families victims, so it gets passionate and very personal. As it should for any family having daughters or sadly victims suffering such super human garbage. Some are far more accepting.
Mitch Davies should have no problem doing a volunteer polygraph on date rape, tax credit fraud and supporting women beaters clearly more than honest workers, as evident to date, just to see if his hands clean on all three? Or just one? Or two. I'll do the same. So all very fair and so very honest? He likes games? He's a big shot once given a choice.
Hope he can do better then just appearing like a major sick fraud wearing a T Shirt one day as biggest effort to help women and yet help criminals to women beaters and support tax fraud the rest of the year. For years. Such a politically clever little boy. Should women or criminal courts trust him? Who will when all told? Will he be less popular than both Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly's last election numbers define. Will he lie to RCMP like Gavin Craig's gang of goofballs or Rob Maiers partner's in crime just to protect tax fraud criminals and women beaters and still be on record doing absolutely nothing for clearly victims. Hey, with Mitch women's rights not just a shallow saying it's also a cheap slogan to get votes. Any welcome to defend him on all matters. Anyone? Or defend the more disgusting higher up and head of all film councils Tom Adair.
Just guess why the T-shirt if really no problem? Stand up? Speak out?As on the T-shirt but this blog so oddly ignored and his criminal supporters still enriched by tax credit fraud. He's a fraud. Thi picture proves it. As do women as victims. His impressive numbers as first past the post and his "real" democratic legitimacy in corrupt elections involving criminals another embarrassing joke for this creep and coward to be firther defined shortly.
Mitch Davies. Is he fully ready for RCMP ?
Enough of judgments for CBC celebrities found "not guilty" as victim's behavior not in "harmony" in a shadow of a crime. Or more recent a president of a Canadian university using "behavioral contracts" as some of the slime named here use endless and blatantly illegal and very criminal "non-disclosure agreements". This worth a few laughs like Paul Klassen's judicial integrity to others very serious CRA problems. And illegal and very criminal "non-disclosure agreements"mostly used as to clearly aid and abet criminal acts, from millions and millions in tax credit to fraud to violence by forced, bullied or consensual silence. And helping enrich criminals. In millions.
Shows class? And action?
This case a very big honest, credible and now possibly a very critical win for both RCMP to investigate and for women in RCMP ideally to deal with? And ideally as per Justin logic say half the investigators from RCMP being women inRCMP. Those very familiar with liars like Gavin Craig and John Brummitt and their slime friends guilty of assault, harassment and suppression of women - and very familiar with victims fear of disclosure and exposure on their career, as coercion and intimidation to economic interference the ever present silent threat. Shows class? And action?
Time to also give all "honest" BC tax payers a major big win with some honest justice with major tax credit cheats and frauds enriching criminals and worse, making unons, labour movement and NDP Leaders and their past judgements look very bad and worse cheating other unions and making far more than nurses, teachers and too many police, all finally sent to jail. It's time. A combination of injunctions and all related proceeds of crime seized for victim compensation or liens on all assets, as needed with flight risk factors recognized. Some now out of country? May not return?
This as per present very organized executive crime helpers and leaders like present top dogs Mitch Davies and Tom Adair to old time extremely criminal slime John Brummitt and his old slave masters Don Ramsden and major crook Rob Maier, all now must all be put in a very serious criminal spotlight. And very amusingly now all in the spotlight by the very stupid, arrogant, deceitful, uneducated, low-talent people they thought clever to be empowered, hired or helped surround themselves with. Ironic? And kinda funny really. And now they must bet on these stupid people not to make things worse trying again to be far more clever than they are. And oddly all named all lacking any serious skill, meaningful honest real world experience talent, related education, integrity or intellect. Check? Bets? Just inflated credentials, extremely well pieced from proceeds of crime game and many amusing titles that often impress teenagers who watch TV and movies and think these people anything more than low life frauds and con artists. Or those at Capilano who thought Tom Adair more than a fraud whose biggest claim to fame prior o supporting women beaters was what? Really? Check. All enjoying big positions and pay far too obvious they would not ever near merit in real world or hold such positions - and so very easy to prove for any Provincial Inquiry into criminal costs of tax credit to all criminal court prosecutions. Do many others have far more education and experience than criminals in executive like John Brummitt and NDP's Adrain Dix Hollywood Date Dusty Kelly? Check? Do many others have far more integrity and intellect than those involved in internal Judicial efforts not trying for more of proceeds of crime and position payoffs? Bets?
The criminals here from sick immigrant Canadian women beaters Canada once welcomed to the very major crooks (5K+) and those dog loyal who clearly who kiss their ass (See newsletter and election material) and as such clearly aid and abet for proceeds of crime (See Mitch Davies and his and others very-very impressive election numbers for his "real" first past the puddle democratic legitimacy and very embarrassing this history first past the post absurdity added to criminally corrupted elections? How else can you get away with millions in material and time theft to major tax credit fraud unless all-knowing best-of-best executive not aiding and abetting. Impossible to commit such crimes with an honest executive clearly?
All these slime must now be fully prosecuted and made big media examples of for others and put now in national "disrepute" as very sad and sick and sleazy criminals. Or they can just pop by "any" handy local RCMP and just quickly do a volunteer polygraph at least one of forty named just might pass and protect theirs and others careers and reputation and most Honorable family names. 1 of 40 not asking much? Tom Adair when asked said he was honest now he can prove it and not a lying criminal cowardly mouse who supports women beaters more than honest efforts at forensic audits as documented.
And certainly while others more wealthy can enjoy off shore "tax assistance" the majority of BC tax payers don't need to also be helping the very lowest life criminals like those named above all get payed more (as laundered proceeds of crime) and get richer and better paid than lawyers, police, court workers, teachers and nurses and worse as solid fact while having far less training, certification, education, experience and accomplishment. Fact.
How nice for these criminally protected criminals to do so well while nurses to police work much harder and require more intellect, integrity and training than most dishonest department heads. Makes a point. And add and as easy to prove also protected from "honest and very superior competition and price", and using restriction of trade, coercion and intimidation, economic interference, duress, bad faith, criminal fraud, threats, and defamation of those far more educated, far more experienced and far more accomplished. Fact. And all so slime can enjoy some think-their-clever moments with high school effort of laundering clear traceable proceeds of crime so very cleverly played as pay, perks (plus more perks), prestige, power and position and as clear for all pathetic pawns aid and abetting in their desperate careers they can' honestly justify? All to be played and humiliated for family and friends to criminal courts and for Provincial inquiry? And must all be fully prosecuted.
Honest working trades, artistic and technical alsotrusting and also cheated by endless fraudulent concealment and deception and also of many millions exactly like tax payers cheated also deserve some justice. At least women suppressed and harassed to start? Helps women in industry and unions to female office workers as this a noted industry wide and national problem. Fact.
This case also a very major and critical win for BC Liberals or even if not to fractured and exhausted NDP. Or for whoever of the two "most supports this investigation" by RCMP as also heroes to women and workers, and provides, pushes or leads a tandem Provincial Film Industry Inquiry on Criminal Activity, Tax Credits and Fraud. All enriching criminals, and all key women's issues not missed. None.
Also a very nice win for both Mainstream and Alternative media as this is media now proudly on front-line helping women and average worker and tax payer with this "media content rich" legal buffet. And with a plethora of perspectives available from Old School Tabloid series to CBC or Youtube Documentary?
The media can both win big time and honestly help women and workers big time. Just educate and expose the truth to public. The audience/readership potential for this million dollar crime story of violence and fraud unmatched by the amount of money, totall crimes involved here and on top of dozens of critical women's issues warranted.
Note: I'm willing to meet at any handy local RCMP office near Parliament and with "any" who even dare wish to challenge "any" or "all" of my claims? Seems very fair? And we both just volunteer for voice polygraph most military intelligence support and police technologies teach, even if not admissible? Just to show some credibility to RCMP? Just so very-very insulting to RCMP to "waste their time with lies by uneducated idiots and frauds and obstruction like both Gavin Craig's (Who now can claim he teaches people to screw in light bulbs and which light bulbs brighter? He's come a long way?) and as per old RCMP ies to recent trial lies by the best of Rob Maier's gang. Oddly both gangs with dog-loyal boot-licking help from John Brummitt.
Sick to waste RCMP time when they could be saving children's lives or busting Senators in Ottawa. It won't happen again? This blog designed to save RCMP hundreds of thousands in investigation time and not be bored to tears by lying low life nobodies and leaving just the fun stuff for RCMP and crown?
Point: Would like just one (1) honest person (Just (1) if there is one ) involved with these slime named, pictured and to be named?) to explain, or one of their lawyers to tell RCMP why okay:
That if even Trailer Park Boys' actor Michael Smith, and even with pretty boy Jian Ghomeshi assault trial, that celebrities with big shot lawyers get charged and brought to criminal court for criminal assault against women, but why oddly union executives or department heads in 891 so oddly do not yet get brought to criminal trial? Odd? Just one (1) honest person? None?

And for their help by default as morons clearly exposing and bringing many other criminal slime into clear and blatant "disrepute" where they by comparrison "rushed" at documented "blinding speed" like all efforts to intimidate and coerce. As from lies to RCMP by Gavin Craig's and Ken Anderson's gang and rushed over documented honest and reasonable appeals and protests (as per registered mail)?
And to further make a point all actions by criminal uneducated slime by oddly those documented and known well for deception to bad faith and even with labour board like Ken Anderson and legally liable documented politically and career clever super slime Paul Klassen .
And as Ken Anderson registered mail illustrates and labour board decisions against him added with registered mail and his glowing published support for women beaters he can't deny, show both how incredibly cowrdly, creepy, dishonest and highly uneducated he really is. He is free to debate me on this with RCMP present to prove he's not a criminal and uneducated ashole like Gavin Craig? Their lucky wives and kids? Very sad.
So decieved and mislead like Rob Maier's and John Brummitt's wives and kid's what real cheating dirt and slime their Daddy's are (and surround themselves with) and how the image of baseball coach to executive producer fools only fools.
Or first and for chronological reference and for more insight RCMP should consider the self-serving convenient lies told to RCMP when Gavin Graig's gang with Susan Butler Grey critical to RCMP deception and idiots thought they could use RCMP like their paid servants, slaves or toy soldiers and puppets for their political vanity and self-entitlement issues. A display of power?
WARNING: Obstruction and deception not the smartest move or very respectful of RCMP. Ever? This as Gavin's own internal trial also documents and and reflects further on his integrity, cowardice as a low life fraud and light bulb expert. Gavin Graig better squeal for a deal to reduce a few criminal charges and throw his very dear friend John Brummitt under a bus for trusting him, well, before John Brummitt beats Gavin to the squeal for a deal and the very-very limited first come first serve option and the get out of jail card still available to only a very few and far more intelligent. Well, say if Tom Adair as super coward doesn't beat them to the squeal deal first and tell RCMP EVERYTHING to save his cowardly criminal ass?
And in absolute fact these slime women beaters and major players in tax frauds get oddly more executive support and/or supportive silence and fraudulent concealment, from deep inside 891 inner circle THAN THEIR TRUSTING HONEST PAYING SUPPORT. Fact. Just compare the documented support or witness help Mitch Davies provides women beaters over honest seniors as this blog also nicely supports.
Every new day tax payers cheated even more, victims just victims and as low life frauds and criminals get to be even further enriched. Any bets? Any superior clever minds dare debate with me in a room filled with RCMP? Say Rob Maier as he has very serious criminal issues from tax fraud to theft (5k+) that his most loyal employees amusingly as morons motivated people and helped him get exposed on a lesson for many for Don Ramsden to Rob Maier don't surround yourselves with stupid people they do very stupid things that will help big time to put you in jail. And even worse if they rat you out?
Any dare lie in a further and added criminal investigation and deny or play word games as Tom Adair probably will, and add criminal obstruction to pile of other crimes? Including conspiracy in a number of matters. Hope the slime have top expensive lawyers so the idiots know exactly what is happening, and why this blog and not just faking smarter than most on real facts and the hidden goals here.
And this on top of other crimes from millions in tax credit fraud, membership fraud, qualification and pay fraud, medical benefit fraud, and a variety of million dollar environmental liabilities. Cheating all BC tax payers of millions and beaten women as victims and as women beaters doing well and in such "good standing"?
And environmental damage not addressed? And theses criminals, slime and frauds paid more than nurses, teachers and police and with far less accomplishment, experience or requirements.
Mitch Davies on left a women's worst friend and a women beater's best cowardly supporter. Paul Klassen possibly one of the most impressive judicial minds since Laskin. Management looks for those with educated judgement so can ignore these two cowards and criminal supporters.
Mitch Davies & Paul Klassen Clear Critical Criminal Supporters of Women Beaters to Tax cheats and they both know it. Both must do jail time? As both so clever and both really so criminal and cowardly supporting criminals and women beaters and not honest workers and all ax payers, but those they help to help their pathetic career ambitions. Mitch will soon be back drilling screws and cleaning up shop floors like so many other past presidents when who and what little they really are really honestly known.
Could there be a link between totally criminal acts by "immigrant" women beaters as well illegal non-disclosure agreements, and documented industry wide suppression of women and needless harassment? And add for real hypocrisy and humour the restriction of trade and clear tyranny and election fraud in a union executive that babbles about workers rights, democracy, green efforts and safety first. Look very closely these are very-very impressive people like Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, Susan Butler Grey, Dusty Kelly and Mitch Davies who all help women beaters not be exposed or suffer to lying to RCMP? Class acts? And they are also impressive beyond their serious lack of forethought, judgement, intellect, integrity, education, accomplishment so judge them by the company they keep? Say like former head of BC NDP Adrian Dix and his less than holy Hollywood tax credit sell-out and his trusted date? Yes, not fair to simply judge people by the company they keep, as possible duress to cowardice or in on proceeds of crime and job protection/extortion a factor? Best to let criminal courts judge these women beaters and tax cheats to those like Tom Adair's proceeds of crime paid silence supporting millions and millions in tax payer fraud and women beaters and by either financial support or support of silence. As others have. Did. Do.
So very hard now for those who act so in-the-know on almost everything and so very-very smart as to understand non-disclosure agreements, real business, film making, law to now try and play stupid or uninformed when so in the "know" and in the know positions for so very long as "coercion and intimidation" also provides on so much?

Here this legal case deserves far more media plus political spotlight than CBC or Senate scandal, and RCMP as clearly shown as heroes to women, workers and tax payers and the children and seniors hurt by this slime. Yes, time for RCMP for a heroes hat trick? And the halo factor for their key and critical pre-election political support and cheerleading by either BC Lib or NDP? This legal monster far more bloody than CBC beatings and here millions and millions more tax fraud than in Ottawa Senate or possible present federal CRA supplier audit. Maybe time for CRA to use resources on charities on dirty banks, churches and even dirty unions?
Plus help environment get cleanup/reclamation at direct personal expense of all executives with liability by mandate, and oversight as fiduciary duty, for all areas damaged all over BC (See locations list for reclamation reference). This environmental damage by paint and garbage dumping far more excessive than leading Ontario case law suggests. This specifically as per environmental case law on direct executive liability.

Help put in jail women beaters and their misogynist dog-loyal and/or delusional support who all sold their souls or clinically mindless for all portions of a "pawns" petite piece of the proceeds of crime. Fact. And with blatant elementary textbook diversification as pay, position, prestige, power, perks.
Help hundreds of those declaring clearly and wanting dearly a "full forensic audit" (Trusteeship, Seizure Before Judgement, Flight Risks seriously more than conversational? Ya' think?)
This as to help put this (See Titles and Hierarchy Lists/Mandates) "organized" group of criminals from women beaters to major crooks and tax cheats all in jail. As more fact: This slime already well documented for "coercion and intimidation" and "bad faith" rom Labour Board to provincial Inquiries to even lying to RCMP in a serious criminal investigation (Check?).
Put ALL IN PRISON. FAST! And as needed by law: their most dog-loyal aid and abet criminal support. As per rule of law. Those needed to aid and abet as political puppets - like moronic photo-loving present president of all BS Mitch Davies. Present president Mitch Davies who must be prosecuted fully for his key and critical help with his now clear cowardly and sadder politically motivated hiding criminals and criminal acts. And definitely including violence against women as threat to his pay and position I suspect not worth being honest. Hope to get some quality one-on-one time with this disgusting coward with RCMP all around. Saves time and money. Too bad such bad choices or career and criminal culpability for such uneducated clowns with their best acting skills now critical. Put them all in jail.
This as a "must do" to send an important message "all across BC" as to help all women beaten and expose, put the conversation on the table and as a political priority. The creeps, criminals and cowardly who beat women up and their cheerleaders must do time and be subject of mass media exposure and ridicule. Help workers, tax payers, investors and support that a cleaner better talented and skilled industry possible and such crimes not tolerated, accepted or allowed as some support and all as such fully exposed, ridiculed and criminal with civil prosecution a given . Those beating women, cheating workers to tax payers and investors are not just guilty of simply all this but in principle literally for the more informed or educated "economic treason" and hurting tiny children to suffering seniors as also solid fact, documented, demonstrate-able fact, that absolutely no double-talking ace super high paid legal defence can deny or diminish. But we certainly hope they try and run up legal costs even higher. Making confessions look cheap and attractive in many ways as well as personal pride and protecting family good name and family from even more shame and added ridicule.
Criminals certainly here and doing very well, and clearly organized as "organize criminals" no matter how stupid, and thus "organized crime" and conspiracy (If not clear keep rereading). Plus add obvious classic tacit and/or robotic aid and abet associates, who must also have direct and personal liability. All criminals and criminal benefactors who have all by conquest or cowardice all have hijacked a local Vancouver union and key industry channel. A institution as with others in past that now must be put in "full trusteeship" with light risk factors. This for a meaningful and full forensic audit. The Project management of seamless transfer to trusteeship ready.
This done as to best serve a "comprehensive and meaningful full industry Provincial Inquiry" long overdue. Obviously. And for both efficacy and cost control and best ROI on investigative investment . All this as goal to: help women (many with children) suppressed, harassed and beaten, all "honest" working people, to major critical economic foreign investment. Minor stakeholders to major shareholders must be protected from violent criminals, their liabilities, crooks robbing all blind from coworkers to CRA like Rob "Robbing" Maier as point of fact. Thinking his BS skills to bullying would protect him. Look so forward to eye contact in court with this Hollywood Powerhouse.
This full forensic audit referenced to note as extremely desired as documented in elections by 475 of "obviously" by default by concept and content mostly "honest", "educated" and most intelligent members and this vote clearly less all those who voted against for obvious criminal self interest? Obviously. How can "any group" oddly not want a third party audit if such financial heroes and proven and educated finance and business experts like Frank Haddad and Tom Adair at the helm as they have had sadly so many led to believe. And allows them to really showof their best eforts whilehighly over paid and in work better done by others not focused on plastic flower rentals. Which is it? Heroes? Or slime and gross incompetents hurting seniors, single mothers and children.
Obviously either fearing criminal audit and their very serious criminal exposure no votes for audit from criminals or aid and abet olowers and a clear effort against as Tom Adair documented with his denial to superior posturing defamatory efforts and hiding behind possibly the biggest pretentious title in all Hollywood history? Certainly. The votes against far more revealing than the votes for. Think about it? Well as one scholar put it. Clearly neither side had support from those those just literally ignorant as always a factor, to those understandably ignorant of issues and as a result of totally and clearly documented "absolutely illegal Non-disclosure agreements" to facilitate criminal fraud, breach and avoid criminal protection. Some so clever it will kill them. The more informed and honest just gave up as hopeless as many witnesses and as numbers support. And common where corruption and criminality blatant? Those more educated can see the obvious here. For criminal prosecution and RCMP even far more educated in these matters. legally a literal logistics cakewalk.
Or as more reveling and sad as with any election anywhere the missing majority of voters not voting as always who feel elections so corrupt, rigged, as with election material as documented censored to misleading. Fact. Documented. So why trust such scum to even count ballots honestly or bother to read absurd self-promoting propaganda of stupid people. But 475 honest and brave people did exposing their names as others feared so avoided. Proof? Just wait. Election optics seems that those with very many very vain pictures of themselves as frauds who do little as documented but obviously like taking time image making with big smiles they earn being paid more than nurses, teachers and police. Sick? And love faking they do much and even fake they are even educated (John Brummitt, tool boy "as per 891" and Tom Adair still getting big pay for criminal silence and pending civil litigation a case in point. And ideally civil actions by Teamsters and all sister unions cheated by his misleading and very selective priorities and as to support women beaters to teamster cheaters. A blatant and obvious conflict of interest with clear political motive that he thought he would never get caught at, or ever need to defend. So full of himself. And both as real world and multiple union experienced and even highly intelligent, as also well documented. Both the best to defend all others to RCMP as honest as possible. And for speed seperate rooms.
And we are hardly shy of supporting witnesses, so oddly unlike even more nut-cake internal trials also well documented and seriously shy of witnesses, integrity and intellect. And again all also well documented. The funny part is these sick idiots brag not only about cover-ups of violence against women, but how no paper trials and yet so stupid missed so much paper right before their own clever eyes. Internal trial efforts lacking any objective witnesses makes a point (ZERO?) on how even their best judicial minds not very good at even faking not brain dead or acting as criminal support. They documented it themselves trying too fake legitimacy costing thousands for that embarrassing crocodile tearful charade by criminals at their deceptive best as documented. Well, as best as somebody with O'Leary's reputation at Quarterback could suggest and then the idiots sold all the incriminating to me for a dollar? Only thing possibly as brain dead where the registered letters by Gavin Craig and Anderson showing off how once so honest and powerful they are and now was. They should share a pison cell.
The motive for all criminal slime also obvious. Greed. Ego. Personality disorders. They like being highly overpaid and paid more than, nurses, teachers or police and even more than most of those who pay them most and more absurd with such little certification, education or experience or integrity as easily compared to so many others more honest, but not wanting to work with criminal slime groups even if costing being honest.
Their motive greed and ego. They like money and glamour and would like to be movie stars their role models and mentors from prime time TV fiction as will be obvious.They also crave these criminal positions for proceeds of crime as they know no honest intelligent person or company would pay them so well ever. And see through them and their deceptive embellished terribly misleading resume as documented.
The abuse of power and position and political posturing also attractive to these slime as with absurd trips and many perks sadly police, teachers and nurses don't have. Why be a nurse if no ego trip and bigger money and far less education needed, why bother saving lives while criminals start to carry a few too many ponds, or if a bad actor or painter or just an average wall paper hanging skills you'd crave respect and attention as documented.
As much the ego and temptation to get a part of proceeds of crime laundered as big title, big pay, power, perks and media vanity and prestige, so not hard to understand why losers like John Brummitt so lustful for core criminal position, and wet dreams of presidency and hopefully loved back by gang acceptance, as he loved them.
Poor Brummitt such a loser did not get the very easy high paying jobs others sold for their silence and souls did. Sadly for John Brummitt, Tool Boy (as per 891) the criminals he helped did. And did very well. He kissed both Rob Maier's and Don Ramsden ass so long and well but hardly got repaid or respected anywhere near as well as Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly and by hundreds of thousands o dollars from proceeds of crime. Fact. Sad man like other slime back oddly back where they started as fewer and fewer fooled by fakes and snakes. Mitch Davies will have it the worse.
Which political party here will be the "honest", "authentic" and "credible" - and "very real" BC Heroes here? Getting big voter support fully supporting with pride and passion RCMP efforts? Will it be NDP or BC Liberals with this multi level legal and election monster or election changer and brand upgrade? Now available to first party to back the RCMP as they should?This novel made for Cream of Cream of election vote switchers and market influences. For VOTE SWITCHERS in next election this is elephant herd in the room? Women beaten, single mothers harassed major investors cheated with all honest tax paying workers and investors as well suffering fraud as criminals enriched.
Yes, either NDP or BC Liberals taking the lead as honest heroes on here on :
high profile industry housekeeping,
protecting taxpayers
with a very high profile "media rich content" issue
and being "honest" heroes to ALL Canadian women Nationally,
ALL BC taxpayers,
ALL honest workers,
literally ALL foreign investors,
most BC Business
and ALL BC Film and TV,
and The Environment,
That not really not bad political marketing communications strategy and tactics. And for either NDP or Liberals. Well it certainly seemed election critical back when I was high paid by Federal Liberals, (with Lino service) in elections to do psychographic voter and media footprint mapping and message design and copy for BC voters, flip Quadra, and hold Winnepeg West damage control Stuff? Ron Basford and Senator Grafstein certainly impressed. I only answered to Ron Basford. Only Ron Basford. Not Toronto. Not Red Leaf. Not Vickers. Bsford-Grafstein. Certainly three top business schools appeared to also understand me as well? This all after requested to help Justin's Dad with creative with the Seagram group on Sherbrooke St. with East Coast issues in "messaging". I can help more than just Kokanee Beer get noticed. Get loved. Make history. Yes, some of us have "real" street depth not just ivory tower stuff. My polling work for CBC on Quebec to evaluation of ratings for shows like CBC the Journal and Spelling's Nightman to leading on BC Tourism marketing audits (from cost to creative) maybe a bit noteworthy. Best be stated before any critics embarrass themselves further and look like idiots talking too loud and too proud and default targets for road kill. As many have in past.
high profile industry housekeeping,
protecting taxpayers
with a very high profile "media rich content" issue
and being "honest" heroes to ALL Canadian women Nationally,
ALL BC taxpayers,
ALL honest workers,
literally ALL foreign investors,
most BC Business
and ALL BC Film and TV,
and The Environment,
That not really not bad political marketing communications strategy and tactics. And for either NDP or Liberals. Well it certainly seemed election critical back when I was high paid by Federal Liberals, (with Lino service) in elections to do psychographic voter and media footprint mapping and message design and copy for BC voters, flip Quadra, and hold Winnepeg West damage control Stuff? Ron Basford and Senator Grafstein certainly impressed. I only answered to Ron Basford. Only Ron Basford. Not Toronto. Not Red Leaf. Not Vickers. Bsford-Grafstein. Certainly three top business schools appeared to also understand me as well? This all after requested to help Justin's Dad with creative with the Seagram group on Sherbrooke St. with East Coast issues in "messaging". I can help more than just Kokanee Beer get noticed. Get loved. Make history. Yes, some of us have "real" street depth not just ivory tower stuff. My polling work for CBC on Quebec to evaluation of ratings for shows like CBC the Journal and Spelling's Nightman to leading on BC Tourism marketing audits (from cost to creative) maybe a bit noteworthy. Best be stated before any critics embarrass themselves further and look like idiots talking too loud and too proud and default targets for road kill. As many have in past.
Will this let Christy show her "best of" as final legacy. Make her kids proud and now walk tall from union halls to Howe. Will Poor John in Langford and his marketing brains and polling all-stars and Dix delusional dance team see, or even have a clue, how leading on union house cleaning here critical? Or be chained again so blind not knowing how one pays a penny and gets a nickle in political marketing? Again. And be as further embarrassed as Adrian "Holywood" Dix will soon be, as soon an even better laugh at BC Hydro and as to even ever be seen in Victoria and at any popular NDP watering holes? Donuts with Dusty on East Hastings the best the future holds for such working mans royalty.
Is this the end of NDP credibility and trust, as now "totally fractured" within - as even just two random issues of The Tyee makes more than evident? Or a chance for a "new and improved" honest beginning making labour and political history like a Tommy Douglas-Bernie Saunders repackaged combo would provide? Or be as stupid as Federal NDP. Anybody ever read research studies about beards to media math? That is political vanity more costly than Mike Duffy could dream. Votes lost to save beard. If asked back to speak at McGill again I'd have to reference that in my lecture on anti-marketing worship.
Blog Point.
Help put these "very sick" and "serious smiling arrogant and ignorant criminal slime", as pictured above and named, put in jail fast. Very fast. This for violence against women and for critical support of violence against women and cover-up - with what money? Whose money? To millions and millions in tax fraud enriching same women beaters and almost as or more disgusting millions and millions in environmental damage they had high paid executive big shot responsibility for. Just like protecting women from violence and harassment - two decades of sexual harassment from those in elite inner circle seems acceptable as women beating. As documented and witnessed far too well.
Others to also be short-listed as best of best of slime and must to go jail from two days to two years and pay for victims to environmental damage to criminal defamation to wrongful prosecution, economic interference personally - and much much more and as no surprise also to include and certainly not limited to:
- Ken Anderson
- Gavin Craig
- Mitch Davies
- Susan Butler Grey?
- Paul Klassen
- Kevin O'Leary
Have them and ALL their cute and cowardly criminal friends stop me and just charge me in writing ASAP with RCMP and for very clear documented and obvious witnessed cyber-bulling, harassment, defamation and a number of crimes "if I'm lying" and they not incompetent moronic dirty low level slime and criminals? Protect their good "Family Name" for their children to prove not absolute human dirt possibly might appear normal?
And really just so very easily and quickly destroy my federal security clearance and political career and my reputation working for Federal Liberals and Federal Conservatives and even helping Grey Nuns, Blind, Handicap, MS victims, Immigrant women, Asian refugees for SFU, plus my reputation working for or with a BC Criminal Court Judge, Oxford, Legal & "Environmental" Scholars, Harvard and Princeton "head hunted" Political Scholars, and CD Howe types, Military Heroes who consider me for CEO stuff , Banks and Brokers I've worked with and the Board of Directors of a Public Company possibly also foolishly trusting me, as well, just to name a few to start who should know the truth about me "if I'm lying". These folk should ALL know the truth about me, as many have known me since grade school - some as a baby? That simple. Yes absolutely all named and pictured should charge me if not insane frauds and liars and appear as such criminal cowardly women beating tax cheating greasy human slime and as with their critical criminal aid and abet dog-loyal support as well - if I'm lying or misleading? Should be so easy? How better to set a number of legal traps? RCMP must ask why those named so very-very afraid to charge me. All of them. Together? With added names of friends supporting those charges. Not that hard to do at all.
Or best just confess to ALL crimes and compensate ALL victims. Time running out. Mitigate. Don't be a major criminal idiot like Mitch Davies and NOT ATTEMPT EXPOSURE AND RISK REDUCTION and destroy your chance of charge reduction or avoiding jail time, industry wide humiliation and suspicion and serious future career destruction. Just put something "impressive"in writing just like Elmar to protect yourselves/ Mitch an idiot. Elmar much, much smarter. Better go to the prtected files and see how smart people cover their ass. Or appear an Ass? And extremely criminal and cowardly as friend of slime. Files missing? Copies of registered letters gone. What a surprise. Not my problem? Not one person in charge able to know how to coordinate mass lies and obstruction with all necks on chopping block? Not my problem. Better review my stuff with Gavin and Ken and see how O'Leary and Klassen trial slime played like idiots.
And really just so very easily and quickly destroy my federal security clearance and political career and my reputation working for Federal Liberals and Federal Conservatives and even helping Grey Nuns, Blind, Handicap, MS victims, Immigrant women, Asian refugees for SFU, plus my reputation working for or with a BC Criminal Court Judge, Oxford, Legal & "Environmental" Scholars, Harvard and Princeton "head hunted" Political Scholars, and CD Howe types, Military Heroes who consider me for CEO stuff , Banks and Brokers I've worked with and the Board of Directors of a Public Company possibly also foolishly trusting me, as well, just to name a few to start who should know the truth about me "if I'm lying". These folk should ALL know the truth about me, as many have known me since grade school - some as a baby? That simple. Yes absolutely all named and pictured should charge me if not insane frauds and liars and appear as such criminal cowardly women beating tax cheating greasy human slime and as with their critical criminal aid and abet dog-loyal support as well - if I'm lying or misleading? Should be so easy? How better to set a number of legal traps? RCMP must ask why those named so very-very afraid to charge me. All of them. Together? With added names of friends supporting those charges. Not that hard to do at all.
Or best just confess to ALL crimes and compensate ALL victims. Time running out. Mitigate. Don't be a major criminal idiot like Mitch Davies and NOT ATTEMPT EXPOSURE AND RISK REDUCTION and destroy your chance of charge reduction or avoiding jail time, industry wide humiliation and suspicion and serious future career destruction. Just put something "impressive"in writing just like Elmar to protect yourselves/ Mitch an idiot. Elmar much, much smarter. Better go to the prtected files and see how smart people cover their ass. Or appear an Ass? And extremely criminal and cowardly as friend of slime. Files missing? Copies of registered letters gone. What a surprise. Not my problem? Not one person in charge able to know how to coordinate mass lies and obstruction with all necks on chopping block? Not my problem. Better review my stuff with Gavin and Ken and see how O'Leary and Klassen trial slime played like idiots.
NOTE: Denial or further defamation just adds to obstruction, jail time and direct personal financial liability. Check with top lawyers and legal scholars and an acting law faculty chair at UBC how it works. It helps. Trust me. Like 475 people did and documented that a Full Forensic Audit critical and needed. But what do I now compared to high paid highly educated and experienced people of such integrity and intellect like John Brummitt as just one sample of executive cream that rises to top, just like women beaters to honest Gavin Craig caught lying to RCMP thinking he's smarter than RCMP and gets laughs with John Brummitt how RCMP played like personal political toys? Gavin also free to sit and have a long chat with myself and RCMP to dicuss his career highlights and gross cowardice and many acts of deception and drunkedness just to get chat going?
Avoid highly embarrassing and backfiring, as with very high school level ignorant and arrogant criminal hicks who parade internal trials with such Bozo punk frauds and criminal puppets like Paul Klassen. And as will be named his whole moronic trial group - and now time to play with pros? They should do it for Paul. He and his high level and so impressive trial gang who helped criminals defame honest people, just like Tom Adair helping Women beaters and their most important support, and now Paul Klassen's good name and "whole future career" to be seriously crippled. If not totally killed. Up to courts how much they need to squeeze Paul as he must understand some things about judicial process as to judge others.
Charge me? Do it for poor stupid puppet Paul Klassen used like others by another very ignorant and possubly delusional criminal loud mouth who can intimidate and coerce even Frank Haddad as documented, and when muscle beside them? They are threatening. True? False?
Paul Klassen the now very well documented idiot made a hundred dollar decision for his ego and political gain and posturing, but sadly exactly like Gavin making him a hundred thousand dollar target now in a major criminal defamation case and insanely well documented from e-mails and registered mail all better read carefully this time to further documented trial transcripts costing moi $1.00 (A whole $1.00, which I also want back to really bug Bummitt and the clever Women Beaters who dare judge or defame honest superior humans). Seems fair? Seems honest? And with RCMP all very legal? Let RCMP judge. I trust the RCMP. So should Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and they should not be even greater idiots lying or misleading RCMP like Gavin Craig and when not even drubk and acting very stupid as witnessed. Solidarity will sink everyone. Poetic justice or what. United they fall. All?
Charge me? Do it for poor stupid puppet Paul Klassen used like others by another very ignorant and possubly delusional criminal loud mouth who can intimidate and coerce even Frank Haddad as documented, and when muscle beside them? They are threatening. True? False?
Paul Klassen the now very well documented idiot made a hundred dollar decision for his ego and political gain and posturing, but sadly exactly like Gavin making him a hundred thousand dollar target now in a major criminal defamation case and insanely well documented from e-mails and registered mail all better read carefully this time to further documented trial transcripts costing moi $1.00 (A whole $1.00, which I also want back to really bug Bummitt and the clever Women Beaters who dare judge or defame honest superior humans). Seems fair? Seems honest? And with RCMP all very legal? Let RCMP judge. I trust the RCMP. So should Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen and they should not be even greater idiots lying or misleading RCMP like Gavin Craig and when not even drubk and acting very stupid as witnessed. Solidarity will sink everyone. Poetic justice or what. United they fall. All?
Enough of beating up women. Criminal cover-ups. Cheating tax payers and their own coworker's family and children of millions and millions, as per below. Enough of those helping destroy environment beyond millions and millions in reclamation (My work with SRK engineering in major natural company reclamation gives me some authority here. So very unlike the Green fakes smiling above as environment possibly permanently poisoned by their two-faced cowardly silence. Their silent knowledge so clever and critical to aid and abet. This so critical so their political big pay never threatened as made clear by criminal Mitch Davies (Mitch always, as smartest most honest President ever, and "honestly" representing every single one of 5000 members, is warmly welcome to fullyand honestly as to avoid obstruction in a major criminal investigation to "fully" defend himself and as handy, "all named" . Even bring head of heap, highly educated and accomplished Tom Adair with the biggest title in Hollywood history hard to recall. But he's a big title big shot and jis title and authorative opinions on right and wrong documented legends? Both together a solid one-two punch for defending their good "family" names and the company they keep. Like Dusty Kelly always welcome to defend herself and former head of BC NDP and Management and Marketing role model Adrain Dix, and their tandem Holllywood history of honest judgement for all BC taxpayers? And against "ALL" my claims, say for maximum speed and less tax payer cost in Victoria with RCMP present?
In Victoria with RCMP present?
Or just fly or ferry as cargo John Brummitt over to Victoria "all alone" as he's so brave, so educated, so honest, and "loves" all honest working men and women and women beaters to defend all his long-time well witnessed and documented friends like Rob Maier, Tom Adair, Gavin Graig, Ken Anderson, against "all my claims" with RCMP. He was a very big big shot and cream of senior executive and "loves" all working people and his wife and women beaters, with others
Time for those named, while faking their big honest family man and so loyal husband and ather smiles to honestly and really prove not helping cheat all BC tax payers to single mothers and their children based on personal greed, criminality and ego? And solidly defend to those trained in investigation and interrogation with even far more education than executives best ask a ew frienly questions? Why not? They are heroes to those coworkers (they cheated of millions to medical), environment and women's rights. Aren't they? Aren't they honest heroes to women that their good long-long time buddies beat-up? I'll let Tom Adair with his superior brain, forethought, experience, education and personal accomplishment as possibly not a slime and cowardly criminal and creep as some claim, including myself very clearly, and given to cowardly defame hiding behind his gigantic title, defaming those who threaten his women beating buddies pay check? True? False? I say let RCMP judge who they can trust like Gavin Craig to John Brummit (See previous Government Files) and Gavin maybe now less likely to help deceive RCMP in criminal matters as he and Brummitt not getting the big pay of Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly so may feel cheated among the slime getting so little from the criminals they did so much for like Rob Maier very-very enriched as a CRA story not to be missed and textbook seizure before judgement and border and flight risk stuff - or so say's my reference on border security from Ottawa on LinkedIn? Her job?
Millions and millions in environmental abuses.
When I lived with the guy who became a BC Criminal Court Judge and later Facebook friend, his room was then rented to a lady from Fisheries, so some stuff you learn from such types, as well as your own work with a major international law firm working with Natural Resource Giants on reclamation and the direct legal liability of executives and directors with no corporate.union shield can cover? Hee! Hee! Tom Adair as head of almost all BC film unions with some cream in DGC so very-very smart? Funny how "real" accomplished producers like , Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin of X-Files to Spelling to the brilliant people on East Coast for Trailer Park Boys and even in the great French Comedy "La Sacree" such serious honest, polite, humble when compared to super fakes and frauds like Rob Maier as a major crook and bully. Simply compare who he is who works for him and much too obvious. Just compare. RCMP and CRQA will make their own judgement that I doubt even the biblical written words of an arrogant , abusive, highly ignorant criminal authority like even Tom Adair can't diminish. Tom welcome to meet with me and his gigantic big shot title and my tiny five letter title that took a decade to honestly get and well documented as to the integrity of those from Bird on a Wire cowardly and very sick union abuses to those cheated at this very moment by all these slime including all BC taxpayers even at this moment all cheated. How could those of such superior integrity, experience, education and proven ability and Intellect like Dusty Kelly, Tom Adair, Gavin Craig, Ken Anderson, John Brummitt, Don Ramsden, Mitch Davies all not even notice what over 475 more honest and inelligent people (as obvious by context and content) felt deserving of a full forensic audit. How could they miss that and eel so superior or criminally guilty to ignore totally 475 trusting coworkers they represent. I think myself and Tom Adair or super brain John Brummitt beore lunch can establish the truth on all these matters. This also the best opportunity ever for John Brummitt to prove he has always been a loving loyal husband and father, and his buddies as well, and has not helped women beaters and major crooks, tax cheats and very serious environmental abuses , why he should have been paid as much as Tom Adair, Dusty Kelly and Don Ramsden helping their dirty work only at the peak of his career to see only pennies by comparison, And he can prove by his important experience, education, noted honest accomplishment and recognition and now in construction as a low level tool guy or another arrogant department head fraud. I'll check.)
Plus add the insane criminal enrichment and position these pathetic cowardly slime get and who gets protection by others enriched and their cowardly silence - almost unmatched by executives? And knowingly allowing insane millions in environmental abuses (Volunteers for even voice polygraph makes a point?). So now "ALL" will now be exposed in Civil and Criminal courts and hopefully very soon by a "full forensic" Provincial Industry Inquiry on Suppression of Women and Criminality in Film industry the BC NDP, BC FED and BC Women in Film better help clean up fast before BC Liberals must and make Christy (or Carol?)in next election the next and "real" Joan of Arc for honest tax payers, workers and women. Helps in elections when clearly credible and authentic efforts made? And this clearly as great redeeming film for women in film to produce, after such internal embarrassment from their own insiders, as so incredibly "content rich" as alternative media love, and can play for society's education in every high school as educational. And having "real" high interest from Hollywood tabloid name value to Law Schools and present political realities and upcoming watershed election no need for fill, car chase scenes or special pyritechics. This is real and meaningful documentary material CTV to CBC national media also need?
FLASH News Update for Ides of March below: Very New Very Helpful information for RCMP from three more witnesses? Plus far more major embarrassment for: BC NDP, BC FED and BC Women in Film, with their own insiders well documented and witnessed helping those far more violent than CBC's Jian Ghomeshi's sexual assault trial would ever reveal? Plus add embarrasment of making the abuse of tax payer money by Milke Duffy appear as pennies. Yes, pennies compared to the "millions and millions " enriching major criminals with clear obvious tax fraud?
And do add big-time the aid and abet suppport obviously all slime enjoying proceeds of crime laundered as positions, pay, privilege, power absurd perks and trips corrupt Federal Senators would envy. Why should those who laugh at the law, lie to RCMP as documented and witnessed, beat up, harrass and suppress women get so much tax payer money while RCMP paid far far less then these slime with less education, less training, experience far less honesty and not risking their lives like RCMP just sick. Millions and Millions in money that should have gone to real society heroes like nurses, teachers, police or hopefully soon some for women's rights so such sickness punished.
This new information and only growing almost as fast as blog page viewsPOSSIBLY HELP EVERY CRIMINAL'S LAW FIRMS BIG-TIME TO BILL EVEN MORE BIG WEEKLY HOURS? RCMP SHOULD LOVE THIS.
Help put these very sick and serious criminals as named in jail fast. Help beaten woman and honest workers get justice and compensation by criminal and civil courts. Expose these sleaze to their coworkers, community, friends and family as a serious public warning to other sleazy cowardly violent and dishonest criminals. And make them hard targets of ridicule and community and workplace disgust. Just as with sleaze like CBC celebrities too rough with ladies to Senator Duffy, public exposure, ridicule and disgust also helps society. Help "ALL" honest tax payers now used and abused by millions and millions in tax credits enriching serious criminals. Help get compensation for literally millions and millions in environmental violations from toxics going down drains or dumped in wild life sanctuaries and beside dog paths. Note: Due to age, health, reputation, career fears and financial exposure we now estimate 10% or about 3 - 4 of those smarter and less to fear from full named list. will squeal for a deal as pressure turned up in summer. And should rat out all others on "mostly everything" but minor legal crumbs. Perfect for fall Provincial Inquiry as to best shoulder election for maximum media value.
She received a standing ovation.
Brave Ladies must speak-out for those women too afraid and weaker?
Not be silent or sell-out slime to help women beaters or Adrain Dix.
In Almonte Ontario where I also worked on a films across Canada and with very talented and honest union workers as in BC, another misogynist nut case was "not stopped in time" killed his girlfriend and her father. This topic can not be swept under histories rug like Montreal massacre, missing women, CBC scandal and local Vancouver women used as pig food. This film industry is well known across North America for suppression and gross inequality. In one BC film union the stories get much uglier. Not only are women beaten up and threatened or bought off as financially desperate and these actions supported by very uneducated greedy frauds and like Tom Adair slime wanting or enjoying proceeds of crime laundered as his big pay, position and title for his cowardly silence. Odd for someone who talks to much? And more disgusting they have Adrian Dix taking expensive trips to Hollywood (Who paid NDP supporters sacred money or union with no legal mandate to use BC tax payers money for such vain self promotion. This as a far greater priority as to enrich criminals in film union more, and much more than teachers, nurses and police. Such class. Such standard of care. Such impressive due diligence. Such judgement? Innocent honest more accomplished people are documented defamed in efforts to protect known women beaters and their key known support from "disrepute" and coerce and intimidated by monkey trials by morons and other women beating supporters intimidating others into silence. Well based on this blog that backfired and inspired. Smart people. John Brummitt in on almost all crimes but enjoying far less than Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly and all proof of the intellect in executive and character of many including major crooks. This as also abuse, suppression and harassment of women also absolute fact and far beyond debate hurting from acting to accounting. Not only X-Files star Gillian Anderson and BC's Pam Anderson suffering abusive sick men but single mothers - it gets sick. Sicker? These slime all in good standing. Which also nicely supports criminal conspiracy as legal optics go. Not only highly skilled women hurt even men suffer fakes, fools, bullies, pigs, and highly uneducated, toothles dog kicking no talent slime with such self-entitled tyrants. Point: In business world just a few words to a female office staff and one senior executive gone before lunch literally. No golden parachute. Gone. This compared to a union that protects and promotes women beaters for decades must be made very clear in a full forensic Provincial Inquiry and the classy impressive ladies who support women beaters as documented and Adrian Dix. At least Monica Lewinsky never supported women beaters in there lust for money and power by association.
Women Beaten. Millions and millions in Tax Fraud. Murder. Rape. This case a critical beachhead for BC Film Industry and women. A comprehensive Provincial inquiry on women in film, criminality, millions in tax fraud and environmental liabilities.
And for a real insight how sick add their very interesting tales of "Children Threatened" with lies to RCMP? All certainly far more than reason enough for government, courts and police to be far-far more proactive and should have been investigating years ago, when police files first opened and missed or ignored by Inquiries prior? More and more and more reason for forensic audit to Provincial Inquiry. We shouldn't use tax credits to offset theft and gross incompetence for best marketing or new business value. And government appear like idiots abused by frauds and NDP supporters like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair both involved in helping cheat their own and other unions as Trustees to Industry mouthpieces. Hey, I won't show respect to any priest who abuses little boys or those involved in cover-up they are slime. Nor will I ever show respect for any union executive who beats up little girls or those who support them so clearly. Those who will lie to police for political points in some slimy dirty local union even possibly more sick?
They also laughed at and lied to RCMP. As with women they abuse. And played RCMP like their very own own no-cost political puppets. Now for fun RCMP can play real very-very serious mind games with these cowardly criminal and morons from Gavin Craig and "knows everything" John Brummitt to even judicial defamation star Paul Klassen and Mitch Davies and their juvenile efforts at standard of care and due diligence far from their value to aid and abet criminal elite. The inner circle of the elite and criminal desirable for those of little talent, experience, skill, accomplishment or education as John Brummitt proves as a case in point. The gross incompetence to the cowards who aid and abet another colourful story on how all BC cheated not just one industry.
Get Tom Adair with the biggest title in Hollywood history and "vocabulary" to find the right words to rat out all the criminals he aids and abets for over two decades from his brain-buddy women beaters to Brummitt his brother at the table of scholars and heroes. Tom's so very smart. Time to as they say to those they "intimidate and coerce" as per documented legal files, so no debate seen when all tables all turned for threats of "Crush like a bug" types but now done very legal with RCMP help to nail and bury former women beaters and for all workers threaten by such intelligent, honourable and manly "crushers"?
Time to pay the piper for those slime who thought or may even still think, they smarter than RCMP. RCMP with far more intellect, integrity and education and better specific investigative training and dealing exactly with, word game masters, deceptive omission, fraudulent concealment, academy award winning wanna be actresses and actors liars and sleaze to women beaters and tax cheats and frauds with much bigger BS titles so nothing new here for RCMP. Fact.
And do note, unlike when another recent sick big shot at CBC who punches and chokes women with "retroactive consent" and thinks he can get away with it, we not only have far-far more bloody physical abuse here, we have hundreds of witnesses and for many of these other crimes. And from millions in serious environmental liability "beyond reclamation"? to millions and millions tax payers cheated and women beaten. They are a known gang or group of "friends" all sharing the proceeds of crime obviously "criminally laundered with cliche textbook pay, perks, position, power and privilege. As so very often the case. Wanna bet. Anyone? Bets?
And as enough serious threats of serious incarceration for many, those possibly more intelligent or educated - and with the far better higher priced senior lawyers will "squeal for a deal". And reduce charges. Again, all slime clearly named welcome to deny not criminals, cowards and incompetent highly uneducated creeps. Or do they fear a much bigger trap? Not as victims put perpetrators. And much so easy to prove and far beyond a reasonable doubt.
This a key legal test case and a MAJOR acid test for BC NDP or BC Liberals to be "REAL HONEST" heroes or not to SMALL VOTING GROUPS CALLED WOMEN, WORKERS AND TAX PAYERS, and in time for next election as to best help women and honest tax payers and honest workers best vote. Tiny groups, tiny issues here can destroy NDP hope of victory and if Adrain Dix again caught with judgement issues as well? However, if NDP cleans their own house first of slime, then they get hero points helping RCMP. And helping have full PMI textbook project support? Seems sensible?
NOTE: Any decent father or those just faking it ,with a daughter should help, or a brother with a sister, son with a mother - or just who do they really think they are fooling? Fooling that they are also not also a very-very key and serious part of problem? Names of more guilty to follow in time for Father's Day. New names below.
Too much? Too little? Too late? More Violence? Help? Or Not?
From : John Sinclair (See my Federal Security status and the newest February 14, 2016 notes below).
Official Release Date: Mar 14, 2016, 6:00 AM (Draft #04)
"The Story" as per below:
First, if these five above above "NOT" clearly criminals and all with others not deserving serious jail time enriching themselves and other "supporting" criminals (as with others to be named), and sadly at trusting tax payer and honest working women and men's expense - and as not a sample of text book symbiotic criminal slime, they should "simply and easily" file charges collectively with RCMP against me?
Stop me. Stop this blog? And ASAP. If not fact.

