This is Mitch Davies, the new president of film union local IATSE 891 "acting" like the hero with "others money". The sick part of this fraud is he knows (unless an idiot) hundreds of his own members cheated of thousands and thousands of dollars each and ALL BC taxpayers and by those he buddies with and works with like "VP" Dusty Kelly in his executive and Susan Bultler Grey - both he should have resign in shame until criminal investigations and charges laid. If not he's the biggest fake or actor in an 891 executive leading role and failing and falling faster than any before him.
He'll be as "known" and respected as Don Ramsden, Ken Anderson and Gavin Craig after all their crimes also fully identified. All are the big shot big tough bully when they have the tiniest power to abuse, but clearly now the most disgusting as now such laughable "major cowards" when invited for just a friendly "chat" one-on-one with me at RCMP offices with RCMP being objective.
Note: Dusty Kelly was NDP leader Dix's date in Hollywood. Hopefully, Clark can undue the damage done with her recent visit.
So far Mitch Davies while he's been "repeatedly" invited to go to RCMP and "help" RCMP and not "obstruct" he "acts" like no problem. This clearly as to help criminals he works with "still continue to cheat and bully honest members" while criminals are enjoying proceeds of crime laundered as positions, perks and insane pay. Mitch made his choice "clearly" on their side and thus no better at all. Just "acts" the part. Oddly helping criminals hold positions with so little or no experience, skill, or education to justify their jobs. Mitch's strongest value he's a coward and can be bullied internally by the "classy people" or simply just another corrupt crook acting honest for photo opportunities above and appears as vain as Dusty. And certainly none of these criminal executives qualify for pay packages better than senior RCMP investigators, a criminal court Judge or an honest Canadian Senator in Ottawa. CRA should be certain all these criminals are paying for "all benefits" no matter what kind of "fancy book keeping" might take an extra day of forensic audit to discover for further and more defining charges.
Questions of the day. February 11, 2014
Why would I do all this? Well women (And some times tiny women even) have been the first to defend and protect me. Yes, protect me. Even when my physical strength and speed and Muhammad Ali size and reach specs combined with limited marshal arts and militia combat training not enough. Women have helped me.
Mostly with their brains. Yes, women have helped me as three of the key legal with my 891 stuff. Women. From former a UBC law faculty acting chair to philanthropic pit bulls at the "Bull" firm.Women have helped. Women from Oxford legal scholar(s) to my very dangerous non-legal pit bull girlfriends far more vicious than I, all helping, so I owe women big time. And only one male for key legal but one of top three in his field? And from Grade 6 women have outnumbered by possibly 3 to 1 my absolutely excellent life altering male mentors, business acquaintances and professors. Those from Senator Eugene Forsey for law, and most certainly Joseph D. Carrier Sr. to ex CIA operative and the highly decorated Larry McHale recognized at the highest levels of DND and Hal H. and his morning long talks on finance and his adding to the Yorkton Securities insight. Insight I had from best man duties on the financing of Lions Gate Studios from Yorkies. But far few male mentors than female friends. Others were bought off and easy to prove,
Why me?
I couldn't be as bullied or intimidated with economic interference, intimidation and coercion or be bribed with a position, pay, perks as proceeds of crime for my silence or criminal complicity. Others were bought off and easy to prove, I had no children they could compromise me and this was very key or I would not be so bold..
I had "real" accomplishments already and little to prove to "anyone" in 891. I had already held a position on the Board of Directors of a Public Company with divisional presidents answering to me or paid less. I had international awards and both trade and media recognizing my words and ideas. My Company Bill-out rate already had been 700% higher than 891 executives and department heads. Academically, I had been recognized by Business School Deans at McGill, UBC, SFU and my own Dean at Concordia considered amuzed by me. My friends, clients and co-workers Oxford to known Scholars, Medical, Engineering and Legal. A few media and ad friends. Others sadly not so lucky. I had studied formal logic and reason with Jewish and Jesuit Scholars. Even did some "logic" stuff with Keith Spicer one of Prime Minister Trudeau's coaches.
Others were bought off and again easy to prove, Tragically too many bullied, intimidated with potential needless job loss and lost income "threats" and due to politics and democratic compromise and not merit or mistake. This was extortion to shut people up. And any reliable third party poll or audit will reveal worse. The damage to personal pride, confidence, and self-esteem plays out from addictions, domestic violence, suicide.