This effort at clearly baiting "real legal" charges against me for this blogs very intentional and blatantly clear defamation and harassment to cyber-bulling below just too easy to not file charges against me. If what I say not true? Easy to do. I have been coached by the best to make it so very easy for those named if nothing to hide from RCMP and CRA. And yes, so very-very easy to just charge me. And as such, to have some token credibility they can just simply - and so easily just deny my claims, all or in part, as they wish? Just deny my claims? Individually or collectively. Even just writing to RCMP and simply signed. As they wish. And where long over due charge me. And in real world where no corruption and criminal intimidation and coercion and no judicial carrot for bigger part of proceeds of crime with inner elite slime handy. Yes they all - and soon others should most certainly charge me for putting their such real "good honest" family names and big titles in "disrepute" - as well as their whole careers?
Why let friends and family suffer by association if claims not true as good parents? Just charge me like very normal honest people would do - if no BIG crimes to hide? If not, why not?

Preface point:
Please understand and appreciate how this blog for economics best and must serves as:
- a letter to both Federal and Provincial Attorney General Offices as to help "fully"support RCMP efforts as hurting a whole BC industry, supply chain and investor profits now all more very critical to economy.
- and for BC Liberals and NDP to both have an honest chance to also be "real" heroes with RCMP as soon to be known heroes to woman, honest workers, all tax payers and not be the ones seen babbling moral high-ground and appear somewhat lacking credibility in a very fast approaching election on a key women's case from violence to suppression to millions and millions in taxpayer fraud. Maybe Dusty Kelly will help the lonely in Langford as she did putting spotlight on Adrian Dix for RCMP interest possibly a second and third time. How much money without mandate and majority? Exactly?

- and this blog certainly handy mobile RCMP reference with names during investigations. I call it the "lying slime app" as to complement RCMP investigative training in body language and fraudulent concealment, and give purpose to the over 50 cute voice polygraphs they bought designed in Israel for intelligence agencies. And for such lying slime as mentioned here. In both Vegas and in international security with odds like these you bet "all in" even if polygraphs not admissible and somewhat volunteered. But there are ways.
- this blog a pretty good outline for crown prosecution to build and design strategy and tactical.
- a directional and entertaining aid for CRA, WCB, CTF investigation and involvement.
- a helpful national to local media buffet serving both traditional and social media appetites for very-very rich "serial" content. As Post Media and Maclean's to SHAW and CBC all critically need.
- a document that hopefully entertains a few Oxford legal scholars who helped.
- this blog a great reference for psychology, law and business schools on union corruption and cost maybe done for academic papers.
- and for the criminals, from major thieves pocketing by now a million each in tax credit fraud and regular tax cheats named, to the woman beaters all oddly in "Good Standing" with junkies and drunks to warn them to get seriously get high priced lawyers who can help with their denials for a bit longer. And offer initial affirmation to counter with the clever added billable time we provide their legal. They can buy us lunch for this legal billing windfall. With highest priced legal they create an illusion temporarily they are not obvious lowest life slime dirtying their own lawyers legal offices and reputation. But big billable hours for their criminal, civil and labour counsel a positive for all sides. The Montreal lawyers called it legal realism?
- to help all victims if class action not accepted with individual civil claims against persons named.

Reference point: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren January 29 at 2:31pm · "Much of the public and media attention on Washington focuses on enacting laws, but a law that is not enforced – or weakly enforced – may as well not even be a law".
For idiots some simple logic: It is far too late to claim to be proactive with a serious cancer of a misogynistic sub-culture after a Montreal massacre of women, Col. Russ Williams military madness, Robert Pickton's playful piggy human sacrifices, Paul Bernado's seriously sick god-like entitlement issues to CBC big shot personalities with punching bag problems - that run to Senators with known boxing skills and also getting too rough with women like slime boys here, continually ignored at ground zero.
Domestic violence much harder to both "EFFECTIVELY" and economically to police and filter than Workplace related behaviors? Which has bottom-line benefits to reduce with compliance and legal exposure - often enough, and nicely without corporate or union shield via criminal law. And let's be honest as additional fact, those who bully women hardly ever best of anything or at anything, really, and their support, aid and abetting and peer affirmation groups usually also gross incompetents (See: John Brummitt). True? False?
Even womanizers like JFK to Clinton a problem possibly bullying perceived inequities to gender and title.
The workplace and such investigations and prosecutions as defined by law must be addressed here.
Estimated Tax credit Fraud Enriching Criminal Gangs/Groups/Families for (20) twenty years: 120,000,000.00 Plus UNDERESTIMATED?
mAPageviews last month 986
- Pageviews yesterday 258 (Note dynamic mushroom trending BDI. See 891 post-postal MBA?.)
- Proceeds of Crime: Estimated "Victim Compensation" from seizure before judgement (Homes, cars, bank accounts) dating back (20) twenty years: $180,000,000.00 Plus UNDERESTIMATED?
- 1st round Votes for A FULL FORENSIC THIRD PARTY AUDIT 475 (40%+ ?)
- Letters of support (Far beyond 475 votes for Full Forensic Audit sans C-377 now lawyer-client "privilege"? LOL. This and estimated amounts certainly supports: Trusteeship, Flight Risk, RCMP Surveillance, Border Alert? PROVINCIAL INQUIRY?
Hope honourable BC Liberal Attorney General Suzanne Anton and Federal Minister of Justice & AG, J. Wilson-Raybould not also sadly just another normal woman with no one to turn to for help, as well? As criminals might hope. And asboth women, not also so very afraid or terrified of such violent, loud, vulgar men also feeling deserving of theirdog like respect. And these are men as possible or future department heads or past local executive cream. Even if all very small but big pretentious small penis pathetic acting Alpha males, verbally, vocally physically and financially. Men not afraid to beat up women or cheat all BC taxpayers with Film Tax Credit enriching too often, far too many major criminals such as named.

Criminals also involved in theft over $5,000.00. This as Tom Adair aware for more than 10 years, as with many criminal other executives. Real men. Men who drive kinda big trucks (totally varied on criminal excess or abuse) and buy real credible looks at Mark's Warehouse. Some color coordination. Drink and swear, and harass and say such vulgar things about even Christy their superior and other women? They do frighten, beat and harass other women. True? False?
They however, do like NDP and Adrian Dix. Why? Well, Dusty Kelly does? Feeds her ego name dropping and being friends and associates with "Bruce", "Danny" and "Tommy" and "Johnny B", She has been a very-very big fan and supporter no matter what?
And I do hope BC Liberals and RCMP, not both (as RCMP also having firearms, but legal) not also fearing the highly educated, experienced, accomplished cream of 891 executive and staff, and the honourable men and women who support women beating with coverup and illegal NDAs - as provided in e-mails. Some have bragged of illegal firearms?
Also hope Suzanne Anton not also very afraid of the even highly uneducated pretentious women intellectually who sell-out their own sisters and should have their heads shaven for public ridicule, but, however, makes Monica Lewinsky appear in hindsight both sophisticated and thin? Selling-out beaten and suppressed women with silence and supporting violent abusers for single-minded self-enrichment now too obvious. Simply a few very-very sick sisters.
Consider: If a man did the same cowardly sell-out to other men - say like Tom Adair and Don Ramsden did to trusting Teamsters, in the cutest scam ever, where so oddly carpenter's support carpenter's paid more without reason yet clear conflict of interest? Teamsters screwed so carpenters paid more as can buy votes from carpenters as carpenters for carpenters oddly getting paid more without any logical merit at all. And abusing all Teamsters trust clearly. And worse as trusting partners in Tom Adair's wonderful world of words and expanding film union empire as, head of it all: He and Donny had it all. Just like Bogey and Bacall. Also so sickening. And still ongoing? Wait until Teamsters get the honest math? BS Council of WTF?
And this hopefully "all exposed" before next provincial election from this second class status of women from UBC and their assault investigations to the film industry abuses defined here. Abuses only briefly introduced here for outline.
Will be or should be now very impossible for any "honest father" of any loved daughter as to ever "honestly ever support" women beating, assault, harassment and suppression and not look like real two-faced garbage? Or as very loving fathers must go after seriously with all their honest loving hearts, anyone even suspected of threatening children (as per RCMP files? Ya' think? And not do everything humanly possible for the safety of their own daughters so family proud and even their friend's daughter safe? Ya' think? All daughters? At least as much effort as they would beating up a women or stealing from employers, co workers and taxpayers. Ya' think?
And as NDP now using absurd extremely hypocritical double standards ignoring their own needed house cleaning and Hollywood North support, and so now not look so sad nd silly, as NDP scream for transparency and integrity, like their better in Langford? Hardly.
I do hope both Christy Clark not intellectually and legally intimidated or as afraid of NDP and Adrian Dix and his Hollywood date: Dusty Kelly with her career and income as some women and men she tries toblacklist. May have already blacklisted all who don't back NDP and her greed and goals? Dusty, clearly politically brilliant who not only supports women-beaters and Adrian Dix, but also "millions and millions" in tax credit fraud. PLUS? Dusty A daughter to be proud of another mother to respect?
Important Disclaimer: And do note this figuratively "very small print" here. And where stated, I honestly am not a lawyer, as the main writer/editor of this blog. Again, I'm not a lawyer. And by a very profound degree. No debate:
Important Disclaimer: And do note this figuratively "very small print" here. And where stated, I honestly am not a lawyer, as the main writer/editor of this blog. Again, I'm not a lawyer. And by a very profound degree. No debate:
My limited depth at "Best Guess" or obiter dictum and ratio descendi stuff , olely based merely and limited to, my work helping Lawyers, LAC, Law Firms, Federal Political parties (filled to the brim with law firm senior partners, like Ron Basford). and my reporting to Basford and Senator Grafstein. And add myself working at the very highest "strategic" levels here for Prime Mister John Turner, as also a lawyer guy (This as journalists from both CBC and Vancouver Sun know, as know me personally prior to PM election work, and prior from work to pleasure). Add to this, add my minor and added decades as friends with an internationally recognized Oxford-Osgoode legal scholar par excellence - as they say in latin or french? And that, further added to my previous roommate, after law degree now also a respected BC Criminal Court Judge - and possibly more impressive for his social work having helped many, as his many legal contacts know and as also friends on Facebook. And beyond his musically respecting fans. And also adding while also dating and socializing, with many lawyers, even in fact and myself hiring once a lawyer, and that added with a top internationally recognized forensic psychiatrist in family, I'm given to a more common man approach. Heck, I'm no lawyer. Have been paid more. And paid more than doctors and a very few "honest department heads. But I'm not a lawyer.
But as a big fan of Laskin and my being a fan club member for decades and that based my own remedial studies in linguistics, formal logic (honours) and Laskin's almost futuristic sense of "sacrosanct" and respect for women as almost Christopher Hitchens and Jimmy Carter, in stature, I found impressive.
This respect for Laskin, in part, from my actual time doing law studies in Ottawa. As my minor. And this with low cost speakers like the late great Senator Eugene Forsey. Senator Forsey who helped even Justin Trudeau's dad and possibly not that uniformed.
As a sign of respect for his patience with me, I often pass the park named after Forsey on Bronson street in Ottawa. And I also have had very-very expensive and highly over priced special tutoring from Keith Spicer, and where more politics than law, he oddly, even also with Forsey, helped Justin Trudeau's dad look smart.
My own experience with top Montreal lawyer, even if just pro bono for political value, with celebrity Cookie Lazarus also insightful. Well for a non-lawyer like myself, and I suspect a non-lawyer like Margret Sinclair his other client must also appreciated, just as Justin Trudeau's mother did. So know firsthand how very-very smart people cut big money, no contest deals fast. Idiots do little and bluff (See Tom Adair and Mitch Davies, as as a study in comparative perceptions of risk/reward?) As per below I suffered both idiots.

My own courtroom time also minor and barely spans from Criminal in BC to my studies and experience with both Ottawa tribunal tests and Quebec code stuff (I oddly did the actual CRTC "appeals" alone in Hull/Gatineau for a very small Fortune 500 company for the first two and "only" Canadian Internally Award winning back-to-back to TV ads from Hollywood. This done for Kokanee Beer and the most loved trademark in BC history. The kokanee Sasquatch. This before a thousand imitations of my idea diluted concept. And passion for environment and critical mission my next passion with distant learning and medicine. My education and experience allowing more than just department head in the real and the honest world.
Yet, always flattered when imitated or others allow them selves by IP "suppression of authourship" (See Copyright Criminal Code) to have others believe they had some meaningful part in my work at all. This true from my art and music, concept and humour to my advanced software design models for PMI Guideline CRITICAL EMERGENCY Environmental Response software for International engineering firm SRK or more to point my departmental Film and TV management reporting software as many claim in any part theirs. See IP and Trademark law.What are pathetic liars, fakes and frauds? My ideas. My words. Many must steal or imitate.
And as not so funny, the actual 7 point plan for Western Canadia for Prime Minister John Turner, again not just a top promoter in medical agriculture but also a lawyer. Used my ideas. My words. So simply to paraphrase and simplify a quote from a more informed scholar I paraphrase below for clarity and brevity:
"Only a total raving lunatic absolutely full of themselves as low life pieces of human garbage would criminally defame those credentials. That's more in liability for defamation than Brian Mulroney can claim. And if criminal conspiracy to defame blatant and documented as clear with Tom Adair group and gang did, well priceless?"
Saddest when defamers, IP claimants, have none or only a small fraction of my accomplishments and credentials. Or sadder is when what they claim or allow themselves to appear having done, the false showcase of their whole life and career.
Ranks up as possibly largest potential defamatory award in Canadian legal history? As more details will make more clear.
Bullying and WCB compensation? Can twenty against one for twenty years make a case per WCB bullying and compliance violations? Yes, that tiny thin little nerd boy or girl and with a crippled leg with glasses is me. Well figuratively. Anyone know how much it hurts you and your self image when really stupid, highly uneducated, unaccomplished frauds and disgusting ugly people hate you. And sadder when only highly accomplished attractive women to run to? When no one wants to play tennis with you other than good tennis players. Hell it gets lonely.And for any form of respect you find your self among scholars 'cause you can't socially cut it with slime and stupid.
Dam right I'm asking WCB to not only compensate standard far-far more deserving victims but to entertain my claim for fun. Maybe without this bullying and stress, maybe more intelligent and accomplished women, more competitive tennis, more and better wine, more song, more sailing? Ask others who really know mec and worked with if true dd I miss even more if the good in good life and paid the price of an even fuller life I missed? I have paid a price? True or false? The more rewarding criminal conspiracy to coerce, intimidate, defame in bad faith easier and more lucrative and includes more defendants from Dixie to Klassen cute? Latches? Don't make me laugh? Hope the criminals lawyers top experts in latches. Someone left the door open on the barn. Really wide.
The only thing possibly stupider for greater defamation damages and at a national record level is saying and daming for criminal motives to obstruct and protect other criminals:
"A volunteer and paid teacher who helped autistic children with sign language (as witnessed first hand by an Oxford-Osgoode scholar) plus was a "whistle award" wining gym teacher for tiny little grade school special education kids, to teaching even very young Oxford trained scholars (biology) special software, and worse very-very young and impressionable, and sadly too often too easy to exploit, very young top graduate business school deans about "media economics", as also threatening children. Well the stupidest move ever even more damaging an "honest career"on a tiny TV show like The X-\Files of some one who "honestly and really had a university education and honest senior experience n TV and Film production by those who don't and are already known rauds and slime pathetic and about as insane and stupid as any top defamation lawyer could dream, ,Even worse when you lie to police (2x) as so word clever? Well, to be very brief here, you may not only have the stupidest lying sleaze but the most soon bankrupt.
But do add just before I was also a special hire for critical Pacific Institute (SFU) to expedited cultural integration of the refugees and victims of Tiananmen Square violence and that also to the insanity to defame as threatening to children really dwarfs even calling and ex Prime Minister a thief or envelope sloppy? I hired some tool guy who worked for John Dale at more than department heads wages to make an point on your paid what you worth and if a liar how little should Tom Adair honestly be paid.
Well, enough about me and some very-very brief points -without even touching the book on why I have federal security clearance. This for fast speed dating introductions for very classy, highly educated, and very accomplished chicks? And I don't dance. And help industry. Help province by helping women.
Hope top most intelligent investigation unit of RCMP not also too afraid of John Brummitt, and his superior mind and ability to "Crush like a bug" or kick a puppy and far superior intellect, integrity, judgement, education and mind speed? This sated fpr all legal investegators as without question John Brummitt really the very best to defend "all his criminal friends" and all named and pictured , their integrity, intellect and innocence. Including for himself and buddy top of the heap Tom Adair. Everyone of those I claim as criminals can relax John Brummitt gonnna flawlessly defend you all? All?
Tom Adair as head of - if appearances correct, "almost everything", as top of heap where buck stops his ego to judge others amusing and crimminal. Now his own arrogance and dishonesty and serious lack of education and ethics now sends him to jail as 475 stakeholders would document viable. Tom so accomplished. So educated. So real. As to judge others plus 475 intelligent adults who can read and a vocabulary exceeding Koko without a thesaurus.
And with Tommy's classic BS veneer of GREEN and NDP image worker hero to help him, it also may take weeks to break the so "Honest" Tom Adair. He may even screw his own family and not protect his family's good name - even in his hometown, those who work with him, trusted him, believed him and his career and his most highly respected reputation in industry and the top film schools that buy his BS. Maybe best for Honest Tom to just rat out Brummitt and Ramsden and just reduce jail time, even if just a year or two. After all as everyone knows Tom the main man of steal.
Hint: Best he be 100% honest with RCMP and tell everything or more and greater pain and much more province wide humiliation with "home town media" possibly awaits.. "Local Bozo Blows it" Headlines in Revelstoke as well? Tell RCMP everything Tom. I'll will help you be extremely honest and no longer I blying fraud I owe you that much? ?
And Tom terrific, no wordy fraud and coward, who would break as fast as Rob Maier will and throw anyone and everyone under the bus as he's looking at the most jail time possible, so best he turn on Brummitt fast, who blew Rob's retirement "Golden" years as with his new and improved super buyer, wallpaper whiz and unmatched internal trial maverick, further trying to intimidate and coerce and defame those her whole life superior. This key help with Paul Klassen's mature and ethical and highly educated judgement and criminal defamitory help to defame with his impressive judicial veneer? Others helped from Ken Anderson to others named in transcripts and in their registered mail and emails makes so clear.
Rob Maier the puppet master. Rob can certainly talk for hours, maybe days and over a few months to RCMP on just stolen goods valued at far over $100-thousand dollars and babble about his big dreams for his early retirement and "Golden Years" so cleverly also fooling CRA and living far better than: RCMP, Nurses and Teachers.
Many do love Rob as RCMP and criminal court judges will see, and Rob will prove people really, will help him buy a motorcycle as well as Rob just better than "all other department heads" ever. The best. The very-very best. Ask John Brummitt. Ask around. Not everyone oddly agrees with Honest John Brummitt the king of aid and abet for women beaters, if he can look more than Rob's low paid shoe shine boy at best now. The master of low voltage tools.
RCMP and CRA should also talk for a few days to "Just Business" guy and Financial whiz and wino Frank Haddad on left below, and if possibly not drunk and can stand straight for RCMP. may answer all sorts of financial stuff, as very smart even if body language and voice pattern, his petty cash to spreadsheet mastery always far to telling for this dishonest criminal waste of life joke. In fairness, Frank not has greedy green fingers but a green thumb and not just brown nose as others working for Rob Maier. Not there for his family as so greed driven, we see what?
And RCMP must question, so perfectly screwed Paul Klassen in very handsome picture on right below, for possibly weeks, also in very serious trouble not doing his homework: about due diligence, standard of care, fiduciary duty, aid and abetting, criminal defamation, basic compliance, and economic interference and other personal injury factors that should bankrupt him easily. so very-very reckless and no effort at remorse, apology, so really can any future business or industry where he is or may go, certainly my friends and family know of him, and won't trust him. Who could unless 100% honest with RCMP, and squeals for deal that he's an idiot and a pawn forced/bribed by who like Tom Adair? Who can they blame? Who?
Paul you idiot no witnesses at trial why? Read transcript you human farce you are legally dead.
Paul will soon have his very own thick RCMP file when future employers do police checks. The price you pay. Well finally Paul now gets to learn now about law and good judgment for real and how so very stupid he is.
Paul ask Rick Stranan and Don Ramsden what Rick paid for far less defamation and not so criminal as per your other winner moves trying to screw me for telling Linked Paul a pathetic joke..You really should have done your homework. Or seen a better lawyer?
Funny when those who loved to play superior and play judge now get fully investigated and now such exposed as so inferior in so many ways and best all true. Paul now a very serious legal target after their tiny ego trip. And Paul a new business star as well (marketing the normal term, when not dealing with clever morons as per LinkedIn like the changes in Paul's impressive support?
And as a computer guru Paul knows how easy screen captures have been and should warn those onced name and pictured in your site. I have nothing to fear by morons, themselves and their inconvenience, when only sadly pretending they are educated or experienced or judge themselves superior in intellect and integrity just another super fraud. I so now want face-to-face with Paul with RCMP and if they take the leash off me.
Frank 'Had it All " Haddad and Paul 'Pathetic" Klassen
CLEARLY as per numbers above. More want a Full Forensic Audit, as simply just democratically very desired transparency, and as numbers just make too clear, an audit simply twice as popular than Mitch Davies and his 233vcore support for "Mitch Shit" as his brilliant cowardly self enriching career moves, now earned him in spades and now career peaks and dives with women's blood figuratively now also on his hands for life and industry career? Smart guy. Like Tom Adair.
To quote his misogynist support:"Who needs women. Only good for one thing". Classy guy as president, sadly second best in twenty years and still lying garbage helping women beaters and hurting single mothers and children in a big shot union boss above the law Alpha kind of way. More will love him more with what follows. In the months and days that follow Mitch Davies helping women beaters by his gross cowardly silence and keeping dirty secrets nor even compliant on issues of million dollar tax credit feaud may score him points wit his NDP crowd but BC loberals may find him a disgusting uneducated aid and abetting punk. Certainly not helping women a tiny raction compared to this blog.? True? False?
Sad and certainly suspect how such uneducated big pay big title criminals like Tom Adair miss how an audit by its nature oddly mostly requested by or from honest people and ones who can add or do grade 9 math. One would guess.
And certainly even the stupidest and most arrogant uneducated cowardly slime like Tom Adair (friend of all Women Beaters) is sadly even far more popular than Mitch. Fact?
Like O'leary doing a supporting witness count for crazy old wallpaper hangers Mitch maybe suprised one one thinks and one gets very different ask Brummitt how his efforts for respect doing as so honest.
And the dumbest of all Tom Adair "Democratically" ignores a 3rd party requests assuming he's smarter than all 476 who want audit, fooling only the dumbest. Showing respect for 233 over 475 is very strane. Very strane. No one trusts and election numbers only innsiders obviously?
"Hope on Horizon" (Election Results Below Helps Women)
Well whoever he is, that apparently very classy, honest and brave guy Phil Kapwyk (sp?) who had the balls to blow whistle on illegal NDA documents used for clearly misleaing members as very well documented in his election material looks like far superierior to the cowardly slime Mitch Davies and Phil now gives women a much brighter hope that honesty on the horizon and REAL men stepping forward once Mitch fully exposed helping criminals and women beaters keep their dirty secrets. And can work sholider to shoildre with Brummitt and Ramsden back where slime belongs.
Should dishonest Dusty even with name dropping her close contacts with former NDP Muscle Adrian Dix, Union Mmuscle Donny and Legal Heayweight Bruce and other BS, and with less votes than even New Business candidates like Ian Hughton, finally do the most honourable thing now, and just turn herself into RCMP? The best is past and will never be again as with other laughable life losers back to where they were and where they belong. Clearly.
Dusty Kelly's credibility dropping faster than Brummitt and soon less support than Liz as clear with trending from popular paint person presidentil candidate to the telling and tragic mass of witnesses her dearest friends provided for her pathetically humiliating efforts in defamation, coertion and defemation? And heck, I'm out a whole dollar for each copy of transcript. So for less than the cost of a sushi I get more and antastic evidemce to help put her criminal friends in jail as supports my claims ad clear criminal conspircy.
Best now to keep her watched 24/7 and the threats of violence on phone by some to me by Mitch Davis or Tom Adair gang not impressing RCMP nor myself but I do welcome even far greater escalation so Tom Adairs gang i8s in even far more seious trouble with known violence in past and now the threats in future paint s a pretty picture?
How sick exactly is the Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly gang down to Brummitt and the Rob Maier sub-cell whose members brag about firearms (legal and not). I'm waitng just another little guy from Shawinigan/Montreal who has and had "real tough guys" not unedcated hillbillies and hicks thinking cowardly acts alpha paid well to bother me. Bacfired so to speak. How involved is Dix with Dusty and these violent and threatening folk?
Best Dusty squeal for deal and tell all and I'll helpas needed, plus call for herself and friends CRA and just say how very sorry and name drop? This to start? Plus as now fooling less and less daily should also resign from all media and certainly all honest women's rights activity and facades on earth?
Sad. Seems like Dusty Kelly,now clearly,an exact and measured force beyond debate. As to now get a literal "record setting amount of people" to make a major effort to simply "vote against her". And twice recently. Just amazing - and possibly doubling the best voter turn out ever - and in a never ending and continually absurd grossly unfair and undemocratic criminal and corrupt elections, as well, well special. With three criminals as presedential choices and gross misrepresentaion by text book deceptive ommission again ools only fools. Don't try it with RCMP and waste their time?
Sadly, Dusty wasted her time and all voter choices down to just Mitch. She must in her distorted perception and best critical new busnessish thinking have missed:
All elections controlled by three main "male gender dominated departments" or text book oligpolies and a known gang/group/cartel of misogynists, criminals and all proven far from above: bad faith, defamation, fair representation, economic interference theft over $5,000.00, harrasment, cover-up, compliance violations, and multi-million dollar tax credit fraud enriching themselves and criminal friends and executive and staff, intimidation and coercion and characterized by icing on the cake even lying to RCMP and beating up women, as such class acts and their collective synergy of slime given to? True or false?. This is all absolute fact. All of it fact. 100%.
All of it fact. Clear?
Any very-very further defamatory detailed "defending written denial" very welcome very warmly. Settlement and migation? Just sign up for waitinmg list? For high stress emergency need to Plea bargin and confess, before the Holiday rush, call RCMP for immediate assistance.
Fact? Dusty Kelly did, like Harper did. and got a rather very-very inexperienced and unedcated pretty boy, with all the right words tweeked, elected. Bravo. Rhis as for any similar elected average actor like say Ronald Reagan with a better than bozo public speaking and thinking skill set - and thus again proves on occassion, they can be king. Twice.
Really depends what grossly poor voter value or known nut case you run against as to get invremental voters out and on your side threarened by insanity. As Gavin's Victory proved. Even if only half get out. This history makes very clear. And though John Brummitt will deny it and lie through his teeth until blue in the face and saying my claims false of half those who vote less than average. This he won't accept. Nor other fools. Watch how we play them in person so honest so smart. Like Gavin Craig beating that popular non-hypocritical judicial Joan of Arc mind and wallpaper pro: Reality the "votes against" and "no vote majority" are always more the big-big story than fractional less plural "votes for" that often may mislead. Heck, what do I know? Well other than as docummented at SFU and by Senator Grafstein and with Turner Federal Election Qudra flip. Firsthand? Compared to who?
Any votes use as against someone else that Mitch gets, not really votes for Mitch or Justin Trudeau. Poli-Sci 101?
As you read below, do ask intelligently, as honest and educated people can and will do, Why "exactly" those above have not even dared try to simply defend themselves against even any single very-very serious criminal claim below I make they think they can defend as not seriously criminal? This being my very clear claims below from beating women, helping women beaters, to my also very clear claims of literally millions and millions in tax credit fraud enriching criminal friends , and in any way they wish in the honest real world? And why taking so very-very long.
And this so odd as they would so quickly. as documented by registered mail, rush trials internally for putting known obvious criminals in "Good Standing"? in disrepute? And simply just challenge me in "any" honest" open forum and with RCMP present for their best effort and to "help them"? And even with their best, most honest and smartest from Don Ramsden to Elmar Theissen ss spolesmodels defending themselves and others. This as to best defend their good honest FAMILY names, big titles, career, legacy and one wold hope as well, their dog-loyal "aid and abetting" executive and supporters - and as well prove their own intellect and integrity not defective and ethics selective. And now also knowing no criminal meaningless NDAs can be used ad nauseam to justify fraudulent concealment and deceptive omissions to RCMP in a criminal investigation also a crime of criminal obstruction. Sadly, the more educated so much harder to fool and lie to, as most know, and hard to hide their very many dirty secrets from top RCMP investigators.
And odd that they so oddly, with their super big-name-big-shot-high-priced Hollywood and big-name Union lawyers - as themselves such "oddly one-time" big time producers and union executives like Rob Maier and John Brummitt so frightened out of there Alpha posturing minds afraid to lie to RCMP again? So very-very afraid?
And if even best defence in just writing and signed by Tom Adair (given to illusions of grandeur, impulse, ego, self promotion as previously document as to help defame, coerce and intimidate with others involved as clear criminals, fakes and frauds), I'd freely post Tom's best BS here as so honest and so educated with his illusions of superiority and not give him the benefit of doubt he's not simply another pretentious hillbilly tradesman asshole as certainly hundreds wanting a full forensic audit on his deeds and merit clearly also documented. Clearly.
This open invitation to allow them to document their "very best defence" as so much more educated, intelligent and as just any honest and intelligent person would? Tom Adair can document again both his brilliant speed at defamatory and corrupting election BS void of forethought, legality, legal optics. So why no speedy and wordy misleading effort and defence now? At all? Why? If Tom Adair so honest and not low-life criminal slime?
And I won't edit the criminals defence words without permission on "any" submissions: as Dusty Kelly (Adrian Dix Hollywood date and documented top cheerleader for women beaters and other slime, who has "also" documented that, as well, far too well) and feels free to do criminally corrupting elections (and thus also void as with recent election fraud, other BS quorums and many other elections, as documented in emails,
Yes, to be very clear oddly Dusty Kelly is a dog-loyal supporter helping a women beaters? And can't handle honesty and truth what a obvious fake and liar she is to those far more educated, honest and intelligent? True? False? Real facts and evidence always trumps uneducated opinions from lying loser slime in real world? Even Rob Maier's top wallpaper hangers and low voltage repair boy (who both drag so many down as so clever "handling things") with their incredible bravado as to show off their superior intellect, education, honesty and integrity that sadly criminal courts must ignore as all just very well documented liars. and low-life and with transcripts and honest non-criminal witnesses documented nut cases. See internal transcripts as only costs a dollar. Really.
Hey, why fear me a little nobody, and with no big impressive honest titles as with Tom Adair and John Brummitt to exective producer Rob Maier and others above? Just beat bully or lie and cheat me as they do women and others with their critical creepy cowardly deceptive, lies, crimes and omissions. Charge me?
As readers read below what "exactly" do they fear? Truth? Or also blowing a hundred thousand dollars "again" in time and members money in legal costs pathetically trying to previously intimidate and coerce me (as per LRB files and names) Or fear oddly further looking as sleazy, criminal and very stupid as O'Leary, Liz and Haddad and seriously only costing me one dollar for transcripts to screw them.
Hey, the criminal slime should have their high paid criminal supporting Postal MBA do a P/E on that baby for shareholder value. Or ask Paul Klassen again to use his "honest" best judgment and impressive intellect now killing his career and classic court judgement and legally impressive educated mind from trials to LinkedIn stupidity almost legally unmatched for putting a sign on his head for his stupidity. And his too obvious and critical aid and abetting criminals. Clearly and cowardly? Can they be any more stupid? Yes. See below.
Hey, don't worry about me I can handle big intimidating lawyers and their letters very well and from biggest and best. Just do homework as I warned years ago in "registered mail" to Gavin, oddly as my one millionaire friend and Liberal supporter flew in for X-Files wrap party to meet executive producer Bob Godwin to review my business plan? Funnier was Gavin thinking he was impressing Jean Chretien who my mother babysat in Shawinigan with her best friend "his sister" and who my (hero) grandfather helped the whole family. Why not crush Gavin then? Read below. Yes, Justin Trudeau's mother and I used the same lawyer Cookie Lazarus for past Montreal stuff. Small town Montreal. Van stuff just one letter and literally in pencil and against think-tank super brains and big Van law firms and plaintiff closes company and leaves town (Played aces too early). And when Mulroney now in power after Turner (See CV), and yet still didn't use my old employer when hired as detective working for "Stanley Hartt"? Just another very unedcated stupid Montreal lawyer like the Oxford-Osgoode people, helping me. Check. More strange: My Cookie Lazrus legal costs covered by C. Fineberg not J. Carrier's real estate MTL-TO money that even Bentalls envy, and as many suspected , nor did I use any connection to either my Western or Montreal Liberal money weddings where I was "bestman" at "both". They beat-up, bully, and BS others weaker and women so why not me? Serious "cowardly" human slime?
Why really folks, why wouldn't honest people not simply just run to RCMP ASAP to stop me for "clear as bell" criminal harassment here in black and white, if not "really uneducated, dishonest low life slime and SERIOUS criminals"? THINK ABOUT IT?
One should as QUESTIONS as per such honest, intelligent people as pictured above? And not still sadly appear for legal optics for so many years so very-very guilty? Mitch Davies present uneducated cowardly fake and now criminal continued the proud tradition of the greats like John Brummitt and as with Paul Klassen even if far more young and foolish than their LinkedIn profiles suggest. They "all together" can charge me? Hey, I'll help crucify myself? Hey, we "all" just do very convenient and extremely quick volunteer "non-admissible polygraphs (voice to thermal - their choice?). I used this stuff in my graduate studies in biocybernetics at Concordia in Montreal and I just love it - just like CIA to MOSSAD do? Zero to fear for the honest? For fakes and frauds far more than humiliating and making crystal clear what slime their lives made of before their peak and lies all discovered by friends and family to victims and legal system, But as always this helps RCMP cut costs and time with word playing liars. And RCMP appreciate it. Or not at all, after two other efforts at lies using RCMP like toys and puppets. Clever? True? False?
"Charge Me!"
Hey, I made it so very-very easy, even for those highly uneducated surrounding and supporting Rob Maier for years. And those named and not yet named folk?
Just run to RCMP and "Charge Me". This as to not look so very criminal, very stupid and as serious slime - and all at same time? And with possibly even more crimes to hide?
Just "Charge Me" as honest people really would do: "Charge Me". Maybe no surprise traps? As enough in place.
Criminals dog-loyal staff may not all need to worry if everyone 100% honest. Pretty simple. Very clear. My old girlfriend the ex Photo Editor at Maclean's may suggest I get more pictures for media of me and the very classy ladies and gentlemen with petty political potential dilutionary dreams defending they are not cowardly human dishonest dirt?
RCMP to CRA now to fully investigate by Fall 2016, the above pictured corrupt and criminal slime and we will prosecute all over next five "Golden Years". And this including questioning former NDP Leader Adrian Dix and his Hollywood date. And how cost, as to "race-to-bottom", as to further enrich criminals, was all "exactly" handled as an "expense"? Who paid? Why? What real-real "business" merit other than sick self-promotion to fool the poorly informed or poorly educated?
Hey, NDP types like transparency it seems by volumes of noise in recent news? And taxpayers to members should know exactly how BC taxpayers further screwed in "millions and millions" in tax credit fraud enriching criminals? Not helping poor children, homeless, nurses, teachers or police? Enriching criminals. Hey, how 'bout some of that old time Full Transparency stuff NDP now demand - well as to not look so absolutely insanely hypocritical, two-faced, intellectually dishonest and extremely criminally suspect? Ask Adrian to bully me?
And this so odd as they would so quickly. as documented by registered mail, rush trials internally for putting known obvious criminals in "Good Standing"? in disrepute? And simply just challenge me in "any" honest" open forum and with RCMP present for their best effort and to "help them"? And even with their best, most honest and smartest from Don Ramsden to Elmar Theissen ss spolesmodels defending themselves and others. This as to best defend their good honest FAMILY names, big titles, career, legacy and one wold hope as well, their dog-loyal "aid and abetting" executive and supporters - and as well prove their own intellect and integrity not defective and ethics selective. And now also knowing no criminal meaningless NDAs can be used ad nauseam to justify fraudulent concealment and deceptive omissions to RCMP in a criminal investigation also a crime of criminal obstruction. Sadly, the more educated so much harder to fool and lie to, as most know, and hard to hide their very many dirty secrets from top RCMP investigators.
And odd that they so oddly, with their super big-name-big-shot-high-priced Hollywood and big-name Union lawyers - as themselves such "oddly one-time" big time producers and union executives like Rob Maier and John Brummitt so frightened out of there Alpha posturing minds afraid to lie to RCMP again? So very-very afraid?
And if even best defence in just writing and signed by Tom Adair (given to illusions of grandeur, impulse, ego, self promotion as previously document as to help defame, coerce and intimidate with others involved as clear criminals, fakes and frauds), I'd freely post Tom's best BS here as so honest and so educated with his illusions of superiority and not give him the benefit of doubt he's not simply another pretentious hillbilly tradesman asshole as certainly hundreds wanting a full forensic audit on his deeds and merit clearly also documented. Clearly.
This open invitation to allow them to document their "very best defence" as so much more educated, intelligent and as just any honest and intelligent person would? Tom Adair can document again both his brilliant speed at defamatory and corrupting election BS void of forethought, legality, legal optics. So why no speedy and wordy misleading effort and defence now? At all? Why? If Tom Adair so honest and not low-life criminal slime?
And I won't edit the criminals defence words without permission on "any" submissions: as Dusty Kelly (Adrian Dix Hollywood date and documented top cheerleader for women beaters and other slime, who has "also" documented that, as well, far too well) and feels free to do criminally corrupting elections (and thus also void as with recent election fraud, other BS quorums and many other elections, as documented in emails,
Yes, to be very clear oddly Dusty Kelly is a dog-loyal supporter helping a women beaters? And can't handle honesty and truth what a obvious fake and liar she is to those far more educated, honest and intelligent? True? False? Real facts and evidence always trumps uneducated opinions from lying loser slime in real world? Even Rob Maier's top wallpaper hangers and low voltage repair boy (who both drag so many down as so clever "handling things") with their incredible bravado as to show off their superior intellect, education, honesty and integrity that sadly criminal courts must ignore as all just very well documented liars. and low-life and with transcripts and honest non-criminal witnesses documented nut cases. See internal transcripts as only costs a dollar. Really.
Hey, why fear me a little nobody, and with no big impressive honest titles as with Tom Adair and John Brummitt to exective producer Rob Maier and others above? Just beat bully or lie and cheat me as they do women and others with their critical creepy cowardly deceptive, lies, crimes and omissions. Charge me?
As readers read below what "exactly" do they fear? Truth? Or also blowing a hundred thousand dollars "again" in time and members money in legal costs pathetically trying to previously intimidate and coerce me (as per LRB files and names) Or fear oddly further looking as sleazy, criminal and very stupid as O'Leary, Liz and Haddad and seriously only costing me one dollar for transcripts to screw them.
Hey, the criminal slime should have their high paid criminal supporting Postal MBA do a P/E on that baby for shareholder value. Or ask Paul Klassen again to use his "honest" best judgment and impressive intellect now killing his career and classic court judgement and legally impressive educated mind from trials to LinkedIn stupidity almost legally unmatched for putting a sign on his head for his stupidity. And his too obvious and critical aid and abetting criminals. Clearly and cowardly? Can they be any more stupid? Yes. See below.
Hey, don't worry about me I can handle big intimidating lawyers and their letters very well and from biggest and best. Just do homework as I warned years ago in "registered mail" to Gavin, oddly as my one millionaire friend and Liberal supporter flew in for X-Files wrap party to meet executive producer Bob Godwin to review my business plan? Funnier was Gavin thinking he was impressing Jean Chretien who my mother babysat in Shawinigan with her best friend "his sister" and who my (hero) grandfather helped the whole family. Why not crush Gavin then? Read below. Yes, Justin Trudeau's mother and I used the same lawyer Cookie Lazarus for past Montreal stuff. Small town Montreal. Van stuff just one letter and literally in pencil and against think-tank super brains and big Van law firms and plaintiff closes company and leaves town (Played aces too early). And when Mulroney now in power after Turner (See CV), and yet still didn't use my old employer when hired as detective working for "Stanley Hartt"? Just another very unedcated stupid Montreal lawyer like the Oxford-Osgoode people, helping me. Check. More strange: My Cookie Lazrus legal costs covered by C. Fineberg not J. Carrier's real estate MTL-TO money that even Bentalls envy, and as many suspected , nor did I use any connection to either my Western or Montreal Liberal money weddings where I was "bestman" at "both". They beat-up, bully, and BS others weaker and women so why not me? Serious "cowardly" human slime?
Why really folks, why wouldn't honest people not simply just run to RCMP ASAP to stop me for "clear as bell" criminal harassment here in black and white, if not "really uneducated, dishonest low life slime and SERIOUS criminals"? THINK ABOUT IT?
One should as QUESTIONS as per such honest, intelligent people as pictured above? And not still sadly appear for legal optics for so many years so very-very guilty? Mitch Davies present uneducated cowardly fake and now criminal continued the proud tradition of the greats like John Brummitt and as with Paul Klassen even if far more young and foolish than their LinkedIn profiles suggest. They "all together" can charge me? Hey, I'll help crucify myself? Hey, we "all" just do very convenient and extremely quick volunteer "non-admissible polygraphs (voice to thermal - their choice?). I used this stuff in my graduate studies in biocybernetics at Concordia in Montreal and I just love it - just like CIA to MOSSAD do? Zero to fear for the honest? For fakes and frauds far more than humiliating and making crystal clear what slime their lives made of before their peak and lies all discovered by friends and family to victims and legal system, But as always this helps RCMP cut costs and time with word playing liars. And RCMP appreciate it. Or not at all, after two other efforts at lies using RCMP like toys and puppets. Clever? True? False?
"Charge Me!"
Hey, I made it so very-very easy, even for those highly uneducated surrounding and supporting Rob Maier for years. And those named and not yet named folk?
Just run to RCMP and "Charge Me". This as to not look so very criminal, very stupid and as serious slime - and all at same time? And with possibly even more crimes to hide?
Just "Charge Me" as honest people really would do: "Charge Me". Maybe no surprise traps? As enough in place.
Criminals dog-loyal staff may not all need to worry if everyone 100% honest. Pretty simple. Very clear. My old girlfriend the ex Photo Editor at Maclean's may suggest I get more pictures for media of me and the very classy ladies and gentlemen with petty political potential dilutionary dreams defending they are not cowardly human dishonest dirt?
RCMP to CRA now to fully investigate by Fall 2016, the above pictured corrupt and criminal slime and we will prosecute all over next five "Golden Years". And this including questioning former NDP Leader Adrian Dix and his Hollywood date. And how cost, as to "race-to-bottom", as to further enrich criminals, was all "exactly" handled as an "expense"? Who paid? Why? What real-real "business" merit other than sick self-promotion to fool the poorly informed or poorly educated?
Hey, NDP types like transparency it seems by volumes of noise in recent news? And taxpayers to members should know exactly how BC taxpayers further screwed in "millions and millions" in tax credit fraud enriching criminals? Not helping poor children, homeless, nurses, teachers or police? Enriching criminals. Hey, how 'bout some of that old time Full Transparency stuff NDP now demand - well as to not look so absolutely insanely hypocritical, two-faced, intellectually dishonest and extremely criminally suspect? Ask Adrian to bully me?
See new Dec. 24 key Crime Update below.
Assault at UBC of six women being ignored like Mile of Tears, adds even further to the serious need for Investigation here plus a full Provincial Inquiry. And the truth now all told? All.
Note: In Vietnam. if anyone dare put their personal self-image and well-being ahead and at risk or cost to "majority" of others soldiers serving or by hording food to playing favourites to build self-affirming small empires, they had their heads blown off by their fellow men or superiors. Had to. Have to. With the real-real unmatched military heroes I've known like Larry McHale. Russ Newton, Bert Williams, and not pathetic TV and film fakes, I owe these and other mentors.
"Well thank God six brave intelligent women finally are now heard and their assault at UBC finally addressed and now exposed, investigated and soon fully prosecuted. How many women have complained in IATSE 891 like the brave women at UBC to CBC have to RCMP, about harassment, suppression or "violent men" . Note most amusing these Alpha Men criminals who beat up smaller women. oddly afraid of those with boxing rings and Marshall Arts training who love women (check) but not afraid to show small women who is the Alpha creep and nut case (Like Justin Trudeau I was a doorman but with less charm)? And CBC ladies even stood up to even their misogynist exploitive high-charm superman ego nut case supreme Jian Ghomeshi? Frauds to Sicko's can fool many with their charm as per above pictures as a clear case in point. Much more to follow. Much below.
However, as violence against women, as far too often heard, is too often far more than chocking with 891's Alpha Males (and in "Good Standing"), so what should we believe? RCMP should help. More payoffs/settlements? Guess the 891 paperwork and e-mails missing - as oddly NDP now complain so very-very loud about, and the lack of transparency - however, this not so odd as Adrian Dix's Hollywood Date secrets with NDAs? Hope he gets calendar dates right this time? Dusty Kelly and her criminal friends want hundreds of secrets kept, paper work and e-mail destroyed. How hypocritical. Also criminal? Yes? No? True? False? Wanna' bet?
Assault at UBC of six women being ignored like Mile of Tears, adds even further to the serious need for Investigation here plus a full Provincial Inquiry. And the truth now all told? All.
Note: In Vietnam. if anyone dare put their personal self-image and well-being ahead and at risk or cost to "majority" of others soldiers serving or by hording food to playing favourites to build self-affirming small empires, they had their heads blown off by their fellow men or superiors. Had to. Have to. With the real-real unmatched military heroes I've known like Larry McHale. Russ Newton, Bert Williams, and not pathetic TV and film fakes, I owe these and other mentors.
"Well thank God six brave intelligent women finally are now heard and their assault at UBC finally addressed and now exposed, investigated and soon fully prosecuted. How many women have complained in IATSE 891 like the brave women at UBC to CBC have to RCMP, about harassment, suppression or "violent men" . Note most amusing these Alpha Men criminals who beat up smaller women. oddly afraid of those with boxing rings and Marshall Arts training who love women (check) but not afraid to show small women who is the Alpha creep and nut case (Like Justin Trudeau I was a doorman but with less charm)? And CBC ladies even stood up to even their misogynist exploitive high-charm superman ego nut case supreme Jian Ghomeshi? Frauds to Sicko's can fool many with their charm as per above pictures as a clear case in point. Much more to follow. Much below.
However, as violence against women, as far too often heard, is too often far more than chocking with 891's Alpha Males (and in "Good Standing"), so what should we believe? RCMP should help. More payoffs/settlements? Guess the 891 paperwork and e-mails missing - as oddly NDP now complain so very-very loud about, and the lack of transparency - however, this not so odd as Adrian Dix's Hollywood Date secrets with NDAs? Hope he gets calendar dates right this time? Dusty Kelly and her criminal friends want hundreds of secrets kept, paper work and e-mail destroyed. How hypocritical. Also criminal? Yes? No? True? False? Wanna' bet?
Why Whistle-Blow on these very sick fakes and Criminal slime?
This blog's whistle-blowing and crime-busting here, designed to specifically aid victims, RCMP and CRA in putting those above, and mentioned below, all in jail. Fast. And as pure fun and sport, also in addition, running up all criminal and corrupt parties legal bills through the roof, as we play various cute mind games. Just perfect for those not offering fast and full confessions to RCMP. And still lying to RCMP and "everyone possibly" thinking that they are still so clever? And not the start of the end.
And yet, common sense, risk analysis, formal logic, paid legal and trusted good friends of these criminals should all suggest 100% honesty with RCMP and CRA as at point of no return and zero gain math best? Simply and quickly confess everything, as to reduce ever growing and new surprise stress and anxiety factors.And all gone, just rating out other slime. Reduces stress. Reduces fines and jail time. Ask RCMP how confessions so warm and relaxing? Some will rat. They "always" do, just to get a small break?
Those whose lives all about self-interest the first to break? It will be insanely expensive for top fakes and liars thinking their top lawyers with deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment not also a crime called "criminal obstruction. Just delays or buys tiny more time of denial and personal self delusion. Ask a shrink with a medical degree not some community college New Age flake. Lies do increases risk and exposure with extended jail time and fines. Check? True or false? Makes plea bargain stuff difficult if the last fool in? And very-very expensive for the major liars and slimy criminals. Ask around? True? False?
Murder, Tax Fraud, Assault, Theft, Coercion and Intimidation.
This blog is also inspired by the millions and millions in Tax Fraud and daily Theft enriching the sickest and cowardly of criminals to the Murder and Rape of a school friend's 15 year old daughter Tara Manning. Her father's story when he told me inspiring.
And I also was very much further inspired by her father changing DNA testing laws in Federal Parliament. Very Inspired. It can be done. He's a hero to me and thousands. Just as this blog should do with Labour code reform provincially and with federal law leading? The need here for a full comprehensive Provincial Inquiry should also be more than obvious very quickly, And while reading only a few paragraphs.
The slime involved in crime, must do time.
This blog is also designed with checklist and names below as to best help RCMP to CRA also save money and time, And put the above criminals (and those who aid and abet) all in jail. Faster. Ideally with all proceeds of crime seized. And with ideally seizure before judgement a target, - and this as such cases do so often warrant.
I kept thinking others would do this.
My own serious guilt, for myself, as "not far more involved and helping victims" much-much earlier in all these matters, also a key to my own motivation here to help victims, RCMP, WCB to CRA now. Guilt and debt to hundreds who documented support for me to lead a full forensic audit for cheated taxpayers to cheated trusting coworkers, inspires. Yes, I'm very driven by guilt and the 475 who supported my efforts for a full forensic audit and even as well audit their impressive MBA and his wage I've gotten rid of dishonest MBA's, CA's CEO's before even when I was on the board of directors of a real pullic company and more signing authority than any department head? I do owe big time every great classy women I've known from family to friends and lovers. Big guilt. Big big guilt. Beautiful guilt. Also means some very disgusting ugly women must also be exposed for selling bout women.
I kept thinking others would do this.
I felt guilty. Very guilty. I sat around far too long. I was well paid, had an easy job helping good people or making stupid slime look smart, and didn't have to be intimidated or bullied like those weaker, smaller or female, and by a toothless uneducated hillbilly like John Brummit or the Ted Bundy and O.J Simpson threatening charm of Don Ramsden, And I didn't have to pretend to respect fakes, women beaters, wall paper hangers, thieves, gross incompetents and either fake titles like Tom Adair sadly needs to fool family and friends not a fake and failure, who mostly helped criminals as a coward. The fakes empowered by corrupted election results without merit - and yes, I made more than many others and yes, had an easy job. Well paid and perks. Not the first time I bit the hand that fed me or tried to shut me up? Started almost 50 years ago standing up to bullies and fakes and walking away from payoffs and promotions? In the corporate world so easy to expose and get slime fired. With wide spread nepotism in criminal and corrupt unions a bit more tricky? Are corporations more honest than unions? Well, in many cases the answer yes. The nepotism speaks or itself at such absurd levels?
Should I have kept my mouth shut? Taken even more and more easy money?
I kept thinking others would do this. In all fairness, unlike myself, sadly, hundreds of others could be easily economically intimidated and coerced "again" - and with families simply fighting corruption and criminal elite kinda hard to do, and can cut income in half just being an honest good Canadian or friends with one? How sick is that?
Others, could also be sadly, physically and legally threatened/bluffed to even absurdly intellectually intimidated (yes, hard to believe) with the slime's big words and disgusting endless name dropping. However, I'm a tiny wee bit more of a problem than the lower IQ and EQ cowardly criminal women beating and support idiots expected. A bit. Already running costs over $100.000.00 for "honest executive" fools in legal and time as criminals to slime so sleazy, use member's honest money to save face and protect image, career and avoid jail. Such class? This blog just the pointing finger on the fist they will feel shortly. Nor did they ever think they'd be exposed like this to "literally now thousands" across Canada and soon to hundreds in their old hometown, high school and workplace. And more mushrooming interest to be triggered shortly? In fact, with this little blog not even complete or fully edited the slime above have been exposed to literally more readers than front pages of most small city dailies get? Check Duncan, Revelstoke, Kelowna and Nelson newsprint numbers? True? False?
Yes, I was a tiny bit harder to impress, bully, coerce, intimidate, threaten or seriously compromise with economic interference to bad faith as with so many others.
And I was not a small women with child.
I was not a women beaten. I was not a women harassed. I was not a women suppressed in an industry known for suppression and a hundred year history of serious crime. I had a tiny advantage, other did not. This from my network of Oxford-Osgoode female (Labour/Women) top international legal scholars, two of Canada's top 5 forensic psychiatrists (one family and female) and a BC Criminal Court Judge, a top CBC award winning national investigative journalist familiar with this exact case (and most recent Prime Ministers - and a few ladies as national journalists and top business people (including real accomplished and "respected" ladies), Jesuit and Jewish scholars and some of the wealthiest people in BC and Quebec, so as such, I'm a tad harder to impress, bluff and fool, deceive, intimidate or coerce or buy-off with a piece of proceeds of crime pie or silenced thinking to quote chief Justice Laskin from my lectures with Senator Eugene Forsey not "sacrosanct" as NDAs/settlements. As my CV makes also makes extremely clear, being a department head a "major step down" from my previous executive positions and the company I was in. True? False?And as well in real world far-far superior in experience and education than a pathetic and tragic delusional fakes like Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their big titles from aiding and abeting criminals not simply superior in intellect and integrity as they fake? True? False? Would honest, and honestly informed people really vote for myself or think best big title Tom Adair or John Brummitt - hey, a criminal court Judge will have his own opinion and ratio decendi on this as will RCMP and CRA and as to who would they most trust myself or Rob Maier? With Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson in criminal court it gets even more funny.
I will also detail and challenge in criminal court and a Provincial Inquiry and all under oath. Others fear that stuff. I don't. My work in Federal Politics (Elections and Economics) working certainly at the very highest ranking of the best and the brightest of both PC and Lib, to my military clients at McGill, like Dr. Bull and Joseph D, Carrier to days and drinks with Larry McHale, as such these cowardly highly neducated and informed slime hardly could scare or ever impress me. I've known real war and political heroes. I had also worked as a doorman at Biker bars and boxed and took Marshall Arts oddly when younger like Justin Trudeau, so they could not physically posture as a threat or I'd laugh.
Now add as very cute, my Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa and with very entertaining RCMP files on me since early 70's, And when not silenced by criminals and corruption and real truth told could get 80% worker support (95% of those present) as per RCMP files 1973? I was grievance coordinator for CUPE before board of directors in a public company so very hard for fakes, incompetents, liars, criminals to fool me? Studies in formal logic and economics helped. So I'm a known "trouble maker" for various forms of slime and literally for decades and yet my federal security cleared by who? And without Liberal connections and references used as Harper then PM? Hey, I'm not that much of a secret. Well, not to some RCMP and Federal Security files and very-very highly respected in Media to real Military heroes And we do play our aces last?
And best, only I can "so easily volunteer for any form of questioning and volunteer polygraph" (Voice to Thermal) and simply at same time, increase my Federal Security classification up a notch or two? Three? Some people do respect "real honesty and real intellect". Some don't. Some often from too many shortcomings (See pictures above) and just don't have the IQ to join dots. More on their psychological profiles soon.
Victims of these slime, well certainly 475 intelligent adults document they do support (or just might also like me. Kidding. I'm very obnoxious and not like-able for most, but my work honest. So I don't need charm and big smiles as per above pctures? And have enough quality friends.). And 475 votes of support and that's in just one (1) tiny little local tested film union, where my reputation seriously defamed as a potential child beater (Sadly ironic) by Rob Maier's impressive MENSA gang and Gavin Craigs classy gangs lies to RCMP and continued to internal trials and to get 475 of the most honest and best and brightest on an ethics and issue simply priceless? And as icing, a fraud and human garbage like Tom Adair documenting his uneducated so very criminal friendly opinion worth thousands, and laughs. the average union IQ oddly the lowest (CUPE, ACTRA to ACFC had far higher IQ's and far less criminals and slime. True? False?. And thus easy there to win elections when I wanted)? True? False?
And the other unions had a far more honest, "really educated" people, and certainly more intelligent and honest executive and Presidents who didn't beat up women and cheat taxpayers enriching criminals as past five presidents have. And no women beaters or those self-serving slime in cover-up get elected? Oddly? And so easy to compare. So easy. If not true have Don Ramsden and all other past and president Presidents I'm claiming as criminal sleazy cowards like Gavin Craig, sue me or all get RCMPon me if not all criminals fearing jail time and justice served cold?
And the French and English Film and TV unions certainly the most fun and compassionate as well as flooded with real and honest talent and geniuses and far more sophistication than toothless woman hating dog kicking and porn loving hillbillies like John Brummit could understand or his best buddy Don Ramsden?
And heck, hard to get listened to or liked when absolute lying word playing fat slime have you accused as per some pictured above of "threatening children" (including Gavin Craig like Royalty also threatened? Same week oddly?) and with others, appears I may actually have been threatening the whole labour movement in Western civilization - this according to hearsay from John Brummit?
475 supporting me in one little local, still supported me even in the face of so many lies and this in just one BC industry tested, and in one province only. Could others get such support accused of threatening children by their best and brightest executive and trusted brothers and sisters in Rob Maiers gang- and odd I threaten children when I can very easily threaten 300 pound bikers? And thus heavily defamed, my election efforts corrupted by super fakes and frauds like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair - and the criminals and slime who feared me? And if being labelled both threatening to children and Gavin Craigs whole "honest" gang and your election material edited without permission and still get 475 votes from the most honest as logic dictates criminals and slime seldom if ever support "full forensic audits". Guess why?
Ask any actuary, and Poli Sci grad student or Marketing research firm what 475 votes in such conditions suggest. And the margin of error. Truth all told many-many more may support me. 2x? 3x?
Plus this case can help me clear my honest good name and better a polygraph can help big time in other totally non-related industry but other criminal matters relate to IP and copyright law, And bust this gang of human garbage as well. Some use my software ideas and creative ideas and claim it's theirs and their idea? How sad? How sick? So I now welcome these uneducated ignorant criminal dirt pictured above to go ahead make my day. Or at least act like honest people do with good honest names and defend their good honest names against my claims?
This motivation above also added to by the rape, date rape and harassment of other friends and family and their daughters across the country, making violence against women and the cover-up here, corrupting even elections, with known deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment critical, and the human dirt involved, and their ugly secrets and silence, excellent motivation. And so all named became very-very big legal targets. And targets for both criminal and media exposure - and certainly full investigation and full prosecution. Oddly, most criminals named common to almost all crime groups and categories as defined below.
Children cheated. Seniors cheated.
Further the children cheated out of life insurance to seniors cheated of honest pensions and honest talented workers going without work and thus also cheated of added medical, and this even more disgusting as criminals more than covered and enriched - very sickening and very motivating, And that just adding to the many cheated "locally" from beaten women to cheated taxpayers that must be now all fairly compensated is also motivating. And as disgusting: for inspiration all this as "millions and millions" of BC tax credit dollars, even now, "still enriching" the lowest of these criminal sleaze and slime like John Brummitt and Rob Maier. Not nurses. Not teachers. Not law enforcement but criminal sleaze enriched.
And thus all this blog now inspires us to ask others - from "all" stakeholders to local RCMP and BC government, to just help a bit. Help, just as have others to even telling brave petition/votes by 475 "honest intelligent adults" for a "full forensic audit" and as various legal cases should make clear, and some as also already on file, with settlements, and growing. We now also ask all new readers in Media plus the MP and MLA offices also reviewing this from e-mail link to now, a little also just:
"Help as Heroes!"
Those now reading this, as either new and returning Federal Liberal MPs, and those MLAs from BC Liberals, - and any honest NDP (seeing how this is a very critical test, - and with a report card, and as very key before next BC election) - simply, all can help. Or not. And thus help the women beaters and slime doing nothing.
And help as heroes by just simply: "fully" supporting RCMP as the front-line heroes and all these crime victims below here from:
* the cowardly beaten women, *
* the literally millions and millions of tax credit fraud enriching criminals * the cheated children of medical and enriching criminals
* the seniors cheated of life insurance and enriching criminals
* the hundreds of honest workers abused, bullied and cheated so to aid as well enriching criminals
* millions of BC tax payers also all cheated as ignorant, grossly incompetent, vulgar, criminal and cowardly further enriched. Most understand exactly how nepotism works.
"Simply, "fully" supporting RCMP "all" that is asked".
"All that is asked?"
This as to warrant a full provincial inquiry and all initial criminal charges. Again, simply "fully" supporting RCMP investigating all parties, even investigate us bloggers, even if just for speed and political and media credibility.
Fast is important. Justice delayed is justice denied?
And together all real heroes can help put this gang of human garbage in jail fast. Help clean out all human garbage, and done once and done right. Help the victims. Help an industry. And a province. And take these jobs from criminals and give them to young more talented, honest and educated needing jobs. Time for change. Real change. And do help ensure FULL JAIL TIME and FINES, for all pictured and those also VERY SOON, as to also be named - and very-very surprised. As one might suspect.
"Helping As Heroes Is So Easy!"

How easy? How simple? Just fully support all RCMP and Federal and Provincial Liberals, and all other responsible parties and politicians involved over next 3-5 years as "real heroes" in a full and deep criminal investigation.
A needed investigation, and a needed Provincial Inquiry, both very long over due, and finally put those all in jail involved and supporting this multi-million dollar fraud, abusing tax payer money and as to clearly enrich very serious criminals and women-beaters and themselves over majority trust. This a very key legal case and needs your support to create change in our legal and labour systems.
We need more transparency, accountability, oversight, governance, compliance and criminal prosecutions for business and government to unions and churches that dare violate any public trust. And this proves exactly why.
Be a hero by simply supporting this blog for a full RCMP and CRA investigations, as clearly "appears warranted", ideally in writing, or by phone, or by sending out this blogs link, printing and posting, or discussing with others, the RCMP's "honest and objective " efforts here at facts and truth. Share blog with victims.
And do applaud "all RCMP efforts" literally helping "all Canadians" here. From those born Canadian women beaten by those from other countries. Those born Canadians who lost hundreds of thousands cheated by the egos and actions of super sleaze.These sick crimes also by those from other countries that tragically we treated so very-very well. Send them now to jail or send them back.
All honest and non-violent, who will respect "all" women, and "all" Canadians and "all" our laws, and from any nation, all warmly welcome to stay here in Canada, as only seems fair, positive and progressive. The other slime and dirt should not or "ever feel welcome" - even if born in Canada? This abuse of other Canadians a form of treason and with this legal case proving they in actual real fact hurt more Canadians financially worse than terrorists ever have? Check?
And courts must have "all" proceeds of crime seized, from all slime enriched directly or by cowardly aiding or supporting these endless criminal and corrupt abuses as well. Often as obvious clear selfish self-interest and personal ego and enrichment. This as clear with Tom Adair and his proceeds of crime as Position, Power, Big Pay, Perks make too obvious.
Tom Adair is "top of the heap" (where buck stops) with human dirt, with his obvious superior integrity, intellect, education and real world broad and deep experience and his so amazing "solo" accomplishments, is always welcome and free to challenge me as his and John Brmmtts inferior any time, and face-to-face at any RCMP office or in Parliament buildings in Victoria,? Hey, and with RCMP there and even with his lawyer with him. Or if feeling very afraid, can simply have me post any counter he may think also clever and defaming again. And again as cowardly as prior for such a sick and serious human and criminal fraud?
Yes, for all victims: seize the human garbage classic laundered proceeds of crime from their Homes, Pension, Cars to Bank Accounts - and Businesses ( proceeds of crime simply cliche' laundered as position, pay, perks and power. Fooling no one, but fools themselves at best).
When some have neither and may in honest NEVER had "any legal" democratic authority or mandate as agents clearly, plus no "real relevant or any related education" (if any?) and little or literally absolute zero (0) comparative meaningful or value experience, of any merit, and yet paid far more than trained and educated law enforcement, teachers, nurses and even lawyers? We certainly have a problem? Lawyers who it appears wasted 7 years plus to make far less than these sleaze as fakes and frauds do - and still must work ten times as hard? This is also an insult to all BC teachers and nurses and those who risk lives in law enforcement paid far less than these lazy criminals and sleaze.
Will the numbers and ratios and documented suppression and harassment of women and first nations and other minorities using tax credits over the last two decades impress the new Federal Liberal Minister of Justice? And so near to ground zero? And other "real" ladies with new portfolios? Well, say as much as BC Liberal ladies wanting to show real change and real results helping women and workers when NDP wouldn't? Couldn't? And for next election.
Canada and Canadian's and millions and millions in tax credits can not be used to serve to enrich these ignorant dishonest criminals and those from other countries or our home grown hillbilly slime to this very absurd degree. Let's wipe the smiles off all their sleazy toothless faces? We do have a good prison system made for these types.
My humble goal to expose and publicly "fully humiliate", and in every way possible, from their own style of vulgarity and character assassination to more familiar legal or scholarly devices as the mood strikes. This for all these sleazy cowardly criminals (and those who aid and abet) and everywhere and every way possible, From all business and personal contacts to national media . And as vulgar as possible to force some to save face, break and squeal for a deal, as to help RCMP not waste time or more money with stupid liars over possibly saving lives.
This also done so some brighter ones, do now ask why we bloggers here are not charged at RCMP offices if our claims not absolutely true and taken to real courts by these sleaze - if not 100% guilty on all claims? At least to just bluff not guilty? Why are they so very-very afraid? And oddly now not as fast as with so clever O'leary-Haddad boosted internal trials when faced with real world? Pretty obvious why so slow and so afraid to RCMP, Honest People, Media and CRA? Odd when this blog still "exactly" putting such garbage again in even far more "disrepute" - seems so odd? Nor are they as quick and impulsive to lie again to RCMP? How odd? But all so easy to explain.
Real goal is victim compensation for all the victims 475 (just to start) seems a fair and actually very low estimate.
SEE BELOW VERY UGLY NEWS: Thurs. Dec. 17th Update.
PREFACE. As a result of the very critical win by Federal Liberals, now claims can be done in just one (1) page and with just 5 simple points, and with very straight clear "yes" or "no" questions And as simple as it gets, here it all is. Questions that serve as handy checklist and agenda reference, when RCMP chatting it up with criminals and their friends. And saves RCMP literally hundreds of hours and courts millions and that best defines that:
* a serious full RCMP investigation warranted into millions in tax credits enriching criminals from women beaters to tax cheats..
* a full forensic audit, as per 475 votes of support and growing by intelligent "honest" adults long overdue.
* a full comprehensive industry Provincial Inquiry into crime, value and tax credit merit.
RCMP suggested reference questions:
1) Are these crimes as exactly claimed and listed below, witnessed and/or documented, and involving violence against women, harassment, with suppression for decades real? Yes or no? True or false?
2) Are these claimed crimes also listed, witnessed and documented involving "continuous
theft/fraud", and including time and material theft, with kick-back, bribes, misappropriation of funds, conflict of interest, breach, direct fraud and fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission, and as exactly stated for decades real? Yes or no? True or false?
3) Are these crimes listed, witnessed and documented involving cheating, defamation, coercion and intimidation, bad faith, breach, economic interference, theft and fraud against:
* Trusting coworkers and employees ("Brothers and Sisters")
* Trusting employers
* Foreign and domestic investors
* Supply chain
* Sister unions
* Industry
* BC Government
* Federal Funding
* Canada Revenue
- Plus hurting all BC taxpayers with tax credits (stated as solid fact) serving to further enrich key criminals - and known, and somewhat very well documented "for decades" (and often in the criminals own words) stated as fact, real? ( How is Tom Adair key in all the above?)Yes or no? True or false?
4) Are these crimes by slime listed, witnessed and documented, presently, and for now decades, clearly hurting innocent children, families and honest hard working seniors to single mothers ?
This as greed, ego, corruption and crime also cheating victims of millions and millions of medical, pension, life insurance? And far more disgusting a multi-million dollar "benefit hour bank fraud" so incredibly beyond belief and best authored, designed and managed by the slime of slime for slime and clearly blatant NOT MAJORITY INTEREST AT ALL and transparent as glass selfish self-interest and in clear conflict of interest and as hyper-hypocrisy and best: kinked perks and best methods and numbers nicely serving by default their criminal support?
This makes even the very sad and sick US medical system look compassionate and should absolutely disgust every honourable and honest Tommy Douglas and Ed Broadbent NDP type as well as every tax payer and political party across Canada.
And don't be fooled this as well done as to clearly further overly enrich a select honest few as well "for simply cover-up and a veneer of legality" as seen with millions of other fraud cases and all with classic laundering as pay. position and perks plus (just as such crimes do for cover using an honest front or facade of a few honest people - often seen from casinos to government rip-off frauds) No big trick. Only impresses the ignorant as clever. Nothing new here at all). And so odd that "All" criminal elite as named so very enriched`, Is this real? Yes or no? True or false?
Does anyone have clean hands named and no filty dirty secrets from violence to fraud to hide from RCMP who can just at best simply challenge me in writing and using their real name? They better find some one quick or the human garbage and criminal label gets stickier and stickier as with such clear legal optics also not addressed? Yes or no? True or false?
Note per above: As a very proud Canadian and a real true "Amber-Green-Liberal" for decades, our Canadian universal health coverage a point of serious and real national pride. This absurd very criminal and corrupt twisted and moronic sickening system and fraud here, which, with the most "illogical BS", only major incompetent morons as trustees or greed pay-pigs or the severely selfish and greedy, and very dishonest like Tom Adair could believe or "honestly and intelligently support". I welcome this part of a full Provincial Inquiry and second only to Women and Family issues in criminal court. Criminals should enjoy their free time to attend court appearances for themselves and others before retirement time in Jail.
FYI: Tom Adair even short changed and cheated the Teamsters, as well as his own, and fooled both NDP and Green Party plus Capilano College he was a somebody and silly as it sounds, somebody they and others could "trust", and as not a two-faced fake and as not a highly uneducated fraud and fake and serious criminal that he is. Check? True or false?
Just a very dishonest criminal fake and fraud needing a week of questioning alone as Tom the Truthful "knows all" criminals and all criminal facts - and oddly acts so smart - and yet now hilarious must play stupid like Mitch Davies. And both better hope RCMP still believe both after possibly months of questioning? As such to be honest, both these clowns very obvious deceptive fakes and frauds that a few questions in under five minutes just might make very-very clear? Five minutes.
Any wonder why "honestly" 475 intelligent "honest adults" and many of those far more educated, informed and honest (that Tom Adair dares insult, faking he's some superior authority and superior in absolutely nothing, as fact) that literally hundreds wanted Toms "honest work" to have a full forensic audit, As documented. Clear enough? 475 wanted Tom's "honest work" to have a full forensic audit, A full forensic audit, Clear enough?
Hey, don't NDP support FOI, transparency, accountability, legality, paper trials or just two-faced?
Yes, Tom Adair even short changed and cheated the Teamsters not only his own "brothers and sisters" allowing the further absurdity of unskilled carpenters, untrained carpenters (some well paid women beaters) to be paid far more than clearly those "really":
- specially trained,
- specially certified,
- highly insured
- far more capital equipment cost responsibility than a low voltage drill.
- and as far as supply chain dynamics and PMI guidelines, a critical channel for real Just-in-Time bottom-line stuff, if not screwed around by lazy incompetent department heads wasting investors to studio and sister unions time and money and with tax payer credits. True? False?.
Are we clear here as well? More? Having "really" driven 5 ton trucks and as well rental return cars in university, and even taxi in Montreal, and as well and as key worked with dozens of carpenters on real and film set construction sites, this cheat on teamsters just makes point on the abuses by others in the criminal elite and of many others as well. And other unions. And what a criminal two-faced freak and sleaze Tom Adair "really" is. True? False?
My family members did not die in war, nor the old Veteran served, that I helped recently, who helped Canada in Europe, while in Ottawa, done and died so that this disgusting low life criminal "cowardly women beating" ignorant garbage from other countries and sadly some real born Canadian criminals, could all be so easily criminally enriched with such limited experience, skill, training or education and hrting honest Canadians. And worse as woman beaten and children cheated as again by such grossly very uneducated and very-very arrogant elitist misogynist human cowardly dirt and as honest suffer. True or false?
I do not want women in my family or friends and their daughters to suffer these sick and tragic crooks and idiots, women beatings or cover-up, nor this suppression, harassment and violence others in this criminal cream "literally laugh about" with their clever cover-up too many have witnessed. They also brag too much in front of too many of their clever and very cowardly crimes.
Better? All this Hour Bank crime and BS and millions and millions in tax credits enriching: criminals, women beaters, junkies, drunks and misogynistic types all witnessed or on record. And best hour bank docs showing criminals left the biggest paper trail possible in all Canadian Legal history, oddly when bragging and laughing about creating missing files and "no paper trail". This as I guess even Conrad Black may have laughed at, once, at first, before jail time? And he could afford the most expensive lawyers possible?
This further documenting both their gross stupidity and arrogance and as ignorant uneducated bullies will, and as key: their selfish sleaze at majority and "all" stakeholder tragic expense - and paid so very well? True? False?
Hey, for fun, just guess what even a simple linear regression shows for those not too simple minded as correlation of those who support women beaters like Mitch Davies and Tom Adair do, and as per documentation and their meaningful non-BS actions or lack thereof? Just fun math? And against the ratio of slime and criminals who best benefit as indexed also illustrates? More fun math? Graphs to follow. And as such, only the highly uneducated and stupid and very enriched criminals even with everything to lose now stupid enough to try debate or bluff against real honest facts these facts not real? (See Internal trial transcripts), (See show and production spreadsheets collected for decades?).
Sleaze and criminal gangs so intelligent and so honest with the criminal executive they all support and who all support hour bank fraud, can't all be so very highly paid and yet so stupid at same time? Can they? Can they? Really? Just having fun. Numbers will be much more fun later with top minds like John Brummitt to Frank "Da' Fraud" Haddad, as a once trusted treasurer before wine and investment problems - and oddly again another of Rob Maier's gang? Oddly? And in high places, and again with no background in finance or senior management just incompetent dirt and vegetable depth and with losing others money and paying too much or costing too much while paid too much? Fact.? Like Rob Maier's Fool Boy Johnny Brummtt. Both loads of fun for RCMP to play with, play off or against each other, and good for great laughs before dealing with the seriously sick Don Ramsden. Or the vomit vixen Dusty Kelly? Or Rob "Rob-them-All" Maier.
The ratio or lack of Aboriginal, Asian, African and other races not enjoying the tax credit enriching criminals also of note for human rights people reading this blog. This white supremacist factor also of note as for some in criminal executive elite oddly not a problem? The related anecdotal tales amusing where the issue very sad and serious.
Universal medical coverage something all Canadians and Liberals can be proud of and as put into law by Liberals, as other "talked", they did. Yes, yes, yes, NDP started the "talk" and supported Pearson - but what choice did they have? However: Libs did it.
Net: Here is why those cheated need all proceeds of crime seized from Homes and Cars to Bank Accounts and all asset values with absolute maximum jail time.
Ideally "seizure before judgement" as amounts involved literally in millions. And do note also, that these folks, by precedent, plus law plus amounts, plus their own sleazy legal history support "border alert and flight risk". Yes or no? True or false?
5) Are a few of these crimes punishable by sentences exceeding 5-10 years, and with seizure of all proceeds of crime? And with standard three tier laundering done as pay, power and perks galore and easy to prove for clearly "how often" the less far experienced, talented and less educated as compared to many others, are grossly so well paid and do what? Makes a very honest and valid point as well with all other facts - and that seizure from vehicles and homes to bank account and with "seizure before judgement" again possibly a giant "GIVEN" - and again as based on real "legal precedent", and as some clearly and really flight risks. As per others words and terms, Don't trust me? This as with other's history, as fact, before trying to steal less or more, real? Yes or no? True or false?
End of RCMP, CRA suggested easy-handy mobile-friendly smart phone checklist. App to follow.
The above one page clear five point a very-very brief overview and most of all other matters needing literally weeks of criminal investigation, provincial inquiry review, criminal and civil court time.
However, sadly for criminal elite and ignorant frauds and key criminal supporters, cheerleaders and spokes-models, like Mitch Davies, fearing jail time, this ABOVE ONE PAGE FIVE POINT statement all RCMP need to carry in pocket and not read more (but hope they do) and possibly these claims so brief , as now far beyond any intelligent counter debate and challenging, providing the very best initial documentation and so crystal clear.
All set for exposing to legal "satisfaction of courts" all the fact that these sick self-serving selfish criminal sleaze - on steroids need jail..
And more disgusting, than a history of conspiracy of repeated lying to RCMP as to defame, coerce, intimate, obstruct, creating economic interference, and as to
wrongfully prosecute others and while cheating tax payers to beating women and cover-up, and cheating (as they termed their own coworkers they "mostly of majority" cheated and far too often) those they cheated referred to as their "brothers and sisters". Adding salt to the wound. How sick is that?
And this big bust already made much easier by many of the most important and extremely helpful criminals. Those who handled my motivation, and gave me very key insights into degree of criminality, conspiracy, network and methodology and now deserve their full credit. Full credit for their gross stupidity and arrogance identifying other criminals and their "friends" as sadly also as key criminals and in support by adding their involvement to others criminal stupidity . Tom Adair a case in point. And simply revealing - and knows all? John Brummitt and some very crazed lady wall paper hanger, who handled all key IT issues for Rob Maier's gang's crimes, so criminals respected more and held less in disrepute? Yes, other criminal acts must be seen to be believed by RCMP, RCMP will have to give this unmatched actress with tears and tales an academy award. She alone worth the price of a feature film to watch babble and cry.
Really, without Rob Maier's gang of impressive and dog-loyal loyal top buyers/wall paper pro protection and great honest Frank Haddad - and even the thankless humiliatingly lower paid efforts of John Brummitt, we couldn't prove this and their criminal conspiracy or fully bust Rob Maier? Just have to "satisfy" a criminal court not walk on water or beyond a reasonable doubt stuff criminals like to hide behind when meant to protect innocent.
Poor Rob Maier. If not for the criminal nut cases in his gang, lies to RCMP, theft plus, trial transcripts Rob could have been laughing all the way to the bank now. And maybe now very soon crying? Maybe even before Christmas? And thinking himself once long-long time ago such a very clever criminal, and not having now to fully accept he's really just a creepy, cowardly sneaky stealing slime. And just another low-life crook cheating coworkers, And other departments, suppliers, employers, investors, provincial and Federal government, CRA and in a way, even Rob's sick handy criminal and corrupt union, High Five all for Wallpaper Pros and Tool Boys (as per JS) helping destroy Rob Maier and Don Ramsden? Rob Maier's gang/people made him. And now have helped absolutely destroy him - and must further help RCMP now for any small chance as to reduce their jail time. Ironic? Why best to hire smart people and honest people should now be clear to some - and exactly why not hire the dumbest of the bunch.
For me, if some guy just left an international engineering firm working on advanced software, at the highest executive levels, and directly for a noted Oxford Scholar, and had not only "glowing references" and in fact driving his previous employers car as to help others as then permits get to shows, and where asked to speak at an international engineering firm AGM had also international recognition from Hollywood, heck, I'd suspect they were just a bit smarter than the pathetic cowardly criminal fakes and frauds named here. True or False? Shall we compare "honest fact based realities"?
If not for Don Ramsden's gang of also "very selected:" "very uneducated" dummies like Dusty Kelly, Tom Adair, Dixie Cutlure, and oddly again everybody's lowest paid sidekick "John Brummitt" (also very uneducated, oddly - and not very experienced or accomplished either, like the others) it would not be so easy to bust so many. So well. This stated for those who like repeating patterns. Or might miss them? Simply JB just another Don Ramsden all-star sleaze selection, as he was with/for Rob Maier's gang, Top smart guy criminals like Rob Maier and Don Ramsden I guess like dumb John Brummitt and Tom Adair types as a low IQ and low cost criminal support, and very low maintenance for their clearly criminal superiors, one should suspect - as such kiss asses as hundreds have witnessed? Hundreds?
(Video Insert?)
Becomes a tad obvious or just coincidence the need by those like Don Ramsden and Rob Maier to surround and select the known and obvious very dumb low-self esteem people, kiss-ass and easy to control types and taught so easily to "obey and beg" for far bigger pay.
Intelligent honest people clearly are trouble makers. Always have been?
Note: Don Ramsden not playing favorites. Brummitt also very qualified as perfectly dog-loyal stupid by his almost unmatched intellect and integrity as to ALSO be in Gavin Craig's and Rob Maier's gang? Three gang worthy? Popular slime and criminal isn't he? Even if John Brummitt getting paid far less and far longer by Don's games helping Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly seem honest, educated and credible. Hilarious and humiliating.
Hilarious and humiliating. Just like what lady super star in union service marketing with the most union experience and related education, and got the free trip to Europe? Something that real new business and real marketing and real educated marketing experts know as just more misappropriation of funds and fraud? Did we not learn from the Bible with Adam and Eve only idiots take apples from the devil they don't deserve. As Dusty did from Don? Like a mob sting they'll use apple tasting to compromise manipulate the stupid later?
Gavin Craig , no fool, well other than trusting John Brummitt and his key effort in supporting very serious lies to RCMP involving wrongful prosecution, obstruction and criminal defamation? Hey, not just anyone can beat a raving nut case and former possible Campbell's Soup Model" in a corrupt, controlled limited election and then quickly earn the trust and respect that members and your own executive put you on trial. After-all Gavin also had John Brummitt's brains "also" helping Gavin's gang as well - and one of the classiest ladies who must be seen to be believed Susan Butler Grey also a key player as RCMP files note too well. Who had the more stupid, cowardly criminal gang? Hard to say. Hard to say. And so odd as so easy to say everything else?
The Ken Anderson gang sadly not worthy to mention here as the stupidest and most arrogant as so incredibly sleazy and stupid I'll save to add humour for criminal prosecution and Inquiry. Ken made stand alone labour history for bad faith and now must have RCMP believe his lies? And now so many know what an asshole he can't run for anything as only self-interest support surrounds him hardly the poster folks for intellect or integrity.
Important Note?
After years asking all those named as slime and criminals to simply meet me one-on-one at RCMP offices, as to protect their honest good names, careers and prove themselves as not cowardly, sick slime and criminals as I claim, and to also prove they are in absolute fact are: more highly educated, experienced then those they judge and that they as fakes are not only empowered by criminal and corrupt non-democratic, non-representative illegal elections and bylaws, and that they do have the real intellect and integrity to justify their insane pay far beyond teachers and nurses and most in law enforcement. This John Brummitt can make so clear that they do have intellect and integrity and are not extremely cowardly slime deserving of maxed jail time. True? False?
Just (1) one? Just (1) one? Just (1) one?
I even asked for just (1) one spokesperson, if all the criminal cowards not willing to do RCMP visit as honest people would do, and just have this informed third party clear everything up with RCMP if cowards so afraid. Fast. So easy if not afraid of 5-10 years or hands all clean. Very easy. If hands all clean?
And as all with superior intellect and integrity - like the five above, I clearly claim as cowardly criminal slime and as certainly as some of the 475 adults asking for a full forensic audit of these and other's honest work would support? So should present no problem for their well witnessed intellect and integrity? Unless afraid of five years plus in jail as one might guess. Plus obstruction time.
Even RCMP and Criminal Court Judges and new Liberal MPs reading this and considering supporting an RCMP investigation and BC Liberals for a full Provincial Inquiry might also guess something very-very strange here?
Hey and if I'm pushed against the wall I'm willing to even accept ,yes even accept just (1) one spokesperson who can sit with me and RCMP and explain how simply hour bank not a highly multi-million crime by criminal and highly over paid morons? Hey, I even promise I won't even bring up the other serious and smaller jail time crimes. Or talk linear regressions and elasticity. I'll keep it as simple as possible and as needed by their best brains and spokesperson. As just courtesy I'll suggest RCMP have handcuffs ready. Again absolutely no one has anything to fear and literally much to gain if honest and clean hands.
And too show what super sick women beating supporting types are, as well as actual women beaters, and certainly as well as bullies and cowards and pathetic frauds that these criminals are, how about just one (1) of their "very-very smartest" of those named meets with me just one-on-one and only has to challenge one (1) of my claims.? Yes their legal defence that sad and tragic. They are now learning what stupid slime and sleaze they are. Slowly, but the smarter ones learning and should squeal for a deal and a plea bargain that won't destroy their remaining life,
How sad is it? How obvious?
Consider the overwhelming legal optics if two "top international negotiators" like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair and who can go head-to-head with head of the NDP Adrian Dix, Hollywood and Big unions but appears afraid out of their total f@#kin' minds to simply negotiate with one of John Brummitt's defined labourers? How humiliating is that? And at the RCMP offices they get tons of protection in case I get threatening. And not simply making RCMP laugh at these two fakes and criminals and their very desperate LAST LIES very obvious?
And to be very clear
I also intend to legally defame, expose, embarrass, humiliate "all" the cowardly slimy selfish criminals named (and soon to be named) and to be as extremely cruel, abusive, harassing. Just as they were to many victims from single mothers to the marginalized. This while on their big bogus ego trip and gross illusion as superior to others and fit to dare judge others.
This Chinese Water Torture for five years until sentenced. Or?ABUSE until "full" confessions to RCMP. FULL! Yes, folks get ready for "Argument Ad Hominem" on steroids. And with exacting details as possible from their obvious small men and small penis women beating approval issues and the thus resulting legal optics? And as classy trustworthy women beaters or main supporters of women beaters. And abuse and ridicule for this trash pretending to have class Only those with clean hands have nothing to fear. And do step forward if not supporting these criminals or again the legal optics stink?
The best part is now these criminal slime have to deal with dozens and dozens in our legal system, media and government. Those far-far more honest, far-far more educated, far smarter - as a given, (This takes seconds in some cases to prove). And as the media, legal system and most MPs and MLAs can't also be coerced and intimidated or bought, things not as pretty as some think? And these people not only unstable with beating women, others throw dishes, sunglasses and pens at people when lost for words and mouth can only froth as witnessed if teeth not secure. And I will also as my last effort demonstrate how some of the best and brightest of these criminals supporting either of Don Ramsden's Cultler-Kelly Gangs, Producer and Art Director Rob Maier's Gang, and Gavin's very smart lying to RCMP conspiracy gang: may not in honest literal fact have the vocabulary or EQ of KOKO the Gorilla. Yes, the legal too easy to prove I want this chance as well to prove this. Even if paid more than KOKO and most in legal, academia, media, women?
And for those woman criminals who think their good looks and warm smile, charm or a bit of court room cleavage or a stupid wiggle like Dusty and Susan BG may try, as one suspects has some tire wear on frustrated politicians and union power heavies like Tom Adair just won't wash and will work they are insane. Tears of a tyrant and a screaming mad lady will again serve its own purpose.
I'll also cover, added with the brave and brilliant women beating "fighting men" (those kinda men?) to tax cheats, further exposure and ridicule of the low-life low and expose the real education and accomplishments and full merit of their sick women friends as well. Yes. And these ladies highly dysfunctional families and "dish-throwing" marriages to their greed creating issues for their children and best to be compared to real ladies I know. Nuns and Legal schoilars. Yes, "real classy women" as some members know well and from legal scholars to real world big high profile company owners. Classy, intelligent, strong women. Not cheap dirt. Yes, my choice. And as well more and more details on the pivital and poignant Monica Lewinsky factor possibly too evident with these greedy sick ladies with their little-league lust for power and money they could not on their own intellect or integrity justify and will be further detailed.
Hint: Don't let Brummitt offer Dusty a cigar outside courtroom before Adrian Dix asked to testify?
Just a heads up if you will on legal optics. Yes. Those women who sell all other women and women's issues short, by sickeningly protecting women beaters as to bully and abuse others must be totally ridiculed as they treat others when they once laughed. Ignoring other women's harassment and suppression for decades. Yes, you can put lipstick on a big ugly sweaty pig but legal optics are legal optics as they say.
And do check why only these sick cowardly criminals and other tragic life-losers as after recognized fully for their integrity, intellect. management depth, experience and education back exactly where they were twenty years ago and their previous juniors now their equal or superiors as we see with Rob Maier.
Soon Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will be, if not in jail or blacklisted from every union possible have serious difficulty finding jobs as they will be watched until sentenced. And even if just community service stuff all they suffer with large fines and settlements, I;ll be happy. Not super happy. Yes, Paul I know I can crush you in civil court? Obviously? Don't you? You saw a smart lawyer and found out how incredbibly stupid and criminal you are? Like the others will.
And do compare my biggest critics and oddly my fans, friends, family and supporters as so very-very different. Legal optics. Very-very different. And certainly far-far-far more honest, accomplished, experienced, educated and recognized from top legal and science Oxford scholars and top award winning CBC investigative journalist (to start), three graduate business schools and two Federal political parties, One possibly very top forensic shrink very familiar with real Clifford Olson types and other such criminal behavior (Med degree at 21)? Including, as my character witnessed various "top" documentary, ad, film and TV producers, art directors (an ex) and writers and from shows like Trailer Park Boys from Maritime to Terminal City on Vancouver Island. And mpore unions in between then these criminals ever worked for. Having written, directed and produced many ads and managed up to three TV ad productions simultaneously in Toronto, and having had as subordinates and employees top award winning Art Directors and Designers and real and actual studies and degree in such things, I know a fraud and fake when I see one. And can simply ask questions fakes can't answer as buyers, department heads, accountants, and for basic business skills, basic math, geometry, computer tools, budgeting and estimating as per "real world".
As fact all named, and to be named:"very sick and sad": Women Beaters, Crooks, Criminals, Tax and Pension Fraud Cheats" - and as are their "dog-loyal uneducated supporters" all sad fakes and frauds? Any bets?
Start with top criminals and top dogs pictured and named above. Have them all fully and completely exposed!" Guess which one is which pictured above. RCMP will. And they will be right?
The "whole" truth and nothing but the truth - is always so key.
With the misogynist it starts as almost invisible career suppression of females (as documented from top female stars like Lawrence's Hollywood pay disparity to lowest paid female painter or paint brush cleaner at a small union local - as witnessed such as Dusty Kelly having trouble being seriously respected as a department head or some absurd lead to sign-writer scenic title), This when not fooling anyone she's best of best pretending she's an executive and international "investment and marketing " new business development expert when others really do have marketing and investment, education and experience and can prove her trips not simply all no merit or measured results but criminal misappropriation of funds with or without C-377 - and prove her fraud there and with trustee issues even far worse with Tom Adair - and in her her paint covered best).
Then the next level extremely cowardly sexual harassment. As witnessed from paint to props and breach of duty to compliance a whole other issue The small man and small penis with a big mouth, who needs to demean those females in any weaker position as case in point This, again, so not missed, we can define from Paint to Props department and for decades. Usually this abuse by superiors or those who have criminal elite handy to support as they "intimidate and coerce" and threaten economic interference adds leverage and cover for the abuse. Or worse.
Then the sicker they get: date rape, rape and as noted, then murder. The Col. Russel Williams and Ted Bundy charm and authority posturing some try and now must document and demonstrate should not fool anyone. How abut a forensic third party opinion poll or random focus groups on this? However,protected witness testimony makes enough clear here as well.
We take no prisoners. No special consideration.
We'll also help to "fully prosecute all others" guilty beyond those listed and named here (Key Friends and Family, if also criminals, plus the other known women beaters and dead beat dads to tacit and direct conspiracy membership and tax cheats). otal scorched earth and 24/7 carpet bombing awaits hose thinking themselves safe.
Those slime thinking they are safe in their critical "job covers" (as at criminal casinos try with "covers" including some regular honest staff as smoke screen just so cliche' ) and as key secondary criminal elite and "critical aid and abetting" to inner criminal inner top circle criminal conspiracy, must also "all" be exposed. Plus also smaller slime must also be fully investigated, charged, prosecuted and sentenced in criminal and civil courts. All. Even if an impressive MBA or office staff who must answer to much higher standards?
Can it be any funnier than Ken Anderson with an impressive MBA from Canada Post working beside him or with him gets real clever and plays with international mail fraud on internal trial appeal and with registered mail. What an ignorant idiot as many more now also know from members to BC LRB?
NOTE: Millions sitting on table here for law firms reading this wanting to defend this pile of ignorant human garbage and mos with multiple charges? With the amount of reading and many-many meetings to know "all key facts" and all players, we estimate each criminals defence can easily be pushed to bill in excess of $200,000, 00 - certainly for the super clever ones who will still lie or try and deceive RCMP far more. They should ask Gavin Craig to show "honest books" how I can run up others legal bills. Hey, sorry my law profs at Loyola and Carleton university nuts about "Legal Realism"? However, where I've busted or helped expose MBA's, CA's, a PHD, CEO, a GM and a VP or seriously crippled their careers I have never seen so much incompetent slime and hypocrisy anywhere else. In an other business or any other union. In business sexual harassment he bright business Brit gone literally by noon. Here those who are women beaters or know for harassment or bullying women get big pay for what "twenty years". Nobody is going o be fooling anyone, How obvious:

Guess who present president and re-election candidate Mitch Davies is in fact "honestly" aiding and abetting" the most?
Criminals and women beaters and major tax cheats
Honest whistle blowers?
(For those having trouble feel free to use phone o call a friend for help on his big brain buster)
Mitch or Witch? Bitch or Mitch? Which is Which? What a presidential choice.
(Slogan for Mitch to use in election?)
His lack of many supportive e-mails as "documents of decent" to me by Mitch (as lawyers should have advised idiots earlier, as others did, and now far too late for the stupid ones). And like the thousand supporting witnesses oddly all missing for internal trials, this also literally speaks volumes about just how stupid, sick and sleazy some are from executive elite and certainly drunkard and treasurer Frank Haddad to Rob Maier's gang - all trying to make that criminal Rob Maier happy? And avoid as absurd as it sounds "disrepute" for Rob Maier and oddly a key priority issue for 891 gang? Some with smarter legal sent me letters of decent years ago? If only the three little pigs had known?
If you think e-mails make Harper people and Hilary people all scared stiff and can justify jail time for a few clowns, wait to you see what those far-far less educated and with much smaller IQs like Ken Anderson (already proven a sleaze and not trust worthy by BC LRB: See File.) sends by registered mail, Or the very strange wordings from Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Elmar and others to me in emails? And for real revelation one must also read internal trial transcripts and related correspondence? Tears and all any shrink can explain. Stuff he criminal's lawyers should have been reading years ago and now far too hard, late and expensive to catch-up. And worse no paper trail. Legal optics? See how it all backfires? The ignorant ignore. And ignore that "real" knowledge is "real"power.
Confession? I am very aware that should RCMP find: I'm really the lying sicko fake and big time union criminal fraud and thief, and I threaten honest, respected, and loved union members children and including Gavin Craig in hat group of children as per RCMP files - and even after my volunteer polygraph and dozens of ex girlfriends and two nuns testify what a women hater I am not, and those I claim criminals and human garbage in fact, all are or myself so wrong it will have helped either way and eiher side? Let RCMP and Criminal and Civil courts with a Full Provincial Inquiry decide. Don't trust me or anyone?
Yes if I'm lying I should be the one busted and doing maxed jail time. If not then them?, his is important for women to honest workers. if I'm the slime, criminal and pathological liar and not to trust me or my type ever - and best to trust their local union executive even more. And so after tested on integrity against my teams adversity, Dusty can soon lead the NDP. Don Ramsden can be a spokesmodel for domestic violence. And better even Dusty can now succeed where Hollywood date Adrian Dix failed on both credibility and integrity. And then not even her ex husband could "hold her back". We need a full forensic investigation to help Dusty and her dream?
Critical Federal Election done, dust settles and political support fully (for this monster legal case),now best defined and available. Note: Two major federal parties my previous employer as a very "real" senior paid executive in Federal Elections and Economic Initiatives - and with written reference from Senator Grafstein (Lib) for helping Ron Basford (Lib) flip Quadra also documented). This before I was in this very sick industry and like literally hundreds of honest men and women suffering such low-life, highly uneducated, unethical, serious stealing cowardly criminal sleaze, slime and frauds. Now I'm supporting Green Party and Liz May as Environment Minister. I like underdogs like John Turner and Kokanee beer? Yes, I didn't just help oddly Liberals flip Quadra as documented for Liberals, just check out the decade Canada's main national trade mag "Marketing Magazine" listed me "really" as Landmark as per my recognition in Hollywood and New York. But not CreativeBC?
I also worked for the brains behind Mulroney as well as Conservatives later, as many know. This with Stanley Hartt's and for his and his brother's "detective agency". Their Dad helped Liberal PM Pearson get a Nobel Peace prize. One was to get me to see Bob Dylan and Leanord Cohen;s manager and to give Joni Mitchell a gift during :Rolling Thunder" and evacuation of Viet Nam? Check? Yes, not just CBC work for me with top investigative and award winning producer Terrance Mckenna - and note fans and other work including with the big money from Yorkton behind Lions Gate, Small money?when in investor relations? Even some stuff with big law firms in Vancouver.
What criminals will need to know is why the top lawyer in Montreal "Cookie Lazarus" who oddly represented Justin Trudeau's mother, also helped me in 1979 with other criminals. And far more scary who paid my bill for Canada;s most expensive legal? Too bad Liberals won.
Too bad the RCMP have a problem with 400 members internal class action efforts hurting image and need to show counter balance Hopefully this legal case can make RCMP and BC Liberals and Federal Liberals clearly Super Heroes for all women, honest workers and honest taxpayers, industry and Canada. All across Canada. Heroes helping here is worth millions in message credibility for authentic RCMP acts and message with a case(s) such as this, and all across Canada. Credibility and Likability that helped make Jphn Turner win Quadra that helped Kokanee Beer make millions, Cred' Mulcair would now o die for and Hero points Harper and PC would pay millions for in hindsight And all with this one easy low cost case. Almost by design? To bad to the victor go the spoils as NDP head Adrian Dix learned. Think Dusty Kelly buying a new dress when next polls on NDP are done?
After Federal and local elections finshed Nov 1, criminal charges will be finally started as a Christmas gift for Criminals, and will be very slowly made as to best shake up others with old and tired nerves, less energy and some menal slowness evident, and as some now feeble, and thus now far more painful for sleaze to now be fully exposed and do jail time. New local President and New Business as soon very unlucky stars, will define target strat and start. Best days are gone for all criminals. Next five years in criminal courts for themselves, family, friends and others and suffering Provincial Inquiries and serious main and not media exposure and that extreme humiliation or those once so proud of their bogus titles and criminal enrichment get theirs.
Who is first rat to run the very-very legal maze? Pathetic Paul Klassen well documented as aiding and abetting and playing god helping a criminal gang criminally defame by malice or gross negligence as standard of care and due diligence failure more than spotlights? Paul should ask a op lawyer what his stupidity costs as per recent defamatory awards for such similar cases?
Maybe charge Dusty Kelly? Dee Embry? Gavin Craig? Rob Maier? Susan Butler-Grey? Maybe double-up and we play match-maker?
Maybe do super fast thinker Mr. Body Language: John Brummitt , as pride-of-the-pack first? And see if we can trick him and ego again into believing once again that he and Gavin Crag far more intelligent than the far-far more educated and clever RCMP. Both so arrogant and so ignorant.
And have this super coward, sneak and porn freak and puppy kicker tricked into telling more and more lies to RCMP. Nice trap? He should do a volunteer poly and prove my claims not as I claim. That easy if not a sick cowardly pathetic lying criminal with "Everything to hide". Exactly.This trapping as to both to dig his hole deeper and deeper and maybe even get RCMP really angry and insulted and pumped for his other criminal friends before they get to turn on charm - and this as to get RCMP best to know John Brummitt and his winning words and charms.
Big Bet?
This scenario sadly as all other criminals bet big time on John Brummitt not to blow it "all" in questioning and for all the carefully crafted questions as we can see RCMP have mastered from Senate and Security investigations and bust to Bikers and Serial Killers. No need for criminals like om Adair, Brummitt so much smarter than RCMP. The fact that KOKO the guerrilla has a larger vocabulary and word recognition should not worry anyone with clean hands..
Maybe after a few days of questioning and busted as liar and feeling all hope lost, he totally rats out others from what Tom Adair knows and when. And why Don Ramsden who helped criminals Rob Maier, Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly get so much money and John Brummitt didn`t, and thus JB already very humiliated and laughed at by many who can do math. Possibly other criminals? And sadder really, he thought he should be president and as respected like Dusty Kelly. And maybe best represent local in Cannes, New York to Hollywood, and like Dusty did with others money in trust, Well it would have to be a vote whether John Brummitt has far more class than Dusty. He dresses better. Also with no meaningful education, experience, ethics or intellect. But more charm. Warmer. Teeth in or out you'll love him.
These traps and tricks done for maxing John Brummitt`s well-deserved jail time and for added possible obstruction to contempt charges he should be well baited with. As he knows "all things" he could "squeal for a deal", rat out absolutely everyone and get police protection. And maybe walk? He deserves jail time, as with others, and nothing less - even if he goes down all alone. Unless he sings? Sings a song. Sings it loud. Sings it long?
Or might do Rob Maier last, so any effort OTHER THAN : full "honest" confession on all matters and ratting out rest of his gang as others have by then done to him, so as any defense absolutely pointless. Absolutely.
This easy as Rob Maier won't know or have a clue what RCMP and CRA know before questioning from "protected witnesses" and many previous employees and employers "not treated well" and just threatened? And those very inside who'd rat him out and all his gang.
"Protected witnesses"? Those who will be very honest about who and what Rob Maier "really is: from known: honest loving protective father (as RCMP files do not support) and very loyal honorable husband (which many know a myth) and extremely trusted and very respected coworker (This a laugh when protected witnesses from just Art Department talk ) and an honest employee (Where did the budget go? and so much expensive glass?) to simply a very solid union brother, and he votes for Dusty Kelly and not me, just as criminals forced to do when played as idiots again - and soon Rob Maier will be crying and begging for any break possible. And certainly then extremely upset with crazy wino Frank Haddad and his best buyer ever and their stupid internal trials? Any break. His dog-loyal support people will look how disgustingly cowardly, sneaky, dirty and criminal by default?
So probably no chance of "squeal for a deal" as Rob Maier last to be charged, John Brummit and Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly will also probably be charged last - and hopefully investigated last, when RCMP "extremely well informed by their friend criminals, and many of those also disgusted by those who are both text book and checklist:
megalomaniac narcissistic, sociopaths and clearly sneaky creepy and cowardly small man, small penis, women beaters, wife cheaters to known misogynistic, harassment and suppression bullies - wanna bet? Check. The few women criminals involved classic textbook obvious low esteem types and traitors to women rights to tax payers. Three little pigs with lipstick, still three little pigs.
They must also accept testimony from those who oddly also hate them and know them well as fakes, bullies and frauds, as many comments to this blog also support (And Mitch Davies election Material babbles about with what exact results three years later? Exact? But supports my claims about problems in the past but far from as honestly as I do) - and add those not fooled by Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly charm or the very dumb and dog-loyal, as their support, both documented and witnessed to be witnessed will prove. Why did Don Ramsden surround himself with those with such low IQ's, little real world experience and less education and desperately needing to feel important? Anyone see a theme who he kept in and who he kept out or bought off oddly far brighter? Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly like those stupid enough to believe his BS about why seniority earned but lost (A Wall Street too big to fail story only more disgusting with bailout in this story) and his and hers many other lies. Hope he's still head coach for all the losers in his gang who trust him.
And best after protected witnesses "tell all", it will be so clear to all, as with RCMP and CRA what lying slime both Ramsden and Brummitt really are, and needed to be, as with other idiots thinking lying to protect criminals (with clear added wrongful prosecution) to RCMP a third time in a criminal investigation is not also criminal obstruction? They are top of class idiots as trial transcripts detail nicely others, And either added obstruction, criminal defamation or wrongful prosecution alone, simply great for very serious added jail time. Hope they are all as stupid as ever and act in blind solidarity. And all have more lies.
The criminals really could make me look very stupid and could pull an end run and turn themselves all in, and all rat out each other on all crimes as to get better sentences and wanting far less stress plus far less and very painful personal and financial exposure for next years? Hope the criminals appreciate the hours and days, months and years plus costs that this case will involve for those finally all named. And how humiliating for those who craved respect as not slime and/or idiots?
Tom Adair would be very popular in a medium security penitentiary with his endless self-serving babbling and BS and deserves no less, as such a fraud and coward clearly helping women beaters for more than a decade keep their dirty secrets and yet has all the paid time in the world for documenting condemning those who put women beaters in "disrepute", while as such an honourable and class act, cowardly condemning those far-far more accomplished and far more educated for demanding oddly with literally hundreds in support (475) : for a full forensic audit . This 100% fact. And as those far-far more educated can see clearly "obviously" per above, not the stupid. lazy, uninformed or the criminals involved supporting this criminal defamation of honest people? And as obvious, to those far-far more educated or with just extremely higher IQs and EQs, the criminals voted for criminals who are not whistle blowers. Not for me? Criminals couldn't vote for me as I doubt that stupid? Numbers don't lie. Can it be more obvious?
Some ask why low voter turnout in a corrupt and criminal union? Well, folks in marketing they sometimes have to explain to idiots who own restaurants, if just one meal made people sick or food smelt bad or service by gross incompetence and no fair value those customers are not coming back. And no matter what's new on the menu or appitite appealing pix and copy? Fortunately where these slime in union executive don't get it. when advising, Buss Fuller's people at Earl's, Corkscrew and other restaurants in chain they got it?
Or is Don Ramsden hoping to win another election again based, and so critical, keeping dirty secrets of beaten women and pay-offs from majority of membership, with misappropriation of funds, breach of trust and breach of clear mandate, with membership and seniority fraud, plus, plus, plus? So like other honourable executive types, as known, he can also try and steal members money and leave country as others have tried. Is he a flight risk? Looks like it?
So many-many dirty-dirty secrets these sleaze now must worry about and for RCMP to "fully" expose o help Canada as they do. So many crimes, so many criminals. A legal and possible political feast? And for honest and talented workers, the chance of a far more productive, positive and crime free workplace and for BC taxpayers no more need for tax credits as now used to enrich criminals for decades and support criminal family dynasties.
RCMP with CRA, can now get ready, and in less than 2 days, for the official, formal, final start. of "biggest BC cyber-criminal case against corrupt and very criminal union executives in all Canadian legal history" to begin (Check with Lawyers why biggest ever?).
And soon, also help easily put these 5 above as very sleazy women beaters to multi-million dollar pension and tax cheats (plus other major crooks) all in Jail. All! And their 29 sick criminal tax-cheating friends.
Time to fully test and define Bill C-377 as a law in the courts - and as a very "pro-union" clean-up law or not. Or just maybe needing some added tweaking by courts and by NDP. PC and Lib, so a solid blueprint on forced transparency, accountability and oversight on legal compliance for governance for all cases where public funds in trust? This as to clean up extremely criminal and corrupt unions as this basket of bozos proves in spades. This for all honest union workers and all tax payers cheated - not to use C-377 for the many honest unions. Hey, even police have problems:
" - Sep 18, 2015
Ont. - An Ontario Provincial Police officer has been arrested and charged after an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of funds".
More on why this case later and KMPG tax reference, plus how a poor confuse homeless confused teen got four months jail for just $200 theft, this as to "best define time in jail" proportionately for this scum like Tom Adair and others who cheated honest workers of in reality even more and on an almost daily basis and have helped by breach of duty or cowardly silence in millions enrich criminals. This also 100% fact. This also not just $200.00 Hundreds cheated, and really insanely larger amounts involved. Tom Adair did very well with very little education, little meaningful experience, being an asshole, and a bit much with women, and at best an average carpenter-labour skill set - and considered by many, as even a less than average carpenter and far more a fraud and asshole when truth all told.

Here below a very recent and telling unsolicited quote from a candidate's recent election material, now running for president of this very sick corrupt and criminal union executive and the union and coworkers they hurt and cheat in many ways and many times:
CH: "... Why would I need a confidentiality agreement to a budget that every member should be able to see? I soon found out, and that is a question you as a member should be asking. By the end of the meeting my blood was boiling, but a very important point is I knew "exactly who" stood to benefit the members and who didn't. "
Will certain MLAs blood boil? Will criminal court judges blood boil? Should we do focus groups? And for more hard facts the RCMP "really" have taken down far bigger, far smarter and far more powerful who thought their lies so very clever and smarter than RCMP. But failed. And RCMP have been charmed certainly by far-far more intelligent and attractive women in smaller sizes and using far less make-up and real masters of smiles and tear tears - so good luck ladies. Break a leg and try and win the academy award you dreamed of as brilliant actresses.
Most idiots even do realize you don't go into a boxing ring against paid professional fighters who fight every day and with hundreds of knockouts like RCMP dealing with top-of-class sleazy liars everyday - and the criminals here really think they gotta' chance anyone will bet on? Criminals and morons with a very complex symphony of lies needed and in so many cases and in so many ways: odds not good for lies "working"? Think JFK had a better chance of leaving Dallas than Tom Adair. 475 plus shooters by metaphor in every building by metaphor and literally involving all levels of law enforcement and politics (as fact), makes a solid comparison to day in Dallas - and this for others to note all those not criminals and not worried at just being caught being honest and heroes? Clear? What side would you like to be on as not to look extremely criminal and sleazy and maybe more humiliating very stupid and disgusting.
Bill C-377 and new police call line if PC win has some serious merit with this slime?
Funny, three of the candidates now running for local president - who have been around far too long, now thinking being President will help them better financially to dodge and hide from RCMP with members money "again" or use misappropriated funds to diminish their new real image as sick, cowardly and "sneaky" serious criminals with again real crimes. And more money from members for vanity photographs. And as many know more crimes than simply women beating and cover-up to tax fraud or as just assholes helping other criminals from breach of trust to compliance too many to mention here.
They're idiots thinking they can fool enough they "honestly" have the "clean hands", integrity, intellect, experience or education and to fake they have the best interest of others. a joke. Hundreds not fooled clearly. Soon thousands. Those working 10-16 hour days with the use of DDD made famous in Montreal at McGill by Dr. Cameron. at the Allen, (while on CIA pay shows how easily less intelligent union members easily turned to brainless sheeple and so easy to coerce and intimidate with threat of economic interference after a twelve hour day or more and economic interference key as it relates to loan-out companies being also so screwed by such sick unions. And again as such, all these crimes not for simple Labour Board wrist slapping and penny bank fines they laugh at?
As a note I audited the biological and chemical basis of behavior at McGill with a now recognized Labour Psychologist (might be handy) and oddly also as well, she's also still friends with top Oxford-Osgoode Top Labour expert? And I worked for Marconi Military Communications and Dr Bull ( later assassinated by MOSSAD) and Dr. Gandel. I also do far more as a volunteer for veterans and seniors and lead national handicap employment programs than these slime do while paid as well but acting like volunteers for vanity pix?
We can talk more about the very sick and selfish sick minds of Rob Maier, as loving protective father and always loyal husband trusted employer, honest employee and highly respected member, a tad later when his classy bully buddy women beaters with small man, small penis issues, also ridiculed and exposed for full criminal prosecution with him.
What if in addition to the helpful and fun RCMP and those who even liked me, and thought me "fun" in North Van, Jasper, Ottawa/Orleans (when helping Veterans and getting Federal Security Clearance for DND and NRC), the RCMP in Victoria soon also find me "Fun" or worse like me?
Anyone check why was an RCMP officer a friend on Facebook (actually nephew of hockey goalie great Johnny Bower) who like others knows me from Grade School? Funny how ignorant and arrogant Brummtt and Ramsden are when judging others and knowing so very little little.
Is it also too true I lived in Ottawa with those who oddly have also worked and golfed with top Ottawa RCMP for over ten years? Still does? And oddly also one of my key character references on many other matters? Yes same house. Same pool. And far beyond Rob Maier's dream home, no matter how many criminal supplier savings? From windows to workers this man knows how to save money for himself if not employers.
Yes, hoping for more lies, and the signature continuous gross incompetence by far too impressive "criminal committee" by democratic vote and process so proven to date, from these sick and sleazy low-life criminal,s and yes, hoping no full confessions too soon, as also simply "Fun".
Jail time not enough, these sleaze must also be ridiculed and humiliated everywhere possible. This as a serious warning to other criminals, plus to give hope and justice to innocent victims. They really do need to be publicly ridiculed and humiliated in Provincial Inquiry, Criminal and Civil Courts, and all alternative and main stream media, as friends and family to neighbors all get to know the real truth.
The Oxford-Osgoode and McGill top legal brains and SE lawyers and law firms I've worked with and I dated, and a BC Criminal Court Judge I oddly just yesterday debated on Facebook who has known me since 1973, seriously not my only fans. Must add 475 votes for full forensic audit on these slime and the honest executive members - if any left?
Yes, some honest executive did "once exist"? And oddly who even backed me and best directly against small man and small penis complex women beating types as inner circle claim like John Brummitt and king of kings little Donny Ramsden. Poor Don Ramsden and his sick lust for tiny man power, and his ridiculous hopes of real honest respect that real truth soon won't allow him to falsely enjoy ever again.).
Yes, once there was a non-criminal executive as to both over rule Don as president and John Brummitt as the most ignorant and uneducated slime ever as President and a construction chair? And as now obvious trying to bully the wrong people once to often. Both will now die having less respect, money, power after all jail time when pension seized with all assets (as crystal clear proceeds of crime so poorly laundered too often as pay, position and perks).. Their families and "honest" friends should all be very disgusted. As with those involved in abnsurd internal trials and present slime all playing same old game of pretend like Mitch Davies, talk and talk audit, women's issues and do little, get paid absurdly well by money in trust? Just don't bother women beaters and major crooks and you do very well. This as CRA will see when looking closely at John Brummitt's and Dusty Kelly's and friends misleading tax claims.
Important Note: Both power house super brains John Brummitt and his buddy's and the king of kings, little Donny Ramsden. like others all warmly welcome to: quickly and simply prove not the now too obvious cowardly criminal fraud and women beaters (as too many know and not just hearsay) and prove the internal "honest executive" that overturned that asshole Don Ramsden were all wrong. And I'm the lying slime and criminal with very dirty secrets not John Brummitt and Don Ramsden? And should be easy as Don Ramsden a man all "normal" women need not fear and honest workers can always trust.
And do note as pivitol, with my forced membership, I did in one "simple move", in fact, prove all membership policy like seniority all criminal fraud. This based on my detailed membership methodology and based in many ways on their sick bulllying criminal fraud? Too bad Don about as smart and as "honestly" accomplished and educated as Dixie and her absurd "Presidential Edict" might make obvious, as well. More jokes later on Papal Infallibility and more details on John Brummitt's and Don Ramsden's misogynist small man and small penis issues. See UBC security file on night shift with John Brummitt, his family will feel so proud.
Is it odd none of the human dirt and big talk bullies and super Alpha misogynist women beating, harassing and suppressing males or very low esteem and severely dishonest women friends (there family relationships of note) and big shot too important department heads thinking and talking like they are smarter than wood - and moi , sadly all so afraid to just:
Meet me "one-on-one" at RCMP offices as to best and quickly defend their big shot, big title, bogus careers and honest and good - and so "respected" family names? And if family names and career respect not reason enough, hope they best consider "the image of their local". Odd that they spend hundreds of thousands to help NDP and on vanity pictures of Dusty Kelly with Adrain Dix, and like Mike Duffy her pix and make-up as meaningless for real results and merit and as for her high cost trips to Hollywood and Europe? Makes slime in government in Ottawa look kinda honest and good.
As such, does anyone find it a very huge jump in just basic common sense or formal logic, with all the evidence and reason, as to ever believe: That even those in the business of fiction, fake sets, faux art, fake props to fake explosions, fake violence, fake sex, and actors pretending to be people they are not, just possibly also these criminals guilty of millions in fraud and just "acting not criminal`` Pretending to be honest and intelligent plus tall and fun?
And do add, that already in prior local BC legal and inquiry history files as these slime are already exposed for include: clear bad faith and deception to "coercion and intimidation" and against their own dues paying and trusting people - who even more telling needed legal help from "another union" as to bust and expose these twisted little bullies for oddly "coercion and intimidation" (John Brummitt and his boyfriend Don Ramsden named and pictured above again key - and you think this not tip of criminal iceberg)?
For those in denial or doubt, do also further add very seriously to intelligent consideration and as again absolute fact, this union by association has a "literal hundred year history of local executive criminal behavior, (including dozens of cases recently all over North America). Just check? Odds are? And twice documenting lies to RCMP in Vancouver just to start..
Ask why these criminals and my critics really hate me? Or why "all" big talk frauds, are now so afraid to meet me face-to-face at RCMP detachments to talk a little truth. Not one will meet me there. Asking for years. Asking they charge me. So brave but so afraid. Take a very good hard look and in person "exactly" who and what my critics really" are, their "real" education and "real" experience and their sleazy women beating to harassing and suppressing "friends" and then look at my fans and friends and 475 votes to lead a full forensic audit against the slime and why exactly I have Federal Security Clearance and can do voice polygraph and these slime can't ever - it gets very simple. For some. Then really compare:
Then ask why legal to scientific Oxford scholars oddly like me and pay me three times more than big shot department heads? CD Howe super-brains have me as a partner? Why public companies ask me to join board of directors? Or why some can work so well with me (like oddly many other unions from railway to education and hospital and even other film unions even French in Quebec, plus Fortune 500 major to brokers in finance and investment on Howe Street, and why top universities request me to speak, and add the two traditional biggest federal political parties paying me top dollar for what I can teach?) and why some have me for dinner. And where these grossly uneducated criminal unaccomplished human and dirty little women beating criminals to criminal frauds and tax cheats as named, and to be named, oddly do not have me for dinner? And never could? Odd? Or why 3 top business school universities make me a requested speaker on New Business, and these super brains and slime oddly do not? Why? Why? Can we trust them? At all? On anything? Ever?
Why do major trade and consumer awards or media quote or recognize me internationally, with Fortune 500 giants and two federal political parties "at highest levels" paying me so much more than these dcumented uneducated criminal frauds by direct and "honest" comparison for "my time" helping oddly in "New Business" and "Publicity" to Finance and Audits, and have documented their recognition of my stuff? Why does Senator Grafstein thank me for my special work turning polls in Quadra for John Turner when PM? Why? Why do the smart department heads like me and the dishonest fakes do not? Ask around?
Why also does major top trade Canadian magazine Marketing list me as one of "Landmark 100" for that decade and my critics have at best just like Tom Adair "have honestly or alone and not riding tothers train" has done what with his fraudulent life? Accomplished what? And after so many years and pay exceeding a million? Why am I quoted in Financial Post and Computer Paper before these frauds ever in unions or in industry hammering nails and cleaning paint brushes and Tom Adair's efforts mastering a low voltage drill? Why? Why?
Why oddly, even in Gods name, would top Grey Nun(s) from St Paul's Hospital to former record holding NHL hockey stars and Canada's top hall of fame Rock and Jazz stars and even a Club of Rome lady give to many appearance and documented as witnessed, by many, that they like me - and not just for lunches, guitar, tennis and laughs? And why on Facebook? And why do "real honest" decorated (non-women beating veterans|), also like me and use me to "liaison" with veteran affairs in Ottawa and extremely decorated heroes short list me as their potential CEO? Why do top CBC award winning journalists, oddly also have me for dinner and tennis, with whole family, like top investment COB's and players on Howe Street, who also have me for "family" dinner? Why do my references on LinkedIn include historical figures and top "ethical" fund managers? My critics as sad pathetic frauds will be obvious and as as a signature of criminal elite for RCMP when they defame me and get critical?
This comparison as to "go to character" stuff and best profile. We absolutely accept hard evidence, documentation and witnesses - both hostile and friendly, protected and not, will be all that's needed to define to satisfaction of court max jail time and seizure before judgement of the proceeds of crime clearly taken from cheated tax payers honest workers and obviously with basic math their children and families and blatantly laundered as pay, power and position with taxable perks (reported or not) as so often the case with such low intellect criminals.
And for more simple "judgement" why is an old roommate, now a BC criminal court Judge also a friend on Facebook? Just guitars and law in common? Why did I get special Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC to work in Ottawa and the slime mentioned here oddly can't and now never will. Why do I like CRA? And most important point here is: why on earth would honest hard working people as it might imply - actually 475 people, all oddly "document full support" for me to lead a full third party forensic audit? All I asked? Why? Why? Why?
And why oddly class act and so super educated and experienced authority (See CV sans BS) such as uneducated fraud Tom Adair, then criminally defames me as obviously to best protect his criminal friends and his own very serious crimes in position of "trust" and millions of dollars in benefit awards going for criminals in "Good Standing" as documented. This while "more honest, talented, educated to the weak" screwed.
Tom "Hot Air" Adair, in fact far more hypocritical and fraudulent than most can imagine or may first appear. Wait for how he breaks after a few days in a Provincial Inquiry or Criminal court and even his family and closest friends see what a sad pathetic man he really and sadly is, versus his big shot and big title image. Much more to follow on this fake and flake. Also how key he is to the very serious crimes involved. Women beaters to those who suppress and harass women a key part of the proceeds of crime group that Tom Adairs supports for his honest success?
How do we bust these sleazy criminals? Easy.
Why Whistle-Blow on these very sick fakes and Criminal slime?
This blog's whistle-blowing and crime-busting here, designed to specifically aid victims, RCMP and CRA in putting those above, and mentioned below, all in jail. Fast. And as pure fun and sport, also in addition, running up all criminal and corrupt parties legal bills through the roof, as we play various cute mind games. Just perfect for those not offering fast and full confessions to RCMP. And still lying to RCMP and "everyone possibly" thinking that they are still so clever? And not the start of the end.
And yet, common sense, risk analysis, formal logic, paid legal and trusted good friends of these criminals should all suggest 100% honesty with RCMP and CRA as at point of no return and zero gain math best? Simply and quickly confess everything, as to reduce ever growing and new surprise stress and anxiety factors.And all gone, just rating out other slime. Reduces stress. Reduces fines and jail time. Ask RCMP how confessions so warm and relaxing? Some will rat. They "always" do, just to get a small break?
Those whose lives all about self-interest the first to break? It will be insanely expensive for top fakes and liars thinking their top lawyers with deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment not also a crime called "criminal obstruction. Just delays or buys tiny more time of denial and personal self delusion. Ask a shrink with a medical degree not some community college New Age flake. Lies do increases risk and exposure with extended jail time and fines. Check? True or false? Makes plea bargain stuff difficult if the last fool in? And very-very expensive for the major liars and slimy criminals. Ask around? True? False?
And yet, common sense, risk analysis, formal logic, paid legal and trusted good friends of these criminals should all suggest 100% honesty with RCMP and CRA as at point of no return and zero gain math best? Simply and quickly confess everything, as to reduce ever growing and new surprise stress and anxiety factors.And all gone, just rating out other slime. Reduces stress. Reduces fines and jail time. Ask RCMP how confessions so warm and relaxing? Some will rat. They "always" do, just to get a small break?
Those whose lives all about self-interest the first to break? It will be insanely expensive for top fakes and liars thinking their top lawyers with deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment not also a crime called "criminal obstruction. Just delays or buys tiny more time of denial and personal self delusion. Ask a shrink with a medical degree not some community college New Age flake. Lies do increases risk and exposure with extended jail time and fines. Check? True or false? Makes plea bargain stuff difficult if the last fool in? And very-very expensive for the major liars and slimy criminals. Ask around? True? False?
Murder, Tax Fraud, Assault, Theft, Coercion and Intimidation.
This blog is also inspired by the millions and millions in Tax Fraud and daily Theft enriching the sickest and cowardly of criminals to the Murder and Rape of a school friend's 15 year old daughter Tara Manning. Her father's story when he told me inspiring.
And I also was very much further inspired by her father changing DNA testing laws in Federal Parliament. Very Inspired. It can be done. He's a hero to me and thousands. Just as this blog should do with Labour code reform provincially and with federal law leading? The need here for a full comprehensive Provincial Inquiry should also be more than obvious very quickly, And while reading only a few paragraphs.
The slime involved in crime, must do time.
This blog is also designed with checklist and names below as to best help RCMP to CRA also save money and time, And put the above criminals (and those who aid and abet) all in jail. Faster. Ideally with all proceeds of crime seized. And with ideally seizure before judgement a target, - and this as such cases do so often warrant.
I kept thinking others would do this.
I kept thinking others would do this.
My own serious guilt, for myself, as "not far more involved and helping victims" much-much earlier in all these matters, also a key to my own motivation here to help victims, RCMP, WCB to CRA now. Guilt and debt to hundreds who documented support for me to lead a full forensic audit for cheated taxpayers to cheated trusting coworkers, inspires. Yes, I'm very driven by guilt and the 475 who supported my efforts for a full forensic audit and even as well audit their impressive MBA and his wage I've gotten rid of dishonest MBA's, CA's CEO's before even when I was on the board of directors of a real pullic company and more signing authority than any department head? I do owe big time every great classy women I've known from family to friends and lovers. Big guilt. Big big guilt. Beautiful guilt. Also means some very disgusting ugly women must also be exposed for selling bout women.
I kept thinking others would do this.
I felt guilty. Very guilty. I sat around far too long. I was well paid, had an easy job helping good people or making stupid slime look smart, and didn't have to be intimidated or bullied like those weaker, smaller or female, and by a toothless uneducated hillbilly like John Brummit or the Ted Bundy and O.J Simpson threatening charm of Don Ramsden, And I didn't have to pretend to respect fakes, women beaters, wall paper hangers, thieves, gross incompetents and either fake titles like Tom Adair sadly needs to fool family and friends not a fake and failure, who mostly helped criminals as a coward. The fakes empowered by corrupted election results without merit - and yes, I made more than many others and yes, had an easy job. Well paid and perks. Not the first time I bit the hand that fed me or tried to shut me up? Started almost 50 years ago standing up to bullies and fakes and walking away from payoffs and promotions? In the corporate world so easy to expose and get slime fired. With wide spread nepotism in criminal and corrupt unions a bit more tricky? Are corporations more honest than unions? Well, in many cases the answer yes. The nepotism speaks or itself at such absurd levels?
Should I have kept my mouth shut? Taken even more and more easy money?
I kept thinking others would do this. In all fairness, unlike myself, sadly, hundreds of others could be easily economically intimidated and coerced "again" - and with families simply fighting corruption and criminal elite kinda hard to do, and can cut income in half just being an honest good Canadian or friends with one? How sick is that?
Others, could also be sadly, physically and legally threatened/bluffed to even absurdly intellectually intimidated (yes, hard to believe) with the slime's big words and disgusting endless name dropping. However, I'm a tiny wee bit more of a problem than the lower IQ and EQ cowardly criminal women beating and support idiots expected. A bit. Already running costs over $100.000.00 for "honest executive" fools in legal and time as criminals to slime so sleazy, use member's honest money to save face and protect image, career and avoid jail. Such class? This blog just the pointing finger on the fist they will feel shortly. Nor did they ever think they'd be exposed like this to "literally now thousands" across Canada and soon to hundreds in their old hometown, high school and workplace. And more mushrooming interest to be triggered shortly? In fact, with this little blog not even complete or fully edited the slime above have been exposed to literally more readers than front pages of most small city dailies get? Check Duncan, Revelstoke, Kelowna and Nelson newsprint numbers? True? False?
Yes, I was a tiny bit harder to impress, bully, coerce, intimidate, threaten or seriously compromise with economic interference to bad faith as with so many others.
And I was not a small women with child.
I was not a women beaten. I was not a women harassed. I was not a women suppressed in an industry known for suppression and a hundred year history of serious crime. I had a tiny advantage, other did not. This from my network of Oxford-Osgoode female (Labour/Women) top international legal scholars, two of Canada's top 5 forensic psychiatrists (one family and female) and a BC Criminal Court Judge, a top CBC award winning national investigative journalist familiar with this exact case (and most recent Prime Ministers - and a few ladies as national journalists and top business people (including real accomplished and "respected" ladies), Jesuit and Jewish scholars and some of the wealthiest people in BC and Quebec, so as such, I'm a tad harder to impress, bluff and fool, deceive, intimidate or coerce or buy-off with a piece of proceeds of crime pie or silenced thinking to quote chief Justice Laskin from my lectures with Senator Eugene Forsey not "sacrosanct" as NDAs/settlements. As my CV makes also makes extremely clear, being a department head a "major step down" from my previous executive positions and the company I was in. True? False?And as well in real world far-far superior in experience and education than a pathetic and tragic delusional fakes like Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their big titles from aiding and abeting criminals not simply superior in intellect and integrity as they fake? True? False? Would honest, and honestly informed people really vote for myself or think best big title Tom Adair or John Brummitt - hey, a criminal court Judge will have his own opinion and ratio decendi on this as will RCMP and CRA and as to who would they most trust myself or Rob Maier? With Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson in criminal court it gets even more funny.
I will also detail and challenge in criminal court and a Provincial Inquiry and all under oath. Others fear that stuff. I don't. My work in Federal Politics (Elections and Economics) working certainly at the very highest ranking of the best and the brightest of both PC and Lib, to my military clients at McGill, like Dr. Bull and Joseph D, Carrier to days and drinks with Larry McHale, as such these cowardly highly neducated and informed slime hardly could scare or ever impress me. I've known real war and political heroes. I had also worked as a doorman at Biker bars and boxed and took Marshall Arts oddly when younger like Justin Trudeau, so they could not physically posture as a threat or I'd laugh.
Now add as very cute, my Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa and with very entertaining RCMP files on me since early 70's, And when not silenced by criminals and corruption and real truth told could get 80% worker support (95% of those present) as per RCMP files 1973? I was grievance coordinator for CUPE before board of directors in a public company so very hard for fakes, incompetents, liars, criminals to fool me? Studies in formal logic and economics helped. So I'm a known "trouble maker" for various forms of slime and literally for decades and yet my federal security cleared by who? And without Liberal connections and references used as Harper then PM? Hey, I'm not that much of a secret. Well, not to some RCMP and Federal Security files and very-very highly respected in Media to real Military heroes And we do play our aces last?
And best, only I can "so easily volunteer for any form of questioning and volunteer polygraph" (Voice to Thermal) and simply at same time, increase my Federal Security classification up a notch or two? Three? Some people do respect "real honesty and real intellect". Some don't. Some often from too many shortcomings (See pictures above) and just don't have the IQ to join dots. More on their psychological profiles soon.
Victims of these slime, well certainly 475 intelligent adults document they do support (or just might also like me. Kidding. I'm very obnoxious and not like-able for most, but my work honest. So I don't need charm and big smiles as per above pctures? And have enough quality friends.). And 475 votes of support and that's in just one (1) tiny little local tested film union, where my reputation seriously defamed as a potential child beater (Sadly ironic) by Rob Maier's impressive MENSA gang and Gavin Craigs classy gangs lies to RCMP and continued to internal trials and to get 475 of the most honest and best and brightest on an ethics and issue simply priceless? And as icing, a fraud and human garbage like Tom Adair documenting his uneducated so very criminal friendly opinion worth thousands, and laughs. the average union IQ oddly the lowest (CUPE, ACTRA to ACFC had far higher IQ's and far less criminals and slime. True? False?. And thus easy there to win elections when I wanted)? True? False?
And the other unions had a far more honest, "really educated" people, and certainly more intelligent and honest executive and Presidents who didn't beat up women and cheat taxpayers enriching criminals as past five presidents have. And no women beaters or those self-serving slime in cover-up get elected? Oddly? And so easy to compare. So easy. If not true have Don Ramsden and all other past and president Presidents I'm claiming as criminal sleazy cowards like Gavin Craig, sue me or all get RCMPon me if not all criminals fearing jail time and justice served cold?
And the French and English Film and TV unions certainly the most fun and compassionate as well as flooded with real and honest talent and geniuses and far more sophistication than toothless woman hating dog kicking and porn loving hillbillies like John Brummit could understand or his best buddy Don Ramsden?
And heck, hard to get listened to or liked when absolute lying word playing fat slime have you accused as per some pictured above of "threatening children" (including Gavin Craig like Royalty also threatened? Same week oddly?) and with others, appears I may actually have been threatening the whole labour movement in Western civilization - this according to hearsay from John Brummit?
475 supporting me in one little local, still supported me even in the face of so many lies and this in just one BC industry tested, and in one province only. Could others get such support accused of threatening children by their best and brightest executive and trusted brothers and sisters in Rob Maiers gang- and odd I threaten children when I can very easily threaten 300 pound bikers? And thus heavily defamed, my election efforts corrupted by super fakes and frauds like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair - and the criminals and slime who feared me? And if being labelled both threatening to children and Gavin Craigs whole "honest" gang and your election material edited without permission and still get 475 votes from the most honest as logic dictates criminals and slime seldom if ever support "full forensic audits". Guess why?
Ask any actuary, and Poli Sci grad student or Marketing research firm what 475 votes in such conditions suggest. And the margin of error. Truth all told many-many more may support me. 2x? 3x?
Plus this case can help me clear my honest good name and better a polygraph can help big time in other totally non-related industry but other criminal matters relate to IP and copyright law, And bust this gang of human garbage as well. Some use my software ideas and creative ideas and claim it's theirs and their idea? How sad? How sick? So I now welcome these uneducated ignorant criminal dirt pictured above to go ahead make my day. Or at least act like honest people do with good honest names and defend their good honest names against my claims?
I kept thinking others would do this.
I felt guilty. Very guilty. I sat around far too long. I was well paid, had an easy job helping good people or making stupid slime look smart, and didn't have to be intimidated or bullied like those weaker, smaller or female, and by a toothless uneducated hillbilly like John Brummit or the Ted Bundy and O.J Simpson threatening charm of Don Ramsden, And I didn't have to pretend to respect fakes, women beaters, wall paper hangers, thieves, gross incompetents and either fake titles like Tom Adair sadly needs to fool family and friends not a fake and failure, who mostly helped criminals as a coward. The fakes empowered by corrupted election results without merit - and yes, I made more than many others and yes, had an easy job. Well paid and perks. Not the first time I bit the hand that fed me or tried to shut me up? Started almost 50 years ago standing up to bullies and fakes and walking away from payoffs and promotions? In the corporate world so easy to expose and get slime fired. With wide spread nepotism in criminal and corrupt unions a bit more tricky? Are corporations more honest than unions? Well, in many cases the answer yes. The nepotism speaks or itself at such absurd levels?
Should I have kept my mouth shut? Taken even more and more easy money?
I kept thinking others would do this. In all fairness, unlike myself, sadly, hundreds of others could be easily economically intimidated and coerced "again" - and with families simply fighting corruption and criminal elite kinda hard to do, and can cut income in half just being an honest good Canadian or friends with one? How sick is that?
Others, could also be sadly, physically and legally threatened/bluffed to even absurdly intellectually intimidated (yes, hard to believe) with the slime's big words and disgusting endless name dropping. However, I'm a tiny wee bit more of a problem than the lower IQ and EQ cowardly criminal women beating and support idiots expected. A bit. Already running costs over $100.000.00 for "honest executive" fools in legal and time as criminals to slime so sleazy, use member's honest money to save face and protect image, career and avoid jail. Such class? This blog just the pointing finger on the fist they will feel shortly. Nor did they ever think they'd be exposed like this to "literally now thousands" across Canada and soon to hundreds in their old hometown, high school and workplace. And more mushrooming interest to be triggered shortly? In fact, with this little blog not even complete or fully edited the slime above have been exposed to literally more readers than front pages of most small city dailies get? Check Duncan, Revelstoke, Kelowna and Nelson newsprint numbers? True? False?
Yes, I was a tiny bit harder to impress, bully, coerce, intimidate, threaten or seriously compromise with economic interference to bad faith as with so many others.
And I was not a small women with child.
I was not a women beaten. I was not a women harassed. I was not a women suppressed in an industry known for suppression and a hundred year history of serious crime. I had a tiny advantage, other did not. This from my network of Oxford-Osgoode female (Labour/Women) top international legal scholars, two of Canada's top 5 forensic psychiatrists (one family and female) and a BC Criminal Court Judge, a top CBC award winning national investigative journalist familiar with this exact case (and most recent Prime Ministers - and a few ladies as national journalists and top business people (including real accomplished and "respected" ladies), Jesuit and Jewish scholars and some of the wealthiest people in BC and Quebec, so as such, I'm a tad harder to impress, bluff and fool, deceive, intimidate or coerce or buy-off with a piece of proceeds of crime pie or silenced thinking to quote chief Justice Laskin from my lectures with Senator Eugene Forsey not "sacrosanct" as NDAs/settlements. As my CV makes also makes extremely clear, being a department head a "major step down" from my previous executive positions and the company I was in. True? False?And as well in real world far-far superior in experience and education than a pathetic and tragic delusional fakes like Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their big titles from aiding and abeting criminals not simply superior in intellect and integrity as they fake? True? False? Would honest, and honestly informed people really vote for myself or think best big title Tom Adair or John Brummitt - hey, a criminal court Judge will have his own opinion and ratio decendi on this as will RCMP and CRA and as to who would they most trust myself or Rob Maier? With Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson in criminal court it gets even more funny.
I will also detail and challenge in criminal court and a Provincial Inquiry and all under oath. Others fear that stuff. I don't. My work in Federal Politics (Elections and Economics) working certainly at the very highest ranking of the best and the brightest of both PC and Lib, to my military clients at McGill, like Dr. Bull and Joseph D, Carrier to days and drinks with Larry McHale, as such these cowardly highly neducated and informed slime hardly could scare or ever impress me. I've known real war and political heroes. I had also worked as a doorman at Biker bars and boxed and took Marshall Arts oddly when younger like Justin Trudeau, so they could not physically posture as a threat or I'd laugh.
Now add as very cute, my Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC in Ottawa and with very entertaining RCMP files on me since early 70's, And when not silenced by criminals and corruption and real truth told could get 80% worker support (95% of those present) as per RCMP files 1973? I was grievance coordinator for CUPE before board of directors in a public company so very hard for fakes, incompetents, liars, criminals to fool me? Studies in formal logic and economics helped. So I'm a known "trouble maker" for various forms of slime and literally for decades and yet my federal security cleared by who? And without Liberal connections and references used as Harper then PM? Hey, I'm not that much of a secret. Well, not to some RCMP and Federal Security files and very-very highly respected in Media to real Military heroes And we do play our aces last?
And best, only I can "so easily volunteer for any form of questioning and volunteer polygraph" (Voice to Thermal) and simply at same time, increase my Federal Security classification up a notch or two? Three? Some people do respect "real honesty and real intellect". Some don't. Some often from too many shortcomings (See pictures above) and just don't have the IQ to join dots. More on their psychological profiles soon.
Victims of these slime, well certainly 475 intelligent adults document they do support (or just might also like me. Kidding. I'm very obnoxious and not like-able for most, but my work honest. So I don't need charm and big smiles as per above pctures? And have enough quality friends.). And 475 votes of support and that's in just one (1) tiny little local tested film union, where my reputation seriously defamed as a potential child beater (Sadly ironic) by Rob Maier's impressive MENSA gang and Gavin Craigs classy gangs lies to RCMP and continued to internal trials and to get 475 of the most honest and best and brightest on an ethics and issue simply priceless? And as icing, a fraud and human garbage like Tom Adair documenting his uneducated so very criminal friendly opinion worth thousands, and laughs. the average union IQ oddly the lowest (CUPE, ACTRA to ACFC had far higher IQ's and far less criminals and slime. True? False?. And thus easy there to win elections when I wanted)? True? False?
And the other unions had a far more honest, "really educated" people, and certainly more intelligent and honest executive and Presidents who didn't beat up women and cheat taxpayers enriching criminals as past five presidents have. And no women beaters or those self-serving slime in cover-up get elected? Oddly? And so easy to compare. So easy. If not true have Don Ramsden and all other past and president Presidents I'm claiming as criminal sleazy cowards like Gavin Craig, sue me or all get RCMPon me if not all criminals fearing jail time and justice served cold?
And the French and English Film and TV unions certainly the most fun and compassionate as well as flooded with real and honest talent and geniuses and far more sophistication than toothless woman hating dog kicking and porn loving hillbillies like John Brummit could understand or his best buddy Don Ramsden?
And heck, hard to get listened to or liked when absolute lying word playing fat slime have you accused as per some pictured above of "threatening children" (including Gavin Craig like Royalty also threatened? Same week oddly?) and with others, appears I may actually have been threatening the whole labour movement in Western civilization - this according to hearsay from John Brummit?
475 supporting me in one little local, still supported me even in the face of so many lies and this in just one BC industry tested, and in one province only. Could others get such support accused of threatening children by their best and brightest executive and trusted brothers and sisters in Rob Maiers gang- and odd I threaten children when I can very easily threaten 300 pound bikers? And thus heavily defamed, my election efforts corrupted by super fakes and frauds like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair - and the criminals and slime who feared me? And if being labelled both threatening to children and Gavin Craigs whole "honest" gang and your election material edited without permission and still get 475 votes from the most honest as logic dictates criminals and slime seldom if ever support "full forensic audits". Guess why?
Ask any actuary, and Poli Sci grad student or Marketing research firm what 475 votes in such conditions suggest. And the margin of error. Truth all told many-many more may support me. 2x? 3x?
Plus this case can help me clear my honest good name and better a polygraph can help big time in other totally non-related industry but other criminal matters relate to IP and copyright law, And bust this gang of human garbage as well. Some use my software ideas and creative ideas and claim it's theirs and their idea? How sad? How sick? So I now welcome these uneducated ignorant criminal dirt pictured above to go ahead make my day. Or at least act like honest people do with good honest names and defend their good honest names against my claims?
This motivation above also added to by the rape, date rape and harassment of other friends and family and their daughters across the country, making violence against women and the cover-up here, corrupting even elections, with known deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment critical, and the human dirt involved, and their ugly secrets and silence, excellent motivation. And so all named became very-very big legal targets. And targets for both criminal and media exposure - and certainly full investigation and full prosecution. Oddly, most criminals named common to almost all crime groups and categories as defined below.
Children cheated. Seniors cheated.
Children cheated. Seniors cheated.
Further the children cheated out of life insurance to seniors cheated of honest pensions and honest talented workers going without work and thus also cheated of added medical, and this even more disgusting as criminals more than covered and enriched - very sickening and very motivating, And that just adding to the many cheated "locally" from beaten women to cheated taxpayers that must be now all fairly compensated is also motivating. And as disgusting: for inspiration all this as "millions and millions" of BC tax credit dollars, even now, "still enriching" the lowest of these criminal sleaze and slime like John Brummitt and Rob Maier. Not nurses. Not teachers. Not law enforcement but criminal sleaze enriched.
And thus all this blog now inspires us to ask others - from "all" stakeholders to local RCMP and BC government, to just help a bit. Help, just as have others to even telling brave petition/votes by 475 "honest intelligent adults" for a "full forensic audit" and as various legal cases should make clear, and some as also already on file, with settlements, and growing. We now also ask all new readers in Media plus the MP and MLA offices also reviewing this from e-mail link to now, a little also just:
"Help as Heroes!"
Those now reading this, as either new and returning Federal Liberal MPs, and those MLAs from BC Liberals, - and any honest NDP (seeing how this is a very critical test, - and with a report card, and as very key before next BC election) - simply, all can help. Or not. And thus help the women beaters and slime doing nothing.
And help as heroes by just simply: "fully" supporting RCMP as the front-line heroes and all these crime victims below here from:
* the cowardly beaten women, *
* the literally millions and millions of tax credit fraud enriching criminals * the cheated children of medical and enriching criminals
* the seniors cheated of life insurance and enriching criminals
* the hundreds of honest workers abused, bullied and cheated so to aid as well enriching criminals
* millions of BC tax payers also all cheated as ignorant, grossly incompetent, vulgar, criminal and cowardly further enriched. Most understand exactly how nepotism works.
"Simply, "fully" supporting RCMP "all" that is asked".
"All that is asked?"
This as to warrant a full provincial inquiry and all initial criminal charges. Again, simply "fully" supporting RCMP investigating all parties, even investigate us bloggers, even if just for speed and political and media credibility.
Fast is important. Justice delayed is justice denied?
And together all real heroes can help put this gang of human garbage in jail fast. Help clean out all human garbage, and done once and done right. Help the victims. Help an industry. And a province. And take these jobs from criminals and give them to young more talented, honest and educated needing jobs. Time for change. Real change. And do help ensure FULL JAIL TIME and FINES, for all pictured and those also VERY SOON, as to also be named - and very-very surprised. As one might suspect.
"Helping As Heroes Is So Easy!"