And to make matters worse or what added to my motivation to do this: I honestly liked so many people in 891 from day call labourers who worked the gardens of the gardens of gardening Premier of BC Bill Van' Blossom to a "real" TV Producer like Bob Goodwin of the X-Files (Not to ever to be confused with a fraud Producer like Rob Maier). Bob Goodwin of the X-Files who oddly called me a day after RCMP called on me by Rob Maier's and Gavin's Crags dirty slave dogs and conceded things "fishy" and suggesting I get a good lawyer. That was nice. And showed intellect and objectivity.
However suggesting I get a "good lawyer" absolutely absurd - like two Oxford Legal Scholars not enough? One the acting law faculty chair at UBC, and my old room mate a future criminal court judge and at the time a criminal lawyer plus I'm sleeping with the legal for one of the top art galleries in Vancouver? Add my mother then Prime Ministers "C" older sister's best friend and I had just worked directly with Ron Bassford and future Senator Ross Fitzpatrick and I need a lawyer? The Liberal's were billed $150.00 an hour for my help. I was not a volunteer. Ask Ian Mulgrew the "Justice Critic" at Vancouver Sun why the Federal Liberals would pay that much. Or why Labatt's so generous with private contracts after my Kokanee days. Or why private contract with Bob Goodwin on X-Files at $35.00 an hour on top of my 891 title and pay. Guess who were the sleaze and idiots? (a) the ones who pay me less than a Coordinator or Department Head or Tom Adair and Dusty Kelly as even more absurd but defines them both as much as frauds as felons. (b) the ones who pay me five times what Mitch gets as president, or will ever now get and oddly to help Engineering firms not fraud and criminal construction coordinators but "real " engineers? How odd? I also had a riot with the 'real" Teamsters, the "real" talent in DGC as opposed to those who could never have their position outside of union corruption like all or at least ost in 891 executive. Any idiot want to defend in criminal court the legitimacy of Dusty Kelly as New Business Rep or VP based on Wreck Beach horror and noted outstanding Emily Carr mediocrity? Any one want to defend Rob Maier as a producer or being honest and not a Bully using threats of economic interference or proceeds of crime as carrots on all who don't respect just for the pathetic man he really is without his granted 891iATSE unchecked powers. The CRA may screw him more than RCMP and as a high flight risk my border security friends in Ottawa (a women. An attractive and fun woman) alerted as well as US Customs, Homeland Security, and FBI..For nerds and geeks reading this my Google Analytics show growth in Germany, England, Rusia and Red China with no audience in Africa or Australia yet. And obviously the big mainframes visiting police and government readers and the mobile readers on smart phones likely flashy film union executives. Safari I believe film Mac users, while Chromers flatter me. Sometimes just a tiny text of support from a super brain in Montreal all one needs to make my day. "Stop the absurd stupid figure skating and show them what you can do with a puck".
As well as women the "real" men at the RCMP from North Van, and in just phone messages they left and as I played to IATSE members (Do your homework) far more than kind. That phone call made West Jet service look (Do your homework)
So suffice screw paying any lawyer a penny. I'll run legal costs through the roof as coached on Gavin and every stupid sleazy president thereafter but mostly targeting their "personal" legal costs they can pay for from their own personal bank accounts and RRSP's and their Pensions and other clear proceeds of crime likr their home and cars. Too bad Frank Haddad so stupid or I would have had members money in GOOG not mutual fund absurdities. This as 891 members know I've pushed. And pushed since coordinating at the X-Files member in corporations (including Rob Maiers), stock investment, broker selection. After X-Files I became far more selective who I helped. invest and helped the smarter ones avoid both Dot.coms to Housing Bubbles. Long before 2008 Wall Street crash I have many members who heard me sounding again like an idiot to sell their homes and buy GOOG. Guess who is laughing and guess who is crying now. Jutice takes many forms.
End of Rant #1.
From a critical legal perspective: Why are all those I named (listed again below) and all clearly severely defamed and repeatedly in the biggest legal case of cyber bullying "ever" in Canadian Legal History so scared out of their ever money loving egocentric minds to just call RCMP and stop me? I even in earlier posts looked up the RCMP phone number for them? Why on earth would they take this endless abuse of their names and reputation why? Why for the past five presidents of IATSE 891 have they not called the RCMP about this but yet stupid enough to call RCMP to say I threaten children and if possible, "honourable" Union Executives but afraid to follow-up with criminal charges against me even when I begged repeatedly for criminal charges be filed against me? Why? And I asked for their big shot lawyers to write something to impress me and they can't? Why? Why when crystal clear Dusty Kelly and former double disgraced NDP leader Dix dating in Hollywood wasting NDP and/or IATSE 891 members money do they take this abuse if not 100% true? Actually not a 100% true as more to follow when heat turned up to high to fry and burn these sleaze. Get them to call RCMP and CRA today and protect their "honest" good names? Ask why not?
RCMP read this and must find this unusual and must also wonder why no call and charges filed against me by all or even one of them if hands criminally cleaner than others? Why.
Victims of Defamation or very sick Criminals being exposed? Pick one.
Tom Adair
Don Ramsden
Dusty Kelly
Gavin Craig
John Brummitt
Elmar Thiessen
Rob Maier
Ken Anderson
Mich Davies
Dee Embry
Kevin O'Leary
Frank Haddad
Not one of them called in over three years. If nothing more criminal to hide from CRA and RCMP why not call RCMP and stop me? And if not a clear conspiracy or gang related crime and proceeds of crime why is not one of them breaking from their obvious group or gang. And only Liz and O'Leary can without one supporting witness can be so insanely stupid with their filthy dirty hands and both working for known criminals only put me on trial internally to defame and try and bully, coerce and intimidate me. Why not take me to real courts? Civil and/or criminal? Why when Ramsden couldn't bully me with his Brummitt-Brain games and presidential "edicts" and I had to have his executive ignore and humiliate him and approve my delayed membership against his papal dictates did he or others ever think I could be scared of them as nobodies with small man complex's clear faking almost everything about themselves? Or did they miss how even the insanely cowardly and criminal Gavin Craig and even with abuse of members funds and using very expensive lawyers and with two calls to RCMP and the added force of John Brummitt as intellectual and physical muscle muscle still couldn't scare me make anything obvious. Ken Anderson the stupidest may oddly suffer the most as his family in industry and now also likely RCMP and CRA suspects as criminal stats often suggest? Mow Mitche Davies turn to prove he's just another fake fooling himself he can challenge me or bluff. So he's insane not learning anything from the way I can ruin presidents and even non-union ones if any did their home work. Yes I had taken out and down other presidents with bigger pay and positions prior to union scum. So when challenged intellectually and legally by a tool boy and a wall paper hanger who suffers illusions she's a spreadsheet whiz am I afraid? Or when Mitch Davies a failed actor tries to act he's in a position of strength or smarter than the previous four presidents do I applaud his acting even if it stinks?
Question of the day. January 22, 2014
From a critical legal perspective:
Why have would 470 members vote for me with a key and focused platform of a full:
How many of the 470 might also have a legal case of workplace bullying, coercion, intimidation, economic interference, membership, seniority, medical, dental, life and pension fraud? 100? 300? 470? Even more?
I'lll bet a 1000 or more? Debate?
Question of the day. January 21, 2014
From a critical legal perspective:
Why have I had no problems with:
Big talented producers like Chris Carter and Bob Goodwin of
the X-Files? Or Spelling and Disney people?
Or almost every Quebec and Ontario group I've worked with?
Actually no problem "ever" from Extras holding room and transport
to Investors at the Chateau? And in both Ontario and Quebec?
And in both official Languages - both just as fun.Again as witnessed,
documented and on National TV in both Languages,
Comedy (La Sacree), Drama (H20) and Horror (Eddy)
I was the problem.
Had serious Ottawa studio real estate questions only? What a pain I am?
Everywhere I go? I think the Ottawa RCMP might have a restraining order
from eastern Almonte to Vars so all my efforts in comedy a possible waste.
I now rebuild. The West a 5th fresh start.
Why did "470" IATSE 891 members vote for me to lead a
Forensic Audit of the criminals "inside" the executive?
Why have I had no problem with other unions and their executive
like the professionals at ACFC, the class in Teamsters,
The real talent in DGC, the ACTRA by the book ones,
and the too cool insanely fun Quebec French Unions (well for
the idiot who only speaks English and wants to be a star in French
comedy - it was a blast), the quality in CUPE, Nurses, Rail, Hotel and
Hospital. Or no problem with honest doctors, lawyers, scholars,
preachers, priests, politicians, the extremely wealthy or for that
matter "any and every" employee who has ever worked under me?
Plus both Federal Political parties at extremely high levels and
add a bunch of senior Fortune 500 executives and that dogs, kids
and some chicks like me, and why some and so few in 891 might
find me not their type? Or hate me?
Dusty is in Beijing.
Is she organizing VFX, planning pipelines, selling the BC film industry.
I wonder who paid for the trip/airfare and wages?
According to Dusty Kelly she is going to become the first woman President of IA 891. Also according to her, she is the only person qualified and able to do the job.
The perfect description of Dusty and her man servants.
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