How easy? How simple? Just fully support all RCMP and Federal and Provincial Liberals, and all other responsible parties and politicians involved over next 3-5 years as "real heroes" in a full and deep criminal investigation.
A needed investigation, and a needed Provincial Inquiry, both very long over due, and finally put those all in jail involved and supporting this multi-million dollar fraud, abusing tax payer money and as to clearly enrich very serious criminals and women-beaters and themselves over majority trust. This a very key legal case and needs your support to create change in our legal and labour systems.
We need more transparency, accountability, oversight, governance, compliance and criminal prosecutions for business and government to unions and churches that dare violate any public trust. And this proves exactly why.
Be a hero by simply supporting this blog for a full RCMP and CRA investigations, as clearly "appears warranted", ideally in writing, or by phone, or by sending out this blogs link, printing and posting, or discussing with others, the RCMP's "honest and objective " efforts here at facts and truth. Share blog with victims.
And do applaud "all RCMP efforts" literally helping "all Canadians" here. From those born Canadian women beaten by those from other countries. Those born Canadians who lost hundreds of thousands cheated by the egos and actions of super sleaze.These sick crimes also by those from other countries that tragically we treated so very-very well. Send them now to jail or send them back.
All honest and non-violent, who will respect "all" women, and "all" Canadians and "all" our laws, and from any nation, all warmly welcome to stay here in Canada, as only seems fair, positive and progressive. The other slime and dirt should not or "ever feel welcome" - even if born in Canada? This abuse of other Canadians a form of treason and with this legal case proving they in actual real fact hurt more Canadians financially worse than terrorists ever have? Check?
And courts must have "all" proceeds of crime seized, from all slime enriched directly or by cowardly aiding or supporting these endless criminal and corrupt abuses as well. Often as obvious clear selfish self-interest and personal ego and enrichment. This as clear with Tom Adair and his proceeds of crime as Position, Power, Big Pay, Perks make too obvious.
Tom Adair is "top of the heap" (where buck stops) with human dirt, with his obvious superior integrity, intellect, education and real world broad and deep experience and his so amazing "solo" accomplishments, is always welcome and free to challenge me as his and John Brmmtts inferior any time, and face-to-face at any RCMP office or in Parliament buildings in Victoria,? Hey, and with RCMP there and even with his lawyer with him. Or if feeling very afraid, can simply have me post any counter he may think also clever and defaming again. And again as cowardly as prior for such a sick and serious human and criminal fraud?
Yes, for all victims: seize the human garbage classic laundered proceeds of crime from their Homes, Pension, Cars to Bank Accounts - and Businesses ( proceeds of crime simply cliche' laundered as position, pay, perks and power. Fooling no one, but fools themselves at best).
When some have neither and may in honest NEVER had "any legal" democratic authority or mandate as agents clearly, plus no "real relevant or any related education" (if any?) and little or literally absolute zero (0) comparative meaningful or value experience, of any merit, and yet paid far more than trained and educated law enforcement, teachers, nurses and even lawyers? We certainly have a problem? Lawyers who it appears wasted 7 years plus to make far less than these sleaze as fakes and frauds do - and still must work ten times as hard? This is also an insult to all BC teachers and nurses and those who risk lives in law enforcement paid far less than these lazy criminals and sleaze.
Will the numbers and ratios and documented suppression and harassment of women and first nations and other minorities using tax credits over the last two decades impress the new Federal Liberal Minister of Justice? And so near to ground zero? And other "real" ladies with new portfolios? Well, say as much as BC Liberal ladies wanting to show real change and real results helping women and workers when NDP wouldn't? Couldn't? And for next election.
Canada and Canadian's and millions and millions in tax credits can not be used to serve to enrich these ignorant dishonest criminals and those from other countries or our home grown hillbilly slime to this very absurd degree. Let's wipe the smiles off all their sleazy toothless faces? We do have a good prison system made for these types.
My humble goal to expose and publicly "fully humiliate", and in every way possible, from their own style of vulgarity and character assassination to more familiar legal or scholarly devices as the mood strikes. This for all these sleazy cowardly criminals (and those who aid and abet) and everywhere and every way possible, From all business and personal contacts to national media . And as vulgar as possible to force some to save face, break and squeal for a deal, as to help RCMP not waste time or more money with stupid liars over possibly saving lives.
This also done so some brighter ones, do now ask why we bloggers here are not charged at RCMP offices if our claims not absolutely true and taken to real courts by these sleaze - if not 100% guilty on all claims? At least to just bluff not guilty? Why are they so very-very afraid? And oddly now not as fast as with so clever O'leary-Haddad boosted internal trials when faced with real world? Pretty obvious why so slow and so afraid to RCMP, Honest People, Media and CRA? Odd when this blog still "exactly" putting such garbage again in even far more "disrepute" - seems so odd? Nor are they as quick and impulsive to lie again to RCMP? How odd? But all so easy to explain.
Real goal is victim compensation for all the victims 475 (just to start) seems a fair and actually very low estimate.
SEE BELOW VERY UGLY NEWS: Thurs. Dec. 17th Update.
PREFACE. As a result of the very critical win by Federal Liberals, now claims can be done in just one (1) page and with just 5 simple points, and with very straight clear "yes" or "no" questions And as simple as it gets, here it all is. Questions that serve as handy checklist and agenda reference, when RCMP chatting it up with criminals and their friends. And saves RCMP literally hundreds of hours and courts millions and that best defines that:
* a serious full RCMP investigation warranted into millions in tax credits enriching criminals from women beaters to tax cheats..
* a full forensic audit, as per 475 votes of support and growing by intelligent "honest" adults long overdue.
* a full comprehensive industry Provincial Inquiry into crime, value and tax credit merit.
RCMP suggested reference questions:
1) Are these crimes as exactly claimed and listed below, witnessed and/or documented, and involving violence against women, harassment, with suppression for decades real? Yes or no? True or false?
2) Are these claimed crimes also listed, witnessed and documented involving "continuous
theft/fraud", and including time and material theft, with kick-back, bribes, misappropriation of funds, conflict of interest, breach, direct fraud and fraudulent concealment or deceptive omission, and as exactly stated for decades real? Yes or no? True or false?
3) Are these crimes listed, witnessed and documented involving cheating, defamation, coercion and intimidation, bad faith, breach, economic interference, theft and fraud against:
* Trusting coworkers and employees ("Brothers and Sisters")
* Trusting employers
* Foreign and domestic investors
* Supply chain
* Sister unions
* Industry
* BC Government
* Federal Funding
* Canada Revenue
- Plus hurting all BC taxpayers with tax credits (stated as solid fact) serving to further enrich key criminals - and known, and somewhat very well documented "for decades" (and often in the criminals own words) stated as fact, real? ( How is Tom Adair key in all the above?)Yes or no? True or false?
4) Are these crimes by slime listed, witnessed and documented, presently, and for now decades, clearly hurting innocent children, families and honest hard working seniors to single mothers ?
This as greed, ego, corruption and crime also cheating victims of millions and millions of medical, pension, life insurance? And far more disgusting a multi-million dollar "benefit hour bank fraud" so incredibly beyond belief and best authored, designed and managed by the slime of slime for slime and clearly blatant NOT MAJORITY INTEREST AT ALL and transparent as glass selfish self-interest and in clear conflict of interest and as hyper-hypocrisy and best: kinked perks and best methods and numbers nicely serving by default their criminal support?
This makes even the very sad and sick US medical system look compassionate and should absolutely disgust every honourable and honest Tommy Douglas and Ed Broadbent NDP type as well as every tax payer and political party across Canada.
And don't be fooled this as well done as to clearly further overly enrich a select honest few as well "for simply cover-up and a veneer of legality" as seen with millions of other fraud cases and all with classic laundering as pay. position and perks plus (just as such crimes do for cover using an honest front or facade of a few honest people - often seen from casinos to government rip-off frauds) No big trick. Only impresses the ignorant as clever. Nothing new here at all). And so odd that "All" criminal elite as named so very enriched`, Is this real? Yes or no? True or false?
Does anyone have clean hands named and no filty dirty secrets from violence to fraud to hide from RCMP who can just at best simply challenge me in writing and using their real name? They better find some one quick or the human garbage and criminal label gets stickier and stickier as with such clear legal optics also not addressed? Yes or no? True or false?
Note per above: As a very proud Canadian and a real true "Amber-Green-Liberal" for decades, our Canadian universal health coverage a point of serious and real national pride. This absurd very criminal and corrupt twisted and moronic sickening system and fraud here, which, with the most "illogical BS", only major incompetent morons as trustees or greed pay-pigs or the severely selfish and greedy, and very dishonest like Tom Adair could believe or "honestly and intelligently support". I welcome this part of a full Provincial Inquiry and second only to Women and Family issues in criminal court. Criminals should enjoy their free time to attend court appearances for themselves and others before retirement time in Jail.
FYI: Tom Adair even short changed and cheated the Teamsters, as well as his own, and fooled both NDP and Green Party plus Capilano College he was a somebody and silly as it sounds, somebody they and others could "trust", and as not a two-faced fake and as not a highly uneducated fraud and fake and serious criminal that he is. Check? True or false?
Just a very dishonest criminal fake and fraud needing a week of questioning alone as Tom the Truthful "knows all" criminals and all criminal facts - and oddly acts so smart - and yet now hilarious must play stupid like Mitch Davies. And both better hope RCMP still believe both after possibly months of questioning? As such to be honest, both these clowns very obvious deceptive fakes and frauds that a few questions in under five minutes just might make very-very clear? Five minutes.
Any wonder why "honestly" 475 intelligent "honest adults" and many of those far more educated, informed and honest (that Tom Adair dares insult, faking he's some superior authority and superior in absolutely nothing, as fact) that literally hundreds wanted Toms "honest work" to have a full forensic audit, As documented. Clear enough? 475 wanted Tom's "honest work" to have a full forensic audit, A full forensic audit, Clear enough?
Hey, don't NDP support FOI, transparency, accountability, legality, paper trials or just two-faced?
Yes, Tom Adair even short changed and cheated the Teamsters not only his own "brothers and sisters" allowing the further absurdity of unskilled carpenters, untrained carpenters (some well paid women beaters) to be paid far more than clearly those "really":
- specially trained,
- specially certified,
- highly insured
- far more capital equipment cost responsibility than a low voltage drill.
- and as far as supply chain dynamics and PMI guidelines, a critical channel for real Just-in-Time bottom-line stuff, if not screwed around by lazy incompetent department heads wasting investors to studio and sister unions time and money and with tax payer credits. True? False?.
Are we clear here as well? More? Having "really" driven 5 ton trucks and as well rental return cars in university, and even taxi in Montreal, and as well and as key worked with dozens of carpenters on real and film set construction sites, this cheat on teamsters just makes point on the abuses by others in the criminal elite and of many others as well. And other unions. And what a criminal two-faced freak and sleaze Tom Adair "really" is. True? False?
My family members did not die in war, nor the old Veteran served, that I helped recently, who helped Canada in Europe, while in Ottawa, done and died so that this disgusting low life criminal "cowardly women beating" ignorant garbage from other countries and sadly some real born Canadian criminals, could all be so easily criminally enriched with such limited experience, skill, training or education and hrting honest Canadians. And worse as woman beaten and children cheated as again by such grossly very uneducated and very-very arrogant elitist misogynist human cowardly dirt and as honest suffer. True or false?
I do not want women in my family or friends and their daughters to suffer these sick and tragic crooks and idiots, women beatings or cover-up, nor this suppression, harassment and violence others in this criminal cream "literally laugh about" with their clever cover-up too many have witnessed. They also brag too much in front of too many of their clever and very cowardly crimes.
Better? All this Hour Bank crime and BS and millions and millions in tax credits enriching: criminals, women beaters, junkies, drunks and misogynistic types all witnessed or on record. And best hour bank docs showing criminals left the biggest paper trail possible in all Canadian Legal history, oddly when bragging and laughing about creating missing files and "no paper trail". This as I guess even Conrad Black may have laughed at, once, at first, before jail time? And he could afford the most expensive lawyers possible?
This further documenting both their gross stupidity and arrogance and as ignorant uneducated bullies will, and as key: their selfish sleaze at majority and "all" stakeholder tragic expense - and paid so very well? True? False?
Hey, for fun, just guess what even a simple linear regression shows for those not too simple minded as correlation of those who support women beaters like Mitch Davies and Tom Adair do, and as per documentation and their meaningful non-BS actions or lack thereof? Just fun math? And against the ratio of slime and criminals who best benefit as indexed also illustrates? More fun math? Graphs to follow. And as such, only the highly uneducated and stupid and very enriched criminals even with everything to lose now stupid enough to try debate or bluff against real honest facts these facts not real? (See Internal trial transcripts), (See show and production spreadsheets collected for decades?).
Sleaze and criminal gangs so intelligent and so honest with the criminal executive they all support and who all support hour bank fraud, can't all be so very highly paid and yet so stupid at same time? Can they? Can they? Really? Just having fun. Numbers will be much more fun later with top minds like John Brummitt to Frank "Da' Fraud" Haddad, as a once trusted treasurer before wine and investment problems - and oddly again another of Rob Maier's gang? Oddly? And in high places, and again with no background in finance or senior management just incompetent dirt and vegetable depth and with losing others money and paying too much or costing too much while paid too much? Fact.? Like Rob Maier's Fool Boy Johnny Brummtt. Both loads of fun for RCMP to play with, play off or against each other, and good for great laughs before dealing with the seriously sick Don Ramsden. Or the vomit vixen Dusty Kelly? Or Rob "Rob-them-All" Maier.
The ratio or lack of Aboriginal, Asian, African and other races not enjoying the tax credit enriching criminals also of note for human rights people reading this blog. This white supremacist factor also of note as for some in criminal executive elite oddly not a problem? The related anecdotal tales amusing where the issue very sad and serious.
Universal medical coverage something all Canadians and Liberals can be proud of and as put into law by Liberals, as other "talked", they did. Yes, yes, yes, NDP started the "talk" and supported Pearson - but what choice did they have? However: Libs did it.
Net: Here is why those cheated need all proceeds of crime seized from Homes and Cars to Bank Accounts and all asset values with absolute maximum jail time.
Ideally "seizure before judgement" as amounts involved literally in millions. And do note also, that these folks, by precedent, plus law plus amounts, plus their own sleazy legal history support "border alert and flight risk". Yes or no? True or false?
5) Are a few of these crimes punishable by sentences exceeding 5-10 years, and with seizure of all proceeds of crime? And with standard three tier laundering done as pay, power and perks galore and easy to prove for clearly "how often" the less far experienced, talented and less educated as compared to many others, are grossly so well paid and do what? Makes a very honest and valid point as well with all other facts - and that seizure from vehicles and homes to bank account and with "seizure before judgement" again possibly a giant "GIVEN" - and again as based on real "legal precedent", and as some clearly and really flight risks. As per others words and terms, Don't trust me? This as with other's history, as fact, before trying to steal less or more, real? Yes or no? True or false?
End of RCMP, CRA suggested easy-handy mobile-friendly smart phone checklist. App to follow.
The above one page clear five point a very-very brief overview and most of all other matters needing literally weeks of criminal investigation, provincial inquiry review, criminal and civil court time.
However, sadly for criminal elite and ignorant frauds and key criminal supporters, cheerleaders and spokes-models, like Mitch Davies, fearing jail time, this ABOVE ONE PAGE FIVE POINT statement all RCMP need to carry in pocket and not read more (but hope they do) and possibly these claims so brief , as now far beyond any intelligent counter debate and challenging, providing the very best initial documentation and so crystal clear.
All set for exposing to legal "satisfaction of courts" all the fact that these sick self-serving selfish criminal sleaze - on steroids need jail..
And more disgusting, than a history of conspiracy of repeated lying to RCMP as to defame, coerce, intimate, obstruct, creating economic interference, and as to
wrongfully prosecute others and while cheating tax payers to beating women and cover-up, and cheating (as they termed their own coworkers they "mostly of majority" cheated and far too often) those they cheated referred to as their "brothers and sisters". Adding salt to the wound. How sick is that?
And this big bust already made much easier by many of the most important and extremely helpful criminals. Those who handled my motivation, and gave me very key insights into degree of criminality, conspiracy, network and methodology and now deserve their full credit. Full credit for their gross stupidity and arrogance identifying other criminals and their "friends" as sadly also as key criminals and in support by adding their involvement to others criminal stupidity . Tom Adair a case in point. And simply revealing - and knows all? John Brummitt and some very crazed lady wall paper hanger, who handled all key IT issues for Rob Maier's gang's crimes, so criminals respected more and held less in disrepute? Yes, other criminal acts must be seen to be believed by RCMP, RCMP will have to give this unmatched actress with tears and tales an academy award. She alone worth the price of a feature film to watch babble and cry.
Really, without Rob Maier's gang of impressive and dog-loyal loyal top buyers/wall paper pro protection and great honest Frank Haddad - and even the thankless humiliatingly lower paid efforts of John Brummitt, we couldn't prove this and their criminal conspiracy or fully bust Rob Maier? Just have to "satisfy" a criminal court not walk on water or beyond a reasonable doubt stuff criminals like to hide behind when meant to protect innocent.
Poor Rob Maier. If not for the criminal nut cases in his gang, lies to RCMP, theft plus, trial transcripts Rob could have been laughing all the way to the bank now. And maybe now very soon crying? Maybe even before Christmas? And thinking himself once long-long time ago such a very clever criminal, and not having now to fully accept he's really just a creepy, cowardly sneaky stealing slime. And just another low-life crook cheating coworkers, And other departments, suppliers, employers, investors, provincial and Federal government, CRA and in a way, even Rob's sick handy criminal and corrupt union, High Five all for Wallpaper Pros and Tool Boys (as per JS) helping destroy Rob Maier and Don Ramsden? Rob Maier's gang/people made him. And now have helped absolutely destroy him - and must further help RCMP now for any small chance as to reduce their jail time. Ironic? Why best to hire smart people and honest people should now be clear to some - and exactly why not hire the dumbest of the bunch.
For me, if some guy just left an international engineering firm working on advanced software, at the highest executive levels, and directly for a noted Oxford Scholar, and had not only "glowing references" and in fact driving his previous employers car as to help others as then permits get to shows, and where asked to speak at an international engineering firm AGM had also international recognition from Hollywood, heck, I'd suspect they were just a bit smarter than the pathetic cowardly criminal fakes and frauds named here. True or False? Shall we compare "honest fact based realities"?
If not for Don Ramsden's gang of also "very selected:" "very uneducated" dummies like Dusty Kelly, Tom Adair, Dixie Cutlure, and oddly again everybody's lowest paid sidekick "John Brummitt" (also very uneducated, oddly - and not very experienced or accomplished either, like the others) it would not be so easy to bust so many. So well. This stated for those who like repeating patterns. Or might miss them? Simply JB just another Don Ramsden all-star sleaze selection, as he was with/for Rob Maier's gang, Top smart guy criminals like Rob Maier and Don Ramsden I guess like dumb John Brummitt and Tom Adair types as a low IQ and low cost criminal support, and very low maintenance for their clearly criminal superiors, one should suspect - as such kiss asses as hundreds have witnessed? Hundreds?
(Video Insert?)
Becomes a tad obvious or just coincidence the need by those like Don Ramsden and Rob Maier to surround and select the known and obvious very dumb low-self esteem people, kiss-ass and easy to control types and taught so easily to "obey and beg" for far bigger pay.
Intelligent honest people clearly are trouble makers. Always have been?
Note: Don Ramsden not playing favorites. Brummitt also very qualified as perfectly dog-loyal stupid by his almost unmatched intellect and integrity as to ALSO be in Gavin Craig's and Rob Maier's gang? Three gang worthy? Popular slime and criminal isn't he? Even if John Brummitt getting paid far less and far longer by Don's games helping Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly seem honest, educated and credible. Hilarious and humiliating.
Hilarious and humiliating. Just like what lady super star in union service marketing with the most union experience and related education, and got the free trip to Europe? Something that real new business and real marketing and real educated marketing experts know as just more misappropriation of funds and fraud? Did we not learn from the Bible with Adam and Eve only idiots take apples from the devil they don't deserve. As Dusty did from Don? Like a mob sting they'll use apple tasting to compromise manipulate the stupid later?
Gavin Craig , no fool, well other than trusting John Brummitt and his key effort in supporting very serious lies to RCMP involving wrongful prosecution, obstruction and criminal defamation? Hey, not just anyone can beat a raving nut case and former possible Campbell's Soup Model" in a corrupt, controlled limited election and then quickly earn the trust and respect that members and your own executive put you on trial. After-all Gavin also had John Brummitt's brains "also" helping Gavin's gang as well - and one of the classiest ladies who must be seen to be believed Susan Butler Grey also a key player as RCMP files note too well. Who had the more stupid, cowardly criminal gang? Hard to say. Hard to say. And so odd as so easy to say everything else?
The Ken Anderson gang sadly not worthy to mention here as the stupidest and most arrogant as so incredibly sleazy and stupid I'll save to add humour for criminal prosecution and Inquiry. Ken made stand alone labour history for bad faith and now must have RCMP believe his lies? And now so many know what an asshole he can't run for anything as only self-interest support surrounds him hardly the poster folks for intellect or integrity.
Important Note?
After years asking all those named as slime and criminals to simply meet me one-on-one at RCMP offices, as to protect their honest good names, careers and prove themselves as not cowardly, sick slime and criminals as I claim, and to also prove they are in absolute fact are: more highly educated, experienced then those they judge and that they as fakes are not only empowered by criminal and corrupt non-democratic, non-representative illegal elections and bylaws, and that they do have the real intellect and integrity to justify their insane pay far beyond teachers and nurses and most in law enforcement. This John Brummitt can make so clear that they do have intellect and integrity and are not extremely cowardly slime deserving of maxed jail time. True? False?
Just (1) one? Just (1) one? Just (1) one?
I even asked for just (1) one spokesperson, if all the criminal cowards not willing to do RCMP visit as honest people would do, and just have this informed third party clear everything up with RCMP if cowards so afraid. Fast. So easy if not afraid of 5-10 years or hands all clean. Very easy. If hands all clean?
And as all with superior intellect and integrity - like the five above, I clearly claim as cowardly criminal slime and as certainly as some of the 475 adults asking for a full forensic audit of these and other's honest work would support? So should present no problem for their well witnessed intellect and integrity? Unless afraid of five years plus in jail as one might guess. Plus obstruction time.
Even RCMP and Criminal Court Judges and new Liberal MPs reading this and considering supporting an RCMP investigation and BC Liberals for a full Provincial Inquiry might also guess something very-very strange here?
Hey and if I'm pushed against the wall I'm willing to even accept ,yes even accept just (1) one spokesperson who can sit with me and RCMP and explain how simply hour bank not a highly multi-million crime by criminal and highly over paid morons? Hey, I even promise I won't even bring up the other serious and smaller jail time crimes. Or talk linear regressions and elasticity. I'll keep it as simple as possible and as needed by their best brains and spokesperson. As just courtesy I'll suggest RCMP have handcuffs ready. Again absolutely no one has anything to fear and literally much to gain if honest and clean hands.
And too show what super sick women beating supporting types are, as well as actual women beaters, and certainly as well as bullies and cowards and pathetic frauds that these criminals are, how about just one (1) of their "very-very smartest" of those named meets with me just one-on-one and only has to challenge one (1) of my claims.? Yes their legal defence that sad and tragic. They are now learning what stupid slime and sleaze they are. Slowly, but the smarter ones learning and should squeal for a deal and a plea bargain that won't destroy their remaining life,
How sad is it? How obvious?
Consider the overwhelming legal optics if two "top international negotiators" like Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair and who can go head-to-head with head of the NDP Adrian Dix, Hollywood and Big unions but appears afraid out of their total f@#kin' minds to simply negotiate with one of John Brummitt's defined labourers? How humiliating is that? And at the RCMP offices they get tons of protection in case I get threatening. And not simply making RCMP laugh at these two fakes and criminals and their very desperate LAST LIES very obvious?
And to be very clear
I also intend to legally defame, expose, embarrass, humiliate "all" the cowardly slimy selfish criminals named (and soon to be named) and to be as extremely cruel, abusive, harassing. Just as they were to many victims from single mothers to the marginalized. This while on their big bogus ego trip and gross illusion as superior to others and fit to dare judge others.

The best part is now these criminal slime have to deal with dozens and dozens in our legal system, media and government. Those far-far more honest, far-far more educated, far smarter - as a given, (This takes seconds in some cases to prove). And as the media, legal system and most MPs and MLAs can't also be coerced and intimidated or bought, things not as pretty as some think? And these people not only unstable with beating women, others throw dishes, sunglasses and pens at people when lost for words and mouth can only froth as witnessed if teeth not secure. And I will also as my last effort demonstrate how some of the best and brightest of these criminals supporting either of Don Ramsden's Cultler-Kelly Gangs, Producer and Art Director Rob Maier's Gang, and Gavin's very smart lying to RCMP conspiracy gang: may not in honest literal fact have the vocabulary or EQ of KOKO the Gorilla. Yes, the legal too easy to prove I want this chance as well to prove this. Even if paid more than KOKO and most in legal, academia, media, women?
And for those woman criminals who think their good looks and warm smile, charm or a bit of court room cleavage or a stupid wiggle like Dusty and Susan BG may try, as one suspects has some tire wear on frustrated politicians and union power heavies like Tom Adair just won't wash and will work they are insane. Tears of a tyrant and a screaming mad lady will again serve its own purpose.
I'll also cover, added with the brave and brilliant women beating "fighting men" (those kinda men?) to tax cheats, further exposure and ridicule of the low-life low and expose the real education and accomplishments and full merit of their sick women friends as well. Yes. And these ladies highly dysfunctional families and "dish-throwing" marriages to their greed creating issues for their children and best to be compared to real ladies I know. Nuns and Legal schoilars. Yes, "real classy women" as some members know well and from legal scholars to real world big high profile company owners. Classy, intelligent, strong women. Not cheap dirt. Yes, my choice. And as well more and more details on the pivital and poignant Monica Lewinsky factor possibly too evident with these greedy sick ladies with their little-league lust for power and money they could not on their own intellect or integrity justify and will be further detailed.
Hint: Don't let Brummitt offer Dusty a cigar outside courtroom before Adrian Dix asked to testify?
Just a heads up if you will on legal optics. Yes. Those women who sell all other women and women's issues short, by sickeningly protecting women beaters as to bully and abuse others must be totally ridiculed as they treat others when they once laughed. Ignoring other women's harassment and suppression for decades. Yes, you can put lipstick on a big ugly sweaty pig but legal optics are legal optics as they say.
And do check why only these sick cowardly criminals and other tragic life-losers as after recognized fully for their integrity, intellect. management depth, experience and education back exactly where they were twenty years ago and their previous juniors now their equal or superiors as we see with Rob Maier.
Soon Mitch Davies and Paul Klassen will be, if not in jail or blacklisted from every union possible have serious difficulty finding jobs as they will be watched until sentenced. And even if just community service stuff all they suffer with large fines and settlements, I;ll be happy. Not super happy. Yes, Paul I know I can crush you in civil court? Obviously? Don't you? You saw a smart lawyer and found out how incredbibly stupid and criminal you are? Like the others will.
And do compare my biggest critics and oddly my fans, friends, family and supporters as so very-very different. Legal optics. Very-very different. And certainly far-far-far more honest, accomplished, experienced, educated and recognized from top legal and science Oxford scholars and top award winning CBC investigative journalist (to start), three graduate business schools and two Federal political parties, One possibly very top forensic shrink very familiar with real Clifford Olson types and other such criminal behavior (Med degree at 21)? Including, as my character witnessed various "top" documentary, ad, film and TV producers, art directors (an ex) and writers and from shows like Trailer Park Boys from Maritime to Terminal City on Vancouver Island. And mpore unions in between then these criminals ever worked for. Having written, directed and produced many ads and managed up to three TV ad productions simultaneously in Toronto, and having had as subordinates and employees top award winning Art Directors and Designers and real and actual studies and degree in such things, I know a fraud and fake when I see one. And can simply ask questions fakes can't answer as buyers, department heads, accountants, and for basic business skills, basic math, geometry, computer tools, budgeting and estimating as per "real world".
As fact all named, and to be named:"very sick and sad": Women Beaters, Crooks, Criminals, Tax and Pension Fraud Cheats" - and as are their "dog-loyal uneducated supporters" all sad fakes and frauds? Any bets?
Start with top criminals and top dogs pictured and named above. Have them all fully and completely exposed!" Guess which one is which pictured above. RCMP will. And they will be right?
The "whole" truth and nothing but the truth - is always so key.
With the misogynist it starts as almost invisible career suppression of females (as documented from top female stars like Lawrence's Hollywood pay disparity to lowest paid female painter or paint brush cleaner at a small union local - as witnessed such as Dusty Kelly having trouble being seriously respected as a department head or some absurd lead to sign-writer scenic title), This when not fooling anyone she's best of best pretending she's an executive and international "investment and marketing " new business development expert when others really do have marketing and investment, education and experience and can prove her trips not simply all no merit or measured results but criminal misappropriation of funds with or without C-377 - and prove her fraud there and with trustee issues even far worse with Tom Adair - and in her her paint covered best).

Then the sicker they get: date rape, rape and as noted, then murder. The Col. Russel Williams and Ted Bundy charm and authority posturing some try and now must document and demonstrate should not fool anyone. How abut a forensic third party opinion poll or random focus groups on this? However,protected witness testimony makes enough clear here as well.
We take no prisoners. No special consideration.
We'll also help to "fully prosecute all others" guilty beyond those listed and named here (Key Friends and Family, if also criminals, plus the other known women beaters and dead beat dads to tacit and direct conspiracy membership and tax cheats). otal scorched earth and 24/7 carpet bombing awaits hose thinking themselves safe.
Can it be any funnier than Ken Anderson with an impressive MBA from Canada Post working beside him or with him gets real clever and plays with international mail fraud on internal trial appeal and with registered mail. What an ignorant idiot as many more now also know from members to BC LRB?
NOTE: Millions sitting on table here for law firms reading this wanting to defend this pile of ignorant human garbage and mos with multiple charges? With the amount of reading and many-many meetings to know "all key facts" and all players, we estimate each criminals defence can easily be pushed to bill in excess of $200,000, 00 - certainly for the super clever ones who will still lie or try and deceive RCMP far more. They should ask Gavin Craig to show "honest books" how I can run up others legal bills. Hey, sorry my law profs at Loyola and Carleton university nuts about "Legal Realism"? However, where I've busted or helped expose MBA's, CA's, a PHD, CEO, a GM and a VP or seriously crippled their careers I have never seen so much incompetent slime and hypocrisy anywhere else. In an other business or any other union. In business sexual harassment he bright business Brit gone literally by noon. Here those who are women beaters or know for harassment or bullying women get big pay for what "twenty years". Nobody is going o be fooling anyone, How obvious:

Guess who present president and re-election candidate Mitch Davies is in fact "honestly" aiding and abetting" the most?
Criminals and women beaters and major tax cheats
Honest whistle blowers?
(For those having trouble feel free to use phone o call a friend for help on his big brain buster)
(For those having trouble feel free to use phone o call a friend for help on his big brain buster)
Mitch or Witch? Bitch or Mitch? Which is Which? What a presidential choice.
(Slogan for Mitch to use in election?)
His lack of many supportive e-mails as "documents of decent" to me by Mitch (as lawyers should have advised idiots earlier, as others did, and now far too late for the stupid ones). And like the thousand supporting witnesses oddly all missing for internal trials, this also literally speaks volumes about just how stupid, sick and sleazy some are from executive elite and certainly drunkard and treasurer Frank Haddad to Rob Maier's gang - all trying to make that criminal Rob Maier happy? And avoid as absurd as it sounds "disrepute" for Rob Maier and oddly a key priority issue for 891 gang? Some with smarter legal sent me letters of decent years ago? If only the three little pigs had known?
If you think e-mails make Harper people and Hilary people all scared stiff and can justify jail time for a few clowns, wait to you see what those far-far less educated and with much smaller IQs like Ken Anderson (already proven a sleaze and not trust worthy by BC LRB: See File.) sends by registered mail, Or the very strange wordings from Don Ramsden, Gavin Craig, Elmar and others to me in emails? And for real revelation one must also read internal trial transcripts and related correspondence? Tears and all any shrink can explain. Stuff he criminal's lawyers should have been reading years ago and now far too hard, late and expensive to catch-up. And worse no paper trail. Legal optics? See how it all backfires? The ignorant ignore. And ignore that "real" knowledge is "real"power.
Confession? I am very aware that should RCMP find: I'm really the lying sicko fake and big time union criminal fraud and thief, and I threaten honest, respected, and loved union members children and including Gavin Craig in hat group of children as per RCMP files - and even after my volunteer polygraph and dozens of ex girlfriends and two nuns testify what a women hater I am not, and those I claim criminals and human garbage in fact, all are or myself so wrong it will have helped either way and eiher side? Let RCMP and Criminal and Civil courts with a Full Provincial Inquiry decide. Don't trust me or anyone?
Yes if I'm lying I should be the one busted and doing maxed jail time. If not then them?, his is important for women to honest workers. if I'm the slime, criminal and pathological liar and not to trust me or my type ever - and best to trust their local union executive even more. And so after tested on integrity against my teams adversity, Dusty can soon lead the NDP. Don Ramsden can be a spokesmodel for domestic violence. And better even Dusty can now succeed where Hollywood date Adrian Dix failed on both credibility and integrity. And then not even her ex husband could "hold her back". We need a full forensic investigation to help Dusty and her dream?
Confession? I am very aware that should RCMP find: I'm really the lying sicko fake and big time union criminal fraud and thief, and I threaten honest, respected, and loved union members children and including Gavin Craig in hat group of children as per RCMP files - and even after my volunteer polygraph and dozens of ex girlfriends and two nuns testify what a women hater I am not, and those I claim criminals and human garbage in fact, all are or myself so wrong it will have helped either way and eiher side? Let RCMP and Criminal and Civil courts with a Full Provincial Inquiry decide. Don't trust me or anyone?
Yes if I'm lying I should be the one busted and doing maxed jail time. If not then them?, his is important for women to honest workers. if I'm the slime, criminal and pathological liar and not to trust me or my type ever - and best to trust their local union executive even more. And so after tested on integrity against my teams adversity, Dusty can soon lead the NDP. Don Ramsden can be a spokesmodel for domestic violence. And better even Dusty can now succeed where Hollywood date Adrian Dix failed on both credibility and integrity. And then not even her ex husband could "hold her back". We need a full forensic investigation to help Dusty and her dream?
Critical Federal Election done, dust settles and political support fully (for this monster legal case),now best defined and available. Note: Two major federal parties my previous employer as a very "real" senior paid executive in Federal Elections and Economic Initiatives - and with written reference from Senator Grafstein (Lib) for helping Ron Basford (Lib) flip Quadra also documented). This before I was in this very sick industry and like literally hundreds of honest men and women suffering such low-life, highly uneducated, unethical, serious stealing cowardly criminal sleaze, slime and frauds. Now I'm supporting Green Party and Liz May as Environment Minister. I like underdogs like John Turner and Kokanee beer? Yes, I didn't just help oddly Liberals flip Quadra as documented for Liberals, just check out the decade Canada's main national trade mag "Marketing Magazine" listed me "really" as Landmark as per my recognition in Hollywood and New York. But not CreativeBC?
I also worked for the brains behind Mulroney as well as Conservatives later, as many know. This with Stanley Hartt's and for his and his brother's "detective agency". Their Dad helped Liberal PM Pearson get a Nobel Peace prize. One was to get me to see Bob Dylan and Leanord Cohen;s manager and to give Joni Mitchell a gift during :Rolling Thunder" and evacuation of Viet Nam? Check? Yes, not just CBC work for me with top investigative and award winning producer Terrance Mckenna - and note fans and other work including with the big money from Yorkton behind Lions Gate, Small money?when in investor relations? Even some stuff with big law firms in Vancouver.
What criminals will need to know is why the top lawyer in Montreal "Cookie Lazarus" who oddly represented Justin Trudeau's mother, also helped me in 1979 with other criminals. And far more scary who paid my bill for Canada;s most expensive legal? Too bad Liberals won.
Too bad the RCMP have a problem with 400 members internal class action efforts hurting image and need to show counter balance Hopefully this legal case can make RCMP and BC Liberals and Federal Liberals clearly Super Heroes for all women, honest workers and honest taxpayers, industry and Canada. All across Canada. Heroes helping here is worth millions in message credibility for authentic RCMP acts and message with a case(s) such as this, and all across Canada. Credibility and Likability that helped make Jphn Turner win Quadra that helped Kokanee Beer make millions, Cred' Mulcair would now o die for and Hero points Harper and PC would pay millions for in hindsight And all with this one easy low cost case. Almost by design? To bad to the victor go the spoils as NDP head Adrian Dix learned. Think Dusty Kelly buying a new dress when next polls on NDP are done?
After Federal and local elections finshed Nov 1, criminal charges will be finally started as a Christmas gift for Criminals, and will be very slowly made as to best shake up others with old and tired nerves, less energy and some menal slowness evident, and as some now feeble, and thus now far more painful for sleaze to now be fully exposed and do jail time. New local President and New Business as soon very unlucky stars, will define target strat and start. Best days are gone for all criminals. Next five years in criminal courts for themselves, family, friends and others and suffering Provincial Inquiries and serious main and not media exposure and that extreme humiliation or those once so proud of their bogus titles and criminal enrichment get theirs.
Who is first rat to run the very-very legal maze? Pathetic Paul Klassen well documented as aiding and abetting and playing god helping a criminal gang criminally defame by malice or gross negligence as standard of care and due diligence failure more than spotlights? Paul should ask a op lawyer what his stupidity costs as per recent defamatory awards for such similar cases?
Maybe charge Dusty Kelly? Dee Embry? Gavin Craig? Rob Maier? Susan Butler-Grey? Maybe double-up and we play match-maker?
Maybe do super fast thinker Mr. Body Language: John Brummitt , as pride-of-the-pack first? And see if we can trick him and ego again into believing once again that he and Gavin Crag far more intelligent than the far-far more educated and clever RCMP. Both so arrogant and so ignorant.
And have this super coward, sneak and porn freak and puppy kicker tricked into telling more and more lies to RCMP. Nice trap? He should do a volunteer poly and prove my claims not as I claim. That easy if not a sick cowardly pathetic lying criminal with "Everything to hide". Exactly.This trapping as to both to dig his hole deeper and deeper and maybe even get RCMP really angry and insulted and pumped for his other criminal friends before they get to turn on charm - and this as to get RCMP best to know John Brummitt and his winning words and charms.
Big Bet?
This scenario sadly as all other criminals bet big time on John Brummitt not to blow it "all" in questioning and for all the carefully crafted questions as we can see RCMP have mastered from Senate and Security investigations and bust to Bikers and Serial Killers. No need for criminals like om Adair, Brummitt so much smarter than RCMP. The fact that KOKO the guerrilla has a larger vocabulary and word recognition should not worry anyone with clean hands..
Maybe after a few days of questioning and busted as liar and feeling all hope lost, he totally rats out others from what Tom Adair knows and when. And why Don Ramsden who helped criminals Rob Maier, Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly get so much money and John Brummitt didn`t, and thus JB already very humiliated and laughed at by many who can do math. Possibly other criminals? And sadder really, he thought he should be president and as respected like Dusty Kelly. And maybe best represent local in Cannes, New York to Hollywood, and like Dusty did with others money in trust, Well it would have to be a vote whether John Brummitt has far more class than Dusty. He dresses better. Also with no meaningful education, experience, ethics or intellect. But more charm. Warmer. Teeth in or out you'll love him.
These traps and tricks done for maxing John Brummitt`s well-deserved jail time and for added possible obstruction to contempt charges he should be well baited with. As he knows "all things" he could "squeal for a deal", rat out absolutely everyone and get police protection. And maybe walk? He deserves jail time, as with others, and nothing less - even if he goes down all alone. Unless he sings? Sings a song. Sings it loud. Sings it long?
Or might do Rob Maier last, so any effort OTHER THAN : full "honest" confession on all matters and ratting out rest of his gang as others have by then done to him, so as any defense absolutely pointless. Absolutely.
This easy as Rob Maier won't know or have a clue what RCMP and CRA know before questioning from "protected witnesses" and many previous employees and employers "not treated well" and just threatened? And those very inside who'd rat him out and all his gang.
"Protected witnesses"? Those who will be very honest about who and what Rob Maier "really is: from known: honest loving protective father (as RCMP files do not support) and very loyal honorable husband (which many know a myth) and extremely trusted and very respected coworker (This a laugh when protected witnesses from just Art Department talk ) and an honest employee (Where did the budget go? and so much expensive glass?) to simply a very solid union brother, and he votes for Dusty Kelly and not me, just as criminals forced to do when played as idiots again - and soon Rob Maier will be crying and begging for any break possible. And certainly then extremely upset with crazy wino Frank Haddad and his best buyer ever and their stupid internal trials? Any break. His dog-loyal support people will look how disgustingly cowardly, sneaky, dirty and criminal by default?
So probably no chance of "squeal for a deal" as Rob Maier last to be charged, John Brummit and Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly will also probably be charged last - and hopefully investigated last, when RCMP "extremely well informed by their friend criminals, and many of those also disgusted by those who are both text book and checklist:
megalomaniac narcissistic, sociopaths and clearly sneaky creepy and cowardly small man, small penis, women beaters, wife cheaters to known misogynistic, harassment and suppression bullies - wanna bet? Check. The few women criminals involved classic textbook obvious low esteem types and traitors to women rights to tax payers. Three little pigs with lipstick, still three little pigs.
They must also accept testimony from those who oddly also hate them and know them well as fakes, bullies and frauds, as many comments to this blog also support (And Mitch Davies election Material babbles about with what exact results three years later? Exact? But supports my claims about problems in the past but far from as honestly as I do) - and add those not fooled by Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly charm or the very dumb and dog-loyal, as their support, both documented and witnessed to be witnessed will prove. Why did Don Ramsden surround himself with those with such low IQ's, little real world experience and less education and desperately needing to feel important? Anyone see a theme who he kept in and who he kept out or bought off oddly far brighter? Don Ramsden and Dusty Kelly like those stupid enough to believe his BS about why seniority earned but lost (A Wall Street too big to fail story only more disgusting with bailout in this story) and his and hers many other lies. Hope he's still head coach for all the losers in his gang who trust him.
And best after protected witnesses "tell all", it will be so clear to all, as with RCMP and CRA what lying slime both Ramsden and Brummitt really are, and needed to be, as with other idiots thinking lying to protect criminals (with clear added wrongful prosecution) to RCMP a third time in a criminal investigation is not also criminal obstruction? They are top of class idiots as trial transcripts detail nicely others, And either added obstruction, criminal defamation or wrongful prosecution alone, simply great for very serious added jail time. Hope they are all as stupid as ever and act in blind solidarity. And all have more lies.
The criminals really could make me look very stupid and could pull an end run and turn themselves all in, and all rat out each other on all crimes as to get better sentences and wanting far less stress plus far less and very painful personal and financial exposure for next years? Hope the criminals appreciate the hours and days, months and years plus costs that this case will involve for those finally all named. And how humiliating for those who craved respect as not slime and/or idiots?
Tom Adair would be very popular in a medium security penitentiary with his endless self-serving babbling and BS and deserves no less, as such a fraud and coward clearly helping women beaters for more than a decade keep their dirty secrets and yet has all the paid time in the world for documenting condemning those who put women beaters in "disrepute", while as such an honourable and class act, cowardly condemning those far-far more accomplished and far more educated for demanding oddly with literally hundreds in support (475) : for a full forensic audit . This 100% fact. And as those far-far more educated can see clearly "obviously" per above, not the stupid. lazy, uninformed or the criminals involved supporting this criminal defamation of honest people? And as obvious, to those far-far more educated or with just extremely higher IQs and EQs, the criminals voted for criminals who are not whistle blowers. Not for me? Criminals couldn't vote for me as I doubt that stupid? Numbers don't lie. Can it be more obvious?
Some ask why low voter turnout in a corrupt and criminal union? Well, folks in marketing they sometimes have to explain to idiots who own restaurants, if just one meal made people sick or food smelt bad or service by gross incompetence and no fair value those customers are not coming back. And no matter what's new on the menu or appitite appealing pix and copy? Fortunately where these slime in union executive don't get it. when advising, Buss Fuller's people at Earl's, Corkscrew and other restaurants in chain they got it?
Or is Don Ramsden hoping to win another election again based, and so critical, keeping dirty secrets of beaten women and pay-offs from majority of membership, with misappropriation of funds, breach of trust and breach of clear mandate, with membership and seniority fraud, plus, plus, plus? So like other honourable executive types, as known, he can also try and steal members money and leave country as others have tried. Is he a flight risk? Looks like it?
So many-many dirty-dirty secrets these sleaze now must worry about and for RCMP to "fully" expose o help Canada as they do. So many crimes, so many criminals. A legal and possible political feast? And for honest and talented workers, the chance of a far more productive, positive and crime free workplace and for BC taxpayers no more need for tax credits as now used to enrich criminals for decades and support criminal family dynasties.

And soon, also help easily put these 5 above as very sleazy women beaters to multi-million dollar pension and tax cheats (plus other major crooks) all in Jail. All! And their 29 sick criminal tax-cheating friends.
Time to fully test and define Bill C-377 as a law in the courts - and as a very "pro-union" clean-up law or not. Or just maybe needing some added tweaking by courts and by NDP. PC and Lib, so a solid blueprint on forced transparency, accountability and oversight on legal compliance for governance for all cases where public funds in trust? This as to clean up extremely criminal and corrupt unions as this basket of bozos proves in spades. This for all honest union workers and all tax payers cheated - not to use C-377 for the many honest unions. Hey, even police have problems:
" - Sep 18, 2015
Ont. - An Ontario Provincial Police officer has been arrested and charged after an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of funds".
More on why this case later and KMPG tax reference, plus how a poor confuse homeless confused teen got four months jail for just $200 theft, this as to "best define time in jail" proportionately for this scum like Tom Adair and others who cheated honest workers of in reality even more and on an almost daily basis and have helped by breach of duty or cowardly silence in millions enrich criminals. This also 100% fact. This also not just $200.00 Hundreds cheated, and really insanely larger amounts involved. Tom Adair did very well with very little education, little meaningful experience, being an asshole, and a bit much with women, and at best an average carpenter-labour skill set - and considered by many, as even a less than average carpenter and far more a fraud and asshole when truth all told.

Here below a very recent and telling unsolicited quote from a candidate's recent election material, now running for president of this very sick corrupt and criminal union executive and the union and coworkers they hurt and cheat in many ways and many times:
CH: "... Why would I need a confidentiality agreement to a budget that every member should be able to see? I soon found out, and that is a question you as a member should be asking. By the end of the meeting my blood was boiling, but a very important point is I knew "exactly who" stood to benefit the members and who didn't. "
Will certain MLAs blood boil? Will criminal court judges blood boil? Should we do focus groups? And for more hard facts the RCMP "really" have taken down far bigger, far smarter and far more powerful who thought their lies so very clever and smarter than RCMP. But failed. And RCMP have been charmed certainly by far-far more intelligent and attractive women in smaller sizes and using far less make-up and real masters of smiles and tear tears - so good luck ladies. Break a leg and try and win the academy award you dreamed of as brilliant actresses.
Most idiots even do realize you don't go into a boxing ring against paid professional fighters who fight every day and with hundreds of knockouts like RCMP dealing with top-of-class sleazy liars everyday - and the criminals here really think they gotta' chance anyone will bet on? Criminals and morons with a very complex symphony of lies needed and in so many cases and in so many ways: odds not good for lies "working"? Think JFK had a better chance of leaving Dallas than Tom Adair. 475 plus shooters by metaphor in every building by metaphor and literally involving all levels of law enforcement and politics (as fact), makes a solid comparison to day in Dallas - and this for others to note all those not criminals and not worried at just being caught being honest and heroes? Clear? What side would you like to be on as not to look extremely criminal and sleazy and maybe more humiliating very stupid and disgusting.
Bill C-377 and new police call line if PC win has some serious merit with this slime?
Funny, three of the candidates now running for local president - who have been around far too long, now thinking being President will help them better financially to dodge and hide from RCMP with members money "again" or use misappropriated funds to diminish their new real image as sick, cowardly and "sneaky" serious criminals with again real crimes. And more money from members for vanity photographs. And as many know more crimes than simply women beating and cover-up to tax fraud or as just assholes helping other criminals from breach of trust to compliance too many to mention here.
They're idiots thinking they can fool enough they "honestly" have the "clean hands", integrity, intellect, experience or education and to fake they have the best interest of others. a joke. Hundreds not fooled clearly. Soon thousands. Those working 10-16 hour days with the use of DDD made famous in Montreal at McGill by Dr. Cameron. at the Allen, (while on CIA pay shows how easily less intelligent union members easily turned to brainless sheeple and so easy to coerce and intimidate with threat of economic interference after a twelve hour day or more and economic interference key as it relates to loan-out companies being also so screwed by such sick unions. And again as such, all these crimes not for simple Labour Board wrist slapping and penny bank fines they laugh at?
As a note I audited the biological and chemical basis of behavior at McGill with a now recognized Labour Psychologist (might be handy) and oddly also as well, she's also still friends with top Oxford-Osgoode Top Labour expert? And I worked for Marconi Military Communications and Dr Bull ( later assassinated by MOSSAD) and Dr. Gandel. I also do far more as a volunteer for veterans and seniors and lead national handicap employment programs than these slime do while paid as well but acting like volunteers for vanity pix?
We can talk more about the very sick and selfish sick minds of Rob Maier, as loving protective father and always loyal husband trusted employer, honest employee and highly respected member, a tad later when his classy bully buddy women beaters with small man, small penis issues, also ridiculed and exposed for full criminal prosecution with him.
What if in addition to the helpful and fun RCMP and those who even liked me, and thought me "fun" in North Van, Jasper, Ottawa/Orleans (when helping Veterans and getting Federal Security Clearance for DND and NRC), the RCMP in Victoria soon also find me "Fun" or worse like me?
Anyone check why was an RCMP officer a friend on Facebook (actually nephew of hockey goalie great Johnny Bower) who like others knows me from Grade School? Funny how ignorant and arrogant Brummtt and Ramsden are when judging others and knowing so very little little.
Is it also too true I lived in Ottawa with those who oddly have also worked and golfed with top Ottawa RCMP for over ten years? Still does? And oddly also one of my key character references on many other matters? Yes same house. Same pool. And far beyond Rob Maier's dream home, no matter how many criminal supplier savings? From windows to workers this man knows how to save money for himself if not employers.
Yes, hoping for more lies, and the signature continuous gross incompetence by far too impressive "criminal committee" by democratic vote and process so proven to date, from these sick and sleazy low-life criminal,s and yes, hoping no full confessions too soon, as also simply "Fun".
Jail time not enough, these sleaze must also be ridiculed and humiliated everywhere possible. This as a serious warning to other criminals, plus to give hope and justice to innocent victims. They really do need to be publicly ridiculed and humiliated in Provincial Inquiry, Criminal and Civil Courts, and all alternative and main stream media, as friends and family to neighbors all get to know the real truth.
The Oxford-Osgoode and McGill top legal brains and SE lawyers and law firms I've worked with and I dated, and a BC Criminal Court Judge I oddly just yesterday debated on Facebook who has known me since 1973, seriously not my only fans. Must add 475 votes for full forensic audit on these slime and the honest executive members - if any left?
Yes, some honest executive did "once exist"? And oddly who even backed me and best directly against small man and small penis complex women beating types as inner circle claim like John Brummitt and king of kings little Donny Ramsden. Poor Don Ramsden and his sick lust for tiny man power, and his ridiculous hopes of real honest respect that real truth soon won't allow him to falsely enjoy ever again.).
Yes, once there was a non-criminal executive as to both over rule Don as president and John Brummitt as the most ignorant and uneducated slime ever as President and a construction chair? And as now obvious trying to bully the wrong people once to often. Both will now die having less respect, money, power after all jail time when pension seized with all assets (as crystal clear proceeds of crime so poorly laundered too often as pay, position and perks).. Their families and "honest" friends should all be very disgusted. As with those involved in abnsurd internal trials and present slime all playing same old game of pretend like Mitch Davies, talk and talk audit, women's issues and do little, get paid absurdly well by money in trust? Just don't bother women beaters and major crooks and you do very well. This as CRA will see when looking closely at John Brummitt's and Dusty Kelly's and friends misleading tax claims.
Important Note: Both power house super brains John Brummitt and his buddy's and the king of kings, little Donny Ramsden. like others all warmly welcome to: quickly and simply prove not the now too obvious cowardly criminal fraud and women beaters (as too many know and not just hearsay) and prove the internal "honest executive" that overturned that asshole Don Ramsden were all wrong. And I'm the lying slime and criminal with very dirty secrets not John Brummitt and Don Ramsden? And should be easy as Don Ramsden a man all "normal" women need not fear and honest workers can always trust.
And do note as pivitol, with my forced membership, I did in one "simple move", in fact, prove all membership policy like seniority all criminal fraud. This based on my detailed membership methodology and based in many ways on their sick bulllying criminal fraud? Too bad Don about as smart and as "honestly" accomplished and educated as Dixie and her absurd "Presidential Edict" might make obvious, as well. More jokes later on Papal Infallibility and more details on John Brummitt's and Don Ramsden's misogynist small man and small penis issues. See UBC security file on night shift with John Brummitt, his family will feel so proud.
Is it odd none of the human dirt and big talk bullies and super Alpha misogynist women beating, harassing and suppressing males or very low esteem and severely dishonest women friends (there family relationships of note) and big shot too important department heads thinking and talking like they are smarter than wood - and moi , sadly all so afraid to just:
Meet me "one-on-one" at RCMP offices as to best and quickly defend their big shot, big title, bogus careers and honest and good - and so "respected" family names? And if family names and career respect not reason enough, hope they best consider "the image of their local". Odd that they spend hundreds of thousands to help NDP and on vanity pictures of Dusty Kelly with Adrain Dix, and like Mike Duffy her pix and make-up as meaningless for real results and merit and as for her high cost trips to Hollywood and Europe? Makes slime in government in Ottawa look kinda honest and good.
As such, does anyone find it a very huge jump in just basic common sense or formal logic, with all the evidence and reason, as to ever believe: That even those in the business of fiction, fake sets, faux art, fake props to fake explosions, fake violence, fake sex, and actors pretending to be people they are not, just possibly also these criminals guilty of millions in fraud and just "acting not criminal`` Pretending to be honest and intelligent plus tall and fun?
And do add, that already in prior local BC legal and inquiry history files as these slime are already exposed for include: clear bad faith and deception to "coercion and intimidation" and against their own dues paying and trusting people - who even more telling needed legal help from "another union" as to bust and expose these twisted little bullies for oddly "coercion and intimidation" (John Brummitt and his boyfriend Don Ramsden named and pictured above again key - and you think this not tip of criminal iceberg)?
For those in denial or doubt, do also further add very seriously to intelligent consideration and as again absolute fact, this union by association has a "literal hundred year history of local executive criminal behavior, (including dozens of cases recently all over North America). Just check? Odds are? And twice documenting lies to RCMP in Vancouver just to start..
Ask why these criminals and my critics really hate me? Or why "all" big talk frauds, are now so afraid to meet me face-to-face at RCMP detachments to talk a little truth. Not one will meet me there. Asking for years. Asking they charge me. So brave but so afraid. Take a very good hard look and in person "exactly" who and what my critics really" are, their "real" education and "real" experience and their sleazy women beating to harassing and suppressing "friends" and then look at my fans and friends and 475 votes to lead a full forensic audit against the slime and why exactly I have Federal Security Clearance and can do voice polygraph and these slime can't ever - it gets very simple. For some. Then really compare:
Then ask why legal to scientific Oxford scholars oddly like me and pay me three times more than big shot department heads? CD Howe super-brains have me as a partner? Why public companies ask me to join board of directors? Or why some can work so well with me (like oddly many other unions from railway to education and hospital and even other film unions even French in Quebec, plus Fortune 500 major to brokers in finance and investment on Howe Street, and why top universities request me to speak, and add the two traditional biggest federal political parties paying me top dollar for what I can teach?) and why some have me for dinner. And where these grossly uneducated criminal unaccomplished human and dirty little women beating criminals to criminal frauds and tax cheats as named, and to be named, oddly do not have me for dinner? And never could? Odd? Or why 3 top business school universities make me a requested speaker on New Business, and these super brains and slime oddly do not? Why? Why? Can we trust them? At all? On anything? Ever?
Why do major trade and consumer awards or media quote or recognize me internationally, with Fortune 500 giants and two federal political parties "at highest levels" paying me so much more than these dcumented uneducated criminal frauds by direct and "honest" comparison for "my time" helping oddly in "New Business" and "Publicity" to Finance and Audits, and have documented their recognition of my stuff? Why does Senator Grafstein thank me for my special work turning polls in Quadra for John Turner when PM? Why? Why do the smart department heads like me and the dishonest fakes do not? Ask around?
Why also does major top trade Canadian magazine Marketing list me as one of "Landmark 100" for that decade and my critics have at best just like Tom Adair "have honestly or alone and not riding tothers train" has done what with his fraudulent life? Accomplished what? And after so many years and pay exceeding a million? Why am I quoted in Financial Post and Computer Paper before these frauds ever in unions or in industry hammering nails and cleaning paint brushes and Tom Adair's efforts mastering a low voltage drill? Why? Why?
Why oddly, even in Gods name, would top Grey Nun(s) from St Paul's Hospital to former record holding NHL hockey stars and Canada's top hall of fame Rock and Jazz stars and even a Club of Rome lady give to many appearance and documented as witnessed, by many, that they like me - and not just for lunches, guitar, tennis and laughs? And why on Facebook? And why do "real honest" decorated (non-women beating veterans|), also like me and use me to "liaison" with veteran affairs in Ottawa and extremely decorated heroes short list me as their potential CEO? Why do top CBC award winning journalists, oddly also have me for dinner and tennis, with whole family, like top investment COB's and players on Howe Street, who also have me for "family" dinner? Why do my references on LinkedIn include historical figures and top "ethical" fund managers? My critics as sad pathetic frauds will be obvious and as as a signature of criminal elite for RCMP when they defame me and get critical?
This comparison as to "go to character" stuff and best profile. We absolutely accept hard evidence, documentation and witnesses - both hostile and friendly, protected and not, will be all that's needed to define to satisfaction of court max jail time and seizure before judgement of the proceeds of crime clearly taken from cheated tax payers honest workers and obviously with basic math their children and families and blatantly laundered as pay, power and position with taxable perks (reported or not) as so often the case with such low intellect criminals.
And for more simple "judgement" why is an old roommate, now a BC criminal court Judge also a friend on Facebook? Just guitars and law in common? Why did I get special Federal Security clearance for DND and NRC to work in Ottawa and the slime mentioned here oddly can't and now never will. Why do I like CRA? And most important point here is: why on earth would honest hard working people as it might imply - actually 475 people, all oddly "document full support" for me to lead a full third party forensic audit? All I asked? Why? Why? Why?
And why oddly class act and so super educated and experienced authority (See CV sans BS) such as uneducated fraud Tom Adair, then criminally defames me as obviously to best protect his criminal friends and his own very serious crimes in position of "trust" and millions of dollars in benefit awards going for criminals in "Good Standing" as documented. This while "more honest, talented, educated to the weak" screwed.
Tom "Hot Air" Adair, in fact far more hypocritical and fraudulent than most can imagine or may first appear. Wait for how he breaks after a few days in a Provincial Inquiry or Criminal court and even his family and closest friends see what a sad pathetic man he really and sadly is, versus his big shot and big title image. Much more to follow on this fake and flake. Also how key he is to the very serious crimes involved. Women beaters to those who suppress and harass women a key part of the proceeds of crime group that Tom Adairs supports for his honest success?
How do we bust these sleazy criminals? Easy.
The protocols, transparency and governance of a full Provincial Inquiry supported by both NDP and BC Liberals provincially, combined with three-pronged WCB, RCMP and CRA full criminal investigations helps. Do it once. Do it right. Save thousands. Millions? Put slime in jail. Seize proceeds of crime text book laundered as power, pay and position. And certainly not based on superior education, experience or noted and meaningful accomplishment?
Simply, these sleazy dirty criminals like any sleazy criminal will, fearing "honest truth" and jail time, with all proceeds of crime seized now fully at risk, will try initially to obstruct investigations by their signature skills to: equivocate, deceive directly, diminish, divert, use selective memory and very classic signature deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, and as most "not very educated" every day high school type lies,. Lies and deception by frauds , just as they are most known and loved for among the many honest and more intelligent stakeholders who have seen thru them for years. Who exactly are Dusty Kelly's key support?
Or as no honour among thieves three or five estimated will "squeal for a deal", as is the case so often, and things get really easy for all, as with those special lucky few who do "squeal for a deal". But no deal for those who must suffer most? This deceptive skill set their main strengths as neither "integrity or intellect" their strong point. This as will be soon very obvious, with a few of the more colourful and wordy clowns and criminals. Those involved in-the-know and need-to-know at highest criminal levels.
Anyone heard of any honest business or union that offers a 25% discount on "criminal" legal costs, even if guilty and best cheating that union and majority of members. And as to better enjoy proceeds of crime laundered as very 'protected" positions with added pay and now even help with needed criminal legal costs? If in "good standing".
Funds always oddly readily and easily available to known women beaters (as noted) and major tax cheats and those who lie to RCMP, or to help john Brummitt win an election based on lies - but only if "in good standing". Absurd? This when oddly only a tiny minority in "any honest union can use this legal benefit designed for convicted criminals "for key criminal acts? Odd no qualification? So little says so much. Wonder how the BC Bar thinks this helps law society?
Curious on what quality top lawyers offer this deep discount, as lawyers I know working Saturdays even when partners in top firms, with big pressure on billable hours and "revenue" (Side Deals? No bid contracts?). Maybe these legal brains well paid by other big clients or hours stretched? How interesting? Price marketing? Race to bottom stuff? More later as this worth a few laughs.
I can already imagine the entertaining legal babble that awaits my efforts? What would the common man to superior court judges "really" think? Honestly think? What are RCMP and CRA to "really honestly think" when all those named have criminal lawyers at an amusingly 25% off, and obviously frightened out of their small man small penis minds to deal alone with myself and RCMP questions directly - and all alone? Alpha Cowards? Pseudo-intellectual frauds? Big Alpha talk in their own tiny Beavis and Butthead mutual admiration groupings and tiny lbox on Boundary road or local pond. But in reality clear creeps and cowards and serious fraudulent slime afraid alone (any one of them at any time welcome to challenge me at RCMP offices? However, without ability to furtner corrupt and abuse union shield and sword factors for defending criminal intent and further empowered by criminal support internally to bully those far more honest, more talented, more educated, more accomplished). All afraid to come alone to RCMP and meet me? Why? As such this sword and shield metric will with this legal case have serious bearing on other crimes as well.
Get Real?
What would you honestly think of a church that had to offer this criminal legal 25% discount benefit to all investigated pastors and priests as suspected pedophiles guilty or not? The idiots think they can word many things and fool far more educated and intelligent people. Good luck. Or simply honest people using just common sense. Certainly would regain my faith in such a church offering discounts to criminals while screwing little boys, or in this legal case single mothers, all victims children and seniors, and yet respect such noble criminal acts as to deep discount/finance criminals even women beaters if in executive? As with this classy union?
They or a few must do or provide full confessions, if not simply insane beyond narcissistic psychopathic, sociopaths and other traits they have defined and we'll checklist in detail later on such frauds.
Squeal for a deal - as at least one or two always do? Or simply enough with just one good one. This proven from top business people like Conrad Black's newspaper buddy in Kelowna, to top crime bosses in New York or with biker's top guys in Montreal. It happens. All the time. The smart ones "squeal for a deal" possibly tired of forever second class status and far less cut of proceeds of crimes , as no one was sharing FAIRLY when they on proceeds of crime protected payroll or getting executive or department windfall when sad low lower foot garbage work like John Brummitt doing all the DIRTY leg work and dirty work for Rob maier and Don Ramsden as a union steward. Is it really fair some like Brummitt got far less money in scam than top of heap Tom Adair or no trips to Cannes or Hollywood or travel with main buddy of Dusty, "Donny"? How pathetic Rob Maier paying Brummitt for a ten hour day when others paying me far more. Far more. How pathetic? Seems even criminals like Dusty Kelly and Don Ramsden don't give Brummitt the respect they give others or as Rob Maier gave his female buyer in pay and power.
Thus any effort by named sleaze at "added initial deception" with RCMP is simply excellent on top of lies already documented with (2) two RCMP offices. Three strikes and many now go to jail. This additional deception with RCMP again just great and good news if some o uneducated and stupid, as it allows, very nicely, more added criminal charges and further supports "full" jail sentences with the addition of perjury, obstruction and clear contempt for court and rule of law and RCMP to add to their other very sleazy and cowardly serious - and the tiny crimes just needing noting in criminal court and avoided here.
And best? Lies adds to and with, also proves clear "criminal conspiracy" and that "aid and abetting" a very-very continuous and obvious convention and theme". This literally being "organized crime", even if attempted by just uneducated, heavy Big Screen TV viewing/trained and very unaccomplished morons, who oddly support violence against women to millions and millions in membership, benefit and pension fraud against coworkers, to cheating all taxpayers and industry. Great group or gang you'd love to have in your home or near your wallet and children?
This while very clear self-interest and personal gain issues serve as very clear motive again for allowing criminal friends and family to be enriched by tax credits at tax payer expense. Sounds like breach of some sort of "Trust"? Proceeds of crime "evident". Hurting industry and all other work units and suppliers and trusting members and sister unions by crime, incompetence, abuse, just simple economics.
As all the lies have to be extremely well coordinated, and by far too many of these sleaze and frauds (including morons in group, who must also be heavily patronized or may go maverick) for their house of cards to be able to fool in concert RCMP, WCB, CEA, criminal courts, labour board and provincial inquiry (and with their previous very poor batting average) and with 475 plus members wanting (and as such more as should be obvious) and still waiting for a very full and comprehensive forensic audit. Yes, "simultaneously in perfect harmony", the odds of criminals success, as any actuary would bet extremely close to zero. Zero? No? C-377?
As we'll see from previous labour board decisions and on very clear "coercion and intimidation" still to be fully told and put in honest context to Ken Anderson's BC LRB documented bad faith factors and e-mails, and as defined by labour board, not me or my words and previous Provincial inquiries, and then added to protected witness testimony, and that added to clever Klassen-O'Leary trial transcripts, and other documents: these sleaze will not be very able to fool those more intelligent and more honest? And so many times and so many details and dates to keep track of to manage all the lies by numbers fool those more educated as they once could their dog-loyal idiots or partners in proceeds of crime and criminal mutual admiration society, as also well documented. Then add exposing e-mails? Including every stupid presidents efforts to look smart using double-talk - except Mitch Davies? Protected witness testimony to RCMP the killer. Should RCMP ask as many as a half dozen protected of the 475 votes for forensic audit why and what they "honestly" think of very popular Tom Adair and his women beating buddy and criminal support, when their job not criminally threatened or with clear economic interference, as bozo Brummitt documented extremely well and beyond debate. Some cowardly bullies protected by criminals and women beaters brag they are cowardly bullies. Alone? With RCMP? Not so Alpha? Oddly?
Those more intelligent they bully with absurd and now very embarrassing internal trials and other stupid efforts, including threatening phone calls to economic interference oddly all most all very well documented. And easy to show network of criminal support by very close friends or a whole family on payroll of known criminals, as with Frank Haddad to Kevin O'Leary who must also do jail time, as also supporting, or are, as they may prove clearly, just low life dishonest, criminals ranging from theft, fraud, wrongful prosecution, economic interference - as with others in their elite and impressive group and inner circle. Or honest guys you'd trust from a golf score or alone in your home? Why do department heads and others so oddly trust me alone in their homes including those who have worked with RCMP in Ottawa for over a decade? Can we honestly judge people by the "real" company they keep and document extremely they support in their own written words?
As a note this blog has received tips on activities and crimes witnessed by others as these blogs all do. However, what makes me extremely proud over other blogs not (1) single person has denied my claims ever in writing and using their honest name? Never? How odd? Why? Called me names. But no reason or evidence to counter? Why? Even more absurd no denial even in internal trials. Nothing? Why? And no supporting witnesses for internal trials just a blatant absurdity. Even I ignored as so petty and pathetic to play tennis. Sunny day.
However, as these lying sleazy cowardly uneducated souls must be supported by other lying sleazy cowardly uneducated souls, makes this case kinda fun for RCMP and CRA and certainly makes a Provincial Inquiry go viral on Youtube for tax payer value to these these sneaky creeps prosecuted. Get cameras ready for this one.
Imagine everyone of the criminal elite and the union's known "family royalty blood lines", payroll princes and princesses, betting their own potential jail time on say some guy with a name like Vern or John Brummitt, or better both, while these two interrogated for a few days by top RCMP and much-much smarter than say a guy named Vern or John Brummitt who both think they are smarter than anyone, and these fools thinks their arrogant, false-confident posturing (against real facts not debatable) and word games by either, will really impress or even fool RCMP? Other names will be even far more amusing? Some liars better than others. Some not. As such we hunted the weakest liars? Full confessions would make things boring and this should be fun, fun, fun. Never play aces early?
Having worked with and played for years with top award winning investigative journalists for CBC and top internationally recognized Osgoode-Oxford legal scholars with my own little tiny studies in law with the great Senator Eugene Forsey and a room mate now a criminal court judge in BC, I just might have a tad more than most of these sleaze, as a background in what is "real proof" as to satisfy the courts. And the game of "Legal Realism" as studied. Add my high grades in formal logic and rhetoric with linguistics experts also in my social circle and network, as added support when babble bubbles forth and semantics game attempted by those with zero background - for some it will appear like Chris Hitchens debating with a young arrogant altar boy defending a pedophile based on religious titles and bible at best- if legal really at 25% discount?
This is the biggest legal case in Canadian history involving cyber-bullying that even the University of Ottawa will note for CRTC regulation impact, as well as top law schools across Canada as it has profound labour, criminal and civil significance. As such is this the best time for criminals to use big box volume 25% off key "listed" discount legal help or pay the $200 plus an hour? Often saves more money and time to buy quality? Only union members money again abused so why should executive start now to honestly show a standard of care or legal compliance, natural justice?
As this will be a very major embarrassment to NDP as: documented key NDP supporters criminally involved, both Mulcair (win or lose?) and the lonely in Langford already facing a plethora of problems in next provincial election beyond financing, and will suffer at elections again severely from funding to turnout unless NDP "leading" in cleaning criminals out of sphere of NDP as Tommy Douglas, Broadbent and Layton would, or look too obvious?
NDP should clean house before BC Liberals use this as contemporary, and newsworthy criminal trial, high-profile media and business case study for BC Liberals "Prima Facia" win-win-win to go into next provincial election? Win-win-win as labour boards say, love or need: A) helping women, B) tax payers and C) blue collar workers and clearly visibly more than NDP? Provincial Liberals or NDP can be honest heroes? We'll see who wins here?
As this case involves violence against women and sleazy self-serving coverup with misappropriation of funds and breach of trust by many, no way to spin it for media either. Too bad. How many times can you forgive Adrian Dix for very poor judgement for self-interest and clear political brown nose political gain?
Adrain Dix will certainly be required in criminal court to find out about how Hollywood dating scene can backfire. Who paid for what? Why? Where did 40 pts come from?
The hardest part for this literal ignorant and arrogant unethical human garbage is trying to explain "exactly" why: where I have no problem on many jobs with any honest non-criminals I worked with in both unions or with "real world", and with those with "real executive titles" by "real merit and accomplishment" in business boardrooms or work for, with respect to my "distinguishing quality of work" (vs the sleazy frauds here as at best: only literally: the best tiny tool repair and repair coordinator in light volt electrics and a wall paper hanger/computer whiz or paint brush cleaners like Dusty Kelly as witnessed. See their previous pay scale and why plumbers can honestly charge far more) - or compare my fairness and honesty with others with this human dirt and what will "honest" people "really think"?
And add in over a dozen senior executive positions my depth vs. Tom Adair or Dusty Kelly, and my working with military suppliers and Fortune 500 to (2) federal political parties and over a half dozen unions? Yes, unions with no problem from education to rail ways doing what's just honest, fair, legal and right and even with CBC my job no problem? No union problem with me other than here with these sleazy slimy uneducated fakes and frauds fakes and very serious criminals?
And why do I have Federal Security Clearance and they can't and never will? Why just a problem when I confront clearly highly uneducated, women beating and supporting types to tax cheats and disgusting cowardly frauds as human garbage like Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their very impressive friends and why oh why no where else? Why just problems with major frauds, criminals and clowns? As in past? Why?
I have worked for a company for Molson Pension Fund where those who sexually harass women literally gone before lunch where in this union? And violence against women gets what executive power in this pretty union? How many times? How many times? With whose support exactly? What department has largest representations?
Yes, all victims must be compensated from all BC taxpayers to beaten women and all honest workers cheated, bullied, defamed, or suffering criminal economic interference to also very well documented and witnessed "coercion and intimidation". All nicely ready in legal files and provincial inquiries to date and to further explore?
FYI: Unlike Justin Trudeau without family name or money, I "really" finished university and did some novel graduate studies until my career took off and unlike these sleazy pretentious frauds I also have "REAL" senior business experience and beyond teaching sailing, skiing and tennis like Justin, and in "real" finance and on the board of directors and for a "real" public company, which others must diminish, fake or "wing it" (As Keith Spicer taught both Justin Trudeau's father and myself and as Sen. Eugene Forsey also enlighten both his Dad and myself on other things?) And in fact, to make a more serious fact, I also have more and varied union experience than former head of BC Federation of Labour Jim Sinclair and even Tom Mulcair. Funny how those with far less education, less "real" experience, intellect can easily be shown to have surprisingly far-far less education, far less experience, and far less intellect when faking it. Intelligent and honest people seldom fooled by pretentious frauds as we have in this serious legal case. My legal in Montreal help in Montreal the same as Justin's mother "Cookie". This before Mulcair out of McGill and where many of my friends did law and other stuff and I worked with Dr. Bull? Why is one of Canada's legends in aerospace and top ethical funds my reference on LinkedIn?
As such should be obvious why in a sleazy criminal union of documented gross incompetents and sleazy cowardly criminal control even I can't get elected, but in an honest intelligent "education" union like CUPE, I can far too easily become grievance coordinator or in business get requests to speak at three top business schools and international trade and consumer media recognition and real board of director positions.
Why Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their elite and brilliant inner criminal circle from Paul Klassen to their women beaters and tax cheats must also do long jail time and have all proceeds from crime seized should be getting very clear? More? No problem.
The sleaze not only have to prove to the Criminal Court Judge and others who "lived wih me" and know me, to top legal scholar(s), that they have all been fooled by me into liking me as a friend and trusting me with very large sums of money and international business dealings and why I have Federal Security Clearance and John Brummitt and past five presidents NEVER WILL. And why 475 votes of support for myself and full forensic audit wrong, and if pushed why top journalists friends (Female and male) as well what top professional Hockey and Football stars and top guitar players in top bands know about me as also false, must be proven by these sad lying women beaters and documented balding small man small penis crooks and their classy women beating women as also in support by blind greed or needing aid with early family trauma and dysfunctional relationships and divorce. They cheat on their wives but not taxes and coworkers? It gets easy. And my past all false? Why do I get mail from top Nuns (See Executive from St. Paul's hospital" and they like me, but not the human garbage here with very-very little lone or any real personal accomplishment so much less that most of my ex-girlfriends " and easily surpass" in intellect, career, not only in class and education ). Picture will get more clear?Wait until you see the women friends of women beaters and why they hate me. And who my women support all are? Too much too obvious in comparison or in person. And real resume and accomplishments made clear beyond a shadow of a doubt. Who has big titles earned and who needed criminal support to fake theirs and there big pay from proceeds of crime.
How as dealing with the visibly obvious, is it no big tall honest educated men and even in criminal union (not just pro football players and including very "real" decorated tall veterans (not sneaky little cowards) more than just my friends? And too obvious sleazy criminal small men small penis complexes have such problems with me "honestly"? Honestly? The line very clear for those who support me and those who support women beaters, bullies, liars, frauds, fakes, thieves. Very obvious. Very visible in part. And no middle grown for morons to fake clean hands.
Note: I specifically avoid some clear claims that would make legal cheaper for these slime if not force voluntary admission to their own legal and possibly give up and plead guilty to all charges and accept full sentencing. This done so that they fight all or most of my claims all the way to end at incredible personal cost in their time, money, and fraudulent reputation and careers, this as I wait to just play more aces as I have before, and helps to find out more again prove some bullies and frauds just fools and felons fit for jail.
And if the sleaze claim I'm an arrogant bragger, how will they explain for years they knew so very-very little about me (and actually still do?) or are they idiots from the start playing games with those with legal scholars and top investigative journalist as friends (or why many in industry knew so little about me other than just a fun computer or ad guy with super girlfriends not in union) - well criminals knew little until I was ready to make very specific and supported criminal claims and my real credentials like theirs really in reality key to credibility? Like criminal records of some enjoying nepotism and big pay better be credible. It will be hilarious to watch the sleaze best explain their lies and above.
They only bully those weaker or beat up women who are weaker? How come they are the cowards now afraid to go to court or call RCMP on me and file "real"with more lies, like when Gavin Craig (SBG) and John Brummit thought themselves not sleazy lying idiots and once would have big titles, big pay, respect and trust and not back where they were twenty years ago as nobody human garbage and far less loved and far less respected and trusted? Respected?Time to fully expose and see Don Ramsden and other four presidents for what they really all are. If what I'm saying not completely true I'm a very easy target for charges. Only idiots dig themselves a deeper hole to be buried in based on more lies when original lies backfire?
(Insert Video)
Hint to "all" Sleaze: Don't treat RCMP and CRA investigation like you do members they will get angry if you treat them like fools or idiots or as you do women as well. Hope Adrian Dix explaining his Hollywood Date doesn't suffer further exposure for poor ethical judgement as when back in good old days backing Pattison's future staff Hope Adrain Dix not afraid of me or the lonely in Langford already in big trouble on other fronts? Voters don't like criminals.
And hopefully these sleaze know as attempting an Oscar award winning act their added lies added criminal obstruction and taking officers away from saving lives or helping others? Think about it.
NDP (If to be trusted as we could Douglas, Broadbent and my hometown guy Layton) plus all honest working people union or not: must all support this legal investigation and inquiry as honest NDP housekeeping and provincially to politically distance themselves before next election from these sleazy criminals and women beaters and Adrian Dix. I respected, like many, Tommy Douglas, Broadbent, Layton. Time to see if Mulcair gang and Langford folk agree? I also liked Joe Clark. We both worked with his photographer? Another character reference beyond just Federal liberals in elections at far senior levels than any union local president ever could or department head and Conservative efforts in international economic initiatives. Some have facts. Other sad fakes.
BC Liberals as well must show support for women and honest workers as both the honest and right thing to do and to capitalize on selective ethics if NDP play word games with higher moral ground BS bit and just sound and fury stuff, to further solidify BC Liberal majority and incremental voter growth and support.
Local business must support this RCMP criminal investigation and full provincial inquiry and "whole truth" exposure as the millions and millions in waste of tax payer to investors from gross incompetence and major crime, nepotism, restriction of trade, economic intereference hurts funding social programs for children to international marketing efforts. Economics 101?
From their real criminal fraud with even permits going back twenty years and the very sick and very criminal membership to category upgrade practices best serving sleazy criminal elite and women beaters very-very well, criminal family and friends (and easy to prove in criminal courts) to the loaded benefit hour bank benefit and still on going tax credit to pension fraud the slime must pay.
Victims need honest justice, rule of law and compassion and compensation. Nepotism as a fun topic worth a few days of math for inquiry and criminal courts how some very low skilled very fast tracked and favoured where others wait years for a simple upgrade while those far below "real" qualifications and purse snatchers to women beaters and cocaine heads all do well? Wanna bet?
Ask the past presidents in their fiduciary positions of trust why while on their watch "all crimes" oddly missed? Can we trust any of the past five presidents and key executives with already much documented deception, bad faith coercion, intimidation, cowardice, and defamation documented and witnessed beyond belief? Is there not even one honest person who can meet me with RCMP and say something nice about them? Just one?
Yes, absolutely innocent until proven guilty so lets rush everything.
Knowingly in a position of trust allowing criminals from women beaters to tax cheats and those who by gross incompetence and negligence to clear aid and abeting for political ego or as most to share proceeds of crime allowing criminals to be enriched from various forms of fraud and theft like the executive elite here, must also do jail time and kept from all unions for five years. Just the judicial integrity of Paul Klassen reason enough for him to be exposed for supporting criminals with his petty political stupidity and aiding and abetting as crime and defamitory wrongful prosecution. His network well exposed by social media so RCMP can see links to Paul Klassen that oddly union award winning class act. Award for what?
Why did I wait until now?
So others who support me finally retired and not bullied suffering economic coercion and intimidation anymore by these sleazy bullying cowards and for simply knowing me or supporting me and "honest efforts at a full forensic audit" as documented. Again this case makes a very honest and logical case for C-377. All counters by top legal experts now melt by real world factors. I hope to have Bill C-377 Nicknamed the Brummitt Bill? A high school comrade I'm very proud to know named Pat Manning told me he got DNA testing changed in Federal Parliament when his daughter murdered. Enhancing C-377 should be far easier?
This to quote present president serving women beaters and criminals more than cheated single mothers and hundreds of honest workers their own Mitch Davies but far more honest and meaningful with my use to "Evolve and Grow" C-377 so all public trusts from unions and first nations to federal banking and governments fully transparent. And criminals and sleaze kept out of unions to Senate in Ottawa. No?
Best is I can also support my case as fact with even relatives of RCMP cheated by these low-life, unaccomplished criminal frauds. Can it get any better? Yes. Wait. The surprises best is saved for last.
We will also be doing comparatives with other film unions like ACFC where no crime in executive ever noticed and seems very honest and compassionate. And with Teamsters still short changed by "Honest", "Educated" and "Brilliant" coward Tom Adair by millions but have done their own house cleaning asw all criminal and corrupt unions should do. And then we go side by side with the sleaze and garbage here with one of the most honest, productive, transparent and accountable union executives so others can visibly see the difference between classy honourable people and sleazy, sneaky, secrative sleaze. With friends in executive in much larger and better managed unions, I also get help.
(Toronto Edit?)
As far as my legal help they could teach WestJet about customer service. And the honest and decent RCMP in North Van and Jasper also inspiring and educating. Now just wait to see which political party just BS and Babble and those who will help women, honest workers, industry, stakeholders, investors and taxpayers with one wipe?
It may be time to now ask "real" honest and accomplished executives about my work qualty and real "honest reason" I got extra pay from inside industry and out? Why would Senator Grafstein thank me for Quadra flip for John Turner "stuff" or be on Conservative strategic planning for economic initiatives on East Coast? Why Oxford Scholars pay me so well? Why major trade magazines have me listed as "Landmark 100". Why engineering firms hire me to model environmental response software? And "really" why Don Ramsden had trouble with my membership and simple defaming upgrade and who John Brummitt really is as with super dirt coward Tom Adair. It certainly wasn't because I beat up women, cheat coworkers to all BC taxpayers, or that I am under-qualified then why? How many of the frauds have industry related university degrees and noted senior industry experience. Exposes a few as real criminal frauds and jerks just pretending with their small man small penis complex on top of their text book psychopathic or Sociopathic history and other checklist stuff. One of my first supporters family as very top forensic shrink, so fun doing checklist on these types for variety of disorders and dysfunctional families. Those who beat up and/or degrade women, cheat on wives and as dead beat dads not providing child support and like expensive wine, expense accounts, exotic travel will also cheat and steal from coworkers. This not a giant leap in logic. Even Senators in Ottawa guilty of lesser sins? Soon all victims will see the wheels of justice turn?
And consider very seriously, if even Ontario 'Police Union Executives" can be major criminals and corrupt, and fully busted, as RCMP now proving. just imagine the sick psycho flakes and frauds in Film unions as clearly far worse. Or simply read on for more names and pictures of criminals and those who help them greatly as so cowardly doing nothing. If you have daughters, grand daughters, nieces, wives or sisters and care, help. If you hate the idea of sleazy criminals and women beaters enriched cheating taxpayers to cheating more experienced, educated, talented, honest workers, help.
The protocols, transparency and governance of a full Provincial Inquiry supported by both NDP and BC Liberals provincially, combined with three-pronged WCB, RCMP and CRA full criminal investigations helps. Do it once. Do it right. Save thousands. Millions? Put slime in jail. Seize proceeds of crime text book laundered as power, pay and position. And certainly not based on superior education, experience or noted and meaningful accomplishment?
Simply, these sleazy dirty criminals like any sleazy criminal will, fearing "honest truth" and jail time, with all proceeds of crime seized now fully at risk, will try initially to obstruct investigations by their signature skills to: equivocate, deceive directly, diminish, divert, use selective memory and very classic signature deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, and as most "not very educated" every day high school type lies,. Lies and deception by frauds , just as they are most known and loved for among the many honest and more intelligent stakeholders who have seen thru them for years. Who exactly are Dusty Kelly's key support?
Or as no honour among thieves three or five estimated will "squeal for a deal", as is the case so often, and things get really easy for all, as with those special lucky few who do "squeal for a deal". But no deal for those who must suffer most? This deceptive skill set their main strengths as neither "integrity or intellect" their strong point. This as will be soon very obvious, with a few of the more colourful and wordy clowns and criminals. Those involved in-the-know and need-to-know at highest criminal levels.
Anyone heard of any honest business or union that offers a 25% discount on "criminal" legal costs, even if guilty and best cheating that union and majority of members. And as to better enjoy proceeds of crime laundered as very 'protected" positions with added pay and now even help with needed criminal legal costs? If in "good standing".
Funds always oddly readily and easily available to known women beaters (as noted) and major tax cheats and those who lie to RCMP, or to help john Brummitt win an election based on lies - but only if "in good standing". Absurd? This when oddly only a tiny minority in "any honest union can use this legal benefit designed for convicted criminals "for key criminal acts? Odd no qualification? So little says so much. Wonder how the BC Bar thinks this helps law society?
Curious on what quality top lawyers offer this deep discount, as lawyers I know working Saturdays even when partners in top firms, with big pressure on billable hours and "revenue" (Side Deals? No bid contracts?). Maybe these legal brains well paid by other big clients or hours stretched? How interesting? Price marketing? Race to bottom stuff? More later as this worth a few laughs.
I can already imagine the entertaining legal babble that awaits my efforts? What would the common man to superior court judges "really" think? Honestly think? What are RCMP and CRA to "really honestly think" when all those named have criminal lawyers at an amusingly 25% off, and obviously frightened out of their small man small penis minds to deal alone with myself and RCMP questions directly - and all alone? Alpha Cowards? Pseudo-intellectual frauds? Big Alpha talk in their own tiny Beavis and Butthead mutual admiration groupings and tiny lbox on Boundary road or local pond. But in reality clear creeps and cowards and serious fraudulent slime afraid alone (any one of them at any time welcome to challenge me at RCMP offices? However, without ability to furtner corrupt and abuse union shield and sword factors for defending criminal intent and further empowered by criminal support internally to bully those far more honest, more talented, more educated, more accomplished). All afraid to come alone to RCMP and meet me? Why? As such this sword and shield metric will with this legal case have serious bearing on other crimes as well.
Get Real?
What would you honestly think of a church that had to offer this criminal legal 25% discount benefit to all investigated pastors and priests as suspected pedophiles guilty or not? The idiots think they can word many things and fool far more educated and intelligent people. Good luck. Or simply honest people using just common sense. Certainly would regain my faith in such a church offering discounts to criminals while screwing little boys, or in this legal case single mothers, all victims children and seniors, and yet respect such noble criminal acts as to deep discount/finance criminals even women beaters if in executive? As with this classy union?
They or a few must do or provide full confessions, if not simply insane beyond narcissistic psychopathic, sociopaths and other traits they have defined and we'll checklist in detail later on such frauds.
Squeal for a deal - as at least one or two always do? Or simply enough with just one good one. This proven from top business people like Conrad Black's newspaper buddy in Kelowna, to top crime bosses in New York or with biker's top guys in Montreal. It happens. All the time. The smart ones "squeal for a deal" possibly tired of forever second class status and far less cut of proceeds of crimes , as no one was sharing FAIRLY when they on proceeds of crime protected payroll or getting executive or department windfall when sad low lower foot garbage work like John Brummitt doing all the DIRTY leg work and dirty work for Rob maier and Don Ramsden as a union steward. Is it really fair some like Brummitt got far less money in scam than top of heap Tom Adair or no trips to Cannes or Hollywood or travel with main buddy of Dusty, "Donny"? How pathetic Rob Maier paying Brummitt for a ten hour day when others paying me far more. Far more. How pathetic? Seems even criminals like Dusty Kelly and Don Ramsden don't give Brummitt the respect they give others or as Rob Maier gave his female buyer in pay and power.
Thus any effort by named sleaze at "added initial deception" with RCMP is simply excellent on top of lies already documented with (2) two RCMP offices. Three strikes and many now go to jail. This additional deception with RCMP again just great and good news if some o uneducated and stupid, as it allows, very nicely, more added criminal charges and further supports "full" jail sentences with the addition of perjury, obstruction and clear contempt for court and rule of law and RCMP to add to their other very sleazy and cowardly serious - and the tiny crimes just needing noting in criminal court and avoided here.
And best? Lies adds to and with, also proves clear "criminal conspiracy" and that "aid and abetting" a very-very continuous and obvious convention and theme". This literally being "organized crime", even if attempted by just uneducated, heavy Big Screen TV viewing/trained and very unaccomplished morons, who oddly support violence against women to millions and millions in membership, benefit and pension fraud against coworkers, to cheating all taxpayers and industry. Great group or gang you'd love to have in your home or near your wallet and children?
This while very clear self-interest and personal gain issues serve as very clear motive again for allowing criminal friends and family to be enriched by tax credits at tax payer expense. Sounds like breach of some sort of "Trust"? Proceeds of crime "evident". Hurting industry and all other work units and suppliers and trusting members and sister unions by crime, incompetence, abuse, just simple economics.
As all the lies have to be extremely well coordinated, and by far too many of these sleaze and frauds (including morons in group, who must also be heavily patronized or may go maverick) for their house of cards to be able to fool in concert RCMP, WCB, CEA, criminal courts, labour board and provincial inquiry (and with their previous very poor batting average) and with 475 plus members wanting (and as such more as should be obvious) and still waiting for a very full and comprehensive forensic audit. Yes, "simultaneously in perfect harmony", the odds of criminals success, as any actuary would bet extremely close to zero. Zero? No? C-377?
As we'll see from previous labour board decisions and on very clear "coercion and intimidation" still to be fully told and put in honest context to Ken Anderson's BC LRB documented bad faith factors and e-mails, and as defined by labour board, not me or my words and previous Provincial inquiries, and then added to protected witness testimony, and that added to clever Klassen-O'Leary trial transcripts, and other documents: these sleaze will not be very able to fool those more intelligent and more honest? And so many times and so many details and dates to keep track of to manage all the lies by numbers fool those more educated as they once could their dog-loyal idiots or partners in proceeds of crime and criminal mutual admiration society, as also well documented. Then add exposing e-mails? Including every stupid presidents efforts to look smart using double-talk - except Mitch Davies? Protected witness testimony to RCMP the killer. Should RCMP ask as many as a half dozen protected of the 475 votes for forensic audit why and what they "honestly" think of very popular Tom Adair and his women beating buddy and criminal support, when their job not criminally threatened or with clear economic interference, as bozo Brummitt documented extremely well and beyond debate. Some cowardly bullies protected by criminals and women beaters brag they are cowardly bullies. Alone? With RCMP? Not so Alpha? Oddly?
Those more intelligent they bully with absurd and now very embarrassing internal trials and other stupid efforts, including threatening phone calls to economic interference oddly all most all very well documented. And easy to show network of criminal support by very close friends or a whole family on payroll of known criminals, as with Frank Haddad to Kevin O'Leary who must also do jail time, as also supporting, or are, as they may prove clearly, just low life dishonest, criminals ranging from theft, fraud, wrongful prosecution, economic interference - as with others in their elite and impressive group and inner circle. Or honest guys you'd trust from a golf score or alone in your home? Why do department heads and others so oddly trust me alone in their homes including those who have worked with RCMP in Ottawa for over a decade? Can we honestly judge people by the "real" company they keep and document extremely they support in their own written words?
As a note this blog has received tips on activities and crimes witnessed by others as these blogs all do. However, what makes me extremely proud over other blogs not (1) single person has denied my claims ever in writing and using their honest name? Never? How odd? Why? Called me names. But no reason or evidence to counter? Why? Even more absurd no denial even in internal trials. Nothing? Why? And no supporting witnesses for internal trials just a blatant absurdity. Even I ignored as so petty and pathetic to play tennis. Sunny day.
However, as these lying sleazy cowardly uneducated souls must be supported by other lying sleazy cowardly uneducated souls, makes this case kinda fun for RCMP and CRA and certainly makes a Provincial Inquiry go viral on Youtube for tax payer value to these these sneaky creeps prosecuted. Get cameras ready for this one.
Imagine everyone of the criminal elite and the union's known "family royalty blood lines", payroll princes and princesses, betting their own potential jail time on say some guy with a name like Vern or John Brummitt, or better both, while these two interrogated for a few days by top RCMP and much-much smarter than say a guy named Vern or John Brummitt who both think they are smarter than anyone, and these fools thinks their arrogant, false-confident posturing (against real facts not debatable) and word games by either, will really impress or even fool RCMP? Other names will be even far more amusing? Some liars better than others. Some not. As such we hunted the weakest liars? Full confessions would make things boring and this should be fun, fun, fun. Never play aces early?
Having worked with and played for years with top award winning investigative journalists for CBC and top internationally recognized Osgoode-Oxford legal scholars with my own little tiny studies in law with the great Senator Eugene Forsey and a room mate now a criminal court judge in BC, I just might have a tad more than most of these sleaze, as a background in what is "real proof" as to satisfy the courts. And the game of "Legal Realism" as studied. Add my high grades in formal logic and rhetoric with linguistics experts also in my social circle and network, as added support when babble bubbles forth and semantics game attempted by those with zero background - for some it will appear like Chris Hitchens debating with a young arrogant altar boy defending a pedophile based on religious titles and bible at best- if legal really at 25% discount?
This is the biggest legal case in Canadian history involving cyber-bullying that even the University of Ottawa will note for CRTC regulation impact, as well as top law schools across Canada as it has profound labour, criminal and civil significance. As such is this the best time for criminals to use big box volume 25% off key "listed" discount legal help or pay the $200 plus an hour? Often saves more money and time to buy quality? Only union members money again abused so why should executive start now to honestly show a standard of care or legal compliance, natural justice?
As this will be a very major embarrassment to NDP as: documented key NDP supporters criminally involved, both Mulcair (win or lose?) and the lonely in Langford already facing a plethora of problems in next provincial election beyond financing, and will suffer at elections again severely from funding to turnout unless NDP "leading" in cleaning criminals out of sphere of NDP as Tommy Douglas, Broadbent and Layton would, or look too obvious?
NDP should clean house before BC Liberals use this as contemporary, and newsworthy criminal trial, high-profile media and business case study for BC Liberals "Prima Facia" win-win-win to go into next provincial election? Win-win-win as labour boards say, love or need: A) helping women, B) tax payers and C) blue collar workers and clearly visibly more than NDP? Provincial Liberals or NDP can be honest heroes? We'll see who wins here?
As this case involves violence against women and sleazy self-serving coverup with misappropriation of funds and breach of trust by many, no way to spin it for media either. Too bad. How many times can you forgive Adrian Dix for very poor judgement for self-interest and clear political brown nose political gain?
Adrain Dix will certainly be required in criminal court to find out about how Hollywood dating scene can backfire. Who paid for what? Why? Where did 40 pts come from?
The hardest part for this literal ignorant and arrogant unethical human garbage is trying to explain "exactly" why: where I have no problem on many jobs with any honest non-criminals I worked with in both unions or with "real world", and with those with "real executive titles" by "real merit and accomplishment" in business boardrooms or work for, with respect to my "distinguishing quality of work" (vs the sleazy frauds here as at best: only literally: the best tiny tool repair and repair coordinator in light volt electrics and a wall paper hanger/computer whiz or paint brush cleaners like Dusty Kelly as witnessed. See their previous pay scale and why plumbers can honestly charge far more) - or compare my fairness and honesty with others with this human dirt and what will "honest" people "really think"?
And add in over a dozen senior executive positions my depth vs. Tom Adair or Dusty Kelly, and my working with military suppliers and Fortune 500 to (2) federal political parties and over a half dozen unions? Yes, unions with no problem from education to rail ways doing what's just honest, fair, legal and right and even with CBC my job no problem? No union problem with me other than here with these sleazy slimy uneducated fakes and frauds fakes and very serious criminals?
And why do I have Federal Security Clearance and they can't and never will? Why just a problem when I confront clearly highly uneducated, women beating and supporting types to tax cheats and disgusting cowardly frauds as human garbage like Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their very impressive friends and why oh why no where else? Why just problems with major frauds, criminals and clowns? As in past? Why?
I have worked for a company for Molson Pension Fund where those who sexually harass women literally gone before lunch where in this union? And violence against women gets what executive power in this pretty union? How many times? How many times? With whose support exactly? What department has largest representations?
Yes, all victims must be compensated from all BC taxpayers to beaten women and all honest workers cheated, bullied, defamed, or suffering criminal economic interference to also very well documented and witnessed "coercion and intimidation". All nicely ready in legal files and provincial inquiries to date and to further explore?
FYI: Unlike Justin Trudeau without family name or money, I "really" finished university and did some novel graduate studies until my career took off and unlike these sleazy pretentious frauds I also have "REAL" senior business experience and beyond teaching sailing, skiing and tennis like Justin, and in "real" finance and on the board of directors and for a "real" public company, which others must diminish, fake or "wing it" (As Keith Spicer taught both Justin Trudeau's father and myself and as Sen. Eugene Forsey also enlighten both his Dad and myself on other things?) And in fact, to make a more serious fact, I also have more and varied union experience than former head of BC Federation of Labour Jim Sinclair and even Tom Mulcair. Funny how those with far less education, less "real" experience, intellect can easily be shown to have surprisingly far-far less education, far less experience, and far less intellect when faking it. Intelligent and honest people seldom fooled by pretentious frauds as we have in this serious legal case. My legal in Montreal help in Montreal the same as Justin's mother "Cookie". This before Mulcair out of McGill and where many of my friends did law and other stuff and I worked with Dr. Bull? Why is one of Canada's legends in aerospace and top ethical funds my reference on LinkedIn?
As such should be obvious why in a sleazy criminal union of documented gross incompetents and sleazy cowardly criminal control even I can't get elected, but in an honest intelligent "education" union like CUPE, I can far too easily become grievance coordinator or in business get requests to speak at three top business schools and international trade and consumer media recognition and real board of director positions.
Why Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their elite and brilliant inner criminal circle from Paul Klassen to their women beaters and tax cheats must also do long jail time and have all proceeds from crime seized should be getting very clear? More? No problem.
The sleaze not only have to prove to the Criminal Court Judge and others who "lived wih me" and know me, to top legal scholar(s), that they have all been fooled by me into liking me as a friend and trusting me with very large sums of money and international business dealings and why I have Federal Security Clearance and John Brummitt and past five presidents NEVER WILL. And why 475 votes of support for myself and full forensic audit wrong, and if pushed why top journalists friends (Female and male) as well what top professional Hockey and Football stars and top guitar players in top bands know about me as also false, must be proven by these sad lying women beaters and documented balding small man small penis crooks and their classy women beating women as also in support by blind greed or needing aid with early family trauma and dysfunctional relationships and divorce. They cheat on their wives but not taxes and coworkers? It gets easy. And my past all false? Why do I get mail from top Nuns (See Executive from St. Paul's hospital" and they like me, but not the human garbage here with very-very little lone or any real personal accomplishment so much less that most of my ex-girlfriends " and easily surpass" in intellect, career, not only in class and education ). Picture will get more clear?Wait until you see the women friends of women beaters and why they hate me. And who my women support all are? Too much too obvious in comparison or in person. And real resume and accomplishments made clear beyond a shadow of a doubt. Who has big titles earned and who needed criminal support to fake theirs and there big pay from proceeds of crime.
How as dealing with the visibly obvious, is it no big tall honest educated men and even in criminal union (not just pro football players and including very "real" decorated tall veterans (not sneaky little cowards) more than just my friends? And too obvious sleazy criminal small men small penis complexes have such problems with me "honestly"? Honestly? The line very clear for those who support me and those who support women beaters, bullies, liars, frauds, fakes, thieves. Very obvious. Very visible in part. And no middle grown for morons to fake clean hands.
Note: I specifically avoid some clear claims that would make legal cheaper for these slime if not force voluntary admission to their own legal and possibly give up and plead guilty to all charges and accept full sentencing. This done so that they fight all or most of my claims all the way to end at incredible personal cost in their time, money, and fraudulent reputation and careers, this as I wait to just play more aces as I have before, and helps to find out more again prove some bullies and frauds just fools and felons fit for jail.
And if the sleaze claim I'm an arrogant bragger, how will they explain for years they knew so very-very little about me (and actually still do?) or are they idiots from the start playing games with those with legal scholars and top investigative journalist as friends (or why many in industry knew so little about me other than just a fun computer or ad guy with super girlfriends not in union) - well criminals knew little until I was ready to make very specific and supported criminal claims and my real credentials like theirs really in reality key to credibility? Like criminal records of some enjoying nepotism and big pay better be credible. It will be hilarious to watch the sleaze best explain their lies and above.
They only bully those weaker or beat up women who are weaker? How come they are the cowards now afraid to go to court or call RCMP on me and file "real"with more lies, like when Gavin Craig (SBG) and John Brummit thought themselves not sleazy lying idiots and once would have big titles, big pay, respect and trust and not back where they were twenty years ago as nobody human garbage and far less loved and far less respected and trusted? Respected?Time to fully expose and see Don Ramsden and other four presidents for what they really all are. If what I'm saying not completely true I'm a very easy target for charges. Only idiots dig themselves a deeper hole to be buried in based on more lies when original lies backfire?
(Insert Video)
Hint to "all" Sleaze: Don't treat RCMP and CRA investigation like you do members they will get angry if you treat them like fools or idiots or as you do women as well. Hope Adrian Dix explaining his Hollywood Date doesn't suffer further exposure for poor ethical judgement as when back in good old days backing Pattison's future staff Hope Adrain Dix not afraid of me or the lonely in Langford already in big trouble on other fronts? Voters don't like criminals.
And hopefully these sleaze know as attempting an Oscar award winning act their added lies added criminal obstruction and taking officers away from saving lives or helping others? Think about it.
NDP (If to be trusted as we could Douglas, Broadbent and my hometown guy Layton) plus all honest working people union or not: must all support this legal investigation and inquiry as honest NDP housekeeping and provincially to politically distance themselves before next election from these sleazy criminals and women beaters and Adrian Dix. I respected, like many, Tommy Douglas, Broadbent, Layton. Time to see if Mulcair gang and Langford folk agree? I also liked Joe Clark. We both worked with his photographer? Another character reference beyond just Federal liberals in elections at far senior levels than any union local president ever could or department head and Conservative efforts in international economic initiatives. Some have facts. Other sad fakes.
BC Liberals as well must show support for women and honest workers as both the honest and right thing to do and to capitalize on selective ethics if NDP play word games with higher moral ground BS bit and just sound and fury stuff, to further solidify BC Liberal majority and incremental voter growth and support.
Local business must support this RCMP criminal investigation and full provincial inquiry and "whole truth" exposure as the millions and millions in waste of tax payer to investors from gross incompetence and major crime, nepotism, restriction of trade, economic intereference hurts funding social programs for children to international marketing efforts. Economics 101?
From their real criminal fraud with even permits going back twenty years and the very sick and very criminal membership to category upgrade practices best serving sleazy criminal elite and women beaters very-very well, criminal family and friends (and easy to prove in criminal courts) to the loaded benefit hour bank benefit and still on going tax credit to pension fraud the slime must pay.
Victims need honest justice, rule of law and compassion and compensation. Nepotism as a fun topic worth a few days of math for inquiry and criminal courts how some very low skilled very fast tracked and favoured where others wait years for a simple upgrade while those far below "real" qualifications and purse snatchers to women beaters and cocaine heads all do well? Wanna bet?
Ask the past presidents in their fiduciary positions of trust why while on their watch "all crimes" oddly missed? Can we trust any of the past five presidents and key executives with already much documented deception, bad faith coercion, intimidation, cowardice, and defamation documented and witnessed beyond belief? Is there not even one honest person who can meet me with RCMP and say something nice about them? Just one?
Yes, absolutely innocent until proven guilty so lets rush everything.
Knowingly in a position of trust allowing criminals from women beaters to tax cheats and those who by gross incompetence and negligence to clear aid and abeting for political ego or as most to share proceeds of crime allowing criminals to be enriched from various forms of fraud and theft like the executive elite here, must also do jail time and kept from all unions for five years. Just the judicial integrity of Paul Klassen reason enough for him to be exposed for supporting criminals with his petty political stupidity and aiding and abetting as crime and defamitory wrongful prosecution. His network well exposed by social media so RCMP can see links to Paul Klassen that oddly union award winning class act. Award for what?
Why did I wait until now?
So others who support me finally retired and not bullied suffering economic coercion and intimidation anymore by these sleazy bullying cowards and for simply knowing me or supporting me and "honest efforts at a full forensic audit" as documented. Again this case makes a very honest and logical case for C-377. All counters by top legal experts now melt by real world factors. I hope to have Bill C-377 Nicknamed the Brummitt Bill? A high school comrade I'm very proud to know named Pat Manning told me he got DNA testing changed in Federal Parliament when his daughter murdered. Enhancing C-377 should be far easier?
This to quote present president serving women beaters and criminals more than cheated single mothers and hundreds of honest workers their own Mitch Davies but far more honest and meaningful with my use to "Evolve and Grow" C-377 so all public trusts from unions and first nations to federal banking and governments fully transparent. And criminals and sleaze kept out of unions to Senate in Ottawa. No?
Best is I can also support my case as fact with even relatives of RCMP cheated by these low-life, unaccomplished criminal frauds. Can it get any better? Yes. Wait. The surprises best is saved for last.
We will also be doing comparatives with other film unions like ACFC where no crime in executive ever noticed and seems very honest and compassionate. And with Teamsters still short changed by "Honest", "Educated" and "Brilliant" coward Tom Adair by millions but have done their own house cleaning asw all criminal and corrupt unions should do. And then we go side by side with the sleaze and garbage here with one of the most honest, productive, transparent and accountable union executives so others can visibly see the difference between classy honourable people and sleazy, sneaky, secrative sleaze. With friends in executive in much larger and better managed unions, I also get help.
(Toronto Edit?)
As far as my legal help they could teach WestJet about customer service. And the honest and decent RCMP in North Van and Jasper also inspiring and educating. Now just wait to see which political party just BS and Babble and those who will help women, honest workers, industry, stakeholders, investors and taxpayers with one wipe?
It may be time to now ask "real" honest and accomplished executives about my work qualty and real "honest reason" I got extra pay from inside industry and out? Why would Senator Grafstein thank me for Quadra flip for John Turner "stuff" or be on Conservative strategic planning for economic initiatives on East Coast? Why Oxford Scholars pay me so well? Why major trade magazines have me listed as "Landmark 100". Why engineering firms hire me to model environmental response software? And "really" why Don Ramsden had trouble with my membership and simple defaming upgrade and who John Brummitt really is as with super dirt coward Tom Adair. It certainly wasn't because I beat up women, cheat coworkers to all BC taxpayers, or that I am under-qualified then why? How many of the frauds have industry related university degrees and noted senior industry experience. Exposes a few as real criminal frauds and jerks just pretending with their small man small penis complex on top of their text book psychopathic or Sociopathic history and other checklist stuff. One of my first supporters family as very top forensic shrink, so fun doing checklist on these types for variety of disorders and dysfunctional families. Those who beat up and/or degrade women, cheat on wives and as dead beat dads not providing child support and like expensive wine, expense accounts, exotic travel will also cheat and steal from coworkers. This not a giant leap in logic. Even Senators in Ottawa guilty of lesser sins? Soon all victims will see the wheels of justice turn?
Simply, these sleazy dirty criminals like any sleazy criminal will, fearing "honest truth" and jail time, with all proceeds of crime seized now fully at risk, will try initially to obstruct investigations by their signature skills to: equivocate, deceive directly, diminish, divert, use selective memory and very classic signature deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment, and as most "not very educated" every day high school type lies,. Lies and deception by frauds , just as they are most known and loved for among the many honest and more intelligent stakeholders who have seen thru them for years. Who exactly are Dusty Kelly's key support?
Or as no honour among thieves three or five estimated will "squeal for a deal", as is the case so often, and things get really easy for all, as with those special lucky few who do "squeal for a deal". But no deal for those who must suffer most? This deceptive skill set their main strengths as neither "integrity or intellect" their strong point. This as will be soon very obvious, with a few of the more colourful and wordy clowns and criminals. Those involved in-the-know and need-to-know at highest criminal levels.
Anyone heard of any honest business or union that offers a 25% discount on "criminal" legal costs, even if guilty and best cheating that union and majority of members. And as to better enjoy proceeds of crime laundered as very 'protected" positions with added pay and now even help with needed criminal legal costs? If in "good standing".
Funds always oddly readily and easily available to known women beaters (as noted) and major tax cheats and those who lie to RCMP, or to help john Brummitt win an election based on lies - but only if "in good standing". Absurd? This when oddly only a tiny minority in "any honest union can use this legal benefit designed for convicted criminals "for key criminal acts? Odd no qualification? So little says so much. Wonder how the BC Bar thinks this helps law society?
Curious on what quality top lawyers offer this deep discount, as lawyers I know working Saturdays even when partners in top firms, with big pressure on billable hours and "revenue" (Side Deals? No bid contracts?). Maybe these legal brains well paid by other big clients or hours stretched? How interesting? Price marketing? Race to bottom stuff? More later as this worth a few laughs.
I can already imagine the entertaining legal babble that awaits my efforts? What would the common man to superior court judges "really" think? Honestly think? What are RCMP and CRA to "really honestly think" when all those named have criminal lawyers at an amusingly 25% off, and obviously frightened out of their small man small penis minds to deal alone with myself and RCMP questions directly - and all alone? Alpha Cowards? Pseudo-intellectual frauds? Big Alpha talk in their own tiny Beavis and Butthead mutual admiration groupings and tiny lbox on Boundary road or local pond. But in reality clear creeps and cowards and serious fraudulent slime afraid alone (any one of them at any time welcome to challenge me at RCMP offices? However, without ability to furtner corrupt and abuse union shield and sword factors for defending criminal intent and further empowered by criminal support internally to bully those far more honest, more talented, more educated, more accomplished). All afraid to come alone to RCMP and meet me? Why? As such this sword and shield metric will with this legal case have serious bearing on other crimes as well.
Get Real?
What would you honestly think of a church that had to offer this criminal legal 25% discount benefit to all investigated pastors and priests as suspected pedophiles guilty or not? The idiots think they can word many things and fool far more educated and intelligent people. Good luck. Or simply honest people using just common sense. Certainly would regain my faith in such a church offering discounts to criminals while screwing little boys, or in this legal case single mothers, all victims children and seniors, and yet respect such noble criminal acts as to deep discount/finance criminals even women beaters if in executive? As with this classy union?
They or a few must do or provide full confessions, if not simply insane beyond narcissistic psychopathic, sociopaths and other traits they have defined and we'll checklist in detail later on such frauds.
Squeal for a deal - as at least one or two always do? Or simply enough with just one good one. This proven from top business people like Conrad Black's newspaper buddy in Kelowna, to top crime bosses in New York or with biker's top guys in Montreal. It happens. All the time. The smart ones "squeal for a deal" possibly tired of forever second class status and far less cut of proceeds of crimes , as no one was sharing FAIRLY when they on proceeds of crime protected payroll or getting executive or department windfall when sad low lower foot garbage work like John Brummitt doing all the DIRTY leg work and dirty work for Rob maier and Don Ramsden as a union steward. Is it really fair some like Brummitt got far less money in scam than top of heap Tom Adair or no trips to Cannes or Hollywood or travel with main buddy of Dusty, "Donny"? How pathetic Rob Maier paying Brummitt for a ten hour day when others paying me far more. Far more. How pathetic? Seems even criminals like Dusty Kelly and Don Ramsden don't give Brummitt the respect they give others or as Rob Maier gave his female buyer in pay and power.
Thus any effort by named sleaze at "added initial deception" with RCMP is simply excellent on top of lies already documented with (2) two RCMP offices. Three strikes and many now go to jail. This additional deception with RCMP again just great and good news if some o uneducated and stupid, as it allows, very nicely, more added criminal charges and further supports "full" jail sentences with the addition of perjury, obstruction and clear contempt for court and rule of law and RCMP to add to their other very sleazy and cowardly serious - and the tiny crimes just needing noting in criminal court and avoided here.
And best? Lies adds to and with, also proves clear "criminal conspiracy" and that "aid and abetting" a very-very continuous and obvious convention and theme". This literally being "organized crime", even if attempted by just uneducated, heavy Big Screen TV viewing/trained and very unaccomplished morons, who oddly support violence against women to millions and millions in membership, benefit and pension fraud against coworkers, to cheating all taxpayers and industry. Great group or gang you'd love to have in your home or near your wallet and children?
This while very clear self-interest and personal gain issues serve as very clear motive again for allowing criminal friends and family to be enriched by tax credits at tax payer expense. Sounds like breach of some sort of "Trust"? Proceeds of crime "evident". Hurting industry and all other work units and suppliers and trusting members and sister unions by crime, incompetence, abuse, just simple economics.
As all the lies have to be extremely well coordinated, and by far too many of these sleaze and frauds (including morons in group, who must also be heavily patronized or may go maverick) for their house of cards to be able to fool in concert RCMP, WCB, CEA, criminal courts, labour board and provincial inquiry (and with their previous very poor batting average) and with 475 plus members wanting (and as such more as should be obvious) and still waiting for a very full and comprehensive forensic audit. Yes, "simultaneously in perfect harmony", the odds of criminals success, as any actuary would bet extremely close to zero. Zero? No? C-377?
As we'll see from previous labour board decisions and on very clear "coercion and intimidation" still to be fully told and put in honest context to Ken Anderson's BC LRB documented bad faith factors and e-mails, and as defined by labour board, not me or my words and previous Provincial inquiries, and then added to protected witness testimony, and that added to clever Klassen-O'Leary trial transcripts, and other documents: these sleaze will not be very able to fool those more intelligent and more honest? And so many times and so many details and dates to keep track of to manage all the lies by numbers fool those more educated as they once could their dog-loyal idiots or partners in proceeds of crime and criminal mutual admiration society, as also well documented. Then add exposing e-mails? Including every stupid presidents efforts to look smart using double-talk - except Mitch Davies? Protected witness testimony to RCMP the killer. Should RCMP ask as many as a half dozen protected of the 475 votes for forensic audit why and what they "honestly" think of very popular Tom Adair and his women beating buddy and criminal support, when their job not criminally threatened or with clear economic interference, as bozo Brummitt documented extremely well and beyond debate. Some cowardly bullies protected by criminals and women beaters brag they are cowardly bullies. Alone? With RCMP? Not so Alpha? Oddly?
Those more intelligent they bully with absurd and now very embarrassing internal trials and other stupid efforts, including threatening phone calls to economic interference oddly all most all very well documented. And easy to show network of criminal support by very close friends or a whole family on payroll of known criminals, as with Frank Haddad to Kevin O'Leary who must also do jail time, as also supporting, or are, as they may prove clearly, just low life dishonest, criminals ranging from theft, fraud, wrongful prosecution, economic interference - as with others in their elite and impressive group and inner circle. Or honest guys you'd trust from a golf score or alone in your home? Why do department heads and others so oddly trust me alone in their homes including those who have worked with RCMP in Ottawa for over a decade? Can we honestly judge people by the "real" company they keep and document extremely they support in their own written words?
As a note this blog has received tips on activities and crimes witnessed by others as these blogs all do. However, what makes me extremely proud over other blogs not (1) single person has denied my claims ever in writing and using their honest name? Never? How odd? Why? Called me names. But no reason or evidence to counter? Why? Even more absurd no denial even in internal trials. Nothing? Why? And no supporting witnesses for internal trials just a blatant absurdity. Even I ignored as so petty and pathetic to play tennis. Sunny day.
However, as these lying sleazy cowardly uneducated souls must be supported by other lying sleazy cowardly uneducated souls, makes this case kinda fun for RCMP and CRA and certainly makes a Provincial Inquiry go viral on Youtube for tax payer value to these these sneaky creeps prosecuted. Get cameras ready for this one.
Imagine everyone of the criminal elite and the union's known "family royalty blood lines", payroll princes and princesses, betting their own potential jail time on say some guy with a name like Vern or John Brummitt, or better both, while these two interrogated for a few days by top RCMP and much-much smarter than say a guy named Vern or John Brummitt who both think they are smarter than anyone, and these fools thinks their arrogant, false-confident posturing (against real facts not debatable) and word games by either, will really impress or even fool RCMP? Other names will be even far more amusing? Some liars better than others. Some not. As such we hunted the weakest liars? Full confessions would make things boring and this should be fun, fun, fun. Never play aces early?
Having worked with and played for years with top award winning investigative journalists for CBC and top internationally recognized Osgoode-Oxford legal scholars with my own little tiny studies in law with the great Senator Eugene Forsey and a room mate now a criminal court judge in BC, I just might have a tad more than most of these sleaze, as a background in what is "real proof" as to satisfy the courts. And the game of "Legal Realism" as studied. Add my high grades in formal logic and rhetoric with linguistics experts also in my social circle and network, as added support when babble bubbles forth and semantics game attempted by those with zero background - for some it will appear like Chris Hitchens debating with a young arrogant altar boy defending a pedophile based on religious titles and bible at best- if legal really at 25% discount?
This is the biggest legal case in Canadian history involving cyber-bullying that even the University of Ottawa will note for CRTC regulation impact, as well as top law schools across Canada as it has profound labour, criminal and civil significance. As such is this the best time for criminals to use big box volume 25% off key "listed" discount legal help or pay the $200 plus an hour? Often saves more money and time to buy quality? Only union members money again abused so why should executive start now to honestly show a standard of care or legal compliance, natural justice?
As this will be a very major embarrassment to NDP as: documented key NDP supporters criminally involved, both Mulcair (win or lose?) and the lonely in Langford already facing a plethora of problems in next provincial election beyond financing, and will suffer at elections again severely from funding to turnout unless NDP "leading" in cleaning criminals out of sphere of NDP as Tommy Douglas, Broadbent and Layton would, or look too obvious?
NDP should clean house before BC Liberals use this as contemporary, and newsworthy criminal trial, high-profile media and business case study for BC Liberals "Prima Facia" win-win-win to go into next provincial election? Win-win-win as labour boards say, love or need: A) helping women, B) tax payers and C) blue collar workers and clearly visibly more than NDP? Provincial Liberals or NDP can be honest heroes? We'll see who wins here?
As this case involves violence against women and sleazy self-serving coverup with misappropriation of funds and breach of trust by many, no way to spin it for media either. Too bad. How many times can you forgive Adrian Dix for very poor judgement for self-interest and clear political brown nose political gain?
Adrain Dix will certainly be required in criminal court to find out about how Hollywood dating scene can backfire. Who paid for what? Why? Where did 40 pts come from?
The hardest part for this literal ignorant and arrogant unethical human garbage is trying to explain "exactly" why: where I have no problem on many jobs with any honest non-criminals I worked with in both unions or with "real world", and with those with "real executive titles" by "real merit and accomplishment" in business boardrooms or work for, with respect to my "distinguishing quality of work" (vs the sleazy frauds here as at best: only literally: the best tiny tool repair and repair coordinator in light volt electrics and a wall paper hanger/computer whiz or paint brush cleaners like Dusty Kelly as witnessed. See their previous pay scale and why plumbers can honestly charge far more) - or compare my fairness and honesty with others with this human dirt and what will "honest" people "really think"?
And add in over a dozen senior executive positions my depth vs. Tom Adair or Dusty Kelly, and my working with military suppliers and Fortune 500 to (2) federal political parties and over a half dozen unions? Yes, unions with no problem from education to rail ways doing what's just honest, fair, legal and right and even with CBC my job no problem? No union problem with me other than here with these sleazy slimy uneducated fakes and frauds fakes and very serious criminals?
And why do I have Federal Security Clearance and they can't and never will? Why just a problem when I confront clearly highly uneducated, women beating and supporting types to tax cheats and disgusting cowardly frauds as human garbage like Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their very impressive friends and why oh why no where else? Why just problems with major frauds, criminals and clowns? As in past? Why?
I have worked for a company for Molson Pension Fund where those who sexually harass women literally gone before lunch where in this union? And violence against women gets what executive power in this pretty union? How many times? How many times? With whose support exactly? What department has largest representations?
Yes, all victims must be compensated from all BC taxpayers to beaten women and all honest workers cheated, bullied, defamed, or suffering criminal economic interference to also very well documented and witnessed "coercion and intimidation". All nicely ready in legal files and provincial inquiries to date and to further explore?
FYI: Unlike Justin Trudeau without family name or money, I "really" finished university and did some novel graduate studies until my career took off and unlike these sleazy pretentious frauds I also have "REAL" senior business experience and beyond teaching sailing, skiing and tennis like Justin, and in "real" finance and on the board of directors and for a "real" public company, which others must diminish, fake or "wing it" (As Keith Spicer taught both Justin Trudeau's father and myself and as Sen. Eugene Forsey also enlighten both his Dad and myself on other things?) And in fact, to make a more serious fact, I also have more and varied union experience than former head of BC Federation of Labour Jim Sinclair and even Tom Mulcair. Funny how those with far less education, less "real" experience, intellect can easily be shown to have surprisingly far-far less education, far less experience, and far less intellect when faking it. Intelligent and honest people seldom fooled by pretentious frauds as we have in this serious legal case. My legal in Montreal help in Montreal the same as Justin's mother "Cookie". This before Mulcair out of McGill and where many of my friends did law and other stuff and I worked with Dr. Bull? Why is one of Canada's legends in aerospace and top ethical funds my reference on LinkedIn?
As such should be obvious why in a sleazy criminal union of documented gross incompetents and sleazy cowardly criminal control even I can't get elected, but in an honest intelligent "education" union like CUPE, I can far too easily become grievance coordinator or in business get requests to speak at three top business schools and international trade and consumer media recognition and real board of director positions.
Why Tom Adair and John Brummitt and their elite and brilliant inner criminal circle from Paul Klassen to their women beaters and tax cheats must also do long jail time and have all proceeds from crime seized should be getting very clear? More? No problem.
The sleaze not only have to prove to the Criminal Court Judge and others who "lived wih me" and know me, to top legal scholar(s), that they have all been fooled by me into liking me as a friend and trusting me with very large sums of money and international business dealings and why I have Federal Security Clearance and John Brummitt and past five presidents NEVER WILL. And why 475 votes of support for myself and full forensic audit wrong, and if pushed why top journalists friends (Female and male) as well what top professional Hockey and Football stars and top guitar players in top bands know about me as also false, must be proven by these sad lying women beaters and documented balding small man small penis crooks and their classy women beating women as also in support by blind greed or needing aid with early family trauma and dysfunctional relationships and divorce. They cheat on their wives but not taxes and coworkers? It gets easy. And my past all false? Why do I get mail from top Nuns (See Executive from St. Paul's hospital" and they like me, but not the human garbage here with very-very little lone or any real personal accomplishment so much less that most of my ex-girlfriends " and easily surpass" in intellect, career, not only in class and education ). Picture will get more clear?Wait until you see the women friends of women beaters and why they hate me. And who my women support all are? Too much too obvious in comparison or in person. And real resume and accomplishments made clear beyond a shadow of a doubt. Who has big titles earned and who needed criminal support to fake theirs and there big pay from proceeds of crime.
How as dealing with the visibly obvious, is it no big tall honest educated men and even in criminal union (not just pro football players and including very "real" decorated tall veterans (not sneaky little cowards) more than just my friends? And too obvious sleazy criminal small men small penis complexes have such problems with me "honestly"? Honestly? The line very clear for those who support me and those who support women beaters, bullies, liars, frauds, fakes, thieves. Very obvious. Very visible in part. And no middle grown for morons to fake clean hands.
Note: I specifically avoid some clear claims that would make legal cheaper for these slime if not force voluntary admission to their own legal and possibly give up and plead guilty to all charges and accept full sentencing. This done so that they fight all or most of my claims all the way to end at incredible personal cost in their time, money, and fraudulent reputation and careers, this as I wait to just play more aces as I have before, and helps to find out more again prove some bullies and frauds just fools and felons fit for jail.
And if the sleaze claim I'm an arrogant bragger, how will they explain for years they knew so very-very little about me (and actually still do?) or are they idiots from the start playing games with those with legal scholars and top investigative journalist as friends (or why many in industry knew so little about me other than just a fun computer or ad guy with super girlfriends not in union) - well criminals knew little until I was ready to make very specific and supported criminal claims and my real credentials like theirs really in reality key to credibility? Like criminal records of some enjoying nepotism and big pay better be credible. It will be hilarious to watch the sleaze best explain their lies and above.
They only bully those weaker or beat up women who are weaker? How come they are the cowards now afraid to go to court or call RCMP on me and file "real"with more lies, like when Gavin Craig (SBG) and John Brummit thought themselves not sleazy lying idiots and once would have big titles, big pay, respect and trust and not back where they were twenty years ago as nobody human garbage and far less loved and far less respected and trusted? Respected?Time to fully expose and see Don Ramsden and other four presidents for what they really all are. If what I'm saying not completely true I'm a very easy target for charges. Only idiots dig themselves a deeper hole to be buried in based on more lies when original lies backfire?
(Insert Video)
Hint to "all" Sleaze: Don't treat RCMP and CRA investigation like you do members they will get angry if you treat them like fools or idiots or as you do women as well. Hope Adrian Dix explaining his Hollywood Date doesn't suffer further exposure for poor ethical judgement as when back in good old days backing Pattison's future staff Hope Adrain Dix not afraid of me or the lonely in Langford already in big trouble on other fronts? Voters don't like criminals.
And hopefully these sleaze know as attempting an Oscar award winning act their added lies added criminal obstruction and taking officers away from saving lives or helping others? Think about it.
NDP (If to be trusted as we could Douglas, Broadbent and my hometown guy Layton) plus all honest working people union or not: must all support this legal investigation and inquiry as honest NDP housekeeping and provincially to politically distance themselves before next election from these sleazy criminals and women beaters and Adrian Dix. I respected, like many, Tommy Douglas, Broadbent, Layton. Time to see if Mulcair gang and Langford folk agree? I also liked Joe Clark. We both worked with his photographer? Another character reference beyond just Federal liberals in elections at far senior levels than any union local president ever could or department head and Conservative efforts in international economic initiatives. Some have facts. Other sad fakes.
BC Liberals as well must show support for women and honest workers as both the honest and right thing to do and to capitalize on selective ethics if NDP play word games with higher moral ground BS bit and just sound and fury stuff, to further solidify BC Liberal majority and incremental voter growth and support.
Local business must support this RCMP criminal investigation and full provincial inquiry and "whole truth" exposure as the millions and millions in waste of tax payer to investors from gross incompetence and major crime, nepotism, restriction of trade, economic intereference hurts funding social programs for children to international marketing efforts. Economics 101?
From their real criminal fraud with even permits going back twenty years and the very sick and very criminal membership to category upgrade practices best serving sleazy criminal elite and women beaters very-very well, criminal family and friends (and easy to prove in criminal courts) to the loaded benefit hour bank benefit and still on going tax credit to pension fraud the slime must pay.
Victims need honest justice, rule of law and compassion and compensation. Nepotism as a fun topic worth a few days of math for inquiry and criminal courts how some very low skilled very fast tracked and favoured where others wait years for a simple upgrade while those far below "real" qualifications and purse snatchers to women beaters and cocaine heads all do well? Wanna bet?
Ask the past presidents in their fiduciary positions of trust why while on their watch "all crimes" oddly missed? Can we trust any of the past five presidents and key executives with already much documented deception, bad faith coercion, intimidation, cowardice, and defamation documented and witnessed beyond belief? Is there not even one honest person who can meet me with RCMP and say something nice about them? Just one?
Yes, absolutely innocent until proven guilty so lets rush everything.
Knowingly in a position of trust allowing criminals from women beaters to tax cheats and those who by gross incompetence and negligence to clear aid and abeting for political ego or as most to share proceeds of crime allowing criminals to be enriched from various forms of fraud and theft like the executive elite here, must also do jail time and kept from all unions for five years. Just the judicial integrity of Paul Klassen reason enough for him to be exposed for supporting criminals with his petty political stupidity and aiding and abetting as crime and defamitory wrongful prosecution. His network well exposed by social media so RCMP can see links to Paul Klassen that oddly union award winning class act. Award for what?
Why did I wait until now?
So others who support me finally retired and not bullied suffering economic coercion and intimidation anymore by these sleazy bullying cowards and for simply knowing me or supporting me and "honest efforts at a full forensic audit" as documented. Again this case makes a very honest and logical case for C-377. All counters by top legal experts now melt by real world factors. I hope to have Bill C-377 Nicknamed the Brummitt Bill? A high school comrade I'm very proud to know named Pat Manning told me he got DNA testing changed in Federal Parliament when his daughter murdered. Enhancing C-377 should be far easier?
This to quote present president serving women beaters and criminals more than cheated single mothers and hundreds of honest workers their own Mitch Davies but far more honest and meaningful with my use to "Evolve and Grow" C-377 so all public trusts from unions and first nations to federal banking and governments fully transparent. And criminals and sleaze kept out of unions to Senate in Ottawa. No?
Best is I can also support my case as fact with even relatives of RCMP cheated by these low-life, unaccomplished criminal frauds. Can it get any better? Yes. Wait. The surprises best is saved for last.
We will also be doing comparatives with other film unions like ACFC where no crime in executive ever noticed and seems very honest and compassionate. And with Teamsters still short changed by "Honest", "Educated" and "Brilliant" coward Tom Adair by millions but have done their own house cleaning asw all criminal and corrupt unions should do. And then we go side by side with the sleaze and garbage here with one of the most honest, productive, transparent and accountable union executives so others can visibly see the difference between classy honourable people and sleazy, sneaky, secrative sleaze. With friends in executive in much larger and better managed unions, I also get help.
(Toronto Edit?)
As far as my legal help they could teach WestJet about customer service. And the honest and decent RCMP in North Van and Jasper also inspiring and educating. Now just wait to see which political party just BS and Babble and those who will help women, honest workers, industry, stakeholders, investors and taxpayers with one wipe?
It may be time to now ask "real" honest and accomplished executives about my work qualty and real "honest reason" I got extra pay from inside industry and out? Why would Senator Grafstein thank me for Quadra flip for John Turner "stuff" or be on Conservative strategic planning for economic initiatives on East Coast? Why Oxford Scholars pay me so well? Why major trade magazines have me listed as "Landmark 100". Why engineering firms hire me to model environmental response software? And "really" why Don Ramsden had trouble with my membership and simple defaming upgrade and who John Brummitt really is as with super dirt coward Tom Adair. It certainly wasn't because I beat up women, cheat coworkers to all BC taxpayers, or that I am under-qualified then why? How many of the frauds have industry related university degrees and noted senior industry experience. Exposes a few as real criminal frauds and jerks just pretending with their small man small penis complex on top of their text book psychopathic or Sociopathic history and other checklist stuff. One of my first supporters family as very top forensic shrink, so fun doing checklist on these types for variety of disorders and dysfunctional families. Those who beat up and/or degrade women, cheat on wives and as dead beat dads not providing child support and like expensive wine, expense accounts, exotic travel will also cheat and steal from coworkers. This not a giant leap in logic. Even Senators in Ottawa guilty of lesser sins? Soon all victims will see the wheels of justice turn?
And consider very seriously, if even Ontario 'Police Union Executives" can be major criminals and corrupt, and fully busted, as RCMP now proving. just imagine the sick psycho flakes and frauds in Film unions as clearly far worse. Or simply read on for more names and pictures of criminals and those who help them greatly as so cowardly doing nothing. If you have daughters, grand daughters, nieces, wives or sisters and care, help. If you hate the idea of sleazy criminals and women beaters enriched cheating taxpayers to cheating more experienced, educated, talented, honest workers, help.
Why can't they get just one (1)?
Just 1of their 5,500 they claim they represent? And only just one (1) non-criminal and/or tax cheat only needs come forward and defend these people? Their good and honest names and careers as not lterally criminals as claimed?
Can they not find just one (1) set of clean "honest crime-free" hands, who has no serious fear of RCMP or CRA focus or how lies and denial not only a trap as defaming, aid and abetting and obstructive: and just simply visit RCMP and defend these good peoples family names, reputation and careers?
Just one (1)? With me there. Just one (1) honest of the 5,500 simply can come forward and deny my claims in front of RCMP if honest.
This would even help major mover and shaker rookie in criminal elite Paul Klassen career dreams now reversed by RCMP file as aid and abetting criminals in multi-million tax credit fraud to best help Don Ramsden able to walk tall and proud among women with all his dearest male friends - and daughters. Not everyone will think Tom Adair one of the most dishonest people ever in film business and a 100% asshole if just one will defend him against these very exact claims? Just one (1)? Can anyone dare defend any of these criminals as not also sleazy sick small time criminals?Just one (1)?
Guess if not one (1) "honest" person of the 5,500 they claim to represent able to meet me with RCMP to protect the good honest names and deny my claims: What can it mean for an easy bust for BC Liberal's Susan Anton? She's on mailing list to help women and workers here? With BC Federation of Labour. All female NDP, PC and Lib MLAs and MP's.
Key Background Notes:
As per violence against women and multi-million tax credit to pension fraud enriching criminals, one must understand how corrupt and criminal controlled elections "handled" that protect as to aid and abet all criminal activity.
As a note some cases of violence against women more a result of being "small" women as these bullies afraid of women as large and will bully anyone weaker or smaller by physical size, title or economic need.
First to understand how a small union executive becomes a criminal culture covering up violence against women to tax credit fraud and taxpayers enriching slime criminals in millions
some brief background on funny numbers in elections?
Election Reference Notes from Two Decades.
Please note: Without the added issues of violence against women, harassment, suppression, pension fraud and tax fraud the senate suspended Senators Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin with no pay for two years. 891 has done nothing about far worse violent and financial criminals and far greater abuse of trust and amount of abuse by millions? Anyone dare challenge? Why on earth should the courts or anyone show mercy for six figure criminals? Now imagine these Senators were at the very same time also cheating other senators and MP's and their staff, just like 891 executive slime have done for decades?
Time for criminal courts? You bet. This is a criminal windfall with literally hundreds of criminal charges to prosecute.
Be warned as well with all funny numbers both Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly will lie to anyone and everyone for image and political posturing that they represent over 5,000 trades people (and their legal best interest)? This the biggest BS possible.This like saying Harper represents all Canadians. I think former BC NDP leader Adrain Dix may have believed that BS from Dusty on their politically "sponsored" Hollywood date and when even Dix and Dusty believed in polls back then.
Here's the reality.
Bets? Anyone want to dare debate that this local highly criminal sleaze pit is not where the most disgusting corrupt and criminal elections are held? Freedom of speech controlled, election material altered - and where criminals and women beaters win executive and presidential positions based on secret inner circle secrets kept secret? And actually win more than once? Any debate? What is deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment when it works for criminals engaged in million dollar tax credit fraud as this case proves? Keeping many dirty sleazy criminal secrets very secret helps criminal sleaze as one may conclude.
Corrupt and criminal? Well, for one of many examples, when more and more people, and even Labour Board "Rulings" could clearly see what a sad pathetic lying fraud then President Ken Anderson was as president with "only 233" votes on his honourable life achievement
"exit" out, of 5,500 possible "Non-Profit Professionals" he's clearly not so loved. And represents what? 233 is under 5% approval. Harper has over 35%? Some even hate and despise what an uneducated coward and kiss ass fraud and fake Ken Anderson is and not just simply not support him but despise him?
233 votes mostly departmental for Ken as support for known BC LRB documented self-serving con man with undue influence and political favoritism (more bad faith for friends and criminal financial enrichment?) should he win. And Ken's key support from those who find his history of "repeated bad faith" and deception worth still supporting? Who exactly are these Ken supporters? Must skew to similar criminal profile? Ken's more obvious useless efforts at addressing women beaters, suppression, harassment, unequal pay, tax and membership fraud speaks volumes about this man. My own registered mail exposes him as lying cheating dirt. He is invited to debate me one-on-one "anytime" with RCMP present if not some sleazy lying coward as I claim very clearly? This man as a super fraud now actually very well documented by even his own campaign literature and later victory speech/babble beating out Don Ramsden when too many knew truth about Don - and best BS Ken thanking Don?)
I guess Don's fan club as also under "5%" in "reality" with more "real honest" women disgusted daily even less every new day? Yes, 39% is not a majority is it?
Dusty Kelly can take her honest fair vote proportional representation at average 7 % and throw that in Stephen Harper's well claimed undemocratic 39% as well such real numbers further documenting such blatant and obvious frauds, hypocrites and pathological liars that they really are?
More strange numbers is how could anyone, of any virtue at all or simplest of intellects and peanut brain and not a complete and certifiable hypocritical nut case not easily beat out lying
sleazy entitled moronic alcoholic criminal dirt like Gavin Craig as president? How bad can or disgusting can someone be to not beat Gavin Craig? That's not a sign someone as loved as they believed when humiliated by Gavin Craig in both an election and later deserted by criminal friends as witnesses in a Paul Klassen judicial documented beginning to end masterpiece? Just asking? RCMP will.
What real ignorant fraud low life couldn't beat Gavin Craig in an honest election?
The funny totally BS claims of anything legal or near democratic fair vote proportional representation numbers from IATSE 891 just classic for those pretending they have any honest election legitimacy in front of those in a criminal court far more educated enough to do linear regressions or worked with national polling companies and are worth noting will be very amused by those so sickeningly fraudulent who say they represent 5,500 members.
Here's the reality:
475 members vote for a full forensic audit and yet ignored and worse those who supported ridiculed by the highly uneducated wordy asshole Tom Adair like he was more educated or more honest and he thinks he fools those more educated and far more honest and experience doing honest work, and really have meaningful experience . Only idiots he could fool.
So 475 votes for forensic criminal investigation ignored and ridiculed yet this very funny in a non-presidential election election in 2010:
The extremely popular Kelly Moon just manages 462 votes (not 475) for a big pay job, position and prestige and voted for by criminals who know she will help them and not to address and ignore 475 votes for forensic audit "honestly" with women beaten and workers cheated as well. She should be very proud of these "Real Facts" as what a women she really is? The vice-president Janice Deveries another class act got 465 and ignore 475 votes for but loves her 476 mandate? Also ignoring for good relations with criminals a 475 voted for forensic audit "honestly" with women beaten and workers cheated as well. In a relationship someone is suppose to trust these type of honorable honest women who help women beaters not be bothered like Susan Butler BS Gray and also ignore votes for a forensic audit?
Best joke NDP "Leader" Dix had help from Dusty Kelly who got only got 394 votes running against fellow criminal, but a far more disgusting misogynist and embarrassing far less rewarded being Don's friend than Tom Adair and Dusty yes the lowest paid and most used by others the criminal John Brummitt, "JB as per "with another humiliating reality with all his influence and criminal connections of just 258 votes. I got 475 and people told I threaten children? He certainly needs Don Ramsden and others as a bit of a loser well documented.
Seems magical how Dusty gets only over 500 votes when running against a forensic audit of her work and rewards? Think about it.
For criminal prosecutions and provincial inquiry other elections involving John Brummitt will be referenced for more amusing rridicule and prosecution of him and his women beating buddies and judged in criminal court by those both far more honest and can do advanced math or at least linear regression stuff for reference - and not fooled like morons who support such stupid criminals.
More interesting numbers are all the ETF-MER issues with trusted treasure Frank Haddad and his history working with criminals and many funny things that cost majority of members with his stupidity. More cream rising in 891 again as case study. A one man case supporting C-377. Truth "all told" can Frank do more than ten years in jail as so clever a wanna-be wine and investment expert.
“As client fees become more transparent, some investors are going to get sticker
shock in what they are paying, particularly if they are in mutual funds with high MERs [management expense ratio fees],” Wine and dining and feeding Franks ego and others cover the bill and take the hit.
One Billion Rising is an international initiative started by Eve Ensler (of ‘Vagina Monologues’ fame), where women and girls and their communities are encouraged to rise up to end violence against women, Women in 891 obviously need help putting women beaters and women mmber cheaters so all go to jail and have two decades proceeds of crime compensating victims. With men also suffering the well proven to both previous inquiries and Labour Board the executive clear a culture of coercion and intimidation to endless bad faith.
Was this another excellent 891 prime example of a choice of two of 891's very best and brightest and most honest and honourable rising to top like say department heads of similar qualities? Both so very experienced and educated to be executives (See their inflated resumes")?
Or in fact when whole truth and nothing but "FORCED" by oath or obstruction charges will it appear as it appears to those far more educated and more honest now as all very-very criminal, very sick and stupid. Any very criminal? And many with legal authority legislated and academic wont buy their BS. Incompetent, uneducated, ignorant, disorganized crime is still "organized crime".
Honest truth on the table elections without question? Well, take the expensive union cost win
on point with John Brummitt clearly superior to Brad Cotteral on many many levels and John B so much more than just Don Ramsden and his funny 891 cheque book settlement "friend"?
Intellectually? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt.
Integrity? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt.
Non-criminal member trust? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt.
Loyal Kiss Ass friend to Don Ramseden? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt (as documented) to fix elections with strange settlements. No wonder such a tragic, pathetic, humiliating landslide win for Brummitt.
Fair vote? Proportional representation? Any dare "honestly" debate or challenge to my clear claim "every president" in 891 local guilty as sin of aiding and abetting criminals in multi-
million dollar tax credit to membership-pension tax fraud? Any debate? This debate will eventually occur in criminal courts soon after Federal elections and in RCMP interrogation rooms and civil courts. "When" not "if" the only thing left to define by BC Liberals.
Only two issues of 1) Seizure before judgement of 891 offices and executives personal assets and what records not burned and as border flight risk established by precedent for less amounts with 2) class action certification leap frogging labour code on criminal/civil themes, the only possibly two tricky items only?
Last election note. Ken Anderson when more known about the quality of the man as literal human cowardly dirt after his life time achievement as local bad faith president and peaks gets 233 votes? Mitch Davies gets 375 against this impressive 233 and goes on to be president? I very oddly get 475 votes and for a clear platform for a "FULL" forensic audit and get ignored,
defamed by my my intellectual and educated superior Tom Adair and classy people like Frank Haddad who worked for Rob Maier (Known thief $5.000.00 plus with DGC) and put on formal trial for calling women beaters "women beaters" and tax cheats and frauds "tax cheats and frauds". I still live with the shame?
Tom Adair for his own security with Teamsters cheated issues should resign without pay immediately and get witness protection. You don't ignore Teamster certified driver pay
driving hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment and goods gross pay inequality vs. very uncertified carpenters paid far more and more absurd incompetent department heads driving nickle and dime screws or using high school shop class saws. One responsible for lives on a highway to children to other drivers and themselves and the other as carpenter fear a manicure if no manly glove, was both Tom Adarm Mitch Davies and Don Ramsden once all former carpenters before career peakl and even own drills or seeks/needs support from criminal carpenters: the conflict of interest very overwhelming?
"Tom Adair dare screws Teamsters". Makes a great headline or bumper sticker? Add another bumper sticker:" Makes life very easy for woman beaters, tax cheats and other criminals". That's the truth about Tom and his dirty secrets?
When those cheated in hour bank and pension "funny math" to funny front and back load mutual fund very mysterious mismanagement understand the criminal scam: Dusty better leave town. Fast. Go to Hollywood? After kissing a nobody's ass like Rob Maier for over a decade like other loyal losers for a better split on proceeds of crime, yes, Frank Haddad would love the highly artificial respect wined and dined and whatever, by aggressive mutual fund salespeople. Frank after all honestly deserves respect for his university studies in economics and real world business experience in finance as not just a red nosed dirty hand raud and absurd wine snob pretending superior to others when depth mostly figuratively and literally in what helps mushrooms grow? Frank Haddad 100% honest and class act and should have no problem doing a "volunteer" voice polygraph for RCMP to reduce investigation cost? Nor should any previous 891 president or even Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair fear for a moment a
"volunteer" voice polygraph for RCMP as local royalty? Mitch Davies probably anxious as new "honest" president to simply show he's educated, experienced and full of class as well, and not aiding or abetting big time tax credit and pension criminals or the women beaters from his own department?
As more and more and more women get the whole bloody truth out on Don Ramsden and John Brummitt things will get very weird. Even many classy men also hate these two scum twins obviously. And more men will as well.
RCMP will do what they think best with pathological alcoholic liars like Gavin Craig using them and lying to them like political puppets he owned as king when they could have been
saving lives. Those directly involved with proven rulings of coercion and intimidation and too obvious economic interference on Island in Gowlings ACFC law firm and BC LRB law files and oddly also named in Davis & Company law files for "settlement" should be noted or history of abuse clearly traceable without remorse or restriction. Add internal trial transcripts from Gavnin Craig to O'Leay's and Paul Klassen's finest hour aid and abetting criminals and thus "criminally" defaming the honest on freedom of speech issues? I had nothing to do with any of the legal iles referenced but well documented and witnessed also beyond debate?
Time for an honest election and real truth about all candidates exposed: from long time criminal friends and the very-very serious lack of education and experience, intellect or integrity of serious fakes and frauds like Dusty Kelly and John Brummitt see if Dusty can still get more votes than past and future - presidents when needed to avoid audit? And can Brummitt beat Brad or President as Brad's superior as Don Ramsden documents at another insane cost nd settlement to again clearly help sleaze be sleaze and continue criminal acts.
Simply 891 executive must explain "honestly" why in only one union of "dozens" of honest and clean unions I've worked with orfor, and from transport, medical and education to hotel and film, and where I traditionally work in non-union roles from finance and marketing and at the highest levels of Fortune 500 Giants and even both major political parties I have no problem?
Yet, when I worked and tried to use my skills in 891 with sick women beaters, major theiives ($5,000.00 PLUS MONTHLY?), alcoholics and suicidal cocaine addicts, perverts and as documented and witnessed with a fraction of my skills,experience and education, my efforts from titles to reputation all maliciously attacked? This as internal "judicial" efforts
make clear and Tom Adair documenting helping "who" avoid an audit?? And why am I attacked by oddly "only criminals" but get 475 votes of "Trust" to head a full forensic audit? And get Federal Security Clearance of DND and NRC as I apply or higher and higher Federal Security Clearance. My real world reference's credentials vs. criminal critics also amusing to note from both my academic and trade recognition. Yes critics and criminals are now transparent as to who they are and what they "really" are. Criminals with minimum two years jail time unless squeal for a deal done. Any further lies to RCMP clear criminal obstruction. Adding more jail time. Proceeds of crime must all be seized if not any plausible merit based on facts above. Flight risks and border security issues defined by amounts and precedent clearly in law.
Women's issues must be addressed.
Worker's cheated by bad faith, fraud, coercion and intimidation issues must be addressed.
Industry Tax Credits enriching criminals in six figures plus perks must be addressed.
Industry wide suppression of women must be addressed. Industry sexual harassment must be addressed.
Union election issues to ensure future honest democratic and bully-free workplace must be addressed.
1) Immediate Trusteeship of 891 offices by a major accounting firm with forensic audit depth with all staff suspended without pay. Myself and a team of "honest" members will help manange clean-up temporarily until honest elections possible, and assist fully RCMP and Forensic Audit people and all othrer WCB to CRA issues. I would replace both Tom Adair as Head of the BC and Yukon Council of Film Unions and Mitch Davies as "acting" president. This based on my education, skill set, union and real very senior business experience, depth in law to federal politics dwarfing both these criminal fakes together as fact.
I would hold acting title for above two positions until:
a) Women's Issues effectively begun to be addressed.
b) Honest workers cheated and bullied from membership fraud to hour bank pension and tax credit fraud effectively begun to be addressed.
c) All certified drivers for Teamsters and ACFC using work related vehicles over 1/4 ton be paid the same as un-certified carpenters with light weight drill skills. I have found neither Biblical or Black's defining why a carpenters "life" hour of drilling screws worth more than a driver driving truck.
Obviously as a conflict of interest clear when rather average carpenters like Tom Adair, Don Ramsden to Mitch Davies present president of 891 and recent former carpenter as well have no problem repeatedly in clear "Bad Faith" have no problem with decades of truckers cheated? Of millions and still today? Women and workers need honest pay for honest merit as do drivers responsible or truck loads and lives and a carp who may or may not waste another expensive piece of wood. Other documented "Bad Faith" criminal sleaze like lying Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson possibly more guilty of cheating all truckers as not carpenter controlled?
2) Full Comprehensive Provincial inquiry into Women and Worker and Tax payer tax credit rights in BC film industry or some accountability and transparency. Women beaten. Workers cheated and tax payer tax credits enriching criminals 30% plus reason enough.
3) Full RCMP criminal investigation of all Hollywood North criminals and Hollywood North reported crimes from unions to private business and from fake books to pay day loan services?
4) Civil court certification of class action against all criminal or aid and abetting union executives and all office staff guilty of direct criminal acts or idiots thinking safe just aiding and abetting as to share proceeds of crime as pay, position, perks, power, prestige, "no-question expense account" with other like-minded criminal sleaze.
5) BC Liberal Labour Code reform addressing NDP need for more honest support and any future election credibility with directional cues from Federal C-45 and C-377 themes critical.
Why me doing this? 95% of the best of my life has involved women and very positive experience with honest workers and senior wealthy business people who invest in such things. To do good reason enough.
Criminals and their friends as critics must and will say I'm anti-union when in fact loved working with dozens and even as member or supplier from transport to talent on TV and Film. Only one (1)dirty criminal union local oddly the only problem. This as RCMP
files make too clear? Only one (1)?
Criminals and their friends as critics must and will say I'm anti-American when in fact love Robert Reich, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders to Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Sarah Silverman and even was incredibly impressed by both Bob Goodwin and Chris Carter as senior management on The X-Files suffering a collection of fakes, idiots, and Canadian crooks and criminals all around them and stealing from them from Rob Maier and John Brummitt controlling Construction to even casting mistakes with more Women Issue types. Actually Americans and Australians far more help than Canadians in these matters?
I just think those who come from other countries and think they can beat up Canadian women and use Canadian tax credits undemocratic to "settle" and "cover-up" personal and psychiatric criminal women and bully problems should be thrown out of Canada and not enriched or respected? I think Tom Adair would now agree finally?
Just 1of their 5,500 they claim they represent? And only just one (1) non-criminal and/or tax cheat only needs come forward and defend these people? Their good and honest names and careers as not lterally criminals as claimed?
Can they not find just one (1) set of clean "honest crime-free" hands, who has no serious fear of RCMP or CRA focus or how lies and denial not only a trap as defaming, aid and abetting and obstructive: and just simply visit RCMP and defend these good peoples family names, reputation and careers? Just one (1)? With me there. Just one (1) honest of the 5,500 simply can come forward and deny my claims in front of RCMP if honest. This would even help major mover and shaker rookie in criminal elite Paul Klassen career dreams now reversed by RCMP file as aid and abetting criminals in multi-million tax credit fraud to best help Don Ramsden able to walk tall and proud among women with all his dearest male friends - and daughters. Not everyone will think Tom Adair one of the most dishonest people ever in film business and a 100% asshole if just one will defend him against these very exact claims? Just one (1)? Can anyone dare defend any of these criminals as not also sleazy sick small time criminals?Just one (1)? Guess if not one (1) "honest" person of the 5,500 they claim to represent able to meet me with RCMP to protect the good honest names and deny my claims: What can it mean for an easy bust for BC Liberal's Susan Anton? She's on mailing list to help women and workers here? With BC Federation of Labour. All female NDP, PC and Lib MLAs and MP's. As per violence against women and multi-million tax credit to pension fraud enriching criminals, one must understand how corrupt and criminal controlled elections "handled" that protect as to aid and abet all criminal activity.
As a note some cases of violence against women more a result of being "small" women as these bullies afraid of women as large and will bully anyone weaker or smaller by physical size, title or economic need.
First to understand how a small union executive becomes a criminal culture covering up violence against women to tax credit fraud and taxpayers enriching slime criminals in millions some brief background on funny numbers in elections? Election Reference Notes from Two Decades. Please note: Without the added issues of violence against women, harassment, suppression, pension fraud and tax fraud the senate suspended Senators Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin with no pay for two years. 891 has done nothing about far worse violent and financial criminals and far greater abuse of trust and amount of abuse by millions? Anyone dare challenge? Why on earth should the courts or anyone show mercy for six figure criminals? Now imagine these Senators were at the very same time also cheating other senators and MP's and their staff, just like 891 executive slime have done for decades? Time for criminal courts? You bet. This is a criminal windfall with literally hundreds of criminal charges to prosecute. Be warned as well with all funny numbers both Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly will lie to anyone and everyone for image and political posturing that they represent over 5,000 trades people (and their legal best interest)? This the biggest BS possible.This like saying Harper represents all Canadians. I think former BC NDP leader Adrain Dix may have believed that BS from Dusty on their politically "sponsored" Hollywood date and when even Dix and Dusty believed in polls back then. Here's the reality.
Bets? Anyone want to dare debate that this local highly criminal sleaze pit is not where the most disgusting corrupt and criminal elections are held? Freedom of speech controlled, election material altered - and where criminals and women beaters win executive and presidential positions based on secret inner circle secrets kept secret? And actually win more than once? Any debate? What is deceptive omission and fraudulent concealment when it works for criminals engaged in million dollar tax credit fraud as this case proves? Keeping many dirty sleazy criminal secrets very secret helps criminal sleaze as one may conclude.
Corrupt and criminal? Well, for one of many examples, when more and more people, and even Labour Board "Rulings" could clearly see what a sad pathetic lying fraud then President Ken Anderson was as president with "only 233" votes on his honourable life achievement "exit" out, of 5,500 possible "Non-Profit Professionals" he's clearly not so loved. And represents what? 233 is under 5% approval. Harper has over 35%? Some even hate and despise what an uneducated coward and kiss ass fraud and fake Ken Anderson is and not just simply not support him but despise him? 233 votes mostly departmental for Ken as support for known BC LRB documented self-serving con man with undue influence and political favoritism (more bad faith for friends and criminal financial enrichment?) should he win. And Ken's key support from those who find his history of "repeated bad faith" and deception worth still supporting? Who exactly are these Ken supporters? Must skew to similar criminal profile? Ken's more obvious useless efforts at addressing women beaters, suppression, harassment, unequal pay, tax and membership fraud speaks volumes about this man. My own registered mail exposes him as lying cheating dirt. He is invited to debate me one-on-one "anytime" with RCMP present if not some sleazy lying coward as I claim very clearly? This man as a super fraud now actually very well documented by even his own campaign literature and later victory speech/babble beating out Don Ramsden when too many knew truth about Don - and best BS Ken thanking Don?) I guess Don's fan club as also under "5%" in "reality" with more "real honest" women disgusted daily even less every new day? Yes, 39% is not a majority is it? Dusty Kelly can take her honest fair vote proportional representation at average 7 % and throw that in Stephen Harper's well claimed undemocratic 39% as well such real numbers further documenting such blatant and obvious frauds, hypocrites and pathological liars that they really are? More strange numbers is how could anyone, of any virtue at all or simplest of intellects and peanut brain and not a complete and certifiable hypocritical nut case not easily beat out lying sleazy entitled moronic alcoholic criminal dirt like Gavin Craig as president? How bad can or disgusting can someone be to not beat Gavin Craig? That's not a sign someone as loved as they believed when humiliated by Gavin Craig in both an election and later deserted by criminal friends as witnesses in a Paul Klassen judicial documented beginning to end masterpiece? Just asking? RCMP will. What real ignorant fraud low life couldn't beat Gavin Craig in an honest election? The funny totally BS claims of anything legal or near democratic fair vote proportional representation numbers from IATSE 891 just classic for those pretending they have any honest election legitimacy in front of those in a criminal court far more educated enough to do linear regressions or worked with national polling companies and are worth noting will be very amused by those so sickeningly fraudulent who say they represent 5,500 members.
Here's the reality:
475 members vote for a full forensic audit and yet ignored and worse those who supported ridiculed by the highly uneducated wordy asshole Tom Adair like he was more educated or more honest and he thinks he fools those more educated and far more honest and experience doing honest work, and really have meaningful experience . Only idiots he could fool.
So 475 votes for forensic criminal investigation ignored and ridiculed yet this very funny in a non-presidential election election in 2010:
The extremely popular Kelly Moon just manages 462 votes (not 475) for a big pay job, position and prestige and voted for by criminals who know she will help them and not to address and ignore 475 votes for forensic audit "honestly" with women beaten and workers cheated as well. She should be very proud of these "Real Facts" as what a women she really is? The vice-president Janice Deveries another class act got 465 and ignore 475 votes for but loves her 476 mandate? Also ignoring for good relations with criminals a 475 voted for forensic audit "honestly" with women beaten and workers cheated as well. In a relationship someone is suppose to trust these type of honorable honest women who help women beaters not be bothered like Susan Butler BS Gray and also ignore votes for a forensic audit? Best joke NDP "Leader" Dix had help from Dusty Kelly who got only got 394 votes running against fellow criminal, but a far more disgusting misogynist and embarrassing far less rewarded being Don's friend than Tom Adair and Dusty yes the lowest paid and most used by others the criminal John Brummitt, "JB as per "with another humiliating reality with all his influence and criminal connections of just 258 votes. I got 475 and people told I threaten children? He certainly needs Don Ramsden and others as a bit of a loser well documented. Seems magical how Dusty gets only over 500 votes when running against a forensic audit of her work and rewards? Think about it. For criminal prosecutions and provincial inquiry other elections involving John Brummitt will be referenced for more amusing rridicule and prosecution of him and his women beating buddies and judged in criminal court by those both far more honest and can do advanced math or at least linear regression stuff for reference - and not fooled like morons who support such stupid criminals.
More interesting numbers are all the ETF-MER issues with trusted treasure Frank Haddad and his history working with criminals and many funny things that cost majority of members with his stupidity. More cream rising in 891 again as case study. A one man case supporting C-377. Truth "all told" can Frank do more than ten years in jail as so clever a wanna-be wine and investment expert.
“As client fees become more transparent, some investors are going to get sticker
shock in what they are paying, particularly if they are in mutual funds with high MERs [management expense ratio fees],” Wine and dining and feeding Franks ego and others cover the bill and take the hit. One Billion Rising is an international initiative started by Eve Ensler (of ‘Vagina Monologues’ fame), where women and girls and their communities are encouraged to rise up to end violence against women, Women in 891 obviously need help putting women beaters and women mmber cheaters so all go to jail and have two decades proceeds of crime compensating victims. With men also suffering the well proven to both previous inquiries and Labour Board the executive clear a culture of coercion and intimidation to endless bad faith. Was this another excellent 891 prime example of a choice of two of 891's very best and brightest and most honest and honourable rising to top like say department heads of similar qualities? Both so very experienced and educated to be executives (See their inflated resumes")? Or in fact when whole truth and nothing but "FORCED" by oath or obstruction charges will it appear as it appears to those far more educated and more honest now as all very-very criminal, very sick and stupid. Any very criminal? And many with legal authority legislated and academic wont buy their BS. Incompetent, uneducated, ignorant, disorganized crime is still "organized crime". Honest truth on the table elections without question? Well, take the expensive union cost win on point with John Brummitt clearly superior to Brad Cotteral on many many levels and John B so much more than just Don Ramsden and his funny 891 cheque book settlement "friend"? Intellectually? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt. Integrity? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt. Non-criminal member trust? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt. Loyal Kiss Ass friend to Don Ramseden? Brad can't hold a candle to Brummitt (as documented) to fix elections with strange settlements. No wonder such a tragic, pathetic, humiliating landslide win for Brummitt. Fair vote? Proportional representation? Any dare "honestly" debate or challenge to my clear claim "every president" in 891 local guilty as sin of aiding and abetting criminals in multi- million dollar tax credit to membership-pension tax fraud? Any debate? This debate will eventually occur in criminal courts soon after Federal elections and in RCMP interrogation rooms and civil courts. "When" not "if" the only thing left to define by BC Liberals. Only two issues of 1) Seizure before judgement of 891 offices and executives personal assets and what records not burned and as border flight risk established by precedent for less amounts with 2) class action certification leap frogging labour code on criminal/civil themes, the only possibly two tricky items only? Last election note. Ken Anderson when more known about the quality of the man as literal human cowardly dirt after his life time achievement as local bad faith president and peaks gets 233 votes? Mitch Davies gets 375 against this impressive 233 and goes on to be president? I very oddly get 475 votes and for a clear platform for a "FULL" forensic audit and get ignored, defamed by my my intellectual and educated superior Tom Adair and classy people like Frank Haddad who worked for Rob Maier (Known thief $5.000.00 plus with DGC) and put on formal trial for calling women beaters "women beaters" and tax cheats and frauds "tax cheats and frauds". I still live with the shame? Tom Adair for his own security with Teamsters cheated issues should resign without pay immediately and get witness protection. You don't ignore Teamster certified driver pay driving hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment and goods gross pay inequality vs. very uncertified carpenters paid far more and more absurd incompetent department heads driving nickle and dime screws or using high school shop class saws. One responsible for lives on a highway to children to other drivers and themselves and the other as carpenter fear a manicure if no manly glove, was both Tom Adarm Mitch Davies and Don Ramsden once all former carpenters before career peakl and even own drills or seeks/needs support from criminal carpenters: the conflict of interest very overwhelming? "Tom Adair dare screws Teamsters". Makes a great headline or bumper sticker? Add another bumper sticker:" Makes life very easy for woman beaters, tax cheats and other criminals". That's the truth about Tom and his dirty secrets? When those cheated in hour bank and pension "funny math" to funny front and back load mutual fund very mysterious mismanagement understand the criminal scam: Dusty better leave town. Fast. Go to Hollywood? After kissing a nobody's ass like Rob Maier for over a decade like other loyal losers for a better split on proceeds of crime, yes, Frank Haddad would love the highly artificial respect wined and dined and whatever, by aggressive mutual fund salespeople. Frank after all honestly deserves respect for his university studies in economics and real world business experience in finance as not just a red nosed dirty hand raud and absurd wine snob pretending superior to others when depth mostly figuratively and literally in what helps mushrooms grow? Frank Haddad 100% honest and class act and should have no problem doing a "volunteer" voice polygraph for RCMP to reduce investigation cost? Nor should any previous 891 president or even Dusty Kelly and Tom Adair fear for a moment a "volunteer" voice polygraph for RCMP as local royalty? Mitch Davies probably anxious as new "honest" president to simply show he's educated, experienced and full of class as well, and not aiding or abetting big time tax credit and pension criminals or the women beaters from his own department? As more and more and more women get the whole bloody truth out on Don Ramsden and John Brummitt things will get very weird. Even many classy men also hate these two scum twins obviously. And more men will as well. RCMP will do what they think best with pathological alcoholic liars like Gavin Craig using them and lying to them like political puppets he owned as king when they could have been saving lives. Those directly involved with proven rulings of coercion and intimidation and too obvious economic interference on Island in Gowlings ACFC law firm and BC LRB law files and oddly also named in Davis & Company law files for "settlement" should be noted or history of abuse clearly traceable without remorse or restriction. Add internal trial transcripts from Gavnin Craig to O'Leay's and Paul Klassen's finest hour aid and abetting criminals and thus "criminally" defaming the honest on freedom of speech issues? I had nothing to do with any of the legal iles referenced but well documented and witnessed also beyond debate? Time for an honest election and real truth about all candidates exposed: from long time criminal friends and the very-very serious lack of education and experience, intellect or integrity of serious fakes and frauds like Dusty Kelly and John Brummitt see if Dusty can still get more votes than past and future - presidents when needed to avoid audit? And can Brummitt beat Brad or President as Brad's superior as Don Ramsden documents at another insane cost nd settlement to again clearly help sleaze be sleaze and continue criminal acts. Simply 891 executive must explain "honestly" why in only one union of "dozens" of honest and clean unions I've worked with orfor, and from transport, medical and education to hotel and film, and where I traditionally work in non-union roles from finance and marketing and at the highest levels of Fortune 500 Giants and even both major political parties I have no problem? Yet, when I worked and tried to use my skills in 891 with sick women beaters, major theiives ($5,000.00 PLUS MONTHLY?), alcoholics and suicidal cocaine addicts, perverts and as documented and witnessed with a fraction of my skills,experience and education, my efforts from titles to reputation all maliciously attacked? This as internal "judicial" efforts make clear and Tom Adair documenting helping "who" avoid an audit?? And why am I attacked by oddly "only criminals" but get 475 votes of "Trust" to head a full forensic audit? And get Federal Security Clearance of DND and NRC as I apply or higher and higher Federal Security Clearance. My real world reference's credentials vs. criminal critics also amusing to note from both my academic and trade recognition. Yes critics and criminals are now transparent as to who they are and what they "really" are. Criminals with minimum two years jail time unless squeal for a deal done. Any further lies to RCMP clear criminal obstruction. Adding more jail time. Proceeds of crime must all be seized if not any plausible merit based on facts above. Flight risks and border security issues defined by amounts and precedent clearly in law. Women's issues must be addressed. Worker's cheated by bad faith, fraud, coercion and intimidation issues must be addressed. Industry Tax Credits enriching criminals in six figures plus perks must be addressed. Industry wide suppression of women must be addressed. Industry sexual harassment must be addressed. Union election issues to ensure future honest democratic and bully-free workplace must be addressed. Solution: 1) Immediate Trusteeship of 891 offices by a major accounting firm with forensic audit depth with all staff suspended without pay. Myself and a team of "honest" members will help manange clean-up temporarily until honest elections possible, and assist fully RCMP and Forensic Audit people and all othrer WCB to CRA issues. I would replace both Tom Adair as Head of the BC and Yukon Council of Film Unions and Mitch Davies as "acting" president. This based on my education, skill set, union and real very senior business experience, depth in law to federal politics dwarfing both these criminal fakes together as fact. I would hold acting title for above two positions until: a) Women's Issues effectively begun to be addressed. b) Honest workers cheated and bullied from membership fraud to hour bank pension and tax credit fraud effectively begun to be addressed. c) All certified drivers for Teamsters and ACFC using work related vehicles over 1/4 ton be paid the same as un-certified carpenters with light weight drill skills. I have found neither Biblical or Black's defining why a carpenters "life" hour of drilling screws worth more than a driver driving truck. Obviously as a conflict of interest clear when rather average carpenters like Tom Adair, Don Ramsden to Mitch Davies present president of 891 and recent former carpenter as well have no problem repeatedly in clear "Bad Faith" have no problem with decades of truckers cheated? Of millions and still today? Women and workers need honest pay for honest merit as do drivers responsible or truck loads and lives and a carp who may or may not waste another expensive piece of wood. Other documented "Bad Faith" criminal sleaze like lying Gavin Craig and Ken Anderson possibly more guilty of cheating all truckers as not carpenter controlled? 2) Full Comprehensive Provincial inquiry into Women and Worker and Tax payer tax credit rights in BC film industry or some accountability and transparency. Women beaten. Workers cheated and tax payer tax credits enriching criminals 30% plus reason enough. 3) Full RCMP criminal investigation of all Hollywood North criminals and Hollywood North reported crimes from unions to private business and from fake books to pay day loan services? 4) Civil court certification of class action against all criminal or aid and abetting union executives and all office staff guilty of direct criminal acts or idiots thinking safe just aiding and abetting as to share proceeds of crime as pay, position, perks, power, prestige, "no-question expense account" with other like-minded criminal sleaze. 5) BC Liberal Labour Code reform addressing NDP need for more honest support and any future election credibility with directional cues from Federal C-45 and C-377 themes critical. Why me doing this? 95% of the best of my life has involved women and very positive experience with honest workers and senior wealthy business people who invest in such things. To do good reason enough. Criminals and their friends as critics must and will say I'm anti-union when in fact loved working with dozens and even as member or supplier from transport to talent on TV and Film. Only one (1)dirty criminal union local oddly the only problem. This as RCMP files make too clear? Only one (1)? Criminals and their friends as critics must and will say I'm anti-American when in fact love Robert Reich, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders to Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Sarah Silverman and even was incredibly impressed by both Bob Goodwin and Chris Carter as senior management on The X-Files suffering a collection of fakes, idiots, and Canadian crooks and criminals all around them and stealing from them from Rob Maier and John Brummitt controlling Construction to even casting mistakes with more Women Issue types. Actually Americans and Australians far more help than Canadians in these matters? I just think those who come from other countries and think they can beat up Canadian women and use Canadian tax credits undemocratic to "settle" and "cover-up" personal and psychiatric criminal women and bully problems should be thrown out of Canada and not enriched or respected? I think Tom Adair would now agree finally? |
The Point of All This?
Tens of Millions of tax dollars. Women's suppression, harassment and protection. Exposing criminal low-life slime and creeps already documented for "coercion and intimidation" as well as in Provincial Inquiries for "good faith, integrity and intellect" so much is so very obvious.
Why investigate all tax fraud claims and file as many criminal charges as possible and against as many of these slime as possible? This as to fully prosecute for efficacy the judgement of fines and expedite all tax payer to victim compensation plus needed critical full jail time?
Simply what is right. What is wrong. What is criminal. What is not. What is theft. Cheating all tax payers (simple math) to cheating trusting co-workers and by representatives in positions of trusts and thus their demanded due diligence and standard of care on all key issues. The cowardly and criminal abuse of power to intimidate and coerce only the tip of this ugly iceberg.
What is coercion and intimidation? What is economic interference? What is bullying and economic or social intimidation? Who was cheated? How many hundreds directly and all BC taxpayers screwed and abused? Who cheated them. What penalties the guilty must pay in money and/or jail time to those cheated from Canadian and BC taxpayers, as serious victims to start, and all ripped off by millions and millions and millions to the single victim ripped off by tens of thousands of dollars. Clear crime. Clearly criminals. Disgusting people?
To give those who claim, innocence or not guilty of my claims and to allow them to fairly and honestly defend themselves and their actions plus as normal: their good "honest" names so their friends, family and co-workers not falsely suffer by association or relation to my outrageous claims. If false. Just as any honest person would do exactly if my claims not "all" true, plus documented and witnessed. Just defend themselves alone if brave enough or more cowardly as per character in their group or gangs picture perfect posturing in solidarity.
Note: To date after a few years none has made any attempt "at all" to defend themselves and their actions and their good "honest" names" so their friends, family and co-workers not suffer by association or relation.
Odd that neither career or economic self-interest nor their friends, family and children's reputation by association not motivation to defend themselves?
Even more odd when money and resources would easily allow. Let others judge from media, polls and with RCMP and CRA what is truth. These are cowardly extremely criminal slime. Any bets?
The Focused Objective.
To help friends as victims get money owed from those who directly and criminally cheated
them - or helped cheat them and the 470 who documented beyond debate voted for me to force a third party forensic audit. How crazy is that? Plus the ones who first stood up against the criminals and the corrupt on my behalf.
To help honest unions separate themselves from super slime criminal unions. To expose foreigners with a history of violence against Canadian women who also cheated Canadians. And the weak cowardly corrupt sleaze who helped them with cover up or support and clearly selling their souls for their silence for slice from proceeds of crime. Simply laundered clearly as used in old days in Casinos when done as position, power and perks, that neither their education and/or "real" experience could ever justify without clearly criminal and corrupt elections and cowardly criminal support. True? False? Bets? Sadly all too easy to prove as their lack of meaningful education and/or real experience makes them very transparent from RCMP to CRA and WCB investigation.
Added purpose here is to help RCMP and CRA reduce "paperwork and cost" as one should, and help cross a few items off their "must do" list also a goal. As done. To help WCB and BC LRB better address needed labour and work place reform. And to warrant trust by foreign investment.
- Is there reason for RCMP and CRA to investigate? Absolutely.
- Is there reason for WCB and BC LRB to request a real and comprehensive Provincial inquiry?Absolutely.
- Is there reason for BC Federation of Labour to fully support this investigation and a comprehensive inquiry? Absolutely.
- Is there reason for all Canadian and BC taxpayers to fully support this investigation and a comprehensive inquiry with full jail time for all involved? Absolutely.
- Is there reason for all Canadian and BC Political Parties from PC and BC Liberals to NDP to fully support this investigation and a comprehensive inquiry? Absolutely.
- Is there reason for all Canadian and BC Media from CBC and Maclean's to Vancouver and Victoria Print and Broadcast media to support and investigate and expose? Absolutely. With mainstream media having such low credibility being a peoples hero could help media as well as honest politicians get credibility?
Read and know why.
The reasons clear. The logic solid. The purpose the greater good, rule of law, justice and thus justified. The cost of delay to Canadian and BC taxpayers millions.
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